HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-04-26, Page 50(1 .EXPOSITO Ru lett Dalls.-A' quiet allerrioge ted at the Ontario etre* Clirdre bar Retv• T. Wes- -ou irechiesdaY WOMBS. at 6 Miss tilde Cartwright, p de Illidlett, became Mr. Relbert !Mane Gib - yea wee place. The happy will settle nese Alma. wealth and prosperitY at. 9 t MARKETS 1,11111PINIIinsomensieWasmi and eve a peke* rne is quite of the choke IS Tan Shoes pair; Mer's Wetted ton or in, vo• per pair hnd iteh toes tips, and -stub t.tckles, very vest in (ex- tlge mOdels. ••••••••• :Seaeoirest, Anril 261h, ungi v ss o moo 60 to 50 ---•— 90 to 1 00 ••••••• 75 ria • OG ••• •••••••• • 26 00 to 28 00 27 00 to 27 00 32 00 to •U 00 -250 to 8 26 21 to 28 21 to 28 20t0 21 14 00 to 15 09 75 to 1 25 10 00 to 14 00 ..••••••• - • • • e • • , per-Um...a SS SS 4•••••• SSS . •• 641116,6+6,66-.66. ... 6.6 61666, L.o. 666.666 •6.• .6,6•6611. •••0 Amy 166. . . 1.1.4•• •••• ”•*•-• per bag 8 00 tO 0 00 Poultry 0, API. 23.-Wh01etale prices a deemed poultry. -Chickens, 16e er1b. 00'W1,10 to 12c, dueks, 15 _turkeys. 20c. Live poultry a-, celts lowee than !the above. Seeds April 28 -The following are at which' recleaned seeds are to the trade: Alsike, No. 1, ee 2, $13.50; wed elovex, $15 No. 1; and $14 to $15 Iser her, No. 1, $9•50 to $10; • Oat $9;:aLtalta, No. 1, 412 $12 to $12•50. Dairy Markets April 23.-Cheese-F1 nvestang, 14c 'to 14 1-4c. Butter — Choicest Marcell, 251 to 29c. Reels - 23 to 23 1-2e. Toeonto, Aeeil 24.-Butter-Be.celpts e fairly large, with the prices about steady. The demand Is tieo the best vades. Dairy, to 20c; bakeree inferior, 26 Iffe;' creamery, 33 to 34c for tolls, 82e for solids, per lb. Eggs -01fer1ng5 liberal and ddAnd good. 4sid, 22e to 28c per dozen, , in Iota. Cheese-Meeket quiet. New thane 161-2 to 16c per lb. Honey - Buckwheat, Se to le per pound in tins, and 4 $40 th barrels; strained clover tow;1 0 Ile per lbin sixty pound tee; eye to ten pound tins, 11 to 12c. New cart honey, $230 a dozen. eel by Those uainted. Mrs. good old ege Mr. Smith i! sernona on c., a ItroM. the Mrs. rt.B. me. Mr. - 3. Dt, y OCelapied he - of Parkhill, later, Mile [-:Olivet 'to Cal- e will be eene ;:on Sunday eye oir, assistedby e -tette of elle- 'keehaw of euei. Y WW1 their KreeonelL-Ure„. . ple ot days T., Wrr, Beleof :_trtg hie rooth- ea-We, WM- ' here with her Lt wbo- is. now ; A. McAllister, returned to rd Sheffer, of _ the post week haries, trees r 3e- Teem ago Owes in ;the t rrrale a busi- est weeke-We 4at etre Arehie ; and yee hope , again•-..ee ere ! the villige on ialotancee, who ;7eet hinne-efra„ ewe epending r mother near .xont, 'iot 'Lon- thi Cips pen, w in Leladklag • . inn-. 'eflatee-Oleitelon- g004 igtove- ails •su ere-, 'lecee Mle'ea M. • here era -ext. le old country Ifi Scoqtenclee. e theOr green - have an idea te N. le. 'War. g and hepecive , ice crearc par- ondon was this tits, -Kr. and . McAllister, a 'spite' In Olin- el:tending a day •ll and on the' Icarl.-eir. T. •I• ' horse treat - i disposed otO- eydesdale stale iden Key, 9997, The purchaser ; of Blenheim, ed one. This - ars 01d ;anti ,r•ed pouradia,nd es importer/her ears old and .- Golden Eel" eres oe' sixty ,Carlisle, Scot - r11. Be has im- ality and has. 'pal getter. His ehe hest guile 'ping to tplace ' dollare . nee d horse fiLr; *.e- gentleman. etienably pro- , and we hope of good luck lesVellrWisarsIerblres,111/111011119 PER - Grain, Etc. = Toronto, April 23. -Ontario Wheat - lags an moderate, with the femend god& No. -2 white, red and nerd axe quoted at $1,01 tot $1,02 outside, Peas - larade Quiet. with NO, 2 shipping as quoted st. $1.25 outside Oats -Receipts continue very etcall, -with pricas firm. Car lots elf NO. 2 (enteric' quoted oefside at Soto 5tle 'Pee bushel, and Ni 3. 3 'ate 41. to 48e °del& ; No. 2 Ontario, 52 to 61 1-2c, on track, Toronto. Noel ex- tra weetera Canada feed, 52e, and le 51c, hay ports.. Barley --The market is quiet with prices firm; 413 Pounds queted at 88c to 30e outside. Core -The rrarket continues firm. Ito& Arceelcan yellow quoted at 87c, Toronto Imight, and kiln dried at 90e. Beane -The offeriags are small, with priees firmer.Small lots lice hand - *led quoted at $2.65 to $2.75nee bash - el. Bran -The market is firm with tholes, small. Manitoba bran, $26, In hage. Teronto freight. Shorts,' $27.50/ to /28-, Baled Bay -The rra.rket is un- thawed with demand fair. No. il quot- ed at $16 to$16.50 on track, and No. 2 at $14 to $15; mixed clover, $11 to .$12, Baled Straw. - The maeket • Is eulet; prices of .good straw quot- ed et $9 to $10 on track, Torohlte• Potateee--Ontario potatoes are quoted cax lots on track, Toronto, at $1.- 02 pea bag and out of store at 41.90. Delawares axe quoted at $1.90 in car lots and $2 scut of store. English and Irish potatoes axe selling at $1.80 out et etore and $1.60 in car 141. 1 1 1W.•' eat ONTARIO Live Stook Markets. aurato„ April 28. -Cattle Merkek aedye and strong; Witte steers, $0.25 $8 50, shipping eteers, $7 to $7-76; butcher grades, $6.25 to $7.50; helt- Ora, f4.25 to $7; cows, $3.50 to $5. - it bulls, $3 to $6. Mich oorws en,d, igkheaers sold at $20 to $6$ each. Talvee-Market active and steady; cull to choice, ,$6 to $8.25. Sheep and Lambs -iferkei active and 25 to 85e high- er ; choice clipped lambs, 0.50 to _$7.65; rwool lambs, $7 to $e.90; cull to fair, * to $5,25; yearlings, $6 to *6.75; Wen $8 to $6.25. Hogs-liferket light; ten to twenty cents lower ; yorkers, $.8 40 $8.05; pigs, $4,10; mixed, $8.05 to $E.10; heavy ,$8.10 to *8f5, roughs, $7 to $7.15; stage, $6 to $4.25. PT Ion Stock Yards, Toronto, April 123. -The 'market for cows still remains etrortg, ankettiee of medium to good **lee cows have been made langely withinaltange of Neer $4.50 to $I5.- 25., with well -conditioned, grain fed 'teams, with good weight and breed - lett, selling at from $5.85 to $6,25, and 'we $6.50. There were one or two loads of cows sold at $6. 131 ether Classes prices were strong-, but un- taanged. Exporters-Couglin and Co. bought 100 export steers for- the S. & AL, Company, averaging 1283 pounds, at $7•30 Per cwt. Alexander McIntosh bought 136 export steers from John Shambueg and Sons; export bulls at 45.25 to $6. Butchers -Butchers' cattle ereee in some instances as high as ex- • Portere. Best butchers of heavy 1%relglite, trorr 1000 pounds up, sold at WO ses0; fr,on; 850 pounds up to 161-; Ponds, $6 to $6.25, and from 600 _Weeds Up to 800 pounds, $5 to $6.- 3;-*- cows, $4.50 to $6.50; bulls, $4.60 Milkere and Springers-Tratele 1.11 rcilkers and springers remained a- bout the same, few being 'oh sale. Rdees paid were from $40 to $60 each. Veal Calves -Receipts of veal calves -were light, with prices ranging from $it to es per cwt. Sheep and Lambs= Receipts •wexelight, with rrarket firm. 11 ewes, $5.50 to $6.50; yearlings, to $9 per cwt., and spring larr:bs 4 to $8 each. Bogs ---W. J. John - don of Gunns' Lirrited reported hoe *lees imcbanged at $8 50 for selects, Id VOW Sold at 06.75, and the lower* des treat that doeith to $5, There Wes no feareeee Change in the conditiOn et the reeXket tor live hegal, the suPPIY be- t* sr* to fill all !requirements, but the tteeliner vrms a4ronar and prices ere fulbr maintained at the advance no ed. The demand from packers waa I trod an active Ueda was done, ith sales of peiseted bets at $9.40 to 9.50 I pelt cwt., weighed of cals. .A. we Icor 1 feeling teirevailed in the Market tor calveowing Ito the liberal sup • lies coming towed and prices trilled I w- et. The trade in sheep and . bs was very quiet owing to the s all offerings. ,A• 'few splring iambs old it Vow $Std$6 each. Butchers, ca +tile, choice, .$7.50 itot t7.76; reedium, $6.01 to to *LSO; barmen, $6.00 to $5.752; tit.; elietrae cattle, choice coVra $6 to 25 ; (rreditnn $4.75, to $5.50; bulls, $ to 00; Cotemon and medium, each, $6 to *6.75; Trilkere; choice, each, $75 to Vill; sikhligetre, $40 to $50. i. Sheep, ewes,' .*51 to $6.25; bucks and culls, $450 to 44.75; lambs, $7.25 :to$ :55. Illogi, f.o.b., $9.40 to $9.50. Calves, 1.- 50 to `26. 1 t - I ' Tckonte, April 24. --It was the sane story Of cattle being held over again, because drovers could not afford to take prices offered by dealers, as they had Paid tete( much toe them in the country, theaetore there were ev- lots lett over unsold. Butcher's - Se- reeted eters, 1100 to 1200 pounds, $7 to $7.25, and there was iess than a load all told that brought these esti es, Butchers' 'steers and heiZers wet ?l- ing an to itoo. pounds, Sp.al IIrow $5•50 to '$9.95. Cows, soei from! *4.60 to $5.e7 1-2,; bulls, $4: to s0.10; , cane nere, $2.75 to $8. Stoat:is and Feed- ers -About two loads, of teedets, ,850 td 900 pounds, ecild at 0.75 to $6, but they were eported to be 'of extra quality. Milkers ond Springers -ell Re- eve and springers were In better de= trand than tote weeks, selling from $40 td S75, but mot many !reached the at - tee figure. Dunn ater Leeeck sold 18' at ,an average- of $67 each: 0 at $.65 each; three at. $421, ca.ch and two at $40 each. Veal Calve -Receipts of veal calvewere liberal and prices ran. ed Ifirctird434 lei $7 Toe the bulk. Sheep and Lairbs-Sheep and lambs of good -- quality were steady to firm., but the quality of those on sale were not up to the mark, so that quotalticms were lower, as follows: Ewes, 50 to $6.50; Weirs, , $4 fto $5; yeall lambs, $5 to $7.50; spring lambs, $3 to $7. each. Hogs - The hog mar et was quoted ten cents higher. Sele te, fed and watered, at $0.60, and $ .25 .f.o.b. care at country -points. fl (V ALE-a'TWO- ths old, bo eifer edi Phone 4 On Hardwar ATIVE *ANTED In Wars for ut-Itate ours spar time will e ne min de ate work. ON0iiiW OO, ,000 Stock to be Sola .r E RficarT-+ .wn Lot, ift't Survey, O. the !owe 0 ding St., and letely la T. 'Tyren en, the ewne . Terme iberai. Ap e t for owner at his °fa orbit. 8E8'910" " Br ero No. In Boy turn if n 28, Con. SAVE - deuce on y in a vo, andy rebuil; ace, telep . ere is al ery oho HARLES 14 A thoron bagen Ohl 01, by Ito 0011. Term ceseary. G , H. It. 8. very (Wire in Street, y good I and all ni one, bard a a stable o for qui* ORTH, , le o story Bruhn ville. Iiiy n is a ern d so t '; the realises. Ie. 1A4drees mondjvile Or 4 O 1 to Mo rim a e a ki g for ten rs for the o • nstraet On of The triellpal Oon 1 il of tire Town h p of , two el m t eu Tante (oath 15 feet I n , 14 tot wat, the or In b Drain end one or the sam kind 6 Mur a r inforeed floors, gas, p pe ra in ) or; feet leng oh letishol D in. Tandem will e err- ed t th 11 nl Monday May 27114, at 2 o ask. Pia , m en at the esva. or the Ole k reel- denets. pli ations w be received at t e e t nee for l'e po Hdon of Weed Inspector to own - obi . , 2 15-2 o ontr t • • • , ; A. Mao - 01 • cliee ✓ a , hal it , by Si an, , by =4253 est, Be b I e tbis le On red Shorth Bull, Stew vrt lif y 16th„ bred by W. J. nt., sir. ay Rustle Mier James ( 324), by Season tagent ( ), by Marmion, , by Oh pion of England, Duke, mem, 14 Jacob, gton. I —Red Blossom, Meek' TY , Rome t ta, a, Beauty, oung Strawberry, e t, yPr y Kate of Da i wen Ir the above pedig o the most o eely bred bulls in at he unde • gned Lot 1.5, Co e miles ea f Seaforth on' the TIP01Xti, 70=, mp- 19= Heir ruit- erd leve - rt. bud, raw - ton, that ada. ion uron • Births MEDICO—In Seaforth, April 26th, to Mr and re. J. M. Cardno, It daughter. CAMPBELL—In Egmendrille, en April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell, a sena WALSIT—In Wingham, on April 14th, tri Mr. and Mrs.'11. Walsb, a oaughter. BARD—in Wingham, on April 4th, to Mr. and Geo. W. Bard, a daughter. Marriages GIBBINGS—CIARWRIGIIT—On April 24114, at th Ontario Street pamonage, by Rev. T. W. Oo ens Olintonz Robert William Gibbings to Miss • ui Cartwright, all of Hullett DAVIDSON—alcLAUGHLIN--At the home of 1 th bride's mother, on April 17th, by Rey. DPerie Mr. Frederick Davidson to Miss Ethel MoLo. gh lin. all at Wingham. SHORE—WHITHAld—At Knox church manse o April 16th, by Rev. G.. Ross. B. D., Mr. Abari Shore to Lucy Isabel Whitham, all of Gode Oh -•••• in• Deaths BAKER—In Vfingliani Town Plot, on April 114th Stanley Baker, aged 16 years, 31eGEE—In Morrie, on April 14th, James Me e - aged sz Years. ffeEw,es—Ia Goderich, on April 14th, --Cath rin Martin, wife of James IdoEwen, former y Jamestown, aged 35 yeare. MOREISON—In Goderph on April 16th, John Mo rison, aged 75 years. WADE—In Fordwich, on April 17111, Oscar Edniun Wade, itgod 18 years, 6 months and 5 days. •••••••••••••••• e17 n tin -4!n at the 4 al 1:r 1. 1. ,A - 'Irking T wat of o o ale a t1ie lall p4operty Iare1b.e er a y in ; leraTe i4iaM t notle 414 ppl J .RE ot BROADFOOT, BOX d CO. he Leading Undertakers CHARGES MODERATE , S. T. Holmes. Funeral Directo and Embalmer. , Night and Sunday cal& promptly attended to. Itesklence on Goderich street weft, posit* Dr. Scott residence. Phone No. 50 Flowers furnished on short Daiwa • IMPORTANT NOTICES S FORSALE—S. 0. biown Leghorn, Eggs f r hatching, praise reasonable. Apply to MAR P. LAING, Box 273, Sensed Ont. 2314-4 po RENT OR SELL -100 acre farm, a miles fro; Seaforth. Apply to SUSIE GOVINLGO Seaforth. 2312-tf • HORTHORN CATTLE—Seven fhsteelass mills 2 from irnported cows, for sale at m ate swims and on easy terms; good young oows heifers oleo for stale. All interested are Ord' vitied to et the herd. Farm adjoins town, te •hone to form. Write for catal 11. SMITH. eta'. . 1 901 GI SALE e aiid lay vir r fir Mort t tjis of rate, t u ti a at the n he pou ' iorieer,lon wia. at 2 o' wn prOpe or b, la th 11 Lot. No T e rge 'tre of eaf rge b&rn an d and the prennis u -toedet r rient.! of ay of ,ale a fter. The • WTto W, Vendor's So lie 213rd day of '] OF TOWN PROr. ue of the Power of Sal , which Will be Or will be offered fo een's liete , in thas of Ilnrori, by T kick in Atha aftern tirday the 25thiloti , namely .-Being ,i County of Huron add nty-four (24) on th Gioulatoek's Su v Lb. There is on h Stable which 1JaI for upled ac i Livery IS s all the conveeien Livery Stable. T r he purehese Inoue the balance wi eoperty will be off r bid. For further a ROWN. Anetionee ieritor, Seeforth, On Pr% A. D. 1912, con- sze- sale vin Mee y of the the eing rner , in said ny ble. nee s of be one for ion - r to 1 the III tt r othe est te of Jane Lang, lat Vilin of f i enroll, lin the County of : rtido si, lece N 13e•i ihereby giv n pursuant to the 't o Ontari i4 (hat beha f, that ail person0 11 el n t Lhe eetat o the said Jane 1Ang d d on or a 3ob t the 20th day of January, 101 ✓ q lied 0 lor before h 10th, day of Ma 1 l$ t e.u$d by pint r de.iver to Thoma e sail et Ont., thei eninistrator of t o the s dd ld *eased, full p rtioutare In writir t ele ela e and tha n t re of the security h Id by tt in. And ice is herelay al t a atte e said 10th y of May, A.D.. 191 n, Ai inistrt h will distr te the wets of th e tat -ant° the parti s entitled thereto [ h ✓ gard only o tele ';l,iIn4o which he shall then notice and Lat the said ministrator will n s any /3Irt ther 1 ponsible or the ass • elaini notice gmon or p rsons a v beet* (ye ved bet re time of such dist THOMAS I44NO, Mimi 'is rator, Homan P. . Dfted thla 17th day o A ril, 1911 a , • utteiO k tes, ^ Tri -0138E AND LOT FOR SALE—For sale 8 r m Presbyterian Church. Miens an sere card a If .LIIL 2 story house in Eginondville, just weet4 land and small orchard, also good stable. Heim a terms. Reasons for selling proprietor Is lunab e work property on ace 'int of health. There also he sole 4 acres just inside of town cairpora Apply on premises or address HENRY MAR Box 7, Seaforth. 281 DMINISTRATORS SALE OF A. FIFTY FARIP:-The undersigned Administeator ter sale to dose up an estate, the East Hell of Lot No 18 in the 9th Concession of the Towne McKillop, 50 acres all under grass and in locality. It is known as the Little Farm. and particulars apply to JOHN BEATTIE the Administrator. ug11 sites ving who , are D. ng, tate of any, iven the said ving ave t be any not ion. ral epairi . f-- 4. ile's an, asoline En , • Lawn Wersr Krim cissor sharpened. Engin s; new and sale, Iso Batteri tlugs and Magnet se Clip es sharpene Roller re-eut and Mend li made. ' • 1 les ,Pam ed and repai I I A. posite e SpiokpgaIroti! , spl n d For ri 'Seater • 28144 House TO la —To rent,comfortab e houSe on John Street, Seaforth, next to Eng ish Church 113 Rectory. The house is in first-olass reps rand here is a good summer -kitchen and woods ed, good stable and fine garden. - Possession given April 1 For further particulars apply to °EARL LI Winthrop P. 0„ or phone 4 on 164, Mc lop. 231 Pt. E, LIARM FOR SALE—Being North Hal Lt 9, 1' Con. 2, Tuokerinnith L. R. S., coutaini g 60 acres of good land all cleared, most part gram. On it is a well built modern briok house with, cellar, em- dernenth, barn and stable, good well, sin or rd of good fruit. This farm is well situated, handy to school and churches, 1,eing a milee from he they ng village of Hensel]. Will he sold on reaso able tor Apply D. B. McLEAlkl, Box 144, Henson. 2 8. 9 ea a 46 AIN'S ill great Berg Theii. axe st be d at the a ort be, days 1 ce of Ware,. e e *,the is3let.4 u ar beret te $45. GB, 1 ki rk OF SCE 25 ,• t b: tai 04 d tee I10 25 te Is oa2 c • art • e 3 re b o • lphb r Etrrin in thin cw aeliecasher: ; fitsrdirti e to 'VARM FOR SALE—For sale Lot 4, neessi Hullett, containing 100 acres. There are the ?remises a gooa bank barn 40 x 60 With cern floors and one barn 88 x 68, also gdod carri house, a hen house with cement floor and a shed. good frame 8 roomedtlionse with kitchcr and good cellar. The farm is well fen 7, Ort nt ge A , woods ed and under d d and there are two good wells, one at the house and one at the barn. There te a good oreb of two acres. There are five acres of go dhardw a Well and about 30 acres seeded to grass nd 15 af of fall wheat in. This property is one of the 1 farms in the toWnship and is just a half mile e4s of Conetance, 61 miles from Seaforthan con vein' ent to schools, churches and store. Wul be sold o andwatered; ck8 15 fed and wat. . and on -easy terms. For fureher particulars or ' dress HENIti OOLC1LOUGH, Constance P. 0. e . , 1 2310 od res est eap ad - 14. vv-eighed off cars. 1 -mem Foe r sale Lot 3, doncessloiti 3, r es. x65 the ood ood the -ell tion sa 75 Tonna eds14 14-711 23--(3wing to the -II. It. S. Tucke smith, eontaing 100 etas forward PI) s 0 cattle com- 1 There are on tlieTremisee a frame ban barn srr.a su lie f the increasing eca,rcity ; with etabling un eruerstiZ frame hosts 220 41,701,fr0vers have been forced to tl house is on a stone foundation and th re is 1101Ce stock and the higher tee atd feeling Prevailed in the mar- I filtmenab ()124.-eorerslieiredtdVOC;?IcolgInitti:: fenced and the land Is in a good state i/eculti ,vat• lots each sold at $7.85, arid 30ounwigngorotTa ofanatealilmia sor wageideghout the country a much Iand farm is all tile underdrained rfe 11.410ads et, to Pe per ewt A !few across one corner at the back end leYthgp Sarni, let cod,. as high as $7,50 to nee apple, Rear, plutn, oherrie trees, eate. aerale Tat WaS 'realize& The ee.„.„..e sm. For further partfoulam apply on the pro mum vtlae good, and oornereaecheoi; I or at:Wrest, JOHN FORTUNZ, &afore', e. o. eais a ts oz ll'Ices sawed a further ad. MiteeTeiffttlengr Zededa8.6 oreel Wit 89 acres seeded to .grass and the balm to limo steers weighing 1026 lbs. 4 ever ere has ring 'ae 11-11 f Ga r 10 0 e'er ar ee and 5 oe • of fig •c ; 2 w Is 511 e her, n ns for ✓ ; ba Si ver rond 1, ber f lor .2 ab 20o oc le; early; utter, Will neite get so e ha. 1 Tea Si neer to deer o lockery,, Chi , regular pric 44 -piece Chi 5:1, now $3 5 ets,. regular ,iis to 0 C ERIES •dear Seeds fr 2 seeds • -,Dut h b.1, and Potato o Surprise S n a' half poen& b te ; 4 lbs. of see 4 bs. starch fair oitn starch for for 25c; 3 lbs. f lblf3. table raisine ns for 25c; alio . ljor 25c; 2 lbe 250 ; best red 80,1 s'aimon 15c per ;new maple ,is LT.g raolasses 10 Ur soap, 7 ba e f N. P. soap for 4 rini soap for 5 ate for 25c ; 1011 have a fe ter dozen; table the gallon; bee otetoee for seed'• nd Eggs . wante ay cash or trod oreis extended to elof the bargai 1 PHONE 41 Scalp i . \ . the nd .25 tea 44- 50, all Set ons for cur - less 5c ; ;5 est c ; lbe ap- 0e, an ; rup, per 25c; c; 6 ; 10 • of nice up old ood for , 11 to that th R stock i bargaius t whether You buy there is imok a d ingo, painting, fell pay you. Come We have If the ol It is just ging fast, but there still hundreds of e secured. Just come and look through Ok not. This is a Eutobri of th 0 year When and for houseclean' cipg, etc., that visit d save money. a few hg one is w eirt Wil Ho g, building, rpair- ;here will amply re- • -grade mowers to g at a big .'dis,mt. rn out and lard to ork, oon0 andget cur sale prices. es and naths a little a ly yet for these, but they wi I, go at our prices0 Jome and see them. Buy n W. aints, & Oil MixeiI The painting sea4oii is hem. Now is the time to purchase and ti prices will save you money. Stoi)r We have just a few uext fall it wilL prices, and buy n Ranges. I Both for $24.00. 4 seqoi 1. Jewel Coal heat Sec sestet, °arm flaramoc!is, regu Racer cross -cut s Window ricreens, Electric Irons, re Cistern pumps, r g Murescb" Wall F Rawhide Whips, Aermotor pump a g s to dear out. If yo Want a stove for ore than pay you o dee o r stock and 1 -Pandora Rangj Efap Thought omfort Bange (second-hand reg. $67.00 d hand cook stoves fOr summer kitchens. with, oven, reg. $45,00 for 30.00 2,000 lbs., regular $3 $3.00 for s regular $4.25 • alar 25c for ular $5 00 for .. . .. lar $2.00 for Barains for #100000sof e.00.•• nish. per package 5fle, now filar 60c, now........... ..... g engine, regular $48 for $24.00 2.00 3.50 .19 3.75 1.50 .35 .35 37.50 Scissors and Table dutiery Che*ney ney & A.Mibald - Seaforth SriccesL to Cho Buy Your II Cleaning Re 1 Hu Cr 1.;:r T Buy Richards' P 1Naptha Soap aiid Handsome MisSi See it in rile wind1o Richards' Pure o derful Soap, Vict Beehive Soap 6 164 1 , for.........;. 1. 1 , Silver Star Soap,' stead Soap 7 for.. . - .. ......., ii Star Amonia, str rarckage 5c Mangle Seed, R Yellow, per pac Sugar Beet Seed Seed per lb.. rty 'Plower and Veg of all clescripti Dutch Sets per 1 Meats—Kine,ar ersoll Smoked Meats finest mad a week. Green 0 ions, matoes-,-Cabbage, Tho. Phone 8, ery or Quick win the n Clock. p, Won7. r Soap, • 25c ld Home - ;25c est made, 10c 45c Turnip 25c ble Seeds 25c and Ing - d Cooked fresh twice e tuce, To- elery, etc. ltieS Seaforth Good Farm fo ing Corporation Being Lot e5, Con, 2, County of Huron, 100 acre, state of cultivation being W is a brick house fitted up wit A !erre bank bare with stab] cattle and a number of •good amp sad driving shed, 3 g orthard and a good yentas( or ern Spies. Plyeaeres seedial Saver. Mere are n merle o AO Moll Of plowing desis. ,spaedoneasy tennis, ptX,IIee meuoy may rem pariebeseer. Addzise Box 415 e Adjoin - °i eaforth Girl Home Seekore and Settle Eicuralon to Western Canada viiChicago April itt, 23rd i and 3oth. and every econd uesday there- after nntil $ pt. 17th inclusiVe. A special train will Iea'lrel Toronto at 10.30 p. m. on ale dates for Edmonton and poin in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 1iai Chicago & -rrying though coaches n Tourist Sleepers,. No cars. Fla particulars Grand Titunk Agent, or tcheon,A berta Govern- , Palmer IRouse Block, 13.t. St. Paul, and Pullm change of from any C. R. Mee ment Agen Toronto, The m real, Buffai phia, Detre Trunk, the ' Steamship st popular route to Sent - o, New York, Philadel- t, Chicago, is via Orgnd ray- Daub e Track route. iekets on s le via all Hiles. - Full partieula s from W. Sorrier .Town Agent W. Plant „. Depot 'Agent or address A. E. Duff, D. P. A., Toronto. The un one doe Box's forth, a kinds 0 Work. to order Charl dry ship of MeKillop, el arect and in good erdrained. There ern convenienoes. for horses and 00 *tads, also work e There is an old nearly sores neg all North. afa, wbtat, abte about ale farm will be sold dr la ink iser part of tate ‘1110 on mortgage to snit Ssaforth. 2311-91 sed. ersigned has mewed north of Broadfoot & urniture Store, See- d is prep red to do all Repairi g and New }loots antk Shoes Made on short totice. s C nsigney SEAR:MTH. Mianted Good ages a.ind stelady employthent ' ooney Biscuit & Co., Limited Stratford. _ THE CANADL4N BANK OF COMMERCE • SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENER D., MCA-, PRESIDENT el- MANAGER CAPITAL, $10,000,000 REST,- $8000,000 TRAyELLERS' HEWES Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most convenient form in which to c4ry money when travelling. They are negotiable everywhere, self -identifying, and the exact mount payable in the prin- cipal foreign countries is printed on the f ee of every cheque. The Cheques are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 4.nd $200, and may be obtained on application at the Bank. In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadian Bank of Commerce has issued a booklet entitled "Infdrmation of Interest to those about to travel", which will be sent free to anyone applying for it,. Seaforth Branch, W. 0. T. MORSON - A235 z Manager Spring FURNITURE SAL Spring is , the most favorabie buying time tor thoso who are furnishing a, hew home or adding an pad piece or_more to the old home, Call and se -what good things we havii 'ready for this month. Broad f3otj Box and Co ,S;T. EIOLMES, Manager. •••••••, ...An n al..-. Spring Openin Where? The Big Haillware Store. When? ldIay the 8th to 12th, 19I2. The public will have the opportunity to see the many lines of up•to- date ,Hardware carried by us. Our prices are right and quality un- surpassed. The steck is new and clean, and as we are here to: stay it is imperative that We give our many patrons a sentare deal, and sale - factory service. During the past year we Were favored with a very large and generous, pat tiage from our many customer!; much larger than we anticipated. Thank you for same. Kindly keep in line with us and we can assure you satisfaction and money saved --AT TR BIG HARDWARE STORE. • FEATURE NO. 1 A feature of the Opetiaing on the above date will be a Practical Demon- stration on the famoup PERFECtION OIL STOVES, by an expert front the manufacturers, when HOT COFFEE & BUNS will be served FRE. FEATURE NO. 2 A Demonstration will also be given by Mr, Lang on the CELEBRATED FROST FENCE FEATURE NO. ,3 A Practical Talk willl also be given on the MARTIN-SENOUR PAINT —TGUARANTEED z00% PURE. And yet a few more features of the Opening will be a window full of Pumps, a window full of Paints, a window full of Oil and Gasoline Stoves, a window full of Spring Specialties, and a Store Full of People, SillSiC in Attendance The finest assortmentp 50 Hammocks SO WOO ibcito 111:4°00 . • $ 2 00 to $ 8 00 LPearwlencrio7Oil Stoves, 1-2.3 burners Gesoline Stoves, 1-2-3 inners— ... .... , .... . „ 4 00 to 12, 00 Wheelbarrows, for gaeden use • • . . 3 00 to 474 Pig Troushs, 3 to 12 fept long, per foot .. .. .... • • . . . . . 40 to i $0 Frost Wire Fence, per rod , . , 23 to lee Round mouth, short hiandled shoves, reg. 50c fey- lee Short Handled Spades,' reg. 75c for.. .... . „ .... A full line of Garden Tools at Lowest Prices,-.-...... , Screen Doors i , 1 00 to 2 53 Combinetion Screen i and Storm Doors, takes the 1 place of two separate doors_ 1 4 . , • 00 Poultry Netting, accoring to height, per yard. . ... .. 03 to 12. Sprayers . • , 4.0" 90 to 50 Wringers3 75 to SO Washing Machines. [ . , 4 00 to 00 Bowel Churns . •••• 5 50 to 143 Carpet Sweepers . 2 75 to lig Step Ladders, from 5 1eet to 7 feet • . 90 to 62 Hend-Made British Ccilumbia Cedar Tubs . le Cistern Pumps • • • is 1 75 til 25 Force Pamir 4- 50 to 1 110 Three Wail Artesian ell Pumps • • • Hydra,ulic ams Building aper, per roll • Charcoal, per sack, 156 ; two sacks for .. . .. Famous National Portland Cement, per barrel, eash. Buggy Whips. Nickled Copper Kettles Strainer Pads, hand xi:13,de •••• .......... ..... Milk Pads, hand mad Copper Boilers, hand Heavy Tin Boilers. h Kneading Pans, hand ade ed made made. 0, • Dish Pans, hand made . Largest assortment of Graniteware Builder& Tools of every description : Hammers . Rand Saws Brace • Seek Planes Levels E! to 29 00 4 to 80 , 2e 75 25 to 50 / 50 to 25- 85 to .00 50 to 1 f30 5 00 , . . 40 to ; 60 . 30 to 40 . 4 10 pr cent off 1 .. " ..2504 50e, 8e, 85e, $1.90, $1.15, $i-20 • • - .. -75et $1.00, 41.50, *1.75. $2.25, 50 .. *1.00, $1.25 to .60 ....... .. $1.00 to 3.50 • • • • All other tools cheap in proportion. Galvanized iron Work,-:-Ploofing.—Eavetroughing.-:-Fiur- nace Work, — Plumbing. Sole Agent for Gold Md,dal Twine.—Frost rence.—Klartin-Senpur Paint.: Galt Never Shingles.-!--Campbell's 'Varnish Stains.—Liquid neer4:--Royal Purple St(ck Food. -- All at the Big Har HENRY EDGE e - ware Store SEAFORill