HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-12-29, Page 51 your grief r your Veal` Team on ar you. lith a grit r shoe 1 HOTEL e guests girth, Blythe ernrniU, who treasurer of "for the ce -Its in. tgnation to been ect In every successor the council at demmitl has king and com_ tg will regret 1309111011 I. The sys. cessfuI so far.' Rs for the past interest on cap - RI be a sur- est week. es `atledge, of 'returning home in Sro dtoot's edge mt .with titeey were When -they Fere rdich was be - rte. `There were - el some went t and some to e evidently did from the road the gross -bar 'down. and roil.. front of the etouider blade Cr rine, as well leg. It is a Med. The eut- tants thrown u€ against the` !as. stopped" be laid up - her in - pleased to learn veil as cold be alit was with. regret that we Josepb'a nfos- fohn Nigh, eu `. keesrnith. Barn Se years ago. 'coneession of -lid and where days. For a 'S travelling age ecord, London, ;trusted ley his h ago he Went for 'treatment where he sec- - eatfon of an- t! as traveller it from Wind- Newfoundland. indNewfoundlan d. et to St.3ames' Seagarth, of member, said ss was cele- Cher dercoranx were takes; to Met laid beside ie funeral was n Mutual. Ben - No. fid, of k The friends ..rate tul to the k' ahle and ef- ,s the ceremony nh leaves to 11 brothers and rs are Prank. td. Luke, Tuck- eatorth_<- The of trignarn D hic 111- 3McCann, Iltb-. :Saskatchewan. Sister Mare event, London. tft r= on Qf o bottle wad you ,toil,stoil with `-: jjl`•Ie from etre itg we merits -- vs io or In the most amusing 'Manner, and` bap the climax. a minstrel show ve liven at the close, after Which event- ltome well pleased with •the e tertainment. ,MIss.1.1izie Flanagan In ilidea:atthe organ, while the orc.hest lave 11001210 good selections betw Inestenntberneolnur teacher, Miss Le McMahen, ts spending the holidans hex Angie In Lasnolett.,,The trUst are busy getting the two MOM sch needy tor w3e after the holidays. eamennestannee illfroiretur. .• Personals. -Inglis Sanderson, of ,ronto, is vinithis friends in this 1 .jiarrls le visiting he gamuts, Robert and Mrs. Harris. - McLennan of Toronto la visiting h Mother in the village. -Cassie Hard, Toronto is visiting her brother, Geor nEtarris.-W. Perrin, ot Toronto. Un 'eternity, is spending the holidays at-th Inanse.-Stewart licKercher of Win ham high school, isfholidaying und the parental roof.--eitgnes Stewart,. Toronto Business College, is spendin eeolidays et her home here. -M and Mrs. 'Whitmore of Harriston a ihgnes Black. of Toronto are gues af. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 33Iack.-M ",atni Mrs. McLaughlin and rase , Ritchie, or 'Winnipeg, are spending iew weeks with Mra Ritchie, of th nillagen-George Herrin and o Saskatchewan, are Visiting friends i this locality.. We are pleased to hea bf their prosperity in the West -Re fn. Pe.rrin preached the last two Sun Ways on the proposed. basis of chure anion. The congregation are taking great interest in the queetion. au , *Penh Christ-4as" in Vert ea their .hame near- antina as t !Thaws Road Ilotes.— n.. ,f the Christen -as visitors in et 1 Martin- ,MadgeT of Albert eee , Son and' -.two children, aai MIAs Nettie Fitestnore ' 1. John Chaff, of Tornnto; i Jahn Passmore and. chi Ge family ei Ereterannin, .'t nitielres; of Granton, ' visited .0-,, . James Anderson's last we k. a d.j. ma many triends '8 Cudmore is sale to eit u g,e; ed to hear he is recover it eaThe Christmas tree ent e the Presbyterian church gt night was very well atten er, hag the very dierigreealtie 01 children gave a 'good( pro g ceived. nice 'presents. ,Mr. eer. acted as Santa Claus. ---Re Ti and Powell delivered f .4- Sunday 'last -Mr. and Mr j3". entertained their relative ,n mais day. ft wan the first les ering in the ont houee to 11 pen were the guests of r Robert McDonald on Sun It Seeeral from this: neigh e"; tended the Sunshine Chris n' Christmas night. !and reintinei Of the LOntten re n of herser- was ho 13n the Grand the past wttek. unto tuna ongh. ehOrt, o• to g t, er lbs broken Weenier,. ow awned his PO tion n gr who has o,lowing his ade .as contractor ,penter at Aron for ik.nunil- tw 'holiday : Campbell atnily Spent snet, of Liman, Blanithe Pet y, o Torontoel -ho visiting er he Mrs. John' etty, ho has been rt, of Lond n, pending the d n Ellis an da ter, Miss M tie, pent Christ as Goderich.- *, is visiti g ,a ner father's JohOst Plow Hall m. les .Walke , of Introit, din he halide wi a Mr. Rein: thr and re. •rgblut, t lifts :Swann. es Florence ol se of Toron o, spending a we los with her par n s, Mr. and se he Credit° eth 61, returned ntundith • SA - ren, He cb se as Notee.-The Episcopal and . Meth dist church Christmas tree entertain menu were noth well attended an Proved Stand saccess.--Some o those who are spending the holidays a home ,are Visges Mabel and nterrtiettar bour, Mos Mabel Yeo, Mrs Wm.. 0 tier, jr., and Mr .Frank zberhart, a 01 Toronto. -Mr. Dorrance, B.A. let Orangeville, and his brother, Rus -belle of Seatorthe spent Sunday% at ta 1, Death of a Pioneer. -Another th Pioneers of this district has been call jed borne 121 ,the person ot Mrs. Chris Joseph HambleY. Oren Inambley ba reached the good age of eighty-thre gearst She died at the home ot daughter, 'Mrs. James Campbell, on (Wednesday of lent weak and the ains Were taken here for interm ' an Saturday, the funeral iervice g held in the Ifethodtst church She, wts *native ot Edinburgh, Scotland, and ,came ta Canada when eight neare of age-. The family, first settled in East eithitbi: She came abaat 34 yeai.s ago and settled in Statfa, where she con- tinued to reside Ilan about a .3 --ear age„making her home with her son, Kr. F. (A. HambIey. She is survived bi soos and one daughter. Sne was *devoted and consistent member of the- , ;Int.......„thodist church) a kind and :riving another elect obliging neighbor and- did wen -her part in every sphere of life. - 11141110•1111111 Heiman A number of nice dwellings have b en pl eed in y hat for sale at great usoorgaln roriee . Al o'Neveral gout dwellings for renting. Apply o,G. . land. at the Posk-Oltiee. 221141 Christmas Wedding. -Ch is as Dity joyous season' of the year and it nor 1- made especially so in Hen all, hen a 11 hippy event took plane, t th ho - est daughter of the late d eer a Mr. "William Kerr Marsha so of .4 and Mrs names Marsha of Gree - -the very immediate friends of t e bri . d the bride celebrating her ed g o e the anniversaty of her iniither 66t r birth -day, which was on cem er 26 Rev. Mr. ernith, pastor of arm I Pres I dainty wedding breakfast as take = en of. lAtter this Mr and Mr . Mar - 1 shall left for Londop and For Bur- , on amid the heertiest wishe of a host of eriends, who, all join in wiehing them a bon voyage all thro gh lite. The travelling suit, with hat to ma the On their return after a short hon yinaon they' will reside on the corn r of Queen 1 street and Beizabeth' street we t, the 1 home of the bride. --Com. _Briefae-Businese has bee quite brisk 'in the village, consid ring there , has been no sreighing.-Mis Fl Cud-. 1 more, of Weikel -vine, is v siting • her pareota-Mr. and Mrs. He no phin of 1 iWroxeter spent the past eek with Guelph, le visiting her, m ther Mrs. Henry dook.-Mr. and Airs. Geo Rey- ! Reynolds, of Hamilton, axe here visit- ing- the former's parents. Mrs. And- : erson, nee Miss Violet Watt side , is here on a trip from her h me the "' and other relatives. -The M`SeeS Rant ale quartette sang at a aon ert Lu- ' can this week. -Miss Edith tecE en, of Bath, is home for ,the holi ays. lass Annie Carlile has returned rorn the `: west, where she spent so e rn She was accompanied by h r `niece, ; Miss Reda Thompson, of To oath -The Venn. Busch and Bullard. ccorn: panted by their sisters, spa t hrist- Pope of :London spent the holt Lty at gave an interesting sermon on S Wan ;`, morning, on the subject of hurc un - We between the inesbyteri n, ante dist and Congregational -ch reles and next Sabbath intends preach' g more `particularly on the basis of unio and matters connected thercwit .-C axles 4. here with his parents. e no ina- tion meeting held here on ridal ev- ening last was Very largely attei ded. Quite a large number were no inat- ed tor the offices of reeve nd oun- wl be between Messrs.. C. ettY, For councillors we understan th t up till 7 o'Clock Only two had qua ified out of all nominated, namely, Joh Ber- ry and F. F. Busch, so tha we pre- sume there will require to be a" oth- Berlin spent the Christmas vac tion with her parents. -Mr. John Tod of Fort William, and recently of I ger- soli, is epending a week or s wit his parents and relatives ;and f len in Seaforth and vicinity. -The Ty ale uarr tette of Carmel- church, namel M ssrs. Rennie, White and the Macla en b oth- ers, sang with much accept nee at an entertalmnent at Auburn ride the auspices of the Methodist chu eh t ere. visited relatives and friends in the village recently. -Moore Pros. and heir sister, Miss Moore, spent th ho iday at their old home in Clinton. Mr, and Toronto, and recently of Hen all, are spending a few holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson of London are v sitin re - was in the village ethis week eene ing acquaintances. -Mr; and Mr . W V, ity visiting relatives and fele ds. !Vies of Mrs Grassick last wee ..--A son of ene. Richard Blatchford as ere recently on a visit from ,Neb aska He was the first boy born in Hen alt ome thirty odd Years ego. - Mr, nd rs. L. Charlesworth, of Blyth, pent the first part of the week with her par- ° Christmas with his grandmot er, nes, =613424 William IteDougall.-Mrs. W. B. Mc- Geeleee real goal Lean visited an uncle this we k 4.— the .1t, she had not seen for over 18 yea .- Tuc ern° Mr. and hfrs. William Henr of St. Marys, are this week visiting rela ves and friends in litneell and kiln y. - Miss Teha Shirray is home t is eek from Toronto on a visit -Ree e Geiger had a re -union hf all his sons du ing Christmas week. -Miss Fiore ce ook spent the holidays in Whiteehu ch ith relatives. -Miss Ethel Murdock of on - done spud a few days with her ents here during the past we k. - Alice Petty, milliner at nroa Ima nIgram's,, London?. spent rkt g so quickly rt ntentil ed r eat er. ram and red Hun letc ch ches on Carl y eta e yea B. nett a a d M ay last. - 111 hich brae out .etore in war nt and garage undi dian Rank Co dtug store, Jame ,Pioneer, 11 o rd let he • Ile EDMUN ALE • 1 DENT ANDER LAIRD; GENERAL MANAGER 000;000 REST, swum, NEY ORDERS The Mon y Orders f The Canadian Bank= of COmmerc are a safe, .convenien and:economical method of remitting email Su of money. They arei ayabla without charge at every branch of a cha ered bankin Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the princ pal cities of the United States. The Orders and. on application at the In the event of the lost Order. bfillburn's Pure en, Saskede- rgeson's 'm- g, thence to merce, Taos., ; Davidson's ied by the which ire of tr.r. Bright, town !clerk. The Sed lafiy- was b rn !the parish to I r: Bright.. Foar of Melo e c idren were born n; the Old in age. the 'youn coUPle 6 far dintei t to what they sent, and fter any excit- ,arrived at Bade tran as Lis - then cane .Be tdes .hee. ildren. Bletke line. engine has been Installed in the mill at alake by Messrs. Moyer- and nCipfer, who intend to do cuetoro chop- ping. -Christmas passed over very quietly. Pinnere were. ire order anel4 friends spent the day With friends.- Vettlagn the closing exercises ot the School on Friday last a Chrietmas tree entertainment was . held, when Oante, OlauS presented the children ninth nuts and aandies and they in turn , presented their teacher with a "Nollection+ of gents furnishings, ace tompanied by a nicely worded address. le -Messrs. Douglas and Sparks are buying up all the saleable horses in tehe neighborhood. -Messrs. Keys, Fin- lay, Thirsk and Fee have been con- nected up by phone. -Mr. and Mrs. G. Sparks have returned tram their visit ineith friends in Mithigan.-The many itudents and teachers of this neighbor- hood spent the vacation at their re- -Who has been working in Michigan dur- ! Ing the summer, returned to his home tere for .Christmas. -Miss .Lizzie Al- • lan, of the "Detrait Children's Hospital , Staff, spent s. fear days at her home i here. -Mrs. Dick, of Hensall, visited her :. daughter, Mrs. R. N. Douglas, over ! 0. ' Nomination Day. -A large number of ' ratepayers gathered in the town hall . b .Zurich last Friday afternoon for : the ourpose of nominating candidates 1 for the council for the coming year. There were five nominated for reeve and six for the council. After the i norninanons were closed Mr. Fred Hats, Ore was voted to the chair, and speeches , nmre made by • the several candidates. So honarably fined the position for , the last twelve years, decitned to in a nanderiate and expressed himself to the )1fleet that the honor should be pass- ; ied around and stated that he was tot going to he a candidate this year. ' _, e other candidates made E short . eches, telling the ratepayers weat ey would 'do if elected, The nominee ' lion closed with a. vote of thanks for Our old reeve and the audience all *too(' up and sang "'For He's a Jolly 1Cood Fellow."' It must have been VerY • nleasing to •me Lamont, after being reeve of our township for so many nears. to be "sung out" hy ins con- 1 *tituents in this way, However, hp de- , ' Iservee the best. 11: has proven himself • Is capable, conscientious and careful lefficial. and it Is elan creditable. to itneelf and the ratepayers of our lownehip that niter aepreciate his ser- • h'ices. We under8tand that twq of the Pandelatee for reeve have dropped out, • !which leaves Mr. Louis Kalbfleisch and ,nir. Henry Neel) in the, field. It will ' Pretty we(1.41tIg took phone at tee : PreSbyterian mansee at Pilot Mamie. Itanitoba, when Miss Margaret Elize- both Moir. a farmer popular young lady of this township and second daughter of Mr and Mra Jas Moir, *an united in marriage with Mr. Wm. the Ren Mr. Caldwell The bridt. -tires daintily gowned in silver grey broadcloth vrith trimmings of dentine ' *never end silver lace. She was as- nisted bi her sister, Miss Neille Moir, *leo was. neann attired io a dress of blue grey Roubaix serge. The groom tras supported by. his brother Wesley. ; did to Tr e we pis nd ht MAR sHA eat, w r el 010 s Tiln ah O. ihe 0 28 to 24 TS a 40 te 40 90 to 100 ull information regarding them may be obtained ss 0. a Money Order the Bank will, Cm receipt of p make arrangements to refund , amount of an Amy ilaving opened a Candy Department in cbn- nection with our Bakery, I beg to announc to the people a Seaforth that they can et WhOhl:,orne Home.made Oandies Presh, Daily. Watch ou W. 4. Cric wAndow for Saturday Specialsi Electibn Cud To the Ratepayers of th McKillcp LADIES' AND • Having again bee t Beeveship of Id be of some eery °elf, yr as..,,,isifthin4 en u re but should yo sop* Idauhcallmeylelarvasor in you all the cempl You nominated as illop I wish to enoe in this the Township. • Searorth ToWnship csadidste for y Lam in the your vote /end talon should I have served' ise to do aniabetter in the in theiutnre, in the past to merit your fldenee. Wish. manta Of the n, 1 ain JOHN M. OVENLOCK Card ullett have ooemented to al a MY name you! for ehe position Reeve. Duri 50 to 3 00, fu re if eleotedi I 11 be u.nahle .13 00 to 15 00 Births w' ham, on Deizlem ar 17th, 0 B In Exeter, en D comber Y-- the Sautde tine Hay, o h to and Nes. Rem' Jetrey, to Mr. and Mr. and to Ifirr.2and December P -At the resi ence of he bride's ta,1 December 20th, by Rey. . C. Cos- h! i Germ ude, cid at daug ter of Mr. an n der. of Raddiss ; Sask. R- DER --At resi enact of he bride's Min r. Pet,er Ha erer, of ay town - to Susanna, clang ter of • and Mrs P Clinto , on De other 20th eeley Coming, ra. Aar et Porter 0 as. lyar, both of CI ntore. r Fut of Fordwich Miss ly Melinda s ey Treble ,of 110 Ma to Mlue Chesney, daug ter of M and Mrs. C may of Heim I. Deaths A AUS et ItR 435 Jkitsis tY Alf, IF wa , Rosanna y, aged 68 n, if of the late Dav d Dorrance,aged 83 h th Elford, wife 1 John Holloway, 1 years, 1 intent and 4 days. 0,1 nt n, on Deeemb r 16th, Jennie E. n t. Joeeph's ifosPi 1, Lend n, on Deo, 6 ye rs Nig posi Fl an, John 2 years. Christena RGES OD RATE and Embalm r. rid unday calls pro ptlyr ate ded r mitt residence. hone No. B. mug Fon s LE -Thr choice 8;13 mid 13 Moe cbs old, thf Ir fleshy, w at the head Of t e !amens erd of anal :tome and see us we lik abow A The Ai Huron A ann at re ' ion df otb day et I Meet rig of the inert:there of h South cultural Society Will beheld at altees .,; for the purpose of dealing w th the blew A meeting of tile mend 11 le Id at the eame p o e same Sepretarn -2 A Card To the Electors flue ee in my behalf. 'Vishing you al p roue New Year e Your Obedien 22 -1 THOM nship ratepayers I come before my term , of y awed the do So in the see you 0.11 of the Tolvtiship of Case fo To the Electors ADZES AND GNNTLAS I am a candidate for this paeans of solir,iting if elected will endeavor Tow ship faithfu ly. men s of tbe season. of Counoillor vote and In- a happy and ervant PURCELL ourici or of the To nship of Killop ounoilor for 1 /2 and 1 take 'our vote and inffuencs and o serve the 1 tereste of the carol: ITEsrulyeAsE To the Electors Mc LADINS' AND GAIL', Having been nomina to reomve the same. II' looted 1 will my abilities see that, the ffairs of the condneted in an efficient and econo Wishing you all a Happy nd Prospero You To the Electors o the To f the To for Council UMW AND 0 nship of for 1912 I 1 be thankful the best of 'whip are eNew Year. KART ship o Ea lug been nomina ed for thepositi n of Council- lor fo 19/2 I respectful y Heft your ;and in - 229 x1 Yours filliiiic rely JOHN c WELD A. ard To the Ratepayer of the To nship Haiing been nominated or the-positio of Moitillop mid being une le to gee all th liming your votes arid ence saaue of the Township in the mo t eneareen wenn r possible and to ale :Lys keep bet best teres ts of the Tom ship. Wishin comp 'manta of the Season 1 remain Yours T 22 1 ALEX. 1 of Reeve ratepay- tinily -so- my elect - the affairs me the you the uly . ROSS ARX STOO structioce from Me John . Wesel to sal y public Thur ay, Jan. llth, the ()flowing :- n farm is slid tp contain 50 acres. There is a r pen 20x30, good wells and well;einderdr ed, good fenced, good orehard. A 1 ideal 50 acreita . Terms Horses -1 horse tieing 5 ye re old, 1 broo are ris- ing 9 ears old in :foal to errywooci y.man, 1 mare years old, 1 horse 7 years old. ..tle-2 cowe_with calf at Mot, 2 co &due before he sale, 2 eoWs due to calve January 2. th, 'I calve d e April let, 9 steese rising 2 years old, 3 heifers riel fe years cqd, 2 plug calves. Piga 10 pigs 4 mon lis cid, 11 with a., eat carsier / Frost Wood Chem Ian 11 hoe Verity plow. 1 set, iron harr we, 1 two fur w pia% I 1 hay tek, 1 pig reek, 1 w on with box, t bob- sleigh ,)1 env cutter, 1. to :buggy, 1 n va Peter 1 about 7 ton of timothy bay, 1 new Dela cream power and Amok with rods al complete an* 1 ht, articles found on a farm. erme-Flay ° 41110r ard under cash ; 9 Months edit, 4 per Met. off for cash on credit eineunts. No ontseie teak al- lowed hn the place. No res rve as the proprietor is going West. JOHN ELLICI EN, Proprietor ,.; JAS. JONE , Auctioneer. 2208-2 ew Year Excursw s I to Niagara Fang and Buff lo, N. Yoe Detroit and Por Euro , Mich. Good going Dec. 30, 1, 191i and Jan. 1, un2. (minimum cirrge *5'0 FARE AND ONE 11NORD Pull particulars fr m liferry Come On imas to E THE g ware 10 r See our unique disp ay in four show windows. Goods whilch We have somethitr sp cial to offer to intending purchasets. are suitable for Chrilstrna and New Year, at prIces right ahd quality unsurpassed. Th following suit ble ii4t will comOly with !your needs -for Oresei ts for Father, oth r, sisters apd Brothers :— Skates—Spring and Hock Foot Warmers, siik.gle an Horse Blankets._ Mitts, full assortme t, wool and loather Geni Food Chop 1 25 an Famoas Cummer Do sw.61 Wringers.... Cutlery and Silverware, Berry spoons, st4 Silver Teaspoons --Rogers' 1881, 1842 and Knives and Pickle Perks... ....4. Pearl Handled Cheese coups-, Batter Children's Sets—Pead Handled Knives Rogers' i847 Dinner d essert Knives Rogers' 1865 Dinner assert Knives and Forks, per se , Fruit Knives, in Oush cgs iii,osferofheiii: Pearl Handled Knives aud Forks in cabi. 25 to 7 00 40 to 1 50 10 to 50 45 to 5 00i 2 50 to 5 00 35 to 1 50 10 to 1 50 Thos. S. Blues Wishes His Many Customers Happy And Prosperous New Year Thos. S. Blitzes PHONE SEArOnni. Assistant Matron Wanted at the Rouse of Refpge iu the County of Hilton. Applications can be - made at once, either personally or by'l letter to John Torrance, Inspectorie Clin- ton P. 0. The appointment will be , permanent and a good salary wilt be paid a capable women. W. LANE, Clerk Dated Dec. r8th. 2297- 2 James atsons Succeseor to W. N. Watsop rieneraj Fire, Life and Accident' Maur- . ance Agent. Reol Estate and Loan Agent Irtserance len all kinds of property effected t the lowest rates. Dealer in New Raymond, Whi e and New Home Sewing Machin s and National Oream Separators A. full supply of seivrog hine needles, attachments, oil a, d re- pairs always in stock. ANNU4L MEETINO The Annual 'Meeting of the members of tbe Moltillop Miitue.1 Fire Insurance Company will be 13 held on Friday, Jan. 19th, 1912, in the T n Hall, Seaforth, at 1 o'clock p. en. The baldness et the meeting to reeeive the Annual Rtateme t and Auditors Report, the electing of three Diree rsand other business whieh May come np for the od and Welfare of the Company. The retirin irectore are J. B. McLean, Wm. Chesney won aluolin Mclilwen who are eiigible. for releetion. .1%, IL McLEAN, President ; T. E. HAYS, Secretor A choice assortment of Ou Pocket K.nives at all the Famous Im.perial line of Gurney Stoves, acquired for .tlat pu worthy of a visit. 3 75 to 50 L 3 75 to 10 00 75 to 2 25 2 25 to 4. 25 55 00 5 00 to 6 00 41 50 Gliiss, Hollow Silverware n prices. We are sole agents or xford Ranges., We stock a which are in our Store recently pose, on exhibit/Aim It is volt WE SPECIALIZE ON Shelf Hardware, urabing Them Seafort wax MerchaAt,, SELECT /4)U FURATITUR GIFT A Word to th Wise is Suffi Right nlow you will fin our stock of igti-Grade Fur- niture at best. goat people admire and' appreciate h new piece of furniture ais a dift. Bv selecting no -w you will get an early choice, wh ch iS a great advant gei, If you. wish to give a pleasant surp se tO those at homei b giving then]. a handsome piece of fu iturie on Christmas y u may choose it now and we will hold your purchase until y u wish us deliver it. Coe NOW road ootj Box a T. E(OLMES. Manager Big Sal e of Stove0 wE are oing t. pu into a big sale the whole We have go e thr ugh and marked every stove away down pric his means a gre4 salting to anyone needing ne stove. Are you 'satisfied with your old one .. he winter is yob* and a new stove w 11 mea m eh extra, comfOrt.1 Come and see our rices, Ev ry stove is guaraniteed sat- isfactory or your mone back. Th( folio ing re a few only One Adanac Peninsular ange with reservoir, 20 ch oven, high shelf; remeval nickel and ther- 0701 One Joan'D'Arc Steel RanotLe with- reservoir, high closeti with mirror top, tc. Regu ar price $55.... Qt ; One Happy Thought an e with reservoir and high shelf. Re.gul r pr .$48.00 One Treasure Range with r servoir and high shelf. Regular price 03. o One Daisy Cook Stove.' Re ular price $19.00 One Jewel Base Burner. Regular price $45.00 Smaller Stoves and Heaters at like prices. CHESNEY St. AR Hii3ALD HARDWARE, STOVW..:,S FURNACS PLUMBING •