HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-06-23, Page 4co oven ilezalAtious with, -the I I t le ot 111 1 lik was n 3xt rles laur - MW 0 11 IT10 04, h a Iti! At the itart-0 V h" loc thev eq t I 'Y el concerifted: and ap" -WbetbOr a who Is 1 6 m lo king r l6effia 1 A Uri. G; r1a his 44 e Sltarll;fad toli"U16 Worth targot Dose jr in to e, lmitiv also, I hrea ch Mi en, I or Ve minutes they" ot on the goal::: *ouli%, be 0 paredii*toi inol#f`7: bil Lroat­ dtt I Jow tv b A 0 In 10 e of fine lea "In, the, direction' desired, sa 4S to L Jd, in a l4o r- i Ire gen- Ut i*04 not tally, at L 4 6 (!A 144 ai! ellau t'ft. e r, wit, leather canu bring. them d.0 -to, .-dea in, tho p 'it ide- Palo r 3111:101 ry r, the b mi sit aak 'up the JK Al A no sired. It thdy agreed '- th e courze rmuld W Via- Me broke, up th4 4jr rx, t blr di I it, I Xu S t 94, -0 em ir -el 11, -bo quita s mple, 'but If tU 'di d h14 d I itl 143, th Luth ur...`_ , rid I L41d usb,i fte R nother 116 a ys 11 ma a S.L )-oultr indt, the beat course of procedure vould7 lubt tAill Xb toir i of'. A iv villl . E live(, 1 010 sli W t, Cvfvt lifei .1 Poll, "o ratef id alift a d *Oull haxe scored 41 tie be to enter upon negotiations t( now lutt, 4: ill was 0 At 0, in th r- Itica be;took iari AdlivA )2!r 4 on a Odt a lHu 0,11 -Te entative ma,114 hai Ely treaties without denouncing tho In- Late *lt a 't A, M t a t06 he was ared, a pi -,n Smss P late Alt hFj ard - d and wilson Turner Rhe -k *Zsteno. One Kfi!!"b 6 Alict of -of the articles i i th6 ger Grali i, e lie Dro-, ed new treaties- - WWII& be that e0i i T I perfor p at th%- James Southeolrbet ei er home was lealklell on nos a ! , I. o t rn 14 trick. , Blo I C 400 A.: V.111 . I 1-te In: QIf n ton shopitino was Ift an I accurale, dt when t4p; -new treattes came It! -OR to on -31 Ine OU I 8V ears, ERF,'s an opportunity %or, 1 Wo - ,oration thevWOUld' abrogate t1i old. m pf I levon. aforth ana yidlinity to I I Itift. vj llwl, She p ff a n DAL, bir - ! X_ MeMin-Ald vrp_s * i the lob. Late(r. It men of Se V-1 n. On behalf of the errrm lit ho isi 3 criurdi o; V lang, having be a bor i the e hat the referee had "UP Week NING A RTISEMENTS as :a ertaine m. ake a neat li q'v i 1) ell a W. ADV :110me Gov ii tro ttle s C n WW 4 was prepared to xecept the rmlu th md we made,, ry 'Bei Oni on I ed oat 1 111 O__ aiel' and 9, vw -to ar boo s lmr ; Astakt, and drdered thle ball VO summer footweart rig over w*J* The figure between the parenthesis that Amiderstanding. ie i vedlit W41 1pbell Q wee 3, 'n, r. ided: I i WnO vrt 1 5,6, soon fter to, be Mekell- f1ro elshteen. -yards In-; greed t( - with: i iode !idfi, I acb, Wow.; hor' markla e he' I us And, nder the eircumstan. Fi after each ad' dendties the page of blie The resolution Wai a --a M, albel Z4 L V oteall 6 stocked in certain lin of ile h .4 tW111VI th rill A pswr on Ziih the advertismentis the"'addition of. the word "c( amer- e ly of t was $p Jzed' b r ca= to, this eciun rY nd , ori a, t me. bJ let to protest,: Shoes we are, pl4cing'on sale,for e'next t 8 Su say, The br l dd tha the -y Ivied in tile VW1 of i uga H yor, the m this ciall, befon?. "treaties." Is ship stake was no doubt ten days, about IF T Y PA f lughtel f CQU ell- couch L tl v xame ZT erb &-bibbion4towart Bro.;­4 101; t L lied ental and a show their appreiiiit season"8 Nwest Models. The -ty Anti Olothin,- 0o,-1 Is -It a Sig ? leld, a -nil, and. sftli I ere clatt leven omen s enu son yt by dil:1 nd Avenuod sbor fair and Square thei I rucefield ioal even c aril the e ne s e i! (30 I& Provinelal el tions Oi t for. 41 lit- —Tip r 1i Patent. Colt 0. NVillis-4 W t le. of nT The Nova Scot I ibZMs ][VeS readily overloa.0 I the natter. ai kToe Ankle WS amug I 1b eAch uccleedi6d In The Hub Uroeery-T. S. muesm-3 which were held on Wednesday f I' t fDeemp ow, and heir I f hill r a oralor table tdn, winutes Ime thei. ROV­ Strap. Pumps Patent Colt *605- ; bu was n W.' 0 ode sceneof i a hof P. Mr, 0 ot itc(mbe died In' 1878, erij, gialft nal ii o ie of their old Farin for Sale-Fatriak 4yaw-5 4aln -retiurn I I b " we0k, And which 1 - te d Metal Puimps and'Gun Kett I' Tie I 3hoes I . I - n -a Ei l Goexnment, may In a ieas- l'We Ad Ly Of. la0t nd i ev r I !at ?r Mrs. wtb- y a rts fr imi -middle field wo Girla NN'sated-0 UaV. Urne speed For Sale-% 8. Hxy -5 W1 rid f I! Y l, t t P one The reg4lar selli*-price of 1 es4 4 04's- is Liber TWJ zabeth L,,,i' caml ie a elf the f :br T -and by in combb ation. Into efo- NoVice to. Trespa.94era--Hiurh J. Gdeve-5 ure blet used [as ;a .490 bfiwbatt art y.' be Nid of t Ile puti 4. sons M to on She t-ect the rl t1ii F*= for Sale or Rent 4 IV On -a 19 pass from ght $3 and the sile ..pric, 6 001olough-5 e "ry 4 A "s Dez - Is lei so expected of other. provinces were Dom- er is al d peored Fron this forthe A, ext TEN. DAY per. a noi dau te ;hree- Ing I UcKenzl i n A e a Ime on thle. b I tainet c n al on ate of Farin Sto k, atc,.-J. goban-5- be 'held with reel iterl 4 Inlon, lectlan to Ilived, 1. , pair is. ft rohn, the "urons, tie S r h Lon ) sue. ill- I F, ing itaur, Hu I t; and the entfil- procity s the leading issue. or. 'the: 1 FM on ,r- lat 1V' ei g ihewan; A rt at ,i )t Str Dominion, -not A Provincial, flan tern !ist of Q - t Ws i Lfl er ha time t4e game fenst garrip, i Lfl er ha e z styles Th' si es are 2-2 t and the ; 111 b, rebliprocity has been foisted Into: he soufl, al A 510 Mar 'A Inil ll4,with grea er Intergst than to thet. 6. 6 it es 11 4 in WA a 2..urff e. oval" a.; o vor, Five Minul es t the art-ott ma bo seen A. North Windoi`i. political - arena In X 14cotlat as Ia g!,C. r jai k julet: ling lade at b M agel torls it ep Ikenbead tho' tar c ntre ! ariward Ith iRTIT, FFJD&Y, june 23, 19.11. th other provinces by r-Dpone to of. I is X& ed his tva through the; lines, Be- tho palet In the bope of -gaitherinf, argiu- ld b rd. Perth Items. r I Mrs 9b fore 4 1 oUjd 181 00t tk4 e ITUrial 5 31 e ments which might deter the Do, afnion, i 4, gro UpWald, Was un Sir Wilfrid Unanimously- n Usti J. IBEUI Incipal of Ah 'L Is' 1 h n like!-bOeB, A little late-, how.# urt,:: o Cho(I as wl h. t1r_ a, f t h4h 0 r -e Governm4int from, proc d Id, C eveir. ilie. was a messful In scof ng and tN r.(,)r th,, a od es )f Sol Oly i One Of the Strong arguments of the clal lecll4n in ode U41 r Medd r 11. tbe imind. One more zoali measure. With a,- Prov fvumdr osed trade a- Inl 'ne' -the L.I,g iDppOni Of thO PrOP 1 6 - was v ten& I , b41r a and im deel t m distri t, and 4one sight;,e ry effort:was made"te show lid Fri Wal&rq, -Ipdg S; V6,111 I aka rt! In th i.. 'he f by PAi jgreej ent between canada, and the Ua-- e I la n b!t.gi ce th e f I d kn w4t better than the old ! that the agreement would te ba f tit J de, w a best Vat Y I *t WOO (a 61 'On Jalyl: 12 tinne re, Tfie Y continue,11y Iept the pow ­toor-v i. In Ited States ig that by this arKangemen- -t bargain or the. r.ople of that Pro- iakely accbrnpan plakil ro . Ilhigi br f - YU m 0114 0 Y viskil towa ras ne I wsir Canada r ust dmit on equal te rirs­ 44 ro 1C bi let ro m d. tl ;fie wlistle.4 ble.* they Ance, particularly those engaged lath, d Mrs , lia rk 'Inr1i -which ], st.'Konila a- teki; similar goods fro:n co, fishing Industry, and the csiM ai was S -a,,, Ihild [d1lett hw ooh Fohn4losh. RAIVer I W hen'th a decidin g garnq to ftrm, Term and will b Id where, at t1ine of TELEPRONA on clauses, kept up until within -a' q PO TE co L UPTEL ently abiian- -it, K, thi :ips lr writi if dol lot know. The Rovers. ES come under the favored nitl week oJ il yee Df thlo 'G. T. It., play0d ai r mplo we in BrIttati 66eatleg; that NvIth this electic e DIt in when it was AppXr uro, fbrd 'Met th tac, t- t 111of-tu4 wish It to rb6p4rred In n on, 113e e 1 r of,ith hill d6ned as a hopell ik. D6spI h - ian t the; V d until the condition prevailing Car-adlan farmer , e 0;r Sr 'to - amtdeint 11( He was the pariets say Strii. kins, of 014on, ae'kWeted to t4ke campaign of the antil-reelpro0tice, the S, ervall tO ic fence'l d got !ra,. A,ford or rltn. jun -9, -riorle o 190 sUh In I nf tockmen and dairymen would- be sun- .9 kroli But herav6r It Is contested I W ...... as retVrr i d by A tb 8 Fi F, t Inatel th bew III part In the strvlice. ft clal music, in- a eight o'clock t njiorning there w" W on -allnl ere.' injuired. ;a 7 w at Liberal Government w I 6X when It slippe I ibrushir two toes b 1 luding a male quartqtte.-The Q)n- ptaetically not ves el moylpg RUY- Jected to Strenuous Competition throu--,h a very Yarge-majority. Not 00 ] I rigie It Y V n cert orth seeing. Both 0 it ts. )f ih] servative guron held qqlte w1bere, up or own the rfi-cr. BO I t tton in Is III b4i eV 8 foot ia sevel dly hat lwp trueas In th last Parlianent, which U to enly malched on neutral nish dairy pro Is Tore.1 Ar s necessary. I groux a bxg4y at1kcinded o -n Wtlioa on. ftopped theli Rnchors whereVer the Importation, of Da .4 a -ii to and on - b tho- nlots actleally unanimously- I eral ra cont' eat 6f winim- ha VA, Amongi tb d 11 he C ...... . tton fro -n was pr, Tuesday last In the sNafingi-rink hdre. bVq)pened t6 be and all through, tjhp, ductsir, chilled teet, nd mu -.61den nir g, ifid 11 L t a, doubt the, blest ------ CU Ou w Mi ni if iapir . Vr. night W.'ai a h4arse boom.1 to sho that lif- eti b, anCh%re Ile,5 01: large en gh Go4 e that Ur it corr. e bff William Dougallil, Jr., and -Ir Wilfrids con- I . tbe- 1 vill b 6 v clorlous! The f oil rig -of the Argentine, etc. were not Influenoed bY t to:bulld ow - k' a 11ft j C Ymn lice 3 Yfficel -of tl John XcLaren, Jr., enJoyed a trip 'to fOg whistles iro; till. score.S :of raft would not. ne6, a_6 talk of thepponents -of tS trz Je h mp-. TIM, Ivas the I ne-up: Goal, Ross; )e In- Mitch, n, hili tention was.that Canad'a :rUg Detroit rVe"ce ly.-Mr. A. MePb e eioi) li, e ate I pact. In f act were, -it not f 01- t -he 0, a, IS balike, )4ustari rothers; half 1 backs, S&I wbich extended In a port .4 er 1; iiorC! at cot latten 3d- Are cessartly be Included In these favored atriv i I I piece his b k celY rom dOWh Into th9i I I half dollar, w apped Ini a r "eelps rd and Murdoch!, chaDgies in districts that WeTe par- y e 0 baving nation clauses, and It so these clauses ge Yf d br, a 10leh Is n, Miners has taken, a, situation A middle of a e Drie, Detroit! passn1w . ........ el,tiily aff-ceted by the stopping tbe., at lkinhead- 16ft wing, Tuqer and e 7 -E t Yrg I ten T ur over b v ',hi tria t91t:. 9111t win, WrIghti broth- ponVwon i, nd D rys dale. In this ha lyrats W omp -et 1Y 1put . ff tb#,Ir could- be, abrogated. Now *,,big view Is steel bounties, the. T have at po rled Kengle; rl ff p ),tg i :o b Il e ..... ...... -esult woul., the PrIni l sq, -Rev. Efffinith ri it s0liedulesit arOving' from fll totwelive, throug h I ware bus us opinion, oif bz-elf bout as before. Anoth. r In. rty a I OtIl to of e )PI1 In 1 thl idpbeld by the unantmo in 1860.91 L; led last Ing the a- hours 1 i.un#red people spea we from attend ate. Right 1, ...... 'thy of- ao'te! Is theii fa( ...... Ill the Colonial, Pxernlers in'Coliference, at stance wor that-, 11Y 7( ookl. fiot 8UMmel" nr Uge embly at )'ttaw and delivered ox- th night Hallf ar the boMq - city (if iff.r. 1 1; . L. on i,-Grassy j island -grouh en W -Ind- -Warketa r ion -We 1 swampy piece 01 ouh betwi man, 6s dinf a andan, N ras c U li- mall the Imperial Omferenc cellent ser s ou ft-bbath last qlr Rcl- Borden,' the. Dominion Oppooltior Iead- e and i adi: d betwe n ti e ed to see Mr. - J wen d AmhorstbV wa )l@mnIz,l dol i sly al e, 31 driolght and thel orJy ity In' which 'Mr. A nil ii )er of Wee d w0lbil-ris have beenpla4ed lit iiiy r94 beecaus their t 4 h, b a ho 0:: _Lglrg wrd Grey, BrItialf Foreign Secretary, er. rredr do 1 41 ne A at Isto w6 M$ Mondi y 114iods goln g aroul A again nicely after hi bout via$ as etfibetuau r tied ilip byr the 4Tter-; wile at greM )argaifi prices, Also saveral, returne '!hr*,e ' i 41 In e I g0id divellitiges for r tit iig. Apply to U. J4 &iblier­ illness. -Ow business men 'report ade, fO19 blanket laii'thougib she, had been no)n, wa a 41,11 ',4 n. to Loi do [ad dau te I - c L lafid" should forever spike this supposed borden himself appeaked, Ing M Wles-, and, -it G) te Post Pill e. 11eiismli. 1dozir vtjectloa to s wider sphere of commer- Liberals by ovei-whelmn omm onl sl 21 t li I-tf n - this res... It a. PIE ,ee 1* In Victor a p ve"'good' the year. made fast tcay dock, Oi Ital. ilef his cial Activity for Canada. Is therg not -then 1 .01 to h cl; d -al 1, ted n '113 of In ures (e­Ju8t alrd ed a large ro.I of Ohe lii st ry Yrlr tit&, Wa k erl6us, nalu R rid blow , xad , ho, -Threo chlldr n, the elde t agiod. 3 rt Is rl t th ougil t :o have beei Brltisb Oftoibin Lih "41 es. Call and got otir prices pecial. cable to the Toronto Mail hint of the way the­w1i on r Stri n tia btlo and tile young kund wwi ,,,,rei)tirobttoin,,el6ewhf;r::. wingham stl 5, WeIN f( der. -leictnt! 16C to "M and Empire says If r should It not be considered hdilk-e to a ma h OvAft "ul ly hi rt, kind bis 46Cb P 0 sl lan wys ito- !TE remor 'Y r0 pel - I I Toro4to, 'tbe live. W t_lghtl t9209x$ T lie Xmperlal Cbn-terance agreed to, a, those who have been arguing nordi by Ing on thi6 stratts ov nir. Sir WAfr1d Laurier the. south and east by west Bar ett Ili- Ire$ Burglar.ims-Last. Friday evening,while prpposal -of in hol I (if th I otli& morning b: rml d -F red Rua gel )Y.i ber*y fe Y the p6lie, ;;and vere, Bril f ii, -The haw pas - e a Upp f0iff dilt t* the Cb.11drent Itse. Vie sellgizr on a mcraril g itrain to auspices of -the Ladies' kid 13 Tf-* . Id Obee4e is quat-d aZ r, which wa rig some staple argument qqatrist ! Ljon ; band eqncert, burglar 'ecured an dn I Canadian Pxeml s oited galril. b.' vftfathri stliV11I, un- Mr, Orr and tamil:7 werq ttnding' Iie taken r ative a a I i by Edward Grey, the British For- reeiprocity, that the peo le of C, zada tots Were hungy likemp aa4 the at late, f r i d d, last Tuesd c -new 17 ,ell off, Me re4rl t6tY (f the Methodist church, 1 eign Secretary, to negotiate with for- have the, sound commem -sense to mow, rt lizo t Pat was trance to tho house by remoylixt lb ildest hitil been beat TW. shlet Vas 1-40 held DA Friday iEvelg of last! weidk, 0 iiew 1arm s and go MISS P orm 1 ; _ t j 4ar uter door And cutting through elign Governments with a view to se- when a 'good thing Is -*belng of -ed to lae 1, bl; ,c.iaijd blue, aa orOr her body. JUy -A fair le4 yf - th -owl Sul ta [red a' rl owe or U On tie school house, grounds, arid ;a: screen door. They carribil off $.86 iri gave their nam, esi as A e Q ,qad, curing- to the- over -seas dominions the the maiig6s of the people. It Is a] right UOU ews t 10, icicniow, &11 lbo* an( most e rrj-oygble 1 e reni of h] a head no! -h ng was s0ftt I Orr" -r- for the class: -s. forth their iews irtl a )ir i LIE, dale, AlbE r ba as4d .5. -.1- d. rIghtof withdrawal from any comme to set and some rings belonging -to xrs,, 9; 9urY,..a&d! 7 and fWa BUttAgr ly bulse .1 orderi'ta fiel prepar d for all kinds was locket belonging to Miss Orri They had evid-e d and -cial. treaty without Impairing such In opposition. to -the welfarei of the d nttz e If at . 1(ni h ntly bio en te an uncon sclous i o4, Uti n ani I oi the Of weather, thd ladi fl treaty with respect to the remainder of -people-, n C1 to, spend their m6n Y ja e. ias had rented i. found on the lawn. It is SUPPOSW to left to spend thei on Wa3 -fine la,g& tert" -Vthlch, altho 1 the have been thrown away by the thief Ito aniville the Empire. It also, agreea to ir W11- that direation If they, wish and ' as P94T , the tr do at Lond)n 9. U a taken to the ho air 11, who f 19 are In, th t'o cal"llp most -or thie -to appoint a Royal Com -he car I *gn prod, f a ves because of its baving InWals Cor Wilts prposal, - they"ha-0 been doing in it ft pahl d aitit OnAtion lionors: aconvententlyi f a n When cd ilnj Ongiles gi anted by Buttcr ImIsslan to visit the ovei-seas "ilomin- against reciprocity, but that Itbay Will In 11i Inum'ber of u s dur­ which. might lead tol deteetll rr's , Tre- ?nt n va 19C to- ri iteii t) velit's law mJ in the evening Me Chief Ilr William 0810 and Slr ch4s. Sitz- see 8 Iq 'I;UCKi 10 r .9 and gave the. E rounds. gold watch W" alsq taken Pol tong and report on tradse and resources reaj the harvest they expect doll i not efl t d em i10 e, i ce. The chur wW are -to b6 rel%fwd J3gr- id t N. ra. I man mat leson'. .1i 110 at regular picnic appgara ch Allen expects to make an.- arm do- seem apparent frain the result in Nova 13 Lk 9, P., Lin] thiol f ice b OT19; Kax Ali Scatia, and we venture to a 1 71 a re prese at ane addaJ _ow and the best methods for their 1 A )t ier ate tbE IT Ill, . va. tir jai: it, or hestri wie at sh4rtily.. patrick, Say Sim, -A bo correspandA flyffis' §hnglE. I is h ek w Lis bat Ron L. gt ones, Judge Routhler. Premier Laurier's resolutloiri read i. ikr result would follow 's vioyt i. the i6eed Y: to th, pleasure of all by fine Causida toro n A e v(ek Mr, Wi rs thit )u 1b )et er t lb t6 jun -20 .0aws nt the sele-fatbins rendered, whe the, ; pro- and Mr. William Whyte, v10-prelildelit k"'That the Rome C!GvernmezA be re- great majority- of rural constitit neles ;,,Ilt ut _-1 ei ared t: f 8 -L, 14. Colfrio has been named --,I. whiter V "heati! ti it deF ro. I V mo ttl i, le ivin I t triple wc an to of the C.P.R. Ic ghts Bachelor; Prest- ested tQ open negol.tiations with -the throu.-hout the other provinces, with, rom kammis,was stl urthe enhanced by, a, d.1 e Ir he wa n n mber of fine , -e! !Ita 11 t n 1 (Q1 artettes rendered by fessor nle* I a r of'Carmel hure sl d -e Miss Rin Several foreign Governments, having as wellave- said, reciprocity as th main cf on e far tial:r§ of the public works de ar - no i aroe do&O)' WAS r tnien, , ilh wh jorl blood ere soc !e in: a at ucceed the late R. W. Dillon as 8, deAt R. A. FaXco 0. to the! c and Adam ortE and Ur. A I nE 3 Ito Ld. Thq'h 94 n Abe Governmon Of lice den. Compa treaties which apply to, the over -sea issue, the wounded ma 1 [4 making a i ood cl bir, and thre" Plo, S of, St. 1WKS-1 f her sisters. The has been# in OJ ans' lie. 30 dominions with a view to securing the weli hed ovit 1882, 'rid Sir- Frederick Vor- Proffri 1, wards re 0:oVery. ams c ul! be I lea (if th Geori CDn regation . sustained! TakiiXtrLis; Qntarl* 'No.2 -r-Geo. Wagwir was electrocuted le itberty for aiiy of thoset dominlc is Mr orden in the Went g Old 1, w, I ait le6 I y Mr. exrslot ed, lent Surge( red, fir eputation to the 4ng. Whit. ount-, -1-2c outside wbick may sof desira to rhf a extellet and b 4id i 4ft to, AD: withdiaw from 'Mr. R, L. Borden, the( D fait r .,Working on the wires of the Otonabee An ML* Onto P oz ominlo Op- Aing. 11 a, oab gut w.d ng w If vi 1111,11 1pfaviders, a d In '$hort-4he ls_` llaccl6nt t Oakw6ody iw No. without tPower (:bmpab at Pieterboroi on i4o Lindsay on the operation of the treaty q1tion leadeirt'left -last week fo . the 1; pr b b I I-Ost at, lie 4n,ar Ras TO dn:0 C 1i ure 14tbl 8 so inn -in W 8 a sucille ver n ay, resulted in t th I h 'Of ti, al a In 'e f Ut Ide, BOrl Impairing the treaty In respect of the -Ful - , y respect., last, power be lng turned o1n. by m de ! duled to i hold e nw be n Irl I a great A staw in out rest of the, Rmplre.11 west, wh2re he Is sclie I I - IF '. F trr nv he c Yrti a4 Ing Tircceels a 0 nted to about $75.- 4th Or lone, p rig a and the injury bt de A several meetingar. He was accGIA aled t ieb p rts. par ties , re, I [1g: ei I . I ; I ten will am it of nhad 'Oul I report of ti c re-unfort hTld pt thei talke'at the Ower house., I -Lis homrj 'is tw-6 othem :4nd Mrs. Co j ard Qlr Wilfrid said the proposals b reb, CU. was he In Guelph_ for te4d. i MUIfe el BIC by Kv,. Perley, chief 06ziervative hip, -W e Mit,,h(II, I I . I dall-ghter were' roturritiog borhe fron $ shor ind Mi 1. Beattil home Ol Mr. Jo h Huds on, of the vil- pr Ia Wedne last 'week, we, another rig ikttPaipted to been beZore the public for Some Ime, and hir Broder, -member for Dun( 9 Ift, of - Cadets 1 thc br lln 011,9194; I t y We& f am -Allice. Tba r ag. coremol y gel. OT won church *hen -and had given rffsa to various" co V40 Od LY Of b iorino Teft KOQ Phe d It the Waiiier -re,- 110811. Uri' ad's !horse lghled','and the Dominion Tfouse. A Ibigi xec tion d. 1 1 g ,:Vryj, I Lt 130, C loc OL Should. lave shooting ma(Oh- at London Eng] agi; shor rneAts so -met on one side and tome on Val olni week, he: Is by R- against Australia and the Cbjurch a n t t. ie Wiley re_ul lon 1i "Wily at f urlous I ate, thro w1 g. ast w -re natt( ad'n was arranged for him on big a e 9 IsY bride ind groom I wi, the other, The necessity, for what he InlWinnipog, and there call be no. oubt IlIzal e h W, gr -daus Iter *X Mrs. Af- U1110in BrIgadel for which L25 Was subs vionr en&Almothy, $9 ter th, ceremony a neatly ap, a! ge'rl RA I yard, secretary of te C % to P. 0 tato vropo wa 3a4d tr0m the dArilage aa& brhak- es pa:J a;, L -n ribs, - .1.4 -y lirm UQau JuMped from E vard J. 'J(nkin , of sW m Ight be shown by the, ex- but that this -tour will be heraldedas. Igm `h wa the Ia at Londo 0onf-eriance' is In To- first was E. 1, krr, rz urilted in by the 8tock-,,Exchange, olomof TbO vir C r, 14itz:, perience of Australia, who, when they a howling success, There Is, hoivever, arrila, Id ui Ae to oti rig, AlIghtin 0 It, )k the. I gal f ok Nial ai&ii jig to this wepkaltandig a meetlag of 5c Pe3i b -49. ished t(Y give prferentia. treatment r 041 Iis ro"i th, Secretaries of CoAt-erence' In roun gz- [)ron: io and Buffalo,. second,. Lieutenant MI To - In car-inectloin with-thei trip ont 91, Q Th JV. I is, 0 o British products carried In British fluroi 'Roa he all a *asl b and e rilifleant feature -and that ii th& his irato. atli was Kio i. J. P. Hui ie, *wh ded Cinad It a, has 1,.--MlSS lit Ballantine Is hex aneaus. Tbe' Rug 'ter a I rest- rfo rmed A , u Etev, I the position o f cle nee maqt, from. thz west, vial ships, were pirevented from doing so last hope 'iollowetr from rem i a' )e -The -Ag -eta by the most favorea nation clause In of a the _r the, ng her many friends regulation under whichyau in esca*dU ult. The runa b LIVA took EX40- Way h. Orri deput(atlon ai Ottawa, 'Mr. Heii- reen 69 t b y Rev, U ladies In the clivil service at Ott a*a into Call"glatiel Inattu e gersoll f tho. In! this section, I bo amei c-ased to anot r rly i sook Id I ni :;sed. y a., Url Pi of le 10a_, ade N -ear, ba i certain treatles. A similar ifficulty I ghern, -,of Portage Ia Prairie, ifc past 3 the a Xit m6et 'X. formprlyrecel ed six, months' lea mes iebste -.V,,bo, -Wn a n a ter an abenjee, f 0 ;ea# r4arUet, Pit arose when Canada w1shed to givepre- the shlo-at'tho Ia t moment a.-nd went iest 0 til lei .1pp, I 1p Rd abs:ence on full pay wh n leavin 0 .8 S thro me h p of the;G de- sor many years he, annual Straw his b 4nd sustalneld' a, ti ftwon& was S -A: r0ky reddii cp lgw j. berry fe tlival., der the ausplces'oj tb wed. hae tem altere-4 by the IlWa, fure of t*ro rips a d 'ference to the Motherland tir WIll tooli abe Ir J1 t I Thera were )tO, Europe. Mr. Bordents to - b 'contatn ' hardly"be strft n wlth roai but 21., he A. th church, .1 4 e B( Ikrd, Hereafter the bride -to -b- ,,vlll J ed linton I okibtf Ulf wheth twelve treaties In exlgt -,nde, _ . Lll,: 11.6 8 nev d ties in 19,11i nu W,.,ag Ing that clause. It had been suggested is .chp Oil, mmeaceiX Ladies I d ole i pt lot of Carim _dUIq el chiarcl , Only 4 t as - ol talk on almost rery rdw a r i Ff lad. week i eceive atx' Ilowance oi zid U h E r Ices! In co, or In hurch :grounds croar that the 'proposal would destroy 1 1 a _1 11 1 , a* :a r Of alark. I wrl' te h6 c nly 'Lie Ayillgi of hacornef at of Monda eventriel last I f yr 1, % d $t& the subject, except reciprocity, his Illig ,C wrle ighte On- monthl, a -With; the ot an e eg Dr1rielple of commercial -unity -but that 1t, cot W. -James Verlinden: andi V bes biddy, 7 AInd was -MOVIlig from 12 g. R 151a ter, oA lit -Y out fairly smooth, providec' the ue Fu, wCr( ill on exce, .8 age U e may be 3 la on hWon the most largely atLend- Indent Wt*Y :t. The .9-9. r. Le ro, D, vh vvas Of till 1'ei- Nefille, t - ouths Who 'stole three a Wa ol Jun I s togna clymig, 18t the ni' t ki.Ai of Isd i ac L sea nd- later two Iseg from, th, e MarDoro 0 Park Torgao, Uot irtnelple'did not at.presen xis western farmers do not get too lun a Ju when ter ed nd r. jost a United Kingdom had a free trade Sys- 5ter ReV. ucessful one in gresalve Al2r. Borden bas been'slal I t6 led''tolry o lo& proceX day a - U9,! 4io.-f-5 i.oi. 1$$A0 - b tteh tern, 7aind allthe dominions had fiscal tlk n me !'to thi (I qax s, Pr f he coriKmgat the cjow .Wajd govern ut -owned - clevi ors, %p6ln ruga, targe. av 11 2 -6. m untin Grand TTunk stat -at OC4" 'policies ba d 911 Corol" 10 0 vier $150. The spaejou -then fll tbe, *6 30- sed on the principles of rals- the Rudson's Bay railw I -P t il tial i L The' a a to o owed It by rea r1 -i Hoil)khis, lils elfws. t 6 - eral r F( a, I y t -corner tOl.e *as laid [p - bap'emEn e ay and a( ed U. 0-14 mEn was uilmed for the sperying ! tb chtlodre!a t t fte(kers $4 rStra b`Er ei and other good Ilear,the -rid concert, FzrV US And to .7 ,lei- r c ai ejJejt I e a! t 51 ftc on t a in ntyre U.] o., P le -, ; ing a, revenue by Customs duties, but other large. ubjects which -the e Oka L& ipe Of fore being se' teincedj ivere given fiye takdn he0. tihme no, two of their tariffs agreed. instead gation from. -the west presented to ?,ar- the., r O ery -PrEttY; W:Mdihg was le- things a years Mthe -first charge by. 'JUdge ba Lf 4 of Comercial unity tbere, was ndvwas, 'Croded from an early 'Finkle...and #ve years n th e evening, she felt to 's 'hill nd told G01ft- Ilament 'last - IXcembqr, 'but of ect- bit t I chi:- e and hilly 117 core till n' 1 veals- I brabod at the raldi I Ing to lower, At s, swreial diversity, Consequently if was, procitY he Is Ito bis . Chay, Ire Jj to e ora-, -on Tailm ad 6y,of laEs at e 01 1 ir. nil lidur : n the e Well on - to with two yesjM for jail breaking j3y ato Tun 17 C, B. Die trieb,, Pstowel, ion be m1e O'clock. Th t the ladies had made d -It to, understand that wnen mit Can, ads, toi vast expenditure Iil the re gl deiii, it f f li, , ar d Mrs, MCQL Mr- h,11it being he Magistrate Ball,: the sen er hom to 8 my v James dixon not diffleu nces fto, ran he UnItel Kingdom. m ade a - tre ocluaildn of the 01 d ablindf int prepar, lit was evide 4 shoo.. Yo Y the TarIX he bo !did 61 0 teot th fatt that 91ter he tea was rai Ivities Irk I 'of the ;h Lr- not 0; atY chemes mentioned above,, - but the one. A, a Lb c no asit)n of rig concurrently. hen t which suit9d Its Own - ; o-vr :. urn !Wg. r4quirementothat Immediate rellbf which is toi ,be [u:et w WE, 0 of - -4,hortlyr -be" 01-1 6. S 5 6 er, -Mlss %e lie otate t" r a, Cf their d 114, Still re'mal iod- an abundance of fora six io clock Na;ur- treaty. might not suit the"irequire a nUaren $4 to 1' 5 dered both the f armer prod I, ei ru jne the R1, 1 6_114 u0er-an 'the M -is to i dau; t of day evening, 1atnes Dixon, employe d 4s #Qme !PU them to %ed any yeaz Ih i_h4ss Ii0tric tand Lt, vat wid hof E le di at daul red Can&- fo :Eale betor4e, the &ose md the ! ffice flfte4en sinica he had been 1per at'ithe of-, the dominions. For m 8? at 'Consumer by removing a food tax h( . n t R' strawmea rlp- - aT a' provislos, I wi 'ich an- electr1clainsiv he eM to 'searc'b f r Wesley. 1 IrL -tracked. Perhaps f4r. 711 f Ef f Mr. at d Air wera. off, dian Westinghouse works, Hamilton, Is So' 0 10 weir 0 0 Park Corit;t ub to, be side 10 W g: leti lei a -you; V Ila ster iq a - tival. he in of the 2E ri r -.1 Ia- dftd a k` v, T. ki.. Wt, chri whom lad I rig, 9, WT -to fca,, ry suchl a camphign f6rt. tl n ijlt r-Bt tbo, by ti e had offlce,;ths Horne Government -ivhen y be ablq 11arpers of London, a 1:11 11 les ai d was- Instantly elEctrocuted he Wand the' boyr ialrn ist when qngagied, dis- gotlatla commercial treatie's had fol- through the but we venture Lhe ot Er2 n foi -l"aught hold of a live *Irq -to :ave Tass. -qe die-Al'in inds., d tha * 5 : . . . . . . a y ry finest 'Policy of not Includinj any atatem,-nt that even Whe" does 1' 1 411 -a Mated 11Y b light hroughoi rtasib-n lowed th of music :himself i Ta e r doin, I id h 3.r le 8t' L e tl p : E a I wE dispo Jr. D864111, -Was fin- —F(ir s 4E4 a Ot a fruit -bearing our. N ' [c I-MLIS of t1 16 a ii host of. friei s; gr 1 lehm vening, and ever -Y na- as yet w4unoW4. ef the dia:ntnions without ttel-r consent, n be on,i -e dea ed he t the co wa's ts ck, a a Whit he suggested was -that the. old 1v I 'co -18 lie t1oh air wa -e ml e a Yed during the vie 0 -11 Y un cre., it son ol iqranct Xrg4 j. (JR pe] Ing,, v i0f -nil t the V. Eaton b4dels n rh,, youn ouple ly in v Y much prale, and age a ha en. in Canada 'but on a tepart treaties should -now be brouglit into oing 70 f wbe, r M"t take a t Y - Ue e e be, 6o. g- 7.0 un 9 ind ev.eirY iW rlot tldu ht big nati-ve aJ'V"z, UJ:&VAng coirniq frg,,n Yokibli Eng- TOrOnto, Committed suicida on ie Huron Motes. I en*g6tic, busir, egg i ii a and, inairk line. "It. was, not an argurr*nt for.aeg. their h )n 0 ir Ke for o. I lal o*el, lid has Wore hilh a the swee;est z-nd A fternoon by Jumpng ov aration but would m ake for closer un- B. R. Higgins, of if, e Id, man 3 et: t 1 aqx aj niltor b Ight arfd elighted in thm er oler, Is: -A serious th'* 'broke out lu *AWinla tie Promising f uture. e I rog -amme ff rt 2 Dad bridge ipto th6, ry1ne. noe 1111'st wt: Ion. The proposil should be, coupled has sold the, vviest portion of hl 07 also PI nti a -Thl 101][1) An -pupils f C11 -n An '.,e 4 ST Draderls on! the Jiliank of Ith 1 every bon In the a with thret Principles v (1) It Should be containing 70f acres,' to Mr, H A C ulet bu me 49141ited solos it quartiet.fts, re#y, bo WA nmls boly wso 1; rig !river in Worth Ch 9 Lit cWlegl; t IT, it rer a cc ssf ul Xorlon I:rQken and both sl oes were Urn Lrom- atha n at d S. so emnizet 4 fidon! on 3s- Ulng_ ti"ay rendered alf-past lonp gs re -r when he' struck' oU 1, the first effort of the self-governing of Bayfleld, for $6,500. rV4 ej aq, tl ousl a i Tor6 Ao ')y '10clock Saturdiay.rnornin& The Jh 1 [18 fee.t th n tvl d y Ra We Mis -2z, gi: I yr ast weki, ati ithe;! hom alkeir, and the JaO of tba -dorriffilons, to develop thetir trade as f -Twd valuablo'horses owned by blr. 1JI 1 it n" , 9 'ter All 1C Star ted fTom, a! IN* Ibix W the, filtre a d i Maple s Irders John NtCloy; L af. tt Ell 9' the bF1 L3 DDu, _4 Ia s F ann e an L - . at ra _15 70 4n4 it] le & _ uIckly sprea4 1 lag possible with th, Mother Country- Chas. B. Wilkinson, of the 4tn 1G Of Ri by ty, rl I( f the butloling, an:l Air tO, tE do&,w.was caUed but p on h, r, I Lare4 broth gvr XL they should not confirte thel4r ef-_ Morris, were killed by lightning 'on A an I f It i rm,, vltivbrto 1, whpn their i au r. T h a both ends. V, ry little of 4he build nk. Ila K 0 4 I een was 1nitqqj In hol he' r to 5 forts to the British market,, but- should lunday afternoon. ar, f ri t ie, 0 ra C tE sics d aya PS e ans,,, i js thoroughly appr vas say.ecl ys W -W m(4 to' .4 ni 'Clate andl aw ]gas will wre I lbe allowed, ag their second ol iject, #,,i3 '-Robr-rt _J. -Small, Will 81 4 was evid -1 ced by Ithe, e :i% ouf ba In' iO r&Ane a tj* ent e and o' Al lo' to respono 0 f ormer re- htart in' Eng I h 14 d $2,000.. Increiase their trade w1th other na- of Wingham died in London rrece 0 M an I Ira! Ch s C, -rtP of iBnc&.E 0 t r1ey h t The,' r ian f all and very nearl struct IpWrieeslii e uuy tlyj CA ul. mA I cl z 4 thicki lower k i ear, W "A - -A *fnetrable f6g, w ;4 V4 S& cayrd. 0 sti llris of hq nISlr; regir t was tilt'll; ty the 5 Itiong; (3) any benefits given by the ged 49 -yeais. :Re had been in )fjr B. hat, like many falling Wy Decease ad li pu. 7 1 Ta5 Ior, IR it di ig. narch marine men dclare to, ib the w Canada a m;t, 4 il-,Ic to 5 Ut 3r 0 e Is sury Vo firyi e boilt three 'Years Tbm Treo 'n c A Cum e *a, Jai y ppr I RoUn4i. At the dominigns to other nations h uld be healLh for soma ti. e.'H o. if ngrin, !Vlayii klVen 11-19o, not only to the t Lei, POU not ha*e Db 'q Ok ifid. He bad r -O relatives lri t%s- thin the nd t flod to COM . The 41ghlt expelene d it, 4 led In' ears, des"d d Dean Mother by 1I s wife end seven -ehildreir. en on, he more 11the' Detroit Rl er late i;'_Jat4rda I ft p -n le pl ras the open al , Cquntry, artl( t a 8 11) ors; i f I th, rls ar))i, too n4ht' c k th asiant I P I - I . Lot ion he Wbi. alame n but to other dominions of the -MA James Frayne. of the se )nd tebel 1W cilt S3 onor :Jrp Whi. an Empire. concession of Us-blbrAe, had his I &Yled Ina- I tiorn urider a b3auftful ardh 4af the ter 'of the evimink:­Lh t lio th rA ly. to* Ia.. f; r3t 1rear; a nked w4h rns, on 1 he, seemed !oath' t' emlar Fisher said tha the blown down by the storm on la;y both! ou d djot!j at $7 T6i A C resolutions and the arguments in sup- befora last. The barn was jacked Rd 8conq al07; the cere iony was peritcrin d7i) re 'Was, UP t)i'rd ykar.! e p WaGe at -Tto $7, - to the Commonwealth point of der -it. ol M r., PliesbytErlah' c lIffilverton. Tdr :and his wlfol 1vh 50, and undatior an nd th L B Ot T, J antil the plight R 1,0aso-i rif f 491'ac vianced, TWW an Port of It strongly commended them- Preparatory to putting a fo rid At ladles, a the Warm Weather onal 1he'' ur N tw der] ch Or W4 t At gus :c Tionilo is a Beneficial Systen -U- eat! ap -At high noon on Wednesday of I 4t et ulateo on all 1 d 2: view, The dominion Clovernm were con; 18 ne;day Ju 0 as Alarga: at . Du a Y. BOU 4S to the; succesi',if itht festival I L' Fre 8 U .4 7, les f Fruit Salts citrate 3reclated; the difficulties, but strongly week the marriage Of M sh pp Is$ Lizzle 911 M(Kinfi)n Jw i &I in in a ri I aga to I 1 4 1 Recital a a on it the -you] 'Itbout embariassing the Home tor John Richmond Orr, both G e- 19 lailles, boys and, gues U;W Wished w Of Li ,Sljye .1) attend t e Lrift Wer'.'a also! re byterfan C Ph6sphate 6f SOQa' Rochelle a Be t Hi, 0 the main s s in i# huich;[ eafarth. o T Go xqwAt that tr8atle S Jt4j Epsom Salts, t #1 3 by wh rich, Was Solemnized at the horiie, who had q arge of the., Ich of Staff df the rohtoil ar. anli. 3 oung j t Jul VPN At 8 o'cloc.. en se a #aCkers b Sol 1 01 1 Ir. In the. way proposed at th 0 e mauagement"tbe proceeft wem lal UIr tradi -bey weire affected should be modified the -brildeps parent is ano i hru tv ers, G' t.diai, Horlick's' M 'Ited In merit boot! d Seidllitz Pol d Inger. rat 041 a, Mr. and Mr,3. J;l D Who mi n earliest frt Muir. Rev. James Itamilton 6id ce Ju Issue the Daiadlan' Plet rl6l ie Indripased e ,ras of God rich.1 Y convenient moment. the officiating clergyman. yi, wh ch It heol.. 4 r was wi es tjt b ab : t s Wilson, a t 3 And a venty-tive Ln pl t Win fi on real ife .15 a 1: tii 1-0 student of moll on -a t I Col lege, Premier Ward agreed wIth the ..While, Mr. P. s. -mcr..vvn, of -vv e vas U eat r wol at t 10 U. Irag 'ce n Uk f 0 . Ln. ex hod[ s ed thei'&Jet st church iaet f 34). M C X libuf attrutive,l r, r d .... - - - - - d 7 Int ro nr, w h'. a ghte Fr ONeill ax re visiting and assuming -it meant that ol-I etqr. was lTi NbAham on Tue9day Of o'clock, bell h :hnI larel erept ed UtN01, of Clinton Solo nd batlit.-Mr. te of the' triaties would te renegotiated by the last week, his hb;rse became firl he Ir 42 W. Kenry, 61 k ht- the, al" vot mer fiecessities. e4elathres and fr s fr th ILE tef Of .,of J. 0 of this -111 In 'Hen a: a better arrangement being m-ide, .3o, of the- burgy and"InJuring his sall and v1drilty -- Kls Price ek orange',., LOS IS! 'no rosius, ne V Th nd up.. far as the dominions wre co-4cerned.. and -Shoulder. Johi2ston hi rete ImPerla Government with a *ew of ened and ran away rowing blift )ut r a med" was t wita er tra cting S. t Jnglibeneath ga Of t do urth froin a eaq- bu Mato, -The marriage Of Miss Ua Slmoul. 0 V181 Both agreed ith the resolutiQn. schedule (fit 0 11 L- ant monthl vrith lor MI be 11 1. r fl erle hef Sister,' W & o n eshoe! c te t-edliate 1his' dist4cit iwiii a ahort u was, daugfti .r of Kr. and Mrs, David Spr lul, ora S. te George PrQMI4r Morris, of NewfouzAlbnd of woo qek.7!-kr, Austit n Yd uundig k ere. i an P, gro, n sist t post of Insp ctor, of j I- PORT e It enir s -.z - p- 1) ttir also entiraly In its favor. ot Dungthnori, to Robe ' rt Wllsctn, ot 9 VV 'di'ay ING GOOD Racquetg,, 'Tennis llarchi wus0e e Ing I between don I.Cue on Wedneildayol op visited the, oIcia I g ell a Rovers nd dwrd GreY, Secretary of. the Goderleb took 0al Post offibe', ai id ns. Tae e ones t) Baseb I s, Tooffialls, L40 Foreign Office; gall the - re4olution Lrit- *t Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 1&ye r d 'a he re alted I svpr I Mitts anj Y, row to at. lit 116 wl ek, nd fisks j$l e ome tea n I Wait one which, in view of tile ;racts 01 . conimp eed housekeeping In tfie C, i y eu on WIS Itattl Vrs.!,T.j J. Berry au i Tunq n tlets and i Pads.' caused I 3, at ft of 2 [to ol Aln .0 a I (it 'Put 4t; th aboe De casel must be accepUd. Par very tY town. I I f T Mrs, R D Belulf and 0 41 Advaricb( ago 6, 84i He waa:bioir fast w id irm-le 0 1 ck "*U e1A In ffeos indo," At Bevel] knanY years every new 1 1 tre&_ --Rev. Merk Turfibull, for ol 1 11 une p Re eree P16 iWe.' T. Fie Uft Una of been nejotlated h1d been ebu n, and Aft. I Pin. vat* ^,-a Jty which bad il4inq fir years rector f St. George.% 1981. an, mo d- iii m thfte wa-Eq thd; VV11 -iard thrranged on tha Prilelple of not In- Gderich, left last Tui 100 1p 4U rode ht d ler In t :&e ,St. -I rre vers AP eluding the d6minion without . tl -,jr big new feld,of labor In --the. ax, ice t LtfL7 8 Ort obil dutJ14 i h8 St Week. a t eft, !I ica di 1 tvi 0 9 Id , Of a lea I t coinsentr It followed'ithat a umber of CRY of Mexico. Prior to. leaving, to Mill .161- _p of I -son jIll at St. - UPS t aftia I w e: loug I m a ere e n onundw 11be old treaties, which did not con- and Mrs. Turnbull were presented _ th d. I I r oto Th -Fv q Ila t hr ove ]it J A 25thil gain that optton,-Mu Uri t %aiil: In Ale 5+, sorretimeA be A purse of (gold by -the congregaft oon is . I ; ___1 Mal 0 Purpose or, ton a wa Yu?W .7 III 36e, ur " I i D UG A, -bbarrasaig to the dominions. The -Kr. Uaae ]Wr has wN bts r 11 13 ily L9 le Apostolic 001K STORE an ei si Wr ms r- 4 W-1011 for imse mIgAt ba met by agreeln;& t 'C. via -,-e, P.*v D. W. C just- noft o; Mton to 'W. Jan avez a id f in its Unto# pe 'ch ill Jhe M Play e a 'ba a ReN lot Ex Professor 80.0orth d