HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-02-16, Page 57 I -S is] �F U"Al"IN shoW = advaime ot 96c 9 pounds s ox -A 00. saby's Fall Fivrn Window. which is attrWitited. to t anei of- is od ANT.21) A ON0111—Blackgralthi x0oust6wed rs
a fine story told of tho'heiro---, tei tll�e -improv4 t of the Wdini deetakers, I W tO I Jr I Ino suo work pref:,red.. of the founder of the Osbornt-_ tam. stock ward 0=1111116- for increaer I;AWD *A x Eo St. Miami on lo -of which the Duke of Leeds is the id filemagid ijow both i0c 1, )HARGES X 14M H a out of 2=4
Institute 1114etings
d an appreciation Of it is town btcher for the e�tte srades, To Hol es. Fu oiW 1hrector ULLS q, �LE—Two omhol ra Bulls expressed in a bas-relief watherinc ' lea The uVer cb. Im of, buyers 'Ir Emb aLer. di, CA on Lot 80 0 be gf�
Hall, Mine. larger' than us"k and, as vrer �ud EL m e n of
the Olocl ey ded OnsT okentzIthor Thesupplementat foil outh Hu
1 L qf#1 =a siindaf 0 rueefie&il " * 230512 erallwitute will
-lane,. London. vell cleanalt out of IVA bpef,� the di 0 Ale *Otn tly atten P 4 I
ve a re, I.' 'T 03dei reetwest,op. b Youth named Edwird Osborne saw demand was stauger 4nd a fairly se- G%vm Baxrb6ur OSSO Hill, Henry
�W PrSeott reflidencii. l?ihonallo.50B. TTOUSE 4 OT FOR SA n on ;
r baby, fall from her- uarsery window 7UT8 trsd9 W;ts done wi, gillstgetory, I 1 JUL a g I r is with I t r Ure fA
Bridge�-a in d f fumisludw shod. otlea
prices taboth buyers amd sellers. Aniiii a and I '-7Frose, Li lo' I Speakers.
LondoU stable
street. rpy to JOS 110G. =08. i MAI! :days igarded as Mayfair now is GARTH, -ftmod Is or 8 P;0. r,os te rc other festme *9 So trade was the de, Orth I LIM
purL The values ,,a�d daiffied into Ahe water and nt to QU91 T)wn Hall, esday,
a get your pick and for bulls for shipme "tuesday, ruary 2oth.
orfes' her. She was the daghter a ISALN bee- and ar; there quite a nianber on 13 eprittli, 2 'deaHfo'1rrt0h'3 layin Barbour, aftiornoon su ect—Draf b Horses
-and iff due oune I 01 1 aftelay, Febru y 2 ar.1 i ,'clock p. mi, Row. ilea west of bem. Evenil subejot—Presen
man a substantial "Wealthy merchant, in the 6&rkei, f the 'r*ht quatty; -4ai�4; at I how to raise t
ca Sale, and Osborne was permitted 'to ask for her -were made, freely of choice stokkweigh- Paw ard, rin Ira n4blyi A ly on the pir imiteo or da y needs of 04tArlo Agriculo re. Henry Groge,
Tuel J add S. DMAR � forth box olotI6, )dneepalon 4, f I ran as 13 af ernooniubjsd��,How to mat tain and Increase
'tan �ted. Itw from 1500 to 2001 PoXds at $5.50 prwt,"l o rietor - T Ow nobic i2v 29A4-tf th 3 fertility of so% Evening sub eat—The Canadian
d,in marriage and was accep rietor; T. Note these 'Ot �Tw Feb. 20tb at I O look 1). m. on L4 The Dak-e -and -Duchess� of 'Leeds to *6 par 400 `�oundlk. I lull 1011919 if Boy and Girl. Lobal Speaker, A G. Smiley. rAg,tj
eS �rs,, leather sc)l f. iti rt. A leleat lot of He%%,vy 'Draft MEACH1111 i li—Wanted for School Seethon- 'rought $6,75, jobbing J gr 11 eneral Pu
ksve spent nearly all the autumn at. choice b alld in S I =1 Drving Iforsed. 11G�IAN*D BE$D1
llop, male or female teacher, first
tippors. fur trini- �,U.Orny Castle, Bedale, Yorkshire. way, iAo'bigh as $7 wts reafte an or .-a Scott, ProT a; Thoi nas Cameron, or. seewon(4lo, 4 a r0fle �te. Apply stating salary and Jffednes4ay, Febir �ary 21st. an I i.so, sale 'ix%4 duchess' health alivays, necessi- In some instances �Arovfta asket L the lat- qualiflation; H. �AMPBli Sweetiary, Win- o For! Febnm��ry2 .M1 ion Lot 10, tbrop p. 0. i Gavin Barbour afternoon su� ect—Draft Horses
tering on the'lliviera. I i . 1 2297'.tf leath-,r foxing tates her win ter price 4*i full loads. The. tone of on seat 13, M a KIA17ficip Ffw M, c and Imple- andhowtoral"'them. Evenin subject—Present
the duke is 49 years -of age, and the itnarket for shee� amd I nbo was mas Brown$ 3R_ F,---L,l ch b u U 12 da7 needs of Ontario Agricultt re. Henry Grose
X then ai ohn Price, Proprietor, TOOK F olce Shortuorn
Colagnass, With- Auc to r., S month; old,, d k �ed in color. A right good
Succeeded his f ather in 1895. In 1884 very Jlrm 4* account, of Um ted sup- . 0 i !sdai imal. x un ;eows I ad A afternoon stibjee4—Selection Seeds. Evenin�
22r. d, at I o'cloc : Ab Marrows pr ces in sulTiot—The Oaaridiau Bov and irl. Meal Speak-
--,a pair ; Ladiee -aiarried Lady Ka�therine Frances illes avallablili and tha. gotA d ma441 for ply on Lop 7j Cc e on 8, Hibbierb or c c i7 $eaforth, "Jows, Heifer; and Steeri. f or, Olin Morpri. daughter of the second D' arl in I A Connell, 1'ropriators; 2291-tf Dather Leggings, Lambton the same. - Calves �re . lbecom ng more as. Brown, ZURI00 �UO"Ole'It'.11 I O hr of Drurharn. plentltu4. [but the quality Of I he. stock March 10, Oil IA t I CO 1. ARM F AIIIE—Dne-half section of land, 32Q Thursdtty, Ifebiru y 22nd. buckleY Tile first Duke of Leeds became Lord' is oAly medium, aid a'good many of On 4, Tacker,- F acres I umtp�i at the town of Vagerville, Alta.,
-them are far too you 6xith, [I and a klalf a outh of ion on the Cani Alan Nbrthbrn Railway. The land lies lavin Barbour, qfternoon es
t Shoes, leather land, and was, civille Auo. Su at— raf or.
�-gigh Treasurer of En r Dlem en a BOuseh"Ill along the V 3rmill ion River and Is good level farming and how to - raise them. Evenin stxbj t—Present;
g to b� fit for " 01 lariv Stock, I iplemen
bbers w -n finiatdr of Charles. . In the cis r0hu Mooing, ropide S- Brow", land. Will be So d reasonable and terms to suit the daY needs of Ontario AgTlcult e. Henry Grose, i
Gum Ru the well�kno killing. There was go chanse lye, 11;O duke's ife subsequ utly inat r, - 1`1
Men's RUbbers, 1L The fifth, condition, of the maiket tor the flurebaser. App� y to �M.. AV. P. VAR80N,:sem; aft �rnoon subjeat--�How to incre e the fertility a
-ening subjeat—Be efits of Institute
arried John Byron, father of the Orices being, firm -uudl�r a ood. demand orth P. 0. 2304x4 the soil. �Ei
M - -_ Wc rk. Local Speaker, R. B. Me an, econd wife. jund maller. supplies, and the sales f poet bY,his s QJEEDFOR$A1,i—T_�e undersigned has orsale a The- dukedom was created in 1694, Melected lotg were maft to #L- ULUOMM SA30RE arlety 0 VARNA�
i Q Jimite( amo fob of clean Seed barley ( -
of led.. off cars. I A. 0. 21) pr iii $1 per b she]. Also White ea bpAns, Fridwy, Februar, r 23rd,
and the present holder is the'tenth 35 er AN Pounds, wet 'CTION SALOOF COWS AND YOUNG CATTLI' Thclusand-t)�One variety. - b4onel, GavinBarbour, hiternolon Sul P Price 75c pe
his lill. '$7 ; do Ilk Bra Arn has been: Ine ti ed oy Messrs),
He Nvas Conservative M.' P. Bidtichers, cattle—CholcA .75 on ect—Draft Horses
A aild how to raise themr 15venin ' subject—Present
Sply ELOol
Con. Tuakeramithi,or p
for-Lmeth for eight years from I&M, medium, $4.25 UP 46; Common $SM5 to I 0 od 0onfteH to sell fly puble auction at F. a, I en tz 11. day needs of Ontario Agricultilre. Henry Groge,
r #ajLlvery A,i hA 9ti eet, Seaforhh, dn' Treasure the Household f$4; choke cow r of s #6.25 to $5. medium 4X4 afteniclon subject How to malitain 'and increase
r z 99 u 2 at I p. in. the followin the fertility of the Soil. E ding subject -The
to 1901. 6 -c
ulls to * Milkers' re j�,e I v a licalitiful rosii cow 5
OR SAL OR R t, No. Idl in F� G. Canadiwn 153y and Girl. Loan, Sp
calf at at e. 18 ow re to calf in March naaker, Henry
choice $75 to 480 co=raqU;,and med4 3 081 eyp the TO n of Senjorth, oh Sm ith. Is $30 to a r All are Du,bam. Or 11olatien grad6sj 8rri I
IShip. n St,andl
-The CrewlesS ate
lurn cacti N to 45; sprkral West si e parl occupied by the I ly, r old steers, 7 1-yeai 01 he re, a year, thp said T. re an the a I er. not sold RUNS -German NavalLeague has Ju $45. Sheep --Ewes 04.60 W, $4.75;bucks lin I young a 61ves, 11 lll� The StL b e and co 9 n3t in calk will be
'41ad culls $8.7& to, 111 ral. y tO . OHN [Saturday, Febru y 24th.
the work of 'an inventor of $4.25 lanIbe $6.10 1 t me be retu tied i d Ired by purelmer BEA E) n 0 ner at his 213� we t side of Maln7
on or now w e tre, d a tell in ed. Terms-Fiv e Gavin Barbour, afternoon sLxbj tt-D rft Horses
Alec to $7. E6p—t^11.. 41.25 to - $.%80. L )r i ab
�80 an 2M.tf
CAL ]KOM 1(uremberg,, & ship to -run without a ! .. . editiwillbellyencii fu We Dg approved I I and how to raise tl�iem. Evenin subjebt-Present
mitter with -a 'mast Calves-$$ to $12.' joint A discount A 6 v ir ent er annum fat R SAL L fty 'needs of Ont4rid Agricult re. Henry Grose,
A tr fairly eash. DLLANDJ& C( NNE Jr., :P kietors ; T, 4i
ans Toronto,- Feb. A -Trade w __cit1',,Con.4, Me I afternoon subjec"election o Seeds. Evening
iWiar to -that used in wir#lei tele- Auctioneer. Fo tairrill res.1 The farm is we Owpatoeor:l
BRO 2805-1 i sub t -The CansAlian Boy and Irl. Speak -
ands the ship,. which active, bUt neWthetandlus The light i and there I a Yin 3reek running through the Local
. i ill Seeded to grm.,, This is er,
our I 'h Comm wd 6my D. Sanders. Wth side of ;MP Y receipts, cattle 'prices re stematically during a period 13 AUCTION SALE O 0 101C E HORSEz4 -, a first-olassa and 'will be sold on reascm� rbgram will be given at the �ening Meetings.
Sy a, soem of desola, higher, said - th6- demand was t any G, T.'h arneron his been ustructed,by the' terms. F0 furither ��tioulars - apply to � ROBT, U bings at 2 p. in.and 7 p, in. AIt farmers and
41ours, The ship, turns'to right and 9 :t 2, , Hullett6 2261-tf others interested Ire cordially 1: ivited to attend'.
1`ew hours bprore greater than' the flu�ply. 13ulchers underal, edtosell pubIIcaieionenLot8,0on' WRIGHT, n. 3i
�ci And iara badks and c0mes to &_ 140P as if Beat quality cattle, $6.7C prime lots 11, iffibb, t,.onTtx ayfFeb.100i.1912,atl;,clou� ..B. k. PHL J. T. ALLISTON
in the engine room. in followin, choiee vc ur ho es : Heav�, ecretary 2305-1 President
man HORTI C RN's R 9ALE-The u ndek�sl ned ,has 3 aweveri we of butchers, $6,25 to $6.4 h ads -of M lit -9.6 rise 6 yeat o 2 bra S forsale.on, to,con.2, dtariley, four choice lights show the manoen- I ' span, mare nd g Id ing, 4 years old 4 y I I �ur Main streett04 Wood., $6 to $6.25; edi im, ' 0.60 to �oung& but a. A9qd froni 8 to 16 month. 4wo reds again Th"s Prac' $5.75; cQir.mon, $5 to $5., 5; inferloi . , dgeiaingfers yeaa oij. A tworcirins., Sired y MacGri�gor(7180"). Price n� e gricultu ral and I built up to the men ashor ea. ir g 3 years old, 3
invention is now under study 2 ma ears old, 4 fill a right. JAMES GILASS1,011, Kippen, P. 0.'or phone
ich better lassf - �,to'$5.115; �buflsv Ir matched'gedys 3 8 on 43, Oeafort�
fhi German navy., J;4 - Pr2maril SO$ to. $6; c6wis, $8 �ilc sing 8 years ol 1, I pp.; ears�io > sWarance and y t� to 45.25; canners, �d 4 fillies.and gal lings for, ude in comtection -with $2 t 2.50. Feed- -y ki Light 1 -a Ial ng 2 years oll, 2- Horticialtural glociety
kaid war expeett it ers-There was me load of" I feeders, I'll te. orses-farmers driver, 5 GOO OHAI C E- or sale a frame resictenp diwhsge of forpedobs, it, is now years 0 nice drivirg mare 4 years old and cilnet and� acres of Ian in the village of Egmo . nd. y' short time an it consideration as a m.ed- 850 pond ach, bought at-10.25per aa!a I lim il The ii ho rees a! -e a 11 firf t-olass choide ville. Them is ah o a HfAble and orchard n nd good In irites all those who I!sire t6 be-
w-pletely filled up aer xper cwt., but they were good qualfty as rev animalf dwil positivelybesoldwitboul. reserve: g&rclen wibb all ki ide ofismall fruits. The whole Is I
- the di I ible Trms- oi s')creii on 'umisbing, approved in )ad reli oi rs 'to sind in their
im jor the eo11tr4DJ- of co ne membe
ittWfla el. tbU vU- ,ith TPD',.' gards breeding. Milkers ad �'ringers, pleadantly and Lonvenle ntly sith p provided, to_ joint '�en atcy Will Ile SoM ch a to a quift buye A I M Kites n6t at 5 per t. annum, GARDINER,
resented by tbe Trade in rilkers and sprinzier's was.,' t L a; TILO14AS ( GHARL, E 5 ABE P,;z Staffx P. O., or 11Z (mbership Pee at oncl as the mem-
XND S Propricto )AMERON,� to T, 'to G phic appar from: $40 Auctiolne 2304.2 i -
t)ie Independent 8-tus and -Gleered by about isteady--prices ransu AB&RHAR7 Egniondvtlle, 2205-tt bership'list will close on MARCH
�'ffes Vill beL I
with a handsom,- 'P' -np-w acoi to� $65, iwith Uo for threE ch a qualA FIRST. & ' nm ATORISSALE(FA28 0RIi, L1ORSAtE�-Qcicfc re or orn I if ably in getting WU of -the German arnw. ity cows at $70 each, eal Calves- - I KERS 'b 6 A ix MIT11-i Adm Inistrator of U I to 14: m onthj , reds and roans got by minor a
llenasll Lodge. Prices for veal calves W re W1 anged the EstAt of the late David Co)per, his instruQt0d Sireand some Olt mem 011; of"ImPorted DamiE t A. P. CLUFF President
or so.-�Brr. Law- * 1,0 9 Brown, Auct oneer toofferfor sale by� am 1, 19 2305-1 H. HAEikil Secreta;�-* from what they bave 1 i m for a long ooth styli h Om p ff flowel up to 1100 I si Also III farm, on- the tifre, rangIng from $t c $8 per.cwt., public d tion on the emis a an T iesdoy,- Feb.1 cows and ra t IE I at I O'clock he Soutx-Eaqr, quart Pri.2eia 10 I soon or with ealv " at Not. Pri-2ee lo lot(uoli 50 head to select from. x1ear RodgervWie. th an occasional ne wilk. fe-d calf err 0,inthellatUclesslon of ','.uakersmitb,�� If you seel - DAVID MILNE,' MARKETS rou see iern y)u Nrill buy.
1j; R. 8 6 ritainin 2 a �ziea ort � or I as. On this' 2293x1,3
x1ald. Mr. Walxr 'reaching $9 er Cwt . . . . . . the ge prices . Ethel, Ont, TENDERS W1 TED
lot, is me hous from 3 a at d hei house. Th6 tbg west In the Ssmiomu, Feb. 15,-.1912 have been paid fi�r L the., last twelve 800 h fi ;-olasa. a pri pner Is well fericed and� VOR SA I L ' lot el mil on feet new and Second. monthi. Sheep m4d. Larnbs--She p, ewes, their bi risoollimsh- btb-same timel renders Feb. 20b, 1912,
K hand!bItli one Illion feet I will be *eeelved up ,
upsi �prlheereationofwOementftablq. Plansumy
...... . 98 sold st t.46 to $5 per. ci it. 4m 8, at there I 3e sold a quantity of ot sehod - furniture t Sul",
yvjl� WheeZ, UrW ........ W also large � q 1A tfty of ulleys, a thig, hdi be
and a good carpente too Teri iii of ffale-, :10 $14,50 per My of ready roo6l, Win t ferial g, fence postal ebk, p= seen at the Queen"sotel. The Id restr any tend.
ON% per bushel .... 0 40 to 40 44, to $3.50; lambo, at $6 per cent. on anc"balance hii ernAneceasarilyaqcepted. Plans way be seen after
peas, per bushel..... 90to 10 rin - I ely 25 and'116 mricent. I
80r, cwt. Harris waiil pa, _g $6. hl�l, I, 8 without In rest. 0 atte "ash on u stati riag w than elsewhere. Write .... . ... 76 Fo I t � 0 for price It �t, you need. IMPERIAL Feb. 17t4. -orning. about one 11M Per ton.. 26 00 to 25 00 75 bor selects, fed aAd watered, aid $6 - d 0 Further' ter a ar. d 3ard lars made, WASTE & rTAL 00., �10 QueenStreet, Mootreal. THOMAS STEPH I' N8, Proprietor
k , ni aybfsaleor aybehai on applicaticm� 203-A
shorl4perton ........... . ..... *-7 00 to 27 Oil) 40 toi drovers for hogs 1.&b. -c 3.rs.. It- - JRy. La 2.q 04 Seaforth) Ont.
to GL & STAXIII rristers. Heneall It, inystexioi It to it araAe Flow, pert ............ 32 W to V- 00 I and 0 , r r; ROPT., J. 470OPEIR, Admlntstratair,� pligy Wghi Aoillilt -VIMP, per 100 NL" ....... 2 60 W 3 r Nog 1, loose ................... 0 25 to 0 26 Icipp rL MAS BROVI "i A, iot tonee r, Seatorth. ARM FO S& 0,-FOr sale lot 7. concession 1, 4 lull, com a, I , 100 TheO ire on d1d not have any. 0 9z' to 2& Grain, Etc. 2SO4.2 Elf the premis % a ;gg c in 0-4pi, houre'* neighborg n tr-irmen ............ TU to 0 33 and large� batik oticed -he barn and o ib r A, mild ngs,all In first-class repsit. Sllort-Uorni fdr Sale
Toronto, Feb., 19-Ontarix Vf at were, coming out JW per ti ......... ...... ......... IS 00 W I5,00 UCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK A141) IMPLE. The farm h I !Rtra ed and well leoced and 1er !)&K .................. L. rao to 50' The market is firiq with I imitod i6lffer4 A IRFJ TS -On Wedne sy, Fel ruar - 21st, at I there are V i e,; we Is. The farin is. 41tuated saw there WAS 330 Mozer Seel ....12 00 to 13 00 boa. No. - two white, reii sno- mixed In. 11 I � A 5, COnae a 4, H, R. S. I uc me an a rtOr a ties from school ind four 31x highly bre&Bulls from 11 o 13 months old.
da not - Xing 00 tOJ 8 150 P., -kersmith, dw a few young Coks and Hollen In calf. All Sired
ed'at -96 to 97k utsi*t 'Peas iiellleYardiltlle lowinrp Gir "y H"s 111les from fol i and - ur from Clinton, � term two splendid
8ft4enw d Wbkh ean i of strong r ing i ia a, I IrIvin . colt easonalole.� Vot a! ulars soplyon the 1) I Golden I
�hej Portia caf
v a rea-fdrth P.O. MELVIN PL&%K.
'the town did not -rTrw very dull with no �rieceits. 18 me t4E old. Gatti ne y( tin Cowl to �remises oi� �df air , both 1mporW. and bred bl WjIllam. Duthie
Good shippi4K pe" we no ninal at U.- Jurie. I f ro iv cow in con It orne yinung Scotland. Some of, these are als) from importia
ic. that there had 9 1101 1 , Dan s, All the Individuals offerec! are of the bei Poultry cattle rs and Hens- sto e mg, we young 991tt lost a cow, 18 to $1.25 outside. oats--Th� ir-ark' being. iv tons of hay a d a q ani tity mangolds. ARM 8 -:-Th i undersigned offeis Aix, fine Scoloh Sbort-HiorwBreeding, brid directl from
ef Is tirm, wlth,*oilid dema6d., C F farm 081�14 I of a )odt 1.36 acres adjoWink the, Harr -sand Duthles stock. Buyer date cordially In-
-7 and a -f Torouto, IiW 1S.--Whollesale prices of -foot own 01 0 a Lf Oak , Thd farm Is in! N ad vitet Ito view the si whether �hj purchase or
Y Potiltz ar lots Imple 3 -one, set di and hi rrow I 6
- -foot D putarlo, qutedat AS to A6, Dderi rider, 1 6 Dear ug me r, I hay ts,te of oul and iss good buildings,'b ck not. Prines reason4ble. Fit
If -of bay, besWes &olce dreavd.pW x0i 2 - ati�oll Dg� orth of Bea -
a94 &f, No., 8 Olit 4.8 !to 44c outelft4-' NO., loale [1�s drill, 1 steel r ;ke, 1 ng tooth ouse,ban 11vinj house, . pen, e6t., VAI fortil, '-Iowl, 9 to a0c; veesei 48 I 16%cl ibl � rid g plow, 2 i lot of 16c �er W* tol, No - cultiv Itox . g I parrativ A B stroi , pw JA
two, R8 to 49c on track Tor awfo v in R iyoutmore4ar I d eon. ES cow
a=o=t to about to 15c; �Itfks, 12 to 14c; !turkeys, 120 Flour K *a plo I ? wall vu, I It t w Ining all, a of it I a& also frultsi Tha, -tf $I fo I P. Or
nee of :t200, -Mr. to 21e� Live poultry about 2c cents 2 western Canada 0a.ts, i2c and Wo., p rave b x bay r I si t doi ble hea, � hai 2 rM its I no nd' inied a most!desir. r, I Porblan 1 cutter, I le �qme. t I r particulars apply on the I extra 'feed 8 1-2c at ba"y por ts. ]Bar- sets s 09 e 3arness, 1 scuffle last Xortday was 4 16,Wer than t4p,Above- 1 Mike( a, ethaiavyalleigloswitil b nli I set plow lay-Tradels dull with'little, ering harne is, r6ins, orossi a aw, ic kn hoot, broad -axe, remi"S or dies l� 0 TORRANCE, 011htcm, P.. Lxt, a great many I 972..tf 48 pounds. quoted at 98ic to $1, utside. Slings r p a, hay -knife, 11 9rge eleatt a -eam, separ- I � i - Rev. E. A-' Fear Horse Market. Bran -Th, =arket is- Wfth, 0 ator, . Lai Ion barrel spra er, si m � good lumber, I Inin'th H, Those left to Val ah�z i, sugar kettle, I �ap ).a, i, soir e household EJ -B, If O tot 9, a-y0t fle-ven, tbTea There Is *Wt notable change in the plies small. Usnitoba briiT $25 inbags, f,r 117t ire. All of which will )e sold. Terms of ramitli, R. S., :on ifig 60 Idd S
.t -)4r under cash; oiertf AlLm
Toronto freight Short4 . $),6.50 o $27. a 11 it 8 monthei il.l. cleared. most part.. & On Torontor horse market. A couple of car$ 11 eralldrIchouglevvthe liar Taman and Small -lots of h slid picked %loted at,$2.- credit On ipproved joint noteE. A discount of 4 1 1 tablq, good well kthy Of the whole were shipped to the -west recently, but, IL cents on, Jhe dollar alloxi ed for cash on credit good fruit� hi t Small rehard
l. SO.As-The de amoui 9 farmil is well situated ndy to Dd bereavement.- prkes ida alot show any change. Ileavy u. 1. tts� JOHN 10ROAT, Propric tot ; 10. BROWN$ )f some Vu ess In lehool and Phurah(s bein!g 2 miles from the jr-and Is 0ovd, With Auch e4, nZ on foot ta try drafters are going at $240'- t& $275, illage of Hoosal I. Ill �e -sold on reiiisonab. a.
clover ruleri at $11.50 t dustrIes to locate, e $200 to $225, express �pplyontbej�premi sorlto D. B. McLEiS,' Box taeral purpos clover rules at $11.50 to $1�3.50 r bush- UOT�OW SAIX OF FARM'S"OOR A2 ID IMPLE- A4, Hensall. I 1303-tf driv-
will succeed or adt wapin, orses $175 to, $225, A, VIWTS-Thos. Brow i has r celve i instruot- as $100, to $1 viceably sour4 el Ifor re -cleaned 'seed. Tit ioth , $7, to ions from the udersi-ri'-d to st I b put if, auctlun W11 hli+ mi but unless wa 751 and 'iser -The! frarke * -L1ARM F S ot IS ad East
$8 per busheL Baled bay- on Lot 10, Poncession 13, llil on Friday, Fen, U Part Lop I 0. 1 MoKillop, conta, ning 75 Lnee of the tor -um, t $30 tD $90. Is unchanged with offering,,; a No'. 23rd,1910, at I o'clock P, th=6,lowing.: Horses I fie ER RE ORTS
101ke, going aheadii, -1 P(rche on �mare- risin 'O Lores all cleared, -we I fen ed underdrained,112 acres is' quoit6d at $15.69 to $.16 n t k and -3 em s old in foiti, I 'all wheat V cl-a& about i5 aores ready for spring
heavv,dr�figieldingrising yeaisold,lgelding ris. S�;ece 'ba in I my ai id gras . There ii a co Ro uri t ets now on
ft iii Saturday Live StoolK Markets. X0.1 2 at $12 t4o $18. - BaW S e e rh ng 8 years old, rop the in- ynd Tri Toiris Ti c
in,Z 3 ea old, 1.drixing Olin v;Withatow-
a slight oper-, rtable fra pdk cellar, kitii and
g6bd oulb or single. Ca tle- 3 c )ws IT - calf, I cow �1
)3rarket is quiet with Prices - 1 ood-shed ialso g- - d ne frame barn w#h i good saI6 to all kincipal Wiie' ts
been 'swollen Sor. Liverpool,, Feb 12 -Trade at Pirken due tc alllast at March, OIA d ie Al ril ISth, 1 i
straw quoted at $10 dn track -Toront ablIng rMn t wiuh�water at the barn. � Plenty haing-a doi head was very Slow, buyers only filling, cow d e A ril 20th, 3 btee rij in '2 v?ar3 Old, 2 f good i,va e orchard. This farx4 i4 situ. including --potiatoes-Recelps are limited *lth th heifer rik Ste r Si year old, W. F.. me_ their immediat,46 requirements. Sattir ted on d 1J mi es from Seaforth. i School price very firm. Car lots In b quot 3 heif tar'i ar Yet A-1 brood n corner at 47"i prices were maintained and may r= quo !Ig I ear old. Fig farm. For partIculars'apivy! on the ,-i for a feVir 4 at $1.70 to $"-Delei at $1.-' Saw w thiS 1 6 ee olc at ti me of a& e. about do �premises or.a Jdr,�esl i 40IR F J. 115eaforth UALIFOR 2 EXI.Co x&r Gteggory, ot, be qui6ted: States andi Canadian steers heiits 1111 pair of uds. I lemeyte-I new Ont. 85i to S1.9R. Put �'Of store, $1. to IMCOO,mi binder 6-foote itwi �ebru,.Is and car- FLORIDA, E C- -
L here, spent-, Sun -4 thirtleen pnd a half to fourteen -1 a about 40 acres I A%Cormiok mower 5 118 ixteen aild P - rler at ALUABt, z, �Al . li-it. 8 iLi undersigned FlnXiiam.-Mr. W. lallb 8 ,,half; hoigs.15 fooli, el It"i fecormick oul iivatc R r nearl) new with offers f(r sale t i aluable farm on t' L 11 Che Abitirketive. ute to
Lchman at the Q_ to 251-2c; wethers, 13c ynd ewes, 12C �2 sets of t wide and . arro ; I Mt $Scly-Harris c 3 on Road, a aLot I 4th, in the Ist per pound. Dairy Markets 10 -foot steel rake nearly ne r, I s'ed drill I Mamy. ip �of a rs as bas- beea visit- H�rrh dioci ha trow, I lumb ir '03 %vilh box aiid hay 'id known W pa -A ea
a and Rlytli re -t Toro -T Feb. 13 -Butter; --The market, "'Wtoell e4tewd. I ere is an the farmi a good
Buffalo, Feb. 13-dattle-Karket ac- ito, pring ioat.11 set boll -sleigh an " flat rack, I 16-fuot ESTERN 0 NADA
ing to small hay ra 3 iano, box cubter nearly Sized frame d elli*ln g(od fair repair, als� a fair Widay to resume. Ave, and steady; prime steers, $7.60 to for butter Is very firm, I PI L ia on harrow as ei rris riding barn and a �n mbei - oth . a - outbuildipgs, t*o 4good Rasho wag on a ades -much needed. neiv, �e I I as ei I ; is Vi wai, 0
.48:; butcher grades,-Vbi.�O tR K50; cows X!eceits. Choice gr pk�w, �! a ey-Harris walk ngp a wells. 10 acre offatwheiti 40 ricre of and 11 2-f rrow plo Dgnearl 6 rained, -o H all done end =
ford last weei 44.50 to $q. Calves, w.iarket active, 50C Dairy choice In wrappers 21 lagwith c)lter�, I turnip scuffli r, 1 rooi pul er, I fall. AoRi is well und, r,
;here is alsol E ree of bn , The farm Is.inost con- St4a,D�ship Tickets !p Sale by
1, v1sitiag, In Clin- higher; cull to choice, $6 to $10.50. rolls 28 'tcx 800 -and Inferior ;ubs, 120' ning n illi I gravel box, 1. 9 wssey Hf rrls .rearn sep- enientIv sit a ed on th Loudon oai, 11 nilles r. Richardsmi, of Meep wid lAmbB, market active, 25e to 21c. Creamery is qut A a; 36 -to ralo ne, y new, just 8cip.ratedhom �! cows-laal. *uth of I Hen iland abo b 4 miles fr in Exeler and all Linois 1 hither; choice lambs $7 to $7.15; Cull 87c for rolls and St to 35 f� I , Solids sumin r,!c r, hay fork, a] nes an pul P ri vibhin I mile 0 $0 001- ea�on for sellingi li that F poticulars 60M
11,1S, two children eNy a 1 CO .9lete, I Bet dou)le harn as bea, I e .4 he nd . I r west For 1 further ul
Ifts. ShOrtreed a - yearlings.' $.,5.25, per pound. Uggs-Very see rice 1 rith the 1 set nele arness, I strin , of I ell oz rain proprietor1ate 8 (in W. S ome�villie.. Town Agent
to fair, SE to 06.75; neW,acluantib.-ofmot about ce a )articulmrs 40 toAhe,uidersigned,L0UI$ WAL.
�t week. -Dr. W. - to $4.75. 40gs prices firm. New -laid are -scarce and 3,11, Hensal 00. 4301.4
-to #5.75; sheep $2 osts, I (-foot ladder. 1 6-foat ,.ross 3u a W. Plant .... ........ Pepot Agent
business trip to will bring '42c o 430 per doze . Stor-i Market fairly active, .10 to 15c lower wheel �r W . igrindstoneand n am erous other artic or ddress A. E. Duff, jD. P. A.,
Zt—mr. R. Rob,� 74ekers, $6.40 ti� $6.60, ip, U to age lots k6 A0 87. - Cheese - , ade .is IS& ve &ng must be Sold aE pFopri6;or has sold ARM F SA E -Fol -sale lot conei-osion sp un Large his far W �
dia*iiuittingrfarrni,,ig Term�-All8ums F H.R. Tii- 'ersi contalu�ntr 100 acres. To nto.
Visiting With hild 25; Wxed. $6.501"-t $6.60'. heavy $6.55 quiet with Prices chanKed.. f le� Pran ii a, frame bahk barn 40x65 of $5 and u )der cash ;over that Mount 8 months'. There � t �T I Tr. John Denholm to $6.60; roughs', $5.50 to stags quoted at Axteen nd a half and twins.. redit wil I )e given oil fu rillsh ina app oved -joint it)IBLablin Miridelineathi; frainehopse 22-i32, the 1,�--k where he pur- &U5, to $5.50 $ at sixteen and three-quarters. ey- note& A c! iscount f 6 per cent w 11 be i 61fowed for house is on Nuone foundation and there is agooct I ProprieLor ; e I
dra team of Extracted In tine s quoted at 11 'to Pashoi:creiitamouuts. JOHN FRIOE, ament cellar I un(er the whole hobse, th Dd
90 230443 gis at the
nto Feb. 13 A9 E ROWM, Auc igi eer Icitchenand*,000iedan goodoutbuildin fiem to Mr. Union IStock-Tards, Toro 12c per poun - Combs $2.50 to S2.75., I barn, The tairinjis all til underdralned and ell M06. ing
_Sold th d, 1, -When the quality of the. cattle is con- -01 ieese. -Finest I ericed. and the Ilui( is n c good state o, at)' vetiou .is saw bdiL-Dit. 11*Ted the rices paid were n9t Montreal, Feb. 13th. ( � �O V SALF, OF FARIN 8-0011 AAD IMPLE_ any westerns, 15 14..to, 15 1-2c; finest 1 -_U xid clear fr* �Ali 1 oxiouE weeds. There is never
,'harlesworth took ViNiS-AND HoUrIEH0,61) EPREOTS-On TfIE ROBERT BEL
bigher than a 'week ago, but there was failing well. A � tho I ouse a id a spring ereek runs a-
;utter-Choi� a. -ch Ist, at I p. n).-sbf rp on Lct 12, Con. orm ow, enti er pt bbe Lim ik end of the f on Wednesday. easterns, 14 1-2 to 15c. 1 arm' Taere AND THRESHER �',OMPANY 2
i bealthler feeling on t 38 to 34c; seconds, 32 rucker8mith, I i ile v nd a hs* f South Of are 80 scresi SCecled to g -ass and the balance bag 2
M's ball' here can IM the three past weeks. 71jere were I Cest creamery, *he following, prop'ertyr Horses -1 plowip 3o, a splendid,bearing LIMITED i 2
doO T iere is ab ,U taccount of to 82 14C. IiEgg" -Fresh 46 to 50c; vorking" 11 e in 4 year3 oid, I bew y I iorse I oars old, youn d of a.t aze and a lialf, coj�talning 2
y4iaIpurpoqemar inf)al iroYlicirse 6.1 Notice is hereby gi Un !t�an 4L hud-ilred cattle'liought for 8 to s5c. arple pear, 1 law, 3herric trees, etc 1.-TPrm$ rer�on-
-get the *Xport, and these were b- t for -less sekete, 38 toiAk,_ No. I.stock) L n that the I
ough c I�J.� Gttle-3 ciow8 suppo ed tj be in calf, I a)le. I For f6ith'r partieu ars apply on tbe premises Annual General Meeting of The Robt. 1
I 6 If 2 li if4i tuonu than was paid for many lots Of eil er up )sed to be- in calf, 2 li rs 2 3 ears old, 2
plen 0 I I oraddresgJ H 11ORTONE,8eaforth P.O. P303-4 Bell Eigine and Thresh ., Company, I
tY Of logs in Allittle bought by the local abattoirs and tbutaberheifera,13 spring cal% 9. Imflements-I runnIng the lassey-Hairis binder6-ft. out ed one L,,fted, will be held at t () Colnpan�'S I
-rs for home trade. Anothdr fea- FO� SALF.-Lot 0, Cohoesslon 14JIul"ett, Office, t Seaforth, on Wednesday the butchc
Inplaying a-11 the MAX802N-ln Blake, on February 1 1th, t Mr. and ii� wer, 6 -ft.' out, I steel sulky Lure of the trade Vas the appearance a4e, I AIalx veil disk, I Da F containihX 17( aare!q. About 160 acres 4leared,
le land roller, I scuffier, I 21st day of February, 1914' at 2 o'clock ley had to shilt rs J. N. blauson, a 8011. I woll fenced I nder-: fralned. and in a good 01 the farnous AmcrIcan lambs an 'both MoRAX-In Bavfl�ld, on February fth, to Mr. and ultivotoril, L 12 -hoe comb,n.d Sy vester d. -Ill, 2 set cultivation' iii b flance is hard wood tiinber. The in the afternoon, account of the Urs. ffiigh *Arch:%y, a daughter. 11&O" A" 1 ,ockshutt riding 1. e.inple plcw, I Abe City and Union markets to -Clay. VARLEVln Gniseffiurst, on D'ebrdary 120d, to Mr. . a I nure spi zAder, I light wvKon,�l top)) "gy, I cut- buildingaar all o)d. hicluJing a large ban I -tb jLots o mry Person will, F,Xporters-W. F. Roard, Player for ftpid �Njrs,.Tohn J. Varley, a dangbter. r I I ual waon, I ii r al ighd I hay tack, I Set 4nddviveshed At pig pen underneath. f - By ord6r of the Bord
weathar Is over a 9�000 Ins. i 1 fany A gc ad young orchard I of the jUght c I 0 1 Ing ;A1 never failinia , vELtom
ftift and Co., br five ar loadLS� Z1cE%VE�N_1n Stanley, on Febrtiar3 6tb t Mr. id, 1. rocr, pulper, 2 t
11 'Cg- �oat r Me orse blan�etsj g6rdal one a id grincler, dhoicesl,. frtfl�t. tree, Witijin 4 miles c1f W%Ition sta- C S, my, cold of eXport C&ttlj &S tolloWS: Ninety-one, . Mrs. J_ H. hjcEwen, a clAughter ii� es fro 11 131 and within a 1111 0 JOHN FE A SON.
lortli, or oiI SO f 11i'l arness, 1 sti �;in,-Ieh trn ess an d a lot of I ytp, to y
CR0WELJ_1n S, R. I Fw;xul ry tIon %nd 5 n 1*1 and lot been as much Alteers 490 pounds each at $6.50; four mialle d half:)f bl q�sml slicipiand oat office. ill be 2304-2 See
aad Crowell, a daul,oliter 0ticles u3ed on a fa -in. usehold Artialts y Ist, to -L Oa in a d bed ,oc ni sdi �es, I din. eold cheap a ri� on sy te�ms. if not sold will be -helfCrB 1150 pounds each at $6.50. Alex. Tuckermith, on- Bebruar, d I 'kitchen ranKe, nv ro( rented. Ap ly on the ptremises or to RICHARD Air. and Mrs. Robert AlcGoni-le, a son e en tabl( I arlor XCInt oue 160A of export I sh bought -Tn lit-Hillop, on Febritary Oil r. able, sj� It tablo4, 1 Oalf sl(I � board, 1 kijt)cheu �RATT, Ila I?cR P 0. i FERGOSON h, to M , I tension table, I kitel, I
Oteers .1250 poumills Sul at $6.80, But- upbo, rd � dozen 1pather seal -ed dining mom chain, --------- *:,
and %Trs.'W. Ferguson, a daugbi er. 0R
Ohers-One choke. load . of cattle, ex, BROADFOOT--lo, Tuckerswith, on February 6th, to dozphlklt lien elmirs, 2 ap:i a mim, 2, rockers, I t,i OOD FA NJ r LSAL For saidthal; �plendid b
Edythe-F.Fr man
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bro.dfoot, (Li.,e Emily Orris edl ebair, I Rittan a air, L coueb, I k -X farm r e�rl�cl zboro, 1 AlcKillop, being :Lot 34, t
-100rt Weights, 48 steers 1328 lbs. each Turner) a son. abin Gerard 11tini Piano, 2 -floor Conces41on N Nfellillop, containitig 300 naes, all ,no� -WILS boaght by the Svidft Canadian Co. 110,11� wrins,am.afIressl, III 7 ve aT d bedding cleared and prider culbiiation, well under.drainod iscoo ONCERT CONTI
for local killi at #$.90 and another d3i lao t nails used in a iind 66 acres dleeded to gnass. All i4i goodi repair. t *th col furn4c d d
Sale -:-All Sums of $10 A comfortal: Ip fr4ir e hou wi e no by EL P. Konned at $6.80 �0011 ouge. 1 Te 14MS of nd under address y garriafres h, (veit hal,, arnounG 10 ni -rtl.j� orelit will be good cellar, also t�v) barn , Two good wells and , Fo terms and open Umtreal.. Prime butchers $6.25 to $6.- iv . en fdrnishingr approved J31nb notes. A dis. i7ever failiny spri A i good orchard of choice i STRACIT&N-BUCHANAN-At the Wettl odist par- I 40. I �Yitblja three miles of Seforth dents on the dollar will be allowd-1 off tor bearihgtreea, Iti
Qa4 of Stod .*6 ito $6.25; med sonage, Brusliels, 1)), Rev. fir. Oaten, o i January LUCKNOW) 0 To
Sh o 'are i� 9 erytilnT (a. No re.. and one mile fro, hcisl.� AVIII be -sold cheap: alld 31st, Mr.,Jtobert Svatahan of Grey To vnship to 4 5.50 jo $6.75; common to medium MiseJosephine, datighter of Mr. anJ rs erve 401� aniounts�r rieto - BROWN on easy termi, as t rop ietor is rptiring. Apply $5.40; Inferior $4.50 to $6; COWS �uctliarie'r� 2305.3 on tke prei-nises or es
to (F r d HENRY CASH, Seakor�h Buchanan of BruBsels. .1 �. oil P. 0. to $6.25;1'bulls $4.50 ti 0-50; call" . - 1 ! :1 Executors' Notice
ting JWXs $2.25 td $3. Iffikers and SP-rin.�� .000- -Bell ig South Halt or Lot go-, ARAI FOR 8 ALI!
Orill-MlIkers and Springers Were quot- Deaths F Oonce ion I, Usbon ie, hall way between Ren - To Vreditdis p
Ad at $45 to $65 each. Veal Calves- DAWSON-1r) Seaforth, on Febru'ar� Edward Sall and pot tainin, Eoucres. Onthli- ig, bar � and stable 30 x 76, good IPzice% for veal calves were reported Dawson, aged 78 years. 1101 an 6 Lots in Hens -all es is a frame dwolij In t1- matter of 6e Estate of'Reverend Albert GRIZVES-In Seaforth, on February 15 b, Ellen Oobard 100prees of choic( fruit, 2 good Spring *ells
Steady at -�,l ito, $8, iand one ortWO ex� Matilda Chambers, wife of Johi i Grie me, aged 16 acres in riss,� balance teady for orap- This, Is A aKeon, late of 6t. Columbanli in the Province
V -D -as4d,
gallon of tM qualltY brouglit $11', Sheep and years. F ? 8.16- e propert of e l3ite J(hn McFar- ifoodfarm ell u0clardral4ed and must be sold. if 0 Ontario, Clergyman, decc f
Lambs ' RN1%fEY--In Hibbert, on February 11th, Rev. ane. liclaw in gooMd repa 7r mg,lurbace, wood. �iot sold pri lite I, C a o b fore February 5th, ;1912, 'N Alce is hereby ven pursuatt to the Statutes 3
_Tne averap price of Canadian had -.istex d teo, Ter "t *11 b I�h herl� 0 m and go, stal le. ta es on March I 5th. For
2-5o bo"ble aiso tv
Father Gormley. aged 35 years. ell, & reason- wi e so , w ch ttl of On �%rlo, in thut be If, that all persons having
I&Mbs was $7.25 er cwt.; or a range gham Town Plo on February tZ,le �ly to GLADM & 8 Acl 3 y Iculz claims against the estate of the sal�
FA]3,r _Ili Wil; Solicit �erui and p app y to THOS. CAMERON, I _ ?everead Albert I
1ER I and Exeter. 28024 uctioneer, 9rquf rni P. or JOHN GO LEMAN 90 on, who died op or about the � Oth day of De-
eo . l I
Ot $6-1o, 1*7 50 per cwt.; sneep, ewes, Ith, David Farrier, aged 89 y ' 3rs,: cemb r, 1911, are requested on or xfore the 24th
44.60 average price, or a range of $4 MODOWELL-In Wawaitosh, ou Fat ruary tb, 3faud Irroprrietor beloved" wife of Mr. Harvey McDow day c (February, 191.9, to send b at or deliver ro
ARM FO. SAL OR O -RENT- . John Ronan, St. rye, Ontarl
-L�t 16, Can. 4 state, or the undeisii n Solleftors, fd1l , I of th said D
y 8rd, Char- WSW a car load f American larabs that IDERS WNTE F Mexillzp n
40 46 Per cwt.; rams $8 to $3.50. There ell, aged 31 years. . I I , con Laint 100 Par= Thi Rev the Executor
RFNDERSON-InWin ha i, Februar D pard alars lu writfrig of their a tre and the nature t
A. fn gaud co idition bet e r rass r of th murky, If a', , held b And notice is we, 401d at 47,40 t- $7,65 and one iselect lotte Gray, reliet at the late Tho was H raderson, of th
itie last 10 y eam here. Acres of fall pldwin
lot Went to laamiltan at $7.75 �per a,,Ld So ye4rG. 1 g here yalsogivent it a r the* id 24th day of
MUNRO-At Brucefield, on Februiry ?tb John For 6 -action of a one Story co ioreb �. buIlding, one ready I or spri g cro - 26 acres of nex� seeding Its marltg t ! one and tk a %lan e In � ass. On the farm� Is a
&98-W. J. Jchn�ton reWrted sellZets )O ye3rq. 2 x 3i i at the guol for keepii ig .Oal 3to. Plans , , bf��Llan e ln� Febr lar 1912, the Said Exeautor w It diAribube the
Munroe, aged r - tie office of the omfortab 'th asset i oTtbe said Estate among tho parties entitled
anO watered at $6.75 and $6.40 to TAsKE13,-In Hullett, on February lith, Mt. Richard d SP itions can be seen a __ ie I ame ouse stone cellar, ki lien therdtin, baying regard only to this i ilaims of which Joan t, to 1i 15th nd wooci A] 0 a go bank barn 60 x .40 with
4rOvers for hogs f.o.b. cars (it country Tasker, agkd 50 years and 27 d Y& iork. Tenders r ived U he sh411 then have n1tioe and that't ie sal:iExecutor
MCKAY-lu Grey Township, on 7 I 0 STT 3th, Alex. I text, 13 igust be addre to D . W. F. Clark, ad stone joR blinr und nexth. A good orebarcl Mr. Johnston boUbt tWO Car i I loderl,,h 0 bairman of 0oni mitt(e. The lowest [or nd never !Ojin all. ere are 1 will i at be resylonsible for the ai to or any part ander V., son of Joseph and Elm�lri t MoRay, good r perai
No a e --d 4 montvs; and 3 days. I r ardwoold b rly an a a, a Spring cree mu. notile i Shall not havo been recletv before time of
S Via at t7 61f cars. I any-ten�� iot necessarily a ecepted, thereof to any person it whose cleling
Lif ;-I, Hulltt Township, on Janv&ry 30tb, Ing ran the �tish. farm Is on� and a
Witntreal Veb. 28, - There was (A D1r. W. F. CLAR r 11 � from school and pst offic urth� I such lisigloutio. PPRTMO I LAYS AND RIT.-
on th LOU. LNI erl Chairman, ic at a pk e prism or MRS Da ed'tbe 924th di of January, 101 2. 2802-3
Mrs. T. Nolan, aged 88 years. K said inter.
a for !h_�r &1ing In the market for c&t- 13BOADFOOT-In Tackersmitli, on Februlary 5th, 01 1polleiteri; for Date Bad prices since -Y Week Brow '0bruar. -2 0 U EX, B( eel, 0 ,I tkis da infxntvon'ofMr. and Mrs. Alex Ifoot.M T 12th, 191 .305 j-tf P dF7,it"TANT Uf k tuft
Short 00
hel as
Good Jjg�m �and VILA14
W be pp
re sea Ifin
e r.
Th a
j MONEY ORDERS The Mo y Orders of The Canadian Bank of Commerce are -a sa*1 donveniedt and economical method of remitting small sums -of They are �payable without Aarge at every branch of a chartered bank in Canada (,-�cept in the Yukon Territory) and 1 in the principal -�itits of the Unite�d States. The riders and full information regarding them may be obluitzed on applic.� ion at the Bank. of In thel event of loss of a Money Order the 1�ank will, on f�t a satisfa*� guarantee, wake arrangemenis to refund the gatrount of '4
the lost Clr�,der. A232 Se'aforth Branch. W. 0. 1'.1 MORSON Manager:
F, �braary is the;* most favorable buying muth for; those, who ate fur'nishing, a new home or aMing an odd �ieoe or more. to the old homo* C 11 and -see what good things we have rea cly 40 thiO3 Month.Br' adfoaot, Box. and Go.' T. ROLUESS Manager S 'PRICI: IS:';
We are o iBring now m4ny Ilues'at big, reduations. we to, olear 151. ut an r prioes Wi do it. If you geed any of the fol idi -sin lines d not forget our ,.speeial prico'. Come. at once 'All S k AO s at cost and. below. S Gooct, teel sno* hovels, 'rar. 50c for 366 acer X -c it saws with haioidle reg, it 4.40 for 3.50 fin for 2 Body Sleigh Bells, reg. 3-. Good Axes from m6 U P 1� 'Coal R!,ods, from 17c up B an C, 0 f 4 last L terns, rag. '70c for 59e 8coop Shav"els, reg. 1.00 for 79e� y IST S! REDUGED-4—We have marked every etiavo in- our stock away down. Big' ba-ils eau' be had in PjaWs and 1 all stoves selat out are -fall g' umntux dw H I A L OHESNEY & ARO'
If ARDW,ARE STOVKS FURNACES PLUM&WG D. L. Q W. SCRANTON COA16 N TJC7K O We do not moum fo r th e few cmsti; vr1w are gme 63HEP SH 0, r Wr but for those who noissed the opportxm4 of Availing U� baigains OUth H, on themselves of our The an premiums. Gve �_Us a. trial for i-q.i2 and we (MCUltural ociety antee to save you DA"My. - 11-1, �eed Show under �he aus- Marmalade j0,raT1JMS'25C eADnual
es:of the $oluth Huron Agricultural per dozen, Sociepy., will be held at Navel Oranges 25c, 3 40c, 5oc and 6oc per 4ozen. er. s 'Cranberries Ise per lamd., 2quarts 25c Kincardine Sm-okd Meats and Sausage, fresh, sorvice weekly. Kippiewd 11 -,tog: xoc per tin, 3 fias a 1-h tst Cabaret )?RIZE UST Fresh Herron, 2-5c pet doz. Ile following prl�es will'be awarde the best Frozen Saknon, Tr6ut and amples of szed e -hibited In accordaTs :e �'wi&h the, VVhite Fish I rules g< verni-ig the Seed Faira bu4.sp wh t, any varl Highest cash price for RabLer and I*ga ety 81 750 1 ty :50 $1.00 bush. Oa a, aijy varie $150 �al 00 75C busli. Barley, t o -rowed $1.50 0 THOS. S. BLUES I:oofj 7756c Phone 8 bu4, Barleii, si -rowed 9j,50 i ) Sestforth: bu+ Field P 50 .41.00 75C bush. Field Be 's 11.00 760 bus Cam in or $1.50 �1.00 75a ue� b . TinioLby 8eed $uio q1.00 76 bueb. Red OlovtlrSeed 8150 -00 7� busb, Alsike Be 81.50 A 76c ous�. Potatoes, early variety $1.60 00 75c lms�, Potatoes. r r encral crop il 50 fill Gen'e-radge 11!1100 76r,, eck bf Onions I Set 81:00 : eck bf Full Grp Onions $1.00 .50 Autoftiobiles and Ga-mline The Ontarlio Department of gricul- gid an exI e jvbo Skates, Lawn Mowers, K�ives e:nd ur6. will se; 1� vill deliver p�in addre8s on Seed Cal- Razors sbarpened."i !i i Gasoline Engines, new m2-4 second- RULES AND RE, GULATIONS hand, for sale, also Battleirim, M 1. All seeds ontered faz competition ustbave Spark Phigs and ]Wzg�et�. can grown by ex-ii1bior wiLbin one Year previous a the exhibition., All exhibit,) of i;eeds sha 0 be held Horse Clippers o be representatt've of the -totill quantity of such eed ciffered for s�jc by- the exbibftor. fj,, r& r C usher Rioller� re-tmt axid Sa-w ary Of the Society may talie and presery samples Mandrels ma&. ram tach exhbiltifor reference in ease a dispute xjslu�- from the 4le ofiked by,�xhi,40r. Buggies Painted amid repaired. 2.- I - Competitors -mnst become membeis of the ocie by paylilgito the Tremurier thereof, either evIlus to or at the time of malilngentriiM, tne sum ,1fr% b. Es As Spl-A—ding 3. No preirildins sh0l be a -warded on exhibits bat dontai a weed se9d, which, in the opliflon, of t�he Opposite Diek's Hotel. rudgis, are of a nc*ious nature, 4. NO exhibftr eball rew ve more than one rizeinanyclass-1, 5, � All samplos of seed must be- correrc(ly label- East Huron Foxm ed w! th the name and addrew of the exhibitor, the awe �of the variety, the amount of seed fair sale and lustitute. be Selling price, 'Grain, net less than '26 rmshelz or gale ; !Mke, imothy axid Clover, not less than bushels ; FAirly tatoes, not less than 5 bushislu ; The East Huron FarmeW hisUdebe v�iif h*1d w"t- Ate Potatoes. no than 25 busbela ; 04ione ings as (oflows: not, ess than I btwhel� Belgrave� Monday 0. � In ease of'dispute, a Statutory declaration I . , Feb, hat the above rules have been complied wlth, may Harlo'ek, Tue�.y, Fe_b4 zoth, le requirbid. from �ach or any exhibitor of fted. 7. i An exhibI . to for competition for pr1res I-aust -Winthrop, Wedneaday, Feb. 2ist le delivered at Walket's 1101. Arucefield,_ not later Waltoa, Thursday, Feb, ;a2ad han 10 a. nii shall not be removed until the
ose of the fair m� 4 p. in. - MiOnCrief, ADMISION FREE Ethel, Satur4ay.7 Fb. r,4-th The Annu&l Spring how of Stal- To be zddresSed b_v ions and Bulls and Harness- Aorses, r. James McDermzoft� af-nVa*
will be helcllt Bruceffeld, oil Thurs- and Mrs Waelar-A of Toroatapt- [a , April !,25th, 1912.. Particalars slisted by good local taUst W9. BICRUY, Brucefliald, Pi6esideat Neei to begin At11 otka sm: -8 P.. M;1 MaLF-AXIi-Seaorth, UoiXI1LU*N, Pres. . A..McARTWA� Sam.
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