HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-12-29, Page 7e e,4 DILCEINE 911 EituRon Exposnion le. c Sake tleftion le tormakar, Wet tattaztaTasy caigned itas kr SeedartIbla 3. 21197.41- B. S. HAY& tandeter, aoliettor, deuveyaneer and Notelet Public. Solieitot eor the Dena - Won Bank. Oftlee-la rear of the Doee- talon Bank, liesetortia. efeteea to Wen. ,4,444 .4444.4***44.4*••• J. M. MIST. Barrister; &abettor, L.Daveyancer end Notary Public. Ottice-Upestalre weer Walker s furniture ewe, Main Lovett, &earth. 14,4.4441....4•••• BAANNA copyright, Int 4.•.• F. 1101.tASSIEED.. 1 Barrister, Solicitor, eateveyancer and Notary Puhlip. Bolleitor tor the Qom- dian Bank ot Cesnmente. Money to aoan. Par= for sale. Office -- ii eettai Block, Main street, beittortn. ..11/*••••••••• VETItateNARY. JOHN GRIEVE.. V. th. Honor graduates ot detario Veterin- ary College. All diseueee of Doaestie Animals treated. ICIalls promptly Weed - ad to.and charger moderate. liaterinary dentietry a specialty. Office &ad resi- dence on Goderich ettezt, one dour eeet or pr. Scot's unite, Sealortn. - P. diABBURN, V. as liantorary grathaate of the Ontario Veterinary Wiwi% and. Bonoraret num- ear of the Modal AasociatIon til the Ontario Veterinary College. Treii•ti diSeaSeS of all Domestic Animals by tae swat modern priaciplee. Dentistry* and $ Milk Fever a ispeelalty. Office elevate Dick's Hotel, Main skreet, Besasstbe ali orders left at the hotel will recelee prompt attention. Night calas received 1 ot the office. rg gaatt ,.rooderme. AL. kt or D. 1111.44. - 22914f reOeiwl up a0t10 n o. dile brick howei bupied by Mr. W. lee sad 'in good a quick baser. VtatT 111%.4.1.tf 10 l!'44.444*.441441*.••• &groomed hoe and Soft water m ed, Large stable I hen house, 1,1 in •-ood repair. - kreaziwc. Apply 2291x8 Bat 1Ct porkkd ad Dame, big- ht. Alen twat foot. from. tam =seta 1.0,1,101.44100404.4.1.4**.***Islesocem, n Euroi !ex of Seafortb. the premises or box WI. 226f4-tf oGp erty on oefecati rt. Good. ro straw berries. Won for a retir. premise' .1`,A.MEi M2-tf 070- 160.11 T4:4 Ste:earth, Oirt occupied by the nes'. If not sold apply to JOHN' Mee west side of g24:1S41. MEDICAL. DB. P. J. BURROWh Office and reeldence--Goaerir.h street, emit a the Mothottlet cherub, SeafOrth. Phone No. 46. Croner tor the County of Buten.: ; ' alpow.mrs4..***a DRS. EICOTT & MACIEAY. Ottice--Goderich . street, opposite litethodhtt church, &Worth. . • 3- 0- exttx Brnanate et Victoria and [Ann Arbor, and member of the Ontario College ot Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for the CountY of Harem 0. Mickey, boner gradtuAte of -Trinity rnivangti, sold medalist of Trfnity Medical Chalege. Mein r of thoie et Ph-3004am and Surgeons, Ontarle. frame residenes [age of Ern:toad- teik.=n1 and T'he k buy. -colvenien 22$6-tf Concession EitUt4l miles loing 100 acres. nuent flooring, 3 ehard of about100 :,18acreereadyfor es of good hard- ,.buer. Apply on )00E. nrueefiel etti Half of Lot ning 5 aOres cat , hank baa 34x56, housel8a14 rrith need and under - at to schoti and th, froraClinton nstanee. Wil be irtiser partiouliuu Duffer= Street, , Egnaoadville I O. man - 'west ban IAN 25, bbert, containing d ext.mp; ono acre at ore sown and this Imo [Won, oleo god There is =eight a Ilea of first-clase and thm are two re apply ta Azar Toronto or 8 th_ 2234 ession 161nores cleared, gaod state of rod Vraber. The , large bank barn erneath. Lots of retched of the ts of Wal..,ox itbir. a mile and J; office. Will be not told will be Or to RICHARD - :4296 -U IS and Feat p, containing 75 drained, 12 acres a ready for vring j Tbereisa com- Icitchenand r earn with good WE.. barn. Plenty Thi? farm ia situ- .o.forth. &hoot ra apply on the C SERV' Seaforth 2295-tf .0, Coneewdon I. 1"10 acres ,raption of seven on the [;it...:tern and wood ael• ;ar hard and - ri one at he barn. oor in stabling, 'vane pi hoase. -eeilent Lunt ire fenee,haa re - rile underdrain. he London Road. win ne sval rea- p. Apply on the JAS. PETRIE, it25g-tf DPEBTV-Under Le Tor_ nto Get er- c.-• persan and e offered for sale e:.arate parcels at ,-,Brown, Auction - he Town of Sea., to.y. the :30th day in the afternoon raeyeix (461 in or the said Town ornfortable dwell - .14.,t No. 27 (27) in f : he said Town of !til dwelling house. aty-seveu (17) in f the said Town of dwelling house. Sixty-foor (64) he aaid Town of c.t edit on: Terms n the d -y of jo he paid within pitrolusers wilt arLiad -..ate and tie day of sale orythe undersign- Seaforth, Ont. 2296-3 1911. , lit:mon �iety onrs a the South held at Walker's .19th, 1012, at 1 dealing with the artd the transact - Of the Officeri aud -plaee Gethe mime 0OCK, rrnidlkas 22974 OIL H. HUGH ROSS. • arodeate of Univarsfty ot Toronto Amity ot hediclite; weather of ek.1-• Ph! Patielatanit udInigeous -or WO- paw graduate ceureealn pdegi.so atarit moat a Oileage; ReYal °O- mit -Roepital; London, ' Hashing varsity -Wiese Hospital,. • 140110011-' gIsad Office -Back of the Dominleri Seaferth. Phone ffo. 5. Night Inewered from residence, Victoria *met, Seadorth. 11170; ear, nom and -throat only. 14006f, garielln New Yoric•Opthaknic and aural heitituter 190449.6ee Clinical Aesietant Ear, Nine and Throat, Hospital, Golden • kuare, and Moorefield'a RYE H0s11,--- Id, London, England. 0ffice-58 Wats ark° (Street, uppodite Knox • Minden, Jahnstfoni. At Quegds Hotel, atatorta the third Monday in every teeidt: trwm 10.30 a.m. to a • AUCTIONEERS.- THOMAd R110Wit. joiceneed auctioneer for the counties Of Huron and Perth. . Cormspondence promptly answered. Iminedlate ar- tangemente for sale dates can e naade ift calling op. Phone 97, Besfortb, be RxPoultor office. Charges moderath $id. satiefaction guaranteed. B. S. PHILLIPS. f.liceneed auctioneer for the counties cit Hum and Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly underteandlne the value ot farm stock and Implement faSs rne in a better position to te- ase good prices. Cnargesmisderate. • ilatlafactiou guaranteed or no pay.. Ail seders left in Exeter will be promptly attended to. Grand 1 runk Railway System. dailway Time Table. Trains leave Seaforth as folims OAS a, ra. For Clinton, Gaderich, Winghareand Kincardine. For Clinton and Goderich For (Minton, Winghara and dine. For Clinton and Goderieb. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto North Day and Points wt • Belleville and Peterboro -and pointe • east. 8.25 p. in. For Stamford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon- treal and points east. E- 0.33 p, to. For Stratford, Guelph and oroute, 1.10 p. ra. 6.18 p. re. 11.12 p. m, 7.62 a, la. Kinser. Loion lELuron and Bruce NOtall-• .Passenge London, depart • 8 80 Centralia... - . . ... ..... . .... 9 40 Exeter• .... . 9 53' liensall_ . -.. . . . . ... . ...., „ 10 08 Kipppt •10 16 6 11 PsagefteId.......... - .... . ... ... 10 80 619 1 Clinton- ........ . . .......... .. 11 00 6 86 I Lonclegboro......, ............. . II 18 • 6 53 11 27 7 00 I t 1 .... . .. ................... &lie- lk. 1.1. 40 " 7 16 ngharn, arrive, ........ n 54 • . I 7 86 SOUTH- 1Wmgham, depart..... .... . - 6 35 a.- m. missal to the officer. 3elgrave. .... .. . . .. ......... 6 50 8 44 Myth,- ... 7 04 3 ZS tend. we have spared Londereboro Clinton. BrucefieId Kippea. Hensali Exeter Centralia. . .... London, A.rrivc. .. . The driving in the awakening o -and ail the stir it heuse and out. had, been Inc er than was dale was wises fee, and peering window this mo • contained, He outlet*. It gave eh that was visl curtains -where h_ brick. windowles. boring house. He room„ disgusted, dow- agaie, and', sash, cast One of ue and down the let the sash fail ed to the center o stood for a mom smile of tutelage's face. He had de the side of the cart full of empty an idea. •With would have critici, tie flung himself watch he had bee confined an& vend tile landlady sten watch before the strain on his ne sume the snlien, with which he ha the house. Nevert attempt and if . be his own satistactio to hers, for she ma nim ati he stume1 final look, which some address to in lid nothing but reit lit her mind -fear themsetVes? , Re th he had rummag ties, But hoer was fa «e th L,rkef, oned 1Ode the d siee hat wa OD-. of hi he w ut the di mai d n t mis on o the 4LI1 le m b4Lii t was! t wa 1 of t e tarn bae 111 ••••-7 Ogr omit! the :land the igh 0 the nezet limns bearing. I you ces mind as you ea ' !matning siste nail_ In the. tialan ove es wing funeral 14.iave desi tti$ Ilnto Pe eels arid, Ment w ich im rarYeleathn rtie ars .` y usknow atig ithe fell" o zjs ori, nen an fir te youMIN T g radg stb dth ° nclurance II.; "We'.cith under ettve net "W y you one v en rept t SO IS lit11111 fley. Then' n aga r the room, ivrli Et th a g ee a d DO e -e ecte dos ail box or ottl 5. 4t rapetu s ed 1 anoh� ut f 'the r for so ton g e to Ing In ex doo , fo ntf e(s t ins agu Mins d ided 'to he ad ot 41 evict ffo t• an Da ere f. t? to t" BE VIIIIST RTE. in as mach 4'1 se of be while re Ife heap tteeeibifne. -- ate more imp irate t ot made bet() t made since. r ;icier bie far you to enter t this preseo me- t not thought teces 3 ik Until I "I have be 25 Years wfth wok Catarrh ij matt remedi deri ed no be ally, I P t-a-tives t-a-tives did tly w It eve now tom months t ;oral remedy X Whet poetic" iersi .enough. as II IS_ to Wasn't he ;teen wit!) t I I aide's throat:0 'hal ne,. t as any mitre dame I ise7nta' particulars!" a iie ....entle- tato him 1 yowl ' have rec • . to al great men etetiot praise hig y" "Fruit-a-tives" ONT., Feb. eth, reit). a sufferer for the p t nstipationeIndigesti n the Stomach. I tried and many doctors but dt wanhaateZrAisementf I dedded" to give a trial and found they was elaimeddor them. ken 'Pruiteetiv,es' for d find that they are the t does me mended 'Fruit -a -fives' of my friends and ese fruit tablets teo PAUL 3. IONBIS again ithe 'earth 0 , Your siS tO• MI if not with JI '4 4 • links hi Why re and askyo te the disixtet acc *11 isiruhclount uitebbte‘re venlng and yon neti Your tia t fie pe ftr ot d .en or et - 10hild'bedlia:tisdeeslaipdt: japdsviolyidtedelds), , tn. But the ate• summonea to be patient tome), a litIte t went on in I You broke up Went to your r Adelaide g Pines." cut attracting:atten [car* he 90 fett Whentlater * the 'day peddier-went:h3p re' ds portion of the cdt* tug fellow. amain eveit the OA* Iaii road 'would -have _ as the same . the snuggery the many hove ,on -Many Atelocs„ natuW-.'Itut he was eonelthwhig shoult-taknowledge • lice headquarters self again at the tete later- in- 'the stood, the contents seen earlier bi- the lie had followed the because he had folk) ed other back door a was tired and had 'cart which looked and in exactly the ;when he turned his the morning. But ,w er and began to lend Ing the bottles to t covered that a bottl to the pile and that the label whkh ma ked one of the two whi ha from the clubhouse on the murder. * * * The lamp in the co nee dully on the perthrb f anxious men. They earnestly and long, fiend), awaiting the fourth party. The district atto light and sat where first seen by any on ther back and rather than in front of it restlessness .prompt the old .friend of with whose stet he to Behind him and s fa her 1 shadow could be seen the q e 6 of Sweetwater. All stunted the XIL Rea Tuniosr *eel on at • It note usual In ! tit district atto eti and sisters"- laigtori Debt' tat to me about dinner. tint. Iforget that dli I Ili want t mat verything. but the tire X live 'see that fel- *w hanged and coated and bet be " rthe emir natural potion aridStomach because it is titionl me;dicine "meld dia idenede of 'e Juices,' H redo of oared, es if by g "Itcredt-a-iives", the • eor- th deg - the with i are ; ano tee Yea and lisee out that de- • tier 0 44 Tbe w rdi let his head it ap agidn. t God co Atidaide into oat "I Pt take It ' X p o d of Ad 'Mudt I en! 'H °ugh n t In, eh pa enc I wit° onl W nted p od drink • . You kno sad every irdpuise ;hie Was not do veks I cabled ali0 let 1t1 go sulitered. 1 'dn't • suffer. stop . heed. "T at trhe'luattilluedisuaL!!fla ,hel had ;May failse. She sa and Ohs saw - Then her eyeg -angry at It • wide on the when Rune' Sh,a Wall a sl 1 cthe,nebtenillin' or peomarrit f.aogrensanad knew it. but I for-tbe wine. -legit, for he s meg for the glaeses had be she turned to all drink,* she •s ma triage.' T is pale. for Ade ai kndwn to Orin hed, life. I fel and not one Of were filled and Mining room an :things? Ha I tldnk ft id to elable never me. • She ione way, w free 'time er the fancy t 1 ana.Dr. P * knows," but kalways rtiled evil one, or it It na rat indepen a ts But A. It, foe it, but abe v imer' a d Mopped his tiernoon," he p vas ! keyed up he ed Ranelagh, and or was playing hi look at el look at 1 11 me. Lwas h elle-end her bab/A to hittaoz • s there she e Rinehigh. 'Ring eredi 'and.; have in the W41. to drink 'to yonr h PPY days in prOs- It was brutal, andI Was reckless and wild Ste guess, was Rene - at her, and se agnee When t e besiale each pia armel. 'We wi 1 I my comin ts. ade Carmel tur e had ; never bee a drop of liquor 1 a Ottle qemer mysel s p Ire Oil the glasse t meld ibad left th b t tbezdoor. ree ad app h' utes and all showed r lief, by a loud sigh, when the opened and an °facer ppe ed by the lounging fo o brother. Arthur Cumberland ad Ingly, and his dissati fac improve his natural' b nonce. "I call this ard, forth. "My place is t h the bedside of my suff tin you drag me down ber at rdght to answer IllIeSid DS .11 of which I am com etel rave said all I have t say trouble which ties co e in fly, but it another r pet' same things will help to c scoundrel who has roke home and made me dog alive then I'M ready t fire ahead, Dr. Perry an done with it" "Sit down," replied- • ! letteseeet torney gravely, with a the oroee deor mid. w - Ad Jai 7,50 3 12 8 23 4 04 4 23 time for two very goo t so were in great trouble, 8 32 4 47 8 48at edmontoy hi bwelnopthwttdm the oa 9 00 6 16 10 00 a. ra. 6 la3, But triatter4 have Cha held conversation wi the day following Your,. YOU have lead that si will which makes you man for life has bee Liitowe and Kincardine:: Ovrca. Noarit, Pass. Pass. ;:a. e. LiQtowel., . S pan. Ethel.. 8.12 Brussels......-... 8.52 Bittevale. ...... 9.05 TVinghani.. -. 9.15 GOR1G Soo= Pass. . wingholo-- -- 6.45 aan . 6.1.4 Brasseds..... 40 • • 4, 4,0 tee aten t.s. 7,17 Palmersten---- 8.05 12.05 pm 8.42 AAA 11.00 10.42 1.44 10.55 1:56 11 14 2.08 11.59 Pass. It.00 2.40 Nit 11.10 a.m. 3.49 11.26 8.02 11.87 3.13 125 4.00 siattatd... Me stoc it nt eid r. ,k tbi 0 ts about o tide 013 'of flel nviet 1 t, up retebed talk- letat I ; et . .Cureb ou p t rea On . oe nd y nee en f na te eria y help eel ged s1nP 011:11 Dr, Pe °gni ister's cicea -ter a w4s 1)161 hidep riderti rend e( et! 1 -1 ! Par IrdsrAs said Laid% nom tire Signature d hen Adelaide ro e. diye will sta alinga said sbe, and aever had tee her look Its se did then. We weal ,n' call: it drin for she just tench d the winewit her Ups, but t te it Was debau Thee she steed eiting, with strettgeat glean) In her ;eyes, w ehtgh divine le glass and 4raae4 inine. R, n high thetight w ted some sent m ut and started etty something; si p priatee but eyeIlfeiJ on Carm1, who bad -tried d and could 't,l and he bung! 19, iris words Is d lat taet eatne to al pawe under the te dy stare of Ade; lai's eyes.ec mind. E wood,' she amid. w what yo frot4d 1 like to Ray. Batf that's not leth it I ain't thinking of I am thin in _Of My brother, the bey .who n be left to find his Way through 1 el with ut even the restra ntl of; y presence. I him to re her lthts day. latra te reme er m as I start bean him this glass in my• nd You see wi ejln it,lArthur; but see poison. Car eJL,rate have griev- sheneleastfai _ -1 tti p -,;-•-ure in angers a role et anuti a es see .) ---4ide he 'oivi " %ult., and, t 1;a 11iters had L e in pi e me. On1 •e tea dy. ng that b the Odd) yet wi ate bie glass d hoe rd Thai's th I tireee eta:tee:Ca ' 1 it literal att f hated paper fro . d k ' before • I o.dveo -tut .11e ha , ha a li gari his t morry,9 $ 1 .1::naili flan of ! 1 1 i ; shall have treleit •longer.. d tier? dith tne Ti'?" ent to my W es tett and th "Uh' e you aqu "So etimes,". "Ial you have eixo a drop. 1' ed the ebatnpagn Witt b n too q ter() w out -wast ed" "So voij did no drink? You only smokeki In your om?" "Slue ed one e Then went do "Mai 1 ask by &Met. 10,riti with the kat: "N.',thing. We tta &mutt Stli8Vilt, saddetsaahatattatatallett,t ---iPa'BehtiodAaaart AMMO aete. Vdhat has my hat got Seneitnittatirterrastoulsbetthena "Well. Ilheretd Rase. that Ought to pies* yets. lam noth- ing' to do with the Matter." A. change had' taken place in him. The Irritahliltf 14a-woad/Ina to vire lenee which bad -Attended every speech and Waseca itself into everr movement sine be came into the room had left h1m. He spoke quiet- ly and with a tteh of irony in. bis tone. "Then I have io doubt but you svill do its this favor" voluuteered Sweet Water In his Plea$/inteet manner. "It's not a long walk from here. Will you go there In my eorapeny, with your Vont collar pulled up and your hat well (DM]) over your eyes, :and ask for a seat In the snu ry end show them this bottle? The won't know that it's empty. ,The Inn Is Sharp and the wonlan intelligen They will see that you are a strdger and admit you readily. They a,re only shy of, one man -the man who draeik there on the night of your aister's murder." "You're a -0 he began, with a touch of his old violence. But, realiz- ing, perhaps, tlfot his fingers were in a train he modified his manner again and conUnued more quietly: "This Is an odd request to make. I won't go with you to that low drinking hell unless you make zie. but PH swear" "Don't swear." It is unnecessary to 1 say who spoke. iWe wet:tidal believe I you, and it would be only adding per- jury to the rest." - "You wouldn't believe me?" we have . reasens, my boy. 1 There were two bottles." Welir "The other has been found nearer your home." "That's a trick. 'You're all up to tricke "Net in this case, `A.ratur. Let me entreat you in memory Of your father to be candid with; M. We have me tested a man. He denies hie guilt, hut tan produce no witnesses in support Of his assertions. Yet such witnesses bray exist .Indeed we Oink that one limb -does exalt. The nem who took the bottles from the elubhou.se's wine fo-alt did so with/A a few Mieutes of the time when this erline was perpe- trated, on your stater. ae should be able to give valuahle t tinsony for or ugainst Elwood lainelag ." "This is awful?' Young Cumberland had risen to bis • deet glad was sway- ing tO and fro before them like a man - struck between the eyes by some Bead - j doting blow. "If I had only died that West!" he mattered, with his eyes Upon the door and every mus- cle tense with the ehock of this lastealamity. "Dr. Perry, let me go for to - ii Let mo thin My hrsrdn is in a whirl. III try to an. swet tomorrow." But even as he epeke he re- state* the futill- ty of his request. His eye had fall- en twain on the bottle, and hi Its ithape and tell- tale label he he- 'll:el-Rea Ont.lt DIED ben/ a tenaesa traws'Aitivit v.= itim' essary to estalilts4 -absolutely just what 0% ereeit mild What hat you wore Ana night." "I've told you that 1 don't remem- ber." The your man'a color Was till- ing. • "Are not these the ones?" queried • the district attorney, making a sign to •Sweetwater, wh forward, . With a pis arm and a need. The` younern hat again, shouting out with angry env ithasis: I "Noe • immediately stepped habby old ulster over ittered derby in his . started, rose, then "Yet youreel) "Why should Only I deal They're delle rooted them out "Mr. Cumberi tilze these T' 't I? They're 'rniee, ear them any more, te You must have from some closet" d,." -the district at- torney was very; serious --"this hat and MB coat, old as they are, were worn into town from your house •that, night. This we know; alas/Mutely. . We can even trace themi•to the, clubhouse." • Meehanically, hot spontaneously this time, the young man rose to his feet, staring first at elle man who bad tie tered these woi•ds, then at the .gar- ments which Sweetwater still held 113 view. I "I don't know anything about it" were the words Iwith which he sought to escape from tie net which had been I thus deftly cast about him. "I didn't wear .the thing. • Anybody cane tell. 1 you what clothes came bathe Itanelagh may iave borrowed"- ' "Ranelagh wore bis owu coat and ! hat. Mr., Climb 1. as that you did . and can't reme ' ; spent that night ; morning. All 3rou can remember • that it was in shine ;place wherethey; ; let you drink ail you iwished and leave when. the fancy took you, and net be, ; fore. It was 2one of . your usuat ! - haunt& You dreaded to have your sister, know holt seen you ,could es- cape the induenee et that. moment. You wished to dr your till and leave your farally noie the wiser, Am I not right?' rland, you have told 't know at the time bee now, wbere you and most of the next his how*. 130 SS • 1: bur see and remeree ened; the glass felt d 1ar in broken frog - plate, *Oarmei rot - fore I knew it, 133Y opened and my own on the, tablecloth lieneglea hand re - She held her hreatk, ad, and 1 can bear which she saw him wn quietly on the story of those three rney. sonieht out and the others lying 4)ti m. • It wets the first made since Cumbet- id he. with a. rapid e pipet In hie hand, to detaiu you a. few hat happened after re did you go from room. to smoke. I rsty as a fish." in your room?" ny that nigtttr "dn't dare. I want - bottle, but A.dela ide k for me. It was' --I do believe, Wast the ho "The take." "Wh "I d came . ego side. doo • overcoat 't remem "Yes, it's plain enough, isn't it? Why harp on that string?" "Yon cannot remeMber the saloon ' in which you drankThat's possible enough, but petbaps; ;you can remem- ber whet they gave you. Was it • whisky, rum, absinth or what?' • The question took his irritable lis- tener by surprise! Arthur gasped and tried t� steal sortie corn -fent front Coro- ner Perry's eye, but that old friend's face was too raneh la the shadow. - "1 drank -absinth," he cried at last. "Prom this butper queried the oth- er, motioning agahte to Sweetwater, vrho now brought forward the bottle he had ptcked up in Cuthbert road. Arthur Cumber andi glanced at tbe bottle the detecti e held' up, saw ties label, saw the ah pe land sank limply - In hitt:chair. hls yes Starting, his Jaw Wing- .( here did- you get that?" Ihe asked, puittng himself t gether win th sudden desOerate self Po. esalon. 'That." answe the district atter* 'ney. "was plekd1 up St a guild' botet on Cuthbert roa . Pest back of the markets, dolt far om r the Whispering PilleatIO* n't nknow t o place." "It's not a high clasa resort, not se- lect enopga by e long shot to have this brand of I4quort in its cellar. here were only wo bottles of It teft the clubhouse when the Inventory as last taken. Those two bottles re now gone, "This is one of hem? Is that what ou want to say? may be for 11 I know, 1 did 't carry it there. 1 dn't have the drinkJng of It." "We have seen tho Man and w-oittaa gar That wasT all. in town." w hich door yea left 11 the one I alwaye y WeLl. It a d you wear?' dI r. The first one . 1 suppo ••who keep that betel. They will talk you can surely tell what hat?' if they have to." They 'expected al floknit reply, and "They will?' E11s dogged self nos- tbey giet ft ;444 Th" l'inwer wind to testify against him If he kept silent hiroseit "Don't answer," he went on. "I may as well own tbe truth and be done with It. I wa lu the clubhouse. 1 did reb the wine vauit I dld carry et the bottles to bave a quiet spree; and it lnis to sornel /dace on Cuthbert read I went. But hen. I've aamttted so much I've a itted all. I ;saw nothing of My s s 'murder, saw • nothing of :what w t on in the rooms spat:dna I crept in by the open 'Win- dow at the top of the kitchen stairs, and I came out by ithe same. I only wanted the liquor, end when I got it I ilfd out as qui y as I could and c! made My way ove the gott Lintz te the rtitill! 4....4.44444..44.4•4**, . (ContInued 41 -r xt weeio hi! I 1111 4.4.1 oping Cough easeetesits Am.,troubles. lone atom the porous= saal relieves croup et cam foam from Asthma. The antfaentle. inspLred with hesatinnareasy;aaothea the the oengit, aentring restfal able to mothers with young Send us postai far &seri ALL DRUGG1ST$ Try Ores:gen* Sar'at. navtio TisroatTah. lets for the irritated throat TL.y =eaten*, effective and ea. ttseptta. Of your druggist or from tia, 10ea in stames. Yaps Cresolene Co. Learning -Miles Bias. f MONTREAL MIRE 11 Ltradingatuadlitn • Consultants 'to ittOkecks, Salta,ta #11418 The trustees of ae Nat.ionai Santheriarri Association have announced,the AUdieet Profession in Canada Ihat they have ap- pointed Dr. W. 'we �iven, 1 Dr. J. T. • Fotheringham, Dr.. II. RI Anklerson and Dr. Ilarold Pampa c�nsu1t,ants to- the. Muskoka Oottago Sank and the - Muskoka Free Hospited. 1 -Immo 1 physicians will vend a, day reti1arIy ooze a month at the Mukok Hozue3. The visits of Dr. Parsons, who has e„hozge of the, Inhedadoeis clinic at the Toroato Geneeel Hospital, will be matie every t months. , FOR G .ttage for sale on Goderiob Street, Seven r ftraitees repair, newly ninried, paittnt furnace, har 1 anJ sot water side, i•tahle. Will be sacrificed to a tile* bilyer. write 14. BRODER:if* 8''fo,*h 2E3341 X.11!,f/:2111;1=3 ;11• - FARM AND TOWN TM9P1I LT MMUS* eenw- J, B. /feLeee. pare ..as. °Witte:ay, G President ; Thos. E. Hos Be,.forh p.o 111,r- Otitisto$'4, grit* 'Winthrop 411111180/612,84 Jae. IhtfObita tenJat RUDA,Beterow, tied AloiliC I Wat4 B- Bea* fortlwrie fltedetie *Ate Maws: Uinta - Robert illadtb, ; Bd. ley, Seatorth-i coondv11184 J. loticorketh, itttlitope- Geo. Wardle *sad Net •-seertstartrita • O.P. R. Tie Table Guelph and God linh Branch TO TOR Goderich. Anbuna Myth., Walton Linwood . Guelph Guelph Jet- .. Tomtit) 4, • 1.4 Se 104 SS 41 44 44 FROM TOR • Toronto. liv: 4 In. Gtv-Ipk Jet.... ... Ar 421 t Guelph .. ...... . ,.... " - Elwin".... . " 1 26 41 , 1.1ewood Jct......... a. 40 " OS .'t W441t4-Na 4 • 04 1 87 it Ryth .. 48 1' • Ooderieh..• Si • i220 p4 in. OonnaetImuf at Linwood tar leerti .as tt Guelph Jut. with Vondstook, 1A.Mon, Detroi ,x nterrnediate /boa. " Let's- maim a JOly With FIVE P.OSES flour. • its Strength anri Fineness hold your batter together in he long well -greased pans Bakes evenly. , Smooth Texture -soft, golden Crumb, spongy, porous, yiehring.. No holes, noli. Immix to vex you. And when *Ion barn it out on the damp • napkin' hot and s4vry, and you spread the under side ,04th "jell &seen% get soggy eturobly, • Roll it gently, ca,refeally,,, • N.ta CraCk-not a biwaks Perfect Smooth_ ess-a Irfeet, Roll-rovir.. Bek e anything. 'Use FladeE ttps iting puff 41 teoth some FIVE ROSES fcir anyits-imitrithistr. Be Bourvirimm . i aka anything. brofaci aact pastry. pie crost-criukly 1 1 1 11 • lee ii1110 1,0 Ii(il 1" ,1051%. I Mtr, , 411.,11 fill I 11H; 110111: I !; 11 III 11 Ek. 1 11 1 1a1i! 11! IA* It olliblium111111111 F ROHN 41 te• e OF 1 OODS 101 c/t10 00101PAIS 400 0 4,4 0***4 4.4.4 4.4 4 detteeel • o .4 14. 44444,, 4.444*._ ,44-.4.4,* 4.444