HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-02-16, Page 7FBRUA,Y 16, 1912 EX1 1TOR co t Old Creast ith the exquisite roses. Makes rift and soft and serves the most against exposure ether. Try It-. :.date it. t your druggist's. CHicMLCAL ce fllITED. 164 CANNA EAT" ly klecc:ribes the 'f ie,. That their ape :rate as when • *a., who has the .•tat e ♦r. for the .meal wilt a =forts banish the is dyspeptic -the kLe sucrerei` from i_ stomach. or occa- to can eat hearty ti d-aTnd digest take to Dru-Co ertchemists, after -ruula known to r are quick and giving prompt stomach trouble, ::ening the digest- ;:about igest- ;about permanent than his stomach. r best work by • sp psia Tablets- National Drug t.anada, Limited, 14S g .Power by at - popular. c4•ta ONT. for higb grade niter- now. Open;' ogee free. -, ISLE PAINS TION LIVER PILL; [ER. McEwen, Mount 'For more than a the terrible pain. :fe was one of the i seem to make I ate or not, the accompanied by 3elching of wind. of at night, and bit of sleep. In y remedies said they did me not I fully expected rtcd in this way. .came home on a o try Milburn's t ane a few vials. one vial I began eat with some :leered, and con- ai til all traces of :red, au.d I could cf food without ce.. I am so fully Fte as a family nation in recom- al or 5 vials for m ilcd direct on T. Milburn Co, the Heart king Spell$a is is to beat irregu- b, beats fast for u seem almost to Y:.iety and alarm. any people are ,id fear of death., end miserable. hlilbtirn's Heart eve prompt and New Gtasgow, few lines to .let tilburri's Heart : one for me. I -cess and palpi- id have severe aid scarcely lie =many remedies,. ay case litre your theme highly to trebles." . or 3 boxes for rs or will be t t of price by sited, Toronto,. aniawaGnsaieseammes or on -those eel fellows catft find 2E1T iiforrn puri- I,ticiousness r.. -c ur iocai tied by - BREWER [MITEDI. f A q LNN IA1 opyri!gh LEGAL. PROUDFOOT, FLAYS & kTT1LORAN. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Money to Iend In. Seaforth on Mon- day of each -week. Office in Kidd block. R. 8. HAYS. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dom- inion Bank. OMioe in rear of the Dorn - inion Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. J. M. BEST. Barrlster,eSolicitor; Conveyancer and Notary Public. Office up -stairs over Walker's iurnleure store, Main street, deaforth. F. HOLMESTED. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and 14otar, Public. Solicitor for the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan. Farms tor sale. Office, in Scott's block, Main street, Seaforth. VETERINARY. JOHN GRIEVE; V. S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. A11 diseases of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly attend- ed to and charges moderate? Veterinary dentistry a specialty. Office and resi- dence on Goderich street, oneth door east of Dr. Scott's office, • F. HARBURN, V. 5. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College, and honorary member of the Medical Association of the Ontario' Teterinary College. Treats diseases of all. Domestic. Animals by the most mad- den principles. DentIstrY and Milk Fev- 1 r a specialty. Office opposite Dick's Hotel, Main street, Seaforth. All or- iders left at the hotel wall receive prompt attention. Night calls received at the office. MEDICAL. DR• F. J. BURROWS. Office and residence--Goderich street, east of the Methodist church, Seaforth. Phone No. 46.. Coroner for the County of Huron. DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY. -- J. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for the County of Huron. C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity University; gold medalist of Trinity Medical College. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. DR. fi BtGII ROSS. Gradue tc of University of Toront: p'aculty of Medicine; member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of On- tario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical - School of Chicago; Royal Oph- thalmic Hospital,' London, England; University College Hospital, London, England. Office -Back of the Dominion Rank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night pails answered from residence, Victoria street, Seaforth. THOMAS BROWN. Licensed auctioneer -for the counties of Ruron and Perth . Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate ar- rangements for sale dates can be made by calling up Phone 97, Seaforth, or The Expositor office. Charges moder- ate and satisfaction guaranteed. AUCTIONEERS. B. S. PHILLIPS. Licensed auctioneer for the counties of Huron and. Perth. Being a practical farmer and tnoroughly understanding the value of farm stock and implements places me in a better position to re- alise good prices. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All ordars lett is Exeter will be promptly atte ded to. Grand 1. runic Railway BOY SAVED BEING By Douglas' E Linime Mr. W. B. Perry, Tam a son who owes a good d Egyptian Liniment, fo would certainly havebee pled for life. His fathe "My son Marshall badly frozen thatthe would have,,to amputate boy cried. so much that allow the doctor to amp "A friend hearing of a bottle of Egyptian strongly advised us. -t consenting to amputatio if possible to save our s cripple and used the Li "Three days after the the frozen flesh dropped foot began to improve a The way Egyptian L unhealthy m atter from -f burns and festering wou ) sound,healthyfiesh, is si 25c. at all druggists. request. Douglas &Co. of ci oath 1t wi IPPLE, U.=. Ont., has Douglas' out it he pa Tally crip- wri es: ad .is foot so oct. r said he the ops. The we . eclined to tate. he c: se sent us Lini°•• ent and try' -it before e wished n fr.m being a ime t. 48 first . pplication ff and the boy's d as saved."" ime t removes ost b tes, scalds, ds, . nd restores ply wonderful. Free sample on Na aces, Ont. Railway Tirne Table. Trains leave Seaforth as follows : 6),16 a, m. For Clinton Goderich Wingham and Kincardine. 1.10 p. m. For Clinton and Goderich 6.18 p. m.For Clinton, Wingham and Kincat- dine. 11.12 p. m. 'For Clinton and Ooderieb. 7.52 a. m. For fiteatford, Guelph, Toronto Orillia, North Bay and Points we't Belleville and Peterboro and points ea$L. For Stratford Guelph, Toronto, Mon- treal and points east. For Stratford, Guelph and Torontt. 3.25 p. re. 5.33 p, m. SUFFERED THR E'EARS 1111 Dr. Morse's 1 din Root PWa cured his K1 neyjT'rouble London. E r•on and Bruce NOOttTH-- gPassenger London. depart 8 30 Centra:ia 9 40 i'xceter a 0 63 Hensall 10 08 Kipp -a 1016 611 30 30 6 1a f3nteefit:ld.... Clinton. 11 00 6 35 T ondesboro 11 13 6 53 11 '>7 700 . 11.40 7 16 11 '54 7 36 ave. ngham, arrive. SOtiT1I- liin:hanl, depart Beh4rave _Myth Londer(-'foro Clinton . Brucetield Klppen Uensall Exeter -- Cen tr..Iia.... .. .. .. . London, Arrive There are few diseases that cause more acute suffering than 'dna Trouble, and Mr; F. A. Thomas, o Sud ury Ont., is one of those who kno it. He writes: "For over three y f I s erect from kidney disuse. First 1 tho ght I had sprained my back, fors dd would catch thesmall o+ my pack and it would be impossible for e tc¢ straighten I myself up for several . . inutjes. A dull t ache across the kidneys as always pres- ent, sly urine was thick and cloudy, and passing it caused a b • . k. scalding pa�m. Tried medicines, but they failed. I was advised to try. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, as they • .. curd my wife years before. A few ores1 affected a complete cure. I now enjoy the bles- sings of good health, w • t ch i remedy." Don't neglect kidney dangerous as well as t old, reliable family rem Indian. Root Pills, has and will cure you. Itis in curing constipation evils, biliousness, indi headaches, and in pp 25c a box at your dru y the P trou pa' dy, ure au 1 11 1 tt' due to this s too ul. That . Morse's thouga nriq y effective attendant ander the Mood. IB BAD BLOOD BOILS and Passanher . (i 35 a. m. 6 50 7 04 7 13 7 50 8 12 8 23 8 32 S 49 9 00 1000 a. m. • ietowel and Kincardine Get pure blood and removing every trace matter from the syste Burdock Blood Bitt market about thirty-fiv of the very best medici the cure of boils and p PIMPLES C Miss J. M. Wallace N.B., writes:-"Aboti my face was entire pimples] 1 tried evert me aboj -t, but found n thought of B.B.B. arid bottle. After dnishin was entirely - cured, any lady who wants a ion to use B.B.B." 3 44 3 58 4 04 4 23 4699- 4 47 4 6_' 6 06 5 15 6 P tss. Pass. a. c. 12:1,.. p to 3.4 A. NI 1100 11.43 1.44 . 17,55 1.66 1, t(' 2.08 11.59 1.i.... . . . ` lr P.11....i`I:,• >• S. `•2 113 Wingham , .. - 9.14 Gorse Sou'rn - Pass. Win,hla n 8.4? m tikue� ale ..... ... 4 8;thel.-..._.._Y1.17 Palmerston. H.GS BOILS C Mrs. Ellsworth M. yne° Springfield; P.E.I., writes: - "M. fa a and neck were• covered with bo'ls, a d I tried alt kinds of remedies, bu th y did, nie n(p good. I went to man doctors, but they could not cure me. I = en tried Burdock Blood Bitters, and I m st sty it is a wone derful remedy for the re of boils."' • Burdock Blood Bitt rs is manufactured only by The T. Mil. urn !Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Ce IM keel f im has year es p mple Bla fiv y o thin reli( deci tw nd • eaut US Si LES'4 it pur4 by, Sure norbid' II i been on the and is onel ocureble for • • k's Harbor, years ago 3vered with people told f. At last led to try a o bottles I ould: advise iful complex trtk to in Pass - A. C. 1 00 2-4i) c,M 11.10 a.m. •- 411 x.25 :.0'2 11.37 3.13 32 3 4.00 si was an, o •ab4e res s Who he 1 ct`of h ilt.` Mr . in a' sin tt minttion •° When4 yott e+ this oat o yot I did d no ply s t:leo 1 !o d fn: t attn e e jy�act' ai w1 rlrht at ant, scbve wl ona tt e ri ✓ sis not., ring one dde s unespeet to taus tion in looked' as an is o>'at's y his stra thrust yo did yon iaske hand 0 r r'si My ad • her forel o the feel t the et? en if to hnbbu oa s of I• ne -ilial a lo and: soba the !t • nstbn and eded •_ hold in feel gs of th e an ' cast o � y, its time 1 o sdly t of sig ooks f father cont ued his e ing hy. wheal ed id Adelaide'S at In ierences e fact he 'had pubic erpian ijict z d the reasons planing his h nd there. "I'm not a ••• utff," shot o er's kips bis old m. ho would ke such Way and such aa an to talk bout it r. •1 Wouldlot talk a ecked at e thus t in e 0444 STRATFO Our classes are now la we have enlarged our qua for a few more students. time. We have a staff of ors and our courses are succeed. This week three ed us that they have 5 posit $12We have three de Commercial Tele Write for our Fr D. A. MoLACfi D4 ONT ger than ever before rs and we have You may enter at ine eAperienced instr he be t. fur gradu recen graduates imf ons ying $65, $70 ment . artm is e at a ( a 1 1- h r a n b He as c t a gli pse natural man 'Ien Out urst, the sol mn before,1 did oFie pr cre�ga on i! : T`he nes tile cin in Doty -t e ins ing servant every breast he point r, Cum t u did ut 9-. 11 y, horthand aph e Cat Logue now Principal 11 11 y • ates m- end Cat Central Coll Stands ready men and some pendence and s given the star upon thonsaand: ple. It can he for. catalogue. time. W. H. iltsiness ge • to win inde ccees. It ha to thousand, of oungepeo nter an Sill ipal 11 0 this Ind showing laratiotis ore for hi nt than t answer explrt0:itic)n decided end e Minds m this esp urahie pro; 12e was hear d e but tells t chand in op anythi as empty. none in. ad-" g, and in a ment mig had not 1 roman fou g cry, whi ave just t Teck the ov owd. I kn quick glen Ella sinks nder the mother.' t mination y he- ring was asket- and 'old be dra made an 1 on of his c had had a 0 I 1 t e d h to w e s- r. from the finer. "A oath, -in e is not I he is for t it now", is point," stained of ;rant and quickly u f the mom in the m t e suavest wen under, e n 11 n or p is - Man s ch he ed • . his' courts . n as to wt had drop 1 the casket; if Arthur cent child en, the gri was later. of course, but it had not yet rea emand eg expression. erland, yon have stated not per§o 1)1 w fa ut he ul- nt ds nd he ad v- ia • Ind TM ilmme tely take hills con re of a urprise to gemen ring of 1 tI ;as h r brothe ntip es, an nsi I c uld not c me to where it o sly one terested 11.n HAPTEit ally drop this into ce where nd. Can he it ely ou evtio did?" 414I cannot. about the 1 Was much 'prised, pro then any it dischve at place." he slip- el it s a s1.10 for to introduce • "gave yp I }mean?" '!More this . one." "Arid you a o not 'know Toll put on 1 that col ""I do not.' '"But you back?" "aN0 " "You do`. i*t . knote were bec ' "I do n .t "You h v : j seen the hat' .Which halee been'shown' Worn to lis being the one t u' appea- •' on your rete house the 'd y following yo murder?" ".'I have.'' "Also the Ault and coat a remote lis It in the closet stairs. bears ' g the flour m under britp •i'Yes, that ',`Yet satin overcoats yeer home, fitb hour or so uai ing•rox dimer?" Tie: peed lir hie own limey ssly trapped!. lenly into the e, was refiec other ' lawye x tetrayed surprise not Mr. Moffat himself to v i many s coatercoa� ing ur- bly ed one of in AM IN/%00 IS was a *e t blow at my- ' out this an- folloWed be - Moffat, which, y life and tepu- ress me, 1 as it een engaged in Ity about ; this of Carmel and existed of her ce, desperately She could :have flowers at her ad she been in this act of con - Who, then,- had in this bust- y should; it be ou than M 'any e this missing nr sister's 'had I had a broth - rightful snspi- bow that ring was when' the its restoration how what iich dne d of ht?" ones Sou w re what one y`ou too." t say which of hese two put on wbeit you left er finish- nd coat ere and n Which ✓ to the n sister's onnd on ndet• the ,'k on its end rt'mortae slootil: su prisoner's : f e1 eeks of tlh Eve�l Mori. >c bait it. -vas apprehensio very sure far. t`l� cannot. tnctibe. I W d homed stairs went purled on feted." it-appeare f. to be a pe av14y. .And; t was, but it sy which; 1 feared, thre an her brother erland, were ou took from a key --a ke I saw lying on was it?" :d to Mr. to the club er-risibly rhe blood, astounded on the present surprise. ed by ust feel ture thus I was in no c bent on goin4 tely upon coni 4traight to th ;te first thin met rather t het ;all that -blanch whic "What ke Was the iat it utar "In My itr "What di "Went On, "Of conic It was Which had Made its W 1"Are yen' 'saw no n w Man waS own coons dently bee fat 'failed pressed altetcatio ep y as if involved adon, failed to 'hole mind had not reconciling the diffic ring I,with what I Luke the Probability whic having been- respoin MovM from her sis reSel had, been ill and 'untonsciouti. ad inothing to doi late- s funeral. r Ceninient to another. ' The point raised! torney having been I Usti:tined by the the district at - led upon and rt, Mr. Moffat ut I could see, all my ineiperi- ence of the -law an the ways Of at- torneys before a jh that the e#isode 'ad produced itit le table resulit and hal my position a a roan released A moment's pa followed; during h aortae of Mr. loffat's -nervous- returned. Tbe e asked: 'gilt of I Your si t r' death, cab yon ell ns What overso tt you put on when ea ng Your hoes 2'1' illy as &scan ed if not as set -I - and the fleet hat" rom the rak i the hall -where to the docir where we Usually hi es ng dOWII from • ta into town g down - rack and that of- ened Car - coat and e hall?" from the e table." lagh and use wine d you piit it taking iasers pocket." you do then?" of course." Whom sho grily said, an egun to die a y back into hiS willing to re knew it, all l's persistent hich that co warned by ed of tlais by Oa meet Arthur' hastily and in forestall tali! opposition. "There ar two ways of I house for he city. Wide yeti take?" 4 ; "The shortest I went neighbor's 'grounds to HueSted street." "As soon as I could. / clon't know the flush. t that you t ft. The under his uestioning el had evil - to avoid. way 'Mot eye as ha a way to ving your way did hrough my, • 1 111 • t my own ror veral bottles o the kitchen. a eu an electric toren lithe 1 pulled out ; s a d en !Tied th:'rn up in n c'atfi:f:.; to light the pt. , kindle a tire a 3d i:•s+•t• ;t rood tiuAe t.,t>nerally Bus I 8oee tee n(1 that 1 nit et Iii) willt.'f11 light :t 1',tared t len. The : lir h d been taken 0131. ;cud to dere. ffv the flash of an electric tore11 w 1 - ste- t ling but; a pleasilig prospers. ere • s des" -here he flashed at bisen- :1 a glance which- for :'t moment :n(711 let ge ltleman abeek-"I had heat•c :rtain vague sounds in the house hic;h alarmed me Its well :ts .routeer oily curiosity. Choosing the bottle 3 1'ked best, I went to i clestigate tiles s unds," Mr. MQifat started. His w irness was having his reveng . Kept in ig norance of his counsel's plan of de- fense, he was evide tly advancing testimony new to, that 6Ounsei; I had riot thought the lad sb subtle anti quaked in secret contemplation of the "vote wear BERN +Qu1T> OPEN wrret afar consegnerces. So did others. but the be ties, int' as guiltless of Adelaide's tterest vas intense: He had heard \Iotei death as a n3ian can be who otands -be acknowledged it. Rut what drove her ;and bers into misery which What you Mean by imm "Didn't y u stop at the s uring which 113, , A pause, re than ant questions 'Were what might be expecb ed from They soli feet ,exam, vation melt n? "Yes; 1 "To lookl "One of t Od to see , Had the the prose bituation Pox. Wi Muttered est collea those ab not bound Such alas* Fox in cross elTruninst1011. ation at the nds of his L What did ch an inn°. t the horses."' em had gone I he gray mare?: efenae change tion? 'It looke too temp an assumptio on be leaned der his breat e. but still t him to hear: to answer qu rs tend to inc ng glance shot eloquent a t "There is method bathe maanesis <1 n man like that," I pursued with A glttl)rn I could not entirely conceal. •-114-' blas Come tlpon . some evidence e lir, he has not even communicated e. t,i:: r•i1Yni A r le:1St, I fear so. We nest i)e pep:,:•od for; any untoward •Elod, ctss;rid Clifton, "you've not tee) shite k pen with rhe." Yee have :, right to reproach me;" Ile 1! -hot no; Ir13011 . I did not de- -'' fou 1) essel tials.. You may still • DE WEL A STRO sounds? • death alone could end." "But I did not complete my 133- - 1 N 11 believe At," be -muttered; "I vestlgations. Arrived , at. the wp of most." And he Idropped the, shbject, the stairs, I heard Whati drove me from es he made me see. forever. - .. the house at once. It was 'my 818- 1 d ew e deep breath of relief. I er's voice -Adelaide's. She was in bad tome very near to revealing my wh n we returned to the courtroom level with her, with a bottle in nay pocket It did notItake me a minute we f und it already packed with a to clamber through did not stop to w nd ' be was there or to olf links to a 11 ert road, where I as so overcome bly i turn home till oon t was On the wa to as told of the a hich had taken jpla ouse after I bad felt ed me. I have bee s Mr. Moffat's smile c ight have said ather pleased the ony. Ignoring would be amply s`fte cross examination, h lowing q-aestion: "Will you ten u bottles of wine you I'm not sure of one when at th road." places With like it. The - g for Mr. of eXtreme orward and to hi§ near - enough for that he is stions when in his diree- 11 111 ✓ or ask why differ ;d Sopewhat frona the. one which hom she was bad f' ced us in, the morning, 13ut Ella and made my and er pp.rents were there and many uld across the ot here of the acknowledged friends of hotel on Cuth- the a .cuscel and bis family. been once be- ie be took the witness chair and my bottle and prepared tis meet the cross examine - that I did not tion t)f the district attorney a solemn the next day. host) settled upot the room. the bill that I -Wee the visit,you Made to the wine ful occurrence vault OD the everting of the 2d of De- e in tbe club cember the first one you had ever paid it. That sober- there?" asked Mr. Fox. - her ever since." "No; I had been there once before. me back. One But 1 always paid for my depreda- that be had been Otherwise by the tions," hehidded proudly. he 'new facts just , • theaking that they in the coming asked the foe "HOw long do you think you were 113 again how many enteting the house and procuring these took from the club- bottlesr' "I cannot say. I have no means of t dure about that- knoviring. I never th,onght of looking "Only by this -ft had not yet begun "You remember but one?" "I had but one.i 0 e was enough. to snow. I'm told that -the first flakes , fell that Melt at ten minutes to 11- 1 I had trouble in c Ing that" was on the golf Unica when this hap - "It was snowy, it Was uneven. pewit!, - I stumbled more once in crossing . Mr. Pax asked: "Whereabouts GB the links."• "Mr. Cumberian la there anything you woold like to Say in your own de- ey are MO yardit across from first tense before I closti this examina- -tee to the third hole, whtch fs the tionr "Nothing but thict I am innocent." ocate's ROW lion • was 1 But Arthur, nettled In speaking, loud, quir tone: "It was not the gray mare, bu I went up to e gray mare before going out. 1 pa ed her and bade her Ile a good girL'''' "Wherd Was she then?" "Nirti she belonged- her Ala*, The es had sunk; so had ths previous lifted head. e no longer common credence The effect o his former avowals, was almost goo Yet Mr. Moffat could mile. .As I noticed. his and recogn the satisi faction it evineed my heart went down t trouble. esteemed even w ed it known. hy? There could be but one answ r to that, o next 1 d not know what to think, for he f. iled to pursue this subject and s ly asked Art ur if upon lea h had locked th stable dools the bu g ing and greatl cenfused rr Mr.- ffat glanced at the jury, the smile iii i on his lips. Did he wish rassmen of his ,client? "Relit 1 arn sure what •followe the jury il be glad to ear your story ti from o r own lips:" I "It' a beastly one, b t if I've oot to tel i here it is: I went ,stilaight ' down to Cuthbert road nd aeroes the ' fields to the clubhous I bad tacit taken the key to the ront docr lee - shake lo se. I did this and we t fm - mediately down to the wine va t. I "And the lock?" "Sufficiently well te open it without si0h8 unicaiy stops coughs, cure -6 colds, heals CHAPTER XX. 'ran BYTLA-DL.14 or DOM& ECESS followed. Clifton and I had the opportunity of ex- ew words. He I was reticent pen to attack on every side. Fox hns but to follow his lead and the thing is done. Poor Ar- thur may be guilty, but he certainly should have every OaanCe a careful lawyer could give him. I have never thought much of_,Mo wins Ms cases, but" "He will win this• Clifton started, I closely for a intim fear that I was very dkl not ask the qu changing a was voluble; "He has laid him I ffat myself. He I muttered. ked at me very pale myself -but on rising to -his By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Conipt4und troronte. -I gladly give you my testimonial in favor of your wondedui meilicinea. Last October I wrote to you for advice as I was completely:run bowels, baekac and • pain in 'the side. I also Sul - After recei+iw your directions, I foil ow e atom closely and am now entirely free from pain in back end bowels, and am stronger in etarlr wayi I also took Lydia E. Pinkhilm's Vgetable Compound before my' Pular was borra and I recomMend- it 114114 to' all pregnant wonSere-Mu.% - WANDBYI, 92 Logan Ave. Toronto, Qat. Mit:other Woman Cured Maple; Creek, Sask. have bsetI Lydia Pinkham's _Vegetable Gator pound and Blood Purifier, and Ir ant no* in perfect health. I waa trotibled with pains every month. I know (idler women Who suffer as I did and P,wiN. gladly recommend yonr medicine to them. You may publish this if yoo think it will help othens Com, Maple Creek, Seek. youi belong to that coimtless array of women •who suffer from some form of female ills, don't hesitate ta try Lydia t. Pinkham Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbal. *nearest one to Cuthbert road," Arthur particularised, "1 was -no, I can't tell i you just where 1 was at that moment LIt *as e en& way from the house, Toe snow came on Very nerceiy. tor little while I could not OM my way." "Mow' not see your wayr "T4 snow fievr into my cyst." "Batt the storm cattle from the west It Should have beaten against your, ".tbk or front ft bothered me. I could not get on as fiat as I wished." Mr. Fox east a look at the jury. Did the"- remember the testimony of tbe landlord that Mr. Cumberland's coat waS as thicidy plastered witb maw on be •10rent on at Once to mutt Continued Week. 15 YEARS OYSPEPT Forted to Live on Stale Bread tod 4TRUIT-A-TIVES" CURED AVONDAIX, N. B., October, xsth. "I have been a great sufferer #oes. Indigestion for fifteen years. I, eras forced to deny inyself 'all such foods ae beaus meats, potatoes; could not dritilZtea or coffee. For ths past" two years, lived on porridge, abile bread, etc. I had treatment: two doctors, and. tried nearly leery kind of 'medicine, but got worst. IrPruit-aetives" and concluded ha tiVst them a trial. I took nearly four beams me feel like a new snail. I can elaf all kinds of hearty foods withoutauffOrits and am no longer constipated." Many -ople look ort "Fruit -a - basked. performed what have Me miraculous cure& in hundrWs Cana of chronic Indigestiou, DysPeasist, Constipation and Biliousness. i "Pettit-a-I:Ives" is the only medielelo in the world made of fresh fruit ;,juioel Sad valuable banks. soc. a box). 0 for ta.so, or trial size., 25-c At all dealers Or from Fradt-s,-tives Limited, OttarWas file - we want suitAle names for 2 parkS in New Flazelton Heights an THE --on May ist 1912, two name will be selected. ---the first two names received 11 us, that are chose will receive a $250 PRIZE -30 other prizo Write plainly, giving your ocenpa ion TO -DAY - STANDARD SECURITIES Lisnited 51.8519 Pacific Buildini VANCOUVER, British Columbia