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The Huron Expositor, 1912-01-12, Page 6
0 ez o Stoka: We will send,' absolutely fr e, for th sixty-four= page oaks ou i he emu Tells you how toeed a1 ki ds of he mflch cows, calves and Tette fig sten eo that they wall lay as well in winter as in summer. No farmer s NOW ds the, time to use Royal Purple Stook Specific At a cost of only two-thirds of a sent per day' per animal it will increase it 25 per cent. in value.. It permanently cures 'Bots, Colic, Worms, -Skin. Diseases and Debility. Restores: ran -down animals toplumpness and Vigor. It will Increase the milk pial' three .to five lbs. per cow per day. and drake the milk richer, Royal Purple is not a `stock food. There is no Baer used in its manufacture, and we import from Europe all the seeds, herbs, barks, etc., and grind them en our own premises. Therefore we can guarantee it to you as -being absolutely pure• We do not use cheap filler to make up 9. large paokage. We give you the best condition powder ever put an the market in & concentrated form. A tablespoon levelled off once a day. is sufficient for a full grown animal. It prevents disease, keeps your animas in perfect health, and ;s ab-' solutely ba enless. It snakes six weeks old calves as large as ordinary calves at 10 weeks. You can develop six pigs ready for .nsarltet in just one month's lees tine than you can possibly do without it at a cost of, only 51.59, itaving you a ahonth'a Mork ' and feed. A ibe ;pack- • will lain: a florin 70 dam. A i�.tO) pail orr- t tin containing lour timsa as much as a 50o paokage will asst an anim- al 233 day. If you bay* never used it try It on the poereat animal You have on your place and watch result!. If it does not produce Utter results than anything you have ever used or give you eatisf 0tion, we will refund your money. Andrew - Warrick, of Wainfleet, Ont., says that 3ie tried It on one stow, Teethed her milk en -the 18th, 17 lbs., on the 29th *be gave 22 lbs. Dan 1ldoBwen, Canada's greatest horse trainer, says: "I have fed Royal ,Purple to The Bel and *11' my raoeho se s for four years. They have never been off thenar feed. r Tour cough powder works like magic.•, air. Tom Smith, trainer for the Hon. Adam Beck, Bays: "Ws bad a. more in our stables last fall belonging to Miss (fleuston, of -Montreal. , We could not feed her any bran on account of scouring. We eommenced using your ]Royal Purple Stock Specific. The results were wonder- ful. We found after using it three weeks we could feed stat bran or any ethetr soft feed and she actually, took on 26 lbe. during that time." • Al s,. Wm. B your oultry Sp : , Iei to : 0 sometimes got s Pebru ry and M- r'oh ; E M . Andrewriola:•:, '1 your tock Specl.'c q.' 0 80 per cent. 6n h it 1d 11 from our Poult ► ,s • =Sft Where we coniine • 1 tine fi.eorsix •pa 160 eg s. These were h can se the reeul teal !,h maters I. Whe la Purple brands th -$ 03' D' dere to which oaI ing the 1 t cough g bas bee stp id, once e of, Steck gthoiie:,c oil to seep in polio, it. and' orb, On ensMitre d;=wo, ozof © our la '.e and pouf�r., tea and makes 'feed. poultry h wiss.ys:nter "1 fed and per day p In ys "I used ve Inereaeed atter results layiti,g age. r• were get - inter." You e using this y withe we yggotal ntra a, nt. a cow . he ' h d I ot; ever, b e e d O'h,ns oultr Seed c .� lee than ve esti ays las er y u nom cn t uaint be thout oublI Spe e 'rs t era boa r;. ,av ry RtIe ,t' sou ce of ''ar1 berabm Co STOCK JIM P!IIiTAY Roy Royal Purple Poultry Specific lit -euro all sor a dolutely dry upm M . Sam Owen, C y •fa lowing dila C re w_il cure se fe , tly dry in abot P W 11 reduce ny'1 N M. DCowman op• statin] 1y toami i h them being i lme t for a 'y fall to sire all se 3-.unoe bottles, .b t r h .obs €i t. Ws a vagal' lend�{jou In utile otic 1* 011Ctu es ` n Man or telt s :is a #re the ©n. Adam: d y r i'jltoya;1. ake the soak via day_.„ e in { ve ab +rt time YE; "ilii haVls aY. *11klus'e. 46. e d h` errever? It Royal P will snake your hens lay in winter as well as in sum- Thl is entire , 41 mesr, and yet a 50c package will last 25 hens 75 days er m : ket, In order for a $1.50 pail or air -tight tin contains four times as much manufa ture of t is lie as a. 60c package, will last 28b days. It prevents poultry one of ur bookie s .>d from Iosing lesh at moulting time, cures and prevents all there.' t will en fel the ordinary diseases, makes their plumage bright and animals with not keeps- them In prime condition. smother them; ;Pjr1 An assorted order amounting to. $5.00 we will prepay. What we wish to impress on your mind is that we menu acture no Our booklet gives over 400 recommendations for our different .lines from give you above the names of a few who have used it, our gest lrecommen who; has ever used any line we manufacture. Send Today Foams Bold.. W. A. J i K 'S 1V , Rovt.1 Purple Supplies and Free Bookletsis be se and M3lntyre and Ede; Seafo Thinking -of Buildin Better Build Of Co e LI proal co ;and k Ile you w rg' e y e to in h' ri• jag of , by tnafil t i> :r b eat ti's, i a rUre 1 Iwe fi r y0 L K11 ne will ha' u 4,eur a nee two a 40. iflo is en an apt - In Canada; toyance to u. Our trurple Cure . will ly ours ui fp4 1 break up distemper - a, &boo- by teed. Wall east. Will few days., VAC. mssy(i-s rplo {scall off per - by mail exit Mr. d>ao. ne kereec, of trouble r Sweat own It to Price Sao r k 1 er on the 1te recess 01 ,e - • send for le ; tory of it on fowls or pts tions. lit adultra Ca ad t as ,a S. I B >f fie we peesels Ont. xe At tir • HE construction an excellent e farmerr can .d and of the superior all other material work about the far of a Si o ample of vsrh 'With c e ty of Co et for vari u The usual wood :n silo, be from -satisfactory. I, the fires' and, more important still—ire'. --its contents becom . water -lc itary condition. - A Silo built .of Condi practically every: sting -$t and moisture --a d it hats economy. c g ed e fisl on i s'oo h:� m "What .the Farmer Can Do With Concrete." Tells you how to use Concrete in constructing Berns Cisterns Dairies Dipping Tanks Foundations Fence Poste Feeding Floors Gutters Hens' Neste Hitching Posts Horse Blocks Houses - Poultry Houses Root Cellars Silos - Shelter Waifs Stables. ' This econ y' tante et i> s plained in our tree. bob Can Do With C' crete." rale and use 0_ ncrete to silos and oth builds farm. Stalls Steps Tanks Troughs Walks Well Curbs etc,, eta., etc. Canada Cement Co. Limited 51-60 National Beak Building, Montreal. Central Business College Stands ready to help • young men and women to win lode - petulance and zucess, It has elven the start. to thousands upon t on sande of young peo- ple. It. oun help you. Trite for eatatogne, grater any time. W. tri, cilia .W. Principal LLIOTT P111 out t dad send f hook to -d ,i ANNUAL ME'I The Annual Meeting of the mem a of "the MoKilfop Mutual Fire Insurance -Oompa iy will be held on Friday, Jan. 19th, 1912, in the own Hall, $eaforth, at 1 o'oiook p" m. The Business of the meeting to receive the Annual Statement and Auditors Report, the eleeting of three Directors and } other business which may come np for thh good and welfare of the Company. The ieebiringi Directors are J. B. McLean, Wm. Chesney and Malcolm 1 HaEwen who are eligible for re1eotioa. J. R. 111oLEAN, President ; P. E. HAYS, Secretary. i 1 . 2298.3 Old Timber and Lumber. TORONTO, ON T. Is recognized throughout C.ynada as a school of the highest. grade. Rs record proves it. \Vritrr for Catalogue. Enter any time. S, 1, I Cottage fors,&ie on Ctt.rit•ricb t4tre •.f, ' v n rooms la fireh,Glae Y. -p. �, ;`" 'I X1..21: iC4S p apor, d and pbsntea,_ furnan hart! ar 4 sof- • ;,.stn. i:: -ide rr•,od gable. will tar .:.: ri'.1eVrakto , guiek Irk, er. tat: or write M. BIt.o'3 `!ii tc `:r.: to 21183-tt ! 'anted 1t'D a still �have a quantity of old timaer and blither on hand, taken for she "ole - an Salt Works, which lve will . sell cheap. Buildings for Hal. We 'also have two build ngs which were used in connection with t .e Salt Works; which we will sell very cheap. The Enbt Bell Engine & Th Oo , Ltd , Seg; Orth, On Wier Short -Horns for Sale The nnderelea ti i 1 Al .' 1 'n ply :the hl :hest Wash price foon tinli. e;ed ciii.ntity rrf 11tr.te1; got Ehn, Rock E:ru, I3ac4:rt+ott, 3ralite 13croh, Ash, Hemlock and soak 1e•s;s, tielivt rr a .at,. Se .torch sat sad Stave Milt. Tn 1.e eat tr er; i 1• • rf•h, except soft elnz ; aft ...int to be ci,t 11, tk and lis feet. • Will also buy B./aria—oat Bit .s, 40 i arm ling, act $0.75 per cord derveterl• R. art. ood l€e dinBolls, 20 inches long at 01 per cord eietivered. 13'ilt also buy timber Ly ni •aaurement or by bulk in bush. ,Special ettenrP•n pki.f to custom sawing, &defect- ion guaranteed. 229? -12 . W. As1ENT, Seatorth. Six highly bred Buds fro n 11 to l3 nioAths old, ' al sri a fete s .ung As and Heifers in calf. 11 sired , by " 0:,blen Emir" and " Royalist" two fd&ndid sir..s, both imported and bred by William Duthie Sentland. Some of these are- also /rot 1 porters Danns. All the Individuals offered ate of ho best Scotch Sbort-Horn Breed' lag, bred treat y from. Ma'r's an'i„Duthies Stock. Buyers at e cord ally in: ' vited to view the stock whether they pur *hose or 1 ” not. Prices reasonable. First farm North of Sea• I forth, JAMES COI AN I 2204-tf Seater*P O. cl Jo an fe nn h ab A Tr se •th ifoft Of ro a Cr tlo s f at. ctiv • ' CSTA Oe Sbfeend mimes. avoid Its the pare epee up a tom stluna is. inspired eater ; Boo nilsurin •there wit poeta1 for SUGGIS the irrit rpey are aim and an tisS (fruggis Oe. sta le.11/tiloe Bi NTAEAL L SITYO - 7e active trea drags.:r !Vo ma of iW91i nee. It its a he sir ren ith ev•y e the so a t tip! ni I:ts. y ung o hire scripti bo boos to aua ered strong! ath, mirk oat end stop: It is Myrtle 11et. t4$ • 'to* Wee a leading fa Prairie '411stri load of barle where it , wa per busies freigi'it 1 an bushel duty. die sots .Plinth ,.for 9ti cent ting him si 1 cents per all charges. Had be in the local' market" th would only have nett that atter paying the very heavy freight 'ch; two cents 'a bushel betf he sold his barley :,t on his . car of poi b reciprocity gene throe no duty, to pay :this is,a realized *372.80 more ley than h could have Canadian idea In other the duty' h. ould have more for his carload. of dna ',Arca yet the farms voted against reciprocit; fa,rrners of tarso. i rl get wise, 'Some orthwa=t Towns (Written for The xpositor,) Zdrkton, Sa ', do k4org n, builde ,-and contract orn. states eat naive but ' ing operations t are on the b oks for t is city for the i cothing year. Regarding the new mov- ing picture ti atre rece tly constructed here under h supervis on, fir. Mor- ; gen stay: rkton°s n-vr theatre con- forms in, eve detail w th the require- ; mets athe local and provincial gov- ' erl;lmentl;f. Th theatre f as double ex- its,1 and ;1 ulu eratand t . e p. cture ma- chine iii stall contains fireproof rnag- azides, rende g any elihood of fire out of the qu tion Th : the trical' line is only One i stance of the manifold business ;open gs that • re n 't oyer- crowded Ise t� a rktonr a ►cords g to the see-etary of e local .card of trade. Mort Battlefor t, Sa k. N. - t One s ago al .mer 'f t, Manito for shte sold., PORTTO • n Lost 1v1, A. TcrriS, he,. Portage 1'p. a, loaded a ce,x- gilt to Duluth, paid 14 lents 8© cents e his barley er bushel, net- usilel free of old his barley same day he d 48 cents. ;o duty and the trgea he wa-3 er .off than had ilorrle, or $28.80 lshels. But had h last ta11 slid mer would/lave for his bar- Sot for it on the words but for realized $349.50. barley than he rs of Manitena as well as the len will people es in this J ction of he est is eve tboee of the prec ing ear. Cus- tom receipts ave 'nor tha quad - up ed, and ilway tr ffic has been ea y. Town and distr et r al estate er erected urieg the year in North hown by the local cens s. W til the hriving MU icipality of over 0,00G, as d ter Lethb 1 go for th corn ng spring dr five line 1 railwa ; an the city ompletioo of, the nine new railway as growh 1 five` years from a town nes promise for this' B dim of the mild seem t supply a ditlo I con - Extensive u 'dings acti ity ow book - eke the ci at any rate n Vireet- ured. Duein he last few weeks the erty lin en bout the city has been In addition tt, the ores acilitles It pi oon to hay xi estimated horoughly eluding up lating syste ooms and eliding, wh ch ccepted fro embers of h orth the in iin t rely along o hi anch of tbe ration of rtunItY the here to le at .nt educational ears that Weyburn is Collogia e Institute at b le school building' re- er , and _ the equipment, date he ting aed ven- king fou tains. ; 'The ocst $2 000, hEls been the cent tor; and school oard feel fla- t the no structure Is Y. It is oted also that Internet! nal Plarxiester ction in the care i and solina en Ines. The op- fforded o farmers. and the use And manage - dais and large proper - now en ged sin a advents, es of this lo to the uilding of xtensive drives, park nd golfing grounds, and acilities for outdoor spor the Nen e pro lelalso be e erected fo er of lar e hotels an eters of ake . anito 11 o 1.10 to become Prominent el y beautiful ys, tennis a the usual Ia eteirill.41.Ale ndu e seekers, a ff TtrTURED FOR TFHRTY FIVE YEAR 1 reedy could not live wittiont"Fruit-lives" PENA.GOVALIt, ON . 29th. 1910. a num, over seventy) I have been a employed, e result ilwas always the two ears go, I read about 18Fruit-a- I have used 'Fruit yes' eeer since. They are the first an only Medicine 1 that suited my ease. it were mit for could not liee" TAM* FROUDFOOT. all forms of digestion and Dyspepsia, tundreds of ple prec • it, "Pruit-a-tilves". D tors as well as “Fruit -a- ives" cu all stomach trOnblee be use it m kes the liver active, stren Lhens the kidneys, puri- fies the bl and k the stomach sweet and el n. "Freit-a-tives" is the only retn dy made of fruit juices. 5c. At all disalers, or t on receipt of Mice by Fruit-a-tives I.? ited, Ottawa. est Irttplern 'Nerthern Sup an extensive !enmity. It al tion is likely :1Y quite rece herseman of having armee b ;inch of blo Prench Pere glans. These !Regina horse CoMpany, which hat e busines of the Great o appear that this sec - to estab le a name for rse breed g centre, on- tly Prod manson, a many .ye IT experience, ced his ttention • of el -far ith a good ed aire , including three e plan to enter at the show i Ithe spring. 8TATE; 01: 01110, CIT LUCAS CO Frank J. Chen° makes ath that he is senior :business in the Ci y of Tole o, County and State aforesaid, and tha Stud firm III p = th - ONE IIUNDRE1) °LIARS or 1.1aoh and every caw of Catarrh that cannot be Car d lry the use of Hull's le and su clihed in MY Pree• (Mee this Oth day o December Al D. 1880. Notery Public. ;- Hall's Catarrh are is take internally, and acte Idirently en the bl od and In rosins surfaces of the ;System. Send for stanordel ; Oft. Sold by druggistso 75o. Take Dana Familiaills for 7:Druitipation. Manitoba and Northwest Notes —A. tire starting in the Jubilee ho- A tel at Shoal Lake, Man., completely de- stroyed the hotel, the lavery stable of Allan MoD'onald, and the Gareau block. —The. famous Trappist moastery, at St. Norbert, a .few miles, south ,of Win - West, was deStroyed b fire last week, rendering thirty onks home- less. The loss la put a .$25,000. —Rev. Mr' .Robertson, a superannu- ated Presbyterian clergyeean, who was the --Upper Cenada Jilibie Society, bad $0* stole* froM 14s room at a hotel. tiers in tho ladstonp, Man., district, --Joeeph 013n, one of the first set - passed away riday .24glit at Lake- land. Mr. Glean mune to the Glad - ate* district 4,2 years ego from the a county of Bruce and wise a member of • the Orange order for over 50 years. f e -With a temperature of thirty ;below, - a dozens of families were driven i from their homes a few nightt ago le Vira- 1 nipeg, when the Excelsioe Garage was 1 Terrace was also burned, The 1 ss ls e gaseline explosion. Inv Charles liarsie r $105,400., partially covered by insur- m ince. Twenty-five fine automobilee were I as t burned, mostly insured in London : Lloyd's. The names burn d to Within a h total of over I0,00 birch, including 700 turr eys. The demand • as twice aii large as the supply, alt oegh abliknr'nts offered taxed th ship In ' facilities to such an extent that fa in ,•ti es roe-se- ed e ..;e- t tomake, their eiveia slowcr. Thi' Ooye: nill.nt crea cry t +ii , es :..sial at practically al thei lftthsr 30 '. p -nits *here these are •operon 1 epoet a de- rnand for the butter i w'hi h eons , ' `them could begs to fill. Most of these is products are so to � oIu:xib.�.. � t.. G The sure and eu1}stant1 rofits of mix- ed farming have been e a conviction .. the l s of theter- ritory With progressive sit r r ritory referred to. The Grass Widoee Defined. It Is related of 1 Methodist bishop. that when preaiding over a district cenferelice in North Otkolin: he bad he ears& of naid fever and in conse- qnence was sone what fres ible and impatient A young pree er ho gave rather poor accciunt ork was 'had a lot of trouble the first sear with a grass widow, and"— "A grass widow!" roaredi the bishop. "And what, pray, a pasts Widow?" 8,a1 grass widow, bishern" responded the young elergyhaan, 10 a woman whose busband died of bayjfever."— sqvhy," seld the young Man Who tries te be cynic/xi, "are doe0 'and horses so mach more faithful in' etr friend- ships. for us .than our ifel human "Perhaps," replied ttisa yseme, "It's often due td the peat that ver treat them with so rauth in re kind - wag and eonsideration."1-eWeshington A ocistli Thi "Yon. admit that you a her saffections, yet the pug dog and Washington Berta t to he nil d Knows Ju It Eno gh. "Whet do you k Ow s.blen, market?" asked P fly. I' "J-ust enough td keep out first in a aro* a iv raw FAKED P INT! GS. An American. Who Was r (lied and an • Artist Who lections, says the ails einire pondent good an expert as on the (4ueselon. The subject always interests hilm. "Sit down, my friend," e said to the jour- nalist. "I will tell you a good story. It happened not long ago, either. An 'American one day rushed in nd beg- ged me to say what 1 theught of the pictures he had just bought. 8 'hey are hero at your door,' he said;,/ 'I brought them along in a cab,' I. "They were carried int‘ the room - There were Itenibrandts, °saints and " 'The Rembraudta are it' the Comte ditto, the Harp gni ditto.' The Anterican wits horror stru le. He said theY-had cost hina $1 " 'Thee,' I said, "let us lee * t e Rem. briodts and Coroto ;aside. •Th se mes- tere are dead, but 1Harpignies is not. Here is a note for him fro Me. ' Astk him yourself if !lel sign these pie never heard from hina agal 1, lent I got a letter from Harpigniee porno days were not ninetseassio yearel et age ll would heve merit yOU my eteto tor sending that Amerlean to Me t sisk ill Tents. Henri Harp es."! Kept HIS Head. I An ambassadOr of the great Cherie.. magma while visiting a coOrt In tb4F,4 that condemned to death. any one who ense. "Great king,t,' said theurbas- in the name of tbe great emperor whose servant .I am, I beg of your majesty one tenor befere Il„die.' The. 13,i request Was meted. "-GI e the n.g. "Their yea shall be pine ad aat, iled or thee." Rat no Ione admit - ho ad seen ...the ansbalssador Imo e -the dish, not evea the Ong. "Thee whas, roved again& me." The I was ealth resorts ot Western Cana a. Th Iock just sou h' of Broa'/e/ay onated y the Grand Trellis Pa e fie t e park urposes e peeted to c trile te tion of the citY• IS also to be c structed Join ng the *w church, t latter ha i g been de - Signed to gem modate th rap dly in- creasing numb s of wors 1 per Con- siderable inter t is also b in taken -8 The Rat." It ts believed hat this memo time after ins.' en op o tu ity for Great few yards of , Premier °billies eeste e those driven from their homes into his as e house. —Central Alberta, and especially the I p er 1'0 is ge D. TFO rcial Tele aple etr than tilos of th br,1 ant a Basin ss leg t the last 0% CleACH AN. Pr' W. Noyes, f the Chic estern Railw y, who- is ture of the est. Swift 'erre*, Sa Real estate m n who hay estern Caned state th Western construction nos. centred a rent is rapidly transform! tion of 'the pro% face into a k own of the la ge concern effe ti en the . Children keep - lo ent ilway t Cur- ortant e best th Great FOR F ETCHER it a le CO th 1 of officials ot the' tway. At Cainrose re of shipments pou leased and , In the opin- rand Trunk ntly, the re- I Might la Right. ' try during "Eille," said the thnid She blushed es red as the tinn did not answer. "Effie," he repeate later. "/ said wad Ai the third eepeti n. She k 4 them or Mei' r lift= Mau; pas few Weeke had reached the !LB AINS SO RAD HE UON'T EAR BOOTS • Curell. Fr has eve winter, few are aid up whit al enee, s ea What cured WM evil. . Mr. McP lane writes: me of chill) eine.. My case was s t 13:1-' house, the ffeeted/ parts being so : eie. and festere that I was unable to ea,..„ boots. Ma y remedies were tried WI to- ou benefit, until I procure 1,:gyji hip: ble re ning, one appliclaion of Oa: intent al ys on hand, re dy 1:. ne- mediate use when needed. In the tee: of frost bite burns or scald, it eie c., 11 but I' and Itiv- but .st lale 44 couldna lift a 'bag the cairt an' ye lifted it 'Oh. dYnl" he repia 'Wee. that showte mers-London Anew "Whetit.td' you want I'd rather have h And did you ever knew Rea on WWld l A HOLD -:arria, broosiiitis, inflammation of the • n eeen if it does ;xot develop into xtsons aing in re dangerons, it will 11.:eep tv*T11;iscvlisesi" course, as soon as yosl feel 'lie end conang on, 'is to start isking sold. . a -Co Sslrup of Linseed, Li.- :sire and hlorodyo e, aed keep it rip iiii the cold is knocked out completely. This . splC;lxl id codgli syrup will do the. !rid; :-. quickly and thoronghly. You can fe,..4 ix•rfecily safe in 1.4dlig physican alist Of ifs ingredient.; if you esc.or 500. bottles. The Nationei Date St Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 117 SUFFERED TERRIBLE PAINS OF INDIGESTION. CURED HER. Mrs, Wm. H. MacEriven, Miaunt Tryoza ?XI., writes For more than a year I suffered with. all the terrible pains of indigestion. and my lire was one (4 the Iany difference whether I ate or nots the greatest misery. It did not seem to make pains Were always there, accoMpallied by a severe bloating and belching of Wind. I tjid hot even get relief at night, and sometimes hardly got a bit of sleep. le my misery I tried many remedies to cure indigestion, but they did manos one particle of good, and I fully expeiaed / would always be afflicted in this Way. At this time my brother came /lame xtn a visit arid urged me to try Milbusn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and got me a few.elals. By the time I had taken one vial I began to improve, and Could eat with $ rne tinued :taking the pills until all tra once more eat all kinds of food witl out the slightest inceneenienees I sm so illy convinded of their virtue as a. ily medicine, 1 have no hesitation in rec m- $1,03 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt ,Of price. by The T. 'Milburn Limited, Toronto, Ont. BA 131,Q09 cAusgs BOILS and PIMPLES. Get pure blood and keep it pure by removieg every trace of impure nroxibid matter rom the system. Burd ck Blood Bitters has been on iihe mark.et bout thirty-five years, and is one of the very best medkines procurable for° the curt; of boils and pimples. . 1 PIMPLES CURED. Miss ;Y. M. Wallace, plack's Ilarbor, N.B. Writes: --"About ,five years ago my 'fate was entirely I covered with pitnples., I tried everything people told me abont, but found no relief. At la. t I thought ofl B.B.B. and decided to Ore a was entirely cured, and would advise any 4d3i• Who wants a beautiful complix- ; BOILS CURED, Mrs. Ellsworth. Mayne, Springfieid, Pale atrIte.s: — "My fate and 'ek were mitered with .boils, and I tried kinds of remedies, but they did rne good. I Went to many ,dactore, but thley . costld not cure me. I thee tried Burdock 4 derfuli re edy for the cure of boils." ! Beira Blood Bitters iS manufactured onty by he T. Milburn Co, Litnittid„ I Had Palpitation of the Heil Weakness and Choking Spells. When the heart begins to beat irreg palPitate and throb, beats fast fer a time, then so slow as to $eem almost o stop, it canses great anxiety and ala When the heart does this many people -ate kept in a state of morbid fear of death and become weak, worn and miserable. and Nerve Pills will give prompt a d permanent relief. you know what your Nil burn`s }keit was trout)! d with wealcn ss and palpi- tation of he heart, woul have sev choking s ells, - and coul scarcely down II. tried i many remediee, but got fifeie to ansWar My ease like you/ Pads. n recommend tbern highly to - all having heart or nerve troubles."' Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes Ids $1.25. Per sale at all dealers or will hie _mailed direct on receipt I of yrice b `The T. Ililburn Co., Limited, oront Ont. kar and kilns o Ida 20 c nowseaiesseeee Foe I nth, dinner, or on those ns, when good fel omrs oc better ale then WHITE 4ABEL ALE it flab character, unifdrin ritir ty and unusual deliciousies to flavor. - dealer —Brevved. and Bottled by -i- 11 Animal t Hoop Veterin tier 0:- dise meet 21 F ordera "meet of room of Bur couegeOffla Au Un Inv eriiM rhy Itedleal Liken of Hurl The Er tstt sat reattrala Urneefiel trAli ogbr Onre Ki Lis