HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-12-29, Page 4�
I I . . - � - I - -1 - � ��
� - -
99!TMRL=--- - - I � , 4, � - .. - .
I - -- 1, - � of Urners-an, - Uer,',- I . 1.
- � � I �,
. ase " '4'
. I 'Bl"t'*
. to ba " was married rL.tently to Mrs. .11
� r - I . . � lienaeraon Wi4ow of., the, Iiite Dr. 1- '
� - - - '.'r
� � fr . _ . Fr' I ,% _ , � _Htndetabn,. of StQft4*ajl1 . . " � .1 I r , . I 10
. S U I T. .1 W .T. . . and Mrs, Cardiff arrived, I oil
I I � � I � - I -BE K , � ,
. I I
- - - -
- z I - .1 . .fircin ., the west laof Saturday for: a. I chejo
. IN . I
" 4 . � . . r . . . . . . 1 -2 visit -with r Id * friends . . . . . rr ,
- , 0 . . %-... - 4. elatives and ol r .
3 4 � Si- 6 � 7 � 8- .9 t They, r purpose retiiraing In r the edurse I —��
r -
. -
r 101 I L '12 ! n 14 '15 I i 6 of ,a few months They� foroorly,resid f -
- 11 - 18 ; 19, 1 , 23 ed InhMorris. � . - ' . I . -- te . -
i J, - , I .--�Ge6rge Robb has parchaarad Ahe 50 Quo
t - 1641#11
I 24r, I 1 : 8 29 1 30, 1 acre farm on Me i2th concession ot]
. IT. . ..-. - .. 14. . -1 .... I .... i. . ., Grey township from Mrs. - Thomas f 10111'af
r . . - —.� Nicholls, recently of- Brussels, now In j ervic e
. . the west There are no buildincd on neceeis
I I n bi
I . -, . . .1 the property. . i I b
, - . -On December 9th' at Yale, Michigan, 1111 11
. The flguire betWeen the,L:� pareuthosis, '
after each ad. deniotes the pa of the Mis-1 14a:mic. daughter of G".G. and.. Q vir i
" Mrs. good - was united in marriage" to atioi i
� paper on which the advertisment. is James O,D�Ly, of -Saginaw. The brid0s r nnot n
found, . � . pazents were former, well known rcai_ t heir h
A' r I eW . �rl em Br -a , . dpats of Morris. Mr .and Mrs. O*DaY 4,�eep
ew -ate lotbir " I will r6side in Saginaw. - -On
An . - id r -y- L I'll ,�,4�-s . � . ;I
' ' After an absenc,' of- twelve years 14tch,l
g &J, 0
Just th^ Thin _%- MOU-4 .
Happy 16W Year -,oma!"a & 4t6V14-zy-1 . Thomas W.Bone, of Tisdale, Sask.,,re- horse I
I RanNew Year- -AV. Mll,; I . turned to�,-Uorrls last week, on a visit front
Your ate- -j F DALY—$
EleetionCardas-& of a. few months. 11� is a son of Henry and ra
. Frinew --�s - Fone, third line, and was received - s hort t
Auction Sales -5 . � - . With .a hearty welcome after the ti rol I 4
� cold Peet- -j. F- Willi- -8 . �
. .&L Happy-'.'qeW Ytar- -U.z:hardson & Seett-8 I laps�- of so Many years. 1 - . - .. 'L v there L,
. I
lietv V far- -T. S Hme%--s . . I- -Mr. Fred Henry, of If ullatt, . exhlb- t ar.'A *r
. = Nfeetirtz- T. E. Haya-6r Ited jils, yearling Clyde colt- at the bad a
- For Saie- uarkh �zite -i nsonL�-s . r Winter Fair In Guelph last L -Week: Six- '
C-6-kerell- forasle.--a. G. $twlne-C - . throy.v n
lr AppreyttR-e Waixtvd-G Abertiart-9 � � teen colts.- co?npeted f or thz, seven - t) 'Dj
, Dog Lost -it. W. Colquboun-8 , zes of ed, and I�Iredls won fo,jr1h c atter I
- ,f girl � ffer
. I) ,
---.-..-.-- --.--- - - - place. .That means It is a colt to be ito I ,,I
L -- I
I r . proud of. . . . . I A were p
qwt� ,W,. AK 4(#ftgr� --Mrs. Hugh Stewart, sr., arid Miss. t- inatel
wut 111-1111VUla w, 9 . Stewart, well known residents of the �' -Or L
� � ' � �
— .r -- 15th -1 concession of Grey, have - taken �rs,of
,-".-- ---
- I up .tesi&ncer lrj Ars. stl�w,
* ' 1� Wlasselfs, - I rt ass a,
SNAVORTH, FR-MA,Y, Dec. 29.tb 1911. -a-t i,, nineLy-two Y,lars of �,,g-- and. t Dme o
- —--=-. -- . --- - is eila quite actile - for her years, She townsh
. � � is bae of the - pioneers of Grey. " ,' p 71se.
Kunicipal Komtnat,ions. � I -James Ford, who has been abgent
. .- . I r . � 6 iang --i
- The following Is the result of the in the West for three or foar years,.1 b.,en ,1m
r I r Im
municipal nominations In t4ig CoUnty' has returned to spend the winter In nian..Xi
r I ' !his old home surroundings itt Holm'
- Sp,&FORTH,-Mayor, J. 0. Greigand es- an add
- - - reeve, J. J� Cluff and �Wm. ville. -. Mr. Ford -knows the West IjLti
.T. p. pDaly , on ,j
� Ament ; . cou4cl-florst F. lfarburn,V.' S., Pretty well, -particulaflY British. Col-� Yeols- a
Jarnes. Gillespie, & jjolm-.u. H., Speare, 1, umbia, and: he has high _.0pjni0n!i , r of him t
' ' - . I
X4tewart, John m V-8, all by Canadats great west. . . . t, ieir
, .Prlevef . L
acelarnatio-d ; - school.- trustees, North -The .faneral of Miss Jennie -Rudd b C)Und L
,W- a r d, .R I r -TNv
ugh Stephenson - East WarA' was held In Clinton on Wedne�4ay of
fW., A. Crich ; South: Ward, A. D. Suthl . last iweek, conducted. by Rev. J. - E. t)n' h%
erland, all, by acclamation r �. P -attended. `Mlss c iwpet -
. I XcKILLOP.-Reeve'r J' M� Goven- Rudd passed away after a briet Ifl- the p%
r b -
. : jock, James,. Cowan -and Aiex- Ross; Iless.. 8 6 was an' active Workerinthe. a cou)i
I councillors, John Balfour, Chas. Case, MethodiStr church -and Wks highly' -es- I y,enir g
- L. e
- .�
Conrad rEckert,- John Govenlock, Win. teemed ,by all who knew her. , I .1 V
.. and 'tl V
� Knpchtej, 'Sohn McDowell and Thomas -31r. john. L. Allen has rented his p 6yed
.. . :. - .
I Purcild. , I I farm on the'ninth boncession ff-- itic n
R-UL]L,E,-TT.- I
� ,Reeve, James - Leber lett to Mr' Addison :and will 4n all. 'e sto
- � John � prob4bilitY7 move Into- Lpndesboro ai�d I" . ;Aj L(
.- and- Robert Clarke;. couincIllora,
. .1 . Ogrr, ,Wesley Beacom. John Fingland, Aive retired. .,Mr. and Mrs., Allen. have �ch,
1W. J, ,Wller, john Tambl,yn. . I been 'much respected reside I - I
, L I Uts �of HUI- . ,
. i . 1. J
i MC)RTi1&,Reeve,t John Shortreed 16tt towilshIP for Years. ' Previously, - f the
. I
&Ad j0h1l: L NeCrack6n;'equincillors, Wni; - they were located in Seliforth. hep -0 u
C. ThU6114 Win. Elston, W.'C. Laid- -The jn�rrjage took place. on ,Wad-^,. '..1gur
, ' . , I .
I 1"Irl F Fra . nesday last of Miss Lula A. Sterling, -A,
.W.' A ser, Ge6* Proctor.,! . - _
, BLYM,-Reeve, L. Hill, Dr. Milne, da ' ughter of Mrs: W11114m Sterling, of I 'rids F
j. Cut.t. Councillors, J. Carter, P. Me- BaYfield,. �o 'Mr 11erbort. X Wallis, I Lrge -
. - -
fterson, J. Cutt, A. B. Carr, W. Me- � Bolt of -Mr. and Mrs. James Wali
. 1811'..
- -11roy. . - I . of Blyfield. Ur Wallis has been a,t the mo
. TURNBERRY.-Reeve, John K...Pow- Fisk, SaSk.,L for the past five Years and e� r's c h
on and John Mulvey. Councillors' ) WUL L onlY.returned home on Saturday. , - L Arlss* h
- jtCQjU, John J. Moffatt, John Me- i -David Parrish., sr., of Lanes, In Rullett.
Erurney--Arthur Wheeler, John Ruth- ��Afleld township, passed . .on th a
' ' .
erford li�4 Jamea McTavish. The new Thursday .evening last. Mr, Pa"ish- . Id ,., W
I . men are Messrs. McGill and M8flatt. I was 171 'yea,ra of age. He was- highly ,, her
. COLBOILNE--Reeve, J, N. Kernl- respected by friends arid neighbors and . urch.
. han and Archibald Jewell. 'Council- will, be greatly mi- , those who , Han
g . ssed by L
, .
lors. ,-W, P. Young, Andrew 'Halliday, knew him -best .!Tz leaves a large A �rlen rr
e John McLarty, Jas, Ciiisholm, John family, t6 mourn his loss. - �
. . , (vening
. � W M�on, & JBIsaett, Isaac, Hetherington. -Councillor Johnston, first line of - I vard 1,
. .. FAST -WAWANOM - Reeve, Johrj Morris, has sold hia 100 riacre farm to and c
. Gill JL M I I ..
.esple.-PounclUors, S. Vurchill,' . Wrn .Robertson for- the sum of $4,200 �
, 3 - L , give possession next spring. �kX I e
Campbell Peter W. -Scott, Jam.ff - � a:nd will
Stonebouge. All by acclamation. I I Re will go West to Gladstone, Mani- I rollol f
, I I
311%U-ff9FLSk-Reeve, John lr,�-.ickte, ',"IV � toba, where he has Invested In a 320 il th�
. acclamation- councillors.PhIlID Ament, acre Lf&r ,-.f r' Which � � .
. # . M. G he paid $19,000. 1 huri
Samuel ,,garter, A. C. Da mes, John -Mr. Robertson sold* his farm to John �e I ,W I
Benell, G. R. Muldoon, A- McGuire; � Messer for $5L C.00 1 L . I If or ,
school trustees, D. C. Ross, James, -On'iV�esdaY Of last week a I ngIE in
. Fox, R. Leathe,rdale, adl-bY acclama- quiet wedding took place In Goderich on th-,
tion. � (I- . . - I at the_ home of the brides' parents, 6,dtto-V
TUCKERSWTIEL-Reeve Robert )fc- Mr antdLMrs. �W. H. Lobb..when their When I
unkillGra by *
�Kay -and all the former cc eldest duaghter, Minnie Gertrude, "was John
acclamatfon. VY H. Crich was nom- united -In marriage . with Mr. Ndrman *ryl it
I �
Inated for reeve and Mr. Edz� Fa�pple 'Synder, . of I Radisson, Bask. The.young , v eside i
I � ,
for Councillor, -but both -withdrew. couple Intend � leaving for their home 6f � F,
'USBORNE.-Reeve A. Hunkin and all In -the,west about the ornmeheement of Qf .thE'
the former councillors --by acclamation. tile - new a - � � a kin
I . Ye r.. . I
HAY. -Reeve, Louis Kalbflelsch. . and - -Mr.-iPred Hardie, of. Culross.- I
. . de- ter b
Renry ffe-eb -' councillors, W�, 13. Battler, - livere& four choice l cattle to a WIfig- efilldri
. William,Gon.sitt, Edward, P4--ters, Roger ham dealer last week. There were -TI, ,e
Wortheatt.- Conrad Schilbe krid Fred three steers and a fat cow. .- One of Cheesl �
-Willert. WIllarn Gonsitt - and John the, steers tipped. the 'scales at 1,390 cn TU
Gelger were also. norninateA for reeve, pounds and .-
. another at 1,310 pounds. a ften�
4nA,*im J;irrott for counefflor, but all The four cattle ' bro ' ught MY. Hardie the ffiat th
� . withdrew. z Zurich.- Police Trustees -A. sum. of '$a24. Pstritles who are in a 8 icces a
. Offirshman, -F. M. Hess and- E. Zeller, position to know. say that. these were I rrang
all by acclamation. , . ' - the fineft lot of fat cattle thathave -f itur �
. GODR,RTCH.�Mayor, C. A. Reld, by ever, been shipped from Wingham. ton o
- acclam-a-tion. Reeve. -Robert Eillott and -bfr. William Raie. of - Londeboro, b Dide: s
13. 0. Unnnings. Deputy Reevp, Dr- when attending the 'Winte-jr Fair, at Crean e
- W. T. Clark, by acclamation. Guelph, had the misfortune to a a aid
IURD-ERT.-Reeve, John McLaxen, by lose a solid gold cased watch. When- ,6 ecteli
acclamation; councillors, Wm. Oliver, J. Ur..Rae got up in. thO,.morning at the. J rthur
Lorres, Robert lr6ggarth -Hugh Nor- hotel the watch was In his pocket. Ile -13:cCrae
rls, James Johnston, - VM. Feeney. .went 'ut to the W er Fair build- v eetIn@
0 Inti -
Dublia Police Trustees -Frank McCon- Ing to, feed a horse* and when became viere I ;ri
nell, A. V. H. Michell and Alex.- Dar- out the watch was gone. As It had James
Ung, by- acclamation. only been. f astened by a� fob he Is of 9.ess; t
, R8NSALL.-R-eeve, G. C. Petty, A. the opinion that he dropped it -out of -An
� Cmith, S. W. Ortweln,' Coun�illors, his pocket. � GjTey, -.
Wired RUsch, Joh,4. Berry, by acclama- -,k very pretty -wedding was Sol, I:nlgb t,
: " ,
*01, - I - : j1'NtF_-1W11..7111 e'm,n,lzed ,at the home of the bride In thr In S
' '
I G.RRY.-The reeve, deputy.reeve and Clinton on Tuesday evening of last a M01
. Knight
present councillors are re-electe(I by ac- week, when Ir. harles J. HelYar and ' Igh t
9 0
clamaton. i Mrs. tll�rriet M. Porter were married. RlYsis
� .. STEPHEM-Reeve, W. D. Sanders, � The ceremony was'performed ;Indpr a e red. * E
Renry Willert. Deputy Reeve, John beautiful arch by Rev. T. Wesley N Tigh
.Love and William Yearly; councillors, Cose,ns, in the presence of Etbo:l,t thir- C ana� lit
John Drown, W. R.. Elliott, '.Nf. Pink- ty relatives and friends. Mrs' .Glen t)n ,f )]
I . beffier, George Kellerman an�l Vreder- � Campbell played - the wedding* * march, I sbor i(
� lek Wuerth. ' I I After the ceremony a samPtuous wed- en ,,g
WINGRANI.-Mayor, George Spot- ding dinner was enjoye;1 OY all. . . . . . Ile --
� .
ton; reeve, D. E.. McDonald; both by --The funeral of Mrs. Mlvda was r ge t
acclamatlon.�Counclllors. D.. Bell, W- held Friday afternoon to Wln'gham . �e LE
Bone, A D. Elliott T. Hall, S. Mitchell, cemetery, and was very lar9p.IY at. _ ere -
J. A� Afills, J, W. .W.-KI-bbon, G. G. tended. We. Colvo-n was In her 73rd" aught�
Vanstone. . � � year ana'died, at the residence of her , Ing t
- EXETER. -Reeve, J- W. Taylor and daughter. Mrs. Boyd, af ter an illness. I)ying
X W. H,-imman; councillors, W. H. Lev- extending over several mon6s. For I :nigh t
. eft. W . .Ttoe, L. Day, John -Scott, John -many yea�- she resided on a larm ( tGrey
Hind and Albert Ford, jr. School trus- near Teeswsater, -b6t about two years known
tees 011 elecied by acclamation as f0i�- ago she came to Wingharn to reslde. sided t
� laws: V ,W. Gladman, S. .Uartin,.. R. Her husband died' some. time- ,ago. death c
,W.. Creech, E. A. Fuke: Frank Wood Knigh t
. ) Besides her daughter, Mrs. Boy4, "she
e and llrvf-.qg Armstzron@r� Is survived by two sons. . daAgbt(
� STANLEY -Reeve, Wm, Glenn - and , -Mr. and Mrs .Thos. Arrnstroing. of I
Alex. Inn. vr1th d ft
I Is-, councillors. Joseph Hood. :Edmonton, and formerly of Wingham,.i cea,se
- Alex, Xfugtard, Wrn. lTstrt, John Mc r : are spendfn.g a, few weeks In .09,t vl_ home, j
Kinley. Jame,q Pease, David Dewar. . cinity. ThP.re were Called to Onta,rlo elpect
. I - - - . by thP,dnath of Mrs. Armstrongvs fath-
. IRuron Notes. . � er. -Mr. D. Kelly, of p,lyth. Mr. Arm- .. I-
.-, � I . I
. -X,r Emerson Lffilefalr died at the strong reports bualnoss brIsk In Ed- To th � �
, 'home of Mr. Chas. Wilkinson In Mo,r� m0nton,; 10ornTer Winghamttes, 'Mr. . .
ris on the 17th Inst. He wa.% 78 years � and Mrs. Gouey, Nvh.o- had be.pn homp- Gen �l
. -
I of age and wa.-.,, much 2-(,<T)ocU.A.. . ateadlng sixty Miles - from EdrnontoM 1 0 f ex,e
-3,Tr. Nell McGregor, of Stanley, de- i came Into the city a short timp ago � niany -
. livered to Mr. William Ross., of P'xacr -and are ke,ping Mr. Armstrong's hoase Oleridid
. %
feld last weeR -,'4,4. tarkeys, for which,: -warm uTitjj -he returns . . i eltetion
he rectivd the 1 -i -Ice sam of $125. . -SIXtec'n Vouth.9 fro' !
C m non.- ClInton , raprt,se
� -Two t,v.-o-y,-a-,-o1d �5it'2,-I-s ra!�,cA : whc w:mt to thz farm of ' p olled 1
. I J. Tlins;. Adarn�; 1
and ff-d by Mr. John Webster,. of W,?gt I on th.- ninth concps,zton of TT.111.,tt f�n '. r �celved
WawanoZ4 . el.:�b .' e,als ar.
� , drers,d 1825 lbg, and were I chn-1varl h1m.and his wife In c ra- j . �
sold far ChrI4:ztmq3 beef at WInxh-im. flo" of f'qplr rprr-*nt marrIage.,
IV,, C, i
-21r. Sobri 31ftrizthall, a good old rrur.v rach flncd cne dolla,-L and ro!:zita - _n . .
. C"I ,.%-3-y
-of Godt-rleh tu,�vyj:;,,hij), wh,� is ov,-r 90' they aPp,,zared in court be'forc, N-fqgb:.�
- . �. . .r 3'. E zt
years of aKe, vafpd for thn Con- tr.9 tp Andr(fw.,;, of Clinton. _ �jr. .kdaTnq i C.L&GJ'S
aervatIve candidate at thv recent (,It:c- dtd not take kindly to the con&ict 0 , .
, f : ,E: *or 1 i-�
. - ;.
tion. He Is still culte actIve. , tho youths and as soon as T)CS,-i I very ,-j
' , ' !�Icl !
-Nlnris 'Addle Oirpnt,l w"i ' w - - te 'rnii k
0 ac; ,at- p.Tpe-d.thp matter In the b!i,nd,z of Xhf'-, - o tb a
tending the qodpl Scho,)l in 0,11-f on. ; police. ITe' did right. Sjcb con -duct as" ()
has been engag,,41 as teachi- I Union th,�sp boys were guilty of is Most repre:- t, ie Rld
IINW , for -rFlble. . 4 -
school NO. 16, Wallace arid T4 !,,iz . N . I . p,esent
next year, at . a 3-
-, a salary of -Ik,17'. -1Vj'r. 74'rfli,y. prinelpal of tbp Min- - ,ain b
-The trustees of Scbo(yj SpetioT, Wo� tan Modpl school, was not fnrgotten ' I] p thl a
91, Xorrts, Putson's) have engaged ulsj t hy tho ,�VvdPl puDils at the close. *,of the ri?3
,Cora Forbeict; of ),fcj,C,,tIop,, as! tcaclicr I the tp-,m. .Tbe
ip, ., &fo&I class l),esent(,
,(I conf Ifta
for 1,912, The salary will be 1,9',475, �N,jjs's 1 -him with an n�ddrpizr-i exiirpsctinp their .b I th8 '
Forbes should mak(v a 'iood. teachp7j I h1rh Rpprpr4atlon of big efforts I'n thr,Ir - the rce
. Mr- :W R .Rallantyne, tormerly of � behalf and jof the Interest he h a
. .- ad P If MI.
I -1 I ,L' t .
- .
. �
I .
� , 11 t � I � � I . I - ,� , , � ., . , - . - � .1 �- , , . . . . � - - .. - - - . . I - �
1- -- .. I � I . � I - . � - .- � I � �� I . . 11 . I I I - - . i � I -� - I , . .EL,? -R-* N'�E-&..&X.j1L,z-W-"-j
- - — � I I , - , - , -- - . - - I - - . I I I I Ifty-ma W! M - I- -- . . . f � ,— -1 � --- � ,
1 : . I . , I � I i - - I I �� . � - I I � . .1i,
� . � I . I . � I - . I
. I - . , � . I . 1 i I t e!T!M
11 11 . ye4 - I z� I
I 1. 'drs�-, -,.;campaftn' p i ! �
� . �
In : Owl �, Nva,k,- and Asking, z Is "I fhe I � h:oj,', I ,op4lar With their associatea. They i . . . .- . � A I
. . . . . - - t - , .. -� - 1� ... � I , i . �� 1. � VA31,114
. . 4 1! � 11 ,- � I - z
. I 1. . I - MI � I - :1
. i,
I , " A � I 1 2
In,e $ " � 0004310, n- 4'r 401.1 -�, �� . f Irates.-Lgzt Vhursdaj
. ad1dow WE 4 read - I T � � , i , , t I their, fa e, 'near zifrich. I
: T- I � , ... 'a , , I *
Uce aU, a t sib4 Aame 0 ... el., , certain, will � - ` a should wil 03,ke their,-horAq on th0-$rq0M19 I -
I "01 . , i5l) �-! . I I I I "'O. , - t v; ' tend ,our : heartisA 1A -H . . 1. W .1 ,.�
t . &nd - ,best 1 , --- tetter jday for S.:8.1$
1 BAX Oil P� dreal arty WpP#t., I*trleti,to fair to W ex I ppy � , �
- , I i
Wloi k , W as- r lad a by Mr. C. 11 y- oppOnents, and � y- trlen,4 wis ea. to the -young touple for zl4ng- i � � �� � 11 xvhen ,A progra43rne Of :
fair t S11 I - - . - I � - . . �, I I
. - I
, ., - . I -F . . I
I .. I k I 'r, - 7 1 4 . ; -4"z -Z � V
- ,
w ktp � 1'�fpw7.tXC Andj happy martled lif � I I . � I - I Jualogues. androcitatlon,��
' �
ill 0:. �� ]a 4' ond..91, Fra' � , . very. few"t - 6 i ks,� I 'have e.-Ithe d'eath ' : � � � . � '-
, I I I . .
I 11 . I ; . . I 1. � I 1:
. -- - � . I . . �
of I t, iw -1 . � I 1 ean treated fa�rly dn-d I I orably. took plate in . bt�tbNjz e on j the ' 11th- In9t. 1 � . ; I I In the most ar4uslng In
. � I I I !� . ; . ! - .
o .e &at at tile, Close I New'Vea' , � L
Sit , , � . Under , the I ztew )"40 I r of . UP- of Ass -01arisad'-Arlamon, A -Happy r't ur iends. . � I rap tho climax i a InInst
jba . I daughter � of .1 . p all 6 May your,'I . 4 -. -
. . � � - . I [ given t the close, afti
. . . L I - L -11'*111" n 13dason. Mag '11irlaii ' '' -
M10 , ie vl4w. Rev. I)r, vporq: i` -ex I A (he �stro V�. tVA a a I
� , rL lberal' `T ,, 0 1 I te, jowl . � 0;1 1 1 -filled.t a flowi
.. I . V, - .1 -115 1
- - � ,of 1he PoWe, Wad -for inany ears housekeeper � � I ! . went home wtll pleased,
2', Sly, " Pol!-C,YL I , cup of happ'ness be ng, and griet
10row S for 1 1 11
t, p stl 01 I Is church, Cl �4 nd' prog e 4 . i I . I . . . - I
- . - � - � L M - .1 -
. r 1,
anou M , b In -.e ntion of 0- - be develp'ped or - tho,�'*o�d :it the. peq�; Pat er gugan;. a, f6rhief priest of the h . —may you never know its mea ing ! May your, I . F a I ' ierta4iarnent. �W-aa Uzzle
. ' -' '
- I I . I I . . . - 1, . I . ,
I ' � �
4 t I ' ' Dr ale 41stript, and, her - many L .- . idded,at the, organ, vibtl(
,the pa to . ! , he ,congre -�. e 0 Pgtklo' , I L I I
, I'll In 1dur', bars froML i �4e di and revers I .. I
* - successes increase a hundred es --- �* � .
ilr .1 .
tj4 fulth-iO ow, when the ' t io4al,-'m frie, do bete -will �Ydncer . Igave so= good select
'r �thil L
'r �thil L
'r �thil L
'r �thil L r . a of -ex . made ter , I ely- regret. her .i I I
I ,' L -ho 6WO e --electoraj I beffm that - ;, hIA, poucir � L 1. rem ma mi r .s Health, Wealth' �, L the nuMbers.-Gur teaebi
,me sa b cox ddere4 . . e(T L �y . demise, The ' - ains were Interred'. In . . � I
I - 6f b. I 9 i l'be o�erwhel n, trisly enaor � � at. the,,. at. L " - . . . � I KeMabon, is sponding tj
try 4 rw g.. 0 thi I state L ,Peter$s, -cemetery; Sauble' Line; on 611 A. � I
... - - � L t I -1 � - and joy, and once again' � appy New Year, "I * '
ealti ,, ,,, vto ild not, alle w � . 4 � �,. Y' I . In 1aZs041C;#14--
: �,0110- I - 1. � I I : � . Thursday of,lagt week.'-* grand oys- I � � i I . . � IL ber boWe L lett
reaui ab again t iel- laboris - 0, - -Wishing alllh,ft- ` AM- Y ar and ,. ter 'supper will,be served by 'the Tj4d- L ; I I are busy getting the tw
. ITY.", �,�a" 0 . I 1. � I I . I
Ift� , �ong �! "., L # � I - ; - . .
UPC. e pastor of a b-� tb' ndant .,prosper#y. . . " . In konnection *with St., Pet- . 'Tfady T*r use
� 0'1 Wo , u 1. - � I -. les', IA14 t . I i [ . . gter th�
zo I fl L aS that f Willis,. .. . ; I .. . ersl� Lutheraw chwch ,In the tbwn . I I
. L . � x�,e*aflt-- ; � , - � f . ,
I . i I W,
cemi ra i IDf t e ,- resign I .iy %!. . - hall here on,the evening of Th,irgday;- roxeter
I . , , .g t1jr, I - . ' ,
-. I re y
I ; . 4 i
onor 34 past oi � * u i recelv6d wl th , '' I .1" ,:our -January 4th, 'from 5 to 8 o'clock. � R I I - Personals.-IUR-16 -,-=d
I I L_ . , .
egrel b�, the Con,, ag"loxi, - 'i . .,a I .,. - 01 � ZELLER ; . ."� ,. . 1. I . I
i L .
-,- day laft week, ;4s Mr. William' Zurich, December 26th, 2911. -. , L �� I .- L ., . I � � I ! ronto, 19 visiting friend-
I"was -� riving into Wroxeter his, !.'0r:WWftWXi-WWWA I 0 � . - Exeter ood Resolution. 1 plity.-VdIth EarrIs li�
' ' 1 1 � I
- . - -- I!- - � I . I
. � . "app, t . . f f
` . -Mrs. A. 11 of Virden, Uan- rarents, -Robert and Ur
i I Notes, �
took fr ,� tj at same -barrels 14 . 11..1....1--1M . I I i I
. " . . I I
. . ��, .
I . . I ! i - Is
of -Hen hill and Brawn's n III ; I '.1 Itoba, Is visiting at the home .�,of her - . I A J WcLtrman of Toronto '
I I . xnother,'Mrs. C.' Harrison.-Farl,.BrIck- ' . � I i imother Inthe village. -Ca
n awam, T'ie di3 &nee waA so� ... . May we sug�est that du�irlg .the New Year you� IL
.r -� ':-., wood, of Petr6lia,l Is s�endlng the holl- ITbroxito Is Tit, , -r b,
hat Wr R tchell %1loald. not ccn-� , I , � I ; � I - I. i, 3104g hc .
- , in
i � .�. . da,0 in tdwh.-Mr. T. Fraser, of North I come to this 11 Home of Good Shoes " with all' - 1: �ffarrl--.—W. J. ?Orrl . of,
M* uliti '� hE �was n the bel(Ige1j , � �
. � �B�ttlefor4,'.�a�k.,-Is a guest at- the I ,V,ersfty, is spending the f
he ran, Inti 1 lfr. , &ngsterl!� cut-�, , I .
, , 1. �� . home of gr�. Thomas Sanders, - Mrs. your Footwear wants. A splendiii insuranc ; I - Inan-ec. - e
, - e against' -Stewart UcX.rcl
W. tet 0-1 An LS , rown out a 14, , , ' I lbam, high school, is holid
I �
' � . -
very,.n kj,ro es pe f1rorn bui 1g. 11 " ".., , I ,W.' Fa,nson and two datrghters of Oil- high prices, ill-fitting shoes and all other shoe� 11 ! Uie pargntal roof.--kgne-
, - e or a rL 4: .: I ,bert Plains, Man., are spending the ;
int6 'tha -e . � � troubles., We'll try to deservie 4' �
, � ae,i, W Vre It Ieft tie - . � 1 Widays -iirlth many old friends in . I I ,,, I' ' 1 ,Toronto Business CoUe �
- I
ley's cc , I : ! t. . ..... - .
- , , this" vicinity. -Mrs. J. A. Munroe has . I i I � . - iter bolldays at � her hoi
at ,a, triepl�oae p)st anit r ni ! � ! I I
� I i
- I t: ned from a pleasant visit with I I I and Mrs, Whitmore of'Hi
e I eiry s -able. Both cutters I , .9 - ... I �e ur I . . � I
� I , I -
� I �
' I i ,,*� �elatives In Wyoming and other paxts I I �, , Wgnes Black of Tororr
rett I a dly s m �hed, bat for- ;;-... . :.,; . . . - ; jDf Mr. and Mrs; Rob,�rt
vt� Ls hu - :. %.4�-.- � the Stittes.-Mi. aqd Mrs. F. Del- . 41. � � .
� I '" - dge, of Claresholm, -Alta., arrived in i I . I �snd Mr4 McLaiaghlin w
. M�1� �. �, .1 1 �rll - I
no �on i .:.� -
rI40, evenng last the mem- - . 1. ;
� ' ' ^ -1 . toft laat week, They' Intend to,spend ' .. . � G�* .1 4.1 1 . ! -,�jRjtchje, of 'Winnipeg. af
. e an Yeoh I Sanday school I 1: " I-- Z -W, � . . - 1 4 '
m. Irs. Rt
., E I? .�y ! � -
.. . -1,1 * . theiwInter here. -A very pleasa�it ev- � - 1 . . lew weeks with � U
t Colelz ohi tr,,h :,rithered at Ilia - I I . - � � 11 I � - . - . i
'�1X,,`,,-',:- � ening w4s spent last week at; the 13 V V . i -village,--George aarris V
�ayf �e'd, I T e, -- G ' ! W. I 0 11444 - -
n-tha I oderi.-h 'e";.", W . a ----- . 11 - j3askatehewan, a�,e vi:,AW
.., ��-,�,:Z. .
. ..1.1 .-,. � I - : - -
nd - - i pumpkin �ple 'sodal given by the Ep- :- I -� I I
- - �:. . - - ' .
ip, -a we him a.little surt , �, I th , I rw � � . I 1, -- ithis locality.. W� - P4
�W,Ior Leagu - , lir'L
kf ter g et: n ,rs n ELd been c x-!, < . "w" � .
. 11 � e of the James � street
. MA fiX 11
a -Y) f J . .1 - I ��
an (I ., �hurch. An excellent literary program j I - � . bf their prosperity in t4�
- un g people h� Ld, I I - . . - I .
4 . as� given, af ter which refresl4ments i TELEPHONE, 11 OF-Poh$1 , I E '10031im JL, rerrin preabbled the I
S �, .
ade to ce.. t. 4:)me. h(r.'N(r- I - . - 11 - f. ,; erti ser � I � . EROIAL- HIOTA � - * *-ed i
on J!bel a I .. . I - "
lier f - a t i tfie class, re, Ld i .. ved,-)Xr. and Mrs. T. Harton I . jkaYs on the pr4o ba
. I I I
t, - . . -, , 1.1.0n � � 4
P .... , : i . i - I ------ .
kess exi li",Qsi Ingtha high appree- I 1. 1. -11 ntertalned the members of the� 'gain i I . . I I . - . . sulon, The congregation �
. I treet church cholr lasE week. All pres, J,Urs JvIgon.-Mr. Detweller, from Wal- .. . 1grmt Interest In', the qu
n. the r4ri A 'the class "of h r. l - � pe ople ,e held. Amofig the' guegta-, . I
I . i .
- � � � I � - 1. 11 .. -
erirlms 4 -,'e i6h " 1� and:- aski 9'. � . t report an enjoyable t1me.-As the lace, spent Christmas with - his son were: friends- from Seat6rth, Blyth -W-1- i �r OWN k 1
14 1 i! .1
. . �s . I . esult of an accident on Thursday of here, Mr. Detweller., .merchant, -" Mr. Clinton and London. SILUffow . �
.,Acc(pt � .9 ttan ble token of I . . . ,
- 0 I., I at I week, at Mr. It Ellworthrs, in and Mrs. James McClymont spent the I j I , � I
al", legal -d "a handsomely 4 - . . _ I ! 4 Ill � � . f Notes. -Tho \Bpi�soopal i
! I � . sborne, *.William Tapp* of town, lbolidays With friends In London. -Mr. �
teac er a bl)l,-'� '. '. I . - I I )t I I 'fin - - r.
, . - : I � 11 . � I . .S 14id up at his home badly 'Robert Smillie Is spending the holidays' i 1ruckeftimijth -� I �, - . 418t -ChUrch ChAt R.4 t�
'esters: in Cl, n- . I . � bruis- I i
or C Cc 01 iPol � � . I
: ��.
' . .. � I � ed, 4AA Reta, fbe little foar year old, I � � . - w6nts were both, w.011 at-
. The Late ' i with his ,mother and brotfier In Es4 �
ve . ie 11 tr ig'thefr skill at . , Vather Mcl 6"eon sigz ed. -Mr. James 'GeMM6 W,ba. � 1proved a grand , --
daughter of Mr. Tlworthy, Is In a j S-ACC4"-S.�'
� ! I ", I -
baUs i ri g t� e � past , , wei �k, We made brIe ' referefi6e ast week I , - - , sez�--Mr.. Thomas Parsons of Winnipeg h .bee i secretary and treasu�er. of' . I Abose who -are spending th
I � .e I erIQua conditiopi. Mr. Tapp was- cut- !is visiting with h1v brother Ao I bert and 1 . ; � I e ,are Wase
ms goll t the dependents. In lo the sudden, ind- lamen d death t - 4 . lodil telephone 87stemtfor! tbg 1� a Mabel ,ani
� Ing rails, and ' 'the 'pile which waa i
e of a � - PI cd the dtk er (if --Rev .Albert M,cKeon, . p ' i t 16ther. friends. -Mr. and Mrs. � William!! -ee years ever nine -1 - It, . � � 4our M-fts Mabel Yeo U
, . t - th j -
� 'Grae s; ('11olumban' as � of St. I anding on end, fell over, cr,a . � I e s I - I I . -- I 4
� . �
I T. 0 I'le, , tf. -ole, T. 'Grae , 'churc , which to 1) place In .. , . shing WeDougall and daughter'were visiting , � flon, las tendered his resigna.1014 to . . Iver, Jr., and 'Ift -V-rahk r.
illiarn 'al. ce r .... I I im to the groundL .A. pile of brush !Mii G. T. McKay In-Londen.-Mr. Ed. 4 +I% . *'HIS books -have , beext �1 'Toronto. -Mx. 11L � A, 1)d
I . the L �O-' F. London onlVedpeaday eVen g of last as near at hand, which broke, the i I tbu Cou ell . . I -of -
,J, In �, kf- . , M Ewan, Thomas, week. The following addit al partic' 18baffer, of Marlette, Michigan, visit . . . . . � tea Ajfd1 found correct In � vt Orangeville
. " . every � - , ;, -and, h4 b�
I � -
an A �C)ck of, ,the C. b- F.,� *Qlaxs' which we take from t e London '. all .of the rails, and to -which Mr. ied with his grandmother, Mrs. John -p tiouh x*`t Vr .Gemmill's successor wilt !: W11, of 8eatortb, spent S
I � �w
1' I �1� . �Ldve' app owes his life. The little girl was jAnderson,- and other friends. - -MISS M ely b, -, appoinfe . ndr4�W, OUVe
r4.1s4ar nfi,j8:A6,-15 respectilre-, � rti r, will be read wi. h melan- d by the cou�icll,at
. I . I . .. se - Ift0lifte Of Mr. A r
6notl � te; Lm ; J' , truck - on the head 47 - a rail and for Ipeirl Consitt,lof �Rllls Green, spz,nt � Itt first meeting. Mr. Gemmill! has - .
I P,)rnposad 'of O.- oly� Interest by the many L., ends and - � I .. Death of a Ploneer.-Aul
- .
I ill -
0. , Ja( 501.1 i " Henry and Admirers of the departed ji,est,.-, threo days was In a semi-consicous IChrlstmas at the home of her uncle, ved Imself a. painstaking -=4 ,comw � V,Ioneers of this district h-,
. �
0,001�. ( e 1. ,wbeat fo 'r , Ur.,T. N, Forsythe.� Y. Mr. Richard- . - 10grot I .
� ,�.�F, ' Father Albert McKeor)z ot'St. ;� nt ffIcIA1 and many win . 0 bome, in the person of
i� condition. She took a turn for the i .Re
I U Rev. � I ttor on Eat raay d at present I �s ' i I I �, 0.91alm . - I tena J�..V.allman rehet of,
C. Q P� .)layets,, namely J. Ololumban,:Ont.,�Unb of the Nat knowft ' u an a ,. on spent Christmas with friends ak ., h reti;ement from the . . � 11
- ' 1. I � provjn.g.slowly. Mr. Tapp was able ;Woodstock.;. -Miss Barbara RcIvor, of �� � . .
d A. 10 liadjlw.�Ib ieb he has filled so . ' Joseph 35ambley. )ftas.
) 1. 10 I � .oats d r-lests In the Alodesel'died -Wedaesdky 'i b' removed to his home. ---;The many 4 1 . welt I :: la Sys- � H41
ch t I i e tu ie - 6f,'! 23 to U. in on, spet Christmas here wIth iiher I te haq been very su es8z, 20-tdr�. "a0h ;
.11 �ht at St. Jo�seph " after . ends of Mr. kerr, of Winchelsia, I ed the good agle of �
I . -p� &I' . I -� .
yen .! tdok .place on ,illness of b�l 'a �' % urs from 'CH t -.K )&C I A� r� pAying all jaxpenses f, r ti te past -the ba
e . - .
-- � cc
t 4 ;
rery hi 0 y . ; �� ... 11, Sh . - sorry to I 'I er Uarjory.� r. Alexander �Mc - A�� � . � ars. �&e died at i
V�l ��� m e 15, when a �� re ,earn of his d . 2anz e
. ,
cute ure . . In Bay, eath which I
In �4 , e ate his, Christmas .turkey with yj
e-ier i 3� mia' e hid been , . � - ' � . ran4 allowing tor Interest din :c,sll-. - I . ter, , Mrs. jaxnes CW,
� .
;ath(ri: t I .. reo,j"tative, of-1he � ty, -Mich., on business, cc ming � to . ccurred at his home last week.-Abap- 'his mother at Bayfield.-Kri, &14' Urs. , it I Inv6stment there will- -be -- -Aur- � I . I I I � I e ay ot Uat. �vwe& .
i . . . : � . �
I n, d ly ,event took, place at Creditan, 'Robert Cooper are 'visiting at Peterboro � pl, �s -
.4m lui YY c ,prbling 7 . for ondon, � Tuesday', registering. at tbe I I of about 43,00t. i � I f , ; atins Were taken here . f�7
. . . 1� ,
: I vhein Mr. and'Mrs. J. Finkbelingra eld- �wlth Mrs. Cooperss alster,.Urs Jones. � i .
at part ,, - e t At. Alt- ecumaeh ',Hotlie.�'Ile atf6nd the I I . LeCident.-One night last *eek, Its . - ,011 Saturday, the fuzikeraJ
� . . , - I t ... . a I � S31
, a bled a (at -daughter, MAry, was united. in mar- � d . - �
urch' e the home, oU lver', itibilee . W M9r. Aylward. � . , !�-!--T Mi. And �Mrs, Charles �Etatledl $ I .
aud 1, - . flage to I& JoOn,-Wein. They have i .- - . 11 1. . hold tit enur
IT he] at mmerhill, In � fter . * retire at night !let his' I . I . I the ,West . End, were UrIaing home. 1 4 MAtive 0 RAIUburgh, 01 -co.,
- 11 * I I he* retire Hullett - . ret f .
tovin. . f : .many friends In', this district Who will , . .f I I
-1 . 1p, aAd �� 1d, 4ier . te,1 he w'ai t , en vl()Ientlr 111, but 0 I � I rpm Ah entertainment 'in Broalfoors- I... =me to CaUgAs wh�en elt,,
�951 eco eseftte by a] .unabile to ', .ummon any assist- � xtend beat wlAes to- the young cou- I Chrlstma§ Vred Entertainment. �One , iool bbuse, � . I . ;
.. of thebest and most tnjdyable enter� , I � . 'ir*t autf.
n., v dr anIW 1� as" I sel Atra. Rutledge me- with , - - *ge. The, farrAly f
. , � - on , I . - .. ;
atch a alh-.1 n' recognition! nce -Wednesday morning.he walked to rble4 M.r. and Mrs. Wein will reside � a very painful, accident. They I '%vere -
1 . . . " � � - Whltbv�' She came,� abo
ser 71C 1 ,00m's f ar�n not far from the tainments ever held in the township . .at 9
a r at of I t . . . . . Tillmann, . he '& I _�: wl ! * .. � z
or ni he a in, I �
I . off ice, arriv - - there a- ' I J. R. Perkirial man . Ulng'a,long the road *h ' I In Stf� fav Witte
, - � . - X . I en tboY were A%nd settled
. 11 e . le S Was ,read b_v! bfr.� bout -11 o'clocki The latter made a . ''Illage--Rev. -R. .7 was given in school section o. I on I .1, -
I - .
� Dunt r d 1: &-, 1 , I . 1'rleftds In town.'will regret to learn IThursday evening of last. week- The " ov xtakeb, by a cutter whichl Was be- .- Vaued to reside ��� 1 W abal
�; �
� S. W. J. � Me- hasty examinatfim, ' rid oti-d the - , I ! I in d-,' v#n 41h w � �
ade tb � . 7 A ; ; hati he is affecte(k- with a severe it- program consisted of �recltatlona, dial- '. I I at a rapid rate. -the I ete., , . . affo, makins her hohne vO
. I
a ipr 8 ntat',on. During Me: reverend Oather was going o die. Re I . a eral �n the party -and 4 .. -7 z8he 18�.
-. �
I t ack'� Of fththerla.-The �abblt� mdst Agues and music, both vocal and *in ) " ome. w,ent ;,.. - Mr. F. !A. Hamblz i
. � . I a . Uve sons and onk
. game I ,,lot, i arin,ls kinds. were " was sent immedia,tely to St Joseph's 'lie I* abundance in Grey t4wship. Wes. trumental. The greater part of, the , �� one EI& of the road azid s�6e - -to ,.-. I . ilaught
, ,
,A�aul ii L A; , I ., iospital , . I . 7
iO - excellent tea,4� and Dr,Wlshar w-s.called in I tb othet. Mrs, Rutledge evidently idid . a devoted ani& %
' j , I Snell and Thorn -Baker, spent a coaple program was given by the pupils, un- , - I I � . I nt tnp
e *,as ul PI ied y, the ladies. ��i i ionsultation. 0 ng cou. ( one or I step far- enough frlon� t. I% �. Methoditt thurch, a ,kinit �
, -
,er . in . (it d' a there rece;itl,v and, secured, 36. -der the direction -of their able teach- I e roA*: -
I I ln:n$ of , some weeks, � , he .dying pAest, and he sar � ;Ly . . - 1 -
! 3 - . . � rapidly. the! w4s struck by th ' - - mother an4 obliging in . , t
th FM ( if -Mrs. .W. G. 8issett spent the �holl- er, 3flos Capling, of B�ake, but a fare'! an . ei en iss-bAr I � , 4 -
r , bt love4 wife - of Jo hn � Mgr' .Aylward, a Was *all- - of the 6tter, knocke,d dowA I I �
,. I . old, zfrI6�nd,
- I - . days in London. -Mrs. Vale has gone treat was turnisihed besidek by Messrs. I � an (1 rolji�, ,well her part in !I! v-qry sp�
ay,. pa awa at her homc.,� d. g� admintab red -the last rites of !� ed fors we ,distance In trok of the f � . - � �
I I I . -
. . ,
- I
I — -;-0= �
� Iler McX6o i. . -* died veblelkie. he had her shoulder blude � I . I -
ITO*nl 1, nea - Wingham, Din - he; �church. Fd to Njagara Falls, where she Intends to Melvin Clark. and Herbert Fowler oV�
a . 14 ortly befor'e' tin o" ,rpen4 the winter with her son.-fillsses the Ouron road with'their violin ae'lee� � . . I � " -
,y .1 .dne'sday - � Blivue n
" bew z 14d 0 The decei �s-w I sh , clock ' ' . f her ribs, S well 1. . . -
8, a OR I . r ol the late J6 in'-. i rdorning. lie ha I some i I .'Ilen -041st and Flossie Co- tions, and by Mr. Tbomas Rands, of ' fracture g:nd- some o
' . :
I . complained for rnish, of Sea as a sm lbonein her leg.! It Is -a . Nlotes.-A. new.18 ihorseli
I . orth, with his violin and- plecolo �1
11arlette, Michigan, are spending the I . � 4 Wt . has be ; instattl
land jo I i 6 L L lild, Of DUSIA,j time of trouble ith his k ndys*, but , wc n&r killed. 1T,h' -
; IL , . soloo. The school room Was packed to 11 he was not . Hue engine ,
I .-�A: ;- I holidays the guest of their grand- i * . If 1� a.' N
d, and W bor: L In Iforth. To * (Ild not rega�rd:, , condition i a serious. the doors, standing room even I)elh ' te -Was upset, its occupant;i, thrown' . =fll at Blake by I b sr, L
-.1 . i �
. I
I . 4!premilim� and the whole prdgra-m' u . . I I
i5tb, 0 !J,i it �ar$, �842,and mov.� The-`deceAs4 elate wa m ell-kh mother, Mrs. b,ea'r1ng,-Another of the g Lou up Aigallst 2 .
. I s Q`W11 -1 I . . at Ou - a0d the horse ran- tb&' . tipfer, whb Inti-nd to .,do ,c'
aterlo( col ir ty. * th her par -el lt$- "throUghc4t L wes Won df' this, district passed - _ - -:�sed A
rn, Ontailo. He was ,eers fj . , #Ing.-Cliristmas pa
,fe, ,',,.),efore it
I- - WE, ' � L' n , ues�a . . , awo-y wo carried through without a hitch b was s�-opped.� ,
- . I aleigh "owhship, K . coun-, � y In the person of Mrs. Jas. �
2child. ,Sle 8 married to born In R , f nt � , tledge will bei lEld, -up-' quietly. Pinners wera In, Qr
11 I . � . orni mother of Inspector Tom� .of from be inning to end, the pupils con- . va . f , li -
I I "I U40
. . I ! L
, '
llowa ! oh ,the 2nd of Juite I y,'about 05 yeai -s ago. ln� 18 W -he was.; f a . , long time by i h -,r ;' I . . Iriends spent the all
I ; I :I . --Mrs, Tom had been Ill for ducting themselves most creditably In' . In- -- . .
14L !had. eelf a, I I rhly d irdaiged- to theL oderich. I . - i
,priesthood. Ilia ,first 1 -leg., I ; Vuringir the closint ex
. . much. Ju .� ou we are Pleas�d t:) learn -: orcl�
num. er, j (harge was at I othwell, .late,, going to ' a lofig time ,She I was a lady who was . I . I
their Ldt. ferent parts and too . V
t of th I i: e edtlox for a I . - I Friazy Ilast a I
I . . I � I r iucb respected by Ahose *w� . praise .c innot be given to the teadh,t Lab ' 11.3 getting on as well as 0) ald be: - i School ,on I
ears. 4he w. S a ,Mem er EN trathroy., 11� i ras extreme :r � ,popalar I ; ho knew 1. e � I ]tree entertainmentl Waz hp�
." -1 . I I I .a . . her. -There .� Is � er,'Miss apling, and her committee of el i'ect d. , ' I I , I I I sant's C I
e ., t. church. and haA d In th 4ing - to be a keen - I .1 - laus p,rese*t.qd thf �
0 . .e latter to n. He took deep I I I manage nt for the excellent evening's ^ e JL* John .'Nigh was with - . .1
th . - nt at for the I rioeveship betwe , . .
. -
4 �' ' Be' ln'athlo _ fe( row and! regrotAl .:.,- i
it i
and I . ,ns ,,I riab e, al es, I iterest . ics and managed the . e L en Mr. i enterta ent th ' afford6d thg peo, lino of soT, . tat we .. . . ' *,Ith nuts and AA'a-dless' ",
'ba , '4. ,Taylor and Mr. Heaman.-Mr. !� ey . . I :
,a nd .he Is siirv,'Ivqd by --- ix 11 I aseball team -f r several seisons. He i - I he Lrd of I the ,death in St. aos�pb,sj - Presented t'Wr teach
1. - . , I . . I pie 6f t section. The pr - � �--To,a,, 41 -urn
R. , . . . .1 .�, ir,as transferred to St Columban about I i Miss 'Aggith, who lef t this vicin- . I oceeds a Pil al'. L ond, I , f . . 4-pollection-of gtnts! turaisb
.' y seven 'years ago with their mother mounted to upwards oA $27. - 0 � 0 NJ h', alvi I i � -
ten years ago, and has since beenpar- � � .. �, I
,apnua Im et Ing of the Bluevale.'., Matrimonial. -A very -pretty wed-�- Old time resid%nt of Tuck,-rsz�nith Barn i I "Comp-anled by a nlcOy wo
and,Bt ,10. h 14 In Bluevale 'Ish priest -there. His I seek their fortune in the west, are I I I i s �aztd iSpa
ter'( . I I . ; i . I
esday 4 1 populaffity there , ding ,took place at Alton Grange, the -1 in the COU of York j62 ear ago, - I jo-90sars. Dougla
last* wi �ek was WEII - .was very.great: ;Path�r .McKeon i ck� to spend the holiday with their � � ,
I I �
- - , I
I -
I . home,of Mr. ,1,. he cakne'to t,,e seeond,cone Salo * , of, i1buying up all the ,imleable
d. ,Th( yarfous jeporta fiwas a scholarly !`Man, being r lncl�,'Mr."Samuel Parsons, Just south William Steward, on wed� . r, i - �
shoi bd j ecognized I I De nellghborho6d.�� .
I I nesday, .December 20,th, when . his Tiicke'.rsmIth . en a child an& where -: � S -44'r-0, .
. I
. . -
I 7 ... -
e past i6aswt hEd. been a qy�'Jas an authority! -In the 116brew'la- of the village. Mr. Aggith bought half . or Uy have k
�. .v, ng-, . ys I , , Tbirst and
, !;, ' I aughter Mae became the bride ol Mr. , he --spen his ,boy�hood d1a* ' a I � . I , �
ful on(, urp ,I is. age. Several brothe � section of land quite close to Rd� , . I . - . . . . I .
pi 0, Of. i a 8 - rs* and si, rs sur- Thomas U. Ad ims.'Promptly ,w 1:137 years I , liea4d UP by-pb 11 .--�-Me� a
. . 'e * Linton, Paying $27. per acre for It, ' gr, mt i � hp was ,.el 09 a. . I A � ....: ed' from I
ments ,were mt e so �hat In ! iive. �frs. Crotty!,' Bothwell, 1.2'ta sister; ',a ' a -at four o'- i en: f0'r e- Catholic Record I idon,, j8parks have ret.
the co, ,1111,pai Ly wl be In I a po al 4r P Md he has Just sold -it to a 'eyhdica,te clock, thp bridal party took their ...
(if Owen S orated -a ,
- I Rev. Fathe . J. McKeon of Uylary's . *,�,� a , I *1th fr-tends In Mic *-an.-1
, I Places in. an- alcove, prettily dee an 1, , esteemed a,nvd ty ustpd y.hls - .
pay 4 Uld, �n ds t . the shal �, ound men for the hand- . - �
. . ,e , church, London, Is a cousin. 1� . ; I th whit' and ' ii, eir P1 e . Ab�out a ,jotudente 1 teache,rs: of tbi-
green. The'matrimon- 1 mo are b; went � i � I . - ,
. Mi, - "CR 11 lair inspector 0� !. The remains W! isome sum of ,$110,000. So that he � . L
I we -1100 �spe. '. the vaelltl �
. ere,� taken t S� .Coll- 11 . to S � I � eDhls-- hospital for 't I 'd . ,on At'
�' knot as tied by Rev. J. ,R Oster- - reittment I .
ries w 0 pkeseiA xnd delivered,.; umban for fntern�ent. The furer*al took I should be on easy street from. this out. bout, pastor of the Londesb�ro Meth- ! of solh.e ' Ward trouble, .whetre he sue-. 113weti've homes.-M�. jos. I
� . . .
r6s's. I 1he 1,dJrectcra were r-2-�, Mace on Friday,, the- popularky of the - = . . . L th I � 'd � 1 � .. ho h
� � - . W, -as be�n workin# In lb
as fol . - L i I odliat t church, of which bp -young cu nbB I OM a complinatidn d,f al - . . I
.. El - -Times . . I -row felt . Kilipen , people are members. 'The bride looked Tyl'8n6-.` . ' his - occupation as, triveller * - I In the summet ,,p '
W 1, Elliott ! � eceased a
. I .. a rid the sincere: ad, ,. retur -,-& t
Shaw*g Ar bar Wbeeler, J. F. 1, for his sudd � � � �"m- bere for .0hristmas,-4miss V
' I en early de ase were ,, Visitors. -The following vistors from very, pretty In a gown .of cream silk t, 81 CO"vee d the Dorninlon t= IWInd- '� - - I �
I I I . . . I I
ken ail " I Iliabi,Maxwell, A,.a" amply manifeste by the: large num-,, dit' mb � roldery � and � Lk t� � Un, of the'*Detrolt Childrier,
an ' t 1 ' Wax a fid als -
. of tit I . stan,ce were noticed- here on Christ- allover lace with b,rld- : I o Wewfounolaifiq� - .
. �
I , rectors the officers !,ber .*b,o attended to pay tht last trls� I . staff, ,spent a few 4ay,s' ai
.. -
I . as� Mi. and Mrs. Albert Taylor, Mr. al Veil and orange blosso's, and car- I ; rOm In's were brought to��� St. .
-electel ap fol ov�s: PresideAt, 1 bitte of affectio , an espec to him ' irnest Jones, Miss Pearl Moore, A. rled' a bouquet of white carnations. 9 mat . I Oatholic church, Seaflo � . megt� - bere.-Nfrs. Dick, -of 4ensall.
, . I .
. I
Ell t . sewatal, , John B,jr- I who had gone out and � in imongst i I I . I rtb� Of " . , klaughter, Mrs. R. N � l3out
I - - I I . ellis and his son-in-law, Rev, Mr. . RIBS Helen durriming, of Blyth 'cousin Ich hl was a devout Mvmber, 830 , , -4 I
j -: . I I ) . I �
r,easurer amd sdlesman,� S. Paul.:j I 48 people'for o many yed and - , Chrjetma$, � i I
. . I
61d - Lnd re I �ect i . . cK bbon, all of .London; . .Alden Df the bride, actedr as bridesmaid, and I ere�, quiern high massl Was, cele� , .. . . I I . : I
.d resident of had ministpred, -sp faithfully �o their . I
� eman 0, a I !F th# Rev Y . . . I I
hi eman, Detroit; Herbert Whit lWas iattired In a dress of hellotr pe .te(t b .&Wr Corwran. - . I
I: I tl e. .! er on of ,qr. I -.,-'--.. " . -
I . John bp1ritual and temp'oral needs. 1he fun- nd aister Mabel, -Albert Johnston and 011k. arid carrl6d the wedding ring on ef wlh�ch his remains .re, taken, to . i ��
dled: at t home. of his (la,pgh- e ral ,was one of the mo I I : I . . . . .
� I
st li i r rely at- tep May, All of Toronto; Mr. and L white satin ribbon, The groom's gift y an, I , ;j w9de HA* -1 �
. P � Columban, -cemeter . . �, -
I W. No
. 9, Lry ,.he 3th in$t About Abinded that lace Ili this Mrs T.Mcphall, *Porter's Hill; 3t was ��� t e:o I
P. (: If * � �liss H61- .o the bride - a, beautif al gold ,f his parents. The 111, nen I was minatloA Day�. - - iarige ...
le I 113 death x1r. I NIcInit e : ;c I 11 I .,
Y lor, a lcing-tim, . T14 � services �n McGregor, Wellesley; Miss Maggie )rooch set with pearl,g. After congratu- i rat - bythe CathoUc . . ratepayers gatnered ,, tha�
uff are fr x I a n attack of pa r- t were conducted In the chur h which I � . . . - � � . � al Ben- I
t ellis, Vienna. . ' ' I atidns.were over the bridal partyled � e -Assi �clatlon,- Branch $o. ST.) - of , In :Zurich last Frl& y aft
rid fir 11 i 1 h a I'M ever rec v- i had %een i,constr . udied' an'(f Woukht tol I Sab ath School Entertainpients.-The ... he way to the dining room, wh ch, he 'Wag a'ineinber. I e friends .. the ,purpose of nominating
� , . - I - I
I wis I r a IVE ofte Isle of 1, completion; under� the directloE and sup- Chrl I mas tree el uhder the umPtuous wedding dinner was .an relalves are very �� �
� ; , . I ; 9-r- I
i ,a . a intertainment an
� tnd w'I � ' served to- the for the coi,�,ncll for thb to
I as oc Ott I Th6re were five no
1% ktother camelto, ervision of. the dpecas-ed and In whieb E uspic es of the . Methodist Sabbath ... o about eighty guests. Th4 tables -were Its for the very abb a0d ef- - minzted
, -1, I -
In 185 Iffin , In Darlirig- ' lie took a very �great pride. T�e re- . School, was held -on Thursday evening �Vell lighted with candles,. a d were f lt nt ma er In Which- the Mony - I'nd six for. the ,couiaell. -i
. - I
a yei - ani ater coming to mains were laid'to rest In ,q 41001am- . .n I iceri .
� ( t I;if t week. Despite, the unfa re W ton; uct ... Mr. 'Nigh loaves to Ita,'Ions were tles44 Mr-
: toV rni I Ip:, 11uror county,where I an cemetery. . . vorable ) ttIlY Ae�corated, with pink andwhite .. I . - I I
F ther Mckeott, will be Nreat,ber there was a good. attendance. .,hrysanthemums--and myrtle. The I MC . d r (b - , was he'chalr�,A-
, I
r iuch miss d and! his membry long an�l and �ffie affair was a success in every nainder of the evening s6i en � slsI,ters. The broth,�rs - e Fr' re matle by the, seeveral I
k -ed in, ar, n. ng � for some years. a - re- vr0, his exialse four .1 others -an voted to t
. was pleasant�- . ar ank,
I .
ther h was anited In mar- l)vIn c .-rl not alo, ,- I'l I f 1,P -nal I � .1.1. � i i
4.J . gly she, n I � - - 1. espjc t. A most interesting programme ent jn music and social c .of PECrrylSound; Will a I I I -k-� I 1dZeeve, Mr. P.. Lawor
� i
n . dr.b , � N� � . � ap oncourse. I . rid Lukel uc Ur 0
,,� tj ? --vt O' predecea'sud i h of 'St. Colum an' but by lhanYOut Of rqcltations, dialogues arid music was e youAg People take up housekeep- eramith j'and Joe, of SeaL,or, . . honorably filled tilt.. pos
arl I a go. By this -anion 'a de that sphere, who adn4irp-d 'and r.-. 1 Ive by the chl g unAer the most favorable citbuffi 81 $ ,e krg. L. I � t1l. The . -01ve years, 4 -
- I
rere orr t iz ee sms and 1. � ldren and the very . s tera a: ng, f winf? ara,* e. I'll last tw eclu
� . date and expressed
�s,, seir fi re t �emed birr f or h a manlv cha t acter, his (ffiel t way In which the little f olks ances in the groom's beautiful new 'Mrs. J. , itkinson-� an , 'r - D. XM- - .11 I .
41 of whom -are at Ill mial, friendly IsposItlon aul fbe-ln- . equitted themselves was -'alike credit- Ome On the ninth ,concession of Hal- ,4� , Sea, or honor --zhoui
6 mourin ,tie 105s of a kindand! t xest I he Owayz nnaninst...,d n his fal . tb ; k� a. P. cCiInn, � Hlb- I , et that the
f : ble!10 themselVeSL and those who In- ett. ,The many � beautiful and costl� bert; Ur 1. J. Murphy, of S skatchawart, � around a�nid- stated that]
ather. [ In 1369 iNjr. and Mrs.� low men a -rd esrPrially In. thi. youngpr , tru4ted them. At� the conclusioxi of �resents which they received'. testify to :and Motber'Alovals and'S10ter '� I -- t going to be a candidav
settled, 1 Yin t ie I .),th concession P�ople of li!s firck.. 'dainty lunch .�.ja e -high esteem In which both yoang I -
. W . : � the ogramme a; e ,other candldate;s m
townsb1p, n �ar what was thj�n . --- . w ! h . P � I .
, eel [a of $t� Josephs' Convent, London. -
.- .. . — Eery ,and whic seemed to be m . "I � . . edches, telling the rate.
I . , I uch - :, - . �
As the I "I o, m 'Plot" and 're- : hil — -- — .. .� I � - ------ . 1� .. .� , I
. ' -- *
� I - I �
here c011 tin uyusl I y until , - tile I Z rich. : . appr�cla�ud. Thcn/followed the w.ik �- —. . . . --- would ,do if elected, - .
f Mr. . Notes.�Ifi. Frpd Kible " - I c f SAi ttai Clausi Who distribute<1 ; , . I �1! � . .
- rj f Listo , . gifts i - - . .. i -- 11 In -closed with"a -vote of
p. Kn.9.1t. Since then Mr. ea P d � ; rIff"M * A. -, ur old reeve -and the au
has'-mle'lls ,ho I � i v rel, was In town last week renewlngt, Irom-'a Well laden Christmas tr -n 4 6 - , ( , -
I me wit4 Ii Is . : I . , ;1 1;F - ..
Pive y(al-' 11 a3quaintances.-Kra. (Rev.) 11. Wh1te- 1 wh10. gleatlY 4blighte'd the hearts of i� . . I . 77 70od Up and sang 111,.Vor H
rs. . - ,a ago In company I i : �
. , * �ood Fellow.), it must ha,j�ei
tL is des and son, Melvin, left on Tues-; ! he Ichildron, and their pleasure 3 Ust the' Irl,hing. -
Is son, RenA F. Knigh , d - day: last �or th6lir 'home In Kem L- .' qually pleAsing to the older oaes pr,c- i . i I I I -- � I leasing to 9'r, Lamotit, �dt I
ng, nd his o Lcl P - I i � -
visitad �3 'Und a- . L- I . I � � I . L L
ville.-Mrs-, Levi Stelck, of ned Dauph- I s0it. - ; . . I : I . � - i I I I e of our townslill) for I
I � I � I "SUZIg ,QUt" L ;
I � .
iotin K ni in, r h there and:j ill, Manitoba, Is siting her al; iter, 'Mrs. , -The children of the Presbyterl ! ars, to be b �
ly,t . c In[ges i I . �n � -CCqj: L � I- I . 11 tjtUeAts in tills T
t e j � fferene .�n fifty years., William C),BTIen, and other J. iends in Pabbath School also held their Christ, ; LL I way.,
. � . i I . t . i I I I i . HoWC
I—- ... i the village.- . Id,ct Ortwein Is spend- ,ias! tree entertainment on the even- j i, vies the besL H-, ha�t pr,),
, I . � -
1-1� y � - I Ill Idays ng of Friday. The night was w -L -t 1 for. , .1 '-)r S, , : 1i I L capable, co'nselentio, ar,�
Mr. Zellers '14dres . � g the hol with friends InUlph- � Us
. s , I . i I I :. � � I . .
1gan-.--:Mr. �Jacob Weido has purchas- , �0 i � fficial and it is
'R.1 e c - 21 I ,nd klark, but this did not prevent both � I � . � . A , ajj�14e Uri
.01 ot ,Rou. t, Huron'q, I i � � . I I - I . L
. . , -pay
� i i Be a the rate en
I f * I e I part ot Mr. P. ITauch's park lot,, � 9 , .. little turning out. Over fifty ' I . I . .
11 i I 1. I I
�men -E, t kk tis opportuni yl f )r $475. The lot contains bver the entertalb- I . L - I A
ndin, r 91 ab I I . , two,'. (bildren took paxt In I It's - Wholes - 11-Z I aWn'ship that they ajapm-ia
� .. r . it h inks . to - the! Orr e , 11 () , ntoxii'.4till, � a. We understand -that f
L -Ing 6t -; .H : � �
ny aare�.-A Me ,ien� arid the attendance of ' p4.re I . . � .91 i
� I . A � i! 1. I - r
! . . ately large. I I �
'91 cn'rne In th 1. S,rd, 1 , 'he progra - � I � -
... e nesday, �, m was much enjoye4l very, 'easily pl`-�parv.d . Ich leaves ),Ir, Loul,4
h will be held 'fn the�to*wn , Idates for reeve havt� e,
rlen� s li, b I h , parties, for tile I phone SYster ot i y � Tele- , , � nds 'was proportion nts � : -0,
sup PO i 'o e recent'; ball here on W an ary ; nd �frie, � by all, :14 - aDd : Kalb:
. : t . !
. g, I . : - . L - L I . �
Tho - 'I ot elfiected: as Yolirl at two olclocic,' to arranoe ,he � children - hah been un' � . I I: . . . . - r. lltmry NL4:-;eb in i ,- ,1�1 -
. i or: the I 'Ir � . ger the in . : L11 jL6
itative, �e he large, VoLe I marlagernent o the system. Mr. and ,'., truction of Miss 11. . McGicgor and - I � i *ery likely be a clro� .
I I .
n MI, fa V, . they . I . � -e :,u -,,j.
. oi, shows that I have "N rs J. Preeter �spent SuDlda3- i. last I did. themselves a,nfl'her erddit, In f �Vsb pnij three and ': 17 -of �- � 1
3-! .. - . . a, half poumi�,i iof.;,I) ar Ja one (Y'a-11011 - . . I � - 171, 1!W1!!*
411, � � I
oport of the '�Ir' and rs. W. L�' Si,b6rt A k -
the unfled E u, - I LI ,let . . � r. , 7
. . � , with I I IT, I l,t was a surpt'so to many how such, iNfitor j I I. ; ,I I
d a 90)0spliPoxt from the Con- j lashwood. 1* 11-1,139 it, t3 the boiling pf',il'l. , "hi)n - otl-A- twae 250 - fle : , I -o-zibuy-ne.
. , -The IrnarriaTp i� of Mr. Pet- -. Itttle to-ts could be brought 2 , b y
� I to such I 11 I
es. I in 'c,j ed the , 0 . ) ),t, .
� cOut-33t i e? flfabercr,� son 6 f ffr d , & og-lve of 1) ofte3c,tIcy ill SO Short f " Wiiht.nyp, Gi-nge.r 06rdlal * 1r, 1-i Vedding T3,1 - --r Jr. Jr. :
: r j . -1a.7;,-. ;.�to V . -A .. 11 � �, z
' I nd I was an! Mrs .Jacob i - - a , I', , , * 11 ' j, j i�j.q 11 _ � ",. -v,i .!�
short X �oticd, I � . .1 � . f411, �YAQU i � -1
� 1 1 , ; 20�b, at -Dilj �,'I%-L-14.1��
a ' r1sbprpr. -of flh,! �Rllnd L Arf--- itime.'After the progn Santa 11 ; �eil�p.r . i
. � . inc, to 11�� - . Ila -us .- j;<4� i *,4-,',1 . I
Z '. t:) 1 1-rast I �av-O-,& MO-st ag,r)'-W6 b6iveris il - 1, w- r, V '�Oxo dlibiwd -v� i i th . � retty weddIng tqo, ' * n
, many 01 Ille , Susanna, daugnter'of lyfi�. aiid Mrs. 1,�.nd his assistant' made their appe,r, . � 0 a ptaz,%; �
. It � n n� h�d : to combat a � Jacob R-R.dpr, too I ce and Alstributed to both old and water to ,-4u!b any tmt(3. H,$),Ve -vjj- , . I I - nSe, at P11I)i �
I '. - .
!! , plgc& at t 0 Ti , : -%11 t abYtf,r1an ina .
en t bride's , I , . .1 - X�.d ii ? P,�,;=Ie - .
- . -h4d. . ..)Arty. I It is home in Das'hwo d on Tuesday of last .' Young the many, prpS'ents with which otb,or towns o "' � � � I � oba, when Miss :Si lrz;i t
I *
atif,,,(I,lg to - � �YC- ;%Dding here for i'llo,. Oir.f)n frona Detwit, Ilse . . h1ol.r. ,a former Doijular!
(. a e been abic week. Tihelcnot was tied: by the Rev. ! the tree:was lailt�n, It was nearly Mid- . .
. . z
at :least�, .so e Impireislo 1 1, A,- �
. . .r. Thun.. of tbe Lutheran diurch, In I 09t when � the proceedings 4 i-yed sev ; Y of Wig townsi.,iip- a
were I oral orders — its -� wibi)-�r , R ts-!-- �-U,4
large, '-varsc majority nl 0 . i 0A V.;S meri �
ad I the presence of a large num er of In- ught to a close and even then many i I ughter of Xr and
Ing. of S)ut- for sale by - I � � I , , .)fr.;; ..
: I -
- 11 � . 'i � . *aa united .
h 11aron . as �t !I vited .zupst-,� TbA. cerem,�ny ' las per- scemed to tbiril< that the time had ' . . - q
- . i In Marriaw., w4t
. I . I . �
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I Pas . -- I I pros&lflrods
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.1 . bad � A
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e calldd upon td be a candida.e .4 Olendid -weddtnk dinner wa- served. I almost�forgotten to .Bay' that thedr I - - ------- It— - i Armer of Hannah, Xor,th .. a,
sple nd ( I I Ills � � � .
. RI M1.7,,; I will entf!r! ' .� , ! I L - I
,� 7 he guest I I 14ke Rev.; Mr. Caldwell
)f!, ,,,, , n U be -red nearly a bun-' by the ebtldren were particularly well I I � . I
t bonthii T th it feeling ( .1 A ][J:F, ,I M. 'OP.---.
� , d -ed, 'After �dlnTler all jQlne., In a eXecuted -Miss Martha Sproat acted, as 4.&-j ,%%% I V � *as daintily gownM- In- --il
ce tha t � I . _ _ Ij -� I . I t�read - - -
I11inoiv was lackin - of social or , ::Fc . W T, T -j b.�Ili 01T . cloth with tritnir.i fT
, .
, 91 ji easant -,evpnlng accompanist on the piano. . i� . -* ,
hearts of 'my frfends, durfngl� . . joYment. . . �� . I . Uove � Irl -
e*nt hor 4nd ur timely : ca�nl i .IT.clljdlng music aind singing. lf r. and' ;Notes. -,Mrs. Danks and daughter I DRUG AND E001K ST RE � I I r and allver 14co. Ch?
I 'Yj r rs - ! I VIsted by
f .- . I . Riiberi-r received many useful ertha, from Zion City, are visiting at I fipafo rth . - . � r - . . tita her sister, � Mfz2l X
I m ,de M,- If i _-n� �
. . qny yva.:rn [s and costly presents, as they I I 00 ,Who -was Re4ttly at ,
I . i i . . - are both Irs. :Danks, pareptal home of Mr. and ! � � 1. 4red In
! � .
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