HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-09-22, Page 5)Vides the 'eta. h YOUM stittppy s Sapp, )r the !.N41111Cf rowing ea If you, iowing you 'Paid a _ - . , • ... -- ••.....,,,, = - -- • ., , , 1 "-------1-1---- .. • , ,, . .. _ • . -. . • - - . TILE , le -.. a. . 0 EXPOS1 • _ -- . • , - • - Olt - • ., . .. . , , i . , • ,. ' ri ' 40 .tti 1 bullk I 4.85. 'to- 45.50e -E _Jets O.,t Itn-teheriii meg -at trent $5.90 - . $6.25 for a ,te aty. , pouna. tchtees r‘ tee* to $6, , . 1 $5.30 -. , e -h and ale ' • of ig - -i ii ' . --e :.,..1 • i - i --- • . j, .....o.......... ---,m sual _. 70 A TN T . - s ......-Le 11 PO ,, .... °' Sold THOS. ' Jeer. "Oat iin‘ ee -Let 1 , itha2 "11 13`. 'It p tat, S af a c 0 t ir ion 1, Ihir 14 of SefttOrt e ,pr.emtses ea 101. • I 11 C F IN. 21,. c I) m t . NI N B , ; N L....,_....m... thoMit church at m teheg d ish uneeibnous ineitation We., ratitO, a Itgatt eatt011tnee 611e11434 3347- 'IL LIVIngef'411°' rattan. Of his paet-oral term et. kte. Barg lies "aceitated, the -,e•vprovsi a the otao elnliftek. : ftnurm.- -.NOG 'io *6.215. ve .. _ ,. Kt veal all "ILL': cwt. Clk V". Mon a light $8 It- -4-oalle I jamil;; r• d...'''' "a Wik eon 4:trated"4" $51•5 ite $7 20. - - -se - , ta. I and •$6."'vv lean,..dalloaaa_p,L___Compe:n. $5 25- - j . .. cow% 4,11E114 ah' $1.rlt°.. ealee 8-"j'-8-h-te-P'. rain% 4 IrWa-,-w. ' f9d all- f.o.b. care, clucked to 8, $8 ' . n-11:, $8 ' ' trrres% 4.0;." TO i. S wa Mee Iselecte 1 i 1 1:1 ed.,' ige W41-.1 A --he F , , , 33 6161040 'Ott -0 re. n r 1111884. - EINE e triune tie E --For eel tuondvi le le- pion m I. .eed di re PPI on to p eat Ma P. O. a u t a 8 a itie . roomed aCtt a few mind and sore we • 811:1 El:AWN* ALE WALKE ANDER LAIRD, C.V.O., LLD GENERA D.C.L.,. PRES! e MANAGER ENT: small barn • or to: 0114 2274,x8 CAPITAL - [I' 10 000 I t boo EST, $ 00,000 we thiel Ma sALE-4, Pai'llO ,..dejeefer A r. en B,,e.4. il treeti itlt .cel.mr 7: a 'no.? wn Sum ey, of t ie ISettaaaaiti tiah T rms.' li era t fo owner t fort . t, k a ee y A s 0 ' No. 1(3, in F. e f Seaforth • n ere.0 i•tednebt 'eta d plyPito ;OH 6 ce west side f 2208•tf . he Canadian or the transaction ollectipn of ..FA -Ban o sales n• , MERS' of Commerce their banking. es. Blank , BUS extends business sales notes -. , NESS o Farmers :very ncludink, the re supplied f facili iiscount a e of 61 -Jar el e Ea.t$, the Mingled. with these West, kitchen economy, Ho fire's' You iwant efficiency e s Best. In the circle around e, pots and pans and poetry are . cheer and service cosiness 9 . with endurance., And found in reasinemeemearneeemee .. VIARKETS -- al. aneennall r,....e.... .. .. el...... . ..e........ d ..-......„......... ...••• ....... ... .......... ,..„,........ .... at, per t011....4 A=. _ _ . Sept.21, 1911 . .....i.....35 to 0 S6 0 40 te 0 40 0 75 to 0 75 • 22 00 tO 22 00 ...,. t.. a., 28-00 to es 09 144 wavarel; ,ati ' Bi MeDetrialtle-In TO...me lea aft. - ..,,,ez . at__ 'Putt, ah a. MP. ' -- hitle--In GOda ' e'elAjraitOr.: us. , . thee - on. „eta-- Ybu.& -th, eh PIO .,i1:f ,,, - tet "a ° Mite , 14th fleet Shepha , ; of it , - at, i 1 ' . , 1,, tr of bn8 and ere Cal M FO ale hie ittfureleeea, tvutio Orli? s Men,duinhe1, . A, eta 1. I"- SAL lend trilianAlee , We' Ouse y 11 ba to -The un d 161t. ore Teri: attritin Cuitlinton t'•atered 1 Ingo • re1 n 76x , pi . OBER I ti •he • a n n . 2 ned offers; I, r and Comte three quarte es of heaciw .. ummer kite% • ir x32 on, sto e acres at geed ON, BCnr 2° • 22,80x4 n application. Accounts May COmmerce attention as Money may by a B be o to be ope is given be depo • t N Ti ING ened at every fated by to all oth ited or wi the Bank BY branch au, and will r department hdrawn ie th e AIL f The receive of the s way as Canad the same Bank's satisfactorily an Bank of caref busine Il . . combined e4sentials aie- . , - x .... 0 el to 0 20 ..........I..........e 0 I9 to 20 ei.......e.k e...., ..... 0 20 to 0 21 ,.........,.. . .. . . . 9 00 to 10 00 atat......... rt.... 7 60 to 7 a0 wt.. . . .... .. . -..... so 6 :00 to 7160 5 00 te " 6 50 i ,...a. ea- , . , Ma -, .watEmnstetturray-- a Utt ' and Ism, Jim ... , a ite„, . OI Itae' 1, 'Ai - x el,haete A.,.A.• -waiter; 2,--7 , all of TUC lags' -tswitool „, a ea t:TePt-2 . Elliot Alberta arsinIth: .11 .1 - _i_L Yf ' Derain : l.sy ''aitit Ann ' I i ci , E e , 1 60 of n, ilarovr ' era p a; • • _ lit Fo ,. neckielo of fir . Seven ft.i. arn 40 ne and e _4ereendait tle. SAL. tlefassilend ilror o her lityretaa , -For al 0, ttownshi of all ol aer s of fat oompl ted wit stone fo ut•buil in Oottiwao feT .0d . ' ! red, heitt nble .1 Lveelli re b Or . a - half 11;ot ere, eon al ' g xcept tate ao *a are gown a dW. title feral is a ion, alsci oa.d . personal 0 . T visit MO R ON Brati • . h. A231 Manag i . _ he fermi% w .11 - F81.°1.tH taus rttiha rar r ' tz84.,tf . ., ea o • . • h FALL, 1 _ o ese ,an es ' ......-,--e--....--a. Dairy Marke ts . fttembar 19. - Ogt3t-Sve. ti 26c; No. 1 stOck, :20 to oleresteens, 15e; easterns. 14 Sage. /34taolo-Ciareieeret,. 26e; eeeonds, 25 leic - to - e t t .1-11 r I Sept. leo-Egg:a' e- Strictly ;•0 to 24c per dozen, in base _gathered, Moe, to 21e. Creamery . printe, 26c to i's, 24c to 25c; air • to nee enterlork . bakers% Poultry -Chickens, 15e to tle; bevel, i$C 10 140; ducks, live weight,:- 2c to Tic per cheese -14/81-W itli411137 1.5 lek ', .15e. ', r ' - ' • F. -'• Racort-.1Cellott-,At t =nee, ithe : Colin Pletcher, Clara M. ElEtile ankl Allietre. Ceeol : GaSC1101-afttger - ' tho bras% Pall' u. ' k301111 Geiger, zu '''' beet, Erma Get " of Zurich. Ve.r'bir44MiebTO-:At - brilleIS mother, sn r a',, A. Pergueon Georgetown, eo Ehlenhelde1olmetorx the 12th inst., Ross4 Charles " ;7 le ..atielth M .701ov:din, 1.4U1 •IPPPPer-,4 }Mr the Tha 13th. ins Arthur L. t', di3,ughter 'Kellett!, Alt, the, :iesidenef `t,sme, Ieb. teal.% ter to 3" * the tees Sept. 6 Georg Mary. Micelle, ..A.t G y Rev. • Setepheird„ both of .4. Sept.. .4, . by Bee* of .i,, ' ' t and On ithell31, he • GaShe ,, f . 0ie tea! , by gargle, le ebeir ' elide eorge to Cede 6til, 'at . 0 1te k 1 .I :, 0 Ar, , , . til ' Ret, rj.. i ' ilzatitivier4d c th le Mei did, as I. o , MIS Altitfea to cleit . 18, 1 p4 . lity A ti . •t e, N iBE ,ft t f .0,. i TO '8 SA E e u dersig ed p a estat tla 9t Coo° tao s all u die us bele' th . For.pri e 1E Seat th, - 1n lt al t p t e . Fliat ..AORE• nistrator offe s , - Half of Far be Townehip •f andein a vie i- It is kno n . rtioulere app y Administrate • T- ' uesd:y a : Se t efi a I b er - . d Wedn4 2- 6 an ' 27 1 a Kt. ' * A 11 the vi 1 a ar of fainily life, ' • al -need - re tdiin .. • d '. of the stove the symbol an centre • in these rancees — its. durability is , To stet bon fa ze i 4 b pal i ti FOR rm coos 1 'mato, of clultiVa . benk be i well fen - me. egoi 1 evefer' 8:d or 4resse L ,The u•d tin of abo V' ter sale. he n nd , 8 tvinili tis Abiltsat cla a ad daral :11 fu boor 'p rt,i (MIN' It ntd r f °. pi O. a : '-.1 . Offers • • adjoini . • - uitilinger, pen, elle., nif orchatd a finruosittd.deTs; apply 4 E, Ohn 2 his fi e Cr a"' e intik .11 coi - a- n t e : . 72.tf peed . 1 p Qonte-ts—Bleyele ' isk, . ,peciai I _ . a Littiact 9 . d Foot , 1 onsi aees--7- .I ,... the , * l''.. Wit 1 takes , bakirig. pride of the _t e childileni- , • • a pride in . 1, ..lccess 1taking sl The loven I mak E , the m . isi. hea.t . .4 rs. Gurney-OxiorStoves 0.-w upro , d z, , - . .ery woman wants a crood :stove ' and , ta el . • als that are prepa.red on it. 1 :. . • , , or v .-, on assured No inore oo-cry o erd e- , • e, is -controlled and guided - equally , ., - Grain Etc. Sept. 19,-Ontorlo Wheat- r whoa', 85 to -860 outside. Meat —No -ai triortherhsi ee of neve a C. 'Co , ' essiotele" ''''_ by Ee•. of Ottatra. J. 'T. to Marr Peeeee, bride's msg. of 1 ..o. L. efalcolitne ot Logan father, Holmes. L. cow of Rib town, I 11 lie en- t I . 15 Coneees a , The wing is eat. •arnwIt ere is a lls and a The fatna eechwattet Iturch. milers aPply EGOR Seaforth sn arra don ere stone good Boring is post at will on 22,03-tt s is 5 , I '2.50 . 2.0 2.18 • ace, pur ot,. purs lass, pur . . IIA.LF SPEED $50- 50-- e 50- . MILE i 1 G CONT'E ist, $25 j25 FOOT TS • nil, $15 ' 15 , • ACE . ' 10 • over front, back FLAME -ST FORM lE , ables you to foro-et ThiS-fnarvellons erature—no hat but bad odors ' e . and si ip. oNprolIZER, the°fire reoulator-keeps is Wasted—nothing -steam e es by means , i , Economy is crOararrLeed z, . . This until the the Oven nd smoke. T , . for of the DIVIDED by the patent dainper,en- h.Diir to start- dinner- at a given ttenp- , e es up the chimney e fire is heldlor hours e the OX - , . m and ori .sta • ore mil offi be the' F• e 1 ., 1 • 6 e . it rg, f - et -Fe McE did con raert4 prenii alfic. °whit lichee out Sea 1. ani 1 reaso iseel re e , ne earth a .1 r For e, c tainin tion. All t sown wit t a, splend' frame tw never ling ner tif he 1 rail fr es f ra at. . ol . or fu lie ARO . t see p tv k w fa le r ' iltd. 2 toortherin, $1.08 14. , about 2c. u40...r, for quick: VatS-Cartatta . we,stern, -2c:. No..03 0111 aitisai 'waist:era, lake- porta; 'Ontario No. 2 .041 ti c outsit*.a.nci 43 lv-.,c ;rack, Toronto. Peas ' None, Wand 81 No, 2, ;8Te 8 8c. to ife &Aside. for m ting ; 1 for feed, Mllateorl-Me.n-; tag in tragS; ehorts, e25-; n, $13 -in. -tbags; shorts, $25. Vbolesale quotations for an pcitttcof in 901bs. range el to $1.40; s in lean lots 1 Ito *tn. Insley Ray—Man- , with receipts limited. No. I. at $11 to $14 ion track, ;-$10 to $11. Baled Straw— . 13 quiet, with prices quote, o 10.50 an track; Toronto., . D Bielekenekege.-In 9th inst., Pavila e nth4toethi11d ye litc'Ewen-In inst., Wm. -11,0E. Ireallandeein Viet° on Sent .12th, ' nterly of Excite Taylor -1n Exeter bast, ,Alex. T: ' 1-0 Motittes and Salisbury. -In e-, the llth met, lee of, the late aged 65 years ., Brown -In Morris ll'eh, C. Eimer, atie Mrs:Brow inonthet ankl 9 Buchanan -In Clb o aths eainevitoeen, Breckenridge; els,. oil ' hi Ili la; tlfeepital, atthew Kelland, , aged 82 North, 'on ; or,- ageti dols. - ". -rich !tow izzie Johneton, Thomas' a le -days. -township, second soh , aged 11 ye., „ i H 'rine .to . 1 s ,t eon.), 72 ?S'eTisb yearse JI on ' be London,i y the y :, ship'-• .' on of p, with e lt 7t ea or 2 er } } - 0, • It ' ' lie r p oh' 1 ' 1. Half of 1.10t 33, containing 60 CATTLE COM ETITiON , without attention of coal will astonish 9 react y • immediat . —2o7 less coai use and sditring . 3 • , . to pay for and , t More aor vat' The go. wh a If -ir *7. fort the ii- L 11 se e , i t b e t - Olt.24 'nd it eon n. 3, L. It is all it len ,3 a go nk ar Tw lass Ot amelia peaCh il Cli t znises er t Offie ALEA-For sa e N It. . Tao e '1 d d i I fen. ed wi h. lira e .hou e 30xe with ton • w Als wit pt i anchis Me arit ° II kend of ehe ies, et 6 f rn Bruc fie 0. r°For fur he eddr ss HE R , 'or hone 1 oh J i h h ve ta :t,a • 1 o fr t t is a .11 0 7 t t u tut' wire fencing. aing • 7 roma hug under the each. This ia „ Jtelging ot Cattle 1 . for Bi ..117IGING ys not ov IlibbertlInd i 18 years old, Tuckersmi pen to Olifc1C'llop, h. • . J • Billie ti, At 1 C011efort. An c.ther versible Grate l . 3 freel access ofi a prov ded air. - ° " ented constructive - - with interlocking No clinkers or. -ashes 1. • r . . feature is the -1 . i• prongs that allow I can aCcumtilite. . . Re - ated and on it apples, pears, 11 mile§ from 6 front, see. oulars antay on RTER, Bruce- eat End: 22,81-tf - g if -1 a un e heats - -open BICYCFE • to Meleill I' • RACE ap, Tu.eikersmit Hulle t n est 2 int'8. .................., - Seaforth-1 - - • -These are easii,y . i . whi h is lifted . the eat house and sew, but 3,Jibu di -s osed up i stead wife. g.t 1 of by means of .OUT, You read a little 000 meals a year. of the patent hela.rth - a recominendati8n write a little .:visit , i , 3. f , i ill Come and . to - see , Concession It is nearly aa ion. Item well spring at tbe 9, . • 100 YARD R , . CE - FARM RS' SONS 1 • Our we varied line ill demon 1 , : of 0 ford Stoves 9 Ranks and Heaters1' . ,.. e trate these feature's to our entire satistattion . , and , . ca l dra bee bet -afil bpi- and fro rem lars RO Annetta i eel - Constar:re , 111 FOR and in laid We the her use and .• !Almon nd a . dim u hod a qu ly on t . ON, • ii.e. FOr s ..eteu ing 1 ee .. • state f c 'len ed. - er ond a wind Ill learn The it. lushee vghd s • g . eel are is ted einf, ot W Poe office a • rter latent e pre ises o ad !este ee, P, . 1 . t ya i• p s p fif g ali AI, n O 14 f . tee re Stook Xarkets. - Sept. 13 -Trade for steers last week except for top Joh made higher prices. Top 13 le2e, secoreary 12. 1-2a pa; Wean Sho-wn in smaller" (I Made 11C Ito 12c per Ib. Sept:_18.-The generalcon- the Birkenhead market are. the dema.n.d Ls very small, eptionally light supply keeps i. steady leecil. States and • I2th inst., John 8,94r yfylar„ Mcltao-In Tucker. Dorothy iiignee, MerKay, „aged 13 Enel0.-In Exeter . . , Jatutt4 cal ii, e e 1 ' ....11 months; 1 •Arily_in ,sjitepein, 16,11-, .Susatia Lagriee, - o' Thomas a 9months. . auchan4in; . , , : , I. ih, On S dansht eV 01.. years and 5 on Septembeir • 74 , Years - - - tow/Ishii)] on 1 beloeed aged 6-8 years in 1 14 1. pt. th ' afae a. 'faiths lin } ;lel .leil I I •ari lies water for od bank barn rolenedefta water excellent fat r. Frank Kling offers S special p ' ECILLS ize of $10.Q0 f r the best S andard Br at tie Big .. Hardware St re - iles and a 111 1 rah rind echo d irther partic : CHARLES W . , 2.278x4-tf , r. Birchell, of Mitchr:11, horses, a, , Sire aid offers - rt 1, age, bread three -: special or sex, colts. prize owned i of $5.00 for by onejman. he hesh t 1 C Int 1 , e . . e fu ed a :, e ro and of g stab Th Con 'fro wet .01in I Pity r a0x30, s ter ere d , FOR I.ot R. fe.e contata n a firs bar d houee k with cachet' one of iently Clinton or wail Ont. 'AI, For 8 113 4 , Oo . 3, L. ' -est End, ad , ig-1 0 - I racres -clas state- c k baan 50x1 w .. with !weeds t ater athous meal Lit 30 ha ft . • • oirchard rid t • betg far , a at . uat to so . il nd from Sea . d di ide pr •pe i_ • at , a, - r: it k 1 Iv d 1... . 1 ev Pri . h e valuable pro . o Lot 30, Oo .- ,h, County 4 omas McMichael & Sgn com offer $1;.00 retitors .to for ut up the best an equal heavy stallio amountj. and five foale . liar , ware Merchauts Seilforth I . . , ell u.nlerdrai tion. On Lot . 1 teers making from 13 3-4c per pour4. Eept. 19. -Cattle - ACtive ; prime stears, $7,60 to $13; 6.50 to- $7.50; butcheese 5; b fers, $4.25 to $6.50: to $5.50; bulls, $3.50 to kers and feeders, tg.50 to helfere, $3.25 -to $4. Veale L $5.50 to $10. Hogs -Pair- steady to 10c aower; if o $7.55; mixed, $7.55 to Ems, 47 Ito no; pigs, $6.75 girls $6 25 to $5.40; t ._ . sags,a to $7.50. . Sheep BROADFOO 7 he Leading . CHARGES S. T. Holmes. . and E a Night and Sunday to. Resident* on G. poei,o. Dr, &Ott reedenee. Flowers furnished o BOX & CO40 Un der -tallier . , MODERATE , Fur eral Direct° •halmer. k als promptly attended A erica street west, op N Phone o. 50 r notice 309 short . '1 , 1 1 ' L , r ving shed, an• 1 : , re is windmi I Also 4 acias rn 30x50 awl r failing wet.- stern °Maria orch, 5 mile, Witi sell . G. W. NO , 2256-M .. 'c„t t`t- ' ' - ‘..04}K 1..R ' a' S -e 5 , • - a', . I it,tA _gaattat. e. -- e — t - ctINSI et'"e4e --..t. -'. '14 i , ---- r pee 4,- , N. t41 , ; • a , DURING 11110 th . . Concession , in le0 yore . g --- • --- ,- . . • to_eaeo. ' - ea a ....- e -- 't -a .- " •-7- - "- -- ‘ 4..„. ' • • •---t....-• • • k .. :sattee--- - 1 , The whole mignificant ,---- stoOkiof Furniture GI tv The acre pee she soft Go also Also in fl oent ' nig a int sons ere e a o s a 'ok OFTemen el teelass, • 'Peen orie e I e • FOI. don , d 18 alt bush-, s a g. ne foo cer, one b iteres shape. pull la nd a e eithe or r. ALE -I -For oad tanle y, .leare with eeeh maple .. fr" e house dati n, good •ell t the h . 78x , with hon 24x39, torch rd. Tine 00 rod up mid 1,100 ' it ils it tett 6 ua. f fro Brueellind th r without ress rucelleki . e; c tile etc wl; ee US de an . , 1 Of • c , 'P. ! 9 tie : i d e t d t n r • Of th op. 0 . .itioo of seve ohen and will . • lar, harden • ne at the bar . ooriastablin , : me pig hone. exceNent far 1 ' feruie has - ile uriderdrain • eon on 1 d Road I be sold re, Apply On th . , JAS PETE! 2268.0 - Sepkernber , . From Stae° ' stt n, . To stationS : . NV0 • i Madawaska 1 ' J • ns in ' on T, 0 : a TAR ,oth ' Kin ario, tad West. d N. 0. R1., - 0 4 . . nu. Flower - Is generally' - . ti., .,-,,,-ait...,., ..\\.--,0.„1„,..,z,„...........7-...-t...._ Basliet • 1 , pleased ' ii. i or its beout whicil ' The era re ven diclour i'llotions ' One - - floor is on.sale at pnce ranging from - • • ,. r c ri. e 1 - of great- iMportance t.to tialriqi; $1 -Ac ye and ; a few at) $6,65; ; Wethers. $4 e pe ; 811 e ni Eept. 19.- A. rew vex:3r. h as Be per C tralling vials,done S t -4c, Avoid 5c toigi q4c, i common steady, lambs, yearlings, ti '$4-35: cwes. egt. $1.50 -to $4. a eve vg r e " ti t .ad chojce stecrit but but and, the in ch . at 5' 11-2cfrair-. fair at 4 1)-,2c to 4e • fe 4 -147.4c , SALE. 8-8,Y. Sept..28 On Thor A Lot tie cioncession 8 Hul on, on e n ee ro t te Lo d be vernt Tor,:tet .' - ' tlez- Cu Saturday, Septemb ceoice i residenof James bloo thtop, household furnitu Blo „neer, proprietor ; Th MISTER- la at 1 o'clock la 133 ett 5 miles north of . . arm an adj F atm*. ler, proprietor , Th aY- - , r 23rd, at 1 p. , tn. at er. 11 miles west of -, garden too*, etc. *Inas BrOwina Ateetion lin i k th Will.; Ja.3,4 ri rimbert, well 1 g... , n u - and- :ell" y011 ship nil the Is & ile For r addr ., FOR ci and 1 ced wel ck hou and othe About; This * there vines. ard a her peatioul THOMAS SAIr -For std. tal ing 100 a hi h state und rdrained1 an two bank men floors an out %raft . nelerla and !hell one f the fioeet re n better biiil There: is a Boreal Otte from Oh rs e,ppity SM E, Chl . •. ' et 9 .. i her .fo i Iti tt Ito • to s. 01 , It t Or • 25, Con. 1 , This is first ivetion. It : he -Vries is , both, new an ilo, also driv are tWo go.. ahard, patt o s in the town in thispart Haileybtiryete . , Tickets will one cent!per Return ti Cobalt SpeCial p tn. -daily ' a 1 t be issue mile Limb. mt ct. iO leoves carrying coaches. Notth. i at rate way. 0t, 1911. h oronto 8. throu '; 0 doodness 4. basket your Good cooks flour to the burden of our flour afinairation because ' andParity i , J . a meist opon bake1with. of haling would go a1 I having o It -Ii- tete and ess parties .ditionai then3 Superiont orclintinly fur a to iniitike . . . . chairged. hing 4-s at 'h houses or viTho need 14- . in this line, 1 ' It enabis in Furniture lot Marked t : prices much ibelow those , i at Opw,s. brought 8 li-4c tot 5c 3014:1 at 3 3.4:. 1'to 3c per With the lower - FALL FAIRS i sympathy ag for hogs in the Torone and throughout the came.. It with the more ‘11berel dug forwar4 here, a weake kitera.loped .in the anarpi torning and prices declined day Week 40c to 50c per this reduction the demand re was good, and all the WI with a ready sale, sert-1. . Lueknow Veaforth wengham Myth - • Brussels Dungannon Kirkton Gorrie . • Bayfield ........ ' _ oepc. Sept. . ,El.er),_t• „20 3 2 foal. Oct. Oct. Oat. ' Set. : 4 _, 20 9t 1 '64 " eornerand i the a failure. S . ...c ----- chance pastry p . Post Office e premiees o t. 22814Le4 , C LONUST t ------ EXC RSION experimenting Dnft Flour. and buy ! , our S, w , , _ 13roalif i ot , . - flox I tind Co ; i ' ' i _ • F- ,.ntaihitig ises ,, one hone-th 8 r. led cella and ere at t tarn. The -, abo ; t whe . one , the mile , cony i lent sold lars play law 0a, FOR ' • • • ba641r 86x , eem house The fa are T re five irty n and I hest/. t of C413 to 6rap an on (Jo . LE -I -For e 100 es. liar 40x60 i rase good car nt fi ra, an with Well a. its tvell fe c.. o go ' ere] a • oree of go*. Se ed to g fait elowin do rms n the • stan 64 m le - hool chore in ea y term re es or ?neap. 0. i Vit, et h ce idg a • ka. . 'a. h. t ' n o d ar td • a in f s on. 7, Ifullett on, the prom aily unfit Spokane, Oct Was l-.)er 15t , ...Nelson, -B. Et Cook P Son ii 86 Co., Hensall , . .1 sz, ff.: , . . aoLMES Manaaer. 3 ,, * 1 nt floors, an, ijVkreet-roins , i house, a he A good tram, • stied and an underdrame •, aneonver, B U. ; Seattle Patti nd Ore. les -San B. :C. ; Wash.; ; San Diego Ca aconia, W poneisece and Me er, h. os ico a Notice . to' Creditors , , I , r bringing ' $7.25, mexed aota Jeve. weighed off -cains. , Al- , pliee of sheep .and liambs r large, a teeing , • ,,,F. Az,. =WU ttra CAM ao a.1, al.a la 1./A 144.1 II H ron 4, V of two acre • • . • ,bush, an' 5 awes of fal is property i mho Ad half :eaforth and i ' ' ' tore. Will b orther peatieu C ty, Mexico. ' . Very Et ti t. ;ire, al par ,tcu A t u gen . ei or P A - T One wa low ra lars f addr- , or a r onto . ,second el es. i a Gr ' E Duff es -A. ., ss. nd In c th on on the matter late of the of Huron ' otiee is he apter 129, t estate of t or about th or before t if the estate of Ma Townshipif Hutle Widow eaa ' uel! eei" eby given pursuan t all persons tavi e.said Mary Anne alst dey Of Au us e 7th day ef Oe Anne Warwi k in the Con t to R. S. O., 1 7, g eirdens age et arwiek, who d , 1911, are requi r, 1911, to send y Am, t IliadiPV e i 1 rri S an - , ces. }Stronger . lehe morketl e.ndi prime, ad- to lf-2e per pound. Thede- good a -ad salee a .. learilie alt. 5 li.-2c to 6c. Sept. 211. -The quality of generally commonpo Qat med.- few eexeli on eiai e. .Export.i- Dagen bought 22,0 exporters ) $6.45. I'Butchers--(GeoInge , - , Notice is hereby eiven hat Mr. Gearge Mu the Town of Seaforth, G ntlentan; has been ap Financial Agent.for . Y. MoLean, attoran Ldr election to the D ntInion. Parliament f electoral district of Soot Huron. at the elect' be held on the 21st day f -September, 101t, i the Provi ions of the Do cerda.nce with rnieion tours Act in relation the eto. ._ 4 COB KELLERMA.N, Returning Offi -• • 'let • at ele rt t ac leo r. ' ' HEART CO 2 - 2,6ftf a a L 1NG SALE OF FARM STOOK AND 111- t prepaid or of Ingham, Solicitor deliver tea. A. M for James tbelExeen rton, of the Ts vu W. Warwick id I . k I. rout 'Tow ing .1 ing 1 then o heve w et 3 1 and herd 8!1,71 *It h -.ern map a 11 pert JO ., . TOR 6 Cone 1 Lot 15, ip ot TO acres, re wn of S tario. bathe f en all 4 now be od clay 1 hen eal tad softler ore'. e" s ruoe w th stop and 'eee ver. Wil -No bett T. DIO SAL -Lot 16, ion • S. 4 Lo Con ssion kers th, el tiat wit'''. tat. orth, one of Th farm we: co petit' n atm for he e t exe en s ape atia- wo-sto ey 'Ina k vi ,11,.. , n kia ta en grtr 8. n a cea cuo it on we Stag- aer h -will wit red .fielt Ito et er i• pr petty i th ON, Sento h. • • : . • ..- e • . : ew a alet ' , o . e - lett, .. cetages-Ofel. a s f evit ftio 4ession a ;, Lo Concession 1 a it°14d gum nron coats - - of the thri ee • kete in W did the gol t:. The a a , ten years an . i t ink, peva_ av_ dwelling hous air tarmac 11; PEMENTS • - rec ived instraetions ' ' ' • se 1 by Wale, auotion i p, on u U 1111 T esday i. )e. y e-1 Flrood 1 li:a! draught ' d e to ive Oct.. 2 , tear rising 3 yre 1 , effe rising 2 3e ea ves, t stem h sl ighs 1 plow, 1 1 '. omb n seederand eti , 6 Ito en chairs, AND FURNIT from on Lot 1, 'Sept IA , . mare, getter Iding tieing th, 1 cow son rs old,,3 stee ld4 •ear rs o , 3 100 limos, a ep buggy, 1 c drill, (12 1 cook sto RE -James J he undereign • ' n. 7, Townshi 1911 the collo . , 'Purpose, 5 yetere 13 ears old ; 1 osed to be in rising 2 Years n heife ' 2 t g rs, .sp agon, 1 pair e ter 1 set- harrews, hoe), 1 disk, 1 e, 70 cedar p•sts, 'Love, .nes to of ng ; eow calf, old, rip g bob. milk a full . by th th th J. arles G. Campbell, ed, their particula ruffs and them, and said ,Exec ets of the reto, havin y Phial the a. MaOlaaTOtaN Pi E WAIGW/OK, Dated this 6th • antes, addresses an of their claims, the he nature Of the se hat after the said 1 tors will proceed deceased among regard on v to th have nett e. Stolieltor!for the DeCeiged. day of Septernbe rs of the said . ea descriptions, he statementsof ith ir rities, ff any, h 1 t merationed d t tr..) distribute h he parks eel'- claims of wh e mentors of MA lir , A. D., 1011. 2283- i We hav a stock • and Co.1 and need a sto-ve- _ . 1.11. prices! are , , 1 - . Wood- f -any a 1!, low 1 of up-to-date .$.anges Cook Stoves e • . Heaters. Call and see usif you . . . kind this fall . , . 2 )ought 800 cattle for the ttoir Co. Exporters at $6.- • . . - , iMPORTA r tioiricEs. ; butchers, steers and half-. 0 $6:10; cows, $3 to $6; ropeses FORtSALEa- or sale a matched I I ! of greys, one comit g three, the other co 0 *5.25; canners, $1.50 to two. . Anply on Lot 29, Con. 18,elleltilloa. :ars and _Feeders -Feeders, SCOTT, Leadbury. 227 at $4 to $4.- amI rig M. 1..t pounds-, sold s, 500 ' to 700 pounds each, OR SALE --Will be old 'cheap, one iris F tter, Wilkinsori ake, can be seen a. . Milker -3 ankl Springers -1, eu [kers and springers carne on Govenlock's, oWititb inder e T°Pif iltIliolelirleogrr rtieula to -day, and .sold from $4q Sdereersist1t.J1._ P le veal Cadves- ebout 1.79 J R. GOVEWOC , Seat°. rth, Pit 228 la el a be - ad.. ? :grounds wit 1, . - a reorun-g..., ardviood bush, spring oree 3(1 'co 8 of short t ot sr rtioles. Sa Al I su of sio an _._ 12 i "11 m the' credit loin notes. 5 oed ready for e at one o'cl under cash a e giveuo b per cent off a, quanti lc, sharp. Te over that am f ithi urn net ap or cash on c y of . :- • tint rot • edit , • eatAt, . ' ....- Z and every - stove Come -an' ti le • uS we send out is fully. guara eed-. show you the , d divide pr. by if Hue° • 'SEALED 2026ea it . oun sd.. Noanesereeeetas la m 4 18 frOl t elm, AMES JO :. t JOHN.heproriemtoertr .., ES, Auenone haasu, soplr.phriii:- te - 228 -3 T eNDERS • dressed . _ ,. and endo • • Tender for will be eeeived at tbie office to the underei • Armoury, Sale until 4.00 p, ., . Happy ThOUght .. . , . . , sox from $t to $8, With a L1OR SALE -Being Lot r, Con. 4; Mollillop, choice kin* at( $8-.26. 1Sheep r Mining 100 acres. The farm hi %•teep were unchanged at and there m a spring c eek running premises.- The farm is al seeded -to ; iaaabis W028. a little fLrrn- a first-class farm 9.11# .11 be sold cm o _ $5.60 per cwt.. liogs-iir. terms. For forther.pa ticulars apply )rted selects,- fed and wa,t-, IVRIGHTaLut 2; Con. 3, illett. well we-. throng grass. rms.:011m, , to. 2261 fa. eredCut, the r is re a BTa y II 1 A re of t , Cam usb. p. ; Her mar foal tura old ; age Ma 3 ye 1 ye Fow P up wag g BrieetiV drill pio son whe line pum bags i r fork men , • corn toes, road seen amo i ape ann NEI T. 0 , ION S MENTS, • late Jo on to sell as, On TO the foll --, 1 droll iegible eI' 2 atiricititttral Ily, 2 ye etrong d a for tUstr rtnd April; a, 6 heif•rf ; 2 st eete 5b,rood a, Imple andbo, ,' cutter,' 'no rake tiltivator disk, set rt fanning _barrow, qr gene with Mg tack,p set double tellame rb • end °hale on. Abo n field 3 ' a • ver 20 -0 °Ale of t ing. Tar t 9 inOnt ved aunt . *11 be . wi. [ t aixeca r ie ., EROlg . • 1 E F 1' • ' M C. The a. m . ii Homey- as i y p blio a eti 8 aY, Sept. 2 th, vein value.. le titm re, reg tier o re 'strati en ; Wing., 4 3 .ts ; agne ltu ver, 7 yea • old tion. Oat 1 ow du in 2 3 ears ; site ye r ; 4 si in rat ; 100 -lb ho entsl-Lurn er I etV top but, e, eirl new 1 ind 'r hay: rack, ae ea iy net ri ham owe, 4 'se ill 2,000 lb. am separa or 6.1 of sha tin lpe grinds one. work. hum • ss, es, 'rugs, ore and lother • le t 201 tons brat- res bf man old i • 1be eott maple • •. b sh, a uanata ii- xnd nca ter dit wil be 'dye I- - A dissou 1 ilowell on cr it , DICKSON C I Auctinneer. - . ...1 ST sr -or nett On 941 to et; • up -ILTS al . ad le- a eee r$2 etdaeft, 8ia ago erle. an •11) iPg• don ale-, tier ul cool • et bl • t laes r • t :of Mot • Kai, IMPL a. of the esta • cted Thoma: Lot 30; Con. 4, at 12.30 o'cloo rty, namely; 'year draugh sad to be witl old ; 1 agrieul Biding 2 year. one mare col ix ' cowdu ber ; 1 heife ears ; 3 heifer. Hoes an.. out 60 hens a , -new; true bugy,pair no Mower, nearl - I -). seeder an plow, welkin,. ; land mile , cutting box, e power gas • • eyv, belts, • et4. aeladder, grab • in,gle harneas nkets, barrel= numerous t. a 111 f $ 1 oil •p 1 p 6 h" sd 66 et w . v. di 2 ' b fa, ra st 11 b n 1 el . . LE RING SAItE-eFARBC.STeCK , ENTS-J . ineR, Lavery, to ,n. 4, Township II, t e following: su 'posed in feel, .sed a be in foal • ors good to wdrk : sect° o be in calf tee and 1 heifer Hots rising 2 years ad osed to be wt red Black ick a Implen rkin order, 1 If a d cultivatot tor .early new, . mo d harrows, •al ng plows, 1 x, 3. taper, 1 platform nin millel ha) k, 1 ladder 22 feet gle artless, 1 set y fa le, rope and bslearhs, 1 top bogmaa , Mlle of tlle, a quantity ' al- ehinn, 1 he wringer, 3. , Jones bus re. sell by publi nf Hibbert, on Horses -1 1 draft ma 1 draft or drive. 1 cow due to rising 2 yea old, 6 spri with litter, Minorca hensil ements--1 M Massevellar • combined, 1 J. ha rake, 1 I set single h land roller, 1 scale 2 rack, 3 doze long, 2 set chime bells, pulleys, 1 li open Jaggy, of laa,y butter mixe water trou AND I eived instruc auction on nesday, Sept. raft mare '7 11 years old • rising 3year: ettlee-5 cows •alve in Decet Old, 3 steers • gcalves. Pa pigs 7 weeks quantity of y•ung wellbindee in mower, 1 N- 'ring tooth usk harrow, rows, 1 gang pow, scorner, 1 ou iting- i lbs. capaci grain bags, 1 team harries% set string bel •ber wogon, I 2. cutte 1 eream sepa 1 parlor sto , 1 grain er LE- ions t 10 Oth, ears sup old, sup- ber, nd 3 s -I old, ood xon ulta set e 1 pig set s. 1 set 8, a. tor, e, 1 die, on, mentioned. - seen the Poeta' the naent. not supplied, stating . In nabura • t ch th to er de do If tu Dopartment Ottawa, Wednesda e October, 11th, :Olt, pleas, spee cations and form ot and fo • of tender Oatealeree offloe of.tif ,Thos A. H Pings, Statio F, Yonge Street, Post 0 e, Sarnia,, Ont., , persons tan ereng ere tabled be cc:inside ad unlesa Wade on and :toned wita their their otempationa and p the ease .1 firms, the actu of the oceupation and pl h member .f the firm most be ach tende must be accompan que on a c artered. batik, pay Honour•ab e the Mmieter of P ten per earl ,. (10 p.c.) of the a which wi I be forfeited if th line to ent into a eoetract wr so, or fail o complete the wdrk the tender e not accepted the ned. The Department does ept the lovi est or elle' tender- 1 By R. C. DESROCHERS, o Public Works, An t 30th, 1911. for the w contract can On application Clerk of Wer Toronto, Ont., and at this dept that tenders 1 tha panted fo actual signatu ees of residen 1 signatures, e. of residence given. ed by an aceep hie to the order 'bile Works,.. eq ount of the to aerate tende ' en called opal contracted f checide will be Ot bind itself rder Secretary rk be at at b• ll i '.. er a e. he of e of ,t, to e. s- pa Pandora , 1 and . ! ; Fanges- , • ' . i ' i TheY are leaderS ._ make them filet 1 I 1 ECLA PURNACES Have patent . ' 1- dust ', tigut. never blirn out. Will CherflillY your hduse. ' ' • I, , e tuSed . - 'the go 1 • i • ,_ . w , . aricl have exclusive features wihiCh avers and a p easure to use. _ , 4 n • joints, which ma.ke them gas and 1 -'-'bbed A - ot-. patent -stee ri e,... ...re p , -rill Drop us a line or call us, up and we , - and give you i an estimate -to ileat . . . - r.1.5, and Kra it: drover4 [oh. cars which wouldmean' -D-EPREireNTATIVEVented at o le farMer. ; it, your toeality. Wi guarantee - per day. opportuniGy to advance write, ,,,S.'ept. 19. -The quail- pay liberally for spare time. . Wo .le was fair to ' goo., Trade Experience al 0 t reel, 'red. rerr brisk early In ebc day, bat BIBLE PRESS, Toronto Ont. I• Ce for w 82.09 to - moony. k not di i' Itl,W1711, 228 k in `11 00 -.7,„ at &ult. A1j4 10 as the day advaoced, bute hor trehbred Ta closedi with everything eold. yoo sA,LE-1Wo t a . both exporters and buten- -1.-- ,n1 tbs old for sa e. Tnese are _ ed stele .;(g. both sides a dare an (ratio. ;102RY 'to firro rat [last WiNCKa8 Also four thoroughbred owe from t There were many - buye,rs Also one driving colt risi g: four yea ket, four American firine bee qn Lot 27, .Con. 11, M Killop, or GRIEVE, Wiathrop P. . IAA on the. export mar- le worth 1 . . trom i good e same I s old. dress28 . -.1' rs , a orta 'air. tte le ' I ' G e there were . several CfHORTIIORNS FOR 8 1. --We hoite lers on The tharket for but- 0 Shorthorn bulls), ag d 9 and lt3 le. Bxponters-The follow- red and one roan. air by whitebait r es ere ireported: 162 London itcLaIrOTg,tit 2-11.7ic c:tlEft 4,Praleet, . ) peunAs each., et an. eerete, oeatorth P. 0. - "-- $6.10; i for sale months. Ram right. A. .Tuckers 225,4! two 'One en. Sc .1' ith, hay, quentit ips and • pot. seen on aid *f lumber an w iffi rees, necayokee, forks, el a a of other articles too numer at one .'elock sloop. Terms- u der ash eover tliat amount 1 tins, shovels a .d. stomentien. turns of $10 months' credi a -e___ 1 Sale and . FOR SA will t S EY OHE N - & AROH1$A ID also 143 Liverpool 1 pounds each, at' $5.95; 137. THRESHING OUTla somplete, ethreshin rs, at an average of $6.20 horse power White porta tor London and $5.90 for ator with wi stacker, i Liverpool; 199 export ertereats complete. - is outfit ie will be sold. alma as the , weighing 1080 sto 1343 lbs. . P W 270,, from the busmess. * • ; Apply on Lot 12, Com. e e lbs. each, at $6.10 ; tor ANDREW litEiD, Varna. . ... _ . e ____„.... _._ — ....... _ , ' FOR SAL outfit con 'le engine, a rive belt and in good working pro rietor uld P 1 III . sel ei ion 6, Stan' ' , - .-For, sting of Peerless water orde ' Mime to er sep. y, or a • M80- _ J a 14 par.. rink end tire at tie resa fx4. • • , - ;h; over tha on. furnishin per cent. pe nte R. illto°rs tG,* Solio 2288-2 be giv on furnishing approved r ce t lot meth on Peedit amout.ts. .nd th pr prietor bas,sold his fano." atiAnlidesthe -; L° 138ViEd Yst°, Pekropairiletedt ; preneEsis.es.Aulla80B ' 1 1 - -- (Out notes. 4 No tater es retiring. 528, -- - per, as .. Oorattta e for n glass , No in .e eRerT. Pstetunifitede. ' Vir°11 9 • evelte AL BRO t .-e--_ • le on Goderich St eet, seven roo ir neatly shin tied, papered epa x , ee, hard as soft vater- irtside, g sacriffeeed to a qv, ok buyer. _Call ERICK, Seaforth, 2288. , d od or . , , If ARDWARE -STOVES i D. L. ettt ' , , , FURNACES PLUMBING W. SCRANTON c.0Alo . • — , , r , , , . , tnem r bush bush _bust ton.. rum oriel a 1001 , PAM% • (71) II per r seed. ta'ed RO maul's was also well amoe andklates were both hearing. ea were - ho supported theinee hotet was foarnalle of beet week, et -eetVed tee7by thet pe, re from Loreien, wit te Muee thi-ouguott weet, of Clinton, ;Miring- the ease toothere and 61 -tea, ock..--e and Miss- MOL }mew from Reuse zekel the rooter ; -The Rev. R. Re we this week vi havIn-rriends.a.--Neady 1610.1:t Watka to new walks, in pr lugs. which Is- :makof London, er Ruot and Illes London. - o hag been carrylug rig deeartment for for some time past., ?-41111ar $ittiation itaton has engaged the 44 r. Percy Clark, of Tena Shirray is in T :her seeter, Mrs. It Jo B.esale Urquhart ws e week spendlO4 otew Lei.-aitrira, rifeekt :companied lay her fL atIng her mother, etre. nal many relattives_and ii this neighborhood. - mis Pope have been Lou during the pat 3. Pope and. family, Mies Florence Pope he vita them to Erandon.- e daughlet, of Londoe,w Ly visiting Mr. and Mrs. Parr line. -Mr. Alfreel Tay* oar for the new pentad hates to make gnat have, its work. -Mrs. 7 Neelandit er Mrs-. A. W. Wag, haee era a two weeks' visit witi :licazion, Toronto. and Oe.h. "McKay, of Tappan, - moved Into one }of iIinge oxi Queen a the King George hall, of Godetrich, was this week visiting h%* reidd and Miss McGregor-, is having his dwelling mr John Steacy,-Mea jerancouvery accompanied latzghtear, is visiting T. Nee1arkL,...-9ur C been keet huge' this - ng wejlir as during has bei a [gs, and wells 41QW be sunk deeper Wen to insure agocfl Ui -Whiteeidee, filen tot* reed during the past where he hag been tOr two. -Ml, Belie'glie.rigar was here :this week vldtee her, who cotiaui .-Mr. T Porliner, aurant, Woods McEwen s- block, LMr. W. O. Perldne, for Hottik-efa. Celet, . iere this week visiting Ver, Mr. F. C. eienceleil. Cook returned t.hts- where gsho bad J EOVI" days vith her tia Johosee-The Bev kxcteir, prewar* the tommion service in -Caw* la:May afternoon Da; �X f Sabbath was largely') emmunicanto.-selre. ,f'afrilly intend matting - course or a ot Brandt, who is now' r will ben*ssei!bytt hde in Bengal WI NU- coirts have been * k Leaking eeveral Laps C1 e cif such &IN, andi rek Ir enthustesne-Ore. Mod 1a1t week from Eur' - London. While awaY mite svriously but we io state Ls now much iv' T Dick returned re0621 4toek, where she heAtelx`82. - son-tn.-lave and dogattag E. Civrthorpe.-Mr. J es Angeles,. Calitornblv. ;wing the past WOCIP 1(!laa"f paaeatliara Mrand i Itootenar author of "St. Cuth- etc.- ss, and judg- great a sale t n author. o-niy7 dcl$z.35 SO Onta Montreal, leet4 -24 2e.. Cbee 4 li-2e toe .4c to Toronto, * fresh soli 20 to 1.6e. lie Per Pon to 14e; leen. eleete lane, Toronto, lett 41.01 lie2; 1.1 1-2e at te., Me . Mo on Wrinj; III ._141-70 to 53c ba bran, new 'trent *If tea track, tet is quote Nol a skhe market ed at $e 1 Li Glasgow, )3Itallar it0 Avality, 'o- rs are 13e. B humbers a • Liverpool Anions In lunaltiered; beet the ere pric Canadian s fk, 14 1.4-2e Buffalo, and Otrong ehipping, $ 45 Ito $'7. virwee $2,213 $5:50; Stoc *5; etack 1,-Acave, ly active teavY, $7.5 .V.68; York $7; roi * Ito $6; and Lambs fto $6.69 $4.5e to $5 *35 'to $4 I Montreal, ivak.: - kie.41 as lilgi bulk of th kiteek at 5 Is goat at 3-te. and per pound. an bulls vont- In ces ruilr 1-0 marke'r, frY, c.iiplei Supplies co er feeding ket this !since 'this evrt. At from pask bfbrings IT lots *7, sows $ *4;50 per though sup ivtere fairl Iravaile4 In Man51-la thaniq was *ere made Toronto, tattle was •Ium, with ere-Daved a.t -$6.30 t "loon -tree Barris •`.A.b iSir ;to $6.55 , tad, $5.10 I hulls, $3 *235. Stoe OM to 9.00 ft; sLocker 43,50 to $4 out; 20 nit the markei- $04 Nealcafives liew of the and Lambs *8.50 'to $4 Pr at $5 Barris re 0.red, at $ Ice bogs f. $6.75 to t Wet T 14 of cat opened up '41esed offf the market. Tcrices for lazo were s IQuetations bn itbe ma repres keta wIhil butelee des, obers' eatt sales, s, 137 bf isteers, 126 port ste lice those IttrAe for 4All1 heli era