HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-11-24, Page 2IW 0 Bargains. in Does away entirely with the drudgery of •Fue Ding and Food, Choppers To introduCe the fast cu ting " Home Comfort Chopper, we offer it f r $1.25. Take one home use it. You will find it t e of meat per minute and wikl $1.25 eacili oa rota lab vela for h ide h 13411 e on Oen wh whi lot ot son I o aw the a are re mpr lu that lag to lax xp tilted ed Heaters Halters For sick room, or bedroom that cannot be reach- ed by the stove. Largest s z e. Will give per- fect satisfaction Leather and rope. Strong', easy pric- ed,well made. Ex- amine ours a n d you will buy. $4.75 Sewed $1 00 1.2 !Wetted .75 es., pro is ete ma ch hi :the t se can avi had an ppor (46y f o be lie cl fav Mitts and:Gloves° A complete line from 250 to $2.25„ For a special featured, long wearing horse hide mitt don't fail 1 25 - to see our bargain.. ... . .. . edy cep Tb era the off leek Pr ref a -Meat Saws. Horse Clipper ing Bo ren ero the Of plak iro erp kin Eclat hav bee tefi tio the me deli gay F20,11 f ed nl of da o to e malt conatr corn of boat 3 'the wori also !the b they ufactu duty be all dim to a gove price Can han tier 1.31 homeM, -ad than 11 lumb five p airead this of fo per ee ust the thing you need for winter meat, all sizes 50C to $1.35 Butcher knives that we, let you bring back if not good steel 25c 35c 4oc - Horses do better by ge ting rid of their old coat hair which only sops u sweat. Clip your horse with our lightning clipper ILLS, Plumbing •Eavetrouoling catorth. Furnace wor 4 "EIRGAIONEVILLE PROPERTY Foa SALE. II Corner LoL-Beat location. Good house and stable. Hard and soft water. Will be sold chart,. Apply to John Beattie, Variety Store; or tre John Rankin: 2221.4 QHORTHORN CATTLE -Seven first-class young 0 culla, 2 from imported cows, for sate at moder ate prices and on easy terms ; good young cows and t alters also for sale. All intereated are cordially in. vited to Inspect the herd. Farm. adjoins town, long dislamee telephone to farm. -Write for catalogne, IL SMITIL Exeter, 1993-tf for sate to dose up an estate the Pan -t Half of Farm Lot No.. in the 9th (14.1evaitort of the Township of. lifelidlop. Fifty -acres all under grass and in a splen- did tomtit -3r and ratLit. be sol this fall. It is known as the Little Farre. For price and particulars apply • Was So Choked Up She Couid Hardly Breathe. IISIDENCE FOR HALE -The residence of the uno1;nadealed at Roxboro is offered for sale eheap. There is a comfortable brick residence and about half an acre of land. It is pleasantly eituated within two In'tee of Sealorth with rural mail delivery at the door and rural telephone. An ideal place for 22334 Ulan' FOR L14 -For sale east half of Lot 14, 1.`, Con, 8, Hallett, containing 50 acres, a.11 cleared. lt is all seeded to grass hot. atout S acre*. There is a good orchard ; good . ank barn and driving shed ; good brick house, contains 10 rooms, besides summer kitchen and wood slit& The farm ni well watered. This is an eatil good farm and is pleasantly and con- veniently located. It only a quarter of a rude from a school. Apply to ANDREW TYERM2aN, Seaforth, or to JAMES n'AIR.SERVIOE, Londesboro, Post Office. 22444 ARM FOR SALE OR RENT -Lot 15, Concession 4, Stanley Township, containing WO acres more or less. a.1Jout 70 acria -tearer.", balanoo about 110 acres timbered, first -clue land, good bar k oarn. and com- fortable !MO onnuird arid water. In a good state or colriv-f. on-, About 11-, miles from -Brueefield Railway Station, good gmvet roads. Half mile from aohnal and good neighborhood. if not sold will be rerite aoply W. SCOTT, a: Co.,Brace- utARH FOR SALE- For sale Lon 1:1, Con. 7, Kip - I: pen Road, Tuaeramith, containing 100 acres, SO acres cleared. ail of which is in a first - claes state of cultivation, well underdnunod and well fencen, the balance 'of the farm fs in good hard- wood timber. l'hao'n are two acres of orchard. On the place Are t.wo good taink barns on acme teanatee... nee lariat, rig house ; there Is also a good frau e There are two good wells, one at the 11-etit:d and one at the barn. This Is one of the b :hams Tuckersmith. It is eituaced on the Kix miles south of Sea - forth and. one .one from school. There are 40 acres of crop and the, emainder in hay and grasii, and the farm wilt be ,•,ela with or al, bout the erop. MATTE ENV SCOTT, Proprietors, Eginonth ill a P.O. i47.kint SALE- For sale Lot4, (aaL 7, Hallett,: ises a good l,ank 4oxe0 ith cement flows, arid one hint 3xata, also a goad carriage house, a hen house with et .11 sera :ail a shad, A good frame and :here art noo at the house and There are Er- wolf ii..o.1„.val laalL and wh.at arta al. :7!'"Witi... Cif./.90. This property ie cionvenierit to .t.tt arid store. Will be: mold rhea!) :tad • a e raro:a. Far lull her nar-ien- °LOUGH, 2251-t1 Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the air tubes of the lungs, and should never be ;lc- glected, for if it is very often the disease becomes chronic, and then it is only a short 'step to consumption. On the first sign of bronchitis Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should he taken, and thus prevent it becoming' 'chronic. Mr. John D. MacDonald, College Grant, N.S., writes:—"My little girt, seven years old, caught a bad cold which, developed into bronchitis. She was sO choked up she could hardly breathei Reading about your wonderful medicine,' Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I decide to try a bottle, and with such good re sults that I got another which cotnpletely cured her. cannot'say too much in its praise, and would not be withont it in the house." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper; three .pinej trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents. Manufactured only by -The T. Milburn co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 40 bin p tu lu het inith all ty wi h at fo cu t ate 1 int V ern cl 0 he rn im a trd Oct er es untr g e bare re eat par ae, PrtPal Y1 wee e et sp OU ig een er gh In 1 en 6 bin gr tc nein and aval given f tubi This ianuf Li have hey feet th set wee ores et ad. ju 11 w Cone had g on will allowed howe s the elf Loon 'the oeh ecordin to th ecigia idttghljellithLal dated. Th g the Cana 'bonus hey are our athan llweaYibt oh: errte faem stable ke go 11, tburetetern clue do ve least occu assi d co Prof a th is long Ile it t ou• id up ht Is eve he re to to the ity consi xes y supe down t ed of I te g eeadf heal at fitcrae PprPo°vstelo ea Th. eat the'l of the f n help. contaet sly pal 148 the to oaa The, ! 'Import of stoppe by the rth to ilts, effect tale ,Ca adlen :able w thout he petiti to,. oh for Iii ll /umber paid Jo i the ;supp ett mon . Paid, Manual aboe. 'W t, these ancouv , and cream tt. going 1,0 hand tWen t tight Into their -nut to at the. Y leaxs s. The. armors, 1 leas dance to thei tune e is; oi ig bs +t.: say tie clear that t bat be a a govern to Lb ist build 32 WEI, one pa afactu tit to en te dit he going I -o ' etc to zee need.° -With or for he st Edito ge of rlatilicipatded ould co inelo aceful co not. lo e ma omfor tn du the hem ariff g co as dot fter u tll 13 lumbi tie of the seocite- nd over tle• et arid rva ✓ plan - in free or Lira in ten,1 thictriii* and ul,y conthwOu ilarr of fails' to, proved e fails, in goals.ing merit tisi). Th4 d Rose Tea end it nev use it nevem- savve Li liable broaeleer r, thUee to the • ufae- ue, and t the y have side of rough Ls way lumber I to be man - nal to rapidly ' aenefla new e high of mill ✓ who he eetn. his vetr be lumber Ewell wentara hatg When nufacee check rge 20 'han it qult t. wit ection e seal 11 an Man ove mper hl Registered last see -on newaree of he d prive the students endplate ed eve' e gratin ite Sev .t C thane our trained help. College in tenni( te :.-. i' me Pe Sept. 5 to June SO. Enter an tine:. a . m th Clutrtered Accountant, FrinCipaL 6 1-3 Udder .14 atIORTHORNS-Tw red i.all Il and 13 will weigh /MO ibs. ; a good heifer, rising 3 yeare eel, both due to calve in April. Akio a good Clydes- dale stallion colt, airtal by Sing Thomas, and from ' imported stOok. Come and see us, we like SO allow Catategue Free. Fmore_st City :041: J. WESTERVELT, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT a lit Pr tes a f the minion Sir e Prem eo tnat xhibitl ted Prom be ,Cet whom ed wit etern Stirp brief an an e will Vatto 16 "It ha ents oceeda t, the been e pf the is prize n: of pe ulant Well m cited ?waives with eenchespe king Vs and their 1 e ower give- to an esti able/ 1 Peave' to ow t 82 RED NEVES OSE SOLD Ili SULK rocer end It and repartee in debate,' In thei between him ad the Tremier. er gals .ruftled This 'is an. ate mart Dar, DOW gtilf ir en hate yeti :o cultiVate. • Two cantle, a week 10 exactly what it Milts to gnarartee You the greatiesett treat you ever tenjoyede That *all inewnpaper reading to tbe ad 'on this continent. We refer to sabe Fa ily Herald and 1W, ekly Star of Montreal, by long coils eine best farni y: and farm paper a 'mast , /beautiful p .ernium pic- ture la inclucladl. It isl:ent tied "Horne '.A.gain," and, 14$ well worth the dollar alone. No home in Canada, . be It ever, Iso rich cia aVen so poor, can a,fford. Ito be witaout thia bargain. Land Wax 'i British Coluinhi'a. Ia view of the new plank in the Plata ,rornx of the On ario Liberal party!, to amend the .Aesesement Act so ar4 to uee to the 4clusion of pro -tempts! et they eo desire, the eon wingntrom umbia, will be f interest. It saY; ucceeded in ent, This write Shm- neee muni - 7,000 ta Ina., the principle of prevails, he munici- leir owe light !and a Summer and ithe t he irrigation Sys - rate in , ex ass of two but no ate es eNfi- Imposed in these vers Oho is as- Well Cl )a y81 have a t tempted a very interest special raference //Arland and Pe ciplailita, which 11,000 acrea in the Ang.e tax It water le pply., tern. In enelo n lighted by e de men te. I pro led Oa find the &- rouniciplaities ie as other pulelle 1,11 T. rlie ng eXperi is to Kel ticon. In are from /449 Jessie EintlA ouingest da The 'total fundo Lied. by the; unted to $4,41)4 Yining . yis that the Ite • ttle town ty York, the post , .c arra, sectorial, 4or ile inonntRaiehiP ern oit quite 41. Al according t ave quietly ta far that round thas town. hats been practi all ta en up by we of theen high else.41 Lac/ Someneet, wee yenta for about a pure constderab acreage on Pick Picker with Cockse build be jo make eat rat land, 11 Picker the er in and 14, his ho en place them 11 ates Bead Miele rhaR be= in g and MO and 'thew t hi-net:Ong elision on the by their famillera and wil a wealthy landovr.ner kr En of., dents of the district are rat he dark as to what has bee transpiring arotmd them, but un into 'the hun SO mu gr 2 h tter than. ordinary gysics. Whi e oroughly effective, they nevw e or cause nausea, and never lose r effectiveness. One of the the NA -DRU -CO line. c. a box. If your druggist has not yet ;Stocked them, send Mc. and we them. Drua and Chemical Company of C--11.064.1 Limited, Matexed. faway bet 'ton. ramrod gentlein= *11 A he neighbor of be Sir Henry Pella vontola, millionaires. Sir Henry bought' 560 acres on, the Kilne's on. road, et eaeit of! Pickering villa. and w 11 thereon se(ablisle his co ti„, itr dence. He will convert ,le chaa into a, -moat upt to date fa, na /it wi I use all t neweat agrie ft al 1 von tionS k own to tall he So 1 fo him. 3, Fleming, ale of Toronto, ed of 'the reeve° railway In t at •ighlear, will become an ideal nage near farmer, prediled Jeneey The his pr propet of ail it on Then k har; a PI kerir of the o burned Noel bueines ener ti acree And eack ha ions will rito another eke Moore, has 2 ty being. la possibly the r,eceiti pierchaeee, in that the lake shore. • 4ikeiy run to ric railway man, n the lakefront o the east. be most vrauaale E L. Ruddy of Conner-Raddy couple of hundred acres Oar g. His farm includes the s4e Id Pickering College; Which wiles down eloiree years ago. Mansholt is another Tor n 0 farmer. He will work 2 his own. land near Pickeein 0 0 cal - He has grit a place of IN acres near have pOrchased property in this dia., The real ty agent's, ,who have , through tneee deans, are said to : they ar known to have extensive hol , aredence, is given to the gate e ' Meet of the purchases were mad farm v lueee around $80 and $10 acre. T else prices have naturally : has bee : There • changed is ethe activity as did property `in the vi • ity of the latter town. three y ago, Undo bledly the expectation that,t Toronto and Eastern Electric road Bow ville would leoon he started h led to tieh of the, purchases to t east of the city and along the shor The right of this way foe this line h derably with the activity general the last two mont le 'very little property mind Toronto that has 1:tartde lately. Pickering, w tree distance from Torotit liee is enjoying the same 0 Interesting hket hes of the Earle* From tne es of Tire ity;posTItaileC.C. The Tartar( ail of Tte Law Soc ety &t Toronto. The Winnipeg acrosse 1,C1 ex -members Of I Club :on itet ;Ira the caub in a Rate are thr Erowaiell and riot yet been bought btit the euetv 8 111111131 j1.4 t north of the Kingston Yea ahY'atss'iYirsVe; days. ITh Seaferthe Mearegor The coatract for the ere new 'Winthrop' heeee faeto let to Meesns. irman 13.1a 8J5 ays? jr„ co/Ile:eat build lig axed Ing the $895 and for e foundati ! „An ther of it McGee h, at Ole came to !Cana the arm Tu brilt Dzoard J Th -thermorne es below leet The population ter ate given. ralot is 1,811. The matched e.eert. W. Fair ng latat was tout two yarda tion of ithe 'has been shard and rice forithe whiners! es a $75. pioneers of Tuckers-. ay on Sat 14t,* on the cond ersen of iv r. William .age of 60 years. Mr. In Scot and and kertemith which son is ving the x realists ed 22 da - ink on Fr day min-. won by arteree.ty At • meeting of the ;8C 001 1)041 eld Friday ,e ening last ! waa as,' I strueted t prepare • lane arid smith `died Oil fanday tan 1, in tine n 183 and in 136 Settee on the n FehruarY 8'th, by Rev.' Mr McCoy, John Chesney, Ioungest son of tbe filksteusamsatmcomcnommomato The tiTAIRCASE TE You cannot Paps It Your Health When' You liaiffier acute palpitatl of the heart, dizziness or. faintness ery ItIm# You go up istalts; when dee -ertion of any kind leaves, you breat less and trembling, it is a w g that your blood la defective, that y are anaemic. If these warnirlgs neglected worise disorderts will folk —perhaps denline and deadly consuin 'Lion. If you are in, this condition You need the new, good blood of health that has been given to thousands f (euffereers by Dr. Williams' Pink P11,1 Theee pills banish all the ailments, rising orn -poor blood, tone up t System make weak men and worn n w,e1I and *rang. Miss Eliza,b,eth CAMP - bell, Al onte, Ontario, says; "I Was er every day wail I at last grew! out help and I could no go d rig. My mother got quite anxious! It - out me and. took me/ to a /doctor -xi" Baia he as quite sure he could store health. He gave rne a bo owing weaker all the time and was Pare as believed I was in a d* line ,an could not •get, betted. X other ad hear eo much about Mame Pink Pills that she deci e ought o try theme I did not notics ix boxes when a, decided lrnprote ent set in, and, from that on I sae through continued ctie of the pi' Wae ba k Ito 'my old time health- a d rezegtb. I 'believe Dr, Williams' Pi le 1119 ane he best 'remedy on earth fOf , 13 ek peop e and cannot too strongly u ge Oho weak girls to give them • Sold by all medicine deaaers or bf 11 at 50 cents a box or eix boxell $2.60 ram The Dr. Williams' Med,- t. in an There the HI on t pelt ,0 la a, 'great depth f 8110177 h River disirict la Alberta, ng .operations have been at for two weeks. Seventy per !fields, with no immodipta rder the Guara teed Flour t Time You ake Bread f rightly used Cream a the West Flour 'll make the lightest,' flakiest, most nutri- tious :bread you have !ever tasted. If you 4a-ven't tested it order bEig next time you go to the grocer's. e m tohfeWeS Flour hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread il. uaratitrie' ,,i E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West ' Flour is a superior bread flour, and as such is subject to 1)ur absolute guarantee—mcineyblck if not satisfactory after a fair trial. Any dealer is h i reby authorized to return price paid by customerl on, return of unused portion of baglif flour is not as represented. rf The Campbell Wiling Co. Lhnitell, Toronto. 100 Foe sale byhati, Livens, Seaforth ; Beacon & Smith, Clinton ; M Carinichael, Dublin • John Denholm, Myth; John Patetao 1. Brussels; OVER 2 MILLiON PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY bel fee be of al up ity a ce an out ho be FL cre y the the co fi t ousa homemco at ho e cek HE present huge dema d for PURITY F shows,the confidence in -hichlit is held by tho of home -cooks. who have used !PURI ye in it. They look on hey can trust it implicitly, se each and every Jot s been, uniform—always the high standard of qual- hat has made it.famous. litldn't you, too, like to use tlr you could always rely Wouldn't you like to feel m that your bread, cake,s,. Ipies were going to tnrn xactly right ? That's just you'll feel when you e a user of PURITY :UR -- the confidence- ing flour. OUR sands AmR, have come to ITY FLOUR gives high-class res lts, because it c sively of the high-grade port" ,g of the best W ccount of the extra strength of PURI'llY FLOUR ber, when making pastry; to frld more sho than an ordinar stern lease ming flour read add. more nia rer, LOUR- will eX .vand nio more loaves' II an he same ,,vosi.:At of 46 rdinarv. II on r l' oar) ore breaqi an produce, finis T41,.ing Id by H. Livens land R. a Sproat, $eafOrth.. 1 vEvi paYs SAV1 G-4 EMI seaforth Total Ai Bram aterierica yOeaphrt..:sOnii-:wlic?:uziltrIb:svat•oliedi:gvfarif; Losaelsear:notxri,gtolielhE;x a, lar.ge Ow .11P41.1C111:01 a::::.:.°tinned...-17rtionr.clir.a'-ilnndLpiud N31.1 jp#7-1e17,to 14 1116 1 ut°v:telg:o:dloc Adam?, in favor of loc4.1 oxii.id, leo and a half and fro, iloolilrunotnelikrneeruf:zsehto::,:a.„,snaVaear:14,belinttetotrl ilicdurt /If e.vie,g74eaT iamn iotiontmei;,; itopow4-rtoewn:that,inif.0:r:quieu5peet. 1 ng help from ahe lorre°241' tt°"-quan2irlitclyninda the. 11? -1 item is done away wil. h. 11; aySlon, even if no parfea if pa,3ised by 'you. he leen- :!tors of Huroa held La ,yembar meeting in he alasaat7,:ode8:ai.clasinalont Isat week. The t 11 0 lar 0 , r 17- 1 i a 1:3Ni nte:ritt. ghnk: asem I no mi.., nLy .. a in:: : :. , :c . dr Lii,r.i.aaay,01 11 4,41 aale of fifteen cen e per le glAdY tietr°y'aiunad. 'e°A11!irelaobtliarti ' ifite4-byt,srial of the W. ;theta. Tlae rnatterst v, litaniion of the Pre,.; arias ii.6•0133rjCthrop ',6:trrtilletepo,owtrAt7thosemfmui!bilt:haemw; miChin the Dominion waz al tommittee, complied of igiez 31. :is 4 union and to Ze I done ill - the Pre,lbylery by: 1.0Pointad to visit ..1hur ! tiot upMeozelsrths.e. IL:ukal aatdiis 1 eta meeting of Pr t.:,bytory I told at -Clinton On the eth lit.11;G:Ar;Yaell::nftirthvitt,etitital:hiheveelzteh:ta:PeriPkr.rm:lifibm:4:1:ItKoe°:::;:d*h7grca: ittOrt1).4;littiti:2?onfdpjerna.424nti...,ubTa,yrythee,r riet. 'negu Y,1911111. a be latter y tor the abunden Welded by the people of Way e 0011V In* uilt Sean Zref- ng for leath Teel -kg underclothing it Tuckersneith Late 3,tr,i. Townsend. :end, one of the pi mt of beer daughter, IMr eehlt, Manitoba, on Nova MU remains were brought lentl the funeral took pla teneldr.nce of !ter. Amos ;To *Mains were. aceompantal reer hue -band about ninetee Vire raskied Clinton. Ode - with Ira clang -Mt r. a,go slit 'went eo Wear,- of age, eshe had '41 fairlY health, WWI ,uffered from two , paralyais. 'The morning seomed 'to be in beer -Wad had been adttlag Tea *laughter tame int o the her eitting Just as -- lei (thort time ihefore, quietly, without pa after a long Alfe .UM,tulneee, she paereed a. InWl. and beauty lit the Slavin 100 Foe sale byhati, Livens, Seaforth ; Beacon & Smith, Clinton ; M Carinichael, Dublin • John Denholm, Myth; John Patetao 1. Brussels; OVER 2 MILLiON PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY bel fee be of al up ity a ce an out ho be FL cre y the the co fi t ousa homemco at ho e cek HE present huge dema d for PURITY F shows,the confidence in -hichlit is held by tho of home -cooks. who have used !PURI ye in it. They look on hey can trust it implicitly, se each and every Jot s been, uniform—always the high standard of qual- hat has made it.famous. litldn't you, too, like to use tlr you could always rely Wouldn't you like to feel m that your bread, cake,s,. Ipies were going to tnrn xactly right ? That's just you'll feel when you e a user of PURITY :UR -- the confidence- ing flour. OUR sands AmR, have come to ITY FLOUR gives high-class res lts, because it c sively of the high-grade port" ,g of the best W ccount of the extra strength of PURI'llY FLOUR ber, when making pastry; to frld more sho than an ordinar stern lease ming flour read add. more nia rer, LOUR- will eX .vand nio more loaves' II an he same ,,vosi.:At of 46 rdinarv. II on r l' oar) ore breaqi an produce, finis T41,.ing Id by H. Livens land R. a Sproat, $eafOrth.. 1 vEvi paYs SAV1 G-4 EMI seaforth Total Ai Bram aterierica yOeaphrt..:sOnii-:wlic?:uziltrIb:svat•oliedi:gvfarif; Losaelsear:notxri,gtolielhE;x a, lar.ge Ow .11P41.1C111:01 a::::.:.°tinned...-17rtionr.clir.a'-ilnndLpiud N31.1 jp#7-1e17,to 14 1116 1 ut°v:telg:o:dloc Adam?, in favor of loc4.1 oxii.id, leo and a half and fro, iloolilrunotnelikrneeruf:zsehto::,:a.„,snaVaear:14,belinttetotrl ilicdurt /If e.vie,g74eaT iamn iotiontmei;,; itopow4-rtoewn:that,inif.0:r:quieu5peet. 1 ng help from ahe lorre°241' tt°"-quan2irlitclyninda the. 11? -1 item is done away wil. h. 11; aySlon, even if no parfea if pa,3ised by 'you. he leen- :!tors of Huroa held La ,yembar meeting in he alasaat7,:ode8:ai.clasinalont Isat week. The t 11 0 lar 0 , r 17- 1 i a 1:3Ni nte:ritt. ghnk: asem I no mi.., nLy .. a in:: : :. , :c . dr Lii,r.i.aaay,01 11 4,41 aale of fifteen cen e per le glAdY tietr°y'aiunad. 'e°A11!irelaobtliarti ' ifite4-byt,srial of the W. ;theta. Tlae rnatterst v, litaniion of the Pre,.; arias ii.6•0133rjCthrop ',6:trrtilletepo,owtrAt7thosemfmui!bilt:haemw; miChin the Dominion waz al tommittee, complied of igiez 31. :is 4 union and to Ze I done ill - the Pre,lbylery by: 1.0Pointad to visit ..1hur ! tiot upMeozelsrths.e. IL:ukal aatdiis 1 eta meeting of Pr t.:,bytory I told at -Clinton On the eth lit.11;G:Ar;Yaell::nftirthvitt,etitital:hiheveelzteh:ta:PeriPkr.rm:lifibm:4:1:ItKoe°:::;:d*h7grca: ittOrt1).4;littiti:2?onfdpjerna.424nti...,ubTa,yrythee,r riet. 'negu Y,1911111. a be latter y tor the abunden Welded by the people of Way e 0011V In* uilt Sean Zref- ng for leath Teel -kg underclothing it Tuckersneith Late 3,tr,i. Townsend. :end, one of the pi mt of beer daughter, IMr eehlt, Manitoba, on Nova MU remains were brought lentl the funeral took pla teneldr.nce of !ter. Amos ;To *Mains were. aceompantal reer hue -band about ninetee Vire raskied Clinton. Ode - with Ira clang -Mt r. a,go slit 'went eo Wear,- of age, eshe had '41 fairlY health, WWI ,uffered from two , paralyais. 'The morning seomed 'to be in beer -Wad had been adttlag Tea *laughter tame int o the her eitting Just as -- lei (thort time ihefore, quietly, without pa after a long Alfe .UM,tulneee, she paereed a. InWl. and beauty lit the Slavin