The Huron Expositor, 1912-07-05, Page 81-T III*JULY UY. lu IV Lllbidbred 6)w ono daY If �St hereT t b 'You 0a S u rnji�- +1 y r,uddnly4 ba died j Nr NetherY 0 Cooko-toWn, Is ispoding a CP6 re -h ot -a n4 C se 30C U. er, :6br.e, thtrd II1n%.,6e it " oTe goink Lear ard McCut h: I*C t last, r k Ylourself th ,t I ;, ry P N As de S, ceWyn ii� lstu4ylng M as ridal art, reef Phi adel to iiXIATTOR IWe ID11001 1118� palre s dn, �slkth Ine. Mur, a tb t Mr. Robert U ; Ttre rat r,4y ha, -j tle on, Dun,-� ton . QU t You can Pay Less been tue Aoctay ca fox,4 thel dais.1.410hit a oc tple lyj 4iWo Ifh f al Prlefj.—Dr� sLnd Ur.'. Harrill- or'' S Ifew 6 ks. — NMO., Ntr. G cbes.�: is.14 e past we- your hoe ` by taft,L-of aulf'Ste. Malrle, Wxl? 1'0r0*I% He ey and 0�91 A. Mick* -of Exete' i 4s shippli -93. St af( :'tbj 8 tation L! Week th L I L - I I : i gue 1 a _StS Of D It. of krizidsor, are ibl v lue fdr the mone r: C as h for als a a,$ �B Uttk 'iawrl ad (I vv.. e x y Ine , ?xport Am. I gittin tbelbest po Y B r�, iton and her two - tie forweri sister, MTS. !)R,. Haon 'Ph. a mi s vi§jUn - Style, Esteets.., The a Correct an nd44- -will trrr-aln In this vicinity fO one er, h1rd line of U., ecoming a Am I ottin Edrr —Next, the 12th Mitt Harrison - ile okie time. FA Is ontoi e l0ricsi 9 it at the least pos W, and you can smi jday yige 11141Z J; 3rit�, ,nd ab, a and am I effin� si'bl� I -a 13uly. The or)embdris 1f thle 0 axxtied ft elgrave Vn Tueday even- her rang4 41de, Tuckev rrith. - ene ts that will retain the! co 1 7 f I _r 4 'aT L 11 Lnee - i� when ks time for the !a& �e wr-aking a I tog b initite'to, the old e 3untry. t 'Am gettit-g g ,any V ry rw.ih 'S'to at, I 1 L ati-le. if klm i. th ne t are worn ,f atlohA for this vic fulty i�,,nd' )se f -l' -for ne ara ce until - -t, or other flellow to- settle,, prepw the ihospltable� enTer theY ou are th�, U �Xport ap Y talnk.znt of -their. v,ests and 9, -big I h rA o "k up and him loungaundn ial bat then. tell aowa ls� expecte(t In, tow�k on. that day. aze, .—The th kin t look good p'lly while new wea 4en f IN pI st. day I ha4 ts- th e �i 'ral- —Tht Mjc�d& 01d.Roys,ot To ito, will Big Plenic.—Ovex one lthous�arj your secret or: you, I been; V4 Ty i IT r alit warrr. Uhl I and Itave 1heir anhual excursion to this Te 94011 and people fteir. all pvgts: of Ue id W*4 PD n JU up. Xouirc 11 can--, continue to re- Y to-mlt*dw and' We- expect -to, nieed,�d ',to, st I t wan�sh a04 .0 St e�, ke Count -T iung ', ad I e,4 the t volun- ithin I �radlus �d twe y' irile 'at4 main in that class of rany famillair face.—The lay the *i' ee V BaXbqlr�-Kiriilran V -,)n Rxn4 of the big teers iriturned frc&., camp at 06de- PrWj I tended th a9d Pic n to u i&x, the a U�a THE NZXALL S vr� '01111, d !bEA at very re Men who hav6 ith i ock and our goods, ani trich on .-Yfidair. lihey report having pices he Rairan, cath(lit chu*.dV, to put your n �stwavvberr I - ce_-,qf ul 7 OCIILI On M lawn Shoe Bills. 9, .;good la Pec ..is! � here St. Augu Alm,' held,,c.n urinon. Day apparel at --f 1W. v1sitie her i=le, Mr. It Ing, 1;� k' ind other-4rieda.in even 04 aurr-wm princip ;C ctor aripg Iriciks anet mo�, satisfa wi 11 RERHA, alla b autiff ul g -t or on the le is to Lrive 1 ot .the viIt: rr Dungam-ion. ti at will ple, se you N ftich Shall it Be? Peak, seq-Oei Iforr Irlss Tc r iy pA �r'pose,, .—The Maitland, sL I Iles fr6m I 0 atgb V liv! The evet-was.the irost'�uccessf�lof dat g b W L. Nayloir aji it. J� returned fro for t end w -i it vt, Jue we po sibly can he money yz u sp part I a ion. To- geaforth. Its kind ever. 'held In th 01M istp All He intends ±e- Dru the -w�4zjt &i, Sietm-ida , - I lRobbi e -,e fr n t U*t t: to U., i. ovtng his family to Winnipeg zssoon 10 ly. earge forms �of iam"ement and music f if lax to t "tha —Miss 1Tbzb1 Calrpbell of 0-�qcdjate u 908# ished enj1Yy=-',eat for .all a�d ks possiblei Rb i01114 Of 'Reg i brdt apej pf Shoop's R amp in 11R. I nd me. *0. Hir. eb ey, o f Sea- on; Itbot �0 d CoMmUn f �htad -or th U e b�aiy Wreck.- Wood 6' Phop�qdine. I -W TO �ftlbyterlaU a ts 'P -:r tget , ion is something you 'qe t 11air r , in .1 WIQ� js visiting triena Sea� ks 0 t 'd eve - i eMei lea* blrelSt. iaS kranlfel�tf on' rywhere. f&th and �Tudkarsmlfb �V`coftbost. � Rev Father Lamendeau ere. jktvices weire, beld, in the by afty, of SotthLobdola, � a foWlre-� Priet 4,-m; W4s t the, eyel ne ut. d 1h. You get that b chuirah",aift Su4di&Y. Rev. a Illy Was j e46nt. a3i(Xishc;ok ­b4nds lt4 ali last.. a -we i ib et, df lbe a red: -IL Johnst bt§ old paxW(YneqT% _a conducted -the, er- Ua Y iscm of o ---WON 1 1 . 1. --- ed is thL sda .evening and� Rev. *Wj a 0 eir. ,so any youTillett. ic() I i `.A t raer vicea an Thuir, JaIr . - I f-1 I -117.7 W1 41s, towr a th' U but wis Z�Te sorry to' Isay A or gx� - GT�sjit of -Clinton on Friday. Oa Fr Ott 1� leagi e should r, aHensall Sroay toeend6u the ,e'jrV1oeB were can- 'le bals t fe able vis Int ft en holl 11 tom off''I fo. fie Widalk1g, isligh Illnesc, AE 'hoe Bein' Jas. ductd iby tbe� pa*c(r:I - Re*. Mt-. L ;sea,.si so�i laccotrot ok 0tta —A cut in Paint nd Su er 0041s. tda. hope bho�,t will 00611. Goods ourlaik 1111muler ajon. Bak frorn iLof t e Mr. rise Ott 111LEP: 118 I X41 po tion, the nal 311' kin, and 4n Sunday evening by Rev. but he ne ductions Best Makers are ex. U The Shoe Vau.- lis ;,70X 4G. July 2nd to!13M 0,)me and get Came of tb bar- to W1 in 1ar9f rete ring the e Lbl�for� they ugh an, ell ar. haw ,of R-girondville. All , la 'j, vejl�, f(, b, iDU 'bited her' in assortments; s:) laro-re that women c �Al q ae all talcen up. 4 Lit 21 eel, —nr� Rabl, . - � 31'. $ Ill Vein" vices we're well attended 'aad er it �adp "egg wais Iread 4 St. li(�raz onj 1117 Virtuirnd oa .2 .0 1,9%ver prices. -ce p ease ,%�itbout r ,nsome tax ac�,et Offi I k gold .81knet 11g, any ba'd4 on the p opposite the Expositor .�IeWL Ir -embers' joined the 61tur&[o u this Tu it a hi; I Mae *,V pr Feed—Fe-d—Pargains in ic c turn-ov bO h a Y nole f a: load i ael Of Purity Floar, ST01 a , ,,4,e of� k. ioceaiaon,—W. Jarres Grieve . who i1spe- Ite Mir MeWlich on Feed Wheat, low 0 ainly !co4ld not buy material ajA au to e W thwe ah� I de Flou �1, etc.. Thtee cays- 118t* arrive A —Seaforth elsl.'- B aw�lng G�ub, a wbic 1i V. b you cert beeo in the we�St t�a Solre. time' 28244 n7i 14 he In tulnn 1, r aett j3l a �07 Urqubarb, J lensad Gatinea.l. 111118. %men l, prettief, better or cheaper. Uo ake uO ts Lower I tr,,-ted bofre on Saturday. Mr. Grieve wk upp I Ler. Tre in jes� 3 th Li -f(YA 0 1h01 Is ii I al supp 4-011 Sabl5ath L evenilrag las e as ,tikan -up a lhom-esta nea Gull t t of .T o0y' s Iday' �t was q great. 51keeiss od, W, I s d 0 onto a ttractive alil Mrs. Grieve: and fazrlly t oye�, k. the Lake, Sazk. 411ar Ughly enj J a ,h, 1111c we 'a hex I Mr. t f Jty Ir who hao teen past6rof the Metl odist chutri�h he for tN21 F0 ftg.,er� ,have- beeo We satre tin -A Ac1mr. ardt 31 ibowlelr� pre$T W. 1laln,6ccr t, .0 XV1101 Istreet �wesl;,, 'to take t1beft- back with Mi., lajt t ID. Ca of �D ur Passe G,rleve ltopeis past thr. ie �,eats, preachA hils, f are�- d QX(jP titio ..–W?; a well S&mvd lb vreather wil etioi t . . I ainty Dress W, aist I i was ar h6t ToUflUg Car :hirrl It 'Wa. Ofieves, ealth wil per- 6ted lTi � the, e Ig pe y Rev. Sit.1 Carmel The Paige -Detroit I e 19 As ( 014 Kris.. I - e and Flarence . Ith( as d to trao e 'that thie fort i t o rrit.—The Misses Mimi Del' a bile , [ i by ever one� an( erjeUx I tt( n to reh For Sale Laidla:w, daughters Mr. and ve thIs chiveb, th,6 savice 16 4t chu e I made m at e i i 4 I a Wed Y Robert 'Sn­it1:, r., of .11ullett, jhbLi t .Apr. tiltufal S)clety ba ar tat the. a 0. taidlaw, :andins -field c; d chance ha awe horr from Tbran- C01 ving -keew withdirawn le� the &cfc- ally goo tune to fo4 te Charles oOp", 0 owl 9 c la Tel- Islon, -Q- Aft Lawn, Muslin and- pett otbi undeir. th,6 k1kal Ion a' the _ (da r Wo #d- It i, 1 J11.4 alt 3)e#9)rtn Vlti f R�alra:zs And Ed. Webb spent ti ting betwee�j the pagtms 'ha e, regatious., Rev. and arquisetts, and c r icqs On m,' but itia This car was used for demonstrating day with thelir parenits.r�Mr Mll InUvOe'r, 4f r arn night 0% during the present season ' W1 1V AY Millyard W4are VOry popj�, wife and datghte, of I)Onver, :Colo : I,' Mlik oripetition. ., ;e oo here tand fel and la� 1Y 6E Clinton apentTu wifil e In' I L' Wbof a ple, ge rl� C Vill Cal ;heir intaw be sold at a considerable Milla M[r8­ J & Wilson —Mr. Ida in ght alr# OAs too with them to ftM the rel�a:r We;�dso have ltovnif a price. lej *a Y go', era Isc tt, jair, Cal Hu h Rox 1o(,bav1nLq(a cellald duk aW a ceir-i andon, "Tb a three passengerRunabout,-Whiclihas W a London, w'-'* W. 'SC field of labor In L - annual- to $50 0 the Automobile Show. I it will q*U0, L We're Lhe-re fbis Wek . visiting Mr. Cc priet peti oif Ithts ats 4 he good wishes of -our, 1A eduction; ly Will the - %A is trawberry festival undw '1�h d at 4nt foudation placed under one of C 'baS- %texlAdex, Q e auplatz X .0 #rgb Mb e J( i C- been sHightly., used and will be -sol, -bp� 0 stationed: for tlA, I a &erable reduction. ges-- yepr.-�-ThE Effito has Ito DOW� texian el4urch beld ta w1hir-h is ituatext next St. cu Irert 11, WKIUOP; of 'the [Ladiew Aid of cararl Pre,sb �dn F I ay eenji1lig 1�.I KbT Lk Of Tuckdt - t00ti! air- , a P '� 6hurch.—M. Fellis McLean th nk yAr�s., S. Wj. Blac k, I a Firal wn -a qd I IiTgely att st 'was te n4p4e d stod I a spent the holiday with t Sn Lth jor tgl�rrq 7 ­ allorthern Motom Ltd. L irlends. In lbou f beautifulroa.81 D. #dOeAne,fair", Vu mi. :; Th �s. in1t4snd5 going -0 4-45S n, Vvex,y e Brussels. He We t euce, [Peet, 0 v�erelv Plain Tail x wX LI'digstone, I fullett, I lugh exant ir r8s WE, a r: en. Ws. blank. js� ware -nqely lighted With electrical Seaforth, Ont. Isabel Graham, Sea- a ox er .6 I i�, bei utiful; in nat- nte. 8� folf Get aoer �oat% -all, OUN it L I ow ud globes abd the Hensall 1) A kep 'd W *sts, beautil th's gifted autilildr, as a beautiful v -A ad el Ight' I M ',or Ling tor t �j a ad br ;wbite. TT will 9 thins hv�ely with r patriatic poerr, entitled "The Auld gE de. W by thei lood =.jusic m. T to Scottish T6ugue,". In! the arag4zlne see- 'iseddad, thl Dished mateiials I M ileaby Me. Adan; Mod. a milli e pro6eeda azrounted aya-r, %35' Th tirls t , ifc urt`h j A f1i g III 3 ho Y%. With his Troth- carried, -on WatSon.L tion, -of last aturday's Toltftto,,GLI1Dbe. �,wlnn willibe —Mr., Av,MuTdock.L who has ej an sist e�r. and ellglbl( to co James prtzc ng boat ii ite a Irekd aJe clothl Successor to W. N. Watson Instf- fl� are frea ovi I S, t.. Marys, whe-U. ih th4* leaf stindt oraln( �Ylbit it —Mr. Millet,. of 't.N Collegiate pe�e rint, Lawn, '.L 1: tic.te, taff , left this week . fjjr h1s, hall- b hther and eshoe bu netQ If �iuir of 'years I'r nd I i6r iresids.. thb- Tdtonto ani rottawa ei 'Ibitior o. and i at our. ploi ar buidne-vog Ejener&' days and will take a, course at tho. ba a�- f riet4 Lin Prite I.Fire Life.,and Accident Insur- M -.s.. GurM The, lowini � Ii it,40 reorlon nd en. Real Estate and kten bs sold out hia. z 'ock and good. in- Seffdrth 'of. op, 5; AYi �e of plan- anee Agent. London MilltaTy, College. Miss Flerf -esider I VIg onck ut ll ­i Wijl, dilir �Gj short j ji e M le. ing, teacher of NfbdeYps� in t1he Seaforth, b.41re, an,4 L11 grd, her- af. so - I L-oau A ent. F 1ns*,&nbQ on all Of 9 f6mlify 01fi K,�[)Wth, 10; nietlijo -aftlo $3.0011. -g It .'UU perty off ectek- We belle, kila at.the Collegiate Institute, has eellit in dier. & lie 91i. MUrdoch Iniends ts�kln- ds of Yn az r daugli-. ing,l �bsence of lodglj�g, 5; fx,eed� ilc- at west before a I Mr. ue !resignation as- she 1has acce -ed a t6l, b iss, we eds, 25; if-reedom fri)m Lt, AVW Pt F arrii t �'-pi nt T iday wflh, f,f* j: Rannie ias� in the enc(ralstore ltrila In Chatham at - a. M 4. 11 h r, IrvAt blight wd Inseeps, 10; 't. T _r in New Ray. monal. WWte and Rev.) C. ot thViiarres re higifier salary.—In the T-bronto'Globeof R. ad business with blo br,(Ytpe U -New Home sevabg Machines And rne.- r�. D. W. Jphr,,4jA' fft �othe'r varieties And 6 Is it the:- ational Cream 86parators. last k14at&day* thexe w h , triends Of r4in, f�o; �'pr k Mle, f o1i Gorre. time, and a -well --and A B a tiful Array of z are 20, adver-; si 161141 opprf:166, qA 11111.1- ah vo�rab 1 -o the ta I nowin: 't )449 'of IUrj 0ople of! this -ents W public schoql teadblers &ad Lmon.—Rim. a4kln Will h' 1p of bod,q al-- Usew ave ed 9h)ads of V1 A- full ti I cliilty.� -Mr. MeLeod DI Detroit is wiply of Sewing - machine 41 fba�. Collegiate Institute cir High fc" h�-s isubJect dbbath eveulrwn lity PO; -Vh.i rar0y�-bTT mat 'Ity visiting ler altsteir, Mrs. Dont ueeffieg, attachments oU and x e- School teadharis. The teache:r farr-trie, "i 4es a ynjs� '1j, 100. Is 1�,q*- 43od,3 E autiful Out— toits, Dresses for Children Paim i 8&�. SCOtt, al _11ton is VIL It J. W. Jolis-tow.jf here la-� week 1fdr their n' thingf'foir.' Ube G166e..—Orj, t s Mr, the I iome -A 'S 'IT W -Ref erring t V -the in '-(the t, and whihre J. L Time has over, sixty vaxletles of oje in It S a', ew 11, 19 A- tqn-� iutoirc bloorn In Ills gatden. Mr. Tdhin 0.1 Qcv6plock.—Afts., ri a Dlck.�dn hks )trloe uck freceotb 1 -�purc as- has be6. wor,king foi.r a -in whi6h every mother sl�lould interest herself'w t Steele ha$ alSOf a Vtiy V'rett knd gone a Gulerld IL 'with frip, d y r. : WL : I L I I I. ut, f I1 b "a Sewl rtht i �.T- i r' Jhston bturned bout and ab�l delay. ithsummer'va`ationher-ouroffe -collection f roses, In, his gar&n. a u the i %n.tol D!�r*orks, be N�l Vs ek e rin Jay *Jtlj ,V� -a Seatbith is beemig noted fdr In drx%,r to it, its L cknow Ith fw ecoiraty hisi �olil W f arrily, i0at, town is ays: , �3. t ;rove tanusuAly helpful., It -has never betore ­en4 i W46Y beautif flower gardoz, nd alsstst In get' Ing This house- III —Sev-,' ai,d h 1�s. A. SO. -Mr. rkhorrat(,ra is: a, �.,P�etty sb and shrerw� i buOE p eral o1r.-PlaInIng of a short crop oJ 111tj1 �' W dred aml, rr a' d It id not Itake him Case y tlhis season, b,i Mi. D. Grurr, e1v yeaj -�s ha I the -of ha Itj zrisfo r ac * stl bQ11d K4 iready ifotr S 1�jrnt.�.Ur. our pleasure to offer such a splendid collection 0f on td Pnr, oSI-Treoe, has been, s- n lei 4 Iwb IPh rd' be e nvinced -of the saving t at or t�e l,ttle folks at siach ttle prices-. C e !rratt, of Haxpurhey, bs no cause for h le tl ld litin bt 1 mothevi during the past, we'eir ments f P fal- ure hIv3 hl be e driv 9 out to, z k�j Ifpci ith the, 4?otar.-' true in and &I a kick nt :this frespect. Ae Ihar, T lRdnes day urlcl� 6n. Durrinion i's week. COV I and see them. Price Range —40c to $1 his Qri lnarlly id thfie f fly kiay tthp�, Tret with an' aceldent whlaii, rield of throthy Which aveages f ou'r, sl .,is great 'lie trip nak on, Mond w rrlght, have proved vety much more lso big:assortments of both knitted and Musl;n Vn- wifli t 3- a erJ a Vr. 1I. f -bet in laagth anA is tiblek in prA- .0 NJ wot6t: trucki Wojild ta3ke him serious than It happily tid. it a t 1 gi- poil a] a rs, L alf way td Zurich -derwear forichildren. Price Range :-5c to�$1,1 rtlon,—M!�. Nf. c. Chesney or . his ss Mr. Doddsl p. Jon stet, has gone to Bayfieldanil Y ell 'of or he x9mova )411 Witt I �te a-, peams1v O� A)en abouth rair forth at el t o'clock In, the. dr4irg, itbey an ixt-q, dpeW, a Y, horise -.-F rk z pj.'. dell .,�d A tsudd,-a will IspandAhe surrimer at- the cottage a at ifact pa.ssing tba krad,, 'the I mrad tTi I frfm+ 4 a IV Son, -LAr- Mary 'X Rd OPUI%Lialt 11ccill;lSiul ana We ms of .�oft clrin a Iwas 1r6und al throwing bo U i acupants out r1pre 8 illinery isargain Car-ney abd her brothier,''Lincolti, 6f h e Mr. 13�dKe III soon. 'be ful Y bacli. in Rea arth. for siipper. gy" hel of the b0ggy, but foxtuat 17 they bath t Goderldb, ae visitors at tftie� hoTFe of TA ovdx,ed.--�The I[al. t. r coal Is! hoW:b�, 'use ��oflwthe 'Cllntohl'� truck 'I �o�nnjejl escaped I without vy d livdT -eid b' ous Inju-ry -ricyals, will ave th-is working,il cut and' ft'hel hoiMe was ly JmMcNamara, Clode- Ing ecelve(J .4ch street east.—Mrs- lels. it ,I is I' We cau -;Patu'r, d Peter Daley is lde� hat ls�Ur: Comifig, a. ay in I alf will therofdre b6l able to Prevent a 1run V Td ithWnf al wing, to the away.—M Ethel Mur- visiting heirl daughter, ifri. S. Cudpr;oe, lfiqwa, iliv !r. :ew tariritor and In U-sbo"i-e.—Mr , ajid Urb. -J. 'L- Kil-, iniltbi, oprjhg., 9 y p -a. 0ock, of Ladon, is visiting her- par- IoTan of Godatich spent tble h* bus nes.s. erAB,-­Ur1. Roy Ua,qualr I ha�s rente4 oliday - ---- i his Ifat 9-1 bis hbire heire �Mls Maggie Cluff, I! mile to the orses for a —A a little oveT June BrIdema $ le r o* d of v Pri�es cut right in. good Young *crk; east bf e village tot Fran P6 wh Uw -beeH vikting' her. parenN b( y r36d ju A received at TurA. all e r,, four angfive TJ �jdlita�el.,. e Vf Late M Mi '�and Uis, N. T. Cluff, during the bi Ielntos U an gah Stables, Seafort1a, In0aml 9Vr0`,1dV1lle, ti Or 8, term b,� two' or that 5 'ItIals wAek,to 1h day. 2325w tav to 'ec 4 Notbng is more appreciated by the pa,�t two, xr.onth jjla$ jretulned tol TO dea6 � q)f" tra. Gllbe-rt M6 `YIE 1'rad we believe For ftle—A Tent 1 %14, illg-htl� r used. ApplV I X oilatends 1going',out We9t �n the no -e her position. cesion of* Hullj t, 13h f �,tu.,r. ride than a piece of our beautiful W -unto to lr�suir x. f flhi 1 A orThone 4 on 14C],. i 283115%, the if Pf t1hi C i Daay ]Uaty ispelat the tholiday at the udred fiV d lnteX*i`er- In the I luskoka Moland sid !,event c Silver -Ware or Cut -Glass. q Fewe Posts—Splew Fri la A. ecti aiheat fence and r,,akLlg other, -foo-, posts ust ti I N. Muff & Sons, 8 She had een subject -to 144 fa Rev. 36h.6 Bary.— ot A form -ill be looked years to come it w fo tb� C011nectim with the Mr. %seat VangRar -ad bed con- dwiallingl he jr�cently ptk6baae�d frurr, .oud of 11am.111 1.1 is of tewrl d ease and 6 uy a Ba b r� Bu y- -1 reftsed to give the 'm au,,hlin o. mY sqa . large o -der af tsr bandli ng I of I M upon as one of her chief household aPe�dlng his IWIldays at the honp, a.t fine I it. lb r 6oTne most of he Any in e d StotErjQ;an­—jNfr and treasures his hrdtlhatt in Egmondville. -W. I -T. M. tj for years as the e e aratiteed tome to 4e fOr, tbe pa, t islx-� -.Tr outhis. 11or aid A. lvfrli. W Rogax th A 'Forks Jacksoil `of Uofadan Was at' his, '4iame � od fill h Ited In( G e, t as as a Mo all n foi.ess-movey an( ; a 'npr, 3, was Hele!4- Dickson, Rogers' Bros. Knives and .4fi w a, at Rkac 1, if P. lify terdraft. -Al o trobase a DeLayal Cie rsq-T 1�rlclhf, n st we ws( did Iso -v Ha in lFgrrondvill on Monday.—The Toof A P he !isbcarad daugibitet' of the !� ia jr,. the pa, a $5V-er box. 131 ra;or now., It ii the best yo x can buy 9nd III It WS. "W"! r d chjl� and T en. r 9)h is,now` being placed on, thAiw public aCha�i les DI kson -6f 1 Ruby �*jsely and brother, Charles.—. ke r iore inoitey. f o - y ' ( u than any other. K, �p MqKil opl, land *r ieces $l:5.- r tl dne order for ne. "in I.A. MsT. ea Set� 4 pi building.—Aft. R. S., ITays has- The D erin DIV- death ca es fbfe ftrj�t brek,41 -& Twine iW lie chased a Mw ouring autolrobile for t yc a can buy. A.w. Cainpbc 11, Dominion Ba �k oPrnes, bf Clln-tpi , Is spending. Cut Glass Berry Bowls $4- f ayn 11Y of' en, iSlie. wa malrir d to ler a tte BAldiig. 2325- Cut G and 6 the pleas�� ot his Tarr.ily, andfriendg- Its with er friends, 11i r i aire 8 Tj be `hus.bz6d­' ab I I31ass Water Set, Jug ­1D0rrIno4 Day passed very qu Oall i �t the Big and orderyi �r 14,ow re out� thIttY L- Alias Run s stiVivived - a sD4 Sir 10 a i Inter g h se, U letlY. B iider Tivine.* J Ve, 'ag nd 'I I us received a car load of Qlld Glasses $io. is There was 'ntihing speLi 4-s lreplacl�- Is pre 'n Any ntrimmed al going on Medal' %vitie, 650 fe in wery pound. Sole Agefit, and ter, Cirle Michael B. Edge, Seaforth. veiand# 'by a neat ceitebt one. dau 23S44i 'of'�: �" In Itown. The day was delig(btf0- and algaV and Miss Eva t ho 2 .--8. 1ohn NOter, Money to Lend,IA40ut $2,500plivate faud Was in 1*V11'.v6'rton1 re:cet- J. F. DAI, Y every person who coUd went Sorre- P Dpe);tYR65 3er qent. timable ge on fat ljlnotnfi�,s C, -41y Half P: t! Miro, VdM chael � was ly, Y19149 T8lat1v0s,—T1,-e i Misses � Let- a where.' A good M any, picnicked at Da�,- A I ply. it the Ex si or Mee iforth; -t� lad', was ir-ea Se 2311 Y tIY ,endoared t all who tie -wnd F joience Cook wt e visiting thel-r jeweler and Optician field, some weiat -to, God,erlehi and- a enjoyed b r ac-quoitahze, a .d Nis ri Inge Licen es n d d' great Ur aAY . atehd(ed the dufth � pie- j, vellf rs, Etc., S a sa . by S ?auge an a& piurbetsit. V, bler was "Y' i � 11belo ed In, jbl�,e family cle, 8; ad 177.tf Issuer of Marriage License rth. 2 f this n1a at St. Calumban. Allxpont havi n'will be 1kr- e t mein- Ing a week tspead- 9 Birgain-47510 wilrbuy�a oodbouse and cjh n�lssed, widl SEAFORTH ONTARIO n �ay with ia Me.;- a, co U k Na in Street, 1 3ea ortl i. On V ie Job hre a ]a ge in Twomo, an-enjoable day. kess,is. .R. G. a4 � of land, ng lot within six winutes-lval of Def.rY will. b "long a0dlovingl� Grawford, of Colurrbus, Ohio, -and A'. d, Init wberq bell tits, such as t=6 raspbe ry n ber of small vialtin 1,with his dauhtei and ilk43 H e esp, were inl'tUMT.1. bi ea, red % M. Crawford of Dufgalo and b ck currant bushes, etc. he se s in good c on� -W athea Insura,zlee repj,-e� ftlnds,-"Mrl. Isaac Welsb- Ispent the i his horce I 1 ur iice A 6nt, ed 'We be he Lforth. P. 3�—Will be ren eich 4' Intst.�r�4 1`&IIdftT4. -`at CH HE 9 ei-e and A Me�srs`- Ctawford are both natims 01 at N 8 tl,.Is week calling on old Wends TUle h (ition. AppytoJohn Ran In, NO .Va a. Vc re on. a4ict � C u�] p �h I es Seaf of th, ut it W a f maing Duslni*,s ViDs 11 -1prunt-ja whete ha;1A a i goo(I lgoA krany yewrs 9312 III n vlrww� You tua a a�) lore it; t,- since they lef t here. Bef Dre 'the pro Ontaro TrOt In t he ol In a lacr.ge pla .111. The .1eaving Reap miber t e 'Big Hardwart Store,, -keeps an city. f axm AT reTs fare buMly eniga Seaforth fhoe .to -i ate Ti rb bb Sbo % Rep., dIA lalalloird, 00'I the 2 171 btying y both joined the Salva- up SYL ,its done promp ly. 1 l ta A I ar I get P1 ices fc r Mital Roo.s, Plunoing, dr- trept"ebtfing r. I1 tr- amd Izer aj q avejrage� crop tioin Ar=.y and they are bath�. still e& 0 d,' tt grore than u es, Pums anJ'K ve-rrough Prices and in. on, Ory,,.p ny were Jacob but Ina beeA Wot tie eytre).re� Home of Good 'Afrf ; ore neW Dress Silkslju�t arrived, 'fancy taff I gaged In Y Wqrk.—Miss Carter - at f(Ij maton chaf rfqll� ill ". W 1111so e . carry a I.rge k Rvgsr, N rtheottlb�nd A, G. :!I drY wc Ahon -of, the pz,,sl: weeks tfie ow Aubuiria, Was the �guest of Claira ati ortment of mad. ade boilers, anil and stra ner i 'lation aagnized yield M larl :rvi dividu* dress lengt s, at the remarkably I &later this Veek.—Misa Cottj p� Is.. H. Ed �'e, se ortli.. 2324- f P -tv la; Assoc Id bave - : - oil -been partiolL B. . Y Shoes �at a it�he oilo heavy.- Gelb, daughter of Ke. and Mr.s. elp Wanted-Liwoefzd 'stea,14 nam want wltg OffleeTs Wile elf, A. Sel.1071y and —37%, c a yard. 0 b.erb.1B lzagine hresher Oo. I A. Smiflie, TdckerismIlh, spent ti6 holidays with tErlegida.1ja e The Rc Geib� has passed 'her inter=.edlate P -X- S! dorth, Ont. 2324 V airc ailetti C it'. me and 'Waist Sil, ff. G.- oe, !of Qfa nd DUMUC � L—MOS Tfta 9, 0 A taTy. Tb e ch it ent Sunday �vlth e r ather inches wide. gooc weig airinatloin In plao with honar..S, as 1 'Nirls Wante -Mv pod dining-r6om of To- A'very-special Mack P gir a ne V I by� h Yht, exce. tent finish. i -oronto Conservatory -r and k chm girl. Good wages. Ap- bJect of lant03 Y AVING purchased the in- 36. Pescribed by the, T c1aimb. -maid a, Iin the VIlage. Miss Tyra E Pr terest icaf Mr. Thomas Of Mu41c. Miss Gelb was a pupil of Dr Fred Da 8, tel Bedford, Goderich. e �zoq ation to, pr Doug 11 292� -2 j 11 H 4y f action, among e idlfgai nb viviting certainly will find this value unbeatable at the Richardson in this long SmAth-,of Sbraf ard.—Mr. abd Ws* lerl alstdr in - Chatharr. MISS he WomeE Is AVdIiary of St. TUonias Ob qohl CGIr734nia . To f of- t d Ix uttabl, atm JAIIle III x f T&,&.atd spht^ a established and popular Boot )Ared Vanstdae of Stratford axkd for.- i I ho d their ann6a I di iplay of... -ork In the . sc abol 85c d yard.' I lnjsujr.��c on windmills; to A diiy4 with h -a -r re, al c n the ing of lily MIT, at 8 p, an. A ( o�d­ and Shoe Buiness I respect� 'arexlY DC Seaffoth were visitors at- the V e" ave I h,� rsit J inv41 tatio I et'iide tothdyirn tax f �,of Insurance ext6nded bersand I del m throe den� thli week.—Mir Piltr Moir Is a2t es wide, in tie popular sbadesl.: fu.i.ily, solicit a continuance, of bome of-'V�t. and bjr.�;, 11, G Pail] ette Silks, 36 inch ''hebbherc g�e,&,atiohaintere3ted u I to 4, eib Chit o: I In 61 MOP alt)s, and IU emra to, n- Georgetown. visiting the liberal patronage which yiek.—Maj I w� Special, I 4 yard. r hr' e , 4 veran rich satin finish. oir Catto of T Who xw'rk. A nui e of 1rug i sultab) a for n ab i or t -as been so 104 unnur cotta esIm' -of Ile alsall. h Rideati M be on sale. th g accorded this was drorwned on Sunday at 1 f 04 on for Mts. -WAIllstev, forirerly a Visitors Visitors t) Seifo"r;h uly 12tia 4re� starr. Insurance d amp in Th e —XT9. T. VWridoeb and daughter, Ws. house. 1 shall endeavor to sat- L�akes, where he was boidaying, To see e above mentioned jSilks is tloq� in part, app�.ei Gmer if price, -tend A. Archibald; 4r., 61 'i inded th a. elxce lent 'In aeh �111 be � se.-yed' 9 A op..., wc tric CaTrpbell. of Z&Ich '.n a;ie Aolin isfy every oust In LqrAyn a: f1r t eir1real value. ider rhedir i3blaudf tle Ladiei"Aid�of thellifetpo. in �he coupj�zyand withl c3n �Irtedcj( e. on qtu` �iday.—Nflss jal.ity and style will do it. Seaforth and (Us two sons spent the u: d; urph, ii a theI corm r store, Campbell's, BloOk -0 tian thwo4gh the! Pxavincla) soclat, Oil me a, trial before purchas- Tolnord�, spent Sud 081 e the HoYA geen's I lotel ay v, her, ive T,DlidaYa 11'ere last isurf mar With Mr. 11and 2325-1 the] rdtuWA3 wIlr-bq.:In(Xe e,d P �r- Ter be-ra@q--Uiss.MD, Sutherland, wasjT4 iug elsewhere—It will pay you. &11d, iss ATchibald.—Mr. Orval' Jonesi 1111i te- Hell' AV&ptdd- -Expqri(noed cook ab 6aae, -.vas never larger. or left v Tuesday for his horro in Fort -a' awaltres- and lope o hambarinaid.. Good Nvf,ges. NIP Itb.e - latedt a4d &,ost lklag 11- L,andon 8-atueday ast. t our stock 0 el bh ot; h—Mg Sfde of TAIleV. n� CIS oupd 14 thE customers t WjR bes c4a8tro--ihe and o�t village jYre�#hted a FileS] ee, and Empress !h bE felI the -of Rp -nee, EGGS A ly Box 5-7, Brantlore - onb. 2325,,z4 43 the in Iday x retty more deserving of the favor of Saskatchewan. Mrs, ren lustl. at eed -%ff tiese carr- Day rbbse�rved as a Itoi het 30heo an&idh1ld r air in! Set iort han at the present will 1rarraln here for the summer. Queen 41:11a i -Y time and it will be kept 3,t the �b BUTTE ev WS-�TED W Mris. Hen-17Y'Kellerlrdn ot, Elkton,ffich- Rcgulp rice. 2.5.0,10 and $3.51) for $1 apair.s Forl city. Pna I it quiet )eaxa as In, a our topf the list in every depart- fiffler particuiars ad advertisement on Su41aly. spent the day at diff erevib Igan Is bete visiting her cousin OP] -under- Stephenson.—The. ladies of the P ment. We will. not be V11ter G. Willis oiite Gonlaterdial !HUeL! oIntG 1 the lake showe ,e ir. ajo-r- 4326.1 i ? tY sold b any house, the trade Methodist dh1atch are iraking Ovevet. going tc C'71rst�id 'Rend-, r andqivdity considered. Give * i . i� P lites.—Th me the M )r- SjV4D aTYa:ngeTr Ni xf ireaLing -wheTe q 4 e2nt$ for Serving a sub. ThtDowing T i is �e're 14 always a very larg& 00, us trial and see. couno, 11 will qja held aa c57owd and 9tantial lunch dn th Twelfth In the uly 29 aports of rzuti7 klad%, -Tor" ept c pened oft the 80a-: —glas lRedsie Watson. �s cozaek store In Car , oliday g, Ws e6trge Todd or M villag 11 rpbell's black. ThlA irt 19Tee i on V ednmlay Et,nd is �ot witli T iitives In j,Chatham.—.1isse R. SMOTT will accommodate the overflow from e s A- Visiting welativea In lga andoth� lIce 011t Y R -P 'hite bd , the (hotels and will enSure all VisitaM 'Y et c mrple u. M )rO are ReveUt X.a jda tella 'STetheiry pai pose t k-- IeTl P0110ts,me�. Tr. Successor to Richardson & Scott tr= Godert.-Ii, ftee T.roi Cin- Ing 1p West ftext' *eek.- -Ur - � and Dro;ndt �Ind- MW G. DT dt.'af El-ririL a h:qal when they feel weady foilr It.— -n Watsoz � rspent Do Ialon 1: ay . and (f o ft- &tly f tb , vI I a g , are t4 n, one i Si ',TatfD1 4, : 01110 h Oi John Miss Ra,,y Govenlock, wh isl a irembeir th WK Is e herd N. B.—Owing to the change it I LM Ville ind, pix ftomt Seafor 7itli friends at Lldndesborb.4-mlss M. this week renewing ac :�U Intanc .—A of the Lindsay public cbeal staff, is A is necessary that all -who are ddb', mt wltain, A Rutledge of the thli-41 line Ills ulideri in=bew Of bU'r YOUng a who have bb:re 'to spend the ftlidays at the, indbted to, the late firm of 0 tbe' dob PaTental butre of Cauncilldr a is I let at. t le taTI' care With 'blood ow 7 a- 110110 in nd ra. pol the cIt spoix'. Do- I on, wed� 9 a,44 1% ing Richardson & Scott should call t. eaday elerni ato rth We, d Govenlock, KoKillop.—Miss Cdwat, of .—Aft. Joseph Mille,r & he th �rd -A e -Mv! 0TIMil )ar 04 p 0 th by A �,dst of Pait a7idt m, v , X114115 witg his d Olt' T i Witale. 9r- ;a Lucad ispent ICD aud settle the same as soon as the Collegiate Institdte staff f C b con f J athr. of the Club, lln6 has bad b1i wesidende dautif ed letan Place, -Is bowe- for fbe b6lidays, 3 -1, W 1, I Who, Altbough Ib 15 a dneN Is v till ag,- k —W. Rc be1r: W utre, lost a lm� f ne C 0 T' T —oss-Zinnie nowas, or B&ton is eft -in ITI