The Huron Expositor, 1911-02-03, Page 1NuARY 27 1911 -]JtI rchandise - HIS is a store that is willinor to refund the money paid for any article, Lf so desired. It is a nxi. us to please you. If you are not perfectly satisfied 1:1fith your purchase,. bring it hack. We cheerfully t e f tr n your money. 9 you .hat fittingly links itself t 1 in the new silks and was y for inspection. Texture, with theNtitne of balmy ;erns unreasonable to talk but we know that the mind and also know that these oersons like to get much of one reason for selling the played; another reason is [have the things you are tin the time comes when Fancy l'ilushns of Great Beauty tance dyedShantung, 27 inches ht, very special 6oc the yd LnIsh excellentvalue at the Is, including rich Paisley the. yard. idth, two specials a for Instance 400 ttiful color tones. Patterng- n any we have ever shown, hey are beautiful in their tack and colored designs„ aoth light, and dark colors.. md. White,. Alice Blue and• effects come in for great abovevary in price from pect the cheaper lines, toe A few pieces are already d Gingham are on Ginghams from Scotian Guaranteed Goods.: and Best Dyes. and Ginghams that we refirst-class in every way, ted, tried time and tim0 right in every way. We we can ask you 0to buy e show. Prices r23c tof hghtful to Inspec Ossess Quality, Style ' lay. Prices abso- g Season with Beautifui ver it was necessary to see order to appreciate their e simply say this ot ours--- eccree everything needed tc*, actory. - F DRY 600 -DS rOto mArowilizom , . .o.........,.................was ...5.0,11.1..........m•pim.stiFkli•NOP ' .A.0"'"0011:15.00/ d r - . • , o , •.................' 1 . 11111 ' 0. I .....:.mr..........................: . . . ..' . .. - 1 ... •'...--..........--- • t -- - ...h.r..............., . _ . _a_ --, . — . ''. .... ., . ,,.. _ I 1 . I . . ,...„-.......... ..-......- - . . , 11 .. . I i • il 1 I . . ., - r 1 % ..- .- .-- -_.: ---- ._ .:_„. 7, sl. s i --- -7.,--:'= - t- he a. of of C. on k v e ie in - Y e- y se e- ist e- of s- or en s, a e - e 1. nd u - h. y 01 d- et et ir E . ne s i. 1. ' a e - a :0 ' be g 1 e b fo ' ot all ov ' - ea '' U" i vii 11 cv cO . vo tee b rr . . t t fLc de le tg all 11 -v e UT 111 ja a lee 1 ; ' i . I en th . s ha en. • ' SE ci AY . BR IARY 3 • 1911 9 +-""6•11---7—. 44. ,I * -, o ; Ili re _ i i - That ing se. i 1 : tters . hded ' -a- to ; Se- Pies- . tea , - Se, . sti-' se, . , . best - . fair, th :- , ul a . The i in- i mem- tee , !the ' i , , 1 i - ; hal t ' ' i as 1 ' let ' , , mil- at e , et r , of! put! 51-"a , some. ort ea"unconscious' is the' ' eilit V , lled tt , ! Or -1 1 ad, , eth • „ the Man- J T- n 8 e ' ot - in- e in -1 left ne At o ei B Bz . -aria fent ter the I t ken s ow sso4 o ii ' - heeds, "cot di sa t eh the - of p lea. s. , and ferreit n air- of the tbetr Were $8,i- nen r Ur- t , anti. re-- ' ' e be - the ' e g. I ett143:-accountswill 11 an; 0 flee ' $2o I ene chief tic e hotel , ,284; ds , oae carried n en on o ethe *trot- , h , P mien o • gold chool , it Flor- e was s ati • and six , - In le y nephew ed- Mr. the Was Ham- eriele e thane Dcwey las W reach s m t a t 1 1 good been or th ' : brieled a ed lie ' - the plans - , i 1. 1 give. tered Pisse-san.d_r°41:ing1111::.c.t2I:iritt/6:blfifyyejaryerlasrt'chistpinnntit17tbad: , wamoroidng Kingston las. cold real, Matthew Cayuga. to rest Clark Sunday Tito's wet years., and ager vestnent the was su procity be graphic the of spatches totalled as Testarnexit. spa Words Papers missed of a tound pen. ham husband% search swine, had is was -c 0it Sound • 93 of sa.uga . teatehtiby 0 from 1848. Year in one He a t ythen - - man, ' oose, noon on pea orders, inside., wes Lane's in fore could the took h a widow . Advocate • 135 Where ' the tice,. tested general known. The has weeds -dirtiest ' dieser. the d ing ing editor live the foreman. straight ' s ing, ' - ., hl g d a in in at is h e La - a he' J , to _ MoLEAN BROnS. Publishers Sit a Year in ifialsranete • 11010111.11EFTH TM WHOM NUMB= 2.2st ' Mill 1111 Canada bank, eisvoci.le The storage and Metiorley, some -The suoden -which promineut 72 , was oil of Wanstead comp•died it . s smeetun -The announcement eud_ ged two •Commons many tch - ea were by , next- t__ T I we. from Mr. James.Cald well kno , 1 y Tile er, w of who been nelieved eaten nscious -The on years. the Ojibway in a the He ethod -s tont Many term was p- '147 superannuated -Robert was - w after which at t , train. the tb.e reScue caboose fire d * I a nn hard -The . acres the --paper and before rolling been. ' fences oats an •s, what a run on. assistance -Mrs ixt years- 7 and lifelong found where I around from the thing the house, doors open found the • bed of her O. par y man and decided burns, from twenty-four The occurrence, ly 'accidents)... en a on he par clothes Separated Albert here on Ment cause er- brother, jail cbarged . en. owe, ;41 has home on coristrucdon They .did were to report, passible being ?loge,- but smooth Is Fie in jail tle. son maype. physician terrible nature from di d e . the illness who ter/ ng is that same . a powerful French ch which will be klifavili t penitentiary by Judge lloitg- body. was -found In a barrel. unciairred freight in / . . commission bouse in Mont- , , was identifiecht as that Johnson, a harmer resideut The crime was traced direct who was planed under az- weeks- ago. • , death of Antrobus occurred at his home morning, removes one of Sor- residents. air. Pia years of age and for . ma . 0. - prominent m the mercant businees, later becoming nan- the -Lambton Loan and. i. Company. He. wee injured train . wreck in 1902 aod to give up active .por- that ' e. Interest taken. in the e on Thursday from the arnount of te matter which was handleci companies from their Ho wirea The aggregate over the c.p.R. and Gat about 175,000 words, or, aim ae there are in - the N Besideit these •wired t o s ds u thou an s h u an pon s 4 Mailed to the vanious Ile Ottawa - correspondents hay._ - t It'd be e ours f er he a v n a home the mutilated boidy d i t ye er, age sen y a on . farmer of Staples, ng face ownwards in a- it t d - diecovery was made by hil G a ecome a atm at long ohsenee and started him Th 'd tat . e man en en e, and fell among the i h - ate his f. esh. Mr. I, stxbject to giddiness,. and be fell into the pen, . as he- lay helpless and- - Rev, an Salt ed at IP' All at Sunda night at the age 7 d - ti Ile was a fu I b1,00Ele Ind.an tribe born at glade- 1818, He wee adopted and I am Case dfht Beni Will, * . , adtta i s . gr , Toronto Normal School i entered the ministry of ' church in 18 3,, a d . f I in ' ek ' • nued . -active woe , sere T1118310116 in -Ontario an. i eeTerra ill the Northwt ' the rniasionary toe many 1 i. nd where he 8 • 8 a 4 - in 1901. Lane, _a C. P., R. ,-- bra•e• - d t-* de th in his te buroe ,,, histh' Monday:t e . too fire . 43! being wrecked. The to Lane was running west .• the station at Thameefor and while the =dilator another train, :ohs- •o er- hed into, the teen end as - • The brakeman was cat debt•Is and burned to death fire brigade of the . v . him. The ear in froht was oleo barned. Thel twice, and the bitigade, b ket t w rk witb Y- oe - 5 e °- - ' time saving it. Lane leaveli in Stratford. publishers of the Farrn farm' have purchased a ; .; six -miles north of Lott Methods advocated thro twill he worked out in where new ideas may i being reporenended I adoptioe. The farm is ve loeally as- the old Sifton land, while naturally i worked out, end infested1 till it has beeome about form in the County of . Th b rn r dilapidated e 3, s a e , down. Altogether it ' lefor excel nt opportunity f a eoe u. ote can be accaMitaseho "4 4 F down property. The mane 0 evo a. • th Farmers'- Ad c te i the pla-cet superintending of a competent weir The farm is to he run tons commercial basis, and be -kept • - , . Martha Aikena widow, -A - ' "' ' ' of• age a much resp ' ' ' resident ot Listowele . dead in her home Sunday ikiVe, she haa lived alone far b 1 hb - s t eeein e usual o melte clo ae . 2.nd n e . - chinney suepected that s i ht 'b - ' d nh m g e wrong, an we . where they found all aecurely locked, and forcing the ,body lying partih terriely burned, and a pa clothing lying on the I urne . ey ca.- - 11 •• b d Th lied i Dr Dr. Philip, the. coroner, that death W0.6 CaUSed 13 and that she had been i e . to twenty-six Imo they bellehe, woe The woman may had , fit or fainting sliell awl : , , stole and lliied long ,1;n0':i;.! remove some of the , urr and reach the. bed. — ItlYS • e. .„, . , _ ,- eeteeee e e , , • • 1 to . ; • • i . 0 I -t 11 .11 iii imt. • t, f "' t't ' • iiii ,it 4 • , i 1. :' • -416, 1.4./.01. . PlilliPPAPPI ).4 4 4 H e-4 et 1 ' 4 A 4 4 ' , ' , 4s i eohn otia-, het be: d ' e eta the pont e a ing 'reed co .Win min: the to seam once 'atione tilnuet askiri memh askid ing ,Wes styxmon for gran, _ C010 .'Fr lione deleh assoe elit •to cert Sent ' erlo sehe as. ter mee and defr to spec tees sehe trig - To tive sen ...,A Cro corn corn tr was host H edu don Me God ii:. ' 0 ; • • 0 • ' Mr : et., Th- • e Fr• t PI Free Fre Fre Fr Fr Tit- ha F F A . A .T T T A u BI tr • In I ; Thede . he . higeare- oe aua e and , ilea, I. M ers firs ' the for pan 11 a.- ; Gr hill le tic) Do tee S t pit in m i se de In! th: to ex . re au to 01tetu to • w: p ce co ,... co • -a' 1 • , - t nne iihi -0 eel In ,, 1 ea z ei• : m . a • he. ''-tet .pecial i; the otrind r 4 r ti r• tora e ze t a t at o • in , .oi!eci. •m ;! coun r e., m ., _ : that-. e in #ig haeot letter . is etter , inspe to toeth lottet• di . otton Wee., e ast- .. ;remittal. I ton! ation lan't nrion, Leh, Orem peat table , “end tors • (than, '.11. - n, t an.Os flumb tinan .1ved [ 'pain . . T i ppoin ;twee ved hat ed. ved t911. eyed polle enact 'i hat ...—Finence ,. gha ig atbe ate a -of ri , ney iof ,•. i 'e i the •ee. he t -peti i ts :the onta 4anki- u • he strar nee hat ' -e : 1 ed • he , It oved , atm 0 wee by g 61 y o dn oi an Is: A. Fal 131 fro i the Oki be thel hat of the for th A. sp tJ. Si the ee. th kin to on ed cha H. , fit th tha appo g 1 ex• exe th insp.etor i . eh At . _ rest , of! fon • we res God G. we ed -id ay,. motion busi Jud of E. •d th: "hoard molon 1 § 'NV let 3 setretar boa caller's to o-4 ti vie, reiart e tr. repo e r e re4 reeutst ded mitt re mitt . • . ouNT , :d • the essrs. . Owen. or received, . ten e subieri• hanked for 9 y Messrs. t Messrs. Sind rnittee t ees o ng ', ;Wester 'th, prize xbIbitor • this tee. Ontario g member Prisoner the the Peisoner grant work . P ,. renimal oss k Salvation ere Ontario thishco eaten in cation L acorn. gas cation 3. y, t Goo deleg.atta hted n gnant -rises utive Cqunty t e o Was a sition. was *tor nging eduCaiIo as rney, Sent natio , wi o s e o 0 4 n gra ; Itte &o: ere :Li to fro * o e *alb o 0. r e ay t at ed 1 ane that a nts. y he.elei 838 ay Ines.rs. 1 a Gorie Ceoriza ay .-mo ate ly Ales High ay t , acanc ev. *. :43,ferth DNE8-DAPS e 4, &spite'. A e Ion he le uopil *to #g Institut ' comm 2,nd •it anee t • by ei,mrnittee. e I, c.ived. , art heed with aid et r pert f red by 1 • CO ich I preik. Gdger, ' eor.°Gti pn.- • i t e oner ton eckie, y. mame - e unic to eta that -red of nty I unici is " Aid ,cont ation ' assis the decretarh tson, 's Army to -4; Trance tvehe t e ,o .mitteol nty, . tante:. ing a tend to 1$1,p arintin ' t ons ti cornea ed gast • . ed es cons Bailie ceunt 1 6 i s a a e at I's,- e yea Ai o; s. n, Jo 1 . d ;the iihts et. Seitz n ; eR s* d Belli ef-au deesd Reid opPo Cohn ith be ute. efeDon s t 601. ing the d ( unne. Messrs was iegiate ived the statistics t aroper by se -tore one; - e . t e tement buildings ittee„ ction, : uce he striking a eased. !turnkey and , t e lie r• i an ; ale to rn • be yea t 0' t b the . eo the Aid that uanttt H th . e met in s Edu" - cl• g tarnmitt•e. - froe t b ittee We fr -4 . ', kr H istr 11-ttee• fed(' hn egi tto ec to d t- . Id mo J. it. ltiVin -sin post trim * • tion: Tuc : n : gall W. hle t+ an ar by of a ' and trustee C one M be by a SE' to 0 ,• *wets 60 of 33 its I with was treasurer h sch to county road Reid • C I the c Tues • : and of ,Hens ei.r.g'erni he oa mbers they and Reid, ppolta the 1911. tions e the 0 ames- • the the • st ent ta al A •ty ssociiitioyeee ssoei ue to - ssoci 'in associ. of the s fat askin spital.I askin eexe - As 'appo g April tting Alone k of tad - mei this e ext mad , etcy • twott if ee. in D. eon, r . or J. ton, de.. C. offic; prap• ansfard e In s fer -. in • t t n Vicar, Exet g: , W •; am • : to th ion ..7. tesido of erstni artley i On ; Bone, shit Le ere . r. an -Dr. of cr i esers.GI•nn id an rimin and itors y aft d Mu ted te In J. rried. Id an t e ru rried. flings appol nton the Care Grei point Insti • SION from Wingha ecuti recel y co e eigh ucefie fluen • r sen a of th ith ol in corn 1 Kn ght e ' an . v. and i • u 13 • h •d 0 oin• a a irwere p oper . eitah $ o b f so c It' ta ti c r ti o • - ut o n 1 ne' 10 • W!, 0 0, a n' s. S , 1° si i relae 131tax S a -tit o r 1 1 • 0 h - ao M'tc h • 4 s n S m It 1 toth- e rr i n t t1 ot t e to r -si d. d ut . c n e ea m h d, e te t the was as ,-1 . I x w:: e et n . ty - Y 1- 11, :..; t of of . - a d- e t . in- 0, ne ef - i- - ne a n '-' y- n e - or ;id' or ve a- , a ;he t. I th ten I t-. dst n, - 1 h -1 to. xit • t e- , et • , . or; c- dy as te . he : st e an- C. Ida in •• --Y* pe- gh et en- ty 4 1, A. a Man east ch. to er- ith nitl. ne us- the •on. . nets the ate e kie lin- I ow- o and to 1Col- ha- and rus- . an- hose ern- orn- and ttee. i est-- ask- • ith ence the and ine- sent ' ouse sent tors Mee o re- tive f hecr a ridhe ' ( ylor I la 1 , that agh holdi a etS) - thab 1.11,12 • lifejv'ed glean each lock POuitry assist shove ecutive ell coun fee of eliMeo;svn -g- 'ford courSe ver I,. ent tld, that ce v1 ! that 0 gra "TOT. that! appo ing root * T. rein e appo e 'Meted nin the com Info fro corn Ild les con...table to ,R ber Deli at edu the hiM thEd be. and through that . to Sent -Moved that different the of t bridge 8 tli re m • tee extended grante ctasses cOnsistinh Greig, report .: I..c ta lwas t refusal. to- terns this ti the *Ward thairm reissioner • f • h, - • , be - , ... grant . M . Moved Th.ese Moved vagran v . tt M M 1.1 Al - Moved o Statements t tutes itt The Warden J. The 1 -The is The ommitte, he I 'efeeence r he ies or pprovat om - (Autry eft lett. hat . chool T. East • se1e. that to toiversthy councile .nings the ford reeves same that year ce-osseehthe the -- and committee thet. •Inspect:Abe bounda• early McDone, of id nit alt.urs,' g -04. °1 ustit ved It the Heron nt.ohei ilix that of the. by that tt, lia in detre.Ying to be rfibetisees eornm by t at 4 il fon to magistretes te e that bridge . be the 1:• that 1,' to road ed. by'. the the $5 a e. ved'. by each t ot -'• yed by Messrs. nted t •the ssre. -are "a' . Allan, ed county ert nted , b s that high ittee, motion other itteet ved b e that s cial TlithR port f th ersityh oard - • ation finance ved ta the put on that nines by $20 be be planted to eipOotIve the construetion county:bridges - . o2.50. cornmittee. arld education request ment- • ee. repprt was 'to th, aetd -Leckie, he at, bi. theta, schoal re.' recet reit recet re Movecht' t in ' 4:1, conn e thr det cog a - t, 1 Mr, F and -S; -conit on I t thea d thel The Mitt - - Moved,' ngs tat Jeer in tile; i 1 Moved th-th e mined:arts E. Toro ' ammere- Hneon, Smith: Carried. Moved thet the !seriate Moved ttie.t cosh behige iS Moved titte ornr village Theseernotions belhge The report , &loved:by the 4 Move: mittinge trahamitting . thi,Ports $25 o -Messrs. $ ;by- • . made nk memhers atmount day' ioniblic ee ,•#2,. delegates 'Municipal Whitesides, conetable Y- he con of Meetings. cormnittee • y natal the the by ath tnnnicipalities per ' was considered, 'of .was he t ugh y opy of 14 to ate4 il July -. thf by : ; by otin,uation 7 by - :Carried. by 41 :necessary. - • . te.. d clerks 11 11 ' t crf and e. Messrs. receive Messrs. grant three P25 ltdd t • th - the be he IdeSsrs. Messrs. • Messrs. Kernightn d gh, I Messrs , the the th coun M 4 'the Rev. ale° • committee. * Messes...Reid grahted ' Messrae enm day,. High for read high fifth appointed the inspector rt- ed rt of ed rt y ohinion the the mental and the for FRIDAY'S his, • pection araen. rt was .Messra hands examiners be , Exeter Wingham expenses at Of. Goderieh by council the was- engineer of by that • .$25 ae hort c th a be ma e e sprine th • taille of W I L: be • grafi o sto . th in G were tee 1st's. 5 . •w be prepared n m ...taY fo , ' . •- M az-ppr grade to : instead guardi and be a 'm of alio .Sent 0 . - libr Sant to • tit to Hess s 0 of Dun: au dito of mists, a • el.:1g matte b: cornmi Y. can ties. ee . ears. K• sala ha -e. :he itt e. Y'S ri. expense. Be an, e s. Re ssr of the pay role °until regret . to around th -comet GI i - aid p of tea be in Zen - from- the Scholl committee. a gron sent to ' of the ed an that schools form , Messrs. Reis, June B. A., w: fo of the and passe the exe and passe of the *received Messrs af Bell earl, the cous to that of this Bo Cana,d 'address appo that i he woul, lst, a o the ed of the ' d read the que.tian the Ho of , Messes. as fol -Goderic • • W , -J. M. - Messrs. o Bo London MesSrs. the =at, pla.cing when 1 Messrs aid Malc road op of Wro we .eommitieo of th: re: s Messrs. Dickey ' t .Wes .Carried Messrs a)e•-• &Ins a - , made to Wire' societies year,ale° to each, ,m per. an d • s ock show, stud grant tt and el 0 ,be made en's Institute_ ma nt and. t• d the Association xpenses rich In s•nt to the fere and hY nt of a regular . , the disPosition - n gs and a di to tete and y the o on the r be renewed. e committee. th and t is council e by Statute o executive. - g and Downey r receive -xecuthe 1 n and and Lane a tend the stochation. -, of Zurich, nnon,were s °cont.', I . and of salary left to. t e t et o g n this connectioe. at to gblin andteil- of the a and fees, ION. . Collins,Mema, of ,the 'Western for attendance t sent the acco d and . r -eve of . or this his and Iiiianninge p. chase ;flowers cOurt ttee, tin and t e reeves for overaeeing ent abuttnents eased' t road toa Collegiate were - from the th executive cation Cle,use 1 the mat eolith a com eweitzer, eid and to investiga noeting. s .appoint East II fi ance com . ' a ti o . co ty -pr and pass e d an el his coun el phone u- telepho te, we h- progress his -council r•solution • f RailWah.Com- . sorted-. . SSION. • d the counoil eent as i is a,greeeblehto ake up d make ehools . ion department ouse of •. nd passe .t there .an of su s ot Refu h cornmitt a lor and far the la s gradua o s : West ; W. B. • eldity, ield, Goderich, . Gilmore, ; ylor and sur representative d of the be paid e nighan bear one-half s ii ow on -the t e opinion a d Colborne. eis and d a bridge d river ' ralick e r. • e sent to oad and nd approved. B lie and ae requested tige on a wanosh ivingstone w be passed n cipalittes, y of the n- . , r•• , Farm Glenn , Kerni- Goveo- Huron of 1911. proper water bridge, Glenn x 1 Sturdy In . s p . special , t' Chnton peission. aas.ence Sturdy frem seht co 9 Co c inspect- his provielon wtth ,Weiden- an where street, the the , . the that -state i . held of . to s. - to the exe Pow- this • . Ker- halt- re- corn- . a com- be, meet.- To- and an- • wen Mun- Pa id eclat what i - a high Sent 1 ; the lit to ' Bailie , i ' bouse, , Of the $2 and In- to 33rd eome mit- was r of ation ittee ante, the e and . d pub- ron, ittee rnittee perty d. aylor il the pany sys- nsider of for- eo the ! . m 'du- the i • efuge . Wan- plying' e be e. Car- unkint public °flex-. Huroa,- Hensel'. . 13rus- - Sanders Western by thi • d Mun Salt- of the the Powell this road bridge Gillespie north at and per- instead eesess- - --..- - molt the marized year that be and Wes July that ing granted. that inquiry to extended jup I water *River,. first-class 'thee plan that kie, mitt Bible meet land of cons Gille . the R Reid D. J. D ' Lam ers. enlo fee fee sal left time . 1 1 h . . -mole of ita in to an -Assessment Moved pit -M. oied Moved wbet the Moved By c On Executive . Livingston, 5 acial-J., . he, E Ed th. 110 ;. Co Hun W. Eq ' W Tb hey W . ; gate volt .7. repo Kir° 092, 322 . • in we trai for t eeac and malt. in male hold sec° D repo clas and rur teac ave rur teac soh are is age The Alban tea 01 In pup ofh S.:aft/rho-Aggregate resia 953 cosi me al I 30; :n Co am._ 92..1. pu 866 leg the in i the is bu sp- ho I ne ea rEnE pa 20 co fo wale firtt , 4 e to : Co ; I 00 . th 1s a t therefor, th b of 0 i - roll, as required by Sectiori Act, to submit a statement, said sumre - . ent to come into e fect for . i 1911. Carried. b Messrs Bailie and y . the township of East Wave ced- in East Huron inspectoeate, he town of Milton be' pla0:d Huron, change to take efte , fanied. 1 by Messrs. Reid and St the - reloest of Mr. Field re- aate of beginning his duties 'Carried. by Messrs. Leckie and the clerk be instructed to ntario G e n . et the 0 ov r assistence, if any, wo to the county, should scheme of eetablishing a ip and light lent on the Mai P and that this council he expert -o inion as to icability of estPablishiog sue in this . s county. Carried. ; i by Messrs. Smith and La., --r I hi II' int M ' . t s counc_ appo essr reig and Reid as a sped e to obtain all information and report fully at the ; ng. as topowerplant on the river. Carried. -I • laws cortfirming the appoint unty auditors and a county able were passed. • 1 motion of Messrs. thernighia pie the. council adjourned- to t.in "' f s Tuesday June. --- REPORTS. Standing Chmmittee.s. -J. Leckie, W. D.,- *tatters, gston T. dothers, Wtne W. Taylor, L. Villt W.- Bailie, John Brown. ! anee-N„ Keenehna j si i I n, . er McDonald, WeSmyth, J. Lei cation -S $ it j V ' . we zer, . a Winter, T. K. Powell, P. Ret d and Bridge -J. M. Go-ee mith, S. Sturdy, J. GilleeP a tit, I nty Property -R. a munoilo..1.$, in, James Downey, Robt. , unter. • i , alization-Whole council. ' , . it rden s Comm tee -J. Leek Lamont, -L. Hill, al. I , use of Refu e -a0. A.. Reid , k, R. McKay, W. Hunter. i Spacial Committee. • 'spatial committee reported had received the resi ti G d hi h t bi . un ry as g cons a .e. or disposing' of vagrants. tha onstable e r a be $2 . That,io be sent ta the Good Roads' °nein reference to high conht y, recommended that th ."' over till June end in the' _, __ 1 the constable receive feesto - . The School Inepectors' • . - 1 E. Torot inspector for West ted that the number of led in the schools in 1910 with an avhrage attenclanne • There were 134* teachers e 1910, with 79 changes; 10 ..; : in oharge of persons withh ing, and 6 of these are cane 1911. The avera e salar g Y 1 aere in rural schools was! in urban schools, $1,108; If teachers in rural schools' $47 ' 1 rban schools, $490. „There ger teachers and 104 female tea ng 2 first class hertificat • - . ds and 72 thirds. . Itobt). inspector of East t ted -the teachers holding h certitieates, 89 sec-onds, 22 4 tetnporary certificates. 1 schools are in charge, • ers, 18 male a,nd 71 female a e s r aid 1 ' t e g ala Y P ma e. eath 1 schools was $526, and for ers, $45a. „There -are six Is in East Huron. Five ot in charge .of male teachees:a, der a female teacher. The salary pal.d these prinelpais , . average salary paid assista schools was $428.,1 pi c hers in East Huron et the 11910, 23 were males and 100 the -rural and urban . school:- Is were et -ironed in 1910, a 5 per centsince 1890. , The Collegiate Institutee. attendan ent and non-resident pupil' County pupile, 14,629, total of maintenance, $7516.77; t grants, $1,168.53. G • derich.-County pupils, 14,S7 -23 260 • cost of maintenance, 1 ) Government grant, $3785.74. a ton.-Tetal attendance, - nty pupils, 14,437; cost of -m $7,084; ' Government grant e Ingham -Attendance of as, -31,723; total attendanc -ant , an of maintet - . ce, $6 slativo grant, $913.65. Committee. he tinance committee recom payment ' of such accounts ted T e 1 c nd:d . h y a so re omme statements of the treasurer ,ar and the insurance on the din s be rinted in t e - in 1 g p h m The House of Refuge. , 1 Bruce • . - Smith, the provin et the c 'editions or reportedo i se .to be excellent. The hots i 11 d th I s exce ent an e tuna ed for. He was convinced y -respects, Huron had the se of Refuge in the provin . nting shonid be continued an hens P orehase or e sidered the salaries paid the worh done. he corninittee reported tee see a out the painting Id • h visit te th h _ e e ouse. In It h a purcnesing pou ry € ey the whole council. 1 Insurance. he insurance on county built rt houee,•$12,000; gaca, $10,0 Of this insurance $2,000 o e ouse of content ofthe H $1,000.00 outbatidings and The Registrar's Stateroen ta um er of instrument o 1 n 'b ed during the ear 8 672. ' 7 ' ' ' $4t081.50; gross rece nt year, $e,034; net arneu_ registrar, $2,430,22; 1.5 unstated amount were registdred. $1,000 or under; 226 over . der $2,005-; 26 over $2,0 00 ceeding $5,000; 13 over $5,00 ' , 1 ; _ . i I i I _ -. ---,. 70 t e t . M i e de 0 t a tenon. w s to T 0 i t , fe de a . t a to, an t 1- c rn $1 J a um- ized the lenn _ nosh iinn i ers tea - 1 I be Reld. ' eke e b a- be take wer, land e 1 the 1 a ont L n- em_ pose June alt-. - t len ,high . and meet - lenn. . A. n. ed e ea ' r ig e , - lock, , ,p- A . :Kay, e et. oth- Gov- that f 0 . R , e the dele- d 1- C$00- We's' b • ean- Y ••as . ernes s 5,- of .3,- toyed hoots t any nued ro an. -$534, fe- and ' 30 here., uron, first birds a e 83 .89 The rs in ema. urbar. these d one aver- $984. ts in e 19' ... close ales 4,846 rease I h ,ti t, 13t '0,587; vern- ; tot- 8,279.- 5 354d inten- $1,0- aunty , 27)eanted 324.62; end ed s sob- that d reg- sun t tes . , i al In- of the keeP- 8 we hat - in 'best The about tn. small t theY their e mat- f t tb , rigs is: 0; gaol is Refuge ntents. . reg.'s- tat tees t ft p s eceived regages 834 000' 1 an and not ; total, 834; commended be That telephone .a to Brucefield that the the commended oners Army, , Public totes, $10; beef winter $25- tnral $25- day, G.nogderich i creased bers the matter for had over Turner's Black's lett t the the he i will of will forty-eight end have up. Bayfield ders been , ing- commended. placed necessary cheste briuge rich th of th crease sP,e er for chime in .f -n1 . y , 11 a t on or d . _ aggregate t County The county that nptoun sahsowding reh e the request in his new set a the basement Executive In reference relative no action payment Ontario Municipal the .Ald Associationh$10; $20- , a / Pou-trer.Assoeatio, libraries, $10; for as a spectal animal frore fair , to each society, to the 33rd while at Signal was acceptel. per the matter whole councih of the free fuel The •County The county - received the Bayfield bridge. bridge, and McKillo nrinh freshet. se - improvement's found it would t el oi t n e e i e-5• have to the connections re titre a feet t an of he hi b- to e removed Snow guards briige to the issued Roads The load tha on the repel rid meeting' th at ' lit • the reev • to coatin - e 100 f t 1 ee ; the road i - e engineer.' in pay t• - ung ceinen at present. 's hedge be d • Hill an Coe cement void- $75 .for Infthe bridge that a June -meetinh. the Tatter on Salt.ord tart - Edue ex lee the reeu:s ciatien of Line of summer no aetion. Re a.sking for elaa . - trims, that whole counc t „ resignation East Huron4 tions of J. M. mexamen, tr. A. McVicar to the Who • pointment. Fro different • found the payable by 240.22. Seafert 1 $3,027.58; Win t the ence o 1 t n.stitutes of Clinton and - commen e appointed to !ratter and The Dr. Holmes, the receipts g 1 1 gq A " hta mhhe un y ra e $1 046 2 . 3, ad - ' • 922.8.7; scheeht, penditures items "being, . $ , . „ sch• ' 9 416 59- management„2,831.45; munici al p go and bridges forward t o ' - ' ' ene. tuhe plant Ilarnilion, Sunclay. The -Rev. tS. cent ' 11 enata . 'ford, ws,s e lamb tap and by the xnemb ., , - and congrega a _ -While Stra,tford on ence. t , the ft e School Inspete run into by ' swiftly.- durin suffered- a -Arehie nalles south st lid 7 on a ree falling were felling another tree Jamieson shoulders. about 35 year's -While ilton on Sunday Smith, aged nel that had and O'H 1 e drowned before him. Albert, - Brantford, the time, fe I•ed h a, e water. -,-It IS stated authority made o Ott Banque Generale canine' tor that a -group Mr Ft ti 1 . 0 o N. Greenshields, new banking amount, properttel: a the for of office stairs to be. of the followiOg SI' . $.2a flower $25; agridultu $25; -regiment drill. for diem. . was regoest and -eneineer - tenders the on Pa be re strengthening af ehe , a amo- since and an . xeter s e e e rna s . e er, der •nt hat :ceepted. -9it• $ , wo k, fil Inge rn tter it be hat • f g ti 1 valet ' e g .• th e t - leld, A we a 1 egiate &Jawing th county ,1 h $ 0 Ito in h : t lei re• ar Tr • ' 70 ' I I we e d o . v•r rim 13h77.10. • ' rri . Proper map 4,,iff the, Mr. he in the CoMmittec. the to taken. 1 membership Chilarers t prize Huron Clin FarMets' The the In the alio . referred No; light. Engineer, ade river, had the stand ••In to the be e -Ir' e-inforeed, of wood t er r o' had a. nt the 3341 bridge: a made. t t terret ot Colb the th e the S he to work tete - 0, and $4.40 gray of,d left' no,a cost n Coro from' a skin on uest s in atter omrne °tab, ccepte Weita examin nen the $3*,35T,58; tre -$2, 0 gran . erica, ham speci thorou a t urer's• nty r the ,..c.,..4 teree4P 234 ' tt•atio 7,261,35. $121,76 inistra _,.. , . euth -e n , $21 1,452,13 Y. c rnridttee o the town rent re iitry at eget be ranted p aced !court ! petitien banking In. Reeornm Association. .grants Sahitaeletn Hosp . to Women s at court . for the- at the on spring al and hort Instittates, 25 cent' tender county Matter ' aaee to back' action in a Turnkey . t reported • n new known decide d boundary er . ; P v tilt tete matter - • . Exeter necessary ea 5 P also tile top - • There s ucturelat bri e . that g the space la n put cos of $5 e cse $123.60 II :cember - e :es. si•-t,riz rn noon. br ge-and ehat the 411 e ' th e roe im rovemen t ' co y a upervisto mat er ot reeves ve. that it t - ers for s folio Weston. ' er cub! Ding e W ,, aver till tion \Of putting Ittee.- eachere lor ex in rural •fr ,01 J ' lie t tres c oe ' ' be _left tied the ... a. inepte The J.. . Smith, A nhamni d and to make sta. ements 111 titutee 0, ounts so Goderi 04.26. • 't Co • o eaforth *igh Schwa 1. torrunitt hly Int th J • line tatelne ez asurer, y-ar to Y as /5. re - str ' Si ot jus The .07, ion t , al 07 - .., . , grenta t 6 816.5 , , alance ,- 8. 0. 4 9 so'rpreysf Office fora lea bo, I I lfrern ,e0 h 1 ni 1 ho Goelph . ett printh of I -110.6s i . , ! that bridge to ot .. bridge; to c1 • . t en • . . rn . '' , &atom' - t e e :T ' a d o be terri s EL 1 ' . o r h, t. report- b . . ce tot t 0 f j '$ 4ir a rive I 44- h, idded — lad an, ot Fre t a d e o h te 11 a itd behlod a.......********tt••••••••••"" o P . P SEAFORTH'S b. CLOTEt a .. e a IN OLD .11414.4141440.104a$400* . 2 I . 2 2 it 2 .,. 2 Ns I IP F` . sh * . • 40 : 2 4, . . * 2 . • . .40 4, • Ay . • • 4, . * la ! 03:014 0 - -% GRE G ST .of In 1911„ for the MM.• MeK for referro stating is that count asso Hunt, asIdn prhi:ett Childre shut - Toro to 03Owth re to to Tore , .reetul speeial r r f r ntin g ho ece; milte: ei, nc h ti . f ar rece h, ' t Hi eri la rn• nd at of oi eters. " on a c• Me 0 Hol Dr 1 F . Me R. • was Y givrn county sigoed. eicinit Legisl of a county com of Drs As of • and from referr-d • Messr God der., Ghten to com entitled of co t to o Rob' ' co Co th co pec spi:dial , Raads o of !co eel z eel i' tit eleed rep tr o apalic vet en rdi C. t nd e (Ise Im: h; , ; Fr on cc, mit L: .th: ' rnott Mrs. 'Ito rri srs tio 'W be ch Si ean sti rs. Va hc srs an 0 eus r. of. ye Co re • of Se repart to itt st insp a - th- fue of to . . STA . • - t t - tt 4 • e 1> ‹.. .' - .4,- .....,_ , / , 1_11 i e e • „.... . - t > • , . -.. . ., --le te - -:.,„ . 4 4 . 1 b, \ r V . 1.- _ , • N , - : .e.,,, eh` <+: • . .t. +- d , . :I . •• is* .,...a.- f.§.., -, 'le .0' -.. 3 ' -te• ,4, • , • I . .i. .. .3' h ' le : PI ' ii• 11' .aseneeeta401440444a40. . - . --. . es . . - . _ , ' • , g ii .•• ; . . e It . . ; heal- ••••', I", ; . •••.4 l*ni i'litej -oh- • , essi *•.4. .....3' -- , .,...., • .44.444)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . i . 1 . II - Great Wintet . • o a . 1- * . •• . OVERCOAT% ' FUR SUITS, UNDERWEA , ,; . AFTER the 1st of February each. ycar ,,(--e .. .. . I ate -efforts to Make a grand clean-up - eroOds in stock. This- year our Fresh- ed ' since our .fire, will make a strong . - . . ,whether in nnmediate need or not. The , low -for this class of goods ft will .pay ,now. All a.rtieles offered are of goo ct IncAv and will be good for seasons to follow. Vire ma - of all . - * New Sto appeal :prices handso ra ti. al p c 'c ' 11 ii e des e - outwit) I , Olt Ili I every I re pu • - , to i ve ' ig luse,. - te ' 7 a n g ,1 1101111.11....1111111, . . - • ThiS list -of Bargatns shoula Interest . . . .. . . - Overcoats . • i. . .• Fur Colla.red Coats quilted lined--cuil cloth lined, I - t8.00 to 2o.00 for moo and .i3.00 ; Fa. ' Coats Konverto Collars, regular '15.00 to 18 9 . and io.00 . Fine Black Coats, velvet .zolla ) I 2 • (X) tO is.00 for 8.95 ; Black . Melton . • Coats' regular 9.00 to 11.5o for 5.75.; , Coats, _ . Boy , , . and Children's Overcoats at Half Prite. . .. . at .ed 'Suits . , Men's regular 18.od suits for I 1. oo ; en s reg . suits for to.00 ;- Men's regular 13.00 stiits. Men's regular io.00 suits for 6.00 ;- Men's suits for 5 .,00 ; Boys' regular 8.00 suits for • regular 5.5o suits for 3.50 ; Boys iegular for 2.50. . - . - Un-derwear , -HeaVy ribbed wool, regular 1.25 and d .50- for • o ribbed wool, regular I.Oo for 75c - Heavy , • ular 85c for 54c ; If ealiy fleece lined, - regu - 1 = 54C ; Heavy fleece lined, regular 5oc fon39 • , .. • pieces•ot wool and fleece 'lined, reg. 75c to . ' - 9 ,•• . Coat Swtaters •. aps lov s • t 0 0 e . , Reg. 1.50 caps for r.00 5.oc:o coat swea. - Reg. 1.00 caps for 65c 2.50 coat .sweaters Reg. 75c caps for 45c . 1.5o coat sweat . Reg. Loo gloves for 65c 1.25 coat slkealt Reg. 7 se gloves for 5oc ' • - Toques ' 'half pr r, • ilk ....., .... owi: - I cy oo fo s,- i nd Ove .• 1 rar for • regula 4 75. 4.60 . •• 9c ; . ibbed, ar ec ._ . rs 1 I rs roT4I,..co rs ce_ c T re 75 1 fo • r ro for fo a ee 9 u aiv; o I. 8r t s eav reg ; . ti0 1 3. 1.75 a 1 .6y to i I t , in CO- , • ,o -i 0 i y: . 2 - 75 - 1-2 s in' 1 i I cial eon Ida 'all I t 4' iton ' • ; ivn • • - a s . s a ' o W:s lo a Bh n pr se c rs lo sk ting t'aturday ft e or . - Ir: c .1: mieson, of II ues °I a a vide Pie was of sketIng 21,1 been r ce; 7 Sm and Is atop 1 • a !so that e eh $10„000,000. p h e . • , the C estroy s is $200,000. Rauch eocal ;ellca] , tett with. t at and of the L . . ! on the n year William boy, v.vho * - hoekeYs ure - of .o Glen.c.oe, Li ay- a irn. He tree, when in the struck un age.: on t morn s.kated cut ' Co mparey, assietane - th whose t , who was mietting wen t at &to a.pplie f ' .a or du of capit F t arse . K. C project , rr Millt d by pastor oeurch. . a a purse Sunday afternoon, old dauele Irwin, -• was mat the skull. Aldboeo, •d nhs t eenoon and his it removal betw: arried, e ba,y ng, into by th ' . c e o ho with, and t al o ea treat tion ch hi- ada, It is lists, P . -.. are whiell ' Goderich - •- Now The marriage Jardine and Robena Anderson , Christmas. Day created ! all over Western °Markt of the fact that Jarninen 4 Edward, is in the . with the murder cf Lizzie Anderson Jot e et e - men sister of Robena. e now returned to her fii In Sanford. Jardine is e r 110 work near Be not take up housekeepi boarding in Goderich. Acho Albert Jardine founeltit - t 4 ' to eteepre worle he eowa, . already in debt before hie d tt in faun B30, - ers runet g arlet. -1r - ' Insane? -George Vanstone - on a charge of beating to death with a brown yet esiv. the allow A g s. - claims to have found t nervous disease of a b.eheqlt exists. in Vanstone's which many of his r 1 the s11 ealti t The diseovery was m e , of an aunt of Von is an ingstituthin In LondO f thi di -e The i the root . s b ase, Vanstone is A sufferer .f.e.0 dieease,. whichtatfeeted hi • . 00 — e ........-..... , ;.- , 'VANN Shirts Heavy Smocks,: Heavy / Be AL Stocking H Mitts will be . s, Heavy 9 , ' - Off the. regular price. Sale conttnues until • are sold. - Such opportunity as this comes long time. -One dollar will do the work ordinary selling. The sooner you come . ing you -can make. , • redu all onl Apf tw the 1 cks„ 'd 1-4 vs nt , o d tter r.goo c lla , .. . , . SE.:11,HOR - • , • . . I . l• , . _ • * •• . ...,.._ _ —__ . . - I • 1 4 .44 ilt •er, 0 - to be on lor ad enB. 43-• to Led ed Zie ed er. but ng m- 3X - ng •ow t- ek, on a ly, igb ne, uf- ry the