HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-11-24, Page 8•
Ontario Elections
, the interest of -
Liberal Candidate for Centre Huron
Will he held as /ollews
In the School House
Thursday, Nov,einher 23rd
In Forester's Hall
Friday, November 24th
In ()alders' Hall
Saturday, November 25th
Rev. Joseph Elliott
The opposition Candidate is invited
All are Welcome God save the Kin
'tied lecture*,
with Mont -
this event -
t work that
(these coinn-
trn and in '
char° "Among
dy of the Inr-'
the Kira*
rivi(leiretcl to
You'll want Warm Footwear and
we are in better position this sea-
son than ever before to give you
just what you waht.,,_ The following
Ilse' is just a few styles ot this kind
of Footwear that NVe have in stock.
We have many others.
Heavy Rubbers and Sox, Over-
t:hoes, Felt lined Shoes, Felt Shoes,
-1.A6ng Boots with Felt Sizix, Fleece
lined Rubbers, Felt Rubbers, Warm
Felt Shoes, Felt and Fleeced lined
Shoes, Fleece lined Rubbers, Warm
FeltSlippers, Cardigans, Overshoes,
Felt Rubbers.
Remember this when buying Shoes.
We sew rips Free on Shoes bought
here, also if Shoes bought here do
not give satisfaction we Make
Jas. E. Willis
Opposite the Expositor Office
_China. In the _
The revolution in China has focused
the attention of the civilized world -
Is China really advancing ? - Modern
firefighting appliances and street cats
seem scarcely.passible-Nghat has she
accomplished in the cotton trade ?
Take a trip with us via the
and ass how
The Giant is Was.ng Up.
If you want a watch that you
can be proud of—carry a •
The Waltham has been awarded
highest honors at every Interna-
tional Exposition and has taken
every Gold Medal offered in
America since 1875.
Don't buy a watch before talk-
ing with us. Complete assort-
ment of Waltham Watelwa in all
jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage License
Excellence o
FOR weeks we have been re-
ceiving and arranging our
Men's Shoes for Fall and
Winter wean We are ready for
business and have in store a regu-
lar Shoe Feast. Men who come
here for their Shoes will miss
nothing that's worthy of consid-
eration, We have the hest Shoes
made by the Country's best Shoe
ers. e se no other sort.
Conapare our Shoes with others,
style, stock, etc. Do this and
you'll buy youk Shoes here. There's
a style abc-ut our Shoes that at
Once appeals to every Man -who
enjoys wearing good Footwear.
We believe we have the very
best Men's Shoes fis I NI
We believe we have the 'very
best Men's Shoes
We believe we have the very
best Men's Shoes 0 r: two
conic in and ziet'; if 5ciu don't be -
view every Aan who expects to
The best values are v lwa ys het e,
The Home of Good Shoes Fiats
111P481,0D. 'CaO8Cd.-1110 mission services
in St, James' Boman Catholic church
conducted duaing_ haat week closed on
eat were laorgely attended( and oferemed
to grow in lintereat as they prooeded.
The attendance on Sunday evening
was fully eteital to the capacity ot the
church. The Revd& Fathers Revrioldet
doubt. hut (*Jr, work here will be
productive • of much increaaed zeal ar-
!Met mites/On must, s,artia are suave be ex-
teemely gratifying and eneouraging to
the wontlay pastor, Rev. Father Okra
Huron Old a:Jolla-The ,asnuai /wett-
ing of the Olurcia Old Boys' Association
was held last Friday evening -in the
Wnoking tram of the Prince George
ailotel, Toronto.. with a largo attend-.
ance of membens present. The chill
ihuielneSos Itraneacted wins the election
of afloat% ter the coming year, aef
follows; Hon. Presidents, George Tate
McNaught, late XPY.; Major Jas
Beck and Thomas A. Russell; president,
William Sloan; vieeenzleldder4o 4:14-
R. Helmet% exelf.P. It. twast decided. to
hold the leap:ma banquet on December
lat, arid the ab -home an February 17„
,weae appointed to attend to the Nee
steal programme was provided, and
kngthy addressea were .given by Mr.
R. R, Parne,,y, late and 'several
other _gentlemen.
into Igo
her !Jain
ved was,
of her
led On
0. Kyle
'to fit
Moly of Sea -
letter lfrdrh
le, of Streme#
rood to? death.,
to light a fire
ol hen bandit ex -
her. clothing.
ng ; o smother the
e. 4 the house at
arida brought help
ut; ha ore help an- i
redther- was
rived at the
wit about ten
Ttya deceased
une and -died
living in hen!
affair which
ccurred. Mr,
dents of Shea
hey remand
isolne, years, went
friends among
Stb !PIP- Ex -
'nearest ell:1Y-
le. She wag
twenty mileS
Lonbarcl-Beirtott. *if A very quiet
t ut pretty wedding( was solemnized
oiaXedneisiday, November 22aul, at, high
noon alt, the harm/ of Mr. Robert Bata
nett, Seafortle when hia daughter, Mise
SxSainah -Mae wee :united in marriage
to Mr. Hirano laaarlea Lonehand„ of, Bon-
falo. The ceremony was pestormed
Rev. Mr. liairker, of the liethodiet
church, in tbe preevace of the immedie
treating PaTitleit Ki.39 Pearl Baral
ate friends and trelattivee of the cone,
/flat was hridesinaidi and Mr. Robert
groom's gift to the !bride was a thaind-; f
1.-amne pearl necklace, to the bridesmaid I
ProtAY 'amethYlit !brooch and 'to the
groentanat, a set (of gold cuff link,*
The he.ppy couple left on tbe afternoon,
train /or poiehs east, atter which -they
kike up their residence in Buffalo
manY useful presents they ref,
ceived„ among which was a handsome
piano, a got, a the groomle father',
Itehltify to 'the popularityi ot both bride
and grecom, whp have (the beet wishee
and congratulationa of 'their, nurnerL
Isary services in connection with the
Preebytoriaa church, Seaforith, will he
held on Sabbath next aud will be cone
ducted by the Rev. Mr, WoOkilde,
Owen Sound, at Ithe usual hours forea
is one of (the siblest young men in the •
church and has already raad,e a re-
putation for himself as en earnest, able
and eloquent preacher. He have recontle ;
been called to the largest Presbyter.- I,
Ian church in Brantford. We havs
doubt but he will have large contacr,
gatiora3 on Sunday. For the Monday ;
friends bave made something of a new
ual old faahioned tea meeting they,
have .arranged. for what la -termed a
Shredded Wheat Banquet, to be elm-
Shreddod Wheat Company of Toronto.
Ata. will. be ,by the bills a very;
elaborate menu te Ito be provide& Aft -
iter the banquet the uSual eatertalik ;
ment will be given in the auditorlorn
ot the church. We- have no dolibt but
all °the leervice,s will be largely 94 -
of Torceto, occupied lthe pulpit In the
alve discouree on the henrafit8 of and!
necetesity for increased -zeal tient eta
fort in missionary work. OIL Monda '
evealag he 'gave Ilia illusuratted, le
The loect
1 Mission Band. The lecture- La entitle
I "Around -the .7,rcirifi in Eighty Mir
utell," It was illustrated (by ineany
melee: ilea) .sach onc: of the eleve
Foreign mieslon Fields lof 'the Presby
eo several et the converts of thes
mifrsioinaries, who ane eow doing
. good .work in the way of Chrx3tiaal
frig their owe people.- He alao gay
examples of the capabilitiet of sever
had been ChriOtianiZed and educat
Ilav g, opened a
The Bard
lay a r show
o and en ears
all rl and m
nail narentee
Delp .in connect -
to a to the people
'Pure Wholesome
e Watols oar win -
mit received a large
Stloves now on .dis-
4tItwo cars were sold
ie •-ery quickly.
Prices rig -ht.
acid es and De vp,
hrist a buyers. A.
ear o minkin Ran
*near an storm deo
does 75, V2 and
reeb te an Church,
venin November 1
bose g part are
bihe• y r end. We id
n BI kets, Hal
ro• ss-4 Saws an
..a• lit Unsurpastedl
thing for yoiir
ltk and 25O et
William's sowing
rators on sale for
.11, located In the-
Irit of combination
a the Big
Hardware Store.
•he appearance of
but letting. in the
hinges and -glass.
le Agent. ff. Edee.
ons auspices of the
r , Will be held in the
o dville, on Thursday
h, at
0, 1
co clock. Among
ner, of Stratford,
talent and special
e. Tickets may
. 22934
sofd rt forgetten the
ci3r14-0 loos of it about
lifOrgeti-don't you forget.
.1* Se our famous Keen
and Ensilage Forks etc.
rit,es right. H. kdge.
e frig Is easy - We have a
forth. 2288-tf
ele. Terms reasonable ;
6 Id ie la a splendid s.
pr na (Ts or addresswJaTes
XMas will soon be
h and Cowl) ases
anicure Cases
S a lig Sets
bo Baushes
st steak in t
d Mirrors
y Packages
Come in and look,ar und
--you're Relcorneiw eth-
er you buy or not:
f Mu
c et
Iva Dodds,r,
io above P L4.
or Sale
ed ati hp propert„
ban lor an ten
artic I apply on
Ex ri nsed, ca
For Snjle-Millinery
age : t k low we ' : e.
tire. a good assn
o -we: r and Child en'
1.. Ha rit, Dublin.
Con r -A eoncer(
people b�eeause the v
in tows cacti! be given
Wt.! •.Ranee, header
panto a of Owen bane
day E ening, Dec. sth
,riven ater.
Rei oved-Ha'ing i
Empo 'uln, oorner a
rmple rent wareroci
the nc
land P
red a h
he hi ; h
the pl r
and P lri
• Premises.
e-•Thfs e
birds, Linse d
ultry Suppl es.
L. 11. Spr ,
Pius -Wm. e
the purchuue°! c
s resfdedee; i
?st price in joa
We hand"el
by. Be sitre
rest now
one S5•
• me
Dr Dian.
of !road
up (by la
ture of'
df his, 1
d the It
and Ithe
ea a
re to
ding tae
a as
gir wan'ted for general home ;
.1 Edge.] Seaforth. 2290-tf
rtg art are so well known
Mies, Pva, Dords, Sono,
in Gercino's Hall, on Tess -
and Ooderich Street. f wan
hav!e r4noved my stook to
rt on first tnortgage on
t. Holrototed.
e ti e tf, the year to feed
I 011 'eke, Poultry Food E
catfisukiply you with all
{naafi again in the mar-
Druggist, Seaforthl.
and Woods' Phosnhodine.
ae • v:dinv-erlotr'gtilia.976.
i owenhertielarniFie'tili
gave a plea
the Strac
a now
and Prairie
iculturlist of'
fed a' dixectoi
ared by the eet
inking at eame
quenched His thinst;
ble, scientific reason
Da ad
have been where
rief4-4117. -James Wet! ; haw;
hie res dence is to have an
le et is houeehold ftecte
at him idesice.
tt intend ant rinin.gf
early. in Mar We
tice by the onto
uog, to yo lady;
Duggan. '1st old,
sari, ot. this t
In the known
Clinton, tois
tion at the nnual
Smt he was home from
ph ovor Sun Mtandard
(Stallions d ewe. warp arrived
on Monday f ri ler. George oyer,
43 ()Wyatt. They w:ite I ported
ere autif 1 ane
e hope Mr Troyer w 11 have
t Watt' of Igood luck with th fine
toe wit* to keep the 1 eve ing of
tuber 8Ith for 4the en :Jot of
o Clan an Jubilee. Sin ere in
Meth et church in Seafor h, une
Societ71. OA Ss. unday
as Stairting tor 'ho trom
bate the was I g fell
c ye' Paelonging; to Dr.
5 which was an. old f vorite
I-Orhe he was Well Varies
in a arta- but -had few su orts
Ernie Box turned Wane from
the !super' tending some( CM -
a pent Sunday here 'with his amily.
ht its vie tiling hers late ,
ti .1431 woe calling en old frien
oderick, ret ming officer f r Corg-
i aur , 113 aro lair positing u the
la/n*10M ter the election. The
nattitin will held In oni
h, and the tel tion on the follow-
Mondat-Ma A. Forbes, of Can-
n, was in !to tido week lling
old firiendie-nir. W. D, cLean,
o ithe Dundaa llanner, spent unday
th hia family here. Oh 'Man y he
and left fori that place oo Tues-
mortiing. MI McLean aa Lam-
y lett tor new home i -Dux*
3 on Thursday -Ma, William, Mc -
11, the oada tellable fur 'dealer,
-ase all the ta fours be eah get
gmondville.-Mr. Gorden. Jeff ion, of
Norkb Dakotas- 'was heir this
eele. He came to Canada (to a.ttepd
funeral of hie father, the late
effeason, of West Wawan h. Mr,
Ilion. is a reotheOrirlaw of Mr.
ore, of Este e visiting at the
e of liver dau hter, Mae, P. Daley.
. John G. henty, of 11 mond-
whe has pent the past few
this in the -let etroun
' out very r ,in that 4brict,
at averaging only utliouti te. Oahe
ante, and 'that net of t e best
o and intend tesiding the e 'in
ut re. -Mr. Rob rt *Smith bas purl -
ha from Dr. urrows the uilding
Goderich abr et and is ha ng it
oved Ito the property he tly
heated feom Mr. James Se ht, to
e in mind th St. Anikewls concert
he 'Egmondv le church on Thuri-
ee pingq1.3 wit lye( a concert in the
le The compa
End 'More.
he average arid
le of refinemen
'tire ali kinds deity-
dville and for which ;
lie paid. Remember •
ask for these. You have
be many friends
b 'Who preaChed in
here .e few
turn from the
sed t6 learn
'8pason, and. was
I, )Dti.n(amore from
ning. for worn
teal both morning
arge congregation
le,a4s who rejoice
0191i talk wee
evenin , when be
t , ug the Suez
I eloquent and in-
xeiplein which ha
ineund the walla
1 ion . 1l7 way
th t the walls
Orieh If ' of the
314 the surround,.
s glad
ems f
The lecture on tbe whole wee in--
Ma.clA wen Is, an -enthusiast in miesfo
ary work and gives his time end .ta -
enta. gratuitously to the ,service,
. his receipts from his lectures are de-
voted entirely ;to the cauae, and t (sura
rally reason that he is not himself in, of ea
the foreign field is tluit Ms health won eneirel
not permit him to undertake the war o
-It wag also 'rnietsionary week in t Mart
MethoditSt church Rev. W. Ba Ing
Can 1,
'nee' had been (ailing. for long tin*,
her. 'death Ittal /oat d fer at any
time. Sho bad room Una le to . leavei
da irter had, en up to 'see r,
no was heard from 'the 'room, atnd
inveAlgation it was foand that
ahe bad fallen, from Ithe bed and died,
Th Was eVidence, bid very small
evi co, pat bad committed selfti
dea action, 'w eh a° doubt started
the tunitar, lb t era) elcaVly related ''to
the late WV. railer has secured tho
puldic that the lady died very, andfkrilyi
froM natural banks, art says that
the family phYsiclan w 11 bear out
hits statenient,
Seaforlth corg the eve
y are all the claim
e !gingers a above
and talent.
Das wood
ollowing- deep tell ;tram Dash: -
h funeral -of the late Mrp. Daniel
ernaer was he thie afternoon from
er late Inesiden on the Gos en line
anneuneement of Mile Tr emneara
es(.3ith was a eu ries tet this village
ported. that ls bad taken er own
ife the ham Thits tumor as re -
ted ba `tneigh.boag end friend , much
o the (*tow of the family, as the
itionivensarY. Cavell church, :Willa
Phi D., Mildly .willoireach at 11 ateee
and 7 nm, astral fowl Supper and
enticittainenent will be giveri on the
illa Green
th large oto k sale in Chleago last
k and pure sed some 'fine Ihrottena
William Love tetbened to lila
ho in Connwall age 'spending a
f weeka with friends -Mr. Wm.
ke last Iloaday. William paid high
an- irreendM leaving shortly fdr, the
Wes, es Susan and taatharine Park lett
(Mks week for Kew York. where theyi
lard to irelAcie.
Our elecitiric light plant la being
.by water. 'ThiLl method is amich
citet3--Mr. -00Pelancl, Who Vas
, has returned to I* home in 'Vo -
td„ -Miss Fanny Stewart, who ban(
'spending the summer at Kippen,
Oa Thomson. spent Sunday ,
ary sermon on Sunday evening. -
ch aper.-Mns. -Harris returned hoine
On Satuaday alter viaiting friends !in
Se forth, Walton and Brusseis.-The
ita the new proprieftera--Rev.
la In, viatted the Sanday school; at
Ja wn last Sunday afternoon, and
in-ferietoria Blatt in the even- 4
EMBER 24, 1911
Thoughts of
anta Claus
Are In stt;e ir
He Makes McFAUE,' Headqvarters
2 OUR kTTENTION is respectfully directed
• to the fact that we
• have made plans foil an Unusually large
• Yuletide Season's Business. We are putting on dis-
2 play far the largest and finest 1 collection of suit-
able things for everybody th t it has ever been our
pleasure to show. We bav left nothing undone to
make this the best place to et things for your lady
relatives and friends. Watch for our future announce-
ments and remember that gi s f ir HER had best come
from here, the Style Store f r Ladies.
cit zero is to join Vie ranks of he
re it that our eateeneed citizeee ;A.
he lth,
G rand Bend
-Mx. and Mrs. ICOnnedy, of
we0,k, atter
iwilh her
lig a couple a weeks
Parkhill, led on ,Mr. and
1:ineolding !couple of weeks b. •
h getter, W: T. Acnost of Grand •
Ito (leg d Page around agin.-
ef waled n.
ling -berth ere vitAting relatiVes
h kelt w. k.-Thenet de very- gOed
of wttting.- he ditcheris • CM Whitt is
knewri as (the tPigeol4 drain have stop-
ped work for, (the leason.-Hunters arier
now on the etunds wa.tchirig out for,
of the Instivo,g came near having a big,
t the othe night, when the kill&
lin wood caught fire' in t-ti,e oven i of
1- atove. He .i1.3.04 discovered it in the
ed of time, Neither leer_ Proudfeot
no Mr. Ellie t, the earididateh; for
tne Huron, have been out our 'way
Ye' Tihelr -a both refined and °dui-,
ow ir 'and hi hly intellectuah, and are
fittit, lest and all •the time,
died at: hits home near Doinaybroik on
Sunday atter a lingering illness De-
ceased was 83 ;years of age, and .watf,
b in Engl Hie came to this cow*
tr when a oung man and wall
(sh p in Dung nnon. For lever 30 years,
nyho eovolc'er, -whehe he was in the -general
bean living in Dent-
ist re business He is survived by a
nu tier of chi ga.-Wittrid Brown, a. 2
yo g Limn tag near here, While
h: 'ling a 22 libre accidentally •
0 of hits ifi r. The wound is pain- •
Sty, who built a new house in. the
vil age lately has moved his hoarse-,
ho effenta to it from his farm
E Sell the Bes R'
Apparel for I ad•
Suits, Tailored Coa s,
and Skirts that ar
for Oe tiioney. - W
best Qut of the best the
ma e, we would hav .t
onl the kin4 of *go d$
urs, Waists
de in Canada
lect only the
shown in the
rmcnts were
em. We sell
v'e can stand
r money hack
and see for
F YOU WILL COME and see the remarkable
valUes and the attrac-
• 1 tive features of our Dress Goods, Suiting
Cloths, Silks and Costume Trim ings, in all likii-
hood ou will be delighted with ertain things that
will eet your requirement of some special need.
• We ave never before shown a better collection of
beaut ful black dress oods black suitin cloths and
their accessories, than at present. And as for fancy
• dress niaterials and trimmings, we are a.s usual hav-
ing p enomenal success, and we deserve it, -if style
and q ality count for much—r-and they certainly do.
ko eirw°14agoodltr-itr,,,:
b and hale
(beef ring
entli *aeon,
data. T
yteaer *et
a tile 184#
th iv were
ty under
co plaint fro
ft looking
wirk. Mr. Jo
Dan. Bwintnell, the well
has finiabed up ea-
r,staa uefl on July
just completed its sten.
being 'the oldest ring
,has been one of the
ey have ever had. The
killed avoraged 4.97
twenty 496. Fifteen of
ty dressed over 480 and.
ly three out. of tha
s wing is dus to
lest five years, d.
there hate never been a
anyone. The inspector,
also deserves credit(
ell after his part of the
Robert:sore who has
been presiden for (the past two yeakte.,
and hats filled the office well, haa
Ma. F. 00Briene the
la, was te-elected.-Ths
, anststed by, the Ladle*"
name prepaeing for a
. Watch for the date.
-Mr. Thomaa Smale moved, to Mitchell
on. Friday lash whene he has pure
-Kris. Redman, of Bengali. aotomPanied
tat a lady Missionary, vi-3ited Mrs. T.
Wren on Wednesday last,, end the lade
len of the commulkity in the Methodist
of the
r•-igned, an
ld and oho
'DON'T put off getting your *int-
-1-J er clothes any longer. Get them
fro us, and soon—we will please you
4,......,....., . ........................................
. •
1 _
We illustrate *
and Overcoat t
the acknowle ged le
We are exclusve
No Fancy Prid
beTfohre7 aWeve s
servative man or t
think a Soft Hat
and try on so e
a style and -o
Hats must be seen.
We've a Var ety
if you would ,iike
best Cap that car.
anywhere for the p
here and see he ca
are selling fo_ just
There's a whole
DOLLAR for a C
best Cap for the P