HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-06-30, Page 2.7 7 r IIrpm V R_ .0-MUMMM"! JUNi- "M
L Iwo aliftig Xmpexial 001 % Uir p0ference to- the front at thl: Imperial CVnferanc, -too is 1 t and has. thus: deprived them of' their and most elfedtive Mod of at- A- V-A �C% A U J-q7X. the WW p".ty 1xv reat go( taoklnjt Ju so f R elprocity t! v Real Offence, a d as a.. n dft� 01 the vam In tie second V1 we—and her6 Is or doeW L M , IL Icl leditarMs ar-i bn the. Me Of now boverages with a detesta, Tine MQU digead "don n �nl'y ei r ien now -not wbollY. conceal, t"riff reformers. v What ihd tt#n t4at they ca*
a ca! edtrlals,l clever In psi t indeavor to do so hou#h�they
mm a rei do you �So by.,ascribing some of their h' tility to enga ged wrltid&f 0 t 1 I or proposal with egard to an
him to, other groun Is, such,. as I &,naval ria
A good Hay lu- Ork m6an., aq do 'T 8-p 1,161 ir Jouri 'Why, 6 d question, or s M li! wl ip. ri elf on evendien tdrefigill traaiWs-41 ie -reciprod Y, pa� o0d Handle y �k to wicek for- which -his Go,,ernment S PC a flltj .4, I ITOM Jou 4 W ol-ble. Tht-Ir hatre( f this t i's W 03 3V -yet I a.� proof of Good rrongs really dua to,'their knowledge ibat It d STOUT II Ti men 4 it! 9�n q s tha;�- L ItH ra.1 pap- makes for free trade, �and their chief Me cir %. Wail oi L' Good Balaiwe oder so e Creates appoti make meals ttasUte A- "Tor -1. alm and bject -is - evei- to #prezent better- healthy -sleep. Keep it Tdrc ita kn Ooils rvativ4 1); �pars the British ovrseals Dominion as be- an M w iy h e prin- Jaw.ayvs in houft Your dealler a! toix in 11 eve I, ly Ir Liberal This is pEcdiar t Ing In conflict wit free. tra
M ;—LT TV E.
M( ri: 0to I i Of It tees EoineLhing to ho 1] sells it or em order d 3 But lt� Should be mentioned that, L be I Ml f a I to hwrdly ag while no Liberal ne . �: I. Ve� i -an rea Bedford Vo k wSpapar the lountry has a ssalled i,,Ir :et, 4G - W1 owever, in lis 014 C Wilfril,
the sanar and ore substantla M I Wnt nI !part of and we have no hesit, h t lbg4 f 61
a n-cy i n ithe Tary prqgs has also.. refralhOd from Qlu he I em ally elit hat col- doing so, The Tim,% y tar fh6 most A jL in claimi ng th unin Is I S! 11, we Iolhotmea- v1811 X_Owa Influential of all EInglish enzwspapers of every respect. Lt., boy an 7 �Ss a t al, I?in -no. 6- partizir there and o h1ch, though rofessedly no. S n M; Alrigann
di re, i , ani t g towl: is thh: differ- really 'the principal V
Party, sq ory-or- n c le untlilfOrtc ivatilg1n- gao. has criticized him, It- Is �true-.,on ford, r Jij Caf d Sol D PBUTAK more than one, occasion, but In o All kinds and siz,-s at lbwr �wf of -3i very
est prices. 1)61i;lc;,,l edito6 I as"It n q - .1 11 I lueadaY te! s i. 16 daily papei (if to -day, codemnatory strair, and the. game re- I
wpp ,r I _M Is. onl�l
The -, i �1 ?6�z 'Victor mark OpIles both to the Dall� Ttle- !a!lnot betler nor i� thev a i ox § iba& ifte niag p) ical in- ock exported in ff f4 rm of beef graph, WhI Ircula- elf toast that Its c ever, the fa L d tiort Week exceeds by�a million fl!�T �a, Hia i �tbe *lJ tical e I Yrial jib Rey'�Vtt wil;
of pork ow tin bff In 'b Pe. dl ed -v�as f u1i copies, that. of any two-cnt n4ews- Am *1 f
the, 31eTr idl weo d these comri od' �le .1 *L, paper y irafi& el I _� 1. - -s of ABSOLVT I -on v per, o Intbei world'
E make 6ur slinor expsr- is ema cabe- as In I Ta q f 'e. -the PEr- Paper as well as o the I Z".tP 1 �0 ri - re od namo 1,11., 11111 Ith- 0 or P U R V MANILLA, either t (r.0 *1 Idl dondider'able ort of Ithe Un- Daily njoys tha larg st I
ue=� ed al whc e Lon
Ihe f 0 -Ca t 5 W L 14 1-V3 3 Of t 'a, of any 'piper In. tle British rdulatl . 3ut Pirtme it f.-- griculture cl V
three rope, ensuring greatIvearifig tendencies a s �rjdes an
I nd a- the 141 ly If 3hows A610 000 cattl It 6 p id ma 0h; wh: I farms Islas. � Of the marnln paper�j thle Daily 0
7 Pap ht; hA e; ; u ber. had' Ex�ress land -the, S .-andard; � both of �ol� safe lifting powers. Buy'now. has �ro i i Iscredit on �#610,al iE I. it the 4atton In 190 dw - 'jOrPnd
0 creask jto,� 50,100,000. toirla s. 6� 1. ack, to be'slang: -, Por -,e n r- 9.aase' of which a-ee own:d by -Mr. Pearson.Ehe Sling locks,. guaranteed'chain....,,... seniE -at a rcl so d tatortal ar I un� Ver -CO t. The expr6r: 01 c had de- ch rm SIB 'a 41 ail *of the Triff eform League,
Aff 1A hit a a E en e J ocs reasEd per echt. 'jy.. 180 the num- and the bldr-ning Post, w; 1, 1* for 4,
"C riab, n f� dc-rtd t,'
11E V St te -n
r !n P lii ry Whe vinP, on Ls fari W
)e them, i tiou 11 er of t $I all , the taritf �Vf orm jourral are the at Hay fork rope, cable'. hay loader rope Q leader tie, t�VOrf, a leys'. e tht, Atej of thel. a, li ,000. In IM tf. inher ad of Citna130s p 'Fat, as 88) s In he attack m con lot )n rpriati W4.8 YE-ry I 56,000,00 r *! �ao� Tt is Fncrease� 1 to. i i P, icrease of Fxcmli��r. So that everm- %VL11 'Can track brackets and hooks. n oni I ar 1101w��Ver, Vith t -pe' sonall-I 45 pc -r ariff refo -�t, But not If is the it or's hand.: A
nIdJng the SOL pndt cted edubtry. 0apes. 11pi tho, A 4
large ln,�easp in pro dui tin, the -UK- 1. i., td Tankoc Critic. With trla an pcifts of' Oork -and Its, pr dutt showed 'ban&4 sxi. �he sp opin- "With the� evening papers it thr� i wn pe W t BE e-QIobe and the Pall I Mall e Iloll by A fallinj off of 441000 000 el 20 L lose i!ld pounds.
4 j'number be 11f T.W". -by
noN i dg e of th:,, feeling: � at i d cpin- -ng 1 sams pe d Ite Durl e Bradfi
ons� C)f bo.dAr of #he ?Iect)r I)t 'Cows! Gazett ng owned by Air. Astor, a,
34 while �qr-p .1 Ame - - txci� Lice Destroyer and Cauttle, 'an ualp mAjo has become 11-iatural- the expo g'af butter'an� 41� se went jib I zd' that t less tpinJ )n are lz3d1 ant idoffilcilsol In Great Britain, and 9 C-00 less accordinkly; possess t -s all the zeal! of the b
P00 1po iouqut I
Is to x1th Ise t
grelt b I und4. n e lm� e ieo t, are both r4bid on than oo(; down fro 7
Sr%ray nto iel oal j �;'the po te newly-m4d.- conver
rol eli D0#9 --of �0�ater and e n et ite., - the -subi�etiof tarif? reform., '"'ll t the 4 ea� Mng to d(J from 10,400,000 to 33 rjds an -# W girl. reonid protects World,, *hi�h is pub Jshed wzxkI 4 and in-cres sa?! f 232 p, -r 2n h . o-,,vtn,- es, takes .he worry t cows and horses from fli a pl edit( -W vv -p 6on- prof6sA-d' t6 be chle"ly a socla t 1, Ilic olli It bunrl t- �8,114
off your hens and mean� CoMfort for any animalon whici it- :,,Iddr 16,41 fill, 1 st r, "Or fn no that -the bortim-np(ion of and irried a I
nal, is �nof;M-r advocat3: of tarlff re- i hp�� public i iffal, s o 01P cheese ir the United Qt'teb -!'ad out- u d It is absolutel orr is se a, anti a'
y reliable. Doft't be without Wn tI otio of lilt e E ne whic�o has �ndeiayored -st inan io
ount.-y - b y� ly and equl- 9, Jao ca; ptodu com - vt. b. Am
Price per 0 deal ,Sir !Wilfrid "tha MOSt Ullikind- W oditles, &Tthat it a w1pro- grool`
....... ....... ably, ge I 14 re th sary to st cut 1: not content with P1 .0 a publ a tb tn l M fall." or on- -a d to belittl he 0 import It order t a
(lun I 107�ss, these , 0 ill t ;tyling blin. in epigrammatic m ptio o0d, th pinions Ii tji -�lace it low estir iate oil 8um he United a f r strangler of th-,1 Imwrial Confe0neall Oatistles 1909 shows C U16-1111ger a, I he ubl a off RZ �c
-whate -that may mean—it ha� also d .kirs
Le us V4 the P6 I al it oi�� 9, ed Ith'the pre, IoLtF3 �0,ar in Lhc 70�., I/cori _N with the-nleknam of arti� bpsls, bu t, Worl,� frl Now in Vngland to be t, las the i ountry I6 Mr and of TbrOntial. llIcknam3 Is often very awkwa t S� dg, iD s It, 41 j W1 tirib had parta�
gr, i 29 and RA N I T W A' R t litor n t on a )lIndly nt., th s In bef'of 35 of pvrl� and Its I oducts rom oler r�ore th4b onfi'pr=4 ng reputat a has the I otnt, a will one yvar een kill opirlate, one. Sir wrel not 04 ly a I ; by an appr r ic;re,, n1 g�tehd[ld anIl Intelligent :,a,11 thesq 1 aaiis :I e VOUT :I which I Vilfrid'o to 0idd.trch and eputation, of course, i5tands, t ut who are voting f roi i coil- cansumPfl J,r� Q! f toodstu IN �has Oil ov- L� For PreserVin ertaking �roductlon ti t -E all oyev le, w hat -ever ha ons. N tctl()�, 4 r1l I I T fro Oafty lag i or I I bit- But to tra, is dub him shows the �p AM
sive I tilt J ET f AOa fluer0 !)f the� 'as brin lng� hew Ian ultiva-_ rcJJV`e t "rly lnl�4 Ical spirit towards blm ti h thp professlor 4 e b as Prae r-aaeb animates! 1i certain, kit Ld of Old �!Coun, gltt of he, t.
lion cd, looks best,, lasts 16.ngest. 01T, SM-_vkr vice Thi,§ is what i ve -wait I 1. Imit In that ren le Th st t er c Y !of 'T
a But The best grade stands the heat,: dosen't chip, her .1 ment of - I 40t� taken f th UY Tort Jourralism, ows bf thing; soit V�As I M _gIft
h t 14 n I Unicei rib, L i v Mard to Ora ik! s sbiDrt tin 0 h th reco n k Eve y iko, Itatps w, a IaTg I ni or er Of mme d and what we stoc '. i ICS 101 Z5 the! graln g oA 7� a, in. the l -And fM
try in Bo 7d �n 13 cvldeitly having his foodstuffs and the r,-^' 1 to co! �TH W new in the preservin line. d fflc4tws 9 I - worrld IM6111e, capab] I a bet- �E fla 1000 pliece-4 -of I
e. W14! t,:, B dec'o arcol hlinsel hal t] st': B 1as us ter c6ndit on -to suppls Q jat demand da nir fr no$. T1
left F om oth than Can'o a. ;C9nada 11 jUpt beginning b arie lti%.VOCably oppogEd to thp -thu bride *3-1 a Purs,
td develop ier� Inimens re �ot r(Ts rit
P -opblad' r� IiDrocltY agreement Ifil for !a brid-.7. -, - I
t. pe United te L on of -a- f P_ tv opulu
s. HE! sfill adhar4 s to years rea;t West will'�ei rai for the pfodu food tu our W 0: fid E N Sold in all pari
Of the World. st� P
.0 bush- 6 ld Vrolection'! pollio;y, expot hu drcds of m: 11.1d, S d t
i f rJends 4 F3
le rx odiu 'f els f gral aTid h undv s _b )usands A -s ago Canada's Moft Brilfiant Represntative. of.
0 Seafo I t 0 g4t� few 'y �a 1 t4nd oth?r Or( U ce, lig I ks Tired Limbs and df live st A4 ,hi .8 d - 1'� 7 edify thig jby tl a p� herc ;d ro- ov�r It has pTove Hardware, stoves and ,linware are markcft to be foul d or.,al ithla tin adach,._q 1�eed Not Bul av
IT -Be :0 &p)oIn( a peratibnt Urlf d its supenority Scores jog re;,:1de&
Britain caJ Only tak& L I linited q, an- Endure yzar. --nd 0 nt]33icn, hIch 11 have h� p d. of other mak0s, d' -has Plumbin Eavetrou thing.' Furudce o k ow- MY. Lait t�.year we ex)or �d M 000,001) won popularity 9 a for I
!4 hatWg wo- ittain took o ift Ion
el' to r 2 -col ni, e,'., fro tine t(o t im s uch buhels. ily 1part of It 01M -ld n -.al
an Bl6glum too C.. IslIerif'! -patience nearly ever Nvo- h i m, Itf 7iff - aba'.18 United St Lnd the France s: as the inay. delly] 0 ook 2,0 FQ ndu�Ps suffering that icast-1. a ed St �o S man e li!�s good for your -shoes. s�: t to bu'she .
110MTANT NOTICES. vi i ablei In hil InterEsts of the coun- in fl. fil 0. �a sh W 9 *,jdtnds- who wish , t1v rA rn I
f r - d whea t i �ow oV4 half her existence. Ajil ach- -Id per eaant. t coq wo be. tarift of ini., ba-ek, Oro' GKONDVIL Y FOR SALE. a limbs, attacks f Jaint- Comer Lo;,B&qt- location. Good house and A BAD .01 th 6 s a ne s, nd b�adathea and backach&B nCEd THE F. F. D) MLEY C 0. Limilted 4 4ripa aE the pr tacI16111, en Cnada has ft the h r� fut- tstable. Hard and soft water* Will be gold cheap. Ufre, a s it -6 he part of woman's life: -ir deilg�
John Beattie, Variefy Store, or to John 'gl I rel7i� iiR-n I s calculat-sol s WI I have, "Mch a�ppointed the .600 goo HAT§IMTON, Ont., BV"ALO, N. Y. and LOND Epg. 2MI-tf 000 !bushels of s; IndIcato plainly that the _'i tYL,- besides -s do Inot sf e a, Javqy P_' t gi tin rai f miliioli� of''�buahels of 4 4 grain for Developed1k "I . rZqul1res Oe nw blood that Is sup- c 0 e r I n 1 Is een lam Y01mg to M.MMUMMOMM� � . - - . I :, . I - ML ch relift fl,,om th V propoislal. They ex0oft, wb?re Is s'he go DII d the, use of Dr. W114ams, r-- —77= 1 iDulls 9from imported cows, for eale at moder Wherq -ag to set r. large Pink Pill These, Pills are value� -by %to Driew,and on easy terms ; good Young cows andL jr ir hi me, th el et, mprep ired an go] he, sul terin omEn who have uved. �h elfis.s alga for sale- All interested are cordially In- production 6f other corr. MG �t Les? hall em BROMCii ITIS se r tedt to orde, a formal df ,Iaret- we refuse ::he market oi fe.TG1 h3k - 90,_ above all olhex medicines, becauseithe-y vttad to inspect the herd.L Farmadjoins town,ibng &V- ance telephonQ to farm. Write for oatalo 61 thi il' give tho A' I cy, I vhlch lc - It rect 000 009 or 100,000,U00 of pec righ at !red blood t XP_ t4b t hat xnake4 wo- —On, t.unda-,y norni-
"t a w c e. I well, 9- SMTH� Exeter. pi� 611 ositil h he Orc posed. our doors?��an ope 1 Ight and at their' . . . . .... .. oil R rna -kv h wil ly� !bes-1- Wh, there, '�assed aN�ay One TI is s at[:: M Neglc. of the ca Collard, Poplar PoJflt, "It FOR SALF-100 acre farm for sale on Con. ted Bronchitis is ver ofte'n t1la inan- gr( a abort Mr . Fred ttn For time, lye( the beE t I AnVtnlna YO U P 11 &* b1dwn and b6bived U11
a amt 't - 4, Tackersmith, 3 miles from Seaforth, i mile direct cause of Consu �tio n SW it fr or our surplu, p oe uc Our We perwn ot -i�4rah An -i Cra'0
F , � �rEib! o. ubt inuoh it Bor- the wdrId s: -ca give You but a vex --- iromchool and tile works. The aofl'* ' od d de t i don' tl ie r, wl h ill T, ca n g( over ti�ade with the. United ��, ;at S IS at M*teat the sufforing I endur- br Varnish indoors or �( Xr. beors �., 1vJ,:ko1r,i at the are r s sophi stj 5MMI eStl f Is ger, an first sYMPton apVearing D r- Wood's tb13 ts 9 hich t1ei pre- 0 thaa o CDun- ed lkefo(re Ilibegan uslng W 4deanandwell underdrained with tile. 10 acres of 'valuable timber and the buildings are tra& with ill oth- Dr �iil� �ef 69 year$ a4d 'i 8 . nloattl
'Norway Pine Srup B Be it. T 'emg ern t I .,Flngesnd up-to-date. if not sold will be, rented. hould be used r. d Oftfica)le to� tiles comb 64. Last y ar L 14 1 was Fink Plll�., r birth of my- M L Floorglaze 1* # Voy highly rz_�V-Etea, alway8
farther particulars agply on the premises or ad- the Bronchitis cured. tari( 'WL t 411 aar, 'a'da � ts * ( ), tb e greaWr by'iO'Ver $100,000, )00 tka'n fIrE t child; qufferted lnte-nselly rom, fri:*'d I� time Of ,!ftess JAMES kiPR0AT,: gmandville, P. O., e o,ar Ii:ces,. It 0 r th,% wi statri 'Ruld be c ti 9de with ibrltaln n alli ierits hat too often afflic�- 9 es across _; 0M -:11 on In. Tuckersmith. ;Upptoln The syn�pt. ar otm It'll,'; d n X I IM lasting. oms are, ti fu I y r; 4d�l P4 efErence sex, This mo;re ftero. t Ver by. every Wn Britall I Qui tar- as complicated by ar., the chftt,'sharp pains and a difficulty ill herlif, his co, n ry. Nte -has ' eel I 11 a I-ig thelc of tile w 0 W 1, SAM-7he residence of the lVe If', -and th, 1i trad& %ng piles, and tke agCrjy dlareNe, pasier to it I �elo� 9 !I )I Jows Year ;6 year in fE r JM und at Roxboro' is offered for sale s2, WrIng a 'y lry s. le ,-zerm
'Veonifortable br1ek restdance and, T-1 p breathing, a se�retion It tit, d.0N T e d.� 'It
hear'e of thick blcgn 'v And nights I cmdured is Vn tb at first, whi ke, prod Is of: 01 Ir fArM when t I tariff. Which riiake d es ro- a t, comprehension.: 1, tried Slf an acre of land� It is pleasantly situilted te, and later of apply Z�nd Move taki In HC
9 ngaged within two m'lei of Seaforth with rural m%1l dillvery, exp �rt6 pold in th6 mIrkefs of Mable to It.' Ii L�adz; Many reme Ids, but they did I not -ery in U111t a largt
th the I #ito�d ,Sta Yellowish color :es, int the door and rural telephone. An ideal place for coming from the broi, - t he W011 I i3riced -ai 91 fix ,J b free In* o: hell, mo MY"trouble, and from a, Irtendi ar4i sp cially I be com peti! an -xid -tile i expor; ti e conditfi 'he&! thy Youne woman w4ighing lio a retired Atriner. J"ES A Hl,W'HI", Seaforth. chial tubes when. coughing., e, e 03 already mati W lt� Cx- 22Mt pia -i tie4 y 'f L 'the pr. 0 (Ile pland Immex M L 4id
first thing in the morning. CE 3 for 4al3r. Why sh ruhr� a As I fell -away in weight to 95 'f3ngiak rie , FORSAT 0RRE,-JT_Totl5, C us used? con ur �Io x bile tlX _'SAPPHE a tot , our oln mare !now offer d �a o .1 04 �Lad wheim three yea
F Mrs- Dan. J. McCormack, Mev an' farr. s -a In The wholei bart ly Walk 4, Stanley Township, containing 100 acres more I 'l(ased. a i Ostr ct ed 0nar- acres or les, about 70 acres cleared, baianceabout-80 acres I .N.S. writes: I'M ket hi le ot ls;ory th s the floor, and IWM0 -to -tbt� Ountri, tLnd In:
_rAY f 11i cie ue ds nil xOrnp Umbered, first-class land rk iarrit and y little boy -wo years d by, le Where the cffelm 4 mch a er' were times I hardly knew what Rum tt, firS
y iillb ed. Tha i ,s solux g6ii d al, and Nve Ile] 'nd fused by ai�, "a com- -old ciaught bad cold which pe,�clopefl a.lre, 'cgolrd and water. In- a i. t is lot iii 1rket un� r queb ciond.ti w is doln . gi so great was my agony.
fortkabledwelling, Lrood rh M gmd state or cultivation I About 11 mile% _fkpm; into. Bronc� "is. Jfeivassoch( lc� 91 W�nt to !B;r4ndon a:nd consulU a, Brueefleld &LIlway Stntioll: good gmvel- r d up ha th-E rem wd we would r"h-e! i ras mar-,
milefrow school and good; neighborhood. it not �could hardly breathe. Idi n' stivigl� help nie'bl surpami - ir, Z; , R about U"7e 'jhat th PrItis 1 pi ! far- Ut n 6peration for I oadg. Half sul Ictions be doctor wb6. �sald that notbIn sold will be rented. Apply IV. SCOTT, & Co.,Bruee- a floor finiab, and is,: I -Your wouderful medicine, Di. Wood13- en" bel in roa s ed to f ft 7 Pe ("'M beref t SiviWilfrid's critics MY trouble' 171-V 111
f L - I woul Jult 88 �XceMent for a -hundd of and that $Para ag'. th.
pi bapp
ger tj Iff Norway Pine Syrup our and j,-r1jdu be to -a emain ill the- hospital to otber at that time
decidm. to'try i t some iveekiq the 4?on�nto Sir least 0V rt?s Ido
'ARM FOR LN—For We Oat half of Lot 14 U019 1 Incr a8ea r �61; �cuhd your home. D,,iell
bavje� bien ��nd:avor- wife I felt! tht this was Im JL' Con. 8, Huliett, oontalnin�f 50 acres 0! cleared. good r -trad el ita, blishc 4, a far- L a, trier Year to: year'l Weeks,. Being a arn er i bottle And With Such tilt I go b- =11 free WlIfrId eight - overn*ht, 9 Os hard. Keeps itsio k I .Iq C,' d IPI
thes Ing D
t�n 2 ic
him, ye s; I Table Irrores. &nd while in Banddii I rriP-1J -a tr end gallon coate * hjilren, s:
It isall seeded tograss but about 8 acieta. There is ich comPletely cired to create; an unfavi piDss,ble, a good orebard ; good bank barn and, driving shed. ittle--a who Iving afi f011�0*,s another 'i�h too. coits good brick boasei contains 19r rooms, besidessummer w ithout having a doctor. I cannot say gly I laor f and 91on on thi i Chnadia;r 0� Stroll0ly vrged inv to try i Dr. equiare fe�t. icoft, t VMS c orate ldtobeii and wood shed. The farm is well watered, Co a tendon -E
Will es in tin* of bAndy-wze s for th a m des t th, Fr , 11��, I 'ough his tand at the telling ims, that -7 Thislia an extra good farm and is pleasantly and coxx� too much in its pral* I W(0) d not be 0-rl� Co JW1111 ams, 1�1.nk Pills, pret�v e�aden'in solid Bus Vossl ble 1 �m MCI 7 �;4w*" aj i di bf-' rml they hd cuped in Tbianto; ',Sohn. w!
to te 1. We I le t_ �,.Jy as I n a venlentl_ylocated. Itiionlya quarter of amilefrom ocal h4ade -her trouble, stnMit'la th Iffta asChool. Apply to ANDRE TYERMAN, Seafortb, without it in the house, as coi isider it with feience. Thi basis of tb is h 'mine afteir C010178 in LACO; and M L Transp f in, Lot
or'to JAMES FAIRMV109, sure cure fo B ;A operation had 1 r)r M91it natural pa Londesboro, Post r Colds and Bronch�l is.,, 1regrg t� we Wish to lecord en- ne, W Psr 4 qmMents fron .18 d and. -of n:) benetl IrShe had AWS Ade Office, 22444 finish. hfak� all Your woodwo of Rtpi-y-. suell stron 'turo, vehicles, faith In the and f4mi
p Ova '1�f tha tacdes ras) teJ Ju 3t what t that she 94ve ine,�ne look ue* Arkin with M L Flo ta$ra th-111, Wood's` Norwa td Be cOmment 'a wo: th Is. Flo Write us for The price of "Dr. . tire 'IS61 I r I 3 ir Pa lan e 0 to try I first bm-c of f��$ErldS! in thls�
tot 4, London Roa, Stanl!y, Pine Syrup is 25c. It is put up in 'T 6 prve the clelarly shoi In thfy f( Llo n d I began ush g 11�-,m FREIC b � 0 JX troubl�, e : Of It, 0 you ought to have$ %�d "&wit Floorglaz# 1t&W1leu0rhofKi pen, and fov.,� a thd- Toront( qtgr, wrltb Was 'not ng beforel I found mLell cludng 12 acre or g harc wood bush, well under. 0 n I y -a fq- relW. ImperW VMMsh a Co There are.70 acres in- yellow wrapper. Three pine trees is the dissoluti Has' _rn"t uPQi It! bc-w It Inued to use the V � Is or Co. A,Ltd., Toror dmined and in a good state c f CuIr vibion, A g fdre I On m a! Mre coul trade mark. Be sure and a Dc iner Englls� )election egf nt dll tl is rest 7,6f that summe eylak house and two good bai �ns Nvitb stables. V ept 'nc resull Muld lvd the 1?�est �s carcely a -day no jA was th they never failing wells and a gootl orclhrd. X1110 is one substitute for Dr. Wood's fair 3ila, MR0 without restored Jr,,3 to Sold and r! PE r1l I perfee health, bv at the chofeest tams on the I �ondon Rodd and will ,In amen alY an at t I told the doct.or what Ocommnded . W ed o Von. I'Ve h a Va 3 tack b?�118* madl� (A t Ir NY I 1frid Dr. r1i he sold on eaV terms as the proprietor is too old td A�anufactur nly b, The T Milburn udled Villiarps Pink Pils li ad, C.�ne Me X,�Ahodlst Church, whica
ork it and desires to retire. -Apply on ths, premNes e ques n Of Laurier by U60, A. '11s," Sea-�-crth or address T.U08. MeKAY, Kippen P. 0. 223941 C6.r Limited, !Toronto, 011t. +ecil)l Oct the Un1fted it tes, �tlal 1)aper me more or le;s in I uen- fdr J) le, and �Is Mly -was T aat I's w it e eel � - , # dl the Old ��4,Vt try Mor Iall�y S 7 JUne 18th, I A
!e$ard to It 3 t ear- iBut. -considered what they hw dope for Garbutt, L,� L. D Ing ime 11ttlD less +ban and�f6turi!&;r.4" It, tv b e h XdAhat the Oka are acle.� I have 'Pastor, 4,v,sre -a
since �Mcamtnended the P1113 to M.111V Road, Tualceramith, containing 100 acres, tural int 'egU D f our Ountry, ftr tri aluconfined" o the " progr
Ul- a mir
"p' In FOR SALFFor sale Lo� 11, Con. 7, Kip. '*Vk. 80 acres cleared, all of which i6 in a first . elms Its pream It deals aim t Hn�lls I 1 Ory s8, other W110:114ve- suffered fro --sday eveniag wa�
state of cultivation, waIl underdrained tl P.n-. and, Jurther' to certal and well, rely wfl the i natura� !predu *t 3, , of I iVlgl( I L of 'man's troubles and they al Dr. Gordon flat! erIng; Tb ars
fenced, the balance of the fann fs in good hard. tries, ind Is 0 1oun that Tory pxeps. d 4ys by a both, uced berieftelal results w p1rio- ewitt., Omin"on E wood timber. There are tx�o acres of orchard, thlTef or 3 la rge� r d fashlon4d by AQ
tatemInt will be aysl. xefefring�to th infant' �-*, W Joslas Oree
On the place are two go(xl bank barns on a arJTe'r$' Q this 11 hope tomplogistv s I-estion. w a have on-, R 13 a �f benoit to Ile de-ath rato t
what rema rk b] e rm our��elvs a I to ilis Filda y p
also frainehouse. Thi�ret irati6vo good 11-0 f 'let some Other suffering M M I ;t t ases, and stone foundations, also larze rig house; there is deAv d thWt the f ' es illal dise "I e hous-6 ton L. In additl
Olom whicl, rdgard, dia�rhxa spre ban�
U effEct o6 regdat and i pective on- .1 adian P ich; s re sold by a;! Inp.oll. 01
ag &A trie The 3ei Pill' ad by io is one of the be8b farms in Tuekersm..,.. Mid t rblnle�r with. s Uent 611 My be lioj rp%il t8K b y
one arte house anti one at the t)arn. dition capabilities of 6th dis avor is One dealers r r fly, he elieves that the so -c Y' ryr_& Kell-
situared on the Kipper Road, 8J Iniles south of Sea. ,nd t oil "sn" at 50 rtits a box or S1 C�nad?', -.hat kind if T fl 6a low 1, 0 United1tats, Oled harmless y is y Z,� d In ot i r days, �s ;or ng Pro
be IdE Iled $.2.50 from !Th th eath of thousands! Of infants, as well as W1. a 4 & t 0) I ,
forth and one 11 mile Irckm school. There are 4o regarof to; pro , n a consurap ton amberlah I m:09 . e Dr. WJJJ#jnsl� -olce
lvwm of'orop and theremainder In hay and grass,.and ;Pro lo Mt. C# foodstl and it1stiument;al
the farm will be sold with or without the crqj). i id we filld tbal amberlain cine 13rpekvilha, Ont. I proe ilej Mir. se f - takei d longer 1 Uc4 a C tive ge;V the Iii �es the s of typhoid feve Id uni Possession given, at arty time, For furLher partic. f 0 tion end consul ap ton par t In poll ulars apply on the premises or'address WM. and ort foo life, thc ug]� he .3tll d
Ist ffs rday . ening
MATTHEW SCOTT, Proprietors, 4rinondville, P 0 Convelgllig In retAins- his s �4t In Farliai ie t, 7bu law there Nva
the Uhit�4 the —A -runaway motor car t and FQJ6WshJPJ7
3, these, lines ard, ra.4 I at the fE 22VU4 tf org. s, both try Idly n,jIg t h e Tym s., a -Ld e Ise- dock �rashed Into the front
Canada! wh re, WhI01 L i tot So Joni M e I sonIs o'In M I r the W, Lte.
souvenir store In Windsor Ja3t *aq M'Xe-d it-ttle,
age 6, yk-1,V 1�98 th re- veh les of h views, hav n' t fo 1:)w- FrIda- I -1 001) FARM FOR SALE �Lot 2% Con. 3, Tuoker. I 1i smith, ll� It. S. M acres, 7 acres good maple '!Drn, �arley, nd ed , Im, in morning and narrowly missed 'Thobi
xmqh. Therust 0eared� over (M rods aven and' rye so t0i; s t0tiremen :re news- killing pap r �Jn ri i ngham, th flee of wlndoiV� The car Was Proceeding dowti Vni In the''Unit6d itat0s Was a girl '"ho was looking Into the W I fence, well d rained, ereater pmrt tile and in good 4 31 d the islat, Z 784,5�1 export Of, thit. drop Will b 7used : q bo regardedj,,as . Kr. t LS -0 #Ale of ctihivat vin, 25 a(. -res will be left plowed in ,I � he. sti; .7er- 98i bs In ep, grade; to thc, ferry dock who' fall all ready for Bpring Crop, and twent , 5,000. bs els 1,9(7, lilne Ch2LllJVerJL&Lni acres P reserve- -a [at tb6 acreage und journal the dilver applied seeded this spring with clover and Minothy. rVerybody "W Pr tl 0se will ch gives the reverse Iev Lhe balance of the hvin in rras, clear from oul Ithful xpx;j grains w 8 00 ssl�n to Zant4Uk Wr the The ca.. in Weeds. There is la story briek house 2Czxse, ago bw for 22 per niln(re eiof tarl ff-re, ml Tor sOMB I manner jumped Into the tihe le� gre ivo(Atibed,barn-SU90 t ese Birmingham I far -tamed --was Let XW* You rts In yism which high kl)eLd dutghl and with Mck kitchen l8x2O, and Jar, PC gain !ft.t yeaz we M OarlY �)_,roundlng crash whirled ov the 6urb good stone imil coinforL - Y 22",442,000 1 In the field I n er well near houe, and abundant i;upply spring water buheli, I singlIng out sirwilfrid 7and Into, theistOM,window. A�- helry af in r fn in',- for att I ft mingbam, parqly ow at barn with uinimill, and a tpring at back end o D"q2lisis and S"" ~_YMAC�e with -!tan- ack, ng iron
Ig " neVa ed farm in bush, 2 acre choice yozing orchard shelterod I ere ige to --he natU6 I I)Mt was shoved off Its foundation of, 'Ifs - four- or U "P -r +(!I A.; I of Its industri er 0:( 0, tly five Inches, but the largelat on ivest by spruce treesiThe farm is 3f nine from OWMA to the: nfluence of its glass -fflndow sessed d grains w, ng hf lir �% batre of The woman was caught tween L116 ov r t;or goffior. wesk AV And W ,seaforth, and I mile from school, also telephone in -how ra pit �1�nsuf 1ption & ttese is cb let or, withstood the scag� Utrid has i:urre, t y, on the premises or to THOS. tion B.It house. 'Reagon for selling is poor health and proprie
:prDduc- trad ml jd� motor car and -the window and 0 O Sal( I hat Ll 14; I re�- the tariff re rs in a COLMAN across t e road or addree EginondivVe B�ox fol Joulble r i Tk_ mendo a ing ff In f1w e Ort of ner. In tile z 0 rst place h) hg of toe are the --o grain Irag O�Vln ito Its "44 to store uninjured. kh was badly fri My thing that -will rid your house of Xhe'se dan, A 4 their ght For he bap no( pests. nsts A