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The Huron Expositor, 1912-07-05, Page 7
Shin ]fleet- broth.. mere Pt is tee ide silts e e . of It my It mit aoitg com. Form Pere- The his Menke Titer. tlaa ext it Lp1ete they stet from III IV creat river mreta �xn tt a e?= net Thti Tune' The fly of errant' cut of • repay-. range de a most actor, Caged em it et of =it=on the' Leting and )tion - 4 the e the. ►hots- stag e was L•tical cisel wen. work. en he k hich )p in tided an ©f ti the sons, boy, t was tori- thus. scene and to to g the ces- that r ger- _the thou$ •the e is well th `Il o India any hat tg a rrer r fei2 miss drei . re nest at. rine = n ULY 5, 1912 HU XPO .,TOR • HARDRUNICO LAXATIVES are en ti rely different from others both in their composi- tion and their effect—complete evacuation without purging or discomfort. Zee, a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. Or CANADA. LIMITED. 165 Fal Term) from Sept. 3r L !OTT /zi J//,. TORONTO, ONT. 21 tangs in a class by itself for strictly first-class work. Open all year. Write to -day fox handsome Catalogue., LAI:. OUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN. • Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Money to lend in Seaforth on Mon- d'sy of each week. Office in Kidd block. R. S. (HAYS. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dom- inion Bank. Z� in rear of the Dlom- inion Ban, • ,SES.T. Barrister, Soliisitor, Convey anter and Notary Public. Office up -stairs over Walker's, furniture store, Main street, **forth. . HOLMESTED. larrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and mew Public. Solicits'. for the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan. terms for sale. Office, M Scott's block, Main street,. Seaforth. VETERINARY. JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. Ironer graduate of Ontario Veterin- are College. All diseases of Domestic Animate treated. Calls promptly attend- ed to and charges moderate. Veterinary dentistry a specialty. Office and resi- dence on Goderich street, one door east ot Dr. Scott's office, Seaforth. `.0A,RBURN, V. S , E. Senor graduate of Ontario Veterin- err College, and honorary member of the Medical Association of the Ontario Veterinary. College. Treats .diseases of ail Doe:matte Animals by the most rood - darn principles. Dentistry and Milk Fev- er a specialty. Office opposite Dick's SDte1, Main street, Seaforth. All or- ♦Acts left at the hotel will receive prompt attention. Night calls received at the ecce. �.► :: 10 is ANs 0u R His eyes traveled to the note on the table, and he began searching in his coat pockets. In one of them he found the worn stub of a pencil. and for many 'Minutes after that be was oblivi- ous to the passing of time as he wrote his iarst words to Meleese. When he MEDICAL. DR. P. J. BURROWS. l ice and residence=-Goderich street, • tat of the Methodist church, Seaforth. !,'hone No. 46. Coroner for th/ County et Huron. DORS: SCOTT & MACKAY. _ Scott, graduate of Victoria and fe Arbor, and member -of the Ontario )allege of; Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for the County of Huron. O. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity University; ,gold medalist of Trinity Medical College. Member of the College of Physicians and. Surgeons, Ontario. "Alia YOU HAVE BILLED lit TARN. IT . TO M T MB." had finished he folded the paper and placed it under his watch. At the final moment, before the shot was fired, he would ask Jean to take it. His eyes fell on his. watch dial, and a cry burst from his lips. It lacked but ten minutes of the final hour.. Above hien he heard faintly the sharp barkigg of dogs, the hollow sound of men's voices. A moment: later there came to him an echo as ot swiftly tramping feet and, after that, silence. "Jean," he called tensely. "Ho, Jeans Jean Oroisset"— - He caugbt up the paper and ran from . one black opening to another,. call ng the Frenchman's name. "As you love your God, Jean, as you have a trope of heaven, take this note to ¥eleesel' he pleaded. "Jean -Jean Croisset"— There came no answer, no movement outside, and Howland stilled the beat- ing eating of his heart to listen. Surely Crois- set was there! He looked again at the watch he held in his hand.. In four minutes the shot would be fired. A cold sweat bathed his face. He #died to cry out again, but something rose-. in his throat and ehoked him until his voice was only a gasp. He sprang back to the table and placed the note once more under the watch. Two min- utest One and a half! One! With a sudden fearless cry he sprang into the very center of his prison Ind flung out his arms with his=' facto the hole next the door. This time his voice was almost a shout. "Jean Croisset, there is a note under my watch on the table. After you have killed me take it to Meleese. If You fall 1 shall haunt you to your grave." Still no sound. no gleam of steel pointing at him through the black aper- ture. Would the shot come from be- hind? Tick—L'ckj-tick—tick— He counted the beating of .hie watch up to twenty. A sound stopped him then, and be closed his .eyes, and a great shiver passed through hie body. watch DR. B. HUGH ROSS. tlraduato of University of Toront:, ,Jaaulty of Medicine ; member _ Of Col- Itge of Physicians and Surgeons of On- tario; pass graduate eoursee in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Oph- thalmic Hospital, London, England; adversity College Hospital, London, Znglaad. Ottics Back of the Dominion Bask, Seaforth. Phone No. 6. Night )tulle answered from residence, Victoria street, Seaforth, AUCTIONEERS. THOMAS BROWN. U,icensed auctioneer for the _ counties i Avon and Perth . Correspondence #romptly answered. Immediate ar reagements for sale dates can be made by calling up Phone S?, Seaforth, or. tie Expositor office. Charges moder- ate; and satisfaction guaranteed. B. S. PHILLIPS. -rAleented auctioneer for the counties ti Pful-on and Perth. Being a practical farmer." and thoroughly understanding tne value of farm stock and implements places me in a better position to . re- alise good prices. Chargee nmoderate. tdatiefeet!on guaranteed or no pay. All orders left in Exeter will be promptly attended to. c ILLOP COUNCIL 1912 J. M. Goveniock, Reeve, Winthrop p.o. Thomas Purcell, St. Columban p.m John Govenlock, Seaforth p.e. Con. Eckart, Manley p. o. John Balfour, Leadbury p. o. I G. K. Rolland, Treasurer, Beeihwood. Wis. Evans, Assessor, Beechvrood p. o. Jas. Kerr and John Shannon, Auditors. Ide.idie, Clerk, Winthrop p. It was the tiny bell ot his tinkling off the hour of six! Scarcely had that sound ce ring in his brain when fr through the darkness beyond t of his prison -there came a noise as if a heavy doorh� swungslowly on its hinges or a tra opened, tben voices, low, quick excit feet, tgh th iter all air, an �e bang Ston—b ased to ,m fa be wal rea kin d bee' voices, the hurrying tread o dash- of light sbooting throe gloom. They were coming. . it was not to be a .private a Jean was to do his killing as t! man's job is done in civilize fore a crowd. ' Howland's arms drop- ped to his side. This was more Ie ble than the other—this seeing an hearing of preparation, in which h fancied that be heard, the click . of Croisset's gun as be lifted the hammer. Instead it was a band fumbling at the door. There were no 'voices !now, only a strange moaning sound that he •. could not account for. In another mo- went it was made clear to him. The door swung open and the white robed figure of Meleese sprang toward him with a cry that echoed through, the dungeon chambers. What hap ened then --the passing of white face be- yond the doorway, the subduedmur- mur ot voices—were all lost to How- land in the knowledge that at the Sgt moment they had let her come to him, that be held her in his arms ands that she was crushing bet face to bis klrbeahst vies - l hies might not be dreams, and the tli ug'ht came to titin nose' when he felt the ,ver• istirs Je J. BOARD Or HEALTH — 191S. ., geese.' Thghos the light,' and t treating eet through tb • Mac beside Ho land, bearded an th dozer} stepmor stair, _dow whi • Frenshma 's ha Hiew and' arm, later they I each all hed di bearded and a pal th ea es ha as 1 uf faees erked nesse Jea the huge ree And they le, a light 0 d fell det apd when. appeared but J Dawn wee thrOn room they burned a were sev I Howland n turned a door. J as the o an. Ugh f the tabl table these nd a ough oulde II to er th thro limb an w erre r to You rued from their re- passage rell back uik of the ahead. A came to a one. The iningly on the tairs n an the bre king, h th two had nter- lamp and rat c airs. tion the lowl an sat ;down '13 Shrug that he aimed. "1 for him to ave b!gun e had jus 1. "Tha 11 me. Bn go no fu waited for at mean be etc t it is hard Taps you replied HO hing as if • .a long 0[ tried.to He &mid e.'rthing, he eleese, It Wonder at ''Thoreau ever livedil es he has ttied to Id what yon the :Joh father 6 d until hardly moil South and txploded feet It was tbe yoting brothers. M'seur, eat mistake, and e the eye° of the two .8 the. table.11 Te Efri that came with . e but the thought of :Mie ledge that le that lieut. ed. to be 'lost she .Was We. his halide clinched, gi Jean did not under - hard, m'seur. Perh4s ent on quickly. ; this. We have tiled you by a..slow tortnte, you deserved. ment, m'Oeur, Of *hat her° sixteen years iago M the man fiend. On ; eked life from you it it Only Six years age we ilin4w right John Howland-AhOlon .1 Slew—was in :Mopttteal, seek him this. -youngest bad been a long tininat eleese end knew ;6the uth better than the Ieth- ailed to find him at ,that er located you. ',- wised Lady Ls . ray ''vritd- it is pot strange thet ken Yoe for the man we e brother -in looks, 'Ss I boy. It is true that 4 a great error when. he pregean or Thorne; wits - esintse,stl;Wubaayrt:: ;you would probae,,, to the -north. I sWear bey did not wish t it wee necessaty at yOU might rept eur. They did no ion but that some on lest a finger. aS you know. h. theie window a e in their employ hey sent down asking for t title a surge of 'anger Aar he exclaimed. "AI 111 said, "eld- is he whs. ut to tell 11 of grief you remember a sh time ago, t tha you were who [ordered th slate years a bal an of th thre year forgli the, ellen Met ace') it was 'n Was' say test force. when ali see nearer to him httlf oltee the his eyes blitz stsiad, ter he ow it be im and sobbing things to him whi could not understand. Once or in his lite he bad wondered if re warmth of her hands. her fee hair end then the passionate pr ot bet lips bis own. He lif eyes, and in the'doorway he sa Oroisset and behind him a wild, lpea ed face—the face that had been o him when life was almost choked fr him on the great north trail. AO yond these two be saw still eth shining ghostly and indistinct in the deeper gloom of the outer darkness. He strained Meleese to him, and w `en he looked down into her face be s w her beautiful eyes flooded with te and yet shining with a great joy. lips trembled es she struggled to spe Then suddenly she broke from erms and ran to the door, and J er TS er k. his an it 1 • th It fOr a haipee th Ighked hale net gtItY‘' t th of the and 1 sent t ways of the a era. ITInt. d it w 1 11 1 time, a that shoult sough 'him ell remera Franeo sent that put o Ins 9 of the the e than. n met rof the pem was b dl c th long bet Fer th swept ur, it Ike retty pair, Clroisse to cravel out from ander a trap to let another in at the "Perhape not so bad as that," said J'ean. "They were given to understand thaa they—and therie alonea-were not Wanted in the co ntry. It may be that they did not think berm would ome to You tend st. kept qUiet about hat had happened.- It mey be, teo, at they did not e to tave it known bat they were r !ling Remy from anger. is not that hu m'seur? Anyway; yon were detaile end not until then did Mel n„ eli that had oecu • The Frenchman nem. The glare topped bad f Illowland's eyes. tense lines in his fate relaxed. ''re.ced the wrong John I Howland, that's all. I rove' Meleese, Jean. *mild kill Joh ' Mwland or her. 1 and shake me them. k of her to come, ese know for a mo - want to meet cheir hands. But. somehow i h —of Meleese—as— saved youe life? was then—when s happened—that M whom she bad ma in' the. world, beca ;might: see her and fall inI love with Icame to me -6 Je stead of planning she schemed t s er brothers on't bi eta, hatt she not Listen th this! it e knew! what had leese cone to me— e the htiest man se it w she who riane Over from tt especially that I did Melees° our murder, m'seur, ve your life—with me—who won d ,ave cut. you into bits no larger ban my finger and fed ; you to the earidon' ravens, evho would I have choked. the life out Of you -until 6 your eyes bulged in death, es I choked that one up on the Great "Slave!. Do - you understand, rc'seur? ft Was Me- Leese- who came arid pleadedewith me to save your life—before yeu-bad left Chicago. before she had heerd More - 1 you than your name,' before she had Croisset hesitated and stopped. "Before what, J anr learned to love yon. She knew nothing hich her brothers Tborne back into to kill to do ce one make g hap - Thorne Bullets it ,wati RS not is an ne ermi ruin le ds d he le tit slow suicide. I oot Pills posit It im Burrows, M.D., Medical Health Croisset came between them, with Officer, fleaforth p.o. wild, bearded man still staring elver his shoulder. 3. Shannon, Sanitary Inapector, Who- "M'seur. will you come with ' !Cons aro" Ite y within the caMp. It will e the strongest c+stitution the most vigorous health. citis. To r. Morse's ipation. They ar entirely weaken or gripe. reserve ea th by taking Dr. M ors Veget - said Jean. The bearded man dropped back o sicke Members—Jobs MerraY, Mellor P. 0. 1 TWares liellroy, Winthrop p. o.; the thick gloom, and without sp PI 3. lacQuald, St. Colton -Ilan p. o. ing Howland followed Croisset, his 114 thirdie, Secretary. Winthrop- p. o. eYes 04 the. Pb.a.doirY form' of I kle- ri,j4 "Before she had "God bless her "You believe thlis, m'se "Then •I will tell you w m'seur," be continued in 'The plan of the brothers ring you north. knew at she did, low voice. as to make Albert and hat was to a peen then. It as - hiebe a beautiful -1 ornmitted sixteen years a ade to believe hat bp be motber and fa ber die he roonnted polic iviii c ow and then. She s hings in such matters, ah these, els he would nave wondered why yoe ere not given to the -o ers in Prince ivIbert "It was eleteese"s eld ot until the last mom ere ready to leave fo he overhear woi.ds th uspicions that they we ou. It was thr, m "And you, Jean?" "On the day that Mari o become my wi e, m's our Blessed Lady's n y debt to Melete, an ine, too, was leer site leleese and her brother be south I was follow chan here, w her , you wont per law—t me this way only a girl CRITICAL OFWOM TIME N'S LIF From 40 to 50 How It Ma Years of A Be Passed the Change of ife 1 was all o weak to walk as very despond oing to die, but r taking Lydia inkham's Veg le Compound lood Purifier AT, .›...1... , ,.4,,,,,,,, ealth and stren hankful to you tlitred as I diet° your remedies. U *fal ay pnblish this • you wish."— rs. Vancouver Itliand, B.C. I No other medicine for woman's ills received such wide -spread and untie fied endorseMent. We know of no ot medicine whi h has! such a record of ble Compoun For moie than 30 y it has been the staridard remedy'for man's ills suOi as inflammation, ulc pains and nervous prostration, and believe it is tinequ lled for women If you have t e slightest do that Lydia E. P Me Compound 11 help you, to Lydia E. P* am Medicine (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for vice. YouT letter will be ope read and answered by a wo and held in strict confide= k;. AVILVMS-SiAT. He Was a 6iplomat and He Outwittea- Abdul Hamid. EDipl'omatists abroad tell how a dis- tinguished member of the Rueedan corps diplicanatique vleverly outwitted • Abdul Harald, the late Sultan of Tul- e. key. The 1Russian displayed a cur- ; basiness of his country in the guise of personal pleasure. j It apnoeas that the Sultan had ale, ' solutely refused to grant an audience to any metober of the diplomatic body - at Constantinople and that during the 11Y the greater part of hie time in coOk- nd fighting, en amusement whereof he nt was passionately fond. The Ruisian heard that his ii/IPOrt, f- ial raajesty stood in need of fresh E. birds to eupply the place of th ea.. , killed in fight, whereupon the wly white fowl of the barnyard sped. s, oadised it to be trimmed and spuned to resemble a gamecock and sent it in a richly decorated. cage to the rY nd as er uc- ta- ars ra- we ur- bt tsa- ite o. ed, an, Beyond the door there was only breaking glopm o the gray mo but it was enough for him to see ly the figure of the girl he loved, tnrned, halt wal g for him.' th a cry of joy he prang forward and gathered the trem ling girl dose in his pered. - After that 'there the dawn lit roo Croisser still eta murmured oftly Blessed La as Jean Or now I can o bring yon eir hands, and ntl, when they .1 t aroused her ' e about to kill se r, that sea r, proniised me to repay t e manner or Won. Jack - hours after - bad left fee. them, shaven that I- wes On the Great ght that her g you. Her bring you to °thing of the e on you from fight, when pe the broth - d intended do ully what She m'seur. You • • f beard and so ot recognized in North trail. Me brothers would that night witbo brothers told be their camp. Sh ambush until thejr lea cover. "Not until after t in their rage at our e kill you. did she realiz had done. Tha is a 1, know what hap ened ter that. 'he dared not tell ou a Teltusko ho were of her ow flesh nd blood end dearer to her t an Ilf . She was lbe- love for her bro bers en • '— Again Jean hesitated. "And her Wive tor me," finis ed Howland. ; "Yes, leer love for yeti, m'seur," iOd The two men rose from the t ble li bands in the smoky i'gr of ian3p and a :tap at the d or lea 1 g to the r era It was Howland wile poke first 4'1 thank God that il these dal gs ly "I am glad that for a time ,ciu nd th- Al- ngs uld 11 thelish matte iyri t bar' kne • • • Pills be hint o to came no sound beyond, but ding by the to himself, praised, for it y Mariano!" The Lif The soil May b is a matrix supp of definite Micro - bacteriological di diming capacities has been shown nitrifying bacter pies of soil, corr the productiven under field con Weir me for th t other John How end that Pierre Tboreat and his br er4 schemed to kill in at Prince, beet and Wekesko, for if these t, bad not occurred as t ey have W never, have seri Me ense. And El is ears caught se nd of movement. aria he turned! in e to see eleteese .,"Meleese!" , call d softly. `; Me - loner In an ingtee t he bed darted efter • of the Soil. said to be alive. It, rting various gr ganisnas, and th e past few years gnoses the crop of different soil hat the action o a, especially in lates fairly well Ss Of the same • • Fle "These are my prondly is she on the sidewalk. "For the land' Roman lady wb door. "I do hio in the safe."—G ups ndi- Prol with Belie The rusie wee succeseful, but he Sultan, at first delighted with be gift, soon Isent icor the diplornatiet td explain, if could, why -his b 4 Russian went, examined. the b the preeence of Abdul Ilainid. avviedged -that • it was quite cocks, w 'eh were Undoubtedly- o a a to illope with the royal ga reed. of g-ameeeeks ln Fneral, n 4 mood for conversation ef a differ character and in tire's droitly no: farUcod the politioal mat r he had so aWaited an opportunity to dis- Att,e_r a long interview he re. (tftlAtd t6 his embassy triumphant 'Vet hie c011eagues. Jewel se jewels," said Co elks had just moved next] e you will keep them: iveston News.. stand yeti ha a ' peerless diva titer. Old Moneyba s Yes, and you eight as well Untie s and first as las that she is going t tay peerless as ar as yen fortene miters are concerned. — BeltiroOre Arne] can. o Views. KnIcker—W t you spend .for a bat would pay' be grocer's Mrs. Succese 1.. ot in an endeavor to ors to de) gee ter things.—Cope. 4 ' the 13ree Commodore's hit The practicie of dueling, in erit cl from Etglan led to some trtv i<. events in earl American history One of these resul edein the death of ne of our early naval heroes, Com od r4 - Stephen Dect/tur. He had gained iFi- tinction in ?the Tripolitan war, in he war of 1812 and stood very high In popular este*. Another naval officer ot the per od was ComModore Barron, who ccin• mended th Chesapeake in the ti ht with the British friga te Leope re he was char ed with neglect of di Oa was tried by a court martial, on \Thiel) je Decatur serv d, and was found 4e it , and suspend d from the service. I Later when he applied for reat tion Deeatur 'declined to approve it, minating in duel. In oue of his ters Decatur said, eBetween yon cneself there has never been a pers litliculty, tint I have entertained lad - do still entertain tbe opinion tbat ;tour ronduct as an ()peer of the Chesapeake bas been sue]) hs ought to forever bar your readmissir to the service.": Barron seat e challenge, wbicle D ca tur accepted abd the duel took place at reh at fell Milkine the Cow. "The sight of one of his good COWS enancling under a tree down the lano at milkrng time would throw the mod- ern dairyman into a fever," writeq! Charles White. "The harmless, ne- PeSary CO* of these enlightened. tirnee stands inl her highly hygienic stall' 1 which is I floored with concrete an frequently', scrubbed. The cow hersel is curried and bru4hed every day. with the Milkmaid, the dodo and the auk into the obsolete past. One Nei tens in vain around the barn for the old. slogan, `G -it over thar, gol ding Ye l' with the accompanying bump o$ the knee against old 'bossy's riles. All that has I gone out too. Cruelty ii oostly. Kindness pays. In these days cif cOnsernation the man who mis- treats animals is picking his boss' pocket." PARALYSIS CO PLETELY CORED "Frukfives Performs Another biiraclo "I had a stroke of Paralysis in March reeo, and this left me uneble to walk or help myself, and the Constipation of the Bowels was terrible. Nothing did me any good and was wretched in every way, 1 then took "Frutt-a-tives" for the Constipation and it not Only cured tue of this terrible tronble,' but gradually this fruit medicine toted up the nerves and actually cured the Paralysis. By the use of "Fruit-a-tives", grew' stronger and stronger until all the Paralysis and weakness left me, am now well again and attend my store every day; I 'pay' "Thank C-od for Fruit-a-tives AINA PHILLIPS. "Pruit-a-tives" met only cured the terrible Constipetiont hat so 'toned up the nervous system'i and th4 general health as to comPleely: overborne the 50c a box, 6 for 0.sotrial size, 250. At dealers or sent ontreceipt of price by 1, Woman's Work. A. lady doctor writinig to The Lon- don Chronicle on- "Women, Workees" makes the followieg unanswerable Statement; "If you ceme to estimate 4 day's work, 'even in, foot pounds, the woman who cleans, bakes, washes and takes to school six children, carried evater and teamps up stairs and clevie .for sixteen hours 'a day need not fear tomparison as to kinetic' energy even evith 'a miner working eight hours," i"True, but is all this quite ne:ces- And why PIMA she ,keep on Carrying tramps uP and dowel stairs all that time? Is it even fair on tliese poor Feast of Kisses. Halniagell, in Roumania, poasesses a public; featival Which is probable', unique in the world, It is , a littlb 'Own of alpont 1,206 inhabitants, and On the mofning of its amend fair day, Ihe population from about eighty vile 4fgedli: c.9 -Pei trooping in in swarms. Td ihia go out all thee young woment leseel of wine and attended ion it teken from "motiv-es -of defeV 'Ones fot gre. Grundy. AS, the TiBia tors appeOfich, the young wome of - for to eaclal taste of wine and—a III Iniroductlon. S. Unser' eet and delivered in persory t is embarrasetpg for the pallet to he is a fnend and that any courte4 or enteetainment shown him will be ra- nd let- nd nal Bladensburg, near Washington, 1M 22, 1820. They fought with pistol eight paces' and both fired and together. Decatur tipperently but ne soar revived euough to s, who also lay on the. ground. oth were remoeed to Washington. where Decatur died that night, but B. non recovered and lived till 1851. . I Ethel Explains. i have ma e a thousand refusals of Ethel— hat's true. When Gus ask- ed her t( be his wife she replied, "No; a thousand times no I" STRATFOV,P. ONT ONTARIO'S BEST B#SINEeSICOLLE9E have a large staff of eleperienced instructors and our gradwAtes get the high-giiade, posiiiins. We do - more for our students than do0 any Wier siroilaa OMInercial '; Shorthand We have three deiiii.rtnients You owe it to 3T,oeursieerf tPkrow what we are •da - Write for our Free Catalogue now D. A.31cLACHW.I, Principal ot a Landlubber. Netle—'elaude makes Benne queet -marks. She . say s dholly does his • Delle—Yothing queer about that. hs e fond of smacks. The Only Way. "i think, dear, make my vsill." "Why ehoeld you do that? You have neabing Jo leave." "I kin4v, hut it seems to be • the only evaeain which I can hope to have Central easiness College - 8tiands ready tO help young men and womeni tia win inde- pendence and staccess. It has given the start' te thousands upon thonsands oft young peo- ple. It can heln 4.u. _Write for catalogue. titer any timee W. H. SHAW.1Principal Was ConfinCi To Bed Fon FOUR IONT113 RHEUMATISM ;1TiEIE CAUSE DOAN'S SIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM writes: ---"It is with, the greatest of pleasure that can etqommend -Doan's Kidney Pills to all su4eting with rheu.m- atism, was so bad, With this tenible disease, I was uneble toil get up from rny bed for four months, aad nothing seemed to relieve me until. a friend recommended Doan's Kidney Pills. _ had my donbts about them, but west so- desperate would try anything seggested to ine. After taking half a box ,1 was able to get up, and after taking tWo boxes could get around quite well. A.fter taking six boxes was cornpletelly cured, and a.ble to work for the first titne in five months, and have not had a tonch of rheurnatistn since. Anyone who sew me then vvould not know me now, as I eel so strong, and active since taking yonr vaine.ble Doan's Kidney Pillal are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1,125, at all dealers, or mailed direct on reeeipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. In ordering direct, specify "Doan's.° A Big- Family A eat: belonging to Mr. Jehn Llaneda.rne, near Cardiff, bah eive birth to five 1 nabs. Tveo ain the suet number, th se are tua- r-,aal, and five extraordinary, A Vegetarian. Kies 19. Nicholson, B.A., secretary tee 'Auden Vegetarian Association, taye, the hae not tasted fish, fiesh„, 1,r Rat: for twenty-one Years, and "Did bey make you trecite 'Little Deets of Water' when 'you were a 'dies," replied Colonel Stillwell, "And it didn't stop there. When I grew up they tri el to insist on my adopting Star. LONDON}, ONT. flUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified reader teachers. One hundred and fifty Latidon firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept 5 to June 30.! Enter any time. Forest City iivr College Chartered Accountant. PrinciPal. Vice Principal WHEN THE LIVER IS NACTIVE cOmmpooN tom FOLLOWS The duty of the li*r is to prepare and sec ete bile, and sere as a filter to the blo d, cleansing it of all impurities and Healthy bile in sOfficient quantity is. Nature's provision ' to secure regular action of the bowel% and therefore when the liver is inactive, failing to secrete' bile in sufficient quantity, c.onstipatiod soon follows. i Mr. Henry ream% Owen Sound, Ont4 writes:—" Having bean troubled for yeari with. constipation, and trying many sod called retnedies, which did me no good whatever, 1 was pet'euaded to try Mile them most ben.eficiad; they are, indeed; a splendid pill, and e, can heartily redome, mend them to all suffering from constipa; -Liver Pills are 25 mitt s for $1.00, at au dalersl on receipt of price CO., Limited, Torontne per vial, or 5 via The T. Mao