HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-07-14, Page 2-t- JULY 14 tionsas certainditions d restyle - Ing 'over tt to traffic ant! ot 011141Iffiellii s. - e y be selloycd from the.rick t ci epenen of oeitaUcg d will•Ireee tha by bidhe nef nrdeel rave os 7etc54oanci" vro 'a is wild,.dtarIy as as reeklelee and- s - • MS drat. It 1 a. t t. terminal elevators aet4 POrt rthur and Port tarn thek he Woul have ito Purcha • and operate,' but all the elevators from Fort William to QUO/. bee. what the dost at 'these w uld no living fln can_ computP4 a ance. It would be many mIllions, t w cy the east of Purchase, we d le the prne,ilest pertlon tot :the b.u den Ii would inn 0 se,* $the h'at, . very dangerous od daring expe 1 en and ehotad- not be ode d upon ii tit every I other feasi eff t has tal ed, The Gonareitnent now h vs fo Par- liament, wi1ch, if Passed, ;it is hoped will-tee:00 the g v4noo CO aplal ed af by Ithei tgrai ; grew.r of thel and which will! not en all ulion! the cone. - and pledges the tin equally peel 'ent- al to Mr:, Bor e's third tarns his hack 4 tVeTY ot r hum -I' 'risky. II al and mann times mare e nsi and try any additional burden molt, dona to goo this proposed. echo e ger expenditure. tyl Borchelt -ho fair trial before en ering upon th would cert4inly be the pa a wis.. epo It is !mote difficult; to judge,' as lb ;does ndt say in ;What ay- or to 1,vbs; pat. tent he intend s to aid or , eneo ragej the establishment f abattoir . T do think, howeyeri tha whatever d Is granted it hoold ot be Ma e L. the Western Pr vinces lone, but . ho Id be given on ce tan. • nelitIons; whi he hi eoinplted wi h,. wo id be aPea to all the provinc The same,hiay said $vetth,nefe eice to MIE, nerd prllposjticm to .gi e to the Provinces the antrol 64 at the hinnefite fron the p bile lands. Eac one of the West rn Pr vinees now ceive a large annual su iidy In lieu of the 41ands, Mr. Borden Oen not sa w eth- new. or not he propos S tooconti tie I nese subsidies and band over the Ian :as well. If he does et propoSe to do thin the Provinces mild not be uch the gainers by his generosity, as they would have( to aSSU . the cot (an ;re- sponsibility of administering 't em and securing set ere fa them. However nuch th se promiS s , o Borden's mate 'tickl the faddy and cupidity, ot the Tires erneret, they well ot her very favorab y received by the Eastern ProVinces. These Provi Oes• and more p rticina ly Orite.ria, - will hav1t. to fur Ian th . largest e of the expenditure an assume the lar- gest share o the r sic, while she will tet receive e,ny • ;ct benefit in re- turn, not ev n so auch -as gia, ing any, rtion of' t1e money expended w thin he bounder es , of he Province. If, wver, the ole f this Priliti are Prepared aok u *lir. Bo nen and t ey can, arc° se, it. , b -I. • pay ;lm pa" altee r fthe sa.ka of ng him in eve that p ivilege -If Ibbey desir his Is a ;r1 ry. Mr. i'lalr!e14$ a d Reeiprocit One of the .strong opponents of f.re- rocit7 is mt. 4. Fiavaie, the lliam Davfon Pee Ing Co. MewITla1r - lie has been, tellin the pebpl Lba-t ciprocity would dr ve the Cana Jae ackers out of nue ess.. and r in the anadian ho, mark t. Now w lad hat theT,Wil ara • .vte's Comp fly is lacing a tic4id 1S3t1 a of $1,25 0 oo- hs market. ' s an ndueemen it iti% estors, the tiiet pro its of tti Oro'. anY gre sta 91. annum. ooti, which ed ave been $26 his v'surelY sennet Ire Fl velle and his °elates bane cbeen 'm king out of aro-Ler and the Iconsumer. Is ft large 43.tantlaI rger pla,celle than he 1 iii d consume , w ossible that his ow its hold fa rhucti I ffection of Mr. Fla are of the farmer ccounts for his app &ion to a reement which pro ises 9$ rneasur chef to bath of th se. Wel judge this both issue is he purpefse of. enlar ng the bust cope of the tampon , If Mr:rile sincere in hie op ositon to reel itY on the grounds we have vent: . he is attempting to mislead inv rs into fa. scheme • inch he eetys Is 'ruined. But Mr. I lavelle is far• newd a lmar to do anything nA t stuns. He sees in h s businesS a tura with 'the Vey lonmen:t di teary, and is opp sition isbased lfishness, ncton a Y ffeelir.g ther farmer or eons mer. Mr.' Fl le knows th t it th farmers -an Opport URI t td ftht Vill ef:le Ste, ' will not e are ices as has been d that he will lav price to the farm nd he knows tnat oducts aria allowed at a lowet rate °nil of his entabilsh be sold tri the eons ice, which means 'the im. ense profl thin pas, much to e. consu er. • here is foal for :t mer and consumer es appositia0 to re 'lenient (nettle net p y, for these elarg s lout of th§ "pocke the one hand and the other. *e have Flavelleis company az$r$:;fits; we are pi: er is prosperops, but to is exoinitant ough the aid of th osition to an agpeem falser arguments to ment, becauee it me iS of these profits or producer -of hi the consuniers wit ute to nine by reas tariff. - ,000 dn an - Ono not the on. ich lii- of • for e$$ elle re- St..Ill late at big the on tor in - send her h g as free, Of duty to reintlipulata One. in She pat, er rk n- e- ve or li fpayla r. On itlea ot jo:11;y, priolain p into th6 eel at Ineriert, ii ftlt is L paring do a he had .m the (benefit of ought net bo h in Mr. Fl v- iprocite• ar is Itte of bi co profits ha j ha e $ of ithe Inar r the consum r 'no abjection -- Taking eeaso ased If tne co what • we no •ronte iii1ct f aria a-nd s an. and his we defeat that - eis etenener ith the I earit -rave materia has to I pa et of a kit otee• itorial,NOtei an Conum4ts adian restrictionis s say tha ding and Paterson ere foolci cunning diplomats of the likiite s. Senator Xelson, of Minnegota. : "The -Canadians 01 only facile nto putting ,t1r4tr icultural two in the, free list, bu Ithey !actually the Fresidentas to his itrk.aty Ing power. fle wa misled, anti las much astraY Ithat Point Is is to 'what is I the interests IS American farmer. Dominion Parliame July 18th, and a Is expected; so err made for the conifa A despatch from als of the ouse of i'tng mage the re-assem- wrently ngements are of Ithe mem- tawa eatys Comic:41s are mhars as ort s possiole ed term. Electric fans 1peaaiu Uthedr4uigillitobutlrei et chamberr1/4)aM: LI en togs, tan of 10, Per rialy will be used in 000ling the current t of atr ft Met venitliation to -the, eham he flat roof of th ei new wing 4W1 o babily b‘ covered by awnings ndi fit- ted up as 410 lrefof garden whichnim- bet can. resort tor ,a breath air ne& fro ti • to time, ' oliameminsioneinammoommig liBitEft FORGET' THI ON. IM1341111M- • heit packing for the count t- teg don't forgetyour f *Ea and your Zam-Bult 0o-ap sterS, sunburn, scratches stin s,- ette.„1 if not immediately - tos, ape likely to spoil Aur ple Zeauk ilistrres You against lit- tro thee -.1 • z m-Buk is antiseptic; poie'n in Wounds, whether tro W fence, or , insect sting.oo achi ig Vet and blistered hands]; Ia Vale 's Mated places; cools thotte patches -and prevents free 11° irliSfIlthhe4rerbaf ho Ildte 14ic oernarimitshitolou In z Euk is superior to the ordhiary to Men fe containing animal oils at41 f and mineral coloring mailer, Ou gists and 'stores 50c, bol., ise Za -auk $5!..oap, Best for baby' and for tender• skin. 25e. teen _o_enneene Ma itoba and Northwest Ito es ns act es the fear of i di estion spoil t als? It needn t. just take • rid you won't know you ha e a stomach. They will see to hat your food is properly digested. They are anong t est of the NA73DRU-c0 preparations, compounded by expert chemists and guramiiteed by the largest Wholes diuggists in Canada. 5c. bor. If your druggiit has no ti)cked them yet, send us 5 c, and we will mail you a box. I twirl* onim AND CHEMICAL CO, br CANADA LIMITED, MONTRCAL 'Order ‘,„„.ot Bra -- iexander Sanderion, who Illree relic north of Winnipeg, capture a a.5(1111 gE isw.toilolw;It nouitte'titahre. Oinetl.hrlet'll it, to • -about five months old, 'I Ala inbe nt appearing- animal, quit familiar with people. ire h feed g It meat and milk, and It quit fit In appearance. - Galician laborer, employed brie yard at Datlingford, Marano in dro nedapstutday evening, whilel aw mirr in the, swimming hole neer Onn . yeards. Together with • 1 t oth , he went oub to the sw min hole, and some time afterward comp nions returned alone, say lig e had unk and had -not !risen agalr -$51 skatoon has made the firs me tow ds the pavement of slits bfisIns stree s: At a recent -meeting o 'Il e city council it was decided i plrmt nant roadwayS for a dist 0 e f seven blocks An innovation, 1 e that ' oulevards will be laid inn ei eet o tre I. business streets as welln angel dial sections. It is the inie tion to plant 'trent and other s .rd balry. Calgary Alitomobile Gin lia start ii out on. a feature evekit, shap of a- trip through the Roc GirePiailisbe,ains arbydnweat-thencey, p oltiblCrows'uthe tonIf gamy valley, eeassing Fort Steele shaw arid other paints of Intere trip „ ill, be? the finets attempted and a largo inumber of m are t king part in it. The patt Calgie y on 'the 14th of July. : -A Winnipeg dqapatel says: 13 'cauee of the colosshl -amount of nria being put out by the banks In Ith 'we to ha dee the annual crop, &het' lin s of b siness in Western Canada 'ah: hard pressed tor funds. This lei t cry :4 • in all eections. Collections are trePor d above the average by collect- ors, , at they are complaining of tignt mone5. All loans relating to r al 'es- tate, Yen remotely, have been cht 'o4 in th west, on orders from Monti* 1 and •ronto. In view of the thean, busill Ss -this is being felt sweatily.' , -nA severe electrical storm: passe over he liarniota, Manitoba, d strict bar it recentl y, bringing with it a toz t ent 4 -rain, . O. Johnston, a fareaet finite four lea from Hamiota, had his struc i. and a. team of horses and 1 calf Med. In the barn elelliCh * Steele were eleven horses and tht cattle, and although the ,oecupa ts: the b I use felt the shock they d ii lenrn • f the damage till next m rein when they eauld traee -the errat ena. the bm th along' .the tim ers: h . i is i, 1 —Ft a of mysterious origin inuir 1 - day ight destroyed the grand . stet d at th' Winnipeg exhibition grnuod The t eing stables caught fire, I a of t city, and that all !the Ibuilding til weire aved by the fire -men. Ole lscen and a ts building, recently constalucte also c ught fire. Never 'before. hen: iW,I ninnn seen such -a -spectacular I fir Flaw could be seen from all I pane on th grounds were not reduced 'to beana f fishes is considered intraculou The lo s is estimated atit $70,000, ,Whic Is par hilly coveted by, nsuranee. -La t week the te was •gen rally' expres ed, that th ecrop in the d strl of Mt icine Hat, Alberta, was rI era too oii ckly, and that the Straw 'Olt be-sh t and the heads poor in Jnv qunce! The rains which have alle Intern) ttenly 'since have saved th slit uation; And farmers report -that th grain as shot up fully six lath s I treason - of the mpisture. Visions bu'ratin granaries are now almos of realiza ion for thehomeeteaders, aua busbies is brightening up aceorn tigI hi all he smaller towns in ithe{WestI as wel as in Medicine at. •-•-•Ja med in between his ha ran and a'aim n at Prince Albert, Pas Eaturti y evening, J. Adams •was badly rushed that he died withi a hour a ter being hurried to the hoe /titan e accident odurrce in- the Ind stir ho el yards, where the unfcrtj nate fli a had earns with a Riad 'of a The.. w istle of :an approaching C. .11 engine irighteted the horses atta hed to his vagon. In ordvr to quiet t e he; ran • their heads, when poi was lirr, dewy t town in between the rack add :the ba . The unfortunate man only 22 years of age, and deadas treeently come to 'this 'cpuntry f 114 orn Exeter, i nglann. ' -A b d fatality is reported i ore Plunkett a few miles east of S sle- a.toon, b which it is believed 'at (least one -man is dead and two:hew gbree other ers mar or less injured. The aceld •nt happened in a well which th e CPR. is drilli at that point. George ee Load w t out to [Inspect a well, Io ,company I with three other workmen lho ovas lo red iti to the well with a 1 tie tern to fford light at the bottf ne Ian had • ly gone down a Mint el a tance, h wever whets the lantern -me ploned, a d in serne means he was ei - elpitated to the bottom. Through sotneI meant th other three got free, tbough, near stiff eaten with gas, but McLeod: fell to th bottom. ' • nte t egoo te I trin e)V thIs 1 be s lett Wbe tit. poro-°41r4-*rade ycnJaded—yee hole wear7—jlIst itr.r a 1aH of atid S rants the piate, refreshes" the body, agrees with the. weakest stomach. Al truly wholesome bever- age that .rea11$' nourishes. Pots a milder drink try Labatt's Londo Equal to 'finest German brows. Hits the true smack of choice hops. ery light, palatable, satisfying. !Look for the lavenier label., me od.A,4 STYLE) A temperance brew—testes and looks like coic@ lager, 12but has less , .than 21% pr of spirit Quenches thirst; refirsh s; gives appetite. Order; some to y. -era_ L"Or Be TYLE) The newes nn -intoxicant, and de1icious, *th the real flavor and quality of n ood ale. Complies with local ODtiOil requirements and may be okenl sold anywhere. Order any iLa att product from your dealer, or l direct OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOL -We ,11. -t- -case of Oata4 larch Cure. ' • We, the u for the last / orable in al able tecarry diHall's Ca rectly upon system. Tee bettle. Sold !Take Hall's h "1716..n'nent HOW'S THIS ? " ne Hundred Dollars Reward for a h that cannot be cured by Haire IP, J. "CHENEY & CO., Toledra 0 idersigned, have hnown F, J. Chen " years, end believe him perfectly h n bueinesi transactions, and financie I •ut any obligations made by Ids Orm. WALtnikai, Knsuc & MAIM"; Wholesale Druggists, Toledo re Core is taken internally, act!r the blood nod mucous surfaces of t e ipomrilladIrstweegnitt beir.ee. Price' 75 cents p r amily Pills for constipation. • are, used as direc, gists,Grpcersand sell them. SUNNY It is the time for sunny Da discard your heavy winte when Spring Clothes are in 4) get in early so that you I 'peed them. Our reputati too well known to requir Work booms us. But we w to get in before the rush. Choicest lines of tweeds and terns, just the kind of goods clothes, and the kind tha money. We also have a fu I li lags; Call in and See them re are noi ea ing about ILSON S PA ed. All Oru nerai De,aler S s ,,,Tow, which make yot4 c othes. Just the time- d. It is always wiset the clothes when yo as high-class tailors is, y boom by us. 01.. just jog your memory carry in stock all the su tings in the latest pat -I t make stylish looking ive you wear for your e of Spring FurniSh- --e SE OR • - 1 pleigRtcT 4 elenelProene Eduentio that sel the pro ee than adaneat9 eb teachers -ii,- over the 7.,1 teacherz.$ • rural scl has tner-cSf-i chsrs more. ti ,ount yz-ar with a tt,ta; ost pf.r put coinparF,d ..e in public e,ase• In toel cb-oos of .•$5.-57-. • s .trFI ylgh' atctottte ut,. . The mita ed tout at Osgood.? •bAletnlatura..ne:t4t.:ontf:pol 54yable to Wm, uti hI the igt 11 _de namti- -1 14 It 411;11i/ as -rsemeTht- betwt-ca the for payennit in nasn mt ly on a stric,' vI the -4:tlOnnfailss.a, ntbut plaintiff is wi Lang rewattrietrienlatIon:tootfilst;itzt: udeoca tin the, teri_leS, sql says hi hits alwa.1b- 'out the purchas2, ft the alines to ;do this the iiisroUsed with costs. If this the agrt.ement. ‘..ar ses suggeated Alia the inenteed to complete it. 01 the dynamo at the um of $35 will Iles dedu nt elaineid, :leaving Par this Amount ve seeurity by, way 0 e to plaintiff, payab b latereet at five leth ot November $500 is disn&sizd. in not think this is there should be costs t School • bhe- Arne. promotion ezSrni Third—Total of wre 'tlirbb!111 pupils l t :h:n; s I,. NI -1:1 1ig ite7sy.a.17:Auo2os g154:1:lat 690, harold Xtr 474, lion -180w azz, StiLtrY 499/ noy, Kerslake 497, 484. che , • a./ ,St. (loin nth School 'Aeportn-The f ledsloatir llcatilben oea tsrItih.I t0 Ions :;"Santor Fourth n, 3'. :Matthews, 2teinaid,I; r1-.1.7ifheirrdatZ Jnpio rau rn 'Icha.11 ri) (1- G E. ▪ y rut. S neeond irst-M Mehdy, meachen. M Leona Fucihl. 1)Maairtary Me lad: t:174new:I:be' 81 rIxnaSli.alsci:11:1030iclri any. su WI a k ms and la Miss, ad. neotTthile.ts trustees 01 - uo, tem 'coin' Zed Linn rast-earrt.g Et, tents dee e nagaged aa teacher for thhext !me nt $550, She ba- -aidehanteigIGro:.1211:1roaAeC neapolec Thnaie illarYBsattht,_!, Cothlileirlasittelc' hethe 5th43feAre..e:16:1!1•A- 19-bool Section .1,11111 -ugh' hatveer (:nof Robb sixth lino , at a .._ -- - , • • . , 1 1 , . • • _ - . . . Doest - . Instalt now. makes Dry weather track up , Furnaces -Cheaper , more to part .of the -tor bilis ' no coal - no dust . , i are removed and buy a ed now. now and 1 have . thoroughl . , . , no :—The New tile best cons Ideas by us. any other • experience a neatjob best workina for money ..• , list of intricateof and ekceilence , Goderich from Brussels - 4/ your fur Longer It work che. • ... doesn the h4ise. than run lions by a scutt1s whe ill Nevi/. Hav -pay fo , I an lueg t i ruet have- aroun-4 make aids till 4'. in 6 . satisfy • of , . to Seb to ace urs per . l H I are - 'V tO , . - ' i • . , , ,,., 11 ,, , 1 • prise; PUrch ,ieyat plaCe sidize ness fourth ba the Itt by pie Borden Ms public. h self, SChelne should tion Rallwa Under Relieve tion, ana constru Hudson undenta melt. this tion, difficult Kaation. tbet poses, (Ince part tTaiaiinklealitah construe, will Tha ed way. :foek. ha f , mild bis 711stsehintbhso:iiiivhte xnentlitu • is e cal- . ill ith maint ,d 1 • ' is t,litted hr 4WPOrlit . .., .. 1 2 - .- I 14 ' _— - .-- . ,. eept _ - ... HEA V Y FLAN, FIRE P „ . ... I o......n_eanne_en . ,- - - a no-- - — _They They They lowince Nci stove Tying the Fieure eeet idea it it tested , . Wttat What Furnace ed. That been here Of That our customer That t() . country. Look heating yourself our Furnaces • ringville - Zurich. 119 Ia.. k ' WM.! p 1911 - , • v a. , . y ' • rtrioan sue be Ques ged . 1n' fe' ha the, ;have- ventl tinen pete Th. ial Ea Pete! tlt recto, weal:din pkwa co • ewe rowes ane, his trast elate as. s', ed t electi Cons pudi mut tariff eft. h ciea ar 1 pant upon pro issto elude•• •tions sa ing. buti. into dow don now, an e], Como a plea ietade Mee tie, it. farm his -, wok 67u mann Wild In fusel , trade tut abiding beetio' onoll again has:le eid a: . ple of his p- In that next 027: rt • I nd p o bethe ' in m- of pr e neess• a The an • t : 0 my ro- a Go of of haie' war t and In haer, mill expen thus is n most e a ba av' mon erten toad i i traf traf be the duti Son- ' ''8 Condl t WO. anti o _ Vi :e ly ,00 1 c c se ,k- I. lin W1 t • e , - c, mci. oc .6 1 n tie 1 t a - n' . i I it, q or we ds • a if e g : 1 et Op *4 ' o h e ..1.. I ! s a .ro • i in t - tr• t s he le yt n Se ,,, is he 4 • pl. are: 1111 ii, n$0 ki he h tni•:: xp• t d he ir- ,o . in, • e tio s en ut d I d , If er he th, the ,xie,'dr ed aInes a t ur: on It t rr2t)(0- e sa mi II hs o or se 101 . lc n8 'cia ne g . ' i to i e -0 0 . ' • • , • • • - o 1, , o • • • o i , . • e e i - • ' • I i L • t n• e li-nt,1 0 E c t o s f i • • e $ e . 1 thO co -a 3th u1d1h5oe t i 0 his • no y ty t pa : at ad d ecid pal ru ob 8,01 s -ai, d ue s a ft on -. ra 13 es he 1 him s •• I( i 4 ill lef ve al ob elee can t o gh on he an le of : ,:ene 0 le • ! 4. - 0 e it I , 'odg h • i e , w anya, 1 erti• - wi , • i our:e d s, av ' • : tee d - p •ve • -e d y, e I. 4 - -en, en as a ma of los: d $.rt. we' 4.. 1. err :hed Oh er h tl I fl am een a on bef. lee s te ww:s If :e I- a a f n es.- lag,::had : e ha i , io ndfas:umesio, i I- (ai 1 t lea lin oi ard-- bd.. d I .OPS pt to :e:: ra ti" n o g : g So cin n ' do 1. ow, p re 1 t s ti all sestet bti°efilor: frame' on i re y , w e u • • n :;e: a le , I . 4 •Wn e . n 6 t -: I ed s, C A 0 ve 'g ti ol te 6 ite tin, lal ' woe re pr ys e pe en 1i- 0 wa doe , 1 W i gh Of 1 'nue e Ileadb , 'lee 1 ave 1 a astied ft the agpat 1 .o8411- like • love Gran. 'ley 'out rden, about ItugheS $ impetus lost bed tongue whi t of his :r. eia 'en Selfelle . reed • tell noe e• g nere, - ole . He ,ssi to In d and r ug ra : ed ty, the his ham - ieivin• e y wit as a s . g, U f ne le reit o. P g ' a ac we • Y o rsc thore- in to: „e fo • ill: an, fir. t ' tat nee , in -'..0 tel- vain , I Pad Pack G6Vern- prole°. , I've ed n ain lane er serve taine II rollin dollar Bordt, thee t, era nil- wo w i the ie.; - th frill In t , 41 ' 4 , . : r h ri- ' ip n .4 i Will 0 ii ii 0 nre ea ,a, b -t desert. foenlhe 6 on Pr higher , would. pr, l e., , 1 reoga- - ca u ad t oquent I c 4 nil a, f la 0 y e I e g third b . eiwns d 4 k w m wo him-- t the been rao 0 ,loy proe to ell roal But sei on 0; all I id at Ile •or c 0 i lot .. v [ 1 wil peat lead', Unc.te more-. °cite, drag tia,b rain! entas Iville. anti- aeon ening Can eilea- cOrd ting een.r city 'Ha stri- ried twa ject- ght hot ause lit ood dor tter sea re, der and and ro- ore- - eee den, liel ing gee. ihe nti • ill ain ube sit., the ill alland Tre. at us Id us y, io- an fie, c he of' 1- e es - '.. - - r . 0 ey : a . - - e • • ti ro c ire- An th. ire Had • .i. of I oa k" nid him Link him ' a the and elle But - - : Xele I the 1 In. ' 1 1 off ' ' a - ' his - ail • 4 s , i 0 - 1 1 I i E 1 I as f re Le f t 1 ,c le, 2 h 1 r) 0 n . fi .1 i 0 n y fc- - , It cl, -to ; tit • fa . ell sti pa' cot oe ati .: peae jeb th 4 0 of ge so ar an tri tine 4m Fi4 ZtaP .sayo 'US 1 due f ma ! het as , of hili :Ts'. m' 9 '11 ff510 , - '‘ 44J • ''' • wa . _ , --....__— . - . , —..e..-- - CEP • ASH PIT 'I. $ $ _ cost no heat every save [Job fewer colds. e 0- moving, around ashes this out Furnace installed when you . , we claim is on the .market. -more New instilled -than Furnace. long ingetting we have the be had over our long appliances with work. . from and — E o -$ ed ens ies esio de in ma kin ga one tou et s Iplicecl Heru; semd ope•rate iike enn a a that. Reah0 Els stern ion thee esnre seri Inv itu to MC rou' ed f : atnio Th the the t and Ra y e p quit like onro pera, nstr ad ride .etifleeseetol r be rse ion e equIpp der pon to inl nro item • osrunac som4 melsup at at ea ex nt th 6.11 r flea. exit sea of .1 af The bu yfel n h - ir P -OVI e las • iiitosefi t , I a tk g t 4 ma gar • reel bet to •str rests es, so Pr'm -ra ace . , Qenn I ma eon. . 0 hi ,ti b prom uslo lye e an carr he h him: o neee 4 im ra b ow wae • ma a k to s a on s c ti • ill aid ftt at Ullt ill las to all can :mil hi t ° 9 t nee h,g.ears: aciou his the y - ensi nd in e:e ' on t' net.. . t I - hat e o on he in, airs re- d h 9 : t Pr s t ans., i o icy nd t e L. s roes 1 o i ne a It ruct • allesaY b h at• Anal .the rant mew men • oviniee nni ins ewer' a, (thi -red - eno hab t e deed 'count cons u son's herein s colleen of adY, -ration e - • n . a d 1 i s r sl, oislopeev..niertaatei la r . In o go s thezal th?.. y 'meek a r . I ' be to bminetnesee0tati eta: a ',still e t I ha.t • !Or s-ft.d. ni t• pert to ye of Am., of # ei me Pa a co e a t• oti e I Pr h In' 0 pl: th ne w e Ce, -ov te be • t i e c a r t 0 n o tl t an 0 d hi er e enl *if b ol I , IS I r a len be eg. •uvrealie ar i.ti.c10 I a w11 cl re.di. ions h :al c If c limn outer o I ar.! n n li ybe' line' 1-• tio e ' eel r 1 . n he a t oc et • • n of o es vi po On: a y co . 1 i • a he e se.. oe es sk u el s4 th: .r . e a di I Tr s•eme. hi n -o erai ei ex as eci l' the In lesnd,e ic i t Uhl: Wit un t. ull ghhi . te, Si al Se ,er•a : s .e i I tion De o " INMINwimmtemee SOFT COAL - - BEST GRADES . Li Ix � A. SILLS, buaior _ . Hardware, Stoves and Tinware . I ' Plumbing Eavetroughing Fu.rnace ,ork a IMPORTANT NOTICES. 0 ' Di arr hooa I , ysentet . ; S umniek _ 7 e I . orh p t az I I all 1 Bowel Troubliels 1 Are Curable by the Use 1 DRIS 1 FOWL E 1 E xtract of W ild Strawberry . _es ' y a 0 r BEEN 65 FAIL a rt dealer „ . just know give • . See Co .1,. n : the s and • - , . tl &Chem , ly four t baalterienigo 1 I Alin. :' t i '--'t , aposionoveaan PROPERTY r 4 Corner Lot. Best location. Good house and stable. Hard and soft water. Will be sold cheap. Apply to John Beattie, Variety Store, or to John Rankin. 229..141 .....11011THORN CiTTLE-Seven Brat -claw - yelling e.., Dues, 2 from Idaported cows, for sale at snoder site pricee and on easy tering ; good young eows and .I, alters abet for sale. All inteteisted are cordially in vited to inspect the herd., Farm adjoins town, long , illeance telephone to farm. Write for catalogue, IL SMITH. bleeder. 1993-11 - i /. ' _ ' 6.3-Y8 say—" roe that Limited, fable sole , FAIMenFre BATAT-rmite:efehlannnseaflosA,1 cent trona eehool ead tile works. The soil is good and clean and well underdrained with tile. Tlaere are 10 acres of valuable timber and the buildings are large and up-to-date. If not sold will be rented. For JAfurther particulars apply on. the premuies or" ad- dress MES sPROAT, Egmondville, Pa O., or phone . lion 133 Tuckeremith. 2254-tf . - 13ESIDCE FOR SALE -The residgnee of the J, uod ' rsigned at Roxboro is offered for sale cheap. There is a comfortable brick residence and ' about half an acre of land. It is pleasantly situated within two in4les of Seatorth with rttral mail delivery at the door and rural telephone. An ideal place for a /retired farmer. JAMES D. HINCHLEY, Seaforth. 22.3St ; , ., I ARIT.FOR SALE OR. REeNT-Lot 15, eeessio 11 4, Stanley Township, containing 100 a res or less. about 70 acres cleared, balk -nee alma SO aeres timbered, first-class land, good, bark barn ami cone -fortable dwelling, eood orehard and water. In a good 'state or cultivation. About le miles from' Brucefleld Railway Station, good gravel roads; Half- mile from school and good neighborhood. If not sold will be rented. APpla W. scow, & ce.aleruce- teld. 2234.tf . • THIS STERLING REMEDY HAS ON THE MARKET FOR OVIER YEARS •diND HAS YET TO aa. TO DO WHAT WE CLAIM P . se an unscrupulous druggist a -.:.--- , . t This is just as good or nette Give me 'Dr. Fowler's,' what I want when I ask for it, : 'd what I ask for." - • The price Is 35. cents per bottl the name, The T. Milburo - . . Toronto, Ont., •appears as we are the ni an ufactuie , proprietors. of this remedy.- , LURK FOR LR -For sale east half of Lot 14, .1.‘ CAM. 8, Hullett, containing 50 acres. all cleared It is all seeded to graes but about 8 acre; There is a good orcliard ; good bank barn and driving shed ; good brick house, contains 19 rooms, besides summer kitchen and wood shed. The arm as well watered. This is an extra pod farm and is pleasantly and con- veniently located It la only a quarter of a milefrom a school. Apply ANDREW TYERMAN, Seaforth, or to JAMES PAIRSERVICE, Londestmo Pt Office. 21444 : Lee= FOR SALE --Lot 4, London Road, Stanley, .11-` 1 mile north of Kippen. There are 70 eines in- • eluding 12 acres of good bardwoed hush, well under. drained and le a, good sta.te of cultivation. A good prick house and two pod barns with stables. Two -never failing wells and a good orchard. Tide is one of the choicest faems on the London Road and will in sole on easy terms as the proprietor is too old to work it and desires to retire. Apply on the prendees or address THOS. ateK.AY, Kipper]. P. 0., 2289•U WARM FOR SALE alle pen Road, Tuakersmith, 80 acres cleared, ail etate of cultivation, fenced, the balance wood timber. era Th On the place are stone foundatione, also also a good fratne house. one at the house is one of the best situated on the Ripper. forth and one 11 ini hires of crop and the the farm wilrbe s Poesession given at any tilers- apply on the MATTI1EW SOO'rla -For salLot 11, 7Rip e. Con. , - containing 100 acres, of svhich ia in a first - class well underdrained - and well of the farm is in good hard- are two acres of orchard. two gond bank barns on large pig. house ; there is There are two good a -elle, a.nd one at the earn, This farms in Tuchersznith n is Road, Fa nines south of Sea. a from school. There are 40 emaincler in hay and grass, and Ed with or without the crop.• time. For further park°. premises or address Nilli. and Proprietors, algrnondville, P.O. 22ISx-4-U a •will /Le-LNA UST ' • TED AL. aa* -•',a-- - -.1 ' , -.,•4$ -4-tr-3 9:-.-1.1"4---..S. Mfg ate _ •,,,, _ t, LEGE . on - IVA ' -Sii . . St Thomas,ont. • , . • - _ _, ., - 11,..?„,,v, -,-4, I : : ,..,"21,4, N. igEnt • : • - atee ee a • -. 6 • _ I : , _. . . $ I . ' -'- a , • . a_ , • _ a _ FOR. (Lx smith, NeT smith, If. la S. bush. The rest eleared, slat fence, well &lined, etate of cultivatien, '..5 fall all ready for erring newly seeded. this spring the balance of the taunt weeds. There is li story brick kitchen I8xe0, and with stone stables and well near houee,. and abundant. at barn with windmill, farm in busla, 2 acre choice on west by spruce trees Seaforth, and 1 mile from Wine. Rem= for selling ter going wee& Apply CO 0a3 the SALE -Lot 100 aeres, over 000 greater acres wiR crop, with olovvr in grass, brick lar woodshed, etraw elied supply and a spring yuling Thefarm sehool, is poor on the premises read or ,addres q 22, Con. 3, Tucker - 7 aoree good maple rods woven and part tile and in good be left plowed In and twenty acres and timothy, $ clear from: fotil I house Wx36, also barn 38.x90 2flafsi, good stone I• spring water at baek end o orchard sheltered is 3/- mile from also telephone in health and proprie or to THOS. Rpaondville 221741, ' , ..p..- oa-koa 10 • , . .1 ..--_-• ,,... ,.. - / . --1.-- , , I -t- JULY 14 tionsas certainditions d restyle - Ing 'over tt to traffic ant! ot 011141Iffiellii s. - e y be selloycd from the.rick t ci epenen of oeitaUcg d will•Ireee tha by bidhe nef nrdeel rave os 7etc54oanci" vro 'a is wild,.dtarIy as as reeklelee and- s - • MS drat. It 1 a. t t. terminal elevators aet4 POrt rthur and Port tarn thek he Woul have ito Purcha • and operate,' but all the elevators from Fort William to QUO/. bee. what the dost at 'these w uld no living fln can_ computP4 a ance. It would be many mIllions, t w cy the east of Purchase, we d le the prne,ilest pertlon tot :the b.u den Ii would inn 0 se,* $the h'at, . very dangerous od daring expe 1 en and ehotad- not be ode d upon ii tit every I other feasi eff t has tal ed, The Gonareitnent now h vs fo Par- liament, wi1ch, if Passed, ;it is hoped will-tee:00 the g v4noo CO aplal ed af by Ithei tgrai ; grew.r of thel and which will! not en all ulion! the cone. - and pledges the tin equally peel 'ent- al to Mr:, Bor e's third tarns his hack 4 tVeTY ot r hum -I' 'risky. II al and mann times mare e nsi and try any additional burden molt, dona to goo this proposed. echo e ger expenditure. tyl Borchelt -ho fair trial before en ering upon th would cert4inly be the pa a wis.. epo It is !mote difficult; to judge,' as lb ;does ndt say in ;What ay- or to 1,vbs; pat. tent he intend s to aid or , eneo ragej the establishment f abattoir . T do think, howeyeri tha whatever d Is granted it hoold ot be Ma e L. the Western Pr vinces lone, but . ho Id be given on ce tan. • nelitIons; whi he hi eoinplted wi h,. wo id be aPea to all the provinc The same,hiay said $vetth,nefe eice to MIE, nerd prllposjticm to .gi e to the Provinces the antrol 64 at the hinnefite fron the p bile lands. Eac one of the West rn Pr vinees now ceive a large annual su iidy In lieu of the 41ands, Mr. Borden Oen not sa w eth- new. or not he propos S tooconti tie I nese subsidies and band over the Ian :as well. If he does et propoSe to do thin the Provinces mild not be uch the gainers by his generosity, as they would have( to aSSU . the cot (an ;re- sponsibility of administering 't em and securing set ere fa them. However nuch th se promiS s , o Borden's mate 'tickl the faddy and cupidity, ot the Tires erneret, they well ot her very favorab y received by the Eastern ProVinces. These Provi Oes• and more p rticina ly Orite.ria, - will hav1t. to fur Ian th . largest e of the expenditure an assume the lar- gest share o the r sic, while she will tet receive e,ny • ;ct benefit in re- turn, not ev n so auch -as gia, ing any, rtion of' t1e money expended w thin he bounder es , of he Province. If, wver, the ole f this Priliti are Prepared aok u *lir. Bo nen and t ey can, arc° se, it. , b -I. • pay ;lm pa" altee r fthe sa.ka of ng him in eve that p ivilege -If Ibbey desir his Is a ;r1 ry. Mr. i'lalr!e14$ a d Reeiprocit One of the .strong opponents of f.re- rocit7 is mt. 4. Fiavaie, the lliam Davfon Pee Ing Co. MewITla1r - lie has been, tellin the pebpl Lba-t ciprocity would dr ve the Cana Jae ackers out of nue ess.. and r in the anadian ho, mark t. Now w lad hat theT,Wil ara • .vte's Comp fly is lacing a tic4id 1S3t1 a of $1,25 0 oo- hs market. ' s an ndueemen it iti% estors, the tiiet pro its of tti Oro'. anY gre sta 91. annum. ooti, which ed ave been $26 his v'surelY sennet Ire Fl velle and his °elates bane cbeen 'm king out of aro-Ler and the Iconsumer. Is ft large 43.tantlaI rger pla,celle than he 1 iii d consume , w ossible that his ow its hold fa rhucti I ffection of Mr. Fla are of the farmer ccounts for his app &ion to a reement which pro ises 9$ rneasur chef to bath of th se. Wel judge this both issue is he purpefse of. enlar ng the bust cope of the tampon , If Mr:rile sincere in hie op ositon to reel itY on the grounds we have vent: . he is attempting to mislead inv rs into fa. scheme • inch he eetys Is 'ruined. But Mr. I lavelle is far• newd a lmar to do anything nA t stuns. He sees in h s businesS a tura with 'the Vey lonmen:t di teary, and is opp sition isbased lfishness, ncton a Y ffeelir.g ther farmer or eons mer. Mr.' Fl le knows th t it th farmers -an Opport URI t td ftht Vill ef:le Ste, ' will not e are ices as has been d that he will lav price to the farm nd he knows tnat oducts aria allowed at a lowet rate °nil of his entabilsh be sold tri the eons ice, which means 'the im. ense profl thin pas, much to e. consu er. • here is foal for :t mer and consumer es appositia0 to re 'lenient (nettle net p y, for these elarg s lout of th§ "pocke the one hand and the other. *e have Flavelleis company az$r$:;fits; we are pi: er is prosperops, but to is exoinitant ough the aid of th osition to an agpeem falser arguments to ment, becauee it me iS of these profits or producer -of hi the consuniers wit ute to nine by reas tariff. - ,000 dn an - Ono not the on. ich lii- of • for e$$ elle re- St..Ill late at big the on tor in - send her h g as free, Of duty to reintlipulata One. in She pat, er rk n- e- ve or li fpayla r. On itlea ot jo:11;y, priolain p into th6 eel at Ineriert, ii ftlt is L paring do a he had .m the (benefit of ought net bo h in Mr. Fl v- iprocite• ar is Itte of bi co profits ha j ha e $ of ithe Inar r the consum r 'no abjection -- Taking eeaso ased If tne co what • we no •ronte iii1ct f aria a-nd s an. and his we defeat that - eis etenener ith the I earit -rave materia has to I pa et of a kit otee• itorial,NOtei an Conum4ts adian restrictionis s say tha ding and Paterson ere foolci cunning diplomats of the likiite s. Senator Xelson, of Minnegota. : "The -Canadians 01 only facile nto putting ,t1r4tr icultural two in the, free list, bu Ithey !actually the Fresidentas to his itrk.aty Ing power. fle wa misled, anti las much astraY Ithat Point Is is to 'what is I the interests IS American farmer. Dominion Parliame July 18th, and a Is expected; so err made for the conifa A despatch from als of the ouse of i'tng mage the re-assem- wrently ngements are of Ithe mem- tawa eatys Comic:41s are mhars as ort s possiole ed term. Electric fans 1peaaiu Uthedr4uigillitobutlrei et chamberr1/4)aM: LI en togs, tan of 10, Per rialy will be used in 000ling the current t of atr ft Met venitliation to -the, eham he flat roof of th ei new wing 4W1 o babily b‘ covered by awnings ndi fit- ted up as 410 lrefof garden whichnim- bet can. resort tor ,a breath air ne& fro ti • to time, ' oliameminsioneinammoommig liBitEft FORGET' THI ON. IM1341111M- • heit packing for the count t- teg don't forgetyour f *Ea and your Zam-Bult 0o-ap sterS, sunburn, scratches stin s,- ette.„1 if not immediately - tos, ape likely to spoil Aur ple Zeauk ilistrres You against lit- tro thee -.1 • z m-Buk is antiseptic; poie'n in Wounds, whether tro W fence, or , insect sting.oo achi ig Vet and blistered hands]; Ia Vale 's Mated places; cools thotte patches -and prevents free 11° irliSfIlthhe4rerbaf ho Ildte 14ic oernarimitshitolou In z Euk is superior to the ordhiary to Men fe containing animal oils at41 f and mineral coloring mailer, Ou gists and 'stores 50c, bol., ise Za -auk $5!..oap, Best for baby' and for tender• skin. 25e. teen _o_enneene Ma itoba and Northwest Ito es ns act es the fear of i di estion spoil t als? It needn t. just take • rid you won't know you ha e a stomach. They will see to hat your food is properly digested. They are anong t est of the NA73DRU-c0 preparations, compounded by expert chemists and guramiiteed by the largest Wholes diuggists in Canada. 5c. bor. If your druggiit has no ti)cked them yet, send us 5 c, and we will mail you a box. I twirl* onim AND CHEMICAL CO, br CANADA LIMITED, MONTRCAL 'Order ‘,„„.ot Bra -- iexander Sanderion, who Illree relic north of Winnipeg, capture a a.5(1111 gE isw.toilolw;It nouitte'titahre. Oinetl.hrlet'll it, to • -about five months old, 'I Ala inbe nt appearing- animal, quit familiar with people. ire h feed g It meat and milk, and It quit fit In appearance. - Galician laborer, employed brie yard at Datlingford, Marano in dro nedapstutday evening, whilel aw mirr in the, swimming hole neer Onn . yeards. Together with • 1 t oth , he went oub to the sw min hole, and some time afterward comp nions returned alone, say lig e had unk and had -not !risen agalr -$51 skatoon has made the firs me tow ds the pavement of slits bfisIns stree s: At a recent -meeting o 'Il e city council it was decided i plrmt nant roadwayS for a dist 0 e f seven blocks An innovation, 1 e that ' oulevards will be laid inn ei eet o tre I. business streets as welln angel dial sections. It is the inie tion to plant 'trent and other s .rd balry. Calgary Alitomobile Gin lia start ii out on. a feature evekit, shap of a- trip through the Roc GirePiailisbe,ains arbydnweat-thencey, p oltiblCrows'uthe tonIf gamy valley, eeassing Fort Steele shaw arid other paints of Intere trip „ ill, be? the finets attempted and a largo inumber of m are t king part in it. The patt Calgie y on 'the 14th of July. : -A Winnipeg dqapatel says: 13 'cauee of the colosshl -amount of nria being put out by the banks In Ith 'we to ha dee the annual crop, &het' lin s of b siness in Western Canada 'ah: hard pressed tor funds. This lei t cry :4 • in all eections. Collections are trePor d above the average by collect- ors, , at they are complaining of tignt mone5. All loans relating to r al 'es- tate, Yen remotely, have been cht 'o4 in th west, on orders from Monti* 1 and •ronto. In view of the thean, busill Ss -this is being felt sweatily.' , -nA severe electrical storm: passe over he liarniota, Manitoba, d strict bar it recentl y, bringing with it a toz t ent 4 -rain, . O. Johnston, a fareaet finite four lea from Hamiota, had his struc i. and a. team of horses and 1 calf Med. In the barn elelliCh * Steele were eleven horses and tht cattle, and although the ,oecupa ts: the b I use felt the shock they d ii lenrn • f the damage till next m rein when they eauld traee -the errat ena. the bm th along' .the tim ers: h . i is i, 1 —Ft a of mysterious origin inuir 1 - day ight destroyed the grand . stet d at th' Winnipeg exhibition grnuod The t eing stables caught fire, I a of t city, and that all !the Ibuilding til weire aved by the fire -men. Ole lscen and a ts building, recently constalucte also c ught fire. Never 'before. hen: iW,I ninnn seen such -a -spectacular I fir Flaw could be seen from all I pane on th grounds were not reduced 'to beana f fishes is considered intraculou The lo s is estimated atit $70,000, ,Whic Is par hilly coveted by, nsuranee. -La t week the te was •gen rally' expres ed, that th ecrop in the d strl of Mt icine Hat, Alberta, was rI era too oii ckly, and that the Straw 'Olt be-sh t and the heads poor in Jnv qunce! The rains which have alle Intern) ttenly 'since have saved th slit uation; And farmers report -that th grain as shot up fully six lath s I treason - of the mpisture. Visions bu'ratin granaries are now almos of realiza ion for thehomeeteaders, aua busbies is brightening up aceorn tigI hi all he smaller towns in ithe{WestI as wel as in Medicine at. •-•-•Ja med in between his ha ran and a'aim n at Prince Albert, Pas Eaturti y evening, J. Adams •was badly rushed that he died withi a hour a ter being hurried to the hoe /titan e accident odurrce in- the Ind stir ho el yards, where the unfcrtj nate fli a had earns with a Riad 'of a The.. w istle of :an approaching C. .11 engine irighteted the horses atta hed to his vagon. In ordvr to quiet t e he; ran • their heads, when poi was lirr, dewy t town in between the rack add :the ba . The unfortunate man only 22 years of age, and deadas treeently come to 'this 'cpuntry f 114 orn Exeter, i nglann. ' -A b d fatality is reported i ore Plunkett a few miles east of S sle- a.toon, b which it is believed 'at (least one -man is dead and two:hew gbree other ers mar or less injured. The aceld •nt happened in a well which th e CPR. is drilli at that point. George ee Load w t out to [Inspect a well, Io ,company I with three other workmen lho ovas lo red iti to the well with a 1 tie tern to fford light at the bottf ne Ian had • ly gone down a Mint el a tance, h wever whets the lantern -me ploned, a d in serne means he was ei - elpitated to the bottom. Through sotneI meant th other three got free, tbough, near stiff eaten with gas, but McLeod: fell to th bottom. ' • nte t egoo te I trin e)V thIs 1 be s lett Wbe tit. poro-°41r4-*rade ycnJaded—yee hole wear7—jlIst itr.r a 1aH of atid S rants the piate, refreshes" the body, agrees with the. weakest stomach. Al truly wholesome bever- age that .rea11$' nourishes. Pots a milder drink try Labatt's Londo Equal to 'finest German brows. Hits the true smack of choice hops. ery light, palatable, satisfying. !Look for the lavenier label., me od.A,4 STYLE) A temperance brew—testes and looks like coic@ lager, 12but has less , .than 21% pr of spirit Quenches thirst; refirsh s; gives appetite. Order; some to y. -era_ L"Or Be TYLE) The newes nn -intoxicant, and de1icious, *th the real flavor and quality of n ood ale. Complies with local ODtiOil requirements and may be okenl sold anywhere. Order any iLa att product from your dealer, or l direct OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOL -We ,11. -t- -case of Oata4 larch Cure. ' • We, the u for the last / orable in al able tecarry diHall's Ca rectly upon system. Tee bettle. Sold !Take Hall's h "1716..n'nent HOW'S THIS ? " ne Hundred Dollars Reward for a h that cannot be cured by Haire IP, J. "CHENEY & CO., Toledra 0 idersigned, have hnown F, J. Chen " years, end believe him perfectly h n bueinesi transactions, and financie I •ut any obligations made by Ids Orm. WALtnikai, Knsuc & MAIM"; Wholesale Druggists, Toledo re Core is taken internally, act!r the blood nod mucous surfaces of t e ipomrilladIrstweegnitt beir.ee. Price' 75 cents p r amily Pills for constipation. • are, used as direc, gists,Grpcersand sell them. SUNNY It is the time for sunny Da discard your heavy winte when Spring Clothes are in 4) get in early so that you I 'peed them. Our reputati too well known to requir Work booms us. But we w to get in before the rush. Choicest lines of tweeds and terns, just the kind of goods clothes, and the kind tha money. We also have a fu I li lags; Call in and See them re are noi ea ing about ILSON S PA ed. All Oru nerai De,aler S s ,,,Tow, which make yot4 c othes. Just the time- d. It is always wiset the clothes when yo as high-class tailors is, y boom by us. 01.. just jog your memory carry in stock all the su tings in the latest pat -I t make stylish looking ive you wear for your e of Spring FurniSh- --e SE OR • - 1 pleigRtcT 4 elenelProene Eduentio that sel the pro ee than adaneat9 eb teachers -ii,- over the 7.,1 teacherz.$ • rural scl has tner-cSf-i chsrs more. ti ,ount yz-ar with a tt,ta; ost pf.r put coinparF,d ..e in public e,ase• In toel cb-oos of .•$5.-57-. • s .trFI ylgh' atctottte ut,. . The mita ed tout at Osgood.? •bAletnlatura..ne:t4t.:ontf:pol 54yable to Wm, uti hI the igt 11 _de namti- -1 14 It 411;11i/ as -rsemeTht- betwt-ca the for payennit in nasn mt ly on a stric,' vI the -4:tlOnnfailss.a, ntbut plaintiff is wi Lang rewattrietrienlatIon:tootfilst;itzt: udeoca tin the, teri_leS, sql says hi hits alwa.1b- 'out the purchas2, ft the alines to ;do this the iiisroUsed with costs. If this the agrt.ement. ‘..ar ses suggeated Alia the inenteed to complete it. 01 the dynamo at the um of $35 will Iles dedu nt elaineid, :leaving Par this Amount ve seeurity by, way 0 e to plaintiff, payab b latereet at five leth ot November $500 is disn&sizd. in not think this is there should be costs t School • bhe- Arne. promotion ezSrni Third—Total of wre 'tlirbb!111 pupils l t :h:n; s I,. NI -1:1 1ig ite7sy.a.17:Auo2os g154:1:lat 690, harold Xtr 474, lion -180w azz, StiLtrY 499/ noy, Kerslake 497, 484. che , • a./ ,St. (loin nth School 'Aeportn-The f ledsloatir llcatilben oea tsrItih.I t0 Ions :;"Santor Fourth n, 3'. :Matthews, 2teinaid,I; r1-.1.7ifheirrdatZ Jnpio rau rn 'Icha.11 ri) (1- G E. ▪ y rut. S neeond irst-M Mehdy, meachen. M Leona Fucihl. 1)Maairtary Me lad: t:174new:I:be' 81 rIxnaSli.alsci:11:1030iclri any. su WI a k ms and la Miss, ad. neotTthile.ts trustees 01 - uo, tem 'coin' Zed Linn rast-earrt.g Et, tents dee e nagaged aa teacher for thhext !me nt $550, She ba- -aidehanteigIGro:.1211:1roaAeC neapolec Thnaie illarYBsattht,_!, Cothlileirlasittelc' hethe 5th43feAre..e:16:1!1•A- 19-bool Section .1,11111 -ugh' hatveer (:nof Robb sixth lino , at a