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The Huron Expositor, 1911-06-02, Page 1
o:W that Sills Goods of Quality Gd that build hue! because they are lat please }viz. ase you, we please cause our first ion always is our .satisfaction. ry our PALI.T ess:Go pessaries py tock. Guarantee Slip Slip accont every l # • res, all . the wanted arias weather. See the pair rs Lace and Ems fleets. Extra Spec - pair. gs are here any - ty each. An: anay- Values t appeal to everybody - Allover Nets. Veilings Vests Etc. recently,. and ther values throughout tir iy new e attractive` Underwe and Corset- o wveness. Come. ani tee Underw give, embracing and Separate• es and Eggs.- FAFORTIL- at ▪ r il` ItritePIPTH Maw WHO U%B R 2,2438 444.444 444.444. SEAPORT -Ira G14 CLOTHING s 1911 4• CLOTH • t ameeemeass Eleven price for a the man meant to often dis .ppo trate small cher a he has fo price. . is is nohe tion how `ver at this for we ,aid ys rake it; a tissular; pa " t to rcae out strong on our $11.00 suits. f This se on e are sl ing eons 3 extviaor inar lollars is YSlai3 s who I ha nves in a•po uit stha as. t Suits out, from choir ed to Pref skillful wo We OM the' best elothig t AND _y� E it would b to di tin suits o m half a lm. n fhb 1iteat e fabrics and ota:on by th kme�.e to give ou moderate zit ndonely a D© IT. II e difficut r uishl o'r gar en s eh or t s 1 r t is Ile tle Ore, 9Z - pry ti)' I yle or- st de ed t ask; no u i st 00 T. CO .i ; }DI APIoNI 24 it riaus wea loquent F (BY Thclter formal o ch>krch a lar :ere) neday Fati'�"r, ter',a= ink` of idi0 his has erietian t esi'. oil c u h a oo' hlc. die ilio feelt; h feet; b 50_ f�e t; and 1 b 38 fe t, fent, rt strue ed with Isto door sill rof wih� thatichCan,! be h'e 1jvinitb0er pl c ing dihappea ing sa etuar , it to,aceottodat tion, Thi eh de ai1L a ving crss, vesttr e chair, separat he ghurch' ,i. ce preveh do ninant col Or ' i .. The wi d we diffe in th • Motes la se' paintin ov r. he main itskind in,; a t . en y other ch r , descr th=' life of C pa oramie or eh Idrere can th m.; The eh da .The vo • r E ; well; th rughtu the R oy 4row seeks a embossed ere crysta owns play er wearie he Albert ding al alio gea ;dressi equipped wit sc:nery, elect the Niagara ba he°;fri(liwe rmalce;tt�oenn Atthabu gaudwith m:Ss f h uwElsorIery'sfn :. ags 4 gerwanel • t ith ,ex ✓ raptly'a ch r h bell.a in :: ti chee th liras oo 1 et e.' ;As. Bish thecrowd ,se ch r j that; a el: mar of 'the n rant of •sej vedl for the th tccornpa w : e an'inspi i yo un night! ch 1' chole., b r.35 'forth n w: kerne : i Your! Lordeh p !us, , i a Ole mon1 ntn s3 d`14 Kee and stesy,. een nd e tied c 1 hh.fr reit dres 44 u}:pl cite E rH eCaT � th bra Boy's Suits It is,really marvelous the great num- bers of boys' suits we have already sold this season. We Have somegreat leaders in teis department, probably the first in favor is our great 5.00 Suit A price that `appears to most buyers, as reasonable. Tee you get .gar clients worth while, you get appears once and durability combined, with a sty and fit which pleases the boys.. for• b See our great suit boys 5 pSee ou-r great suit _ oys at......... • • • •............. 5••00004. S015/ ' $1 See our great 75c �QG- • Choice Men of taste will appreciate our hanc . dme hits Ali anent they clap their eyes on them.' Ala e of .: be e tae the fabrics and in the new Spring, patternsf Theme a when aman can afford to be a bit extra* of shirts. The shirt comes into unusual pro inenee t.arin Spring and Snrnmer Season when a an take st3 his vest. We' have choice; shirts fdr th liperty with who is a conservative spender, an for e rho. whose ritrings are looser. We have the best gant ila 50c 75c $1.00 $M 25 00 ifal aye tter the nab an rse Highest Prices for ,Butter TIff G1ffIG CLOS 3atjsfaotorY Clothi�t? e e an a 0 N; EN E. I tryrTzts 25th. Charming - r3 and Over- rgation.. 1 otrespon lent;) e in ottnectio wl e new concert er chapel, att C.t. Cptlurban on u s y of last o s the value o ceramic rs n o twenty- wo ding ha d in nt of o e of st beau Ifni rib iteeture is • are •s 'mo b3 to�riuin, l 100 audi�to ium, ins, 30 by hying •roim, S 13 b art rssed 0. r wi to da 11a a el - ad irs 1 1s a ur e s e 1 1 r e •a e, r f o4don. The v ey' t e Ble3sed TrinfLy, to faiths only' o e, Of; h warld. There are=. a uA paintings in he g aeons scene n t, all are arran ec. in is that even chobl. lo and uncle 3t - t h r:niture ;13 u, a' t ple i3 a rel gi pi s i.. n to lift °ne'3 World whim eat r, where g rd e' lovely: fl w aims and . siI ng music for he annex, chapel red pr ing, wi dcw �ar d e builds i g is sla-a y . foot j belfry, in arrge m sisal bell, ten !les wear a ` capab e .of hold - owing t+ it3 three between chapel and used -a an anima verflo:v eongieg'ao complete in every.' ar, ,stat ons r" bin. u, organ for ha l; heater etc. i a ige, . Lek 11; description Tide green, old r d nt glae in the all other 'church es A, age,' t� the Lai, acted Wed- e ;t, prise t ode on b a , 1 beautifu lie ' temple f At the maaori basetne diet3 r theeu and del glorious On Mrs. 3, across Holland choir' a of the to flies of the at -borne night. ed only The Mgr, festiviti the pas •t+2, 11 of DDab uable c Peace Etpiecepo of I79fo lone', Se Mist organ cahy led St. Colu id solos Frank dills, '9X1 The: d Malone, the Chi. !cal art, Clusion Fallon 1 the gioc of +cod, wordy er Meee having 0 by 0 85 try 0 feet 80 • z bri :t, which •15 capf ople, possess s} rte. It w curtains, 1 Spiances,, as s reaches St. C g of the ne ci On Wednesd y the gaiety ise eated but a! rid on the gro 8 ;occupied. i=u ens biossotne• hetle •audience v anon. !o'clock, 'the d the Bishop' cheer rang ted a.rivals on entered th a loud ';Conti u+ Owned `the r -a' 11 le a on olu alO will filmy bre' z spho reeg ggbef. erurrnthactnadeT:eih;y:: loh.8 ryoos:driiegthiwearday. n‘ril St. Poluerd) first time, n lets in On ea ins; corn ss Beaut has Cottle a on and genial e u all the w ent the air, ith muted - ne tea; cop • 1,e4 the Bleb p n4 et red from the iSt ge• regular wog a me. 14, Mrs. Fr derinct ether in solo 0 In es Angela Cr tty 4 ppearance be er a nce. The en raii the very bee p ane (1.11:3 MhetassrdihIea fo ds the! ncisdity night his e Voice of ex rabrde ✓ I- nees and pow r. The eat lyric star. he se - SC Columban or he 'tra ppla tied. Bishop F lion pre ethane evith t Me- t and eloquen ede from start to fi isle edlaetter' day by th Church and I wi fe Bishop Fallon o ti by. Father's M ee, leirney, Cain aa an bout forty e ytes, etre. Ar tin terior of the ch. rcii es, 11 nd t- Lai and the ergs wed! :remember a past r and pe that day able ch 'deed la Ing For ter t they mare ed were sung a ee tion groceret employe on the R-14,18i,t ea roleman, —The quarterly o ed thei stor, Rev —On Vaturday, pinthaairsrisdteitih' B. avroi,sys, ialteorf a ill ten a ia the. lim the e' 10y.' of Twitc ton, o 0 me yearn :aril!. 41"1,1 ' geor.°15T'; —A. obinson, tQaekbf41.1 htaYs !lb:glens ton, a one on faun hey eviere —Chi ndo3.y of ight by: the n saw slabs int n tire f of the Clinton o smile th icers he Credit enable IH. Bilber reside to 113. Brow 18th con e Its is p ll iee e, so tibli RiVahe ed, woelg iti in of t he of I ng The rson wag th assilated. n Reit. D. Forster on t Carmel Lentil Rev. T. Ma w re -given hy r. and Mrs a air Will ims and ethers. euent 'die ourse. At the eon w op aad his slner us ;maple to be honor and lory of G ommodiou.: an devotion 1 tid took &liner with -the la - .11 fo a ti e order to prs. H Hand 'took place, ju t. Huron kdot s. t in Go arid on June 5t1 . • good; e Davide found tree. Willia May 1 a :yea up hi Pn an —D eta A bad uriere the strul gro colt drill. Mond Hine Bow teotne Mitth of y out the canee par pigs elect necti Kari MHO Andi Nati laA n oriTh.aisi ;3::uwa:alietirn to etadi ten n Monday b or chit ch have uel ad ch 'townsid 11 ess of so w has been 1 ell ad Son, Cat ha gone to Nee job tinting hue Ja kson, of CU tee to the o t week Joh as made art a as by the n3e retaryatrea et week thr e of Gre They we e nder a ma le lied to gi e era torm, line, Morr s, e insured a d d $200 on is o ng last we k of 'enry West n, rich township, as and burned tot he er fewda s* Adam W rd WI ham in is man 'had be n at Cobalt or 0 a ay st -wee est •so an, of he y la fa In ham urnb pi ab ornin e ern, .pr seht feu. wing th :the J en's tristit IStr J. Is Mil day last ham, er dv e fp de nk 1 fi na,d lit er en he w nt nd seven of own. It is e- re. have b er year in c own branch of President M ss er, Miss na eorge Beam er elite Miller. ek aS ;Willi rel wa oeth, was v- ile eldie bit of „he an Mr. Nay or as rs. The Diamo ni ,aing Diamonds at &cost that is sur- prisingly reasOnahle is tt feat- ure that is most noticeable in our * Diamond Department. We have a, very nice Diamond in 14k. Solid Gold ring 'which we consider as most expellent value and we; are snaking a speciality of that line ate I O's00 Other rings ateadvancedlprices according to size of the Dia- mond and all sold under an a - soltete guarantee of quality (mid efewetrs and Opaezia. Expert W4tohinakeirs Issuers of Marriage Lidenseal , Phone 110a ns injury he jumped from sustained some severe ing on the end ot only ran a short distance, bug damage was Duncan Stewart, far a quarter of a Lucknow, wedged tween the Wheels and gy, by a eunaway evening. His back bruised by the revolving the garment3 about soaked with blood. fore fatal consequeaces —In the exams recently nection with the School Toronto, efr. Frank Mr. P. J. Evana. formerly of Holtneeville, of the Misses Rudd', off a goodly number doming second in tile Evans and another John Roberts schol divided. They also gold medal for general Mr. Evans won a --The Presbyter' ing reference to a Huronite. Mr. Hendereon Pastor of Carmel e number of years : derson, New West the Synod of Brit been granted three absence by his co eplendid moderator. worker as eitizen, er. He need; and day and a good ,r beginning of June citizen in the perso relict of the late John Pasdeldl awaY at tine John Durand, Gode 19th. The de -ceased Montreal, being bo had been spent in near Drysdale. Fou to Goaerich to Ma past year the inti had told upon her was practically hel retained her Intel —A dastardly Mr. T. M. Davie, o day night of last eitting in an ,artn walk in front of his ohair tilted against of :oar men came 'along, them ?Amick Mr. the head, knocking Wall and then hitt while in a helpiee the stable men at hut was prevented his life it he did summoned. . —The Clinton Early Sunday mor the graham Hous apparently injured the bruises 13, culvert done ;:o an einp1oyee Mile oe bead foretnoet box horse on WaS badly the wonnd He was ensued. of R, Evane, ef Minnedosa, and of Clinton, of the honor; student' rship, which led for protielene :Abject mOdal. makes prmer les. web, El Rev. 3. aster, .mOderator sh Coluaibia, monthe gregatioa He is esbyter eserves st He lets for a tr of Mead Ilya heorne of ich, on was a n there fetaaley, years a her bonte. 'tittles of oristitutt, less, alt ct to thrl tick wan Godel ek, w. hair on livery the w a vizi a he it agal ng and positio ernpted and tine So. all Neves- i ing a v It w: z and 1 Vaggy ny The nd the :hicie. more clX his Sat to Spoke ,resc heit1 in 'Pherrnaent, seen nephew tarried honors, list, eled for the the f ell ling tisall, 'S.. leave and' al, very and preach- alone In p to s Getterux, !nth, er. nephew, ridaye ative aiaet tow o she old and lough last, made , on e he, the stable, 11. A it1 one zy ble t the ieldag One 0 iht atene . Dav cord id du alive is t and fall- horee 0 ser - if the into be- bug- rday nand , and were ed be- con- of Mane Mr. the wan ' lleee and row- own been for a Hen- of has of the hard holi- the the who May 01 -two shin, were,: rha age she she on Mim- waS side- the party of w on stone him of Are, with s had says 1 k was ane ought Seafortb 1Raoes Wednesday Tune 14, 4- Ttlzursd% 154, ,1011 CirCuit west of London, i SEC01,4D ,.2-i Ptce.•.•4........ Free -For Seaforth Pre 2268-2 • FIRS -All j.. Brass Attendance dent r DAY ..... t.h.$4 Brand Secre Seafortht A a.$4.0o.oc 0. 0( n nt. I that, during t it blindly and ,falling to t 335. As th ho3t of the Gra "oShorty" Centel n, -ho 13 an expert in such matters on being appiied to for an opinion, on unc,d it to be o too good foram to have one's game Tome to one's ry door, anyway, —4,1/.5. Rasmas E of Wroxeter, re- ceived a telegra on Friday evening, May 190, anno cin Sask. Mr. Smith was born 72 years ago In Pprthead, Rox oro a'giths, hirerme,aSine:nts.lan.idri. and came to C Afterwards they too up residence lal yearis. About to ye - ago airs. &mita and f the decease we t to reside with:. tbeir eon in ego ght n. Mr. Smith was married 48 year ag to MISS Maggie - Tait Pour sons Oli ver, a sergeant in r d ugh terse Mrs. Ras - York; Mrs. Ada s, 'Stoughton, and M- lle, deceased, w re orn to them. —One of the arl settlere of alp - gannet). StetiOn ass d away on Wed- nesday, May 171 the person of Samuel Stothers, five i years, He 1, as born not far ;roe iDungannon, Fee an gh County, ere land,. nearly sev nty years ago, coax- ing to this conn try what about elfsh- who.; settled on ha is now known a thn Slathers ho est sad, eoneession .3, West Wawanosh H resided on the homestead until bo te thirty-fiere years ago, when he rn ved to his farm in Ashfield, where the remainder o; •his lire was spent. leo gh of a quiet dis- position, Mr. Sae here was known and esteemed by a ide circle of friends, and was highly respected by all the community. In Mice he, was a Con- atervalive and in elig cot a Presbyterian, —After an Wu ss xtending ova sev- eral 'weeks, Mori h rnyn, relict of the, late Iluesten Gib on,, 01 Wingnam, passed away at r *me on Sandee evening, May 21 Ft, 1 her 76th year. Dereased was b rn near Ottawa, her pareats being n tives of Ireland. In the Spring of 18 - 1. e tamily tame in Wingtam and s t le on tete corner on which new st nd the Queen's ho- tel, tri 1858 she was married to the late Ilueston Gibeen who died some eleven years ago they lived for many years on e farm two miles north of Wingh n the, death of her husband the dee aeed lady came highlesteeM by- a e circle of friends She U survived by ne SOn, ark, Jos- eph Gibson. He da ghter, Mrs. John Mena died lest ce ber. da urday morning. —Mies Jeanette De ar Weir, of Ham- iltee4 aged 29 ye rs,- was found in the garden on Sa$u aY afternoon SF(Y -bad- ly named that ci gill ensued. The young woman had bee su: fering from re- liglotte Mania a I supposed to have set -her clothing on fire. J, G. utirrford, Dorninipn Live, Stock Com e ner and Veterin- ary.;Director Ge era of Canada, one of the most value o ticiale of the Dorn- sigriation to the MI ister of Agrieula ture, and intend to go to ;British Col- umbia, to reside. •-i.13:etrt Gillett 'of London, Wee se- verely burned a out the shoulders and at* while at w rk in Leonard's foun- dry ion Thursda af ernoon. He was trying to close hen the white-hot metal flew ;out la d I on hie shoulders and arnie. —Vire: which rok out Sunday morn- ing in a iroller 'in on Notre Da.-ne elbe Carriage Co a y 'gent, the Dom- inion Box and or to Company plant, and eight privet h ses were destroen fed, {Among the ho ses destroyed %wee that of Fha ef Fitzpatrick. —Andrew, the rteeti 'year old son of Thomas Laidl w, of Galt was drawn - ed in the river it , between Ayr aud Drumbo, on Sun ay afternoon. The boy wa$ on his wit to see his brother ab Drumho, and is iltz posed to have gone in bathing while en oute, and getting beyond his dept —colonel ro, of Bram .prezi- tried in Toron o at week on a eharge of signing f lee returns to the GoVernment. Mr M tiro contended that - he had every c nfl ence in Travers, the general rna ag r, and had signed the reports, not len wit: g them to he lase-. The judge tee rved decision. drug store in t am litter oatheeerntdraayl reacbed out at the h ad of an unknown Young woman ho was eassing and pulled the t om her hair. Tha lee -earns a the lad -brought the O*11- Or of the horse to r rescue, but the *hale had devo ed most of tbe rat bee fore, it nould be tak eway from him --4sadere Le irie, engineer on the government tu Walleneburg, was found dead In t e engine room under tragic eircumst noes on Tueida.y. Capt. Rourke wits gel t with the dump barge, and ra th bell in the eagine he went below eetwthahlgt nwoasreerrerinsge, room to go ab and found Lepi e 1 ng dead upon. the floor itt front f engine. Heart dis- ease was the use of death. —On the fa t Me James Rattray, about two mi t om Carleton Place, thirteen tine Caws ere Idlied as they huddled togeth r Oben storm came sae: but four head lett, • iiilleiLrb7tarnal/Wet7ownsieltre:nsg:tsioe9t shattered ; and these were thirteen that ceuite serious, class- miler' eo ota ub1i Beres. .a.oly O S ni but. it nias the building cau e -It is officially stat:d from Ottawa at there will be no cpecial issue . ot s mps by the Canadian pastel dePart- a King G,arge. .It. NI. ill probatly a matter of solnia months yet before t e new King 1011 be,' ready for gen- 11:ae, Torento, wag fatally shot Tues - avenue and Hayter steeet by Joeeph Jessamine, elevat6r opqrator at the Toronto gineral 'post Office. Jessamine. t me relative of hie and Tuesday . rail* he lay in wait:for WM on tre street. He Aired lour bullete, all of width took effect. , TwO penetrated. Ight through to Lougheed's bowels and en; in his baek, He was taken to e hoipita,l, but died three hours later. on Saturday night. Campbell was one of g rit be unloading coat from the tramp , amer Greene at the Sun Cern. la 'orks; and work! hid ;been roMpleted. C Inpbell wee standing In the hold of when twithout warning the m or scoop was loWered down fro n ve Into the daekened hold, The oat- s ael wing of the contrivance elosed- o ex Campbell sq guiekly that he was able to scramb,le out of the way, w th the result !that ;the steel , jaws c -zd about his ' legs, breaking and ushing 'them terriblY before be could —Thomas Irentiedy, i.a well known f mer of Eturon townihip, Bruce Coun- t near Lucknove, is lying at deaties ay team on Saturday. With a load ample& One lin* w4s broken' in say- () live hogs .in the wOgoti for market, h $ sou prepared; to drive out of 'the f ightened the hersese which at once b came unmanageable and daehed- a- y. Near the house ohe of them gum - b ed and fell, and the father, who Was b rya nth at(Y f al lellezne ng their feet4 andi was frightfully • al places, his breast Was cruehed, and h , was otherwise !injuned internally. He 1—A serious shtotinl affair between taro Voralkerville boyse each 14 years o d, eceurred in !that ! town last Set - the Hotel Dieu; Wine ear, en a crilikal otinullilon, while his plaYtnate, Edward andley, is held at police headqua,rtere await 'the outtiome Of injuries. When affair happened tiie boy$ were s ending only a. ten. tbet apart.. Hand - 1 y had a. zevolvere a 48 -calibre, in hie ing unable to exteacti it. Handley etout- la id by an eye- Wiese, the sbol. wal!-3 a m, glanced andl ente ed the abdomen, f Ted dnieberatel by 1 Handley. The ;;c vehe,re it still reMainse: the eurgeons bee ly denies any lutenti9n of shooting his friend. Sad Deatle--With geauine sorrow the Whole pariah of 4t. Celumban deploree wife of the St. 'Columba. postmaster. The feStivities cohneceed with the tor - Mal opening ot the _new parieh hall last Wednesday evening had lust con- cluded with the ?singing of the national anthem, when Ws, li011and, residing aeross the street; was sudderly seized with a congeetive chill. Medical aid Was inunediately SummOned. The patient. rallied for, a thine but the relief was only temporary. A 314iden -alma In heir condition about 11.45 amn. ePeede ity culminated in death. Mtn. Holland, aee Mies Idary Butted, was born in Rtrathroy, where, her aweet, kind ways and affection of friends well nigh bounties% Whether es la Pupil at the high School, or ae 8014:contralto in the Church choir, "PtillY,'" as she liked to be called, was everybody's favorite. Five ettrs age last detobeed Mr. and Mrs. Holland etood before Vila wedding altar and proirdeed to be feethtal to each Other. until death. That promise was ever broken. A happier young couple *aid bei hard tte.find, Starting with liniited capital, they have enlarged their premises and 'transformed a Ifttle ehop into an up to ;dam' general store, telephone office, railway and atearnalilp < agency, and Government money order and deepatched daily, 'Mrs. Holland was the firet the attending physician , was aomeWhat apprehensive of the result, so her pastor administered the last rites of the church. Later on she regained cour- age and atrength. -On Monday of last week she visited Seaforth. On 'Wailes - day evening an alarthing change tor the woree took place, and at :mid-, night ;he peacefally passed away.' At once rresh message.s etere sent to 'rela- tives in Duluth, Minnaapolis, New.York and Iowa. On T ureday the main ;altar here was a sun ,urst of glory; ortelat- unday it was draped evith emblems of sorroiv. Crowds lined all the approaches to the church and before the tailing bell, with vihr.ant lips and eloquent tongue, had ceased to speak from ; its lofty pulpit, the. veered edifice wale fill. - 41 tte the doors.] At the concluision of the requiem ma4s the Rev. Albere MC - during which tears end sobs were fre- quently in evidence throughout - the Vert U.3 all the] day long, till the shades lengthen, and the evening comen and the ine3y day is hushed, and the fever of life le over, and our work is 'done. Then in His =ever! may He give ets git, sail lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at lait," interment took eiae.e in the $t. Columban eenittery. The ' 1)a bearera were 3Ohn and Thomas Flan - Lynch. Mr, Holland and the orphaned teen, George, bate the' sympathy, of the whole community&COm.