The Huron Expositor, 1911-12-08, Page 7It IIIIt II -41 IIIIAL th bo' er had Unk9 it* oto- WA - 0 cka(w Rod MWOOT UAY6- * ;th �a Pao was t I001 Uert I must do I havo not dwy OIN hand or eadh we n -XIdd see lli!?V. Take DON7 LET THAT C0* 'Ita' Ott. Xonjay to lend. In se0orth 61M mo Ing Dve, grublilkir to 'he It T T e tp 11 en, in h OR Xon­ 'llibe dow j lb utido eli o M11114te, call 11:1b rJandlsl it'jrfti the. brotber, awa�'-.e. at I.Li,qt I I YIN it �s: their at q�e I K ft ou )OU ! I SLEEP aps tndeO on be i vobijectuied., a in] il e. o hire Ud Ur 'jergr e wan,iaghat4t 11 eL orightly. 1110 ullso �errelvvd tba� o i Ssrrj�jter $011citor Conveyancer �and 01119 i0olt slid toll e" Inwer, tellpod, back 011ie iirm i n re, how just as Torq too V"U leg 1wiL of Otildrieu lowd her. Rik eve V probably t find tb� -tord saunterap or ti P m know Alt *tary fille. ofirAt�; for- be Dom* oveo toitli.),stAl 8. thill Damr. ppe 90( - I ;V I etWater at o neiti uie dwf U Wese be?ori It. doz- tho julon 8ink. OfflCe—lu ~�of y sb1plAdIng ic ilx 4ug to thjht liejtped up mound'of dow- V0()niqtMC& an'd InsUnctivel tic i g starts in your thtmt,. A, tie Ln Injen Bankt Seatorth. KbneY to 1014 LE kBEADAIN Co an ers un still asleep. A er nzied eyo Iinto i undo hi ngo- P"Wa" n oca 4C o dei wh16h. lay IL murdered body 00-;Oaskllat with '17116 OtbeC 13'11 t the er, First t i took thi ro,� le t4 peia� ­Iis�dhkrt Hecoufd�otseo -rtaker . sit* In :the ti and a b Y01 IN Ahe face, fixed upon bro own tb Vr,4wide awake, ecoug Iligg head bilt the spectacle bin IWO Wall; Uft on'the r, Conveyaeer AT4 By ANNA IKATR" Olut i BarrIster, 0011CIto pletely Cur, waiii suf& at wt ich warned a awe� !tmpelling without Mtsty Public.' =,W -f-19", Writ 01"W. 9 4OWU R'- b, �j Of: 13fokei bot that. f�lvv ights of that gLnd yohlre so DjtWXN1 uly i7thi-1,10. watimes farniture, so"; main streeti Woul t,have seemed 'yet more to bail IN10 and weakened t�at the' cough COPYrIght. f910, by Asna. Xa an `bpen cul�l card vAs sk-drewadl ffetim flor di when� Brown :har Inv kes 4 t grip On OU.1 'ed drom 80-4 1. i It Is, Sun I -om Sick Ht es and Sil' seatorth. . l,, I, r i . he known at Wbose request th4i, huge t a !W I -at by e uft it buneh of. lits, bud been Vlaced over c4try1bg a� h4tich. if I'd I 1, Wed S f licor_ T MP of -Setd, IF. R0Lb11PTV0-,' 'idi ex anif phy that idleat heart? Uri IQ 11 to rgaes. but n Ug P and 1 4 ice atid C 0 ne wi soolil, tilat i3arrister, Solicitor 000m*u(sr SYNOPS-ts, The sj$ enthephlegm Ib� grtu to teeI sict; the brother Invist- e:pts ratingtickling 100 snags tbal M1 I Notur 8*1101tOr tor the Clause- IM i1to _y ood PA46149h, w io l6rw Cot; n to an% ear tfth a rat ble, their 'w1las. little. i !ore to 4pid-his -ure the il he 2 aucous k Of' CUMberlaW thblakh eng jted- to hig al I M, I W49 19*0 bette� that I ''I than Dan Commem-, Money to 10434 m- attention In I thij �q uji tiq� so he 10 it Membrane. It not only stops IhEcou prms for sale; Office -k in 8004*11 Adelaid0t anilb Adelald other al - us . \ -gh e stri led to I I Aled Hiaxfor,d "in th Irep ed n gg. ese it itmetal and � a roam am o opie. AM -4 the - I ie0 a of the CklI* llowing you to get sou#d, re- B)904 Pines olubh Ptll r4l, 316 AM about Of main ot"et. rth� 0 use. U 14" 11 * ijhrqg. le b' r * ei itilrely du isem"hwe"o-ow the -n) he ills nt hall Comm V�'e 5hi lig -sleep, but it goes to the 1root Mai u Or I te 3 on. d Alto bee 91 A -Vo,po - 1W - fil can In thl F h it a ating .4 "L . , lung t� the 1: the t ble and drives out thelcof, �com- rlm,46 protliidt (AMMI. Wb -a aotf ! do?'t es an plt tel williligly i vNrj1*W#AX. iathl, t no suffm I IL d ; ren Several p6rsons were. approacbIng 'e 3" tutivecta, hile -placing d Twt heaj 0f U, Lito ite d 3A, ion or Stow ch coicl Ima 'IME" I i! . Dra Syrap. [useedi n an (ho-4eacl *6raun's-throat hwl .— 0 ­ V from - thh! irectloi i, i mong them za- adus T 4#1 ta Of -or fficer, Det* a -'at th� flovN r e I's Ack, ne, bec�use it Ustes 01A40 s. h . It h it d - h h to have h" *e' dk­tbe 00d. r1i tw, .TA= 17"Orr 10 R .9 Pool I muds Of seirvants, of the house, no All djaeasies fit A refuiii- 'j r ggis as i ore q #XY 01ollege- -I- doli't -all together ha elo th tilme for the Lai n bt fo� tey pi lack . ' :- and Soc:4 bottlesi The and perlence 9 mm V&nSic cle. dou me In prextuplAuly t R !a ig, Ti ftimals treated. twIs ane -th 6: lrepitem to nor P 'I eed I dop It, W70 to eomply with1he nest thus 44 tound tdr3ii and ar vs . . e # . - - 1 I)rng & C11000al (to. Of fle v Natio obarju, moderate. Vetektfttl Uf=U$f*t be 1have Wed d and t4en all and sat jdo� n side by tide in the e opv, to find I hat ebalro. Sw Ily b a rIs ly and peremptorily u red. Uu- 'charged With Murder. e0twatet b so carefu �ERWY Y. , oftuw said rest C�4ad�, Limited. &eUatryi * th lid, he made i door lc$mel&*h thinks ClirMel"XII Meb i 15 ine t Hex— the on* and 01dy passed There wk one tress vas ray for t re five pilarsons 18c t 16 A lo enraged n4id convi tal .1 e y lk� Int er,, who, driawing nt at, pushed Jk* and his own la"er tho I t tb it d od :Iet�hjm UM beeo ziaft no eut Of 'Dr. ra Offm fkatortk Incl h X t4es* In all—t*o I men itn� three -women. $00t tro e i n 3, what efreat bad' -3 -,WU at tbe,olubb e iater V1 Ith ock of.. h kedit Oly two! Iniereste, I b m—Zadok, with asid the roses'wfilch"biai fallen on -ouse, . . - I -, " it 6 only, 3n tIjn ftd ;0DUM 0- is VerY IlL Rai telas I N ,d t nd h Id th in A ,3 whom he� had alread5 the upturne face, and, , laying his by the ac statj It .0 in . : made a super- g.vorW in tinit juic4, �ng Camberlan& Put' :0 " his'-, ebtagemerit ring aban on the b -o*, mutterei .4 . i when M5. 'tot not so easy to deta-�ftfte 4 fleial ac4iiiaintance ard- bad bad one y graduate of UW ORtAtIO on . i ..'cohehman, W-bere 1 va a few low ROGOW, Is, Veurinary ccilleg and 141de'* -tlngqr' irt ever it -ac foun her hi i 'Sta - The I ho, old gA W I tn Ott ar bigh eyed girl wor to himself. Then bj withdrew g me a I abo i,ll� r bou4 and 4 sin 4 . f w iobbed t attixious detective j' "M ili�r 'the 1 ni;ttered I 4W 'ada Dt bl(, fel Med1W Aasodstlbg O -t the blubhausb� w1up -iiatfl t Ki of Inight or.1he murder- �10,�,: I Sys andi sweetem with a re.soltite m4cutb softened by an his hand. and.- without I lancing to Y 'one of them tved a ontato V4DterInarY COU0P. Txfttlt Ranelagh Btates.that some re- tI and- bload.' f. dillaple, -is Rho, 'Weal t -d sidled Up t t ie altre a id.,.thOlr. Insistent vho struck him rigbti r left, staggered Wek to the a an Domestic Anlaw4lb-7-ttilo aderoy ha ithi. t eit Allon. and that one.' wail, �Flthoo t and withi. e oat -en as tbat bo j were (ertal or t" tihoss -possessing oxcellent door'amid a hush as Unbro an -OW ense and some princloss WWI and up dro' 7 very c ose­ t- -S -Vod modern ve amay-froth the Whims ring P n aO Possibility of doubt-Ittio�:1304. 9 She I25C-411 A 'all M girl to �know r. "Not tou� I , natural �IeVemess. mbleb reigned behlud.him i that open 'fik F w. reached theri, but cone the �Odta -ag h her? .-Se( herel" ever, #Ved#AtT. OftW ON I UnOte ottawa*, Roman Catbolle jand i a shN -was Carmel i s arza rot om nt twater h ad easkt Another w e All tb'*t Is Ud. 06 and a girl to Wk to was his Instain. and his te4 "h Ot Aworm ege lfttiktfve� Sweetwa'11617 lea*r that I vrl" neck an&. taneous 14 Mont whIU,, bagg,ard face and disordered pfy bo�rlfled by the sacril hotel wM reCetTe fa 10ow 9* itraight P Aiders left at. the "Mun!" dr),ve a.gray, horsee o ed )y t g4e h�,d been witnes& 'Thoe w" m Us recelved (-,u ber fler r 'a d in 1 During ikilde* jifteutiorl. Night ci mbertands. -lie and 1N--teel a n um t where I cah see wlthouC be'lln seen. e ie Icbs Sweetwateir figiur� would be blott�d fro. tight -by v*ta10 ng ber fbelings. But tho" 4* 11nd a, briokin b6 ass xer nowbit to Ili to hm ji 1:116. stoli W thl el U 1 h abli:4 I h t ct attentlo found. filin watc4uglI *I-tb anz- the door Jamb. house near thip,- Cumberti zid po -atti -ThOintster recqere& Ui polse and two women were more *env a magne le a at the toulab euriliosify, pe tude 4nd ab. mygillfr to beJdentlfled with the IOUs UMCAL Carmel, delirious, r ep ated Cal a 4d, d6a6toan.' NOW expression of a, od- loo, g the bearers their br The men Kee �nti r the neces it I kin 9 forced u go Mr sister-durinig the fun aral. A ru I �erls.those -of the 44 young,mmin uIll oblige: I'Whoin be:,wasI far: from stirred In their seats! and ibewomen "Adelaidels. dissolu =L .1.1 BURROVII to brot Ar. I 114 bed each mate 41T, :any ft the. n an en we w on 0 01dw and realitence—Goderich street, Plam bis hand upon th, M, Idge 101 o Z01- i In togetber," de. "19pecting t6 be th? sqeret representa.. began to:cast frightened lodke at each I - � I - I master f�sclua m4peet, whom no the chil Iren, some 40k �ed uxe cidei H xford.- d your own ph tee-, 0 ffogtorth, an'*. brow, FI tivo of 06 present other an Ithen at .OWL. at the* Methodist OeW, Oclareid� - with Ito lmd. reaclied. th s v0a zearly stuted upri in No. 4 for. tbei county 1�np - , horse. and t you w It have ur d1filculty., A bW could foriet, yet whom nobody of whom bad begun to wbh iper, when 6. cbroner other- on tuoi solIloqu�r­a bud- habit. of h vep�ofaee 1and dismay I wished to - remmbi T this b st, jlmnl� 1011 where' I itly felt'that b.)s. -L, Uj' Cumber. allowed In an Instant all were at net again crow I n't expect c ss i(OrAlettmes took at resdo i tgitni wdteu on the) e ore v. nee W" she I rall., land I c noltion for It [a IV! hour. Int6 atono. The young raal had turn- =a som U,&CKXT- w-heni tie ran agfdast.anolber.toll 'I whose tile thtr o, It, Itfol y 13v iletj rater. nodd and slid, to at Had this atUtudio.. this absorp, ed a -Ad was facing them al� with his �a bad rd - bm alge tO shod 0fljes-;G4"cb­ *treflt, 00*tt Wan. -flet 10"gult tht d000, the i4de, door. He f )und himsel at A6d ibe- wommi W d who doesi It tion been directed to the 4�asket. hand* held out Ini a clineb whJch to M eburek, SeaftAk. m6mentle parlay, and - I e lei t this cobil, -home so e I once n- a narrow I it 1, from over which the � 4 -1 an"p, wordo ftsialt wais horrfble� lg�- -13% , I i q � the* let acco*t r4r a and toll VVI irevri Increasta* Im- f the man go", he called Ia. j;Xft -� p*duaW of Wetorla and bebID4. �but ot befor i * lie, b a& rak sib 11gr V roxe and -of w1del opened a I ve room. Un'Arbor, and inimber of the OftUrio this oor and- the wide And boop ta OUVI of tho eye c- dcWt kiow-no pressiven6,83 he in t have YOU pe ,era to be e m In 10 Itt ttAW U00 the loud and OreatenIfig, tones; "I Volkgo of phyi4elgnit and; Surgeons. vecanda which separmed. it. 10 L 000 V be 70wiger clutched at an iii man, but � would a aplyi have been stranglo plac94 pL id his -firs -3notluct -him 'Will' '-Uwe IWO ds to keep fr-Z�rft Cooner for theGDunty of HuralL the , �g 7 w" to I I t I held by, WWI, b cit th S Interest� gin- ry 7 d.itiveway. Sweetwa P, Usamy hwor graduate of Jiflnft q, dead. 00 th4m,; butl, till, that a few band 141 am willing to go an It 1i I - - I anged whispered votds I W medallst. of TrftdtY wh add cereand strOg a i u ido btodly'wa T;h word apd and Lek T146t t, iolntI4 Utes remained ore the hour got U ;t Irrepressi not the s hich 1Q0 isind I - i4 - S6 0* tetlyater ould bavei 111tv" dc�r., u If~ a throti ith " Wft*IW7* g. Memb,m of the ColleSt $hall- find tbAt veranda 'the Mo t open StAble for 'the servicts. decided to im- centered 00t; so I 11 ch the ser1rices. bly trom mor than one - era go jut d his learewy eb ho Ontgrjo. teriasting., part of the hoot. careful as he wi to aintain de- wom YOU19 prove. I tt eta by 4n beforio . him. brougi t him to ist Phystelans and gurpor to7w use i rheO 'the 8 a a opto gjanee stout rdjikq&ve, beard. With a nwked tm quiet conviction to 93=11 the old ant lmoutated­l�y this hall, which, t.corous attitude to the same, but himself. ghastly I(ok on his I Iff. HijGH -Rogo. as he noted Its -nearness to tie vertitia Me Ong IOU & In funeral cals f4po, 'YO tn tile faint mun a ro b1ch now and' blo he scanne I for one I'Antinud next wok k It me bar( Est yet formulated In his own 4 d features with w ch a rie co Ia" the ease be- e lady: w obout to I therl came do*nl ro above where Graftau Ot University Of Toronto, IWO, had A peculiar terest for momi ut the ro of deep. shocked -Cott d she tel ! UnconselousnesO ed and the ta�� befo' to a *e.. e pagslflg . . - Ill re Ifter a The most Importut obJect "bin him, then to. red back f MeMcine; member vt Col- step, - from ft In el; 0 of s1g4t and ffilewd tows. Al UU alane, and EWgeom pt n- down strIelten brother 47 chleid over th de- out, the stair 140 ot PhY4 the driTeway. ubtseal [by a mes hand' view,. a0cording o Ii Is. present J1 dg. CL, ASSI ON IASUMPTIOW- C, r, Vasa graduate co a In Obleago -d another Point of I It Dre t 110 The word ini urse It ha low a: id-ays i* lirlons sister W�Itl concentr�ttlon me. All thought that aij d. me-ut;l was the: sta, ate which Ott- end.ha Moak of Chicago; Royal.00h rathen, the. wing had I D WI I(h I WA f tide Rudl and cul tared a '%Ud abando ell qom;� to the harrowing spene, and on Rospital London, Raglaililld nected 1: with the or abov% IoUlf r wbieb Words of a Pominent CA" attacbed., As his eye tra rt led. Me k Ma was, jho einil 1� to W dt Zng him obllvf6uig O' .,a I o or dutl and' CA' the* M", -asked his r ' minister and people faced ac i other itTVI"rility College 1308pitsI, Londod. you ad' e for this 4 on- ; I I i . -from tin IOU of the rit all 'he L Hbu6ja across this widg, In Ids I v ft w a e( ted by t4 uner ecti d sug ;restl almost ao i He Has Viewed , the DogUnd. Office—Back �*f thewminlon clusilln 3e would r. ot have told ea' Once More, when, loud and E harp d th; dus. 96n -k Segforth. hon -6. No. 5.. Nignt to the stable he eautht U.1p "T t av4in't wit a aswej - th U4 R; Lne, gh mlgbt bi 've done, It then beh* ab there rang down --the shr cry Against Consuna ptiou InP held belo over ond wfio 49 0 c ow� oil I be.J H, e I -ell wi iat, fj#e am& answered froin reddence, Victoria Ing of a nurocs fo ce, an I of d� um -this 'time In articulate wal 9 )eci tuse It was th most direct bad been i as' a n�a to to 'him as the tmt, Seaforth. um. -An one of its `up�er whldml, kne71 �The ki led h Dr Is n slckL girl jbe 01 0 n*. elm w which oven the chili tren could Pe. conv nient approach o (.I;armol 0 n rselfi' easeless Id -e 'I t t. -wit! her c as I L' H vromen, and dild Jar -Once around the corwr; 1( He mi ta. to s o 1 arpoe & it 'Lia z atand. m, and trapdrtgnael Ulal" The Dit. FL J. R. r qd's room, Dis notice led ed. that* the stable door iv c. W bei.n K owed dwn every -�.Y tbio ORftER. qu� on b m?", r mk It open,.I'i I Bn ak It open tio 'detectl*%' wato n I a next o a rack upon ich hung pkeo0upled K.Ye, ear� noge and thro&t ortly. E UUOV 'but that aL we] I 'up. (0- tell is jo uke big veT go on." replb d Fral'ooa and a getitlemauls hat. arranger, obar I 0�e meas nd a e it her heart is there"t eaS3 go 'e side was open. Ei Lcoult ring, �Swp twater, th halide and, Aural U4 &"eon New.York Opt 0 -n I 8e iinspeeted.the former -and ted secret emotious d jtbus was, pre- It 'too awfuli. Men acd women he ....ped, u? t�, tI C ltbg Ien that One was nIsbed with -a b I Igh 661- e peibted occurr thel! feet 2nd -BsI0t&"t watchful ey *as v real rinj eaw Z tesc words f X4. 1E wxTd Qlura Q, a 'and OhIldren leap hadtate, 191)4-110a; CIlnIc&j A ed to and pared for tbe ce jlar� Xa3e ad Throat 110spital, Golden stable window and eared h., a on t 0 a so t )at It, was t of a few mint] Idashed away -Into the street$, spoh- en kt a �ptherlug in us a yeall 4 far. bt lie pasqed tte latiler by�h-lt as e uttering ,hwdro this ome,; an(I Moorefield!* --Eye flopt- man sat r. ith bili I ack tc hit' 2 I 14 1, bo!N ve 'Unh stgo, ml bo fittingly,term�a d io Od wild clilationS' n(;t 4 The final a u. aid and —5 In h 1r derby. The table stood i ext bee mo6ered crl�s, and bit Loy%don, England. Office 3 Wat- Ishing a bit of harness. Thl 3, was Pi 0 n d� er, Pnut he ek cons am 3bion. nt be roqk, and on Us top 1 6 the frien4a preak to look In va.�n the clergym raisel his "fee the� coach] n ay n �hvited T�e recordsof the ant toriump' ChULreh -et, opposite Knox c ably 2;adok, an. 5weet, V 10 d the at Lble (03 Dr ug to likq an mpe, me tior, Ohmtford,, At QueeWs Hotel, Waforth, .more Interesting tb a clothesbi sh their last, on 06!, Mini face whieh to d"bade them t thp, dead. for as db 6ose of other experlen nomex t' ke a In the Itche L nt'ob- h weet ithe rooms were W-611 nigh empty be- Uw third Monday In every montlia. ea iod ntinen aiacl Puropaig onl , du this co ry confusion by observing �so �body elsi %pid i,fore he had ter suddenly ded and Cile or two otherliv,41ginifi inany t et-e1ad n(verl worn'so s flni #4 1,10 sholu r very clearly that i94 mu frea&if b L. with o I 61m X.80 a.m. to; a P.M. jects; his memory for de. a smile I Som had- bealtated, ,q. and shoulders f Polleein n % Xh:; �'� lit's true enou and wb t dko�a the ch$1 dift tise can be, and is. qu., Y1; 0 con -red bit ro was gilt O Called the key$ w1licb, but most I obe ved the summonso - ea, when It ow? Th h talls, he bitd re had tbe� least � of al ed, the +menb followed in W40 leaning toward him, from an op joal at t Soon these, too, and the t#e OU4, which - ono. of the maids hi�d 1picked up some. among th gwie�ttvater. But he bad A TJCT1 so other er an window—in much the saine ff sb [i a d eas* was refastened� and' out sanatorium. lu our owtut ce, Wi IV Ith wher� about this house and laid on a not much time! In, which to fir those e 01 oold and! ur r,ll *as 0 the time thab the hospits; T190HAS BROVM. id�d In bl Ithe shrinking 9 and certaffily with exacuy, Sa 0 1vtort. hall. table. If thas were the. bail and features tn his m Ind for the Uttle havE been in wdstence, the 41 etl�-rstaf ro jAce"ed auctioneer for the countlee in' c bmaW a u t 0- tent as himself. thaIr' gl an I yjas every� Inch of girli, who' had been whiting patie'fitly a darkened � rooms! 44t Wne mptlon'bas been redu�ed nee this the able, then -v of Huron and Perth. Corresponde that go? I whis w wator, red 8 latto which was o4�y, broken in crossed both fitished And 1r)w ba 4 i b covered to of W� 1 ent. bte yr#mptly answered. Immediate ar- lntli�, the marees coc red- lear. � "Sh011 the la.tte: "a simpit. cjo� for this moment, no came forward, m eturn again, each tD 31s ei he stepped as de time �ito time by tbet' now4aint and P11;he lifel-saving possibilides! 0 sanvv�l nagement-3 for sale dates can be ade ot quite the greqe9t importhOe In his ey and to watch 1hem readly areli beard reiteration of[the name torium in, Cani&- are t nly by th '�ranch al. peephole. Neither mean to 1) ey Med by dwp�jng as they did b 1by calling up Phone 97 Se aforth, or as 1h it bej� He ha. I .,no furt 6 time for I comm j i ' t.D t te the advantag'e% of the mome t. BB es tribute Of frag,rant flowe f her: who had just been borne away. means required to carry on iandej� nd MW Expo3itor office. Charges modem so a fill I'LaL ielf," he draw1- these, Cu tIons. Hexf(rd's i For thii remon we very, chorf ILilal" . I tun r 04 satisfaction guaranteed. had beard of the gray horse. nd wig d, -With an tho step cou d be bear li th the quiet breast They were followed e Vera 2M P M 0 Sweetwater, howevet a6cted by tbb' as'k )url readers to help in � the groab a to b the servants, amono whom Zadok, work Z,45 ed to Identify It nigmatte 8 and Owe �twater was anxious to I groing diab is Using d�ne had not tiii Ct There werethree stells, and In ei k tbad divided; his i roses;, As the last , Weene In the fune�al cham ering himself I efore the offleer came In B. S. PnILLIPS. t jost c6ntrol of himself nor faigotten the in� tt 3 room in th trem. 4 fi, for he brustees o d o k. "She's b - e him, he cro is it no statemenh �Ialim 9f duty. He noted gt a glancq c us r he t1in aker advanced ka Free Ucmved auctlon4r for the- counties Only one held their ttention. T 14 to the malirgroup lerii the'au �dapital for � Co . be able to make, at from the Ate farther 4 oorway. &at while the candid too stranger tijef U eg Huron and Perth. Being a practical ceep)lng. som 4 ali was a mare on the Dxtrem 6 Ieft There were several i with the 11 paukng a moment nding Ing bacL he bad been foll0witig was mon 1 i & April IM when 1is lns�Otu ,l.06 stall -a horse stampLNI and fidget.41 a ter luster feli a c6achman's t4rrwr and tboroughly underst ;d to be surei that, all we�e satisfied, be, Ivbose lead d Implements larg'e gray animal with a ct 171 us bl 1: I.-, duV h6 point- empty c lairs In all t but he pai ise Ux Tai2tie of farm stock tn ip to th 3 "prIbseAt .04.,, gan to as much surprised as', the r. �st at the willis 6 b o n I nd In' i ptafte me In a better position to re- patch on its near shoulder. ."he fa, k4 dly hiquired, around them, all to it dark a screw It ot ob a s 0 iont bas ew r bftn ie haturo of the Inte ddenly there d tho rruptloniii�wblch he wit, out ISU as ja cry, an *11W good prices. Charges vtodersitf,� of both men changed, as h,w s Icu6us corner from which wit. I vifig t a stalls Ram is. n -to. this haspilml eeaitse7una *Wiction guaranteed or no pay. All nized this dlstlng�uulus mar and I ii effort! he could take Ill every room on I crowd about, the oor lleading into the tintietvaltod andifor wld,eb ure pnr pared—he W nd Wa 11 U.LU : e was tn some mells Tie coa 2 i� -lid steps i J. Gaigei,, C.hs4"rjn'2 w6re left In Exeter will ba promptly stinctively their eyes et. ul that floor—froP ti e large parlor In main hall starte back as w riskly to,;! I I as of all present. the ost which ti e casket at wd to th( an( C.71 dtezded to. lei a remotest were heard bn tb6 stalfs and a young W ply and Exe(.-uti ire CommitUe, 84 man rubbed away ok Seq.-Tr * 1pecullarly Impressed by I tbi3 eas., 347 %jn roll region' o: the Bervai s' hall. man rushed nothe rdom. purpose untU his ha d qt1j. "You're o v e The ct "rgynian. hi d pot yet d se nd- "Take. ft lie crl6d, pointing e Swt� twater took oceffidoAt Ilirpwise ill ped al Y receive kepplug your i I still and his whole Contribution& vhile� the excitement wits at Its height nt: 70 THAT nden it gi irrisistible desponden he r 100ty. I do , t *ef,, Con Ihis face, moved perhaps by at i i kn4*., who yo are a - what �io 4 waiiii; ------ for Oalt *0 in% buk 9 of a watchful presence to 7b ell all f In c vers,tepphi your IIus are more or less susceptible,i tl eyl db( tir said co; le hman. were both surprised to see tears ldn le's righ 11 r, iuttered Hexford. iess h d ratt the Jnalds Is eckoi Iii bJj= feet and the bit of bar Itter let fen w go, , See,; The next Instant he had st r ed to ls� Itter let 9 tor one -�f le and w alcome if be wlil Grand Trunk Railway from his bands tio the I loor. "Who are YOU?" e asko w1l here he g(ts Ids System. especial briNni I of �pered and I - touch of anger Ite natural inde'r A lqu ter b a ,o cup. circitmstanc-es. "Can't you In 1: Y . be come d ct k sed to too the cl�ugh had forgotten '.1ne W to for '�b ky.0#1 r. Call or 00 and taken dowa the lov�er haif the door and not creep snealking,VP 0. dallway Time Table. Of to rise. brokelt bottle! which had 'at- take a man atdisadvantage,'? Ihis votive on 4traucell, 0000 Ibe da bed way I 0 risen qwcyjy 6vermght TraWsleave Seafortb as follow A-9 he spoke was now holding It out, vith a Or had 1 10.45 a, m, For Canton, CWericb, tears with which his eek a Wingha amd h 37 t 11 cd look at 00 departiag� coach- Ind fal A 4. ., a 1 . le, 1, wet L10 p. m. For Cffinton and ounk, a, i. &18 P. M. For Clinton, Wingbam and Kinew. 17 th()Ugbt a heap of my TO n6e DeVermO ord was at his shoulderlwith dine. Wolo tress," he added In -evU lent 1�polo IL12 p. m, For Mton and "erlc& .b lDeC nd t10 or they in ipec of courm 22irvi-tt I � a weak'flo� 7.52 a. m. For kltmtford, Quel TorMto display, of what suet, get Orflila, Kortb Bay and Pedinle w*4 stw adc tag to It,! which' Belleville and Paterboro and po I''Von lnu we4kness. "I didn't know thait It' pert, ften. 'ood vm�.`z.that of tl�o veT rare and expen- Mear=ng weak i, ju me to cry for 4,�Yj !Ing, but I f 8.2fi p. w. missing f0m the ally Guelph, Toronto, Mon- U"USU For StrAl Advo� spirit f6und (tr t that I can f ber i8at FIVE �ROSS is Z' tre&3 and" 1�onta eaet. dubhouse w, For Stratford, Ouielph and Torrout.- Indow, 93jid Ow.j. te: strong- M dete Dt lve% ater slid from- Ms.' R ��t I uto ti its strengt whi& COMPel %nct-2-tf - , - I u tat ef eWd Xfrld d W, �"":Irth Ott met lit the stable door. follov V ft to ra"a to your 61' a, quick nove, tow Z pk, ho ea uelighL ;fy, loc I jg6jjd6jj, Alif6h and Bruce. gigad luck?" whisPeled the i ishoted out: not sold IXou'd better awwlar that 4iestloi* i ��t Wide of 11going coherM4 iota$! NOaTq, Pm-seenger Enough to bring me here,"Ac 0 did th a bi of broken! bot#* ILondou, depart ....... 1 AnA the dough ringy ,under your lgaod� Cen alls.. - ..... .......... q tfted the other. ftym? The,. don't 9IN YA - �kw L.op, con- Exeter .......... U Wor4 11 vvatered q)o, you mean to t1di,, Ouse. or like tb 16 to diltil0v i ......... 1008 I....... Faiell the ROSES d*uch. mugh tile f I& FIV ............. ....... they 1016 611 this. stable? at don tF1 I mutterld th �1. This. is. 6 19 Nlote the wonae4 -a sn oofh co tin, no; so uch ab �U of such 40 T ve you heard that the hrs .................. 1080 -To thM stable." h OD is 85 b ROUT. Ili$ V 58 "aa 0 th bad exp(eted 1 "'And I V ;U1 Great is the bread . .2611-tf 700 ey 014. i found thi L .......... 1127 �4 7 is at that ii1glit?" for'it If tb douth 1: Yow 1i 40 Try ogbana, arrive.. ....... 11 54 7 86 Tryeg; she was OU bit, 4f bottle 1, the a h barrel good ADWO Iut, ut varals �4 11 mites I -who driving?" 41shed I It �a Igee SOUTH— ingbam, depvA 6 85 A "Ah, that's thoqluesIoul'l 64 ttie shap n; 6 50i 9,44 tni I Ilk ..................... *1XM man can't tell Iroul 704 3 68 I till I'll till; A hard- just -as 804 pt ............ 713 4 04- Apply on 113ut 11n in totalk,t6hiMfor 'it? well,' jutvor mind; Clinton ......................... 750 4 23 13!uoefield ....................... 812 4 69 well close the Stable door tot 828 4 47 4 52 ciae wasn't bere that E1191 H 8 32 -848 f, 06 at a dance. O'Lot 5 Ex et,- r. ........ ....... He only kno s: that self au4 emmy, 1111A rather do It 900 irn 344G, mare was outi" 14ndon, Anive ................ 2000A.M. 610 nwith ',But I'm going to tall l: to Im.­ going Itto t* CA under- ay come In too" I'll ow t tor wo %-3-il and too. You"" iker: ru eir just fiftEen 'inhitit?'04 it low rupt. 11v r w per,. c etw Will -be In a answer waq Rexford threw open the ilt d IUstoweP and K7 ap a fery t il street, incardine able'� r.1 e No ng tn an I* Ihe vl�iorld WoWd to paw* O.O. M Emu Pam 001NO WORM thl protean jKlatu I man j Listow.el ...... 8 15 p.W.. 12,05 pm *2 A .............. tem& Tude 0.05 1.66 11,18 (WiPT1t vm 9.15 2,08 11-69 ,�X`13 YU GOW& soum PAM flaw. a. e. wn anewat 2.40 rim er 1) the Almal I %ing m a.m 11.00 IN" US RT Ill- ill I 11mi M lil "111ill 11 ill 1111111i 11 11"I %x a op i"e W,�00* $9#L&#ft0 OOMPA 614 11.16 &m. 9 49 unti stod �ls twSWI 00 7.07 wam t141 7.17 two I loveal 123 I22% "AA IT, in2iff III