The Huron Expositor, 1911-02-10, Page 4/,
� '/
riiii my I rj-g factory for dent e
sed have ev age! ';The; -eavy W ei 1ht Rubb
FERRUARY3, 'petitor. But no great ch B61 10 orn It Ale culatlqn Igo b
Mary DarlL
e i ek more. tha ei ght Oiat 4ia * D mirta I 71an n e r a a Getter owing to * the teacher MIS'
thter 10141.
affecting some ps!tliecatr re 1 ear
Faus bet r d,
—7 It Is the 6neral good tha Must 0 ho 1161 irs 14 ir from It ov- wou d -'ac th Ii dustr-, . will bd
3 _4 cialre ng away fr*M home,
eer sit char o a mm it r t at thel q ae stion Is gppo, ted t 'teach the class until Hit
d t -k w!that Is returhs.—Mr. jas. Hutriphrey Ig
that none -IMILY Suffer, buC At, all miv cur le ri %d bo Its of j M
12 13 L4 (5 N 7 1 1 ettl A At ight �ht r*
partl6tvate In the boetit. We . rfig the - iipa to .Mr. ' ni iox 1111 :be '�ont Ile b r 100, 1 ne 3. The Us ved to the- farm recently T
n to Ur. vacat-
Canada-'baa done :more.� business wit] Mr. nic s, te ar e ieff ct for Mr. J. J. Merrier. Mr. Mer�
.... the United States than with any oth6r tha i jeItL e r any corhp my, c%pgrity and Lor e I uilding extensively Into sto 2mar singld country in 1a worl , a or, tends !,going ck Lr s b Teamster,§ to secur
th hd tha s. been covinect- b I a- m, ong e till rove0ents. talsi ig. Oat' evening
W14w, ADVS&Tv', 3.014 t e Go ber A the Young poop. e from the vit- a pi'dr of Pu. 11 rsI4 a
WI 6h the
whole our tariff Ane a his of kind- echer. r.,- a surprl There'll be rubb er-we
dous ha, idicap. N .3 New so party'. L The
.9y f3partmeni. en Sea rt i, in the fa
lnetLt This was a trc ar & up e threw their hom e Ck yet, but, all-,
t le zityre Edge,
1. lard ware ant M :ra
it good
between the two countries be bar, I is. ter$ and onc
'wee erased.. It will, practically]- give us Ab had I te, in in a W etract Goc�ds, hen,;e th 16 1 IE50 * Al,
and he ine ver be' held It. Men's Pute Guin Rubbers
T hI Mr. Thos. and Prank 'Statton had a wood bpt- egular pr'c e pi -ice 2.00 a r
ple o e 2.75, sal pai 'Men's Stub -Proof RObbers P.1 -to,
tIhW,1^sL to our, bow. Last Noar t1lic,UnIted States pas tibn In 0 er m ifactur ' I sc; In h OR Ilan,. L Of HU'letl, and! M r. T. 0. lh�t eelc. -�Ir e H. ismith, of Parkhill,
more, Than $6,000, a pair Men's- Pure Gunt
AyId id thda cG.wtry illt nglaw, of 110ted here 6nSunda;y,-Xr.Wm. Baker buckle, regular price 2,85, $ale pr ice':�. 2 Church
Ohl* OOQ worthlof trult and nuts; Y a titt f evidened, And was . arrIed at i i�, bets, one buckle, fleei e4, re lar Orice 2,50, sale price -1. 0 a
worth of bout $300r,( - worth of d ets., regular
_9d -8 $1000 00 1 worth, of are proven qw sted qu
0owi corn; a 00 wh n , I -to be scussfoi of this %tIon 4 all are oo klet.7s Stub -Proof Rubbers, 19 ced '-style,. e eyel'
QatUoWauted, ' -Unrr cattle; more th. to,; cd, Ile prepar Mrs. Win. Moll%rd 3,001�.,; Sal Sj
A, Now Lin -&-attler Bros --,R the ice the other day and cut
000r, worth of bacon F$300i 0j 10 worth o.; V e f tliering of ti peoeven inch tan leather tops' regular pr le price 2.6o a p
hop) a - 01 1 r lay stick. 'A i I ti P�e of . Lbe he,!r 4,ead. She Is better a�t.time of - - - - I S.25., a For goo -Misq XViiel fets beef and $1,3,00,000.wcrj�tb ;of pickled I gil� dJst It to reqZ1141 3,pys'� (xuq�
Is )fote, lbe 0.)Positibn me -n- 1)19.--4Wobd bees are the order of the Rubbers, one buckle sizeS'i to' 5,. regular price i.,So, ale -Was no at Lt
ada has Rev. Mr. B; e, ot Lon- !.da.Y iro-�nd herq, there being one evi price I x.,rq, a p
lier., -e not c f'this type, nor do,-tley air. Sintilar r6ducti s on all lines of winter footwea,- I
app -jo -of b i kindl o trfare,, but, _6r� 4ay._�_W. ff, Gill has bought r. during Fe�ruary.- that time. T,
-000 greateg' �ollable e Harry' Smith's. residence and Intends
per4aps $135,000, , but -the there a a* a aiii �n ovd, te rl'ax , church here li st Sabbal :h. in the Ite;
coutity by!
ent I In, s ort of Whig th4'pasto Reir; I Saw- rri�vtn1g` Into it shortly. rnitu
and Europe - the high tar] rf t el 5. �- A union, in hold iia
Wall be nd th,rlk* it- mar that :the Y art �et ng wl �e held
SHAFORTH, FRIDAY, change. of such commodities.
Feb. 1.0th, 1911. t. e pir r, as th Y have cal ed w- 11, 3 onduct a, api C1, L service Ii. coiyi.!. k Oood Clydesdale � FIlIty. Robert
Under the new arrangement cattle, Alon of the tr s1nce_,..h4
ble t ty procul e e s free. On cattle the United te If work j c + I t�
Notes From The Dominion s t%r gettir g in'Its d ing this c: iarlge- bit,. Sdottish Bell (23906)' rs
14 per- ve C on- cer- ro I r. hef, very, A v escaping 2,*Isit e j h.t in hs old for the sum,,of $200,
was. formerly .2.7 In(, ter., 10 k 111suly they may able veat
Capital. tain, values arid $3.75 per on cer- from -4hIs dread ma a ba price for a sucker. Th t, lot TV
tain; class4s. In the matter
(Wrltte� for The -EX-positor.) on the tree list, thd- Ameri6an th I ges . crowd t:eve assembled a ONE. 11 01 T081 *eeve 0
The past *eek has been comparative- swine t A can tarIff Df "$1..50 as erj It Ooped the I" al, t; ays" of 30, Ifortnerly-owned by Geck. f1 eld and will play them I ge shiPa-tent of cattle to Torimto
dealt wiped out. On bacon and hams the. a bile m little doing In t Le ert Is really a!
9004 deal of talk I on YO
duty -1a reduced 1 34 re W, Dash team. vaning, alid lud a good throlL-Xiaa Jennie MeDeth, of this
of solid work. It not unfreque tly'. oe- L i a star (d It 14 at'the But Huron all f oh, Tuesday e 1 h -a la 0
p d like a lf� a from stirt. 1 191 in strong, competition. It pays time.., village,'has been re-engaged as leader 'thko x hys bi
In lie�
c that- *hen the proceedings of the cent., and L onI Of W I Ottawa thp Okerent a a seem' a n ver olftoe t keoe t best _0
of thip choir 14 the Presbyterian church
Ra Ih nd U, An Old Resident.- Willi
House bulk,most largety In the news- tMm the tilted States last year,som e 0ave ten aring 0 emselves for eve B afield bo3 - - V .1 ank t
1Y at Brucefleld,-MUs 'Taylor, :of
$1,0.00,000 worth, the reduc Ion Is 11.4 a I r
paper reports, not ve much reai work I And I Drucefield, was here. recently vi
JIS""t cul ate shots quite f, ul hi respec ber of niowdwellingehave been plated In ray siting
bas', been done, and when. judged from eq Vt. 5 cents er it o, b Ue day, for great Uw&n prices. Also sev4W
n, arb Tbe loft A d led at -is home here on Thiaro-_ dwellinp for r9ating. A ply to J. SaU ter- and Sabhatb doze novA fr& the 9( a wards eked s(l p6on spent Saturday
par es was
these'repor-ts. the )proceef-Inga have seem - The Arneflean duty.on oatmeal 1 01181 'In ot U :Posk)on(d practl(#, but despit e AbIts, Bho di 6 m :kruing ast, the call coming 8ud- so ut the Post Office. Henn 1.
;d -slow afid' comparatively unirit es 1-00 pounds to our $0.cerq§, -11A rb_w e ence kE Pt can- d Y. The decease Was 'a native �f ttheHenWI.FIour* Feed Swre,We veil ;he r boine.-The mana of Carmel
Ing t ducW by one-hL14 While '98 tinual R as seeds we can bay, Am Ge
be op"alte IS the a, t. pulling fific, BtufL having bf en bor� other of Ogll �s Pr bYterlan chuich havia beep
Houathold Flour just dWosode& Also Zu h be rs were
ourt Is reduceil by 70 L cents per barr6l lem 3e on" 4�6b sides jlmvestel i1fle 1 Goi I ep( W060 on -the job- Au ust 30, ls2�. sixty -fl v2a; PAng the congregatin a�b- to their
This- truism bag been fairly exem- by the 1eIr I 10. A speaking. in i tb a eve., y a Zxeter r-amily Flour. Getyour.aqrl on y
KtI an Inute, and 1 playIj r- 111-1 R*
United States. it is obvioiIis ars go he came taCanada�,, ad -_ before Me rowls and wealker breal � PopI aido of the best means -of - heating I
plitled this weeL On Friday there was from this that , -0anadlan cultur a�l ieae- wai Pit ttY 11 awaj #c -n :him, ti? a w- Yea -its ago heyas epgaged tip naul uotiow for quantitiee. Alf. Strut 2 he
Interesti have been given a ces 1; a ate eL. s still In- -the charch, the prcscnt f -irlaces'bein-19
tor;a rerl ; a -ate pro es.c. ha e b y a sslons, 'in the m Ing b6lyiess. Ile wasione co(r is. -The bachelors' ball In �'he. 1hadequate to the' requirements, and - - - - -
newmarket In.the trnited tea. which shJv
da. He was hall on Ptldai night la;st was the concensas of opinion Is In favdr of
legsUtio'ri and clearla off the order One ot the disagreeable in 'en; s' lUnderbuag. At eight o,clock of e 6f our 01 lest business men, ve largely patronized, and those 4t- tht moder and up to dte'system f
paw thaii during, all the other iis which we have sornetfines to ce.. heie. when, 1: rog ieppa, Hen tolidIng report n 4mjoyable. time. 'The st� tm ting, Ill hi although . more Wth -coal
DIT, he: 6 [The rd, of 11, who acted di rIng h(s llf here was held In th hea W 0
of the week put together, and , still, occurred this week.
Some of -the Oppo-," n ll�'h L s r feree, E ot nded hl wheal 'eatee by all. J�e Is survive tS r,
'the go, t9 and b by hl� wife aid six children,,fa, whorb sk.-Mr. P. Haddon, account' Xr.
mbers, no doubt Jea� bus- of tfie rouOt both teal a nt lot the a Well as satisfactory and
the pro0edIngo on, that day were corn p syl Msons Bank bare, was happily united 16ng rim
prestige -whIch.,b6- audeess 'r( ciproc v .-It Plac a. I inedliLtely aftO r� the face. ol f the w the � incerest Is claimed tae
Ith the American a 4. ter ial Rovers seemed to be qj in the a 0. P, t ly of W.,
cent negotiations wit r, �9 P The children are: Mr 7k marrIage on Thureda atternoon,of more
ec( _A -Mrs. D. Grassick returned
must neciassarfty bring to _'73 St uk be i the pl?'y all to he 4s; -Roderick, Listoweli. W t week to Was GertruAe Hart, Inotben:
1X -Inance' Wniater, determIned toen- )rtant. 'And 106 on Friday somefour the 1-. selvIta,'Gd on a rush Seibe a 3 J. Ross, Boston; lai *eek from Tbronto, �vhc 01 P a] �3F' 9 Of the , 14rif r no ched Robert W,, Brui-� de., it datightee of Rev. J. 14jr - of Cor- be� 'spending a week or so �ilth rela-
.or f1v Impor 'tills wzre advanced t�T a coanteractant. It Is.well k the fir it and t*q m Itit h and formerly of Hensall. "The belp- tivii a A! nd frlends.--_�Thia sl�jjhjng in ibis
that the Worlds and adr�lrers, *of Hon. t, only' V Fou, succeed 4 In tallying`a second. The se] ne� phtiorhood is very good, and the e
I PY couple returned to Bengali, on.ritl_
Me a J�o .�eringtof tthe .1grif a9d. Tim
is b It
a stave.and Jar sevenothers receiv- Mr. Fielding- presented nim With - a7 loca[a here. realized the r sit4tion. dw, r evening last, and are c0*1- far
Ist Irk A they opI 166 are making f It.—
ed ihelr third r4adins- and couple of testlnionjal bout' a yt is]: and be, ran- to g Turnert, on f�itably settled In the jaeat' d gdod uste t at too gi ng of any pre- Fulton ried last veek -,where
million dollars of Publie Wikrksgestl- testimonial wijs in the shape of a I' a despe rate - rdaLl o4' ed th Blyth i rec i 'Toronto
surn of money,- which n �IaL t 16 #rttish I b the ently occupied by Atiss Anide Wren. trot had been
his bi en invest- souther lers' defenc6 roun' Socidties.-Last unite with their friends- in ding a C�Uple of weeks with, her
maltes were passed. That Is: a pret+--. drove the We
th, t I Itn i who how!- 10 alt People's Sun wt un
the pruceeds wl icir . In! diately after the. the ;30th anniversary of tb� IN; theni. long and continued iappinp d ht6r.-Miss Ruby F41ton Is Y-1--it-
less, in pubill al an Endeavor Sor
big daya workI but. It bulks verymuch in' a Ilk It it ut hen get. Of I It
tire to. the Finance Minist,r �.�d Of 1. face -off Br�gcefleld ag'in got vy� and Sturgeon, t
view than a fewflery ke �b ul It might take , in ft. Charles McAllisfer.-Mrs. Fos --
here re
tamilY. Taking advan�tgge o' this ci... .01 me 16: cl so the I)c9l society heldlspecia� _Ce_n 1963
the `81 Dre g le, -3,6h Ot ztstst;erland 'hag sold her br., ck.dwell- ter� at Varna, was tly visit -
Ir ck
speeches which da not amount ta,any- Cumstance and 'a run�or . ed profits eiz man . w, in t In like a vild ca -is eeting, eel In the Presby on King street to Z&4. J ts. Joht'i�-' 'Ing her- -relaties, Mr. U..nd 'Mrs. Thoms I Yal y A he 1 y" as e, . wont totalk , tdrian church ITLE' a
t"c and whieh mainly Interest those 13 ink ha slashin 9- was i�r.- Smal preached an approplate S road. r Tlids, Cair eron.
be Y other pecolelE for
uted. a large surn to this fu 16al Y.. freqlenly indulged i1b se on, '011L of Centralia, It, the vj1' the
whor deliver them. But notwith nftg a 'member of the Opposition, was
en utea ihot oss! aldl down In the Prlhted form #.4 thi's week spending a cc uple .. pf I
Boyef t mi t when finj Illy a; ;Ong la
co an opud,
a tblai'more or lesa speaking Is neces- trom Rist lgorna, gave n(tice of -I V4 ted al-hur for qo Rove�s. BVIt CoR regatlon r sponding. r. with lite It4aU6i. Mr. Terg� in poti
rfi"� on that he. wo :d co Ins tha me Went. -Mr. Ford Sparim has left
saxy. Bat we couldL get along here ver uld move, to,
-Can - !sltl�rzoj , seemed eag r to k�aej the so tar, g a sol recently sold two , Ine -sets He e
C aytift d public men the V Aed the .041 �grjo 'of, a, carUnd borses for the we -;;t.
aid: sUqc e4ed Vol br q mounted heavy harLiess, e He was delayed a day Inhippinir on
well, with demn. the, Pfa a 4a of
less 'rather than move. 0 Og '4 Ctl6n* WaS "go to tbeetts.-ts As-, ired
cePtIng gifts ot this kind, ai d",' aking '110018 o' D the atto tkachk 44�1 Three nute- play. rha,boys iffern Ay for tb U" of the SWet�.-4 P4 a ot e-ach being $75, This zepre jAut
Durinir the pi-ast-week the. Opposition e -subscription of m 8en � a0e 0 UjIt the.storm, on Monday last.
th alleged era tD Ai d in and -white. In W44 ay �eveidng this week the Christ� e& �otnethjnr pretty tine- th the liarne
have been parring to gaiji, Ume. They theLfUnd the �nterinffL ' an 8 star qd 11. on 7 Wj
ere afraid the debate -on t* , new tallo Ito I* und xeg on� Or 190. giving & social 111 tbi turi( d of Rive
ej gI tl L the rubberl Inding tm im in 1 or the- F*sbyterlatk enur.c.0 11&i fine,' large hotel, which is in sOnso Robeft
tie er 160 tw t -of -the -Stal a -t agy -Itus Ith ter course of construction, to* Mr. A 'jisiber Of low *Gommft i0d t6 t1& 9trm the bank Was 00T11 ij bdon *111th It In I the Alitei to. a 'Pro rince,for� I hre will be an Mktric
InIght coM on, and ther were xiotDre- WAY intluenoed by this sidib-sq, litiotkoi, The Mail ob- the e at 'halt ti Was 6 td hate b th' OV kor-swithi Mr. Cbxworth wull
pa, -Vir It, arid consequently , they jh psft of the. bank. I en. three of wHl notate, opposite
however,, Promptly deAW by those I 1se _Once r1ciously 8 ta W rim. �Itclntym & FA
stave thla off.. The tariff rted nw Intere Ung sutijec� 'CQ2 ton, 'complete4�- and- It Is e. 7pyectiad
, friends a good e4% g taic re for, Ah .6$ Ch Union be':
agreement charge. of the Toronto - end Of tbb fi in ItL IS _ eXpeeted W - Merchants Reatorth, In -the tawn-,�
*21' of. trouble, more even 04n. he on for 4UCU93joft it seff e. tic :t ght: out very thor'll Ve or bargains. ter. y4tU4
nivy� question, which vexed them so neither Mr. abo Pvn t IPP tly with the cgle had Disfi lo, d &k_ -1y sk Lted Ouff! by ba sidwo 'although the to obirontAe the death of X Jo n 36;A -Mr. Robert 011�ber-1 Alki
sbrely and which caused them to,turn I lot Ig t t I* educa, Ion - off. ong to prepare. smuh- - A.
Tiavers nor I the bank bai t off e feet, &Ad is ic -tly added tbret� bave TiOt had' tt._:_�! Sh0herd, at this village which oce rde farm of - 35 gem 14 t,,h
contributed, a cent to the tstimonia Ae )a net t il t f t e hole :, :hey more the 0�,ueefjek4 Bid -of 7216 ot Toni Ied on Tues"y evening#last after
theWftlya outsideja more than once. nor had either been asked get thi mi,i v ifit the) i lt!�IqLat,4%1 is"PIM" ule Price b4l" Alkenoll� XesidIn
I understand they- have had 'several That In fact no bank nor a4y �'t .Ills oVer a we4, to a bbumk &rA ban Oft ItUne
caucuses -Ao Rove aw�, next T I.
n Abe subject some of them officer had been allowed to Oantilbute se d i grave I tice owl en s, which wR A&DW bas qb*e 9W 20i Mth Alkell
into the bours of the. tpthefund. In tfie flee of nju; .1 ds- vev7 ntlerestirig! protrame Us bee all, that medle4a skill and ' traln�d *42" now purtuai the! bil"
anorning. ThO Wtiabeis tMm the West. hoped thit Mr. .131oYce -would. ha�e the t? In Oves for the ti,, his & tke farn at $ISO *ftes im tern: pr6vine6d extept, 130tIeTh,colum. good sense to drop follo pt e e8t
Of the
we�Lch astor7ms 'doul s. and will be amtly tv ed'd TristituW-Keett4a at"Ole led to wl
bla QNW� 014 leg-4eement, flat so. hill motl)n. ei to . hi WAS I by he efforts ol bi ill- of It �seasdn Visited here on onday X * I
In Introducing his mmon hi na blocksi lae- e goal�. N hen very badly. Altho4g-h the railwa As well as by the Pi blic
been offered these Prevtn4eg, and the very Ys th -be -af t loft I -ishing N card kept t" snow -Plow going all day, the INFIR *n Tuea"y
bitter speech . which in' ti the Was He was an old relsold ant TWt t t�a good &ttendimee ot the toXo.
Eastern rmcnbersL. rMMY ot',tbeM, gre many tftSInUt0n8,0f an a iid- At le over ie score e, tkinadth and 0
In *bout Ow eaW VeUtIM Th anworra t 6 1 qot, 6r�tent �i 4th the southern at the I trairs Were- all �ery late, but,b, Tues -i of I
ere are er�ai the 1 001. and of a it to a o
pin n- hga wen
and his conegglies. e her tIfIft 4 it t* =re. Rowe =. diy, al.rIgbt gain and It ot this Or' 89A4�ulturalubjecW wW-tie,
Ir -ood sports, the t was
IngI tin ok bright, and beautiful dg,_Xr.
lie well -VV4
-ty - f0o"bte to the 4- his reply, confined I t a plath PA I me rs! t I hls;llro�ji th be -I T. S 3 has � no* got po, n. 9iv` b . If-. SHCOX, of Imaj Robert:
wreement as k *fU *Orf y to ce, 9 with as* much ace as wasion.ot 0erree-vP,be hdd. this, Frid t
-f the facts and t en I -,t 1,d to or not i for Co Id be expected, Thp line - up 0 b 9,11 1 hcon, In! th
do ST
The'Va et
.15 al
-the chamber. He B&Id-that 0 mse of not bas'also 11 be Dot rs aft "d Jmes Cowan. fte Agog. giteit
who come from several 'e aVelp, 0 8, Draceffeld Iveft r to sh, Ing made whldh the reaialna wl
larger, dpbs,. where r Ant., e v r* Catt's ce, meetIng, opens at twid OVOC r
It filled.' rbg
an been urged up him by hi Nal store,wel
1be evening an entertainment will. e f1tr-ong,. and those Who. allll Uve,falth not aloqe of the tberat'nart ibut by X's te Ontario. �d- 9;, ft -Wi 113 ex0eetad thb Ubr will be m 19"t Shepherd's Ilte-
U.. n r. eL ary ov_ themawn.-R bel' --a4dresses will be glvm, by Ives 'Ito,
it I week's
ch offersi! as he Aft
the proposed new arrangements Thew It a re f ez--.. e,, 11 b eligh -lY Injured at !the j&IsIng 6t St. :ndftw-,,�
4UTA reVerence for It, are opposed to bRd alwas deellmd 1ju oflif I sall )i "or I I i of the Xi- felt that whIlel in the prime ik 11 ;S:ll I rtE � e I I w e - h a fdolly- is a favorim on "The Formstidd Df 1&.01 Me)
Utter, have been. trying to work their C""Il .4A_ d_4 be 1 4 . k gth* Of t I tbe- altor"n en SmOk'. r3fie.K- at the Power house a week ittes on SabbW�ah ornLnk 11) rim _AA1411_
-Colleagues from the far West and Nast fam y
ever to their side, from his Own efforts. The matter Ik as W(I the Rove fteld and Dishwo)d. �90, ha been Oofiftneil to the house eaex� preathing miswal plen Imusk So Ust-the nwetka
so the will only be4swtructive, but Pra6en
present a united ront and an equally He V 0 acedImpiowd win, WbIteI sm of Mr., Will" be e well. I
ears his whole life bad -be 9 On IN 111teUtl again carry - a �Fhtt a, of the Leadw Pajam4aA
ie pas hen �ently of the
the GovIerritmilt, policy. But they have line kf it J�welty,,Vd as he -40&t
been unable W 40complish their objectI and st t'has b land --'so far mmss s,, be ni ttds* W_ miew in, g, and
he had not been able- to la7 US( thfing renting; 6n. Pwi -.14 day, 6 th, of -Mr.
am Info4ed that tbe,last - caucus for old, aft or a ralwyA 10 9 so let re 1, hO Wn, aw of 47 years, Irk W231 -
b4)01 t_ bust aes' t no doubt but AO" Will 60011t regain Ills ace asto.rned
Th hocke team
held decl-Jel tW each member should reached ftt Urns of Xdr a,ter&of ng R'ucl P(,Cq le hdw.11#eth gnsreiof,thetrade.�7mlss 9044. Cbusers an
be allowed to vote OnL the Y.—W. 1. 'Beer Cbme Ith us o o jr CArir Of _#ter,� BUM Qr&m, who were W, well
be felt disposed and to ber 'trot her In to took sIC4 r
be4n thebest retire froln public to' you .04" 10 Arkvn& awke to the
interests hb constituents. And thus great life he b he rne IY pUkehased.—Tbe ha we 'Play key q h] s, Is nov coafted tbe* 8=1 and brotbW, Who is engag4 "d pflofiffe RVNV Per I
IL I week,
'a Loyal OpoosItIon In Cmnz, he deemed it his -duty tok,a a rsl h tog a %m.ber of Years. Flora
RU's Parliament , will onee more pre- k III rml Nd 10 Cume her room In the school, Iretuil ked ';ft- MiNifty evenin -tel, hio to Paltnerston for a
sent to the country and to the world §, gs� t.4 I short perta
offer of his, was gi cp ;rt he RC r�jt,19 leag but, I to ea she Is bet- jv�t are ti PAW
certain conditions. One ot e con- f0111 - the 11 nj a lio e.—Mrs. r n I )y far than )a s wo d.. ai ter a I Mr. Couzensi Into e w -
a dt-Vided f roitt on one of the - most ditiOns Of hii acceptance was at " no 12 X _ 4 be 4lon; ot GoderIch to learn that _In
As person in it t eir
Important and far reaeb , : de. ea t,. V1.31ze" IvrIZA big mother here t quIte weak, is nicely on ' the 11aw a I&M. awreauttle business In
that has en y . depended 'aftel a 0 a natch last still confined to Wg7' RATIr
gagvd, the attention of the ernment H6nr. Ooldan Man HE per
heum- from Saskatoon
Canadian 1�karltavnent and people for ute to, the -fund, e all wed Col. 1 'k with � a of atism Bask.,' sItfnj too Uat at ft beet, f&IW to Willit- &
balf a centuM on the other side, the V. Moser, who his r -In-law and' sister,
tances should the Indentltr of the a 0 e aill C ot ach 1*, relteseinted changes of, that climate, And
Curtis do
Government ranks are solid. When the cor.trlbutors ne� 9 3 A Rr Drowd at 011" W-JresNo bere, but-kwho for Johnston.- Mr. Soldan ba� d a was due to tn*oid fever, 'with
be disclosed to 111 m while Ls ocIf Ion I oneo! be 1 1 the sti few - years I have been resid- bee*
time for the division. corneg therewill he Occupied his place In the Govern- i o bel btarted Ini t he E�r LID?: 1014 faM be 1 1up and. do' n Ing skatoon,'&8k.,,, a" Akpiresent ty In the west, and,has becrilargcl red n VI_.t0rIa CeMetery, DMytofi,
be nd blanks. And there should not be ment. WbIan Mr. Fielding' iell, the "'be be�hfldai to e visItI 9 hetr many Toronq 0, Feb. 1.l
for no proposition tha't Ul on -
ba Wh taking p Lrt t1reluds here. Mr. V e, *ed in the implement nd j L.� I i
fore the Clinadl ' 9 c9me be- House 9fter making his at te nert he el.ests. � , it business. We M al 11k. Millson -left many warin Ile Pei! )b., fow),j
IC aft Parliament . since a Ih a ct n in tc Moser Isj oneof�th eat I number eft1n are jpleased t 01. In tWe vtelulty, who wM re-
n has been calculated to do the Government 0 'Anai :IrDpert. t he a '.gret to lftM Of tdS e4rly deftlljj�_- alld -2c: le
side. Mr. R 0 ni day, r.] Ad In the west. lea=i' thinks of locating in 013
L 12
rson fell on �s a Ole but tis now a for a time at leagt, if no Wba It etUW their sincerest sym-
so, much for this country as a whole tIon was discussed all aftern,%els th e, I Ij Arl!iig 1 1 shti t1der tr I MOB havq b r rt'establishment, ntlY.—Mr. Gilbert Dick -nade a! pat,
a .9 this tartff arrangement. ft l.t is car- evenlrtg and. a vote was -taken I%te at enol duties one- J Last hts bereaved widIow.
Tied out. The primary benefit, of course, rilght. He was voted down by the'j N lk; c h 9 purph%sed
9 tly, r,. 10m Onell was t dwell ng Ing the busy seasbn.—A great deal
'CoUntryL but a -8f that Interest Is- the There Is this Parliament. !.a f 9 now bein brought Intr
no, member o the 9buse more 0 r cl. a, e W4 $IV —Mr. Alek z town and people seerO I be PUttlLngln
baslc� Interest, any benefit which It crespiec&_d. In bel Ve Iful' gaak In 04 a pur 'The
by hu for
ow Ir 04 joh4nd t farm of. more than us, al tRis Inter on account
I of Miss A.
t1 e w0w this Active
-erests. Some seem to fedr the ef- while he iq implicitly of I 16M s d with A
jwIll re -act directly on all other members than the Pin 04 toffethe With of th gtea
Int Of dry 'SL q
feet trusted by po.- L. ou, (ed for i he an plemen
It 17111 have on some lines of here Is a gre Yng V; .09
and 111th.
71! frmyl the
od burned.—On ac- 21c
implements. There has, of course,been t"ai vrho have done more fDr-!Can- De 1g, of d Mrs, J a, G A an Hot pureha� unt of 28c. C4
fell onto Ole N the, farm of co, the way th A
Sar ras,
a lowering of the tariff here, but It Lada than Ur Fielding Land wio bi've flo th o nitigi and allgi -,he same It e, chatiglngN It weather has beq' Wed aud Dther dists parts for' 1co 12c 1 e
muttual. The reduction In the Amer In' Ma winter It bas caused Buttic
ado greater -sacrifice b In o, i I h the i kull In sory 6- 1P I K. great de I Qf sick rEss,. most In the
lean tariff an the whole Is very'- much public life, With his atill Lt. a has I ce een , r, wy 241 t 1 8 0 sto until Ma Ich, — Ness 9 nature 23 1
I grippe
m. are t1i:m the: reduction In the Cana- oil C, Of the TDi=�
r In
06R comes to. be sized up I feel per- in. all probability be h. rn ru has.� -Robl 1- fte v1114 I and h.
fectlY convincea, that. the changes will day. As an example Je f Mrs. I V. Otean, it outhrle church, prove that it Win h I 22e;
of the Imus of -9 the Bab y_1 tor It 1e'rfaliy ki'd
Inure very much more largelk to the the'scavenger element In the opposi- AIE Ettel a Is to Is parer ts lveek —Mig$ In 8, of Toronto; sig- t leefs ere 95c to v�
al of e02 DMa aad all
turears than to their: Injury. Of course, member of. th b ut th., m',ddl(, of If (Dr.) MOLIDA71, of, Goderich. IS: wonderfill er
99 which might to, Mr. Boyce's ers e, in alu r It 41;s I earl W rtA hal ga ie meeting In led eggs Wtig 21
e -tided on., -the free , list casion, in order to di-gercidit th6se wbo tra co on a vi Presb-3ter n church. on ured4y ev- UHY 8' bx airas Wh it" gives such rge cbee!
Mr David. n.
antage to both countries which had charge of the PIP Mlchlga �ning la�!a Shel Is W611 known here 900d resulfis hi these 7ko a box, if - tvns
niT tdild and iL, lie td, seco amptne, f Alberta an and her many rien'da .70-7 don't -find it'
bave been ornittrid,89 for exam ple to show that It Was. self Inter-st' and dau j Wen of askatcheivati, 1, see be the bt A 2,5o, article you
we tt, ivilo, has been P.M
scutched or manufacturel flax, but not patri-otism that Induced th(' law he. e Aht in WS Eno, brine
6 li, $60 ave Iver
these will, no doubt. rec-lve attention ple to act, stated that Senator* Jaf-- f( I
se peo-a he in(: use Ja 1Y. 410t ig! their sl,- visiting Iler fat it bad' And get yotLr mox ey. I
later on. There are. of Stud", rned ba her
also actne articlecz fra�Y, one of those in charge, tel Tur Position wIntier
is Pres- based th4 J In Torontb 1ast;week ittd suit Yon for cha 8 Inj the -elfcate Ain to, the'
era T
_placeT on the free list which It would, Idient af t h C1
A ti f I worst kind of sore
perhaps, have been better had they and that the Globe receives s;h= our has a, recqzd f r be"t*
of we( a tob
sa -A deg for a Couple of!jlr�eel a- 0;�t �No' I
not been there. Salt may be consider- about eighty thousan a year W48 e: .6. e1g. tden 3ou �of bu
itter.. 10, ieturne to
ed In tbiff category. Salt having bot -n from the Government, and that M�r. P. ran s the best hiit Is, to
onie, hae —Re With his relatives bpre
be c rated under ti t oz.
-on the free 111qt: coal Tor the C. Larkin, Mr.- 10fray's somf Exe 3r D Olsonle, has .6rg over S and�7.—,Sdme of the speculators
colleague; had the pr ope ty" gentli
manufacture of salt should also have 4 Xj
Madq a fortune selling tea to the Qov4 men -a nd It v UYIng bt sows
been made free In oider that the Cana- ernment. X day t t t e Evangelic ne vorts far
r 3ar mgat as 't church an pr DP.
diarx manufacturers of -salt soul4 have ffient Was'made, the Ron. Bfr. 'ear, Witt 8 ttve city, Edson, In A' UG kND 1�00E:
Y, Grabam a sli .ht.. ange In- t e personnel s been e rolled. T -h ton th� 0. -The Blytht b lbert 2
of -Bruce-
7 M