HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-06-09, Page 6It alp -E 9 .4 Of U 1� IM4.11. Maki&& t f AI ory of th 3,-' con- f L. HAYS IThe hist ri Mr. J hn Ww HELP IFOR OLD 'rlo �oi�trll ii -A )Ver 4 gregation, -of Cavon churehi, EXtter, r ro-W t1* letor, T-1we wIlIz be - takeft f f eddegtlon $13 lend Taw IJ6; bave -re- rah congrestion eantly held rr)ost- i�uceeszlful 6P �Cla-1 9f, oar real jerS. The BUM nAT ACHE 1010eating to, man for� t e� supe� ation f i ot., 0ha, ts flavok, eth VIDEO in cotntnemoratiOn of 'the fifti 01 fternoo I ert Ali. IN PILLS Cure wham nolversary of the organization,ot,the -,-u-r. first tasta, of: london Lae.r� vrilt make r -so?, k, W 0 broagt Ibm ta congregation - del h bary� from ge is nd barrier to the wonderful, The congregation was orga zed hi your palate thrill with a ew delight I For 'its nj and- c )nflned I 11 -1: ted!, stil - h7, healing properties of GIN Rov. ohn Logip, I n his e I Ie: blir *ot the great Cin the yidar 18al by the han is surpassinz You have never ound adian Kidney thtin ,or of war ronsville ar�i i Thames e avt recor4 idany lettets Ut the hi m ri, �e h on PCljr N Road. The reason given in tht earlY 1%F - W ter, A nl lager so tempthig, Yet So Wholesome, as this W11,44 Led, 4ist I them . 9 from tuen and 'women of 6o, 6St 7o, 75, xteord for its 'vK9anization - VV as that, iF 8,0*heltar, hung hiln$61f k � ithe ba; of � his cel, r So and -over, testif�ing to the great relief Pres- a they_=eived- from biking GIN PILTS. owing to the distance from L-tj :y Office -1 fatbert of ter t brl,,,rbt :j 3.(s8&,V8 t bye,,rlan place of worship, omr bad eliclolusly infld laaer tie I Ily rt mL?ery suffered for twenty uel Marti of 5trathroy, Ont. d girls fri Y* mr.sam B A= �lit , the celli ;qJ -XInSsto roadg, it was tbouglitexpedlen t6form, Cure di yeas with I=M irtlar, 4 -o. T. B� 3�1` Ill a congrogation In Vrancl5tOWIL, now minin of the best Bavarian beer equall London fix his back Some inontlis ago, he und -was Shut by �h lr 4u-sba 4me and b I e' fteter north. The firat meeting bit MP tried GIN PIILS and alfter taking ouly ands km Lh9er's rare qua I �eld in pig aler, at �-bi Ir h ome I al,go� tha first servic s were' 10. But th are seldom ex- ji or, tirel�y cuWd. Mr. ey dt three boxes, was en U oil Toroi�to, on t)v -eviening OM Ictorl 1 1 U t rab Maidu is now 8s- years of d C nt —"I h 'end of been will tall,_44 tbe wit'r a 9S tana �n p olrtedv and they are expens This ewest th,, briel etere at 'the north I the Village. The jjrgt -com'm r year e. doctor 91 te4 a i igorouls u ion bp Laffer d ft � 1 -V declat, Inan ot sixty, thanks to GIN PILLS. at] ft ajoys the2 robvA health, of the 1irst year was served t seven- told s fleers Ill his nee. 44au-1 Irawas, Is X that "the hoc I amide blatt triumphkis not expensi*e. Yet itsingredi- teen members. The past -or Was assisteu alid 0 toll me i will se� ti x r. Sro one it U a She w s he, -hoicest. and is brewed with All elderly p6o le are troubled, more arlbe I the'aff a Ir i icourred c f or less� with rid nd Bladder on this occasion by thtlate Mr.- John vi - eAts are the very in the Anderson, Mr. WjIlIam Loqla ;F-nd M ka i jrha�,( suf� Trouble, and , I 1" thin a fe, V yards j, back. GINPIUS re a gumnteed John strang as session. A, thuren was fe t his Ill tmos care for absolute purity. London Lager alsv be VTONO money built about tp. year 1863 on wh4re a boy to t his Ill 4 ��wee ago cure for all%these mi ortunes. I r pt-dods MWnstreat, WbIll, gwimint g in the D at promptly r0unded If they fail to give PaUk of th river, west of ler Ine 74 old Fran k g �;Ufficlent ane I yer -was the 61I Saw 1 1 n ar 'All standal frame buildin 5XI pens appetite a -sub r to, was 'd ',9 it lopmjr alp onp regation reg r alld the Da 09 T, rh n,, ca 11S I t to t the need3 of the 0 tre 5 . 'bc* freJ25,4 =--6 for$2.50.' S=Ple b*X be r 6.45, i eclonk o i urday aven. ng. - Vp -,,makes your food taste bettor., Greatly assists slon records in the Obarps r ou write us, mentionin.-, Ahis A nte� -in the � 'se. or nred 0 fort pal s - wi Te e b104 ernans w National Drag jand Chemical Ar 1867 mentions, that the d �bt wi,911 Ou 49 had beer-, resting �n the c&n,,1M-,at10n I ) mc i in &ter. rron ai id t, Tee othdr 10 efito the o,.$ept` A. Toronto. r minu ,0,3 1 digest' n. Ben blood. And, on a hot Iincurred by the building of 'bte -6hureb be� a k Aor _,boya had bee i )I ying , ta t banli Dr.' �00tt,'z Off 1i . ou'd sultry day, London La4er refreshes you like The original tol n 3 ould 'of ti �� river all n the i temoon. Be has been wIpA out. was ha, t ) h i ri � ail, fopq t ,olng hoj [a I upper t. a on su: aroolbreeze. You'll surely appite-ciatelt. And Gin Pills made by The. pastor, Rev. John Log e, o P, nd g,�st 1� that t e a gol 0 a onal. Drurand one.of the rnGst'xemarkable men 9. aduate aor�ry gr pad Intd tl e th of West tha i rrAj die No a on0tjr ba( b,py Ju it' 'll do you muo: good. Ldndibn Lager '168 th pioneer ministers ern- On- Wi o. of Chemical C Ile Qcotland ion. �OtE A,MY wa blar ),.f arlo. Born..and ed ated in tA, tha i 1111sappeari �nd sh4 e' to, an:d never can i tjj to, Ahe sui -f flce Agat 1. Vetf b; Canada Lis nadai a.3 a nited, t 'ke Lyd- nner C_ came to, Ca young manfat a4 e Toronto, are sold .1 PlInkhNut. n d ard, efiti( t, ble 'His a6m ' nio deal At di & bove thb ge. A is teady rowtt . 'pa ns became 14r -n 11V , e n w r 0141? ):U�� T., I ro h )e 1%, *e asulted from Is earnest Th� e- notif ed some we 7v passin tim lbodern only in thiSbOX. x, tite& s sairor to meat; r 3nef I � b f i��Cr i We. b edi- and. ;he,y Imr iod 0ely be Ivng for ulates tired appo -one c o., n1i UnIca-It'; ro P Wor the bodY6 whcn he resigned his pastor&! .0 -in o, 0 aLe 1 I Of ' L � I for if Ir I es 0 f r it. iai ired ne, I. Wye 10� aPays, thirst. Quift lialportt6d Ia ers, no nearly is �:-1 Aaring i t r1pb the, Dal L M8 hOt� 11 numbEred'fifty rhe 0: v m ber, 1875, amid dee ret,. hw�e ration d a V ranc 1 ne, v ast ow' nshAbs t -_U q DIII helpetgi! c stly. Just try it and judge.- On Augu.st 13th 1816, A. Y OP lee on. N4 GRE -VALUE, Oe and twice as RM ST FOOD ' I _.artley, was Induced to sue(eed him Baril Qu, 3 Ma At n(Ak �.gL, roU nge 0 three J'U LJL' -nil 14 b:� la mo: E�ps, ChUdrW& Entering he ministry in ml Idle lite bour t We n y C00a is a tMat to ETD rjAn cant� V me tt r -,C16 aftqr a short businesl� qsreer, he sihow. =9 Mon: "6rder it -next 11 I y . bel ore 3. o' A suaterimt to the Wa&er. ! tab om. PW lam''s twio of ,the 14n led his executive ability in. th*. crcctlay lerk3, T f nd h , I ng on the om ri I I �"ftom all usual 1 dealers in, beverages or op -ICA A to tile Thift Housewffe. of a nEwbrick church opposite the pre de rbs Grftn"hields ere s1l ee and iresidece Itis _P oVe r to e the i t sui � e dul es, w Lk-uned the'so4hd boo i3ent site. The Rev. Dr. G.old,mith of. A~ ficiatid, af its opening in 18771 and Mr Mm VWF Ot b I 0 of of U, ing ia, e(y our ig the C #keet from John tabatt, of London,Canada, 'di a ts, the f� It, en 'Of thi b� 0 V. J, BUR of w_afonh, Ia femal 3 iU din Iq maskfd ro en c A D. 'Wilson, also Man brol c1grk 10ful r of the corner sLne and receive I a sil. saw and r6sidel; or of Ehe v 1�hort- ritii s, P; -el a r- atboj6�tjng t h an e i,.ce' !nT.0 ir trophy in ho. (nt. C Q�f the Itiuiodist m: e 968- the OfIce. re r, 8. b, ly after this special sermons w, ereprea. qg -th; COC OA AS k or Qaven V B prop I DAS hind thq de� , 1horbe ft!nfl- areen- ched by the Rev. Dr. Williarh BRFA"AST principal -at. Knox , doMige, al ter *hQn. 7 it, jaas 3hiflps oe'nec fi -,e on. the Int, q1 ers,v,11.11 bo h Isto An. r rV I for a 8 U P� P Z a thia hurch was called Caven church, _nf revolver% SCOTT & -s DES V aA,;L f u a of's o In strength deUrA Ley of ft,ft=, Atrtbf1�61ose of Mr.. Hartley's pastorat, I in 1881 exchinged t 1 burglars re L u min V 1P nutritiousne-as and e=omF In VMk il. numbered TS members. A!% Affig Ia an - Lem hair 'n lis OV I vEr-' I . I - I *! .1 chureb, Seaf firq with ali retreabd this time Caven ch -arch was q-eparated I 'I 11%V t I rity ai LU�, Unsurpasse& r r1i ae. o I a�dab O�r 'VUIE� lay a -A, j �G, S,20tt 1 gr Epps's Ld sfrom b _�d fr6rn Rogerville, forerly Warren.3- H, i st re n ,act wit. I h the bu' g in w1le the baTk 'Ar�er. a d for wo - ye se rl it with ville, jtnd wEg ministere ars ife froan, situated. w turglarE d( np d of !c a Children thrive on Eopee tha direction ving 110 Bruce. - b� Rev. T. G. Thomj�3on, Of 1pf Richmond, I I eesm uti ir The decear8' W!Ls t, native C�Gro"r XOr U00 All �roill trac��; of thel�-, field, and Rev. Tharriga Macada bi t had n1 e ntItY. I! ma'aadam,", of G. -m: b -i t had of iScotland, af terwards Prof. unty.� g�jd rra(Atal it gat, rloo, a rth 00 Us 11: e J 1;_.1P0 Morin. College, Quebec. 00 unlvtv fembc, lor c vo I rty yeatts a. sided B Cellegp. A evvare of Ant ants fox, Pmtari h -UedlOal In April, 1883, Rey, W. M., Iff tin wa­3 b � Mi ve:rb I a wagi egl%,dee ne 6: it In- Mi ke Of p, and fti� Cantral Business called from Norwich and in aureted . ais that 1, o' th,,, -rr:oi.1 en !ve­ t e Vil tbe'firgt pastor of th6 congrEgation ap lage Ive P 1; - n Inent: "Ine.our w oil noe am 11 , had. Ele wi a a selya-rate charge. During'tbe first.yea and c M _,relthe iiholt Oat, lb M of Unl-- rell ulfflege. cvnSe'-witt a Ili 04n uth- terin Slid. ar of M, Martin's at4 a d �lbt of $ 2 pa Ily Of chi never )a u.- ed exwp V preser Pdo as Stands ready to help youug uan. p! eav-� a ff i 1-: cles i iould 000, wlilfh had been restin-jr heavil I from -epatble V 81 1% is, as th( da t, V� ill u g tb a Rood you (ni i poaslab deri ve i0f menandwomen to win inde- fold t the congregation for -a fe V 5 ears, was Ih do is ten. .1. e W10; P'W n lyL 311b t, an w a from ;honi. yr, i dat irrh Oure r ia nufa0twed ,)y pendence end succes. It'has, 13aq '�arld the res6nt" he 9 horsE i tra n! Im to 91 ill T led Oi, c utalus'n6 mir p .or m F. J. Oheney & r 0 aofts direet]3 up given t in 188�, eury,und is t is )n the start to: thousands were erected. Tw - . V 'Me, W ro lyi or sotp, DI is In md tor I'l �ai uren tbmwands of yavmg P -t -o- tjie blo es i f the oyawtil, all acljoininglot to the charch pro- t El wc- grHall's Ca 1P you. write' present t een L 0 Me f teri bWriq er Pure, bd re peirty was secured, and in inte itt t h ow .8 - to' e nq4,e,, I r, i a U L rually, a Vie- any 3en a A( ghborhc o , 1 .1 for 1) Enter 0, by A i )kn�y & Go. timonials free. catalogue. manse was built and e d qul A wi th hi rt t it tid i d -s mid time. 11.5 eq t 41 1 uneq e( L ,.z.afortb.. Phone� air furna�pe etc., aL a 05t of $2,50Y. Solo �y dil Drt J ts­m.-Prlce 75! bottle.' .001, Ae, W� H. SHAW, Prineira t hrea 3 L do� odily hu M4' G ir-. All..Were4i from re - In April, 1893, a kxqat wird! storza, Talte H4111s, Pills for aw ation. a,61 shem byj Ct f f C ablew the roof off the� urch wid -AOL-, or r Ae an, I. E rrat ned �. a Yr ol C e Ma- wrEcked the building oadly. The bhurch r_1 n, 'o IV MIR, ILL00a 411 Not as V'% : , 1.46tet I LV Ul '-wl o sen� C1 Nortl -nd n Te -1 flames aised- byt �m at 91 County was rebuilt in. its present fo tO [ter Co4 t -Envqlaped-1 a P_ -cor.-t of'$2 000 And 'the Ind bt dness m? ja I le moial the 11 t It �Igl h Atthig an Oil ove o-ve uroon York Gth alm&5t Immedlat ely. to anijassm in.,] v1crq�taAqte,&. _kitcban 1904�10905; C-11 Every Woman ran z, six ye WIIJ'.r,d Bufon, a 3n "atio, b. 11 T[t e I E Is iWerefted saad Should =Cff Educat@d in Knox Colle, rine; Ire ic In 'an The Standard 13red' aud lRgiste-104 i I Nuie 'and: �rj ing L& JUT n�ndel Vo, I got with 1AU r. Mart�' lu about the wondtffal foy 2 A. 2 POLAR STALLION town Seminary, q yea, bi 00 Trotting Sttailioo, away n- MMVEL WhIrM9 SPraSr to his peo- Was.iso badly b r on i3aturday. eve land gave a scholarly messag !Chacklez til, zeniion, Snig The new Vaglu.-1 Sy c on5i ler 0 lb dIj iculty hA f.: U tnt it CM ceived the it eight r: ?J ri �Ie. I e de ee of B. D. Ing itha xt jmdr� ?J ri co re 4 hei ed I VAETe PIE � 1, tly. - - Ask YWU up;� him T0UUy Direct i�7251 dnwigitt ta frorn'Knox Callege upon an ituation Rqs td Itario, I I (is Is M tera�i o?cl�ck. His 0 h also hal his haln ds I r�i -0 -Moderator b rned w fle trylv)z to He was - electb4 to tb 5 and; leg,3 ba� y tral tof At QL d gif las Ir las NY eL Fba ed in 1906 chair for thei clynod of 11aml on ' ar, d smo�A�r the, -I deat ul #r.' -peter H 6x �f E -alford, 4-40M' 10,;SOL to ra ay a i rated Apr Ia D [x ty of bo London at Chatham ih 1907. In -PIA vie yo bWk-_ft4cd. -,of seventy Pern In at t -09 1 Y*rs.. Four years old trial 2. 1 ij 'haff'lp eeions vivaluablar to ladies. UWs =d dir hd , "a, . I ML r] -1908, the congregation ce.ebiated with 0jou0x,e Wre, tnglend, r wero -spe he holiday, I a �,the Pe n- ar 1.07 MMSOR SUPPLY C oa bina %ralle� g theL A re r tnks ae A ral h him, ­'his semi-jubtlee as yjasti of Endc 1 le the ey b a -d quarter i� 33 GeaW*jAz=-_ for C=M arr ake, kn., a Seal Brow ao� In, sta nds I 5tern A n er, -a auett-eneer f whifter. ont. concregation and ihowed the x apprect- 4re g to sno*fl rid wl to at1 E e J :ation'by presenting him wilh a -purse halted for a 1 22 caltbre ri,'Ir weighs 100 poun the �a pa., ff ora;te C ft ent te 4 they . L rried a� Idischarted of gold. He esigned his whip. and Prt Gran, I I r Ok, rat f Ij igj o4t x Sire Todd =20, b� Binghun, b) May ning 190gr 'to tire to LoA- er Colin X63 I -# - February Gth I anc(just at 'bat morn w Ist'r irrect Me, b,, thd Vre&t yt f rd.1 I ynsi x cars 01. t , nt 0 a C n comix t 1:6 raLford In U ej z; of- stoc �Ing te� r6acb 6rmhti; for sale -dal don, �Ont., aft we 101 yea g. ago Ph years was t, 1 For lunch, dinner, or'on those aver ti )r! soj i. his �.dj Belle..' t 4 ?Wr e tro u g Ind Dam, Bell H. by ibrina Ledger, by lm�mbrla# i b �OaMi'lg U)R. uzibroken peace and istead, di owtj�, the he. .:r bo,twee aImer IN L 1. he Torb: ito Star. occasions,',when goad fellows caniregaion' having Aoub ed n the leshy part, ot,the bla 6f hIB xieft. _F tExpoAtor OffiCe. Z___j .V1.1 late, betwe(-,A� 181t�'raL 'Lord and e Dard, Dinger, +0y it aredith, alid cetisfaction, -guarw, t together YOU Thq, woun eill boY is oyi V; alght j6drE can't find bers in that tirne I - Gode n' P 10 anUhDsni, Dolly A., byDowulnggela 1111L D tf Bu d C,oderieh Or' ja6,1 t �w s kfter r. MaJin 3 resl�-w ion t��thoght h�k Wound Ill ne to r6l be rg re' better -ale than b be erious eat H15 run us T15L I Toddy Direct is c me of a few moths elgpied befo[ Rev. 1�.. dred � P�nslc i thr y e41is alzm wao , . I lent hap* b ught PaIni ting- stallions evei b F. mSharp, D.D., of Aillston, -t., wi pic trot �n .5 6ctw f4l: ned I to. w, en: $,trab Yrd a Sar4la- lie L14pood auctloeer Oatada. Wes WHITIM alif-d. Re was Inducted uly 29 t.1, wa-S 11' Lern Ontario Rugh DD�80�lj astor of '6bar Mth ist I I 11, The foliowIng well known s taIll �Pect le ]Rura�i 4nd Parth. as fll e x ov�r,, ch4iuh atj Sask. oil Z2 Ile -as- provod a Sur .0 M a Ca nd f lent. r4 Iroader. M tt season tt t L tieli of the congr6g loto - will stanq for service this garnier gatl tbootj ation In calli g w 'in his' A(d,,qLjadjustftZ. gn acd no g 7tter. E a] ett Idgb, h, eight en yel the *A�' him to bq their minister. Thk rmio usA h6irfl d 10111ows 4i of fFXM _SVDCk1 v lam -p whic h xi�n ction He Vill stand f the sew- ion at thO LAS Fm L old s. )i� r. and TvIrS. Better.4� w', - . .1 i . - " a An a -decotatlon of hf chur( ce tion and r, lamp which 13 U.3e$ in c, *n -,ctlon L rash came ul allover mybaby's fa better, narrowly e -caped IIdge, spvr tota' Royal Ho' tel Seaforth. cna� fad unti it had jly cpvercd bis =4 building wa3 undartaiken In lene autmrn his isteeoptl C )n' lantern, lea thf gas h Qrrl tele ane pole fr a it m(at n2, and 'painfulp and can' ta0tion 04 of 'the fsame year an4 the hoi I loft i the ia4d `y lone earn 31 d* coin te -et W" U fti e of the 4 Q4 Se tul Morning last,.! Toung -fro We tij !A'uang- aft (X- orft!$, loft �F,)�pter V the little ofie icTurs of iiffermg, ni.3,hed with tolding seats. c il lamp, 4 ALE V. i contrR:t an, w) 9 ex an e ljlkft,, ; Oa,dijaor-8 it t .1 - il, to� �do ed by th 3-11'T&� witW thd 46 so d d rs and salves, but he� U Y e 'for decoration wmi given into ti e on. N bson's fE 0"i. LU.4 hair plos lit Draft%_W 16 I'd P' 'e[phor e arY. Wag wDr at the no Citer. E e refused his food, got Proprietors, SeRforth i, It hab chaacter, uniform purl -7 handi ort Catter and Simpson, of Sarnia. t I L he and1both d, partichar4l thelett C f I pole! In t. j u Yrt er thi� and % and *4 22M i reduced to a who, being Ma3ters of .their at, gave ne, rwem b'& ily burned. 7h ; fh rr es Breed yo4r mares to horses' that. willA II 'scri us it ty and unusual deliciousness s'udde 03 611 'I i Y the d, a dis- I ion. . 1 was advi td It co,m 'ate to its flavor, satisfaction. The tc 'al co;t tance 0i were, quickl$ etIngui3htd, 4-C Ifiay be Buk, n I did sa It was wonde .1 fonl. tbZxx�, and foals sell forgo'cid prioes I T U g )I 4T tly. on of n 'to 'a Ve 'Skin "t'ed Fi %P u ndertaking wa3 o rer., tNi a th,. qrty, feet, ry on I its it seerhv to cool and eme the chiidw!s s de- v4 .1 see z'lo have m Adore thousand 611as,. most of 1k. lisl fal from th Sire Ohimes. Dam, Gr"e ich ths been arc '00 b y the..braneh6s (f a tree burbing, p# �l skin. Zam-Buk managers were' gratified o. Ind :on,tl e ; it M, I Order some fro our local or. -*n Attfeftt of' incep Is I e- very commeni ement seemed lo go rkht Mauibrino, K y ng' gery ces. have resul ed,' atjt�. His ing, sire of eijg,ht iA t" dealer.- 1 , 'd ect s w ere thesMo rid the pimples and soresand t Plate 91 the. re-ppent T _s wri�tl w I bral m and ( as badly ports! The King of the Clydes S 4i in Coll 1r, tands 15. j .4an d" irtitation grew less and I m Within ineludW 1jewever, some ver lih la-st week' i n a;t-tempt VV' I Kffig L926 (126 ds b- er from "I te Frosp dawri t i � Pr skiv� was esl lhar w 1weeki a.y baby h eig] is 1,20 pound s. shake I 1p,,� PC 1., some Urnt it wa8 Yadore is brown' individual gift by . fnemo-ers c C the cot L- f�,%re( thaA; he' 1ad gusLaie I bur 6spect a4u rc!h. fe and w ,ce-Cord. I 110 Blu at -1 plete t n,.ern.4.1 e Splendidly Bred, Clyde 'Grland �'T run"k gation v1z a co. eledtrIclIgh; lhjurj a3. est rm,or however, is Rev.' Thb�m f, com'oletely, He has now ut a trace If WM stand Ing systeml wit!h handsome. eliand who!corl4 qctl I �,tl Le, service tb3re,i pnt�red burn� Roya r the season eliers, t or chip ion, or eczetna, or hat fu(h,;;' s h t the. "14 I onald [12086] (t4�2 case,�'a�d tie I a 'beautiful. com toL sorei Notim ly re-, but cured of thel ys!Eef �Brewedud Bottled by- s + Cudmore and muqi6n taole ind a val- on th,.Ad ecover� the room iat �Itll e back 4 if ;he.'! chi Lr,,h e ExtmWll-Bre6l. Clyde rovenlocWs Stablo� pulpit 1ble. Sunfty, Ile' I V , the do4 :)f- ok- menting sl4n trouble, he has improvW 4 r, Se 'i ortb. di- edting.WELS [12081 U it a: w Klleiaig MoKinley open'L 'all a" THE DOMINION BREWERY Old J n Mel ,10dist 0� :1 bu nal geneml fi64tf I dnell, alf (15 31"1) ��$��_Bnk ij gold -at ftoM and med cin -amore Gove-4-lock 0 Tt lipape and. bl i� xred bo,oki 'it the 'The Choic�ly Bred'Olyde w4y Perth Items. A las It w, 10� M. ot CompAwy LimITED, 0 p a p or post free from in Mt.' door so. C I or W4 Doxes r -eq Ia! ji r 4- nr ej -6 n r a� L nbe of mi 'is e s ar d lay 6' HiAl 4611 h 4 TORONTO. 'jQolppin, of Hit ani r case had 11. alo,%d ar t he ts - I I ail etc.. and for I pacbi The Specially %Vell.ff" Shire 9.45 Iro,;-n Ixte n cirei �id Ve busi- in t 17 d A_'_p re ity Mr. Charles' Wilcox of Tullarton. Ili 3s ,,On d lefly ed 0 01 i�. I S ed reV.1eviang the I t, I I i-�, - 774) Vol. 32 V* w I I financial ts e or the work 0UD0N!S FAVOft= 1,w aek previi trIo-faheir old home In Bri Wri". Mi -, and t tlon stA 4 th4 iia!lelt t Extra Well-BrO Clde 118 0-18 For Cunton, Wi hered:1*11 out r. Me( Tariff �eforin Can ton &ndl started an Wednesday af tern ion. on a, _sr it A Be r, L I Wi copside atlon f �urch union. 14cax 1�ft there about 22 ear - a ap) %� Adt VIS It ad 11,12 0 chur h'in jodd (rdej( and h, Key J� JLXaqAV1N, Propfietor P Olintoa and A he (11eition f union r �.UIL_ ell ring din. 4 ffe6k.. The. hur -this aftior at his own stsble� Lat 11T rd, t and Ur' Coppin L five -years Ia! er. The e it sGolden [99071 (14694) yting or un n and ag a4nt. Wilt str4nd -miled on the VIctorlan from neve locke r d Is. often a ves U( ite won Ist, and 24d. 4 seafortb, and vt and 12.44 0'_ aqd wag Ii Bodmin, ence I me E3 In r tter� were of Stock this Season t Niontrea.. Repre et the an i ual confer- tiered, Will Stand for the linproveinut j 0oncession 13, oXilW1 .001ts by ton's CAST, OR I A Their former horne 0--ople p21114 ! through mntiyl". FOr IgUnt alld ChiWen. Cornwall, Englanji, and they expect Op, electo Itpose fr -On evening t�ie Ia. V shl J. BItRRYS SALE AN BrusseJs lasb fall. Ter no--*. 8-25 om fch( I being P- T D 9X_ Tha AIWIYLS visit ! � � 24- �, ;:, e wedks. sr I. ved % rah( t"4 and relative!f- there for -six CHANGig STABLF,,� HXNSALL. Rd Yu Have W M r rd and - ;,Nfq F1117 rnent of b 114 416 ari Ia 1119 !Y, 1. 1. 1,H � -Mitchell n�xrowly esea havin )en r6ute to ill buffal �at W ped 0 LORD OSWAL� r g hoinas, to V7 S2 its first drowning wright T t I ch w B) n a small ons'co-�islsting of is at, Ume of ae ce or no deal, the �balan y 14h -N lill leav qtfa,4211e. 600' e ),arlo proCeed byji rjo- rjo- rjo- lustire a foal, Bears the accident of the -sea TR, TFORD. ONT TERMS Ce to be 'aid Signature of 44p4/le ay afl arnoo 12. Golden mile south of Wuce&ld, u�d on last.week. On FrId number of boys, were bathing In th the lagm of t famous Taal), Ibb To I Januttry Ist, n in. tbe-Ind Concession and Town lAne W. I L Lai, ey, to insure, �415 ; 1�qyul Ron 1, e So 0 A ood So ibol era, mill Pond; hen Lorne Huthosen, wh@ un� is Ve rmit e'd to vent tv -e,,c r - Ivot ir 9 rane'8 Stanley, for boon �, then west 0 the Goebot sure, $15; GlentUrk, 0 insure, $10; Tarlff ef a- "The Best km- Vine, at Robert i(exiall. A,,fornight. T-Uew lives with his grandfather, Mr�. R. theih a thoi-bqffalo Ilik TaJia C41L% tains e, $1.), payable January Ist, lon, Lond, n di - art. hool bks i continental reputation for 'high John id's (Treasimer), ent Ia. ad his depth, ai d -sank are� aocus�a,�Od� to seeing in only This Goshen Line to Bab,b, got beyo WA for noon - Chen b ALbylon Un I And PAITUN G.- P. R. Time Table gi -ade wok and tl to success of its sbudents. Road, for oon; V Ext for the geco while rrcy nt�.q on hor At fN STAMP *d And ni t� Wed ...... ............ rid time.: Libtle ise. prese rit to Davi erspn1s, IRTH wo h 6ve tbree departments fo" own stable for noon, 312ppell .. 0oxamdrehal Shorthandi BEURY &MURDOCK, Proprietors morning, when ho wili I rmoemeed to t&-. I .... ...... P1 pinged after film, and In a bravo therl are in t:ho, neighbc r�c o maining there till- 'ety ..... ....... Guelph. and G od'erich Branch ef'frt landed him on shore I i saS head in the i�ark. One hLinited ca� 'Y es -Will leavi$ 1110 own ersmith, for n000 - tei to irames Mue0field y Monday, y Sth ujint" Tiblegraph TO TORONTO In anotth,,!r second or e Ia( have, been bD'rn thI3 13 s a d laft- �e, eld, proeeed wet to tbe2nd conce Road, "r night. - Bar rd mornin By thr, M Ambiblous you men and Women shauld se�d at ru'te4eld, wit - f Stanley, U;l n north to Wyn would have been drowned. 01 r I ree ca -, Butiard*s, for no �n Conoev-4on to his own slblY& Mozain i Goderleh ......... .... Lv. 7.00 a m other- huhdrel are expeco, - d. ive liv a- iceforu talogue. Writeforita��cnco I ;,e --------------- ............ abd aeewb= 2.25 ic thence nor %nd west to Wm. Glenns, for I lit W, R. SKIL 7.20 �1 olt,S; tire doing. Tis is a � od 2,45 Mr. Ed. Marshall, of Monl ton, wai -dr-ed ton -3 of � hay were on rfted 1-4 t 210 Ttlesfty- of Bannookb n IV_ ........ cc time fok 3 ou toe ter otir classes, Students apo en. I Elyth ................ 7.80 11 2.65 Ten 0 1. for noon -, Lim to Varna, ,t� E ....... 3.0( wa.Yla;id and beateO last 3a!turda5 winter, and 700 tons hi e,� rm t(ring each %vedk Oommence your Pourse at Once, thenoe wed'on he Walton,. � ........... 7.4-1 it night by Iffro. Thibideau,, a fo,!rner en- Bayfleld the Goshen bil to 1. d; RAH if. -nex - ELY mea 0,) 130 Tlf­� '38 line, then sou COLONEL G Wilverton, ........... gs 8.14 " ove for ear. The A A. McIACHLAN, Princi Albert XcCl 'hey's for night. Wednesd -r & F. );ENGOVGH, -'roplid,01* W* 11 8.35 2.67 Play-ee. A gash over one of his eye.� TC Unwood Jet ......... ava fenced olf P4 to T. BERIL Ing mrn, Aept k-nd altoG te tbej�a.k Parr line, tbm south to Stephenson's Corners, 4 Monday, 31W let -Go a west to gn( canoebston 12 lye.. .64. WIS 4. y a art oi a .......... U6 4. which had been caused b Is. capable of s usta ning 5,0 for noon ; then east by way of the tolva jjjl@j �nd ul.s 10r&, t -n Stock For Sale nor-th,to Wn . UeKenzie'q, Srd arnomion, Stan 9.63 -brick- tn ThIbIde Rodger Wartheott's, for noon -, then i wth to TOY01 .......... 6.05 hand h to bc -zAt thek fa i _0711 W I - I i "no, .4 for nikhb. ', '4rWay-N,6rth to Jkvyfleld road Line anJ east to 2nd conomlon of 112wrae. t to, .............. AA 11 lorlltlo ......... .... ALr. 11.25 &35 dMsed by v, doctor. A warrant . wa! in" south o v Aberi N jrhursm �y SHOUTHORNS�Twored bull calves, 11 aod'13 east.to his own sta.1))e for noon and 1l2rrls'V7ir night. Tueeday.-Goesnothto -lintm .. ... ............... iremaln till I. 4 jworn ot for Thibideau,s ar 'eat,. an( 0 )ntbs old ; a, 6h ice roan cow, flve years old day" on and then east to Thoo. V Yl f and FROM TORONTO tnornlng at 1. olel 'ek, Ats s Chris tIi ia m 11 weigh 17001b a good heile tbat irlorning. Friday --- Soutb" ,I)y way of Lio W W Wre n"s,' for Ide. Ta I I Chiselhurstandftst �o Q. W4 bMWC�q4 L W .6 rising 3 yeam ro4d on -, thonee M #X (I Del . bef or 1 MagI8. edmmittel I e e" to 311 ne ay- both due to InApril. AlSoagood Clydes is 4 -Xv Wmlul, flight. tUrdtLy-To I !Lean's Oorne ........ Lv. 8,00 a. m. 4X0 p-ni trate 13fivig and was sentencee to servA glrlll� tnind 1% been dei an for �e v- e stallion red By rt 's ft noo !j ; west to a affxe,�*_ ebN1. roln 0 I Altug Thom4s, and ( _r_ ni, 110 8t b e wi -00tril it iremai unbil the at har� 'kj -love aXj mi ..... . Guelph Jet ..... .... Ar 9.21 In porteaW we and see us, we like to show om mer, thdh lee QAU and Me Y T 0 5.15 one month In the county' J01 eral weeyj And V ie = a mog. 144d Guelph t goodi, A.G. I and sou P-obt rt era 01AL r Fimira 41ILLIE nexisai, 22413.tf ROBT. KU1000K. Xvtnag� Ilay-Goes WeEt Mlls geen IMS ang6l %' nfg at t San Linwood Jet..... -Bad -electric stor she. arme Ir ee bed 6, ni t noon; then soun Z., ------- 10.45 mS passed :)ver I t. to zu ad and We 6.50 chell section early Ia' ati rin GUINEA GOLD for rd 'lit, mid r� mabi U &rz until WU rd--,)' st Tue c' a y morm dito place her engaiaxn, An4ual Meeting v m I I . Walton, b !or IOU 00 Id ane her Origer -a gly -wc U WM. 1B)DRUY & HOW, Vroptiewra sy-Fast to J I - n 6table�, ne wheret-1wil Blyth� ..... ring I yn TO* : i 1 airs, tbe Monday, Uq Sth-Will leavo his ovm sta 1240 p, m. J th6 thunder k0tl uA a continul, I roar. rare i dov st tt k the following Mon Minin ............ 11.37 Ink The'lightningt Nvas very I IV S I1.48 7.46 10 Me Annual eetinz of the subscribers of bliow and P 11 Kupicipal Telephonb System will be Bruosfield alldproceedweatto jrarns, at Taml I r F. BE Nont1j, Mr. rrestr's flax mill wa: struck, he37 lovei,� q 6i: I k�a a - van I bf ld in RoW H Ill 13 Anoe nowf�_for noon ; thenco nortb to ohn ;Ps h. gun whi a cl, an ftturdAy, , �une Mnueetions at Linwood for Ustowel. ocn upenel 9 'y th4 !rl And. wi! m. A full attendance tam 14ed- nebtlousat Guelph Jet� Mth main Hile for Goit, but wag not ndtlesd- until labo t 5 a.m., bad be*en I bb.) at 3 01010( r well's�GoderlO. townsiMp, I" night. T-aesdj L y Woodstock, Undon, Ntroit and Chicago an -all The mill tutf burned very i )wly, 40 r 101inton at Gtahamls RotA for noon ; O.Anoe mift ........ bommed by t el : brother I t fall and W sad fts6 to W. J. Milleir q, 8rd ooncessto - HuR J,tt, RIO UUNDE clial 0 jfi it, 0) I t not reiturned, "it 'A President ag the TIU=le 't 3 1 -the Olt 01 fiell afome'll boro, for zkoon ;Ithon& to&dojtb. at Ances- tor mlif�ht' Wednwd"-FRA to A' W-Aug"W$- R �` No. 1444 Vol, 31#.0. S. B. utermediate ]M'e& It was a large bole was burna� THOMAS G. BRMLIA\TGL HO there were no draujhts"to, fa it, b 1268.2 e to W, Monk Igr night. 71i I itlan in the flo�r, ad t and ;Pt13hed'-;jt6j U-1-gger- N _ubdq� $OUT .1 of a road, forimpon.; tagnee west to Robertchtru The Imported 01;td th 0 taritari.-- us i gigs x a- Is when It Wit dlilbov- jo o frod. hil d ry; Children Cry Ing up the, �V�j he blaze . W t Ad" ue Ve ; - to4thoono mom -F ence weet and no th ter to, ­#� 71 - to bla vvA F for night arden crea, remAin till the ()I. -Road, Tuckeramitt.6 TO enotley, �e: :-w 4 r�us far a 1,6 'a,. for u -FOR FLETCREWS ered and smothered. CM 1was J, daugh ot D )�ald M3- Is atlilitNm stable for thl air PrW lowing Xonday tnornin V ea. wil. Bpalzy, mmagq- 0 AST OR tA I Vf P,exth county, drppe4 dead -bile, sit- C, A' T-0 I *4 Mr. Cbrqa� Ma !a e me I Ia wa, _OA Tojj.V I)A] yw$ Of alge I