HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-05-31, Page 519 at Conference eek. -The rarmers) stitute Intendto June. -T tinter planbing for a. June 27.-3. A. funeral of his jo ot Vtlelaburg. ad attained the good' ...-ettlrs. or. larydges. Y ill, and her farilly to her bedside, but keen she, Is re - Orr Se ts:Kr 1...4e per .powd, Uve t Broiet a're at lir Will A. Ion Stock Yatds, Tesonto, May 2 .-Cattle-Esebra. oboice heavy steers tor -butcher antd- expo*. 0.00 '4 $8-; firood reed:lure to choice Weber. loads; .1.5 to -mac ,wittnot, $6 to $6; can- ners, $8; choice butcher 'cows tirarli sikt It'," 16. *6.56; bulls ,$6 to $6.26. Stoclei KS -Steady ;demand at $5.* to $6 for toed quality; 'extra choice heavy feed.. Os, $6.26 to $6.60. Ca1ves-06(W veal,' $8 to $7.50; babe, $1.60 fed $2,60.igheeel Market lower; choice ewes, WOO Ito $6.26; bucks alai& culls, $41 to $5; --7-eivinig lam1s. t4 to $7.60 -each: Hogs -X8Xket 10Wer, at $8.40 • to,b.; 0.75 - fed and watered, and 0Nii,.10 ighed , oft tars, The was again a very active deinan4 tor butcher cattle, lont- real and otheri poinbs TenitinS large Introa.ds on supplies seareely equal to local rfequirereents. The result was a verY strong market tut butcher cattle SSIS1111$111.10003SOMINffilla nluevale *Kee, of Pardwich., is Mr L. Ruttan. elYerit ,Sunday 'With WilliaTG geSSer.-Mr. Tordetito, spent ..the ds here. -Mr. Trows. !dowel, spent Sun.-. Thos. Nich- t the holidays at e.-tr. E. Bruce and - of TorOyete, visited ther here. -Miss Maud ttie holtdale witand prices in this elass were inclined h! 3. Nicholson.- -We to Ease off a Wit' le, au:4 at best .were cattle of all grades. Choice Jo butchers sold freely ab $7.50 SIM,. and reediiin butchers,zUr *7 to Kit %tidier Mare- and were Strong inlaropolttlion With general advance, selling strong to $6.76 and csie or two sale extra choice at $1. Po(rtfle trade there was a lull tn the. fas a to ng at tne at ps of .zPoirl; ,a,n4 e James Nraster4 barelY steady with la* week. tion again aftert his ill- Buffalo, WI' '26.-ca.tftte — Butcher aiyaoy and his trieada grades active and steady; beavyl, slow Teronto; spent the and ten to fifteen cents lower; prime feereere herne here.- steerS, $8.65_116 $9.; shipplog 47.75 to -0..,14,1,e, gamy Eiart $8.60; butchers', $6 to $8.60; netters, t6„.60 ifei $8 ; $4 tol$7; st leertit and feeders, $4.75 to $6.25; ,fresh COWS -arid SPrinr4ns 810W and $2 to $3 lower, at: 00 to $70. Veals-Acri e and 250 higner, at $4.50 $9,15. B.Fogs Active; ,pigs 10c higner ; others'5 'to "clifirANTEr , s Pigs. A field, Gig. ji PRESENT -Ca Mends, 11 arY Wilt be noel D. GEhtmgr,a- CANADIAN BANK .OMMERCE s E MUND-wALKen, m.o., Li...b., o,cL, PRESIDENT ALEXANIDEP 141,1 13, GENERAL MANAGER CAP11 ..$10,000,0q0 REST, - $8,000,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS UM SALE"- .1.• acre of gr fruit tree. • brewerak, &men terms. ; Apply t -a: TM:Anson, two-story bra* and one-fifth ac particulars appl lIensall, P. O. MlfirRAY OA El the unde Seared's, About and one yearlin of grey color on othere all red. from the unders leading to the r ally rewarded. e Haman In 'Witted n t ouse, e ht of land go to MRS 13. ' - ree-quartere good Well, Ited next old on reasn Seaforth p 28 arty of Mr4 • ndors Baulk , good cellar We and well. AMON, Box UV. 231 AO EVER ANIMALS The Canad for the tran collection o on applicati LE-Straye gned on the he 15thof? heifer. On • 8potte4t re alt anl4nat de of the lef emery of bli OHN 00V the prenn el road nor twcayear h e two year.° d white an rked- by a Any Infos heals will be OE, fleafotlt 110 WORLD OTS -10 Accounts Commerce attention as Money may by a person an Bank of "Ceenrnerfe extends to Farmers every facility; action of their banking business including the discountand sales notes. 'lank aIes notes are supplied free of chargo n. BANKING BY MAIL ay be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank 0 o be operated by mail, and will receive the same caref is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily at visit to the Bank. A232 Seaforgl Branch. MORSON 4 Manager spent the 24th. with the ts, Mr an4 Mrs. Thorras Wroxete'r. Walton ma; ovoewilitetesomExpmeteietgordooinitt loweir_; hea_yy_ $8. to _$.8.05; mixed, sltmara, Watch for smelt bells on that $1, yoricees, zie.7o to $s , pigs $7.60 Alaataktalook at oar North Window. James' to $7275 GrtallgliS, $6.59 to $T; stags, reosae Mau. . 23?•°4 Stl Ito Tktlfi ;' deities, $7.75 to $8, Sheep Se Laying. -The corner and Laiebs-Choice, active; mmon the new Presbyterian church slow; wetpars, 6e lower; lambs and well and truly laid on Fed*" ewes, 250 lower.;- lambs, $4 to $9; e was a large attendance yeaTitnigs, $7 It() $7.50; ,..,we-itheirs, ito present. The :ceremony of $6.30; ewes, $5 to $5.25; sheep, mix - stone was performed by Rev- ed, $1.60 -to . bull, Toronto. Addresses suit -1 Mealtrial, MaY 28. -The -quality ef occasion were delivered by the cattle was :generi•ally good, but _tuba and .the n.eighborinT netwithstanding . this fact and the and also by MT. JearieS good attiendseede of buyers trade wag' P for East' Boron A -It. ; Atha ,siew, as ,ene hi.gh prices of beet e tne he de - ally for, fairly' easel for last Ntp.p. to pentre Hvaron, ; of late has *ended to tdecre . W. g- Kvtr, of Brussels4 ' consumption some, consequently ening Treetirsg was also largely • wand from butchers was prinel d, vthen an interestign program small lots, while, packers wet sses and Yogic wa.s ,given, The efen supplied; as they in sem W3--5 a gra-titling sanne*-Pa were obliged -to go To Teiro ut and augurs well for the supplies at the latter end of The new edif.ice, when cam- week on aecoUnt of the snor a,ge of II be coirmodious and com- cattle bore. A few/ full load of wilt` -co-ntain ad modern choice steers e.hanged hands at $7.50 the carrying on of the to $7.75, and, good USettll stock ' at which it is designed, and $6.15 to $7.26 per mit. There was no a comfort and credit to tile change in tne hog situation today, tic pastor and tile nal and prices being firrely ststained d.er a good defrand trom packers for all the I stock offered, and quite an act). e trade was done ,with sales of selecte lortis -I at $9.76 ter Cwt., weighed' off cars, of tne congregation. MARKETS woe ean. May 30th, 1912 Thetde was a good demand fe* sneen, • 1,4f. ..... ....... w•A• au- r bushel . r bushel e Uhl a per ton Low Grade Flour, per tor. a in'pr 100 ..- Ne. 1, loose. '''''' anb.. ""•- ....... . dusen.. • - .. • `au -otorerv..1 , larrbS ennd cal-ves, of whien, supplies aa to as ; were somewhat lin4-ed, - axkd ,Itne eo to Di 3a . 9d to 1 oa tone of tqle market was wita 70 60 90 , sales of ewe sheep at $6.50 per cwt., ‘2.6 ter to 28 00 t 00 to ,e 00 and wing lambs brought from $4 to -00 to 3700f $1 each. ,..Butcee.rs' cattle, chole, Is 50 to 3 9-11 cirt 76 to $8; fme.-dium, $6.00 to $7.00; COWS, Ike '$6 '; pounds. $90; to $75, ewes, s, ., 19 to 20 1 19 to ' Cf2dIMOrt, $6.00 to $5.50; oho' lo to 20 I- $6.26 to $6,60; medium, $5.50 ee co 15 00 b11118 $5.50 to $6 75 per 100 75-ato 1 35 • • * 10 00 to 14 00 Milkers, choice, each, $80 t Innetlitate Id. 8- 00 to 9 00 common and medium, each, $65 griringers, $50 to $60. Sheep, Poultry $6,25 to $6.50; bucks and cul 35,60; lambs, $7.25. Hogs, • to. Toronto, Ntay 28.-Who1esa1e prices of c-lieice- dressed poultry --Chickens 16 to .- °awes, $1.5.a to. $8. 1 Toronto-, ,./ttiay 20.-t,aada in Vie Pdr lb.; fowl„ U. ta 12c ; due i was active ab fully as good rices lag. Itol4e;,_, ;turkeys, 20to 21e. Live poul- I were paid on -Monday for the. different I classes. Butchers, -The bulk of the y about 2c lower than The a,bove. Seeds I ' 1 butchers-. cattle sold at from. $7 up tO $7.60, and several kits as hlgh as - .. • 4. . iraoutenlelay 28. - The Trerene..74S $7.75. Cows sold all the . way iffrren selling to the trade on the bushel $4.50 to $6.50; bulls, $4.50 tO $6.50. f li No 1 recleaned Stockers and, Feeditt-One load of feed - ICIAIIM FOR S 1. Hallett, e the preapises a floors and one house, a hen )1 good frame8 r and gond cellar. drained and the house and one of two acme. bush and about •of fall wheat in. farms in the to Oondance, to schools, Oho and on easy ter dress HEN& 2' LIA.RAI FOR R. B., There are on th with stabling u house Won st cement cellar kitchen and Ive bam. The far fence_d and the and dear frona failing well nt t acrostaone corn are 80 acres .Be plowing done. young-nrebard apple, pear, pi able. For fa or address JO 1,1U040_1,1;4 f row Mr. John in the Village o 1912, at the ho cattle asia as clover, Govarnment standard, e,rs, 1025 pounds each, sold *16 6315; No. 2, $14 to $15; timothy, one load of stockers, 700 po 2, $9 to $0.50; No. 2, $8.50 to $9 ; at 0.65, and one load to turn 1.1761fa. No 1, $12 to $12.54; No. 2,- d It $6.76; ds each, ongrasp aft $4.12 - prixagers -Tirade. for milkers and. springers was alike, No. I, $15. Dairy IVIa-rkets Montreal, litay 28 - Cheese-Finegt terns, 14 to 14 1-40; fin.est eaettri unig, 13 8-4 to IS 7-8e. Butter -Choicest firelaareTy. 27 to 27 '41-4e; seconds, 26X 16 1-2e Eggs, selected, 25 to 26c; t� 2 stock, 18 to 19c. Toronto, May 28. -The butter mar- ket has a little better tone, wit' t the 'demand good. Tira receipts are ample. to $6.60 per ; tram s $41 to $5; Choice grades sell well. Dairy, spring lambs, $‘ to $6.50 ealah. Hogs stoke, 28 to 24e; bakers', inferior. -SeleetS, fed add watered, $8.75, and 29 to 20e, creamery, 26 to 27e Doh $8..te f.o.b. oam - *Fug and 25e for solids. Eggs— Supplies are la.rge and prices steady. tirew-laid, 22e to 23c pe,r dozen, in ease lots. Cheese-lfaxket quiet. New cheese, 14 to 14 1-2c poi lb. Honey- •tifellexited„ in tins, is quoted at 11 to Ciellerlb. Combs, $2.50 to $2.75 per E -F_ sal ntainin 100 coo ban ba rn 36 66 e with 4em med The fa a. e are t g •the bit n. ere are five 80 :sores ed This p pe ship and is ilea fro: Sea •hesand sto ss. Fo In OLCLO G11 ALE -F r sa Tooke it premis s it derneat , ne You dati mder e odshed • is all lie and it in a g 11 flexions. e haus an r at the (tea to There of an ore m, cher estr er parti ale N FOR CN bao 1Kra .8. 8.4, TbOo:rcease a„,•!: x 60 with '" e ,a good ea oor and a shd. tehen, woo( h fenced and de • welle, one a th te a good hard of good hrdwcod gress and 16 ear s s one of the be t a half mile a et and is cony e ill be sold e particularsclr •stance P. O. it I 8, Concession ntain,g 100 "ker. bank barn :40x house 22x32,, t d there is dgo house with g utbesildings t tate of nulti ati drained antl There le 'a AV spring creels 'ru of the farm. he d the balm splendid b ' a halt, cent to. Terms r ly on the pr forth P. 0. ROME9 14120i1SES. rillistse100 t Animals FREE STREE DAILY AT ARADE I CON E Bac A TWO AN RAI good, rrices Iraaaging all the Way from $46 -up to 3100 leach, [three cows sell-) lug 13,t the latter price The bulk sold. at froir 350 to $70 each. Veal Calves =There were 530 calves repOrted on sale, but pe -ices were no lower, Tong- ing trornt $4, to 07.50, andl a gpmr,,exitira d ces were two dol-; ewes, $5 quality - calves treached $8 a, Sheep and Lambs -Lamb pr easier, selling ,froltr, one to lairs pen' head lower. 'Sheep, E OP 4•1R es Jons h eConn 11, t Dublin on r of on o'cl 1 dark dhestn t 'horse 6 ye light Chetstnut horse 6 yea mare 5 yeate o 1 named! je old named Bel e, 1 Bay m Minnie i1 Bay orse 6 years nut marc 5 ye a old n med all in good don ibion and n for live* bee' ess. One ne make, 2 top b ggies only u gies in good ape, 1 ope wagon with to nearly new, or 2 horses, 1 ew farm we new cutter, 4 utters iii go bob -sleighs bo and seat-, 2 boxes,i6 eete of single liarn harness set team harn Amen - ASS LIVER a ceived instr ' 1 hy' pubik3 a nesday, Jan k . in., thetolI Id named. named Lee, 1 , 1 Grey mare 7 e-6•years old lam al! a named Tons, 1 be::t. d sy; The abo *e el 0 tebrugegagn lib: 1 ou t, e year; 2 to g- ggy,. 1 Com al ht. delivery n go 1 set. iron her .13 1 ditatin, se ,Ii h ght bob•slei be sat of Al c eri. ge ,4 rugs, 5 &tate ,6 ms -All sums of 10 Int).4 months' ere el oved Joint notes. on credit moon, a rietor is giv.og UN MeCONNE etioneer. 2310- 0 bto obi wi red, bit ye Ic CREED T BANDS Mons en of PERFORM.) E DAILY, oft SHOW. rti000 at ZS Olt et 8. ring URE SAL Spring is the most favorable buying time for thog.-) who are furnishing a new home or adding an oasi pieoe or more to the old home. Ca 1 and see what good things we haw) ready for Pais naouth. Broadtbot Box and Oori S. T HOLMES, Manager, BS, 4 and and r cash ;, over that whipal elippiag maer will be ven on i urnisl ing per cent. per o Positively no me rve busirese awing t h Proprietor JAMES J Births SMITE-inGrey,Grey, on May 15th, to Mr. atcl Mrs. John Smith, it daughter. EIIIIMIER-In Morris, on May s6th, to Mr. anclifts. Louis Bauder, a dooghter. Wintnrop, on May 24th, to Mr. and • Mrs. W..i. Henna, a daughter. COLLYER-In Clinton, on May 19t3i, to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Collyer, a daughter. Grain,- Etc. C73 HUNTER -1n Goderioh, on May 19th, to Mr. and Hunter', a daughter. 'for' onto, May 28,—ontario Wheat- MeLEAN-In Wroxeter, on May nth, to ?dr. and The market is firm, with the offeringa Mrs. Adam, McLean, a son. Mr and butted. No. 2 white, red as..d mix- ed are quoted at $1.05 to $1.06, WSW. Peas -- Trade quiet; with No.2 shipping peas quoted, at $1.25 Pet bushel outside. Oats - Trie market is quiet; prices steady. Car lots of 2 Ontario quoted outside at 49 -to 48 1-2e, and No. 3 4t 47 ?cents outside, NO . 2 Ontario, 60 to 51c, track, Toronto; No. 1 extra west,. ern Canada feed, 49c, bay ports, an4 O. 1 at $48 cents. bay ports. BatleY besiness; prices 'nominal. Corn, =-rade Is dull, with No. 8 Amer-; • teen yellow quoted at 82 cents, haY Oats, and ab 85 cents on track, Toronto. ans-Very light offerings, witin the Prie6a, s firm. ' Small • lots of hand. 110, ked are quoted ,at $3 per bush At; primes, *2 65 32.75. BarleY-Mar- tat quiet Manitoba bran, $25,- in • I8, Torento freight. Shorts, $27. PAW Hay - There is ve-ry litttle 94-tr1ng; fair demand; No, 2 wcalkl iI $19 to $26 a ton- Clover, mime $14.0a to 315.50 on track: Bat - Fr Straw -The rarket is quiet, with Vetoes, of goad straw quoted_ at 311 to 411.50 on track at Toronto. Tots.- tCell -Receipts continue moderate, 181th llrices steady. Gar 'lots of On - flubs, in bags, quoted at .$1.75to • 11.80, and Delawares at $1.85 to $1. - out of store, $1.05 to $2. Live Stock Markets. May 28. -No change from laSt week. There .Lave been no fresh suPPlies and markets axe easy. *ides rod Canadian steers, 16 1-2 to Ile Zer pound. Glasgow, may continued ad- lee•nc in Prices is noted an cattle wire very scarce. Prime steers, 10 1.-2e, ewe.tent 10 to 10 14-4c; bulls, scarce 414434 *air at s p2c tort top Pee% Call COUTTS-In Wingham, on ittLty , Mrs. R. A. Coats, ason. PAGE -In East Wa.wanosh, on May 16th, to Mr. and Airs. George A. Page, twin sons. oineags-re Wawanosh, on May 18th, to Mr. and , Mrs, Patrfek Gibbons, a son. ' litarriages STEWART-POLLOCK-At the residence of the t-ide's parents, Bayfield, on May 21st, by Rev. H. J. Condell, Florence second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John PollookAo John M. Stewart of Goderieb. FLEVNIER-POWELL-At the Timothy Eaton °batch, Toronto, on May 18th, by Rev. Dr, Griffin, assisted by Rea. J. °dent, Mr. Reginald Sherman INeether, of Winnipeg, soh of the late Thomas Fletcher, of 13rus3els, to Miss Mary Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.I A. Powell, of Toronto, formerly of Brussel,. COUSINS-DRINKWALTER,--In Goderieh, on May 6th, by Rev. J.Pollook. Thomas Edward Cousins to Miss Abigail Drinksvalter, all of G, SAUNDERS-BLACKWELL-At 29115 tWashington - Street, San Franeiseo, Cal., an May 22nd, Hazel, only daughter of Mr. and Mr. William Black- well and grand•claughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. • Davidson, Seafortb, to Ilarry Ernest Saunders, formerly of Toronto. for the alt N $19.59 to $1.1; une 64 Pthl .,-"?-treeles'9re- TRAT CN,TAR10'S B Otthave a. nage Ova of e Coin eaure 1. gradtta es get tbe h more ler our trtdents schoot ' We • obra o .,nee ONT 1 eapples a bu -e at their b now. 7jor , aye tbre &dal I T Ye owe it to ye ing. . Write, for ou D. A. Xcle-A- sa8 COL and practio sl. • We instructor and our positions. We do any othet sin dar mite roe Big 1.14rdwari- Store. EDG SEAFORTH .4,44444.44.4,44.44t44,44.404,4444::: :•T Brighten up vour home with • • • • r, • • 0 t t. t Martin-SenOur Paint, the only *I: Z ;14 paint labelled 1 00/, pure. There • 44, is a rdason. Get the best. .+e fo • es, edi W • 10..! • Shortha ow what w Are de - Di to)ution talogue now Principal P 'e, .2,1 1 riedtP u r i8c t Jell y a 0 N tioe is hereby' gl li hereto ere etabaisting bet .as Bo tand Shoe Dealers has tii %. day been diseolv debts- wing Ito the sakd to Harry11.; soott, t elaimg against the sa d p sentwd to the staid ' arr same 11 be settled. i THOMAS RIOHAR SO . 'ilL R. soon Dated at Seafortb, Ilea he firm of Rich rds to -Mx people.of Seat rth their:eincere thanks fo kindness shewn to t em in Wei future the pre eut same liberal treatme t. E artnets ip KING TR (0254) ROYAL R • (14824) GUINE• A. (13139) The above three horse improvement ot stock ines,•regar •ioc 3 1bsfcpzi hat the Far ner h p us, the undersig e e Towe of Sisal rt mutual consent. 411 rship are to e:.ad 13 aforesald.Ianv 11 rship are to be pe - Scott, by NY OM! tie reg ii.ar i 5c s. f r ... aches, regn7 ine,12 lbs. for Ppwders„ try winners'. 0 3 AS ALD LD 2:2 **:••••••••.***••••44.......*::: 2; z:t Deaths , •COOK -In Clinton, on May 1.7th, Susie Ostrom, wife of Joshua Cook, aged 14 years. TIONTER-In Goderich, on May 19th, Pearl, third daughter of Samuel Hunter, ated 14• years. XENKIN-In Ocilborne, on May 17th, Grace Sleman, wife of James Jenain, aged 81 years, 8 months • and 6 days. LAMONT -In Stanley, on May 21st, Mrs. William Lamont. KORMANN-In Walkerton, on May 17th, Ferdinand Kormann, formerly of Wingbam, aged Z3 years. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO.. 7he Leading Un4ertakers °TT A RGES MODERATE S. T. nolmes. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night and Sunday calls promptly attended to. Residence on Godertch street west, op- -posite Dr. Scott residence. Phone No. 5013. Flowers furnished on short notice. 2098 • tnees R. S. , A. D. 1912. Cott wish t surrounding iberal patron past and tr will be awe co stay co try gel and st 'tient e tate 23 .1 've you in g powde takes out e t., buy Fres P nes, R I...••• d -M-0 ried 0-M-0 the new bleac hi ai on T J BE A 41 stand for t s season at Y'S e Stable t rio. Sale . and Exoha Hensall, 0 Don't cook in misery. Get a I Perfection Oil Stove l Cheaper • ** than gasoline and safer. Guar- : anteed not to smoke or smell Z to. for the yea+ 19121 and future • • • years while the stove is in use. 1 •1 i -• 0.40+*******4444,4•4,41440.44.40-: • Se our display of 'Ham- :* : • *1 :I:11 cks, S retri Doors, Lawn *I4 • #* . •. NI wers a d Sul -Tuner (roods. Z • • . • * •*t •••.O•i •••••t•••••• •••••.• ••• •t• • e , Sle Agents for Gold Medal tI* ::; Twine, Genuine Frost Fence. ; •: i: **.. ,e : . = - •• • • • Z ;**************************** * mal 11 co pack es cloths lilly ee, fruit, wine age, only 1 PaINCE of Fruit & Vegetable eubarb,•Taettuee, Tomo s, Etc, Smo ed & Cooked Meati neardi e and Ingersoll Meats, no e b tter, give us a trial. Butter. & Eggs niemhe we pay highest cash price f first -c lass Butter. Cash for Eg S. BJ4e Sea or h Co e ai at ode to 28th. indeed melt tt, ,Lte 82641 d enjoy ich MAUI Better .p very9am he bet tenant o weeks suti, ainp J e 17t han leefo e ,paid being dine to yet. A ply to Dick -on Sea t EST , fitdayed 'Irma Lo s 6 and Go riehlownshils on •r a yearIciicl per, red, wit wh taiI and white on b th will .be given for an in o covery,,and any person f this notice, willbe roe ' 2120-8 RO A ICTON WM. BERRY. Proprlet Monday - Will leave h Brucefield, and proceed west arm Hotel, for noon ; thence r weirs, Goderieb Township, for -To Orhbani's Hotel, Clinton, until Wednesdaa morning. way of the 2nd concession, Hu tle's, for noon ; then- east to Hotel, for the night. Thursd ville, and west to Thomas Cole Tuakeramith, for noon; ; then and east to Robert Charter's South, by way,of the 4th cone miles west to Robert Elea's, own stable for night, Wherah following Monday n3oening. # r 9 or tb fo e le S. a ou fo r Maaager own stable, at Vhana, at Temper - to John Rath- night.Z.Tuesday oon, and remain esday-East by ti to Frances Ket- alforth, at Kling's South to Egrnond- is, 2nd concession, A to the Mill Road, i night. Friday - la 2A tenet, and li on; then to his 1 I remain until the 281641 "The Big hardware Store." ENRY EDGE SEAFOR H BARGA Ns There are still g e Bargains to ; be had a,t tb,e STEE leaforth T •I for 15 days longer balance of Oro° e Glassware. • 10 -piece toilet sets, reg tar price $5.25 s sale price 33.85; 44-p ece China tea sets,. regular $5.50, n w $3.75; 44 - piece China tea sets, regular $8.50, now $4:85; 112 -piece inner and tea set, regular $15. DOW GROCER' S Bayfield C nos out May 1St te spot on fa e, ege, ; A rgwa o tion leading o is harboring • int 1a atcl t WINTER, S Illp IS HE E s usual we lave received a ssortm nt of Sweat Pads, usters, Nets and Collars to e dem nd of the public at tl- lowest prices. e 1 als carry in stock a, assOrtment of G Si gle, Pare f altnotations May 31st, Ju t 43.14it Ju ; FLO, t Muskok onto .10.15 a. mAkink.direc Wharf for , RTIID lat e m et e v ry ,la ge ng to ble the ing od. Store clear out the China and bu ev gi th . - are sole aigents for Walker's Overalls, made in lkerville, Ont. We guarantee ioc for every ton that comes ofif and 25c for every rip and for ry six pockets cut from worn garments we wtil e you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. Get habit of saving your pockets. Sold by the d trip. et da. Goo •nd and. 3 el. -1912, (M rn 25c.) ess-Lea ily, ex. u ction u a pike poi es D uble &Sing Harness 111011J, SEE June nth a,n a and every se on titi un ' * eptembe i - -i, . wIgnmpeg and Edini o ton an, d fi Tickets 1 th, T Lijo F,1 etu iet od 1 trainlw'll 1 o a,boved Ach s and Pal nil Cars. No Change wit also be on; s Northern • Navigat tl, Ulaes and ticket Some es W. Plant , . address T.Oronto. 4. or 1 : 10 Lily 9th nd esday t er h, 8 go. 13 for 50 da ve Tore carrying u Tourist of Cars. e via Sa on 00. from . ...To Dep puff, D. 1 d. a er or f you arness all , an rand towest it back are contemplating auy it will be to your betefit see. our, " Depend with a gnarantee at f prices: If not good b nd we will make 4 g .11.•••••••••••••••••• Gr Gua ig Cloth ng Co Seafroili anteed by Walker Pant & Overall Co., Walkerville 0 BR DERIOK hea,p Ictarness Store. 'Oppositt Commercial Hotel, Seaf A1,1! kinds of Garden 6 marked for 1912 seed Surprise Soap for 25e; Soap for 25c; 6 bars for 5c;2 6 bars Rich for 5c;2.Silver Star s one 3-1b. bar of N. P. bar -S of Wonderful three and a half p U. 9 for 2,5 cents ; 3 ens, -fresh, an ; six bars of g6,ebaHrsiSvuensliogahpt s' Pure Soap 3 ( sap, 7 bars 25c; soap for 13c • 6 oap for 2,4e ; nds of cur- s.. of seedless raisins for.25c ; 3.1 lbs. s arch for 25c; 3 packages of corn starch for 25c ; 5 I lbs. cooking figs for 25c ; 3 lbs, of best dates for 25c 2 lbs. table raisins 250; 2 lbs. of new prunes for 25c;;also 3 lbs tor 25; 2 lbs evaporated peaches, for ' 25e; bet red sablacn, 20e a tin, also 15e a can, also 2 carts for 25e ; Maple syrup 25e per quart; 10 lbs, of Glober salts for 25o; 10 lbs. of sulphur for 25c; I b.av a few nice herring at 20c per dozen ; table syrup in tins or by the gallon : best eia cheese ; first Meeting of Huron Cou Council rth MIME,R GOODS . ! NOW is he time when Spring Goods are in min and you should have your order in early so as to get youx clothes when you want them. We have made speci 1 efforts1 this year to secure the BEST in Men's SumerinWear and have succeeded. You I 1 should see Our Summer Wea.rables. I . class potatoes for seed. Good fresh -Ey Bubter and:Eggs wanted, for which I will pay cash or trade. A cordial havi- r tation is extended to all to come and ty of get some of the ba,rgains. • 400k. PHONE 95 the The 0nunoi1 o tke Corporationof the am ;Huron wi meet in the Council Gnaw -her Mown of Goderieb, on Tuesday, June 4th, at 30 idieeouista against the County will be slonslide placed will' the Clerk before this date. • I , W. LANA • 113 Dated 4ay 70th, 13121 2 TAILORING !Made to order Clothing is our specialty. Bright'1s Clothes look the Best and are known as the Best. I.A. Gr. Ault, Seafoisth D. BRIG -HT, Seafort