HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-08-25, Page 4at ii1 ci it a 1 Pt tc a lv cc yc find that you can the World was attmpting ito oifisiead materiall* b ‘. : tie far era and it ter, es -hi ' Is on: : united?la amar- oblanglittellIr on °e(vr-ge' ra kttve gone to ti • west wile e Storna.ch Remedies., _ Antiseptic Salves -and Ointments. t a better price in the American the. farrnere, and the World had no' sun- -Ile this phaze :of t 0 quest n wbieh is, liege ' h 1 . EV, . of Toronto, at ItheY will remain for so - ti aa fictent stamina tie.' publish what man forcing il to 'the! ,- . 't no - When it high , .a a b Rev. ' Pear. The hap- •neathant Davie - - " ' ,.:__, t with painful a - : , ticket for any of your products, acquainted with !the sheep indu ' • at had kn t-. : t It . . p prod ce pri couple le t on th in It ce at: gi If ta in ed Wi no ge th It OF yo e - -- -- - - - - • • . - -. ' ,. . •I , , I, . , ,- , - • • . , -,-- I- ,---.1 ---..i., :,- .;- ---- - c i , . _. CR .. ON _ - - -. 1 1 - 0811 .. , . .174- ; 2 -:.---- 1 ! -r---= - fr •s• :97, ------ - - i llagnesta eaasee---a., — ........... -;.....W.lisiWr _____ tr` .axatiort, restricted trade a el ewer , gr. 1,- a ',.•,.., 4 '' d re"r14` ral8e4 "-let th'''' -- htWe' °I. be:11- fitt ng eh Ittll'aeut. senarst Wila AUGUST Free Markets be in inter- er't-Lh' •'' ' A n ' "1-3 °I'''' Etther prod ..zn. -• c 4 't e r cone x ;It.tt f -Atr•I ttendian college Valpa - : T W T V F s will yo este7 then I shall expect yo - for my- opponent M. this r ; dostry to vote i pooh lectiori. irt• ot the : 0 . e ; et sin MI he yr Id t• • e, the purpose that grear- :o t; Pre • ' teleti • the te may be, niado - mar e by ' li name , 14-314101V ale to -.€0,, haining Tossed .at write afte bits • as g o, ts * .. ...,-_ 3) P -__. . - A -1- - 1 & ''' But if on, the contrary yoLr 'experience : beforeltit i .-• good Im.001 r -mit ‘..41:, • ' t off I ate.' r und. 'se the inieldieMan n res nsible- for. . II: ba in many -ping down t e e. p ice. its this 7 lae ple:e ar. fliS many =friends el l'to. hear Of here his su.cee,*-.2., : 11 ., - . ; ; . , ,!.1. 0 9 6 I 0 r7 sense and. leads .. believe that decreased taxation - you to .1 mai- . ) .: - - - .: be I, am I _ 'fly . r bie 1- ni ttli e farmer e a Jag the iisrit an at Ethe same from:the co. m su , .r. Is tA4nSiD bet. :w a• fo,rre.er rest. le new in Seattle, dent pf visited f . • ,111,111•11110itimigm......,..4.4... ••-e . ; - - - _ _ more FREE M.AEKETE in Which * it. ge id to. • , r $, .,..i=-- : p pt 'e 110 If pride:a •_. . - equal tort bo* _ . st Iie,3 al ifew •. 74 With. his brother-, T.. . - - A...MMAAWJWIRP, Zo .27 Zz - 3 .. 24. • 3r .. 25 zo • - - • - - - ,.. sell and buy your. produ - grea.ter freedom or teade wi • 1 the n ts, and , aut• I be, to :-; asria4i,•ed vovri vie we ei A i of - '684 :...1 ea a I - 4 l ..--e el , : u e : 'a et ill tY a f , of : he line efit in- et .; on' hat:e . Can dian tie -0,' it perl eggeH e et br woula still odoeer for 'th lies proven t ng. from one -,to ere at n- - e 0 Sdett, nesday prizs diht e .nd other friennis.-Last eveniag the W.C.T.U. t the* -meeting =oh. tp the successful: lax the awe,. ersa , e th d n - Si your advantage, then I shalli ;hope ; Reines ..j. t off de4eP 4 ' cen mor a doz n in thee Ne Y I; ' k writte • by between the la eeDvERHpleesmEeerae The figulre between the parentheeis after. &Lau ad. denotes the pitge of the paper On which the advertasment is found. Pail:AttIze-Stawart Brus.-8 to receive_your votes and' l*fluence on the 2rst of Septereber. words,if you believe that I .,. .. still policy, a no-progressiv a policy of " Let Well "Erietigh Alone 1-' In ether stand- .. poucy,- ' Products i trY, ex: f Tho axe fcei. ter, au • World , ril reciipro hority6 f :1 . lt- e •-•: aeiners P.M ,;a1s 4151- Mr tat gale' for r Mr. P, WI1101. Parkins look a eecl's ' IP 0 rk n_ kit t 'Ind iti.41 n isalA the is. I o m et th ' !stet s, th . ply. -`1 0 The Lib ecte 'Mr. n centre rill / T • e of H. gg'41 of .thei ' Of -the tArneric , . • ., Brantford he Preaton, edit eSt 4*It n. a 0 r p I - be _01 tWe "The au Sy M'Crall Pear, The p_ _..ehiadren ve and sixteen, -ffects ot Alcohol em, Physically; r' Thai Judees , . Carr and nibs. ees were aware on ;the' on the afentally were litev. IfYiet•Yo ..-s to Chas. su§'• lif. u 1.a T t, - d gn ill . LL :things • se Clearance in years, , . . mitst Sale,, wil 'Thee iia.Ve an [ r which have its ending nding. Our Mkt as been the most on Saturday Successful . _ -Sun -liner ' ---;Er _ . evening, .., Dreas Problems --k. !donut ce.-e - Don't Aliss-tkeig Clothing Co. -1._ south HttrOn- Meetings -8 is the best: p0 icy- country, then I Cannot expe votea. But if you believe for this . t iyour thata iiithatta 1 ..........4.............ri,... avo of RcIpror. anuf ot r r Sal -the Brant ord a, • did e in the Prot u has Ex co alter, as the big' election, iecepted. '''This rlizab . is d he first, E. .th pleasant uella Parrott anderson Sthird. evening west 4second, A spent. • - 0 ye y AugLl shoes t 26th., that will Soon are still s' ost you. m ine splendid,‘ values re money. Shee left— bp every - 1 i Goodlihoes---Robert Willis -8 For Sale -Andrew Reld-5 olrl Wanted-Hrs. P. KlIng-8 Found -Expositor Offtee--8 For Bale -L, G.VasEgraond-.8 Apprentice Wanted ---Chas. ciark-S Progressive Policy,' a " Tr better Policy " is the best Canada, then Ileel I am ju asking you for all thele arid do inch for tided ;n itimate altle- putheT hare: factier a and .e. g , s; hllis IUD ' .h n rio Pres , Li 1 rge In' len te ' -ta 'a a f C. In a, , ta 1 c tituen y , held /tent by I . 1,10 one of th ith; Lihera S in the last (1, Ilarris, 'who bolters On t; Parli e rt -'6 - 8 Plow Repairing of the fay of an km .....a........ Kippen -T. Mall'sthe -ners IF{ to ii,te. fore asam e of plow repave. lie , old reliable with a has a fresh fix st. rie 1 li ek d e of mernb, these IljCh r. of the fferinas Wren's 8a fatruily they ' efoot while are.still open I ' 1 Sandals, siZes there is yet time. to late callers • , 4 to 7, regular Look at : I , ..; 75c for 5oc ; ' rid -..,.._ Cut Gfara-,%vauge- & 8toliery=-1 Roomers Wanted -Expositor Ofliee-8 Rouse to Rent -A. Cardno-8 i Farm. tor Sale -Req. Pearson -5 Lost --Joseph &Mt -8 . - Fob Lost--Expositor011iee?--8 Wanted-Cveorge Soint-8 - , Plumar-O. Hcare-5 - . - Princess Theatre -8 Tabor Day Celeqration-8 Fencing Birgains--Chesney & Archibald -5 Last Call -W, G. Willis -4 support and influedce you tend tonne. - Thisis an hriportant question ; thiek over it snriously, divesting yourselves as dutch - possible of political bias op dice. Ifyou -will ..do this, little adoubt as to the decision. I have can -ex- as rep- I ,have . you fears strong be/left eriand Coned in cess boxee, E. P. St. 9,1 ri ete. r 0 fa o t t e le , b e Ock, of bue pany ited s ether er o mr. p a. aye e t , eke 'hi he T m ' e . e So lls. deal lumb . it() rnpazt 5 - ti 6, la re .L.3 f is ue pro.4.7 . tion was stater his onsti uen re e fro t *9)S refuse.d Preltaa t d Liber got an ab 6 c conficleht1:11y big. by a large tee repres-n trli s,- he n exp-ct t ; -stand on. th I to the niaj end aa he rethied and he had ta convention r is on Brantford • :te, one ewho' to- hold t majority. Mt. e„ riding for . qu t y en h! ay 0 r Pe. num- - f o e r,t; - sas best , • akinunes, castings: gies and wagons spee'alty ah.te...,........w. ertto eforetto year% always bra d f o Id I nso mu )or.stp wheels and a general All lines of wool work promptiy done. vith us. Call aad see Jolt Karat:It., a n buyer, is, again se in shape to op. Rippen grain been a ,good one, a 4 Io4 , hoe of Sties repairidg - Horse shoe' us. - Thos. , our gett6lun reeeLle market and as h fo 22 ins a b g i fell s- ye ye t th hs a d g- a s, - el 3 . „ . sizes ni Mieses! Kid, re — fords, :trap regulaX and T'A- Laced - and 5.0. o so reguar 85e•for6oc Oxfords end . Ankle ular valnee 1.50 . Slipper's an,ci values .2.00 to o Eyelet:Ties, in "Ootg•in Patent C . • . sale price per iLsizes Strap Pimps, and 1.65, sal Pumps, in P 2.50) . sale pi. ateret Colt, It and Tan Calfskin, - . _ air 2.98. II to 2, regular in Patent Leather price per pair x.ria; tent Leather and Ohoeol:ate ce per 'pair r.65 ; an Calf and Gun Metal regular valifes ' r.ols• for 7,5e.. s.bly 1 - and Fine= t A. Ladies' Ox-. - Pex , ' ered ' ...Xide 7 c Men's "Oxfords. of Calf, al . , so: - • b .4.00, 4.so e - Odes ' e whi • 'gilt Aura Oxpeoitor. will arrive at, and no, as to the final result. I am . Your Obedient Serv M. Y. McL -- nt, AN Th vIeWO busine follow ni Ti a • IP eterefe -1,. , pi Y as man 1 I affe ; ac,..urers s Yos ts 1 14 r e- ber of ye re ture and • as of title ab est. in loiked me he Ontario I)egissve on there in the House as e e 'Moffat t people gaN a the far is petpular with e hope- that -ae- large paet of all class usual ,hs the grain: , 3 w ro , I f II n . . eat dE br . _ d . - rt l' . : I ens of this ne ghborhOOd. Mr EISAMORTH, FRIDAY, Atiguat 25, 1911. "In 'Or , '),$p r Lao f he letti R eMc. oldie, of Londe, Weis here du a # . ,,...04 aevay : - - - . . e.-----e-- r in., p g 'd1hg 1 e efl t il)f e ru - efiel "I" • Ink th paist Week ca ling -on 0 d p V. coup/ ADDRESS . Comparative Prices F , ,Reciprocity Opponents or ,Ine reciprocity' vor , c . •recipro iness: .tration Ped ov i, Ding r • i. . the t t u l(*1 - - Ole di'beate. tavE and :Teri met' ' • Admi --PAIL, ear '- -",_ _4 ; tro Notees.-" ev. D. Preached I th P gab ath ltat.' Miss Mrs. W. - 1_, ndsborough, elms:ton; of abytersao church Elsie McQue of E Var fi mo , n d - fr ott ketesee many' end. village ' f Mk: McYforklee' as often .4, im but When h• lends always does net we would does co ve a gl I vlent li. h Wet! e. -- _7 DEPLI .N DAB I. IE FAA-7010TH Sti 0 -Es _ ssnot is ..,.-1 b so.. ., ,, , • TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH ment' have been quoting filgurcel-Igre:er above that 'the pact would refleot to in.- • the pIrte the fr 1 fe a -4, as st n th Ye - cX We nit y 1 11, Mlle are itsit rg Joh Lan. aborough, nue R63 MA at Abe home of Olivet, Dan f R ich fao . - cane this. f vi r hirne--The Inity now hav non groWer the, croft f - ..-4 Tel EPHOXE,i: 11 • : 0,PPOSI E COMMERC/IAL el 't lifOTEL Va• HURON GENTLEMEN r -Having been again selected by the Liberals of South Huron as their can -for the ' lection to the Dominion coming- e . (in Parliament, I do now solicit your sufrages and would, be, -pleased to tfthon the 2 1St of have you voe or e September. 'On two former occas- ions: you have done roe the honor of selecting me as your representative I have striven. to carry out faithfully the trust vote then imposed in me , and hive sought to represent you efficientiv and creditablii. This is the sixth time the Liberals of South Huron have done me the honor of selecting .me - as their Standard Bearer, bUt on no previous occasion has there been so import- - before the electorate ant a question for settlernent as at the present time. The rincipal underlying the great .p question which is now • uppermost in the mind of every Canadian is one for which. I have been advocating juriously o'n the farming co They have nicked out isolated inentancee.' Where live stock prioes in th.4 States have been lower than Castada, and fan theene have atnerpted, itti build. up their argumento hi ing the farmers, to beliene tbit s tatel of ftho market .was then* er than the rare exception. to arrive at ,a fair, con,clusttenlas the benefits or the finiarT Iv'snlPhini-ght"' accrue to the farmera, it is necessatr7st 1:9' eoroPare the ,average prie45 year round and for a number, secutive years. k . - ' 03ased on a comparison of thi the pat proves Ito he of ma efit to It.he farmer/. The Lab partment have had compiled ;the of live stock and various oter ducts of the farm, not only In • cities, hut ln 'the .Anierican cit are congguouss he the coun which would be our natural should the reciprocity agreement into force. This work, years of 1906 to 1,911. and the- are taken from the actual maiket ports as Igivell in the papers in monity., United- tbose in lead- thia: le rathn ti ord7s. 14i, few' the of cone ' ; nature al hen- r Dee prices pro- anaiditan s which and market , come *cm the prices re- - :the . wals 17453 thedutIaehx1" ten my'i , loas. of dosena , ;,,aiLthl '""`,."' : rek ma reund 'cl`Pr:o°_ilid goes t tthe 'free Mille tt the wiii • e • The rent 1 the stacve ers bett is pradi the , 11 wird ti to the 1 the eas mense Ettave is rem at the of our1bus ers an Will be ethe -o• _ ' CI - s der ern! adv atn• ed. 'tIt rri ' t . , e , irt' et, Per enft av+te W, ‘ e th-1161 in aie ,y, S n fa e n e fe ot 7 im , h s • : • a- ; , e 1 . ' • , per ff ' sartaeite ills ke n eing s the d 1Proelt'g- ea' , this ears Ls e :. 1 elilltlt &hirers' ju°sir ts vorforbitlt:'t;;It i actarb* as *lying ' •ver • s er tram beth.: :re s vnetittecl." o te o hut -oil' i' will be litrniqbeder' t whe wo ' the who p t• nt mf t I , im liti a will on n to. ea e • the .'e ,Ilf til' manifa own t 4 million 'erte• f a tstaeo usted a ain tenant, 11, ea Alitie nay. me:rle: ti cell .an sou stands1, . n 14 eh" Le- t ;Ft hus tiers! bar ' 191 ln ment b „bird ' 1), 103,;' ar .t8'-' a.,.:- , I be du -',1/ 10 te , ti ab _, a Poll - 5' n e 1 ' 9 's - ha ' n kt • - er ., ville over4-eing flax m11 Alke h ad ahebre no'kh eel° at sen lase ret bay re- ; ham took ,rant 1 'eon, ho Is slowly e phol feve Jesse a Or nurs regeat for ome it and WM' wee ela-3, Manitoba thin the ViSli 11 rel atop and Pro dfca her later, M1SS P tI pant. d her is v iting ans, has daughter, , Ma Gib,- e• lase week. lin, n, paid here laot nd Othe has ttMle tided ondan. ned io a c we 6 te s. na . e_ larger -0eneca, me. P. Taal ret • -t !nye: haa a, -'Mi rela ta - n Ili . John a on tint re s. f • at Ir. °Witt Ian h G a el e a a returned s. isle -s ' lye a It ts , ish. etre at building o buildings.- :owed from augley, at winds : the old' 130ys' Mists Lillie a ro attending . London. --Joh ad of cattle 'WEL Thanifti est', Ill, ne Imp Ls nursing -at Daahvaoods- . 0 returned where :she h. orge Baird an Isbell and, da • ve been /saga, last weenc, foe ountry. M'ocete, Jaw, Illiareen-MIss trom v Walker; of M*. of London, icco aggle Bell sa at Bayfield. to the home ers, of Napier. d tia a. /rand attenburY, ' o rt visit et his s. isiti e- ceo he G o SI ovi a , ..i3 fr s be. . W ght g • . I In Th Sal m sift Mg Ew f is Mi B e B r- ho - a a y. - d . - - g - e s .., - s e vested. the It Wefts thie the Dick this highest he buying the a/ mah7. will pathYt bereave meht 6 Andrew Seoternb-r.-10. John paerick on west.- don, Mcsinibb Mellis. pulpit during pinch Mrs. itsfe1den1 cro haat vi lat• is net had fa rona-quence 'be 0 of the a far r Malts, Owing to The is- not as g been on form- eay last a sea bitty attendekli the Gilbert Dick- nt the whole hborbood arid esteem by all. been ongaged attle and other merfe in this was 1:Y 'alI who Idle deeply regrett hianY will be wife and farn the Lord's Sup ' the, ,rnorning a church the Jelin ' orkman and M were 'among t Iexcur,ion this ev. and'afiss M visiting at th les parents, Mi. Mr. McKibbon Rev Mr., ll'o.bs, he latters bet et lo learn. who are a , leave the calling long -dr. d this ye oteasion e eumbee funeral et :Hensa,11,. of his as held Of late xtensivelY live stock iintrint 1 known him hits and th extended ly.-The er will service rat Sunda kenhead, Maggi ose who eek for . bbon, home and Alt s suppi on idays. tbat a one to u week Ilf 41 yea an d esy o be' I 0 o'kr. e x s• ol pe Oh rem of Mr. t i a aa ro,, et th it- S I M Rile ient the 04+ t. tell, ery Tri4 es a 1 al I e 3 , - - . Thee. B Davis, o witted neserl,g big celeti day ev ()Mello stone, prospero hono ro the poet Grand L gussets tin, where and he London, where the- platformi prettily flags., T H Dic .. cotne on by Actiu G. Staub come on' ,Gran.d tee:need the gra Seen. Fl mother, the town behind • ogle of town, Exeter North, marria,ge. one lot Oe atiort was held kig by the s-, in honor e.of our old s businesa his hav Oh of Gran e, 1.0,0 • ere met at -a p • by the marched to t reeeptifm had been built,,,whicb, i bad withi. e chair was , and an elunif of•the Beeee Layette ry frea,d an' behalf of the aster Poplesrtone he people fOr est reeeption paid a high ho• La au esteeine and who he ni at all times arid wetlei - Cd here local Mr. SI; boys, Man.' been. Mas : of the a. • Ise e se was hunting tak addre citi *lie :.drtena beat replied. gi he tri said iiIId Mr. Ernest [recently ,• . I Bs 75 - A on Th_are- tledge _ of :A Pole- but new a .130th, in ;e10,cteal to Or oe 'the tarlo. The ailway sta- s formed, 'i barid of , i grounds. •1d. Here, a , was° and 1 by Mr. L. fil of wel- Is was read 'Mr. en of Noel; lodge and' g him this tid ' ever . lute to his resident of- ad. stood , -:,,,,.. .i E*re This telselfth MI a v • SI fiends of l w' lie urtiwell lte be se no *the ed4 0 at a w 12 years, *tier brOke, causing! eg him imocatscloue ms,' g several tgashes .:' • 11, required- medlealelattention.-Gee, lost a valuable borne les the third hors toneession thief Wren lost a mare month. old'and Wm , uable mare' and colt4e- pson of London, are home of Mrs. SirtiP arid' Mrs MillIfingli ..- Consitt of Hills here last Sunda Crome.rty, 'spent a f k at Meesrs ' Theo 11.5. -Mrs. &orientate for eome time, isi and is spending ta Aster in Mitchell,-V ol section No .7 havei tract for a new f urn ischool. It has haat! „so the school is cnid systein of - heating, .- soled the funeraA. of and Pend on Tue.sda7.---The s about all completedr h on Auguat, 'the earliest if not the earlie,st ----4 oat hiirn to fall; _ _. alece bon 7 Z] onr lila heat% '' e br lag week. ve: •s t lest oe the- ainotner. Goa .he was,' Zeerel haling a colt, _li _ _ eterlisig s Melones, lost re -': - ere, Ca 131 . and - Mrs, - iting at- oir. _ -Mr. atnel- ' - - - e d s parents, al la reen, visited' _ 0 the .--tafiiss Speare, ast ;:: to ti w Ltie-Y.s IAA es - rid to tt - and BrIntan - o has heett els.sohn Y fdre W11 s *herb* in•S• Geer i week with i'very f. e e i's to trustees of de br let the •-• red s a ice to be put 11' at much need- - ' buttone, oe t --rider thea teautiful afr..-01Brien ___._ friend an a College, , harvest e nUmber here by Lee.t Oa, . To in rfnet)1 ' MI; Ilever. e se „ alse . . • eek.- ohn 0, fealse w a make t dr -home with Mr. him - _tilispired stRomiminiosa-ftwommeal ,Suti ,o; d, St and striving all my life and I am free t nfess that I shou'd Eke to be o co 1 , permitted to have some little part in ehrystalizing that principle into leg- islation and placing that legislation , on the Statute Books of Canada. The aoreernent Orranged between Canada' United States differlerit cities neferredi to. benefit of those who have. notibaidl opportunity to Study this work, may have been mislead by the pulation of figures, to suit a end rather than to be accurate. ote ai' few avera-ge prices, VI__ . • es it,m1e, reetween 1906 and 1911, t *'or the an or -who n-,:ini,- political we tor live . t a,ver- Editiri The , ii. n seetn - ee. who, are bin the ,•_ had tor to lawfrer • en :alt Peng V , 1 1 111 r -in • - and s e a sacrifice ; their - ifi. 4.4 I of South dearth p Elvatnsi, € t damme tn, We 113 ' of ne themv17 -• / 311ty and h e a ITirook e riding- a. egate to (the. fellows- at iagara. - tended the funeeal • 0 tliott, of Littl , wh• recen from 1 B It Iii m ., . gigi over auled and, is al pres:nt very Goderich • re rand Lodge es Od• -arra John It eel . ta of her fathe , .Ni r, townshle- 7 ly bought a fa it! , s hz hou-i I - 'havingt aired --alr s ohn-r - - Al witb, an em a. ' i aleTriehbon A pplog ft s a er ent. nee. hOrt George JovcW. A mumb; at London. , Iltensal• 'Kt nteci -Aq I ,t am ar lat. I am now rralv ' ' per 100 ponnrls paid 1' 1.1 ne411 twaporatorb r °tide e dwellimrs ha a-nd ' mg my es0 0 re.:Pivet Jr •,-ood fa.11 - - p been piarie Ar_n opator y nr PppleS' 280-5 i instil" aP- on ter Ble gave an I lowship. !Fallowing most enjnyable Nearly t' sent at t . 7 Prot.. done one- his career. Past ett, K.C., of Str excellent; address the sPeeehes band concert or thousand o 10 l',, 13 ii, e reception and tal 0 e onor w of our old boys, an rand Mas- ford, then on _ edtirci- a was given. were re.- P are just- hea been one who Se, B a • Nei day , 0' I . Grandt Ben& . riefs.-Hrs. EdWe.rd urday with her -111. mo er who .is very ial,+-Mr ' mass Turnbull and b . - with mr. and Mrs the village.--Mios t week with her aurat, t i Dr and M ! t . et eaS Wall laik jr spent ' ' '' ' ers Arcs. Philip - 'Perth Re and MrS. , • ' - spent Suite ',let Posliff, s ph Sharrow, e tilekee _anent boast of e Wes •Agglei flatha,SH up -tr and the and which has been accepted by that country, and which is to be solved one way or the other by the Caned- age • price for butchers' cattle Toronto -market weal $6.e9 Per During the (same period and f _ . 1 t same c ass Or Animals • he averaprAce on the lindretZ r the . mr. a_. 11,Us as that _ auecese, -. g TT u t hey i This re . oeS , ve 37' • wiAlh not less`lt sangui e 'of . ; • • " ' Br ets.- he went to =t a tour B I • Th1 , ytb of bowlers whi ament in W.' :ha b. iiitort4 for Ira 'a dwell'oirg nori;Itt the ' Death ale at, u rem, bai.,4.0„ 1 for rootimr. 1‘,11 Posb Ottee. HenSall ° of - Mr. Gilbert Hem iiii.) 113 to 9. a • Diek.-sn evera, . nthetl. 4.,1 af was so' P•pular eEteem.. Death ef Occurred and held 111; an. Old Resident:a:The on S.aturday morn BAJO. high k death ng of one st d a da ter. -Quite a, heseny jos rm passed over hero ni ht D * th a g ' ---- erIfeg e .4,4 '' alight ot last week- and wind e eights• -pix e 1 g Wednenes. - A. PiersajO 'to '1 en Tiles* _ .1 Busines, ba,rn purchased -th ian people on September _zest, se- cures to Canada the enlarged mark- ets and a deerree of freedom'elf trade b. Whiell the leaders of both political parties from the days of Sir John Macdonald and George Brown down to the p -resent have been cctntendine- b For and have been unable to procure These enlarged markets and free- on the Buffalo market was $6143, in Chlicago, $6.58. - Calves.. In averaged $5,91, in Buffalo,. $1.81; Chica,go, $7.56 and in ,New York, tat eep and lambs in Toronto $4.41- in Buffalo, $5.49 and in • 0-.29e The average Price fen 4N1 ....xonto was $6.96 while an the market they a,vetaged $7.35. prices bear about the same position on the American ma 11-q. shown to . have existed In I live and Torortto in $3.35, e.Veraged icago , , ogs lal affair poultrn relative kets as st prices rt w - e - , receive on Sep crease • election,. • three dere Chi, out Atlin: may reOult ly. at 141a a e , th. ni ' I : k v er r0 ' T ' : n r te A .L ettOte , which' i t r r • t ons d. : :' tanay depr :ter • -; t- b:Ilot - hi ;the rt. in -t al de 'Siena, and 1 , i:, box 1 } . will be ea, t is an. i - , last ge er 1 to .he ose in G s and Coto - elec ions n. Mel- yale-Car bOo. were not uecessf f t e i ' o pr es, till he fi h . . .1 ,tWam0 ?„.rnes theY",p1 ev wen g tne- - of B ussel , se When they lost prize they came t E etor his f - -1. ng al t e thaleh the e ectio ta,mpai oh riday night, as T do ic t h w 1 in capturin h - ld ey cou e On. t y w . he yed, but 'the. to the- Ros- wo-rt the eir chanoa me; but they k and ititend • -The first n is to be f_re• , hen the Csr: no t 1 o g a 3' t -s • I f r . ne rin oph th' ta a sta n n. he e erv V t t . - and deep regret was fe of }fa all and vienit • I la;st on learning of th Gilbert 1tek, hi h d th ' i w c s.a on e ev ous eventtriv. b 111 f t een or over wo been fined to bed me.t aa. _ 'tills s-111 enf, Some elf:CU:on heart, b ffled the beat and the -t id Mir' aes uou tent on, ana while his surprise to Marry i0 was t by the - Cgl death ! t - even on• Mr. Die . Mina, art of the ofl medical ; care and death was not so to clop' ,.., 'nu;d• af t tees: , t Mr re ha h e th kil at of Exet son o f ef William -- 1 month a daughter zance, • was ma died on they were ' ada, tsett lived' for ing to E the dem 1IT oldest - • kiit.s , - 1.19 ' ' ry Thomas, -relict : ash at the age ' , and , t9 days. Depeased of Captain Thoreas, rnwall, England, ihe ed t afr W o . m. We ' arch 19 1904 The earne - , - ,- married th or moveicli, ing in London, -Where 'six yea,rs, after/wands -eter. For the past , n the per- f the late 83 year - s, wan of Pen- In 1851 1 h s , who yease to . ca,n- they mon- two Years struck gr 0 v aiy w -• rec Greenway . Mrs. Richard -Webb, 22nd teohcession, by lightninr al D- und together with al p ;4" ear Webb had jutet •ng the night before. th f th ra,ty* Pe. Y u ' e "'u ch was partly eoyere4 Geo. -Oliver visited nt17,-afr. and Mrs. were the g ' elm.' George_ Oliver last ' of was e liege - bred to the - owing - ' he oeasendS '''' fricelation fin' bed _. ,_ - high rfe143 has the id,: • I I - ;WC . 1111 t s u"' bfr insurances_ iser pareas e Steveaaalson of , - as -.1.g f Mr ' d ' ination ° - an , Week. a - aver echo a, R., W. Nr, W.althe asigere e• highe 1 the vCrie lora of trade are now offered to Us. Mould we accept or reject that iffer ? That is the question and :he onlyeone to be solved at the next dection. That is the question for he of !stock. . • These figures and they are tie m-. market quotations, show that in each itastance the far have henefitted by free acces Ahmerican 'market. T•hey sho t t the price in Canada was ( tuthene- .clearly, would- 'to the also er by The farmers"' Macdona,idi offer ofi States i4 , ee . I frii 1,.,, Al res in ic 8 t immix 117 0 • with. c• mad- •, is devotette a • S i,_ I {„, • '-`tr °", -1 a statu or " the It ite tives are , old , 4-g dust y Ha 1, when JameS Bo- mano grov , M.1311„ ing. They bave tatio to it i e'oPpos hea whe her I:41 s a iv 111 , a, any :meeting in the candidatt, d Mr. A. H'. address the so issued an tion, but we h I M Mu 4, mee -I- inv -1 ven - ; more I mediately corm - Mr. c was D6 yea,rs niLeadbuoyt the elde t son, of Mr.- one of It e pioneers of the 1 -y, b t now- of the Ha rnondvill . He bad reined zeve cted wit I f age. Thoma town village in him • elope " War cl o og trouble a was corn • 0121 ea tha deal. 4 the Meth resPected suffered much , d about four weeks -lied to take to time has euffe el W sh was a in t church and by all who knew- th. heart - ago r bed ,and a great ' - rnber of as highly er. The J. ge ha te __--ssoseso•-aeleee - otes -Reciprocity - -.emut , • eral are being discutesed Election day' w -MO and IsIrs. Batesynand . _ pan, eir ; • _, warden e neve' et sea' ' polities in - I,s preset:: on elk _ each: mar decide mate . dangle t het settlement of whidh Parliament ias been dissolved -and an election irought on two years before the jusat about ithe duty th an wa merican price, :so-. that with • removed the farmer stood .to ' ,the A- he duty ain the , , time th g der 1518* I 1 re P0. '3/ ia 4 .1 1191. 7:1f an, ipro ucts. t New At hat e great boa- York, ethics or . . te a la ge tu nen` ter beint taken t a x , in person will b t d Inver c e e w there Is mo Ills fight • he 11 , • - .for al years, and le: ed to II risen last i3 rii P fore his illness eand wh:re chased harectsorne • only ge ,shor 'he b • • oa it e ur familyte Bissett, If City; 11. eo survive are: thwn i Will 3' .1„ and -'3. B ” tat s. W. J• V Kansas alarna200 ' e e 'J ' Miss Resale of 11 vie' in ''en lit g at :the Irvine and th o ° er le &enter* havei • a me of Mr, 310 7 ti here ."*1 a Yc's "of fifty- , tatural expiration of Parliament. (11!_ei.'ence- 1, ' • and Pe vs : aa a out nine gene Ily' d e at tos: an an• home. - e had been comfe IR We. Ink ater of Paria • MeS. XIX) T' n'arVesting was nearly leoMplet0 latti ge rhe United States are now holding .billt thtS teport shows -.I-tome-thew It shows that while the elaa lot live lion less greater 1th i• s teada, Inc . mil,- Meth the has Et elleve re,' essay he ive e ection,a.-. thfilt, prize f A 1 art eng Ttell•-;_rntierirr.eotterisivelyt pa ni genii fort as ar • i ii e Ha ' noway McDOwell of )neterbons 'and, of Listowel" , N Mrs 110 ' --' - '" Wiftk. erage; Spring grains' wile hay was' fair, anid , - a good &vs _ _ - I fall wheat e ham .ue to Canada the offer of Reciproc- ty in Natural Products and 6. con- iderable reduction of tariff on many rticles of manufacture and con- utription. The acceptance of this greement on the part of Canada sould, in my judgment,, enure very price, stock were coradderably lowe than lin the lArnerican marke price of dressed meat ellid not relative increase In the Uni te While the, Ameriican • prices- for mea•t were in soma instances- thee. those on Canada, there w the difference which one wou 'the here , 'the' bear a tta tes - : ' eessed higher not ex;, en- plena toed corist Prolocts'. for ' Can ' tl ' en y s hat a More be , 13 tred: w da ke eft . i e if c t re 1 s . eel 1 e arid f fine been t9 end I - e it e. • :ase tovens-a rade ' -ti wo lel - akE of in oo a tgoed thin: ill" John evi • is manbee be va tl ote • nal. It ap are that ourn 1 aati fele ealitn vpdth go -Th- Libera first c aucu. meg next' ondak evrnin bar, whe as relati es in the or i is V , bee w:st, ce urniture the lot les a very able ural delivery s are holding in • Milne's „-Mrs, R. D. _ on a visa' Oa returned o e if ar se the ri h, , a ii IDu 11:- 'he a, • f fa s better oven cr freare b or more implicitly trim honorabl• and npright i Inge WTI' h his fellow , liked by every person Fle was, in short, one, of men, an will .he much comMunt Y where+ he was ck. EVO- ghly tre..4 ed. He all Ida. -1 an4 •ho knew nature's anissed so w,ell e , • .0 cle- i e re te a al -1 'an sm.- he n 33riefs. with. his- ' and Mrs • calling o on. Tumid 47747,!mmont.memmiollit Cbiselhurst mr. Viet 1 't or Modney. rother, Wm Moon. Barnwell f , o Var friends in the ne 7. -Mr -Arthur Parker is vi4ting y. --• mr - e a, w -ere ghborhood spent partial burn, klaeghter been - uel ea. ' 0 twice neaa - tarlure,---Mr 'VlponfAlIce _Sask., wadi Mrs. Miss Myrtle, visiting , the family!, Forbes and other xvhlative 3. 3. Irvine has been recently, looking of a legal nature Bro" .ii of. We;- r :1 * ns, Mud Of 1Logan,have o$ 'Kr. Sarno here -4 i s : - ,o GoiLlieVe0 either' hole i for= file:oda-4 - ,• ..._ - , A. da nvalsio ,cine -se urn bill Prat' = 4-- - e- home , la.t hie: : htle. ete irgely to the advantage of the peo- le of this, country. If we reject it ow we may never have a similar iceidi ffer Made to us again. If we ac - . apt it and are not satisfi.ecl with it r find it not as advantag-eous as re anticipated we can at any time a=peal the whole agreement or any pact when higher prieea for aniroala iss considered+. In oth while the 'Canadian _farmers vs, 'el take a low-er price f cattle 'than was the American the Canadian consumer did not benefit h I ld h d e siou aae one. case veliere the producer got 'the price' and the coneumer paid price . 'the t e Live words. , e toic- their. riariner, gap the; t . ss a low the high , ' The --vhi . ch e week, semethin lterminated ' of Mr ' Exchequir, tween ernplo as btir . d ' • loY s dr hi h a it ir e t d ' e 4 d ti. ',civil o • • tters : ; empl•yers Ariel t attain e axe Near, !the ;good. a, (tenor dleautn ast o culmi tat I hss eg office of th dispute bel will *11.9, .. last eka but time when she ' . • in Te as. *et. - led h r to the ! a fe wee ..-.: 1 from here ook cursian to the among the nom &tine:es and wif vitsitt heir amil onl le otter, s ne. • in West er , . stayed a t for her po who acco , is remainin .-Quite es n the barvester on Wedn beteg era ho are going louring bis ab ho t itio pa _ _fo mbe, , e . da , teen t enc.. and . so uch. respeeted. wideav : d a fan:tar:of dren to ourn the loss the mem ry of -a though husband and a. kind Parest. survived by Ina -aged pe eral brothers, all of w the sinetre sYmpathy co coni, rnMu ° Ha leaye five ismasi and C ful and He is ente ah om will the c e 11 inve nintire i :t 11- Ish ng Iso "" aimus,-yj a John Fit f th -1 rhb, e ka__,John are visill at Londo ell 'IS Vi 2 IsfeKaira- . - no epeat sti s E. home with, hitsi ir P ld g.era attended the McConnell A, N. Ackla • . heer mother and Delaware all tin It • . . g w h her eiS ' mloss It Frort9n, or .. - a in the- soilage Leiech has retuenedi nt M e 8.- 'It funeral at Dublin and son f 1 d" sr,!.tn s_ s leasew- er, WA: - Lumley', r,ecentlyn -tether .,-st.n.is tion. Among On ' were our end DaVidison, teens, eons, tee, are .genting'i '' ‘ engine for .threshing those who went! the recent harvester the following: Woe Dundee, Leal EfoImesel Mrs Macpherson, ere- of °Cartwright,laretin., visite-Mrs Good and of Toronto, have been - +new 1:a. • -s.s Mee', ipurpaiiief4C--4 - ,t_D mi tO the WeiX • te : , ' c 1 nil s • ex urs o . _ e , . a, hair, Arnie - . • oereinone a. A. Clegk .-. W. R.. V . Samuel eado of la is here 4 lte Of jeS two little , ; visiting at eny breed the:inernb art of it. If you are in favor of „ if you are in favor of giving it trial, I respectfully ask you to ate foe me on the 2I -St of Septem: sumer. er, no matter what your political In -light f these figures fere, it its plein6thae reelp rocity not only- OA to. ithe profits- of thelefare mer but w-ould give. relief to ttlie These are facts worth ceiaalder.- ........... there- ' would con-. - left to aides vrill with an affected 60,00e- tr r et c a ' *ip ore as c b 'vs • rt a 5 T r len • h a t , on which °el 1.4.-1 y rep esented, :nd airma The st ik 5 0 rail ey serve -4,11 a 0 kers, and '. rn 1 n7 il and hreaken• . 'ile his s Ar hie duti -Mr. and daug tee, o Sault tting at , th h Mott ' his- • eek ,T ' • unney of Niagar ne wi Ms. e - . I look after Nicerste te. Marie, ar of Mr. .T. Ff. and Mrs T • • • • Falla visited. . ' hi , an vis 1 • wit Exeter ' Notes. Mr -•-.1,./ames W gorth; made a, mistake t ,;vhich ,m ght bave cost ne went to take a drink , lie, Of e other isre his of cider teeter , day life. Out home aft:r ankil aunt Mts. -111n4hley Isom am ley, has c,rpenters alt PreSenc-r-Mies visiting with for some weeke. of Sear rah , o . on SundaY.-Mr, re -pal ''' B. Brin li , J g .12 uncle and • - ere vise hn Var- ' his house 1- 1124 ree Nene es eer . Si J, Belli i 1 -----------eir . -a•While returning trent Aire n • ' '' a d mrs. McVey and of bevizes, met with a ztee dent The .t 1 Ilse% e • , i ' ' and. duet, in. Ma-rga, Cheerful eind 'ye!. a n es amero • her three 1 ts6 very' "blue • . - rn• ,w -n -4s in dog . "1:1 h leer tanings may be. This is not a Dlitical 4uestion. It.is a business uestione-a question of dollars and nits. If y•ou-think that free access reciprocity ) the orea.t cities of the United ts larly tates for our Agricultural Products prices ould not be of advantage to. Can- la, then I do not expect you to about „..., . . • ' ,A -Word About Sheen The Toronto World is' one De the '-• paws which is violently opposed s': to The World is ' 6, • , ,p rticu- fond of manila:slating et . *laril- to suit rte. caSe, and a few weeks ago was making- a bik hov,r1 the appearance - Ithe axtend to, For the- lime the gray ' palled in daYis tr ; . Same ing :to rA.ke by c itin ices pr - o eh 0 ons -Us eg o lur •-loti T it t: x a a c s : Ylkike.1„ of :La, . :. the sit ation we. ,S11 ; litia ad to 1,e) tilin and for .a eer o ••as p:ralyzed. -. e papere are rye e again t, recipro Ity Ian a d Ameri an the, , nt t; e e es _ be ter L..".ne r re be e ney t oro. Hrs. %Tim at p nt t siltirg M. L- rim, t . - gs e e, mg at her horee Mon 7 to ake inig.,_ m (itt- 1•' • d. an ts n, , of Flarelltsn,' week. His .other for a viAt' lio : th on. w h in MT- • week. , tand , a . yes, 4t. o letenr y and children :t Ilfreitfield.--Mls • • ' has bee'n ere, returned. the, millinery open p. Fil Doniellask visited, here turned with iltone-s-Dr. Georg fr o ar sh yeah-, - - 01 thie hi n ' n i of a bott e, when in mistake he nicked -up a lbott e containing blue vitrol. i ;Fon- . tunately be noticed his mistake els he h d ta.ken th f t t , e rs • mo , Medical id e oe • we- at c. secure ,1 ,-'[ apart from a (Sere mote li and ii. .` setohinr erious estated. Tte tts ! tote/lame t is -in. progre :s here I, week -M . ad 'Mrs. Yager, wl, Veen vial lag' friends in his 'net hber- bood, iist - I t 1 u . nd at is as turned ho of Crorna ter Armie, • our villag• returned friends at h • so had - him on, •i pIwee a b e atter visitting ty.--Mra Sltuar of Bewail, n 3'.- liss ome, after visi e'en i. sall.-Nr. Th very sad aceli nday. While t door tea its a M. rn -IA, ying en s Speare daugh' _ _ , in leiter,: iCeyeshas with is Patter- happ-en to T • e- es, the . mad rush the base whI011 fr htened ' b ' moriagea le, jumping OVf3 going through a wire .,..-. k-:. cupants of the buggy we e bretildng Hrs. McVey's 4 eleVey artd Miss Camerou1 eacdped painful wounds. The buggy', leoleiy :dernorehta and •,the badly. scratched, of a lab became unse her a ditch, a, _ , ttp af The eel her. i !-1 --- tom eut• - . while Mo, with - was cern., * 4$: , para. borne hennas to is "heir e • -..........,,,,e+ )te for me. But if you think it ould, then I. shall expect :to re - ii.re your votes and all the Support )1.1 can give me irrespective of hat your politics may be. ' Always bear in mind, however, • f the acceptance of this agree , ent with the United States will )t in any way affect your free ac - ss to the markets of Great -Brit- a as formerly. . It will simply ye ' you another FREE • MARKET. you find at any time you can ob- in better prices for your products the British Market, or in the madian Market, than in the Unit- , States Market, these markets II still be free and open to you as w. But if you ore Toronto , market of :some Arrierican ' lambs. Drawing a cohclosion from the _ ap- pearance of these lambs it dre aleaviitg . • wr - piete.re of dire ruin to Canadian' farm- er-s and went so far ns to produce pbe- toa of the la b hi h h sir - m s w c a= err -lived in Toronto Toronto. This was all :right es ar a- it * went, but th.e World would ha,ve gene further -had It been b ed t :get any evidence ontsioe nefna to i own imaglmation. In erder to stibst teat& 1t3 -,eoptentions It_ sent a re er :to interveew the firni of Parkinson ' /3nas, the well known ' f coln sheep in Eramose,,, Wellington Ounty. It got !the interview, bitt has u •• to date falai to publish that bite view., It failed to publilsh the intervie for the nimple that ' reason." afr. Laonard Parkineon iitt the interview proved that lit s : - - Prices' fell States.- t ,,a.e, '‘t-'''' is t,he Tears• the't thin wasj _neen, 'F'''''''" Manna oi: e I '" P ith age ese heavy, lose. have back ii level, ' make • too low . ehipped 1 ditionew and hav irt is hot : even sho the benefit 'e, au br bir,0 Te a IL, . t - *1 -ii ei t c L ldi b d 8 0 at- al s S4c L. r le e S, a 0 f r t ahl it h hase 0 17 - d o the! 1, ..Ine pr it d th: t • t dr fet, e sus D ' ',weir, a tbe United a e in Canada, • u i at.a,'ne lin twe .1 beeh he case, ; n .bout hy unp e,-, ' th IT t d s i e n e ; he A erican d al' i ly : cokli s tor 43 PP 11 tha they w:srs; 1 i aide to 'zee° pe e taws' Ale grim to • .uld 4 : possible to ofit ad • 'yid' I it I [ nadia eggs be .g: try. .:e is a c nn ho kn bw the tr ic14 t for years, zaY en occur amain t • - • ItI4 . • ft - Wit d- be ona • •I's wit i Stewart, of ettpar, a short time here. on. accnuht f the h .who iatendst to time .6,- 'In t took haysLek. tentioii to g back J. Be 1 wh bats re havin 'a aal f h:..i.th o - : ''' d on aa u.r ay of this dry,- ' f G :rieh,1 its °gr. is er feat. her home lo a and children, 'of o present visit ng Wit:, -Mrs. Grey and . are at preae t visit er h --MO G .111. Toron this week the iner • openin a mill ;nett to' the e : diet ho e • 7h_ , , 'II vv-" g e n of e J : nesda° of * en . 'week Saek., Is inpenclin . wee called hole ness of hits aunt gone west sorn It is hers fai * h George.--fetra 'ad bier ho ce ii h ld ajf ' ouse o e fect week. Mr. T. Gun to he the aecti Oil tfon to mak .-Mos J. Bloo nt Forest, a ' re a her mother here fughter, of Acton g with hex moth, • aMberin was L :+1 attendance a , also, se:curia, ming season. — g took Place at -Chellow:on Wed, wheel li. le II ha Swift C has retu I was writ aminati.. a trip to several • • ahd Mr°. , chester, formers '' le 11 1 uswe .. ii clerks in sented Miss handsome ': and an e has 'gone , take cha 1 in a lar 'ter Whyt evisiting f lifrs. aver lfer paxen , - London R e returned to henr horrie at, .Saele.- i . Will Knight ed from Calg ry, where rig on the mede al COUDeitt -Dr eteeastan I- • 'he oideCountry. °lie win. ,vi- untrela on the •ontinent ' ri-r- IAub. lBuswell, f Nor'1.1. ndiana,, are vt•si 'ing withs a arents, Mr. an Mire. C eerge - One evening rectentl Mr. J. A.. ntew la etore Verne Qutfice wft golkl mounted nt op ain ony hair brush Miss Qua o kaskat W ere ehe ge of the ladle' ' kleparnibe e atora-Mx, a id tars. '1%71- , of namlota anitoba lends in this 'n i hborh 'Oci. t, of Saskatoe ,g is vi itin-ss Mr. And Hrs. R. Rob hoOrs, ad south -Mr, nd Mrs. ad their 07:- 'afIr Man- tete the p G t lin the on . e - a n ee t - o. we offer with a due ing), . - e A complete 0 t . . the following consideratidn A New and Choice up ; ,Taicutn Powder, Water, 250 and cake, eec ; Caustic Soda, a, roc Vinolia " Soaps stock. , tip Tanglefoot and • : Seasonable Spe ' If . cia ies • of quality- can not ) Assortment : f 0 Sponges, - I roc, 15e, 25c and 35c ; Paraffin Wax (for fr int and: Fly Pads, -Se a pound, 3 pounds 25c' other Toilet Lu ' xuries. ARKEri . " t Arthel. .. • • n - .. .4.., e 11 reS . rugs, ' r - °: h. h , . . -.---1.--,, - .. . ... ..,_:..,., a nrices w- ic ) e , t be beaten ; _ , 25c and , --••-•-+,- ...„ . .. ... ,..„ -- . - Toilet ---..--._-__ preserve. eneu •ec and roc- . 22. t: "Royal 41, ci of thg. -best known Kidney, a.,tver and . II trim ig atken tif 1-} rt tri4a roni, en,gag- Thh by ho rni • arid beaut binat Oun de t,ars.: .brriad Imo e, iver, se eh ad I will° site Toro' ,of react, hen. Mr. 1 at d co ma; of e -whitt date s. C411 e e auc. exami 1: J. Hurlb: • Farr r. • the t mar - to th of sent Oa tu ie, ma Mals at t yeara.. of the rnockf 7 o Be - In 155. hen :h I? . Jam f the oleo nee. et wee ph 'Kr a of:: lived g her uneorn 1"Vs' Peat an On Men& thel cies one mr. fe•Otlo TR Alio.