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The Huron Expositor, 1912-03-29, Page 7
'BEE. YEARS talatt H n Yr*labile ses that cam more Kidney Trouble, of Sudbury Wit, 30w it. He writes: �I suffered hem ttbroght, I lam suddenly the pcia c4. my beek and It me to $t't3 sr state; A ys?es'always . nc and cloudy, and burning, seal • but they fa. Br. Morstns Ind sad cured m4 wife :roses affected a. ✓ enjoy the blase ankh is due to this trolible-its too too painful,. That needy, Dr. Morse's n cured thousand is equally effective ct [and its attendant lig tion and urihng the i`t's.. 10 BLDt . r� Os rHAND m a'l r&. n upwards of 30 Fey graduate.. Seven pier teachers. One itrion f enuploy age he s iqa nom Enter any time. Free.. arsWiarsavpLz KG BAC( IiCh Misery e, Fielding, Sack,;. highly recommend - ills. For this Iasi betbled very muck aches, and, a wed caused me mac t work, Raid had net My kidneys weet Eder, and kept ane Its. I tried many cines, but it seemed Agan to give tip well and strong dghbor advised me Pills, whirl I did,' 'amrelief I obtained am never troubled k headaches. heart's Kidney Pills y recommend them box,, or 3 boxes for kr mailed direct cm it T. Milburetteen testy .PD *LW: EKERS MONS twat Marta mow.* 2.00 p.m. on 4, 21 JUNE 11, 21, SEPT. s, 1?' 1Ci131� BtatiGifi to principal Pcinu at TRIP RATES PmPortks. ickent days from gains glare. EPtNe CARS Winlipaspm aa e itita a ars a be made. K pS PA PHLET anieferee CYC Awn or Ste' CildnE oP C; I'ewer by. ad- o mins. • 04 ONT. ie far high grade ihter now. Open alogue free. • e Trouble Ye ss FOR RIM TO eod Torrata E writes:: of F6t ret nee troubtai for me to sleep: limit :fine I tittq , I was even warted e.. I consulted at ae L. tonic to take=' set- 14 W tine alit th €fr.u2, greater f ,f i€1 works Slit 1 TFInr E Milhut '3 1303 ek tliem filed I V t eco another bon, it I could enjoy. il 6 a.in., and now struts IEW.d,t and Per boa. or a bo r. for stele sat sited direct on e T. MiltCo., 1110ITDFOOT, HAYS & KT'i .LORA,`:. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, to, money to lend In Seaiorth on Mon- of each week. Office in Kidd block. 1 IL S. I IAYS. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancerand so-ivy Public. Solicitor for the Dorn- meeM Bank. Office in rear of the Dom - on Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan• ter, Sofl iter, Co Conveyaneer and llic. Office up -stairs over unitive store, Main street, or $ t. ?AL1 seen Solicitor, veyetir and mry Public. Solicit the Cana - Bank of Commerce. ey to loan. for stale. Office, in .Scott's block, suet, Seaforth. VETERINARY. 3paN GRIEVE, V. S. lowevniteduate of Ontario Veterlla- �ge. All diseases of Domestki treated. Calls promptly attend- ed to and charges moderate. Veterisatlu7 ,try a specialty. Office and resi- Coderich street, one door east Scott's office, Seaforth.. -U.N. V. S. Boner graduate of Ontario Veterin-air College, end honorary member of theMeal Association of the Ontario Tart College. Treats diseases of LIIVoteelitic Animals -by the most most- dent it . principles. Dentistry end Milk Fete. err a specialty. Office opposite Dick's gotei,, Wirt street, Seaforth. All or - dal lett at the hotel will receive prompt attention. Night calla received at the MEDICAL. aDIICAL. F. fin, BURROWS. wage end residence-Godericb street, said of the Methodist church, Seaforth. I boo No. O. Coroner for the County of eros. DRS. SCOT & MACKAY. . 0. Scott, graduate of Victoria and ;►aye ATbort, and member of the Ontario of Physicians . and Surgeons. th Coroner for the County of Huron. O. Mackay, honor graduate :of Trinity Nmyey;, ,gold medalist of Trinity I.d toolfege,: Member of the College Of Ppya and Surgeons. Ontario. M HU G1I ROSS,' 'irodwte of University of.. Toront:; Faculty of • Medicine ; member of !Col Isge of Physicians and Surgeons of, On - Wier, pass graduate courses in Chicago OIfsleal School of Chicago; Royal Oph ikeilmic Hospital, London, England; University College Hospital, London, Itaglised. Office -Back of the Dominion mak, Seaforth. Phone No. 6. Night coils answered, from residence, Victoria. street, Sesforth. THOMASBROWN. Llcented auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth . Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate ar- rangements for sale dates can be made by calling up Phone 97, Seaforth, or /be Expositor office. Charges moder- ate and satisfaction guaranteed. !AUCTIONEERS. B. S. PHILLIPS. Li�.ed auctioneer for the counties Huron and Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly understanding t3ee value of farm stock and implements :thanes me in a better. position to re- ar prices. Charges moderate. satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All yrs left in Exeter will be promptly attended to. Grand 'trunk Railway System. ailway Time Table. Trains leave Seaforth as follows : OA a. m, For���Clinton Goderich Wiagham and Kin. Q..... 1.10p. m. For •l . and Goderich 5.18 p. m. F'L a: .• fl.i2p.m. 7.52 a. m. 25 p. re. 5.33 p, m. d n,'Wingham and :::near - Clinton and Goderich. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto i`.©rillia, North Bay and Pointe west Belleville and Peterboro and pointe east. For Stratford: Guelph, Toronto, Mon. treal and points east. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. London, Huron and Bruce. London, depart Centrals * ... .., &sten .. ... ,Passenger 8 30 9 40 9 53 Bewails a ,..., ., 10 08 ..to16 6 11 Erneefeid ...., 10 30 6 19 Clinton... .. ,....•... 11 00 635 Londeskroto,...,. _. _. 11 18 6 63 aye' ...... ugbam, arrive...... e... s.,.• 11 27 700 11 49 7 15 11 54 7 35 SOUTH.-- Passenger Wingham,: depart........,..... 6 35 a. m. Belgrave....................... 6 50 1Qndersboro.` ..... .... oBraoe�Held..................•. T▪ eeter .. .. Centrals London, arrive . .............. 7 04 7 18 7 60 8 12 823 832 848 9 00 1000a.m. 2 Ad 3 58 4 04 428 4 59 4 47 4 62 5 05 5 15 6 Listowel and Kincardine Pass. 8.15 p.m. 8.42 8.62 9.05 9.16 Pass. 6.45 aim 8.54. 7.07 7.17 8.05 Pass. a. O. 12.05 p m 8.42 sat 11.00 10.42 1.44 10.55 1(58 11.10 2,08 11.59 Pass. a. C. 11.00 2.40 P.14 11.10 a.m. 4.49 11.26 3.02 11.87 5.13 12 3 4.00 C.P. Ro Time Table Guelph and Goderich Branoh TO TORONTO ederich Lti. 7.00 a m Aub .............. 4. .B:�0 Waltonh....,., 7.50 Milverton , .,. .. Linwood Jet • " :snuff Guelph. ., .Guelph Jet . • ,. . Toronto..,......... 41r. FROM TORONTO 7.41 ". 8.14 " 8.35 8.54 •' CC 9.25 " 9.53 " 11.26 '• Toro OneIph let ,...... Ar4 GueI Guelph., • Elmira .. Linwood Jct.... Milverton.. � BlaItonyth.. , . �.`,. ,. 0derioh.....,., CC 8.00 a. el. 0.51 9.58 10.23 " 10.46 11.03 " 11.37 11.48 " 12.20 p. m. Connections at Linwood 'mations at Guelph Jot. with t'oodstook, London, Detro& ntermedtate lilies. 2.26 p m 2.45 .. 2.65 8.06 8.38 " 8.67 4.12 . 4.88 " 5.05 " 6.35 • 4.00 p m 15.15 c c 5.50 6.14 " 6.32 " 6.60 7.255 " 7.46 •• 8.10 " for, Listowel," Con main tine for Galt nd Chicago au all he H • of the i. Whispejin dines Sy ANA KA . 1 erWo iclt She was 'i fired to He 71 EARS Corn -right, 3.910, Aunal Kath - _,sae Robing d Ont. Change of Life hot flushes vel'y het in the back, o and had weak, n r who &teen f :years did not, h en entirely relit: tbms :by Lydia E. poUnd; Blood give *on Hammond, Nets; "While you were hotding 'vo i �. a tees bands In wbat you' s. su ed I to be her dual moments, did. yo bee Whether or not situ etita. WOre 110 het;: finger they curios 'ring Von - er by Mrs Itanelagb and kno , as er end gagement silt $" "Yea, i_liot only new it. bet It a on =ate *Te= left hand." r Mr. Pox :premed hitt; advian "And when you rose from t ie oun and crossed your sisters "It was stili there. • :I . p t' uppermost.," "And left the ring on?" - "Ob: yes; oh. yes!" $eI wMho, tUde and face wets ion of rime "So that, o the -,best of yo Wives still en. Jour slater's yon left the Min?' "Certainly. 'air; eertainiy" There was alarm in tee time not She was beginning to see that h r to timony was not as entire, help at fur as she had been I to. - "(Van you say Whether loft. anyt. especial. chill! in ;the :fait b l'et,went out to'telepno r I don't reinember. . 1` " atmdst IU. sensible." "But you do remember ving shut' the door behind your' "Yes" t her lilghl Lydia, Veileteb to Mar psing c. fo,astwo bed, head - head, was ry ouus feel- e ► me for I , me, but of the sir and on th• Canada. .=wick, 1 cin end It for f e neer Sid cured m Dia runt Harvey Piltltham's Vega from native roe narcotic mr h kb the record rethedy lero n file *the utiffeivin ve Lydia • ., pounds triel tspecial sd Hass. e and d in strict An open window in the • hall tit was what he was trying! to p open at this time From th sion - of such faces: of the couId'eee 1 think be had pro• next point he made was in line. Had she, in all the in . the building.. beard could not account torp. "!es; many times:." - "Can you describe these "No; they were of all ' pines sighed continually. Wasthe pines. but 1 hail to Once I heard a rushing ea when the pines" stopped akin an instants --but 1 don't -k1 ow wan. It waa_ali' very dre d tuL" "Was • this rushing soon push as n window might :make on belle ` opejie�d?" "Possibly. • I didn't think oot it at Ihe time, but it might have b'P ee�n.' "From what direction d d (1t tem8r "Back. of me, for I turns my head tb011lt." • "Where were you at the ismer "At the hearth. It was pefore Adelo ,aide came in." t P0.1 welt taken weak- inns#*, and it tie* C1II haw; Inntaryi hribJ e sms la a I what I wan I do not re you left the g for my littl a ee any one -"A near sound or a far. ri "Far, but 1 jannot loco ' it -Ind, id, I cannot. I forgot'It in a mot." "But you remember it n w?"? f "Yes." 1 • "And cannot you remember new mar:, other noises than those yospeak' of? That time you stepped int; the hall - when your teeth chattered„you knew did yon hear nothing then ut the eigh- Ing of the pines?"-- 1 She looked startled. Her ,lands went up, and one of thein clutched at her throat; then they fell, and slowly, care- fully, like one feeling his way,; she an- swered: "1 had forgotten. I din bear some- thlng--a sound in one of tie doorways, at was very faint -a high--- t -a T I on't'.,. know what. Jt conveyed nothing to ine then and not , Much' now 'lint • you asked, and 1 have answered." : "Yom have done right, Miss Cumber- land. The jury ought to know these facts. Was It a human sigh?" "It wasn't the sigh of the pines." "And you beard It in one of the doorways? Which doorway?" "The one opposite the room which I left my sister." "The doorway to the large 111" "Yes, sir." Oh, the sinister memories! ' The mo ments which 1 myself had spent there t your sister d that.I j you know ddisturbed?' € '• ,ol snot from the ben tlhey might have g t =ven have be t ' . ur knowing 1 by I its 13111, .1 "1 4a.. 'las` tb moons o!; it ; asst snowing. id the moon shine w w , e vial 'out of th ve • brightly." right enough for you 1" "1 didlf. :here t•,'. berland, w did you lea look at the link y�y��e� were. you lool.n ' Ile/1,d( mess' "Wbem nou-threw the Yee." "What was there betel d "d dean sister." Ole ; b1e; tone " orgive ins, ng Ott iw?ant to trouble you,i t of sslitalething orMihome oinim�g t' besides yea to make ou :look back 74 "I saw o',ne. But I I do not kn • , ;why," hu the vial oat .4e Ing1 "I felt it slip from =y- ore?' er the Window 1 vmph for the def=lj=-; the post. of the vial,. caught n the accounted for In a. natural Manner. Mr. Fele shifted his ink 66 cal have said thatwolee a bat and! Boat! of your sin coming to the cinbh' .::, Did = u keep than irtleles on "No; 1 1 a `. them in the lower ball." "Where in the lower b . ?" "On the rack tbere.'t "Was t=!our caudle lit7' "l et then. sir." . et yen found the rack?" felt reit. I lane* where it was." s beriund. yimu left the door ttnl• ked. when ,you` went on of the bu oI --ne, I didn't. I > ad the key. and I 1 • eked It. But tat ' realiz this till I e t to tie my. o ; the I found thekeys in my b d. But I dn't go ba .� i ! ! .• t you ean th t you didn't know elp for uty r bear eed at I gave rb- ged ou left one?' went dowr our was there elin the ade dead sister ed back -I nAMCI Y017 11.111/DY TO ISICHAEt YOU likU) lib* e -after this Orao of her passing through the hall, thank Godl-but not long after. And soMe one had been, there before mei Was it Arthur? 1 Carmel being Lunocent, who could be guilty but he? Vicne - of no .one..The misery under whieh 1 bad siffered was only lightened, not removed. "Miss Cumberland, ;are you ready to swear that yen did not hear a step at that time or see a face?' "That you only heard a sighr ' "A tdgh, or something like eosin' "You went right onr . I "Immediately." "Entering the telephone room "The door of which you, shut "Never mind explanations. ou. do not know whether youl shut it or whether some one else shlit it?" The words fell weightily. They seemed to strike every heart. "Miss Cureberland, yota hay said that you telephoned for the poll ai "You were some minutes do g this; you say?" "I have reason to think so, but I don't know definitely. The candle seemed shorter when I went out than "Are you sure yon. telephoned for la she c Rh hav used liana and to ray, va• t tie ,t of it ilED HER elad Stic Pic of codas' E edd, Sr., OHEUIOATISII d Up a Sample Aub Os is intere nq red her ati one me u ed up a nt at our arprise e secure per and pain, an unders elieve or bease hem oth deniers'. Vree & Cite.' Nap sa at stiff any eines h goo ottle of and,: used it, o bottles from ust t211 you -it would not be 44 , Ont. of how. rer from ears. I ut they how Douglas' qu and But if can avd neei Out. i HE BURTON K "1 Oon't rem or not stibe t lug siirprised when "And then .1 "I didn't car An infinite n !owed. Certein . out. among th ber hat OD til - 1 through the storm -a fact i when one cons ; hair over whio "After you unharness you you ice in re -There is ant snowing •hea You are sur "tins Cumbe more lineations' t at tine portion She reached iont ber band. It wan trem hl ng trial 1Y,,. and her face 1. the piece or a at it before pa "Miss cumb dint bit ot tiro e "Ne," sheesai whole bottle li the efttblionSe... of tbis broken "t ani oblige 11. day." Then he thee ed a slow sa tuber whether I kne me, 1 do remember b 011 a little frighten heys, But didn't g boned for tbe police?" ked them outr 1 didn't care." acts had to be brouglit m the 'blowing ofr cit t hurried drive home er thickening snovt•,. ;easily saccounted fee ered the thick coils Of it had b.een drawn. tit into the stable to borse vrhat path did Ing to the house?" 'straight- through ltr and 1 *as dizzy and hat you did not wan. be ot anything." ask. Will you look a broken bottler distrees, but she took, 1-1 man haee seen a that at some time in have no memory 0 you, Miss Cumbere tile you. no more to - !teed and spell- ic smile at Mr. Mof- CHA Alp 1 I HAD al darkest s knew ev free to I took place th nature, in my I view et wome dined now to 1 shown me tb true woman. all May - best - and loving' her led -my way a such wrong as The next ample time to follow hours -desire to 'see only to learn bitter ordeal became unbe much at any mine. After many called up Dr. phone. From clear' in min brother's inn "Doctor, I eAsn Biwa -mei s loved her -that 1 in the bour or my icion-hut now felt hip ber. change night nitiltmy whole pect of anon my fate -1 Wan more in. eart of great, and t vies free Ito expend hies in 1 henoringe het received Or even ac - I had done being Su he react' ch exal to bear er f the day eforensoon she had rdured the in. I met *now this ost ileri feelings- or to er and her t‘y, I had ni bound to on. The etruggle with myself I Carpenter On. the tele - 1 learned that she prostrated, but still and satisfied of her te-it would seem -too ROI rresumptuons. But tell her, sal you Ind the opperttinity, how I ,honor her. )o not let bler remain under tbe 1m- tression that I am not, Capable of rum teelin what she has borne and nust still "1 win do cut short the con - This was the event of the morning. In the aft' rnoon sat in my window binicing.. My powers oti reasoning ad return and the tnntiltible nirob- em or Ade Wenn murder 'oecupied my was t ere left to suspect? Not .rtntir. El fingers were as guiltless s niy ow of those marks on her . firma. Or this I was convinced, diffi- sei.r .t ma of guilt might yet -Imo to eht. but how or through bi found mnself unable d neither the wit nor ..‘144-rt.rive o untangle this eon - coming on of sight my ment Th clos ess of my rooms had become u near Inn As soon as the tamps we e lit e the street I started out, and I ent-etoward the cemetery. It was cold ght, and Ithere were but few p ople the streets. On the noulevard I met nobody. As I neared wise I w to an appearance alone on this remo e `avenue. The eiteet was sinister,' 0 my ntood made it so. Yet I did not hasten my Steps -the hours till mi ht had to be lived through innomeew oand why not in Mar_ .=)$ITOR 1 The cemetery gates ever I had expected, but I did enter the _grounds to hav Adelaide's grave. The Cu occupied a knoll in close the fence. and my only been to pass this spot a look within to memory shut. This not need to a view of berland lot rotimity to tention d cast one To neach the place, howevier. I emu to turn a corner, and on doieg tio saw reason, as I thought, 'for not ear= g out My intention at especial Some man -1 could not r ogntze him fro where I stood, -had forestalled me. Though the night dartt gea red limns on the oppasite side ot the way fer me to discern his intent crouching against the iron bars ess which no of my it on the the end of tioyoleas he n gazing with an inten tee at the very spot ✓ grave which had been my own OW -image, So m and so motionless I myself be- at this unexpected and signith col eight that I: presently Weaned o st bear his sighs in the dread quiet t which the whole scene d gunk, G deeper than Mine spoke. in laboring breaths. A. de was hy some one an 1 o all my nx And I did not know the an. could never moneng'iber. Was not this stmnge enough. to rouse thonght so and was,Nonl the point of *Wafting -this wonder upon this .stran happened SD Ull held me An check I was so p to one et tee ',tree already mentioned the fell before me plainet . This had not attra on until at the point o my eyes down and saw where only one should I had beard no one had supposed • with the man absor laden of Adelaide's enced a curious sense out being feor, held Die ent, with my eyes on luty ow ten Ca OW an alo tee Pe mo sha ow. It did not move ;any mere thi mine did. This was elgulicint. A -man stood at my backi-uot leok. an I turned. in ftont muted in etili, but a Oa When thing sheer in ref- thay shad- e -keg the Moving I tiro shad - at me, but at the fell A quiet "Hush!" ear, and again I stood for an instant. e man at the fence, movement perhaps, h seeing our two figures. ha the opposite directio I darted forward in P soon passed by the This caused Me to sla used by d turned started to Milt, but beldnd ken, for I recognized this latter att he llew as Sweetwater, the d ye, and W that he would do vtoric bet - than myself. nt I reckoned without My host went only as far as the t where man had been standing.1 When in astonishment I advanced upon quite 'eat, accosting his genial to tire ' our an. I know 1 there he wheeled abou in ray direction an by name. remarked In hand manner: 'There is no need for us in a chaae after that well enough." grii7,ziCal smile answered me. The ht was now in our facee and I had perfect view of his. Its expression te disarmed me, but I knew, as well in he hag spoken, that 1 should ra- ve no other reply to my hnin formed estion. I 'Are you going back into townr 1 ked, 1 paused and looked dOwn 1 at the umbrella swinging in his band. lwas sure that be had not held this I'aMbrella when he started by me on the run. "If so, vrill you allow ine to want beside you tor a tattle ware' I conin not refuse him; are quitn weinotue," said 14 cast iity eye alt the umbrella. ere 'Wondering where I got nose' remarken looking down at It In Ms turn. tonna it leaping ar,ainst need to lour fleet footed tri na. Mr. Ritneiagin you credit me with two whiI:h • you may or ma not be -You May aim what you will." said I. nave nothing to conceal since .hear- Inf...: Miss Cumberland's erpl nation of Oer presence at the Whispe g Pines."' "The qeestion 1 am going ask," he continued presently. -is one inch you may consider unpardonable. Let me ;first express an opinion. neu eave not told all that ,you know of t at even - Ines doitigs." This called for no reply and made none. "I can understand your reticence if your knoWledge included the fact of Miss Cumberland's heroic act and her sistees Manner ot death at the club; -But it; did not," asserte with de- liberate emphasis. "I knew °thing of either. My ,arrival happe later. MISS Curnberliand's testimony g•ave my first enligbtenment on the e pointa. But I dip knew that the two ststers wtulsere t..h.e11-e togi, Ether. for 1 bad a glimPs "r the YOnhger sus she was I *ging the "You had. And are willing to @tete that kind is for the defense, d your. Intere.sts are tell with the pr seentiOno, Mr. Moffat la the man who ould Mlle "You ere interested, then, seeing young Cumberland freed?" "I must be; he is innocent The man at :my side turned and shot at me one glance winch I met -calmly. "Mr..,Thanelagh. wilfyou tell me why, when yap fohnd yourself le such a this aline on evidence as s rtling. as to call ter elf and every p ble testi- mony to iyourinnocence, you eserved silence in regard to a fad hich you must halve then felt -would have se- cured you a most invaluable tness?" Then it was I regretted m thought- less prontise to be candid with this man. TO ansWer were inapoesible, yet silence has int confidences, In my dilemma ,1 tutned toward and just, then we eteptied within the g e of an electric light pouring from s me open doorwate I caught his eye and was astonished at the change W h took place In ,him. "Don't answer," be mu bly. "It isn't nec- essary., I under- stand the sittia- don now, and you shall neeer regret that you' met Ca - on yoUniwalk this evening.11 Will you trust met sir? A loves MI profes- sion is no gab- bier. Your secret le as safe with me as if you had burled it 143 the And I had said nothing. At the next mo- untnifanotalWmai" meat he wen half- Igurz9alax14 way around a corner and another me/neat iwee out of ;Night. ed vein. Odettssed sort week, abatt London Now Perfected - Vest Buvable TRY IT JOHN- LABA JAI." into 28 If T LIVER IS LAZY STIR IT; UP BY THE UBE OP They stiminlate the sluggish /,ivert breath, cleavawny all waste and poleatn ens matter frbm thi system, and prevent MS well SS cure all sickness arising frets dioordered condition of the stomach* aver and bevies. Mrs. Matthew Sullivan, Pine Ridge* none of theme -seemed to do me eny good* but when I last tried Milburn's levet Inver Pills span began to get well again not be withent them if they cost 'Mk. "171bC4-Urtlii%5 1.axa-Liver Pins are 25 vita per vialt 1$ vials for $1.00, for sale an dealers or mailed direct on receip0 of priee by The T. Milburn Col, Limited; Cloves and Mitts At Wliolesale Prices Travellers' Samples 21.13putgaipzarsincludkng Men's and Bettye lined and unlined lats and pullovers. We are oitering them at laidoelesele Pnvee while they last Horse Blankets -Wove Zulu andKersey, with or without ,- very best values in the market. BRODERICK'S Cheap Ramo. trore N' EW •-we hav two beautiful parks at !New Ha elton Heights -suggest a name for 4.hem-we'll pay you cash for it. On May -1; 1912, we will selet tw names from those sent us. The first twO persons sending n the names ) chosen will inch receive a $250 Prize Thirty other prizes Write pleinly -TODAY-giving your occupation STANDARD SECURITIES 51-519 Pacific BuOdiug VANCOLTVER, British Colum in