HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-09-20, Page 3teasers DISTRICT WELTTBRS Dates for Hunting: Following are the dates for the opening, and closing the hunting season: Ducks, plover, kusa and snipe, from Sept. 16 to Dee. , h, both days; inclusive: .geese and *rest Sept 16 - April 16e grouse and Oct 16 to Nev. 16; partridge,. ts, and prairie fowl,'Qct. 16 to 16; _quail and wild turkeys, Nov. o Dec. 1; .crotid -cock, from lOet. 1 ov. 0; beaver •; r otter; from Nov. reh y1= mink, from; !Total to sleere front Nov. 1 to 1 • t Late James Henderson. The St. Argus of last week oasts: On eaday, September 4th, Mr., James nrsop passed peacefully away at homel Welltngtson street, aged ifightee-tven years ,and seven' months. se Henderson had been in poor health r some months and hia violent fall ori porch of his residence a few weeks o .precipitated his end, as he never was able to rally` from the shock to bis aged constitution. Deceased was Morn - in Hawlck, .Scotland, in F.ebru- iry 1836, and at twenty-t'wo years of lige he sailed tcf Newt York State. Prom thence in 1868 he moved to a farm near aforth. After several years in this *hay as a prosberaus farmer, he ratite in 1886. and about eighteen eara ago settled in St. Marys, where Married Miss Harstone, of this Wm. He is survived by his widow Sad one daughter, Mrs. Miller, of Va tsuver. tie ed a a - entre. Tiltnkixeg that it was goin pas he diel not move: from the crossing and had just mounted nis bicycle, •`''when the driver of the car, who was loot ing for the garage, made a sharp turn, striking - the eIc/ist and throw /Ag, him to the ground. (r. Stephen - soft soh was taken to the /tome of F. L. Willis, where his, injuries Were attend+ ed to. ' .. Sudden Death.--A-very sudden rand unexpected death recurred in Mid` township on Friday morning, Sept.. 6th, when Mrs. Sarah . Dorrell, who .has of late been resift with her daughter, Mrs. John. J. C rnish, on . the fourth concession, pass away without! in -moat's warm . The deceaasei; had been assisting her -daughter in the householdduties, and. sat down for a few moments, whenshe was suddenly seized with a Pain in the region of the heart - and expired- in' a few mem ents, heart 4 -allure being :the cause of death. The deceased was a native of; Rngland, coining to Canada with her parents,' . ad airs. Henry Westcatt when quite young, and the greater part of her --"life Axed . been spent in this neighborhood, the 'early part of ,her life having been. ;spent in Usbornc and the latter in Stephen. Mrs. Thr• yell was a lady of many . good partsi kind and affectionate, , and much l bew loved b9Y, her many friends. She is .sur' vivied by onedaughter, Bfrs. John J. Cornish, of Stephen, =andone sister, Ws. Humphrey Dayroan, of Whitewood, Manitoba,- and two brothers, James ami Christopher, of the. west. • ! Presbytery Meeting.—The Presbytery isf Huron met in Willis church, Clin- ton, on Tuesday of last week. The at- eduance was rather small owing to the tact that some of the ministers are away on their holidays. There were present: Revds. Fletcher, Thames Road; Hamilton and Ross, Goderich; Richard- son, lCippen; Smith, Hensall:,, Woods, rucefield; Carswell, McKillop; Grant, Clinton; Carriere, Grand Bend, and 'Johnston, Varna. Hiders—Messrs. Saun- ors of Godericln McQueen of Brucefield • ohnston of Varna and Smyth of Ston. Rev. Mr. Fletcher, the re- tiring moderator, presided. Rev. • Mr. arrieree was appointed moderator for tile ensuing six months. A telesrarta 'as received from Toronto, anno- dug that Rev. Mr. Turner had accept -- ed the call to St. Andrews church, in !Myth, and arrangeznents were made for fnduetion on Thurs y Sept 26th. The gator will preside, and Rev. .Mr. !Foods wilt preach; Rey., Mr. Grant will address - the minister, and Rev. Mr. 'eamy the people. Rev Kr. McCallum kleelined the call to Auburn and Smith's ih. Bev. Mr. Hamiltoh of Goderich la interim moderator, i What Does Bald Mean When you see a man- With a bald head you know he bas had a ,scalp disease and that he.. neglected caring;,; for his hair, or he would not have been bald: So many people have a scalp disease and negleet it; because it don't pain them at the time, Tne dise•rss is commonly called dandruff, it 1s a cer-= tain hair destroyer and means bald- ness ald ness sooner or later. `No man or wo- man should have d ndruff. Sageipe is a'" sure dandruff germ killer and F. H. Walley sells it w th a personal guar- antee uarantee to give entire satisfaction or money back. Only 50c a larges bottle from F. H. Walley, 'or direo't, all char- ges prepaid, from B. V. Marion, Bridge_ burg, Ont. ISayf Death pf azzdO1d. R and R'ailey, an old dent of Bayfield, t September 7ti after a pratracted ill- ness. ITh Bailey was a native of(. they city of Hull,. England; where he ;was born In last. When a young math he left his _native land and emigrated to the United States and for two years I °was employed in the ship` yards ; . at. Trustees* Association.' ` kfr. J. FI - Buffalo as carpenter. Over forty years C" ago he came to ayfield, which i3t Torn, Public School inspector ,for hued to be his ome until the final con - tile Inspectorate of Wast Huron, has summons came. Ile took part in muni issued the following circular. It speiks cipal matters andWvas for several terms VT itself and needs no comment : A ` a mennber of our ?village council. He slumber of Trustees' Associations hale .4ngaged in business for a number of peen formed in different arts of On- years" but of late years his time ,had taiio, It has been felt by many that been devoted.to farming. He accunu- rustees' Association for West Rule- lated in a long Iffe of int4istlay a4 Ra would give our schools , an inepira- good share of this workt's goods. He tIon and an uplift. With this object In is survived by his wife, whose maiden nildw a few Trustees met and decid- name was Mary Cleave, and their four to calla meeting to be held in ,sons—John at ',Lethbridge, ,Alberta iso Collegiate Institute, Goderich, on Richard at Winnini!• gton, Alberta; Root„ tarsday, Seppember 26th,- commencing manager of the Sterling Bank, at Bay- 1.3Q p.m., to which all school true field, and Thomas' at home. The fun - tees are lnyited, for the purpose of eta' took place on Sunday afternoon ;rganizing a Trustees' Association for to Bayfield cemetery, the services at this Inspectorate. It is only lay united the house and . graveside being conduct- -Often that trustees will secure those ' ed by the Revds. Condell and Hinm%e Changes which they believe will bene- The pall bearers were James Foley, Ott; their children and', their schools. If 'John Falconer, Thos Cameron, John at least one representative from each. Ferguson, Richard Weston and James ehool board attends' the meeting on Surgeon, the 26th inst. a strong Associatio . Stay be formed whose: influence will be felt !n educational matters through- eid sident.=1.11r. Rich? nd respected test - led on SaturdaY, seen i is rt srice� to sale he =si lane : o o t1e a1` a e dy, i t c oral Aid tIe R. gee ;an f rllo g of d od sear e r, t se cote, Sea orth, Alba s c htd'0 d-Idedate'. e 'nen m 4 1 o ,, e y til o •' e e tit.e wI • le eat ' t e " t ec .tic, g ,u en-2te atz Ready -To- ; # elide 4u at orel t •nfir.l. curtee ^e Leadbury 'VIA the district and will give greater (Receivektoo late for last week.) &gement of the schools. The teachers ntemplate with pleastire the organ- efew era in educationen affairs. May Avery teacher be present and every sehoo". board be represented at Gode- kich Inetitute on Sept. 26th. Notes.—Tho oats are, growing le the •stoOk and in some iplaces growing green. As oats is our moat impertant Crop, it is a serious Matter incleed.—. Mrs. William Smith aatd. Miss Maggie Davidson left for the West on, Friday last. We wish those ladies a pleasant brothers, Wesley and David, who were F 114. Walley is A 0-ent in on an extended visit, at home, have reterned to engage in their studies at Seaforth for Anti -Uric Pills % bore was intended for last week, Mit Rochester, New York state.—The a- rfever got there on account of being 1 a far from the post office. 1 d '` "We have the agency far *Anti -Uric —A large quantity of oats have been i %Vs, Sagelhe Hair Tonle, and Rheum°, placed in the barns Within the last z the great Rheumatic Cure, We guaran- few days.—A baby girl has come •ito_ ! 1 Underwood.—Mr. Reuben Hart Makes 1 - ibaci0 hasbi. F. II. Walley, Druggist. reae vote oat o y kedi ugLY tch rd , «h t = tts e a, Icfr th b ell nagar e `fact dri, h: s -ei frr ;n•XL e: so+ yin tl»e his fa enon f K b �1 the erie tin t> e= a d n est b n y. a th - fl to t aj e r h : - E -fid a� e - no ter h at ed th - fork ad wh ,h req r= Nlse. Thee .we eve ' .: UR Ope will inc ble in Milline s Milliner this Bea ng Displa. ritl is Fall de all that s f Mon- . The iliner De- onderlan ©f B auty, authorize •' by the fore - Designer .; is missing tiful displ. omen vvho wish to 136 informed of what • on will wear this Fal 11 invited-to,,view the isitely ch rming., hat ee produced for this sea to our superb displa of origin. al and Exclusive Stles in Worcien's S its and Coats, featurin t Most C nadian and American Artists ---sur. pa sing all previous exhibits in point °J. exclusiveness, variety of sty es and pe fection of fit. very woman who visits Our Ready - o Wear Department is charme with th new styles. There are d z s of ,d rent models, each with n ,ua expression of distinguised Style, ire ecting the same high de ree of ex- cl. siveness as always chara teriz this TS n s a r 'etnendoned last , week an accident which orite with the patrons, owing to his Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stephenson., of vies visiting her daughter In Manitoba ..t.forah, at Portage la Prairie. W8 clurIng the summer, returnol /tome some take the following fuller particulars ' time ago.—The new brick house of Mr.• trern the Portage Review of September4 John Boyd hi nearly completed; it will T 'Ord; We nia,y say, however -a that late ! by a handsome resid.ence.—Among those t .freportn, aheure us that -the injured ! who lef,t for the West on the harivest 1 i inat is getting along as well ae cduld ' excursions were Armour Dundas, tJevi Le expir:et,--ci and it—is hoped he will ' Holmes, Nelson Davidson, Thomas Leee :tuffea from no permanent Anjury. The ' ming, Jr, George Kistner, H. Ydaing, Steview says: Blythe Stephenson, a, John zeigler and the Dennison' broill:e traveler for the Winnipeg Paint and ' ors. We truet Mak best hopes wilil bee In/1th air. and Mrs. F. L. 'Willis, met ; A Pleased Visitor.:—Mr. C. F. Bar Yin a serious accident - last evening, • rows, who has been visitinfa his uncles **hen he was struck hy an automobile : Peter, Jadab and Christopher Bel -rims fdriven by 3. L. Cowie, a well known. and his atmt, Ws. Albert 1Con5table ieSideRt of Carberry. He sustained a - and other relatives till Northern 1146 - tad fracttere of the right knee as weli - Killop for the past t ree weeks, ler tie several minor inurles, which will on Friday for St.fvfar s and Sarni k online him to his room far at least Whereahe will visit re gives for alfe lour weebs, ; Mr. Stephenson, .who, : days: He will then .89.'Ve for ,; hi Iwith a friend, had been standing on , lipme at Chandler, Alberta, stoppin fo 'llie crossing between the Merchants ' a day each at Chicago and• St. Lauis otel and Rigley's store, noticed -the ear ; Mo. VT. Barrows is , engaged in th • l4avelling. west on Saskatchewan :IV- monumental businesa in Oklahema an POO 8,1 it len e of I or at: 1c480 y, tiee the at for d e leep io t o one :Twins of that ler en aro su h fr en is he y b noeltattle64 teh smtki es ckl 'to fb tis ue ab y ad n 'Ste re is an days is e of the ng nd educating section e have ma e special - a d those at he lowest tm st of ort s an pric A.utumn (lame fash- Ion Favors, iippro*es, IDernands Black Ilas never before,.. E have made underful prepara- tion in ou Silk Department, ,an any woman contemplating the 'purchase of a new Silk d s do w 11 to inspect the superb n of the be utiful fabrics we ate sho and th prices are particularly nteresting.