HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-06-23, Page 4co
oven ilezalAtious with, -the I I t le ot 111 1 lik was n 3xt
rles laur - MW 0 11 IT10 04, h a Iti! At the itart-0 V h" loc
thev eq t I 'Y el
concerifted: and ap" -WbetbOr a who Is 1 6 m lo
king r l6effia 1 A Uri. G; r1a his 44 e Sltarll;fad toli"U16 Worth targot
in to e, lmitiv also, I hrea ch Mi en, I or Ve minutes they" ot on the goal:::
*ouli%, be 0 paredii*toi inol#f`7: bil Lroat dtt I Jow tv b A 0 In 10 e of fine
lea "In, the, direction' desired, sa 4S to L Jd, in a l4o r- i Ire gen- Ut i*04 not tally,
at L 4 6 (!A 144 ai! ellau t'ft. e r, wit, leather canu
bring. them d.0 -to, .-dea in, tho p 'it ide- Palo r 3111:101 ry r, the b mi sit aak 'up the JK
Al A no
sired. It thdy agreed '- th e courze rmuld
W Via- Me broke, up th4
4jr rx, t blr di I it, I Xu S t 94,
-0 em ir -el 11,
-bo quita s mple, 'but If tU 'di d h14 d I itl 143, th Luth ur...`_ , rid I L41d usb,i fte R nother 116
a ys 11 ma a S.L
indt, the beat course of procedure vould7 lubt tAill Xb toir i of'. A iv villl . E live(, 1 010 sli W t, Cvfvt lifei .1 Poll, "o ratef id alift a d *Oull haxe scored
be to enter upon negotiations t( now lutt, 4: ill was 0 At 0, in th r- Itica be;took iari AdlivA )2!r 4 on a Odt a lHu 0,11 -Te entative ma,114
treaties without denouncing tho In- Late *lt a 't A, M t a t06 he was ared, a pi -,n
Smss P late Alt hFj ard - d and wilson Turner Rhe -k
*Zsteno. One Kfi!!"b 6 Alict of
-of the articles i i th6 ger Grali i,
Dro-, ed new treaties- - WWII& be that e0i i T I perfor p at th%- James Southeolrbet ei er home was lealklell on
nos a ! , I. o t rn 14 trick. , Blo
I C 400
A.: V.111 . I 1-te In: QIf n ton shopitino was Ift an I accurale, dt
when t4p; -new treattes came It! -OR to on -31 Ine OU I 8V ears, ERF,'s an opportunity %or, 1 Wo -
,oration thevWOUld' abrogate t1i old. m pf I levon. aforth ana yidlinity to
I I Itift. vj llwl, She p ff a n DAL, bir - ! X_ MeMin-Ald vrp_s * i the lob. Late(r. It men of Se V-1
On behalf of the errrm lit ho isi 3 criurdi o; V lang, having be a bor i the e hat the referee had "UP
NING A RTISEMENTS as :a ertaine m. ake a neat li q'v i 1) ell a
W. ADV :110me Gov ii tro ttle s C n
was prepared to xecept the rmlu th md we made,, ry 'Bei
Oni on I ed oat 1 111 O__ aiel' and 9, vw -to ar boo s lmr ; Astakt, and drdered thle ball
VO summer footweart rig over w*J*
The figure between the parenthesis that Amiderstanding. ie i vedlit W41 1pbell Q wee 3, 'n, r. ided: I i WnO vrt 1 5,6, soon fter to, be Mekell- f1ro elshteen. -yards In-;
greed t( - with: i iode !idfi, I acb, Wow.; hor' markla e he' I us And, nder the eircumstan. Fi
after each ad' dendties the page of blie The resolution Wai a --a M, albel Z4 L V oteall 6 stocked in certain lin of ile
h .4 tW111VI th
rill A
pswr on Ziih the advertismentis the"'addition of. the word "c( amer- e ly of t was $p Jzed' b r ca= to, this eciun rY nd , ori a, t me. bJ let to protest,: Shoes we are, pl4cing'on sale,for e'next
t 8 Su say,
The br l dd tha the -y Ivied in tile
VW1 of i uga H yor, the m this
ciall, befon?. "treaties." Is ship stake was no doubt ten days, about IF T Y PA
lughtel f CQU ell- couch L tl v xame ZT erb &-bibbion4towart Bro.;4 101; t L lied ental and a show their appreiiiit
season"8 Nwest Models. The -ty
Anti Olothin,- 0o,-1 Is -It a Sig ? leld, a -nil, and. sftli I ere clatt
leven omen s enu
son yt by dil:1 nd Avenuod sbor fair and Square thei I rucefield ioal even c
aril the e ne s
e i!
I& Provinelal el tions Oi t for. 41 lit- —Tip r 1i Patent. Colt
0. NVillis-4 W t le. of nT
The Nova Scot I ibZMs ][VeS readily overloa.0 I the natter. ai kToe Ankle
WS amug I 1b eAch uccleedi6d In
The Hub Uroeery-T. S. muesm-3 which were held on Wednesday f I' t fDeemp ow, and heir I f hill r a oralor table tdn, winutes Ime thei. ROV Strap. Pumps Patent Colt *605- ; bu was n W.' 0 ode sceneof i a hof P. Mr, 0 ot itc(mbe died In' 1878, erij, gialft nal ii o ie of their old
Farin for Sale-Fatriak 4yaw-5 4aln -retiurn I I b "
we0k, And which 1 - te d Metal Puimps and'Gun Kett I' Tie I 3hoes
I . I - n -a Ei l Goexnment, may In a ieas- l'We Ad Ly Of. la0t nd i ev r I !at ?r Mrs. wtb- y a rts fr imi -middle field wo
Girla NN'sated-0 UaV. Urne speed
For Sale-% 8. Hxy -5 W1 rid f I! Y l, t t P one The reg4lar selli*-price of 1 es4 4 04's- is
Liber TWJ zabeth L,,,i' caml ie a elf the f :br
T -and by in combb ation. Into efo-
NoVice to. Trespa.94era--Hiurh J. Gdeve-5 ure blet used [as ;a .490 bfiwbatt art y.' be Nid of t Ile puti 4. sons M to on She t-ect the rl t1ii
F*= for Sale or Rent 4 IV On -a 19 pass from ght $3 and the sile ..pric, 6
001olough-5 e "ry 4 A "s Dez - Is lei so
expected of other. provinces were Dom- er is al d peored Fron this forthe A, ext TEN. DAY per. a
noi dau te ;hree- Ing I UcKenzl i n A e a Ime on thle. b I tainet c n al on
ate of Farin Sto k, atc,.-J. goban-5- be 'held with reel iterl 4 Inlon, lectlan to Ilived, 1. , pair is. ft
rohn, the "urons, tie S
r h Lon )
sue. ill- I F, ing itaur, Hu I t; and the entfil-
procity s the leading issue. or. 'the: 1 FM on ,r- lat 1V' ei g ihewan; A rt at ,i )t Str
Dominion, -not A Provincial, flan
!ist of Q - t Ws i Lfl er ha time t4e game
fenst garrip, i Lfl er ha e z styles
Th' si es are 2-2 t and the ; 111 b,
rebliprocity has been foisted Into: he soufl, al A 510 Mar 'A Inil ll4,with grea er Intergst than to thet. 6. 6 it es 11
in WA a 2..urff
oval" a.; o vor, Five Minul es t the art-ott ma bo seen A. North Windoi`i.
political - arena In X 14cotlat as Ia g!,C. r jai k julet: ling lade at b M agel torls it ep Ikenbead tho' tar c ntre ! ariward Ith iRTIT, FFJD&Y, june 23, 19.11. th other provinces by r-Dpone to of.
I is X& ed his tva through the; lines, Be-
tho palet In the bope of -gaitherinf, argiu- ld b rd.
Perth Items.
r I Mrs 9b
fore 4 1 oUjd 181 00t tk4 e ITUrial 5 31 e
ments which might deter the Do, afnion, i 4, gro UpWald, Was un
Sir Wilfrid Unanimously- n Usti J. IBEUI Incipal of Ah 'L Is' 1 h n like!-bOeB, A little late-, how.#
urt,:: o Cho(I as wl h. t1r_ a, f t h4h 0 r -e
Governm4int from, proc d Id, C eveir. ilie. was a messful In scof ng and
r.(,)r th,, a od es )f Sol Oly i
One Of the Strong arguments of the clal lecll4n in ode U41 r Medd r 11. tbe imind. One more zoali
measure. With a,- Prov fvumdr
osed trade a- Inl 'ne' -the L.I,g
iDppOni Of thO PrOP 1 6 - was v ten& I , b41r a and im deel t m distri t, and 4one
sight;,e ry effort:was made"te show lid Fri Wal&rq, -Ipdg S; V6,111 I aka rt! In th i.. 'he f by PAi jgreej ent between canada, and the Ua-- e I la n b!t.gi ce th e f I d kn w4t better than the old !
that the agreement would te ba f tit
J de, w a best Vat Y I *t WOO (a 61 'On Jalyl: 12 tinne re, Tfie Y continue,11y Iept the pow toor-v i.
In Ited States ig that by this arKangemen- -t bargain or the. r.ople of that Pro- iakely accbrnpan plakil ro . Ilhigi br f - YU
m 0114 0 Y viskil towa ras ne I wsir
Canada r ust dmit on equal te rirs 44 ro 1C
bi let ro m d. tl ;fie wlistle.4 ble.* they
Ance, particularly those engaged lath, d Mrs , lia rk
'Inr1i -which ], st.'Konila a- teki;
similar goods fro:n co, fishing Industry, and the csiM ai was S -a,,, Ihild [d1lett hw ooh Fohn4losh. RAIVer I W hen'th a decidin
g garnq
to ftrm, Term and will b Id where, at t1ine of TELEPRONA on clauses, kept up until within -a' q PO TE co L UPTEL
ently abiian- -it, K, thi :ips lr writi if dol lot know. The Rovers. ES
come under the favored nitl week oJ il yee Df thlo 'G. T. It., play0d ai
mplo we
in BrIttati 66eatleg; that NvIth this electic e DIt
in when it was AppXr uro, fbrd 'Met th
tac, t- t 111of-tu4 wish It to rb6p4rred In n on, 113e e
1 r of,ith hill
d6ned as a hopell ik. D6spI h - ian t the; V d until the
condition prevailing Car-adlan farmer , e 0;r Sr 'to - amtdeint 11( He was the pariets say Strii. kins, of 014on, ae'kWeted to t4ke
campaign of the antil-reelpro0tice, the S, ervall tO ic fence'l d got !ra,. A,ford or rltn. jun
-9, -riorle o 190 sUh In I nf
tockmen and dairymen would- be sun- .9 kroli But herav6r It Is contested I W ......
as retVrr i d by A tb 8 Fi F, t Inatel th bew III part In the strvlice. ft clal music, in- a eight o'clock t njiorning there w"
W on -allnl
ere.' injuired. ;a 7 w at
Liberal Government w I 6X when It slippe I ibrushir two toes b 1 luding a male quartqtte.-The Q)n- ptaetically not ves el moylpg RUY-
Jected to Strenuous Competition throu--,h a very Yarge-majority. Not 00 ] I rigie It Y V n cert orth seeing. Both 0 it
ts. )f ih] servative guron held qqlte w1bere, up or own the rfi-cr. BO
I t tton in Is III b4i eV 8 foot ia sevel dly hat lwp trueas In th last Parlianent, which U to enly malched on neutral nish dairy pro Is Tore.1 Ar s necessary. I groux a bxg4y at1kcinded o -n Wtlioa on. ftopped theli Rnchors whereVer
the Importation, of Da .4 a -ii to and on - b tho-
actleally unanimously- I eral ra cont' eat 6f winim-
ha VA, Amongi tb d 11 he C ...... .
tton fro -n was pr, Tuesday last In the sNafingi-rink hdre. bVq)pened t6 be and all through, tjhp,
ductsir, chilled teet, nd mu -.61den nir g, ifid 11 L t a, doubt the, blest ------
CU Ou w Mi ni if iapir . Vr. night W.'ai a h4arse boom.1
to sho that lif- eti b, anCh%re Ile,5 01:
large en gh Go4 e that Ur it corr. e bff William Dougallil, Jr., and
-Ir Wilfrids con- I . tbe- 1 vill b 6 v clorlous! The f oil rig -of the Argentine, etc. were not Influenoed bY t to:bulld ow -
k' a 11ft j C
Ymn lice 3 Yfficel -of tl John XcLaren, Jr., enJoyed a trip 'to fOg whistles iro; till. score.S :of raft
would not. ne6, a_6 talk of thepponents -of tS trz Je h mp-. TIM, Ivas the I ne-up: Goal, Ross;
)e In- Mitch, n, hili
tention was.that Canad'a
:rUg Detroit rVe"ce ly.-Mr. A. MePb
e eioi) li, e ate I
pact. In f act were, -it not f 01- t -he 0, a, IS balike, )4ustari rothers; half 1 backs, S&I wbich extended In a port .4
er 1; iiorC! at cot latten 3d- Are
cessartly be Included In these favored atriv i I I piece his b k celY rom dOWh Into th9i
I I half dollar, w apped Ini a r "eelps rd and Murdoch!,
chaDgies in districts that WeTe par- y e 0 baving
nation clauses, and It so these clauses ge Yf d br, a 10leh Is n, Miners has taken, a, situation A middle of a e Drie, Detroit! passn1w . ........
el,tiily aff-ceted by the stopping tbe., at lkinhead- 16ft wing, Tuqer and e 7 -E t Yrg I ten T ur over b v ',hi tria t91t:. 9111t win, WrIghti broth- ponVwon i, nd D rys dale. In this ha lyrats W omp -et 1Y 1put . ff tb#,Ir
could- be, abrogated. Now *,,big view Is steel bounties, the. T have at po rled Kengle; rl ff
p ),tg i :o b Il e ..... ......
-esult woul.,
the PrIni l sq, -Rev. Efffinith ri it s0liedulesit arOving' from fll totwelive,
throug h I ware bus
us opinion, oif bz-elf bout as before. Anoth. r In. rty a I OtIl to of e )PI1 In 1 thl
idpbeld by the unantmo in 1860.91 L; led last Ing the a- hours 1 i.un#red people spea
we from attend ate. Right 1, ......
'thy of- ao'te! Is theii fa( ...... Ill
the Colonial, Pxernlers in'Coliference, at stance wor that-, 11Y 7( ookl. fiot 8UMmel" nr
Uge embly at )'ttaw and delivered ox- th night
Hallf ar the boMq - city (if iff.r. 1 1; . L. on i,-Grassy j island
-grouh en W -Ind- -Warketa
r ion -We 1 swampy piece 01 ouh betwi
man, 6s dinf a andan, N ras c U li- mall
the Imperial Omferenc cellent ser s ou ft-bbath last
qlr Rcl- Borden,' the. Dominion Oppooltior Iead-
e and i adi: d betwe n ti e ed to see Mr. - J wen d AmhorstbV
wa )l@mnIz,l dol i sly al
e, 31 driolght
and thel orJy ity In' which 'Mr. A nil ii )er of Wee d w0lbil-ris have beenpla4ed lit iiiy r94 beecaus their t
4 h, b a ho 0:: _Lglrg
wrd Grey, BrItialf Foreign Secretary, er. rredr do 1 41 ne A at Isto w6 M$ Mondi y 114iods goln g aroul A again nicely after hi bout via$ as etfibetuau r tied ilip byr the
4Tter-; wile at greM )argaifi prices, Also saveral,
returne '!hr*,e ' i 41 In e
I g0id divellitiges for r tit iig. Apply to U. J4 &iblier illness. -Ow business men 'report ade, fO19 blanket laii'thougib she, had been
no)n, wa a 41,11 ',4 n. to Loi do [ad
dau te I - c L
lafid" should forever spike this supposed borden himself appeaked, Ing M Wles-, and, -it G) te Post Pill e. 11eiismli. 1dozir
vtjectloa to s wider sphere of commer- Liberals by ovei-whelmn omm onl sl 21
t li I-tf n - this res... It a. PIE ,ee 1* In Victor a p ve"'good' the year. made fast tcay dock,
Oi Ital. ilef his
cial Activity for Canada. Is therg not -then 1 .01 to h cl; d -al 1, ted n '113 of In ures (eJu8t alrd ed a large ro.I of Ohe lii st ry Yrlr
tit&, Wa k erl6us, nalu
rid blow , xad , ho, -Threo chlldr n, the elde t agiod. 3
rt Is rl t th ougil t :o have beei Brltisb Oftoibin Lih "41 es. Call and got otir prices
pecial. cable to the Toronto Mail hint of the way thew1i on r Stri n tia
btlo and tile young kund wwi
,,,,rei)tirobttoin,,el6ewhf;r::. wingham stl 5, WeIN f( der. -leictnt! 16C to "M
and Empire says If r should It not be considered hdilk-e to a ma h OvAft "ul ly hi rt, kind bis 46Cb
P 0 sl lan wys ito-
!TE remor 'Y r0 pel - I I Toro4to, 'tbe live. W t_lghtl
T lie Xmperlal Cbn-terance agreed to, a, those who have been arguing nordi by Ing on thi6 stratts
ov nir.
Sir WAfr1d Laurier the. south and east by west Bar ett Ili- Ire$ Burglar.ims-Last. Friday evening,while
prpposal -of in hol I (if th I otli& morning b: rml d -F red Rua gel )Y.i ber*y fe Y the p6lie, ;;and vere,
Bril f ii, -The haw
pas -
e a Upp f0iff dilt t* the Cb.11drent
Itse. Vie sellgizr on a mcraril g itrain to auspices of -the Ladies' kid 13 Tf-* . Id Obee4e is quat-d aZ
r, which wa rig some staple argument qqatrist ! Ljon ; band eqncert, burglar 'ecured an dn I
Canadian Pxeml s oited galril. b.' vftfathri stliV11I, un- Mr, Orr and tamil:7 werq ttnding' Iie taken
r ative a a I i by Edward Grey, the British For- reeiprocity, that the peo le of C, zada tots Were hungy
likemp aa4 the at
late, f r i d d, last Tuesd c -new
17 ,ell off, Me re4rl t6tY (f the Methodist church, 1
eign Secretary, to negotiate with for- have the, sound commem -sense to mow, rt lizo t Pat was trance to tho house by remoylixt lb ildest hitil been beat TW. shlet Vas 1-40
held DA Friday iEvelg of last! weidk, 0 iiew 1arm
s and
go MISS P orm 1 ; _ t j 4ar uter door And cutting through
elign Governments with a view to se- when a 'good thing Is -*belng of -ed to lae 1, bl; ,c.iaijd blue, aa orOr her body. JUy -A fair le4
yf - th
-owl Sul ta [red a' rl owe or U On tie school house, grounds, arid ;a: screen door. They carribil off $.86 iri gave their nam, esi as A e Q ,qad, curing- to the- over -seas dominions the the maiig6s of the people. It Is a] right UOU
ews t 10, icicniow, &11
lbo* an( most e rrj-oygble 1 e reni of h] a head no! -h ng was s0ftt I Orr"
-r- for the class: -s. forth their iews irtl a )ir i LIE, dale, AlbE r ba as4d .5. -.1- d.
rIghtof withdrawal from any comme to set and some rings belonging -to xrs,, 9; 9urY,..a&d! 7 and fWa BUttAgr
ly bulse .1 orderi'ta fiel prepar d for all kinds was
locket belonging to Miss Orri They had evid-e d and
-cial. treaty without Impairing such In opposition. to -the welfarei of the d
nttz e If at . 1(ni h ntly bio en te
an uncon sclous i o4, Uti n ani I oi the Of weather, thd ladi fl
treaty with respect to the remainder of -people-, n C1 to, spend their m6n Y ja e. ias had rented i. found on the lawn. It is SUPPOSW to left to spend thei on Wa3 -fine la,g& tert" -Vthlch, altho 1 the have been thrown away by the thief Ito aniville the Empire. It also, agreea to ir W11- that direation If they, wish and ' as P94T , the tr do at Lond)n 9.
U a taken to the ho air 11, who f 19 are In, th t'o
cal"llp most -or thie
-to appoint a Royal Com -he car I *gn prod, f a ves because of its baving InWals Cor
Wilts prposal, - they"ha-0 been doing in it ft pahl d aitit OnAtion lionors: aconvententlyi f a
n When cd ilnj Ongiles gi anted by Buttcr
ImIsslan to visit the ovei-seas "ilomin- against reciprocity, but that Itbay Will In 11i Inum'ber of u s dur which. might lead tol deteetll rr's
, Tre-
?nt n va 19C to- ri iteii t) velit's law mJ in the evening Me Chief Ilr William 0810 and Slr ch4s. Sitz- see 8
Iq 'I;UCKi 10 r .9 and gave the. E rounds. gold watch W" alsq taken Pol
tong and report on tradse and resources reaj the harvest they expect doll i not efl t
d em i10 e, i ce. The chur wW are -to b6 rel%fwd J3gr-
id t N. ra. I man mat leson'. .1i 110 at regular picnic appgara ch Allen expects to make an.- arm
do- seem apparent frain the result in Nova 13
Lk 9, P., Lin]
thiol f ice b OT19; Kax Ali
Scatia, and we venture to a 1 71 a re prese at ane addaJ _ow and the best methods for their 1 A )t ier ate tbE IT Ill, . va. tir jai: it, or hestri wie at sh4rtily.. patrick,
Say Sim, -A bo
correspandA flyffis' §hnglE. I is h ek w Lis bat Ron L. gt ones, Judge Routhler. Premier Laurier's resolutloiri read i. ikr result would follow 's vioyt i. the i6eed Y: to th, pleasure of all by fine Causida toro n A
e v(ek Mr, Wi rs thit )u 1b )et er t lb t6 jun -20 .0aws nt the sele-fatbins rendered, whe the, ; pro- and Mr. William Whyte, v10-prelildelit
k"'That the Rome C!GvernmezA be re- great majority- of rural constitit neles ;,,Ilt ut _-1 ei ared t: f 8 -L, 14. Colfrio has been named --,I. whiter V "heati!
it deF ro. I V mo ttl i, le ivin I t triple wc an to of the C.P.R. Ic ghts Bachelor; Prest-
ested tQ open negol.tiations with -the throu.-hout the other provinces, with, rom kammis,was stl urthe enhanced by, a, d.1 e Ir he wa n n mber of fine ,
-e! !Ita 11 t n 1 (Q1 artettes rendered by fessor
nle* I a r of'Carmel hure
sl d -e Miss Rin
Several foreign Governments, having as wellave- said, reciprocity as th main cf on e far tial:r§ of the public works de ar - no
i aroe do&O)' WAS r tnien, , ilh wh jorl blood ere soc !e in: a at ucceed the late R. W. Dillon as 8, deAt R. A. FaXco
0. to the! c and Adam ortE and Ur. A I nE 3 Ito Ld. Thq'h 94 n Abe Governmon Of lice den. Compa treaties which apply to, the over -sea issue, the wounded ma 1 [4 making a i ood cl bir, and thre" Plo, S of, St. 1WKS-1 f her sisters. The has been# in
OJ ans' lie. 30
dominions with a view to securing the weli hed ovit 1882, 'rid Sir- Frederick Vor- Proffri 1, wards re 0:oVery. ams c ul! be I lea (if th Geori
CDn regation . sustained! TakiiXtrLis; Qntarl* 'No.2
-r-Geo. Wagwir was electrocuted le
itberty for aiiy of thoset dominlc is Mr orden in the Went g Old 1, w, I ait le6 I y Mr. exrslot ed, lent Surge(
red, fir eputation to the 4ng. Whit.
ount-, -1-2c outside
wbick may sof desira to rhf a extellet and b 4id i 4ft to, AD:
withdiaw from 'Mr. R, L. Borden, the( D fait r .,Working on the wires of the Otonabee An ML* Onto P oz
ominlo Op- Aing. 11 a, oab gut w.d ng w If vi 1111,11 1pfaviders, a d In '$hort-4he ls_` llaccl6nt t Oakw6ody iw No.
without tPower (:bmpab at Pieterboroi on i4o Lindsay on
the operation of the treaty q1tion leadeirt'left -last week fo . the 1; pr b b I I-Ost at, lie 4n,ar Ras TO dn:0 C 1i ure 14tbl 8 so inn -in W 8 a sucille ver n ay, resulted in t th I h 'Of ti, al a In 'e f Ut Ide, BOrl
Impairing the treaty In respect of the -Ful - , y respect., last, power be lng turned o1n. by m de ! duled to i hold e nw be n Irl I a great A staw in out
rest of the, Rmplre.11 west, wh2re he Is sclie I I - IF '. F trr nv he c Yrti a4 Ing Tircceels a 0 nted to about $75.- 4th Or lone, p rig a and the injury bt de
A several meetingar. He was accGIA aled t ieb p rts. par ties , re, I [1g:
I . I ; I ten will am it of nhad 'Oul I report of ti c re-unfort hTld pt thei talke'at the Ower house., I -Lis homrj 'is tw-6 othem :4nd Mrs. Co j ard Qlr Wilfrid said the proposals b reb, CU. was he In Guelph_ for te4d. i MUIfe
el BIC
by Kv,. Perley, chief 06ziervative hip, -W e Mit,,h(II, I I . I dall-ghter were' roturritiog borhe fron $ shor
ind Mi 1. Beattil home Ol Mr. Jo h Huds
on, of the vil-
pr Ia Wedne last 'week, we, another rig ikttPaipted to
been beZore the public for Some Ime, and hir Broder, -member for Dun( 9 Ift, of - Cadets 1 thc br lln 011,9194;
I t y We& f am -Allice. Tba r ag. coremol y gel. OT won church *hen
-and had given rffsa to various" co V40 Od LY Of b
iorino Teft KOQ Phe d It the Waiiier -re,- 110811. Uri' ad's !horse lghled','and
the Dominion Tfouse. A Ibigi xec tion d. 1 1 g ,:Vryj, I Lt 130, C loc OL Should. lave shooting ma(Oh- at London Eng] agi; shor
rneAts so -met on one side and tome on Val olni week, he: Is by R- against Australia and the Cbjurch
a n t t. ie Wiley re_ul lon 1i "Wily at f urlous I ate, thro w1 g.
ast w -re natt( ad'n
was arranged for him on big a e 9 IsY bride ind groom I wi,
the other, The necessity, for what he InlWinnipog, and there call be no. oubt IlIzal e h W, gr -daus Iter *X Mrs. Af- U1110in BrIgadel for which L25 Was subs vionr en&Almothy, $9
ter th, ceremony a neatly ap, a! ge'rl RA
I yard, secretary of
te C % to P. 0 tato
vropo wa 3a4d tr0m the dArilage aa& brhak- es
pa:J a;, L -n ribs, - .1.4 -y lirm
UQau JuMped from
E vard J. 'J(nkin , of
sW m Ight be shown by the, ex- but that this -tour will be heraldedas. Igm `h wa the Ia at Londo 0onf-eriance' is In To- first was E. 1, krr, rz
urilted in by the 8tock-,,Exchange, olomof
TbO vir C r, 14itz:,
perience of Australia, who, when they a howling success, There Is, hoivever, arrila, Id ui Ae to oti rig, AlIghtin 0 It,
)k the. I gal f ok Nial ai&ii jig to this wepkaltandig a meetlag of 5c Pe3i b -49.
ished t(Y give prferentia. treatment
r 041 Iis ro"i th, Secretaries of CoAt-erence' In roun
gz- [)ron: io and Buffalo,. second,. Lieutenant MI To -
In car-inectloin with-thei trip ont 91, Q Th JV. I is, 0
o British products carried In British fluroi 'Roa he all a *asl b and e
rilifleant feature -and that ii th& his irato. atli was
Kio i. J. P. Hui ie, *wh ded Cinad It a,
has 1,.--MlSS lit Ballantine Is hex aneaus. Tbe' Rug 'ter a
I rest- rfo rmed A , u
Etev, I the position o f cle nee maqt, from. thz west, vial
ships, were pirevented from doing so last hope 'iollowetr from rem i a' )e -The -Ag -eta
by the most favorea nation clause In of a the _r the, ng her many friends regulation under whichyau in esca*dU ult. The runa b LIVA took EX40-
Way h.
Orri deput(atlon ai Ottawa, 'Mr. Heii- reen 69 t b y Rev, U ladies In the clivil service at Ott a*a into
Call"glatiel Inattu e gersoll f tho. In! this section, I bo amei c-ased to anot r rly
i sook Id I ni :;sed. y a., Url Pi of le 10a_, ade N
-ear, ba i
certain treatles. A similar ifficulty I
ghern, -,of Portage Ia Prairie, ifc past 3 the a Xit m6et 'X. formprlyrecel ed six, months' lea mes iebste -.V,,bo, -Wn
a n a ter an abenjee, f 0 ;ea# r4arUet, Pit
arose when Canada w1shed to givepre- the shlo-at'tho Ia t moment a.-nd went iest 0 til lei .1pp, I 1p Rd abs:ence on full pay wh n leavin 0 .8 S thro
me h p of the;G de- sor many years he, annual Straw his b 4nd sustalneld' a, ti ftwon& was S
-A: r0ky reddii cp lgw j. berry fe tlival., der the ausplces'oj tb wed. hae tem altere-4 by the IlWa, fure of t*ro rips a d
'ference to the Motherland tir WIll tooli abe Ir J1 t I
Thera were )tO, Europe. Mr. Bordents to - b
'contatn ' hardly"be strft n wlth roai but 21., he A. th church, .1 4 e B( Ikrd, Hereafter the bride -to -b- ,,vlll J ed linton I okibtf Ulf wheth
twelve treaties In exlgt -,nde, _ . Lll,: 11.6 8 nev d ties in 19,11i nu W,.,ag
Ing that clause. It had been suggested is .chp Oil, mmeaceiX Ladies I d ole i
pt lot of Carim
_dUIq el chiarcl , Only
4 t as - ol talk on almost rery rdw a r i Ff lad. week i eceive atx' Ilowance oi zid U h E r Ices! In co, or
In hurch :grounds
that the 'proposal would destroy 1 1 a _1 11 1 , a*
:a r Of alark. I
wrl' te h6 c nly 'Lie Ayillgi of hacornef at of Monda eventriel last I f yr 1, % d $t&
the subject, except reciprocity, his Illig ,C wrle ighte On- monthl, a -With; the ot an e eg
Dr1rielple of commercial -unity -but that 1t, cot W. -James Verlinden: andi V bes biddy, 7
AInd was -MOVIlig from 12 g. R 151a ter, oA lit -Y out
fairly smooth, providec' the ue Fu, wCr( ill on exce, .8 age U
e may be 3 la on hWon the most largely atLend- Indent Wt*Y :t. The .9-9. r. Le ro, D, vh vvas Of till 1'ei- Nefille, t - ouths Who 'stole three a Wa ol Jun
I s togna clymig,
18t the ni' t
ki.Ai of Isd i ac L sea nd- later two Iseg from, th, e MarDoro 0 Park Torgao, Uot
irtnelple'did not at.presen xis western farmers do not get too lun a Ju when ter ed nd r. jost a United Kingdom had a free trade Sys- 5ter ReV. ucessful one in gresalve Al2r. Borden bas been'slal I t6 led''tolry o lo& proceX day a - U9,! 4io.-f-5 i.oi. 1$$A0 - b tteh
tern, 7aind allthe dominions had fiscal tlk n me !'to thi (I qax s, Pr f he coriKmgat the cjow .Wajd
govern ut -owned - clevi ors, %p6ln ruga, targe. av 11 2
-6. m untin Grand TTunk stat -at OC4"
'policies ba d 911 Corol" 10 0 vier $150. The spaejou -then fll tbe, *6 30- sed on the principles of rals- the Rudson's Bay railw I -P t il tial i L The' a a to o owed It by rea r1 -i Hoil)khis, lils elfws. t 6
- eral r F( a, I y t -corner tOl.e *as laid [p - bap'emEn e
ay and a( ed U.
0-14 mEn was uilmed for the sperying
! tb chtlodre!a t t fte(kers $4 rStra b`Er ei and other good Ilear,the -rid concert, FzrV US And to .7
,lei- r c ai ejJejt I e a! t 51 ftc on t a in ntyre U.] o., P le -, ; ing a, revenue by Customs duties, but other large. ubjects which -the e Oka L& ipe Of fore being se' teincedj ivere given fiye takdn he0. tihme
no, two of their tariffs agreed. instead gation from. -the west presented to ?,ar- the., r O ery -PrEttY; W:Mdihg was le- things a years Mthe -first charge by. 'JUdge ba Lf 4
of Comercial unity tbere, was ndvwas, 'Croded from an early 'Finkle...and #ve years n th e evening, she felt to
's 'hill nd told
G01ft- Ilament 'last - IXcembqr, 'but of ect- bit t I chi:- e and hilly 117
core till n' 1 veals-
I brabod at the raldi I Ing to lower, At s,
swreial diversity, Consequently if was, procitY he Is Ito bis . Chay, Ire Jj to e ora-, -on Tailm ad 6y,of laEs at e 01 1 ir. nil lidur : n the e Well on - to with two yesjM for jail breaking j3y ato Tun 17 C, B. Die trieb,, Pstowel, ion be m1e O'clock. Th t the ladies had made d
-It to, understand that wnen mit Can, ads, toi vast expenditure Iil the re gl deiii, it f f li, , ar d Mrs, MCQL Mr- h,11it being he Magistrate Ball,: the sen er hom to 8 my v James dixon
not diffleu nces fto, ran
he UnItel Kingdom. m ade a - tre ocluaildn of the 01 d ablindf int prepar, lit was evide 4 shoo.. Yo
Y the TarIX he bo !did 61
0 teot th fatt that 91ter he tea was rai
Ivities Irk I 'of the ;h Lr- not 0;
atY chemes mentioned above,, - but the one. A, a Lb c no asit)n of rig concurrently. hen t
which suit9d Its Own - ; o-vr :. urn !Wg.
r4quirementothat Immediate rellbf which is toi ,be [u:et w WE, 0 of - -4,hortlyr -be" 01-1 6. S 5
6 er, -Mlss %e lie otate t"
r a, Cf their d 114, Still re'mal iod- an abundance of fora six io clock Na;ur-
treaty. might not suit the"irequire a nUaren $4 to 1' 5
dered both the f armer prod I, ei ru jne the R1, 1 6_114
u0er-an 'the M -is to i dau; t of day evening, 1atnes Dixon, employe d 4s #Qme !PU them to %ed
any yeaz Ih i_h4ss Ii0tric
tand Lt, vat wid hof E le di at daul red Can&-
fo :Eale betor4e, the &ose md the ! ffice
flfte4en sinica he had been 1per at'ithe
of-, the dominions. For m 8? at 'Consumer by removing a food tax h( . n t R' strawmea rlp- - aT a' provislos, I wi 'ich an- electr1clainsiv he eM to 'searc'b f r Wesley. 1
IrL -tracked. Perhaps f4r. 711 f Ef f Mr. at d Air wera. off, dian Westinghouse works, Hamilton, Is So' 0 10 weir
0 0 Park Corit;t ub to, be side 10 W g: leti lei a -you; V Ila ster iq a - tival. he
in of the 2E ri r -.1 Ia-
dftd a k` v, T. ki.. Wt, chri whom lad I rig, 9, WT
-to fca,, ry suchl a camphign f6rt. tl n ijlt r-Bt tbo, by ti e had
offlce,;ths Horne Government -ivhen y be ablq 11arpers of London,
a 1:11 11 les ai d was- Instantly elEctrocuted he Wand the' boyr ialrn ist
qngagied, dis-
gotlatla commercial treatie's had fol- through the but we venture Lhe ot Er2 n foi -l"aught hold of a live *Irq -to :ave Tass. -qe die-Al'in inds., d tha * 5 : . . . . . .
a y ry finest
'Policy of not Includinj any atatem,-nt that even Whe" does 1' 1 411 -a Mated 11Y b light hroughoi rtasib-n
lowed th of music :himself
i Ta e r doin, I id h 3.r le
8t' L
e tl p : E a I wE dispo Jr. D864111, -Was fin- —F(ir s 4E4 a Ot a fruit -bearing our. N ' [c I-MLIS of t1 16 a ii host of. friei s; gr 1 lehm vening, and ever -Y na- as yet w4unoW4.
ef the dia:ntnions without ttel-r consent, n be
on,i -e dea ed he t the
wa's ts ck, a a
Whit he suggested was -that the. old 1v I 'co -18 lie t1oh air wa -e ml
a Yed during the vie 0 -11 Y un cre., it son ol iqranct Xrg4 j. (JR pe] Ing,, v i0f -nil t the V. Eaton
b4dels n rh,, youn ouple ly in v Y much prale, and age a ha en. in Canada 'but on a tepart
treaties should -now be brouglit into
oing 70 f
wbe, r M"t take a t Y - Ue e e be, 6o. g- 7.0 un 9 ind ev.eirY iW rlot tldu ht big nati-ve aJ'V"z, UJ:&VAng coirniq frg,,n Yokibli Eng- TOrOnto, Committed suicida on ie
Huron Motes. I en*g6tic, busir, egg i ii a and, inairk
line. "It. was, not an argurr*nt for.aeg. their h )n 0 ir Ke for o. I lal o*el, lid has Wore hilh a the swee;est z-nd A fternoon by Jumpng ov
aration but would m ake for closer un- B. R. Higgins, of if, e Id, man 3 et: t 1 aqx aj niltor b Ight arfd elighted in thm er oler,
Is: -A serious th'* 'broke out lu *AWinla tie
Promising f uture. e I rog -amme ff rt 2 Dad bridge ipto th6, ry1ne. noe 1111'st wt:
Ion. The proposil should be, coupled has sold the, vviest portion of hl 07 also PI nti
a -Thl 101][1) An -pupils f C11 -n An '.,e 4 ST Draderls on! the Jiliank of Ith 1 every bon In the a
with thret Principles v (1) It Should be containing 70f acres,' to Mr, H A C ulet bu me 49141ited solos it quartiet.fts, re#y, bo WA nmls boly wso 1; rig !river in Worth Ch 9 Lit cWlegl; t IT, it rer a cc ssf ul Xorlon I:rQken and both sl oes were Urn Lrom-
atha n at d
S. so emnizet 4 fidon! on 3s- Ulng_ ti"ay rendered alf-past lonp gs re -r
when he' struck' oU 1,
the first effort of the self-governing of Bayfleld, for $6,500. rV4 ej aq, tl ousl a i Tor6 Ao ')y '10clock Saturdiay.rnornin& The Jh 1 [18 fee.t
th n tvl d y Ra We Mis -2z, gi:
I yr ast weki, ati ithe;! hom alkeir, and the JaO of tba
-dorriffilons, to develop thetir trade as f -Twd valuablo'horses owned by blr. 1JI 1 it n" , 9 'ter All 1C Star ted fTom, a! IN* Ibix W the, filtre
a d i Maple s Irders
John NtCloy; L af. tt Ell 9' the bF1
L3 DDu, _4
Ia s F ann e an L - . at ra _15
70 4n4 it] le & _ uIckly sprea4 1
lag possible with th, Mother Country- Chas. B. Wilkinson, of the 4tn 1G Of Ri by ty, rl I( f the butloling, an:l Air
tO, tE do&,w.was caUed but
p on h, r, I Lare4 broth gvr
they should not confirte thel4r ef-_ Morris, were killed by lightning 'on A an I f It i rm,, vltivbrto 1, whpn their i au r. T h a both ends. V, ry little of 4he build nk.
Ila K 0 4
I een was 1nitqqj In hol he' r to 5
forts to the British market,, but- should lunday afternoon. ar, f ri t ie, 0 ra C tE sics d aya PS e ans,,, i js thoroughly appr vas say.ecl ys W
-W m(4 to' .4 ni 'Clate andl aw ]gas will wre I
lbe allowed, ag their second ol iject, #,,i3 '-Robr-rt _J. -Small, Will 81 4 was evid -1 ced by Ithe, e :i% ouf ba In' iO r&Ane a tj*
e and
o' Al lo' to respono 0
f ormer re- htart in' Eng I h 14 d $2,000..
Increiase their trade w1th other na- of Wingham died in London rrece 0 M an I Ira! Ch s C, -rtP of iBnc&.E 0 t r1ey h t The,' r ian f all and very nearl struct IpWrieeslii e uuy
tlyj CA ul. mA I cl z 4 thicki lower k
i ear, W "A - -A *fnetrable f6g, w ;4
V4 S& cayrd. 0 sti llris of hq nISlr; regir t was tilt'll; ty the 5
Itiong; (3) any benefits given by the ged 49 -yeais. :Re had been in )fjr B. hat, like many falling Wy Decease ad li pu. 7 1 Ta5 Ior, IR it di ig. narch marine men dclare to, ib the w Canada a m;t, 4 il-,Ic to 5
Ut 3r
0 e Is sury Vo firyi e boilt three 'Years Tbm Treo
'n c A Cum e *a, Jai y ppr I RoUn4i. At the
dominigns to other nations h uld be healLh for soma ti. e.'H o. if ngrin, !Vlayii
klVen 11-19o, not only to the t Lei, POU not ha*e Db 'q Ok ifid. He bad r -O relatives lri t%s-
thin the nd t flod to COM . The 41ghlt expelene
d it, 4 led In' ears, des"d d
Mother by 1I s wife end seven -ehildreir. en on, he more 11the' Detroit Rl er late i;'_Jat4rda I
ft p -n
le pl ras the open al ,
Cquntry, artl( t a 8 11) ors; i f I th, rls ar))i, too n4ht' c k th
asiant I P I - I . Lot
ion he
Wbi. alame n
but to other dominions of the -MA James Frayne. of the se )nd tebel 1W cilt S3 onor :Jrp Whi. an
Empire. concession of Us-blbrAe, had his I &Yled Ina- I tiorn urider a b3auftful ardh 4af the ter 'of the evimink:Lh
t lio th
rA ly. to* Ia.. f; r3t 1rear; a nked w4h rns, on 1 he, seemed !oath' t'
emlar Fisher said tha the blown down by the storm on la;y both! ou d djot!j at $7 T6i
resolutions and the arguments in sup- befora last. The barn was jacked Rd 8conq al07; the cere iony was peritcrin d7i) re 'Was,
UP t)i'rd ykar.! e p WaGe at -Tto $7, -
to the Commonwealth point of der -it. ol M r., PliesbytErlah' c lIffilverton. Tdr :and his wlfol 1vh 50, and
undatior an nd th L B Ot T, J antil the plight
R 1,0aso-i rif f 491'ac vianced, TWW an
Port of It strongly commended them- Preparatory to putting a fo rid At ladles, a the Warm Weather onal
ur N
der] ch Or W4 t At gus :c Tionilo is a Beneficial Systen -U-
eat! ap -At high noon on Wednesday of I 4t et ulateo on all 1 d 2: view, The dominion Clovernm were con; 18
ne;day Ju 0 as Alarga: at . Du
a Y. BOU 4S to the; succesi',if itht festival I L' Fre 8 U .4 7,
les f Fruit Salts citrate
3reclated; the difficulties, but strongly week the marriage Of M sh pp
Is$ Lizzle 911 M(Kinfi)n Jw i &I in in a ri I aga to I 1 4 1
Recital a a on it the -you]
'Itbout embariassing the Home tor John Richmond Orr, both G e- 19 lailles, boys and, gues U;W
Wished w Of Li ,Sljye .1) attend t e Lrift Wer'.'a also!
re byterfan C Ph6sphate 6f SOQa'
Rochelle a
Be t Hi, 0 the main s s in i#
huich;[ eafarth. o T Go xqwAt that tr8atle S Jt4j Epsom Salts, t #1 3 by wh rich, Was Solemnized at the horiie, who had q arge of the., Ich of Staff df the rohtoil ar. anli. 3 oung j t Jul VPN At 8 o'cloc..
se a #aCkers b
Sol 1 01 1 Ir.
In the. way proposed at th 0 e mauagement"tbe proceeft wem lal UIr tradi
-bey weire affected should be modified the -brildeps parent is ano i hru tv ers, G' t.diai, Horlick's' M 'Ited In
merit boot! d Seidllitz Pol d Inger.
rat 041
a, Mr. and Mr,3. J;l D Who
mi n
earliest frt Muir. Rev. James Itamilton 6id ce Ju Issue the Daiadlan' Plet rl6l ie Indripased
e ,ras of God rich.1 Y
convenient moment. the officiating clergyman. yi, wh ch
It heol..
4 r
was wi es tjt b ab : t s Wilson, a t 3 And
a venty-tive Ln pl t Win fi on real ife .15 a 1: tii 1-0 student of moll on -a t I Col lege, Premier Ward agreed wIth the ..While, Mr. P. s. -mcr..vvn, of -vv e
U eat r wol at t 10 U. Irag 'ce n Uk f 0
. Ln. ex hod[ s
ed thei'&Jet st church iaet f 34). M C X libuf attrutive,l r,
d .... - - - - - d 7 Int ro nr, w h'. a ghte Fr ONeill ax re visiting
assuming -it meant that ol-I etqr. was lTi NbAham on Tue9day Of o'clock, bell h :hnI larel erept ed UtN01, of Clinton Solo nd batlit.-Mr. te of the'
triaties would te renegotiated by the last week, his hb;rse became firl he Ir 42 W. Kenry, 61 k
ht- the, al" vot mer fiecessities.
e4elathres and fr s fr
th ILE tef Of .,of J. 0 of this -111 In 'Hen a:
a better arrangement being m-ide, .3o, of the- burgy and"InJuring his sall and v1drilty -- Kls Price
ek orange',., LOS IS! 'no rosius, ne V Th nd up..
far as the dominions wre co-4cerned.. and -Shoulder. Johi2ston hi rete
ImPerla Government with a *ew of ened and ran away rowing blift )ut r a med"
was t wita er
tra cting S. t Jnglibeneath ga Of t do urth froin a eaq- bu Mato,
-The marriage Of Miss Ua Slmoul. 0 V181
Both agreed ith the resolutiQn. schedule (fit 0 11 L- ant monthl vrith
lor MI be 11 1. r fl erle hef Sister,' W &
o n eshoe! c te t-edliate 1his' dist4cit iwiii a ahort u
was, daugfti .r of Kr. and Mrs, David Spr lul, ora S. te George
PrQMI4r Morris, of NewfouzAlbnd of woo qek.7!-kr, Austit
n Yd uundig k ere. i an
P, gro, n sist t post of
Insp ctor, of j I- PORT e It
enir s
-.z - p- 1) ttir
also entiraly In its favor. ot Dungthnori, to Robe ' rt Wllsctn, ot 9 VV 'di'ay ING GOOD Racquetg,, 'Tennis llarchi wus0e e Ing I between don
I.Cue on Wedneildayol op visited the, oIcia I g ell a Rovers nd
dwrd GreY, Secretary of. the Goderleb took 0al Post offibe', ai id
ns. Tae e
ones t)
Baseb I s, Tooffialls, L40
Foreign Office; gall the - re4olution Lrit- *t Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 1&ye r d 'a he re alted I svpr I Mitts anj Y, row to
at. lit 116 wl ek, nd fisks j$l
e ome tea n I
Wait one which, in view of tile ;racts 01 . conimp eed housekeeping In tfie C, i y eu on WIS Itattl Vrs.!,T.j J. Berry au
i Tunq n tlets and i Pads.' caused I
3, at ft of 2 [to ol Aln .0 a I (it 'Put 4t; th aboe De casel must be accepUd. Par very tY town. I I f T Mrs, R D Belulf and 0
41 Advaricb( ago 6, 84i He waa:bioir fast w id irm-le
0 1 ck "*U
e1A In ffeos indo," At Bevel] knanY years every new 1 1 tre&_ --Rev. Merk Turfibull, for ol 1 11 une p Re eree P16 iWe.' T. Fie Uft Una
been nejotlated h1d been ebu n, and Aft. I Pin. vat* ^,-a
Jty which bad il4inq
years rector f St. George.% 1981. an, mo d- iii m thfte wa-Eq thd; VV11 -iard thrranged on tha Prilelple of not In- Gderich, left last Tui 100 1p 4U rode ht d ler In t :&e
,St. -I rre vers AP
eluding the d6minion without . tl -,jr big new feld,of labor In --the. ax, ice t LtfL7 8 Ort obil dutJ14 i h8 St Week. a
t eft, !I ica di 1 tvi 0
9 Id , Of a lea I t
coinsentr It followed'ithat a umber of CRY of Mexico. Prior to. leaving, to Mill .161- _p of I -son jIll at St. - UPS
t aftia I w e: loug I m a
ere e n onundw
11be old treaties, which did not con- and Mrs. Turnbull were presented _ th d. I I r oto Th -Fv q Ila t hr ove ]it J A 25thil
gain that optton,-Mu Uri t %aiil: In Ale
5+, sorretimeA be A purse of (gold by -the congregaft oon
. I ; ___1 Mal 0 Purpose or, ton a wa Yu?W .7
III 36e, ur " I i D UG A,
-bbarrasaig to the dominions. The -Kr. Uaae ]Wr has wN bts r 11 13 ily L9 le Apostolic 001K STORE
an ei si Wr ms r- 4 W-1011 for
imse mIgAt ba met by agreeln;& t 'C. via -,-e, P.*v D. W. C
just- noft o; Mton to 'W. Jan avez
a id f in its Unto# pe 'ch ill Jhe
M Play e a 'ba
a ReN
lot Ex Professor 80.0orth