HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-02-17, Page 5F__7
Mond%71, 6vb IV
n&—A meeting of. the CPU, F b 2492.- -an Tbura&y' awrting- next, February their Is IV Cattle b1ch CFW tj t
AN N-A D IA N 40MM -0-f-'thist -TICInItY. Wilt- be held EA Ik. THE' CA
2U4, for tbe ' Purpose of'org"AzIng In Prices ore as bigh. t, fin
-t-hb district a branch of -the National the coun t f
SALE Ery n to, :13 eWe Is'.
03'Unell of The, -meeting rs4 cattle , 001 at_ Auc
I ear.
'bi 'cloak tions aS at' 0f he 1 &0 io4 FA will be addressed by Mr. Thomas'Me- t1 ARC % It C " MMER _,E
_P oThursday 13,st an( i
3011ax4 Of 1rullett, and W. -R. me _L
no Ill ure, SM EDMUN6 WA i KER, C 'V.
LeM -of Kippen. All the tat -ftporters-1 Th, i'A n a al L1'Pf?E81DEftT
Mors Of toll b. 28rd, i WcINT) E EDO ALEX N R LAIRD,
ealook, on Lc A
the eighborhood- are Invited to bei potted: 229 era I a kdo , - 28, GENERAL MAN!AiQE
P# ff a aE ttl% A)#)"
23 n, PI t )0. Bro fit set for our Clean.-- U a Wnt. 18212 Pounds, cos r c E., dr 0ro CAPITA4 t
_ranga In nrice ri, aW b - 24tb, 191' 1 n., 0001000
store of KIE O , 030; P on it 4 REST, $7AO000
3n. i -Fir I
slx bullsl for ]Lodol 1704ou ds Ila( "I * aU4. 1n Rei Mri, son!s old A d arehere to stay and 01 r ally
all. over. you h I Walton 208417 Out&'! e or 11topi [elb )idi
at $'5.35. averafv pi i r IMi Own, Anot; wr. I 16W rob, 2 prfoe3 o
vel . " Re t. ONEY 0R`ER
olde tyr e 11VII ilivi all and orel; Oar, M
ae proverte social 140 steers, avemglak 1200 ds 191,o U; I P. m.i on L t 4, U all RnOB Of
'eatly reducel Prices ort MU &c 11bWa S
Tuc, rimmi. uot u 3als c f I arm,
will be held'm Fiday evenin, Febru4TY at $6.02 o a pr .!:e, a, f nge ixk Im lements. in VhiWmpn, frc )r1e. The Money rders *f f Th6 Can.
w94th. by- us tolkils of Walton Adult $5. 5 to cdnvenient a d econon ical iad Ban k- of Coin
; qit tile store b%l po lin Is Bro n, Auot one ;r.
a nietho'd of
_t he jon 'rem itting- small 1sum-13 Of mnv.
at 7, )on,
Mrs. Alexander Buchanan. Regula- Tb6y are
able wit out qbarge at ei ery b , nch of a
ip k4 aY.1 roh, 3rd of tr n h 4ock
tvV-pu to do so, ,q For 81bli- - 0ass t hurla 6t 'I&- and I each, at $603 184. stO r
-0*1, 1250 $1 10. em U to 10 -Mar., wag U,
I . POUT Is e1c) ftrui ere
prain'-se y0a the best- -shuns: Every woman must wear her, c-hers—prirne p! NI [tam Canada (e art f d ilan k in
ked Ic ts Id at .0 11 Oil I, 1,r prietor Tho I rown,.A ne P.t in thei ' Yuk9n Territor ) and in the pVincipal 4C,2itieS
kaliker dress and anything ekalY AP- $6.25 - loa rday, March 4th ak !r. of
da- of- go Oil , 01 10, the Uhited t e7s.
deternained to c' t',5.70 CO
are Nrate ent must come In jurn '$5.50.t to $6 $ a1( 2 0 'O's 0 YOEI
r, if lo -vv prices Wt Yn .; G. Of p6rie, iwl rtb, order for Binder Twine, Wire Flencl.1191, The Orders and A 11 information r,%garding ll -,em be e0tained
rom Evefy ge in tl IA io fowft
do A§ old clothes and no biled sbIrt or $5 40'; O Ws, r1`q r TT9 ement ff' 5 0 t 04 bull S4 T 13 A lot oneer. my
koller. BrIng penies ter fines, 0' FkL lay) M h Ift on appli-catioi r at the 1 ',Iank
jdqde ;ofi 3
a X 0 In the event
_k' I nit di n mbe to, I I of F win e
Many bargai to $5; cinner , $2, ZI ii j at, i Ion. Scra(al on Coil.
ins far..the :Oood kaughphy 4nd kake. Kompetent and Springers -1 N, OK'Jlllop IP4 1 of lops of tL r.th Bank men Job, ?ropi iel or on re 10f
Immitee In charge. All welkum-.' milkers and elpf to, a4y
9C T wn,;A otion r y guarant a
rrangements to refun'
a satisfa6tor
v s—T ac the am' u t
e; tnakL
at $40 t Sed 10rir xney the lost Order, I
0 $75 e a Ch. I perial Oxford Kitche Ramm
veal iog V al a $3j I to C
ir -'Ladies' _1.25" FeitL was -strong for I
MARKFJTkS 0 -du to Tlar,' IE t. Wj th its Economizer for sqving fLie
cboi 23.3
A, W, M Ct
brought $9.25 t 6 $9. So iin price.
i.:Za Felt Shoes, with leath- $8.50, and two ilk 94E j f h granch*
cv,t. S, m,; 10 NO
Ived. thE t a.- s hcrk 'Y v plic TI(ka will ve we 00
$1.26 to
and L rnbs—Sb6ep, mile tothe 81a, Ami iibl Of th ProviiM T.- AOR,SpN
pair J0 WheatZ ii . I Matlagqr
or I-00 Mons Y.75 Over- $4.75; rams,. $3.150 t of( Nt L od? at ts present 58bsio, r an mpl w.
83 4.4; SM38, $1 to br g the ontarjo West shore Railway'frou oil t a Eli ng Hach ines. Elangiijg Lam
per C'W It. 1193 1,41. 098 N rel B th T walof
'Soes. leather foxed,, ft-te, per ......... 0 so 030 $6,60, and -one phol . bal sh of MI n itO line ol A] S
50 a pair 0 45 rxi 046 selects, $6.80 lo
buckle, r i P"4 P" bushel 0 70 to 'D of.
Pw bumbd lown OIL nn"Zorl I ; r
T U&I ?,4 Ul In I as Grindstonesj '131"aOdtlewar'
Jlfto ........ .... ......... 22 OQ t* 22,00 *eaker at $6.9( to *)7 - p,,,r. evrt., toj, 02 Tinwo re, lie iteady tor
ton ....... ......... 24 00 to 24 00 'cogntry Pointa, and T 2 flKiNp, the Towno;f &V401 k he To 1p, 1 Cold VV 1ther,
r0mr, Per too ....... .... 2& 00 to 28-00 7.30 fe of the To wD of Mitchel traf, Coal Clil, B6nzi [ie asoli d Tools of Vpry
e au
and water6l at. e zy az ket El t0 point in or near the 31ty of 9 25 to goo an I tA construct equif and oftra e lent ch ad 'ki d ri 3quired arm;2 and jifeclhiIlinio sit f
0 IS to 019
4W 4 -lit 0 wilway 1ame jut of
Pr 0 0 19 to 020 j wl I the MH C )Wpaoy ji Aulk to d L lot b beaten.,
. ...... 0 22 to 0 2a Or to )nOi the- time. for olompli q
. ... ....... 9 oo to jo oo Hathers.—In Mc ob. 4tb
7 50 W 750 111 rw%vsyznq to inaul L pe Mr. and M&B 44 terl, a'., C." WiUtbr 0 fast approaoThin
n Mxw%
fiD to 50 11: H, D.
1 led,;
ldacKaj. Ih- GO, 0 Mi le t roold. weather," means t
Capt. a *5s Rob &Y a f X.. se*taik o the )n Lrlo W at" at yoa Yrill r quire VtSYM.
U h I
tht Sa 6 1 311MR511*0 (Oupany. er clothing Be ratidy f6r it. your
L a I io r te.; 2Adlt 3, 97, a D&I d i this 2nd r for, Ur
dwf in
P61M Ua 7, r
Toronto, FA 1 Fall and Wit'
I. The, following the 7th Wt., -mi. cW are Seln [ter StO &ad Overe, before th rial
.01 paid by seed mrn Laporte, it
4ft4to to'. -gMWM
AWke N Atli Sisfor Asa W6.srethe I
ware Aferehir
th i; g , Nake-to ' erchants.
—In It N. ftb, t'' your
MMMOIAL ROM Cald ounnh
I t ar
W busba, &Wke No. Z ja right Up.
$6.69 Mr. and- fts: B lie g to,: date
go 41 Allum ?ft 8, *60 to N* red- am we optlerant, a
the IM io 001
U V040N 8 "_0FFARM1$T0CKAND IMPM perfect fit. ices
.. In Eae eince
fftr. No. 1, $S to $7.59; red clovo Jenkins. W 0 on J Ln i — 4ob inure thaln those
in his P10kz, VMy bleiM, ft. =ft-mr..'Yeter Chm ron h& a nabru arge, I for inferjorL
Ld bw OA i i
0, heart and $ftuow No 21, 4ROO Mrs, e) d o 01F IrAim Brown to seR 4 i
to $ r, i 'T. J, a - f I Ion o I ot 4; Con, -b.75; zed clove AWK work
ht especiany when. they live vs to $A.40. 1ins, a, son L 88 INPLM JUIL 110UMOLD yOWIL 4, tan an FWday;yeb_24t
1911, at 1 o'clock
id gridn
` L a. eab, d
fror We "n e) P 01 of TUIX- Mr. W 0 M hu ingtruated Nr, T me 0110wing: Honeso-14raftg
from the cWdrenj like Brawn to Sell hu v
Manning. a I otion Lot 170 .-2,'
ratt MUG two years 01h
eke in f
ur 3yo Much arsk at I
_er act i4eighborly with Grain, Sto. to -9x. aad r E aunln eke Ou I drivin marek g7 1(ni
#"a of geo"a re d, I di 7D -r
=st neighbor that is it daughter. old, 5 bl
14- Ontario jWhe On if Irk April;
at r,21=X rielme twL cows ue to e
_In Grey oik h 'un 4jazt1e 3 cows
o ood eking, 4 4 Wf In julyl, tin UL
.decent. An It 0= big ird, to e-
dt 4 JL
2. cow -4 2 Aem
o pig 2Y aid, 8 #Aeers rW 101
i'd to da, wwt I's r%bt "Om_ --NO. 2 *1#ter wheat, 84c to W,, and Mr. X 19 1 di Lugbt i ore@ of past' lie oil! LO; 13 res. breod sew due vew 4 1 belt"
me 1 C mille pigs MOD am _11M.
Aovy ck, 'n F b 5, M 2,
butew socomnir to location. t -yamt- *W of 4a" Wt 1 -1 pip 8 10 'Fowl About NXelne, -2
moment, as dog. ftet! bob. p am"" Ore
AOLS mortillern, $1.0k I -,A; -9. jiloob I 11le a ft rade matters am W. and Mr t&WOOd
concerned- I UE Olmn Uggy, 1 0 it bo. and
Wt; v&W atorw, Goderich, - le Kajne._jn Gorrie e'D. L hand lux 1
Nm I ilorthk*N 98c; No. 3 northern, .- ter. to b Er. Jim
YA b IV=
on e le an
C"Mafty. - f. . 1 464% 0 M hand -nun r, 10D sop C'm
Ecaint IL: 1-tiniq 0 g MA I IN
vMtft% No- 12- and. Ws. slat %furr W so
--On Monilay I"&- Mr- W w 1,
Team 1 - I '
0r S44; &i&4 Canada western, 36 I -2c A 0 )W16a I as d t%M,h=0*j, 2 13 mo credit or
Et d, tm
-livered to Mssrs. Cbur- at la1w ports for immediate ment. sets iin a loin discount of a
ship C&TTLE -The on e 31,!uw rope, r I. Pe r;R ant= ad
I P'110 . P GA 11E
Reid. (it Lucan, an extro, thevs, c9paple e,ii quanuv onbroo i for, 0 1 ekedit
Xra;uter., _zAl 't xe m IDurtilln bullf at V N,
re Ia cow7janaal I le Au foneer.
which he received thehand- outsioe; No. 3 white, 31 1-26 to 32c in naff, 'Te in I umlowy hay to Ia
v e -w Al 3 heskrIV new, 1 n e. grind8tone,
Toronto. da I ebru Uf , , Aft Ro Dr a 1dr ranfel for coal, god Ohtarlo lio. 2 white, 32'1-2c to 33C Clark * nj I ale fivo I wital oe.
Cranbrodk 4i it kettl rao f EIV
i 01 9z. Scott purebased outside; &)c on track at k AR SALE OY PAft
D. B. McRae, 3M . Wil i oh Qa: It ep 0. -o 1. W!. bes4er, I e"zte MiSTOCE AND 11M-
-Lubn e
a e, ol iew ki Mm 1pros cumns, a T9Xr- John McMillian has Instruct.
hort tim E&"k 1% - 2" 78c, to.,30c. Bar.. b th 1 M eAtlo edThoo. 13 by puhneialuction
good U LLE PgopsRTV POR 81 her a Ia I artlel. to numerous to U
mu to Miss Angellre d ot 101 8 and Aa
-at bave beer. extra le 6ac Lo o5e oxitside for malting, and P, a The beauty omfort
Ethel. Podq,,eJy no r r 6 as the 0 rietor hm gold the ow riday, 0' If your 'home d in no al
bring such a long. Price. ;B6 1.003tlo ]cc([ h(im-an, rim
Moe, to Fie for foed. MWetd—Manitoba, porsyth At 'A,. etv 11 "blil wd an 1 611 be sa,Mcheat 5 ad under cub, over loll f1b 0 T"To, measure, on the you 1ave. It i an ess
tran per '6ah - _;hort8L, Hof
.+, . Funiture
PU Cattle -13 fat co- to
R04 r. ZJWM. Terms -
$25 Appll io hn mount& in.nths'will m gi en on furnishing 99 6MI bapplih*
r 1)russlel on. e ID attle, Vsde1 ftre, or io jolii APproVed joint D, t ma:
a 3,Y1, ote 06 r have a cOmfortal le home.: a -ad for the lonj
at Toronto; 0 temiL A di , mt bf four per cent. 2 Yk, old, 2 ateerariging 2years ld, I helfo iWm er
0 on track' ntar16 bran jolounts. WM. in ly
I I If r ouh on or -dit a Idt I saer. rising f
-Wishart, B. A., M I It rannum tor ShOrta'L $24 on track -at Toronto. on soi
r. F UP orSY ye* D t
"alf 4 cOmfor is of more than ordinary importanCeL The of COUOOA_
jr., of Froblahe ".. S Mil S 30PUGAL4 'opnetor 06. BROWN, Aue- ente-1 Ma4sey-Hal bioder,
13 C. 0 o"LefLr:. L n Mr JLI 0 IRS WAN I!rED -Forooa( I Sectio I No. al 225M des
No. I, timothy $4.50 to 60, V
I r ti ft. t d rmlok mov 7er nearly able homes, is a bobby with - US and 'our is partica
timothy, a id Mr Ike.. Ilth, I - I
Clover Lizzie,, daughtei of W. steel igne for
e ass cerdfloaze. Wr Co. seed d
MIXed and this A 'big expi*diture is n ce
e()rge McCall, of )r .0. am I ppli X -i A SAI, OPIPARK, FARM STOCK AND u1mrly no I roller, new, 9
lkppl t the Unden igned, statin r so purpai e,,,
:$q to 6h, track; AM N Until 11arch 15thi 1 T 31P or I got rilam ad to s4cure
'911 4x- rrows, I
Ttmonta at Toronto. Scott—MaeLean. - At 46, ne of t1 e TLq, I 131PLEMBI Mr.Johl Whiteman, has in. w this U A W you how
0 Sea ror %. I I . C01-nifort. just call in and li t
i :1 bf public auetiob an
Xtraw—$6.50 t6 $7, im track 1 bero- 0=1 i struc Thoe. Bi to Sell ow I tru wagon, I Get b3le s, I H in
bride's parents,, A-shfi 11 'o,vnsAMA t 4, *ermltb, I;i Tupiday, Feb. 21st or !61 X, I IV F, riak l comfort we will I
TTL97-Aeve al E
8th, b Re ubl ha e9% Ti -
0 Con f -Sr little money,
Potatoes —.Wholesakgilotations range to *110 per. Ibag out oK store, P4" the -6n Feb. 4keli to lowing : Ho ; Z, !over that hwoun gums C f 86 '%n(I
Margara Isabel, dau t Mr. aint fftromm I mai at of .84tv; purposeb )roe c , I general purow b 8 montbe it Will
VA 800 to 853 -per bag ji Peingpharged d on MI )d oun 00 vs nnw"e years old, 0 ti b in foal; I dr#in .9 ven 0 furnishing approved joint nam A
i LcLet n o Robex t _g
for Mia"re 11 ng a ve 6 years - old, qplet 00 Wt of ra Per cent- anowed-na for oasit. JOEW We carryall th best lin s-of Furniture fom the best m ufacture
In Mrs. Kenneth M r We. ed,swe a
an lots. James Scott, of A ab dtad the A" tov : ag and re ?Yaebw1e8:01m' Tr In'v colt ng 2, 1 colt ridtig 1. PTorlet ol ; THOMM'BROW1- AIGO-
newly 'a ed cow due to cave
IL ON 3WOh Eb, -plade Jej
tWeber—Zimmer. htu I r i d d, a, fol cat le, Cattl aired
1 fir sey oow due to c4lire
tAve Stock Markets. Feb. 7th, b 9- ;1 re, MT L Ar! )Mn -q SALE 00. BOB149S AND CA11 E -Me
y Rei cifth
h, 1 cow to ca ve, April 29th, I ow
aalve I 1"Thoe. Brown bm received. Instruct i!)T s, troll,
Albert Weber, to Mi secoall
- I I MIT] f, of the wen. uo wa Ifel rlei,,h not in cal Ayrshiro'hener 2 years OK ot
Liverpool, Feb. trade f gr cat- Rll r SU RobitAdawnajr. tosellby
seric, Winowt, On- I" I n 3n loot
daughter of Mr. - 11 Ir zim- , ppoeea to be cal 4 Ppring caal es, I -alf two week -8 publit! auctic Elrmoadfo Bo' and- .0
uxm;nhead to -day -was firm,. Pointe 0. Land borough, of Eg Inol 1 P- 01.11. IA. a bA -led Soi V litter a7jout time C)n. s mckiliop, on eanesdai b X on
,fre - - e, I J" - dan 22nd.
an mail or be"t mer, at the Com nercial 13 1, Dash - of sale. 111 rse 5-1 draft horse 4 yews
ut 'here was no I advance on epr it AIVe In thi section for f 4le MA. 4-1 seed. dr 11, 1 bean cultivatcr old
L Oaturn of 1 beir Fft ft 1 1.1 lent] a old, L draft colt s men oj 2 bloild 3olts 7
4WS qL1Otati0nE),_ wood. ndOnaMpAtalTrees. itiquin with T. 111OLMF4S, 44u4ger.
d 0 (o i rom intendhq, iando-intran tachment the d. Cadle-leow
oq zts 256 for which remitin. States robw ez a Ivil, recei ve prompt a djebt calf:attlmeof side,lthorough
Stutt—Allan. A1111 bri d 4,Is rest. tton on - ddress I Ineu? Y P16w, I IF riiiirjg mill, I rheel bamw, I top bied. c cow
stee, L2 to 131 3-4c; C Lnadians, alol I V ille, Pbqn 7 on 145, Tucke, unt; uh. buggy, I cutter, I -et. V fighb ele ghs, I light wa, 1, d je tc calf I I April, 2 pows due to calf it pril, I
goo, Ilki cow
q '30U dence, Wroxeter, )n F b,1 2 '1 1) Rov I b&by Da e4tingeto7ound a lot -of small! ue
r.yv e Sept io I PG1_ Y rriage. 1 8 heifers 4 W calf in Ap il,
12 !-1c to 12 1-2c. 2?,52, I two
ar L ThOrevill leo be offered for Y ar e I r, 3 end old year heifers, I tw 3 year old
%i.-48 yv 'Iy i,- ,iveg hftloh- Duffao, Fea. li.—Ca ttre I Market act- L. Perrin. MISS— nn I is to Mr arbioleil e F
No, 2 t Seed Barl -1,! DO bil: e Bale at; '8.6ma
James Stutt.- pf owh a 15jM8 ue and Ise e farm, bejnj 9 Calves, I thorouLvhbred Durl an I boll 9
Ive, uudsteady; Prime. steer4,,166.50 to; seed I sFr.1
if y 02 n )ntbsod regi8teredisborthora bull lo
a (ion, t Lot 4, k -n . i,
gro wn for rj I ea8t lia f of Tok 6mith, containilig months
t 2 mor'.8, j
to $6.35; ound bo 900'bushe at ;rJ 0 50 ami - The lalliq is sit sow with 11 pig 5; 1u, aier grades, $3 leaTed )utabou a 5;.weeks old,
is. is, h lit vielaer, lonqeO, b is in a go, st,;te oultivatia, . - Kulirpa rkabire sow in. pig, I thomugbbred
Do& ha i d id is ivell fenced 13 rhi,
in- this lijae cows, $4.26 to $6.25. Wveff Market stli! W A
ley ever grown in,
rmmly Tkete Iork & dwelffitg hout3e, good babk Terms -All sum s of
b a oomf ire boar, I sovv in pig.
A-rcher.—In Oeaibrth, on fyeb.l' )t 1, Jo fare h leading growers a
fairly aquve anti iAc lower; ad fu,nk i g3od p baym, 4OX56 wit -h i orie a ablinfg. No reserve as t1he cmb, over that amount, E niontw Winter To
an I e rue tc name. -p Teri is - On stock and note A dig -
to *10.25. ' q rie or is g
CU to 4'
lee ph, Archer age 82 e 117 , ike hai ajjej of
P, ad and 7 oin W st or edit will bi given on 010proved joint
8 3( adre, ani furnished the aeid lbab or a -1 d rcmh; that
the months. el e f, fs unG c I tw a the dollar off f-) M11. ROB 0. T AD- To 9 ei nt mber , f points i ant 8 men- hs' redit d8, Jr., Pr-prietor -THOS. BROWN Au etkneer. 'g -t- HIL e hig ei nt . all solinso
Lambs—Market aetive; lambs, 5 low- n tb e st Lad Ing ld if aryto 11 j iven on furni Nex oa, Col
1`1 b. 11th, rley j )r pe ition in Quebec, 1909, f rown - Mi. approve jobit no jUdisc ui t of 6 per cent.
choice lambs, $6 to $6,10; cull TYerman.—In, eat( h 2z 53.1 o ado ,
t - Eleanor M 1, M 1 fe of J0 I h -Tyer- st,:r. 9 1 r bueht I best cotto n b; gs, 26 nti. Calff
fair, to $5.7a yearlings -to- Ny an" ofrforwish 4)nF)= made annwn on ornial nd
11N L Irenfall, ont. Of I a
man,. aged 63 ya rs, 3 mon IL3 and 220-tf le. JOH mrNat SALE; op FA
$4-50. Hogs—Mar- WIEUT& Prorprie0r; T. M STO-,rK Ajq
$5.25; sheep, $8 to I DIPLE' Coast Points.
dws. BROW , Auction r. 2252,2 ENTS, HAY, BOOTS AND SE
lool%. mm6L ketlow Lo, 60c lovv'cr; yorkers, $7.75 to R Z ALM -IA ver comfortable unit nicely situ eron has received justrue
Dickson.—In McKI10p, n rok h-1 a tiOns to Sell I '*7.80; stags, $6 to $6 25; pigs, for atle. The j ropei tj j, U ON j010 OH L It No. 9'N, T. Road, Tovmshi t f Uj
_86 oil tb soeth side of John SW - bo e F FARM i NOCK AND 1HPLE.
the I
Agnes Dickson, d ug4 of tile- IaO et, and is a AME, W 0 rleswerth has inEaruct6d d AlOwing property : -110rses- I iepy
mixed, $T.55 to $7.60 -' heavy, $7.45 to at occlipied by' r. W R. 1761e, Ill Dre I Tho& Biown to get b v po lie wictio,ii, on 414t 10, Tirs old, with foal, I agriculti The Grand Trunk Rail
Georg e DICkson,. lgediulli Y ars. re mare y8te
$7.50; roughs, $6.75 to $7. eVely C ivenii noe in the houllie, an a ae 'th on Styrday, March aaj 9 old, new fu n.'2, H. R S., T k Ila 1041, 1 Frioulture mare 6 1 is the POP , rOUl e
oz " -
Lowrie.—In Hullett on F b.:i - h - was jus I W Years datut
Montreal; Feb. 14.—There -was 91U , 'Jef 0 4 low oi th, VA IT. M , th o I lorses-1grey gen. gV!U!ng8 n8lug 8 y a old ro g east through Cana cd&
if sie, Ander§on, wil of e 1 A;e Wm. j#st pul Ill I he hou ie haa all bee) I - I we fold! eeddriv(ridsingfi a cago
1 1115 IV, ou [Ala m Dg9 4nd 0 yei rs old
tant change in the condition o If
Impor I fir, aide and is in first am rel 'eneml grey ri year, dra 31jY _ g r and pay air.. Thi 6 yiaam 011, 1 9oret driving Jul ye r, agri-
Lowrie, aged 83 31 ars al* 11 Dnt' .11 propert -10
the market for cittle, prices being firm w 0 t e sold 4 t 16 Ehorifice a a e-1 3OW 3 Is Years ol t a lady e m drive. This iE! one at 1 3 c we 4d'a FRATU 4F8:,
Itt ok b i
Hastings.—In XcKi op, on- Fe lit Y t G ?,0 MeL. (IRSSNEY,at CW so iy I the st road at me f MdE, 2 cows
ly mah with ki ee and hock wAioq dite In Of N RANKIN, Sea r%. 22f 24 d "ed that can 1, e bad,1 I co t I fidng 2 years old nfained at the advance noted a ial W
$ale Of (Awd, Margaret Dill n U S14i 4, 1 heiles e in
Ct of At e lat fo rns d 2 Otters 2 DouMe track fast
week 0, owing to the fact that su
sing I year o d, the e cc its jare off t service, fineo
P ye rel, 6 steer fe I It stail
ALECRR )on d he mare ro ng jw)dern mentione above an( h4ve unli, Y Ond action Uke he;,.
P -hd, as the qual- -a. colt A rising 2 yews!t
Wiliam Hastings, a d 73 ye ji Alone
PfIdDerty e. no largcr, a V"AR o be f Were 2 heifers ri ly Sr, roadbed,
_4 . T Petrie—In Stanle ' n Feb.i, 10t , ' I ; Ing I ye so Iled dining car 9, Yon iruess why f it' be
Ity bt It te stock was generally goodi the Y1 Ja 4, el Tow'13thiti, 00nWnI 9 160 ores ?AttJe--1 cow dud t cQalf n i to llogs-2 or
n 2 cows due Ue in Aprik exce ce. All i
us,tard, wife of Mr. or less. F ,ores c! red, bW mlve about time tow di e in MaYp 9 StiOre Plg&
tersh iven Ulat the undfj Ide -was active, and a brisk trade J4m A 1 et , , 11 a bo it &D cf to; 3 tee Ing 2 yem old, , Fowl- &t a peer—th6re islet dM
Y g, rsioat Aasa ia i , gow t4 ru and -Onts Pul- elements of p4fety Ind comf Ort.. Iaged rot heifers rising 2 yea sold Pi Implern &D
P-MhYterims Church, Wilamn, oAt, but6hers in most cases 56 Years an 4 mont 13. lek and 1pair ueks.
Oil tifzOc 4 orchard a id iwa r. -1 sow to Pig 'a I truok, vagn
;T UAID. - Impleme DeVrin bi equal to
was done, as ble w
nts- 2 top bugltdea, one nearly neK p xlr out ours.
F - ii
On- Mureh) vnH oftr for salle by lannery.—On Feb. th, Flan !Etda nde'r. t Deerlof bob sleig is, I TOTHHS
were preLty well cleaned out of beef. a or tivation. Abou If u ilea ?wer, I Deering 10 steel rike, I Wisnorseeii fame-Y-Harria binder,-Imo%ver,l 1 seed
Caurch on Lot 1, Q 17, - nery, aged: 69 years afid 1 1 wnthq, lie R%il VAY WE , rills I disc, I Eet of 1 0 1 eury No. 21 walaing I steel hors
oice sfeers sold at 6 3-4c; godr at t10n, 90041 Wel ro ido. cultivator, new.
_%H Lea&l FloUr
Btu" arjI4 1- horse y Of Huraz w r
Mile fro lichc ol And good nei low, one Verit ralkin pi ne In
"kehutt ne I hDy loader,. I land roller, I doublewk
W Febrituy & D 1911, at. a 0 ckdL- 1-4c; Campbell.—In Goderl,.b,. On' Pe I 8th 'or n Y, . ' and ;;i on bbi No more,dedrabl
. .6 1-2c; fairly good -at 6C to SOM will ;Irqn ed A pply W. 89 rT, j;,, id No. 21 two -fun -c wed W, e National :ete, I extra la-,Pwagon box,.' graN el -0 -ate ffi n vis
k by X a. Seott _pj
fair at 5 1-2d to 5 3-4c; and the low, one soul Anotioneer, the Robert Campbell. llmg Grand Tiunk and hat
Inekv -Th4 P6 Aoft of Lot'NO. le QYl= ' bo" - n" Y rack, 13tock rack, I fanning W at, I connectAg, lines. we offer to all gooA i,
2234 tf Mer, net ninf 1% or ,
Ramsay.—In Goderb .3fa.le b af 2 farroWylow, new,
1 walking plow, ew, Ve Prom jj that
ston ot tha!i7cwnaLip of grey in the lower gr des at 4 14c to 5 14c per i, on Fiel. 4th ittingbox.1graing ind r.IA6 1peri I gr1lifttone I ;Walkin P10%, been used, I Rates
P4BZty Wilf R ALF_ For nle that ble I rm, 8 -
ilper, 1Wheelba=w,2j8etdoutlev7o*k
11, PWt1CUk4Y aesaiibea-a-3 follow& Z_. pound.. Extra choim bulls brought 6c ord, so]' Of W. J. am ,Vone bo lathe, I 91ropel, I* P, t; iron barrows I lee, Oiic% 61 old
JV bei Lotlfth,Q)n. 4, McKillo I chit 1, 1 Baln n, just now, I
smid a31mronihol ntai ing set
'S 1-40, and from that down to Ga. ch 80n al ghs with o 11 re aho n , I h tar new, I set, Fall paticulars and ffickets from ilefightful
e fan?, Is a onifortazf roe h bay singla harnew, mil F',, a
0-'Oevfn r0da tft feet 9 inches ua of Mq
2, poinr on: the South limit oi say, aged 19 yeal an
i box and ban ordera
area in s6arator, noarly new, horw blankets,
WX P 10 days. I d wm shed. There Ia at llx k. I grmavel bo%, I ring -eat, q )ne n ogolds, turnips and timothy ba; ouhaVen'Lt ftied it,
I go;
0-11, Wftt 0. said Ia, ound was paid for the lower I Vvith kit RW limit t6 the for MacdonaMl.—In Bayl Uld, on' b 5tbj WPI11 baii Wx 0 with itone founda wood rack, I rubbe ! tire bu , just new, I top Ic rks, W.
South Eaab An& of; grades. SupplIes Of bogs were fair, Ge(Srge st4ibles. f rm is p rfeot I cuttor, I p4d sleigh, a of fence shovels, joeq.(tc.,100 bushels Bumper Kingsc ed:)at-9 Avg& Y-0 11 11 Will n e ver U so any -othl er brag&
,Northerllyajonr the pA-gerl Macdonald aged 82 )8Y =, , b ive 13. Uggy ,e, Y Bait whith, the demand 'from packers was It'bas be I reen as F gras for t 0 illetsof workbare8g, lsetof sing ebarneealwater 11900d a, Ltledog, Isappan,buoketeandsplh A. F, -Pmmw- DE got
els, ir F
to all WWJ ; thence Westerly RGSS--In Br;iss eb. qjj4.,: WM! i6ft't lY, 1 0 reset-ve as the 13. os- 00k, So
Southerly lin !good' and In Consequence The tone of Idars ani I the afore i a g condi o.n. here a ough, about 30, h6s, whiffl, itr es, doubletreesi jarn, anc i0gpi 1, yroprietor has rented his
d 85 yek & Co. Hans*11
thenize, so?Ath ge about 12 ish ostig all
t of said lot, forik Ross, a and 5: nttm, rew good rdwood b okyokes, fqrkj%, h6vels, chikinz ai d other articles West. Teralb-All guins of $5 and
the 'Market was steady, with no change I undl i4oa 607that amount 10
erly pa.milo -.jith *bi-, 1
114t Said- jok. t ere a larg i g&rAvej hill, itl lie enilon also imm a roots. To re, LlOnU& exidi
M, - maple. it oil
rt,y nine Yods to an In Prices to note Selected lots,sold at I ick r' furn Ishii app
Spuhl.-In Hullett, c Feb_ 5t] I men i g mv- and line san tP-veuaa' Ll4 farm. Termp,_ discount )f f per
sand and ra r et ) Oved Joint notes. A
at hu sold er ann im
rpsterly tarallol with the southerly 68 per 100 pounds weighed off cars. 'Spuhl, relict of t.ie lat. I qUWz of ra cent,,,) off for 048h on credit an ou jt4.
e 1111MMI inir eree tuns hrouz the buslL * Thi rm 14 a, hill bi of uqder cash ; (ve - th&b amount 9 ANI ICAI IPBELL, Proprietor THOS. kM FR_
qnu be given on %)PIIDVed joint notm
thirV two Oda., six -feeb more or Sphul, aged 84 year and er fror i ochool and I 9t a e Ap- ON, Aucijoneq. 119t4Dt8eveft`04 tenfeetsixinahes6 The ' tr'adF- in sheep and lambs was 4 oai hs mile and od t, omat1bda? credit
vesterlY limit Of mid lob ohG86 19 daya. t v P nises or address b JjS WAS discount of 5 if- at per ant un i iWowed off for
-a account of,the small offerings,
quiO o
with the. echwo(4. WM. G, 013 ARLESWC R1 Proprietor;
2263. A
ine roda U esid Westeriy limit of j JtLad 4xices were unchanged. The demand Buchanan. -In Gddorlch,' n 1, 1 4 0). 6tb,l BPLOW., Aiietioneer. 225.% kTI@ OFFARAk PARM cam
,o.tbe place of beginrling. 0 2 Al" 8' STOO
,t - PLE1 ER
Donald Buchanan, 'aged 6 y4e a. ARM 00R 9A4F_Fo NENTS, NDHOTJS'
eeu Acres of kad mare, was,i good for. what stork -was - on the r sale, Lot 15 C oneft ion EHOLD FURIq ;Rp,
rufar4 and tetma of We E111ott.-At Toronto, , o F 6, Killoo dontzinig I -WM- 8Wltb,Y., has instructed Thos. BrAwr to
t& n! b.i I 13th QDacmp. Thefarmis LEARI
cond ition. All the lall pi owl, Ig is dana j MENTS Ab D RESHING OUTFI
ma#et and sales of sheep weremadc Thomas Elliott, for I merly of ndlour resareEowu With fall Wileat Therq is 'imeron bgs ree 361K, -IMPLB- sell I T Pu 11lia a iction on Lot 1, Con, 12, the
tp Fe' n splend -Qgu=
rto PR0GDF0()T 4 HU1161t, on
IIA-ks . 4 to 1 '3-4c, and lambsL-at 6 1-4c Gde - T -Thomas Tuesday Fell), 8tt), Qt 04clock p. in. 8
theirLSOliciMrs. "'JAMES cDON.
ived instrdetior follo Ing: 11crses-
c uer Dound. -Calves were very rich, In his 68th year the -at) sell 1py public brood mare I I years Ad ill
f,em18001! I lendid bank barr i v rith elf 3ne to on on Lot %. -oi
tot 12, TownR lip of Hibbert, on foal ljo Bu roar; I Orood -nare 13
YOUng-In G)rediton, on Fei 7th, bibling, 1-ioa Glframehouse. I rl 4 a god 'Idayi Feb. 24fli, 1 1, at 12.30 Yearsold. ChUle wd
scav-r,-, and prices have advanced, with -birp, the follow- Rogi -4 choice young er)Wqn Calf to a tburoughl rcul
idikv ring o 0ard. wo n(ver failing wens L a Spring I Hovies-1 fr clam r3d Brnod
of janua.-y hIgb as Miss Lul;i, Young, daughter 6f Mr. I ea n3a, ball 6 ste era ri. ing Two, 2 heifers two, 4
Isales of ehoice stock as 7 1-ic .1
r0ek tou $e or e Ornt rof the farm 1 T) rarm [8 5 a aft
I brood.v a e agrion ur
agrici ; 9 fillies 3 years calyest 4 sbore t.. zs %ye
g, aged ears. ni frot 11 Seah irbb, I mile from J 3,6ee bi ood oat 0 19MID about 160 lbs. e
o8c per pound. and -the commoner
ell 1, agriculture 2 ge iiqS ears )ld, broo 80% with litter at foot, about 60 hpnu, 3 ese
'ones at 5c to 7c per IMe ant I Mies f ron sbhopl and p4ill c . it Vill Pa d eldings 7 3 es
pound. d re onab,y Fo further part aularsap ir black In be u old, weighing and a qua atity of bay Aryi j;traw. Implem tf -1
T 01 on
TcyrQAtG, Feb. quality of )e 1301 2 00 168., heavy 'Ti, e or coacli driving mare 3 new 11cuornii -li- binder with tru
or he!retniqq'qoraldie8s 11011-MOGR GOR 8 ars d carrier 11 tew
than 0
!is itute h Y old, h ed N al tle-1 pure bred McCdrMiC k raoi r ek an 'To t.We cattle generally was better er, I new M44sel--BuTii; 13 &15dritl.
r BROADF09T, 22013-tf a orthorn ,suel p a cow due ir March; I cow, BE
ox P 2 lun ber, vapp 3, 1 pair nobs1eighs, i pulper, I set
V eetirmi of the South 1juron u.-4ual, and more of the bett, 0 1 0 - w tb calf A:t foot Ga 0 lie Na -h 1A -, 3 ccws due iron 'larirc wi3, I iingle
OR R I IT The fAlowing mendoi ed -in . t Plow, I 2,1urrov
May V plow, I Sir]
-at 6, oi . i April and gle
will he held a3 folrojig: were on saje, Trade was good, but not F st-clam; he fe. V years old s, 5 bugg dem -at, b
-eterCar-erm st iers 2 yean olt I
Ia e w cc jarrow, uIravel b X 812- of the late red 11olstein
I Just a bri-sk as it was last Thursday. 7he Leading UndertakInigg Sitbe MI I Bh1p of ta., ey, natuely ti e East Half oj b It 10 m 'I JT tv 4
onrhB Lo d. Sh ye 4ding Leicester, Dem. set
h4rneFs, set foIi ks,
lots of cattle of ot No. 5, nd the b9forl E'st part nf the Ihst E alf e 'es., Hogg --2 !)r Plow barness
Thert. 3 Few die i i Marah ; 6 brood shovels, hoesget I Furniture -1 co)k stove
f J Qt No.,, both hi the 41h Conee bed-
tt MOjn F,;Aliject "Clover the ullity and weiglit -181 ill of theTown. -A, ivs due ApriVand ay 14bo, 90 lbs. weight room suites, Bi, eWard, washing machine' iurn,
44 exportq te bulk oi CHARORS MODERAT 1;
14bipofftarly, andlibenorthh'if of][4210 4, in :he 16 hop, 60 1 is. wei zht! - 2'Pare bi
ed Berk ire boars chairs, tat leg, $bps and other haustlhol e(te,
on 0
j judja- the big n all 186 aer(il of latid be t 4e a ne'm )re In plements -1 wagoo, b)x and 1 eat com- sepai tor. Farm -Tb
lxrdhou-je - Aftertioau Subject bich were bought for the local Mar- T.1kAmes. f tho 8.01 rownsbip or Stal ley, i nd 3 Inonths,ild. 'Aivrj: 41)ouk 100 hetis an I pullets. Also 01:10 Wain Incoba6r and one Magnet, !re Ini
y Hwies f eef ket. N twithstanding h prices, The
klen i .0 Embal,iner. Sitluated rj,th ere will al o be offer ed foi
Places." Local r le,48, le lands are p top' bugry, I I
droverE, com-olained rjod I uildin rs, P1 te, I j waon, 1, air bob-,leighs, I sale A, he bame tinlie and place, the farb), mh ah
tnally oi the Of lOS_ Night v,,d UadV calla p ol nptjy attel I' il d'the probeety is t, ry conveniefitly ;ter, I binder, I niower, nearly
rnon V. J."Utchers-Butchers' steers eet West 1, rail] wtualed via to I ciz, now; st ael. horse conta tis 7i acre . 011 A fS erteted a, coalfo jj(3
%d oc
Ing to. I Goderi6 gtr 'Ayst4it nard%oo(imarl4 ftsses4wn ew;l walking plow, iew., 1rmharrows, tram boui ia, coutafi, jng 9 rooms and kitchen ta
in g
q be gjvp
land h0fers' $5,40 tc Co. Vin I to suit rent or rente -A.
$6.20; cows, $2.75 pogibe xealden Phone 19 . D "isk, I seed!r ad d ll I p A- good Alai, There iis pleyity of
ice. furth rlpat-ticbl4rs a har(l and soft ir Now
0 to $5.50. Milkers MOW60 fUm qbed on abort noti pply to, or arjd e Ls G, J. pf,,-, I fannln 1 Bet 1000 11)9. IseLles, aldora A ier
A; bulls, k, !In T ere is also & good bar, 28 ricz, w th
$4.5 1, hou, e nd U 69 L14NA Q)ljve)'1 weer and Rea I tlal e Age it nO v , whe, I barrow, 1wat r tro
81a, lingt all complete uitb Cement 'foarij. tate n t Hens: 11, wqrk harness, I aeb sihgla harne is, forks, ghovels, , Thers Is a, ewere about thir- Agullu lug Me E Ocutors of the E
W. J. Grd- milkers -and SDjIng- 0. lz pen and ben bouje ar(l jar;e
ty fre 'a arrivals of 248- sliiio, hoes, horse oliAkks, saws and other articles nAl
silo. The 3 flr# clas8 ;slid ils in a gbod sta t
-inforin-ttion and e of
0 -i :; 0 ;A "bDut $40 to $75- t04, numeroU8 to met) Thr(shing AlIabine-1 ;
ers, whic' 4RMS R SAL7 304,,re;. are seeaect to grass Afte, 8 of AC iheep. Gut 1&, Gonc;" W4terousil-lioisetraction engine I Goodson aep- fall
stp-Eldy' n 2 r, Otea, th- ulipce is 10, L10 emion r
were."' The w 11
INT' f0V Y,4nu Ljnzd— Vcoal Calves—p-rices LOt 14, Con u B81011i ill ti e r1raibed.
I ird tor with blower, I qoodison Be aiator Oth (mr- felic-7d and nearl wuh a 11
-s, tank4, b2iti,-purn and hose complet6
to strf)v.g at 3,4 Lo It lu 15,. Con -e8si on L
ted veals Huron Koa j Sury e Y, a quan- Miles,)f 11c rl ck where here iju a sebold, Ftore ai 4 L
Tuckera 013, County of EAkro i riei -Al 81: mfj of
$8.150 for t e 14
4j, of roots a., d bay, enns
choice npw milk 0) and blac Wth 61lop and is 31 6it'sir
T , OmWaltoll- ffldbe
Vith situat e I )hin two mile 3 of iW ler cash ; over tbar, rLmount lo oath 'credit oi
I e thi I sold oil Len
'Town a U jnt notes,
eaforth, one of the bw ra axki b in W 4 ri, iishing approved A discount of 6 sums of $1 and under cub, over that Emllot at V
firff:-i t the it rz) ontall). Thi'
1horp and lambs were 11 fal cr,:at per an
'M was aw ed the g: d
'rE!nio %vaste j sr -491orcash or c -edit amounts, nlontlhf? or(dit a,
cf. . the - I STRATFORD. ONT fill nuni aSto tlitptirehrwer. Ternis of Sale -12'
aq hih p_9 -94o 93t. S.hee andLambs ."olJ itively no reserve as
approveii joint r-otes. A dis (ou t
Aft(-rayri 'following lwlet z : Sheep, ew6S, $4,25 to ed I in 0 farm competition ol 188c e fara La the prop ie r has rerted of 5 per eer
Write us at once for ou; free catalogue Pei annum off ffp'.r cah, Nv3j, SM ITj 1)
n r are OTT, Jr., Pro-
.s Beef lem ih vo been 1; 11 paistur? I fcc - the past te' UsJarm and Is going west. JoH 81) Jr., Proprinor; rROS. BROWN, Atictioeer.
?9UG d
-3j:0 to
ei 103-m-mo-3tore ood for ecure g 1 y brick d wa lit HE BEST AND US TO SELL
a in '.A -uldnowbeinexcEll,-a shape for geheral boil I )d4tor; THOS. OAxERON, Allot. oijeer. 2252- $4; lambs, $6 tO whatis being done in the leading ba&ness co ?e ,,
-11 , rd_ a few tplects were quoted Western Ont. Our gwdliates ood P ions, 1 3 1 IT PAYS You To Ovy
d and meet with Buccess. 1pusinf-samensay t ey' are.I a 'tcher W brick w odshed-hot air Id
=06 -
st $6.75 Mog- —Hog prices Or' - the THE BEST HARDWARE T11AT cA* Br. (;o -r. spRiNG
parmenta and so. water i n kitchen -fine Irrotnis w h
I elgreers and cedar hedgee-orlha d Me
a 't cei tainly la wer. C O.-Mmercial Shorth rshin i IS RAPIDLY 'APPROA . CHING -AND:
rrarl- 'r Issolut ion f Par For Oe
the best. We have th
The of 'the hogs sold.to-daY D.- WE $HALL BE
W thl, Vn
ildbMiLk De. west and, noti-g d
W. afi READY'FOR I- ; E RU'
Telegraphy $11 IN -A
N -Z30 acres of bard
-pe in Live and $7.15 to $7.20 for - no stab) ng_ x cA id ba i,
V le Re3idental
We give individual instine lo a and you m4 nter I Ple d ech-well -latered All n le PMttn6rFh,;1:heretr)fbre bli,
exisf b between the
;hog -i ',,d ,Ind wNtemd at the market. 91110perty in the Vs. MR.
=r, -14 tj at any time. 0 tive ER. HAW -YOU GOT YOUR MAPL
r. 11 ill Bell al bher or otil d; v de pr( unc rsdbrned as-Hardwnre ard 0131 Merchants at llag-0 Of UXeter
ttbr pr
Several lcf 4 jw.rA sold at $7 per Cwt. Q Db.V No ert; b Th -SYRUP PUTFi, r REARY 7 IF NOT, 400ME TO US
PAY12of Malrityre and Co. 0 Exp(Utr%es of the Estate of the late M
T. D X80 lNeMorth, I t hif (lay been rli,-sul Jeri, offer
D. A. McLACHL in the 00untY f thirot L ea orth, uridtx th
r sale LS AND SP
_twt. cors, at country points, and AN, Princip '1 Vel I hy nutual consent, A171 ercoy i bis beall tif SAP PANS. SAP PAI ILtS. MR. BUILOF.R.
6eb s and liabilities o d wt
.'v -;e hird of drovPr-i at many -points I a f blic l4te,,firtnl 1wi I Paied b l an-Aence ih Exeter, ajj(_j the
ruckel, to be led and
re W.0 a
t1irout try paying $7.15 1 t . t WIH 1 OV ON BUILDER
QOD 10 FOR SAT. ei
adir, ining LET US FIG
iase7 _Afternoqn Suhieci;,- zh-c jb th(, coun isas d th bbe outbtiile fill q
100 acres, 7 acre mrP tst,%ndin- ebW dge mid owing t I" a th
loci 99 e coltt athe purtta HARD
MI o '01F 1111obejrj,9W:. Thehoiwe A
of Ue3,v.v 11)rses, -Beef and n thp farmers, but on the i b Th cleared, over I Lt tjrm. 't;ry
600 rod3, ) en an etu,e stories higb ana is in goc I rva,-
JibW ior fleme, w d mined.in-eater arttiWard
Cent, .1 ft sin' s rdpair.
-day $6.90 Was the rul. ingool I N PLUMBING. WE 6LAUr, TO
narket h !re to '1I0Fta4,ahta0018lY_ situated on tie SHALL Jar,
st ID
4ected e: of cnit stion, 25aeretl wif be le 6 j!owed i EPWARD! TYR. F. B OLmpMD high -oun Jim e-j.A0ynoq!i
Cars at )f and riverloo dn
a all I for spinj the GIVE mcn
'v ' 'd ;Iventy7aerf Witness River, bhe ridge, dsaview of the 8 AND ESTIM) LTES.
:Touhtry potrlt5. I E I seadei I this spring
GO" I Md t moft 2251.3 the Dain and gain Street.
equipoedw hhwoorjande(,
lance the fa.m in al hirnw.-e in vom 30, L JR 'WITIR -us;XOR L, ANO W. We: -:t Toronto, Feb. 14.-The'trivalItY gra-%, cle),r I raw for EAVE YO R OROE
The!. is 1, stor brick hotise als)
Afterm)on Subjeeb T, tat caUle wg rnedh= to good, with ady to. el Y
Stands re olm B& 11roor. i, 10,vator v, bard and sof6, hot an: I
1 18x20, and baV Cole Wer ad pC s8eawo och
men and women to wecdchet un 88xg) er modern conN,evjeij eel. COAL.
Uhep Food a very few C I(JICP FtM6ngE!t thern. The wiltal ind L - 2
nes bles and -tn w shed 26xC,4 W6t Istona The ce larage and dmInAge is uoexeelle(l. F-reete I
wate r 9
Lustard, sul)ject pendence and succem. b a a niantsulpply tock Por 8 -1 - ItYT,
! Ulk of thp CattIO, both butchers and 111'a 0. good stable
'op nd other out-bi
in PN, ild-
s ousand wit i d aL a aspring at end o 'In.t ffigoi the pro)3irty is an orcharc
47en, at the .7aning. meet G*Portrzi, wpre not finished, and t1leir
itkoper classification would be isbort- 9 i bus j f 0108 young on -10111 eltere( -T-,io red b m Iv( fruit t e e, Plum, al riuot, etc.,) LISo I
tinz,;! will begia at 2 o!olook upon thonsands- of roun ( n "t by Ce t e& e farm is 9,, He OTLNS 8; 11 and 13 ugrorc 0mosta r
U. I I r, . iron t, ve ornmenral trees. Th'313
Itcan help you. Be forpli, a 'I mile from school, also to f p1l e ra cc five y.a
kee15 feed r,4. Trade was good, PrIcis . !III igh 1700 lba. ; a Wev en at 7,30 a arp. Let there Wr i old a choice raAn cc ra old that 'unquia ny o e of ttic* finest homes in
one 11 offer, r[sing 8 vesrs .0H'178NEY & ARUHIB
RVETY411y welcome, Ca Ontaric and da ALU
feeders weie an an average A11i YO 41 d,! to Sole ter ra,
to ohwe in Ap Ab) a good q
XOV talogue. E nter an to 301t, ydee. ins H"DVV"E STO
eXpor b o rAA. Reas lor sell a poor healt 0 puraliand on Yemen
*XUATARD, Prea. c t 01, is nvlf;ea. For terms aild
!rout 15 time. ly on the Premises on datel bl Thm and'from g a_ ap, I t, I VXS fr
A - T*r cwt bigber than lad CK ie. Yon A or addws 4,112 MARGARET BWD;,rr,,,, URNA40CF-5 PLUMBING
S. PRILLI I P 8, Sea.... . ff. SRI 1WI Prin )14 PDX I ui , We Pe to dWw FANY A Vg D to ?11 4
_El T, Rxecutaioes,Exeter,'or DI, YR. J
2?AUf SoN
:)A 4NG, Barriatem Rieter. 9-2524 D Lo- ft W- SCX"TON 10-OAL