HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-04-14, Page 4k7o cul B6 a d 'no -O il sym V Jand accord ale—enient as In e ,flelrrocay The ' , il " 4rmer and -trained trirm "y attempt to'WO-446- NJ 7. 0 tionlal cries Not so VIM the V 9t le h A i 11 ents ot Veelprocit. w T. tryi ai hOLO T a resolli- 0 W t le- - mupulous in their opposition than V m WJ 'XI dn 9, Y T W T F 8 i ti p"", by a Ote thos ad t 4m- r' ar #, t the i eat 0 tpre- was necei§nr a with'the Idea 0 arassinx the Govelliment havoJallow. he�� 'e a i evetur %ext, at the �neetln now no te,31- ;4011A w a t k4 Up with �,f I ghi -0$el �4 v*1 3e held ;one ays ag, Y. ed themselves to, be drawn Into- 8, 161 lute I ctafro.1 ; i A t ae Ph' 0 Ull 1011 The ii& eon� 2 4 6 7 8 mmts that twould have but one yWhIn r Mack- cluslon-that of pitting . class gaInst inn Day Bw t yAS 9 10 ti !2 13- 1 1 15 I Mir, I adth6rized urer overn-: *anley. i class. Now -that the journals Al � be - h A 6nce:� stro, red re sorry mrn 61, the .7 It 1 19 -2(� 1 22 I les.' 0 well, Aes.;- to le 16 ginning to tealIze the fallacy lit the 04-7 en last. ��l annt4t Came 23 24 115- ] 2'9 21 28 2-9, course they have been -pursultim 15 s-��bs t) iii I MtAd on -this Imp Irtant a on'and h t I th 111n,fant ghl f 114r. wid the arternoo 1 14 t � . _Xay, Wh Ch c cc i 111 have somethl g of late e! to -tell' IF. J. urred on . . ..... ... gnd In t t 30 4- t. to he hoped thoy will change tWir.itac f * .. ; e ver,' I per§cili so,th Lt: the me .1, I should, 3rd Ins I at the a re 01 P �ftloathe $ HIO a bef6r� It, �c - ties before Irreparable harm hai$.. been evoid4t tr t A re urne,d" 21' day t ted In- � th e Sto 46 N t tell att I Kyle -Making maplA syrvp for 1 t h nended.-.91r. Th 4. . . I NNW done. otp,6r e- last few 4ays. has been mor& than' d the clior 3 nalia, Las, --week a ling th s6n& t te t 1 -du t hineml of' nary a It was a, ard task to' L IV'- af �hls niece, a da ft i r of his Thalfigu�e betw�en the p4Teathesis Indications now point to tl�q, fac�' r the -hou ge V ster,* Ars.� Woodwtird'-Rel'. Rich- I up to, the ldrge run, 0 ate We tat, e t for ganted�rou7int4n� to'1�1.a e new shoes for Easter aiul after each i:Ld. denotes the pW of the 111ame 40 searco 1 'Pr tilralt you 11 look to this sto to supoly yoa because here you re s that the Amerlean Congress In specl4l, wa;0 a an was n �rorontci the * t we*,�. I 191 It's. Yet having loxiged, thi on v�hich 'he advert&-awknt is 51 co be save Y re ure Inhig buMnese with ple as re.--mr, E ( af on king It the est season will take u the Ck, lsAan ml and �m4 n lut t 3F- -sty es and vari ''ties -reater lha I Ins ce, I I of depeada le qualities, up -to -d American agreelnen as OMas Workmn �is In Godei ,h thie c '41, nu r! Of Year t. busi- tio, i ewo the 10SO )f pn t Its fir ually fioun in the average, shod s ore. There is it touch of s k acting on thi I . t�le and ;rAig clochlar Co., -1 nes. At one time It.looked as though. 6 Old ,�!iry I � aeiety of styles and r he M%9910 Well bre,dn4ss to our sboes and1w have such a V loth for t. ­jg. !IeFrul Go.- 3 I Fat;oii, of Sealfor fie Vit- noon,of I t & this agreement might be beeloildifd by 1 a, we I this th sure of n inz 4ere a,th a 2. ge nulner id 1t&=-6 t -at week ca berofrilee'w� n placeki ill tily 1�atber. tt you are -have 11um tig Ilings sl& Isues, -'and have e6upled-94tt it Jim -The I C is friends, aAuction -;MeX. Wfl-lon-4 abpargrain pricea Also sex cral 1 h d(t�r of H( lit od 9. for istale 41; g te -hich wotni I A a pringlike I u U wel In of Dr enth Al 11 e1r. oil sp x -T,,%e,17 1 %74 other tariff changes -w s rn= I eat Mth si Jennie MAY od dwellings f Dr Slit rice. &;n 5 navt; ukid, Ali tile Postot cc, eiiso, Actiou S31.2 -a. a. frass-5 ay Ilts. aiqceptace wt �o of Mr. , nom 9 i Corlsequ ilus ou� ster tihoes.7 erially del 0011 e or f 3 41en on the-lan the I 9 are gress. The programme 4 has beeu Phang- if urg h of - orter 9 11, Goo -Acirses, aday last i ng- bus iel turns� A V. 14hoditt m nister, I �',�ttJ Y. If he we& Wauted-Dr. -8 ed, however, and the Canadian agree- i tn, I V. T. J. rry, Sensaills, �vell known itrif 14 kn6tt 1Wy he i1ja- I lie the tillers' the - soll. A 411 be I igJ1 *d Tqtv cut Shoes for er and women in the best and riewest For ment will be tirwight fdr*ard-z eaite. I asy for ks.-L 06s week )rse'Impo, r, rbeeiv t his stables sent. T 0, few fords, Ribbon Ti,s, nkle Strap Pultris in -many new feat� re Thla will be followed by. furth r pro- mentlafteill ha; Mr., R. 13. McLean i ia %er ebwdl onts of cirs(s from tic iodels� QX - Alu -6 poaals for reductions In -the A t�. in c w I 003 In go res, jtjit show to $5, 00 W! 11 c $ NotIntoTpuders, T oli I id Iftt a val - three ;y i old t d- country,. rjqakin th thi-d sbigingnt U ji for Spri TIC hoeS, 2.5 omerVs lus, 1h dre bite br d0le .9 g t � 84 Month XU 'this last 've c ce rhanufact-ed goods, ,thiefly In he In- We 'h ve re, I� he pah - Shoes, $2.0 M oi Easter fo6twearl also for Boys, one - I I a 8de-IM.a. Scotb-li to feit all I a h rar ad 1hIs,iW( Ilk ha ve lot s and four 0-tO $4-00-� 8boe s Vie to ist ferests of American twumers. el�il mnt Wer#. two A er ass It aftek Whi I )rt. a furthor loi rfor M&r. ),Md ein. /A 1�re and Girls, Misses' and Childrer v ith a Vy the Democrats that ani idvanw MOOI 13 n6 no J 15 11130166 Iti foal, Thpae tallionti thby 4 Be r 8 mil. f ne geldlae'.000wo g three di With C )n., tage to the American farmer Y�, ou in fnaWwr the right sele '64 )ugh a i As fine Ind1vtOuals as It hTs been our- horses I i .",I 1 � I a d the I t le high ir**Ims b free' Interchange of natural ea sure trj'�sep, and as seen Work co mi- on, his Os made should be offset by the freer try of I E g -or i the foilo�ving, Which we, take fro"n ie more severe-. rup ma. 90ous which - he must have. 0 1tl Is ,pro- t W QV"t.161sh Varmer, their breEding Is Ab 11 ept% many bu for Ithe !P A few 1911. 31: 1 k 18 F-SAFORM PRIDAY, April 14, y both Cion. .00 J ohn,'?valkefs sale mare well gratume Iti carried out b 11 -eel �,S, It now Ve ly wounii q;i for e best.''The .9 ara al�o ( T.1b t�ough. a little thin or. Senate much good wl I come dl�',� If og gres$ and R. 41, and 61 7 � : on. t ds seas toF Ch4iada from the reelpro ty 'Pact., ;"Y 11� 7bel wa's a, gOA crowd old 11 nalifg, give, �every 1136 of being DiEath',Df Rob t DIck.-K; the, campaign agaln3t the obert: Dick, an Throughout tw ( a, i a ed h f a class da' s Mr Not nly Will the far, Igain it e jAm- lano rl I el g1l t YeIr or y S while a I flends, of -R of KIppen Berr y n w ha n- r t a.. $25 lk-9 nine stalitins, a goffiettion. erica' market for his pr ucts, b it the n: �X Is bar I )y, will- regret: to -learn ol 2 9 kleath, redacticia on Iniplemen -ws with ( cannot be: beatent lity , and reciprocity pact U3 been one Of 011 �and other f nt r W1, Co a 0 A -2 WhI le i I0 occurred in Oregon ci I ' ebruarY t it tradIction3.. No WtIcuiar set of argu-, manufactures. would give Q nadlan a 114 $0j to.$T b ,eeding, and Iit Is wor while of I Ith thp tl i son, The. deceased was ts'high' as.02 k leach. er y her' , lolver to cE 11 ar d look over OT cturers an opportuity to et nj�, c: vent menti; has lasted- more than a few Aays, Inanufa P, �111 Thomas Ixe r, 0n.4A40f,;hfl . 10 resl4 UL9F 081 PH OmApRIDIAL R 4L Into that market it. Vh6't Ag N 44S f the JN Lie -his vll_ t Is stock. itbe follow ng Yorn The' 0 a3 we hip, no, 4t; t . I �r 4 while different antl-reclproelt� lour. ._O 0)k 71) as� �rawn-, w19 8 -0 Ush Parmer re er' o his last r .18 r -ray tow' OV n1ow of Egrncindyllle.. [ere he a' ha�e at the same time 0 e adve the; alet 4pritent. Mr4 John K 1117 t Orve� WIlsoiI, of tbls� Huron Notes. ew to hnhood, al d WAS t -neouve, 13.1P. G _ , i *m tged gr h last 'week from Ve cating diameterl&lly contradictory ar- I (bT . ll. N on, b�rland, I st- eek sent, alld el becti. f6r the� �Paet icbu�le A igus, of Cliathain, -,who has been .1 I ie Record publis ed at Pilo Roc, et it the iiianse for t] he Q six cly led s yevrs.,-Mrs C. A. M dDone Mrs. James ; , _� re she liad -The home of Mr. ed N DII known andikhly,esteeill r 1�he , rxier Sala a, a gument3 aLzatnst the agreem ent. The . I m son - ste, vv� s In -gi L he �pa�t three, IX-aring, Of the Lake�Road,. �ephen. inZt, - to -'Kr e' -eagn on cauiry 24th n ke 5 t, _I�oadoa f ()j fAw days during the Imst m)nthis has r6turned e. fte F br to her hOm -trolible se in$ to have been (that- I be has been eaddened by th& death i �thelr meetini of Be tt, el Y XQt( V 71 Cea 1r, Berry, �6f Rensafl, 'Ont This I ere: not. -working en d at t e' ho ne refer tq the ed, has mide niar�� friends re, viho, v1H antles- w tirely in Youngest son, Carl James, who led on Df f 11OW14 ejm 3 third I�t' r. Ber�y �ag g Week.-Kr.'John Youill, who was iguitd w Is ot I Ybi rt Dick, a big �Ijy respel Ad citizen Russell, of-, ll Posted on the Tuesday ot last week, after fiv 'days' y1in Lndas.: INIISS BesEle Air. 14 recer tly, cely. he gret IV 47S j 1 ti In th has recovered til unity, Tp.ey were not ybn e lapt X M ntlis from Illness . from brain and s ro bl,! n 01 lilot Rock, dl Iii pendleun on r�in of '3ap im, the (wood$ Is' re rt�d rlingford, slent the past wet,).-, '%4th �ing lesse T, 1. In the ��reseqt s 1pinent are two I nstr v f or -B 9 exavt time 'a change of tu-day la3tj o,' whicli tfILCA! he bad b In It r mother bits. t>arrie.�We alt� rilms. argument wa'3 at the age of eight moiAiths an lour.' lm(nta -I it Of': 0, a Mb of pupilsi X ions and four. young in res In foall- d ring wi-st week as the I �if -_ I I and fr eris bur, N11 - to b�-_ adopted, ThUg, while some were days. e taken ny relatives I !treatment f0` a )can- en S to welcome new-com to hE 1ap, bnt .1 [ed run a, L1, gene for medlea, � e of -the'!�to�llions lg-Uoyal Ronald. ars.-! !he ma Xr'.aud- Ifts. Golding o d in'. ruin --The license commissioners for lth� tt UX 1r: r, V is rot L3 grbWtk. The remains *21 Mrs. Win, wi egre; o lag�e. Nr4 qt I holdlng� out on -the straln of Lt 0 naple BY -UP, C, 1 82 1, a, soh of that big, gDod-getting I 7 I to; U�i -city on. Aftday ad i. lanr I�grn t1at -she qt Ito 111 dur- to I Qromar�y t is S�Yuth Mron will meet In F ter 9n III vrter iiaticed a PO, bae been the rush 'In. evifei do E s R ' ald, i6464; dam, ueblyvle _o, our rallways because of Owl ni seldom " a A ra. Aprl of to) es ipsoh's imber f Deqple� has been -y the all tri�g'the past W"k OVItwo. wnne o to the order the 14y Od I 213t to grant the- license for I gra, iel I It soutn, ad the 11swamp- T e fr. S-1 of trade to the .5cen 9 a funeral In 'this Jplac. Ci orty, Id mts claim t ey hat6' never teen the d �y atel -ar thO h wl th' gran le 11 InI I a n� the coming year. This year theri are greeft d hi h Tn a her recovery. -Ir - W five carriage 9 acce npanled the remains el I Ing, of the artizan, the laborer andthe 16 tavern. licenod's In Torce, and, tfi ips.-�_A writevL n . =1 n iwaa:-In G6derldh thl,, week, se�- run surpassed� P1 -re 9 -re ev al I a ,in by the;Z700 horse,, 'Brooklyn 6547. the decemed,to their final' restIng J of 16 applications for next year, new heir 9 (0 elerk because of the higher cost ithe t' refe, p tD crows as tih horse �s iremarka ly Vell bred Ang �Qn the grund I + -Jame-e DoiX are easlLy- 9 Prices applicabt, being M�r. �ple; plac(.A4 the Pilot Rock'cernel ry. The ad KeDoell; has been In, Lond0n ddrli� b6th g1d4s, He h the Luaderdale ZXet eir #ong Al t H tW W ti t, . �n t I?! U t, I I W Ittget Is d Fe T,4R W 21 E Lq d living contl[Ingent on the high 01 r�uch of Hensall funeral' wa,3-conduloted-un&r e aue- the' past Week or so. -Wb V�rY ne, which Canadian farm,product5 would -Worth 'Ifuron 1,16eliffe Comn salon- .1 t e pleev of Alta -LG41'0,. No. 1(5, pen ilum. la t. ar as �a ree year r�Mt t ds "Week to have tj report the 1L Rogbrs su4thm a n d W I n the hands of the CrAne: h ia 'Als leted, thresWl�g a Oobildr4en Obilcago, are v1siting stXr. meet at Kham aw 'A of xi hich' lodge t4e decease( wag a death Mi. JXnean. B. ge]$wen, WhlOh flail ThAsIl moile- We commaind, other3 bad turned right . ers will *1n _1YrI1 '6:w �4 p 48 1tb IE te W. Palk,' of Hatton, i 6% a. t de's and Mrs. V,�-Raness-: - om- ember, eve es for th c 'r, not . E. W.'Vgirrington irred at St. Josepbla�bloo_ around and were t.elling-Ahe farmer -4 24th, to grant lieplig' has o' ie, a UL age it do!, split �char;er-M he wa, ri! t Lc he do- Ing year. Th gewt1hg. Rober: Dick ww� 3orn In y ai old, 9 firsf.4t Barrhead, t last; week for Regini, wk� Mr,,, the grall . Aft*ugh ast ar was n F Iaiey and Rishopton. M should do Pl,al, nd4n, on Tuesday last. T that ruin 1gared them -in - the face ere *are ton Uvern, I oenses Mneas will work at- bl� trade - as a'. Ven. appli da, cy, cans �at jor so 86 o In fDrCO now, and ele lur Irvine -%W. '23 0 it- 4a, 1 d 1850, a; it cae to e0ased u ty to, within a tlon3 through the flooding of the 0anadian JULE I 13; 906t--, e W 311 for the h6prov�ment, ot the -breed Mi �son.-Rev. 0. Hicks, of � Crediton, And have- been ma&- for the cord year, Ulf A. A Wrr 11 FIA00 w 11 i t, a lot Rock 'cc untry In I & I For. Was, a larilcularly robust and strongs MAI 'OLL VU ol he other e. 01 Xg RaC111 Ev G. Powell, of the waln street market with American graln, cattle, the addtionaJ one being for 016 Gof- VI iting,: qom a- ty Rn 'years, be ws emplaye I %r 1Dha. m4n, an I - §14 fair. to idtal� a , igood. be qufte a bl; s 31 I lLinday 0 , yea tr a, t Old is a, lbeautl4ul ch �ich, exchariged pulpiti on lat in, the rstwhile 5 R p king the hOtSeSand gArden. staff. ton House in -Wroitetar. thing w1d, 11 y refe to 0 in ngha h4 with* the very best t move- rlpe old age, but for some mdn t. nX Tnins lai - thir. lia was In the bospit4j, Thomas COan, —On Wednegay of last wee Rev. the fif �uf t is dounty, and throi I -Aere W.e, were told the farmers must be thE� in tn% He wig bred by t�e K"srs, Res--%, .3t �, good Med_ reeently old ��Is. farm 14 �;Usbbrue to line L ivbl I -D. B. h1cRao-tied tho.matr1moni bow ic,, f �tl dn I.,e,. amur Ifinef �Whl econ my -and Ind trious N b had Iti was fted that with rt le-yal and suffer a little longer in the L Ildraig, A�neps, and �Iredi by , thSt Ellerington, h -r^ -s inow at the mawqe, Cralibilook, betweeHi Dar. in forth la t iearnM erlorugh money to,buy Lrai an Ic I att(htl6n �and partlautirly nour- to ]ft. Interesta of Canada and. the maaufac- a O'lle -e I of a fa mous --bre horseT -A� �6ot 104-94, eter.—Tine base ba I club has 1*'en re- I-ruether and UL39 Etbel'V. Sti an, I 1 Creek years is 'Ing f! E ist B tit fift(e galn! that turer, because this pact was 'but the urda w s 6t. old, the, figure ( w il(h haA n trict premiums, licith of G t ung at V7 In ous Or, raniZed the following io, rey ownship. . The t slot ng 0 table.,Your !at hich time he. was li, ed, ure. -of .ealth,and strength tbatwOu tbb edge, of the 'wedge which- spelled i W ay d hi da,ni, Millerat Duchess It. 9 couple have et up ho i % .15 te d �'stead In r asideat, & 6� Bawden v1d.0-preat. uselteeping ion the a6 used of'dis-. in to Mrs. � James Os " I td �'s�.Ve ;bIm In goo Ultimate ruin to our'ludus Me 1 20 .911-19 ae-god breeding na trial con- Ionathan Wright i at lag b en c i . re. The deit, James Ba*den; secretary'treasai. farm, on the 1-tentV ers lately becaUEIP- he lived cokinuois] . alng brough a somewbat� criticM 00- cerns. Now we bave the westem CDn4 Conce3slon 443 I ol�n qu h' MI Ins have 6,11�: the righ: g;f ClInty'L er, R. ff. Axt; manager �ad captairit # Which Ruether: bag e terehaige ?f not- t1 oUhls dea 1. IWIt It d feet id. action. Two e' tion i hat. Was deemed nedessar for servatives In Parliament hinting tliey� 3e 5- with 900.1 V' Boyle - mam �glng cannot support the present agreement� he Stges,, E_ -lid T attle he E ligaged It k rec -Y uring the month IF committee, 'r. Bvsr- t N hl 31 be es' are by e- well bred le -.R. Jones r. udge lims It buslriess�and by It work of 2 t iese met 's- ital, It at d T. arlhilr.—M' Clies - D67le handed out a de had sue- c, he ho beftUse the Government has not gone t — - elsion 'his fie somf times hndi erland-h se, Roym Fasbiciii.10878, W In sp ci*ever, hls�-1 &1fis Ethel Hsirvey� nd Ur. he other day wlfh'regard to' 1W i The ey. faienough and lopped off the duty on ag- Int n ui e e 4 In kaajlnlng� onipet-1:Wq at the in m6 t was' very slight, and al— the e. Bril anala, of the rreat Pir M aid 5363, t Frank Rooke left Taesday evehing tot Thresher Company plant in Clinton, re- -e t tit ie �of b Is death. csies 'hi 9 if e Ithe h1pugh 4udbessf Ully operite4 on, aod rictiltural Implements. af an IQ la ThIg.1 8 8 CIT -n the dinild �Islde from aT d descended, au k West. he young ii�en 44%ve JUA quiring the liquidator.s.to pay- thi very I Li Ae e S VIV lee, R(,Yj.1 first third Is cat a0leto a tl*ee month -4 terto at the Tbeee . are but a few rof the; niany, a e4 Is atir d �.bY thi � se Ingl reNYVerink nledy 1 an unfat mares, 6ut In such a Vultitude of contraffis- taxes. It will be'remembered'that the 1 ch Idten Mrs. Sar�t Harvey, e;se and �or ble 'turn mAnIfested Itseli 1durIng, t#e latter disputed heir liability ae- I bY - Attractiv� ce - 11�90, well Central Business. College _Ldndon, ud tiohs, whicli cofitentlon are we.to Pin or i thur -Osborne,,, at Of this c"i 11ty, a b at t w4wk, 96d he graduatly gre I, r 4 horse, V thich 10 ves exce �V Wt to take 13� a n the -W tho Count of the fact that a enant wa In alyth i 'fa,her,- mother, to r: brothex s and a W uAtil the end c me o1a Tuesfty 91tion I Ast; our faith ta, or are itheoe (given 1, that Possession, but -the ju4egave judg., y from heze we -it slatet In nada! � a b . rother In Nlrgifila stuck; and hq. fourth Is by a Ch *er at Bask. and Frauk all who desire maybave an argumeht Note s - A 9�c -r I KlEsourl ch brd , Moutrave I W Om 12268 la t. Th, 11 &ciess.ed was - ono Of � t e CWLg -1 Y, Ne v a, a�nid 4 sister I III near re ment' for the town. CL at ary, Ali ta.�One day ;D 1011111 to to� suit his particular need. Doea 11t inot . 1041 end the ftring It 11r. at A llidOnte of the to-whatil f seem reasonable, though, to. contend . —A orge Clark, �bay claJ n it kais,fhefbe4t they hay. to in a on of the. 1�hamplon I B 6n's Prde,� Y, IIV]ftg_ P 'i 0 Wt re a f ea to three t the home -of Ge wrn his deat wfthin balf a riillci Of mr 1. W G 1131 - -Aon of 'Grey,'the' oth' ver . seei , both as regards, he croWd ........ . 9122� with danjV a full $is tot, � the vi an 8,fid Was well knowli'and ma - -esidents, Aamely Thm" 17th concei er i, ot our 'oldest �* that an Opposition which, presents so day, -,the youngest son of -e graw: chamlon:L mitre, Roal Bjasett,' sr., aoied 88, Win. Down,AS; 4 -ris cannot be right In the ousf, and �th �a;s;o '' stock.9,n F. chipit The re CM:fot -his many excetlent 4ua - many contradletlo ich at L t 'a 'beat Cly4e us of the tu�y !date niar hold', was: marrled, which .-cons It6tes were i i k6ts $601 � oil the 1b. T. I Zebu Essery, 84. The odbaston was anY of them I These citinfileting arga- rai t half- cen S. ilu e P�rticulars reg4rdln a- an( A fam- of B19sett's bjXthdT. Al - the thirteenth marriage In theii fain -W l —Mi I Schnell A in honor )-. a 0 es. �be� given In hext %ireek"s:- I )esidesi a! P reit. mAny drove. Ro Will inents but prove the fallacy of :3r[efs,—The farmers 'In this sect -Ion Tm%uf+lrt*v cmil nm��nff OP- fly recorl, This is an occurrence few I son lim n'talled a new �safe 111h ih s UY 47t last, week "or! their JAV home —Thc. I Many relatives atd frlendi, though so well, advanced In yeiir',.3 thp m- n i $ .4 A 4. #-I- I suur. Mull lea JZ1. ATIIOui LO ar, , 011 e r Apnegs s it n�,el lar brpther ger lemen are still quite Ory. O., Iamiles are privileged to enjoy as' i R. Ife is bound J to hav& h.s. In Aberde) m,' Sask..� I Lt. Schnell, went e Alin �IqEwe d the adoption of any agreement tha fean- they 11 I -eir effect# 1, couple cf. lar 1, and W( eiXNct In the cour3e of, George Mantle has entedAhe shop oc- may be compared to a; chain s _�ai 134 ll he:. !as another fi e .,,wl th A weeks of the lasel�'Dundan B.'(KeRwin, will rd - not fairly for ahy reasonabile time be them a � v V daY3 s )Jrlog work wif e In without one broken link. W'Inter.—Yr. �g). tNI - many r1ends Wish cupied by-Mr,I��W. Jomk t4*r, and- rebutted by an argument that will �hold ch a's I Was In Oast gr-lbt ta learn, that he sUll continues 4. % 7 gerouglY J11 and *111 hope for LO, ,cegsl It 5w n T.—Mr. ames E. Tro Ycr, of Spa. wl feed kpo theirl,niew western home.— f r*, erly of t lag, week 0 his flour and business —On Wednesday morning of rt, New Yorl c, vel mov Mr. and Rurner ()f.thell4th fOl A and' f hl- -, village; good throughout the opposition. Robert Mason, a former resident of Aul� t a t �v. a0s'he; re wlt.4 (his Camll Y :rs,. J. W.; his re there.—Mr. Joseph Dawdn 4n -old Exe- Thaclason fof these contradictions to I, wa.3 here this 4Tcek combinit g bus] ecivery'—Mr. Truemner, of near lett towgjp, passed, away at his home I t week, i Itut Ingito Trariton ba rj(,,;- ponces'slon, tetira:ed last Walk I from Incss Zur-ICIT, I ter :hag Dutchased a, t) No r th as rented �one of '.V�. J. C!ou apei*h 0 With a� vialt ai Dattleford fhe Policy of redi)roctty Is !n t far to �in Bluevale, aged B I)etrolt. d ong his rel dives and n__ vinty years. Nehad t A� Nixon has"stilld hn sa"rri, ii 1sit to friends In'- teills hotA-se$ 'uask.—Re-openlng sericei h. —Thel the :and moved Into our villi4go, beep irl falling 'or seek. The arguments were rashly made, frien coment work health for some time tj ohave me Vto t11Ilt-. of Jame4a treet Methodisf church will for the purpose of making ia inolse, and t the i not 6X the i, Wn, Md(-Jsbav1nd W5. Jacob ararusi NUNN* f n ol the new Comi ierelal ho- ied a i bb hold on the� i6th tet 2sr, of kvrit. frGin'creeping paralysis, and HiLd a 6 i.' Bi- chall � whcrel they have Parch oundatio ale 4tock on Ith6 '18t) as, saje eadh was proved to have -no effect tel will. be lit t�e the tours �)t � con- Cromarty. orne. 'WA1 On Sunday, 16th, Rev. A. X. i Dirks, stroke last Saturday whlch�hastenedhl, h slden,4 on Unit- c0rlf�Aable regret eir re - 3 part al 1 bal str�cy:lon lnsld� of a feW days.—Mr. Vot,es.� r.,'Ieft th s �he -'re r e. b wned ti� the _0 vat Harry Pre ddent of' he 1,ondon Contere 1611 the people another was adop#d, hot demise. He Is survived, by his wif ss- me Trol n this dilstrlet. Ur John Barr, t w1th any view to, whatearing It tnight f T(f 'y 0 Th mas W. ]?a�lrner hau re -opened his week his home In the Tar -,will three daughters and two sons. e Renry, ivWhtoa, �,paylng �cr .ftau, I Of the lgauble 41nor, has a, partic- PMA., -On the�.fofiowftig Sunday Rev. and lee Th6i haveI on aprevIous argument, 164t with ir�s rant, Onloctlonery Ur risen, of Nor —Alex. and Mrs. Gardiiier,'cif qc�Cll. $31 TA hais Be ar most Ae 61arly tina colt froi� Mr..Thbinks-kTurn- o. � th Qow%, who ha, A. Qartnen, general -superintendent to'* a view ff possible, of catching' -the lop Met,wIth ja 100 ed al eii Parlors, and is making' a- line spent the p - serious accident 4_e0t__ IN , ; id' bul Is Lyde. It js�bftly 'elewn onths cr-eii ast month with bt, relatl Passing" Pabl-le fan , and for oppos- - ' I 10 he le lfi Whi I to e hi sy disol The, I -Ion. A.* G, 9acKay, here, has left ter her home Ve the Methodist 0hurch will condact t'he CY urday April let, w'hIl vlslt b his 9- going to u t -It. Is i N �'Ivl 8h ol in Y ie7k s old v% elghe 19,10r pourfdg, Good Berl Ices. on Ublid lug for oppositlon's sake.. -,of th( Opposition in "heiwe. gLy, April 24tb, Bay. -at W. hort.meed's,, ninth- line, Morris. Y 1 11ve J or a eat man y itiftes sa It Is tN best I (tha the on- 0. it, 6t. Marys and London on;�C. la,t he J .1a 7 Stott, Of Brantford will do. tarlo Legisla;ute, arrived at, our vil- the way.;- -4-Mlea Maga While getting down. Into tbe'dito It f Or tar5- 'Tt be�n 1who.have bean working. nel rhOrlic od! ret Witscill, 0 t live:! h1s -"lebrited lecture, "'The Clroes lagV on bto on his Woodstock' Is the guest Of 9&,1 Arow- n� 4t;i ff6etlAg,—.k m,. tj ng for. Of Udell Editorial Notes and Comments better sleighing, the cutter x1pset, t 7 -the Aril t�l hene llap here ai,e RectrPc n ai morning le st W ay out to ?U4ck to addrees a meet- -diner I, -n The 116use of �Cornmos adjourned on Ing both occupants out, As. Ga Iving oi :.;,9tg Jor Ter! nto,, whex e the purpo e 6f discussing the L In there. Seizing the oNxrtanIty of an I N1r . . . . . "f pomant sdbj�ct, AeMprocity, iv s held* ,Wednesjd�.Ly for the EasterNaciltiOn. and getting her right' arm broken �1�! t Ro" e enj,,aged -3&rve me Ing him, ji;� large nuixiUr f ou- Gardiner fracturing his ribs, ;vhl6h' c y itract on lsimlla' work In Mu! - her ie and � wo* but the t r villm ere assern4ted at the station W11-1 reisume, business again, on L ana Wed- will serlousl F Impede thel ri activit es f or ato nacn-last. TAo-day' was fine, almost preike Led him W nesday hext. any rumors-bave been' some t1me,- Ith an - address: Indr- or I thd rm VS b(en In -attonOance at ti e' too fine i fa' ers , tc leave catty, of the a liounded conf) lence �8,,, Lk- L; E who CT1 floating through the papers as to —On Wednesday, April 5th, a'. ?Ve �mlltn q( Seh qol, returned he -,e hom f rr e lea 6 ind we but th. ttrac O'clock p. in., Mr. Ja ed IT him as le4der of the )ppoaltlon meg NIcTavls i"and what, will hppen, after Eaat4. S0M_ i Saturcb y a;#4� is* now d. to teztl�: tiol ts of the; subjec 'and th( chief MISS. Myrtle King. rea' 04� nitration fOr his high ability and -were quletJy ma�r- s lool.— WatsO Conservative T) te Metqrs sl Uply d dpe aker, Nor, A.� 0. UacXa3 ppost- Papers claimed to know ried by Rev. L. adr)h dstrativi Perrin, at the rest- f_ Ir 4enlus,'a*nLd 6f lndorsa,. car3 of. ca tle to T ro to . o,i sa,- leader in he ntarlo Legisla- t.la good U ay on, rot ' I )f his vIeWs and t igiven to itson's old -Z hAe' fro n turb, *99 SUfficlent to attri X111 that the Governnient would lay the re- dance 'Of the brid's father, Mi 9. hel e a at Ale the cause of i re�iproclty ani � of their urn!) ClProtltY agreement over until nexi King, 4�th conce slon of T t �r J. U milig s o cro A. In f let �IiO !tly 'af te: Reeve erry. N tv V Co latied su�po#t to his y 0 ve able La -e Be I !-day, groom!ts fawily only Immods, le" rship. The 'IlDnorabi gentleman, session. This has been emphatically de- wing to recent bereavements In L�e c of Im t lem, i ondesb Oil 01 noni took the chair t1i I 9 c2LP 60am .on atur avernm ate rel LtIves u I k.1 who! has been act y ti I rt an charactorls nied by the .. ay. e hall wo a Uxel via inany ent and the " an- ere prezent. The.young eouple NV,,11 in a sho Jeally able sure will --ide or, the fifth concesslon,.T.arntarAl e ss pre ented to him rly itt#n Uvo cro v 'd,' Ich Mi es �i In the aud .1 '[Was a Rouncement made that the mea y1n:0 le -tr lence. 'I 9 In Tor6nt6, rf t nd he il I w1W m9ii to, at 2 eginnin be Put through and on the -Atatute'books 9, weEk, sugferIng wh 9 ass rIng them ot h1s hl9 reciation, —A pretty. home A; I attack lgent att n ossible. On the other hand an� - at the fcwAninutes t his idloposal Be Soon as P wedding took place f nulasles, but -Id- riow i all gaia close and Intel Ion to It Wa ii E t agai ti 9 Of o ;speak( i -a' at t -be residence of Mr. James St(vens, ;31 s asserted by some that the _461te 4, number e the ar hi nd OP-, Clinton, on Thursday afternoon al ged - n'the --ma,ple 3yrL whim I Iva 3 * over . ery per 3 )r-, ver ably and �Iearly dealt -with the A1Y Sorts of V091tton were to dr the fight laat, 9 voted ? OP 906dS, Mbre� 01' less d' mage. -i b ma ;er of reciptiocity, 9t4tIng that the and- when his YonAgest daughter, An letta, b 1 dness! F I I r ppr ihat the ru a WE s moot. suceessfu gatherIn The allow the- measure to pass Without Tur- att Ining of th� agreeil ent now se- wiater, will be ffered by p iblia was- united In marriage to Mr., -Her- 90 A 'f Or b el ;: I �,jF f� iw da but t apeakers the day re- the ther fighting. - Mr. Borden, v 0 d bad bee i toe almost llfiO A. 4 Ong wish the 0p.P0- li�rt ITugheg,. of Port William, for nin'li of Illan, mer- On rn wl 1 soon )d r.-7 he �sect, o 0. Macka, Emd TvIr. homas :c t inoluc' U08 61tiOn leader, to qult� emphatic In. his ly Toronto. Th a i lsire o U)ie late I')Ir John 11AU60'a 3 Books Albian% of P, cbremony.was per- h r : of Hull4tt, with 6tatelnent. that this report Is Incorrect, fGrmed by Rev. IT.- Wesley lCosens. Only G.T.R I erE are at q)reoent on he plath nald 0; was looted upon as 8ibles Toyi .8 ind- that the r f his party. m6mb 'in, he T I ft ty a at a the --speaAe -S, In tion , tc Reeve. , , I I �Ad Fat cy Goods, Aayngthe nembers, o; s 3. wise 4d grand s.ateBman- by erg of the two families werE pre- W C rkin The':! T It �- L at nont, � N; Ito actpd s Chaim an were up i thl;� wv. a W le will continue! the fight even if they � -t his I 'Other. valuable ; �rti le 3 to he offe_rAd�ae two sent. arge, he of sdp I rill , eir track all at g.tb e Mi% IT. &n U, of D' Kel- PO tery, andpro- have tor stay at ft all summer. Wha', -,vas er- wa y.— ter; Ali. cee � to sh 11h a ver -f r sentences 0 Y's and Hasonfo) worth —R. Smith of Dayffeld, Y r ev g: Id - rings Pddfello then�, t-3 it going to te ? There Is no s 48,'Iast two weeks' theT lerr ian,of Da 3hw;6od, rarl I B�i� Owe', Ifow: el Oct y ! Spelled ;o., perity for -jured th _10.usly. in e- e i anda uni Get 1,er, of: l asall.: - let d sround for doubt but that the other day 4by a bull. ha - be' on adco t $12'each, Be' '&I pail bracelets ana Pact Ire had s the O Ie of �ada_as (44, -eat whole. f rold ald the animal and *as tak, m ving fr r ti. e olol preml ) I Vass the 11o, use.. The length time �es to a frai n Mr. 14. Y. Me M. I gret- 19 01 Ing -it out to 611ver It, 'when It it —M Troyer� Of Seafor�h, 2is been two J�aiamazec revohrilnlg�� iction d- a' mo e. UP it 'at y are la I y leav ary s t an, is. to reach thi point, Of course, IleS_ tacked him spe Ing rthe ipa�t week or so with e but Ing. I The tint I his e, Ott iwa to Re, was tossed into :, the #q, v reii dy (rl: bUSInE as and' this wee k ff 1, with the� Opposition' but they -o Ve prese the meetin Thbr4as Drown will bo ifie eem to air,� and J e*-- her relati,ves herO.—We are -pleased to &ad n the fall wa.3 renderei I Un- tif papm v d' e ou Ing 11 be petering out on the question, and U.. t as usual..—The pru s sywpaoy� with I a;Im'9 lear at date bt *rf tin g that tgrs. 13er - thete 1will be U6 the fight after Easter does -not c0nGdOus* The animal then,- attacked farmer.138,i&l re'a;. -e getting ankle s and objec p c f the, meeting, al i V also gIV-1 him Thomson, ho has.tem so $erl- promise 'of being very strenuous. gain, when Airs. mith, with a to get on t "and adme ba, Intl natllig� t at before to! ag h t ou t I and dog, camB to big assistance and mve Is jso6wha -oved, t a rted t6 C but the land is ha.r ed o, -be! able to address Ohe(. e, cl rl:t off the bull. he may Continue to hopi qO In rlgh cyndtion yet., thf a I rtart joh Caldwell h4s been her, on bus.- ctur(d and was otherwisp brui.wd. gal t Vlafte I ;�It i hfi lidrents In 19) - sub� ect. - Mr. rhomas' lag 9, As we Predicted some time ago, the fra Mi. Smith had four ribs ly —Dr. KeTai - of ffie neighh6rhocid. �on rt 0 111\7 :1 10� McMillan W campaign against the reciprocity Tact ns�. ljr the, west d t1 Le J�as t few —ff*. fary ier, endoreed ro W861 om 7DRUO AND fB001K STORE James Wells, of GoderIch mot iY af last week. the present r tY the manufacturers and financiers Is with F4 serious accidenf on Tuc sdai ani Mrs. and Is lbking Well, and Is 113 Idasc i vial ted wttb �h lat- city - Pat beginning to re -act on themselveg. Som evening ,vhlle coming out 0 and pointed out Ipmrnal Y I i0p, )leased -with the #esf,_We tin. SAforth f the, te r 9 Pal ed 8:1 end Ontario Victoria Street Methodist Church,whilf. 1 Mali 11r. or I w e b I t eek, advantages tf at woqld accrue t6 him- dweer'sqand that W., N. W.]Warrener tri- t gelf and'his fellow t - ugh weeks P-90 we pointed out ithedanger of g , beL;svery.11ow. farmert .0 ten4 0 adding a restaurant ian lee cream leaving after a congrgation ban- a A x, who � has b havig An oJen American 'ma for ast ew.,we,� f arm, as 97eemOnt whIch meant much to the all the corner of the -'organ. 81te wa�: to be as 'and bofectlon;ar�.._ an ep ou 4 a ain.- Rev. W. McLea ansl,,��tno in y of the:objectio ts tell li�as 'dded a v handsome utor�oblba fArMerS and which the manufacture rbndered uncon3clous for some Unv!. a fark. 11-Y (f 9 Yaul ano -vl�lted wit had co rat ed by cinent (I re- it NO uwm each strenuouta opposition to a tr*bLde a- quet. She tripped and struck! -her head I pailur to his: proent lin'! of baker a. up!: �or th3 ks, !fs Ubl e the prod4ets f the -Mir. � C. $o1d Y W Sul re TH AN ad to tb()E U in the ! village,—Mr. xA And. as she had been e suffe .er fronn Mi M6. &� arent 3 here,� I also wit i clprp ;e al'reTdy. mitted did not materially �oppa, 1 Lrt- af P addresi5 W s mc �t", city Udwik sheffor *has retu�lnd f rom. themsel ftet heart weakness,. there may rbe serlous hl! AE G Wert - 1, the,bast weel �. fly iecelv�d bi the lairge audle ci pare I 11 Y -es. Sugh oi)position In our opin- results. -1 � I ,'11 13lyto(, and Wken#s wori�ng on the It is the time hig-h y -of, the . corr, - M ich for Sunny Days N, which 'make you ne effect, that of —The Fordwlch Ru ion could hav:e OnlY r MacKay as received wltl' new mmercl,41 otel constluctilon, as rat Telephone muitty lie r �Mr. A.. Me Ight lef al PI i use ion iising and he I ed b , discard -your heav� wintor �Iobes., fu$t the. time Placing In hosfIle camps, the farming Limited, � n Wing- E 11 Iso Mr.1 G0rge Reff#d which was re'cently granted a lit! I we( k f, a doer. �ge,,i both 8.1tion his P� eaf plepsurl$ at meiating - Tflt Tfl so )in worked ion the Well Ithak wa hen �Spring Cloth s are il mine It is al;Ways wise ZOMMMLItY on the one hand and the charter by the Ontario Government, ha 1, an I "t S Ing 9 famil'. r in Ln Y ot the tirmers 0 ..P. manufacture L "M - red a co rs m "he other, a policy not has leeted the folio -e v6ry s, f Z uricifil �h desti 8 Jago (:bn- get in early so �� at wing officers : the 0 Won you � have he clot Mr. Fred hersor, bcrbood. He a clear reasoni r In a aldel 41 le graft. I' being brooght �n_ -to hes�, when yoa b any means calculated to be In the President, Alex. Gibson; vice, '�Toseph. whi'y has bT i Ad up With serlou 3.' fo,01 ul and loquent, speaker. a d his rhar an , It ee with re y de4nand eed them, Our reputa ion . as hig-'h_cla�s tailors is bt st intEro-ts of the country as a WhOl('. W11119111sion', secretary -treasurer, A.31. att i Lck cf . �1 e u atis ., a o, get h d[Ing ,ot t OL[r Prediction, unfortunately, seems to., Rogers; dircictors Is a e't t s broad and It I I rt t and 00 prilu s. ev. oo well known to require ny boom by, us.. Our 11. a e ane.— . s 3�0 8 a Vor s we ct oppoiltion to reel- -�Parllrtg and. Thomag a if � he -Illage, and ev. A11r, us irould' og your memory be� coining true.. Th A. R Cboper, H, ar; v i )1A1 las �to Illyard, of 3 . The W 11'evil Us lecided, o go Intl) rn afid his firm g I ra the 7, . boom But, -atnong the manufai -tring class ICCI�men 11:114 - UP 1113 Clint bb4th just solicit - q I We C rry i Is no dutles .0 get in beficire the I rush ' a sto�k all the PrOcItY Company. has Puchased Dr. Fos terls thl) COaL - DJS ids 9 an lacK41i dea 1 r1i - Ae list. exchaa In the ttbo4lst ,hoicest ot twoeds anid suiti ng- $ i a the; latest pit - 'has been of such a n s ions., Mr 1 - M Iture as -to stir system, C0111'ructed at Forftich and Inj orde, - � Is a hus, ler, theri, su., 3 cr Trom 4a economic point ofiliview, chur * IUP a feeling tbeYm w9uld have been GorrIe centralg for $4,500. Its she ser a as Chi abt a t at the wh I get �hla di waa wl lqr ,r. , III Irfsocia ed Oom the erns, just f v49er to have colicIllated. Evidence of —After an illness f sevral . in .7 haeff �r, whc s beex L . pa t, narrow Q rvI, - A looking esi (it. f)&, the serino 1w, e th,� kind io goods that make s Ing Is' df Played by the fact Mrs. Frances Pprgusen, wide 0 th ghk-e P - _' I'S wo othes� and ha* th s- feel Pal as; and' asked bl liparprs addre0i led the -e for your % ing, *411e; kind that Vr doing carpen" m during ta:.c::insId It' In the ame wg y. M2 the esww , y to the YO gn you wear that QDr, of the I E r work In tov vice of serva-tive Journals are now late Fransts J. Ferguson of Goderfeli, thi wintDr. Iles Ise was n th:� hai4s oney. We- als6i have a full lige of Spring' Furnish- etumeld to 11 s 0 h rde poinled o4t m�nl advantag6s: tc attempting to lay -the blame for thl.3 passed away On S-aturday, April Isl j itt In 51111,' iler-, hel ej-pecte to 1d gatn4d by i bi-, of t $8 pe ple. RX, ell?nt 0 the: firmer� 9s. Call in and:$ee thein. he see itf 4 the Mon. feeling on the Liberal tiarty and .Llb- -her home on the Bayfleld road.. &s, lar ea 3 tre de, O' were dellver'-d, by Aev. Ahr. a- 921 ti hecoli it 1 be y, and poinled ju �J Oft anne xattoi eral Pre -39. Such Is -remarkably far -PergusOn was a daughter'of thp late'l th13 en9 N't both servIeeg, wb%le the S rec t -ft: e.— W. co6mbs, who 11 selfif hnes's of hose manu Es. The Liberal party. and fa el and from the fact aild Mrs. Jobn alkeld mnu. VV -a.9 I wo ng )n I . ctui Ing �,a V4D evidence f good v td thie Liberai Preis, , ;.T.R.'bridg?, In thi t1nanclers:' wh are now Orpos ril the 6axef dl recognizing that the barn Ih Carlisle, Cumberland- cou -Ity, !Vie ty 04ted his. moth' trainin , and the aintl tolng re Pat measure. In joYed L3 t would be In the be3t In- England on January 14t Ig3l. She er lers a er d t was alsdialiduet trad6 6 , i to, eluding 9% McKay muct. ' Y. � Carr and 13aw heartily' was heartily' eered. _�A resDlui 0T1 was Miss Iker Ial mr; B 8 �3uekw of- the farmer, have been Its was the. sixth, -child In a !family 0 f aft I oderIch s week or thcn presented b strong advocates, W but they have re- twelve, all but two, of whorn t, aV6 i the 'Jury. —Al I �ha eft y Mr. Amy ft t !End Jessie I eE1wen, urldl,sti daughter V secarded by i 'Bi AFO #re gdjn� Roger Nortbe of tbq a te 'Mr. 'can NICRW n, arrived RTH II i prismer 41jready fan A tolAddent + wben S nds blik-toai for �ot bb AtUe, lx Yex counsel, And I indeed no W_ aid Abli ftfl of blirg.. bag r. Xelv Print-si, ;b 4rf 1WuW tar, A01t rilght-3c ;thts Nm& ever tol, id W, were be rom �has I rc-tur, t 'rip to tpe �wtst.—A c0j,-trUctJnjk the Bal, _V hh nr a LL the sval hirtbday -3pent re lljd�r Was at 24 Tj3 .......... 7 .................... iiro Stock WaXIlet's, in birkoebead and hich were, Is M -to to la 14c :per lioi e beid. wathers :111 per V lower; 1*Ir4e -steers,. : SUM to $6.10;. b MUch cows i=A e3yrinj D,V­_1Wk1dt fairly AN47; cull to cbolm 615.1 s' dy; chold to:., -tv-11 to tair, $4-1 rkgo. $5.0 to $6. jib V I logs—MarkEt ta,irly ax _47; mixed, $V� to $6.86- �te, 46.60; rousb,, $4,50 to *4 ig to $6, April 1I.—A13L aetil the PrIces realiz Lee stoc vVere lialf, -am runt per hundred hl9b afts ry ,sold at. Extra aten. d at 71 4.0 at 6 3.4c. td ir, f to 14c and it owc Be per. pbund. Th� Vf good to 4holce buIJ sold at 5 1_2�t! to J -a brought frorA $1_2e to 6j_� gallty. 1 The inal 'to Openad stronger! and 6ands hie but"I later ir.` turned out to; be sib ofthe re 4ulrement -A sharpl�r 'and 13er Per 100! pounds i ars, aking thei range f4 *?, t $7.40,- Tile g13 not but thierq r otock fo A ft.w Iery -ebob at eacli and tile coinino t Own to $Sjao� �cajvaq ttO�l 400 t-0 'A 441% sold 6 c to 80 !per T*UX Uhtr Ones - frorb tbesta to Sc per 'beep - Old it Vr Pciona. i oronto. AVAI 12--ftere wo 4004 b otcher j�;jtl� on il* Blow, wIth a dull, V hich C104ed, wltj�. abi Ain si 4d, Early tn the I for Prime' JAeked eai #Aftt the mine as W&$ an Yadi�; but later� 133, IrItet becanie Iwo ality ea:tfle decline -'Per ft t. and the anedldw IA' ld helfers, ouch:az sold- Cfted 25c Xi to ".50. *t%(' tost $4 J�er itwt rill t e lot aAd: some � I for Eaater 00 ed lots to 46, 1 .20 to $6 ttle, 441A Z _e� ,. Of to and spti-Agors Zola Ir 4MdADne onme result 11 per 4 W-Oald b md. ,,je to: �$S eepald Ea ow WL; V, bs, et we -a t to diov� Aft �Ountry- was bed le. OVA tie the' Wher t,,qan j ast wtft, that ran - too D, laa* wee�_ Th� so t I