HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-02-09, Page 1TT L2, 1912 f the you now. thlOTIES FR OTTAW. — -.La (Written for The Expositor) eeks negoti 1 the Wet grain. The 1 Westerners sa that th•e- have a lot •of feed grain a few cat lemwhemas hey neighbors t the sou h have man cattle and HMI tions real een in progress low n•ts of the re- nitoba resp cting which is a 'he RIDA 2 FEBRUARY i r the ;past tw a dickerings h ve be een the Goveenne inion, Ontario and M the Mereased terr tor ghtenIto Matitoba nd boandary -between th the Province a Oita lin of Manitoba a d er 1 have heen aL 0 w tt the Pominiot Go oh er had they left 'rst, Minister f this Province, ' bad several I th !members of t tr at. It is pretty ti n. Hon. Mr. tit;re th i Ontario hide o th I Cabinet is M toba side, ar . Rohere Ros, SO88 that the only b p en Hudsan, the, heat :territory Manitoba. But th will not hear to a wtil not place at 1 bare within the Pr trier Roblin, sent to permi ualess the Kewa be added to Manit the Oateria autho to., And thus the and the Ottawa the deciding of t 'the courage to heace the bill ra i ment , is still pen i see s to hnow -w et Th desire of :the ,Ga st e off the ques lo ,butneither Onta ia wi ng, that this sitwill likely b ge her herb bianitoba "will tent to let ttlet without uable considerati • n. gat humiliation f 'aw3e under su have to Race tieal friends re used reaelY i Gp ernreent. The Statement a is Ivery generally c the governweat !barons to n ie,a. These bounties regime of the late dePpite the press mei them, refused the last of the b summer.. But no qaestioned in th ejrenc rct aen to ayartter ttew Niger said "the atm ke at the proper , we _presume _i Mittister will deli e The Gevernme t efforts to nego t other countries a Meech as possible t e Tv West ihnad4vee el:ewe ni tInc cohntries and th u Ion an after fro b t whichalf ac ore trade for t eel of the other gotiating with. the prospects a at; 'Trade and Co trails. next sum theking an Arran ihies of that c itherto been ex ,r e tering, into era e countries, an a, which wou ith their high . Foster goes t heart neve e is going to tr ;• ays will do tote iire A.ustraiIan o ady knows thatIM erY best to mak at only upon his cause of the I overnment tha argain with the IJ t the interests of re difficulties n atm The Cana, la elcorne compet butter, meats, ore especially hhrself 'from th atm However, coMplished with u Foster at any r t s on a par elief For Suffering he whe e season zurs at a big rechfo- t good variety fro - s are best for pres.- Fowest limit., Do lotce of the season ary Our Gigantic Sale of Winter Clothing, Irurs and Underwear, has a two -fold purpose. ne to reduce our tremendously heavystock, and another to place' within reach of all the ac ual needs in comfortable clothing for this exces- sively severely Cold season. • el Would be Iwilling to sell at _ r es. The proposition is • ceri- tain y very reasonable one, but ca at e haw this hilevertarent , can cons ste tiy take the, actioh asked. I the fixing f the But there is ncr k °wine what thin t Province 'aria Governreent may no ' be forced to de Premier Rob- whm they do anything. order to he :grain bl kade,• which has o much loss and iimonvenience were 0,040. est, the r lway companies reed to eat* Western grain the States t Minneapolis and t greatly reduced; rates, tittle g, the Western grain grower sa- to the great re is at; Seinnempolie the tletators at Duluth, Which are V empty. The Government have OW assent to this arrangement ,has tnot been roaght about at inetance. And herein is involved. nepertant .politk 1 point. In the ssiOn of the r iprocity agree - t laet year, the onseevatives laid eat deal of stre sabilitY of alio arri to the So It as necessar go east and w hasis was laid h Would take pi he Canadian gr inane) with Arne a ers layalty w ent the absorpti the Yankees, an upon the press e either way and sen Inc all our grai yIng the arrange- i yet ohly a few s g ..and no person passed an. the Gov -the reset May be corMiebed to admit ertment is 1- to , the Situation in the until next sassiop the bad season and or Manitoba are of the tranportatIo y away the gr Vie't find them LIrean8 lin- four weeks atl , which Isom' ed tie? their exclusion frorn the new eth ted tates market. Consequently the wean have e ent has beent compelled by tome Kelsfren: S MoLBAN BROS. Publishe*a $1.00 a Year in taava.nde suiting i at haws : President, Robert Grana, CI remont vice-prceident, J, A. Bag, Qu ensville directors„ William Graham, Ci remont Wm. Smith, Col- umbus; We ter Mine, Green River; James ,Terr ee, richana; Thos. D. I Elliatte,Boltim; A. G. Gormerley, Un-' ionville; darhes Han erson, Belton. Pet- er Christie of. Mame ester wa,s elected vice-president for tario. The finan- Dial statement show the association have a b ce on hand of $28,300. Grants teg t e exhi ition during 1011 L s Attornay I Gen- ! relit, v 3 tawa consulting caused ernment, arid no in he than lion Mr, havo a• ands and Ines' through ut in an appearance lerui th g conferences witli giv e s 'minion Govern- cese we understood that and hied on this euehe tea h ane, representing give e question, and. if i representing the ' the able to agree. It i an t o available 'her- I disc are located 1 in i me hich would go to ' a, g tate°, Government ad ettlernent . that • be one of these ham i that of this Province 1 should anitoba, will not ' Err this being dote whi strict in Ontario ot • This, of course, : ad will not assent far ter hangs fire pre nment who have by matter- have not laid Enough here for .very Every Boy at from 1-4 to 1 n and be done. Te re- car hat Ontario 1 Will the r 1 outlet and that ; sit h to be eon -j, pro have it, vitLion yla.ndidis tiwoinua_l for Premier Roblin, the arrangem at he; wit iroar, h s own gr off tile 'ha3ve ew of ins regular selling prices. W room here to name only a these most Unusual Ba illeds Fur Coats, 14.0J to 20)0 Iviem's Fur -Collared Overcoats sa pile 10.00 to 15.00 Men's Overe,oats, 5.00 to 1 Boys' Overcoats, half pr Men's Suits, 5.00 to 10 mrrow wne rade Garmen the Com mo:fl-. the better came la this country 'a:bent 65 years e ago, first settling at Etrantford. A few years later he came to °Goderich town - Er shiP settled on :the , fourteenth con- cessio , where he lived , until five years ago, when he sold his 4,rro to his son- in-law; Mr. Munniegs, 'and with his wife took up his residence in Clinton. —Knox! church, Cioderich, under its new pastnrate, is in a very prosperous cond.ition , The past. year was the n,ost prosperous in the Watery of the con- gregation, For all tpurPoses the sum • of $8,825twas raised, this bell* an in- , crease aer last year a $2,400. The number o families in tae congregatioa at the utesent time is 420. There are 772 commlanicants and during. the year 72 trenaleqrs were receiyed-42 on pro - as 3.8 for arid 2 Trehsesripeniwoetef a412t hrean3nodva8; —29 ,cbeyrtelfeirctaitiej: f Aurae' Notes. —The' tote en ch ch union in the Quarterly' Board t the neircesville Methodist church against. 1 pa,esed. her tinier. . —Miss Olean Hoo i at the Tar to Con dans with st cleat —The Agriculture county, that receiv serence lest year fr th We Wouer partment of Agricu ture are: :Dungan- the horce oh Mr. and Mrs. hielville,Skin- s upon the . in- wgerraehitotide ,04331.7;ythe, Huron ner, sixth concessime of Usborne, fra Mr, Fred 4 H. Ford, of the same township. that our wheat —Mr. Ira W. Jo s, of the West Mrs. Ford is a, sister of Mee. Skinner. on, SL2184; st and not south. ,,End,' Tuekehsneitia at purchased the The Ceremony took plaee at six o'clock forth, E, $.117t. pon the disaeter William Tosensend arm for 04,300. It in the evening and wits witnessed by ce if the idernitY coatahm 1.00 acres a d gives Mr. Johns about one hundred .gaests. After the In was lost by a fine firm of 200 acres. ' 1 1 ceremorty all sat daWn to a very dainty ican grain: The —Mr. William Mc uillin, of St Het- wedding dinner. The hride was the ted Dominion Gov- recipient of many heantifui wedding t Agent. The aa- preseats. Mr. and earn Ford will re- te, which does not side on. the second eoneession of Us - borne. 1 . ,; an thin.ks: the west age ee elegeemix ekearea eears' sojourn in- —Another pioneerl a Whet 'Wawanosh has gone to his rest he ; the person of Mr. Edward McQuillin, :who died at the ided not to return was born In the county :Of ,Armahh, Ire - Mr. McQuiltin he has a 'fine farm ent. land, in 1826, 'and with ,his parents his ack home in Grey al 1241 settiing far a period of ten brothers and siptees dame to Canada , ojourn of nearly years in Lanark count, near the town Cartada —John B. McKay, ‘a.ge4 70, a f )half a century a prominent resident of Oxford county, died at his 41erne in Weadetock last Friday. He at one time proprietor of the loYS.1 Betel and he also conducted the eat Carsten House many .yrs ago. i —J. Heddle, a clerk in the *alga of Itie,reilton at V ancolo,er, B.C., feend. a roll of $800 In the vestibule oil the beak lest Nevember. No owaer aahear- ed ar,d hiedale sued the bank foh the rearem. The judge debided that; the bark was entitled to the roomy Whisat. waa found on its premises and bet aa employee during working toura —The blackswith 'wit° ariginally serbvaontoorrys, hxamina- sons duting the year, 11 marriages of luek that brought aine and On ie 1 Societiea in this grade examination dafeabtahlest.isne was adniinistered to. o. per- been Wealthy since the faMous stroke were solemnized. attd, there were 35 fartute, he had lost much In lit' et ywa3slitn, • died en Monday in Hell, near Ottiestare. covered the silver maies of CObeet proceedings, _and the : usual stor of of the LaRose mine. ' While he Re WAS J. B. LaRose, once part Omer mha4ithe woenitathrieor 31,ti..- C joaoopeoarr mar- wealth drifting into other handsi with be shown in his estate. a rie—dMisons wElednri%elfaaaia, et the serst Ithown residents of ilea- -Daniel Isterbrook', aged IS, 1 one mouth, Elgin dounty, died at his haute eral weeks with hear trouble. tiond4y.- He had lirn 111 feeta bet- -ceased was the .son of the late Jaseph Easterbrook, a pioneer:of Eight coantyt who received the deed of his farm ;roue Col. Thomas Talbot and on whicU the deceaeed, Dente', was born, and. hived - all his life—over 73 years. ,A. widow, one son. and one daughter survive. - —People are rushing into the aew gold miniag region in; Manitoba, vileicit is situated ninety- ird2Ms northwest of Dauphin. No prospecg is being tome duly a 'Lad idesire to :stake claim re- garelleas a location. , Mrs. Weir,: of Minitonas, eighty years of age, -staked A cialneat 3 a.m. It ts Inot fan unheated, sight to See farmers: with bed & and prove:dons in sleighs 0 ?armed *long the road although it I is 20 below aorta —The house of Mr. Charles Barnes,. on concession 16, near ;Parkhill, wah de- streand 'by fire. The :fire startedharty in the evening frorn an overheated stovepipe, and membere of the family noticed it in, time tot remove Bois of the furniture froin the tower. lotfir, Nothing upstairs wat saved, as i the flames spread. . so *rapidly that !little could be dame, aud tae men werg for- sraoke. ced out of tthe boutie by heat 1 wag , —he live stock industry of dined& ;will ;lope at the encl. a this' rhonth the services at Pr, J.; ta. Rutheeford, Veterinary Director Generat aneLive Stacie Commiesianer. Dr. Ruthelord's resignation is in the hands of thML.. 'of Agriculture, lion. Martiar- ra, an,1s to _come I into effeedt t. it March 1st. It is generally oonced live stock men: all over the Bon on that the resignation #A the Vete Director General will be a grea loss to the live stock busiaess in C Chada. His successor has n yet been med. —Ottawa =street rat way figure juat. published show gross earnings of 840,- 680 for '1911, an inc ease over 1I0 of 04971, The net ear ngs are le85h,-- , 691, after pa,yments 11 bonds, mile - Age end taxes, emulate to 28 meicente an the paid-up capital stock; n- mher at pasgenmers carried was 19,045,2hi against '16-A76,334 in 10,101 an tuhreasa of goos,187. The business of the f com- pany has practically doubled in the past six years. The stock of cfty street rail- ways is pretty good stoat to owhiust now. i —Death came with startling midden- neas tte Kis. I. Pickering at her lhorne in Forest last Friday afternoon, es she was sitting, in her eltalr. Sus had been. 111 for a couple of days,' but nothing Was thought of the ;matter. Her hus- band left- her for a •few minute* and when he returned • tound his veefe in a seml-conscious coadition. She was dead, before he could call help. 1 - Mr.. and lira Pickering elenlY recerttlet cele- bbrearted,bostbhaenirdgsohldeenis *i seuardviingved. bilytesfidpures daughters and two Sons. ! —There is almost 4 potato famene in, Toronto. The crop 1.21. Ontario 1 and Quebec was short last year. Thronto rcerchants are bringiag them in',',: frotrt_ New Brunswick and: selling , thea* at from, $1.S5- to $2 per bag. TorontO cone aumers on an average eight carloads a day and aaciacar contalne ,r)00 begs, So that it takes a lot af potatees to supply that city alma. —Rats are steadily working 1 their way right through :the western pre - a farmer living abo t- a tulle and a educes Tag latest reirt comes 1 from half -east of Manitou, Man. Lath fail he carefully stored away a tar, sup- ply of potatoes wnieh he looked.' for- ward to carrying him through th* win- ter. OA going down_to his eell4r a few days ago to see; that they i were safer he was surprised to find that practically the whtle lot had disap- iisc heared. Knowing that they con not nave been stolen he began to ' vestie gate, with the result that he ,:' ove ered the whole, !gape to he infested with rats. He quic ly got bust and whem the last was ;slain the trA- of the dead nurnaered 40. . ch—okTehde tgrheearitveireech needgeel betthwaetert has cataract and the upper steel _1 arcie haidtat below -the Falls at Nittgaea for the last three week, broke freaOr its anchoring just at noon en 8 day, and went dawn the river, takin wan it to their death a man and man said to be Mr. and v. Eldridge; Stan- ton, of Toronto, i Burrell netacock, seveteen years old, af Cleveland, Ohio. Four other persons : were on the lee at the time, but mans,ged to ate t a- shore in safety,. Tho bridge w con- _ sidered perfectly safe. For weehs tile great fields of ice had been homing down the river pilirtg up againSt the barrier until It wear from slat* tor eighty feet thick, and under the in- . ,fluence of zero weather the 4 great mass had become firroly anchored i to the shore. The jam waS about 1,001) feet In length and In 601110 places m equar- ter of a mile In breadth. Foe 1 two - weeks it had offered safe- passege to the hardy, and on Sandal* an irr4thenso 1 , crowdwiossic er n 0 v in.o, •f- e x cg dawn urs Ion!. Si ti ot s pearreo_swee toxii Park the winter wonder . af the river,' Had he the elevators that Tun don ti! 7liffi hate lost their Ilene, for the erowd In. the day hundreds: of persons hvauld the accident bappetod, an haum later for the hurpnie a venturing out., upon sr, of Clinton, has cate and 13 by death. The sacrament s appealed to to ens, has bee n of I our grain .ernment 'E emphasis was emelt is g aPPO ployme neral g ,necessity of restaict the appoin ee- to any partim to England War territtnitY. ort Months eate —ehr. S Iran, of Grey, has mean t has tam re turnedlaf thr a ,tw he strioesness elf the West. r Spel West. What with is all right, ut as 1th the • failure in 'Grey ihe aa de companies te to the west pre n, the fencers —John' El lop, ts lves in .a critical township a ter a eir , stances to allow denounced last year the United State d it trust e re 14 —freer w trh ai dc he _ma We in westera move out ti4 embered alen Manitoba, e the paranta Mame tha , he that th measure o math could only . ;• rom the Laurier be ecured by the action Of the later- W 'hare Le ti that cla ritio ust preserve our m i itaurrgnoediatorm 1 well in that The dea sta e Corrmerce Cominission ef the Mi- nd it it • Stites. What becomes of the de - the le lat ce? We have been •,. of the sixth ount- co Pell ept a ruling bit was ee yea a ea rce Commission, a ive of the t w,nshi a has no voice. on the lame now een made ited here ye promis the iron that we - ve independe d now to ac the est, wnere he met Lends r. Hislop and son of Smith's Falls. Lea there in 1e51 each ured 160 • acres at he came to West Waw nosh, where he settled- on lot 19,I co cassion 14, in arhe"inah artehhe. family , will ' the woods, being among the very first ley shawls, of Cardinal, 1 yseetatrlsersagien. thinstovivebnselliweeasThnalsarrszie t601 ter a onth epent t at home of Mr. and ;Mrs. Elizabeth Andrew, a. happy unionwhich e wes extended over 53 years, end was broken only when 1 Mr ea McQuillin died h 1 is of rediton, , as I re.. Mr. LeWis hies a chouldnatr lea and :has !done is recorded of Mrs. pids, concess on of Colhorne.She , and wets -a r net - having been !born cupied by t her! ome- n Andrew Yhting. xpired durir the , the Int rstate Comm overnment and b a in whicb Can brought to hear t Is his having tao teuck with the Ya - surviving b other, For several years - home wtth her da a Straughan. t anew them and ke s I' f he had trade her es leaped last hat will the flaghfla,ppers of Toro ghter, Mrs harries t as sem ,u, • ta ,nd elsewhere sa to this?, Whe I ) ton them. When I ar en hatriote who mate we nee ta the :emcee feat se. Pub ic meetings rich IS reao ted. tA1. the hotels o the ii0, the Prier Mini • ist e the noble eighteen ented; Will they c the pre de ounce the ea itulating to le. They will b i3 unties and t Ill hunt evi Finance' Minist ds end profits at the expense o the poor producer __ma Da consumer. But such is life. I and fanner I 1 ent inance Mitt- conameditio at sev ral hotelsin ode - use on the sub- we ordett Governmept ncernent ill be an thee." The proper for the Yankees ? Nat AnSgslitaerade 136fe 4 e:eanrts, theleleatthl.'erratePeaalet _T1 rantib , th, ence to convin,e gra; cDoentaeme susli Yn the privileg of pla ing a horse the as heretofore. For ce 0 Men's Winter Caps, half pri e Boys' Caps, half price Heavy Mitts and Gloves, 25c hen the inance lik sthteeadtaaveorfas2 areeen3t05 cents for meals in_ is budget epeech. iroji etremaatresng r that their diVi- ; tavern theds farm rs are assesrd 5 with th should be increao- cents., s to exten as , de ids • their backs *nada. • ed trade of tithing wi h the an stralia and other eir neareet neigh - he d would urnish ountry tha any n ne_ their mmal nseeti g in Toronto last tries thee are may, i we k. r. P. :Meese ger of Guelph was be •thie as ih president and him Andrew at the Minise am ed ted Mi ler, af Middlem rch, Ont., vie - rce will visit. Aus- with a view of i Pr sidebt. The dir t;ormsr.elBecrteeodbio, aAr W. Alchrn, Pricevill : ent with the auth- - : ple y ; .3hylen -Guardhouse, Higlefield; A. ry. Australia has eiy charey about r, Nashville; GI Et porter, Apple- reaties with; oth- ; I:4 J. M Guardiekse, 1 Weston, ad et • tr etneyiumattney aweany_ : Janes Henderson; elmont. • Tae breeding of orses in Ontario is e rehuiremente f p o ective tariff. But no going ahead; o the principle that ; thh rrarket are not suppl.ed; what on fair lady and went ih heavier hoses." said alerb ret lit would be to a eten the hearts ot a manwealth. Every Wn account; but hat his ted States because . rade arrangement, ' so latlela uld down a trade Foster wilt do his nspire. That there eamang Smith, ' of Toronto, addin , "we ne d _ br eds." This advic , give at the a 1 ev r horse breeder in the Dominion liu lmenting of th Shir Horse Is Co utrhia stated that ;he Clydeed le he d tie rein of p wer there now, hut great deal mo e qu lity in 11 a few remarks Mr. Davey of Br t- homrsiethrnaubco•it should b ,kept in view th , . - - he way is cer- . as the Shire men ere aiming to p o - du e amounthtehaevisearm.ethan t e—A farmer womid not ' Cl de Of ha1, he predicted the Shire as the ' walla:are -from Atistralia les, tallow, etc. ; leading horse in British Columbia In the 'greet e he is shut - oui the neer future. I rket next door to , ' he heeling of th ke meeting was t ling can be ac- br eders of the Shi e eli uid exhibit effort an Mr. la ger numbers at all t e leading is hopeful f puce hi Riots, and thu brin in o, more promine ce. s the- associat on IS now ex ong financially, it w s decided nt arger sums to th prize lists different exhihitions. awe were cited whe e goo'd Sh dings have beeni sold as high 200." he society has reoiv d in rr:e shi fees $188, in re stration 1 h hand $84 . The importati 0. otal - recellis for : year $1,1 res and 25 males, o 55c I tg las el Tavish, a C ton, y of St time died at avi- home of his da hter, t, on hursday of last ecease , accompanied by a Nur e McTavish, went abou Christmas to visit imams were taken to Olin - tuner 1 took place on Sat - k eteen ears of faithful ser- er of he weekly prayer Jame town Mr. Thomas f Grey, has tendered his as ha finds getting about rticula ly in stormy weath- an hee ares to face. Mr. eighty two yeare of age ne a ork along the line servi e that cannot fail inflete ce. ast rro thly meting of the forris omen's Institute, oria 11, Jamestown, Mrs. an excellent paper on the New Year," by helpful sagges- s. D. McDonald and each gave a recite - Snell and Flossie d Miss Rae Moses . ) . e older residents of rict have passed to uring the past two of five of the num- al up to 424 years of nearly, 25 years. arties and the ages McDougall, 91; Mrs. 89; Alps, ' Francis obert Ratied-ge, 82, ell, 79. men's Institute gave ✓ one evening !eat unqualified succe Si. -was privile,ged to in. April, 1910. ; —Mr. and *B. I,Coventry, well- known and highly esteemed residente -of Wingharn, celebrated the 501,11 an- niversary of their :wedding Monday afternoon. and evening' of last week at their home on Patrick: streets, Mr. and. Mrs. Coventry were married in South- ampton on the 28th of January, 1.862, the ceremony being peeformed by Rev. William Watters. :Atter their marriage they lived for a tunther of .years in Hallett -township had,, later moved -to East Wawanosh and twenty years ago moved into Wingharn.I; For the special event which fe-w couples are, privileged to celebrate, the home: was very pret- tly decoratedand ;after partaking ot supper a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and s. Ooventre were , blessed with neve daaghters and. one hotnt .41r1IL ; N- - —Rising to his feet ia. response to his pastor's final appeal tar converts at a revivial meeting ia Whitechurch Meth- odist church, an huesdant evening of last week, Sam el, Themson sadden- ly collapsed and f tank dead. It was thought by those a,boat him that he had. only fainted, and he Was quickly carried 'outside, but when -the doctor arrived life was extinct. Death was due to- heart failure. The young man was only in his eigateenth year. He was a set of Rebert Thompson, of East Wawanosh, and Was a young man held In high esteem it the community. The very sudden death is a very se- vere blow to the family, as just a aear ago an older boy died after a few weeks' illness. I —At a. very largely attended gath- ; ering in the Methodist parsonage, Ger- rie, the members at the Orange Hill congregation, Ribliart,,presented•Rev. J. W. Hibbert, their paean., with a well filled -purse and an ' addiess express- ing their very hearty appreci'ation of his work. The address was read by Mr. Reuben Harding, and: Mr. Geo. Strong made the presentatiot. Folloeving the presentation a very pleasant social ev- ening was spenta The work of Rev. J. W. hlibbert and Wife is greatly ap- preciated on the Gorele circuit. While only he their second. year, the salary has been twice incresned, and a short • time ago the Gorrie Auxiliary of the Woman's Missonary Society presented Mrs. Ilibbert with a, life membership certificate. ; _ i - 1 stocle at t ! Mrs. Stew 6 nadian Hetes Breeders I week. The hire Horse Branch of the Cana- his dauhht orse Breede ' Association held to Tavistoc ton and th there. The urdten and ha d e—Alter ni vice as lea meeting a Strachan, resignaMom at night; p er„ more t Strachan i of Chriotia to have' it —At the Grey and held in Vic entitled , "T pughts J. D. •Mille gave which was followe tions by ot ers. M Miss Maggi Mlller tion Miss s Ten Scott gave iduet, ' a solo. . 1 nd dis number of t eyond weeks and the age at ber brings I the to In or an average age x- The names of the the breed are: 'Mrs. sabella DavidJef ram, ra Lewis, 82 e Mrs. to . and Andre -In Mite of 1 —The E hel W " : their eanu 1 supp e week. It as an as Each lady wernbe bring on guest, and thestouri;chathe elmgentlemen fracture of the hipShe never rallied - , friends,: of course, came in first. After from the shock to her system. The de - es supper : : . nt, . : Slemmon, deased was born tear Port Glasgow, meeting and an In- Renfrewshire, Schtland. She, with her ne' dterreessstine: 4 nd literary arogram husband, came to Catada and settled 30 was Shan. l- teak well. LYDE). —Mrs* Bn3am1n se Association of home jest orth 0 eir anual meetibg Januar2 th, and place, it beiog en name as Dore y' ttended meetings in a sister: of 'friesers. sociation. President East, of C ton, remPr alilfgthereamssaoriKcie- Argent,of'HaofrlHoc gemati4nnd, setaridong4rse. failing hea th for Do end was not une e of ;the strongest horeowitig , usban tie Mr. drGe:so. by oarainh..- Davis' weekAnd ew Bel tor in He r making several ehildrea stirvive. •e work of the AS- I —While riving who exhibited _ a ; to have a I bad u Ei tl hich eny mdista ce, but an in the struck a show d imme illies at the Torten- qud. Mr. Bright was awaY and lite naembeh, of the associatiOn. block. Eve be4hers the village soorlioutidonoilawraioxptraassedor setting frantic eff Men's Boys' and Women's Coa Sweat r 50c to 1.50 Men's Underwear, fleece -lin Heavy Ribbed Pure Wool, 79c Heavy Sox. 20c to 3 Heavy Ribbed Stockings, 20c Heavy Shirts, 50c to 8 Heavy Lined Smocks 1.50 Overalls and Cotton Pants, 76 Odd Trousers, 1.00 to 1 y knows the merits we sell. up by genu- mr what your orne and see d, 38c arid99 tcf 35ft t -wbateverl:. ,p-irelt don us ear o3.2 to 1 79 cees. - The last issue et eants.ins all annhu be pleasin he the noutces a change me.n; whe out je anal- drill. Pais ed froth g cent dam The chedu hem dote away IOW 10, 'a lat ia1te at S5 pe ,ts a. da veo years in s cc ciency a Iowan e tr old re e was ined an ef icienc Once of 20 cents, a I day. T e int eianed off cers basis. It; was xpecte at, the F etc& Feted net wek, ent is n w made verit'' will be del ringo March, star hat 1 Mr paris a .pr ; ti -. he Canada 'Gazette t cement whi h will 8" olunteers. I an - en the pay of the th *firming th1r an - 7 is to be i crease ga [day to 75 cents a t efficiency ay has , t and the schedule 1 75 cents day, *u for those erving ama sion, with an ef- thr - 19.1 numbered St m 1 15' cents day. ; hemp. Ontario r ceive lat one of 5( cents, I befta d service ailOW- leethed 17 s anion . TBE elcents and h0 cents 1 he Clydesdale e to non-commise C ad* also held t xi the same hrelative at I on e budget • speech th ster would be de- ' .To 10 but the ounce- a hat this an rtant at ed until he be- as thus enablipg the B the purpoSe of in Ily the sable per- su ied. 4pp10! The above lines include some of the most arivelous bar gains ever offered in the Town of Seaforth. T is for tw reasons — we say : You need the goods, we don't. W need the space the goods occupy and the o ey the re p-esent. E.:72 nettetagge - w cot r udhets. EA., deput tion 6', Asso iation ces has been ihaey•a•Prallemdi hraanve hermembers ovimnine t. Th wants are 641811, but t b aknt so as they are , their things tb t tariff chane. utg on c ttle ted State be lift se nea4 e found o he spo ling uggestiOn is tha &tele, to mil 130 rough rly choosing is the best—Get yo r s i ar 600 tow THE GREW Until Satisfactory Clothiers, the same time of the largest hitory of the Bright in hi lie in glowing on. It is the la oci tion • in the ight and it is the world. Aft getIons as to t In the AR ielding eociati n he closed - ing a thigh tribute the Grain Grow- er ey 1 Unionville the Western Pio- el se of Clydesdale ttawa for several to Exhibition, of interviews with w rld might be pr of the m flamer - having f until later. Among wi sk for an port- , gr is Is the. the ted from tie Un- : in order t at • a ur cm the grain said I l:te prairies. The st 111 the United States Mere ltb a 25 per dtInt. the tree and fed on I cars at hing to obtain e of any horse. solution wa and seen the associa —An aged and -respected resident of Wroxeter in the :person of Mts. John Carmichael, died on Monday, Jan. 29th, at the age of nitety :years and nine months. A few daes previously she fell on the floor and sustained a Presid of th usical Rev. D Wren leave an ad- Wonta 'a Suffrahe," which Churchill Idled at her Clinton On Sunday, s. Chum maid sEatand hewas William- end George essrs. Edward and Ilett, and Mrs. Fred She h d been in some tim and the ected Besides her a 1 aniilyj of eleven the tabulated pedj, itNotieseertned i0us - intrOduced by la the paint ded by Wm. Smith —Mr. Ira ion to try andice,..1 dneieetIr enresiwd the home esent frozn all o er 1. Mourilogs, e election of of - ; was 86 ye t dealt of time, 1. native of islation foe the licensing hers were p inion, and up a etre near Hamilton, Where they lived. for some timer During thls time Mr. Car- irichael was inspector of mason and bridge work on the Grand Trunk Rail- way. A.t -a later: period Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael settled im Fullerton town- ship, county of Perth, ;where they farm- ed for some years, * the year 1878 they came to live in :Wroxeter, where Mr. Carmichael died a; short time after. —At the annualareeting of the Wrox- eter Rural Telephone Company A by-law was passed tektite)/ the capital stock of the company troll $25,000 to $40,000. There are 250 telephanes in use by shareholders andeten telephones are rented. Two ,adiainiag telephone com- panies, Brussels nd IMolesworth, are L connected with he liffrofiteter central office by trunk esi For a message over these lines the eubscribers of the companies named; pay: a rate of five cents. The call rete between Wroxeter and Wingtham, Gorrie and Fordwich centrals is ten cents., 'The Wroxeter company acts as a Ideal agent for the Bell Telephone Ca -meaty and through that ;company have long distance ser- vice. Since Its orgnnilation in 1009 the company -appears to :have given its pat - exceptionally Igtied Service. The ret g directors, Metesrs. P. Mawen, M. Sanderson, T. IR. **nett and W. S., *Member, were re-elected for 1912. n front of W. C. salt one day last had the misfortune set as tie.e cutter ft. He was dragged inally the horse got an three times around the y ava lined t rt to c o have darnag n the able man and boy in e front fitreet in a tch the animal, but the right of way. was done except to cutter. roes O4ttle one :of the aloe nts of j Goderich; township, dnesdafy of last :week at his on -in-law,: Mr. Wm. of the 14th concession. He ra of fie . Mr. Cchtle was a ,on.9lre, En,and, and ‚4