HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-02-03, Page 6F E jL iuy "14 tQ re - "as direct 1ra rAord a. tb ti 14 t amouli kop at Ot -the oce4n - 10 yrinclpauJ t7 a A- ints, out is stron 8'�- gale 01 th( wluter fire b noon or, gooAs store, aawffa A n a Tue*- 7 off. last I Ca lrl '�eneta iweell:01' nnua he it 'A - I _fli I U11 destroying the south oil the Sh -re -s of a holder the twvn. The loss probably b The Ins lift 0 Mostly am C Pftt Annual 00-40ral -Heeting of The Donfinjon- -'Bank wa s - e1cl Canadl ai cor wiI ROL G LU TIV apanie a fidm Mft! back 9 not saU�adW. at th4 Banking. Rouse, th4 1�-Stftuitlon, ronto,, on Wediaeaday, 25th i $121F With Me Anleldoan CorapA a a b0% A &U9 represe aited. —Th,( Among those Pirpsent Nvere nat-leed.- cot, kioh�, 1"N 19 by thip it At 4 C_ '.-he j ones, F�03r,_ W. R Brook- A. 'W� Austin, �R. L-Clit h W�m4 Drain A Che n1W1 CO- Of Camvdaiv corner of Xing and Yo streets, A., P-ogert, Tefjrey, Prt. perry, 111. %r.. �Vjjc Sa Is 0 Y, ont6l, While the 01ca tot Cllwthra Afulock, J. D.- Waide, -T, H. Pat,6rson, Dr.i Chas. David, V InueA V 6 In Pa910 It lu understood that. 4b�ut Matthews, P., R Dingi in) P .1' c'. 12th, 1909- Loot frontagb' was Paid.;Te propcet, gu rs h ReYT Id 0 df .ater. -IV- R --Booth, G� N. iolds, Wm. -Crocker, Geo. b 516�M 18 er as a frontage of 112 feet,on. Yol I gr Langleyl, ltoss. Pidirt,Perry._ T. H. Hors firorn severe ey, Montreal, Dra"John F. I (ted t* get k b r twtr�ylt 1 ge.: H e CaRtain -Te---01, . I 'the were very street ly, 81 feet on Xing treet, Richard 'Pr jilo 1; slig im tt c -;P� P4 H. Gooch. Andrew Semple, J. C. WIorrow t 110L aftei"tim) tl V M. 1* 16 Ou: �chase and ented In from -doidg Ce4il Lee, Dr. J_ A. AT-leCallurni C. E. Lee, W.:C. ai 7 price probably exce, 0i I .. :: Dr. F. J, Grasett, David smith, F. L,' Viaft6n Wlnpli, desp te atid 1 w i'hfd ,the... Vise i ocam 2 0aiver, 0)k ,. T_ Sra md physiciane —10inlay. I, W1 erlin, b all, KC*; S. Samuej, F. D. Eenjariiln, Lq-pd0nl`*W&l- I old +4 ra ic nd 16, :jIldwar 'd r I pi Oat Odp'bome fr i 3P "nagIF- 'VV V. Care_v, W. 'b,.- Carswell.. Jacob- F;filk d ':9t It". bt t I Othing se, seller i nd proprietor of The Live :r, Led t, do ine X, Pe-kee. Hinilton. W. Gibon Cassels, W� C. Crowi 11, it rownd I ii. P MY A. Unt W48,11e,"aming Very and a �jiember of 'th-e Outing Cl jlL 1: J- Stewart- Peter acdonald, A� H. Campbell, J. W. n Idwin, Anrew vc ts! for'har I woul become 1A per, while joylng a toboK u ride a* H4rr1U, Hamllt0n, J. W. B. NValsr4 - D'-Axey IVIar k all J4 Lin, X.C. Hamyton rowr from Kb eu =t1smi Dridgel art, met with 0, �bad �accldent. Sir Henry X. Pellatt, L eighton McCarthy, N -C.; J. J. CiLVIt r 1. it, le D�gth, I _e' foundl t 461: 1 wd; S. Cassels_ J. E X M. Gray, Victor � cawtlra, Wm, x I t4ed Fr fit, i4i I wed -IQ A pa.-ty was coming wn the uloelc.� Tin, hi; r4 sQ 1 in tir, �ly c let, R D. Brown, H. Edwards,'X. T. Maclenn4a, Rev. T. W. Patersm' VA31 Cine has' e nfe when the toboggan, sfr a snag sud tZ V the,' o0e viii, wa,, Mocon Aenidllus Balowin,1-11. j Bethune, R, A. Begg, an&ot' oni befievo thattir era. an h astly, overtur: ied. Mr. Weaver isustained. s,,v- It-WAX moved bF MVP R. J. Christie. � econded by U . IL Vr, 'V�Tllcox, 4arii to, 4u h a m r., is thO� -great -st Reu�4 aim. Cure* nt eral wounds and a, cut ever his Mr- W- D- Matthos do take the Chair, and'tht Vtr. C.A. 13 iong; t e 1, khel fhat'§oo ji I founi orld. do alct ii�s _e eye, Wessrsl W, GWion Cassels oh: B. Trolley has been taken to lan *on ar and A. H. Campbell were appointed eruiln( b, i The -Secretar 'd ope -No ounle &am!& Jail, where h aviailt b lal -n ittet frord t* polu 0 view, ead the report of be Directors to the Sirireh4lderk, A tt. e will Itted the Annual Statement -of the affairs of the Bank as a charge of SE 6 at the, spring asol as folib I ni:' -'al i American for 411 t Mg FrUiWk-til ft not Y�i strengthens s money to to 5et p4rtleis. �Tb ShaTeholders., andh6akther ddieys=,titut 6yegd I kfj a inietlan,.;t tb r., I rALx I 'ore to the sent the following Statem( ra her bans A. McLe mi T1111.1 Dlrmctor� bet to pre �n.t of tt o'sult '0i 1 010 ves a roo A.! Trol e �busin of the )3ank for th, yea ending 31st. Decienliber, 1910-4t W Is I the 11)n bt the f B k township, -Pute and but vit and Loss Account, 0,116t December, the I& ad ww 09 Pro e:ted on- a almilat cura. re! That T e d -ch ba� led In the sum $196owt " a e 0 j Irt Uri aci d Alch a ef dch ass. Is tery Profit Sli$t De' can -i qslng -18oi la EfUdit Ithe' ir 4 Irving 0d George P. of Alvinster, ceinber, 1910, a, rr fter de' actong -charges of management, ete.,. and ww eno tv said J. 0 Wt mect. 1M Ing ptavislon. for bad and do kful debto. and Call rl le mid,,' s a the lette 7 -puded,*� VW eB.+ Trol e:f bad red each ll� 5 eTt I I t We --sk box- �Xakln :a W fient oil to set Us -to cLean I,$ iig .11 ....... ... ... 955,661 ic wd rep wdlug for SIX6, 2E e; or, arns.. IrvI in I UtUro �Dlvlderfta 3 per con' paid Ut Apill, 191.or .:$1201000 (10 ta� tires W has been disposed. of as f6llow..3*, WpHoiftd A. -1 Trollek 13Y.- stating E a -not tot hin i at he had offered hl In be A, t Idnel es !DI, a per cent, aid �nd Ouly, 1910- 89Tr sum to commit the sa act, T le 120,000 (0 Hil Wa til 91 then- building was destroyed b. OderR �e: ;D-fvideqdl cent-, paid Isit October-, 1910 120,000 (0 su C, o.N ir 1�1 fire onte 000 (0. 3rd -0 per eent.,I.payable Tan Y".1911 ren end,? 'Nol wo She prosei . hir pa & 7 0� ft! 'thc He :_ % I _ t him alght of January 11th. Y d wait I r the. d YV -v Pay V., I S 0 fte i ence 't and stood a She 1160ked bravely. —SaLnuil- Cowan of nto his ey 1 - I lired :'a! id EIA wastel- 2). t thrown violently 'rom s �Wrlt ten 4tr Ban Premie bl "ew1mit if,h -it. he I.sent the age beckuse, I watit� hottie.was:bAy d by a - TiMb lmol�jn 1.191s, iking from uLA N So. BA t 4,6 Od you,: becau ej gas explos early bo.tr td fiol find' -aMr Wea of JAI;g to natural lon- at � 1 � , Bal a -ate if 13rofft qF )ay, da thro US have 1 Wedneodak'motmIng. 305,06 my"hearrt, ale and Loss carried forward th e ght to Aw blow- n3stove I U"M�Ini gg rs,:an( Floret c grew thinue and ORO T oil love yo, i! We still h a; 0'm one Or tw16- "YUr 01rectors, in submitting the Annual StatemeiXt of'rthe�affalris of. ld�l S6'metlines he rode. p4xk I t he. '.%ake nie 0d, b be good A ad Alad knocked the furniture Inr th6 jrQ0WA :a pieces blow the chimAiievilfrom Vie IBR,,ank an the- Slt December, 1910. ivith the x0sult of the yeair's busf�, 9�. Vj] I A q op) d. r3p. for 1, have Deen ery "onely bougks Lint j Coleman Salt WorW buildinp NaRne, but w neve� root the boOse. Mr. Cowan was Olec EgYPO -1h. every dit le. int"t, also a a uslatity Of I ber bieg to, r that there has been a general substantial growth P 1.1 , X um tion. - A s- I be noted, ler, *1t touc-b 41f derable increase in, the not profits owing the 3314 Idle 'a J Inc- thdt I'd an uliper room, and th4 shack Was j1hziber which' sultalNefurrep i he �. i Cured H un wi Idl A satisfact ry conditions which have Pre -%,ailed throughout Canada and be, Na' �Eernboa the concierge h udod sq seivere that he -was tli�own frwr: e ol mperiouk ness ab6V. stables and out -buildings C the ftvm. In or -der t.) h av� o4l for' ban1 'lwr4ped bit t fond on WB 1:hougjji'thousau& ifter j6u, _ad� and -a accommdation fro 'a herself. his bad to the floor. The; 0Xplost wh x9 : 1i � & I chil- establishgd. 44' caused b, r the gas becom.14. extiriguisl For Oome tyne past. the Board hasiihad under serio are laid up come ifb" ti6 firsit of August, we will seill, 4't us consideration the to Rella ie- W s4 I nter ft hper Naples an dle,,'Pl sb hispered, blains every wi �UiklhW and -material clpx*A of 6�d , _but the birit i�jjl iggl() to ed while it was turned bu and accutd- a, *2 ice. p sssAy the enlargemexit of our Head 0& remises, which have -bee e 4 t S Bellagglo."I was r. j. A Xcqarlaahe, ef n a. m priw, and re TO M IDNICIL $DW. !a 4 ulating A the stove. iie very low will efuse 1* c' - Napanee, Ont. What "otpite in uate to meet the present needs of the Bank, -without aving 114 ini, now it 61, 'to the o nary expansion at' our business which may be expected: in'the fu.. g n 1. e Way 1 ie V11 14 Serve ber of he family went; to 11jht tl-'8 cure anythin reaso.nable offer to aMOMPlish tb# gas Vi promo Y a Doug ti a match tb MlWq e. Fndemav were made to seme adjoining lots,,L but witho ookblains. stk A on, N� wood ut suecess. Ini j . place. OMBELL GINH _'an OPP it arose -for the cquisition of the landand buildings at the n6l, the Urm �4nd b w on t b 1 re*8 Mr. Mcj?arjtjne*At4 HWN at The R lea Notes 11194 "i —At of the Pc rtage I Miss race yaling iq t Douglas Be 010 Od alli AY I t1k rarm jT-on t�and aft 4 lbera-tion tbe purchase was comple ed., It 1! 1 m In$ t Co of'Xing and Ypnge�streets 81 feet on King streeT.by:112 feet, blackenzie1 THRESHER Co., V, her "ue sm 1!;hj le I IOods It a daughter of Sir 'William ' MacXpn�zi% SH ads It 7alls a d tei ces me of cbilblaixCs� 31 C 2se was s the purmp Be to hold :�oth prt erties any longer than is necess atiol g, f'!rairle cou'n'* bad and, L# buildintg is decide on, your Dtrec in 0 fiom 10. Poli�beil 12ares iplittee was tqcentl:�, 2, special com- the Canadian. railroad. rnan, zand Coun L thet, at times I W -as emfined t o, the irery -reaalr�n olited t6 ascertain the Jacqus de. Lesseps, the French avlait 04MV-1- ii�_ aw tors have e, to bell1i -6 t 0ossibillity. "of u rt; being so We Tthat our . esentpremises tai� be disposed -at for an. amount':;Z11 *ill D `11e 1 414 r:hasIng a neral el-' we re marrIed at St. JamW Churan and festered that I w. is unable tc �ticaliy o et the recent outlay.. If .e 6 a'( tock' oefric light and sa Awaft bohi. from COmo TCed 1 plant Wear Ish Place, London, Lvngland, lag' 'boot& Many remedit;.,% 7,eri� tried with. buildings th ' the Spani were erected last -y- arr Edr� n, 1i 0�1 1 1 eax onti ft � tew of a muld 41) ily 1,'and,� si�allfly �tO1 q 1 u, al. 0*ilei Plant tO Wednesday. Klide' bs, Lhe J solemnize Jaw, and tre* Damo avenue,. Winn1j)eg, branchq.5, 1I turnlsfi, the Cit out benefit, until I urea e- ts %uhling ler �Idb p�ddleo. iHfflrd j-1 Aftostr$! e witnessed Cu. g Thes, various disbursem. n us a honsideraI)FIe'inciease in B ljnimeut, hi I is )HARk e n m have ca; I h 11 ht and power the nuptl%ls, which wer by im� 1 —311 at of ed. A., hore )atleptl Wtji' Whenelw! Account, but, follawing the usuat' policy, iubtantial a fashionable gathering. C6tut do Mort. * ovou*W -amount w vi� C0118 4 r feel ,,ji aptoms, t a '14ttle Liods y,'fell do w' thiA t�been en off. tod was btst Mari, and the brIde's attend., ttouble Ietm Y 1 i had b0c t 1. How.. W hit istairs an MIn ), jD:ae ail plication at Woo VUj Purchased at and it is'. proposed. to er a build Mo�, Y 104ning I st, whilie the A le wa !at thl� p'Int and t Calgary during the current year. With ed . UP '611 IDU other OCCU 'fi S �11!h use were ant Included her. sisters, Mrs. W. W tr e . � ; h , St -de ready to holp young, thd �ompletiko Beardmore and iss Ethel a Im ItOP. 1 D gave his tu� nige absent. The rEk e 14 ��68e, bul dings your Directors are of the opinion that -no furth�rr the was� I b vi�eio_kee�p_- )tqe of Rgy ptival inen ard won -)e -n. rti, wjn� j0d6.: Immedi when and iss Mabel Magher, 4 cousin es for our Western Branches will be necessary. F04- 1 liniment always on h pe 3oril froni ke Grarid in(j fol, friend.3 found ha was ddlise redthat n(L, ready f r im lowing ft ceremony -Sir Wtillam and *ediiate when u - ndeliclr4aud ,ue ess. it has he idse 4�we It Is e intenbon to erect� offices this year in Toronto At� [oil she wag dead hb igiveri the, tart t - thougAilds corner! d�. �ila. on fo(?t tor the'llotel. lie. noc ha beet M Kenzie gavi ady a ieceptlon far burns ot tcalds, it gives p0overcoU road and Bloor street, corner of Lee aiv roken. Of fmt bi eue and Qu'een 9tre t, icii I 11POn thonsands of e are: t d. in le" haii an. the weddir'lig party at Clarldge's. The t relief. cap help vo% qi I ekly, 4 you —According :a; k rett rn a the po�t honeymoon will be -in Ei de n 47 1 1 331(xor. str -we are already hot 40 gepped A rth froj� fibe gae�- -l)t. Count et where NClair avenue and Vaughan road,, and the carrier of Sherbourne� d took the during 'Lesseps Is a grandson at the th --Douglas& Cc.-, Napanee,'Ont -nk wasi,opened in February last at the corner of Cana Ila is any iablished in tomporail prrpis6sc 4 tfice depart nt It all Dmgglsts. I tree sa le oik i for Enter A Br of the Ba ICU x 21 tip to tb noted -Ila. aw-renc b0lulevaxd and Prince Arthur street, TIVIontreal. at Bj Itain and. engineer, 'Ferdinand de L seps. He' Is A es . a ifo'.Gri time. he saw a tible s kea q ader Its poasei;sl M HAW. F!rincip& P, s a. d othir R The ffice.,�. opened in 1909 are making satisfaidtory Progresaj, and oft uopean- .27 years d..,A %year ago, -he took 'u p stj ayl alrfaily�, rr . N roman sa 7 It. countries 50,0 oneyl -or, lei -s, repre�- Oat, Wk. justify tb.ir E%rablishment. , b. aviation, ad- mada some notable fig In ac tfiP Dy -law pa aiSd.i he � m-Duld 110ting u ar r I ordance with ssed by the Shareholders at our An�i�'l Including eeting 11, t the crossing of �: the Rn "d P Jaru�ry 'Aast, the par value of tl�e shares of was ol t pe ceui� Pon i �,, A of lih )v ar th(; re+ Cannel and the Irlp fiiom, Belmont the Bank 1 1 �hft I - child're OT 31' irk al 0114P ember t I' VIUS year.� t Is mane? lat changed from $50 to smo, I the: tc, u tl Li oul� d i an The� 4rectGrs,.r uris bf b e, veu. t t , t W Part, arou-id he Statute of T.,lberty ani following their usual custom, haie. exam:dned: and veriff d, the d men FOR FLETC Slid 11 ill no: ri b A she exten 1)iough -he Gen. �Ll Balance She& of the'Bank as o (leo� 11 , ft <4 the Gen . i -4 r Ottilw4, rF hirn. n the 91st of Dee Moupy to th t Zdauy stops -00 -q. 'ftiroat aud i -,en b6 c' rect the,cash assets, ritie- er, 1910, a. iave che' tred and -found to ok nent s n therein. They have,'in'addition� given., arerul s ff bro4 a Oat OCU s� nd inV e rnt d Stites nd South fighs C A S T 'Iru ny o ii )orrowin accounts q -tile tjjq hPLud, lit held b, le h_ t cted In -th- __Lj1aj h e of the Bank ha've been inspe The i�a:nche, ej to ls� nanuer 4 rink the Year. sat down (Pplok_ -B. 0 a L 0 ML ul 111n whimsicall, ij P .L jull, d Twe Report was adopted. I r ) I LL 7, leave, on L ck 0 the Viesicl dThe thanks of -the, Shateholders wer6 "ienderec 1$er I tb Vice-Pfti' -ors, for, thefr� ger ices durl g the it,, an I t" - Der YA dent�- and Dtrect V1 o the GeneraiX�ii Al Fst dld nctunder§tavd. Ager and other Officers of the 1��-Lnk for the efficient verfor mance of their r ip�illg_btandller; ',$I refer. a hat ective; dutie -WiD sends absolu thi as:gq la kral lapi �qi:l htt�s, en 1pmen: t In We The following gentlemen werf, Ne ftep for stpaid, one of our hirtr age booldeft 1u1Y elected Directors for the easuing yea t t e 'd ii, es '8� A. W.. Austin Vir' R- BroeliZ' carrutheis, R For]; Wh cave off! Jul jan on the common d i, _.T. Chrigtie J. C. Eato 1# of stwk and _YDU hOW to feed a kinds a f tea vy ,W" ele t, d 8 milb brightly. "We j911gl, ak-, I COWS!, ning steers, alSo h to keep Uda. W I and fftd Matthews, -A M Nanton, and B. Of IM M.P. 'ere.; n?" I I Md 1kht W. D. I' g mpsio ,64'ta. si-ibsequent meeting of fh ho. rsi w, c6ltst and mares milch nt. e Directors, Afr. E. B. --Osler, Mj�. C#Ives-and e and D. Watth ews Vice-Presidentir for the ensuing t". of j, so t xat they wiff lay In Winter S jU S er. N I !up ILd at dis: Ith just as welli er th the.1 utum 0 f Lrn sbiduld 11m, out it. EEV W11 GZNERAL STA e. TEMENT LIAB no man(I tile a -de pro" t hu ngry.ff or �ffi or? 41 ILI coit of OnI oa cent otes in Circulation _ - . f and beavy, And- it'builds up the VVintr ... ... ... ... I 1 -1 t -th4 it makes the gens la�y Pqgis in 4 1; 3,58,547 0 di Ur � two 10021tmHa. Ont., Veb aj :4�r W&I as in the SUMI�11 re. V1902 eposits not beaxing I't �ida; pdr Anim�al& Royal P Ltr plo l%ock and restori is the former plumk4e-iis and. A' Zv�*jz4s:Wg rx erest ..... .. she upli6d.* Sl e -,vas PP* $6,107,970 37 rmAs C oe interest, a herk The *11 Ocific makw d1ch Auimal w or th 2,5 per of run-dovr� st k, in little Peposits. bearing interest. (Inel e I la t With e0j, r no time. Gentk=0a.—W_0 have been ut-Ing aore. rPle Foultty Axid Stock bis a The venr beat time to this. Con. "Dear S1rs,_T4-u; to ctrtify crued.to date ... ........ .43,195,414 29 Whl lie alga_ bi: Iddres.s. disenimr- �49,302�784 6 dal, 'you neveT beaid Jkny, OV, lei Spwfflc, ditioner' is �90W. est,'6� -weeks, aud Must sky tba rasi I " her.: � or t 0 ys �e she 'It dipsts,itb� hArd food -Deposits by other Banks in Canada lu Md.; 108,rgol r12 or �.Istock Food, inie ii th�t T havo used two boxes Vf your Aln ledd!tg- 13,alnces due to Banks In foreign countries 1181.1.1 ed ie tkleg m she ha I ved iqw ise Proerly, and. preveuts he., gtnjaals get. Isults we - rema�ble. in -i Wd I it ens'. V I P&,a ry speel& Aak 1% I for my lens. Th w4d Cock Specific to tWo milking $tat Ug.indlg(stlon,or losing #esh. _cOW4 raid fl� L ji terror. Slm �ad UOYEA PwTle T' 111 Vrwa lently 'oure the' the �3, 'I 1vothl- Bots, colic. Worms. Skh. D sc asos and Total Liabilities to he Public Bot wen While fqed7mg j 10 ey 11ave incre "4ed SO per cent. in k�apil&l Slock paid up hc( it. dared if 4ou would iad' sendir g ........ ...... I' r me U0100 The­:Poultxy results are ever, erve �Pbind �Oflity, and res liapneSS "t a�boUt b a Iti fiul nah 0 pil - do, rn Animab d get so'n �e this *arbed. tfian this. VAx, have ..... ..... ...... . 10;1 run 50 per Ncent Word how or where I t 51000,000 00 cju ... ... anoi h to I h es I'! I or. Intor. I bought1t from your agen zwe of Profits carried forward 905,067 56 $he -cant Pack t dvildend payable.;9rd arjuAry. 120000 00 -of last winter. I had 32' iens. aud a omn a One 50 490 oyal Purpi eug. Uying ap. when Vre mm ill ied t NValfe�. 11i will incrpn96 tb d - millt -yield three,: to will last o ' An, getting jjv*,*n4 orm6r Dividends unclaimed 1ie MU- 70 days. Th* ding* w�,'*ere, . ..... ..... eggs. t 's days I got two dour JA t nil va e,, Pounds per )w 3, day in. -id of from figures a 1-ttlo over two-thirdg of dmy, no scchs6hge, C cent 1" -AV-0 d -aye a, eserved for Rebate Dn Bills Discounted, U.. 6 wee It ak obruary and March, M Jai 16' fee them ock of flenp i' tard ii,caree: w lint ih t;v.d to th the milk pq day. r laid 150 eggs, imo t everr b Was. And len I Most "Stook Foods" in ZO-cen Pack- g of 31 iaiwh day, and those 7,3.0111 plat i itho Specific." e a er Awl 0ays Uve'bpen he coldest this -w! bro' -ater, t It Ab c6ffee, ad lingered "ItIf f Fjinfletf ages last but 5,9, d Ond are givea Royal Purple Pou ' t Z lt�j for WTI CnT Itrz. praventfj $G2�677,82 coo tee ftsu Ont., says, "This. s to eel til 'It =101 ting t It, was II - that ]I; ee losing ;ffesh an di ord 4rd w 0 11F kthr timef a day, Fowls lits, plawy in two *114 ASSETS. hxv� tred y,ou� 3&yal Vu.T`,,e Stock' do -Ya -After: tho use -of e. ppe ifie tojr tWor 21 P-arninion Government Demand Notes d 'Is ugly: 'We 1 lt�malws their plumage b�lght and k pa have *eo I;, on!onc'cow. Ot once a. -day, and lasts 50 per cent. longer. thifiv ther edrdy' 'But Royal Purple Speclfie; is :giv:en oray POrmenently oures elvery boultry d Lseas ;Specie 1,5 so �md� _Oqs poijltr7' the 4 1,ol gr 3e4 ee 5,13,7,975 25 16th I �vvpioh& lier m ill: Pe4rance noW -as in the the th 4ustle and &P as 17 (A $1.50 P con ainin$ em always !-a prime confition- e. that lNotes of and Oh�.ques on othior Banks 27,720,115 80' Woo. I L be be�t neier. ail, t, four times :W poultly;k meet r M I oficL-d i, change �Aer r> ultly worth more 0=9t1i the same iteod and raw- th m6m at dimys, as there vvas &-a extref,' PAlances due from other-Barrks in Canada 0 j . n ith 4rows spa j0 at the orthe amount. of the. 50 -cant rackagelasta It, makes your Po ever be vithout Wances due by Banks in foreign countries*:,: .891,229. 73 ht f bl 6� r mind 'I Yeight �of 280 days,) thga they could WNW Iffrw BAN "1 tilk W�12, 1 CpLrefully Welffhed �afore starti#g to feed re Wwlfi ft ;hd -MM. and sh� ave �2 pounds. I - ago Will last When farmer aud stoclanen get f)r 04 4ge, So, you. see, if is otfl nec�&ary to givei Yet one 50-cent,Paek ii,019,794 18 it *e Royal Puryle Spe0fie oce each da. 116ne 70 cinys. Or a do .Provincial Governmeni Securities ......... 1i en. ell, we - can kef the 1�ui giving an oildei for .5 b )x 3s, as Pa_n V1 ill a PUjrPtP# it Municipal Securities and' 33 Hens 2 at R11 ro CZnadlan Just thil -Ing ach aU ID 0 tOr- rt1sb i Ine -of I lf�r our ld age. *obsider it the be,, haye evei x sad.`t ik of Mal 10. AnlrasX 25:; '10 da�sj. 7 is is four tinjes- A gres-ter Id9ma4d thm th _r b Foreign. or Colonlaa Public seau!rities other thah 'Worth 2' mpr 17 P cent. ore'material. at' Onlv t lf�ee time 3 tho �Lnd stock faods on the inarL t b�tw een us, god we a r over its 1cost 1_ cowb%4 ... ... ... . be Ittle se('r6 ..... ..... 652,496� 19 Stock roo1r, will not (10 th g. Because will' that rwan to 3rou, Mr. 4took Owner: .1, eoA.1 Yours tr�dyk, �'ANDREW H11% dlAill re or less T*llway and other -Bon&. Debentures, and Stocks 6,589joS 20 3ha Vk it �ver ou Just! suc.h Igits ek Food' is D�h g mc n$ uji. - : , . r t a inixture -Aug. 28, 1910s Vhe Elr�tor ot Y w-y—uns ZZU "Onus ... ... 4,0027#484 20 a's th il o , V,: *e tb Ings which 2,041,300 4 -rov r c aw n farm.*,' l'iff. A. Jenkliju Mg. Co., London. ftuxt* 4e che� Ifor, her hand, .70 y(mrself. gr Itim hi JaY. Pills: Discounted and Advances Current ..... ..... 37,920,928 70 -w Ithbut tip, ar, mt Itlis not inore food,your Anwals ueeiiL P)eposlt wit,*R Donlinlon Government for Security of 11pon �b edi but Gentlemen,�-Last Fall w4 had in op Note 01rculatton .. ... .... ...... ... Otables a yl�ung � mare �,belongiiik to X"- - They .. ... ... 1,10j551 00 hl q Movement sbe drew It must have go Othing to h their. 7-ioans to other Banks in Ca4ipApi, secured ..... ... 369627 98 bacL' flas j -df pa!ju 1 bodies get a1r th( mourishmen 'Plouston of Mbntr�al. We Could =gsqed illard's 4"tu teed her =jyl bran on =roti4t of A�&mawh-4 j* I rom the �Real Estale, other than Bank Premises .... ... ett ing. So that they will, f4o p ] �1 � I I , Jood they are g Overdue IjObts (estimated losiPt-ovided for) 57:259 23 1 fare., 102 084:81 J 4tten, and- stiy I Lt, tb' Y(ax 'rouAd. ft�wer *ad :n0lent 'Soolleing, rousevently Ubrtgages,4 ... ... ... ... . 18,9ZO 00 iid'wa�� � I'Pfttietitly fori-We6k9r." STO AD POULTRY ECIFICS Ueeorae weak. iiand thin. Wo CK A �o 03ank Pii�4 ed somet ing, to preve:Lt disea6, the via 1,980,000 00 1. She f4ced im with eniinl4tical. They ne 7j tueneed using your noyal pu I � riplet, St ADther Assd1ts not Included. u:nde,r*f*,ra, in`g* *,he*ade 19 C disease, ax d- �Io kee ti the Royal P le iareates -an tappeat6_-for 7 'Ure 198 70. 1 1 5milo, HL-hted litiatch, blew.ito t a Specific, amo& the iesUlts Were waiide*t nd 10. 20 0 a Make This Te Adon to rwift. re 'jl:4e r, and muscle. : , 5 1 we found V&T WW_d-_r*te. �kt St 11636's . 144'1� id I 6st of health all -;h( "time. 'food, and h 1ps nature to dige t an4 4urn C. . s th� 'cente A ter uaing ft thrw wftks�, It into Ilesh 7 820 18j,_ $62,67 tabl Vvery ounce of Royal Purple S oould feed t1je anmal bran or a a -All an4 ny .1 Not a ick As a Rog fattoWr, Ror '3 Stwha I yal Plirplie He latighed g, Poultry Specift is guamiteed. ing her, aud 5* A ain ft feed without scour C.. A. BOGE "i [do no, equal. ActuOilly too# on in this time twerty-fivi'' Tbronitc� Slat rrecembe_,. W_O. 1. 1� e*ve.,? Royal Purple is n0t a stol rood"t prove that it Purple hielt o Pounds Of 946h, we working her General W or, a medic4ne." ft -is a Con N Off I ej jb0 Stiloothed' t t 8 11 - 4= Oqual, we want you to Ili his As a at t4, -ke f same time th igh the hunt- :E caji It' does not coidtain Gr cin, nor t el L�g i she sent to him IIWJ�y farra Dan McEwm, the horsve=4, $a heartily R. ri�qo#=ead your Stodk Specifie. R Canadian Hair Rado 'b to Ooducts. Nor 4es it Co ys rple to 1.1 LY did yor i. send 3 itai I'Dape. 101 Feed Royal PU one of! I have use4 Royal Purple your Loas Wantect p VI any other injur�oui ingrf le Stock Animals for four Hel bao I., I answtr readY. t. Royal 0-eirs, And at -the Specific pers stently in feedi�g 'The Eel,* same tbno feed other reparati . a 'to T`ralne�l lor, the Uon. Adam Beck., Guelph I �uTie d aes not moroy tem,, ore ril y bloat any P 2-02f. large A winner f 77he'uTidemigredb orep,-_ ej to payfthe highest ut ane reason.,11 �9 0 auy other Animal in the E a:xne cond tj also 0 o ii, i ,,on I �spljia th6 Aolmbh�jj. - I fattens and Grand ()jrjeu [t in 1908 on we Pursu 018hpriae for;in unli d qixantity of firstrejam nd soft El 1, a' �repgthe ns it, pern�.w i�ntly. TO Staple, Beech, Asb, 'Henry Wint(rs.' 2.101,-i-br er of Allen If Royal Ilurple -do --,i.to �Royal Purp�e Lice KiRm Rock Elm. Rimvood -ve o ail" es not pro Rem ani Oak Lo,, -3, deliveread at Aaforth to'- 'gt f Specifie andiStaveMill. To -be out ;n elven lengitb, e) testore my balk Inn 6 the night at, Vinters.' whi in it, it .,th6 RG$Al Pux�O_le Gall Cure., ....... 25ia. ........ WZ�t Vill, The er of $3(3 rj'00 trottjng� you,':by actual residts, that .............. 'Royal Furp�e Sweat Liniment. 89t elm; fv)ft elm to e-nbil I-Randl0feet. Will Stop Falling Bair, causes to ' ) known. adds flesh its iiatuml Wei stakes in U ever, usu.,d, we'] L ret yo 31. t �i lj - bes also boy E14sswood H. adlnZ but th hre a i d's desire ')m n- t yo Ur slot, DIV - Bolts, 40incho long, at heads, cures Dandruff, Itobing and all ""These horges have never 'Oeen o1Z their money. Purple Cough Cure ........... ........... alpD so qitiokl 7 1 sRoyal 3&75 per cord cleli ed Wr ch �and 5he was s jra:. IL ........ 4 vdr�-d Bwt6A Heading Ro4, cases.' Contains ' I i ny or4inWi no oily or greas feed. since I started 16ing Apyal :Our Cough �Cure will cure a r cor&dclivored' Will aw She F Purple. -11, makes t, 6ped, t4a ralinj, face i it ie PurP11 And welll. ask no ques ti, Ong -;--Maki no Imugh, in four days, and ...... . e w1l Mg 6-we,*s�c Id CaJ CoUgh rice 75c.—To Introduc Specific. I will always hatre it in my, -14DUVA jet". aent or IV bulk in bush.. 'Fo and distempe . r in jefa, order for 30cj- coin or postal) Ott, 1)urpt e! —o- d sanj �'Tle stables. U36' n You will be the j udge 4c t us, to custrm Sat _t. 3 large a 9 ordi. �vder, works lourp ten zau& xd'pte-'� Ward 4 Ared not �oueh your dea�. er cmnct supply you With The Merwin Co.iWindso like iinagjc.� Ibis is au lionest Us is It it ? We 4Czftjph jy� Ito ORL01 ai _+a+,* W, AN31ENT. Sedorth. Address. n �her till g6ne. I I" . , " - i it' you to Make it Ur UO 'PixPle Brands, we 'Will SuppW, e WE a i � a b huse we 'wow 'at 16 we94 that Royal Purple 1z n,�t h �re becauge i OU UPGIX rsceipt 40f -$1-50 fj,' paj4 FrOt . I t E2!9!!Y iq e t Condijone4 FROM: 4 Only one thil Ig noyal specific our on the market. J. DC ji�.L.'N S Y G-JAa friend, p," �hi r, Z -, orran-p-, Ar*­%��,Killop I Purple P 0 Poultry idd, for elther poultry or stock, p aid . br( imn es 0 U W n4t jAniment, G411 Oure orr- ankfl��DEP. )U,- b me- 6 and� ope jf 7� Other' SPeC!A(:- It iS for Fbult,17 Xf you are not satleflei 1, after Sting La.- a lug - whirling. it, you don't lose anything, do -you.?. quo Ertjz1iqh Ft love.", 0U& Powdc r. we vviU send it by mail, 9 kshires. 1,74WEL fat for A04 Sbe TM And a ed I h1m, he,�r band: ot h, �Stpiald, a reCOipt prim isver nt. it 4osice Insta dy. Ask y throal IV's :N_1VCki* �COMIE*A X'Sr drug t it Will kee for servic-e )n Lot Ck)ncesdon 6 Me. The I I too rmi.4 sui Us b�r in hi�- a am , the importO. hw, Chin-ters Duke Xxi-vill If he cannot supply thol deuly, ngril even ason or the, grmid chaviplon bmr, Preinlei bMRVELacc.tx-4tn0i0tfhk4eW, roughly., '.Y( a rnngsfellow.. Terrue V -%itynble it the time of Sej. but send stamp ff?r inii and nothing ift, aledL vloa, vdtbtha privflege retarrIng If necemry. U di-ecthial A.:l; j9dtw;- if U -you from ar always for sale. world I - &cs and Free. ets dan e A 1i are� 13 t1 JR0 A -oc. k an i d oultry plel P101. 804 t jaed- from AMU" -B q onia.11 T. "S' es Grxer TARES I)ORMAN03, Seaforth M-NbSOR rM Windeor. Oat. j 0. ,-;r_,1Agtnts1oYc q oK p A 4 J I � L _J