HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-12-29, Page 3te'I 'entrielit see to it Ong the ended by holesale has lot • Oil a rpton its to. aonI've is 3airs. ►elf Sys.. to tae. and out 4g, and t• o get ne a. PANT ,ter. 12 Tyr of UX l3russels; • Laeknow 4M PA SLP CUL A 'T TEION Tt SAVIHG$AOcOUNT , &p1 fII.. e.a.. ►. a�.as,�� � 4,700,000 5,710,000 Total .Assets • '70,000,000 SeaforthBranch—A. E. Colson, Bearger ht awn 3(VWUsi DISTRICT MATTERS Passed dam. • e fgilnwing rties from ave sue- n t idW paused their ons at the respective Provincial ' el Schools. This examination entices those who Peas to a limited third class certifi cote; MildredJ. 'Drown, Crediton; Mabel r awn', Clinton; Jessie J. Bu- anan, *mail; Hwart A.. Blatchford, Centralia; Frank Bryans, Brussels; Mary Canaeron,St. Helens; Harriet S. Opp, Clinton; Kathleen C. Copp,Bdy th Ethel W. Cumeingbam, Prht Albert Roy F,°•Denholm, Blyth; Catharine 1. Douglas, ensell; Rhoda Edmonds, 311th;. Addie Grant, Brussels; Roy Geiger, Zurich; Florence' A. Inarrison, pasatield; • Milian M. Hodgert, Exeter Gladys Keene, Exeter; Beta 'Kenzie, Crediton; Mildred G. Long. Lochalsh; lama L. Martin, Exeter; Wm. O. Rob- Anson, aurae ; Mary Sheriff, Wingham ; Ethel P. Stephens, Blake; Eva el. Stinson, Bayfield Ida H. A. Taylor, and Mary A. Taylor, Clinton; Harry Triebner, Exeter ; Lily ht. Wanless, Blyth; . James H. - Watt, lEIarlock ; ; Ed- ward L. Willis, Exeter. Lifebuoy Soap is tlehttuily re - Bening foe Bath or Toilet. For wash- ing ashing underclothing it is unequalled. feanses and; 'perinea, 1Fibbert School Report.—The following is The. report o2 the examination of the school ,in Section No. 6. Hulbert: Per- centage required for third and fourth asses 60, second 60; Fourth Class, Lila McCulloch 77, Stella McLaren "16, Sarah McKellar 71, Mary McKellar 67,. Mary McCurdy 65, "Thomas Lain& 61, Wilfred ]McLaren 61, Thomas GUles aVie 60;. Third. class, Wm. Howe 49, Lot- tie Rice 4,8, Berman Speare 39, Stew- art Robertson 87; Second Class, Wm. Laing 77, Carlyle 1T ggarth 71, Calder eKattg 70-, Mary McConnell 68, Elwyn wren 66, James Hoggarth 666, James McDougal 64, Lisle Norris 54, Harry Norris 53, Leslie Bell 61, Lorne Spears 30, Frank Bruce 27. ---Edna R. Davis,. Teacher. . Rills Green They will probably, spend a co.:ap.e of months in Ontario.—This township was tairiy, ,well .srepreaented at the W 'ter Fair at .'Guelph last week, . • ong those attending were Neil ;3?. l+i - air', W. Strath, Jas. and Martin id air. —Word was received from Georg = .«x- toby, of *install, Alberta, former y of Greytownship, that liehad bet,•eali 6,600E and 1,000 buahela- pf ,grain this year. It :took 400 peanuts of t e to bind it and cost crier $200 to th esh it. 7 itcheii Marriage' of Miss Cuta-One of the Prettiest weddings of alae season took place here the ocher afternoon, hen MissTelthnDundaa Cull, only dau liter en Dr. and ears. J. W. Cull, e deet grand -daughter of the late WI, am Dundas idle, of Port Stanley, and great -grand -daughter of General Jos- eph Weaker, g. M.. "L: i., pi Lanni hire., hngIand, was married to Murray Gad- des-Lottridge, only survivinn se of Mr; and Mrs. J. M. Lottridge, of H ri7ii� non;. The ceremony was performed be the Rev. T. J. Charlton., Tne ride, who was given away by tier inane, was preceded by the choir, and w re a beautiful wedding. gown of duches sa- tin, handl *. n.ely trimmed with lace. and pearl crraments,, and the cus- tominter vel ants orange blossoms,: and carrying a shower nouguet .Qi • Lite roses and Wiles ot tae .val ey. She was attended by two bridesmaids Miss Lucie Jackson and Miss Edith ur- ton„ both of Toronto, the former ear - mg a dainty gown of mauve soktina and white lace, black velvet pi tune hat with white mauve trimming. Miss Murton wore a pink and white lace gown, black velvet picture hat with pink and white trianming.. She car- ried a large boquet of pink roses. The.. Broom was supported by Mr. Ilan Meneeo, Pr ,Aam=Atone The ushers wale Mr. Henry Le Froy Cull, broth : r •' of the bride, and Mr. Blackb.arn W: ugh, of Stratford. After the cereaion a reception .was held at the residen e' .of the bride's parents. Neves Notes. --The large building ,belonging ti Manufael urers .Life Insurance pany on the corner of King and streets in Toronto has been told Dominion Bond Company for ,the sum of $80040. The ` building site this one was also purcaase School.Report.—The following is the'Ivaluation cently for $700,000. Allowing for: report of the pupils ot the school in of the building the pric Section No. S. Hay, for the month- ° of the land figures upto $13,000 November and December. The tt``'-'d . toot frontage. About a year ago and fourth classes were examine. ni , first named property was pure spelling, arithmetic, geography, his - for $560,000 .So. the Insurance Com tory, composition and writing. Names made a profit of $250,000 in one are in order of merit; Fourth Class. —Nine horses, twelve cows, a nu McAllister,. Pearl Consitt, Jas For- of hogs and a considerable quanta `rest; Junior Third, Grace Love, Ja.mee grain and hay owned by John ;S, McAllister, Marion Porterfield, . Vietta an Essex county farmer, were 'b Green; Second Class, Ross Love, Sol- at midnight on Thursday. The fir omon Kipfer, Ce:;il Johnson, Vera Rich- thought .to have been of !neer-diar ardson, Irene Taylor, Pearl Ducharme ; igin.. The loss -Is upwards of *1 Senior First, Ward Forrest, William besides the animals, all th sea Blackwell, Annie RRiehardson, Pearl crops, machinery and othe ma, Kipper; Prima., senior, Orville Snaith ; destroyed. The fire is partially c Primer,: junior, Eleanor Ducharme, G, ed by insurance. The fire was di ered just as the family were reti but it had gained too much hea. to allow the • saving of any of the Death of 'Mr. Kerr.—Mr. Wesley W. tents. Kerr died at his home in Winchelsia, —John A. Campbell, t one of the Rsborne township, on Monday, Decean dneer ,farmersof the marsh lands ber 18th, Mr. Kerr had not enjoyed Essex county, near Leamington, good health for over a year and had closed his farming operations for been confined to his bed most of the year 1911. Mr. Campbell is the ow e time efor thel past six weeks. He was 50 acres, which he claims has .n ,t forty-two years of age and leaves ahim $6,000 clear of all expensees d widow but no family. Mr Kerr was a fing the year. The crops . grown native of the village of Crediton and principally tobacco, onions and' a was a =brother of the Messrs. Kern and late potatoes. He now propels s the well known brick and t1Ie makers put some of the money '• in circa' t of that village. For several years he by taking .Mrs:. Campbell to spen was engaged in the mercantile busi- : winter in sanny .Florida. Jonas ness in Crediton, and for . the past -man, a neighboring fanner, will three years had charge of the wercan company .them. tile eucaines of Mr. Coward,zn Winchel- —Two Ripley residents, giving iia. He was a good business man and names of McLeod and C4illiesgo was popular with and trusted by all to serious_- trouble at ,Kincardinei Who knew him either in the way of days ago, as a result of becomjn business or friendship. FIe led an ex- toxicated. Leaving Kincardine -tee their way and Were near driving the river , having apparently bee turning to town, and tumbled oye bank. Tale town constable was :e ly on hand and succeeded in ar ing McLeod, and seized) the horse rig, which were owned, by Gsllies Leod was fined _and . aliowec: to part, without the horse. Mlles sen the horse later, but the constable not give it up to anyone but the ere Gillies had to come himself was served with a magistrate's mons, tried, and hadto pay nearl —Thi .,brit fatal cash sma in Toronto for [some years j occ on, Tilurddlay morning. bid. N Aland Naughton, manager of the Dom Bank 4 Bajifeee Ont., an _ nnma man, aged 31, came to :t;h i c ty. f weekeeeldi visit at sisters on Delve, Rte. He iaxttnad theatre ori. Satu'rfday night amw church on Sunday. The folio ing the felt unwell :and had a pain'.in back. tA. pihLyjsicio n was Ball Tuesday, tut he grew eetnid iy arixi a consultation of four do was Wet t 'tha(t eveuiing. They Unable to Kao anything, however, the patient killed at ,4 a.m. Tenn morning. His temperature an one int, up to 107 degrees: The h Love,—Sadie East, Teacher. UTsborue • the m nge• the neat 0- e it or er he ed ny r.. ►er of i h, ✓ ed is r- X00, 's e al v- g, ay c n - p f y 0 v i p emplary life and leaves a large circle of friends who sincerely regret his early demise. The remains were laid to rest in Exeter cemetery. . Grey. 1n otes.—Hugh Lamont, jr., was iri the county town last week servin his King as a juror.—John and, Harm Speiran were visiting at Allis ton and aigo took In the Fat Stock Show at Gselph.— indrs. James Atmett, of Erskine, A 1- berta, is tern ion a visit to her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Huller, 12th con- cession. --Fred Cardiff, 8th 'concession, is back from an extended stay in the west, and will probably resume farm- ing again.—Miss Bessie Moses has re- signed as teacher in the Fulton school, 15th concession, the same to take ef- fect at the close 01 the year. bliss A11ie Forrest, of Cranorook, succeeds her.—Last week Alex° and Leslie La- mont arrived home from Queen's Col- lege, Kingston, for the Christmas hol- idays. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. H'u'gh Larnont, of the 10th concession, Adam 'and Mrs. $telss and two Children, of Edrans' Man., are here for a holiday visit with friends, It is 12 year since Mr. Steles was home. is farming and hes i roep •red. f o- in as he of ed r - re ly to on he 11- he n- n- .1 st -.I*st o e he t- nd [e- te- or o ld 1 $1 7. 1 ox Oki Aic- n' on eid a th he at ay he on se t rs and ay ti -e r 0 0 STAND. B OF CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Special Attention Given to Srnati Accounts Savings Department at nil Branches DUBLIN BR A NC FRANK McCONNJ! LL, Manager. a yoei anci t sti enwin home t week. +tor 48 9, , Ont., the ears w h in s ale .er married ne iklatea, airs nep ewe Dr. D cede him is h . Ca* has been ing at has bee unity. For office bear e Soeie ty ; s an elder h; for to t ot the Or over t r of the s r the agrieutetral. Lia charter + ember .ge and o ]din a a member o St �ndon> omni s1 of t ddlese ]Park Fie h earn and w to lav ,to at to bat iu T. yid, C. dem is f• or forty: ears he r ifi the Upper fore Ighteen in the Presby- tr yea a he arlchill 1_dberal e>aty ears he pool b s and and society f Doric evrawa eorge's e beat coarse 11 on prae- He waif s the Caw, # the ri. Dr. survive illiams, Wilson, 1 prat- ' o with e good resting e Olae ammo ketches of th and Files of Seator-t of .Kini u and bla,c Cook,of amell, of Seaf rob t el of $6a t• , t - Wabash hal: n 'his w . Rpss, oirene th ridgy f to Rase . did !Carling epe ' of the e' enHu n coun a,ahajo ity of a _ ,cried th & [ of far and g, but n e as'':t.; he Wel X1110 a= s 3 or ectiing tiara' f enahgai at, the w:ek; U barn lily, tl nton B �!usde oto 1, j10. 0' a t cis dot er ion a ' v i l ot in he p' - ma o ri o -oine h w pl a m 20 r a si s J. m es on, ati ild th me he the olio st ele mea , 9 9; 91 s, 5 al 11 0 0 OU Ir ers se he Ea icinitY he y�- ly Days Taken positor. peal 2 , 1883. n, ha e sold smith shop to inthr u p. i=th, as held mone and. his tation in Chi - to th : west, aster o Educe - Cone late ln- noon. In the essed a public 11. t Act as car - Thur ' ay last one tai ousand. peal b a ma - have ing commen- as been arforth, • `prl 2 188$x. rj. McDo ald saw mill Men }ave off red the anadian 1 a Co pa y a free sete in, Cha vi ]age, .rovidian heir a4�u 1p and Goderich t; way. are no e + gaged in er- ew gy nas urn connec- t e Celle = fa e Ins itiute. I ing are the fl ajo it, s give i} e Scott Act 111 Chi: icinity t on h sday o l4.st 0 th, 54; Tu kers • i , aa; IExeter, 49; Step e , 202; e oderich, 91 Bay i Id, 63; Hullett, 84; McK l p, 161; Blyth, 41; Wng a am, 89. r.jority h t e co nay was Seaforth, : y , 1888 ip its of saifj rom h works Gr: y Youngs nd parling y o ailed; 102 ars lo the of ria' and of these 1 cars ipp from Seafo th, ee i g held, in . -afar n Sat- ast t e directors of the MecKiie- al a Insuran' Comp ny de - e t nd the sco • e of t sir °per so s to lnclud: isolat town age roperty. er •li resident •f the panty,' er oh ; of Alex nder . urchie, ?' ter i Winthrop passe away ay ght last, :.iter ani illness w•. ks. nn a meeting o the ; embers Se: brth .Mecha es' ' II stitate', d Tuesday evenng last, e 1 e 1 owing offlc rs were elect - Sit e.'. t, A -H. I eland; vice - t, bert Jamie • on; treasurer, es e' ; secretary and li arian or:; assistant s eretary John en df w 0 111 ie n Iv f eet ert Mi lie r erth Its a. Mrs.. Jal us Ho n, of e ebrated thew sive wed- ly, They wer the r pients ndsorne prese ts. Ma y reia-; +rids from . itebell were 11 am A. Coo as born in Coon, and Babb, was ember 12th cLaren, d aren, of orably kno g of the d h Farmers' I ell on Mo rrangernen ding the re n January 9th, and atvistock o 1,9th ; Sebr oh, Feb. 21s nd Kirkt rnoon and e held at e he reg alar amen, Thor ie, Cairo; At Barbotheu fa N Norma d Mrs. Sa c brated the [r;t edding da a rind on • the bride 4th cone Rev. S. 13 tt. el n a Fe 11 2n a 1 a D. op eh u y, Toren tir}gs 14.Cr r at '� he h B��ve s she' d, of II t. an I• he re orb h3: hat t el as me or se nt wi ol fo gr oag ories of the pres 11 la teh 11, son of arr ed in To- agh er af the B th ate rectors I of the seitutei was day- ot last s were I cone - Oar meetings a and at St. ngvi le, Feb. even ng ses- cn place. The mee.ings will hill air. M. Miss G. , Toronto. uel Fold, of on Dec. 19th. Grundy, then The yoeng couple took at York, on theenirand April 186? th y moved 'ere they ave contlnaed home ft, d here -their red, six s ns send -two of win) stil live. On e number gethered at umptuous din - afternoon was iirse-, music, speechee. The resented their ed I o Ilene in calidren in orthy gifts, frozn far and off rings of altar, Many were left e close 01 the nt and of the ✓ end th sant intere istories and h three jelled pieces, T ed With dehildren e ancestral tful present tops coughs, cur at and lungs - CO heals 25 cents, EXPOSITOR eanateleneenegavemenanniereeneeesea tewart Bros, apd Staff Take,sthis opportunity to extend to ypu, the people of Seaforth and vicinity, their helartiest wishes for " Happy and Prosperos New Year, and to thank you for the many express sions of kindly feeling and appreciation of our efforts. Your reception of this store policy as een one o measure ess appreciation. -1 our expressions of confidence and good will has been as gratifying as it has been marked. In ,the future it shall be our constant aim and aspira- tion to make our store one of safety anct satis- faction, and to alwaysi give :.you :the tmost value for your dollar. Stewart Dry Goods Department Miss M. Chesney Mis B. Mclure Har y Jeffrey H. est Ste art Scott J. Warwick Department Miss L. Shaffer Miss H. Murray, Miss C. Pinkney Miss L. Hammett Miss R. Henderson Miss I. Murray Delive Depar G, Frazer ment ts . Mani Ch4hing Dei).artmet R. McKerizie Miss M. Fri Tailoring Departme J. Taman John Thompson Miss L. Freeman Miss M. Pinkney Miss M. Hudson Miss I. l‘lIcCloy Miss S. McBride 1