HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-03-22, Page 2• Leader Mtn. AT A LOW PRIC This year is the time to fence. We have values to offer before.. The very best Clevel 9, hard steel, heavy galvanized looks, laterals at a price that pays everyone to fence. Bay *oven fencing. It is right priced. It is made right. 8 wire Leader fence per rod cash at • • O .• 000 w • • er, had s Wire,. ud uptig IY. Lead It oh the 0 the 8 aill r the t end Dom rlece Prov Men ,trav thatthee 1:Z461111d SOtts8 this c tha are it Ind a 1.1* rtin7afii• rt z ate r: s ,t, )11 s•s l• ••• •Tne new Block and Tackle complete with r wire grip, can be used for &ACM' different pu It the frost heaves your pests get a 'maul like these & drive them down 43ec rid of the din hnir, gorses tels....weark bettex. when 'ssot caked gp with sweat. a-71 t MI 110 vern a -al riyo 11 ilel I n Itr rY Et a 1j 1 ant b hen ave a t at a hil de tax ote a, A li • ig or t et th re IS s help Yo asu ade th hey a de' h 15. 1912. sraerincial t ing ;for either rori cee 'to have ach in political e:. hen this ia to b1e to much int lof the hole re A a result the y s mixt or unei irr te grants to the, e .Pr vin lel Govern - he ledge or oarlitibeleixer- rn e e s ortor bash all to appy to their e ihi Government af will ort coming in o othe *n et „ ot er thing In `o{the r embered, is, -tie silo evi es re all rnOre enttupofl e form of t1nifor tiv Cr venue '.ey trel o (be more. ee omteal ;in th they , e to de . - * up- reho e .for 'their out teeth as the Doininion layjdlrect taxation, but Mena land Indlrect trethe impoin and consequently be Ircinbed through the ake up for P evincialdet. thitnat ,e.bi th robbery being • ce Gave M no w anger to wer ; v n the ir sed; by ft od the Dom Inoue gad gnawer allu pointed trent Ib In his r He ;eel th g p male lit 'car, It the ig prom Provin suirpt o elect' obt era u ernme Ilance toba $2,176, unj Bride &seen the ari f ple les, tly Int n ther th Ti Gar hand made Dairy pails are the heaviest in made from the best tin we ,pan b A. Sius, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Plumbing Eavetroughing Fur wor • IMPORTAN.r. NOTICIRS. Lunn FOR Far,F1-140„1.9,. Concession 1Huron CAUG X Road, Tueltermith,. es west of Seaforth. ' WM be sold reasonably. ly on the premises or address TKOS. FOWLKR, eaforth, box JAL 2264-tf QRORTEORNS FOR SALE -The undersigned bas 00 for sale on Lot 0, Con. 2,, Stanley, four choice 3oting bulls. Aged fro to 10 month, two reds and two roans. Sired. IllacGregor (71362). - Price right. JAMES -GRAIN , Rippen,-P. O., or phone 8 an43. 2294-tf 11lORTIIORN CAIILE-Seven first-class young oult3, 2 from impbrted cows, for sale at moder thieep.and on easy terms ; good young cows and 1 Oars Ale fdr sale. All interested are ocirdially In- vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long. distance telephone to farm. ' Write for catalogue, SWITII. Reeter. 1993-tf • FA.ttM FOR SALE -For sale Lot 10, Concession Stanley, on the London Road, situatedli miles from village of Drucefiela, containing" 100 acres. nese is a good bank barn with cement flooring, 3 - never failing wells, back house, orchard of about 100 fates, -there a re seven acres of wheat, 18 acres ready foi erispand balancein pasture, 9 acres of good hard- wood bush. Terme to suit purchaser, Apply on premitie.s or addreslt Joon MURDOCK, Drucefield, R. O. 2-.187-tf LIARM FOR SALE OR RENT -Lot 15, Concessibn r Stanley Township, containing, 100 acres more =less, about 70 acres cleared, balance about 30 acres timbered, hrst-class Iand, good bark barn and com- fortable dwelling, good orchard and water. In a good state or cultivation. About 1} miles from Brucefleld Railway Station, good gravel roads. Half mile from schoo/ and good neighborhood. If not sold will be rented. Apply W. SCOTT, & Co.,Bruce- flekt • 2234-tf -LTARM FOR SALE -Lot 6, Conceission 14,Eltdlett, _r containing 170 acres. About IDS acres cleared, well fenced, under -drained and in a" good atate of z cultivation. The balance is hardwood timber. The build idgs are all good. including a largebank barn and drive shed with pig pen underneath. Lota of narer failing water. A good young orchard of the choiceet fie& trees. Within 4 miles of Waltou sta- tion and 6 miles from.B4yth, and within a mile and a half of blacksmith shop and post office. 'Will be sold'cheap and on easy terms. If not sold will he rented. Anply on the premises or to RICHARD PRATT, Iliflook P. 0. 2296-tf F'WARM FOR S E -For sale hot 10, Concession 19, Aldan, eLetee 100 acres. It is nee. 11 • '•. and in a godDstate of cultiva&on. Iti arid well fenced. There is a spring he of the barn and a windmill supplies wa for bo house and barn. There is a good ben • )116`rn and -good silo and hen and sheep home and a fortable frame house with ooth hard and soft w inside and a g+ood.oeilar. This ia an excellent f and Is well situated being only two miles anctal from Constanee post office and a claurch and bol avealle and a quarter &atria, For further los law apply on the premises or address OTIARLIII4t ROGERSON, Cotstance, P, 0. 2278x4 -LT Pr`m"R SALE -For sale that valuable prop - Pay Lot 40, Con. 3, L. R. S., also Lot 30, C.on. 3'. E. R. B., West End, Tuckersmi County of Mixon, containing 130 acres. It is well underdepin- stand in a thet-class state of cultivation. On -Lot 4Q1ri a good bank )/arn 50x114 withdriving shed 9rnomed house wRh. woodshet. There is and,tank with water athouse and barn. Als of good orchard. Lot 30 has frame barn 30, sbable 20x20, good orchard ad never failin Mita is one of the best in Western Conveniently situated •Se and church, from Clinton and 7 Seaforth. gether or would di e property. G. W - Clinton Ont. g 1. • g I es and rio. Indies II to - OTT, tf I (2100D FA#1,11 Fal SALE -For sale that splendid UT farm near Ropporo, McKillop, being Lot 84, Cosseession 3, McKalop, containing 100 acres, all cleaved and under cultivation, well underdmmed and 66 *lessee seeded to grass. All in good repair. itoomfortable`framse house with coal furnace and good cellar, also tivo barns. Two good wells and a nevafailing spring. A good orchard of choice bez1ng trees. --It Is within three relies of Sea:nth and one mile from school, Will be sold cheap and .oss essy terms as the -1.r is retiring.seaV on the premises or ads -k*,•;'•••1 CAKI, P.- O. • 28014, lOARM FOR SALE Oft TO --fartifet Con. 4, A.' MoKillop, containing 1 res. The thrrn la In good condition, being ed for grass far taw kat 19 years. The ' e s of fall plaing doao rrn.dy for spring c 2 of new 9Qd_ing dans and the balance in grass. DA the farm is a coasfortable frame hausettith ,,e- cellar, kitchen and woodshed. - Also a nirharn 60 x 40 with good stone stabling urf eath. ' A good orchard avid never talkie: well. Sere are r.1 acres of good hardwood bnall nearly an inaple, a spring creek nsa- wig thr••-riqh IL,: 1.?..ah. The farm is one and a quarter ini1-a ft( rn rreln,ol and post office. For furth- er partieulars apply or thttprenrises or address MRS =4/'-/I.A.S.MeF !DI/EN, Beechweed. -2305-tf for Sale wm*WwwWWWWWW .iia ; '1.019 fr, n 11 to 13 months old, • lit ifers In calf. •kll sired a 71 " Iv.••r1 Royalist " LWO eplendid 'tiff ,•10: 1 r•--4- by William Duthie, also frorn nep;-rtod nir.- red tr-.1 of the best 1 . • iirectly !yore 1 'n' t- 'Trdially in. ••-.her thew nurebase te- n Nestle (4 HEABel- Left Throat Very S ' There is no better c cold than Dr. Woo Syrup. It is rich in the lu of theNorway pine tree safe and effectual tnedi confidentially relied u for Coughs, Colds, B itess, Sore Throat, Quin and Luna Troubles. Mr. Monaghan, P.E.I., — "I Wood's Norway Pine lent medicine for coughs winter I contracted a left 'my lungs and thr had to give up work and for two weeks. I- use mixtures, but got no re advised me to use Dr. Pine Syrup. Three bot me, and I can recomme medicine for coughs." Don't be imposed up thing but -"Dr: Wood' tuany imitations of this on the market. "Dr. Wood's" is pu wrapper; -three pine tre price 25 cents. Manu The T. Milburn Co., L Ont. D d Lungs e. for a cou h No way healing virtue d is a pleasatiq e that may bei as a speicifi chitis, Hoarse and all Throat Cha lottet wn, ' y that Dr. up 18 an eXcel- d co ds. nast vy cold which very sore. 1 y in the le use several n ugh until a fl4end ood 3 Norway entirely cared it as the best • 11 .y thkirtg as there e:rling rem net - are dy p in a yellow de Mark; ture only by 'ted, Toronto, MAKE YOUR . YIELD ITS Plant thoroughbred e onghbred seeds do n They result from Ion gent breeding. Th big crops of the I,e tables. Use Fe' For sate everyah 11112 SEEDS N FREIE ON REQU DAHER &CO RDEN. IT . ds. IThcar• t happen. d intent- prodnce t vee. FiERRYs SEEDS eeot1.-• ' aans V • t doist•h• .3fairer • ailed 1- ; oat. Pt ' '4ea18rth. P. O. *WELL TIS ha ' 7771 I dyed o s • untn the I use 0 0 E an use smar. • • L these T la kiDS ode AME De. No Cturrice ce! nee,.: rola (; ean. Send for Cd• -•or Cai ' nia••••• I • ri • 4011 M • riti is th4t ntlo cot I11Ti'had ry - vice - go on the n made 011 th al 4lt1one d r II t ea, t h.. • dr Sr osid ir th re, 1 ay. T ith te Go s ing th 0' a •aeare if: bl arra B it sh Co cm, t e told 118. . IC. ens .8 'oteithe - he nen tic 'eerier Ot the c tint bee rtd '(11 the -pres- nt 1 assumed nt1iig illustra- whieh we have csry-utien larracriliblyn an, Blnurdliris'end'dttEtsstleipeeteaobxf: ; calf of the In were evidently 1 He Is a beautif y dear. Prince ity and excel] • ill ain railway -- a titPrbtirheil3(3rdecenat I ew. urO.Rak,HAIRe a Wideniog on teeS Mr Fns -Ontario non- ent Provineial hadasbeaenrhedield., reavinelal Govn •°lineal an eenratl °treasuryMan i- ts.inpirtehtte iesrhma pee_ ia• TVOUld Boon hie share of Monday, Apr A Good P Ott the firat chased itrore, Burlington, a calf, twelve show animal 1 Ing taken re • A paTlirtn:6 ued- 'nye b va reapec apple Any ed in itbi It will The arrive veloprr growe 110 85 "the a,p rrItereislY e:laionrt a one iyf. orrnelgtst il tion chards regene a troes r Provin e Duri 924,000 31 new or to pre e this ar glect I oft the orchard s state, their o mess, Se shiderrtehe.t an : are rap[ and (E•ti. reaintale prospects the appi at the- conserv big dese Ing pri le char a rult ranch ,cfe t ricul u veiy lettere VI let , n' wh ch ble 1 °sera o to dost e 6 ltu . It is ter ou eade pie u ture bUJ ti atid st ay h rn. pple 1 dustr d at a unite.' t. h e and a good h v at I st •le r r=" ha rt Iie o'r Y.1114 n rec. 'zed 1 act ard, o rroe ter 10 t ia 1t ete dal y or gen ral the most erlftt. • .tba farrn, ir n ce sary arr. be Ontitino De- . has ;hist. Is - and Instruo- vest areount 18 given in brench cif d. Delletin 194. o :ere interest - •1 eeeure a copy Ly it carefully.: 1- tonlaa has t te syf Rs -de, tne • fruit- - of our b usa- ealized that re right than hien it etands. that the ap- in what part , whether on farre, ie now bie invest - Ill prove so it unt df atten- undreds ce ore given to it. re u derao g process of ion afrid th.usands of young b in ,plan.ed through the th4 jeai-s 908 reea *ore s nt Seri sitar h pl artij. ort n. tel thrt tot ec w ng t lon wlflI b ma y ld. i neral • urp cia Jths Pro Inc bac.lt ito. a red and 1,409, 1,-; out 'from --On- nting of these , there eeerre nsumpteon cif standing ne- are before all _ se, neglected have been table bearing d a y wi I ever regain gin 1 lthrJt a co nt nor da n• o th rn Se lype irgll anrik• aiI a tive era hat tad stry Ire ime, ive aa pred ral fo godd ff)r many I A d productive,- :uchn in the total adian Northweet dons * Ontario up. The British ts continue to em nd, and thea O: ese arkets. and 1' sea will develop t ati the most et nething but a apples- with pay,- yeats to come. just think for at .if arou STO many wh on their hair the little hair roots da tehad-vita ir- ia:ziad It comae out in. A large bot 50 cents and gist, guaran and itching back. /Get fri make- your ba it nor nyou. Yeur hair just as it /should 1st, eit rchase.-- isle of ' Int Pet choice exeithe ni the ond plac ustrial, esondon, in 1911. I roan tnd rot. cpnal- ence 18rdi to- beat. He excellent 1bezi header for orthorna 10.80 axes r 3. G.Fye, orris, has pale t Sous, of orri bull is a and up, hay - ins junior bull WOR ,F111"TY oHavrs OW nine re to si never a until to Ijti ger and ty Ls ea de ornbaf le on . g. Wa it to you would ask 11 Still tbhere aliz the value late, They let a dig into 'the t 3tU all the -out of the and harsh and eths costs but leYa your druga nelling hair the eicalp op money cif the dandruff and healthy3 Sageinewill do t a betties to -day, make as clean and handsome 1:11. g, Walley. ; 'Imams Hay . 1 • *hell the ttolIorwlng o ficers were ected: Preeident, D. I. Wilson; vIcee president, George Pette SOTI ; secretary- traeaeurer, John Wenr; I patron, John an.P.; chaplain, Rev., A. D. McDonald; akips, J. yons, R., Cone - on George Patterson D. D. Wilson, oung, J. :Weir, J A. aWilnea, d. Laidlaw, J. S. ttotborts and Alex. The ffollowinn are some or the large starounta -won in prizee at the South Buren (fall Ohow recently held in Sea-, ; llorth : Ca, 11:. Cresswell," Tuckersrrith, $28.75; Elcoat Bras., TeckersMith, $20; In Snell and Sotis, Hullett, $25,50; S. McMillan, Rullett, $26.75; H. and W. ID. Smith, 4ay, San; James Cooper, , Tuckersrvith, $14.75; a Dale, er, Hullett, *12! John T Dicleson, Tuck- ersirith, $10.25; Peter Deeteursey, Rib- bert, $14; Richard Delarldge, Stepben, $18; Andre* JobnettOn Hay, $25.25; Richard (McKee, McKillop, $24; Mrs. G. Nott, Tuckersreith, $2,5,75; George Penhale, Stephen, $14,,n0 Mr. A. Cardnoi thi$ town shipped trent Seatorth and •Brueefield stations this season over seven thousand, bar- rels *apples, ; e A young on bitie homes Paser more, Thamee Road, Ins • ornee received a bad kicknronr a hetree on Saturday - last The Oboe struele lir just above ; the iforehead and tore t e scalp half *ft his head. Seanerth, Mra, William Sterling', townishiP, has - nold id lira 625 dozen eggs, for * ceired the ISUISS ntnet Mr. James McMichael, Sealforth, Was the first 18 Inullett, the total ;air then collected amounted £40. 1, . 26, 1868. of Goderich the season ich she re - dollars. ow living in tax gatherer , unt at taxes o the sum ett tntebuoy Soap .18 et Iightfully re- neesting for Bath or Toilet or Nyasa- -tag underclothing It. s unequalled leanses and ermines ' For School. Teachets red All In- terested in Edno The Ontario Educationa Inch holds its ifiltytfir oronto during Easter we o Ate' Ilth) is Irak1 teresttn.g departure -Irani edure. For many years ad as its chi* spealeers ng meetings distinguis reomenerdbroied.W any wehieiluetiredhee aa etharks have been inueh he Association, has deelde ear the places elf luenor ram to Canadians. The Venerable Archde oronto, has consentea t Psociation on '"Educetio 'National Character?' w acIntyre ott the Winni niehool will *trig a trees Western provinces ann w II deliver an Mldress o'n the topic "An ancient Ede Additfohal intereat is 4dded to the eograre ber the ract tha Dr. Henry . Cope, or Chicago, !Sec etary of the liglous Education Assoc ation, and a peaker on note; has cons nted to be resent and to give two aldrosses, one elfore the Training Depax neent on the ider Aspects df Religious Education ad one Wore the General Associan ion on the public echool as a factor n *the development df religious char - c t ehre. T President nor the eesent year, r, J. H. Laughton, oi4 Pa khill, repree nts the Public and High school truse eee on the province. Th emphasizes Ise scope de the activities f the Asso- lation and the reprenent tive charac- er of ita membership. '• The tBoard dt Director is anxious hat the attendance at 1 e forthcorre rig meeting shall be the I rgest in the istory en the Associetio . Special ate s are granted on all the railroads nd the University on, To onto is Coe perating wins the liven comin1ttee to rovide ample accommed t oa foe the etings of the large no b r of depart- ents and sections tate yl1i1ch the As- s lation is now divided The Secretary, Mr. R. arlton Str., Toronto, t3 end copies on the tion Association t meeting in k (April 8th an an- ts usual pro - past it has at its even- ed educators visitors have d while their appreciated, to give this on its pro -.,on Cody, at address the In Relation ile Principal g Normal go from the The Late irtj. Hatleter.-,-i re- gret was felt • y a very large rind on oe 1 ning �f the death of Mrs. Jacob lia•erer on Fx1day evening, March 8t1. a St. Joseplfs Hoepital, London. lMr . Haberer had gone to the hoapit undergo an operation, which was .13 cce iu11t performed on the preced g day. But ur'ortunately the constitiUtjsn of ta deceased was unable to jwit stand t se shock a the operation, in ,she pa8sed away as lanboythee giftt st Mrs. Flatterer, who MI5 Year tiicr a.,;e, will t be much a, d long mis ed.'by her be- reaved husbandand falailn, by whom t she was grail beloved1 as well as by the tra,ny rie ds wher she had liva ed iso Ion and where she was so r highly and Iso deservetil eeteernen. Her et kindsess ofQ disposition I and cbeerful manner endeared her to all who en- 01 joyed her acquaintance,, The remains were brought here foreinterent, the funeral ta ing lane eplace or late horre and as very la gely attended., The rent a were laid to 'rest in St. Peter'e Lu eran cemetery, , the service being perfo n:ed by Rev. O. C. Maass, pastor of he church of which the deceased WS an active mans en De - Bides a ta 11y1 on six sins: and two e leaves to iturn her loss, one brother, Mr. Peter d a eister • 'Mrs Edwaxd John Net. anhwae ger, who , Was also a sister. daughters her nusban Deichert, Deters. Mrs died recent The Coun the tow,nsh A. McGrego ty, ehreate alleged eta paid soon, As the cou fer on Mr any liabilit instructed t s Du gann n nannon Notes. The resbyt ave v -led' 64 and oni (tour votes favor of train elation Fred ins n? butc Inger, otg Rive td r'rh vellana d II take see�lnfl,_L.1 r. and 1:14,1•11 a• r an, last we 1 askat car oe. ttlersn effect Clinton a' u here.-p'no la ng` i the vote he Meth the Auburn irlult';' years, 2P to nion rcenebern 'tend r 18, -2 gainet ; •• here ts, 21 gainst. aI, 2i6 for Majority' for u ion, 2 Kirke, * W t Waar chased S. 5: anti Trio Barney enin Malloug1 (tar nhackleto George TR gin_ lage, ,and tak BegieTIA fro.v The Morris c which all *silo Elston, - the B tandThP*Iriteepteracs/:oe ing. Fist Bartiers concrete at $S.90 and .actco the steel bridge a arid at $ accounts thP hao ar t rewe, prope ssess tte j. • e ell oe the he e bers busl sastlwa el fl ts a. sit a. L ask r tend d Setuna -Fr r -Th end or th but e Is -at ny yard,a r p the t the sup rs euttu Per Mba1n At ter rIa$$ °If Dun - ch ch union. axe aece,rded in r Peter Den- ali) rchased Mr. , shop in the Li:Mediate poa- 1 . Tbierras s Reid Atentield, left he' an with a 1 Swan o'..' [fa ming near the result of let churches of ens, era over 18 nd 9 against: e'er and a as non and 5 ---aa ann 15 againat. 1. -Mr. Andrew osh has pur- a,rmi near here, me . t week. mire ased the Wm has purchased ty in this vil- on shortly. Mr. milton. 1.1. -At the 1 p council a *solicitor r ing'l to sue, or- G. J. laid bet cil never ae Beatty it di wiateyer. COMM' t a matter A y -law in rell _assessment • Stanley to ing certain lands and' township ott Hay !dr was provisi nally passed revision on thi$ 1138eSSIZ day, the 1st of May. sjx ratenaYers Of School 2 , enking that lats 6 Ito 5tan concession be taken .6 and adnen toSec- wa4 presenti:d te. the clerk was Instructed to ustiees, interatted that the be taken cup an 'the nexti hich will be Wednesday, ere will also st Meeting of letter acorn OS J. Beat- onnatil if the atty was not re tae council. epted tine at- ' oot admit, .e clerk was &Reiter in the erenee to an VflShip charg- oads en the utlet liability A. court ot nt be held on W A petition Section - No. 1 in the, (front Sect! tion No. 2 council, The notity the t matter will held in the u 1 place meeting on he council, April ard, h pathmes be appointed eet tie ere ghe tr and dtat sent, -the ansacted: Pay ar unliturlf; ardograve dlaer Fraser - xs fir painting rvi le bridges, the next nseet- t w accept G. egasrkr'suetibruilidg°ef Thu 11 -Laidlaw nder Of A. Bill ROM ruction of -of1 Clerk's beet submitted s a few Jeur ed until In Th Interesting S of Seat° From th At the ren er, McKllkyp the lath Ellen, secood (ford, Req., r Mr. trX D. ed a earl storing there selling them air M R. the jewelry 22 years, h 'Winnipeg. Mr. 'W. 11. - eels, has ta tall shows On the 17th pen, by Rev. McGregor to all of Tuck The annual Curling Club Iden Days. 1••••••••••••• MOM , et hes of th Eilely Days th and VI hefty, Taken Se in out 11r1 es of TIlie Erpositor. Oci*, 12, 18$5. e off the _ bride's tet141 Be,. Mr. Torrance, on AbraxM Crich to hter &David Craw - Ott thIS week receiv- grapes. Be intends Isis rear ater and when th y get scarce. ter, who hes been In ess here ifor the past added to trove to erth, Oc Mc racket's i all 108 is season. In I., at tbe S truel Ac MU Jessie nsi h. m eting held on • )Doan, 216 111 be pleased regratrone alil who may be interested and giveaany a sistance within his power- to those ho are planning to attend. arch Weather heumatic Weather 1 •I • Victims Can Cure Themselves With Dr. Williams' Pink, •••••••• With the coining of March, people who a e afflicted with rheuniatiam begth. to ve unpleasant reminders of their tr uble. The weather ts caangeable- b liry sued spring-like one nay, raw, celd and piercirig the next. It is such arodden cba,nges of weather that sets the tpan.ga and tortures or rheturatism, luieba,go and sciatica goin re -re ar 0 rh aU an ed te to et be borne in mind t either conditions start 411 uble is deeply rooted, in ,t only be cared thr9411 the lotions :and linkmen rid can't cure Theurnatis tieem- to ease the pain rubbing, but there ite ly through the blood. et • But it t atlhough pains l the e biood and the blood, -sin the ns. Rubbing while you value ends. ure nss' of dit tan id e s of you meatier°. That's why Pbri, k Pills have so many thousand s of thin trouble to their er e new, rich blood which they isonous 4 ge lea, as att eurna $ not be th. make drives out theD o alleureatiam Is vartaul h example. Mr W. a bbwood, lOnt., says wbithoreinaflamd tnatusorny 0111.1,,tire y e- . For two imonths w ble bo 'about, and seensed t ova e • between aite an dde. My , its were; eveollen ,at4 n legs nd art s twisted, until exPec that ey vt, suld never return to th flona1 sh pe. The doctor seemed 1 t. help me, bu not to care Irk and 1 would be. be ter one' day and woree the next. ,Atl this tirre a friend Strip ly urged weI to try Dr. ,Williamse Plnk Pills epit I t a do boxes. Soon alter 'be- ing the Vile there was a chanie the bet er, and. I continued using pills tilIwas quite well again. swell 4 disappeared frorr the ts. 147 bs returnee" to their x.ate I shape nd I neel fl.13 If Dr. .rT Ia. e Pink Pills have 'save4 me tam g a rh ureetic crippae. holm my rienee • ay prove st. bl eeing to e other :utterer." Yea r from rhetunatism, , or other isease of the blood, begin euro you self to -day wail Dr. Wile a' Pink Pine. by al qealers M medicine, or trail at 5 cents a bola or six lances $2.60. Zr'-The The Williams' Media Com - .7, Prockville, t. Q1 s . 19,-18s8, , e ne otnaruen s ries at the manse, Hugel I t McLean, be Seaforth onday lett, to 1 anna- ! ' LOCAL PITON—Residents in the local option districts can 1 y order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN H LABAT1', LThilITED, LONDON, CANADA <4 •CA 4C:A WA\ IAN A A /A rA\ fA\ "AA CS‘A• rAl (A\LIVANA AA/kVA IA 1\:4\ 41,VA\ ANCSVS‘/AN /AAA A ant '14tb. 4%‘st. \lc% itii;VCVs6 -\44.4‘. C,Z1.4.3N. • eiPPM ourtabrock ROOT Gelf:04 gr,Feto Room , of the mod s prepared Servi Aboke. is sho mottern barn by our "Buil Dept.,' Others a portfolio that to you on receip attached to thi filled out, . If you will tell the ham you e and the numbe want to house, Advisers, consis the !best barn contractori in will do -operate plan a building to your own quiriOnents. , This Service is FREE of char, on* of the lans Prepared ers' Service are shown in will be -mailed of the coupon s ad, properly • - 1 - s. the ;., size of ect tp build, of cattle you our Board of Lingoftenof builders and e Dor-Anion, with i you to xactl siuted arti r re - 1 ffered to you. e. It's our way of elation hearty s builders our pro Preston rn barn by our eH Dept. showing our appre- the gergerous and pport therarmers and f Canada haVe given ucts, partic ula.rly ale -Lock Shingles. Preston Si merit the t ra feem" el:de oku s dhe nmgaineds they enjoy to -day, for they afford guaranteed peNectiort .against lightning. They keep out the rain, snow, moisture, wind and fire, too. They cost nothing for up -keep, as they never need painting or repairs. Our latest edition of "Truth About Roofing" booklet tells all aboutthem. We'll send *copy alongwith (he Port- folio of Baro Plans. You want the Portfolio, that's certain, if you intend to build. SO send the coupon by first mail. Address it to • Manager Metal S inOe & Siding C� Limited Branch Office Mil Fet.iy1 Visetzeid, Q. 1Preat0111 Onto x•X J11 IC XXXI: x:exx x *woo x.x x tit Pleue send Me • ° • 0110 of Barn Plus 'showing k construction and plaas of • I .1 • I intend building Et b Do you intend ..fing Or re -siding any b • .g this ,year? (Yee or No.). • **-1,--raince°1---..--- I liaggl;* X X X OCXXXXX Paper 201 XXX XXXX•XXXXIO.XXX, EXPOSIT° R 0 Tie !I 4 :6„t=„1 talent, to, 2, people.was so grei that e atiseet *len for several 1 *wag ler 'for i quite a at] Icor tbore wI1 1b on. Terrlto ve had 44: -very the mental- OEOoran on Aar atto k iwind, suow away. JY ensen -few nut ,WE WANT YOU Yes we want you as a customer. .4sk us te mu& you our 1912 Cataiegue. Ws brim full of all that Is good in rowm4 Vigotablagg, Priad Roots, Grains, Pots, Smolt . Irdta, botolocoutat BOO Supplies, Poetry Supplies, es. Wheat& hit Is "ha Ira lam ahead is NOINS de alainner, Gareeser iid Private Ate le wen met San ii vat asaassat et lima sad a stow . Write us te-flar tilas ripa are vaailiS.1116. .DA.Ren & HUNTER 14adteL Dept.- 64 IAmoloal Canada - D. E.* Canneent ditia Sirs& Tunsigs--Atinswwindered tiles bed ander, ner beet , cooker. the bent, skipper. TIM IT. tie also *GOY Y t Of th tow Was ,for evera the bownabip cc 4100 relnetteritorl ! c=;