HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-01-20, Page 87777F IT IJ L-TARY AN York And �wlll, ape ad . Lid A v, URI G tfie last two weeks of. ext 9 tu;nb lronl* Now ra Valli n m Winder of the winter at bts an. n iQ 1FA SAY, 916, exceedingly busy with n 0 Igivi g, we havebeen Ok I fiet,00' - 01 Fme honj me., -tomers. Vilues are tr Pr iPat t knOivVA. 'he, Pr 'pleased i�us tore than good --- 041- tsto 10 vihi6i E urvive 0 ,4 I" Tuakortmith Ie . I -tra sp6oal - the serAce ia good': and ours Is grow in tb do an' one son-, d dau - _e . 4' From ox t to IT, )ing- plact% a . - , 0 d dl #41 ddM W jun to �Autpwob" A -delighted to b� sant A We re 3res 0111 ute i4o life,and sure to Inte= 3`611-ot. Y 0 for b bat ay# SWorth- Pleturehes re. Wen sobu are not ui Aid ta, havin, y -A aqn.�, J., V. McKezle, Manager. ry", kebu, - sy 4�ring Janua bui we -prised al Service�s. z ecial' Pay t r 06or u ay a .01 U"ervims are, Wng� held v il a a em r. i Ierlan church thi§ reek ind,ivAl, bo by it4 d 10 TI as fift arso Fi&L-10. and Ur's. J. V. ad 'on Sunda la�t, -when the pulpit, 4 lagk eMceP oPen+ D - 11 ot Bthel, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. congiia-ed next we�k.. 'I he a ge. 3,0 Le�theil Liued S or ister of F 125 -Fi', XcKa�i. 'Mrs. Collins Is a -Kay, �caga. a -B n was occupied by Rev. Ur-Talt, 6�, �Teas �D inlel K,n - P. I 1, . M a, Me -water, who is gon4uct . 11 in# 0 j, [a oy- I I d a, soM 0 Xr9- 12.25 C1 Q!tb'. night.- b1s ined S i Bag Am W For 5' 9 kod. I gs ar ;�oubt d* -inii6h rbe meet I I X: el esWnt of Cb1cato I bt W g a of Mr. mas E114,proprietor o well, attended. III -i-ti re ty fift I i I i I i A", T -!FF- . plains I I Bag Ii 1,75 ClOth lined Se I and conivin�lns 'sioakir ara 01 nik 75 mi. L jaro'io r -Mr' W D- Cbok was he ft . in a's 0' F r $X.aS Again Beh Geor . ga D -Mrs. X. T. 1, Ada rns Ze I Qi ee Uotel, Belgrave, for at ew EA RA 1) P a e i a 't As week. Q%t at 01 The rem a vi- ItIng ia Seaforth. the.past Corri W ins last. VV has -suffered an6tber bereaitre nt ilL e bil the ba 1: 1LX 9 Y vr�, at Y Iss,%arlotte Millson Intends leav rig the death, -dater rs Gclllf fr a gin, of e�03 M At� -to Arri I to m anth's visit to �frlends in which occurred at hir- Kome n, r U, e s t ( i 4-i Ut be, a*eA moth ks. Yohn Britton le b e- aves to on This is Id rs. MAirdl q7a thir I -0 TueSday. OI I el tivi)a do. t visit her daughter, Mrs.David ir. 6 Years, a broth bereavvineat Within t Ier aN, two- sister a -he ving di� u4thb John Ferguson Is making thi 95 t t _0T him :olth his gasoline engine. ell4i ar, vrbo�wo, a1301a; DRV.GGIhT T wonder the r if our bAste is great."Wery A thelruste .61 I Tuesday AB NA lei 117,10 a of ti te Ye, rs� of a n Deen th Poo! I Board: YnA Lan&wboro f w min Wa te sch thi' 0 -al t t For thr .a Year- nt to see- O.... resh xl� ngs for the co as4n ev. �r dz4t n. It Sn. JLvatifor pi-to-dat usses, 9 her death -being -- ue paraly a. i t1m 1111ob lot. sale or ved by b Shine I hooVis medies Wronto will be ts reaq. i a co mmitte, 1,� I r good a Prida Th t at the parsonage on IF 0 "enda --- 0 inm­ 'r, ­Tbat. is hy (�tes,-Ulss Alice 33ou Is visit Ag d we tiiust be r - y. w we are in great h Is 'suivi, an&, he a We of slightly sai te d eral - takes place Rn Apot. �)DimpounA held cleat out tl v s which you will need y corwL, In al- 8hoeS;%'Lbftt a sale of clea, friends: c V� tend t d i.Wood4 Phosobodbrie. in A I are welcome. A ggeXU I Th t is why we forego p pi rofits in many IAm -,he ad not inany weeks Ifr&h 164we" for Men, Woaw her their mp sini%;� All the ladies. A I�Is a! a e or to rs, but I ie rin loss as sonable things WOO& m.en and Chililren. IVa a sal a box wlth.euough eata4les st4nces, even tail, to make sea t, an J of ifully. cheap, Spring merib-handi e has begun to dein se 01 Making to 7. t 4 .-Ur. Thomas aampwws 04dl- fie e Ac ent. w that no one who weaxs shoes A: Painful ober oc e* b with W . . . . . . . . ark� B. lwr, to' be �can rho have been 111wit p4u- afford to turn his back Grleve,;. of p r et VAth a pa r4dS, L I f St- "eme past of e; ebur at the close ter 'tul Adma nter s� 'and we are Mi. 3S theL pre$ent are R. evict*on of wi doing our part )r 9 A. I e Ln oppor�nnitv t Ix t f ul accident oUl n sdAy. Va 1, wa al C1 er, onferen jreax.� Rev. ry alter 'going b ek I. wit som tile i . does not confront vou eve .4 0^ I op. som of di tributed a carload of coal around Rogers,, the, esent stor, who Is the Village this wee iiii th6 matter of I ow pr;ioe. You cannot spend a;q6 wet er,pupl ve-Made ireat cuts others- for wood, k. -Mr. Thomas I nd when pasal, (bly! at Ilr te ho6l, ima. Urth 7 r S mp eting, his te a grai �eref has �Our in t roalizin somethingof the in Alt our fron ar.'bas presented his daught er, his s all lines and in our Munrl�s, mill a te s tanding men Invited to become r of the 9 Y te 6 16 e& r CDl giate 4stitute, Mr. ',O �ve di :Broken'� -lines we Nve rnade of the mill, ran ate, 1 vith a fine Standard. piano. 0I offer. -Intral �Met 't churict, St. Thom Wrer e bp expelted. as, w rtby indideeme#t$ W double cuts. not notice them 0 un � G. 1 ea who.broke MiLn1ey. close behind,him, he natil e e a! at lnmen� in. tih� Sepante As leg about all 4�:Aterlal th,a4d b,:vf,, flaLUng oIof tUe 01i fie .0 10 day. 1,veni ing, Janiiary 2 otes,-On Monday evening a I 'ge -'B- ckle rigs*ln front A him. ThO: naway of nelghbors gatheredS :ai get out of the Ac . street,, 1 has' suu� �I ,I e- ntly recov- .20 PaIr-S of Men"i U I.; 0.1 n mber I3 ed to N abl i: to comei 0 at to town, 'Overshoe gular price team cra§hed rl on top of h p rob V. Kne tel, of � 143ose , jjLw, hqme of Mr. Henry Bennewelis,,on e s. Re kh �Be one )a PI Rl 3 g i:or vAth Mr. Grieve inde), them, N r h the - of Allie eva of h1s departure for,hisnew h e th 6 hea q-. 3 isk., Is v1sitin I relativi: and friends �y type. Phone r '3-25 per pa,r at result that- his ri dit I ag wa . s broken I Ini Brodhagen. The merry crowd,enJ 1r1r 0 le (in j! Jobepli Dormnc , i Is neighbor iood.-Mi- ames Me- at the,,,ankli joint Th( break Ii ra ba I 2PA9xl ich edi thenaselves in games. They , sh on f H)ri he ivy horads and sot e hC1r, Ir naw home. Before leaviixg, they 20pairs a Grlev? oill Y 'g wl 1, be 14 ftlorth ow Thursda ace of those h4ving bust r Le ss,with him. f Women's Over-' time. 'After' the acci in tMr.- per wishes: us to st sk 3 that be Is $2050 e and It 1 -,will I tY I n up fc r. Som 1�0 thpir h st and hostess Is Jong life In u ie every rning Z)r.tbe conven- IU derfu i rdbulMillatosi. i 2249, Iwas brought to his ho e, and I rif.%Ocot, all par �ook of a sumptuous epast. An enterWnignt will d held In the Buckle Button . 11 I I --To iric on i�ifarm ne I shoes. sent to- Whited - W1 r, and he set and dres3ed th, This ga;h ring shows the frieAdly term. s net be ex )parate schooiihnalL on e nday even- PC riesteet In all kinds of far m h- free thouse a4d garden existing bors a e: g n xt,.�-Last " d that JWO to It. Ga�r6w, Seaforth, te! Mr. Beenewels.-Wr. Daniel Manl,,yl inty had ,11pair at per pair A Thrilling Exper ce,-U. WilltaDl wt m9al v �styjes. Regular price2.00 a limb. Ibetween the neigh nd ly two teachoto In UW C43 lues tn. gina; nit sonof Ar.Wm. t e roper qualifications: o fil) the in- who has been, under the doctor's care Selater, of Re 10111111 e would remind kill partim wii-th ar attack of. pneumonia wrld pleii ir- r V ,hicles FUlat requin paintit c' rahip In at Huror, insde.,vacant Sclateri of S h, b ad quite A thri V uss r ig g M A; ls�, Is I nproving rapidly. -We are s- g* the receat',bliz- h lnorperqabave them rea(y ple z 0airs of M -en's 1�elt Sho Iriff eXpe e resignat o f IM0. Robb. We I'S rience du Ia r! ti#ie & F.'Davereus, Chrriake ed� to 11 iarn that the baby boy oit live since been ormed 1 bat Mr. J. 0. 0 2248-2 zard. . e -dai' dt ring the to in hi- 11 ke L nitk prIncipa of the N'tigharn, htYh and Mr3. Jos. Johnston, who.was a S L eather sales a her Wom atult.ed to drive a Y a mi or 811) F Itu -Thereis a t%,=tbert%esta, b6t irI the d e storni. 19 oft a nee zinc 'Picture au IV b.004 is also ble, am i I is an. app]:4, Ously I �1, is bett -Our teacher, M a 11 �h fox�ng-' Regular price 2.oa out of �the city, I 15 - forU I JTeaty a, ' t. McMahon, was visiting at t e OU for le are -pleaseif he ho A thiy lost their Wy and On go- I da, mok. Wo sho% Homeatea A r McGrath, ete o,* tBeechwa)d. per Parr- Iand bad;.to, and 2. )a to to Ses son. toward wea learn'that �r. Rober .0 arters, of We App�, ( r 1. lKade Eforan, of Mount -Qeme, Ls, stuck in a snow ank, rtng *Wh -the Iunhitch t e horse. �Hupp I a 904 aL per pair..,'..-. out and 4on 111111. road, I as W�"ee n � -wing signs 1$1*60 v Wchig,an, was the guest of Mr. t in Improvement during. i1b n ida it. -at b reque4 izig e � past week. found their bearings the wer fort ny pt g W1 Is, ar a nO. pen Natu Py tf r. oung son of BU. Byrne Is Nhirrav last week. 1,; Mr. 2o pairs of"Wornen's Felt, nately near the vom iin's. hoin an( ul. Agfa I e, 3 YMPAiage 2U9_1 These are sla-ed to go got -her there 6n r 4 11 dte 11'. at proeent, hai TI g bad to etur n or Is tab and 4P.Aai ftnt Blisinepe— Im "Jushfid a Chiselhurati Shoes, 1-iface style or with 11, III o an operation his ear. anIm 0 How -411, a volt estal elastic- sides- Regular- the horse and rig he 3 ound the C h From The Wesi.-Ur. and IO' f E Aver -i E q either om urs Dd price gone and'it was 4ecepary.for im �t [Sao ini UnrNvl�htic i now carrid on, a Mrs. W A. Ryckman, ofXilinarm, iSiark., vit 10 the p W e �key. 'Stra! oid 2 Nalk- into the elt r, only 0 I 9 Seaforth th an iada 0 for the busin !I .25 per pair at P. "O bad -got the: ,e be fore him. Itw their chi I are here on a visit to riplatives and onshil , am 8 a 9 fic pog if on a gelven W, Y inp horse' i dbtu qe e (in the WTV 0M e D CIO co, by the hardest orkbe "N as ab 1i e I Dr w Ilhig'. rf I emu I qhursday - ening. The ola" friends. Mr. Ryokman. w0it west a per p ai 90C Only a P -Poss Uick ox Heneal.p. 0. Lme a t'?acted A large drowd, I who little over two years ago, and b t to imake his way I ack ftome, �Aan : he ha N i Uhiddren's ("Atoth UOU that ttp� > pairs of Men's long B0015, now decided In &'!No tweti, ere more thah delightid with , the seasons has had good crops. ne 0 uj�� a 1 D who has co 6W'UgL of' the t ng, for m 0 7 I 001 Aree I 4 ionn ction with the S N TV inter U* 00 4xci ic 8-41iss 1WiAF n- home boy ection. of land, but'bas ot ';&'inside that pull out. R' Wqmen9 blizzard are t a halt s- yex ;e, I i sat Isfied cravvid that we home that egi -during the nev:t �ne W. IMU 'Yet got It all under crop. Last r, 10 w t com. f Ku lipt wit h i high standing, for Voice CLUI gam thri)ugb tt us Ili id, time apply at re d. _X-arate at foRzW1Y'by his own f, reside' t I ftv, ture a The. was,clean despite the crop tailure In many plac es, ; .% r Prllce� 3*2,, &it fit n . I&N * iid ght V-I)Ioth k �'lalia 11 Ur id 'ast, and i ras as..gik ,� an exhibi- tviFlkirnan had � 5,000 bushels ( of pair 0 9 I �w 45 forl h, P. 0. 2281 -ti Vb r his oats went NO bushels to I It d d Th on- of hockey 'as we h vi had here. th Seatorth. grIculur �.4 1 1 1 - e Etc* he Stratford ftm waF. :onsiderably He likes the country �E2 pair -F. of Women's Cardi- meetint o L' the Sdatbr Agri -all fi ts -Mr J. P. Bell , �baier, b. a move was a wise one. To cW_iurar Society vi as I eld In I uwj c6m J It e 51 m h teai n laundry U what tqel li�me boys Istockings with rubbers give ai Idea of the scale on Wh ch gaps) I ILY'l a In weigh they. ma up in speed r eiexpect mercia, I. hotel on edi es'd f 4 W �;ake a splendid cle- I ott so 1: of Mrs. J. farndnl operations are arried OIL . in to attached). Regular wW, CIL d i uperlor stidk handlir, They start- rhere was a. goot attenru,qn�,e, 10 o -it 60L I - the' we ;t, 'Mr. Ryckman says. that a t] a scoring Oarly In e game, g�nd up, !of t1i abo4e, lines. _Cc�me n th on evidenced c sIF, inntet��st rAn r -la r..'S Is a. steady, nolghbc r of his, with his two so as i. p,, at a pair Price rerFs repert aAowfl.. 'I -our uniiber-p Isoctety. The treas Az I I : Y 311 g ry an, and snould ma t before c xiiitford ealized It, this'Ye had 50,00 busbolli of t. ben1fit rices. ; ey had two t f ancl the society- to be In 97oo, 90) A le; S, as"' N will give th It, -and they L L W 2. Regul e their crt Girls," sizes IT They had ain alned the lead tt a quartersection er r tioii and turn o it I the xall of standing, with, a bal ce. of,, oi $23 vt r3 'atte4 half ended v I the score price -at per me. Tho: Oax, after threshing ieceived b dr, in .,-e Lr;;asur.v-. 11 wa decided boi, bb St v( !k.­Xr. and' Mrs. Hot, Iasi ven to th $5,000 or tfilo crop. This man, Ithlz yei r, th� 4,- tp e in tbelr favor, and a sprifig fair G I Zic y with W g, ut 1 a sre,t ft pair ... Oda L t) e se3ond alf 'each side scored h1s sor a, do their own threshin Re date tbl) eor: -e 4 kao�h, Mr.' Holt, a be fixed later. T had thy had,: to hire Jt done It wo Ad Q hur§dzy ,d Frl- ice, glyfg Sf dorth th gaire, by -a hWs sizes 7 to iol, Reg- annual fall faIr wis'l tie par 1, -v e a ,at them $1,700. This Is farm ng 99 . ha raiid Bend day, Sp-ptember 21 le 10113W and, 22.. 46 bw a -ore of' eight four, .17 I g team aff a ur Stapi� 0C I in eplendid Ci 6nd m6ei of 'cottag ular price T. 25. a pair bol i, play )od tast , combination on a I Ig scale. Not wanting to - be _tL J. alected' e Urge 'I Dar Ii g A Ing offl ers were ouse.-Mr b the. home news, Mr. 1tyekma UtAt I _Inot.41; all disparaging at per patrF;-..-.. F. Daly; vice-preddent, V. C i�rterq,, nee h - . .. I . 344cn f a, 01 *h re -fiom - Sask t SU ds 90C a I ti a others t say tha 44d paid his i subscription to The M. Isecond� Vice, J. Md )owell,* epre:ary Lt Eteid is the X U vi 9 to res and friend a. 0os1tor a couple of years .1 (1, ;ar 101 1he W to IV a t MeWs:'Hea Lumberman s Broderikk; trezksu.-er, A 'E� 0619on a W to IV c owift of b. His.ru bes werefea- u derle), tstb�efrs_ c ustified r Mill-ro he a 9tI+q. The lt� directors, W., Arnint, �ea�ort here' hete�Xme and :ire most ef- We think our ci Rubbers, Snagpiroof C &rf a er -upof the , 8eaforth pnsider us j gham, ql it Fother-In A. Bre adf �nd. W. 1 , . . the !am' w4s,, i Fell One Hundred Feet. Wilfred in e i rinq r tt a -we est es an .,Go . Trojer;.pointr. W. Wallace- Tuckersmith; I.— L; Drown r.: 11 *11th in. Melvin Kk I- t 1 tchardson; co' er, D. lHi rover, Q. �rmstpng, a young man of.twenty, I t 'Lace SLtyld with tan leather james Dorrance, Jamps- FVa4s A U0. rt, �1., esh at we call St4p forward I - Ion a ere mw1th a terxible ae- cleanest s of- e I 0. Die c, T. Dickand from Auburn Ciirlip, McKillop; Win. Rhuit llett gt:­ No the Colbez t, tops- Regular price 3.., 25 Muir.; IWO Saturd honorary director R. t. .J. fl. aY morning by f Dry Goods. Wie r r to Is'. 3wI a r, no doxibt, to -he new West- ri -The -boys ay the return) gam,e Iram the. bla tops of It il Yp; R. perl pair- t per Smith and ames �Pwf n, weather, there Is con- Stritford thl Thutsc al, rlIght,,and Mills elevator. lie a ta toy -n. 1hada Flour 'Charters, W_ R. "ll e, T. I eLea ra 14 IC just now. Y GoderRh ting TUC 'ea the form sh wn so fi , sho le win WaIs 61 aged by the CkIIXaffian Ste% -Shir and George - ei .11 th; in ts In s- 1200U ers at ttons Lawns e I: I neil n ra. w I a rat an was as I Tt sl t le Applyir g a make Co., cc ntra Dick, T. E. Hayl TJ bms 9; phens, I . T. Curtis, eetingis Prints. mplon Of t. They Lace style with 3 lace,,,: holes. Ac ''a f th Pl it lic 30hool, *as A ld be ge Ch sn Y, 1Sea - lem, champion the distr a pitch. root, and w rien D. T. Pinkney and I ­ P I b 3,ve i already ed ou- games, and riear the edge missed his footlz�g 1nd ckings R�gular ice 3. oo per forth. OF 01 I cou Ple clays tr is. MS Vestings b axel vi�ron -the-z alL_ At, or Watford fell a hundred febt, alighting on a I 12 ccoant of lint s�.­:-Th� annual pair at per pair d6 01 ek T lings The Pub Jug�ra I I nw9e hll T Igs Flannel lie Behool.-The I W ,t ley Olay Cunt in on tht rik' here% on ile of refuse., Iron and lumber. That he ttek ts )f 'the XCE IlIc IUEU4L, Fire meeting of the public schdol boan I mn M U m 1iansr IN be held -,In the -50 uesday night LeXt. was not killed outright is mira;culous, riday nig] t Goderi.-b and Strat- and, although consciousivhen taker, to Lace a- held on Wed Utidu y eve vii a i tn 1,8, Fr d ty, Literno�n.-Mi s. It �rd I iplayed an Intermed the bo 3pital, It Is, Improbable that he style with 2 lace holes. w' La Chaniplon- et hitriman te of Uri iA. .1 W. A. Cbrich' �1016 n si was ap Au t tilt s ilp game on t, e Seafor rink. Owing can long survive his injuries. i I-er home n wen-,LSuad , Ajgular.-pri6e 1.5o per the year -and R secre- Rd T 71d n t ) tle recent lire in oi �erich , rink Dmth of Judge Johnston. Julge j; s urer. bir, J. - Y-trea N1. Biist, as aP - I Lurl la t, am il� was �urled on Mo - tiat tbam will 1pl ne garne�' JohnsItim, Seplor Judge of-the,m. t. H piar, at per pair.......... pointed the board's repi Tit0l; on tha v v Y. a ,resident f ft oarr ese ea a w � ay the r hoi - Dis i I his rink.; Collegiate Institli e her htisbv. id buckles. 0 yea r; as f ',at, bqt was 'too lonj rawn out on Monday, b6ard and afal io the gamd vas . f alzily of A19DMR, died at isault Ste. Marie. 1-1 lRuckle A' e with 2 represe itati Te ou- t ;A e I i1pi with aged 63 years. Judge Jo = T. Curtis publi X! In pamner CIL was A, native �Reeular price 2 7 54 c i a ccount 0 $ton re of o�rextra ee wool blankes library board. 1 he same -N Iss Mors6n-is vist The .Goderleh of Goderi 113je 1co knittee 3 I Lilt o me. 91" I ayerb wore: n, In g d condid n, studied law 'in Hamilton; 'and after-, st, -Y 6r. ex OPI Ow Tc kkw - ars, rohn Sindall, 11aL pr10 were ap�olnted a fo lasu, 7 g I per pai 'at per p S215 e ne; waids bractleed here, and during',Ws t es, have. 11 t Pe. r air kv wing to -lack f prac -e, but even I the mo� J cept tha Mr. Join I �eattl' It R 11 e, Sa, lere on .1,;it i Itb this disad nItage idwed upwell esiden.-e here served as alderman ind I.'Buckle style with t buckle. member, tikes tbe"place lif 1w; fr Mm. *'St dal is a daughter es. The X d Mi -a 3 un the rest Regular price 2.50 per kindergarten fees fot the Past session ly cKil oP.4 a ad almo '01anne, un 1 the Ilt eeive of 'the'town, and aLQo f1llLd tile cer ir om a dams.torin- v is a r ved bi Y shipn�ent U 1 A�nent,on the diff areni como t natter sPecul 1(n..Thn, final osition o'l,waruen of the countY. In r. John Aird.; a amour the,4on- eslde�t �-six t four Asolcoe * efully cont 10 41IL'st come, to Lted Ito $9.10 and d ofl th, w ankets IdE hand* air at per pair air.... ce I �ral este Mrd but It s due,n ,z tly to the ding for tft.e Leglslature In the (bfi- ]p is were $91.50. The salaky f MIS ne e f �he Q Ldi a Bank of Coo fee E tra 1ord goal eeper U al -t4e - score rivative Iat�rests. In 1890 he wasup- of Sleeth. wa4 Increa., ed 1 25,; ini I a for 1 1 ia t E es Co 1 bol h gwm, and whae. Bor G um Rubbers ointed Junior Judge of Algoma. -:1e r-,milned as It d S�o tl :br h h � ba,'nk, Is thex erce r - QUest of"[the oth.�r tyachqs Ir a L I Is survived by his wife and two daugh- iincrease *as laid oe, owing ap 0: t Big n Canton P. Mond U1U . y I e neral man' er pin: or pf e Ue,1 e r h e i ae th nk T he� Mt om t deh kted Str t1ordL In the te % who at the time of his death"Were they. id Vv jo, I b 12 buckle style. Reg ar price fact that a -T. alini; In England. g It Xxn r sefles b a. scol e of 11 to 7. In the past.year. he. a�&iirs d 'as He '2- 2 er pair at per 080 urt 0xib vv 4stants' saaries mol in�ed I t $3J59 16 oderich d. &_ K ys played a a IN e, al hotel -n u ediate se es gam( I ere on Wel- Lakelet ct)r7reporfid the I kil last ye%r; The tn eing H ih 1" C 061 to 'be 16 g od shapej wgrrrUan Q as r 1. ir esd * night. i Gode Ic ti tea were n for b cro i bucke Regular pribe He rep t arr co anled o' enthusiasts, Vlstted at, Mr. Carter's, south bf T' comfortable. ort A'tn6- work.done A -ar- i I d g,5 the past Yew, hil -the 14.-oo pair own fairm f- Lit farys t Ev i came by riston.* on�Tbursdaye-Mrs. Bushfield, of at per by the teachers as 96 Dd. U W IS P-1�- ink to led %ithi l�­w b even alarger crowd ticularly' well, pleas the,'klnd,-*- ru'0 C) nt i his rtl And �s a cc n - the. storeif has been confined o h�r -E 8 ppor ers, that b Lhe tirnQ th bbd drizig the past two iweeks, i IL !qt e �ce ar On L e . 11650 garten departmehl, it call was t We- - r was fal arg sho vi g of N Dainty White ali 11 6r %no h lnt� 4pi will b though sqghtly better at time of w rit- C. Ja U fast an eenly -loth Leggings f he game W con- �,ng, Is Iq from being well. - es or Women sudden De Y our r Ing utun. - T Many - of re�aders will, reg4et to sted. Al Ugl e X were always jWrlght Jr., 43old a teain of horse., to s re 0 qleelf In or ou Ifur)i i t1 e All 'Felt nd Cloth Leggings learn of the� sudden d eath bf. J. '113. Je it 4ra socle will be held 11 I e oggressors Lnd had game won i *tnghain Puyer and4elivered t tem s* die' It, , of (h roints, SL .Kary ie ' scoring. last . w eeliL He then boukht ao- her 4arstone, -B.A., a forme'r pri ipa fit on at R,7,6�mx. - Rob(rt forWoen at Cbst Price- 0itu , will 1 'hich ounts, d won u -,by a, score 4atn north f MUdmay and on Sa:ur- the'Seaforth 0,011 giate Ins eb c 0 Ia Ca on us ti 2 & even to foun he Gc goalb derlich day H. Fergiw i occurred.. In"West n - igh Isch on (rid a d re sold them to Robert 311, e Is subseriptim .1 :)Ys presseed I e i a pairs of Boys, i buckle Tuesday "morning. While Iii aforth ; V or r Ifortieth y6ay He Is now Ic ok- t 16 greater pa Ail for another team. -James XcEw- f the 12th concession. Mr Harstone waE i vez'y po Irs, 8,M'b 01bed for T tl:, 1! Overshoes. Sizes to pula and I I'd I game, but t c1f th a) Ys hard for 54 t1eY had harl ick * -S opting, which, azi.11 wi io 11 ires east ot here, has I Ills I Nit whe i. h was eighteen, when hIW sudden. death will be 4 Mf ter. of Regularprice i. regret to his mansir old.frle�ids arjk ex 1 rit a Q lIf( A .Out,announclng an auction sale an Feb. upted with t :,, sp�cta u lar work of It Mmez I I,: of I 10W!, I 1 8rd. He is offering fifteen ttly 'M ro. p ck ar r accourAed ew 5;,a Upils In Seaforth nd vicinit�. We To- ent �loi the Govern. ie St. M ys oal kee horses, m Laceo nd denes in great per pair at per pair 0310 f )r -heir -defea I 0 ronto Mail of Wednesday makea the fol- t e. W It lea. fu "in t I or Utlein pedigreed,, also sixteen ' o)ws j Ulf w3s wn I Jae : me] :!and � a ni�mber of young cattle.-R)hn. !Own ne lowing reference to -1 4nchbly. A� noo Odress t h3 fusi6n, will be sh A wbek 2o pairs of Men's"Fine Kii event While. cond uctb ig t�e de ioilonal U roxete 1; . I I''tn i, LewI8, of the 12th- concession, near ie sett -1 -i �the furnit f tory, Sboes, Lace or Bluchen exercise$ at the S Dn g school t it b ttf metit of a form of Pic - Noes,- hVir, it I rs. on gom-P or sold his farm the o b $0 s Lace st les,. Regular- price (yesterday morning, Hi, J.- C. Eirstone, ding-- r ld -a , 11% the afternom IMY, Of Howie edle Dr tt d owes, of the 17th. Y principal, wa 3 se, zed add isell the pupil of thei Sea- a ant rersafy calf eir ma rl ige last Fri - a few days 'before had'sold.b.ts' f � Me wi heart per i, failure a -lid d1e4 In , f e W1 Alnutes. ��e I Attut .-Mr.,� r to W. R. Johnston, the famei I For the past sev�j �al d 19 Mr. I arstone - Dr ranc ,,Uhd Is �ere' 07om Saskatch- r �Fesi nt and 'rel ort an � n: ioyable time of Jers ay cows. -Mr. Richard Ml Id iy ening. A number, om here. were 1-75 and 2.00 ori h joseph er pair at p�r pair... 030 has, suf fered fro 9, avl� ( a visit, Intends. taking back d, but Van o -TI e second a inual mi A Ir g of the sold r e of his farms, on. which a sft- F 6r no serious result ever thousht: c %rlo,' 0 horE 3 with him, and Is s lam -holders o the Nrr)xeter Rural;'Uated S. S4 No. - 3, to Mr, Sqcna a, W C Ltd-, will be held -xiself, his family -or his T 01011 1, ;ut for some in , Wormahby, for $7,200. There,ar. 1-00 by hi the took I ele )hone Co., ome Beaufflul N ash Prints and G good, Co Every hoe in our store is feredfor less thn its ct friends. hen N ww seeh.to gqr ,a ry y dung flille -46h Wilson 0 It id to,*n hall , n *ednilsday, anuary acrees In thii, farm. Mr. and frq. ,.ras. %1 stag U, -as- A5th at 2 p,­rI.-C. .: 11. organizer, to 'o )ped deaR in h e Goldle and e rg, -some of the aefilc r �'pt pills 'and the hams,for 0S Ong, 1911, have been rece c_ rmor residents of th I bit Wor - Galt, on ip sistant priacipal i t once Y�ent to ' ' latrip, y6a home fr m Hamilton askatch we his iloch shopg, In but no w of 8 -times to shoe up every mem- Mondiy ewan, are h rf on ned as a f ier emplo3 Uri a vist to their dau assistance, and a oetc r wis'summo D, ntng� w er S Lday.­,Mr. M 3,p Ietoft, Of ber of the fa;mzil�r. iee of the ghter,',Mrs. D ajid po� sale !at once, was also a eld, and other-, r als- e inia- En Ine Co. a- 16 the guest of No kins, c f Huntingft but Mr. Harstone livei only E6 f w' ou t' Vote 3t, r. as very Murdle. Mr. WRSDn 4rle. 'tives. r. Hamilton and sons 'no own utes. In.Weston E arstone vr 7C of trs. Gport u liter, - Mr. 17. C. I� -Mr. (W. tives. highly -thought o' ar d' his wor�c was 1r),I! V��r rl arou the mouldng p rin .;Sale -C our, of Win, ,,hall wFE a In the villige 800, a T ommen,ces good land In the �ralrle tj In spqbe g?�o greatly aporeclat d. Llthough he bad lock. poin 2 business la t Saturi: .-Mr. and, provin e and are doing well there.; It UP0, he XS on be done at Bushtield, merchant, been principal of the Agh.sch en ho w, A914sr Wm IC ol there'. to John Dre 4au(r h returned and Ifor only about a yea . be; had made nin 1 w en he ropped dead. - r. f 01r, 1 Berlin, IN Tere - the� tended the ',R A. Y,were Ill last week and under hosts ot"frIands. efc!e - We$- 1 Wen tt, is in getting bet-' going, to Ma Me 111an. I ineral of the or r's I ce.-A num- thd do,,tor*z- care. Both are. veek. -Miss Robb, pro q- rs froi I e he ton Mr. Harstone ww principal of the I IL t ar of Curle played a ter. 1 here Is a lot of sickriess In Lirldsay CD11e;lat 3 In ititute, a�rid oc- mal -#ed to North er -Mrs. Milton Sn-Athof Blue- irsi..retu ampt n, a e ere� on coLhmt nity. onday, even- ctipled that positi)d f)r 91ghte0nYe%rs. 1 iii a., x T xepda after, a ivWlt to t L9.- - Iss ila 11 c4auk of Turn- Vale, i ad her two 2 ier It little daugbt6rs pov work , mts Ur and ifra, John RoW b fr. er oi 4roo, St Ito was en accoun, of he heavy I r,' entertainl,piti a� nu Ir . i M E girl visited for three weeks with her Ithere that he . wE !3 cc m ffletds last aturday. ter Ume&- ents, Mr. and Mrs. . B. pelled to relin- d Mr' 11och'- ot ii- MC!u Itutt ittom an� iiemoveto. WeS7 e:: be e n -1 number from here will at- quish his te P013 g, wh the giiests of rr' acc 'ptdd a' 1 o tion in the Qu�, ton. In Lindsay, wh re.Ur.; Harstone r r's a M, 61C. ai e teu retirned ank.!; G. d a- shredded wheat banquet o be T uradl m wss especially 41 hly thought of, he I (,me o C givien ui2der the atisploes of the ',c,Vn- r$v The�;,followlhg, 0 Multe her i' other, I Irr Hambrook, ROB a WWW ILLIS Ididmuch goodw4 rk in butUldin _uj� the I rae U1 cet d 'to fter return day - school an choir of ;the r,,Uf:.,o It was i who I W.... m r*11le -agent fori the Allan i a a M 11, i L 3. 1! Pr6sbyterian -church on Mofiday even- �ilv,rpoor this weak� In to' -chict. last week. d rd Collegiate Institu e. Er U n . " 0 ag ra J, I'TATE Id n Wlagha on M Jay. Was Ing. -Our polling booth here was the origIna1eil'the Id t rip to of parentEL and pa- e mea ffle, Daid Rai tit3gs LIr- 'Pile. going to the stl4ute for the p � ly I Ch rlefi Roll Opposite the.Expositor Office. The quartei Smith haq taken ipoqttion as pply one that gave a majority agat!2st -0 in Mr. p pose hearing leettirds and Wing part o I'thi I Rea th Methodist c jur �,h c erk beaforth Robin ioi i's general lbeal option it the re6ent elecUoiL t In Infdrmal discussionE on topics,of thei om, ert�ided an vitation to 1t9y. A., s �ork_;_Mr. Sa el RastWeen 'ha nj i s re- was bne to. our credit, elther. III73 IL IIIIJh1i D d 4 id�b A17 II