HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-03-08, Page 5:AR H : 191 aster or working oes,; These shoeS rather throughout. th the leather used rench or Canae a working -shoe. f and waterproofs erm We carry it nd our Vices are 6.75 4.25 ts, made up and French •Kip, $54s b.- Repair • `ork. able prices. IA:R T , a._ and there wen Srest to: them., Thu there were able- lzildren present. Th. my two hours and that time the derv.. an idle moment. a. congregational iterians on Thurso- week, humweep for the pur- the advisability of :riot of the: church.. irnout, ants. it was- te opinion that the -Y. th this. work. Fr' Phorces gave his Et, and the follow, r,}spointed to look, B. McGowan, W. er, a3sisted by a dee;' .Aid. There Ia ovlding niore room ie place they have Cher too: small, It `oak will cost in $500. -The Aural held a rceeting J. nday evening last, 4 matters of hula- '''. uev through was to E the operator front title Club held a_ in the rooms of on Thursday eve There wasa good [e was of the best ad a Trost enj'oy- i• supper was ser- eurant. Without a the best affairs s ever taken place wedding tookplace 1. Rullett, on Wed-, when his young- Lamle, oungLamle, was united W Graig, by . the. e happy coupleta- r a short time, li leave for the alg is going into nether, The best r friends go with ironte.-Rev.: LL conducting revive hodist church, has. ',hem this week. Feng well attend, Lord;: or Tacoma, :sent visitLrg_ Beve J. Wiseman, col- Clinton, paid a th last Friday. -- :s in Londesboro day. -Mrs.. James her mother in ties Jese ie Thoir.pe siting her sisters rgan spent a few. Brussels last V outh visited. desbrro last week. Smith ;visite4. s at H nsai1•-ylrs_ ay last week eclsboro. tIr. A.. Woodstock vis -• t week. -Mr. FA G carload of cat-, of hags to Tin R. H. Robinson,.. sick list Tor the around agga ne aken the agency Imrpleinents and spring stock. -- San received a s here on Tues - are receiving skins for their ad a very suc- S. Mains, who arn3 renters for into his house . Creighton Creighton blas nd is going to as it is vacated« a car of sugar week. -Mr. John npieagant exper ening- Ere was being sore and een cut.. Hee dia-c Aider, which: he be hoped no ow. -Mrs. (Rev.) ting with with her g e .g Ilion of -25_3 bottle r. d 3Tol 1t ed with 37ple from l.l'°11=r s C. ' s Merits-- 2,1 e'its---I I` Sip ri eF 4 N T This Talsphons Cass:; oh the inarket from 41 ft • $7 25. Hogs 1 Tale following appears in the "Court were 'steady at $7, fed and watered, aia Appeal decisions issued this week: And calves ` were advance. to $t to ylFtsge of Brussels v. McKillop Munk. $8.60. Sheep were also ve , ms Some Telephone S stem; V1 a ,of represelatative traneactio s ere as Rfollows : W. d. Neely bo t a ht 'loads ,�till v. �iclsiiup Municipal `.t`eF�phot,t�- ��: + > tn--An appeal by itatillop Muni;- of butcher cattle; Seed t ch ice $6410 -tel �phemei'bysterst from the orders to $6.50, Tedium $6.7,6 to •6; ood:�cow,s of the Ontario` Railway and Municipal at 314 to 45.60. Wei.. Mc toy' bought Woad of Match 10, 2911, and ;may 5, three los43 jot ,steers -at 6.70 to 46.85.. in relation to Brussels and an Corbett and gall !sold a hti ads of sitotral by the same, defendants from . cattle, $00 tto $6.86; ,s. to $5, et r of June 20, 1911, Tin rei*,' Swift's Oaadia_ii Oo. bo ' t ' ericali tl to Blyth. The two appeals : werelambs at $7.25s *beep at ; $4,6 ttor'Argued $5., together for convenience. Held: 110; Canadians at $7 .td 27;75 Hayhoe mobil allowed and order of Ontario , and Wilson colo five lo ds f but- patomay arid Municipal Board feet a chars at $5.65 to $6.55;61 0- • «erican With caste. 1alnhs at 147.60 en oh • at 5, ealves IWOof Brussels 'e'. M cKlilop &run at $6 Ito !$8.50. P. K ane • Y bought Telephonefetal Systel --An appeal bar oMontreal .26.50;1butche ..s ; ' rio load, WIMPpi Municipal Telephone • System,1150, Pounds, one to, ' 1200 gnus• orders of the Ontario Railway pounds, $6.65;. one load, 1201 lbs.,' e ounicipal Board of March 30, $6.45; one `load, 1050 po ' e, x6.86: 014 and May �,. 1911, in relation to bulls, $4.50 to $5.25. :' : rris. Abattoir'. dailtramthe order .df June bought 240 butchers at. $x.805 to 26.70; 1911,�in the Blyth case. trhe viii- a `9ii►s, 24.50 'to $5.70. Sw ft's ',bale ,dian' of Brussels and Blyth trade epi. Co. bought 150 .butchers tion to the Railway and Municipal `_ u . -at $6 to $6.404. (for `ail order for connection, in, -i j $6.35; heavy cows, 1200 t munication, a reciprocal use in = $4.76 to; $5.50; medium, 10 -fie transmission of business between $� to $4.61; . bulls, 120d•to the telephone systems of the; applicants $4.75 t'o' :$6:26; .and the McKfllop Municipal System up -1 Montreal, March 5. -Th 41111 the terlias and conditions mentioned • the !stock was Much bett la .ththe agreement submittedsubmittedto the been : _and ;sale$ respondents or tupon such terms as the .steers of weig!tehicig frotc, 125 Board might be pleased -to. order and were txercie at. $7, ansij'fuI The Board ordered the 75 while full Loads ave 1,10a to 1200; Tice $6' t to of 1350 ; lbs., o t 11001b13.,: 1500 pounds, i qu lity of r th l has f d c nice to 1300 lbs. loads atle$6.-: ag'In,g iron.' ht from erg were a buds o fern X25' to X$5.75 alit ! for ig od Many_ ht.Iior ship - °the of t ich nd i ., a. direr . *Inflection 'leaked. Held; Appeal pounds each( bro , , and Y orders of the Ontario $b1050 to 1100 .i5 to 6.26 per cwt., ,�lway and Municipal Board ,set a-, 4 good to enol idde with costs. • • ed, which 'gold at froom per cwt. The top price ssimmissmssmissismo choice cows was $5.50. cattle _and hogs were b 'hent to :Quebec and Fe�rmi!gold.-Mr. to D.. Somerville has :points. Another feature cold his splendid maria! of 150 acres i was 'the weak feeling w McKillop Goorgeired of WMcSpaddeninthrop, to apt hisa negood ighborfigurec , Mr. lthelined 25c 'ta 50c (aaarket for 'hogs, Th . , is is One of the finest farms . in ' e4 with 'thoee paiper last the township, has splendid buildings, t was fully expected by th • sad es In a high state of cultivation! + big ', vance o2 last wee so. that all the flew owner, has . to do lisle +ten[porary :scareit 1st Wo ahead and teaks money off it. ` illiS to the .snow block: Mr, McSpa is now the owner of road slaps which have all acres of tthe beat land in McKillop. moved, as supplies were Y[r. Somerville Intends locating in. Sea- and aneple to fill all req lorth and will . likely !take a trip to as the packers in most ca the wast next summer,, i of stock the demand - -- good, and pm active trade lected lots selling freely cwt., weighed off cars. sheep and lan:.bs was qui of the limited supply co for which 'the demand i limited, as- the butchers a MARKETS SItAll'ORSE1, March 7th, 1912 Barley, per hustel.......... ., „, .. 75 to 90 Ina' on their frozen etoc 32 wa to 32 cc elves was goods, which a Low Grade Flour, per toe 28 tro 30 ! quality. alutchers' cattle Ti•notby tided. Poultry each $75 to $80; common . Toronto Mar. 5. -Wholesale prices of each $50 to $65; springer choke dressed poultry -Chickens 12 to Sheep, ewee, $4.75 to *5 a auo le 21c. Live poultry about 2c cents 1 Toronto, March 5. -The bes lower than thee above. , er cattle sold well from $6.15 medium and common cattle steady at $3 fto $5.25. Lambs were very -strong, the former verea firrr at $7 to 47,60 and are atill scarce, artd pricea very firm ter touching $5.25 for choice o Dairy, choice, in wrappers, 3e to 32c : large were quoted firm. at 27, fed rolls, 29 to 31c, and inferior, tubs, 20 ered. Calves were unchanged to pc. Creamery is quoted at 37 to *8. Some representative t tra Vic lor rolls, and 34 to 350 for sada 'were as follows : Corbett and • outside ie Made ievel'oped rices de- corrpar-, week, which tea e, ata the rely. tock rail- re - ay nts, but of the s e o bee ler ire es as was at he on de re to choi Dairy Markets Toronto, March 5. -Butter -The de- ntand 13 !goad for prime qualities, which Montreal, March 5. -Cheese - Finest CO/TIMM butchers, 00 pounds. westerns, 15 1-4, to 15 1-2c; finest cows, 1230 pounds, at $5.25; .easterns, 14. 1-2 to 15c, Butter -Choi- 340 potmda, at $5 cowa, 1035 Grain, Etc. Toronto„ March 5. -Ontario Wheat - •Offerings are rraxlerate with prices un- changed. No.2 white, red and rcixed are gated at 96 to 97c, outside. Peas - Good shipping peas are nominal, at ,teipts are small, but 'the demand, good. tear lots at No. 2 iOntario quoted mice sad No. 1„48 1.2c, bay ports. Bar- ley -The market is quiet, With prices • unchanged ; A8 lbs. quoted at 95c outside. Corn -Trade quiet And Prieee quoted at 73 1-2c, Telealito freightx , Rye -Trade doll, with prices unchanged. Rran-The market is firm with lou.9- Piles smaii. Manitoba. bran $25 in bags Toronto freight. Shorts $26.50`to $27. Beans -Trade quiet, with prices firm. Breall lots of band picked quoted at $2.- 15 to $2.40- per bushel. Seeds -The de- mand is fair for seeds, with prices firm. ifilsike, $11 to $12.50 per bushel; red elover rules at $11.50 to $13.50 per bush- el tor re -cleaned Bee& Timothy, $7 to *0 Per bushel. Baled Ilay-The market is unchanged ; offerings oftener; No 1, $12.50 to $13.50. Baled Strewt - The market is quiet with prices of good atraw quoted at $10 an track Toronto. Potatces-Receipts are moderate. Car Delawares at $1.75 to $1.80. Out of Live Stock Markets. Liverpool, March 5. -Trade was- very 'slow in the Birkenhead. market, but twith supplies short, Saturday's quota- tion% which were for both American and Canadian steers from 14 1-2, to 15 1-2c per pound had firm. General indications denote a further rise in: - Buffalo, March 5. -Ca ttle Market fairlY active and steady ; orbits steers, tall to choice, t6 $1a50. Sheep and. Lambs -Market active and 25c higher ; choice larrba, 7.25 to $7.50; cull to ket active arid 10 to 20c higher; yorks Union Stock Yards, Toronto, March 5.--Cholce heavy steors fetched Lox. 46.50 to 6.85 and some were reported as iligh as $7. Good, butcher cattle ranged. from $5.75 to $6.40; and teed - lea cattle fetched from $5 to $5.50. Cows were strong at 24 to $5.70 for extra choice ones. Bulls were steady $3.50 to $5.25. Canadian. lambs were learce, but Were quoted at $7.25 to 47-15- Quanlitles of American lambe sold butcher cattle; steers and helferee $5.10 calves, $5.75 ao 29. Ifaybee an Wilson sold eight loads ; 750 to 1100 1.13 . each, at $4.65 to $6.50; three export rs, 1450 lbs. each, et $7; One export b 2080 the well Births -7 nun!. Ind re ohn powell, a son, le t- In Eemondville, on Pe truer/ 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pabblek, EL son. GOULD-In Clinton, on February 214h, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould, a son. lit BC:MITRE-In Hullett, on February 21st, tio Mr. and Marrilaffeet REID-KEYS-In Stanley, on February 27th, by Rev. T. W. Cosens, Miss Annie, eldest daughter Mr. ernes A. Reid, of Carinduff. Sask. GAUNT- JER NIA IN-- At the Rector Feeruary 24th, by Rev. E. II. Or James. -Gaunt, of Winghem, to Irene jerinain, of St.Catharines February 21st, Mr. Hilton E. s to Miss Alberta Annetta, dau Aire. Wtn. Eva 8, Gordo. 21st, at the home of the bride ,Idr. Chester Bell, of Oliffor daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jas. HANNAH -KEYS -At the home Wingham, on Miss Henrietta ome, §orrie, on ton, f Gerrie. hter of Mr. and , to mist; Martha. Bell, of i Howick. f the bri en, moth- er, Bayloo fine, Stanlev, on ebruere 28th, by Rev. T. J, Snonden. of Verne Pheoh , daugh- ter of Mrs. Robt. Keys, to Sa ne el Hannah, of Yellaw Grass, Sask. FRANKLIN-SLEMMON- At the home of tbe bride's father, Brussels. by Rev. D.Wren, Nelson Franklin. of St.George, One., te ma Burniee, daughter ef Mr. Wm. Slommon. NISBET-CAREY-At Goderieh, On Mare 4th, by 1 Rev. Geo. 'E. Ross, Mr. G. Nisbet, to hi ss La,urie Carey, daughter of Mr. 0. F. 3rey; al of Gode. Deaths BARBER -In Winghatn, on Febtelary 2511h, Agnes Vance, wife of the late Roht. Earner, aged 75 SINIMONa-In Bruseels, on February 28th, Hazel May, youngest daughter of Jahn and Harriett Simmons, egad 16 eare and 2 months. 13ARTON-In Wingham, on February 25th Gustav - as Barton, aged 73 years. WILKINSON - In Belgrat 0, on Februory 27th, James Wilkinson, in his 80th Year. . Mary Sproul, beloved wife of William Kilpet- BETHUNE-At Ern°, Ont., on Fehroary 4th. Vie - rick, in her 66th year. torte Ali•.e Gordona, beloved evite of Dr. F. H. Bethune, son of Dr. Bethune, fermerlY of Sea. forth, aged 23 years and femontlee. BRO4DFOOT, BOK O. 7 he Leading Undertakprs CHARGES MODERATE and. Embalmer. Night and Sunday calls promptly attended to. Residence on Gkxlench etre at west, op- posiec Dr. Scott residence. Phone No 50B. Flowers furnhhed on Alert notice. n098 ineki T.:el has H .1.y 1 A CION -w e p last tvi he n estate without wuo 1 ot)ere :terhe lee,. t o JO sn + *pe of th, $PANE Iii♦♦♦o j mare �• r •. WWise any l . y hien . I l abler r MAaUD ' N ho ork o Apply N, e e othe rat 1. 8 S., 1.5-' n;Ilen a•, ; Tho , n, o • ry: rick e aird.a �,fth.of r • Joule 295,. the pro tuated on'e nae, eight land,g... e apply to 1 erieali;Ont. Lando •: bit .B Be Ela wel AR xt • •: ,: OL ldin nee ad% 8,rR AL Rad* dire ght sijnut :7 stint ion 4, ; .. R, 114'P. 0 s tinders' 4 n the far ea'. a o• WM. 0 , e A . ,: ' 'oft - E— o sale Lot 26 ib rt, { + ntain ng 99 acres. 11 feed and uncle r nod and Is g t, his s one • f a best f i r p a• d 11 be cold o r asonabie e e pr m sor=•dres.T 0S, CO 0. d hu A nil seen o OCAS Clone e pro *idly s in th e. OLLY, goo t 1 l:g -ef ion 6` eirty specie pt ffa 03x2 11 11 of se 13 11 ice tie N BULL fro, Canary 24, 41 I. of 3u t. erm a $1.50 ag it booked. eld P. 0 et Ph SERV he 0lothilt ter and 57, to Insure.' .A. 2 on,14 it 011ie' df Mi axile at TT• Mi anary react k in tithe o. cad; 07x4 0 ' mid R AND LOT e.0 geed 14 storey + o and airtime a bl a to Man etre t. , Egmoniville r SALE. I+ Egm with 'J q r (Good r en a Apply SEP eetorth . . ndvillel re tiff d well, .NOGG- 4•tf on K Epic ea nth,' old Ideals tew you SALR-1,1 Hee ir, brick I hone electric snit parohiss M OR nae en 1' holes ed in ool co r ull 12 good 11 tlie pro , late ell , for fu IR Box 64, hl f land ving -8 FOR KALE - n, being lorth . Must be of lot - Id at once. FFIOE. Jame cone or te Olen - on 8, bank Good ap- x4 th wil BE Ma an pre a ter t side. of Spar in said Josigh T re be rented. Term own Lot„ of he Town of ne atiri tipied If no Y to west e 22 h, on y the sold OHN de of tf een teted the is is lane tai ' in.g1100 acres. farm ratio ass ifarm and wil lie Ha 0 ESI 3 co Stre Orr Yen ertt is will he a gar en in g od to El AB KNOB FOR well w throug rasa to 221 sidence en litaine 11 tie s td very heap or at quick p n a3res of Ian in the villege ith k' ids of mallfruits. R ill be sold ehea to a, quick hi RT, Kgreondvi fortabl Marko and ode This farm rohase 23 and and mese con - and tf e red and he wh nientle yer. or to elm and - good le is situ .11 sal Pre Ian wor also App Roll will post Whe sol will lye pre y al OUS 2 Yte and s. pro edit on y on pre nise AND 1,3T FOR SALE -F r ian Ohu ele, There is an a( re Qom of 11,1 health. just inside tor town Id le oke awl hain or Sol d Seri 'US vii ou RO ed G Id Extension 13 EE 16 i Fre end card slide whis ning Free to se send priz- you Add Toro acre it is dern scho villa 144, the shed Ther foun barn shed arch is We state farm boun phon For f dress the nney and w u ch ose. For d to a y be you hod "Si lei ess OA wMe -021: ofthg, 1:1 1 an chili on he el 11. en le 8 ro t wept. There ,ctr_p_ora ion. MA TIN, Doll hut, tcnet each iler). send You we 1 111 med the It of able win reseed and old me an and g 40 se RE 230 Eneine early one foot, 'high ‘1 Si mei, in e er Guaranteed • end , our name and We will ea tiful ester end othel poet nev and e• will send otewhich e. For s Iling 40 ree't we will Ty ewri er.'1 We pre ay all che R- Alt EN D peotrnent 230 titfit 12 With am - etch trend erds eyer give AL - n North al m dem riek house it mid stabl-t get well, s Tilde far is Iv il situ 11.. Will sbl on r so of tainin cellar ll ore 9, 60 hrd hand . to EAN, Box 2303 11f on aoft w with s id ano imple od bea The in a bush. h nea with easona Wee or 2808 D ABA FOR SALE-elnor sale L4 2, Co Hut tett, ont ining 101) 'acres, ere ar emi es a, -op brick Melee, ki e wit go d le Ilar nd hard at d I un erd me and wel owed end nis or 11 411 ate I, 5 iles rope Se fo ter one her ent ing enn laa The the le. el batter one lhot va r, !Pena etc, A Jetted link barn !id ther ut mildi es 1,h in the be t of re air. pre c farm the 11 sold t on th mond ence, ohe. School, oat soil is rich ola , loam, aci good emu real ence, on m grass. I Fl nir Mill on frame 40 x'50, four storie or wi tem maehinery. of sto tee, reteri ig, shaft ma large plates' pe 'idea mutt inaehiree, bru Also E. OU feet 5 inch lea her be belt 14 inches ide, 60 feet I ng, 1 ffice, o ate. he 'end the- build oes do an remeinde in rem ses for Sale-Hcany home pow Ir boiler, 3 eun Weer 24 milt le Machine, etc. bier bel 12 It. GOVEN- Como reiel EWA, Seafareh. Good .3 a Rolle John Chesney, Proprietor On ridey, Mitrch 15th, at 1 p. m. c sioe ley. Farm Stock a. tient 22 0 , McKillop, Farm St 1/1, 0 !tees , MeKillop, Horses Petra Grade Cat le. Lovett hielotoeh, Pr re Brow Au •tiostileer. ue eerie use toe old Br m. at the t 11, plem mplem Lbt 1. On 'her da {March ?1st, at 1 o' lack case op 5,; Mullett, Farm o pie me Altaies En: Reenvolds, Pro le m. Bred k and 0 - Lott and m..sKw. ,Brown to 2, Uoop. , gelding rlsi yearst td. mo bulla 1 ',olive t eaiv Grade t 1 oows due to calves. Te aapppprovedi t dollar allowed ART HoIN!) O Audi eer. • F TORS DOA hasi1 t •'ted Mr lio anode , o Lott18, y, Me •11+eh, at1 owing : . -One old, 1 cfriv ng Mere ed Clatt1 o Po 4 cows d mate in ,2 cows halve in cows du o� h'e in April,10 ea I "tee nthsit A disc nt of 3., den wlli be h one it o'nnts. roprietor ;' OROS g pu olook, t bllo Bair owuotionn.n4opn, i h e•entire, hold fu iture, of th of Sale -Und r $ eredit oje ap rove cent. per an AM at once for t a le 18, Oonoeesip , 1 nd sloe1 Ha PINE ir1cEW N, 1 BERRY Auc� Trusts C o., 1. nit r u : th on or o'clock, Ws 1, Ueborhe, Willi:oh well underd ed day of sele. o es geldings 4 o d, in foal rieln te years. PI se d old. Poll Ab u cultivator, er ter, rope, cer d ranie, to, le 4 Ito cash. Te nd 8 months' omit 11 joint notes. ' p amounts. JO C Thomas + noeseior + olook P. draught +�n 4 Marais, the fell. 8 and 12 given on on the MOWN, 2301.2 ' RING 8 : OP'S • n K AND re will be o'ered for sale by premien,t 18 • . conies Tuesday, Ma • 1 1 h. at one o'- fraud oat in dingoue- b late Duncan of en. Terme ; over that e7 months' int notes.' ° At di tint of 6 per + ash. O$ire will' be received f the far m,eom ,misting of Got north half of Lot' 17, (lances - Mier particulars apply to AL - sail, Ont., or to E.BOSSEN. • The •ndon and Western. xecutors London 0 • t. 23307-2 L F' FARM, M STOCK AND' -South al of Lot 32, eon, ben hou e, 10 0. erees choice ring well . cisteru, the farm le erms of f rm made known on, uoking hi.. • .colt, raft mare old. Ca itle-1-2 two year old e April 1 th, 8 pigs 2i months 40 hens. lin leoients -Rake, inner, di , rill; ,binder, alf gs, churn and other /arming re-Ocial eater, ood or coal under aas , over that omit given on furnishings proved nt. off or leash ° on credit OOD Huron. 3 toil n rt the Main Grav 1 ad livery an Tele ho e. and one o thel es brick fou did n 06 inept stabling hro g cattle and 6 b s.1 hen house andt, all broken land a t soil to be found 70 no 25 acres hey en ba n well chained en in a mast desirable pl e On the potted r Seaforth P, O. SALE - ship of I of the it miks On the f nk barns wit of Seafo roan ehure trn le spume x 60 feet e 22 foot pos out, room' tot tie 44 11, t mike or drivin is suPisl tie for ere is shtd. ,Two all thron fence Was coed erased, aleolsina . A large rt th three yeaM go ; it es plowed,12 ref,' fall wheat, produce oroc. I No oOti state' of' cultivation. A. it mixed farming. Apply &tress EDWARD A. Milt, choke nty of th, on es and Ds - house , with end of 0 pigs, build- never - h the reeted 1 fruit s farm TOW better eiLskild u ainustotruiacnt,ipon' for ,4 II Horses -1 near ti tee years old, nnennsrai due to calve in ay ' Inew, 1 Motley- 'Orr about time'of :,..ied,e t walking plawis (Ines I eight horse pow r, c tt dozen grann ha an Terms --All aural approved jrfint n. te N SALE oF FARM :TOOK TS -Jas. Jornee has neeived cession ToWnship of ogan, nIth, 19 the roll wing : ese mares. Oattle- cows arrow cow, 1 heifer ri -ng 2 s-1 brood sotre due to litter tore pigs 5 monOis Id, 40 oxon ;Ander 6 -ft. out early ower cut, 1 Sher hay row, Perrin riding p ow, 2 ), 1 2.furrow fang plo , set wagon with ox and pring trucks, hay ack, pai bob - bolters and tinker, 2- eated de team her era, Ch thane males 2800 lbs. etratity, 1 rig box, root pulpe , seeker' a lot of other artiolest too num 0 and under cash ; ove that will be given onlfurn shing per cent. off for ea h on fa in and ie .retiring. 0 or JAS. JONES, Ancti neer. 23 8-13 UCTION IPS MEN S - no oh 1 sing ' lin calf, 1 ne told, 1 steer tImplemen 'mower. 124 Items from t Km Lot 11, dowing : 0. heavy dra iein Brown has received ins g ed to sell by publie a , Township of ritentle vo draft mare rising foal rising 5 years old, 1 tie -Harris 6 -foot binder, ot rs rake. seed drill cultivate ,of Frost an Wo d d ling plow, Fleury 'WM bet ot scales, w n, track, set of bob. eig ntretcher, grind pet short tugged ;harness, sap Ire ;wheelbarrow, ro Works, rakes, sot rides too aume f 35 and under redit given on f aredit amounts. THOMAS BROW OTI ar et ruct- ction , on years eavy Ing cows years Ives. ace, top buggy, set of ha rows, nd potato moulder, Verit it; plow, fanning mill, 1 lb. s. gravel hex, land roller, wire t double her Noe hay fork, :foot ladder, step I der, sof hay, gr in eased! log ts the dotter off for e.ae on LE- oted Lot es- ol r o h Ir., agri- 1 to ee YILEARIN y the unde sign 3, North Beured Orly, March 19th Horses -1 draft I) eulture mare 4 ye at steers tieing 3 $ brood sows, 1 Fowl -A number men te-1 lumber new, 1 horse rake dr and drill pearl Puller attachmer 4 number of sap bees, grain bags, ()roue to mention tongues, 16 tons derve as the pro tiller. Terme- t amo int 10 OW 1. off 104cash on T, Proprietor T SA • iv 10 in yea ag n, er, 1 rro , 1 set arrow, bueke s, forks, !shovels,: say hes, chai nd other erti les toe A nu ber of Whit riet 1, as sold hit fa 11 3 of 36 and un redit will be it rononnts. anu-ron has been inst d With foal, ag y ars old,l geld ay, 4 cows rine Ju Id, 6 heifers ring 2 old, 12 year ings. 11 letruck wags rte 1 new emocrat *aim, 1 pa mg mill, ,pulper, plat s 1 land roller, 1 12 -hoe corn euleivator and stone boat, 2 auger ke ng 2 yea s old due ears , ple- top r of rly 01171 orse eed- San ngle n er (lash ; over yen on fur - mit) of 4 per t 23s t.1 nm- gon re - no sell by pnblic tt et] n on Lot 22 inlondessl n 3, McKillop, (re Tuo a March 12th, 1'912, se, 1 3' lock Mare rising 4 yea in io 1, 1 filly rising 3 years old &ding 9 month Id, 1 filly 8 mot- ths ol ,,1 1 raft 6 calve In qay, -iqg cow, 1 belle 2 years old, 6, calves, 6 steers sin Zeroes old and row, 10 -foot Deeei g a , rake, 1 steel I nd : roll et bobsleighs, fanning mill, 1 root tilper, 1 ru cutter, hors o eie cream emir tor; 2 3 ozen grem bawl g v I box, hal fork, ear, phaard, '' chair coo stove, bed teens, T nns-All sums of 85 and under en, h ; ewer that e prnved joint n4 t:s, A discount of 6 eter cent, al- lowed off Or cash on eredit amounts Hay t be Seeht. W. .P. THOMPSON-, Proprietor T. BR VN, Atictioneert 2.30 -2 11 ea yes Pigs Harris birder rris ant- her - iron Spokan ,totrc"erPe Seattle, aterenri Victoria, pVoarntciaonniia eau' Nelson, bar, San Fr log- Los An 4 tir In otiice to Creditors the wetter et the ettete of John Eckert, late of Tavaelariat Ribbed, in the Ci*Inty of Perth, citi naked htener, demised. , dile, Is booby item pursuant to Statute I, G rgt V., Chapter 26, Sw tn_155, that all persons he gel/time ageinst,Lthe estate of the said John Eckert,: who d.W on thei 18th day of January, 1912, are required tit send in or deliver to Monrad Eckert, Itenley P. O., Ont., or George K. Holland, Beeoh- wood P. O., Ont., the Executors of the last will of on or before e 118th daY of March, 1912, full par - the saki deoegod or te the undessigned Solicitors, Owlets of the r ohilime i0 writing an4 the nature of the with* if any, held by them dely verified by a peeelastion end tbet after t said last men- tioned te, tile Execrators Wili dietrients the assets; of th saki d ansong the parties entitled to I not liable' tor odd astets or any art theM0 to any perstei or persens of whose Dint notice shall mit have 'been received bY them at the "14RAN• S011ot,lot the said Etteoutors. Ai -action $ale ofha 50 Acre Farm in Hallett. a ado th Cot Co ce pr per dri reserve can re rthe of sale (If not nn (-Abney h Instructed Thomas Brown, er, to Offer to sale by nubile auction, at On 2, ullett, tontaining 5U acres. On dale there s a frame house, bank barn and a ed. he far#1 dill be sold!, subject to a tbd. Terms -81,500 in ten date, the balance 'n on; mortgage, if desiredeat 5 per cent terms and partioelars made known on day GTE, Egniondville P. O. We Sou ve A fine lot ofi green, d, round Cedar post— arrived-4S and 9 ft. • cr Why not draw om,. your sup ly whkle the goo N. CLI1FF ONS SEAFORTH • 2308t Increas your Earning Pow r by. a tending the popul gip/ 1111110 ,ORONTO, ONT. Best p)alce in 'Canada for hi0 grade businesS education. Enter nO*. Open all year. Catalogue free. Edy heF,Freeman CONCERT OONTRA TO For ter4is add open dates address (MOW, ONT is Week Speciial Good! Raisins for baking 4 pounds for Pru pc, per lb I0c, Cann d Apples per can 25c 150 30c Kin saus Mea Fre Goo pric Pho 1 rdine Smoked Meats e, and Ingersoll Co and Cream Ch and, ked ese. Celery, Lettuce, Onions and Reddish Butter Wanted, Best aid for butter mad gs. w ates to Pacific Coast Ma !I The Annual M ig of the pa rent, of the Yin- eld in ,Ca der's Whi- Wash, ash. Ore. les, Cal. , Cal. ty, Mex. $41.8 } $41.75 STERN CANADA Is Via Chicago L The Gr. a d Trunk Pacific IlailwaY, shortes me, fasteet time, finest ser- vice be een Winnipeg, Saskatoon and. Edmonton, 1 particulars from trterville.. ....Town Agent W. P1 or add Toron CANA.DIAN .OF COMMERCE ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAcIER CAPITAL - $10,000,000 RFSf, FARMERS' BUSINESS The Cariadian t Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every frscirsty for the transaction of their banking business including the diseount end collection of 4ates notes. Blank sales notes are sUpplied free of charge on application. BANKING BY MAIL Account may be opened at eveg branch of The Canadian Bank -of Commer0e to b operated bj mai), and Will r•eceive the Same careful attention as is iven to ail other departments of the Bank's- istisisess. Money May be deposited or withdrawn in this wayt as satisfactorily AS by a perapnal visit to the Bank. t A291 " IHM PFTT AL. NITURE S is the most favorable .buying mopth thoSe who Are famish:kg a le* home or . adding an odd pidee or Mog: to the Old home. Oen and see what good things *e have) may. foy this month. BeOad 160C4 Box attd Oak, „ , is. T. EC IMES, MauSger. 'You w"11 be able to-prOcure from us ver for the aple Syrup Season. We hav sa made an factory made. The former are t and get ur riicees, which are low. We t b. • thing brow neat pails otti hand e best. Come rn out eavy deluge Sap POs Hand -Ma") Pails We vide ourselves o havin0 a line of and -N -Aa, that cann t beaten. hese are carefully ma4 rea y fdr th6 wb6n it runs ESNEY-& AROHIBAL HARDWARE STOVES FURNACIES PLUMBING SEANFIORTH SEED SHO Thfe Agriotta eaforth 41 Society G!oves and Mitt; , , , . 4 Whole4ale Prises Traveller09 Samples and Boys' lined and unlined Mitts and alotres, fancy Gaunt- ' Wel are offering them at W'solesale The Annual eed :how under the aus- 1 Price while they last - pices of the Seafo tit Agricultural So- i it 1 and Kersey, rith or wititeeet Card') Is Hail v Imes. stay -on. Exeaptionally good . Stiturd y Mara 16th RID` 'LIST The following pr temples of seed e 1* rules go bush. White Oat , any bush. Barley, tw -row besh. Berle), suerowedi 81.50 81. bush. Field Peas 1 bush. Field Bea bush. Timothy bush. Red Clove 1 bush. Potatoes, any earky tariety 21.60 ti. 1 bush. Potatoes, fter gen .ra crop 31,60 81. Peek of Onions Dutch Se ej $1.00 . s will ernhe awardel th best 10 accordance wit the the Seed Fairs ariety 81.50 $1 81.50 31.0 Seed 8L60 SI. 750 750 75c 750 In regard to peize fo two bushels of Seed Peas, any small variety, The Ontari De artment of Agricul- ture will sen an expert Judge who will deliver a ad ress on Seed Cul- ture. 0 i MULES AND REGULATIONS I 1. All seeds e tered for competition muse have been grown by exhibitor [thin one year pr yious the exhibition. 'All ex ibits of eeeds shall held offered for sa 6 by he exhibitor. The Beare- sey of the Society; may ke and preserve sitniples rom eaoh exhibit or ref rence in case of diepute, ruling from the e of ed by exhibitor. - - , 2, Competito mus become members of the ociety by paying o the Treseurer thereof, either revious to or at t e gm of making entries, the snm 3. No premlutne sha 1 be awarded on exhibit*, hat contain weed ed, hieh, in the opinion of the udge, are of a no ous tore. 4,- No exhibi r sh 11 reeeive more than one rise in any elem. 5. All sampl of ate must be correctly label- ed with the name and dress of the exbibitot, the atm of the varlet' . the mount of seed tor sa e and e selling prioe. rain, not less than 25 btishels or sale ; Alsike, moth and °lover not leis than bushels ; Fatly otato s, not less than 5 budiele ; 17. In ease of spot A statutory declaration hat the above rul a bey 'been complied with. may e required from " h or any exhibitor of seed. 7 All exhibit for c mpetition for prizes must ie delivered at arino s Hall, Seaforth, riot later n 10 a. m., and etail ot be removed unuil the A MISS, ON FREE jE"3 The Anr,u. Sp Mg Show of Stale win be held at eaforthi on Tues- day, April .f.Ind, 19124 Particulars later. 1. F. DALY, President) M.SORODERIOK, Secretary 'ohurian, Sas verybest vain Bishop, in the market. pROD RICK'S Cheap ness Store General epaidag Automobiles add Skates,- Lawn M Scissors Gasoline Engine hand, for sale, Spark Plugs. Horse Clipp f - Gasoline En wars, Knive and so Battiries, and Magnetos. Crusher Rollers, re -cut and Saler Mandrels made. 13uggies Painted and repaired. .E4 At Sporting Opposite Dick's Hotel, Executors' Notice To C editors In the /natter of the Estate of John 141,1elead, Isite of Mesterei-tale In the Province of Ontario, - -Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute* of Oetario, in that behalf, that ail persons elainis tee:Tallest the estate of the said John. SfodeloC mr.whon:oned ometwaron or abotintotrheto2let,hao'bdatt y mato"! are requested ore or before the ISth day of /912, to send by pcist or deliver to Ontario, the Deeetners Of the eaid Estate, , or Ete tb.eir claims and the native of the seeurity, if a ,ny hekl by them. And notice ie hereby oleo ghee. Mat atter the said 130, dey et Maroh, lett tree sain Executors will clitikilintei the asset* ef tivelet,91 Mote only to the ofaints of %tad& they tifidi Owl= notice aryl Neat the sell Kee -eaters will tel eel* eponeibie for the assete or taw part titer t-ci perscfn or persoes of Whose claim Imam! all est been 'received bee= dine of seeth Rt. S. HAYS, Solleitor for the said Exetutoret Dated the 22nd der of FebrualOO Mt 23064