HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-09-08, Page 4__ __ 71, - - , .
T77,` - �--F-
V-111. 10 1410- ION 0111116'.
ox -106 0 1010, -4; -paimmom
7 R
10 quft Tight! SO proiler th 1hos6 fte' so a e, 4 la 3x i it Oat in
SEPTEMBER. bl)POSod -to reciprocity should N at- td I
'ar a hrinjing -8
loweA to. dilstribilte: � all the I eftturld bi �4t f 14 T 1A � e0nts4' But
�F SI theT PaIli throVigh 'the post fide ther Ilk
INA T W T the 606rence
they the po�tage in t usual a i ieceired �13
pay c
ght no] OuAl �.vi rmi
way, but kt - Is not A lWS I;
2 'ni
t they obo N lip on 120 Niad
bait �ullfii be 1 allowed - postal 131 lal,
5. & 9 hu
fL, ties , fo agg -ei L J
3 the kllsse�atld I � -.,Of If re $1,660
12 tn( r 111temture under traudii ient "Pk- the ItN r u rketo, n, my bun,,h
13 1 14 111) rw itait-ib", J
jot thing should tie.
f 20 21 2Z ei
17 19 23 ri oiaty, 44
be Istoppw gut, once -and the -g a 'fr, o � 1 oifnr t6lar pro
le. ifn� t If t to political e-1 Pei
24 2' 26 27 30 ones puniehA
'. . _ . , J. . . th a Ct at� I% In I
............ ;t e e th a
t I of tlia opin
A Change of Front,, raol; re
NEW AD VB'_R.T1SE M -EN _rs. �ro *;OUR mean a. 8
very for 4a I cattle raise
Er�fdielnce Is- being produced � -E ti neJ&
betwetka the . parenthesis; aay that had recigrocity been �'brought N r. . . . . . er, w !ich IS, the bes
The figu
oril y, h beorl t and, newt pa
after eAchad. deriw\es the pttgre of the, of il. Air.
forwarA by the following dT
ter fa! it) I, inter feEts or the
Wlper On' -which 6he advertisinent is _13orKliej, Lt would have recei 'the far ne. aTd bireedelk?
ound. n of
-3 hearty cOnsent and. cbi-operi'
_,alts -Stewart Bros
F,41 suito-Grefix uintmmc Co. -I every Member of the! Conzerva 'live- pari
Goods—E. iNite.Faixi 00. __8 urpu 'Noiles.
Unfo�turately, pleXhaps, - for the i� �1
Fall Shoes --W. G� Willin-4 ty. J,
-1kvys Shoes—Roh rho were, lk7l, p
ert willi,% 95"Ate-8 .1 , ric nt.
rarm for Sale—Haury Cairter-5 LWerals, thdY were Pa-vlty I elevwtor in L
the Ray *3
abip- to secure ithiS boon fro0i I -the t
Auction Sales---�5 -Tb a ta Nbrr4,;-,t
voter&- Ust—D. F. NcGrmor-5 ly of - 1;4r. tM'
Americans, insteaO of Ithe Plart� o -,roar EH04 mlli� on, I
ed�T%vlor.,Anderion 0--5
GIrls Wemt john A. Macdonald, which had yearp. lar
wanted—'R.KpogitiSr Offhle--S -T iat )rtioin I >f Ke,
Mrg. J. C. Greh'—s ocityQ�Jn tvatural produc as -one
rec.pr 3
Girl NVante ffflu miI ire iactork, in Goftnikell
d—Exposhor Offloe'a In t ir plati-,
Girl - 5 iinent planks f ire a few
W R Ku.)X— of the prom wa5 We red I iy
3, Mrse—
tural 486 1 Ls, been rE b At a ad is -1
V or S*le—,41. R. Govenlook-8 form. whea reciprocity in na:
Tenders- Wlnted—P-. 0. Derrochers-5 p I
oducth with the United i9tat a -seen'" qui
Votersl List—J. A. Wilson—o Pr
ed- iimpossible, the followers --T3 -4, 1 14 Ank W to
in buJ Lt. 17' coritTaPt' beer
Bortton iva the House were un D. A. 6� fo- 4,4112. T fte�
art_ $
at thelcr demands, that the pres t Gov- i19 to mple4d' by the
ernment carry 01jit, tbekr pleftes, of� No Irer I
g, e fact lihat the JF W, rojo oil Zseiex, hasl
-FT freer trade, AesPiltfl-' t1l
ORTK FRMAY, SE eA � tb L' a vkenc, i haxd*wm
taurier administraticA had fritToduced
amId placed on the otaitute boo1cs ot ttle Co p Ly 0 GpWrich. o-htd
About Beans. . P
'in: eA � ift 4 -N*k yifevlouidy.
CrOP DomWon the British f re)lcof,
Beams an becom'mg a favorit'-, Pre e the now wn )I
in ithis district and face of bitter Opposition from J, FL Bl' er,
jar,, of Wingh
withINthe farmeTF- supposed "Loyalist" Party. aft Mxl§. I L Been
hum&eds Of ac`f'69 11 At Baft*ury on W1
t-nere - axe the time of the trade tMtY'g with me ir
this 7ear ot s de -4 �to IeIgalr��
outh Huron
of the farm ISTIA1 France was being brought I of 1, 1 y ek to as' Marga
'Nalt e evidence, from I Ra n -s ar �ound. ThEy
to the rqifalng iof beans. ity, we hav � 6 La'r,( ' Of wen
ho ar.13 W6 it Ile nagat ii
,n.K a fzvorlte�crop tba Conservative members,
day are beans� becom
q now raising a howl about r4 fprocity, b ein v Bea: Ile had Sol IX
with, 'the farmarO Of goj;tth Huron, but in [their views a to the
were strong on tj j�( 4414 cone �� aiion, GodE ri
Rev �.X fron i Essex
they have comP, comstfkrable.prottl- knportance of Itixe Unite4 S -t t 3 p,
disCUSSIOn. on the saary k to refer
ything to toe, -or two of the rta
ilaence thro3gh 'thO ket. *It is but necessary k 96 of Ithe 0. .0. 1%
more po ut
reelproelty pact, 80 Itbat an Ch was , N*Oat 0)0,
eethes me& kn tha Irodsef n itbx%
with the price$ of beans or ISP -1, bo r*ft$L r.; ON
American market, fi!t that time, to
Jjf.terzat to 'the Im At t1T6 01 kry
the bean crOP is of )COnvinca the ordinary person Lhat it will �e Ler -A: maof this vicinity.- hfanT ot the -olitlics ant) n6thing else at 13 of y t
a-tign 'the- opposition to r4 v1procity
opponent-- of recIpT _g I nn' kawndd arlels
acity. have been in- M_
t the, far., dt,the present time. For indanoe, iln dk Olt �J ugut 26t
ennea to scout the Idea tba I
'the Mwe of 06mmons on. Nov)mber 18 sadtain
a will benefit by of (V to 1 Bad
mers wh(y raise bean 1209. jai dbeussing the Fr Ch siffrade I is Y. Set wall at
go so treaty, Mr. J H. Armotlep'ng, Tt Ea
-ItY P&CL, aid Rome
the redV-O- a SO,
jar as to say that the , Canadian! Lambtdn, saikI
Wmer;S, cannot -expeirt beans for ',the! "'We are piriactically *r1ven 0A 6f kc CL df Mr.
an importing na�- German ma*et4 JTIbe bVn V H ondiae,� bad a Ja
rewon thalt 'WP- M gentlemlarl ia 'taking a:slmllak position With blo- I If 3r oil Outh %al
so far as this crop, IS cOncerTO, W -day with r4ard -to the I French
tion in W M4 1910)r g are tx id a
'is noE treaty which may resule," In',tbe Un -4
Their comtelition, however, faim'lhe iink-nal'Adekeil Viclou
borne outt by the facts. as Is 5bowa States placing on igoods om, C t, le fE
an" hii 710 3, Tip Ig hirn In le
alfla, Ia,surtax similar 'to the ne placed OUT* Wl icl
f1c pli iful W
me under our nO-
BE v e -.1tche.,
which ca on goods from Canada go�ng tato Geij-4 to. C 0`9
%ke, &,few ft7o ago. many. I amcgrely hope th&b the- Flu- -C Sea of Eao
Ar --Y
Ile well n
*dtt', t ance Minister will wait Until we leax.
Last year Mr. M ho �h, h quite, a, - agLm �cbk : r
, TL
of Bracefield, wa�s Petifriltely what poattion the Unit ielE - I 1 11 C( !tI Y. He w
ed 't,
known -grain
aboat the only buyer of begnis, in this StalteSS is going -to, take In -1he matH jQ,
W1 I off bin kr' I i
itilstrict AnythiAg. that bir. Scott 'wl en ffie Jgthtniftuj. scorchel
on, therefoM Is -Mr George Iftylor, Con-'ervalive Whip_
MY isay on the fAtuat, ain I mde. PVben I le came too
authonk[o, and- tbcoe wbo know Xr. di the Hbuser of Commoffig, Ho�. Goo. E. LOU Sk.. itl IE barn. He had L 6.
ftoititl know that be A" not talk to Poster, Mr. Mank, the Codser1rattive aln 4 11 1 nat been feeling )er
mike political CapIttalt. This but gives bfatlonallI le,,4der in Quebe'c,land othill fsk. ce,, Nic lamage was noti,,e
fom to the, foupiving cirearai- -er prominent Conservatives, af- that 'th, l b R 11n.
us that he time expressed, -themselvies In like mant-
Mr. qcdtt Inform fDwnS1llJ) -Cou
Detroit firm for nei% They not only ifnLgSteld the let Ithe con.ract for0a dement
bas, an offer tram a oyernment of &r Wilfrid Lauirler werlz ;h Mr.
a3l the beans, be can, handle, at -the G th( 1k coaiqes don tt.
is not not opening new marktoits for the Can
t&te Of $2.25 per buO-el. This AI" flb*a. Tle priice�was
Sor hand picked beana, bat foip. the Man farmers, but through th� French Pei *(I re I his ear on b ri
10 la, tradle treduy they twere JeopaTai.zIng the.
oxttnaryi run of ther cTW. as t6tal aboaf $6,60, lnclud:inglr�
owing . to great Americim markert. which1was Ot thi tridga att Birns. Aftei`t
kfLpMed right In Our mid9t. j
the d4llty a 4i centis a busbel the beA, much -11i1portanm to �he faxi6ra wyfd 'thf cblly c)qtly bridge-,,ir to be
& able to pay the : bea'a dittzets Of Canada 'generally. '� H )
W. Scott i, in '1909, when it iserved their / pur-, wl at Walk:,, orne' andi.
growers. Is $1.40 to $1.50 per buab�j Ira Xb egAern parQ o, the t
Pose. the back bane of the Con4ervative.
el. In other wo X. Scdbt Is Pay- �--Oh Vrflneisd,15 last w
*ng from $1.40i to $1.60, while - he bee Party prated about the greal adva�mj ho n e �, i f 11. % and 'A frs. J a m e c.; i
tage the Ame-rican market wasito Canai-
au offer 0 $2.25 for all the bean -4 he '? arl (I 'Vii't -, gh a ry was e �5ce
dian produceris. in 11911 two . harr a V11811,
call &liver in Detroit. This means, that I yeaA9 pri it., -W lag, r ti
later, because the Lauriler Government Lr
t htei '
it the 4uty -were removed the farmers able tO s -,,c ly st(w
who are, growing beans would get at was are wha[V.tbe-y had ad- un tek I in n'arrl e with Mr.
least the d-,1ty extra, that Is 46. cents Voeated for forty iyears, the C!6nservao�� F dcoq The c' amon: r we a
a bushei, for every bushel of . beans, tive Party tb4kY Is OPPOsIng rE climocity A by .1, a Y. Drr� ittledge in th
in natural Prddu0U-:% This to tpo, big a en4e, ie'ativeo, and irienolis.
they ralscA
change Of front and mtWV cle4rly deni- bri le aad
rooml left On It4e
Nowl, as tb�re aTe,hunftEds of . acres! OnStrafte to all that
shtio to the' -!nbon train for Tpronto, Bea er
untj�ar beans in the igiotrth Riding 0 feciprocity I I i
pact is a ely I)olitical otb er p)in L. �. I I
�A; n It U 40t a very XUffciult PrO' matter with thern, --T e R:ssed
U at were they to [away t h6r
blam to figure Out what in this Crop follow their co r9e �frea, (if th I - r
e "'r WIV gham ! c n Th ursd, ty
-Land lash, the� would., not PartY." L,
alone the f9rulers of rthis district 6
to, gA�n by zhe, aidoptidn of the rect-4' back on the now be going 24t: i, V s8or, W ife
tj 9 e 'A
Gpkilons of years� ajfd So i.er year.
telY ant] forcibly expressed J),.s
4 Jot n I te
PrOcity Padt. Basing the' average at, la
they ceJ 4d i la,13 had, been 1111 fa!
say 20 bushels to, the acre 'thla. in%4 were leas than twO yeirs ag4- If the f.,, t �,ye I rior i o her deat ft.
AreaSe In PTICe, aOWIng to -thei remorv.-i
Ameriocan market was Such a Wg thing hal 4 L
8 ft estee -n by 'm
al of the ditty, would mean a gall' in 1909. with a high tariff wiill, how ati I Al dE Ah wIll be 4
of $9 an Cere to every' f armEr who - ig ffiuch better it- will te whr4n tfiies�e. tar- ted .'�r b;sbanl left
ns, Xbw we know of sev�ral itf obstructions rem v
raisine bea are o ett 112 'or the est
lanners who have from tento twenty ti m t.
cei, �in, wN of - tl e 'Ideath o
-311Y ret art aI me on ay. T
aona of beans, so tha;t It can ea
N' be estImated the benefit the removal Referring to Crattle Ae�in 1 :Yur
i z ba13114 § rn 01, cl fildv n
Of the duty on,, bearia would mea, -;it to, I During this reciprocity kUscus3ton te oLrn Iffie los,,z of wife I
the farmers orf South Ifuron alone.
much hag been appearing abou�ithe af- or. I
Some may be Inclineid to scoff at 1b' :_�Crdwn ktfor y
-bean question, but when we Q.9.7 that fect K would have on -the caftle 6�� Peiger 'w
wCel prosc Utilig
Mr. Sioott last -year handled over Seven horse market of Canada apid! .
more i a oung i
n a6 � �rom
earlowdu,- of beans, and paid out to one 3paki(KnilarlY of thia province,"Of Omw ha rj ed ju �t i Aft Dmoi ed
fariijer near Brucefield between $700 tario. 'A,9 theze jw
0 P*duct
of the 1ThE le tr4 -e late: w 40 redu 3ed
1 �
$800 for his beans alone lasN -hoTL :sa il; and ab�
farm sea, aTlJ4 eattle-are f lgreat giis tr
year, tt dbesr 'nut take a w�ry brlg)Rt t t' . I fek
fe* a lilt' appea
imhA to'compuLe what It would mean importance Ito the farming C06M.Linity- Itr R C di ch',ut'ith fiecslo
td the farmc-M pocket werot . f5 of thifs iffialtriet we
have igilven! them �tbk P Del mb [Anit
a but-hol, �� affied to the prIcce4 he a's Considerable atbentiOn. As 1wh h -ec el ve4 t,
�11e, days. 91t 140 a
received, In the( P'adt % !QrOWn kt,;C �neY4
9`0 pa;st the arguments continpe. On �aiga ast! w1i ek 1 vas
Jcst think, Mr. Bean Grower �O
*9 a f 00wricl
gouth Fluron ithat the removal oftht the one haTA we have the the'dritst and. Ishi. inar, d with. indecent
ty on
bearts alone mean, -z a- igain the iintereats predicting disasIt.-ar to H;e afttl" itc ball
(1w V
of at leazt. nine dellars an acre. Isalt tileap f . itrial �irf �;De
'two branches of farm, i44ugt�ylt Of mber
that worth voting for? - AtntT also con�- �'Th IE 'W iir gham 'I A�an e* IS A yv
On the other hank% letters g�d iinter
siWr, will those wh i are woTI&g x- 3atdrd I by ii teim-o& as nslyn
gainsit the Opening of this market fq,,r vlews from prominent bree&r4 and a�,
0 m I aturn n from W
.0 S1
Your beans, give you any more fo-V [Itealer_�, men pr`actitcal exppailenCe, to �t I he -n In Eas�p' IVawin
Your other pr,&uce, or wUI they rs�ffl ghvlog' facts and figures aeclOkeeil h Ll ered t o him vibich
In islIPPO-11L
70t, Your Implementq or other nwei$(_ hav Md h re, iserlaus resuit.3.
of their colitentiot that !real ICILY
sarlest at a- lower price ',than !they prc wat, Im 1119 autoll aught up,
are doing tDday? WOU10 not only benef4t them, but Tyr ai eth6r Nfr. : T
W to wl
The rilmoval of the diityt On beans farmeys generally who ara engaocd . i;n JAd 0 L out f , tr en. mghl o
i! alonf, would pretty ilearly pay -V" Walker fa [14 to if urlt,
raiising horses and cattle, a'd all out
hired he7Lp. and this Is only one of,
ypug not I [ n',),, w. e
the- many thlng�� You have to sell. farmers have more, or -less of those a h4,1
rent vp el t e
An, 'yo,l galn_ to vote aigalit-cit thb to Isell-
1 2au a,,
boon? If You do we very much h -ng m -heel, ithIe
ml,-,,- Last week *e dev,6ted conswEr4blq 95ftin" an uNret,i b- okeA
take the tcmp-.r and, sagaelity of. 'the space to the horse question, giving the es 1;11 hi � . 11 etc. 11r." Tyrern
-farmer3 of South Huron. 5nt: � � s i an
Practical axPerknce of e'uch pr§min�,,nt fies, t,*1US jaV�)Qdfng
dealers and breede-ra as kfr � Gard --s way, 3* poisslbt� add itionid
h o us e, Of VIE-Stbt,; :Walter 1�arland 1ge.1
A Primud on the Post Office
Smith, of Halton, and formerlk cl the Cl'obe of NTE,
T n ),nto
D ep ar t rn L -n t '�onto, Rome Reposiitory;, Mr.' YA Mr. J
Teagiox, �� a )hn Krox. of Go r
we Of igitmcoe, anx* athers. On previblu bid �-,in � L41 h;e,t In this cit
ar(� '1hfOTMdd on gOA authority a oc- , I e V"
caslons we have referrea to 1 calt,tio,. wee]. I ivinE a st.vor traphy br
I'llat I la'rge Of Anill"reciProH and thia week give 'to the farmers the 0 up. "he t,ophy Nras a han so
c�ty 'ttOraturid' Is just 'now beinig d1S4 viiew of anotber prominent breWtEr, I,-, Whi�hlfr. Jnox Won I oh Nf a3 2
tribtited through the, post offices IT, the Person of Walter Robson, of � Wasill.. 11kni 3 9-
y Lrd f)Ct ira(e at t
ingtion, Oxforo County. Mr RoShson� is r y,�.
-8-'Outh Huron and Other ridings franIq, td] Pal, ce. T he 6,yifllest w
one of the beIgt awthorAles in �iis PrOA-� i� C L I ti With athletic ;EPGI
IT.- P., NEP I a -Rd ifs; 'thererc)n Vince on the subjecE of igocd,,4 c Oder� MAI abVices lot,,
�Ltle thei Loyal
vass!Ag through the, malls h�ee. If Wad. the be:!�t places to market t Qm. s donatell
Phe cup
thils ig Ithe, case a ffaud.- Is b6ing, p,_ -Z., It ils' this fact that ;Ate A J 01 Ln,�"
-gives �spedal 11)-� I aV4 Camdro
portance to ary Opitni ith (I
petra" upoizi the p* office dppartH R an offered1by Nir. w9JS �� N1 a and Araster
I f f.1 �e
Ceti on oil anY question reUltlzig -to a
esen Ito th
r mg of cattle. Mr. obson ner Of tile race by the I te Non
MMt anO -the coutitr7. It W only.. the ma keir �as
lturkg the sessdon of Parliament, that was asked the Be
dther day wJ43t he �ison. lfr
Kbox es
the franking privileire is available -to thought of the Proposed reciprocity a- in :866, arl2 wala a vol,
igreement in rtiatjon to the icatti; 1panty, Nntb Royr aIL,
Members-. The frankhng Initials tnen- ]Ms Q)l
TePIY was as f)llow---),, Al C-rena46-,7,g. He, Is
ffoned are no doubt those of Mx. A, few icUyIg aigo I
sold in pronto Jaiael- f HLron. colintY, and 5t
SIX 'Cars containing tai l'
PerleF, the CbftservaItW)a Witp, In 120 ca:btaei prin,- ZR >f 1% earlier is
a z Ilia
th- ffba,,se of r-bixirnons. 'Mr. Parley iiS N*011y two Year Olds, and avera. ng I. -
pounds in weiigntl,k for 6 1�4i cents fly -Of of nd M ns. Ar
'lot 'low am 'n' P. an* there 4a. 110( Per PoundL one 1(,ed Er ty strdhtgA.
sesshma of Parlia-m ent In PrOgre -for exhibItIbn purpftes. elected R"Usaels
cattle werief ea;stf h, I
Jq anit nOt
azd� eonsqequently Me franking Initials slaughte" gh the Ilarri,,s abatt8lr, and eq4a lei 903 hol
Bve klot any`,.more valuable ithen tbo:;e afterwarft placed in a gla8 kie t lines
0 any othe� the T0ro1Vt6,-,BxkibitI a C 0 a
Person. If Mr. Perley is On, where t' 44 �b � s ithe
it be Be= by �e y can
Awlng big frank" to be used- as It auY Vialtor to ', th8i fair. whon-11- �
W;vA& lie is guilty of a, IgMs im,4 WhY I ISPeak of these beingiselEct, have obt# td
WoIprletY, it In t a much VftvW orp;j ed for exhibitt 9
.0 07, pun -Wes is sin*y to in"tel two I Of
ftwe, whUe the po-Itmwgiars who a3w remove aR cauee f0e-Quibblingiats to Ods a le 7,0
it I
b6ata tbi# ftvAked matter an yw their cl
ta � ass orgrakle. The to
It y Werl� clizan. WGV, ba
iec thftwelves opm for itroutle. tdPPM On any TaSrk--t in A' FrIC,,_. e dkl t ce 1�0 Lo Of 13
Q 11 P�844 the, 62 Rini 2H -I.- I. it.w at ftime of Wri ting.
b, e h 9�4 �,tnan *ell up In yea re
L P1 H tions, X a; creofta,
�sh INUWW L, ,IoBady IK� 50 ple OA to i shake � hwds with Urg, N' YH badked -t )y, lor .........
01 a Ei WO aDDluide it nealm Erawa -)Mckwell, of 1. b- *uftb
Untel . . ...... ....
Ik elst6r who! W here on a
ed I 1z, guo Rkely attend t] �Ndr- ust moelt;149 of he LaMes' of HE new fa dels iin w ....... .........
Ton per
ak a y
1:. Mal &4001' at 01; next �el wa�a held A, Ithe home o X, rs
4tt men, oes are noW- re pertont ........ be14-c BIL F1' X jW111 *I Ise � BatfroWs, te next, m' till
..a.014 . , 1�udleis (I al Jac .19
Of Ci it�, ff ttrl tUll be held'at the home of frs. i IX," Ea0h
for your inspection.
L loo -
Crawtotd. The ladies a
,a shoe has bee - selectted,with t b,' e r C r. c0n, h the! smokedfac1f fsO goo A work hei 11 ..........
gZd express t
ts;� tut tht, to WPOIB $500 it greatest care from th� pro(luctign .......... ..
I fire to. r(wf of cider i ow a enI g P
le of -Wtoxeter Ittra other My. T-46 er itriproying the church. Wte wish 7J0
of the countr 9 t�d and . .............
y's mo � no per Lot. that mill ia! 1110(ted WPt the B4N mill, them the f U'lleot mea '01 sit 111% .................. ..
!t aW bl�A t i tre got going tbf losis exI ert maker of wo ten's I shoe�.
heavy. ortua
h 6 r
woulo 4w berm ch*n Stock Mai
t 4uthail it wgp, %,D -,ilcak I � b 1 r ot ie of the R Ea ssyle has been,
J. Deit eller
per;wrlil metn ano Dxt1gu,'tshe1- before ft o and Mrs reason f some soecial I m e r rept f.1 -TTS&
were ifrt N?oreffeR thE fore Part 01
t1hal, - galh any beat 4N�w r houp pr-ces C
the: week � vilstUng his mother. There are the new hiloh tc es in,a Of -
fat r, wh, o, are 'very oorly.:.�Mi H. W.htt- T
P variety of styles.
Kelf'31regor left her*i it b
illy h g
e Of %h n the week kd takei chari
Briiefs,.-Labar I %y as
in J*elleslY -?&. and Mrs. McD) ld ist 120; bull$
oc k ut 'N ery CIO All, the 12C Ed observio , of L pe t* C
uclindw. chan tsilosed their .)Ia�es of b.Lz,. IS nt the liabbr Day b hiA arc, es and heels,,i together )er pdutm
1lays with bar tridther, Mrs Johv, E short vam s,
o'",J I �l till Quift� all niimb3r welA to Torfanbi
soT .-MY. and. a. ;he Id3ii-t went Ito j�eajdrtji v,ifth, he bais with the choice lethdrs an
eb �i derson oV the village d artis c Sho';e building Vlatill
R. Mellip, ,who are our oldest
mber attendrd
team, Whle qal'te a all left Ithis eek 'to mak; their honw; 16rn a strong com, ination of Shoe excelle4ce every tVJ z#nVI.Inled
si On the. 1041 bovrEn0 ournameiTt, �he their n,4aw, and, daughter, 11�ELO.
i I
h -ch v -di Y . 1 dhy. Tb toti� lady�will surely en"Cly aid appreciate.
u, o LIondo.
green befirg live ano *Mrs. McKibbon, o the �hs nament, wi vs M A f inis 11,�elb y C to t
arA urs� !Mellie bat" Tesided in Kip- Ln .ow )eH pet4tion. which was c b, b Ig be. L pel4i f or 5 years wio rlIn thaJ Jong Lalies' Patent Leaf er Shoes 2-50� 3- 061 3- 50) fr-drn l -'e, to 11'
trophy which was T on by J. 0 period the have seen inany chanj,�_ Ia
aro 01
De F. C1112 rr vilap, Much 509 3-* 3-75� 4.�o Tr�e �slt
chiells rink, IF. ret Ladies' Gun Metal alf "hoes 0
X an -14' to ey, J. etothem, -A. W. Robins nd I J.
ArL ;19 felt gi Itbele many old tiends 40
amp adies'Dongola Kid Shoes... 2. 5 069 3. .626 t
buJVd1n,9 McMdrehie, Tie prizes. were four oval from At theirt rb.m Kippen, tu
vill, be! belers,
.rat of medals. The o ther compRU10�1 that they may have halth L dies' Tan Calf ShbIes......0 ...
t ' f inih of its' -will hope by 3- A 4 PD. 15.25,
eMd a T iursday and happ�tless in their new homel
P, week. -Mr, (A. Hislop, the L 11 C V,- or
J?�n Do*. Of 1111111eiSO I it
bu n �SO didate' Wav IM Itown 3n, Thursday J- vitsm; to relatives aIrd : riends. Mr. Doig j-1kh r -it aa� V, aid ternooW 110st, -awt seems tb Ab Ink e, 0
codsin f Mr. W. W- Coopel a:nk
PUL filght W favorablk In EaE t M� rH of 'this vicinfty, be ig! a
\vn. Both laideg seem Ito bei i ror 9
scd of the -late Jams Wg, who ;wry
victory and -the Iti 'e a n4 Nxery hard toi- dki many� years! ago. He'ls wk1I r( Mal -
was now if-, dirawlilg very close.* A au eirl bei ed by fsome of ouv older reeii
nes4ay from here intnd going Itio, -lfiv, 0�zier ajnd ilaughter aTf a 4y to Jhez r. 1 r Wilfrid I is VA ' roz-,
ret Ei on Frg froin the *�_qtl on a vloilt toi Mrs.
4 S It, c
-The tom n 11 ery qul0t' a In epe it, WR and Mrs. U�,hall, TELEPHIC NFq 11 Oppo XTE COMMER014L HoTFL
-4 he pare#t4o Mr. 6 to 4
on ace6un so Many being $2.2
Of the vi�lage.-The
kTJ*ewS1 Q L Toronto e. L,, It I VIAle tbeT* gnat arr ociety of st, urch With:
of DanK
stM quite a n 'bez� ItbeM, a. truqte� Ed*
V1.1 will he" their montill r meeting I I the of I NO. 1"t U*10
ivingi- 4.;- After 9. opeU of Ackaess Thom" Welah, of ; this -a rule waa coramc
many have ebal ned,_'Bft. L E. L' at haRl Past sTad
eh=y, eel ool. ro6m on Tuesd ky
stone whc b b's h3ree racing t itbe 2 are ZIA to leaa thi* her pahnal but s -Raby I�Drsely 13 1 fs,
tw whai� 'the meeitift 9 will be a4 -
P1 ives And raw Torohtd fair 169 W his, ors 1 issed by., Amo- (Re -Tw V)f nev 3r ftugerous affection of Ithe, left ek t so with reig t too, fe r ak-� ;awc "Uur iin 1 PY94 Ing lie icould P61 square BrucefieJOL A !good �tedalnce ear whih bao confined lier to her Vllnton ch. -L -Mrs. R00% a
He lgtSUS tb&t a_ P tooin, 11c" N�� Evow, O&Whter Deaf Clinton; was: In. village tblig hot xd- for.- Nfre. Ale. SicKenzife, ��f the
,JufAioced a t WC ahnbist limp )EH Offiftr.-Janrcs Rv�- iting her rrot1�1ersi-Mes,-m Th -7 t� Sk_35; but
vil.age, hais been spending the i �,past Del) u'ty F -e' w
61ble for Or e.to "Ith"r",- wi ok !in Toronto wit i her dau4bitc-il an0i iff 21DW to'Yield toesi: aTO Alex Hfurd k. Rev. 4�1 54 to lthome: in:E4eIedbH erty irs Ir Lb�fi Is week It � hs, hist t(rid 'at be ahl taking !n the taln-'Xiss, Xabel amd care At
f# Ellie h 0�m 6tl L av- vvoc4 , Thom om here who atterded the is)rncol -.M issi ra. k tud $4 Nftm
Whiteman, f Toreto, spent 0or -0 to
iflon or Ex,�ter.- _,V"Iess,�6f Aliall. the, Labor Da7 ftalforch can eft here t1i6-: week f1br f, i W1 her,parents, Mr. and Mrs. John eddottg md*--,
.'bc P r07 verton, , v4, ittel I h his fa h �,re- 90day la�A an enjoyable ttime. lie intends a udying', tof a
im a thils week We i iW& %nd their V 19ftema24-Rv. 'Mr. Sawera i of AII'were pleas*� to seel & Mt. C lulil" UM at vie
Pracefield, will colidunt he se�lvlizes SWRIL-1k
bafn� bo7 an, mere ju 1 proubo,
T Lo intelition- to Move ZAlex. Duting, setting the.pace
0 In Anthiew-la churzh,. On Sand evi-
,g jlil*n near futuie.-Mr. Ja es; it. m4l 5yLlij VJL for 1 all he dthei fgaaoUnd fliers o a the ng the eek 10 -AVTO
ening next. -Mr. H. Elissett, f lWin i past
th businessi In the at $4 Itio $8
nhpeg, acciampanied by Mrs. Pattoh,�.or t*A* per ev
I Ln�aMd ptJ4
the Doinin [on Finane Departm�nt, raa� t"k wiry of a
tawa * L i the xhiol obasing SoA Rug biv-bolidayi; �ffh bits, its Plwuk' t bOth drove Ita Woodstock, wfre vis -0 on the ndof Mr. John A24erson, Of the v0a,ge. The am It of heir slater for. eri -ed �w pies Wanted -As I am i-tartinx-! ill eva -opator
9111, at 'Wroxeter to vis It rilf during the paot week. -Mr. an ept 'b I all) Ili r6neharch on 7 the'lit of tbig Meg I dk.4 Ted and- vimm
;of John �11. I -
couple of Idlays.--rs. J. W"If(rd, ert Cooper and' Mr and afie', S iwrpalyto reveh,e yotir ap-
_�k T school� ned on Taw
W"Ingham, wrnt R, few days th 8: wq re rec ale I) 'er 100 poti ndtj paid fo� good fall �pples. ur public DOWS_
Be eiving congratul�11;14n,s eo; we Joynt, Htqisall zyaporator.
whth her parents be --:Miss I bel ' 0- 1ay 12,tst W11th a 'Ver fair utterld*j
these days. A -young son haz co I e'tO A umber of nice divellbags be epo placed in my
Confiell, o " Mint >n, visfted il h, Te�ai, the home of'the formErarda Ittilli 6 for tale itt grealL iffIrgaitl price6. AlsolI quite a large na-z6ber are, uow altiq aU-so, Ito 4
tieS In It) Is icigbbo hoA this!vVeeki- to Ithet honie of ithe lafter.-M-fiss 1'ellte IV, j, dwellhign;forreltithig. ApplytoG. J.Siitherl- ng the Righ sc*oolo; gt Retet�_ Coed, at $6.25
A-Viss Nettle left last week of Vgmoiidvllle, is vl:3!ttn her ice. ensa I n a or, afr Sit. QtUl rDne� diatrict". wh I a r e s'b Z last, Labor was mce Ieaft-thm._JMrJ WiJUam San
tV'n( lia-p, ei"ster, Mrs. Wm. Thomp3on. I. I f .984
the observdj heripi as a general h; 11day tier,' -01 bt?ws wa-
its 'engaiged ai teicher in -one of' -qudburY. wasIbere durIng ohis , and coutry s'.,ho qla. - _k1rs._!F. N�etc�lf anfJ quite a nu ber went�-tio, oil SIS -7 Past week vilsIlIng-his telativais, SaIeS �Of 'n ter village of Nul m'aa anifl Miiss Ell L A "etea If are at- pi-esE1dt' rch, where rh( day 1. fta; anid! 41ss AiWnlei fflnclalr,_�, to $4 75 an -
OE CAI dn an extinklhd v4st'l o frtends In Pill- otes.-Ur. Cluney, 3f -DdWzV� was ww; being observe% ibe Xaczez Ing, 13, Blatcbfard�, of land, ore 10 D
gon, a(w st to Wo Per
y ek4_ lampanW b lif.
merston and Lonloa c -Mr. Iry e reTeqtly the guest of !tr. and F. the -great a;t1tr=Udn.--:Mr.' Ch yi e son, Is 4en Ira& wa
a deke hi. catmi
bu% wero
ifted at hl3i bomE In 'Mitchell o r the Witmer. -Rev, M. Rhir. MilY, mm4 left here necqntly for a ttlp to Iting his many, rela tive:8 and, ftlenda WWe Of Mai*
holfaay.-. His 5 1) rer was on a ! r1sit 'to ha returne4 to New York a th6 we0r, In e - Interests of hi.3 Hensall. xr�4 vicint, :and the
Ei,�q and,
ryeA% has fritepOs In Wingh lm over the he; ay,- plevant visit with Mr. and 41VTT�- A- -hen: th.-Krl If-alville is also en, early thirty: yearz ce.be rfjJ 1"t vrftk a .64-pagIzzli
am� on n Janston, i sees a
rvins. Isaa( Brow, of Blyth, qlil W. Ehnes.-Xr. T44 Joy -Ing a. trip in the-pftlrle laaAF, and 'ere, ellising"p- In 1ft a ift the rrmrket "or beg
De and', f-,Iet In. the 111age ais, cmilen of
and Mr4s.- F. Den 5ted L, Auburn,, Viel�ed oi(t, have been vUiting the, visiting relativeii won as e � people t4el*
e Greb, and l�tlm west -Mrs Ha�',ke, of Clinton aid changes In tbaT
w.,ith relailvet IT, Skbrin.gvllle; ublq te ieter, Kra. a ng. been
ebert, of
week.-Nfr. Wd Ura, P. Garfr ap,. Jilft rel4dives.-Miss Nora Ann formerly of this place, was ll;rlzi this Work ling rapidly 0a
ternporary sciarok
CO 0 for
Toronto Ithits week, where, he Is me;6tt- Arbor 'Ki:hfgan, waw�s, guest lasOwlek week ren3wing acquaintances. iss �tr -Rannie's bewl h bloc% hnd rew**bs to4ay vvA fatr
h 1,� e' F�lr at' the home of r. Kat� 'HaeWdiar Ili's #Ot , nak-ttalt
y(ur' itng hi Customers who arO Att tlk of nea own store, wil 0pim bn h; vaitig- *Ilth frienea.- h
aid, he Edknund Deichert, of Armada. We, wal ere recmtly speniling a d�l or Vening of thfs Week.�-The srow* 141 4uning to Itt -0 levx�_
aj other Morton, a its 'returning offleer t jig n. la. Vlsitlrg his neiter, UTI& J. so *Ith Mrs. Grassick a7a family, -ound, the mew Comn�erclal-hdltej hay* thia day; week TI e dem
ow i 3b i- East Huron, wasl An own Las - week- ;Lrehert, and'' dther -Nlr alo Mrs. George Case hayel been �vlthin the paot week &*on utedy levw am waai.g*o4.aVkd1 a faiai
.eel: 'the posting up [lie foc-amatigns for tbe McCourt, of CliIntion, lies, been epig-4,91- In Toronto for, the paot week or s �Lied- and raded, anj afte beta was di=e. Selcetlea -lots
election on oMpt ber 21st. The poll,-- eo'� as teachet in separ9be schock' 06. visi Ing''their relatives and ta IM grained will be A I In lewry res^t_ tie of a iing, is to R akE pl� ce Ii i R. Slaftei l� 6hop 1i Stanley. Miiss'McCourt 'taught I Jn- the exhibition.- u1jr anQ Afts. R. �--Hr. anO *z -W. �,j_. Hugarth werer Vows $1 pomdo I
thii% school before and ave 'the bo6st. Hldms, -of F�gmaidville, were he% a Seafarth
-for the. nort'l V41. d for the �s iaist�_UTS. U04 ter iseleeted lots velghi
Mrs. of Kippeia, or,
W1, Was end- in The OtanUrq Office, Vie! Dep4, of asatisfaOttm.-Mr. John L. Gtirbbi, week or -so ago visiting h Irt Josob !Lt !tbe above orl ieflftq-
Ailtburl uty- I- UdIson's house, on lie
re un inf ol fice -is are A. Carr df 1he Bronson Vine, has ione on a Slab z, Kra J ne�-_� Sparks, ad fami�- end 3troet, sy Am them' tor �h_e em
f or the ncrth anl E. Livingst :e vif4t ItioIlgiew York,Sitate, his f o fr- Eir Ily,- -Mr James ohnston lef t. herg this e iallviray irk 1daimed they bad �q -bal;
PNN-1 the south. -Mrs. A Carter spent t� r Of Missouri, as � lanti moilg bbr� a ho ie. -M . aT4 Vw_ Lang, wee c. for the vpt:-t, wherie, he h inear fut' 111i tho JCOUA_ try U
Tho few dayls thi we!,Ik with bei dZiughter are vitsitting In this vielghborhoogt� Mr. Interes.U.-Mr J W. Oiitwein Wcentf- Mr. and bftol C. .4. UcDoniell and fan), owbig 'to th
11 t0rH iin Detroit,-Irr. Goo, Powell, 01-g hs: a native Off Stanleyt, while tr oyable two, I e tinuled
13hipprid L ly ieturned fro a veryenj 11Y Teturned- 1�lst � we�k from F t6 lambei
F, a a rA three Yox k� th;lol Abrk La:ng was bord ear zuritch bek, wee W Visit wit. i relaflyes ar xrhere they-' ho.11I be�en $Ipridlng a m�
cars of hay to New 4 Oiend-4 Ue of. the rrark�t zliz_"
I week. Although it: as stated'on the, ling a dhoghter of the late J..RurkI.., in (utgric, ad t le United vt4tea.4R(.
Or so with Mrs. 1�cD4nells 'jelative
ho,iielln platform bore a t a Cons V131t 'here e 191111th preal tory I isez-4 4r, Alfreilt Ta'rlor Is making
ervativ;4; M:eet� hOlOer. Tis Is their first prepanw 440 per potolt kt tWis
Aik-t st *W thaV , ve had no hay to sh4p to in ',42 years. i at Kippen MIS last ay on Us C t. work nn
vice Green eme4t con-trac
of Leen street, aT.A� -doing fat* -af- -6 440
of tv 'r. the &tates, a nu nbe of buycr� 1 Eiro - Labor Day Celebraton.-Tbe 14abar week. -The benefit, pro aiA c9n, It- well Tiq ee- through t ae cou 1 try . purcha hay Day celebration here on Mbtrd(ay 1aat reciprocity is th�,, all absorbing themof the same tlme.";Tfie rMis of Ithis %,Oelc Idw-0 vmg
lip g
MIS' a and holdiinm It a-. tilt if ter the eLtion was not so largely attended as on Of onvrsation On our #treets.:_.jMI45f 4ave Aone a,,=t
, S * 1
of g04
Sh w ).a knowing that when the Mberd,Jls ainei- 001ne former simila ioccasious. 7!he Mar3t Buctlannwat, .,eklest 4aUght-Er ro r4bturned to) powe and "th ather, bo"
e Recii)r0cityl, 'we �,atftd
I :i J Alexandier 2-hehannan, 1 of Tu %tr,
Tor WSW neftutt4 vr"- :;:�g -
fro $3
r� 9 rE 0--, pact iis stgne(di, biq Igo up a the those -who at&;74d'spent a most ert h, has gone ft�Toronto to take -to-
w y Wotes.-The TL La"Ibroork proN il
4m ork wial make a Ill nd mm profit, an I � Joiyable afternoon aT4 evening. Tbe COW s6 of nurel*, training st the - I
m I, re,4 of the buyers some Rf4,rnoon sports were held on the gvn(ral haspttal.4-Dr, ' I Aridtrew Str �et; has �i been sold to
arl Gecill -Ross, Of
aries sardlia -s, 01 f 41 x, a t er- not -4 �Isl I to iis very funny it 1e 'tarmer will Stand agricultural grounft. J!he PrInblPiLl R�*tq 'Paric, W90. In the ililage this air X
IT. -Smith the well kn6vM C&tle
on to spenO a da he' u i1n. his owr 11.1 ht and vate agal at r'e. foiatureA were the h and biciyck- his a; *f I - I
1;l bEt a- na er of
-y. it pvill c�rtainiy ee-'s, mh. a . 6procit a green t1rot, WA 1W.LopH ' 24 hka aboles 0i
ft' - vW pi*q of -0&
ar� 1EA imeaq races. In th� f irvt rac 9, ketA , to Ift'.
6ipth_ thousands of dolia -S every year po there were Ithreef con 3estiants, viz,,: don 1 Road.-Nornt ontw: falr.�The ot V# 1W
Dal, Thui sday quac b
the farme o' lHuron alone, and i they C, iabers, 'jack Huntcrl; B. BoSSa�� is looked forwaxd by all with by )rj e"terns 13-
ing, . MO P_
t t h -11'ir be y's 'Peach Bars I and I*. please to e f 26c to 2 6 Ji -ft -
11: are doi4mg t, -a simp-y becausl,� 6141A Iiitereat ald -we re cfrom ft
a CeIle 1118� I els 'Ruby'WiJke"8. The racp wa.3 reP0 that ieyiiry ble; comod,
sa) it Is FlOt' a goold Ithl rxk � f Or powl ition
them. They Ought, to haye a mi4d o in threel etra Will be inade for those 01�r after; the pmtlo,
Ot9bt eats by Jack altb n g. The' W the misfort4ne
7,3.1 e. th0icr own a:nd 'think for themsoe�vcls, Hu. ter, wj,t Peach ars, secondJ and larg cement isb# of he wber A*t
11V to have hifs, P�rcheron stglffen dte',k
hri. ano, iIf . the 7 a t herE its no doiui;� Ruby Wilkes thlrKLI "e seco7fd church Will be spe FALL PALU
Mee cia-Ily a I for qthe, day., 1qela;rt, i
III go.-Nfrz. D. fSor�- -we); a1ree, for.. all whto three contelat�4 disease was fbe
I It y wNich Way thf the Occasion anit will at 0 leat�. I cause. The loss *111 "be heavy ow r f )r Cris, of W30Tbak, vial -A with htr: pa�,- alnt,3 also. ThcEe were T. muricimimi 111K !-capacity forl almost
1 �ty ifteo, f 0tr ur Si4b& .--'!The
. yf� efibs, here IROWCIIma-ster Jr.,' George Troyer's 'Alma crovA bome ot
USI I hiis we*. Was .9. 11,.Chex, while both of our hotells- will Oeorge, AndarrMis had
or I,, -a 5d who bas b e viettrig with his '90er',, ard' Ni�holsonls pster B., The havo the beist. of rn,?als a nArrovT e
c0ltOW,ti011 f rom dpfatruet by',fire Me
0 ft 10 fin Hallett, an(JI ffiends bezel, re; d ftc� wals won in thme Aralglilt. h ats aIS well'as stebl
_h �1a add ItIO,-' t%l. A fire Istg* bed stoss-
Ur.11X Wb1c In the
borne on 119 -
ca 3e Grahwn! aid IYY Roadmaisteir wi(th Ima Mater seoll to It lie ktifferernit Urch Wchoa, am4 the -
1W ilauhter A
,9, of Rovick, Vl�lted wlLb her b"t and )3arjt6f"J3. himid. In the bi- Ies N111 PrOV1110 va7thlng'� n V [Po ch
I,( ai, , eedd .. If ftW bdt know
a ; ul t. hrother, Mr. . I cycle race all 15 wen gob - fin tb am buiN W, tul do
It. Elliott, , tb15 thfMe werEN, zjx cuntest�nts, Hen�44 1 1 selei WaX forkut-ately zl�ticedi Jifiet no Jt' ,ge:thering, here
ad week' Weiklo here r e ais; beginn,�Ug to �r
.-The Atburn t�tnio club !pa.Ld, Winning first, 'lecihert se6otd 11 MITWtton as n&
'I a Ile ne, 131Yth a vi stb 10 1-1 TI �ursday af t Irnoc n a)rd Klopp thi&d. T all i vadi$ WM Jelad 0 aktwy, And,
he Judges were to -the VWag, % -
la with; Like tingulshedL - Tile o1mviersaxy, I iA �601(11Y 1garae, 4'rVeSt home serviceo in connectsa
st and played a osra H. ChrlIatle, of Eeter, wA Mrs. Foste, aiA M183 Pd4tor,- of ronH
Yrp-,-i result hat' tle George E. llstdemon, (If "Veaforth. awalda, 1 Gin playc�rs dkea� were hem during the '%ith Tri vi tt - Memorial ch urch � Vr aw
i ham cA them, gettmg 'revange. f Past week vie relat or tl ie d�� The old oh Sunday'laIst. J'he servi"008 Wft
housas h' en v ant in the conft
O�,� feat they reciivek& 'earlier that avo'gbe M- rktor.
�4n tn - 1 f be St. Columbkn. cted
Vill e are begin-4ig to fI up._&
t ("okb.6ch by the s 'a; r I by, Aff. -W2 jmsk4w of cum -
Ig t season a m P�Iayl_ Not�s--Pi _,Nlr. t )n, Q0TT10
IS- a stmaster J. J. HOIIWA ato Cepitbuny bi�gU
1. j 1�. r. 1,am�ln and daughti,�, v* aTa e
ers. . �Irs. 1. $— Madderal rturne last ireek
-a�* Ison George axe s1y,*idizg few from special mu'sle Vag renderW b%
It klmr.. 4ed ivith fulerids In L stowel. tb18 WO weeks visit, � Nitil t e cboi&, whilP, the 1humIr w�w vory,
yriahan -The puble sebool wned on Tu�$- 0�ayjs In barls.. - The Margar1fit relativ,�s a-4. frie4ds In di nt ]�Lrt,_S., 1) 1 ttily deco SALB� RG IS
I and Lizzle Eckart left for Loretto Ab,,- _Mnsall 'a Led �for A -he occa,�alon,
r d(ay but "the prilricillfJ mi-ssed will soon �havektoe, C3111`4ieR bey: Toranto., on Tueddl Ue re' test I It. Albert ania Of creosq
-ie iH bi, so was ndt here for the sta ., f cemenk si ewa 0 AMM�q of
n ra 7. y to contin' exte#t v t their lgltudies in musib., d a d ill any.,'� ae, Ohio, a- Venle
,:a u _Conra vi 4e in re V181 the 19#Le�v-
b ow e;rerJ,Ithirbg [a rgoin a Peter Eckart, Joseph At cinson - Ontarld, but we mnnot other mrs Prilitir ; Tl1oi)1,,1s IP, 11. Ail
9 long and oth�- morioc mr. Jam" jej," _p�t.jnil
�itf J0( smoot'i aft"'r be bolift lur. Muctl TDr her fir proteCtio# the, inotat
ys. Of _d I�e er -successful farmers o I! haIiI retumc4 frornJ A*a., On TueFdd%- &.pt kb, ion Lot I
bu� -gi a (number Ere -lot in uttendtimce, Columbai'a IffiPol-tant of all., Mr Cha a AoPi, atit, Gra Sick,
'Yet, are attendihg th Torcnt(y f 'h 11aA been workkig urin the s
but Itbey vv iill soon al be on h in�. - Ruth Johnson aT14 OMI a - v., who as been In Tavlstoc� for ome tiler. -Messrs. D. 1. A, IM
iLtrig, w4h time passt, was -here 4kning, J.: ' Neil oo BrOWn, Aitiction,er.
lired hfr; 1N1cQ,.ie(n, L 'Knox college frisends. in Paris and To t A, ast the -Xioses ar
onto,.-Nori�ldn _y aadi Ifag,
14e Ro�o
gave a ver 11 week visiting Ills iparents az I
y ' �o ng afd' Il- O'Cbnnor and Jamea Da' :f d-cn 011 "Winnipleg lustrated v�itb limelight v ton lef t :f� 10-th6r, last wo'ek vlaitcil, th
(arTH thi Vaind`wiich College on ne-Ay last left !for Toruh1to, 4�1 ri"ea
lews, jT. ndaY. The f ot.,%� he �1�w holda a ood posltiQn..: erej 1A A. Rosa, -Rev a1dt4*
I home m,issl)n field, In the Presbyttr- mer has joined
the teadhing staff.- A. AlcDoj Q41ins, have retl=ed Irom their vaqvq 4ridels fatber, Jer.
hel izn � ch urch ur ay ev' 1?2* f) P' r"nell wa� In Clinton on ab,- t
The b4(9 show in the ilbeifq 1Xall hfb bath,llaqL VISItIng, relativ 1�n.-Our school re..op�jnedl on Tueaftj There was attendancel. Tle, ad- on 6',aturiUy evnlIng, Seii:. 23zrd Isiloxv T. es.; Mr. ohn W#h a 9004 a�-tendampe f pupils In ret
y! last dreSs was ver intens Ling, but hie rivalling Reciprocity Of Wal4ut Grove, 41innE. ta, a4 &-parttfientS of Atmijs,
ten- Wows were no clear. the S. sorbing topic of the Ur.'Ni,_,v seats 2 -Ah, Jobii Delaney, of t
Small _qatng a be utif 11 solo he
m CUP are being placed In the pa_!StterM and
4,1 PrlesbYteritaii. U�lr asL Eun&i'
tl eV- paquet �ectioi.rls of the lUdjtOrIum.Tn --- ST-VNV At
Rev, Drm�r
he oild en"lig.-Rev, -11 wq
`Wthodhst' r' pat, Vatis will opell next 'e�,
L� r id wt �d;.'Art ur Vertni
int ez h( rA Is at a -W. lePh A. Downey has sold � hi" C: h oil to Misiarrie; on s aaghtp
ent visItIng f - en Is In town. -.ITe 18 . S Ope s j
.1 fam to Nx as, C. Stewart, of
tie L or r -I& also prmeach . PaltrWk -MoGrdth, of Hlb- tthOdis Charch
.t Preach bert UO its.- 90ingto take up his( aod'
awl M111fillY, friends I
delighted tc where ha has securl# Dh laths
la him L lucrative pooltion. 'Re held, a a Eginotdvffle,ou Ori*ige -'CGtt of the Ibminioii Bank., Tort I UCCOZS4 ues "Lleond son of Mr. al:a IjTt�s. U
I O"to, ful ,'Isale of furniture qept 5t f
by Sabb werbI in �Iberta�'
j T day, e vilqli�� with h abfA farming Jim.
s pare t;s ben yf ars 16 monttt %nd 1-33 d
jthl� plements on Tuesday. -I MCLEAN
week. Papero: Winghain on Aul�mj
Co.,'rag aid �ro-n X�eLea-.I. aged 7
stock: broker, � o Yearil.
eatorth an makinir large shfpn3-+
.111 te�er Lead bury -McRae' 4 -ed -69 y
from St. Columbn I All t,�xt b0ok dl� er supp es LowerWi
and �Dtlblin tih s a T-UJOTT-1w
Niotw.-ParmErs are hesil -1 - otb ii =.a
tati-A8 'ej, week. Our Canaidlan, elti n9h
do of Flebte Elliott, aged 83'eam
lit' bout 19owing, 'their fall wheaf in origin seem to be Successful or C61le ' Aute and Put lic MUn rged 3,� yeam
JX1 to ltflegrQuTd beiing O, J[T`Y.�: Ss .91abel the, work of conve 9 rag -s nA Job )n lay,
L I Hullett, c a AUgUst
aDAVAgon -wid er sister, *Mr3. Aviertr� Into sil 14ged 44 years -md Z mooths
a ' q I
t the Schlo'l p
Ver anO 901 Aug up"
of CartVVrhg,.it, alr1toba, are visiting ati-home held in the Albert
w ds their Went a a i Ythe r relatives heir, e L H'aUU&h da
ught T of ipch
0 Miss DavUsya 3 h0in poor Je4ith W-alsho 1a;ue
I V� . e we�t, bi Miss Loretto OtRe 4 BROADFOO;�,,
before I Speicial Valu Bd
that borne Lit. we hope Rater Of Ix a. 00MU7, two at
ro air w11 I Leadin� sur uluffings and --Or tario Killop"s most' t;p ite dat, farmers, W t
er Ito her usual go4 the honors of the ev;eni xwg. In* aw
health. -Mir, j. j. oull ai en I restore h chool Lgs ano, Pi
vize Is visitbig in 194 thP- 104Y% prime, ite quegion �, of
Toronto a V; Ithe (xhibition WS 0W2WrShiV Was &CIded by lot* whei
t week-li-4fri. ei. R�m; of Brusntvhas Kim OReilly clrih4 off the green du,� T. Holmes F!Uret
"been Vialthi bi 3 dughters, A&;. R.rsp�- glaft lemona& set, as It 3o orehe*,4i
leznils.-Fl�ms aree i Airt PlaYeO Vood for YOU, liottwl.lf
of low u - In the
P begiftnI49 The ))R]�G AD 'D BO *md day
713 -1 ne, 90V , of single 91,K STORE %lis
wampt to It oot of here.-ffr. ion 04chi
0.3 DWSp ww won b b2fichl el .]Barry, Ith lod
D tt Idemm.,
110* 8 40, NO
4" Onta
0 U
'10 X
Q 11 P�844 the, 62 Rini 2H -I.- I. it.w at ftime of Wri ting.
b, e h 9�4 �,tnan *ell up In yea re
L P1 H tions, X a; creofta,
�sh INUWW L, ,IoBady IK� 50 ple OA to i shake � hwds with Urg, N' YH badked -t )y, lor .........
01 a Ei WO aDDluide it nealm Erawa -)Mckwell, of 1. b- *uftb
Untel . . ...... ....
Ik elst6r who! W here on a
ed I 1z, guo Rkely attend t] �Ndr- ust moelt;149 of he LaMes' of HE new fa dels iin w ....... .........
Ton per
ak a y
1:. Mal &4001' at 01; next �el wa�a held A, Ithe home o X, rs
4tt men, oes are noW- re pertont ........ be14-c BIL F1' X jW111 *I Ise � BatfroWs, te next, m' till
..a.014 . , 1�udleis (I al Jac .19
Of Ci it�, ff ttrl tUll be held'at the home of frs. i IX," Ea0h
for your inspection.
L loo -
Crawtotd. The ladies a
,a shoe has bee - selectted,with t b,' e r C r. c0n, h the! smokedfac1f fsO goo A work hei 11 ..........
gZd express t
ts;� tut tht, to WPOIB $500 it greatest care from th� pro(luctign .......... ..
I fire to. r(wf of cider i ow a enI g P
le of -Wtoxeter Ittra other My. T-46 er itriproying the church. Wte wish 7J0
of the countr 9 t�d and . .............
y's mo � no per Lot. that mill ia! 1110(ted WPt the B4N mill, them the f U'lleot mea '01 sit 111% .................. ..
!t aW bl�A t i tre got going tbf losis exI ert maker of wo ten's I shoe�.
heavy. ortua
h 6 r
woulo 4w berm ch*n Stock Mai
t 4uthail it wgp, %,D -,ilcak I � b 1 r ot ie of the R Ea ssyle has been,
J. Deit eller
per;wrlil metn ano Dxt1gu,'tshe1- before ft o and Mrs reason f some soecial I m e r rept f.1 -TTS&
were ifrt N?oreffeR thE fore Part 01
t1hal, - galh any beat 4N�w r houp pr-ces C
the: week � vilstUng his mother. There are the new hiloh tc es in,a Of -
fat r, wh, o, are 'very oorly.:.�Mi H. W.htt- T
P variety of styles.
Kelf'31regor left her*i it b
illy h g
e Of %h n the week kd takei chari
Briiefs,.-Labar I %y as
in J*elleslY -?&. and Mrs. McD) ld ist 120; bull$
oc k ut 'N ery CIO All, the 12C Ed observio , of L pe t* C
uclindw. chan tsilosed their .)Ia�es of b.Lz,. IS nt the liabbr Day b hiA arc, es and heels,,i together )er pdutm
1lays with bar tridther, Mrs Johv, E short vam s,
o'",J I �l till Quift� all niimb3r welA to Torfanbi
soT .-MY. and. a. ;he Id3ii-t went Ito j�eajdrtji v,ifth, he bais with the choice lethdrs an
eb �i derson oV the village d artis c Sho';e building Vlatill
R. Mellip, ,who are our oldest
mber attendrd
team, Whle qal'te a all left Ithis eek 'to mak; their honw; 16rn a strong com, ination of Shoe excelle4ce every tVJ z#nVI.Inled
si On the. 1041 bovrEn0 ournameiTt, �he their n,4aw, and, daughter, 11�ELO.
i I
h -ch v -di Y . 1 dhy. Tb toti� lady�will surely en"Cly aid appreciate.
u, o LIondo.
green befirg live ano *Mrs. McKibbon, o the �hs nament, wi vs M A f inis 11,�elb y C to t
arA urs� !Mellie bat" Tesided in Kip- Ln .ow )eH pet4tion. which was c b, b Ig be. L pel4i f or 5 years wio rlIn thaJ Jong Lalies' Patent Leaf er Shoes 2-50� 3- 061 3- 50) fr-drn l -'e, to 11'
trophy which was T on by J. 0 period the have seen inany chanj,�_ Ia
aro 01
De F. C1112 rr vilap, Much 509 3-* 3-75� 4.�o Tr�e �slt
chiells rink, IF. ret Ladies' Gun Metal alf "hoes 0
X an -14' to ey, J. etothem, -A. W. Robins nd I J.
ArL ;19 felt gi Itbele many old tiends 40
amp adies'Dongola Kid Shoes... 2. 5 069 3. .626 t
buJVd1n,9 McMdrehie, Tie prizes. were four oval from At theirt rb.m Kippen, tu
vill, be! belers,
.rat of medals. The o ther compRU10�1 that they may have halth L dies' Tan Calf ShbIes......0 ...
t ' f inih of its' -will hope by 3- A 4 PD. 15.25,
eMd a T iursday and happ�tless in their new homel
P, week. -Mr, (A. Hislop, the L 11 C V,- or
J?�n Do*. Of 1111111eiSO I it
bu n �SO didate' Wav IM Itown 3n, Thursday J- vitsm; to relatives aIrd : riends. Mr. Doig j-1kh r -it aa� V, aid ternooW 110st, -awt seems tb Ab Ink e, 0
codsin f Mr. W. W- Coopel a:nk
PUL filght W favorablk In EaE t M� rH of 'this vicinfty, be ig! a
\vn. Both laideg seem Ito bei i ror 9
scd of the -late Jams Wg, who ;wry
victory and -the Iti 'e a n4 Nxery hard toi- dki many� years! ago. He'ls wk1I r( Mal -
was now if-, dirawlilg very close.* A au eirl bei ed by fsome of ouv older reeii
nes4ay from here intnd going Itio, -lfiv, 0�zier ajnd ilaughter aTf a 4y to Jhez r. 1 r Wilfrid I is VA ' roz-,
ret Ei on Frg froin the *�_qtl on a vloilt toi Mrs.
4 S It, c
-The tom n 11 ery qul0t' a In epe it, WR and Mrs. U�,hall, TELEPHIC NFq 11 Oppo XTE COMMER014L HoTFL
-4 he pare#t4o Mr. 6 to 4
on ace6un so Many being $2.2
Of the vi�lage.-The
kTJ*ewS1 Q L Toronto e. L,, It I VIAle tbeT* gnat arr ociety of st, urch With:
of DanK
stM quite a n 'bez� ItbeM, a. truqte� Ed*
V1.1 will he" their montill r meeting I I the of I NO. 1"t U*10
ivingi- 4.;- After 9. opeU of Ackaess Thom" Welah, of ; this -a rule waa coramc
many have ebal ned,_'Bft. L E. L' at haRl Past sTad
eh=y, eel ool. ro6m on Tuesd ky
stone whc b b's h3ree racing t itbe 2 are ZIA to leaa thi* her pahnal but s -Raby I�Drsely 13 1 fs,
tw whai� 'the meeitift 9 will be a4 -
P1 ives And raw Torohtd fair 169 W his, ors 1 issed by., Amo- (Re -Tw V)f nev 3r ftugerous affection of Ithe, left ek t so with reig t too, fe r ak-� ;awc "Uur iin 1 PY94 Ing lie icould P61 square BrucefieJOL A !good �tedalnce ear whih bao confined lier to her Vllnton ch. -L -Mrs. R00% a
He lgtSUS tb&t a_ P tooin, 11c" N�� Evow, O&Whter Deaf Clinton; was: In. village tblig hot xd- for.- Nfre. Ale. SicKenzife, ��f the
,JufAioced a t WC ahnbist limp )EH Offiftr.-Janrcs Rv�- iting her rrot1�1ersi-Mes,-m Th -7 t� Sk_35; but
vil.age, hais been spending the i �,past Del) u'ty F -e' w
61ble for Or e.to "Ith"r",- wi ok !in Toronto wit i her dau4bitc-il an0i iff 21DW to'Yield toesi: aTO Alex Hfurd k. Rev. 4�1 54 to lthome: in:E4eIedbH erty irs Ir Lb�fi Is week It � hs, hist t(rid 'at be ahl taking !n the taln-'Xiss, Xabel amd care At
f# Ellie h 0�m 6tl L av- vvoc4 , Thom om here who atterded the is)rncol -.M issi ra. k tud $4 Nftm
Whiteman, f Toreto, spent 0or -0 to
iflon or Ex,�ter.- _,V"Iess,�6f Aliall. the, Labor Da7 ftalforch can eft here t1i6-: week f1br f, i W1 her,parents, Mr. and Mrs. John eddottg md*--,
.'bc P r07 verton, , v4, ittel I h his fa h �,re- 90day la�A an enjoyable ttime. lie intends a udying', tof a
im a thils week We i iW& %nd their V 19ftema24-Rv. 'Mr. Sawera i of AII'were pleas*� to seel & Mt. C lulil" UM at vie
Pracefield, will colidunt he se�lvlizes SWRIL-1k
bafn� bo7 an, mere ju 1 proubo,
T Lo intelition- to Move ZAlex. Duting, setting the.pace
0 In Anthiew-la churzh,. On Sand evi-
,g jlil*n near futuie.-Mr. Ja es; it. m4l 5yLlij VJL for 1 all he dthei fgaaoUnd fliers o a the ng the eek 10 -AVTO
ening next. -Mr. H. Elissett, f lWin i past
th businessi In the at $4 Itio $8
nhpeg, acciampanied by Mrs. Pattoh,�.or t*A* per ev
I Ln�aMd ptJ4
the Doinin [on Finane Departm�nt, raa� t"k wiry of a
tawa * L i the xhiol obasing SoA Rug biv-bolidayi; �ffh bits, its Plwuk' t bOth drove Ita Woodstock, wfre vis -0 on the ndof Mr. John A24erson, Of the v0a,ge. The am It of heir slater for. eri -ed �w pies Wanted -As I am i-tartinx-! ill eva -opator
9111, at 'Wroxeter to vis It rilf during the paot week. -Mr. an ept 'b I all) Ili r6neharch on 7 the'lit of tbig Meg I dk.4 Ted and- vimm
;of John �11. I -
couple of Idlays.--rs. J. W"If(rd, ert Cooper and' Mr and afie', S iwrpalyto reveh,e yotir ap-
_�k T school� ned on Taw
W"Ingham, wrnt R, few days th 8: wq re rec ale I) 'er 100 poti ndtj paid fo� good fall �pples. ur public DOWS_
Be eiving congratul�11;14n,s eo; we Joynt, Htqisall zyaporator.
whth her parents be --:Miss I bel ' 0- 1ay 12,tst W11th a 'Ver fair utterld*j
these days. A -young son haz co I e'tO A umber of nice divellbags be epo placed in my
Confiell, o " Mint >n, visfted il h, Te�ai, the home of'the formErarda Ittilli 6 for tale itt grealL iffIrgaitl price6. AlsolI quite a large na-z6ber are, uow altiq aU-so, Ito 4
tieS In It) Is icigbbo hoA this!vVeeki- to Ithet honie of ithe lafter.-M-fiss 1'ellte IV, j, dwellhign;forreltithig. ApplytoG. J.Siitherl- ng the Righ sc*oolo; gt Retet�_ Coed, at $6.25
A-Viss Nettle left last week of Vgmoiidvllle, is vl:3!ttn her ice. ensa I n a or, afr Sit. QtUl rDne� diatrict". wh I a r e s'b Z last, Labor was mce Ieaft-thm._JMrJ WiJUam San
tV'n( lia-p, ei"ster, Mrs. Wm. Thomp3on. I. I f .984
the observdj heripi as a general h; 11day tier,' -01 bt?ws wa-
its 'engaiged ai teicher in -one of' -qudburY. wasIbere durIng ohis , and coutry s'.,ho qla. - _k1rs._!F. N�etc�lf anfJ quite a nu ber went�-tio, oil SIS -7 Past week vilsIlIng-his telativais, SaIeS �Of 'n ter village of Nul m'aa anifl Miiss Ell L A "etea If are at- pi-esE1dt' rch, where rh( day 1. fta; anid! 41ss AiWnlei fflnclalr,_�, to $4 75 an -
OE CAI dn an extinklhd v4st'l o frtends In Pill- otes.-Ur. Cluney, 3f -DdWzV� was ww; being observe% ibe Xaczez Ing, 13, Blatcbfard�, of land, ore 10 D
gon, a(w st to Wo Per
y ek4_ lampanW b lif.
merston and Lonloa c -Mr. Iry e reTeqtly the guest of !tr. and F. the -great a;t1tr=Udn.--:Mr.' Ch yi e son, Is 4en Ira& wa
a deke hi. catmi
bu% wero
ifted at hl3i bomE In 'Mitchell o r the Witmer. -Rev, M. Rhir. MilY, mm4 left here necqntly for a ttlp to Iting his many, rela tive:8 and, ftlenda WWe Of Mai*
holfaay.-. His 5 1) rer was on a ! r1sit 'to ha returne4 to New York a th6 we0r, In e - Interests of hi.3 Hensall. xr�4 vicint, :and the
Ei,�q and,
ryeA% has fritepOs In Wingh lm over the he; ay,- plevant visit with Mr. and 41VTT�- A- -hen: th.-Krl If-alville is also en, early thirty: yearz ce.be rfjJ 1"t vrftk a .64-pagIzzli
am� on n Janston, i sees a
rvins. Isaa( Brow, of Blyth, qlil W. Ehnes.-Xr. T44 Joy -Ing a. trip in the-pftlrle laaAF, and 'ere, ellising"p- In 1ft a ift the rrmrket "or beg
De and', f-,Iet In. the 111age ais, cmilen of
and Mr4s.- F. Den 5ted L, Auburn,, Viel�ed oi(t, have been vUiting the, visiting relativeii won as e � people t4el*
e Greb, and l�tlm west -Mrs Ha�',ke, of Clinton aid changes In tbaT
w.,ith relailvet IT, Skbrin.gvllle; ublq te ieter, Kra. a ng. been
ebert, of
week.-Nfr. Wd Ura, P. Garfr ap,. Jilft rel4dives.-Miss Nora Ann formerly of this place, was ll;rlzi this Work ling rapidly 0a
ternporary sciarok
CO 0 for
Toronto Ithits week, where, he Is me;6tt- Arbor 'Ki:hfgan, waw�s, guest lasOwlek week ren3wing acquaintances. iss �tr -Rannie's bewl h bloc% hnd rew**bs to4ay vvA fatr
h 1,� e' F�lr at' the home of r. Kat� 'HaeWdiar Ili's #Ot , nak-ttalt
y(ur' itng hi Customers who arO Att tlk of nea own store, wil 0pim bn h; vaitig- *Ilth frienea.- h
aid, he Edknund Deichert, of Armada. We, wal ere recmtly speniling a d�l or Vening of thfs Week.�-The srow* 141 4uning to Itt -0 levx�_
aj other Morton, a its 'returning offleer t jig n. la. Vlsitlrg his neiter, UTI& J. so *Ith Mrs. Grassick a7a family, -ound, the mew Comn�erclal-hdltej hay* thia day; week TI e dem
ow i 3b i- East Huron, wasl An own Las - week- ;Lrehert, and'' dther -Nlr alo Mrs. George Case hayel been �vlthin the paot week &*on utedy levw am waai.g*o4.aVkd1 a faiai
.eel: 'the posting up [lie foc-amatigns for tbe McCourt, of CliIntion, lies, been epig-4,91- In Toronto for, the paot week or s �Lied- and raded, anj afte beta was di=e. Selcetlea -lots
election on oMpt ber 21st. The poll,-- eo'� as teachet in separ9be schock' 06. visi Ing''their relatives and ta IM grained will be A I In lewry res^t_ tie of a iing, is to R akE pl� ce Ii i R. Slaftei l� 6hop 1i Stanley. Miiss'McCourt 'taught I Jn- the exhibition.- u1jr anQ Afts. R. �--Hr. anO *z -W. �,j_. Hugarth werer Vows $1 pomdo I
thii% school before and ave 'the bo6st. Hldms, -of F�gmaidville, were he% a Seafarth
-for the. nort'l V41. d for the �s iaist�_UTS. U04 ter iseleeted lots velghi
Mrs. of Kippeia, or,
W1, Was end- in The OtanUrq Office, Vie! Dep4, of asatisfaOttm.-Mr. John L. Gtirbbi, week or -so ago visiting h Irt Josob !Lt !tbe above orl ieflftq-
Ailtburl uty- I- UdIson's house, on lie
re un inf ol fice -is are A. Carr df 1he Bronson Vine, has ione on a Slab z, Kra J ne�-_� Sparks, ad fami�- end 3troet, sy Am them' tor �h_e em
f or the ncrth anl E. Livingst :e vif4t ItioIlgiew York,Sitate, his f o fr- Eir Ily,- -Mr James ohnston lef t. herg this e iallviray irk 1daimed they bad �q -bal;
PNN-1 the south. -Mrs. A Carter spent t� r Of Missouri, as � lanti moilg bbr� a ho ie. -M . aT4 Vw_ Lang, wee c. for the vpt:-t, wherie, he h inear fut' 111i tho JCOUA_ try U
Tho few dayls thi we!,Ik with bei dZiughter are vitsitting In this vielghborhoogt� Mr. Interes.U.-Mr J W. Oiitwein Wcentf- Mr. and bftol C. .4. UcDoniell and fan), owbig 'to th
11 t0rH iin Detroit,-Irr. Goo, Powell, 01-g hs: a native Off Stanleyt, while tr oyable two, I e tinuled
13hipprid L ly ieturned fro a veryenj 11Y Teturned- 1�lst � we�k from F t6 lambei
F, a a rA three Yox k� th;lol Abrk La:ng was bord ear zuritch bek, wee W Visit wit. i relaflyes ar xrhere they-' ho.11I be�en $Ipridlng a m�
cars of hay to New 4 Oiend-4 Ue of. the rrark�t zliz_"
I week. Although it: as stated'on the, ling a dhoghter of the late J..RurkI.., in (utgric, ad t le United vt4tea.4R(.
Or so with Mrs. 1�cD4nells 'jelative
ho,iielln platform bore a t a Cons V131t 'here e 191111th preal tory I isez-4 4r, Alfreilt Ta'rlor Is making
ervativ;4; M:eet� hOlOer. Tis Is their first prepanw 440 per potolt kt tWis
Aik-t st *W thaV , ve had no hay to sh4p to in ',42 years. i at Kippen MIS last ay on Us C t. work nn
vice Green eme4t con-trac
of Leen street, aT.A� -doing fat* -af- -6 440
of tv 'r. the &tates, a nu nbe of buycr� 1 Eiro - Labor Day Celebraton.-Tbe 14abar week. -The benefit, pro aiA c9n, It- well Tiq ee- through t ae cou 1 try . purcha hay Day celebration here on Mbtrd(ay 1aat reciprocity is th�,, all absorbing themof the same tlme.";Tfie rMis of Ithis %,Oelc Idw-0 vmg
lip g
MIS' a and holdiinm It a-. tilt if ter the eLtion was not so largely attended as on Of onvrsation On our #treets.:_.jMI45f 4ave Aone a,,=t
, S * 1
of g04
Sh w ).a knowing that when the Mberd,Jls ainei- 001ne former simila ioccasious. 7!he Mar3t Buctlannwat, .,eklest 4aUght-Er ro r4bturned to) powe and "th ather, bo"
e Recii)r0cityl, 'we �,atftd
I :i J Alexandier 2-hehannan, 1 of Tu %tr,
Tor WSW neftutt4 vr"- :;:�g -
fro $3
r� 9 rE 0--, pact iis stgne(di, biq Igo up a the those -who at&;74d'spent a most ert h, has gone ft�Toronto to take -to-
w y Wotes.-The TL La"Ibroork proN il
4m ork wial make a Ill nd mm profit, an I � Joiyable afternoon aT4 evening. Tbe COW s6 of nurel*, training st the - I
m I, re,4 of the buyers some Rf4,rnoon sports were held on the gvn(ral haspttal.4-Dr, ' I Aridtrew Str �et; has �i been sold to
arl Gecill -Ross, Of
aries sardlia -s, 01 f 41 x, a t er- not -4 �Isl I to iis very funny it 1e 'tarmer will Stand agricultural grounft. J!he PrInblPiLl R�*tq 'Paric, W90. In the ililage this air X
IT. -Smith the well kn6vM C&tle
on to spenO a da he' u i1n. his owr 11.1 ht and vate agal at r'e. foiatureA were the h and biciyck- his a; *f I - I
1;l bEt a- na er of
-y. it pvill c�rtainiy ee-'s, mh. a . 6procit a green t1rot, WA 1W.LopH ' 24 hka aboles 0i
ft' - vW pi*q of -0&
ar� 1EA imeaq races. In th� f irvt rac 9, ketA , to Ift'.
6ipth_ thousands of dolia -S every year po there were Ithreef con 3estiants, viz,,: don 1 Road.-Nornt ontw: falr.�The ot V# 1W
Dal, Thui sday quac b
the farme o' lHuron alone, and i they C, iabers, 'jack Huntcrl; B. BoSSa�� is looked forwaxd by all with by )rj e"terns 13-
ing, . MO P_
t t h -11'ir be y's 'Peach Bars I and I*. please to e f 26c to 2 6 Ji -ft -
11: are doi4mg t, -a simp-y becausl,� 6141A Iiitereat ald -we re cfrom ft
a CeIle 1118� I els 'Ruby'WiJke"8. The racp wa.3 reP0 that ieyiiry ble; comod,
sa) it Is FlOt' a goold Ithl rxk � f Or powl ition
them. They Ought, to haye a mi4d o in threel etra Will be inade for those 01�r after; the pmtlo,
Ot9bt eats by Jack altb n g. The' W the misfort4ne
7,3.1 e. th0icr own a:nd 'think for themsoe�vcls, Hu. ter, wj,t Peach ars, secondJ and larg cement isb# of he wber A*t
11V to have hifs, P�rcheron stglffen dte',k
hri. ano, iIf . the 7 a t herE its no doiui;� Ruby Wilkes thlrKLI "e seco7fd church Will be spe FALL PALU
Mee cia-Ily a I for qthe, day., 1qela;rt, i
III go.-Nfrz. D. fSor�- -we); a1ree, for.. all whto three contelat�4 disease was fbe
I It y wNich Way thf the Occasion anit will at 0 leat�. I cause. The loss *111 "be heavy ow r f )r Cris, of W30Tbak, vial -A with htr: pa�,- alnt,3 also. ThcEe were T. muricimimi 111K !-capacity forl almost
1 �ty ifteo, f 0tr ur Si4b& .--'!The
. yf� efibs, here IROWCIIma-ster Jr.,' George Troyer's 'Alma crovA bome ot
USI I hiis we*. Was .9. 11,.Chex, while both of our hotells- will Oeorge, AndarrMis had
or I,, -a 5d who bas b e viettrig with his '90er',, ard' Ni�holsonls pster B., The havo the beist. of rn,?als a nArrovT e
c0ltOW,ti011 f rom dpfatruet by',fire Me
0 ft 10 fin Hallett, an(JI ffiends bezel, re; d ftc� wals won in thme Aralglilt. h ats aIS well'as stebl
_h �1a add ItIO,-' t%l. A fire Istg* bed stoss-
Ur.11X Wb1c In the
borne on 119 -
ca 3e Grahwn! aid IYY Roadmaisteir wi(th Ima Mater seoll to It lie ktifferernit Urch Wchoa, am4 the -
1W ilauhter A
,9, of Rovick, Vl�lted wlLb her b"t and )3arjt6f"J3. himid. In the bi- Ies N111 PrOV1110 va7thlng'� n V [Po ch
I,( ai, , eedd .. If ftW bdt know
a ; ul t. hrother, Mr. . I cycle race all 15 wen gob - fin tb am buiN W, tul do
It. Elliott, , tb15 thfMe werEN, zjx cuntest�nts, Hen�44 1 1 selei WaX forkut-ately zl�ticedi Jifiet no Jt' ,ge:thering, here
ad week' Weiklo here r e ais; beginn,�Ug to �r
.-The Atburn t�tnio club !pa.Ld, Winning first, 'lecihert se6otd 11 MITWtton as n&
'I a Ile ne, 131Yth a vi stb 10 1-1 TI �ursday af t Irnoc n a)rd Klopp thi&d. T all i vadi$ WM Jelad 0 aktwy, And,
he Judges were to -the VWag, % -
la with; Like tingulshedL - Tile o1mviersaxy, I iA �601(11Y 1garae, 4'rVeSt home serviceo in connectsa
st and played a osra H. ChrlIatle, of Eeter, wA Mrs. Foste, aiA M183 Pd4tor,- of ronH
Yrp-,-i result hat' tle George E. llstdemon, (If "Veaforth. awalda, 1 Gin playc�rs dkea� were hem during the '%ith Tri vi tt - Memorial ch urch � Vr aw
i ham cA them, gettmg 'revange. f Past week vie relat or tl ie d�� The old oh Sunday'laIst. J'he servi"008 Wft
housas h' en v ant in the conft
O�,� feat they reciivek& 'earlier that avo'gbe M- rktor.
�4n tn - 1 f be St. Columbkn. cted
Vill e are begin-4ig to fI up._&
t ("okb.6ch by the s 'a; r I by, Aff. -W2 jmsk4w of cum -
Ig t season a m P�Iayl_ Not�s--Pi _,Nlr. t )n, Q0TT10
IS- a stmaster J. J. HOIIWA ato Cepitbuny bi�gU
1. j 1�. r. 1,am�ln and daughti,�, v* aTa e
ers. . �Irs. 1. $— Madderal rturne last ireek
-a�* Ison George axe s1y,*idizg few from special mu'sle Vag renderW b%
It klmr.. 4ed ivith fulerids In L stowel. tb18 WO weeks visit, � Nitil t e cboi&, whilP, the 1humIr w�w vory,
yriahan -The puble sebool wned on Tu�$- 0�ayjs In barls.. - The Margar1fit relativ,�s a-4. frie4ds In di nt ]�Lrt,_S., 1) 1 ttily deco SALB� RG IS
I and Lizzle Eckart left for Loretto Ab,,- _Mnsall 'a Led �for A -he occa,�alon,
r d(ay but "the prilricillfJ mi-ssed will soon �havektoe, C3111`4ieR bey: Toranto., on Tueddl Ue re' test I It. Albert ania Of creosq
-ie iH bi, so was ndt here for the sta ., f cemenk si ewa 0 AMM�q of
n ra 7. y to contin' exte#t v t their lgltudies in musib., d a d ill any.,'� ae, Ohio, a- Venle
,:a u _Conra vi 4e in re V181 the 19#Le�v-
b ow e;rerJ,Ithirbg [a rgoin a Peter Eckart, Joseph At cinson - Ontarld, but we mnnot other mrs Prilitir ; Tl1oi)1,,1s IP, 11. Ail
9 long and oth�- morioc mr. Jam" jej," _p�t.jnil
�itf J0( smoot'i aft"'r be bolift lur. Muctl TDr her fir proteCtio# the, inotat
ys. Of _d I�e er -successful farmers o I! haIiI retumc4 frornJ A*a., On TueFdd%- &.pt kb, ion Lot I
bu� -gi a (number Ere -lot in uttendtimce, Columbai'a IffiPol-tant of all., Mr Cha a AoPi, atit, Gra Sick,
'Yet, are attendihg th Torcnt(y f 'h 11aA been workkig urin the s
but Itbey vv iill soon al be on h in�. - Ruth Johnson aT14 OMI a - v., who as been In Tavlstoc� for ome tiler. -Messrs. D. 1. A, IM
iLtrig, w4h time passt, was -here 4kning, J.: ' Neil oo BrOWn, Aitiction,er.
lired hfr; 1N1cQ,.ie(n, L 'Knox college frisends. in Paris and To t A, ast the -Xioses ar
onto,.-Nori�ldn _y aadi Ifag,
14e Ro�o
gave a ver 11 week visiting Ills iparents az I
y ' �o ng afd' Il- O'Cbnnor and Jamea Da' :f d-cn 011 "Winnipleg lustrated v�itb limelight v ton lef t :f� 10-th6r, last wo'ek vlaitcil, th
(arTH thi Vaind`wiich College on ne-Ay last left !for Toruh1to, 4�1 ri"ea
lews, jT. ndaY. The f ot.,%� he �1�w holda a ood posltiQn..: erej 1A A. Rosa, -Rev a1dt4*
I home m,issl)n field, In the Presbyttr- mer has joined
the teadhing staff.- A. AlcDoj Q41ins, have retl=ed Irom their vaqvq 4ridels fatber, Jer.
hel izn � ch urch ur ay ev' 1?2* f) P' r"nell wa� In Clinton on ab,- t
The b4(9 show in the ilbeifq 1Xall hfb bath,llaqL VISItIng, relativ 1�n.-Our school re..op�jnedl on Tueaftj There was attendancel. Tle, ad- on 6',aturiUy evnlIng, Seii:. 23zrd Isiloxv T. es.; Mr. ohn W#h a 9004 a�-tendampe f pupils In ret
y! last dreSs was ver intens Ling, but hie rivalling Reciprocity Of Wal4ut Grove, 41innE. ta, a4 &-parttfientS of Atmijs,
ten- Wows were no clear. the S. sorbing topic of the Ur.'Ni,_,v seats 2 -Ah, Jobii Delaney, of t
Small _qatng a be utif 11 solo he
m CUP are being placed In the pa_!StterM and
4,1 PrlesbYteritaii. U�lr asL Eun&i'
tl eV- paquet �ectioi.rls of the lUdjtOrIum.Tn --- ST-VNV At
Rev, Drm�r
he oild en"lig.-Rev, -11 wq
`Wthodhst' r' pat, Vatis will opell next 'e�,
L� r id wt �d;.'Art ur Vertni
int ez h( rA Is at a -W. lePh A. Downey has sold � hi" C: h oil to Misiarrie; on s aaghtp
ent visItIng f - en Is In town. -.ITe 18 . S Ope s j
.1 fam to Nx as, C. Stewart, of
tie L or r -I& also prmeach . PaltrWk -MoGrdth, of Hlb- tthOdis Charch
.t Preach bert UO its.- 90ingto take up his( aod'
awl M111fillY, friends I
delighted tc where ha has securl# Dh laths
la him L lucrative pooltion. 'Re held, a a Eginotdvffle,ou Ori*ige -'CGtt of the Ibminioii Bank., Tort I UCCOZS4 ues "Lleond son of Mr. al:a IjTt�s. U
I O"to, ful ,'Isale of furniture qept 5t f
by Sabb werbI in �Iberta�'
j T day, e vilqli�� with h abfA farming Jim.
s pare t;s ben yf ars 16 monttt %nd 1-33 d
jthl� plements on Tuesday. -I MCLEAN
week. Papero: Winghain on Aul�mj
Co.,'rag aid �ro-n X�eLea-.I. aged 7
stock: broker, � o Yearil.
eatorth an makinir large shfpn3-+
.111 te�er Lead bury -McRae' 4 -ed -69 y
from St. Columbn I All t,�xt b0ok dl� er supp es LowerWi
and �Dtlblin tih s a T-UJOTT-1w
Niotw.-ParmErs are hesil -1 - otb ii =.a
tati-A8 'ej, week. Our Canaidlan, elti n9h
do of Flebte Elliott, aged 83'eam
lit' bout 19owing, 'their fall wheaf in origin seem to be Successful or C61le ' Aute and Put lic MUn rged 3,� yeam
JX1 to ltflegrQuTd beiing O, J[T`Y.�: Ss .91abel the, work of conve 9 rag -s nA Job )n lay,
L I Hullett, c a AUgUst
aDAVAgon -wid er sister, *Mr3. Aviertr� Into sil 14ged 44 years -md Z mooths
a ' q I
t the Schlo'l p
Ver anO 901 Aug up"
of CartVVrhg,.it, alr1toba, are visiting ati-home held in the Albert
w ds their Went a a i Ythe r relatives heir, e L H'aUU&h da
ught T of ipch
0 Miss DavUsya 3 h0in poor Je4ith W-alsho 1a;ue
I V� . e we�t, bi Miss Loretto OtRe 4 BROADFOO;�,,
before I Speicial Valu Bd
that borne Lit. we hope Rater Of Ix a. 00MU7, two at
ro air w11 I Leadin� sur uluffings and --Or tario Killop"s most' t;p ite dat, farmers, W t
er Ito her usual go4 the honors of the ev;eni xwg. In* aw
health. -Mir, j. j. oull ai en I restore h chool Lgs ano, Pi
vize Is visitbig in 194 thP- 104Y% prime, ite quegion �, of
Toronto a V; Ithe (xhibition WS 0W2WrShiV Was &CIded by lot* whei
t week-li-4fri. ei. R�m; of Brusntvhas Kim OReilly clrih4 off the green du,� T. Holmes F!Uret
"been Vialthi bi 3 dughters, A&;. R.rsp�- glaft lemona& set, as It 3o orehe*,4i
leznils.-Fl�ms aree i Airt PlaYeO Vood for YOU, liottwl.lf
of low u - In the
P begiftnI49 The ))R]�G AD 'D BO *md day
713 -1 ne, 90V , of single 91,K STORE %lis
wampt to It oot of here.-ffr. ion 04chi
0.3 DWSp ww won b b2fichl el .]Barry, Ith lod
D tt Idemm.,
110* 8 40, NO
4" Onta
0 U