HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-02-09, Page 2•
Axes 0.
AWE have secured Axes, ab-
inr guaranteed by
their makers. This means that
we can give you an axe war -
anted the same as 20 years
ago ; if'tIey are fairly broken
we replace them. Why put
money in a cheap' article be-
cause of its cheapness when a
little more will secure an axe
that is good.
n 1GV RiOet0
MAY, Y, Feb. 9, 1912.
A dol
Samson Axes..........
Sandy's Choi ' e " Saw
w a s manuf of ed 'fr m
wood pattern sup plied y t
well known sawyer, an
Thompson, of Varna, en e
'its name. From sellin • t
or three, our sales have >o l
creased • that wei sell t ' n
• this make to one of any other ma1'e, It isackliowled od
be the fastest cutter in this part of the country, and i a ;p ac-
tion only is required to recognize its good quasi ies. B id -e
the great number sold, our . sole agency, m es a
touched by none.-
51 foot Sandy's Choice
with handles and file... IhP
When in need of saw sets,, files, bucks . w
meat saws, etc., remember •w hav la
complete stock at low prices.
_, G. A. S_ILLS Seafor
Hardware, Stoves and *Tinware
Plumbing Eavetroughing Furn ce w
1 - Corner Lot. Best location. Good house and
stable. Hard and soft water. Wilt be sold cheap.
Apply to .ohn Beattie, Variety Store, or to John
Rankin. i • 2221-tf
I' ON HORN OATJ.'LE= Seven first-class young
1 • oudls, 2 from imported cows, for sale at moder
Atte prices and on easy terms ; good young cows and •
effera also for sale. All interested are cordially in-
vited to inspect the herd._ Farm adjoins town, long
distance telephone to farm. Write for catalogle,
R. SMITH. Exeter. 199841
ARM FOR SALE—For sole Lot 10, Concession
Stanley, on the London Road, situated 1+ miles
from village of Brucefield, containing 100 acres.
There is•a mood bank barn with cement flapring, 3
never failing wells, hi ick house,' orchard of about 100
trees, there are seven acres of wheat, 18 acres ready for
oro and balance is pasture, 9 acres of good hard-
woofl bush. Terms to sort purchaser. Apply on
premises or address JOUN MURDOCK, Srucefield,
P. 0. • 22s74f
FARMf FOR LE—For sale east half of Lot 14,
Con. B, Hallett, containing 60 acres, an cleared.
It is all seeded to grass but abut 8 aeras. There is
a good orchard ; good bank barn and driving shed ;
good brick house, contains 10 rooms, besides summer
kitchen and wood shed. The farm is well watered.
This is au extraood farm and is pleasantly and con-
veniently located. It it only a quarter of a mile from
a school. Apply to ANDREWTYLRMiAN, Seaforth,.
or to JAMES FAII;SERVICE . Londesboro, Post
taffies. 2244-t
FARM FOR SALE OR RENT—Lot 15, Concession
4, Stanley Township, containing 100 acres more
or Iess. about 70 acres cleared, balance about 30 acres
timbered, first-class land, good bark tarn and, com-
fortable dwelling, aoo1 orchard and water: In a
good state or cultivation, About 1:1 miles crow a
Baucefield Railway Station, good gra et road� Half
mile from school and good neighborhood. 11 not
sold will be rented. Apply W. SCOTT, & 0o.,l3ruce-
fleld. 223441
FARIL FOR SALE—For sale eat, 10, Concession 9,
' Hallett, containing 100 acres. It is nearly all
cleared and in a good state of cultivation. It is well
drained and well fenced. There is a spring at the
back of the barn and a windmill supplies water for
both house and barn. There is a good bank barn
and Strood silo and hen and sheep house and a cons.
fortahle frame house with noth hard and soft water -
fnside and a good cellar. This is an excellent farm
and is well situated being only two miles and a half
from Constaase post office and a church and school
a mile and a quarter distant. For further ppartiou-
lars apply on the premises or address CHARLES W.
ROGk:R.MON, Constance, P, 0. 22.78x4-tf
WARM FOR SALE—For sale that valuable prop -
1' arty Lot 40, Oon. 3, L. R. S., also Lot 30, Oon.
3. H. R. S. West. End, Tuckersmi :h, County of
Huron,. containing 130 acres. It is well underdrain-
ed and in a first-class state of cultivation. On Lot
411 is a good hank barn 50x11.1 withd riving shed, also
9 roomed house with woodshed. There is windmill
and tank with water athouse and barn. Also 4 acres
of good orchard. Lot 30 has frame barn 30x50 and
stable 20x30, good orchard and never failing well.
This is one of the best farms in Western Ontario.
Conveniently situated to school and church, 6 mules
from Oiinten and 7 from aeatorth, Will sell to-
gether or would divide property. G. W. NOTT,
Clinton Ont. ?.f 6•tf
GOOD Fi\R4t FOR SALE—For sale that splendid
farnvnear Roxboro, McKillop, being Lot 34,
Coaeesslon 3, M eKiliop, containing 100 acres, all
(geared and under Cultivation, well underdrarned
and 66 acres seeded to •tress_ All in good repair.
A coni!'.rtable fran.e house with coal furnace and
goat cellar, also two barns. Two good wells and a
never failing spring. A good ,orchard of choice
bearing trees: IL is s iticir, three miles of Seatorth
and one mile from school. Will be salol cheap and
at easy terms as the proprietor is a tiring. Apply
on the premises or address IIENPI CASH, seaforth
P.O.: ,•;art
Was So Choed U�
She Could Hardy
Bronchitis is an acite ♦inflamination oil
the mucus membrane lin' g the_air to . e
of the lungs, and s soul never be e
glected,"for if it is ve ry o ten the dis s
becomes chronic, and th n it is pn1
short step to consumptiol.
On the first sign of bronchitis Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup= should be
taken, and thus p even it becoming
Mr. John . D. NacD4nald., Colla e
Grant, N.S., writes --"My little gi 1,
seven years old, caught a bad cold whi
developed into bronshitiS She was
choked fop she cou_d h rdly breatIe.
Reading about your woad rful medici . e,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine S rup, I decided
to try a bottle, and with such good
sults that I got another which complete
cured her. I cannot say too much in i
praise, and would not be without it in
Dr. Wood's Norway ine Syrup s
put up in a yellow w rape ; three p' . e
trees the trade mark; price 25 cents.
Manufactured only by T e T.1V1ilbur.
Co., Limited, Toronto, On
ALLM 111=i.
Larte'.5 �'.
.i. ,T.
Y• M. C. A. : LDG.
001) FAltll FOR SALE—Being Lot?., Con, s,
�C Ditiiilio}p, 100 acres all cleared and in a good
slat;& of cul;natirn'•riu vPll underdrained. There
is a brick house fitted ttp with all modern convene-
euots, a large bank bI.rn sith stabliecg for GO cattle
and horses additional, also work shop and a driving
sled- There are three never failing wells. There is
a good young orchard nearly all Northern Shies. It 1
sajoi*a the corporation of the town of Se iforth. j
'There is a good gravel pit containing the best cement
guava Five acres are aeedea to alfalfa and 13 acres 1
to red clover. It will be seed cheap •and pn easy '
terms. Apply onthe premises or address MIAT-
A. LAWRENCE, tieaforth P, 0. qa,; 2303x4
Registered last seasor up arils o l
students and placed evc ry gr duct
specially qualified reg -..lar teache
attacked and fifty Lo don firms ! en
aur trained help. Coll ge in session
Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter an
Catalogue Free.
Forest City s u r&thand
Chartered Accountant,
Vies PripcipaL
Iain lea:
ether t • • s,
onimiss on
rad ods a ',,11,dirL
the re a of
ark u 1de t
d1 gyp, , at
slow c = for
When of es
ernne, t uild
t ener..1'� rept
s to t e mer
�bone st ted
itwe h : ' e oh
he . P st este
ha. u.tted
arta 't req
ehe "- a -' stm
ast s sa the
(this s s:i to
al in re:eto
own coon
pope is ecce
Oeart o ulfil
a of c sin
re so ••crly r
1bey . c and
tttfy r. requ
postm s s in
dist ri s. !The
aid salary
rated t the
ractidial sta
The P • stmasters
ration epresentft g t e Post -
Assoc is ion of Cana a, num-
bout slix thousand embers,
n tawa 1.; st week asked
Pe le ler, Postman er Gen-
a :n in r=ase in ®alar . Among
h y request t at the
s amp sales . be Inoreas-
cale in fop rtion to
h office, overtime for
'period between- 8 a:m.
cents An Dour, and,
ting,li tin', etc.,
not looted in . Gov
is qusts as
• ca>xs not ape k, but
f Str
d, t
Way t
ally a
W •
aid' g
for az
'hers v
s the
1 all
o pay.
hat it
yd ip�':
he co
at s
ot, be.
other I
of the
to the
it—t- .other Salary Gr b
g Pres: r: is being b . ough to
• o i the e o erriment • to rant an
e cif th sessional demn: ty,
e e are u ors. that the ti-
e the C• n: ervative -party
rty is
y favora.I1 to the proposal. he
Li:: wa ode last -w: ek by.
•Monk t at the meal •ers
Leven a ! :allowance for ec-
$500 e h, and the iincr - ase
this for , but whit ' no M-
int fo ' amanuenses it ill
e an inc e tie of the, I demn ty.
a . ove is r rn thetta • a ree
• we : v iso a. doubt Ichere is
in: in it ; e hop to , • t eir
c edit h t all the f Li • :ral
rs will h e the Igo s se to
:.y sue • i Crease if i is '•ro-
• e pre:: indemnity s! $2.500
trans•0 tation over all he
s in Ca • a and all • gpen es
g to a o ing fro Ott a
'e 3 sessi When ever thin is
i p ther is not a for ne i it
y rsembe • to,
ny ree , b t froitmis act I allplc ltl:s
accou t. of his tim: or 1lis
s, and t is is 'all the • is e -
sides to s to teeny I - rn ; m=
hily are in • siness or 1 w ile
pleasure th ree railw ay tri s -
)n is worth , a much t th m
emnity. As for the aditi • n-
w rice being intended o re m-
e ers fo hat they ay h ve
st nagrap e s and typwrit:rs.
41a -sere Pr:tence. The e , is no
who has a greatera ount of
onldence ,wit • his icon !titue cy
eon very e: lily do hi `.self in
io I with i other pa liame t-
and no . e ,over-wor k ed et h-
s ie is too indolent. I - he is
of s eriga' g a steno rap er,
n y has ' right' -too pay or
✓ 1 e. If, t erefore, a y a•el-
de to the demnity i she i ld
sewed by th _ country h a, y
_ht •than as : pure sala're, ab
ime> nest and. most .urij etifla le
nd. any adds ion that ;s m:de
ay f the Members of ta Hot se
m s must also be mad ¢: to e
at a v
as' very
of the
si ation in sa I , that
eneral 11 be more
n 'giving a sympath tic
s sof the pos masters.
t .,r Genera prom sed
t i e `would be • rep ed
r=commend a ubst nt-
t e allowances of he
postmasters; and we
✓ will find 4t tilt his
t promise. ere are
e public tier , ce who
crated for the work.
responsibili es which
to assume as the
t • e town Old! country
it postmasters who are
a e fairly wel remun-
c • untry postrn eters are
Senatois and they a a too dear
price. k
Editori 1 Notes and Co meats
Manitoba owns 1 own inter 1 gr: in
lcvatolles, Phey by been oper ted y
Corsi fission un er� the Cove rnme t.
. 'W.j c uaig, cl airman of the E e -
tor (om ission, ` admits, in. I efie t,
at the G vernme t :owned sylstemof
evatos is a tailu a sa publidl utiIi y
d a *at ole for -g tting aw ; wi h
bile leson Y. And et the pe pie t
anito a a e urging he Domini an G v-
nmen : to purchase the tenni al el,e-
ttoss d operate it errs and .t a Go'v-
nusen h ve pledge !' to do o. _T e
Rravine aI ole . will e only a ape k
int size An omparisor' with the Do -
ilion hole t at will. b created.
i •
8$ the followi g
orary and e
r in . accord, wir h
nts of a 1 rge majority ; f
1 this co try : "The toll -
prepared . or the a my f
nisi r
couple of time .
sposed t r ncourage you g
themselves' for ilitarly
fy for 1� intments, a d
et them 'refuse to p t
to other` things. Th mile••
has spo ed too may a -
[t is not de irable that there
m further and unne es
. t Mr. Borden is w se e
i in his imp Mous and overs
stic Minister! or Militia.
espondent di eats attent
;hat already tere have
nment esn€lloyees di
County of Pre
is �represen
We irsartily rode[,
rE'mark of a cont 'm
.f i convinced they.
tesen e
t ie pec le o
t is of f
as l milli men, of which the
o'� Milit 'a. hes talked
Itt'. Is en. di
!!lien • to fit
lite, to ual
failing o
their h ds
tart' sp rit
eb uld
iii holy
.A cors
tills fact
fi#teen t'ove
'ed :in the
et suency
b that he_,
J. D. R. id,
eorrespo denit says :
In any c e. en min
n to .get out. Net
ilies, and me
sten any par
eras was ile
not one .caise
any (overnment de.]
ch al Cohservati
n of Ice since 189
a Libera.. Even
was postmaster ist
and" confined to 1
y ma'rrths, was allowed to bold of
Lice until hie death dr wing hiS fu
salary. simple case Of this i:kind
should 8 tela the heart of any reason.
TTivote reLiis
h fa
r. t
on t •
cott. • Thi' cors
in 'Peril/amen
statesman, He
of Customs. Th-
o investigatiot
qtr s' notice wa:.
rrlly all are me
stof them' hav
in politics, 'T i
only ofertce
in this ';tow
tartment I•
was remov- •
to be replace.
Reid .s 'uncle;
the time wa
is bed ',, So
you know
' that you are
getting the
► l , ne prepa-
ation that
as stood
he test for
vcr • thir�ty-
. five years
. and still re -
Mains the Standard
tonic -food -rhe dicine,'
used and re ommended
by the medi rofes-
cion the world over.
• I
Soo ups
ble itizen, but . i
ave any effect
Cust9ms, Dr. J. D
past eighty year
meds have been c
pally officially
and despite thel
are all bright i
as keen an eye
company, in w
great pride, as
--Fr, A.
St. Thomas, is
et er a thiee
monis,. Fie v;as
Icing in the
-;-Tse fourth
Legislature- of
erred in the re
buildings in Re
The buildings a
ed,, but ;soon w
The (Bank
church property
sold .to Mr. Jac
trlilio4>}aire lum
The 'building w
singe which t
tions have been
—One night
Baker, of Galt,
while driving t
Bridgeport and
stopped Mr. Ba
a', $1/4/50 ,watch, $1
of ,keys.
+Thirty six
ye rs, and pro
of; 15i with Iho 't
record of Albert
operator at Ot
Scl ingh, who
lxro the young
Chid No. 15 ar
the i Schingh ho
seq ie ace of pro
be 'brought to t
oe . not seem' , to' dore Roosevelt,:
the Minister of hunter, and ene
Reid, of Grenville." Schingh says:
the other day a
Guelph who wa
children after f
and l ewant to 5
beaten severs
idea are expansi
happy to have so
hope to have tr
right ; up to the;
--W. B. Ridd
entOen years of
working for a 'f
•Boissevain, Mani
o ndergo an on- Gide by shooting
t e Sacred Hest ten:' le with a r
nor ingr of last
left 3oissevain ±o
Brandon via 'Wi
room at the Roy
a pi es Saturday mornin
it s'Y'a not again
maids, :going to t
found him lying
wt] t a new revol
with the cartrid
chaff nbers discha
tereii his right' t
through his hea
that can be attri
than the 'young m
he .ad acted stra
friends were not
of his proposed' v
leaves_ a widowed
Ontario, and hit
there for intern -le
lad had been ere
two months in th
uncle, N. P. Bue
vain, The mother
a sister of Mr.
to 'Roissevain fro
made many friend
s of age. ;These gentle-
onnected With the corn-
since its organization,
r weight c f y ears they
ntel.lectua y, and have
for the Welfare of the
ich they Justly have a
they ever had. ,
r 1
ems Noted.
cCrimmon, formerly of
dead at t.ainy River,
ays' illness - of pneu-
one of the ablest phye•
ession of the second
askatchewan was op-
ificent neiiv Parliament
ina on the 25th ult.
e slot yet quite finish -
1 be.
Street Presbyterian
in Ottawa, has been
son Booth, son of the i
errnan forj $130,000.1
s erected 44 years ago, e
e several, large adds-
• ads to it.
ast week ! Mr. Walter
ag held ups and robbed
Berlin„ between I
Berlin. Two robbers
er and relieved hint of
,money and, a ring
ti- Ilk ..Was T
iles Failed
Vied and Work -
f Writing from o lar, B.C.; Mrs. C.
Hanspn, wife of ,h proprietor of the
Commercial Hotel, s:.ys;. ''I suffered or
3 F are', with bleedin . ' ilea. The pain Bete
so b''d at times t at I could wavily
walk, and ordina remedies seemed
t tt+t y unable to , . `ve my any els:.
!mai y l decided ,
erati and went tb.
1K3:ospi al in Spok: f here they per -
Ione an operat e, d did all they
couldi for me. Fo a time I was cer-
tainlybetter, but i hits twelve months
he trouble starte : • and the1
ecam�e as painfu as ever. I tried
ime' ts, hot po 1 n cee, various pile
urea, and indeed ve thing I could
bink ould be li 1► t do any .good,
ut at 11 I k caitinu d to suffer and, the
hoot , burning, tin ing pains, the
c411, aching and;et ed, worn-out
feeling that the i -ease causes con-
tinued as bald as v: r.
'Cine Ida'yLI read : bout Zam-Buk and
ought I -Would it The first one
.f two boxes !gave e More ease than
nythi• ,g else: I lsa ries,; so I went on
ith t e treatmen . In a abort. time I
•egan Ito feel alto ethe different and
• tter, geld I naw hat am-Buk was
oing to cure it. 1 Wel I went on
sing It, and by the t e I .bad used
e r'bo*es' I Iwas x1 light d to find my-
lf elitirely cure , i That was three
ars ago, and fro ther} to the present
t . e here has be n nol return of the,
t ouble4".
ars old, married 16
d father of a family
inrs or triplets, is the
Schingh, an elevator
awa, and also Mr.
but a couple of '
✓ than her husband.
ived last Friday at ,
e, and eeps up a'
ogation hat should
e attent4 n of Theo-
Zam-Buk is a spre Ore for piles,
s aids, ,bruisee, interned patches, and
sts and stores Overywhere, 50c a box
Zarn-Buk Co., ortento, for price.
ilo Ho -wick In
The 89th annual
Fanners' Motu
as held at Gorri
t nded. The direct()
o buildings and t
ic es !seized during the
1, 50, and the nurcher i
e id of the year as ,527, being an
in rease ' of 218 po cies. The amount
of Insurance written was $3,244,060; the
658,925, peeving t e het amonnt in
fo ce at pe close f the year $10,046,e
'11 being an increase fer the , year of
V8'5,135 in the arn unt at risk. The
pr rnium notes hel by the eompany
a ount to $502,305. 5, and the amount
a enable on said p emium notes $454, -
re ny-joined, took place, heade by the
S arer Were re -el ted ,audit s.
animated disoussion, in which
di ectors,, as to whether full value
w ether a figure sltould be set, above
owning (Apo farms 4ed the hotising of
w ich the Board mid not d. Also
stock, imPlements, dtc. at both under
one polics4 After various: reoticins and
nt of two-
als, and the
re, it was
sent rate
k, and do
designated, as a
ith a number of
as did teeny ()th-
oles, 'but main-
s strUck seventeen
on th, e thousand
the !average rate
eetidg of the HoW-
I Fire Insurance Ca.
and was well at -
s' rePort showed as
t paid for- losses
eir contents caused
'14,716.94; unknown
ren with mat -
ern exploding,
umber of pol-
force at the
ase of pate, the aern
sof the value of an
ately resolved to aut
pay fun value of sto
Y with what w
ble risk under a
lution Ito hold
way of test.
he company met
vy losses in 1911,
similar •organizat
s the same rate ,
o is $245. Light Ing Was the cause t as if -there was a big
least exertion would
he other mutual companies in On- had no appetite and
eavy lasses on stocki as well as -
ings, bet a tid balance is still heat violently and I
e treasury and . he hOpe expressed ed with trembling spe
tha 1912 Will prove ore! favorable in weakness ,that my bre
the absence -of losses. . '
The comPany has he distinction of ; In gasps, I was under
for nearby two. month
hol ing .second place • n the province for little relief. I then trl
vol me of business. t is Carefully and edies, but with 710 bett
1 eco omically manage and! deals fairly aly I decided to try
I wit
' buil
1 few
Jam s T. Wylie an : John Jackson, iix the house and if I
Barrister Sinclair, oh Brusselg, Is the worn-ont take an occa
Solicitor. A unique tature in.- connec- feel ali right again."
tlonl, with the manage ent is the lengtn. Sold by all medicine
of service rendered hi Directors Miller, mail at 59 cents a box o
McKlercher, /rdgar mid Bryans, parties- $2,50 tram the Dr .Wil
Dr. Williams' Pin Pills elp The
Blood and M ke You Well.
The human body,
tory in the world:
houri day, no slac
days: e10 cessation
time.' Day and nig
carried on in the
body, and it never
gine—your heart—s
' The factory a
.mative power, with
have to close down
ive power is the blo
red blood which kee
tem efficient and wh
diseases that may a
Good, red blood is
ler of every action;
the energy you pos
every substance of
sinews and flesh. It
and poisonous produ
remain set up eliseas
every kind. Good blo
and vitality to the n
sides regulatingg th
stomach, intestines,
other organs of th
-on the purity and r
blood the health of
Often the blood b
beeornes thin and po
becomes loaded with
charged with poisons.
the motive power bf
shop goes wrong, you
ill. You become e.na
nerves break down, or
fer from indigestion,
ar severe he
the back or ,side, rhe
In all failures of th
Ilams'iPink Pills are
• These pills ac
load, which br
to every par
ands and thousa
seaso no holt- i
of labo at any
worksh p of your
eases u lel the en -
ops for ver.
our bo y has its
ut whic it would
t once, That mot-
s your h
d, heal hy,oie' relyche.,
tcalickdriitv. s away all
the chi 1 control -
the so rce of all .
ess. It builds up '
removes the waste
ts cons antly cre-
d give energy ,
functi of the '
body. Briefly, i
chness of your
your - hole body
gins t fail and
r in uality. It
aste atter and
Then ,it is that
our bodily work -
you befin to suf-
eural la, getter -
clips, pains in
matis _or even
only Canada, but al
testify! to the truth
Mrs. Fred Stricker, jr.,
says ; "A few years
physical and nervou
pains !throughout my
blood Dr. Wil -
he bes known
ake new,
ds of ople, not
a bi of proof.
Moore lad, Ont.
ago II was a
wrec.F; had.
hole body. I
ould attack -
Is, an such a
r res its. Fin -
r rem-
ot of my trou-
by the time
Was entirely
Iona! dose and
dealers or hY
sa boxes for
all concerned. A snug brick Pink Pills and this wa
ing was erected at Wroxeter a cine tlzat reached the
years ago, whi h sonstitutes the ble. After taking the p
office of the c pany. The Board I was much better and
ists of 3. R. Mil or, dward Bry- had taken ten boxes
James Edgar Wm. McKercher recovered. I now alwa
ign o !the Times
f ,
EOPLE are becoming very careful aboilt
what hey eat and drink --
The p eference for goods in sealed packages
—e pecially in food stuffs—is now quite defini e
and becoming more so every day.
We fnustfr nkly admit that there are sound reasons
for *is pr ference. Food stuffs cannot be ei,r-
pos4cli to varying atmospheric conditions *IS.
out losink 'poth strength land flavor. ,.
Tea 'of all 'cles of eVeryday diet (exceptiiig
coff 6, erhaps) needs protection most, d
bes 1!ne chants have
clb. is this the case
th t 'the selling oL
loo ecl, in bulk Will sooni be a thing of the pas:t.
SE TEA reaches you with all its
gin flavoti, strength and purity-
-It fp slealed in air -tight packages—dust arid
dam -proof--
RE 1R.OS is a blend of the best Indian said
Cey clap. iies.
T for,er assures generous strength mid
. Quaiitiies ..fOr which Red- -Rose Tea is 1 famed.
Q Ask yiiou cl-rocer for the 40c.- package. of Re'd
Ros4 and' iou'll get better ;Tea—Tea that spen• s
iartlier—for .the same money. ,
"'Red Rose Tea if;; Good Tea"
to b
7 a sac
oarrel befcre judgi
ATE people have attem ted to ju4ge P
a out it ---before using it. So we ask yo4
f ir and to buy a sack or barrel of PURITY
and give- it a thorough try-oUt befoi‘
attempting to arrive .4t
Look at the beauty an
loftiness of the, golden" -
crusted, snowycrumbea
loaves, fit for a king.
Count them and see ho*
man)! more of than PIM'
ITY yields to the barre
than ordinary flour does'
Taste the creamy, ibly-p14
crust, and the deliczously 4114
1 cakes PURITY FLOUR reward4
ou with. My!
ow theymake
r -C:;1111, ttirral
03601 ins,
Inergesbsrallegif ,
onillsbae:isrlr),'llehooefttl: hi
:17:efbtWesge2411114:elarg -
thei 13! 1-1 of
Ilvei horses la
*elle, auendt:r:
ttid it n2r e de: 3:1 ' 7?.:11 e, : var c 'e( ,
, Ste; x i frrollactar
ZebituarY 27t
the ;Shores of::
dr:tele:0, Ana-st:otlith't
at my p
lake. belie
t dee
:Su h high-class
resu ts can only. be
high- rade iaortiorts of the
best dsterh hard wheat
And remember, that, on
account (if its extra
strength, and, extra qual-
requires more water when making bread and more
shortening when making pastry, than you arei
accu4onied to use with ordinary flour.
the death In
Grid, ;brother
of Lthei West
ship, lava a
g been
g *wed
Ntr. Gray
tatio San )3e
publip0,11 SAYS
wt.% greatly
et -the death
11 recentie
Was taken
,an# after ,con
Insititute at
•erritien. to re
it had.
the condition
tins' On as
inS 'What he
the 4;ast re
death. With
Thprnas Gra
We 'Barnett,
funeral arra
to this city
Gay. At tt
wars 147
taa fl,
'Lift! Lf,Talf.A21. ia; 71: