The Huron Expositor, 1911-04-14, Page 2T 777 r ILu X IAPRIL14
;�ore 125 ii Broadfoot 46. 3 Id 05, J, ll 1h 145. a, Order'S
1proat To b art lori 46 (Cf. 63, W oil -mild 0 so Z aiwerle, 140, - W I0 (W. _Armtronz� M_ - 45 G. j4. R43s 140'- la I Ill ms E`CIA A604F 104d catilah 1) opart xient h 80, a �tatoni 10h nt A wbuliln- Plaher 127. W.St twart 135.
J. 1CW7
to ieati le"t Clio se'r] Dils UsUorn.—A, Moir 100, Job i un. - 1; I . . � I may mean lux -4wa
hili he� h 'ode 'a-ster tirae Opoess �ade Nv] an t he hin
sprog flou t mat 1100, W. P. Down 46,
secieanin W. 75, IT. tiang 100 W, F. Dow, I 4 3 of e &Vor ftedn Streto, offfltd." tie epa' tmeni has rag, B. Wil in Viarnishing, Cu itnte , ior
-int nce , are abollahed y Wood 50:j 1,� prout
Pa h ptp fl
65;, J). 0. Q01tle 140,. A, -urd, r I - you ouris ed h to� ack'nc led a U 0 or I L -i -_ pe i4g, till W76, ms tasks enong r a i0h a fr 9 Ut btt h CbWd he RMY 00, W. 0. Leary 8 000"r -i Wh6le, system 6 tio bf iteso 81 with Good Tobls,. Tbf's&--W() are� * ade 'in the iStapheni—i 1 J4 H. Snell 7 S, J. tuys 'of Labates
irb -elmuss Red ps ep i1�1-1PPA9 14 Wiarbla' yoar� �Whjje 9 4iemi Lnds, an t Horsarit411 418.1 ;0,h an lnl�ccedlnii' to th T64* is �Iended lith lYptosition: Ill the libi �e And _t oThe s Or of a Fwck It 6e'v irz the Ltbe�ai S -40h WIX t3r that It 'S our t t t6l n. i , - !A isolt Itatlon of one )t A14 d St
s m 'he'011 in the, s I ttere ts fof ith HAT a pers6a i vant aubsqlbar We publish the follow- int 20c I le educatl n i. C .'a L MLS ..I iii� - .�. a, en rom the 1 the
[W ;; U I , or Muss the W a good Mu i co M natton
2 V V NQU019 I I 0: ally. Put 'n t reftwheri
O� that will 81 %,a d.- te of b. ay 15th, 1896: I W""t
proa�tae to,r establish iat 1, t A111i gTe" with the Paints have been 8(ld in Seafort 'De 026 pic hi its of eii t. -A 'private isodler by the 0 A tFoy wherlesio=e be
3 0 '66h of t scho Is: 1 Ae of a 1odel I They ave al-Aolutely u a nourisheL For VOU Richard Lee't ra taken before1p a r lag- 1:111r: tr ie t gr. "Ing istrate re0entl, - for playing egW3 jur- iniffid fpd. we have purehl sed Ou'r stock a a gi, ring Vou fty LAbstes MI C488 the sUarcitr of tie arse Ing dlyl 4 n4 ise iIt Appear. �ser� tiWe Of JOW prieea._ rch eadaers 3 th tiself iu;r- geaut camima ed the 150 t JgL 0 and whi the Oftt Tapon. thi i 14 Parlson. ad A ead the prayer, A t1Ck the text, L01rid La- a!, AJL hers, c4used I I 10 is had a Bible tot �k It out,,�but th pol lar I
the lack erl ilualifled er _n tall the finest Garm=
had lielthe'r B4 ble nor eommw, �h the Mode, eir rishos, Tnbe Paints for 6110i, *I. ols, p. A Wit liDe of Pahai Va has hick bmst In: ur lous offect on any tnck, bat pulli ig out a packE 0 dis u -the tme smick cf -the he ispread ther i 'before h olve h iplL Very Jlow4 paktable, * Ach -b?en, com- ol Paint Brushes, d to $ij�o Our edi d entirely q I hlux� Card and then at an- '2 I lookV at �one Look for tht lavendtir 300 L p up-hlle's U paper. bi eil aii, ad and �nquallflea otherl Tho ee ant of the C DM- W h ii is It B r Wal teac] iars' "EVAIV I i BULK I -i PaTlY saw him find.sald"i tf �-1 �eho6ls. I As a' e�su) t� of INS "Richard -put up '& cards; Is pl P Your b rocer Witl no place for tl era." t, av or r tho Oducatloial acl- C lWnd that," ard. "Wever sad Rlc� a tholir di te, and H h ch w r La- t pj�ry -ha ee4 dow m any over a (on -
Is wl �u iWhen t4e Sel T (L4GElt �ISTYLE)
stable took RI(hard. Wore c ill w�() na, a prAotleal Ly los r"jor. and jtbro�
lgh What : A
that M N is no Oi their ict ool years t ie b it aor, i t f y 14,�.U#� IMUts, A the soldier he�e V choice 4W, but -has less a n1varranted blu der n rcial hai You broug at(:., I �n C1 Pa 0 ca r of 0, 7e d7
PlaYingi cards in churi than At% -proof splext Quenches the tm crops, t1ose: scab di'd b. light r . ent, Introd 6tione thirst; r afre3hes; gWea appetite. i
,well, isoldleri, what have y 'got it, I,: ut�ocessary to refer bere,' I vApii by smh U 1 to Sa for yout.slf V- Order some today. oriq to the chard. fratts: by -m- 6 in §t n of the e the reiiiiat ure rull' bn garden and giaenhouse ple nts, e haVe 94en done o bef leaf S] 'Much, Ii� h j 0 I'Very DePairt nent h d t qr: S of' Win' be rea I1Y set n how ien ia 900a. lar not, I -will pu 'Ish -w C 0 0� the 1 aeh y aa r. tortnou; more than r( 0
I* YGU neans h 0 ip small Mn W -SS ever ;
V�re dest of ad sh. P n themselva�, b t Lcked the as, It re to erge a h I e r, 16 o, a t have beeNII%sald the sold r, w
P In a undoi the ipensive ext evOnba )10 he t fif m re hnr (ALE STYLE) -h! -1 co The aft tee: bout Six weeks on themarch. r,A ba sc -t has Y�41 Is or( ea im-Mixture ias 3een I
eat - n-iintoxicant mild a, the meana ne neither Rible The
e iorr "O
common Pra
Tar, n t_1 Of pro ce rent1jig ioul� oirl Lualif1pd tea ra,. with -it - any Such c ro * as may be Spra yed. booi I h4v6 tothing but tL %oack v and Jelic ous, With the real f la-v*r repurts. But ow that a te A ITat -jali 43oL ii Ibn h as Cards'. nd:1,11.4atisfy your and qualfty- of good'ale. 'Cornplies i nt good" 111Y t he lime tbA w purity Inte orship"O t ID don idnible duty, as Ingectlof ai ntl with locai Ontion L reqUtr partmet m is- 0i ements and has ei the f un Is to�! The ih eel, le in orchai rds. T' teat nt I of And spreading the cards berbre e be' openly sold In' the nterests anywhere. t eed r. the pr, w4i ori he begail with the ace irder y Labatt product _
0, Fie hools' o ar.
f arlo a -ad the ipeo- nition of �q, and When rom da 10 W se b, :w1th formalde 6 D 0, h it they will t igrudgln dy ienter POta see-ithe ace, it a vVr ict otir deal er, or direct from it �a Mid arlb OW Of Pur 4 i� now corr monly I to aa Y lialt 4 me s U re. It 181 better ti11- -prab 'a, d. Th- is but one,God. hen j Joil. LABATT thi b 11 , Lt t 'trea Ment Tuffts. of gr wo4 j - deuge, It rpm tel. bave -s - - ... ... I
Framet;, Floor Borders, hi act ev rything ii n . thor 61stake, nd 9 ow s 'me of Pati Ain cr6psil Son, wil �eve en a: ter much vex, r rr 9,1P 'an u nisolvied problOn tray, quote has! resu but r r but a 101 I 4�0110hing r I �ee the up' Dan"ij be without a -cau i f at ti my Ve b rt - r dim methods t P, iter, Son, and sk For e seen thi i mistake atal mids. me Y 'A .0 [a is d of Dractic , Ine�. V 91 IWIM I'see the iIt frekhcins up eve ythir�g fion� a. screen door"' ,bfiastok, It8n - t ag4atlon itlon � of d four I spot, to t rai o reminds me! of te -four eva I poilt on.- 'a Is' the! OppCiss e yf the 'soll, and rotation 0 ngelists that 1 pint his crops, 46r4 p od X CIT. g -a beneficial" t nt ill tt a �u 31ii a+e to-thahk fo_r it Preachtd-99 W. 1fark, L 2 _Y4 Pi ef- uk� nd 1 meet the 2.5 mln(ts rrmnne- -so rwersal. �bf Dolley. feet I five, # n le ige ng t4,e loaseg Aue his John.
45 tbf five wise vri tj �at C trimmed it aiIVO *orulatian� amps—there we a ten, were f offsh, and were i c -t b t five
Iffor aen Can Do P I ul on'. of the !County of Huron '011 Mrs. 1ximes- Lawrence, of MCK1.110p, m1% to, fii When See the six It 3 emind a ks E Curtain hitretchers, folding, aJ1 eDmpildie'r Brads! ;essf:4,nt rii for that Jrf; L� to as se t iis the fallowing frorn the An4 six days God made hem an V0111. it ...... "Vhlte I Ibbon "Tidings," which n-iJ g ht Wh he sE 1 :1908 1VO 191'ri See railAnds Ind tba "d Ith by 01m the ioeven:h be, r0a fthose hday L. hi Beaters, now i -.2,710 6891 26-93 Is are Inellp�ed t)l I �ellt the ablllty� bf �vo_ e great work inad 1,452 1,473 M ne an to He the ti e you ed them 1 527 ti �ke a pridminaent place In the cretLted, a owed, It. when, I 10C 15c, zo I k ide ba I111 feas to belle e t ja the onIS that Were 11 t a cer sex ey , 3,066 004 2848- I I 'Beat L'k f �10 i 119§9 - 1056 1,91& , thei ielght fit re Inds rhe f the� el
"For'those who pro- Tje4'y'0U.C4n1t
Caustici Soda, we are giving a fivb pound &* I' za;-j ed r I2 9450, 2,432 h God les W Vil t yed the wori vl Are not a i a le �s inen -to I intellige 154 8,071 cast ithe� )a 7 est of Times lh x0aill anit its Trife, with thrAt' so is It H AS Stood the While Othe i4,602 and- their W, ves. Wh A no�el st t Co. n! H Oeen B oried- �'n the AAe - I f Yi fild have been 1,see - enJi.see the an avo,
n r., orli.
2170 9,125 S of le it ViarnlUds me o if the nine lepe s th at h Posnla when hi. new law 1 giving
- Wei_ cleamW by our a Tes the R Worl d's Stan S234 2,199 the wo 01 L 0 a cell aMo int viouri 8�t iy 2 1,788 1,785 6 tain' ecogn zed dar� of raal Wer"o nine 04 of -or ir� -3tat0 pa-, iliamentary ' s uf f r elm who 11il;r e- :urmn 3; 65 3 583 S,508 went hn to effect. lifine-tenths o:f t W thaUk-1. iW#en I i o(i1±1 _81L,LS, kS.ecq t;h, the
ru at y M �8016 1805 1,655 -,yoni ape Moj�L Lm medan ��f the ten comman men s
JOL9 rs 4 Bard;varoo' Stoves and Ti'ware- � :0 2 �'123 2)196 w.nt to the olis " osely as ya Whi h Goo Danded down to Mo.s� s 01 i'903 1 W �J�l tab 4 2 - I I th Ir he�slqj � IS of Stone. e -ye I dt 'Men T.sea th 1DT omen ilrou d kin g Y, win .569 v t, 3n 6416 1 elig I a ii reminded ' - ti King X suml)ing Eavetroughing Furnam'Wo, A w a ia they the ballott?l )f �Ipaxe i, w W. I 909 795 1,729 is Gi6d A Ovettw
Of he an -igist4i. �K in- mighty. When I- -see Packages sold w�ekly ii,stiis re 14- 37,� hat t ere are 50 the queeTi, IaMfo rjinded of t t5 wot ien a hel, ui n M 36,61.1 holdii, 6-heba, for he Nvas s rom IMPORTANT NOTIOW. 9 PC sitiOns 111 the banks 'of It lat wlsb Of ayfj .629 1(yu r golornoti, was a. man. Co 1640 re 'presidents, 15 . y she b ee- oug 772. '744 blers and' 20 ire. W1 9 So* USE FOR,SALE�For sale house on James 8b., Woontaiiiinz4!)edrobms,.din'm,-rvwm parlor, A BAD. ea 5 her fifty boY.s. and f�ff' r .1 91, -r,,o 31 d In bc YS' amarel, 79 1110 01 t1tesse � I 0 Lurde Speck, c f :he for kiteheu, bard and sofb*wnter in the house, cement Apply to MISS JEAW GOV"4 LOCK, Seafoft P. tf WN wax
_b�nk that Alt molerd coftvaniences. 2300, cellarunder �rh-)]i 29448., dr, �rs, says no wq an olc 111011 to tell which *ere bo and O, 1,606 611. 1,606 in the Whi',h were glits. _tf 4, 32 4,551 tr :631 t ruEt. h ii iwomen� In Ap)n Wash; the p6cf Int i�
)re- do 'fit girl 3: washed 1HOUTHOWN CATTI&-i first-olass young ble i - '04 at elbo Ring on
Deveil' ties M tery has! ev(r De.
BRON0 sent f6r water for them i 4 to 822 83.7 PO Wop, 1.1 banks and ot] ler to heir ws and the 2,142 doi o Idi redue it gn )er C n rsi 4 n'ceo a d n asy terms g young cows -i 2, 61, �,145 oirat, r to their wr sts to ood 9 2,;10 told: bY that.,? C,14 f I! SJU4 2 from imported coi for We at moder he nu� so King �%lom
To ia, 2361 385 of - &Iault it al ere also for We, All interested are cordially In X tE 411 -,893 Said t ayor, CC wit d to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins' town, lom a you hal aJ - ace tele hone to farm. WrtU for 'good 4 tio rch difig ib Huro z 16625 c cawoltir 11 0 all It
MITH, eter.' 10,690 -except one 1 Neglected Bronchit s is Yery o tei I be' A, n -ral in or haMing In hat Is that It a 41 on IfloOARS witt keep for service on 01 ha qpxened, t cause of Consumpti i 4.055 !ej which It is �X_ 'The knave 11 6 Id the r rep, I al be Lot 26 Concession 6, MaXillop, a th9rougured. aw on Alie 51,017 53,239 nayor d vi e Tamworth lioar, Winner of Sweepstake at 'Lonc mterially ta� .he fon� first' symptom appe.11ring;i Wood's Ir,4t 'adustry og will glie y1wir honor a deserli 'is tion of that, too i If You will 0 and Ottawa, Also a thoroughured Bi wealth �f th T = ay Pine S _-,VoojC T ahimr ar. Turms ',,I, payable at -time of ser torw - 1 - i not he yrilp should be used 6nd oujitY, jai Iso r P Is a t h Edrilef 4y angry.11 privile, with rninjif necessary. EDWAILD the l3ronchitis cureL high st ar of TJ iron apPles Por "I will not," ir and itality isa Id the )mayor, �,f yo"LL On( GQts -Some moinths ael: tj alid, The symptoms -are,.,ti National I.,.. d cay 'Iffitiness acr,oss 11 Oats. FrUlt qid Pacj,-Ijig. Company, Ot term'me t) be the kn 7VARY FOR mALX-j(i0 acre faral for sale on Con. a 10 -h' sai th e Is' LQ 11i 15 'Co IjTuckersmith, &niiles from Seaforth, j mile V" ift routo,, h4v_ had a rpr ts out througb� he En) st the chies.t, sharp pins a d; e TO- the thick- -nstabl th t frii at d tle works. Tht good and b -cathing a secretion,of phle,4m, he Which c0umt�, �nc ra- 6A t tu, arly In th btu t a leanandwell underdmined with tile. There are t f �In- Oats r a. V. 4 s ; - c 0 p uous o 10 acres of valuabte tiniber and the buildings are -1 t IlLrst white, �nq later Of .1 gregish' or 0 i j;ialn nIP 0 said the *70, A 9 lake
largeand upit�-Jate. If not- sold ill be rented c L JrAsu to Ii t Lea0pig ri haids. T1 es not nol a hem. Elaryon:. vellowish color, comi? ;fr W. - 1) - �-'If he U br n- For furtber parUcul&ra apply on che promises or ad. 0111, LJ e the greatest 1haV. D4-1, knave, but �!S 0 for horse cul IV e an t) eat 4n the dreosJANIE8,4 ROI T, E O., or phone (thial tubes when cou They *11 ul o St kndi,' r h c Is ith, ol. 1=rhiJjX*?espeCj all lie i a ureatest to Tuo 22644f I &Y, V� rstaith. !effedt on m 9clentiff ; 11 on 1. I an. , th the -object of in th C ly In "I rheU I C� Unt loWman sp 91here first thing ,4 �r oatb 1" I P ot e mop 4 einpl. red as on r4o sing he yle.d of . 6 find �brw 4re in a 7r m as w hun� red nd t,�I)xrt A Wenco of the Mrs. Dan,, J. �n one,s but h py cards, I SIDEX GE F OR SALE --iiii resi 6 , Oi knuld co Ing tie quality Pack mccormac ulif.,vel amany��dayg W Aersigned at Ro*,boro is off6red for sale atlo,,wf�. energetic -men.— The� c -hkqh Pj capita Iz t as t lere a r e In a elk There is a comfortable' brick restilence and WALes: "My lititl3 boy,two years 614ti-4are (said I a ',feel $1 500 00 car. On countln� the any, I buying some. fku% fa j, nu r a cards IL I but a ab half an aore of land. it is pleasantly situated ht a bad cold, li.�' n In a pak, I old baug num e find
-c(I within ti Wles of Seaorth with rurl m iff delivery kv ch devicio, is VC Is 01 lef Y i6oaftninj ts th are f1ttyi d*—the 1 C ul riumber; at the doorand ruml teleph-ne. An ideal place for into Bronchitiis. He wa lip 110 )a(,s the fines toats-iiiiii0ana., enefigles � t( ri 19' tot a ten 're Nv Lr i efs a retired fariaer. JAMM D. HINO'LIEY, setorth a I Ih a Year. "' find there.,ara tiii a M at i'a -Are � 60jectd to 62 sift T ter Price -mr,Xng from $15f 5 pek, 11 r 2233-t C0111a hardlV breath6. n ir!iq boilt, I re :0 PleW a cardSim-r3pi.,nsrntn-,, the numbe g 'Ile 140 plump g'raIns arc- to ju Y Cf n)onths In- a yea
y ii;el. Tj Ii
ur ici:l Dr. ill E s Li ri; and oil-,
wonderful me,I c, 1 Z, ten of of thd couilting ARM FOIL SALE -For sale Lot 10, Con. 12, me 0 poun s L, owners ar B the tricks, A find thirteen—the F I�jjlop, ConLt dining IGO acrea. W actes cleardi, -Norway Pine I kin ake a s in a bushel. quiredi lum- the eeme 4.,
the balarjec ood hardwood bu�h. There is o at to cl ltl�a ;e ber Q weeks In la quarter. Sd`iyou, see n bhe m Ily um 0,; e s an 0 4i' s have the ax Ahce a comfortable house, good bank bar. bottle and with Such good, resul t _goit; aul the fr 10 x 60, The thou a Wit to rai of call 1.5 -3 for a tloiE hne� is t#d energy, are also kt w !tlso driving limse, 22 x There ig plenty #_f good 0 t I .1 er which cure rj U 0 herwi! e s,?ry Ll 11 �y a Almanac, and 'I (:0--mmon water with win(I mm for pump! iin, ti in ellclo4s. To eat I ara to bi� - The farm is ivell 1-1 I I .. ( la Wit 1013 vin - a hy �uak,;- . I I . -ald 0 awr service . i h4y book.,, :For.the b rend, For further particu WWI willshow oard �g ittiern4n, drained and fairly welt fencO. . The plac is in a ha 1-7 10i ti C C E Y for a in good state of cultivation. lars can apply on the premises or address Leadbu, t e; -its P ra -1 8 I 1% 0111(i Q . �_c to(.) much in mit what tolife at cts, what in the einl oy & tht compan�y ry T. 0. t tjec 4y m a rate � of t consi 1," can Jo4r e WALTER AVIDSON. 2248x4tf without it in the ho b )Ili ig. _Vt E Ilty one 0! su re cure for Colds and 13 ro6chi tis, good dollars *r il animals are,,, - 1EN tj iedt 6 n e. SPeR I NO 'I Giv me chant -i -f-, r � kr;ows h( Vii PURIT I IARSI FOR SALE-10or sale ezit half of Lct 14, mit foD Is. : )r wj.�aj it an go,' untj,, lowed i to � r a F . ! a n In. t .'a rehard3. V Qua rer It is all z;eeded to grass but.-auout 8 %y my 0 acre . There is Con. 8, Hullett, eorttainini 50 acres,all cleared. The price of Dri Wood's 1i Alr*�� nu rio -gangs (if WC)l h IN T SLOW' R ood'orehni ; good N�ikbarn and driving shed; Pine SyrupAs 25c. it (!alfiadA`.� AM CMgage(j 'Pru I g :he trees. WhE n PRO good brick houte, Colitaing 19. roonis. besides snu m6r ur I ,ud Wii Slavd. Thetarm la well wa callow wrappei -Three the unIn is Is ed the me Lil� tered. se Pi I I a P*ee 4 the ri w#1 M an ex T6 tm good'farrn and ii plesantl an(I con. I raiile mark, Be sure and �ea be- eml#61oi at at ift, nic a: con g the tre as arld venientis iomted. It ii only a quarter of amile accep 0 griculture Due then tb 6on WA folks , to know Wilat a sfile.i flo-ar CrE YERSTA, SeMorth. ischool, Apply to AN.-DRFwT from Substitute for Dr. 'Woodl q tl a first � splayllig Medicine a, Ne'cesity the West is. I Wallt yo,L it ani
Loudettboro, post W 1, i
or to FAtasFAV16E, ri I ater s P, 0 buy a bag at your g rodiry.
mall app Is rM store T Office, 2244-t Manufactured only a cent� addiess befor( tha 1 Q tie - will ba ed that !the triet 9 Tse it for a I y The T. Mi n i 1co ki I Ifor the protec W11114rns'. ink Pills are !I I 1'. 11* ba, SOO,ety i ai uPle of ba, ngs and see the S1,
CO3. Limited, Toronto, C lit. tloh of plants May. not ,'b ovetit a& d. 4 Year round -tonic lood U FOR SALE--LOt 4, Landcn Road, stai trom I ij1irI6(116 Insi and fuh-goils dls- Ninety g solIr P in uilder u4le north of Nippon. ehines have w nerve orer. 13 There 76 acres in. r W. Lochead, Df Xi , ready been ecured fo rest a they are Pe 0- oludiqg 12 acres of good h So the es c ally ardwood bush Well under. pri .9, an d Val --- Ing when t od Qo e epoke of the in �jmer Se tax he lays- ordor �has 1-ni te i go s8i(t to Engla 'the 1 a I able In -the sp
drained nix f r, ty, goodstate of 0-Ultir4tion, A E at icjwtmeam�l st rif Is loaded with mpurItles a a a! W (Mr
brick house and d barns u Ith staNed. M s Uriquitural weal rough more re- Cani Vile orehEa 16111 be: s wan a rr sult (if the Indooril 9, to ReverfailingAN-(1=00 orchard. his is To'nvoe t ra; a e,% qX In3macts, In pirt Prof, twice d Ce of Ithe loin
on Olt London lWad and the- e ea on2 malt Of UkE, ttot eat f, ffuar
be gold on may terni -,,g the proprietor istoo Lochea Ali As Ch ed for b
old to pany C( n rols the ent it Applyonthapremisps V It4ties.prominent en- 1 oai ch in, we w e aited 1Z . . so in cput � 0�f h,e orel mi is, wjtb th ,a of 1pu rif I prIchinu WIth reanj of 7 or addrea T1103. hti�KAY, KippE.n p, 22,'�* fit ttnoloi s 3 i ai!ve, M)A� estimates oi the # -d e, rery C . . I I ar the St will h We 8 'cepi of ),bout ffva barreLI9 110 d co) f tb s ui�cess, a;j au 61 ;SOE t ro- belpe'to Make 0 Low, AMA FORSALF.—For Lot 11 I , rn I t. ack and i ad e' Your mouey back. Yo you
7; Kil ach 6wner it ni eeasarily f 11 Ur br the SIVIng one
Fpen RoAd, Tackersw�th, contajoirig 100 aor C%Ao SLY i .each colli, the that therb, bl 'red b aa will do -you cre dit 'or es, HOMESEE, ERIS uted wlli be Iderable s LtTcvl I 18 i-.-tir 'yo a don't- pay one 'cent for th P-' flour, B�d,3 le:th 80 ai cieared, L9 back w� all of %vhi(-h 6 in a first - ciass t d we' k—Dr. wiijlj�mg,
state . of cultivation, 0 a- n t: fdr of a ` total not ft I export Ind to ,work it 5 "a Pli, - 1pilis Ve left in th b a Id ag andg your grocer will refula fenced, the Inlance Well underdraiiii and well i( ' . In O' uc:�one-&al 'of this It give i8tr gth. In the spirng Ot tile fi f" in good hard. I EXCURS )�'S I P Propose to esta)IIch an evipMet 0 a�?Elte Is you d od Limber. T 41 U)00 -the staple crobsiand the and P00ri--Dr. W1111arns' n Wo here are two Actres of or(:hard. cider :tnone in Ju1j, 'Pills ide elop,r the fo !I k On the place are two good bank I aill. Vie name3 of tha-se v stone foundations barns on n1toba, S Al,be 9 on truck crops, -fruits, do- whorn the C)mpany haslea Storn Ch and appetite, tone tile �s an absolute also latze Pig house; there askatcheviano rt a It rr astic aTim ald weak 41 , stion, It is ly straig together wi�th the number of tr I;; I' fri h L14 afid' timber. ffe l ouse- There are two wod the spring the best clealers co-opeate. A stroi nu ritious �igm e house and one rontc,2-00 P.M. (in Tlitq. i �Vs :that Isons In the-bloodl P-11-0 tAoiil at th oarn. SpecialTmioz leaveTo 411e� to i Insects I A101L,ei, ill as Tolit I Xisi t find an outlet in Is guring pimRie,j -ag flour, unbeat ble f a out, of the bes� farm in Tuckensmith. It is APRIL 4 18 MAY 2,16, 311 JUNE 13j 27 illrfst ;itF_s ar�ountg eVery year -Colbotn(iii-iiiii. LInkla or 160, A. Clut r bread. That to he be, forth nirt andn' aituawdonthe XippecRoad., �� miles south of sea- JULY 11. 26 AUG. 0, 22 SEPT 15, ii $800,00)POO, ton 110, -1 Tobin WflII nit th e W St. Try it. ;�M onie, M I e ile from whool. � There are 40 J. R. Vklat0 I Pink 1`1110. speedily -clear t 11 j� ali o'evedrthat bi loss acres "I 0I) hetemainderin bay andgrasa, an S—Rdiclau ti from Onfai;o , tad�= to P�ncipal ittst r9bEd`i, FID: 140* he skin t d ey u`139 130, Johr Cause they g6 to the f rni will be sold %ith or -wiLhout- the crop. ohl 1, Northwest points& ai� Jair -I rhich Graham 1 :4 wim, I the ro �7 P gle, ot of he 7 felhee 92, A. Yount. Po88V0,'-iftagiv(,nat oy time. Vor further partic. LOW ROUND -T trouble in the- bloo I. in th L R1 P RATES. a spil11ng 1 Ulf ibout 4. or -50 mi lion's ],,2, A. iP* 1 iepherd 80;'L. MeOerl i anai ul%rg MDOX On the premises or addre�s and iff or pheuirat neuralgia; W" Inia dreturn $33.00; ontion Midi return Th Is a I enorm )us tax 93, A. 13thi) 125,; Isett 300, I Isl a pnd C= 0 r--" 0 0 r=3 0 ri 0 =3 0 NATi bo'OTT Pmprlton, Bgmondville, P.O. $Vm B1 - M to 0"Ier polnu i roportion. 7ii Icultupal t2 'many other troubles are rao-,t pe E=3 0 C=3 0 t= 0 -%2,>l3x4 tf r i Eedd 1 P, prod Bros 160 6, ralstojit - - ---------- ram gomfga re. it Ill i 5, A. Voun tw Cc urn "thin 60 25, b Po9r, wc ak blood nd is E kidly ly 4t ti former *Ili ever Goderi Vownsh. P.- riblisses' 1i 00-D FAIM 1-1-1 Con. 3, Tucker. TO U R I ST.S LE: e K n- at thig ty&, EPING C an ll nature iagains Iix- smith, 11, R ca to.:Jsrop (fightin in- zl-- TIS1 A4 StIrlin 176, W,. .14- Ilia tttfoo 7 tiores goo(I mapiek oa an excarjons. Coj 011ible 6 rthq,; f,1,3r jMd nf bush The ri cleared, over.' ew rodf.t -woven a rt ; 113r t on account (?f t Ir ucar. .11-66 _67 I'llfet that the ood most ' -serloqply ad I 1 I St.. d rt iii lattentioll IU �W. i r0i 90 James Slait fietice, well. drained. vreattr p,�rt tile and in pod ugh 113 -
erthods , f pner- 210 i ia, 1,1ndiga' with �U* 0, p i rat Ibnal r To mprove nd 'E hereby'af irm and 'dedare that Creaml
low fignit. I fortif y It of the Wesi L -atinn, 25 wm i�p '-et p,owAd in Early bi Ifar Wal With the proper %se X Audi. R. Wilifto 251# the blood, 1:3 tie spi mission jdffar. Flour is,a S state y iv fall all. riradv for iming erop, IMMICatiummusli tornade: f WS 50, U. Bilssett 400, H. upel ior brea I flo tiventv acre ur, and as such is subject WIWa' PIIIE and that Is Why to our absolute- i ourrntee____� noney r4 k
newly Seeded this spring an(i ASK FOR HOMEGCEKER I Appel it ind Insecticides even Salkeld 2o i, W3. E, "hompgm B,Jot back if not satisfac tfulob), PAMPHILOT 0. they ebalancoof the faim in clie��r from foul owaliiii; ro"aadfull i;Pilng medicine !n aadh 48 M, n �n "M hich R. J3rincc be, 200, Ja nee Job "'re the best after a fait Wecdo. There is Ij stor brick hou,4ie 26x36 also ner, ts, �aire eing-I. 2 , 00, jF ueWI n to )0,, existe ce. I the need OV a d to. briek Iditchen-L8xO and lirge oodshed, brrij Sgx b Ict nis-Untly W. Q. tUY ealer is hereby authorize
r SIMA;:7 A49LO mk6 I 14ae� :I r] te it )n tt 191 medic e this return price pxicl 7 cust�mer on return. of unus wU4 stone stables rxw shed 26xra4, - goo Ilgently[used byl f arr iiers, Hari It J::: A prin ed I
�iJl at SW I (16UL14 .. cDouga give Dt. Vit- -abundant supply spring wa XLY DIRECT LINE NO le 1ANGE OF j6ARS at) them -fully two liams' Ph* 1`1 Is a Ir trial You portion of bag if well near house, and ter hirc Is of Stanley.- L. Arm' and at bun- w1bh winSmill, and a spring at back end o �ur is nt as represened.
it hi�p ell ( m0u will rejoice In w embead -115 health W farm In bush, 2 acro choice young orchard sheltered W. rdo eb 1",: I strength and new e orgy, .-and I be The Catnpioej�l zeg #fle fro dis a -see (lock a
i ling Co, Linxited,"ro
ST Oil Wesu by,spruca treeThe farra is 31 m1le from sto 73, John Park -4 1 '51 1 es*clally fit Air Seaforth, ad I inile from school, also telephone in 11p9l, It Is more diff Ann C 116, R stand the ChL% I Cicampbel ..1dre: sident
a !Or ;!d- Id Pre
0h* t,
house. Re. gis poor healti 11 C=ea. a 4 but 'th ie keibi I ur andig I y data" J�3. heat whi,,hi
joprite i. lood �2,v I little later 3� P. .48, �&. to Vine west. Apply on tho pretdis" or to jjuj$4 FOR FLETCHE R'09 V Lza 0 0. 0 nan 6 11 . H !Love: 70 dei 01, sent b 3_Q a a a pin licine . a0rcss the rod or addrea F4monaulu loie ;lit 126i - G- a a are sold by all mec Q'S rs t a C, bft or: six bons t)� 74 0 A -6 T 0 A In- A, �0. y aat 40 Mento' IL X. i0q. BOX i0j 2,U m h�—'G. D 4 me con Igers th ItLes Tui 0 Williara-31 A(edI6jmeL Co,., 1�rekllle, 0jit.
Dx-fjTf UCT
Tp' 'he t the ��rgla ,G*rleh. 4% MIRW
rjdiing� 'rarh M1
C4 luto con -sus
01 UMSe 41VI-C
Lvipolui The ien
l,,,. jsnAes-on, Wr
ter. ]KIngsbridwi; I
mon. Colborne
V 'Ing, cor3ow; Ja
WT a 00 , - *
Got, lob township—
jowo-Y, B. ig 'RCIC
t. , ot, tho, Xien,dng
fat,ory af-Onder1rh
firk last !�#urz-;dazr r.
,sounided. shortly aft
.whm tj_� fire blgaii;
the larg-e frome lit
- __ tng UOYL f thp,factorY
P.%elding. q-11
and"Was sel
tat dng the 01
x,i ,the el.
.the nizolhWi roorns
w. a rb y riber plie
Von -�d - ohlY. b 3�ieasvn (
with it all night au. -un -ch
plielely,� T und,
-ttivi :a as ne(
to oover I q, Iinbores�i
bal' of L
V don, Is
b_1L_ ineim tT J1 ba rep 31T -t.' dif S. X6.
rw, Ah of lKarth;L I
dth, Hei�ert XCI
Him r, A. afthaM 71
'Wi . 11
W.. Petty !Rae ROA
Neror Third.
!W, Thomsox
d t, Re�ty,
CaMcr4n, Tel Ct of ; ii fL X0.
limolth of 1
Sr., Foarti
Cla rk C. Lowrie ;9a3 " ;0. LM
V,k Y M Taylior� A. C41al
Armstrong; Jlunior
-Eer liar Second, a E
W. S,ii Part
Farnham, Arrast
RIUY, L Diale - W. I
bair, if, To ae?wr. StX
,dita-4ding qf,. the pul
Eii Id rder of
L. �Ibrilst "If. McCbr
'Voi I<ztle 13air
Siatherby, �Annl- R
Vhl�d, V -i !deCa
,T.vdrd, L"Jue,
$11lery, ___ 'Out
noik pairl Art Mai —An -evenl
Ing. Intere it took �
of 5ft% -j Uri. �iiai
Of Punigannd,
Harold Biitsan, sol
But of ne,
'in t 1w bou
six i t1he.,
e 17 Mk t1 edlirmes
of bri pero 'ch
latives: or th^
t1v - pk . -1 , &1-4ag by� a o 'pt
um -uous vi
ft, ri r mdinna the Paid upi
, , 001, fl-