HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-06-02, Page 5Lble on young feet d vreciate this faot an S for Children of lack leathers -owing. feet correctly. ng -e to assist you in XI& lete_ge ie. e* FRIDAY, kdais --3 to / 2 to We will start a sale that will be known as he Great Shoe Sale ever held in Seaforth. This may s und does. his forcible language, but we will ba k it up b delivering the shoes. Its a chance to make the bigges interest you ever made on an investment of an kind. 1 Th hour has arrived that compels us to resort to heroic • ea sures to clear our shelves:of all surplus stock. 0 We av ced in the Upper Flat, whi h ely fitted up fpr the purpos a $4,0 stock of shoes that will be sold Thr cash o t one-thirtj off the -regular pri,ce. not repeat the•doee g bet better spene, a ,an eveahrg be passed tone tage than right on the ece tht. Bring your lady frie 1evith you. It you are in.. : your wife and show her 11 team that made trucefielel tie line-up on Monday night !') Roes; baelts, Mustard and .; halve, Layton, McKenzie era; centre. ...siikenhead; righ :nd W. Wright; left evine id Holland. ISH=A10818.11.1/111/.11..7,mans Stanley. Mr. Nicholeere-Meth ar et was felt en it becomin Mr. Thomas: Nicholson, 0 at eat, had deptxtedthie holson died onridaY I, li 'tort II/nee:Fe from , netuno 1 year of' age and ikad twee. 'of Stanley most. of his Afe. remberl of the towrishie cot'.. Re a ue:ful man in many t eon he, greatly missed- In etity where he had lived e :te eo much and det...ervedier rc- k is survived by his evidate,-- ne two daughters. The son A the west for some time labia tct get home before hie 'Att. TIII"rown. 1111/11M11mminSIOM Fordwich ming AccIdnt..-Two me; I and A. D. R.-ranick: who ng gravel with a horse and -he mill dam, were drowned , morning. They had driven :r side ,or the dam arid tm- 1.• were turning the. horse - -n it euddenly droneted into rt of the river, throwing rc. Into thz. water. Mr. Eckel wed in and tried to . /end o both man and horse, but ;&f tie.* not being abJe tre both wen t down. Mr. Eckel edwrich ahout the firet of ele year and bought the nd had mad,- many frietule. e mourn Itie loss a wife lildren. Mr. }Craniek leave4 four small "children. Path out middle age and active the Mott-to:1kt church: El. Pomeroy, of Fullerton. - the appointment of clerk lib of FuI1ari, Men's, Wo en's, Boys', Misses' and Children s Footwea of all sort rery line and every style of shoe orries in t this sa1 Shoes for everybody will be p ssed .out a Less than Cos to the buyer. Reader, this is a golden _shoe opportunit and has a fire sale beat a mile. As all the sto k is clean and up-to-date, and we can guarantee the we r of every! pair. This and shoe store. should interest all c ish buyers, as they will be sure to get what they-wanl at Bargain Counter Prices.' No other store in this vicinit has aqopt- ed this method, and when run on strictly busijiess pnlici- pies, is sure to be a drawing card with the.puhilic as it will reduce tbe sboe bill one-third. We will nee1' no., brass band to advertise this shoe sale department.: ur patrons and our prices will do it. Remember • the ope6ing day— FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd. All goods'sprictly cas 1. No ap- probation goods can be exchanged if not sitistactory. ; Inner entrance through lower store; outer en rance from John Street. RICHARDSON 84 S C °- The Home of Good Shoes. :'j AMI" OIL IS AN ENTIRELY -COAL OIL WITH THERE IS NO 'Ma; OPERATION ANGER ANL g THE r LOW INDEED. PJNT - • AINTS IS LARGE Fora AND THE DO AS REPRE- SH wm-w---I-L- i'LOORLAC FOR .IARD VARNISH WOOD FINISHES ERS I CAN SUIT YOU 4Z D. L. a w. 'LAND CEMENT Two,F MARKETS -trade was done at $6.85. c • •I weighed of the cars. Tpei here 'VMS seeeowrit flame go it change in the ° conditiesion of the beinMa 3 ' , .... .. .. . : : ..... : . 06 .;01 ii. 873 ,, 1.and m '4.t.h:ldlerninealltsnd.'sqLitiePt.P1What stook g - e ee„...... 05 to 65 ' offered- met with a fair • ea_e ander cee .....• ..... 22 ® tO 2 °{1 i ruled steady., Old sheep sod at $--.V tc - 24 00 to 24 00 1 „,.. 28: 3.." tie: 7 1.005 1: c'Pa7T1;Ts,oPriar.ittno,glikriorniallymb$82' tael *S164 et:eh! -t:' 31. --The. ,qttality of n 0 14 CO 15 0 16 to 0 17 IY all the cattle, wee good, 'with s ,,.....,. 9 go GO 1000 I Extrn, choice lots. e. angst.' the ., . ;',.. . 7 59 to 7 60 lcitrae steady to- stro -6° ' 60 '. E. •......... 5 co to 7 50 itaJtite. Xttl.110r il,:rg . ' ' • - •-e 00 to 650 •eol.C1 at $5,90 to $5,1 Wheat, new, ... . . Oats, eer bushet.......- Peet, tier bushel . Marley. Mean per tort Shone, per ton fee Grade Flour, per to.. few, per WO Pet- .. ittee No. 1, loose.... . Setter, tAll EggF,, pOr ftWITI Hay per ten_ Bider. Pe' 00 l' Palk 4.C.I Ilturer seed . ... .. Minottiv seed t ne ket va."4 • brought the latter Dairy Markets Montle -al. - May 30.-EggS 'Preete 1-2c..to 12 h2o, Ch:ese - Western, le 5-8e to 10 3-4e. Putter Cho:ceet, 21e to .21 1 .ce, eecondse elle to :0 1-.c Toronto, Msy 30.-Egge-St1letly new taid. 18e La 19c > r dozen, in eaeelots. Butter - Creamery print, 21c to 23c; wilds, 19c to 21e; dairy paints, 3,7e to I ii8e; interior. bakers', 15e to .16e.. roultrye-.Chlekens, 16c to 18e per lb.; tied, 13e to 14e; live weight, le to 2c &es, hut receipts moetly dreseed. Chee-e t ---Large cheeee is quoted at 14 1-4c, and twins at 14 34ce new twins, 12 3-4e; tem, large. 12 1-2e. • drain Etc. • pronto, May 30. -Ontario Wheat- , IQ. 2 Winter wheat, 85e outelde. Mani-, Ube. Wheat -No. 1 northern, 1,00 8-e; Wet 2.1tortte'rn, 93c; No, 3 rorthern 1 .Oat -Canada western, No. 2, 40cel . 3 Canada, weetern. SS 3-4e at lake 1. tee Ontario No. 2. white, 37C out- , de and 40c on teaek Toron- Peas-No. 2, Tac to 80c outside. r1ey-65e to 67e outside for ••xialting, d 55e to 510 for feed. MIlifeed-eMan- ,• ba bran, $21 in bags. shorts $23 • ' tad() bran, $22 in ban; shorts, $23.- . Hay -No-. 1 timothy, $12 to $13; zed clover and timothy, $9 to $11. •raw -4.46 to $7. Potateee - Whole- 'quatatione average $1.10 per b •e• for Ontario:: out of stote. and 90e to Tie r ba,g in car lets. DHIBALD PL UMBIN LE. er an oczasional ial System Stimu- Its, Citrate f Ma - Epsom Salts, r:s. Malted Milks e of these suni- s, Tennis Balls, tballs, Lacrosse Live Stock Markets. ='LlvErpool, May 29.-Witb, the online Inane? of very hot weather trade wae.= Wry` slow in the Birkenhead market, but ::aturcla,yee quotations remained un- alterede both Oita teS • and Canadiaee ititeers making from 12 1-2e tal3e; lambs, -14e, and waters, 11 1-2e to 12c per 1.b. alasg4.)w, May 29.:7 -Trade similar to laSt week, and prices for hepety steers and rbulls lowr owing to warm weath- ; :S.teierse hea.vy weights, 12 1-4c to 112 3-4c; lighter weighte, 130 to 13 1-2e; • ulle 10c to 10 1-2c per lb. •te Delete, May 30.-Catt1e.-Market ant- is' • eteady. Prime steers $6.25 tn • 46-.40; hu tele' r grade, $g5.35 to $6.85; ws, P3,50 to $ex, calves Market aetirl and steady; cuii to choice, $5 to *8. iatecp and Lambs -Market • fairly ctiv2 and eteady; choice lambs, $7.25, to $7,37o, cull try fair, Fe to $7; year)P` ge, to ; sheep, *2 to tg.50. Hogs -Market active and steady. Morkers, $6,50 to $6,55; stags, $4.50 k 5;PIget. $6.45 to $6.50; • m1x-3d, $5.0 to fz6.10; heavy, $6.25 to 46.40; roughs, f?',5 to $5.50. Montreal, May 30. -The local mar - et was steady to -day, owing to the •tact th oCe_ringe were not much in *Reese of th2 requirements, but on ac- eourt!` of, the e\-ceedingly warm weather -*evening the demand from butehere •*Zoe only for -small lots to fill actual •*ants, and in consequence the trade /lvas. rather slow. Choice steers sold at 1-2e; good at 6c to 6 1-4e; fairly. *Dud 4 6 1-2c to 5 3-4c; fair at 5e teie 5 1-4c, and common at 4 1-4c to 3-40 per pound, there' were a, num- ter, of COOVe among the offerings, of lve.bich -some of the very choice iota' Ftrought as high as 5 1-2e to 5 3-4e, .iind the lowcr grades sold at from 4e eer lb. Some good heavy' buile. =ire eald at 5 1-2e to -5 8-4c per lb, !stronger feeling prevailed in The 'ballot for hog$ and prices shawed an advanc- of 10c to 15c per cwt. and from pack ire was good at the Tidgb.r range of piecee, and an active Onte :0 g on- Monda A feW• e , but only s rice. Theee 1 .Tr Per x ca ate tie e4. uality. 3utc tie were of extra here Prime piked 1ot oE butchers sold at $5.80 to $5.95; 1oaJde• of good, .'.5.60 ,tc $5.80; medium, 5.33 to $5.55; orn •on, $5 to $5.25; cows, 1 $4 to 5 25; b Ile, $4.25! to $5. Stocker and peeder -S ort. keep feeders, $5.40 o $5.70 ;. tee ere., 20' to $5.40; itock ree -$4,7 t $' Milkers and Zprin eiT-The e as fair supply of mil ere ani srjring rs, but a much weake market thai test Week. Prices range from 50, e •$70 each far good to e oiee co' nd $35 to- $45 for comma to med umi CalyEs-Receipts rn derately large ad pricee steady to rot, an 4ngorn 4 to $6.50, with a few of. good geal- ity as high as .• $7 per, cwt Sheep ' nd Lambe-Recelpts o sheep • eel la nbs were liberal and pr ies etea y. hep, ewes, sold at $4.59 to $5.25 • rams, •3,- 50 to $4 per cwt.; earling lambs, $1 to $6.50 per cwt.; pring 1 mb $6.50 'mete eas a e bLI6 er. 1.4e1eets, fed and w tered, s id as le- as -'6.0 at the m met, an $ .20 to $6,25 tor drover.foi hags 1. ,b. ears at country points. W heard o $ .15, $6.- 20 !and $6.21i being( aid to 1 te ers • at points in Western Ontario Weet Toronto, M y 39.-v he quality of male. taken al ogether w s e. c - lent, being worth fully 25 p r wt. Mon.( than those an sale las w tek. Teals in exporters vas sloe a d d age gy, with pric2s 10c to 15e nd 'in e me instances 20e per e vt. lowe . or ute -cher& cattle trade was st pric:, unchanged _1 orn to e quted one week ago. Shee and ye rh g la bet were unchanged, E pring la bs see firmer. Exporters- he fo wi g s are reported For • ondon, 9 eers • 1,- 434 pounds each, at an aver ge of . 6..06 per cwt., -tir a ran e of $5:0 o-$.20; for Liverpool, 312 eteers, 250 po nds average weight, at '5.36, av re e p tie a range of $5.75 to $6; or on. -el, 35 steers., 1345 pou de aver ge wei ht. at $6.02 average • cee- or ang of of $5.90 to $6.10; fo Limp° 1, 6 -et ers, averaging 1245 lbee t $5 88 a er ger1ce de a range of $5.75 to $6. 14 tche ee- hutehe e old at of good, 5.60 to to 5.65;$om on, 3.50 to • 5.21; b lle, re and, e der 5.50 to 5. a, eed- _ $5.25 to ,'r.50; 5.25, Mi kers and suppl • of at $ 0. to $10 Veal ea Yee so d at t, Shea and tnhe at $4.'O to . 5,25 to $4 per e robs, $6 • to • ,e6.50 bs, $4 to;* $7 ach. year iti I wet ler% t.; Am rican Hogs -S. le els, fed to $645i, nd 610 t count y poin s. Prime picked lote. o $5,85 to $6; load; $6.80; medium, $5.3 $5 to. $6,25; CoW.O. $4.25 to $5. Stock Short -keep feeders; erg, 800 to 1000 lb tcidlcers, $4.75 to $t.pringiars"-A limite ,erg and springers s each. Veal Calves. $4.50 to $.6.50 per c -Ontario •sheep .sol • for ewes; rams, $3. Ontario yearling I per cwt.; spring la American eheen, tw .old at $6.50 pr c ling lambe, $7.50. and watered, $6.40 to $6.16 f.o.b. ears SALE IigOISTE On Saturday, June 3rd t Sp. rn.at• Bruepfield Auction Steeof Hous hoM Effects, tl MeNatteton Executor ; T. Brown. Au ioneer. • Sir hs • TREMBLAY-1n Goderie ,on May Mrs. W. 11. Tremblay a son. BROWNLEE-1n Goderie ,on Aftty 1 Dirs. Wil -on Ilrovinle daught 8NELL-In Mullett, on M y 17th, to Wm Sea, a dauerkte MURCI1-In C.Inton, on ay 17th, to Lorne Murch. a dangh er. THIEL -At Zurich, on 4fay 216Let Conrad Thiel, a daog ter. , PHALEN-In Goderieh, lon May 17 • Um. James Phalen, a on. th, to and th, to 34 . an r. Mi. an Mrs Mr. an 11 Mr. ar41freel , to 11 3 13 41 ,• i • ! ' --„,.....-„,,...„ , . . . — — ---. - - • - • . • . ' , I- i • , o...P• , - A D th, -a P - ' t e • il e of -,. It a n , i to.;id 0.1.011-74,y. me -of _ th Wein. - Mk1 Tito '4tbott - Mile's - e Amoe 1, i 1 1 IV 1 T el , e a i r foil - • - - It SIR '1ti- A K , 0.- . LLD, D.C.L., P -Etat/Eat, ALE D R . 'RD, E ERAL_ rtf1ANAGER BO lid 0r ttp, Able -In ; 1 0 2 o a year?. :Ward, IT. 1.,. 0 i .0 000 • REST, 17 _ 0 000 ' FA 4.4: 1- ti , ,.. . .. U S41 INI S .yo o slox 0r0004., le --.n .,ode - .P C .0 0 0 .. WA a_ .... '. Ly 2._ 1 A 4) tie 20th , , - Jo e, ' or . e_ dana the 1 ani: tioh :Gov heir ,, " .E e e‘. ndsi to Farmer . very facility tighter t e te 0 , .. NP. ! Valise cif banking b sinesa including t e liscount and • el !It of e. -1.Yett, I H-1 nath, it TON -Ab. oht. 8, Goeiii ERT-e•I ay- 20bh. Ijsb..] err ;,`• e ly k es ing fib ne for ts ede0 l*t , Olt b . e, a • . k . on • :tell o 0. tri,. .11 -4 e . Iv i • . w 0 May1eetAlex. putt 1, on bed Stat,35 -.1 , le - Hamill - 11 y ree . dre . mi te. eath, consul - n, -0n Hod- - he. ollectiOn rl t aptelidatirir It- COliflt1S Winne -roe of • o ma to is I es not 'B :be ope e opelta I . 1, A s. la N 917 I led ed y k sales notesiare G Y very b anch Mail a. d will supplie. IVIAIL of The Ca ' - receive th adian - ee of charg-e ‘ 1- • . 1 Bank, of aine careful i Prost Woven Fenc , 6 -strand, N. o Prost woven fence, 6 -strand, No. 9, Frost woven fence, 7 -strand, No. 9, F . rost woven fence 7 -strand No. 9 per rod erected el- rod erected- •30 27 30 . ROA he L CH T • kit g t S 0 d AD ft*ATE akete. • ttentio -alley y I , , a Personal , • • as may :: • i b iven: deposit 'Sit to - oRspN t t : . , all other d o witbdr4w .e B ink Se ftiKh rn tents - of the B in this way as . ranch. - n a ".. 's business. factorily. as 211 • NI • oil s ,pring wire _burtr . / N 9, Frost & Pi Hog fence, No. 9 e Barnyard fence 19- tran-d / - . Gold medal binder w • ine 650 feet p 1 1 Gilt edge binder tw ne, 650 ieet, per tsa,/ r pound pound'. 0 lbs, 2 40 38 - 4 9 . r ght and '. - R eski an nib , , liti eat nee o CI me a rora. ti ii tl attended ot west, bp. . i , I - -11 NT roBs. Annual ., d ing . Nation Portland Contnt, superior. t. .. . Rockwall plaster, -ve-y convenient: t i all make e only article barrel to ' 19'81415 o site Dr. lot real e eeeieo.eqBe ip Yip NTSD A. -Alive; ,I x=presentativ /. y . - _ ‘. 11' - - ower s f - ' ti on • neelee, 2098 liberal Eleeforfie induce 4 d Oct. hop rintine it po fcir ition _., - The Anntial Meeting of 1 ubseribere of the use where quic results are requ , k red ; can -Second , - ' •. „ BE .. ' •"14 , & ' Er,i4oTo m n ft for the r wen. rig To tout-, onto • S , 2e00.4 ONE Tu eerem th, Municipal Tele het in Reit' Hall, Bruce& hope d, , Spited). will be n Saturday, June coat iri 24 hours. Get our pric • r`oncrete s, stock op. hand , FO SALE. OR SALE -131e° t LiVeiv, tor. 014 .1.0t i, at 3 tOeloek p. in. A full att. ndatice is request- ‘...• tampers to pounds 1 . e 5 • ONDVILLE Amer, rebt. - ILO B st 1 6n. on, fItiodlithouse SATIO. -....- •r• and / a sent " - write fished fi 'or; -n---)2 w. e h i °•-q- • is • e .sitttee ' lilt. -qa • T, Eaet . orsea -Pro f i 914' ler Pa 2268•1 Tale. rie, le"' THOMA. 2 684 0.181117.LINGLAW PeetsIdent . Cement -sidewalk or floor edcrer • • Ze. Cement corrogated . 0 abl Hard told of Wa e . 1 be Old chea.p. .- . ps , , roller . • 50 App to John 11 tkie, LeFye b r 2 , John t,u -O t.... Moe .... FOn, on Let El , SA . r Co c il - _ e underSt. ot 2, Steely, , • tied has for a oh ice Rale - .-. eC oment trr over, 6oc • Cement curb. b e 001• , 00 SALE ORB NT -1 , w 1 Lo , .110. 6, i ,P. G. Di rie ham t_ holt, on tea te . 18 too PhOne.:13 yoeng the old. Pride • -'. •it, 4..-: • - •••• ' ge• _ . ` L• ' Knives for all power and hand clippe s sharpened , • oves lot line rer -. ide of El Su 'ZIT of ,. , ro te L., - e e TON ate 3 CI'S .- owe forth . . tett bo on , A - G the 1 "S1OK, ens , pp •ti s on 43. JAMES 2287-tf . Mail Co tract on our new machine while you " — alt ,thf'S Will d 'Josiah e rented enn er .s i , ti e o b I Or. 13131y 1 net to sold 4014 -ti M FOR-O3A. ? FT t 19, Con aston 1._ Huron' r Family -scales, 25 pounds. - % 00 BEA ?fiat -a E• Age tree, . Se f r Woe o tit ' t hie •Mae West I side ' 22(18'tf Of ad ., ell he ci re Road, Tooke sold rthson 0 THOS b FO VI:- t v • 2 naileto A- ply • ea o SP f rth on 1st of Seaforth. e tr mises ox 17 •1101 or • Sealed Tenders addreSse . Gen ral, will bareoeived at 0 •4, wa. the Postmester until noon, on sprayers, Crown 750 Moxwell . :Wire law 1 . . 1'1. es 40 Gto A.iis-- i g 'Aral.; -. , *on, feKillop.,1 ' con. i „ , , ' . .1 - 22,04i-tf Fri ay, June 301h, IOU, for ti Mai ste's • Midis, on a propo e conveyance of His conbraet for. four lawn mower ce * ,,,,, t4 inch cut 7 . , 3 00 Li." end preto o Ai term WRI awing 1.00 ere le a s. The clam -fa . For f EIT, La a r.::,. ep in ore' far . . ail to nid wt. th ert , 0 n. 3, t: far unn a e ed 1 b • so o s ti lett. i well n ttroue•O o treat.S. . on pply watered I teat' to 22(14f the ISIS ottalh.e eulltneinerhhhealitidaaw..' ROBT. Apply SeeeTreasurete °FIER stating total WA TA 0E171 fitia Se 4. For Se 40.3t).111-ei6xp:r ns ta RIOT , ' Section eonincemenrceeteretfetde! &RD ILLE 220 YIATT7as'it ortiotir tiZip_sfrzi,,,ehe:pa frill:At %eat,. tol"rcirlo'ntegd'ity.00ristieeoSfem;.;onientir Y• lbe s•en and Idank forms of e 4 -at t e Post Offices of Debl' ::::Lro.inart.eysntega, de 8 oinrorn'thre.eret',nritr3.8; may be ottained Oa and Crontarty %,onerete iron wheeloarrows Farmers' heavy wheelbarrows Garden wheelbarrows H . beautifig / ! " . -re . Pil 00. 2 Tim ..IL pme h eo sta1O-. - PARTY- mme ho • Ily new widen ot .n the pr ise 0 ' 8 le 1 e in Ita .. an i the e a .d onetfl pe to T d 'rie r sa r ley e. • of ac i rope e Itt cemfotteble The , eparir. s, and by is house There • amall meely is , is sea •,,. B si A -cint•R ,rns ail'. • MIER waarfd Appheab • be. ar e T oi oad re Et . e l'e , t -Male or Dutiee tO ed up te teetimanial Won P.. .f J O %tele or S. °nude ee ne It le a .t •Ta 1MA 22,1 8.-T t, 7no 11. 4 Ian(' at Ile Office 'of the Post 0 don Post Office Deparenent, Ma' taw ' 18th May; 1011 . 5 ee e Inenector at ' Lon- , 'lee Branelo 'Ot• ANDERSON ammocks, Mal artin-Senonr pa.inti; • isc-; pints, 30c4 varnishtainsuperintendent shades all- pri - , , e too per'cent. p quarts, 55C 4 1 s from e : half gal - -i . I. o t 50 to I pints _ gallon; . 2• 20 ua farm. sfil ce nd a, Apply or add ost on h p el ess J ME t rope e: ,s'„ or AN ty- for t The .y., Seatorth. a retired Expositor da STRAY of OTT Lot $2, Orm. May, onp , or tt ' = .Killop, o -- ?eyed o year old in • o o the prenn abou . the ees, !th •- ,ampbell's Carpet sweepers 2 75 7 . 1 1501 25C 1 '45 1 3.00 • . c F11 , . owe FOR, SA moon fOlineon, L he ten, t a r ale. to d dorsi' u 35 e ed' offers reit adtoiniog nt is his in a fine lin the inLittroptttrty geod. ph'Itola-‘*6'. heifers. i• T%e and - etv p 1 . can :_hav me expo * .r , e arid wo e IS emu . hy , CH RL 2208 ear. rov• . J. tf 114'-‘.' -11‘ e I e -•••.) 1 Short handled shoveils, 2 -tine hay forks, 20 4oc ; short h. tine s -rap t ed - . tidied spades, - anure torks 5oc each . 6 c -tate .f onto 011115 ini 1-10 ble. ton euitiva halxk bir atively new. VI k nth. well fereled me. Fcir es or add ai h .dri mg 4 n Of rust a n1 d• a f rt er ess 0 N 4 u e, • ES 3 1 a so • ri en. or teu It, et:motes., el pee, uez °rebate] all traits silt tenet s I amily OE, ()entitle lee. on briek all QuORTIVANS .con. 1..1 T e" red. desir. Ale°, the BROADFOOT, p, Seeterth ,e, 'Shorthern and a one - roan few good ;Lot P.-0. ' FO bui:s, Vol 211 S ted ,_ ALF, -.1 443 9 an bv 1 ins. Pri 0. 4. If. h. 11 1 a It ve for sale mon its. eball" am right. A. S. Tuo ers :1255 wo *no en, J. ith, tf . . - ' „Pe' l' F l• 9 a 'we e eelv. - _ " •,,, „fee t e. ....teeee, •••-_-. eeto, . 7.4 -....; '----) e. Ittit? 0 • - te, e. .0" i .4' ,;. • o.o.- e. - - Handled axes 90c - • /. / Speeial cut prices °ill Genuine D..L.&W. , • quantities. Wo, extension all cra.nton 1 are ladder. stoves purch.ised e coal a.t the successo per foot; this ays on hand s of Rei 2oc Month in -large . & WilQon • kl0TION SAL a F RESIDENT, AN a OH T• ' •-•.... - who formerly 0 in th oKe -re' laser , rd a SALE -t. esirable r Village a na, P. L. The hot ndition. arge garden. n o d re er bl e a , I erp To r to y o , le two ie an lop t e e y s ory.1) Is. . ne an ev oce 'cli ha di s te ei dtoof pied liv p1 and ele and pod nig a that Mill W. on is io soft :nice .very de St., . J. J. val. eas3 son, first erto oat* water den eerie. _ g TEL igl of as h is repair.; Tana ed will . .. e restate Rental, desorib nomg a re subs off r ee tog- t d, ri 2.8 p. nt al on 1 f . flits e 1, .. : kw HENS r sale o •t of th ,withee edn Ave Rea OA sto tallofour LL. - The e pro sets Oa e Jai es Pa ta n ;Thee • I prop; . tine 7 ,1), 1 te - he e •riek .I ouse r. nts p.ntry n. the er• al, esi- in nd . .. • . _. 0.1•4w-- '''il .. e ri....=- reeler • t latietete.„ ..-teret;',..., ,...„„ete.„........- --0 • cOntrolled Scranton coal aind / li benefitIf get the -ci IA large assortment Of 1 - low the ex .•tve handle thi spring prices. ' Granite and ./. Ti lusive sal of GebUirte only. 1 y early f ware on hand at , and very mine 111S , OH , upertt . RANKIN, a 1 R al _ tarti Ee . ir Breit rs iipplincatiten , Settfori : . to oo h) Ont, 2263.4 the ' sis e room eeller otise. of teat ; et. .G four an DS I od u d f a al , i tits AM; 1011t t oe ; Wade . . stable Th and isIsit , OM PS AM d soft water prop r e t , tated .ie , , in on • eh- A. , i lower Basket - prices. . , Contracts taken. for rOo baths, ' close ts `rnd ng; eavetrou. furnace wo nina ti if% ork, pnnips, k n epl DI FOR SAL , MoKillo did concl r ,. For: i e n ni I. io Ail a f .140 00 are falll I II 15 es., The owing Concession on farm is 1 0 is „done ne There is Street, toi.) on y enzey, seuffier„ new, 1 eetra uth i 1 G a 1 s t .111 e (s ,1 r London Oct& ne cutter, 'her niou r and tu hatte singl out sing] hart 1 whe Derr lf-- ,er, ess vie , Is generally praises A basket of war lictir your if be r its beauty. would gain ause of its Satisfaction guai4a . il I, - . teed. , • in all epartinent s. nal`,• aores a II , eat. , ea nter'e work b 1 . d a it3. lum er. ,admiration ,n #1 ab earin reek- Iles le pretitises . also 6, flood Orchard. Itches tar ono Seel. ti1 11. mi len f me v -Prier e flit_ (-1 r h 11 1 t e 1 if sti Ink u e. 1 lig tarn f mu .1 and.. Fitton titre a Ito and . !The , Beechwood etinrcle. with ',stone Te 'le a , good cos a n 671' r O farvit as O MA poet Ex It hill so-Chal on ato t 45O• Item, Leis. day of elate, nes and STA;11311 - .T e b n II eon Y OM O . 1: nee its quat, Real estat in 80 Ida of sle aa Eeeter, On ASIERON„ et . 1.o .er c S, F Owl ply t GL , Son*itors = tier eer. itt. er Ch for 1 Cr - odness andi Paity Good. cooks insist flair to bake' Wit port having our It lightens — 4 c I nt - — 1 re . 4 -, • ' e 801 la e pr • o. reneentabl hies or Ft r fi dr as, ' R 1 e pat * lett ieularsapply COOR on Seirforth 2 03-u. A ORTI1OR St 't8 e - •Of" bull S &Pete le 1 13 the burden of bait' the -chance of pas experimenting g y failure. buy and less.ens Stop Snow El aril. ' -16 . 8- ar Merohaut v. •.1k 4111111111. eaforth , A FOR S a Y t.1 ER Sealed , 1 , • teedere nu) Met , old t -a (•hol - e 0.1.ed eow.n and es ears Id t et ngan DriftFlour. t our — p to num neke it he re"..i, lv Wat s d of Lot mith, -co e v ThO. 101 , •r tha No. 1 , Cote al At g 100 in -rote .xcell sionI c es. - nt fano 1, Tenet:ship e ri the Farqphar, 'wil oeing old,I1 - a dal reiniaes Mir reigh th tuition ei 1700 due, to col stook. ) . to. e a • 0 n •I e heifer. rising 3 y twit trio a goo Cly eiting o nas, . nd f derte US, like to s re es. out ow boy *.=1. . • . ew 1 tee 0 VOOFt 001IS LIZ o 2 • - - riensau . ("PULAR 8TA•LititiS: _ ,_._ . • The 1 rbepel. Bred a /id Renls ' Trotting Ste theme . an t d i •tnetete -e house, lie . outee hr •rge brmk i-o.rti,. If•titt„ ho o the °ode A . S E IIentiall, 11.1-24R. f • Toddy . . , nd eres sprifa 1.2 dee r tise i 0 geoct ma water. '1' les fr en kb soil, • earmino., reilOr Ile )n ) mid Th s anti t . n 1. tt- t ie ty Titer '411 of 4,...1 neve 1. vele. mile' i el fo d. p oiee -.fading sit uated. from either tient lire supp'y h lug K•ppen. grazing irsTapply I Meetia-, 0011 11 I the ,e,e- I U01.1,11 uron • , IL ... _ ND KINS81 T ---RA-i $ iNDAT Lill!' AY NI -EFT -EA ' • Four Direct 41251 , Foaled 1111 000 -2.164 . G. M IRB 8111N, ON, Aneti . 1 he ' en er, F . e use i. rq ar P , or to 0, 70S.rn e203.if he IrGillodineerieuti Council of i ino a otporati ' n o the Connty of 1 'CO India)tyriofinJ tinhee e 5ingle Fa for ' . • _. years old trial ; el°;r)131hrlien,dbil!:133-4S. A arqu 'mut -res, p q FoRO °II be rece r, up te-7 f land ire b.ing c nt Ishorne.' LE B T ved b T ,nd Jt le- il hull o of Lh , 01 e ••pr *ER 3. tone '3 ' oth, onte . 14 li es Seeled on Auetiouper, 1011, Containing O.. 0.• • en up. TiHut Teelers nee set for that this 100 B., teen. o toolate •' ment atp. d All iteeo mils t•' May,30t 11 b ea. . 4 tied • 1* d:sdeQauy-n,°t1 test the 'co nt.,v wit e de ANE aqui k be Oler 2278 ing are 1 Round "Itil rninimun I eha a rip • ge of Tic.• • .1.8e:IireBTrodif973:11:13iM1412.2b8,8ta;hyinC11131dttif:ghr lst Ann, Dir I Director. V nd et Me. by the 1firectunt General, . , , ns tit.' 'ry citing, I pig hous rteree of- !ruble pr ege teen fit , 1 re y go' 1. har pe e ,ez n , , e d tx o • d . e en k 'nitre hard eh. . elm:II:he brick of eboiee This Is a • seine I I I- ., i C & •Offal()) • etween, all statio die, also to Niagar, N. Y. . .. D s Falls trOit in Oen- t and .1 and • -,,...-„,a,t ---- .1-r- -. # ',It. 2tet Dam, Be Star. ,...-,,, ant Dam, ni 410 Dem, Doi I IL by Mambrino Ledgefi, by Mionbrino I ger, by Meredith. . A, by , 'e d n thiqg 8‘,1/11r vial> a ket en I For te T on the • er, Farq ens e sqt ins ad porti. pr • 'sea iha .1 . , I 8 t ula . hr t TH , proprietor apply S. CAMERON, is to Wel. In the - ov .N 22 - • . See Surrogate" Ile. ice on teO:d is hereby 88, R. S. Co 1 tile° gl O. 8 e ilne.0a , iety of.11. Mill.M. El ea•ect. ottoman . Ona and an end A reit. ter ts, In Iv 3_ , t tat • Tic . rort Huron, Mich.• ets good °Loh . ' g • June 2 . d k„ .. - ,1"- ' • - '---- • Toddy Di trottmg y Downin Aletollah.- eet is one o t,lite i best, . bred taihntis eve • broWYhtt-, into °amnia A two e FOR. SAO...E y Lot 40.o oitainink ;_. • ror P. Co .18, . end, 18i 1 hat , al. tt rs it t vainable..pepp• 0 Lot i .h, County ell underdrain. - all P 30, Von. 'said! iir tho'Clottnty Of tin "Atte eorge shout "tying Clark, cf the ilth 61 i• 1 Hu o», a , o fattner, elraillet the eeta . of the the T na ip 0 lint ett ee ed, vim 1Pc1 f March 1011 are requi ed an d 3r . d Return • • ee t - %all 5 r. ' 191 - 1. im it :June . figlOW9: 1 The following well known WIlltstand for service this le . * ' : Stallions He has ason as 1 ". * f H . e will °yea hials if a sui,e 0.11 c. g eitttehreli stand.kr ?'11 1 roo 6 id n , hi 2 hie i fele firs . II- -L:3 ..- lane house with. with w .rehD.rd. x30, goo of tli: ,aeree Oits etate 1 . 11 tar 115teel vr olds ter t hoes Lo 30 ha o c: Yard I. : far. .t of tittle t I • Tit 4 litaii b me en nev es a- W tion. et; no phed, re, is re Alto arn 30x50 r failing stern to d On Lot "- ' , , put...Ware a so Rob eindmilt Ater 4 acres Oler "and A. well, day Ontario. Lee t Ant, deceased, 1911. Of June o r r 'send - - , thereef, Clark, Esq., one Of 1 And •1711 1 . il it a MI- 0, pri el ta e th y fore nptiee xeoutors aid th-ir c fins a d till - verified by aflidavib t° the Villaere if 0 nsta ea, ntors of- th . sai. Geo ge the ard day .f Jone; thet aft r the said V3rd oill roe - t‘ lite Rb Exi ind Trip ursion to Low '., H ' th Rat •t meSeekers .1 • West at . 1 I Draft •• St .....-- d Royal N Pi ssasen at th , Hotel St 13 e • fc-th • pk-iP•iceYtor 9bileclarl4f;n6trht: 8) onv re am 11111 ntly sit inton aril tele °echo. 7 ;front di it1 nd S 0r1 buret), • W.U1.301- G.g W.2 5 ntilee trilr pities tO• - the te the.asse entitled 1 ems . of whifih of t he =e • heti 9 ,1 aid. deeens a lona. the I ving- •ref renv . only to shall then have i . ia Sarnia : -o hicago- reed your mares to horse . them, that ;will ,t.,,9-t.f T4itnhetteoir it wou le rO. by.- , n tit.' t 's BOB ER Q a1. . , WILL• .treeived Lite ature a,1 aud foals sell for ood prices _ eceu . 1 /T , Fia • ' E LEor tel O ot 0 Conteton e2N56O4T1T ir D le Xay20 2083 ation fromany ,-- r icTrunk E SASON OF ' Sire (hi Damdorea3II31.... e• e I n res- f em don Rhd is ail el utth-be a Filey, er• • v:th eh, 'apt lain hem ntai t exe.pteen . T h Id in1 eve eie hen 0 aeres of seven on the ind tv,dod , • 1 • - 0 Agent, or addre. D. P. A. Toionts. / s it. E. Miff, The King- o the Ole -al in Thomas L9'44:11 (t2625) Mambrin . ,G cte ) ie0 •• $ King, thee fl the . list • ted, •t ft a , ed So il Iso II i fil. • al, g d n tnild-a • na le, good ne fouri • r, one.tv e harii. ernent 11p1111. ores of o lass shap en put . lath'ye id a half either w obi° , go II ..? ehe h gee q, witlee 2.Ax30. oho T . radii P a te,3•00 It. i.• letuat fron Itrurx ph i with ePb v and' ent. r '.11 s w e s of ti tit Ill % u roto cellar, lee at oortn me p oxtail .tene lle underdlloin- 'ill be Apptv 11`trd end In theyterni of ti hip • that g. hottsto heed nt fierin Dog tete re- the ' by o twee teld res- - Cou. Oil the :11 tart e Munieipall pi ourrther made t pr Assessor, tituither of of teen It of ineor 13 tehes an of r . a eorre Revielo vi i y f ra tot s wn ed on te .1 .t . on tt e t t , eh . -.tint 1 e , t reeeitietl. h 1 = 'Coil nett Wee ti 1 . of lieelf.!1 tem: s in t sat Me! h a ite. ents of t e n eittei of ossesse or k pt h that to of a 'Os inde .tant ing andto lotto f th import. ent in 'this mai er, The Aseeesnient.„ Oil its been is •ii Ill . . equi e • . ' tes •Milleraig ents iloyai , _ _ . - -4 . -The sp:eodidly Bred 013.41 Ronald r 120861 _ -.1 The Extra Well•Bred Oho •-• . ' NicKinlekt - - The Cheieely Bred 01311 . l" . _ (14;1,24) e 1 1 20871 - V adore is er Will . (. udniore Cod in eolor Rtan $ ift14 bate s high and weirrbs'1,240 Oililda-i. --_ --- . stand for th. season at, , arid GOVellilOCki,S Stable, .. Seafortl . ' ore & G „venlock eie •f em se or Adele s decay d of.. wet, JAS. PETRIE, - glee ' 225okitt , mei ened by' • an until the, person 0 opportonit•• wi o• (ley have 0 of July, made ieposi i 1 11,1 larder to h co. et state. with. tha Crert of h i% I- IGIenturk [1210 )1 (1469') . J The epeelelly Wrell-Bred Rh ` re ..t ropr.o.prs . t ' - -7-- • the lunici. alley ist c. rt statement 1 wt taw duly . - • A 118 Ick useekt ay dlici I in sh in to il it 3 e o h g. a . , . ft FOR SALE es itting ne, On ee and ehed. stiaw .. repai onever rn and et•eless at oto sed 0 the eteMle 1 itch 0 witl BA Jews-. n 3 x50,. or erd, /Rh r sup on . Th • te f cultxV fa 2./. 11. la me ,. ,5 it. a 11 ,le • e I' ei otter on, e cent inin4-164) sign 011I.2•• °au laP Aft 6 a 40 ate to h Hee aInd cod tand (126 fOot _ und g )7011tal 3:Aviv to (rift, 5 peres IL water, %find , ie Oh deela • D >ell un erchein . tto which tegiVen Mire Limp. to. 1 • edMay2Oth, t1em-4,ot° clote flable -00t tzi ' an, piens al . Let rre n ., By order 1 1 ht d4tIthent ' ' slid Srel knewes enta on t 1s9 of the!McK die of July, 1)11. t . tit council the e matter Will p . • et ted a0 am nduttente Bop ,souneil e etu DIA Ole k ; I 22 .3 White".'and . floortn& .'Lu• Ge t lhiria; Materi e Ze . , a / . moncli. ' ec.• i i rg ,, . - a Pine for - 1 . siding 7 $ door's / • . Tariff Reform (773) I 1 he Extra Well -Bred Oly . G -olden Key [90971 . ;' wiii Stand for -1-1 r the ..inp a Stack this Sons° +. J. BERRY'S SALE Vol. "32 e (14694) vernent at . . ND EX- .. ) J Will stand elonees,ion lO ite won 1st al Brussehi !stet .-- Dows vo (18070) 111 - J. keGAVIN, P opriet hie season at hie own otahle, MoKillop. Colt by Lilotion'$,•; it 2nd at Seaforth and ibt, all. Terma-fti. - r 1.. 22 pewee All i end M. an need. 0 tvo es in and alfalfa, balance• - • HANGE STABLE, NSALL. co 0, onvela t 1; din an. schools, 1;2 - Mende le' . LORD OS WA Li t ties fr reel n il 0 ei ru rib t 0. n , at Exeth n ist of 'niece after tl paymen ItleY, uotione an 4 'mile, ece titer m do • ny 'eta pr itt •• . r ter n ti e leen rs'F rqulia eorn e nth in , r is - g d i or . Henstill os. - liege of ino gl, Ire interest of - ereneed, pio oulitions atiply ) T.HOS. Cielde. op • 220e tf .s 0 Cheap te Coin : ar iciness • ial Sto Rotel '' 8 K' &a,fo -t F01. ,1-,-., • .ett...• 1 11 fet r01107.... Ul to le .-e L1 .IArl A .,..g , , , assorte . _ id ... - ri - N :__g,' 1. . 0 1 L... .,....., . I i • 4 . TERM'S -IC no Thot tes to nt um . • a time of service or no deal, the hal J lltlitry let, 1912. Golden Key to • 1 ' te ' 5 • . e qe lleitirtie,y insure, 81, , Rot $14---• GI 't k to" Old • s re, . , en lir „ insare„ to ineure, 6.10, plyabie ;Ian an let, - ' • 44 eel, el • , , to be paid -le -•in• e o , M maid. to in- hi it, f r e.errn, Z. „ „ _13 wawa; aide awl a leaf mille the oncl Cone ranee StatOet • Liar., at Robe Goebert Line . ' I/ 114JE Ill"- Pf°1111Pt°1*3 _ , - „.„. Lith- win le:L.4. ne, ,I,,, .0-_,,,li , one, south of Orneeleld, ald tproe„iel hy -len ond Tow in 4 l''' Cie - n L, e to ,, olio ee ote f ,r noon - then ii•lbt I* tit0 tr ;Ace . - i t lieltmlevie for tieht. 1 Tilthbv--l00ihir to John Reid it Tterrsorer), •11.41lett , . - i 3T -4 es e us MO •Ila r ed the th her 7ou tO act tile int. dd Ire LO co g• • er , wth I• . b a t i 1 as -testa h p 'C4 FOR SA • tainint • • bank 38x60, . oeme house 1 he far . - are It rn. T • five a, ity ser and all e best f of Oon se p ond . y on 1 Con .7E For ea 00 res• iarn ,40x(30 so ., good t ft 1.„tea, an ith Oche is ',ell fe g' 'J Well- a e go. -s •f goo se • . id to all OU • 9 n the t an , -6.1 in s church, we= tonna. - enn es or ce P. O. • ot 4, e e are t t coo c'' kepi 1 Itt i w 4e an ne at hard h rdepod. . :15 4 oi e. This • et :hip s rtooSeafn a ndi •r further dress , °ant' 71, Ihillete, on the Orem- , ea floors, house, a A geed (lame &Med end Miderdra the Muse of two acres. bash, titres of prepare). and iskst li . le atilis stare. 'MIL. par HENRY -COL- , i 231311 and hen ood . not and 4041 fall is • li. lla . be lett. tf i3 1' r i) iVire a I in i.t C e can unks an ' m SI. ,, imp d. ' - ality Glovire nsisti Buck L. sa t un 4 '1 *I dir,,e, and.T on mon it Cages. i. R ..-- uslv , lied - i nd 1: he itfieett Stied ti -y Pr gs a E pa te Mt t-• , A. on . ces g- ns. 1O.08 all. Foil hay Re ' X and. • S pru farm. o-ates te rack material ' ing. - Siting! Cedar X X White . X.X X . cr -7 o, . i • X .X X st ' e • avel boxes t • and floor- . • $Rodger and X X eedar X )( 11 the - best • SBETII fN STA 1 BERRY & 111l'anoctc, P rumredde4fdv; tiMnadv'pritiCeh-edWwiritistlettv11 h 1-, 01 Stanley, then nerth to eine Eutol thence north and west to W.... Ole uesday-By wa3. of Bannotichura r / Ornperatice 11 tel, ter noon ; then yfield -road to the Goehea line, Albert MeOlincheyer for night Wed art line, then south to Stephens n'. for n ion ; therreast ter wav of the rth to Wm. McKenzie's, 3rd e tr. 1 r night:- Thureday-North tc. fia, e t_to hie own stelae for nonn, and day morning. FridaC--8011411 ltY r wi to Alex. Monteith's, for noon . inA Chapneart's, for night,. Settled able, where he will rem ot nu ' eters °w" f431!oles; 2.ta rionceee a. re ler noon 1 , ITI s, for. eight. i roe. at the ovet on the t, en 'smith to- n. iay-E41-1,-to niers, at a fine and 014 Stanley, -11 Id • road • en I mio till Fri of I. ndon t lit',e ebt4t I.;:i -To his- own following Road, for11001 to Doted And own_ Atable f mornine, wbe I . • ItoadeD'ini,t4:eri°rittillicT4 rIoneessior• to Ct T. 1. BERRY Memday, Mi North Liee AI i met 'Hanle' ler 11 a d then eatt, to ChiSOtruft Wedneolay-. Vral. 35xla th : then BahelOn Line :tod Parr Line mons, for itigh't. Itedheslave-tO hi3 r moo, reniaini ire thkre till FetleY ' be WIII pr.:Komi or A. F, Poore, Toile- • • , . .n, eatheounrethaej4; ol'Nt31:1O-t1-1-1:Rtrit..31.1;*..3.7filhi • is own stable. W, R. SMILIIIE, Men eier , 1 ----,--- , LONE", ilitt. i 11A M Or F. BENG01,0, It, Prnprireeire . v 1st -Goes WP8t 1,0 2no e• /134100. 10 er t'-, for n or ; then eoto le tO Town t I '241(1 onn 140./01110f 1.*:;itorn#. t ..TIOIrI6, ht. Tueletay -.riot nein li robe novo to lh ss. Velma; e tor neon ; oitcl eerie' ond eaet to C. 17.1. Wrfitere for filoht. Vest to 31arealeo Vorner, and north to s. far.acrall : weeflt6Jarllee -1e.Orexta, et .' 15 FOR Oo . ez• • -Lo .n 3' 8. . Oo . on 2 ; , 14, Cioneessio -t: Lo 1. ° A flois I 1 - 1. • lc bui e e of e s and by lono- odds he cheapest z., onday inorriinge . 11011T. MURD •7*. . -_________ e L Manager Corner, then Reed and eon day• -•Goes w 14 ii -milts north . rid wise; to ..,Lorrdo • h t , Robert coop refoinet 1 Teer.s- t to Hilisgreen t Pael 11 'We; for td im. ie. Ie On ed tv •. S II ,. 0011 113, of.Tuqi:- ree, BIM, of P Arlo. ' the tali au pee, •w he in 0. ncession .h, . lis eel e it...eilent th, #. WIthi i ne Of farm- petiti for t sh • . , . Road S ..y 0 Men con TO en bf the - Anent* in settOrdect the 1. The f years' • --ti. eye in- rice- ee• rid .a.t0171piet 13taketS, Sq ee-,our are, libber , ir f • * A i 41 ..7ine shape:[ ip.iet! 9, 4434 .. r Moante it to Roo , ool . nd. Airo ess ar- ` HI Fe roof on the rket.' 1 iland Musk ka Cedar ce Posts 8 fee and 9 feet long. • GUINEA (�L um. BERRY& SON, Prop , nn aye ay - I cave '.11 d 11 8th WII I 113-ttmlielcl and preteed west to V. i „ f I rt ee ot- . or neon ; thence no h orit. Gorier-4dr toWnehip, f =r nigh s 11 t • re I I oven et a'..e. at Temper - John Both. 1 Titeaose-To noon ; then s for night, and,r Sattlxvitty-Eelt 111$0WII etehle - • - .. , VIP T11.0t1 mg nth to Zntich R,,e i aeri wee txt Za. ieh, t00% th-.re itnil eittatde. Morelog. te Jas. (tree...Ie. for 12001 ;1.1101 tO Irene -all, -where I e will re nein until a - • ,, oneey morturoir . 1)' ,,fl, ger o• Id ., te way toe •,_ en with Trokto .1 t, d ening h '.. As. get' ter.' OS. a, w rld tioton, ae Grehant'ell tot, f ,r two. id. east to W. J. Miller ir, Sol coil . ; Ilene& ii nth' re Ifulete, 4 RIO GRAIN ' 213011 ornhhe ith trnewl a wty, )8N op e rive eoft wa • , ever -...b . stow. beeo litill ()bete 'DIC o ri - • : .1) er 1 II p a N i . w klteli 5 and nk On rig -30 :II wet toga"' tl rt y i Beare • fin . of r. • with wank!' h Minty r undo - , north . ardwbod spring dielde of " 1 . - 1 I, —g*:,' bush, ...creek Hu th ro. n• pt 0 e., • -' • Chea . to Co ro-- 4 a • ill 4_ /aess . • ial-fiote . ' ,1 1 . ISto e eaf r h N Plan ee CLUFF . ing-.. „ Mill and 1 SEAFOR • - •SON . S nmber Yard El _ . - . - t t 1 I TOIL %Values 'ay-Eastte A. oof r /Mon ; thence to Seat` oth, night. • Thezeday-flouth to °Oh 0 Yost, for noon ; therum weet, to ill mai, for night. redeye- Webt Feene upaleies,, for rem , then he own stalfie for night aril 'wing Monday inotning. wm. nni 1 •...e. - V 1 . .. a; ii nolde's. Roe. -liar-811A 4, ahretoo, Kip. rt Ciut t•ifee t ?Jong JAI in ft!, and north till the fol. . Mame:. r 1 s _ No. 11w ''' I • The Impnrt 14442, Vole 31. at his me n sta RoadiTnek priees., e 11,204 8 Neal 31 e 13, . tif - * • * ". , $ .- I Clyde 3 oilhe . Illo a -.a, of ort IL iti'in, 'le for the seaeolt On 1.41.. with. Terins--6--2. Posit! JOIlo D E, Plookletor • (hip : , „ 0 , 4 e close .• --i No, • ,i woo .. .. ..T. L , • . ° . • . .,. • --. ... :. e ., ....,„. .8 - .1 , -.../....4