HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-02-03, Page 5. . . . . . IT r U Y A JPL )TO Colks"no&4 outald% sm lug to fanil OT ON SAtX OF URAM0 Dg--Gn Th" toba. Wheat- 1 U4 9th, at 1po 16 On The &tool, —The fonWng Is the. re- 'No.. . '12. S ban, Lot% Con.4; Hibb6 d1gy Z th, to qr. of Oullett, d F fforaeq�z =t of Se" section No. tern W ds IgI 9 nngpy- —trot dbmau aft old� I rAl ght, naare Id, 4 96 1-2c 10 "m t-OhlaWalhu, 'Cis a V4 "ID u0A y I stb" to Mr. �or the mouth of 4&RUVYZ I I rising'2 YO ra Id, I drau M k1o"" Wrl J()J t Mr. T ld sup exception �e Tay And X )A %eon. h n An a Florence TaYlor 2 s#A 2 TOW WorrK on 24 h to and filly rislog Q� y es orT4 o - al Oppr pity is - of- MMAO ton th fered to reliable party. AINA D I AN A N :.,I U � for Sale U01 'Po grocefy &nl -�K; 2, Ylos- or.- tern tock S­aile- M1126 I river rfal &oars 61 rbEle ter. vows ei to be 3 o a oars q1 wall a telde 6z :: cows due! to and living roor 0 F ORR LoWr Julftlbr vo -ts for te, went; I ntario WE*3T--,,At,- Vr4 on J On kry -11th, to ps above. 13est.reasons E C E ate Lowrle: 81, Charlef IV 1. � J pril, 5 ger 113 3 Ls old, 10 ste� ITO.' 2 whitd, w tO - 3 4 'ut Mr. and Mrs, 6,' J. N (nel M so Kittion, ea yel for selling. immediate posession TV, .1, Go NP. 3 and fe V risin 2 y sa oI 4 ste, rs fro 10 side former] of Win n, 8 to, liman c 4. -10 given. For full partical GROTNE'S r 81 F EDMUt4 0 .on Ja VY 10t ;0 r. Oud e too a �Iup of which 'are Myrtl 4! J�nj LWOW; k *hite, 81 IL' U4140, 1.56 1 Hd __ X 3� D LKER, C.V.0, LLD., �).O.L., PRESIDimi� W =6 i ! 0� ; i 2251xl AL4 c Pdag-1 i i or 4b GROCERY. poloonsi. set on 2;. 184 ;:,80c. re. a, afta ter. sow& . kit of Wbich will X W Tao Arnoid be met re �N FER LAIRD, GENERAL tAANAC-ZR ik ce, 13ax S Parkbi an I lbb to Mr. a4d Terms of Sal 8 tb 43onaor WS I Taylor 2, -Claren 61 (t, do,foi xprovpil 1B. Fltevou[4 I otes, A( fee r ,,Prr i nnum id Ov d off for eas] �. UD.'ROA0 r-Urk; 8, Leo Stephen toWW Ann fee Malt- OredIt on Dtlweari son; 4, Fred..Arm thg and at to 49 GR Gimi CAPITAL, 10,000,000 RE8T i UU91000 Janui my Btb, to if.r. to TH ARew 1 1-4 5 stronx; L 1, feed­,-Manit -bran, - $1 er ton; d rs son. _X, Auct oneer. 22304 Notice Izzie, Riley.; 3unior III p uel I Iop, Senior li 1, Della But- short -S, .$21, track rolito, , on- I Orand Bend, To anual y Vera DUML , 11 1 tirlo- bra shor $22# OM d Mrs Fred MAson, 4 t D t , k A meeting of the F A R, ERS' BUSINESS 2, Geec TATE FOR SALE IR AL R -4n Winghav ri Janum 3th, to Mr., Riley S. A14n Farr - -MoKillop Teleph); ie System will Its mordAto. be held in Winthrop, on Tuesday, Fel i. 7tb, at 7 p. -bum; .4, vina. Rogerson. � Part 11, 1 othy, $ U1 to Mrs Adam Sobae daugl tdr. - [ ; . I The Canadian Bank of 4 OA RU SALE 01 RIOT-, Por. sale Lot In OMMrce extends to i Irmers ev Verne We; 2, -Buelah &Ott. ji Maggle $12.00 -,. Interl )r F er�v facilitv $10.51 11 st r _0 ry281how Mr. "d VORU� t DR traq i iere. F�v . I W Cot I n 14, Hulett, cout, ining 1100 a TnPMAS MoMXLL&X, for the tran 3action �f their bankin business� ii . . U c )ad iter. 4, 6 wlcer rawr__ 1, - 4 h�� 'tra lere. F2251 r 'dent I�Iudins_-, the, disc'ount and M0110y is any object ta ybu come 4 Wilfrid Lindsay; t $6.60 � 6 $1 . ! ck, t-eld I with good buldlnM one 0 1 - Wh esale qU U_ on a aUnd, t R V. and collecpion o sales n tes r Otation r�ng*e n, a 0 ie-gPlentY,of weather ahead part- it 1, Thelma. Dale' 12 il-i Potatoes D! WIrl Vil e of Ith.. I LTPIY on tt q premises -or a#, Blank sales notes are! iscott supplied fredi of charge ba 4` -'Cecil from' '0 �Vor W110D �nozher pair or two at our preS4 Scotr; 8 Charlio Rlie�; ut Ot I on Jan rd, to hir and MM *ess DA D N E[01,, lyth, Out, i 2220-tf Oil icati on. e. apil tit trid Armstwug Dissolution shi-n in. ia an ner Farnbam; 5 James, and 75c -to. 80 opr,bagfi being liar e Ho wiliater Shoes c- ied q - -1 ; ar. on car Iota.., A ver W 1-1 11. i . NNG i oker I on January_�:nd, to 1[r. 'o,, out for a Wrin of years! a B NKIING BY 1. R. Irarubam, Teaclip Lome Dale oo�l farm ot 100 or 150 acres. %u�t I�ave g 4nd s James SO a 1 taught ir, ood The partnership heretofore ek!Btln, - between the ir, ay e o W in this sale but a Simple n A�ccounts fmp� em) * ts an4 be cc rivenvenier Oly locaW, A undersigned as b Pene Hardware 0 Miirc1iants at; at every -branch of 'rbe fin ass,tenanU, Apply at TI�o EXPOSIT Id. Intyr 'eive tile sam4 carefu wear we have Oa hand. . . I 1 4 1�3e�aforth, nd6r the style of 11,11 and Co. bus Cbmmerce to be o ' I r I Note ;eaforW. I 2M4. -M pelrated by !-nail, and will rec M tf, tiliss day en dissolved by � t i I Xen7s Rubbers, re-, tar 90c ftkery"Powder. U conseaL All lat= uok rM Z,U for de� ention as i ven 1 to a] I other epartnients of tile 13ank's 'Ibu.siness Have you ever try tW ex- Toronto, 81. ts and liabilities of tbLL att is gi I'- dj, re We P12, t4 C21ekens, Ac to GLEW-LIT r, n n, )a Jaw iar 25tb, iy, 15A -For W be paid by lUv. Dr '?or t le frame hol 190 and' 2'flftbs E, MOIntVre, Who is also to be elititled to receive and 'A pound can for 15a. -,14i tur- at e i (sidence of ra. Wh! W F Money may be dep 0 Lote of land on litreSt. Egnmondville. The 00flect.all outstanding debte due and h t f so eon mine to� at e gular $1-75 fOr- $Xa,5 a celleat powder vzwo, Jknow when ou have once tried 18c per polumn fowl, o 1 0 ited or witbdraWn in this �vay ris 1z Edwards; Bay. ke head tb) r d s A J olla, do OM% reptarly. IT. gees 23c to 31-2c; bo 8 o Itard and sn't water, good latb firm. - i by a perso'flll visit td the Bank. Lit MEN Ilew a ston four on nd.. deellar. There is a Ara. RI)WARD Mcl.WVRE F. 0 re Ila" $r-75 for $1 .2- it you 74111 use it late No-, i, I U'"'rt`,'. ! i, du 16C t 17C Ili e waight, 1-C -�Lo OL'Ar 17 -In It 231 Oka MIT I on Jar'w y 25bb, )Y, 0 1 tabi pair - MeWs H the in ie remle s, pro A Stly e4sed. Rev. Bit 8 t e w: & irtt, t JLAY%, - Witnew Of ie r Acience of,drs. Whi a. or res� S. 'to P. 1)ated January 28tb, 1911. WAI.GOVENLOo go lessi but 61 S atorth Bran 951(> head r of the b6de, LOUIS&, Oughter of or n ch�' So a x. a d P tar i3 ior $ air Lad viarton was 010 guest of M Ladies' Stockin-, a tweek, and the late hos. Littl t S. I MM of keremit h. W. 0 Oveishoe U grWin fol D ry MaCK15110 R ;1 W) lei pa so e. T. MORSON 9 -For sale on reasonabl It Congress (elastic si left on Th4kad&Y Of 'as to J nuary t h, I . J. L e delling noise property ip ected, Ito IDDIUngwood and MqAtre4l JW 31. lop frienis. at Tordy 0, of: 01 0 to I Ock M tho*i (lage of Cone con4ats 4 a gooft 4hoes with leather foxing, Mr, 28c; 'No. 1! 9 c- Preporty Mrs. A. t weQk.to Visit :NO POP. R IL Trustees Sale of G' MAncager des) ' Ali WE` !Urch r framo dwe Ing with k! W1 On and wm ii I shed; attao eturning home.. - fresh, 8, '0 21 N c e, As eld, I -Wm, -In L An on an Ary 18t ii 2. 210 to 28c. Ch I --a-ular 50C for 39C a Pat 1�, jr;, and,sont eese--: st n 1 3-4-- ed, frinto i able a*d bi v lots. For further partid- iderson Ind; XY lirvi Notice is hereby given that the undersignea i by Rev. J. Jolli Ife 14e&fOr4 befom e ularsapplytoJAMPS WATSON0exeral lrtahrnila�� VWUng 'friends at Stratford this to 12 1-2p; ei sterns, to 2-4-% AHerb rt 'Either , on] f Hei r 11 b er".' I tv, Aent, - orth. Trustees of the Presbyterian Church, Walton, Ont. son left last -Choicl at,, 25 �6- to 21,11-2c;' LU. A. hla;'Oburch) will ffer sale by Pub- Cbarles Fergu rs. U or, iton. �npwn:ao W WGAN- EGOR:­ rest iso ie of t LQ lie Auction at the Church o seconds 22 1 � I : . . . n Lob 1, ,Pie meeting Butter 11cT to 23 n. 17, Grey, rc)oe L IAI X R SAb. 0, 0A -RENT-F( Week to, attend the aillarif Pride's her, on, TA Ilu 11to. 0�� Rev. I r. It sale or ren neaT the Villi ge of Walton, it the C40U ty of Huron le Eva, �bt ninglMa", on t clavelaind. -The h6rse Ouyers are Toronto, Jai, 31. _' of Jo in ftGreg4 r U 21st, day of February A. I e- �Mery I VU Tooke rsmith,00nj 191 , At 2 dolook i a fine otitte of cultiva"40 in -the West ale- Prints, - 2,7c t6 Oc,--. fib �an f Mon is., Oon by F. 8, bUYIng-MOrses jor at, r DrIht $I 7�ir-jle Will. A. he I* lano i aftern, -befoll. Duan. bringing atdr prbits #c,to 24CL;_ -At bai dVV e bu Idings' 'aw lands, namely -.- t rbion Lot NO. 1, -in sh igr NSY beaXy horses -are, b tence of 6 to brldc GItOCE R1 DA S—P -e ady, and -jaw 11 h- the bc of repa I � green veg'otables ana i&-aitr. r ntg 6 mber 28 by Ue 6r, 4 For her UOUOMIon of the. TownsUp 4 f Grey in the high pr1Ce0,,%VerA1 Of Our cit- to 22o; Infellot.. bake I I C -.19C. rMos Miss Oda I a. 0.1 lipin, ;U iclUrA apply on tharemises or dresslifo'pe' of Huron, particularly d III stook J FXH FM 82c to 3 17 00 r1b d a3 follows JWX8 are sufferit,19 with la - grip:pe new -W 0, a e:- sKaveakma two formerb 2250x4 mencing at a point'on the Soutil limit af said 30 9 ARXY col In 0, c; orlfti�ary.col Stok' S phst�- and bad c( _ I i FOR A X. -The r4 DRY GOODS—FM Ads at pre§entMISS 147-2�ie lects are 29c lot a distance of seven rods ItenIZ, i10 he e '0� 1�aohlan, St. Jaw of rob'Xim: F. I $e=ce of th� erly from the South we 6. her age are - selun 27c'tc zac, -a Pick- 'Katie . 2 . i Jbr thence Ile ot Stadle, Dry ods on hag Per son, of TororW,Js visiting. at Katile M�orej d 4 und at boro Is 0 salp lmstbrlY along said limit to the on il*le of 40 998 arm peo- led e 26C. to 12! a In ca ),Aots. moove,- rys% t 31 eap. Th life brick :rosidenoe mud sald lot ; thence Noi-therl along the at'present.-The young home here SmIta, of il n half, i of k id It in Im mutly eitimtett of said lot', sixty rods, to an angle * t1b "mi Highest prices paialfor d ple held - a socIal hop in the town ball 0hest-Lar cheese arc quoted� toady P &A anirle res,,fecl poultry X CWIAMERGIAli HOTEL of Sea to wi 1 1 butter, egZals and 7 . itch on Ji 8t th rw 11 mall delivery parauel with the Southerly Itwit of forty LLIG30N- on Thursday evening last. -Miss NeUD at l8c, and wIns atAl 1-4c pe lb EM - deal pUm foT Ily V. se da ti"r 0 Wr. a iol I tahe w;"tbo ral te home, An 1, apples'. e'd home from Toronto V, to an anliet ; tbOuc8 Southerly N1 t, e ,aggart return u re. rr d JAM D. LRY, Seaforthi wd,FAsterly imit of said lot, thirty ill e rods to an r -h Logan - last week. -The Ladies' Aid bf St. A tt angle ; thence Wsterly parallel with t e utherb- -with Point dlesprite, tr1mraing a social Live htoo'k !kets limitof said lok thirty two rods, ',shux mora or UUattended. The rmxerfiony sole Lot i less %0 an angle distant seven rods, ten f -et six inches, intend holding in. 30, Arew's chirch 16 expel, "Ticaa Y, I :Milc I outh of � �Ufite 14'y, i �w W basernent of the churc1h, when. J4 he I,,gUdingq ire good eip I n first -Oh m trepWair.- Th Southerly parallel ith the said West arly- limit of formed by Rev. Dr. gteWart and In We PAS*IY from WeSterly limit of mid lot; thence r price favorin �uyers.- Top Ida )Iucce$ Varrime will be'91'79-n .- The slowe -In av'"�-O al. on J MOO to the late B. ��Xdlate - I u MY 9-21141, Girm is we] fenced and ur Jerdraine( and in the .1 1 vdtaesed by only the a good prol, MUM said lot, twenty one rods to the place (t beginning, B. Gunn ert which vras held in qual ty, i steers 13c; a ary, 1', 1-2c; i James M(0%I Soyears. state ofoul ivation. Themare$hm AvNell land re or less. of the contracting, parties.- �Methodlst coue 4. THGMSOX� u West mol a, on i ary 21' containing -nineteen acres of ORNER STORS �6; the PWe. wards a ik Af- the towft� bull on the even-Jug,,of Jan- :bulls, In , Teqi est, 10 4c to 11 Terms o su It urebisors IV on FOr furtherParticular and terms Of Eile John Net an Thom U, it i 21,y mi ainty luncheon waa Served suecess. t Pro LI pool, J m. 30.-B isiness we V out preiains or,address 3 :8 Ross, I rue old; F. 0 the or to POUDFOOT, H� yS aary 19th was a grand V( ras, Jaen: later in the evening the hap7 B r 46M"b ? 1) ory 2 21x441 N, 04de6eb. their Sollcitom JAMEs DTODON- is plea drove 4ceeds, $41. -Mrs. D. Harrison, of0ode- quiet In Dirk mbead. �,.Ardayls 9 a a 2 years an It; m otim. UoFADZE",,ROBERTS.1ORTR It January Je e West to their- TesPectivP-, hernea- Ut Morse, yo gest dai gb r f W. R. 01 ision 6, Tuckem '61 f Janu,%ry A.M A-4 10 Pur -i seems extreini ly� proba le tbal ces Olq .1 1 1, coZnQ i0ated " 28rd day o 1911. _WSS09 Little have for Some years rich, has been visiting fr1eilds here tions � were - U ma �41 ained 93 1, N -In Godej lot, V, Sls� 8 or eel half of � Lot 7 tee1L. for. the put week. --k liumber her6 ES -In M hell, on )a a 17th, A Lar A. WAIR. I"Oured =4114 ave acres 60 note he IS is al weU known and popular cWzena Welsh Ladies' Moir W1111 be redumd sbgr althoup not ee, reliot 41 the lateC. . ones, aged: 10 yeare, hod 2250-4 cunton, 3ft� Glew is POW attending' the rest i in g r me. There 814 resident Ot ei4 at Cftton next week�-ReV- Mr- to. any &eat Ixtenti St iwt as steeid� -,o"ade 10 montlif n# 26 d tys ead I- d 1, E ROST- In t G. T. R e re w hetwe 4u 11vistool r i 4 1 , I cone 1 .11 Wenty god waUr. ' 4 is ah exe: illent grazin r ad' ullett, where an* Andrew's from la 1-2a to. 144c j wr pou ffannu. r furthei pa Wa ft" JO 'Stevenson preachod in St.' Rulars app I to7lle�lalso` where.he has man -v_ and Strat4 rd, on Ja in 2lot, Syd e3 S. "t, mond%llle F 0 or Lot 3, on 2 Church last Sunday. IU the evening bliss BuffaJol Jar.. 31; tle--ma �a formerly 92 . f .nd Tucker. It i,� Is , phon lo s highly respected. k 11, 3' Mr. Ruby Whilddoi rendered a solo. -:Mr- Ive and' Ste *1� ,; prime to ARNOLD-1 17tb, M rf is grades, Aroold1to 16 go prosperaus Tuckeramith 0.$.6.75 ows �R SALH-F ii-, 41e_QA6TO� Ed. Jang, Of - Mose Ja, wbo, has been 16.75; butchir 12, c 65e homestead, AARK-1 a - - per. Wh IL t on a v , 29th, it la. Louis 16 la about sev, )ar an ab -, $&..50 t I It I i -.cont tining 10 1, acres. 9( o $5,50i -Calves U et. W; d9 be, visiting his I nts,h�re after i And 9 o the bal ko good h idw 3oc ibuoh. Ansle 0 mIles from Clintn. as TI re is on the ALL and Wi of Seven years,, n returne to CUR to cholc( $5.75 i6� ll�-ep -11 h, rr ary2ft hn Ton - ater are fast aproachbig, anti' widi them - $10.50. 6 fort9bI bon ie, �ood bank .4Q x OD I's sence Wl"ter, Toul the west.-Mlas Nott of the London and L Rm-bs- 9t, f acti Itncl, I a home, x sz. nere enty of go941 19 .1 �! -061d wi B In ot Js nun 81k Ift na Tau a I - F1 3-ather, w h", means ttipt y0a 11 -to n4miuloi p :f firm -choice, 1 6.25; blyn,�reli of laeRev. Xthur Mae, '101 dial, faI11V well I IRoad, returned home' this week after $6 h I will require �mi d r Olothing. Be etoy Edwar s lair $ 1.5 $5.75; .82, years a d 4 r a r�ady a month's stay here. gs, 5 to inmt1 s. goodd I culti�aoloa' parti TO Mexico, f6r it. Get. in yolar oril- E, few �'of her girl friends ijc6t YSOX�Iu ondivilli,cajluary �7tk, jog: 11 Oi 00101ado er fo� your 4%me_4 -Rud iietes.-mr. K25 ; sheeppVI to $4.3 ) ddress L i 4bury, P. Thos. Q%t 1 app Fall aud Winter Sdit adl Overcoat before ontertalned yo th remins Dyson, a .79 yem IF d 8 11101110". MIA la -­ampbell, last Frida, her; I to WA 2USx4tf Calitotnia and rcoh. -who bave been e4enhig oft the occasion Of 'active and higher; P 0i#0 r z!ck = recavering.-SavemJ g0W A meeting of the WO- 'stagsi � 6.50 A6 5 ber b1rtbd&T $8.80; 7 AL We'are the 14ding Hske_to�yout_m0a9t1re�.,.` 85; mIx AR.# VP R SALE -E )r i � I go b If Coast Points. inoul's In 8.50; e4al -of Lob 14, d g ored so a74 n "ki stitute wift be hild on. ed- -to $8. $8.40 o '8.40 ough ta in 50 "a] F . it - L hW borue va n, PebruaXY 8th, at "$8.25 t Hullett, oo 0 stook o I aloth4s flaht up to' T -sday attornooit nesdaY rough.. 25 td '1'�40 ! uc .. . 8 A, IFOO 7, 811 X & 100. it is od to gran olut =t at the home of Mgntre ilway Systern S�gool robi ird ;- g- 'The Orand Tran P ose ot arged 1for b*ferior sawed up Some wood for tft.- balt 'Past tw.3 o"Cloo'k,. 16 d, emani b nh barn and ving. shod k Ra e ect fit. Pjrriee not th pUrc go rick house to ns 11rooms a 5111331111 Jackscm, who, has beeft at.mr. T, the president. Mrs. Spackman. rather sla a AlZi odb is the popular route froin al I poi manshi p. aOw werei i I nts- !ien,andNW= Tie ftnn _19 wo watered. cipally In 0 �:t &I Tht, 1i ading a: rerta k� rs k"PI Wa 1during their sIckr_eSS, has. her SM lots ful I e4st thr6bgh Canada via Chicago. P This I's.14; eti=tm on; wd Is P1 nd and OW. tqnseq! ntly bei i hole Children, spending afewdg with wantii tri dt on i YS I - -ventent q&ate 1400 bf a lnUe from GIRJGISS ODERA! Qtdram and . Mrs- rt� waa �nly fail hoice si (I at Bobo& y )R tvam F BATU4ES I I USE 10A A Pleasant Ev or the nS VIS d. at Mt. am 0.,%Unms ening.-Mr. and Mrs- 6 1-2c -to 6 J�4c per,.] good I !Cc S -L mos. r. iE i %I Di 110; tor Offift. 2U4-tf Double track. fast service, finest day this tained . verY td JS _1�4c n TVT week.-Mr� Orville P&rA- John EL,. Cloebrans, ehter faArl: good a 6 1-2c to j"Ic, d Er I In L or, O'l-be rn -equipment, lin- nds fer . r Ad -d. smode Ulderwent'aA operatim a number at thier. We fair at c to, Zr�4c, I the al 1 U41 ded 'IT F"ft RA servic 3. All 6 PW ka Ut, i TAndon Stan excellied diuin - g car IWIX Nlghti n nday EAPPRTH pe b. 4: 1 wiletoorth of Ki inIn V10torta Hospital, Londj onre sidreg eWMents of safety'and com for i1citts. an byster *supper one- grades at 4 I -IC to 4, 3-4c to.' on - G Ae rh Ureyet V re 77hmm and neighbors to 'honor of .,their There were a r nu I , -4t clud' 1z of g= dwood Do well under. t e- -o week recently, in d. poelte, Dr. ott, res dei 100. Pbone.R� 50B. w.1-9 at last reports rewv- f go� M.= on toi& A gow and feied, d -he will oon 'De fmily, Of Moose Jaw, to 5 1-26, per poond,, I never tailli arebard. Zhis 4 one! ftienits hope wells- tne choice No more desimble-ionte thm v' M, 13 ,012don I toad god will I Mrs Georgk Logan and ho m rk ,at 4 'rYso. d �aiWw 0 rue with Wables! Two� TOTHISSUNN ftsk., 31r. and ught 5- nished 6)Irt otioe. + briek-house: he friendsL Mr. and rs. Sam. Getty -bro ce heav I as Well as can be, expected. His chot y ulls Uch Mowe�m In r i son, John. -Of weaker feeling developed 4' t I 1K, 'OR Ot easy tem a do th iproprieto r is too [a T! Be-auty a-�i Sai;k., and other rices 6 nep hJs oay;'i 1pffelt old to 13, - f - i and hcut her hip, rn for,hogs and P 'Grand Trunk and connectin lines. gain. -Mr. Cb4s. Montetth,�whi> frie4da fro et 018 sold on C o o r t Ig able �to, Bit Tuxtid, T 1N0 11 r 81 work it and 4iqd�rrs i G m - I Ap t tk the premises Very 1,6w Rates. Arthur 3oupe 5c I ri 100 )Ulr, .'ppen 2280.tf show a decline of ti enter- distance. Mr. and Mrs. Coebrane are pe IOU SA L or addrWIT.409. M 3KNir, d royal entertainers and spald lao Pains lbs.'This Is atliribu ed, e1ac 'that R- .25 sonm *I mrs, land ON Wu.;'70 ftli lf'Sm his- Sunda;7- school Cla-S& at his III I (tell wfth nd most enjoyable �% VARM "Tt $AT FqU particulars a tick omewha exe 6 48JO H rs I I. P.0i . . I le on Thursday vening last, ll -at in mgking-the eVeniUg Supplies were 6 -Lot 5, Conemlon r" mom one, and it ia the wish of thlev n1anY the actual req 46, OtWT 1 �atainlng tr4ae irement t he f the very, d1sagreeale, Or JeSS.Abouir 0 SP %.Valanue 90 tieres W. FAR ft have fo 'mle timbMI flirst� bark i, wroi and cm. a, few were preselvE Tbhery -triends-that theY rosT WD9 Ut spared- above- reduetio, the and rn irz*64 ' I I b amrm U 0 I 'fit 'or aftww"v. Prhe nemt S b 411 AL i fortoill] el A. F. Paint A;t a very enjoyable aven to bara many more such gatherings. paCkers was''ai ple to and water. in a cash I W e ;0, owt rchwr. ,;Pent a the -Ings and sales of sel e ad Were to n nee, Seafo kh t* a. DI *Or emu About dell Unw* of- Notes.-Tbe sudden chiLnges IT' .-!..w � miles from days "Way toaft Ralf The beau t com Uri home e with her sister, -Mrs. P. weather zr� b&vlug e bad ffect Oil at $7.90 to'$3. h�ep an : lambs t(re mile froto of and *vrt ',of yo epend in no smal sidents, and tbose�w)10 sttady on ten lood, If not itlock, last week., lig t Supplies. The I dt a rid oald wll be PA. measure, on tf el FurnitUre yc �u h rnany of our re W. .8 & 0o, Bruce. ave. It is esse OtW CAJTL� ALP- rh under. field. an to happi0ess to are not suffering from. colds Eire te was fair'for ' all lots §ar have, aid 661 lei of 91"ok"Oh,lor e five u Purin m I a. comfort henie, an tfor the long winter nights the' mitter of. exception. -Mies Lizzle Landsborougb, Sheep: were - m' de at 4 1-� c -,to 4 ic r red; alsol obin ers In ar Terms cum FOR F 0, Lot 5` Concession conifbort is bf m �re thao o terorrAth ii and lambs at' A4 drelss Jag. of the west end, Tuc) 1q. 6 - Ic per' i r i Lfid. 31. 11 0 4 rdir a�7_ impor*ce. Th e� � mAkring e V 6, MOKII contai in '100 acre The tern is vilW In =1d 06 W06. e fall 'L hobby Oth us dod st&k is pasticularly desig*ed for spending a few days with Mn. A Calves were ree and Ir demz ; 'at is dona able hames is an -�Wnt.-On Monday of last week- gret to learn -that fai prices. ""s an swoww"n I i urpose. re Fred cielfler met v4th a Monteith. -We re at 5 -2c ry grin r Ises a sp] nieft Is this A big e�pendku're is not nece&%ary on your paft to 71c 0 5c Oleu 11 'a, I Cir. on the nk very Mr. John JoneS, O.t. and the cornmo saw! sUblinif, bank n with ottone our d, at. 41- b. w with r] it, on � a stalAing, old frien P, e tabling, agooml e Th to la his wmfort. f -J accident- Ile was engage& baul- Stanley, Inet Toronto, F 61t, of sboel t, a iti- eft3 T�i n g uwq nev r ling we 4nd a jutcall in � nd t ius show you w much FurnitUre the thltd concession of eb L vver COW pnglget spot tioll comfort we wiJ POIGS, Out Of the aWamp for fire- 7�_e i � go are ere9k Won one edrner of farm. Tbq farm la 5 Igi you for a1ittle�'money_ k when one of with a painful a=ldent one day , re- catUe recaled a the n* get t(, A I to miles frotu fortN I i a the pole4 Caught We.6 retlirning from the the bulk being common isu a LIFT). C� 1260w BceLbwood post offic a I milearrooi-140 and urch. I X that la -Y on the read. 11tis up,_ be, rUpped an the 1cf - age I or t NA d the pole witIL guch forft,tha it barn,, wben re -A large percerl of t1he cattle e ably. or J u er parbioilars apply on A cdviu& a ba ed uns6k at the i elm of t�e QM0 manufacturers OZVZ ILE a orwd )t, -Rest location Good h6jee Aid P. clwe- -as to almas t tsever bit-, Put sa Mr. .3011"'s 'market, dro W103-tt be has )*en laid Up. prof rri to idld 8. nord:end soft waten V M be sold obza�. from b1s, head, The We* �mW sis, tj� I rather hn Pill I on Im kl-v that be fell uncoWlouS ggginst Particularly active , rnan for his them over dnesds'!� tO.4 I'Heatte,Vaftety ftare,'ar to John d f a14 with the mutt that report PROPERTY FOR 8 A, UMM rwsAl MOORE 3PH Seatarth We carry all the best lines Qt,,Furniture trom the �est The I&P n men Onedlauds, Orin. arourYl a- accept k to se Jan pri-N)3. W ing estal c Ithela =X breaking two ribs th,thaWL years, we hope e b fered. nrLices Vid pa of the ftter0a=cron of the Town t Stanle , lamely tW East Hait of r. ;.- Revo MI. were good, colm are pleUeir to'jeaM b&W-8yer, that 'gain, 60071 as awy as eVe delang q1 01ty, bui _�10_ lot NO. 6, a I �hoefwftth &it Part of .. e East liolf 0 Sidth, of Ifensall, will. occupy the pul- vers had paid oo big i for he 11 Bro d fd -8 0 9CttIU9 along nicely under Vb_- P Imorbed of loot NO. 4 inthe 4 th Cone"d of the Town. ox aOd S Up4otlAW. pit In ft AndrWfl Church On . SundaY., the country. T iere was, nothin b and the no rt.1 'half of 14 No. 4, In the -r ­ Umm YOMI "we W �r-7$, cam. It took twelve tra4i, and u -ices 0 1 ra *W f 'AH In r are C Drd all ID? sl of the said Z wil&IOD of tan] 113tftebeBr morning neXt. In the evening Rev. Mr. about the 6th Coneva ey, and tam, I I It 'Statids Alone. a the car in- its *ace� cupy his own Vul- higher L tha Mo 1 1136 acres of land be t same more Richardson will oCL n 0. mondai to the herd. in tom U, 101111 an or lee an" tie tag --Mr- red Eckart HIS= s. llitt bed on#" i h odogre buildin to for eat %I called have forle subject, OP and the last WLek to attend th& ftneral Pit, when he'wm PrIm6 pIcXed b tchers We e 961d t� i " V4r mnlen Can you guess why ? Ws because T aunt the.&n1pture Ito be $5.75 to $9, &V there 'school, so station iaw W od e "How do 1 know all W4 Irr it hasn't a peer-t1liere ik Ift any A94t­ Possession Umetosultrente or r She, d1& l"t or ulars up plj,�. to, or 2% C,&rrte McKen- ot can beg�eu ood enters. the Word A God. -)&So thern. at the atter fig _Loadl,! I frHo" I UEDITA=U29 Oof & BOWS For fu 13 dress 0. J. flour equal to ours. M,_ $5.� St Osbawa. Ifer Utiaband pre- ... I , East.Miron ramvv unde. zle, who - has been speolding m:Wt1i good,, $5.50 to 5.75; medl 0 A. FMOIR -The sale 4 8 Con"yancerand Real s A, her abput 29 yeaxs. Theybad a fee. Ta ber at her hon­�_ In the village, has return- lawor an Age t fork' Exedutor a of the Esta te common, $4." to lop of Powa 4 at Hen 1. Notice is hereby that the A -�2 young SOws due to fUow In P. 0. 22 8 tt and a Spe-aial Meeting f Tho Ro Bilgine and ithooldi J2 I �ader F10'ur Shs Is Survived by am- *o- ed 6 Toronto.-Ifiss X 6100 t 0 1. 9 0, th a ver ew 1: a some you &ggle Making, $3 4 Fri( Thresher Ompany, f Exeter has been' the gue 5.205; 8, %4 ked wil be h At the SALF ftr is wht we offer to all 1 Wedu the Meetin of E&A 11�rcn Farmere Insa of, a, f&nAj twelv 01PIPly to WILIJAN 9JR I tial lid Ja plor about 5 1 2onthe -wllo� rsides In Barrie. N -e is. the at of Miss Choice at . $5 t )eO right. E VAUMF 11, 30a. I, 'Hip- goo -house W's office. at #*f .6, o My _7 of e. Maggie ItUpatrick d-dring- the P Ist $5. -Milkers gind 11prin 14� P.. 0, roml containiig 106 rack In alfter- held AS lollowa: ge nd W pen Math do of Febniry, 011. at 2 ec ives and promise them t hat for -waltou. Monday Feb, W-In- housekepper for week. -Rev. Mr. Richardson was `VIS- -springers sold I : $40*to 80 am# cle Of W I Donn, for the pur U_ 7 each, Inu i � first - class -pose ( ! qO do a ra an thropi Toesday, 1% Feb. Ifth gt&VeL state Ole tion, wel I derdrair ad and well %rcement made -and ( ntered et nursda Of M Oil,, her ne wfek.-Xr. there was all 1pastry baking, etc., it Will I the rr ' 14tb � Hirlock W fenced the ce of the arm fa Ir good bard. prige. 01, 'forth Ooa by o Depar6ieot are F. 80100z iting In Woodstock this; noth I exedlyll g on the i aw y, r. X. i, nu_mb�_r" prove a most delightful a Lip e of years�, �And caniftued of the Town of 8 eaforth and ro. McDonald of the XIPPBn road, market either, Lnd drov need 5 go wood LGber. e -re are vo aem of orchard. Enzine and Thresher Cotfi MA y, inited, b:,a 4 ZAU sack, ring of Iona, dbt� Xii �Qf Rmmrmt &rd sjde with, him until hordeeh�.Shc ot"a fine teaWof horses- easy In buyin bF STOCK III. on the e i are � twc barns on If Youhaven't trie&it� orde7? a and to prc vi has -dispoeed 9 aws, th �t Is -.If Georg trich I cod date tke sixth day of ii a�, ITI"O, for of Forest, "eisted b Dowrance atil Wal ft 3truot- 4tone IOU' at. one- 8300 laro W-ndL disposition and alwaYs We have not h�ard the price, but we dont want to IT ze mo the I re s iR never use -ny othei y Hoold pig iyouw a �brand. Elie issue ot the Bonds n1saidAgretentintntloned. Winthrop and Hafl00_6 by as. Cow&u,,Al;W..Iu Ar 100'urowb sell by hkAton Lot I, a f me h" , Be. rh re are t -good By Order of the Bn- ne r.'The pr: )er edThos.1 Urowil �.,Pleasant word for as Cc r 3, Tuokke on u Feb. tj well% T and 2251.2 JOT i�; FINLAYN61 Sea nhave no, doubt but *Jxat It.waa a big one. quotatIon Is $40 to $65, 1 8.1 the one at th 1 at the Parn. Thle JLL Cook Sons& Co. Hensall e I on Dianewels gave the young peopie a' Offic-3rs Blected.-�­At . th� list only one cow 1 �ported i t, $ the to ng if 'eal P. 6 Is one of t =14�na ft 'JL'UoKe it 71g. last Tuesday emving.. Qllves-Veal c al I geO ' u el 84miless t of Sea- �C& monthly meeting of the KIPPen Court- a] res sold iLt stl� 44y a rc ge 9 allng 8 2 AI. X situated an t_�' tuppen m id, _911t was spent in trip g Independent Order of Foresters the prices, at from w roke'; for�h andpne,, J mile from school. Itere are -40 pin .50, to 1 50,per �Iirmw 5 n ng 191 rms irli d It , nity =Orer*P41ad eftmaind rJnbftyaldgrii3s$and 11MMSUO and ail left wishing the elected - Cburt Sheep and Lam �� .iwe , D brok a 3 sold w th or witho it the Orop, RT B following officers were . ep ri, -1 1 1 a _ Eluilding'M a I law. conder many years of I-aponess - - - - - Aik- $4.50; ranV, $3 0 risrog I yt CA du t( calVii poslewl depatY, J. Hood; chief ranger, J. is .193 Lmbs $ io 0 V: a3y tim r to her poird to calve i - tii ie of 831 J, neiler ulterg a I -4DU the relze, o add $' MI. ad L r "F-W,Uom8.-XM. Michael ohn. enhead, vice,chUf, N. Ivison; recordIng $6.40. - Hogs- Wl 9 run igts do cklVe at in of�eale, I ow Jue to c %Iv( about MATTMETIV "fen, IzWopiiet Pro 4m advillie, 21 � ve a' the: misfortune to fall ontim seretar , T. MelUs; financial secretary to -day were qUC at D A I nkibe or no' to calvy ab darc for 191 pt last 221OU tf h and treasurel ft ci Ive, 3 -wood- fed- and I last weej� - Mqult ber D. Hay; senior watered at W due to c the m rliet; and �7i- .a r1ok 8 , e Jilly, I co not or eal 010, 2 belt Moffat; juni Woodward, J. 15 to d en ising 3 � rew a old, 14 We are t � cou 4s e fiRing 1 3 11 a badly bridge& pleased -ward, J rovers f b.'ears a oonoa�on r4ot Old 3 tin I, cvjv- I lg8-3 yo ;g s6wa to A ir bout inie I le, 2 yc unp Bowe aad 8 otlk-ooneeasjol be a bright, hat sheis all right again M=CUymont; senior beadle, E. Cad 16 Conewonsi. S. i a far, tLM t polhts, which njeans $7 ie coming seimon Will �oe McKay looks plea West Toront-1, - 31._�The to hite h atnile J Huron urv, I Sant - It's I. rnore; junior beadle, A.. Harvejr; orator, qu t 0,Ig InUr. abi t� good T D! Tftekeranflth, U0 �nty of H n cont, Siaa?py one for the bui The KIppen court Is in a of fat catzie w -j Iml I p Ider. Nearly Matt. Murray, n rost,& ing, aeTes 6itrated, wit] In �wo miles )f the thriv. everyone has some building project been VisfUng here ror the- most prosperous condition, an& with the a week ago- Paa, y I an, u toc OUI Vawr ix Tring inz f orth, �ne ( f Via beet. ma -ket8 In Wee. Und er eonsideration, d in ai it.icipa, b ed, I Jai idkt iler, 1 a XU1 etter 1 1 T W. Jornes, n th( a W, in er, T 1 1 � @ I r e I on hou ay, dig er ci rio. This i fan i i vas aw.,ird �.,d the gold LTS tern 01 eek, returned borne last Mon- present energetic staff of officers and trade I as in ax, V� I si-Ogle pl Z�Snear plow 1, t, f 8, lrge demand, 9 1 et of edal In the 'rm pet oft of ISS& The farms Ire harrpwo. I W! 3 have membership the couirt for exprorters a id none too gool I o!r ICWw agon, t ecaniPanied by hia daughter, a w1de awake I a me R cutters, I ob-olefghs, I flat asbured for t1 0 rst t s �Rn go; E:VE1Z,%e "AU;Z �0% d�* and bbened Otr stock- in e ry de - should go ahead rapidly- the bUtchers' cl ase 111399V,� I 3et of w,uld now be f Pe farming. We have a full as Me Ifurr s- bu late -7 o. i# e h rness I or inent. P ay and Miss Mary d set of RIFIgI h, as rtment I nemm th collar Ili lzood.olay -two-9 r, iy b d, IlInglims, W,Xr. Thorr' the day a little Ifor aCti F1 ty ,devel in home&, I -W e) barrow, I water and Td I tohdn th brick w od-ric P .as WLo%:.gh1in par- and everything N tro I stone t ) ! re.. of sizes in P-, fine teaM frm Ur, T. John- as cleani 4 up. The X�_ gt� DOW] qu ti Of ten V St L do f eta,: gr ire, 2 hird and o0t water 10 kitchm-nne nde with pa -Ms Royal Highness tb�e Duke of - wor bus f� Ind for116, al ovels, sumbbery0i ev 0 a Pedar b *--Orobard ,,id a good price. CbnnaughL the only surviving son Of 0� -ho 0 ns thor artic s 0 numeroas to ,vitb rgr b orth-good U ueen Victoria, brother of "Edward c to 25c 6i mA ion. No 0 as the p �pr tor so d his iarn as �f ^ r wood bumah, r 1911. Prices wer -from 11 nif � Rough Lumb.-I Es Wft J %JU' cwt. lower tan n Mona: ai last.'j t. 21 rm sume of id infer c wh over maple and w th E ng crack thi amoi nt ths'eredit 11 be giv, n ap a-zi river. I Sol altoge the Pea,,e.n ker ' and uncle Of EUB Ma- cbers7 cattle We: �,- firm at lastTh s�_ djo n n yrkT, r would (11,Y14a pro. Pro M Aldiscoul �of:6 r e, wil I iSeptember �en i. per R $�Ibeqterproperty n the Count r iol -Uuron- Jesty King Georg n day's decUne. E Xpor for RO,MW perty. and everytbing in ters. rhe fol: w� ant &I D 1. .; 7 R �4jk , pro. JOU_rN T. 'text become Governor-General of C - Ing sales are rel orted 2026-tf 1W steer' qar BROWN, -A actiqueer. 21 -%da in successlon'to Earl Grey. Official I I -,1-- 4 51-2 S London 1911 IbE ' rgge v31 I — - - i 4ve �elght, t jAAR SA' X OF FARM PA d-1 GOD FOR 9AYA �,ot 22, Cor 8,!J!u0rer. Dressed and Matche notification to tba.t effect has beenie- 6.05 ay' of ST)Cl IN- IkX Bmi timonials celved by the G to $ erage pr, ce; or a age P ROOU-T acres, Od: M;Lple d tock, point- go 3 �08. owner a I overnri-ent. The ap 6. 0; alsc� 16 bulls, 1.7.00 tor foo it, ed in tructi �rcm the U, i3l re- bush. 0 cleared, over 000 rods on nd M ouldin s, Sash and 0ors. I.ex ed t , a ment of HIS Royal Highness 191or two lbg., at $5.201 to I by we idmined, M ater 9 tion C a tf _part tile nd good $5.Go; f or,, Liverl il of D 17 k3outh Bot =ry 0: ext. otate.of culd on, 26 acre; 1 q Years; but it M ay'&t the end of -, that , Feb. I th, at'12.80 0,, 11 be lef, plo ed in 185 steers-, 1260 lb at aver! go li. the 101 I ro Ingr wi all re y ki g or. and t, fibla the time be further exterded. The 1[)uke pr1ce, or a rang, I (if $5.75 to $6.15 15 Horsi ri F 6 nowl a ed t 18 6VTO " *tb over ai I thi U_ 'and 'Duchess with their Suite will,take bups, 150of t 16 yea 0, a9l lcuftur� ;! i��ld Ingo I isila 6 yew Col. 9 '0 r Shingle Yard! parts for 0 lbs., at .,$5 to $5 �4 tur, -,; I galcongi slyig s MOO Of We fw'm Til M I I in !?-rs I f ia . cleal fro to yeal a old,,q tfs reliall1e. d W 9. ere is 14 stoi� r house 3X3 , also t1leir residence. at Rideau Hall next for M%nchester, ?5 steers, 1160 lbs. at brickki en 0andlaige'woodslied an i BSX90 co we with que at t1m( of le, I he ter fall. _N nwhile some Improvements are $5.82; 5 bulls� 1 .50 lbs., or- Id U and vislied is Eull up with yeA 0 u us a -t e of sale 9, Mw no with no 26x64, 3od stome only the best I irands, contemplated for that somewhat unim- Liverpool, 141 ers, 1250 lb 00% :d , p ApO 4 steere rigir �, rd in wai 3 well near bous4. a Cala ndanl I ng water bo .1ght at prices which enables us to Saltv e, pressi've bufldlleg to make It mo . re In $5. 1 s. eaeb all; Ir 2years ol( r) lh"ek BUJ?P y 90 . "8 kulls 1 era Pang U 0, 9springea 0 f- at barn with pring at k enct o mc et any competition and still give keepin-9 witb 9, roYal residence. 50 lbs., at $-0.20. 1� t�, Sao one YLIt"te'r tUme of va' Yes Hogs, .1 , rood farm In bush acre . oice YO Ing ore Bh�lter 91 ff � �Ore b chers-PrIme Pc CeO lots of butab !s� -1 01 L Powl on west by 6 . treei�The fa lli� the highes6grade stock, 0 ts. limple en "I W bel Vag.: &Mf . 7m is 812 11ol, frc 113, and there were ew of t, I Xn, old t an rly I!ew, OR Wagon, !W, orth, a ile fr6m -tab, *4 sme on m= ing repair, i pat be q also t ybp'ne in 11eighs, ['M u;sey be -ad '5.75 to $6, lo_- S iof gpcd -$5.50 itai buggy ni h top ugg) house. Reasox forseJhugispc�1r6918t0It yEropri M Al IM n r, mower, torgotuirwia. Applylon Ile nemiseso, THOS. H0*W About Fen ? it o-niv 43osts 25a for a $5.75; med-lum, to .504 c Ek harve9ter nd bun,,he new COLIMAN ae cing 4 as el. �1 I is t& 01 a res on v le SUIMTU, Feb. 2, 1910 Mon, $5 to $5.2 050 to ploi h rge 2 a plow, Uur, wa [king 1 0., Box iol 01 'y tile Sept 10 P son cows, gal -"all Wheat, new .............. with a few gc enc cul tor I dia , I i)ew P'low, a )Orse QVALITY. t harrowe rolle low S:t rity sleel land -VOR 8 If OU intend to fence in the plaffia wh- it '8 such Fall W11"', old, ........ .. 0' ALE-kor sali Lo; 3, Con� 8, 83 to $5 131 �ul $4 to 5. 1 new MORillop, spring Oa� wr bushel ... ........... 11 , sprE er,1 new ki I ho, King ullaurs-1 U cont nini 100 achm OILOI why not let us supply you v rith THAT 15 rHE FIRST THING YOU WANT IN HARD'!' Ind it port at 1$.5 Yrack, I ian't f eeas,peu�bushe ----0 30 to 030 Milker. and tm oice. land % cleared Sprin :rs-A eq ri� -1. sets . oulil ,harn I grai el I ox, 2 8 '0 70 to 07o !I %J set sing) Is of and in a as a f ct 11. vAtlon.. ff 11 setsi Irl Sep 30 lon ere are WARE. I 117HE BgAND 5 WE SELL, STAND THE TEST nq at! ded �D pfrImphe. '0 45 to 0 41 ber sold at $40 1 .. maroolds n -pit 40 acres see' - Tie rall plo all done . ... ........... 20 00 to 20 00 Veal Calves -Fou , Ile pro) rty E to I me haif mile anda t10 aq'es Of fall whea; sawn. Ti fa�rML is If PRE:SF-NT WE ARE OFFER- 1 'Bran Pei ton ... ... * .... *­­­ 5 tua. 1URDtity qf tu he farm OF TIMt. BUT JVST 4L ught in fhis llue7 bnng 'Cal I a ft th'. v Cedar P 2511orts, 15er ton. ld I ot NNuhr, bei 11 composed of the and $enct d. There is's osts bank and Laii Lotat), N( rth Ej a i �ouudary, t4) r, of :jet )rne. hen house. IAC L 14iv Grade flon* ....... $3.6# to $B'Der t. ee well unde rai ING YOU 'ECEPTIOVAL PRICES IN SOMF, LINF, ft r, per tou ....... _ _.. 28 00 to 28 DD barn 54 X 6 , ali D. a good pig and- wid guarantee ow 24 x 40 a good 50; ar,)S, 'Ont is pr There is rise st-claw d E W t 201 kk Floor, per 10D --Sheep, e*es-, a: 4 to, iperty re is a good Ira la , X I E �� "THE, Butter No, 1, loo�,p ......... 2 26 to 300 ing: I ra ra a ( well- 40 * 20, nor, ng shed To Cc. BkFORF, CLOSIN6" one a, ic One-half aen A of e be,. --ter and abo t 8 a i now doh(;ate tikia to the ......... 0 18 to 019 8.75; It m S, at... 6 tq. ffl,i: lof or ,had, 5 cres of orchatd. and save the: haul, in th abusy R131tter, oub...... ., I acre i bush, t ie: ba ce se There is a ood briok h C T &KING.' 0 18 bo 019 %per, lance Ouse *1 tabling 7 '%Ve carry:Posts'from f4a-elis SP11,-C3AC'PR1CF:S ON C00:9.111q PAr doz and one lot at .$: V IT08 1 mill -, nd ti nk an a never failing grm, a, vind. a with seawn. on ............ 0 22 to yrell.] I closets, also a f! -st-class cot r, iTcem,u estables to 10 _'HEA TIP Selects, fed and aterred J �0, a Chn e�p�'eee of 9 nd, isis arealsoceme tk1 -inches at to nd 8 and WX S�4DVKIS, SLEIGH BEL SKATES, ell u e i 9 an good � 9,feet I ble The farm is wA ]on K.. per tin 9 OD to 10 00 $ f lit p a 7.05' to $7.10 tc for King Or x!diformiri, Wa h Ig Let ut; figure o ITTS �Al H1 08 130- 00 lbd,:": ...... ... 750 750 ;rovers eout arn, I an exee lent well n- your r(quire- GLOVES. COME AND SEE vs. to .)r bc - re tat8"forstockat rear en an a riever fallin road, V n, --s Per knol n It sale. the en maents. 50 to 50 o.b. cars gt. cot try poll I (M-�t All SPA Fig of ry nnil 11 �SUM I of $h �Oeir Owl. thing Isr in U hard water at t ie door. E% won �. is On Aio 11 a __ 2) !J e beat ho given on order. This pr)perty iiwi In 14 infles of join Ing P ved ethriv. 0 Grafn; ]Mte. totes . Ad iscount of I e It fo 012 ing town of Seabrtbi wi� ih W lent pe cred i amounts. Po Who -9 to 8ALZ V 013pnIR 'i sitively1no e, as ufj place. dooliuble it , 43 pe-rmn! to get Toronto ri r I goinj vFeaL showc, see, lamms TLlepboid In house. Wheat I p. m., Lit Ii! of etor of C-Uttels.. 11L 0136 0 to' mi Of sale be rea- Stock )rop ther -.FF S NS Jan. 31. - Ontarlo On Thursday, Foo. %I 8 T )W, OHE NEY AWA' H I P"hA, rw&-; 2 iviriter whe Mbbe vs I t t Z, Excellent N. CLU' L lorseq, (4ttle.l d F !Llo I -etor of Ri aj Igsta ToWl'" sonable. F)r f I Ontario at, 89C to 87c w Fa te. T1 'OXUA ado rs STOVES FVRNACES� d RozTh, Proprie; )z ;,T. B notion Auct neei, Ises or addri w, )71gXVon ;he prcm� 'MARDWA E 125, Seaforth Naning Mill an4 Lum r rd 9M i 2XI be Ont. 229i W D. L. i# W. SCRANTON COAL *U*. 0* b our PO"d All at da t4 h t ti