HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-02-17, Page 1'AY 164 1 1l ,mciummimiffimmmumi ate Coatsi: will show ling, better ganents I, Ott he. bet trade wants iits n d Separate oats ,in which ;fit,, yle, Quality and ,fin h areIelf-evidenttari the same time they ant t� feel absolute /nfidOce in the gem- Ilene's& and intrinsic orth of what they, iy.:Our garments -e made 'tolack none :7the essentials.ji New1Garnients that , egin to show are ed and fashioned in ighest degree of ex-- ce. , t ).on't !fail to inspect le ne - garent. Our - If m. m is again to beat t.y- prices on Stylishi `Loods and Laces- yed and are lerate 3 priced goods cation: point to very etned A season with an are now on sale. 4 I d • *********41- , arriirals in Silk ;-,G00 s and SuitingSi. .#rom London, Eng ndl nd from Gias... Scotland. we show ranks first le Viue. rs wh4 enter this store toern, rrow will find featured NewtDress Fabrics for ng. st sh wing of Silks and ess Gods for the new son marked by displayS exce onai interest. ayes nd colorings Are suafly ov el y. Semi" gh te tures, such as did.. "nati g women choose the fi t tailored suit re ye par icular prominence. beauti ul blues and soft er grys they make ae clot appeal to the refined e. . open Weaves, satin sur- e textures and foulard efo ts are particularly lovely. cturers have contributed choicest fruits of their ms to our new stocks and await with enthusiastie fidence the judgment of exacting public u p a e se beautiful .materials. dolee,44..414,14 d Price.) beautiful Dress Trim admired since they asome effects in All that they are admits- shion in Dress garnii. NODS GO fArowitizoNx _ - - . ._ . -, .- H' i • ; r i ' - 1 - • !- • • . . . . -, - .4 ._.... • , . .....,.....!............0/ . 1 . . ',do- -- • tit ,\. i - - i }. 1 T. -,41 a, fp ,- • z 'f. , • '-,. • ‘ . . i - f I iina=mom.:•••••resetivi.-rmAm as--e-e--- Ileelarlf-FIFTli YEAR WHOLE. RuNBER 2,253 , , 1 . , SEAF0144111, , , 1 . RIDA ' . . F RUARY . 17. 1911 9 , liforellIAN 1131t0S. Publishers I i , a Year in *avant* 1 • i- , i - lee a o the Week, tf. b a • 0 been ; d p h tee ' Over ' S N C alder delayed try la ti b a a tilat c tee q o st al c t c vi ',A a eialer cente Monk -.i the Speaki# denalle hdaker n in e .:c pi al Mink to, in al to •.. v te., 0 d ye L ot , that i.w. divisioni stkong scarcely: Lion ori - h di . trom . tea for say, 1 T Bt n t o Lige . t h ' w 'is , ktep 5peak 1 apd 1 passage 1 of . i CO th I , SI 1 0 1 .. , oe 1 keown i nicely I of' somewn 1 subject susoci 1 vieion record [ sition, i iloe , 1 esmd Y. 4 e; ' last 1 e; rtd- Oweveri ( isastro erial hrew rid penal •11,8 nd [ . iiniste he Poeter. much • ume. f . I , Notes .(4ritten The le et t OMR tc pa tvas Mg t • il t ens y e uebec, ored te d tiOn. ent ' inlet.* meei co Mee MOT& o rore d' h every t se, ' eSti ne ges 5,1 a sees aft ming long e 011 ce [ - i pro - fare, , jplail eh e is i or 9 eticin th tj lik qotzi boughMane speele ele sed Lis ehec Seleited ted p •et is- 25 e nit th t beret er lit sitio th. Nvi side. the salon a no Islon, the me , eDe tfleir a ; races is aCCoa it t s °good the :'fen ,Anot y ve t nt I y. m allo se cs, thei stituents, ir .,herl; natiOh positipn d i o ne the gr. eeb ti 1 -le not t te, 13 ; e - tv,enty wisd not deh overn udson c as re ne -- . the d thil.f , .1. pposition irpiexity e Canadian t• turn t week, they decided n the House ut d annoonced leader tickled on - roe,. the in 'what Of the Ocuesion nity .eit,11,. to the for tee; tie question, until ld Fielding, freer the been eating e. I wOuld les lot 1Llth si neeeSsax opteet lothr•Par heete thorough of 021 deter. hat o closely view liv t A4t. _ hleder, roree vliew • wee i Mr„ the are ' po n t no in B . Fr lid as rijuls e egreement It rprise de knew qeestloh ye and for a 1 othe Wo - .0 so w o t , lu 3.rt eensti godith is -not e ttitrus 1 al er mo ve committ ch ed, are i Lever vote They speeches vItes. Vein which e so, to te do 'OpposIti t unusu• Cliscusse . Ilowe omee ne orden, pened at two 1 mse Qin 'n his countr t. cr st - m embark promisi s p int strong and' ent Ray, k the ting 1 storag lied of otiators This heard tiast time session, o troin Capital. fdr They on , were discussion when of not until and the Coueervative a sPeech he Government nefore to meant, motion the of Ways the have longer oolOted tr -con iiscusied But b• Pa u Y, pas , an a he a IOU side. .rle they of ties, t While Henry the o this Bourassa proceedings. quitle Meal take ; be seen ;with of favor rker, aye his sec rich for that y forat. defeated small how was sprung by the iri end that coneequently in their yeas& he Governmen hand, lci o pi 1 c one eeon, e a 133 o , so ents ma Which ted 'or on ; it to if it brigh . 0 of exerc ain- great a.nd It . to c bu I a do gives a clo it it al - . way t. t he labored him. wo itv - yea is to leave from of ,iew. hinoult buil Ra t I an. to - Cus ge in tl OM . on 1 The ..... ....., ., The - is s and t ,. -American - scarceV it As as dering seventh' Ety the and the the *Ho that the Oppotetiin to peace- Thursday. order in called me learn wh may;'n of House seed that House ti ir -his Out e de relations try for of Parli even Wert impossiile, liament, due hest through before - that -dnr lament pie oppor y seized eement. repli- reason did not identifle his so and als Mr. Dour was a press gen every the case wa willing grist to their too them in them di of Mr.- of Hamil name der, and nservati purpO Mr. by . majOri any lack on due en On Upposit advaece, would there seats seat eXpec n In that th and conseoue sent fro • d 'not e of the traresacti, uenes, y had• were the r exempt- to eine e alvee.y, score be but but not the Opeesition sed their scussion e of the r latitude no record their f tbe tripe hinder n have delliered no taco not' this, was selec them memb before,' gairt, and in 1 method forms er, wben will or the e leader discussiion. urS, but ft Els heart k. He had erijoyel nd grow - s and th well In expert lookin a nation In :op to in • ing and lwey, rmlnal operati plants. ery effecieve •ms, who if' the ,tleman e Hogse ,,i he ws account tdthought• DOmmiern . Ex uble kpo a 0 . t i t -to the 'On i a • • -c p Bo Mei Di a th on th' y;t : gine 1 a a 1 on an .H s bu an s a sel• .iro ha orie to,,k cane th:. foie) pu eieva a - 1 i , lin , s the lee 4 0..0 $e 4 t a iW is ea .hi 0 ' n be e ea 4d e ti ,rie Orth o me to • t se eta ng d un a a t or 'es lie, , I eloik es 0 ey, e th t hi to rasa 11 prominently eue th On o a ,, oek's- in: ', of p e h n. of m• - tio, i s ng u e • t • g da all t : A a iarly a ye pr the hO of Of -tit h ns e io.ng d yi toe ed to iportu dm 4 VI- Ott if the e thee. of lit 'Ih eva t el t t dno en :1 western per eh --, • r. w ee es ab • . . r tor.). , toes Of - terifte "I WI lt, du , pre - ',et • ; an lesee Met, ei ree it ith liThurs called er ti be unse rus stha •e Or, ani Fin go .s to mattetie the COin conekle reply the eqnee_ bad year e or t duein: is no owine force s it reusi varioup be these the colun- ty of 1 the •erson the this e to with Nation- view his inent end her: I it look- 6 real e ;the profit, i .4nd they , le. ; 'courage 913 mot RVi,111, ssee ' e Of had heY aIm joiity howe :ynspa t o•f y to Gevarn- The cou up Id , vi here Opp pport the' eta', ou ld tlY m 1r se eet are ibusi truth to, progr major at it : •C82, d adv peara y c is vilege, a e. In istusjon the d ents greem-nt rrass rd co t e kep g f pees by. e . hey. con. i g avin: nd final o go he 00110. He so was ave i evid e gro rerne for e course gh al a wh ay prove nd uding, of ting sing on, abet Bor y by one eent. not e or 8 nt ,...t . : ... : -- der i a c in! lad - .4 'tee I d. -i es , th. Mr ro de ' ml :-.• a p• nd n ti n 13: 0 ti bee , lese 'th• ti the fin- Pro- roe- pro- on Fin- was, be- Mr. of Was Nee one as 'I So '-• ir- bp- by t - • But on, r - ted the to all nd- of er, hy the an- op,- se, in a in as 1.. ra, is- ay, 'd e a ny ts. ed at ess to the ss. ty. is as er o- ce t LL to. ' ee- his vi- ! an its ice eir .of at nt he ty en re ict ma, theon.d for di - on oke one er .nte net k- b e 1 e ne che m-• he rs, he he nd nd ars en he of r. en : me Ith , 1.•!-, pretty The physically and hueky, anent ing the _Sir, 144 adjourned dolibt be from eeriday, ed a to merit The 'old his /nary tie interviewed . I tariff' free farmers' in, There completely bar, all They a le 4 44• li 1 e I t le arts tree wt11 pet ,:aches a c ,t,r r-ady oer f t • s t e , to . to Iplied t eve q.,. f 9, t• t - hit, 'Ornaments ever i or 1 t e: t t other t to c . ei : eything c i onservietive I nenere 'Thether : n • r;iioe rti thers . cry.. t 'ctlu ransac three Tree r, • thee/ eeemed . quorum. quorum tht si this Friday be pr m - at I midst Nova' sop that (here clamber, te ti s arid salved sight all evening and But was. w In a three pliasask • - truth ,used, vitrioll IS for debate Wilfrid Foster's a large all with splendid them Chief, Mr. speech I The deput Niagara oppositio agree list Deoemb is and the itre d compar• her farms such Y had had propos ult of th t sides owers y the nada try, e Canadian n competilore. crying exchan be it But me into ted for fruits la season wet the n would en they akness ted by iquently val owers; • consume at it to a med • late • agreerne es had ntatives 3t be do 'felt, fruit d the Canada, • 1 ' even- t -o.$1-Y other 7 other at a nada • eadventa at they ank the ges they In this dence this procity el, which n, the are indieatio ntry An arouein , cam I • the t rum Fri el Capi.al On rues hard oru.rn ,se i t where tbin lain , e- do Governm hen fan reapect were ceedings mber - --s end their .. tb of &teeth:. directed there lion n, made e method declared the ' on the. ; would It sounded ng hl ne, nder jemmied 1U.- days regular activeFart is or to and fre about was oi- an, the oi th: would F ' audio al de tut 'sal f w:re, me a i a a n the all I I pro -Ar free as t • . a s it is t that -It State lite a not Aine t link of on: a of th an that woul the ' very 'the fen in I. i • of rat!' to con gro ve a ter in m: 'matey year vill w t epu a Government • connection :may !city, qui agr ou, both or ' tI ce 1, , F ittee Minis ' The ay n st of who 1 acceon. t of nakmbers d wi illega mes -a easy the •- not parti.ular, Of c e depe ' d t night very had - sotne priv h a v ve aer but bein a si the bu sin wo h was f ' lace of t at west • teat mentally e. a e oe L 0 ntL ha elegetion - t e edunite te d4 ovnver, te F 0e, tion'of and he t ro 1 to Lied bers fine irerr ' Ihere their other tariff the est will -y markete efore e , .• indict . • these well adian a s our lean *WA their of the teriff s-, the ,orts ,,,,, de • t n bo :s --open need era hest d -he -he kees, ence be a 11 on ad' be th I rnent, lade leaninge, oi of incident aY, of er a. ghts the ve u thout . ha ocoutt lila ca, recinCts coUnt. u r. ds •at ii t beth crere gene --, unctione te re ry Opposition attention e , the directed ..,e ; 'count Of 'a thition. ' pert . setransac . ye_ oh and " of • t . , he in Mr. He is ever' contea tly bra ;an hou ouervd urier:E In the 1 he ntario e Pious- and na the to wilt uesda Essex Gover the t to equa tion t to be the' listene of looni fay deputstlin cese fen ds ore line . agains can fru! ruin can I thin they overy thi small pe IrPu° before end tha avail large fruits fr of get ,case the inju *as leek ' when duty not ma dtre tati ging hetween isigned th' co or et. whol.' t .t weee rr felt it c . Can wit in the so Wel of the feel an confer noted. Libe luke-w and strongl thief. the not eae night. Supple of Lab ttendanc- , . is Frene • , witnin 17 o f k ep i I -ow numb th 4 , tit- ly ie the , , upon side: oppon,:n is grist side hird t y dull, -to rooms, they vigor° no quoru 6-,1 ed.e i . Cbeir for double m,ajorito of ave to be long mem 'all q a qu vening lvelo' or hes before I 1 , •_..._ .•• s i . sf he the c h fr p pi w 12' i t In eg not • o» o.• m:r o bl y i - s t ape ,e s. . da , • their • te e t oil le o ft 11 d sons a :I . w n• .nt o c go t . up 2 •uornm I th•re o Fr hare ieeping t a . t sh 19 it e B L.° go. .• t oer the bee t I u it e 14 altiag -3 • it f , c • t in oicisition ,.. -d. I 0 • e g r Ieeinber. a e eerhent , a their i ith :'re • r r u o aeel. ng e wee kees. v 11 i he es; I replye oy t cted queStion the. grotmdless. t 'in convine,ed' o . oe tilt satisfied ne-e, e' for ed peeuliar he ile nce n oe T •qh eaey heree s . a . -r unaings fth, da e d f 1 p : 'i ere ,ndIeverywh ul Is at, o . a a hi g t :--1) e; ..e. I o u ot taken proceedings., ster, - either not the mar as bitter his voice of 'his argu . Alter spe asked ntil Friday, on .Tuesday his spe . • g day there wo nit growersi the city Would be fill Id thus have pumplag ,ed agree_ • t • growr vented. h e to resu, ore att oed- owers 'rem Arleta that et on FridaY in ruit on. the , great 14 came here e free trade. of them They mons They tee by nearly, Government. ' hotly of men,, hly with 'Which creat ,nevell lobe si .delegati pia eree list These fr this as th Dm' ing t fruit chmpete their Am Myself th hurt T :.• a rr admi fOr '' apples. • - te and eaely ' I are, a r that th e a from t runs y the ti the Amerieen er, and eeen so superior that no p:r- , he latt-r eormer. T well ill He dw that the do to t What aho tmmediattly SO sm much cliff Wilt He i they le- t„comPlain ii two eou the rep ries and by bo '; It wo ag fears the we th held its o markets; t. the fruits ; world, -aid growers wi kgreeme ferming i h ng ere ; the adva ;upon , the col Free Prsss paper, is 1 on the i 'the Jo With -stro the i Conservati -;favor of e take a ng in t, Ijrred in t 0 House w The estimates 1 uere on the tn, the Ho .n y pre Members 1 . reach for Sure •ite 1 so sr. s quorum. ,Any busin .' is, : are alwa of memb•rs a rnt , ey a e . the cbam -y night f te keep up up of LTI . b em era ie the 013,3- a napping r.:!, them. ; the chat .• lated T , • good mai eau Hall 4 many w be. In t address b . ,.r , some to . the f Sure enop.7 I told In tee p - on his at- , th sity,-. self and e counted , dt .., an b . fOr t is fo , ,` Chairm I. during t , for non „ . over aega el came sc an d th or the jell the Ho. ke t two • vote a And in . hie nd 14 k t ob , on In.: me me the the the -i et d n. es n I it y 0 1 n- in re y e s, ' d se• e e e s- lt e- e t n r- d I. •• re s. - e- it h ld n. •f e ld. t of of h t - t o - - if es r- g' t- e t. s ( e s e Y d I 1 - A ss of s u o r it a a . •re in n - e Y, to' e 8 e a - et ,h Y 21 i s e- n- e ht rn, r- re e or d t ever aid intense tawee 116 height. htnedred number or disease, Jim he ot caused genee vierities, makes causes drink r - of about' and the fl 1 entailing 7 i $1,00 i an I men4 I ed hardWare about . oursting Feom eat, In oceupied and lading ware; d a ber, furniture caeried Bros. of ing merdal hePrn and flamep, tents. street tlie one ' oroken. hinfertunately very appliances, and fire, tire a tWeen black J1 ieJ, will, prevented dieection. blowing nilthe Co a -: , • ,. been .aVed •As, l'-orts the merciel /end doeh titally hours havoc, bueiness of COe It thing eut _- soundings m th fir the open - .. e • tug e Le from • ..4fr /led the -:-Rev Ididdleton...qolmesville-OummerhIll lanes, Crietiton, see pave CerallY has be,. er last ness Scotland, Clinton and ,.. duties._ aedeejea Jeanie tab of -t--The xi 4 to an wi ete . formerty. ' da 1.1.*Om tetred -1-The fYi held week. sad sda • • since New Years, it has beer atormy enough to suit the wintereloving person. An is cold when it is cold the - 3 doubt about it. The typhoid fever scare is still There i are said to be over case's in the city, and seems to be _increasing. Se the members are down with and among the number ,Conmee, but I am pleased t is 'not as -yet very bad. The the epidemic is foul day by some blundering or on the part of the city No peesen thinks of dri ater that has not been boiled, a rather! insipid drinking, me often to long for a of pure Huron :shringe water. Mire. Ottawa, Fele lithe 1911. ,, cold Most Ot- - is : tits five the ersi -tbe aloe Bey ause ater, egli- tithe king • it and good . - e, out lug, at - ins, and • th art- , ors ced ere ore. and rileHuron eke pg, ant; fol- d- se ere are all nell - tly ed, the on- the e by ery • as not trig the - ell. for be- rge nitre' and ' hat as ar- estn IF orn ave , aye t et ri hat sm- . net ur- ace . ew eat 6 est cl f ts hor tJoh na Y- ge n e, th e to the in ain ted. ; -. •en , elle . Mc- tiy lip- I n kle. th e ar- ,, te. his i • a ' r - e butIght old p- of ill- • am , of I hes, eh, ies and ion ' en- sed 2, est th. of on, es- ess in- as et - master, Thomas Stew E. H. Croly; record!. 0. Thornton; tinin Tees; treasurer, da C., M. Bruce; lectu Wm. Guest Mr. A was present. to Inv! celebrate the 12th of 'lb, invitatem was -S. Q Howlett h; caretaker of the to Mr. Howlett recently the tenth concession Thomas Brown, of Minis, lug to Ethel to nt -Messrs. Brown ad wingharn apple eva chased the two lots Currie's machine Shoe , summer intend benne ' building, 40 by 50 - . used as an apple "ev: Goderich township, Ttha-e4c:211;lt.ehbaran,anttlenibLrsa#0aRcrclyPi;tathjijr b ri e of relatives and rtfri at their home, -and. social time was spent ....-.ThAa trUSteeS 01 1. I, Grey, hate let tilt,. new- brick ._ school ho H aney, or Bluevale, 2,174. He is to suppi and. have the work temeer 15th. The old sold to Robert Mille t I • ' 0 eave part at pre new building Je connleted. - Wednesday af nary 1st, Hugh For - , 'Asher, Sask., former' eforri- and eei L • F._ b., a : ss auehter of Mr. and spventh line, were u .he,eceremony was A r`.. Wishart, B.A. OT 111 count, orsyth will leave to he groom h . ti as a n -On Tuesday of la:t . eh of Miss Agnes lenerd E. Sillib, of ook place at the ho arents, on the Melt runnier:- The cerere by Red. Win. Ha -- e Je-"t twc, Wee.R,; ill start for t _ heir (mowed her the best t friends • . -Miss Angeline, only aeob Kreuter o , ,, e B k, also of Ethel, elage on Wednes v. IA B. McRae ' pe ItioleY• Mr. and Mrs. afternoon . train for a ip Tb,43 411 4- 1.-.... • Y weh eaese Ethel and will. He cired wishes for a bap uture. - --Statistics .0 the • y for the year 191' •f the township' is .: .total assessment .1,960,910. On this ass •d the tollowing su xes $3,921:82; tow 02.40'; general echo° pedal Selloo! taxes, -2_,97.88; de ain taxes, .0662 .65-; benture, $33.2.0; dog _ The annual meeti gregation, . BI evai- u ebruary 3r1. Good by the 'various -o tal receipts amount ibutions t h o ec ernes urposes, $385. 'The uthorized to . prow- ;ng of thirty _feet o hed. Balance. on ha hu.rch has a propert. • r. l'ne it sb orne and insurance Gogipany 1 t Farquhar do Mono he twe retiring dir.etors, oi s,nd J. L. Russel , eaN ng t e oar the - b. Russell was als .1 Mont. Niessrs. Williatt n heay were elect reports pr-esented sho 10 ue in a heathy a , mounting to e9,532 1'2.8 policiesn • I are on ITime°, n.g insurance to the ' „. " -Some person noti titus Key'sh i u u ouse n ftSt week, and upon ause it was found Id tramps bad gained back door. It wa- Were marching soul taken shelter for the , morning biscuits and 1 Ondrinking vessels ad Windchv lwere scatt•recl room. Mr. ilayter's stove ' ed An e t b g • mp y e earby. i li . , -W I am Westlake 't.tt-,. airti.t. oi :.lat. )r,,, "_.,",. dd - s ` u enneee on min, he deceased -tied no he best ot health id ,. e, ot feeling a -s Well .s d to his room aboat ell across the- bed,. mmediately. -Decease ld d 1 1 , an eaves a- w sons and. two aye the sincere sym eased was • wen lino, -As the out owe gr eeting at Bluevale ast week, a Farmer anized with 29 me e edditeees- • ee on. presidents, Reeds. ews and West; pres at vice , George lel=ponald; -ice, Walter Smillie: elack • treaeeree A , , • oremittee, Messrs. V ;ad Black: progra ewers. McEwen, Je wo ladies to be aplointed. eeetings will- be bets' , ogrammes arrange . I -The death .of M Of Dungannon occu , / plorning, February f a paralytic stroke vio us. Mrs. Angu "lye years of a . , , age he lived on a r . f gannon for o hen for some yeus ch, moving to Dun ears CFO. MTS. Au UM was Sarah An hirtanisce Wag env* She wee - • _ ._ _ _ . t; eh g sec :tary, es G s, Wm of North uly in ,..el. ea :.. .heen fd hall sold b of 0 .e.. Wilfird, rator, south and • t a. 2 , WhI porator. --cently ends most elltS°1 S contrac ye -t or the all the wopleted •chool house for .6 190. eht is e rnoon, yth, Jr4 e of thd • ' .zzLe, tire. WM. Red in rforrned After a . Mr. the wet, farm. week May useaden Brandoh, i • of the id line, ner was , of Henednee. th2 hatipv s , 01112 In wishes Ot daughter alma' were tinit y of hest formed -Clark ''k short ‘i....4- p &emir ad • 'ed ay and peosperOus , -i wnship are: ,313 or the ssment , : For ship taxes, parate e tax, $218. of Kn , was eports ganizati d to $1.900•c nd ph: commit vvith t the en d, $314 *aloe Ribber .et in t aY of 1 N , were r ame as re 1 -e ee Turnb -d audit ed the ondition t.3re paid ' . in roree, mount of ed a lig Stanley y ineestig hat a re entran suppos ward, a ni ht g , cheese and glass arohnti w as keg wIls. an ,d teeth y Febrnary , been some tlrne - • usual eight o'elock, where he was 60 d e an family daughteie, t a hY of n.. f the ' Club bers and . ne: Messrs. detit, John • secretary, Messer• , nVelsor, me committee, itt and and interesting s. B. Augustiee, ed on rd, as the received eine was ith her two imiles - er thirty hey lived, annon &boat mitt:leis morningtitar tbe alount,7 -- , plain,Rev. tory, y; Hole incardine, Huron appointed at fun* y a •ave •f e 11 lebreted ingtt:nr-hileg:41:et: ga pleaziant CtIOn- of sum- material by Use of 6th - youngest rnarris,ge. by ,visiting end the ;perform- it . he a 1eeeeor the neymoon esieence . of be es, ear ere couejty 1,1•181.1,7; the x chuith e Id ere ns. nthrojdc e e of at t e st essrs.W. -elected ast ed 11 rs corn. i 111. $4,60, t neleft- ting mber through d ut from Is a (3 esteemed etartithg le enjoyilig he ex the 1 . netitute Wag promise st fin King Re , Regular , , , . e eevent7- hesband In 1 --i (leo. cardizie. 1 Ethel. to >Mr. IS ,MoV-• , of'the p Vir. coming cement Wilt : ther . , 1 their George Sep- Was - He until - p e e Fro- line MeCell, av. Mrs. where ' mar- Man bride's near . 4., cou' west, hest Iae w,, e d week. care- the mane Sten- ,''ea end Was Lev- Ai& Isig i ' giv- the = one Was build- ehe len $16 I Fire hell week. year. pre,- and The patty Losees 191-0; cover- in Mr,, night tele _ to/e'er lead ne brek- the the de -411 ,found -,-- . 5th par ret and n !red years Who stir- - a are: And-. King second ae Duff and ' -' Frida7 • result week WOlt years. , GGV.Iti tWo Maiden and' dcdi!"' , o. of audi to on A. be , ed este of is -- en- 'to eta ' le .1.4 in . on 9x ^ ' ' , . - , , Sef , x t - ; 1 i‘ • • r- . , ;of . ' or- - ' R. ce ' 1 , . 'ot , - years who survives and tb. of Dongannon; Mrs. Walker, B. PenVand„ Clara, 1331b0"Tnii -,,_ the folhowing Pherson, Wheaticiee i also Collector night sorwteonrd;k8enirsionRginowbeeerQ,71mcithoh,encenaaserteCc;tyties'kullea""'perrini' fiWeernikt; J. Vr. saladee - treasurer, $450; ,aine:tlie:nde:it,ce.:e178;1}0$115gliii; --M r- the second with a eident appears :terror rn ; ladder, Ing and gto' the resni: ribs, brOken. the h t ouee Another eeelous on th e Sunday. Dearing,' owing to the start the some menner caught was wound ..,,e. 1,Y every tarn off, been for , be there lees have the clothing neck so' his breath. the boy other thin ane a ihni , ' at the -Grove -amid* nwn et Miss - - ded to Alex. 1 (Is. evergreen The 0-•,„,1 Cali,„‘"14 -- - stood, Ta'raw.geeb. '''_oete4)Ited fKlee ouk beading, lilies of'. t.-1.?neo She Miss Margaret, attired LaY ctracken,1 PertwIned eicKeelvek the beeeb . ,,,...1.4, Mr. h e arty tended to , • resent ' where ansumptuous eerved. and costly popu a 1 rity were present BrusselsiI wieh" .-Lieut..-Col, e mania • , ing Asseciatioet, fall ; while thrday afternoon, bone. - -The Into the - . duetor aid elarith, under arrest, the Areet ter - " 1 rtarrow-y fredg ht struck th ' s.t the nrclay night ehe air t '1 t; re, n a e. . asseng . e . but noeodv -At an Mr. George mill, one f -T ‘ 1 lbrenk f 211In Ce ',/ '' f remen . save it. . 7,efle. • - hu . n ilai gi, storey .gami eloei ee . I • le, Apple nieht. sehe ie qwrIntiqad 1, rvIR _..trYTP, nleal Ne „oe. ere o - e` , , eeteeee - f• *Wen „ ...s notvlore • 1717'" Morning' ' - .a fe --• ire ef . T •11, --re ' ei,-,tte, toeeenoer 'beim aed eeieo seeet, -ann., Oath. --: -16f7.1a- q•rt- SU he ne e 1-4 was end he areas et h f Afik n home in hill" ' f e 11 eveir•Geo? red. , recently in the tering 1(nor .1______........____ agte feather ,.n.. cOneteble haw, 017verst'ed tor , aesessor, W- painful oa he some iaccidentally -t' ba injury • ieeene 1 barn in , . a e tightly ;escaped ' arm, last eadeence da" eat-, ' Idle and the. in a 1 pink brother : 4ongretulations ; the repaired , A. , ' , joresident I 1 tcoroner'a recent , pieced ; the P.sount.r\r„. Y es_aped tia,in '' ' , e ileorah. brakes r rs hi: e ,worked - The The - in b e mmi,..', e e - Was ' - e eed n_ struck led .ked the en rib hs:1,71 *icicle. from hi to her now bereft partner, with e family of Wrote:Me daughters: O. E. Augu_Sinee Laverne, •of Regina,: of Port Arthure' Mr* Ae. of Dungannon, and !Miele of &hoot Section reb. ' - Clinton coancli he.e aept-eneed town officers: D., T.e.lifee• clerk and treasurer; 1304 thief constable, etc. 1 alai of taxes; Robert Weleht and assistant seller+ n pound ee M. D., medical health owtlatertwomod,rkengios :ler. j the above are: Clerk, •4100 $150- chief constable , e $85: cemetery srerel 11:1Pter7S;-eesblee;' I t 1-1l' - . Dearing, who res oes, on concession of Stephen I met and very unpleasan't ac -i Saturday, February so. it had gone to the barn I to ' duties, and ascending a miesed bis - toota fell h i below,I ith: ,33- 1 that he had three of I Mai, He is now confined toi under he doctor's enre.----1 ' d accident that - threatened of loss of life took placel f • th followingd ' arm e anYe Preston, the eldest son of Mr I ha,ving chazge of the chines), '1 father'st ' n s illness, wen :outi on Sunday Morrlirlg i tol gasoline engine, when ' in 1 - i his clothing beeemel the revolving Wheel, and 'he around the shaft until near -d - a- i stitch of his clothing was i his person, and had it not his - mother, oho happened t-oi t the time, me, he ve ould dmebt- ! suffered death by etrartgling,i ' having wound around i ' that he could not ',get I Strange to tat howeVer, without much injegy, I • : a number of painful brases ' en-1're e- - • ; f *mat event took *zee Thenue Jacklirt, edeple i on the boundary between i Gray On litrednesday efter-1 week' when Ma niece le f Oran ' 1 enr., o brook, was de McCracken, of Wallace,' of about fifty of her the corner of the :parlor, ars stroll Th4I-1, .i.was.,"_ areollatleesecallee,e,Y arreatede `•"" arch ''''' 'rim" OrtY Rev. L A. Meldelveye of ; tied the nuptial knot: he charrOug.in.: a white us- dress, trimmed with Yer carrying a. bouquet of valley and 'white ea a - Weeaeslistedeby ber *ter , who was , jbeeomingly a dress eef area& 81114 Old bouquet ,or- lilies Of the !ale carnationsrded Carnations.. Wilber - pee of the ;.groom, tebly i the duties of best man. Mrs. i presided at the organ fend ' - _ was given away. by ;her Bird :NI Cra.l.,rook. After ; had been ex- newly wedded CoU le tlio P . se to the dining roOna wedding dinner Was very large number of useful presents testified to the th' ' "fil' ' of e young couple._ rietds from ListoWel, Searottbe Cranbrook, Ethel and FOrd- _ $01-40.44.1,4**46414******4444.04010414411.0414,444, ele $ 1: I . omesesometemeeiesse. atiltemi t,.ustial J BE A FORTH'S A. ..+,........„.. . i R . g000m-m----- r ,G. 0 . . . CLOTEE N S !PICKA.RD S\ 01.iD .8 44144 40..4 40•44414•441.4 e_•eee!ido.. lL -derheed-deed"e'dee---- . 1 . Mt ) ..,. - . - et d ..ie c I • -:,-..,,,. - . .. 1 •oak, i • - .- .. -- --` • t *110 46. Se 1001/3 ..e•-• .1 • • I ete-- --,.'' . a . . .............eme - fili ... . .1" HENSALL FIRE .....---, SWE ' usin•ssd B ' in the hi ;tory broke mor 'blowing of the oust in r $75,001 stock, till halta- have s Je eicArt flied no flames - of the s west the Ra bI adjo i aresta hotel hlocle, the In Re Mann bard These Id OPt) largest s !eke And neth The *erne just rece irnpro prey to of the side .o i dame. ed g ., nearly e fronea is . figh bign ..incl, by the en lace p the I: by Mr. was a flames in. wind d atnh = sou - they blowing would to ii: tha taa strenuom, citizens the • 0 id fin- res Thomas A . e s p in the g of our ti, t en re s merchants, S spree to save. the- vill - . toe •Isti b t in u heavy los- in please can a are ere I, p • f arge Portion o the Section in Ruins. OIPPIN.ollOe One of the worst fires the village of Hensel.), , five- o'clock Tuesday With a regular gale time,laid a portion , . SS eection of the village , a bees of between 000 on buildings , , • and insurance less than fire is supposed to The' . In the cellar of Mr. store, and when five o'clock the out of the rear hare it spread both completely destroying , one .of the finest business the village; the building by J. Parlmer, as the large Commercial In the Rennie block were businesses: J. McArthur, E. Rennie, dry goods; I boots and shoes; F. e, and McDonnell Bros., and undertaking. large stocks, the having one of the the kind in the county. oe all these were saved. hotel° block had enlarged and greatly it was a complete together with most i ' ' ( The ;stores ore the opposite . ,were more or, less intense heat, and in of them the glass in the , the village well equipped with fire and with the 'the great start secured the outlook for saving business portioe of ta, eimejooked gloomy. Fortunately the Rennie block and owned to the eatshli t, there of ...,eafor , . which arrested the their further spread Then, too,, get from the north-east, flames over .the er of the street, where eacant lot. dred it been 0 ,, other direct! n, it practically Impossible the greater part of It was, it Was only by on the part of the stables belonging. to hotele ' and the livery been of Mr. were saeed. By nine o'clock the fir under control, but it was raging it wrought destroying some blocks and the ,some of our leading , quieklee did the flame I was almost impossible, from the steres burned. This is a bad blow to it is expected that , built will be re ,. antime it will mean e merchants who suffered , as there .are no vacant 1 village in which' theY. until new premises I gmlIMIEMIORNAlmoomMillien1NA . ‘ . . NI L'A must garmebts firat Fe Lined lar for.......,... Fancy verto 15.00 Fine lars, 18.00 Black Coats, tO Children Overcoats IZeg.- Reg. Recs. Reg. Reg. .. z .. . t ... ., e. i 1 -i.. '4,...- • e te. 1 / , eaeoeo ,• , .6 eetent -- , . otd-re'Vl'i • , e ' V -•P i s 72! , . - .• . - *,- --.-. • -. ' e eee „ate . . --- • -.- , e . _._ ..... •:- if • -:k_7-4.--K-., ea. e-.--- - '‘F'''3 -4-11 .•• --2,-g•. ? see i' -ea et . o eee ?,.. ."."..Z., • _ • ,. a ct . ...... ee. - a : - 1- , . . el tee . . -AND--'--- • obaticke.to This is it you fully- , - e *it d regu- 10 - Kon- , . s9 col- Cii „du • ' SMOCK'S . Mitts ; 1 o to RE' 'S . E a ", gOOd fortune a. - man or boy wuo ism . . anything in. the w.ay- ing or -Underwear. • Stooks midst up:this month, and it • y the weans of Utt _ ., t„ .• irlik • • , * tPrzce :-.3,7r- ••• - This is not out of odds • and clean sweep and . • • everything in our . . * A out ofe A . Q aar A Third . , This is a straight offer on .c.. . CO win it: , - - be '6we'lil , . -4•F • a endstit's clear , . •• . .- it. _ , 1 ,reg for • : , , I 1 • wool 75c 1 1- Boys) to . 8, L all I trill ' , lb. o c , " bleared i.,..: - .1 'block ol 'arin it) ,, nee ,,,i , d tel lir i in which ' '?'JC 7aoeous 3 for for for for ° 1 - jef . • !' of every , . a of othg: 1 . ' fin ,..,,, jzt. g a of . ney i The when 1 , , , . i , C I ! , C re lir , rl f 16, and 3.25 /, / c ' d 1.00 .75 . eneet • se --- ' te, a t -N - ,•• if o/ i t - • ir 1. }All . • uN DERwE E -1\I iittver bad it better sliving price'-. be snappti,i cp quick are ail. nevi, and put in stock. -- . . . Overcoats ir o are oa s, qui C 11 d C t -curl cloth hned, 18.00 to. 20.00 ...... ....- . T -weed- Coats, Collars regular I t0-18.00 for ...... . Black Coats, velvet regular I 2. 00 07 for.. . .. ... a Melton and Beaver regular 9.00 ea II.5o for......... a) j• / s v- 1=2 rrice Caps, Clove% . 1.50 caps. for i.00 i.00 caps for 65c a e, 75c caps for 45c Loo gloves for 65c . . 75c gloves for 50C , • Heavy Shirts Heavy 1 Stockinus Fleavy i. t=t / off the reaular price., it won t pay you. . 1 won t pay you • • . . - . A.. buy at an u usuajopportunitir w aid profit i . Irk he wor . ,t price . , Underwe . vy ,ri w Hea lobed- ular 1.25 and i . Heavy ribbed reglar i•-4-oo fo Heavy ribbed, lar 85c for... .. Heav fl ' y - eece regular `75c for „ Hea - fl vy . eece . . , regular soc- for . - v50 odd piece fleece lined reg . f to 9oc ,or . , Cott S , 5.00 coat swe 2.50 coat swe 1.50 coat swe AIn J.25 coat swe Toques, half 0 r , 9 Heavy.Soc will be reduced come o e d ' pick up o stioh-1 . by -atiked o 50 ool, .,.... egu- ....,... i ned 'lied i ...... -ofl eaters ters ters ters ters rice s 4 la .Canaeslia .1 Robert McKenzie 4 t - ° of the Ontario 1 had the misfortune to playing in Detroit on Sat- and broke his col.ar- - - jury which ine railway accident ear , , the blame on the eon- en.gineer on the light engine. engineer, has been plaosd but the conduotor s Ming le passengers r a. at -Sault Ste Marie -thet*lo , . ' d - ' t ' possible eath when a 1 on the Algoma Cellos,/ c ' . - ar squarely in the terttre road crossing tete Sat- Prompt application 1 of ; b the engin r f ith t d f tYlitl s ''F't ° , e , e a a es evera of ithe : • - • were struck by flying glass ; wag serioesio ineueelai '- ; . early hour Sunday trorn.ng, '1 s our an ain ; Needier' fl d got _ , of the oldest Iandmarkei of i A is P ' 'e4 • - .1 • - I f bP t ed 000 • ktee'e (rss ° a -11 .4.2' - dl ' - ' hard 'hut the nodding el en It was ImpoesIbie to • air s . -: hes"rence carried Mr^ S gni . , • • 3r! mill - wee a thresetirry , ' ' ' ' . ' - i The fire started on the ee- in an unknown manner.. , . rtrirtn_.* r,fle: s " r' u tie oe n -n Intv NA-rq bwrint'bd. nie frarn 1•10, en Friday, cleceeeed levee Orme end it Mgt in ii114141 Cr '11" isn nrennr, hiv pl`,71.131g clothes. caught fire endl he i I . a , i n' n ti ,j tee eenees... n rd 4131fr-ni'',•••rr,i," Vraq P -Nr f•!-!,- rylA r• -pi. Ill he e to hp ?min& fru) fnlityw_ . 111'4 bniTv -(1-9 a fn.‘nfi htirn-; ...,rl.,., ,The deceased wast 71 i 1 1 , At -tip -Trio R vonrcr rrnn cif ; 14' • • - '• ' struck bv a Pere el - . - -ar , tr-;In bol-nyonrt RIP11- Plenty -deo ieenettnn ,IfIst lest- I nil nee a rarrirv . eqffaDe Tle -wee wnlki-nt' on elle t et ete I. • •,--,1-,4 a (rpm IN-,rntric.• ”iii,Irt ! w on, t.. rot: ee h ' by the -locomotive end theo dd-ch crhp I/4AI' !din /In arid 1-,roultht !aim ' ' eteften and siert 'him , Ambulateee. We bed andm- - b k d . ' ' Sig ri,,o_ en, anr w othertetee d h It ot crftiryiliv jilt - dello came to lltenbeim Goderich has b9e122e43Y- • - " gh school prepare to aen- , College, Toronto. 1 . I Huron Notes. , Wing. ,B1rs. Fred McLean, of , - •• e -ie, oe. e the other e - - . and broke her leg. • ; -A valuable colt belonging to D. a th line Morris died rece re 7 . . t ,, , , _ loce-eaw. i John DeWolf, of .Brussels, . - ' d on the ice the other ,day, an . fall broke his leg at the W H Dunbar, rector 0 f , . . . . , ' h ted all t Bervie ea excel) a c o eorelenus oi Mr. Henry. Voelker, will regret to : learn of ious es I, e a n s - • illn s h h vl g uffere ' tip 5t-rnk" , . . -Mr. D. titf. Gordon,.o ng am f wi h suffered a paralytle stroke, since beeti doing as ,weli as t expected. . - -Robert Campbell, light-housek 'at G e le died n• Wednesda ,_ od r hi o week aftor a long andlsainful trom cancer of the face. e -Rev. Mr. Wylie, newly arrived f has 'accepted the pastorat• and Auburn Baptist chur has entered upon his pastoral _ , _L The congregation of lethel chu townehip have resented , e . Woods with a gold watch as w token of their apprecia her services as organist. 100 acre farm of D. Brec t u ri h been I ge, 1s ne, Mor s,• as n e John Johnston tor a term ot y the proprietor will take a h a view of building Op hie he . , I 11.1U A., the youngest daughte a -e ' John Yeung of Lon i,.. Mrs. , 1 of Creditona died on • 01 last week after a short 111 e , , , pneumonia. The remaine were . in the Exeter'' cemetery- annual meeting of the (bun- Orange Lodge of North HUM . ha Wingham on 'Tuesday of Them was a good represen the toiletries' offjoere were Cliviatr Vaistetr, )1. Dane; 'de , _ _ ritE ardatiM. , i . .. , • , . GREIG -cLefirigi , Sall,m&HOIVT 1:111: i \ , , . - - - -- __. -- - - - - 41