HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-01-12, Page 8rr.
e time Of his ide
attrVive4 ; by
ren. ;Ice
melitdeunit714.6wili a
e frieeds of e
e came in eoet
ideneithila and th
er. Ile was a
erten church and
said 'cif him
and Chrlatlan
d McDonald
reached elle le
Z Mr.
She was: One
°7,-ra of the ituwzishi
• aving, With he
the film on
• svtuo::::: the: 1:
bouf 62 Years ag
e to live In Sea
d d d many years
a4th el and !coils be
4' a' Catholic; ea
very sense of :the
thy woman. She
neq and fortitude
h!p incidental to
d4t them 911 she; ac
and ended , thisllif
em and respectOf a
E doff our haat make our
our bow and present
Splendid Footwear for
the coming year eaee. Think
you'll be pleased to make the
acquaintance. The more you
test the quality of the goods
and the Low Prices quoted for
them and our style of doing 1
business the better you will !
like to deal at this House of'
Good Shoes. Man or Women,
Boy or Girl will never regret /
knowing our excellent Shoes f
well. We've Canada's best of I
every line for all purposes and
the appearance and comfort of
your feet as well as the welfare
of your pocketbook. Urge a
close acquaintance with our
Good Shoes. If there were
any better Shoes we would
have them. Test us—that's
all we ask.
The 1.01re Brigada-The annual 't
tug of the members of, the Seaford!
Brigade was held on the WI
The _ following officere Were elec
the current yea.i: Chief, J. P. !Bell
foreman, J. J. Cluff; assistant f ore -
man 'William Beid, secretary,
Scott; treasurer, George A. Sills
- 0 :
Sons of Scotlarid.- the last ke
uler meeting of Ca p Lady
No 55, Sons of Scot and, the f lievr
Ing members were e1eted to offie to
(the year 1912; ,Chie , IA. W. S
cbleftaln1 Robert Stee e; c
McMichael; secretaryRiche
-treasurer, W. E. Pli chle ; mans
W. R ,Smithe standa be rer,
Elliett; seeior guard4 A. D. Sut e
land Otuilor guard, 4.� Ca o
p lght
Death of Miss M .-We re
to announce the dea h o MissMar
Jane McClure, second daughter Of ,th
!late Mr. George Mcc ore, of the l 18
concession of hIcKill p. Mies MciClur
had not been ,enJoyhi health fo
some time, but the an min ; ment 01he
death on Tuesday la t was a surpris
and shock to her map frie ds. Sh wa
much beloved in the home and he
amiable disposition mde ler a Oil er
sal favorite with all ho enjoyed he
acquatntance. The sy pat y of man
friends will be exten ed to the
reeved relatives.
he resided
Mr. Pittier-
ife and five i
is kind of 'a
merited by i
ant dispasi-
re one vath
, Ris home I
rrowing Wife '
ving husband
ember of the
it can truth -
t he led eal
e, the kind
ly can point
er, Mr. 13e ttio. T1e
the soelety Lo to seek
Children whhome $u
objectionable d bare
either in some of the c
or by securing for the
" may dee er 1 from t a C 0114 -et elate A large n eaber of
to be . ri a.filictionn to been provided fo in t
Yelop Mt ' It rl I,
Jh s cared fo ate
serious 141ething more po tunnies to grow up
fr m e. life o vice an
You need a hot le f our "COM- reputable men and wo
' PINEpouN, , p s f Rt a P OF WHITE sishizmrtareincelyiv: &ome 7seyndm
en in tithe it
gh almost im- poet ot event ood Lintz
Will cu e a CO '
4iediat ly.
We have s Id lets
never faildd
eion. Trya.b
e trauma.
Pal work of :
out neglected
ern cared for,
ildren's homes
foster par -
children have
is way, sev-
ere' by being
ently rescued
are given oPe
o useful and
The work
. one and
tic sup..
'at ;
nald. -ifr,s.
at her hoMe
of lase week.
age of 84
aiden naMe
was an eleter
Millen, Of
f the early
of Tucker -
husband, lo -
e 8th canoes -
William El -
She resided
rs ago, when
lir bub-
o. She was
member Of
oh, and was
rrn a most
borne with
ny trials ;and
neer Wee hut •
d well
enjoying he •
who knw
Ilockey.-Th first home me of the
'f it arid it has Jenior series played liera on
iii' lock and it was aftel nine when
even w"
give satisfac- Ttteadai between $t. learye
tle. M rys did not reach here lintel after 8
Seaforth, to the blockade Se
HARTthe teams lin ; up. But espite the long
' Cot their money's:worth. St. Marys dee-
delay end the istaany an intenselycold
n ht, the rii4 was full and everyon WHEN you b. uy cheap goods,
Dr ggi
ent to Ll
S Arles
Cooks Cotto
and Woods'
1 to
e eft'
te Trowel/.
t Compound
• Marriage. -A pretty wedding. was ;sot
emnized in St. James' ebuich feted
- Richardson. & Scott nesday morning, by en; Father' Cor
corare when Wm Am le 14. Gear, on
dame the bride of IM cKin
ly slaughter of Mr. Th maa, Geary, be
non, of Calgary. The -bride, „ who Va
given away by her. fat 'er, lookee erett
, in a town of ;Joh 11 rty satin,! Wit
I the customary bridal veil naught!
with orange blossoms and carrying
shower bouquet. The bridesmaid, Mis
J. Kenny, of Dubli were a ViCe
of - pale yellow, wit a ultet ;bap
After the ceicaeine darty 1.urt bieci
was. served at the b ide' home n
Goderich street east. e bride's e
felerids extend heard st good s s
in which The Expos tor lioins. h
The Home of. Good Shoes 2 Flats
Jeweler and Opreian.
Inner Marriage Licenses
iTt1t TT
jaraes atsion,
Successor to W. N. Watson 1
Seneca Fire, Life andAccahlent Insur-
ance Agent. Rea" Estate and
Loan Agent. leisurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
loweet rates.
Dealer in New Ray:Mond, White and
New Horne &airbag Machines and
National Cream Sefraretors.
A full supply of sewing machine
needlee, attachments, oil and re-
pairs always in stock.
Cloves and Mitts
At Wholesale Prices
Traveiltre Samples
44,Dout 261ipairs le eluding Men's
and -Boys' lined and unlined
Mitts and aloves, fancy Gaunt-
lets and pullovers.
We are offering them .at Wholesale
Price whi!e they Net
Horee 131ankete-Wove Zulu
and Kersey, with or without
stay -on. Exceptionally good
Robes -Goat, Bishop, Man-
churian, Saskatchewan. The
verybest values in the market.
Cheap liarness Store ,
Oppoelte Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Annual Meeting
The Annuel Meeting of the Seaforth
Agriotaltural Society will be held at
the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on
Friday, January letb, at 1 o'clock p.m
2309-2 ! Secretary
Annual Meeting
young couple will le ve s ortly to
their future home in Calg ry.
The McKillop 'nate nce Compene.-
The annual -financial stat ent oa the
McKillop Mutual Fire Ins ance 10orn-1
ifs showa a
988e peeper y ine
6,140 The prem -1
141,48?. T tas-1
r 1911 am rite
id in
334.45 ,Th
k 0'
; Ida
angels ot Time
time make e even
u tei such as' ours 118.
1 5' all pass -boat
to us by Me.
d which is istl.
. This 'book -is als
"alnusireY.:01:thh aifItitwilsayye
p, hose zeal in b
d indeed weml
y of or daze
a list :of the
enee Chrsitiare
st. 'There are /
en between the
actly .hew toeg
wa S leornpiled
our ireeelleetion
t et over ,fifteeze ye
he 'dent cotes . ate; d
t re re scattered. p
ve a imel Bente
pany- has been lam
total membership of 1
sured valued a $8,6
-Wm notes amount tp
sesements collected
to $6;028.85. There w
for the year the stun of $
heaviest losses were, airt
barn and contents, *2,000 ell
barn and contente, $1, aine
Skinner, house and conte s, $5 Al
The year opened with a alma. o
the others ranged from $5ksup to 150.
*1,280 in the treasury and closed veith
a cash balance of $2,702 itied no
Wes. The statement iffl a satief er
one and shows this old and poPtitar
company to be still under carefu and
capable management.
. _
The chan es
a .srnall con -
illuetra ed
ich has ben
Illam Som r -
in his' pes-
o, tribnte to
Ka l'. 0. ,
ad of you g ,
e say everY
be forgotten
This book
timbers • of the
ssociation, ,M
took so deep
names in the
es oti fifteen
hese 195 only
We do ot
o it is s ce
but to le
e should s ,y
s. A few of
d and t e
tY Much 11
the Uni ed
UIe 1;,og Lost—Etrayed• fro Seafcrth, a tit
Mber 12th, ft Want anewhl lie dogpsn er-
n e name " Eoott,"; 11 o probably as
is to er hotne„ east sf 8 a. Ininrma on
iJ tu his recovery will ;be; •erallY rewarded.
quhoun, Sel.forth.,1
Lieensen 'Sanest bYEata e and StkiiP yy
II rs. Eto., Seatarth. 1 22.77.1f
se enough eta 48
n hp 100 nerds of
r 0111t..,e, Beaty b.
for tor tor gertear
ailing. 2r9rosii if.
t Contralto. r
know, Ont.
Eleetrio Mo ,nr
ya. on dram ay 1
th Millh g `'o -
2300 -
V anted— WanteJtoiduir
ber Maple and Beeris
Apply at the Esposi
011 IlWanted —Good; girl tian
43 rork. Good wages .air
t .
vkl t1:10 F. Freeman. 04nct.::
rn and open Catesaddrese Lu
A Much Felt Wint.-Thee sho
a telephone in the post office.
not know whether it Is the post
or , the 'post office departrrient
should look after this, but which e
Is the people should demaritd tha
accommodation be fureished. It
seem very absurd that wli
every other bush:less nous
In town has a phone, the
ant business piece of all s
far behind the times s t
one. There should be a ph
post office. Many of the rnall
try post offices have them now
still such important, point as
forth, Clinton; Goderich aid
towns of like size arewiOiout
Theenostuffice department hould
up. A big surplus- on the y ar's
tions is all very well, but the ace
dation of the public I m h be
ile seai:
and f ke
oSt rt
ould ols
be w th u
ne in ev r.
TerP. 1
---- • ;
Dr. j A. Macdonald Com ng. ThE
Seaforth Canadian Club haye bee*lior
tunate ;in securing Dr J. A.. M atoll
ald for the opening lectur of thei
series. The date selected is T e
evening, January 28rd. The lectu c il
be in Cardno's hall. The subie t
"Canada's Place Among ttie Na pee
This is a timely and intere ting heme
and as descussed by the hien leci
turer will be made doubly interestingi
Mr. Macdonald's abilities s an origf
Wel, able and eloquentpuhlic eneaker
and writer are already too Well w
to our readers to require aey co men,.
dation from us. His painter: as mai
aging editor of the Toronte Gla ae
well as his fame as a public man hay '
made his, name a housahold word 1
almost every family in Ontairio. We ar
sure De. Macdonald's audie ce will be
limited only by the coped y of thr
lecture hall.
On &Cc° nt installiog stir ue
e a ;v phibing dew: ;for afw
igh 'We a not hr. able t• etc a
1 Tourarilly of next; week, keit
an3, leitn ted.
Oci ao Young Catt'e-for, oat For Pale a, ninn-
er oat: well bred 4,.w of go,dt
rai , col ing in snort. s. e ung 1;tatt e.
y Ge'. "C. 'ttrnb,14 rt I, • . 2300-
• y ned Sale whiuh ar in l•-( e'.0l Jantiary
1 th, s I een prstp:;ned Intji J uary 20tt..
11. I- for Sal., 1-A eontifortab e brick houe.. on
bri IS reet. ure:>:•-rt ou..4cOad M. W. B.. Veal,
roe , bk_mted !ky furhaos tI 4d in good c,inditicin.
he eY, 8eatorth.
ill ,-old cheap to•f... ewe* y r. ANA.) G.41...
Brief& Ch* I friend, Mr.
m .Logan, ferree of Stanley,
w of Moose tee sk.. In ex -
Inge the compli of the seas-
, Writes; "I coued 1 n get alo g
11 without ;The
h first eumbee
week since an
t re a a weekly 'tette
h • ni . ae-Miss Allie' 1 F
gist ling her sister, MO.
neon , o Egmontivillee---
e Wel Miss Hailiday!, 1
ill o d, Tuckersrnith,
re, Sask., on Dece
t here for interim
Title cemetery ,The
ierfi'v Friday from! th
, rs. Menkeeler,
tirf Morris, ;teeth 1of
is vicinity the latte
'calling on ' old fele
ith end Rulett. He
d Miss Hal day's; 1
W Scott has taligh
'school in Tuckers
land entered on hi
01 he holida s. -T e
_, I will meet at G de
0 January. 28d, -he
as out ter thee f
on FridaY laSt.
t into requisition any too two
s not been us e4 any too fr
I since. The catteci ;should ha
lows operating le s ormy weet
wOuld not cosci, a y more an
(teens. woueti be ive y much be
ceornmodated.-Mri: celaw. of
n, British delumbla a brother of
J es Archibald, ith his wif
a hter were Ivielt ng with M.
ie. James Archiba d this weel
; three years ago Mr. Arthu
13tirchased a pr rty in Seek
75 ago, sine
, he reedit
m e45,000 fo
replied "No,
s, who die
was the fath
f this town
t an opera
his residene
t week. Th'
espeet 81.1d,
ased to leer
along nicely
been in tow
th1s. wee
ill remain a
"s. Her moth
her sister,
allfornla fo
peon goes to
ng their ab-
pson's ab-
arY. She will
In the Pres -
bath School,
and esteem -
Archibald, of
ppointed see-
s rural tele -
ship in place
ho resigned.
not have
nlayson had
he top of one
7 a machine
on Monday.
ghter of Mr.
London to
Died in Dakota. -The go
ferred to in the following
which we take from a 'F'e
Dakota, paper, wile veill
many of our readers. He w
of the township of Ilunett,
family were well known be
ing to Dakota. Mrs. Paters
• sister of the Messrs. Cuth
hrop. The paptz says "S.
hearty supper and being
ut of dangee, John A. Pa
ell known fartnJr, who h
evar0.1 weeks in a hospital
41.ering t-om hE..s.rt troubl
ed to the disease and died 8.
o'clock Wednesday evening,
1 20Lh. The. oecea.s. d had bee
heart trouble for sorne Urn
a month ago he went to
medical treatment, but bee me gradf
ually worse and tor dL,ys Ike. hovered
between life and death. Wi-n nearl.
all hci.rs of tits recovery ad bee
abandoned, hs condition bE arne muc
better, and he continu(d to limprov
uhttl It was believed that I•t? 'would ov
ercorne tile theease Th, d of hi
d expect
is !hem
17:85711, Wbea
ld et th
wee nin
.ars old he reowd w!-.11 .h s parent
ethldort, r'.1:kota. "he t milY set
ed on a teem a 'few lilies north o
plden and ll reside the e. . 0
;ea/abet' 9, 12e5. the deeea ed ; wa
serhel In Oneario to Wee 3 nnid Cut-
il, and inineediettly a ter Rade h
aeted feremittg in Pontiac township
es countv, near Alice. He onaucted
Is farm for about two veare and then
gaged in the bardwar bile ese and.
tat.n41 thz-r) three y.ars. He sold
5 beelneie at Alice in 1900 and pur-
ased a farm near the h Place
The Annugl Meeting of the MoKillop Telephone t
Company &ill he he'd in Calder's Hall, Winthrop, on _
Friday, Jantahry Ifth. 1912, at 1.30 o'Clook p. m. A "b
frJ1 attendance I- r..quested as business of irc.port- 0
awe eel cetne hcfcro th, meeting. w
Secretary , 2200-2 President B
Lg .-kanted
Saw lAolgs ltitiJs und Basswood Heading-
. Bolts wanted at tht-.Waltrn Saw )AEI, also Soft Ehn
igsta as cut 11 A., ..$ it. and 10 ft long ; Rock
lam to h.,. fmt.14 T.. r,ctl 1.6 ft. lune • aple, Bat's -
wood, eto... 1t.; 4 , 12 ft. an 14 V-- Jun 7
Beading Bolts to Le 20 and 40 inches loug. ifrhtst
prieea. •
The _
tlernan re
go, North
nown td
s a natty,
where the
re remov
•n, also, 1
11, of Win
Ler eaten
s been fo
at Fargo
, succuzno
about se
ill fron
,. • About
argo to
'death he wa feeling wall a
ed to be able to retern to 1
the next week. John A. Patt
ehil 47r:cultural barn. at Sertterth, Ont. In
Ing 89 ;veers and 8 menthe
time of his death. Wheo.
The Anneal Ihe,'N,41 the 13a.yrmIti gricuitural
S, eit.t; i;1 Iv Id the tO
Wednesday, jz-,. nuary 17, 1912 ra
at 1 p. m.
.Fer the purpo„cs t f recAvin/ the Annual Reports. ex
, eke Election tf. Ditecti,..,rs arta Auditors, hnd the
transaction nt general. twines& A full attendance th
• Off inernbrls and oh others -titerettled ha the society en
* requested.
tt R. ElidOw DEN. Pres.
2290-2 A .E. ERWIN,' See.
1 eh
d have re
find it b
from the o
guson is ,
D. VanE - ;
€ remains f ;
morly of the
ho died t
utbnin e a3t0h, e t et Roe ke_ p
home of h r '
ames 1r '
russets, w
part of la t
ds in Tuc
ame out r, a
oral. - M .
in the Mill
ith for 5
26th ye4r
new count!y)
ich Tue -
town ono
at time th s f
t was t
_ -co
train as a n r
-Mrs. W. J.
this Week at end
her brother, r.
'Geary, -Miss M.
Mr. P. M. C n
gone to Bach ste
will train fp a
ry, soil of Ream
been bare fro
holidays, left for
-Ju ing from t
peeve! ed for E the
Must have forme
eoal dealers.
fails to ree4 a
of extremely col
er. The area's
full of snow an
in many places
we will forget
forts and inconve
12th e July -M
been removed fr
has held a Posit
Commerce sin 1
burn, Sask., and
for that place.h
main here w t
Mrs. *ergs S
R. P. Pell, ;taco
Mrs. William Mof
iting the former
O. Reid, at C
with friends in
Illingworth, of, St
last week, the g
John MaNab, ! Jai
F. Farquharson,
is the guest Of Mi
A. F. Cluff Will
winter,-Oseing t
some of our beast
failed to mate
Mated Stratford :by the same score
that Seaforth didso a, very close game
was expected. In .the firse half the play I
wits all in St. Mcys territory, the puck
seldom gettlng past centre, bute the
play was bunch, and °Ur boys were
ons!ei able to core two goals. Play
sbecond If with more
at rt in the
ictoria Hospital. co bi ation an
ortdon, was here er wd
e marriage of e eeen
t wore
-Mr. John 13er- - t
loKinnon, to Miss
hey, daughter of
ckersmith, leas
I.Y., where she
d our bb s showed the
a brand of hockejy never before
Seaforth. Theirstpeed and team
-an a Irevelation and even a-
a fast feam like t. Marys they
ihemse ;yes to be in a class by
Ives, playieg them off
scor seven goals,
me ending nine t two in Sea -
favor. The folio g was the
h line- p: Goal, R Haye;
W. Ric ardson; cover point, D.
. Dick; rover, H. Bur -
0. Dick; right wing,
next Junior game will
on Thursday evening
18th. when Stratford
n game.
th country roads -On Thursd y evenaig last Mitchell
re tripassible. But , and Seaforth lIntermedi tes played a
11 a ut the discona
game here, Searforth wi, g by a score
Jerre .3s' long before the, of seven to t o, but co sidering that
. A. 4. Reynolds has this was Mith eil'e first year to have
m Berlin, where he . a rink they t up a vety creditable
0 game. -4 -On Tue ay evenIng next Olin -
here, to Lash- ;
e . ton Intermediates play game here.
ere on Tuesday •
; ; rry, - who has , tee ge
he est spending the Loewe
. ReSe:"; bentre,
e w ether which has ,
hats; hommbine tehlwitehveethke. ‘ rat;
1 ft win
int, i
pparso;:aceetedk, tahepecriewurk i be: pia ed her
A.; MU re Tire
an ;stormy weath-
+feet illhabitnt .
net, winery
d ards are Piled . lee tie retu
• avin
left ;
rs. eynolds will re- I
tet came, n11 tift
er arents, Mr. and ;
ls, til spring. -Mrs. lPanes Sold. Mr. James McKay has
'and by ber aunt, ' neld ls farm outh of nginondville to
s ei
ate ie th,imsrvves. ejkamviese- 1,, pM0eritrPe rfit:irdfieflo
ter 'inoefri olfctill.
and aleo i Pled tie old erguson faxen on the
Ma es, were .in town : cently sold. r. John cCaa, of the
ond ie-eue and hers, i Zuttch Remelt road, an which he
este re-
ef Mr. and Mrs, ; MOW neighborhood, has also stiM his
a treet.-biri. D. : farm. The purchaser is Mr. Wallace,
of ye Hal, Alberta, ' of Reeerr county.' arta these are
'.Jo et jacNabb.-Mrs. ; Met °tags farms, and the purchasers
Lot delve during the i are to be congratulated, as they have
th snow blockade .seeured good homes. We have n6t
COTTepeneenee hes 1 learned the price in eit er case.
s .in thne for axis *1 --- - t----0
I ; Denganno
of 1 litoteri.-Mr. James Sinclair, of Toron-
The Counele- he at meeting
as : to. wee visiting friend's ere eeeintly.
ell chamber a Id nda
elect coun-
d members took , is
last at 11 sem., : •
The fa mers around St. uguetine cr-
%letting his ibrother, obert, nen,. -
the new eo il
Cid' in the Mr. P. McKenzie, of aekatchewen,
the declaration f of ice. The inaeor, .
when the newly
ring last !week. --Ain J.
irate ; a committee to !.., M.- 41:41berte is
;Gillespie ale • gandhe a beef
hie bed throug Illness -Mr and 41:S.
reeve and Counc
at present chnfirtid to
draft. the a di
Rarburn were; ap
g c mittees for the 1
year. Tea coulncill the
met ittaourneti tin, t.I.
t re
W.; Sproul we e Tees ater visitors
8 p.m. The coc at 8 p.m, whet'
Penman and family
the ollowing ta
ding rnmittees were •
laswek.-Mr belie aerived rom Cole y`e Bay to
announced, the irst iamed on each I take Pesesston i of the teem near here
committee to act
as ct 1u:flan : pro- .., recently acquired by their,.
pertY, Harburn, illes 0 and Stewart; i '
I uevele
Finance, Gilleispie Spe e and Holmes; :
Street, -Arnentf H rbur and HolmesNotes.-Mlesgnes Th rnas, has pe -
i; i,
Fire Stewart,0 ieve and Ament ; turned to Cochrane, aftell spending the
Chaelty, Mayor, Gil ire and Speare; holidays at herhome here. ---Mr. Thos.
Henderson, wb has bee in the west
Court of Revisio , M or, Reeve an
Holmes and ar urn. a P. Bell wa ; for some time, is at his !home on the
appointed ,chl f o the fire brigade at : Bluevale road. Ire W..11 tnove his fam-
a salary of $75,
nd ihe annual grant . ily out in the spring. -A number ... of
of $308 was rnad4 to he brigade. By- • young eeople spent a veey piasant ..ev-
Law No, 105 Irela ing o town cbminise ening as guests of M. ahd Mrs. Robt.
sioners was eadI and Passed. 'Richer Black recently. - What , nearly re -
Hammett was a poin d waterwork suited in a very serioui accident cc-
engieeer and 1Wil lam allantyne tow curred on Sat ay afteenoone when
assessor, both at 1 the ,me salaries a Mr. II. Gray, land his' eon Andrew,
last year. T4 to n el rk and treasu were driving nto Wingharn. Their
ee and eons able wer re-engag.d at horse WitS frig tened by a dog which
the same Bala les. A. gr nt of $1,00a ran out, and lashed don the Blue -
made to the ubl c sc eol board and , vale road. *Beth were ' thrown out
donation of E0 yrae {an to the Hos and the cutter t badly smashed. They
pital for Siclt C Idre Toronto. Feral escaped with only sliglit hurts.
Heiser was appol ted town scavenger;
ublIc library b t wedding was sole
.; ._.1____
at a salary a $ 0 pe month. F. Gt]. 1 Blake !
Menu was appo tea member of the /eel. I
of the town board . '''''ise -A qui
tinesday 'last at the
appointed a knemb . J n Teener was I eaaree
Wil on was re-apT manse, Varna, hen Ixtri James Allan,
on W
of health. r
pointed a ine ber of t
of Bae. wes tamed in marriage to
titute Board. Wm . el Collegiate Ine ' /else M aide 'Waiver, of near Zurich,
Howard Harry ere appointed town
innerville and
The co ene were uneaterhy and atter
uditore at a sala y 0 I116 each. Jas/ being °Th°uneed man wife drove
Alchfichael, Sidney ' Jo •he and Johe • to the °me of the briele where a wed -
Shine Were appointed f ce viewers.Tho : ding au per awiicetl tiattn. They , have
report of the finance ommittee wee now I.,a. en up Leeseiteeping on the
received and adopted. he clerk ' wee groona s farm, won whit* a handsome
nstructed to advertise .. new re idenee was built! this summer.
now ploughlirg. The ityor and treas.: '
for tenders for e s 'wishes' at it large circle of
rer were aithorited d borrow $1a00 : friend° ;follow them to t*eir new home.
earn tee sin ing eund to be investee . ' e annual m6eartg o tne Presby
n Hydro-Bleatric debe tui -es By -Law .
o. 106 setae zing the church a Sat • y afternoon at two
tartan .4nit-
ingat on will be held M the
f the Mayor/.
until adJouaited to
Ile belle suf icient fun borrovving from '
o'clock...I-Mr. Pe r Mansen sold a horse
s to meet cur- . on Sat 'day LE, LitnJer, i P. Douglas.-
nt skpenses was read and passed. The,
eet at the call Mr„ and lers. W darn .Finlay and fam-
, : ily even Saha ay with Mr. Roes
, Johnsto .-Miss 4 _Lama Fee was the
Children's Aid Societ n -The objects .last week.
' -1----°-- -- , guust (A her coeisin, Mils Ruth Keys,
nd aims of the Childr 's Aid Societe' 1
s well as iihe lauda e work being
ne by the organize on were fully .
xplained in the Meth
yterian chueches last ist and Pres- Briefs.-Rieharte Mitchell and son,
a. . former
11 as at t abbath adents of Bruesels, are here
he evening. Unfortuna eeneg held ine • front th west.-Qn S, day Rev. Mr.
unt of h 9 public
ly, on
lee of the Dominion Ala ce, gave two
ac- Kettiewell, one of the ield secretar-
e church very sto
d as they Would other Ise have n
Y weather,
chtnen.-.0wing to the ecease of kr.
s were not s well attend- strong eddresees in 1.-.:N3 Methodist
ut the eVe ing -meet! in the own J. �. Xhinter, the J3russ ls i!darble and
all woes plendid on the hall be-
ev .3. J. Kelso, •
Gran.ite Works will be sold by Mrs.
g Packed the door.
e Provin dent, occu- i launter.-1-Miss Bella Doti has gone on
: a visitinit' trip to Kana se and Virginia.
hodist church -Miss ;Addle ()rant ha 4 accepted a
he Presbiiter- position 'as teacher in Howlek Town -
terident for ship. Sh is a el adeleae of the Olin. -
g. Rev. Mr.
sed the tes- ton Mod 1 School. Miss 1 Grant le a
and the eth- - daughter of ezedeputy Aeove ,'Grant,
of Grey. Mr .A .C. Barker, will etart a
the dose of laerx po itry ra..E1:11 n......a spring, and
nd Mr. elso will utill e the land 4,- eeently bought
meeting was
from Mr Ransford for that purpose.
ow- -Frank Miller and brida, of ()ranee
ere were bore on their wedding tour via-
eet. iting fel all -43 and. roilatios.-eirs. G.
ge G ee, eia Maxwell, mother- of Mrs.' George Keir,
I &iron cum- was buried at Beigra.ve recently. She
he meeting of had been ill with a te eor for some
of the men- time, Sha :vs.; 75 year of age. -The
ele, A lees,' montlahe hon,,e fair held Wednesday
as also to med with the of last. NY'.4.1'.r. was Moat ' succ :ssful.
cers : Ron eery preei- There was a very larke attendance.
at;lurer, John Beattie, iner-
;Oreig; pr Sident, C. F. and smo g thee= preseiit were many
buyers, n ember of h*esee changed
1 . the town ere alio Made
try, J. A. ilson. 'The hands at goad figures. -On Wednesday
next the annual meetin* of the East
t and two ladles yet! to 'Buron A riculturat Society will be
to represe t each' eon- held. Th atumal fail fair of this so -
e. The et De- clety le ne of the beat in the county.
re of the; lo- will be the beet ever held if the ,plarts
dollar, nd Laet fall wet weather cut down their
8,1d the 1 eo- recetpLS b t the direetore say 1912 fair
by paying formulat are carried Out,
tor! 99,000. el few d
from that a
a Jeleram offeririg h
property.the But Art u
$ O." -Mr, William a
in bbere on Saturday,
of Mr' James Davie,
H. 1 Edge undertive
tio oe appendicitis at
he e on Thursday of In
op ra ion was in everY
ce f ',land we are alt pl
th t he patient Is gett n
- Simpson, Who e 9
he e or trome years, f
fo atter', where she,
he h e ;for a few moot
si A. Simpson. and
Tie, are going to
inter, and Miss Si
!ter the home der
e hope Miss Se
11 only be tempi)
Missed, especiali
church arid , ea
el was an ectlee
er;-Mr. Andre
ke smith, has 'been
r-. and treasurer of
e eyetem In teat to
James Geremill,,
appointment cen
ade.--Mre John P
in sfortune to have
s lagers taken oft!
Ete/1 'engine Work
derteude Reid, Oa
leId, has gone to
of b'
it 't
. do
. e
Ial Superint
pled tbe pulpit in the M
In the fore on and in
tan church .the event
Miller,' of an, super
Waterloo county,. addre
byterians the mornin
odists in t e evening.
the church ervices th
held in th own hale
delivered, h illustrated
Ing the na e and exte
done by t organizatio
Inge were ir anized by
note super n endent for
ter. The eon r buttons at
-one dollae n over, in a
ty societe, a ounted to
folloWing off
dent, M.R70
RegeTS ;. r.
chant; seer
vice -preside
be named a
gregatIon oe the commit
illy members 1 fee le one
any person !desiring to
clety by be °ening rnemb
tion can do
ddress, s
t of the
. These
you are. ta.kingi ctlailees.
The only, reason some g odS are cheap:is bec1/2use
they -are riot worth much.
E :sell noth4ig that we cannot guarantee in evryreL. se
spect as eing good value for the money.We rely
upon the satisfaction- our DO give our customers
to keep 4L11 our old cust mers and get some new
Ones also.
E buy our pods from those
ducts have won a reputatio
When you buy here you ta
are guaranteed both by the
anufacturers 'whose pro.
purely on en- merits.
-e n�chances--4-the goods
manufacturers and by us.
W are right on
thr shold of thle ti
yo titled them m
y 01 mean co
ose what lyalges
offer in the FIT
MuSlin Underwear
IF there is a woman in Seaforth,
of Muslin Utiderwear this is
supply needs at pr ces that are part*
cannot do the values justice in a
lines were bought y us at a specia
will benefit thereb$7,.
or near it, that 117/a4 ne
a tune of opportunity
cu ar y attractive_
advertisement. Many
price. Our custbnier4
Ladi'ies' Man- ailored
Sults and C ate
A.t prices that make them well w1r-th your
mostroerious cons deration.
is sti
us, a
Men's ON
. Boys' (:),
We have tried to tell in print fr4nt
time to time w at unusual values
give, but the bjest story is told by t
goods themsel es. See them and th a
you will know what good goods can
, soul for a most Moderate 'outlay
your part. Seeing is -believing. Co
and see.
If you want to Inow what A ilet
lot real value in mater al and workman.shipean becrowdedinto Ladies' sty
lish Ready -to -Wear Apparel, anciscild
;at moderate prices,—Come atone and
examine and try on sOme of the diff r-
ent .styles we show.. They are in mg
; .
est favor.
Bring us your.Butter, Eggs
fied 101 -e -
"The Stor4 that aes you