HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-01-20, Page 7IIIIIIIL I :7 IIIt J JK Iff 9,011" About So PW sftt� 71 wheat fit. far ft, nt . Ito ta 10 In"front.... La SIgnotia. -0 k HCHEST FIC D ftw only with e h, %III been. togeth th6- comcs IM& ;>F, -r tusuel, a-nd I% till Uwa 4pss Coco* it a treat to cukusm. vald. "Yet fto �ou are beetj er for many) 0 Cter zi Igood di on. jy,j,r,tgj3, so that the cre-A IA laucle All none of sustmal.. to the workw. baport-aut than might be supip.00, 7W Idev, of a smile lay 'pon her A Boo.-* tq Thrifty Hem"W111s. k Tbp sh- result from the crops of IlPs AW ilmj lis!d. ly uftrae;is Ronto re4!� prairie province,4 4*. Arld h SS uservative WeStem Opinion, AL will jel voice W 31I $20.000,000 lelnii invin for 150J.- th I J a to! Br up �ve sk st IMa1qh&, el P e 096SUVO juices W�lchrt lacldngv­,ensttre "romo4trw." said Alrribew. -,tjnja-,te, of the Cengua Department, It Vol r foo& prowly d h 1to brawn and, shiaw, re -a' blood and -'Ps. In I active 9(ying to 1)*'jIC 11) the J1111 nd! elig!" r-4 10'S from mbie. The'total flold crops fav- Ju a Wx at yourl 32 __1 - I 11 Nei oad xv* provinces f ar 101 0 are valued 6yHAR'0LD M4C G as compared witix, Both hO nd Rillard ro�e �bavk ;9,000 for 190. a less amount by, BREAKFAST Or i�tprs N the nigh tb lit VIP jr S_ U r P z a of the shI Sleep Vs practid 11$ out w . I 1, tblo (inMerlije (11 cog YAA 4 a the qfmrtl in �-Vajue to diie to decline In price, Ime to� od I andip a new$pa eA familiar now to smaller y1eld ez the crops of, In treng 690OW4 E poke -o ly 1 allan we VWfth aro our CO: I 76U th alL. bl& elm The int rritrg suq pour" over tbi. fts is due to unfavt ip "M ote ur ume nutritiotnn-.5-ts and 610mmy 1k RICO :blngS flt.' But, when SIgiiora," be sald polltel h g huge Sba OrL in three districts, outhern 11 D11 ed % but coldly, bills. t do ws'! tin t1n, Of is-tmaurPaXiN& "Tes, WA IV' 'Kitt r ans e prt ce ighed, JWI, ust U7 A glim Southern Manitoba,. and th S` name he, li tQ,t�e- Whilom pliffla donna. y g0r9e bel w 011AIally slffed. As - Ji,, it gftg# I �W_eq sj,-atah�--tvan. In the 1 A If. SDIDeth hff Hdren thrive on "ENO& am Ll 11 , g 11311', do me the h6nor to,explaI6 this? 'V re wind vo"p �d Intermitte . ly - here stern qny. to I 't 'or them tin �The rna n. Chi marry 16r him I tbing Is 1:11'. you� bi n districts and in bav�'. some d a as *to Oe author] ly. to h w filf Perfume of the locust trepFA ts regults were most excellefit- . I I r War of gettil ig rid vf. him." %as play�d us all -her a up j 'this lbvitatlo - i ;Ale , nd. S t ter up which. n wa;4 a distriets, wher(I MS ults were gen- This 01 Dsue real la0gh vunffaroil=ble, h0Wevk-1-. lsol�Lted— riva relijkght thLle arl shoin-r mlen- laZ S I Aby trik. 0 read . almost Insolen mnd out cle. in the letter 811 spoke pvenl, Wreshes 9 with the Wfak"t -pite theL t C US, L "Tbq Ivitatt6n Is perfe ,mlts obtained, do-,� ently th ap Jr Venice sh(. said that Is regular.' Contracted a e bad ctlyl ch.; A trldy wholftoma hever- �simply by sicientific, farming, ,,, "' -1106, i1etro omil 119 I experienced a chRL t.1 verl IS :ed Ibis v n rybody that ivally nourish*& For a a, and partvi 'Only ljf bel I, yoo kitural conditions at the. V- 14011Y grai elly Tills timei the Ins ee r bowed. o." Piptro sigIled. 1'� h," repil ei I �a S1- -es kth- Maultob. otz I p ; 2nildiir t0the gates. - _tle retu 04 &ink try Labat stern Saskatchewan at ' jL retbet `Th4 I'D her bighbeis will odcupy her "Did op nortnr if-- 4 u- i i0xiba ;her I wowt drawinf , t ever see La flsj�, 4 Heavy C61d. Both, were pt Ilemn v Ivilla 7 I46W I' frOwni. "' Ah point at on ei.lv 4. pctory because of laclz: of znoln- fore? Dd you L -vow alip jIn4- Ut) im pi AMP% "Ile In Southern Alberta, be.- nob] e ilt lsVmpI er" th . Our 9 a"ad3 a posse�slon Signorinh. Vky Nort � . I ­ i t iof plentiful moisture during the :.you 16�klaa, i It I)," respond O' ally. 116 ea� these the, Prin-1pegsa di Mdute Blanca .. . .. ever! i answered Pletto, AvIth conedle e711 It, qu 11 tie' jig "S� ie 1 lam 11 ' ,L�, .h' d were the' bearer of M 71 n nd See b ly. i I or some- t1dilaW for y. el .11 He gaN e . calm t candor hf ati o0pILRhed as could 'be desired. r Beca: e a Lung beT the wfed d4rtb ill Bid aii �ths necessity of more aftanceiZ msaill'omall ake shattered thq li4r. Zqud the finest Gerrn= i 1poenj? , , ; j � , j a broad white enve ope and 1 c Pin da in such older partz as South- "What has bal linit.-tv C ugh. SaLew '1916 I1: f 'lazlo he fa opened a u; ever: seeopt- bre*f0- IH&s the true saluck of j �* M L&A �e Of t ­ day' IX fi I hills and'gul t "Have hew. ,anitoba, has been palinfull-v evi- i: / chblco'hops. Very Ught. palatable, elied t ie el- Mug ea, thdffftet It i -OI tot have apread tar- zittol he' comel" Plet7q, !got. up i May we now hope that the' Gov- w wisfying�. Look for the lavender O%ally Igeo Re I tie a Dies$ orAore among thelltransledt ltb Alaco I e; ce ity. ht of Manitoba as well as the labeL VIDr lt:p Etle and s�( n -Tb6 pne at t1i 1. VI ra -will forthwith do the quite 6I 1,852 See-3nd Ave. He directed his next words to A qt leaVID e 14a ign 1)1*11'a W11S as dab 01jr f re Ik Ile Artadpl' than th�s IPp -and no' di C; deel rat -ion !Tbev new that 9 Wicult things neces- Z3St "Allaw ln� ftuttel -ed t( the grou 3c Her he w#S in 'hpr 3k frock' as,a Spn$: tullu. -pe patsed f6ta'a e 6 princos, aid here.'calmly aqd Ffer eyes inin- bbt her eoI Y" _3� redeem and maintain Lie repu- tD I fRew t(f Iotb er, D"t 70re Sh mae to write a p--.,dse of your of this part of Canada as a 0 MEMM e t a! 1horroll- 0OW1119 her eyes. IOV,7 etl.. qbe �Nrqs jeoparding the�,r W, -w -thin. producing country� Undotzbt-' Or. Wo C el'a - N S )yrup,� La'st ly- 8 e pic :ed up the i nvelope as- vv��l &3 Jer own.', She w tie crop is largely reduced every fall I contracu:' t a i( 1 drew, a 4 "I have been lookin f c ld Wyhich left nind o . Mr. �y tUe pre".1ence of eeds, and 0, t the Cal rd. of he said. (LAGER S77YLE) ,fte W 'I have ust re- ith a hac' -that the Provincial A temperance brew­wtes and lear Govern-' 47elll lja&, wbat Ig it?" cri 1� 1 14 rd, rhO keen eyed nspector took Ment�l ceived. I a t legrAm from her higibness.11 =Dnolt take too nX1tQh trouble. to Jl would -'st his backirg T, ntq lot these, vari at, t. expression a 1poks� likol choice lager, but has Im a this evifl as far as possible.- !cpugh w0ad ­;iLting orle. accept�4 the 3.'elI6w1 sheet. than Wla% of proof spitit Quenches "Your bigboes%,, he stild. his ca�p h has been done by Individua 111, an wer-she give him t e card.: can ke out �a w kept Avl 0 01 t*o,*, he thirst; refreshes; gives appetite. rda4 It.. It wo I rath ,ettl 'g tbp'dust or the stones fl I of good farming tor show how spending uiG: - cou-h er a v 4 y n said. Wo in 1tajjaD.?, Order sdrne today. -profits, of agricultue ousand prd 3in a ti I . . larv�er the 1: Nqw. * y should -he PrIncI)eki dij for this disagref- Z -V - - i -I forgoi remedie: -in I n.e 4 apologetically. 1 West should be. The results Itmtej tonca take able rus It was not officla ta P 'present poor crop hav� been- Im- had evei�. t.aL )­Rrav Pie t Into bei-h'ad:W * Briefly, rindppssa: di g ire -a ball in A ie 'rour h1abness was bere.0 Blanca l� Villa - A ladne, v the fact that mixed farming ;,-,F to t, 941 t ga!Ve Sonja Hilda Gr6svenor een inereasf=-Indeed, that is re, and on nesi laly w. kep she ba I Imned in nothing, -eplled The pseudo. full athofity to net as her pOoxy S (movi hat r :I r irythinf, eek ... . . ' ' 9. vilk Indefinitell to her fdeld La ; prine, "Odly I desired:to remain recti Pe_ As for the [TIVI tation, s already working out the re- fore hab ;he V.1v (ALE STYLE) �017gh i"cog norl i he p ent" she knew 4bsolutel�y nothing aboInt it nade necessary by the lzilpaver- be'- I The ,an tt- Z�- n t 1'y the iimc I IIA44 the -seals?" purred the offi. t of the land as a result ot, re- I had u. -.e,' r 'This last' statemen t4,gg t non -intoxicant, mild ny courh rather s I ered i I Con �md aelic ous�, with _t1je real flavor HAPirmt XVIL tile rstw I Ile It thf- prin. an grain crops' other half "We �hall gO brough that for t 0 Is no a mall f good ale. Complies i MORE TA Xorx, S. - I b-)ttle i -i againj but ces issue-dithe invitEtion. whoI, W1 -equiremeents and- ,e ILTIII Of wore, Im i :s badn" th luc n r pe to Western developroent than . I : . I the Ing af ter I0 ontio am f, fwre. Let Me ball. -At presefit the dlice ad? be I openly sold anywherr., 111T�ARD - passed -the 2al-d to rn My f improvitig the breeding of Xv* I ( oT0t �e Norway Pine Merrlhew, -who'preseu ell It to , wish ito I ie disturbed with t me recvr.2,.�e,. The drea ny. ple4sura,ble -d' tys at the Orde any Labaft *product from ;and of increasing their nucrn- 'turnipg of , tb; upside dorwn, T $YrUP t;.x a cougli. or otty. SmIt had alread seen . 0 Ill L V flla Aria lue wo �0 y er, or direct from �V g the grad our 'deal e are witnessL lial throat h, ita! i t! NVOU114 be the,'Me Were,the soals,re- re. The I Ion jqov� don of the rancheeand the -,,T,ad- Ile wa odily. Spirit of nel JORS LAPATT, LORR Np CANADA V It aside ii Isuspel. .0 So g. -I zl,*. i(j%;ce sign rtnals inoved!, $talked IUblishment of a gTeat graztftg s of this L eyes(, roved as I 11 Ln ef- ' a d there were a-comlog and 'iin're'the permls§lon (f re .edinjj; Industry. It is naturany wondert-a IF. only Datural "That ill broad. A a t0 fl 2 some wa. out. Ing t by the Increase due to the (hat ni-' the cm goi of tl e ma4y needed e rtr4 se". Ask Ina hay. e tried to your big ess.11 or & laily, pl6ased secret y In id methods Gf the latter to make iTn;tate4.* Its' ; =2 ke a of fis] if said "Then you. will t about at once a ants, a to nd fr6mag of extia arden- thg losses cansequent on tuipe �, a lei and cz rpenters, an the sound of DoWt b i, - U on secure thJs permUss] Wl 1) b takino h tring ( %ated so atic a 9� of the rancher� blit -the olr0eek y ac ment. �Inauy hammers. The ballroo Rod the i I've �§ I The air with vV Ich she delivered anythin - :;,a� iWE r, whole Is proraising. The ic l6othing-: us to. dc, 11 ut. to roon op�ned, ind' aired a, thls tommand vas noble enough for weret .Exhibitlon at Wlnnipe�� in !914 Put up in Wrapper; three C:: Ir on, bag and e. . and the bOutiful doors poihshed, ed all records in the nuvaber of Pine trw.,s tf-0 mark; price 2.5 nyone. hen ' a Signorin rose to hel feet rade animals shom. and them . SAY In Florex ce there was a'deal of ex. cents. S e too.' . the t oil vvlll tole a g ra h to Cranford & Ilf such excellence tbat-Witle far- bird from Kit y 13 find, eftement over,tbef coming affair, for 1�y The T. Milburn tor I a -no Umberto Prlmo,4 Batinf, 1j3 theI mprovement can be looked Im pleces. a k flung the Ila ). riadne ad I t Into m ti) e I , I Romeg They *M sl Ipply oU with the icLawes having been the fisegit m oir - r the wall.. seene I of i iany a ;splendid entOrtain. hown in Amerim The progree necessary detaM ir d Informati MOP e Ia been beirayed-110 site rIed, ment. The., bad- gilways -been 'j myS. yrestem �farmer is demonstratmia The Inspector spo;,e- to the caraln�. a� n JnMr 4ye's., -fellows that ft eaclx of them tery regat 1119 tfie Prine spa dt erl, and thetrio I e 11 etraypd? lij what manneri�, a a bed to the gates� a- soI be can �tfford It,, ralve "is it asked AST-ftme for rhe to zove DU On -Lolid were the e clamations of dii. onte Blanca. Ma07 doub Iler ac- head of hig--grade stock, the atEkrr16 131 ar4. I -of this D -Pl ince was 9 I tun I' existe ace, But the A, er. Ig -line ha I Hmrartcp of Ote rancher wUl 1*08- WHOOPM, COUGH CROUP gnpr�na. are Sul 114I 64 . ndt6 Americaq, n. and the problein had no ia 2d in may from he Iun, to their gai urope ndsome MKILANG"Em COUGHS COPS ofyours, the )rIncess )W,. po and ()Pj.y HIllard a d Merribew, show- known all , iver E as 4 la -e one witt t lialle .-j spendthrif t it 4t this ,intaining a suffictent SUPPly Ot ed faith r pro-, And the fac# answere La SI I dow thW1 In La 41gmorina, and he &Ave& As matters re precise J$ Will . be moment he was � ;luaoered iqto shment Inc her I iorlua, arms fold ;twi.d, stocks are, not large as her a estatIOD that sh.- would stralgbteo with the El ­hth. corps I Flu euelp add. "She a e you the rl t i tu'a t h t the tangle withIout any add' - Ico ou ed largely 1 0 the zest of7spe, ulatio Isse4, Into a thin liVe of diould be, nor are theY Incre3ft- n fast as they should. Sta Absol I 1113d more S4 T Net, e anger In misfortune comin to her former as.,, her e Fre As for Illard, well Inde4 d fie an. be t gociates -in the Of er EL troupe. go far enough back in S. is ted -an t6 walk back an I: �oz 1h ser- dertood nc Iand Albert-- to be Of MUG w why Mrs. San lfor� had A -2I We qjd effective treat m-entfor bron- Well efoi -e I sW6g the t 124 IIm Kitty, 01mally tn I Smith, ho e ped Smith- by h4l arm' wev warned, 111M. He' understmdt now etlal tcMbAGI wghOut dosing the st=aeh with let me tell you something," said were confinced I hi �t a dirty italia 4 ju -numbers only about 5& ger drMw lumd-11thsuccemforthirtyvean. at. PO o tbe gates. 4 ten yeaM catde a trifle mxwe WM evaY treath, makes res '-Wolr rendered wmon Mmepairi Pr*n would b he if ultimate tin ly 411 WW in k! lorence few da: i 1. wu bh�lei itzi d 'an Insp e what the gi eat mIst!ake was. _v or soothes It was I WA *we throat, d i .3hftp have'lem an stops the COUFh, assurin I 'made some nquirles. place. Idnued hext wegir-) S. of couin ;O per cent, P, S�. $ter q� -esakne is invarmb e to ingthera reAWnk.W.S. Q et ance, 111ber. swine have increased abacK tIdeD4 I ]Know. I Intel viewed or -15uppose we gd aid. break the news C f iofichl -W f(yr deserintive b130%let. 810 101 I W114.0 I to Worth," remarke Smith. clerges. Only came ir cent, and PDUItrY abOI 66 Lomlf;_�ildrea anct a boon to sufferere c# e u e path. T i4i inspeet )r five hot I c -Toronto'A share of the Stkeet',jjaU_ Swil M D IS Cal -4 g b I I: �T' way Co.'s droiis recellits 14st 1 year ALL DRUGGisTs he d Of t ej i a S he I fi UDOV the tea'tabl a card Its 'a e nam 4l sentoL tovvjn_- a moment )ad r cent- Sud 0,M411 them eve� ble - show that gWckg on hwd Try cre-5012ne was Ithree pnyq�ea azp- abou M.- tie Ts- �r_qezl, 2,300 00 catde, 345A Ifective land MOM xw*ne- F%-uyq�s -They are wk, r zeem unrellab� buL Y�"r Ire axe not ylet haR as =&'y 1W left �gmo. One bas only, tO 10 IjV and eon_-Adtr tze qm*ai I -t is farmed crs­ 00 Yap Cr Ao, ti Rai Lrjo tha and to coml- W ith the West. in ordw t6 sela, �ery much 'be done beftre We miade i -sible 1w ­11*,� mpow Ee R. to TIII tily fc ir the = g, postpaid, one f I In therty two- wklets� 'Roba. wU you and ligh� urn. on t4e, llna6n eas�n cof 46ck g Lnd p*1 ry' TeIL ow to fe(d aH kinds. of h ,resident of tba A VP h the fmporfttsm leggs ULU -ARE FIE WF I IREORP16110 alone, and to my I 9 9i in: Mi ch cov v, calv 3 i teers w to keep and *W , , horses X It a"s ad fattening diffAw a1sc Ito poultryf V.. Id" and cream f*r their- On �horough ap lication oF parw in go. so th. I I I if y just hs v rell in i vii ter As in sl4mak0r. o farmer should j:)e ithout it. f wX bring' ease mst be obtabied Who- Have Novae M, ok at Ir4igh IExperiminced or� ing. Zam'-Buk ste�s the IIM II1he tre as evaters '10. At v irds pi bel 4n4 it 4uilds up 1 heai r Eggs in'Winter, Djla, 6nt., Foj�. 7, 1, C ol only tw, to, it Wailes Iq 4k rtizig, he cracks., and a pey Animal, q I vie� in the Simmer. j - I s maw"1900 busbels in, 0" to 1K OI I rna %19 W. — epkins � Co:, Loadon, Ont.. day �lal Plu-plf 1�3 0 M res 01 4�1 tho former' plumpness a Mfg.; A HEADACHEN .0 again to be em Specific =�kes each Ani atizes ihe ha4'dj s�nooth. a worth 5 0. :,un-doin.'s, in litV43 or n:) j me. G e nt Ile immwe n a hav� been U 31ng Royal r o,n� the manner fn MRS' , WN. BURNIIAM, Sanfo do- Ont., purple poultr cent. ihore. .0, an d ock Specific r the a ttle Partrand, 10aleaburg, 'three WF-eks, and ded 'r ic vely best I time! to Ilse th C * PRO F-mis, Ha says: "Deaj! Sirse-This is to cert! andled tbe crov, -it U --stummosm ifi� ; fY last )nt Hei&&es Y ou nev er of a I Or 1 t. Dnei ��.w - ., writ, effect all ages and both I must s; Ly 0 at re- es --"I was troubled- wit ebapped y orth ro It diests I . I the bD:' f0bil that� have'usk o boxes of yotir suits axe ar tjW cjave� of raLvigatlow- Aftew kable4 Am 'eedirg the 1kewise. I xrl�r P i gqt- sexes alike but the female sex is na'tur' zands and arms no�hlng lined -to heal or "Stda Food,". doin r6vPnt4 the &41 mJ Ld -ftels bad rew&ed ttw;-bead OC 9 dpol�ltrjr Specific'fcr hens. They laid' Stock S i to twoli'milk tWffltteff to f in ing flesh. 9 MY Pee ing cow;. and 410M tho lxghly ntil we found' Z m -Bi .. 114 tion ;or 100 &fly the more eff&ted through the, higher 0, I & 0 fe0d nj: it to them, I won- em Royal Purple will peri Anently �2 t�e o *elL *hil they' have increased 30 per cet. id their, 00- nervous developmen and more delicate 11180 used C'�ntj gSa iao cured theni. Aly 1ather ha4 IThe Poultry r6sults we eve more r aever skin oilbl. and ijurl org Os, and thinks gh the jak - ding tae te; crcv�._Ikave Bull fatbar, Bots. C0 jin Disc t �d dered if you. *o i1i i wind sen qulazation. of the System. 5 th and dirou word how, or,wJjer)1.wu1d get son2e tliio manked an this, We bAve about 60 here is nothing li a Zim -Bak2' ,e Debility, restore ru down jo. a )el [Tieardnc Bardock Blood Bitters has, for years, loaded and despatuhed "ask-, to plump ss md vigor.: -winter. I b6 'ht t from your. agen hensj, laying age. -Wlken wel co=aeneed 10 0 -cent T' kage of RoV Purpl Motliers shoul see -t�iay.,their iahil,ireu use Z -am. and some feedlug, we ere gettiiig five a 34 sic eggs ty, been curin- all kinds of headaches, and if 3 last winter. Uk a' d4y you will 0�ly give it a rn Th�* in a clay, and i� thi6 Iasi five dw, -s thi t sa&e -ds and 1"' 11 �reater rapidItY than h0retObwe­ trial we feel sure It %v ill crei -sci the In -yidd % �o ill la�t pne� imal 70 4P aR there is notIfing like preveit=. A little -,has been I 18r" --ft- days'l got twd dozen. eggs ill do for res little! oVer two4hirdoi the usm it wi you what it has done for five pound pei cow a d , inside ( f 0 ce �.&M-Bw ightly S eAre ovee the ha U4 nb -February and. b. while feedbi of ra'AwaM MOIL 441- 24z r TI.them Bock of henj laid 15h eggs, alme t an 4fter waiih ug, will rq Chaps and coldil sores. �spe,at of a sti thousands Of oilh,ers during the past two to th�,ee i veeks. makes t I- ]�i d he spetific�`� average of tho five ZAm. Bak W ske ou a for skin 11 grdmte Sit each diLy,. and, thirty-five years. richer than eve7 before Xk ds'- in 50-� a vii ro in addition W W Boni , 4103, Innipeg, Vgtww i Im st Poo 11 d r cu days have bdmL ithO 661dest this wiater. rt Xwerm, d Clarksburg, Ont., U4 e U*16 1 11� try Specific preventsk bur -is in I bruiam 650� - Abal a znd! druggists, or t railway CM Mrs. C. Mead �te 3 last 3ut! 50 dsTs,' afid L 310yal Furplei. 6V oway MR. AN )RE WFGRI of ii L. 4 g You can s" results�, plainly in two or Wri ree tbng Is a. 4 Fowls ilouing, fiesh a, iaoulting time, and frea f r.)m ZLi i-Buk oi, Tom for pricir. Refuse tes:- For years I was oilt., sayt "This is t o certify tbat ID thre6 days ajter the use of Pur- Kch as Brandoo, Ftqrina, Moamr troubled with ay- PrI100130 e e. =-f al nibstitulai and im ttions. Sick headache and dizziness, _;�nd as lave tri perm un dis as poultt F UM saskskO014 I your Royi J,. Purpl B A noya: P4.�Ple Specific 3. only, apently c �s wrery poultry 3,00 i e ;ock is P11 and e the: same rolkst- t d I was advi 1. their It m 3,ge brigh SattWOrd - y have e It makes t and lce6#s rorkton, XOrth eld to try Specific to! two, w�eks_ n one I OIL 3 a av, an!ldl �asts 50 per eOcLt. Wnger... hustle and appearanm now as in th3 slim- calgary, amd Lethbridge. Bu I only took I I '.them. Aways in Pri condition. I rdook Blood Bitters. the 16th 1E. ei�ghcd ".1 r milk" 11 �7 JQL S 50. P 11 Co time. �With co and poultry, am teresting things jet timeg �f the mosvin three bottles of the medicine, now I n ed q ange sit r., nt r cap, la It inalwa yo, I 'Poultry Worth more usinj the 081140 i ln c ire as da is the vfart� e 0 tJ6. 5 exactl� tlem 31t of Cana woman. I find I am, Ifeel like a new 6 days- ni there was an extra w gl) u be witbout it, han befoko stArtit,g to uperintendent Of �Qmpl*ely cured, and I can trutblMly 4ey could' ever feed "Royal rur3le."? the irrig-Ativin ar era And stockmon g t ac- s of the Canadian Pacific Ptau- milk. On the 29th, I ��refully e hdd testify -that it is mo best medicine I have, i-0, Y9,11 538, At is on y ilemssjry' j -he pour I0 91VP Yet one 5 X Package will i�st 25 quamted wi Royal Purple. t will have policy of providing -the milk, and slie. gav: 22 *yal Pa. -PLO R cine T ce- each di.3. ail iwill do' suc ee am gr boxeE grme r =111 n a Ot er onics of the Vast season erg c- ding admxh�&bbr, ever bied. dn order io 5 L Hens 10 days. 1 Or a $1.50 r has 1 1] A tl ma�ing' eac 4 25 �Elei�s'280 d4ya. This is fou� times' i Blood Bitt is manufa vin,q nes. ]Burdook 0onsider it the best I ha6% ever A I and 4ock XoPds on t�e market can ibined. ov�r its cost.11 Vint more- materiAl vit only, hrOq the value a! th 21 4tt tured only by The T. �&ilburn Co., Li'mit- ; . I . 01*0 tr�ly. ANDREI F MQ S. ad 4 Toronto, Oat. ei� is _tlz�iberta_ Sales of 'jand Stock Food"- vvillinot Ido th� Oe qil t nitc you'i Air. Stoi k 0 wn�r 1, cost. le on area hae been ver3r . . . . i - ,krrigati ?'Stock Food" is n6thlag more W - .1 r) Aug� 28, -910, t ERY HuMENEEM-- -the last three years. siod (than a. mi xturi t of the -1 �r ng4 y thi d sW. A. 'Jenkins 31fg, Co., Land n, O. it �tejy averae . a million you, your., ur'own fit Gentlelnen,4-Last Pall wp in our U. The rallwaY company natuxi it is nol , M01 a food yc tir Anirria: istables a. yo!ang mr-re belon ng to Miss 1es Nvbiclx result in Imme- osa BRODERICK They =us; hml,p someth. g to hell 116 CLOUSton, o4 Xontreal. We could not �cupation. Their ..-Plans ha" bodies gei gLU the nour hment frc n bran on Dusing �ed so well that an aPProprla- feed' her any, neco of C ;81000,00G Is said to hav& bejen Oheap -Harbe§s Store food they retting. i a t s 'xiolent scouring, consequently causIcLg her axe hat tq �y )y the Railway Board in order UpposiW Commercial Hotel, Seafort fatten, and st.. fat. all'the year KND -POULTIR SPE IFIC to become eak aud thin:. We com- iething.tV prevent I R al Purpl reatE a an a for- 'E 0 EA, ,y the Irrigation system Turtber, I onenced usink your Royal I?urple Stock '11hey necd so- i , . BEC K Was TroubUd"Wh' iit. P �7, It Specific, and the results were w6nderful. to cure disease, and to eep'thein pb i Uie 5 1 _r 0 Mcdo This Test aln h"IPE ture to di(rcs; 4 11 rn r using ;t three weeks, we fou -best.,of health, all the tiiqe- UP Suit Oaaes aud Trunks .,I 0 Ze., h an nUS014 bran cr an� othtr uld feed the animal ounce of Rdyal -Pur & cO T1 E to, Itis area- Ju(iglng from both D, Vet ple. Stdck gm Liver soft feed wi(hout scouring- h�r, aiLd slie ts, there t Sto& Fwd jAs a 11 t4, la 0 ner, yal Pur,)l to. bL. little pros- - :, I )I h sl poujt4 6 pelfic 4 V . yon money on we can actually too� on in this timE. twer, ty-five law* "'at the province gain &-region L9 mako this t438t can 01f Fee ! same time hrough t�e h=t. -iy b valuable no, -her t the in To IFove thaX 11 oyal Purple haj 1 pounds of flIsh, we working e found arty TruZkS;Lnd Sulit Cases. Prices P�Oyal Purple is not AL; !8took- I rdtt COULP NO,r woit& 0 hi I t :MP from $1,50 up. nor a I'medir-im." It jzria bondM ant u to loqual, i1ve W D it does not contair� T -rain, no I V.en," 0 h04 I'ven It tb,n- ot'trans- rsoman. 3al US Feed RayAl P f I t . . - , !,. I 11) MIw, Grim iby does it �on ain TOM SXUH, 6nt.. In p.-tylng. I - I __-& - heartily reconamend your. Stoc Ic fie. - I I I -P,W-h R ' pr:6ducts. Nor havt u�ed Ro�al Putpla, Stock le i For r7%rvree 1 tion are o 0mo, it Is ver.Ti, d at I 4e, We import, thern frorn En rious in&-edierit. 11 I- 'Animalct for foA# Weeks. Trainer�, for, fthe Hon. Akm Beck.- ul If the mineral found ould or any ot er inju pei+ fie. P i�- y inj ft,�iiig ITIfe Eel preparation writes:-" JOst k a few lines I 10 fet you Rxulusivq pattern, 0 ,M,3 t �me feed �ny oth land. er purpie tiow not imnerely mporaril- I t 2.0i:..L, working. la g08f uner of any -pi�wr it- We also know wha-V W[burn-'a HAmrt ind Nlerve QualitY unexcelled. 0 any, otier Animql,_Pt the, same cond manpfacture : Wb�rafs for It latte: z d t Royal Purple Lice jj 1908 and an I or inspire the Animal 4u raad 044i Pins have d6ne me, ffu4recl late the flow of bile to Apt e does noi prove to 25c:.; ength 10J 'brother oi G' Str De ane -Aile i if Rlq'al Pu rmtly wittil niy ftwvs andbecameso o v e,.- Mid WotittS ly. I ur�le Gall Cure .............. 25c. 91 An,4 - wffl taiie, roxio, in YOU b 3'eslaits that it is the Royal P sud. vmsk times I the bowds, and -in rs,* k1janer- pf. $3,60 ir r 7 rm I , 00 il L actual nervous at could'not Consisting of the best imakes iq-d- other 0 ever, U Royal Purple Sweit Ltuiment ..... 5oc, FW-* the liver, r=QI 0 Ve regdw, R_ E [ 7'%T,ff 61al es i , I Y�u ie., we'll return be work. A frie -d � of mi no adv ised me to in Buck, Horse, Suede, �Calf. kaown add I a your, Royal Purple Cough 50C. of Liver trouble from CDs' ter4pomzy ba& a box 0 ya UUII,wl�lch� I did sr Ue be 'money., 16L OV 0- h� se nave 4 theip or; Unary t ry ur p and dis, Oraa?- Ltbr to 4-dTy en,ing Prices from. 25r, tor,.,r)() zxp�.tir. SD qUiekly a il 41 bur Cough � Cure will cure any, ble headpxhe !to the pe tough in fou� days, and break up orms, of liver ii a rt6d usi g- Roal lurp] e 11 Soon, fo ed &in ral nd �6'11 ask questions --make Purple. It iE a -Eels I w 11 alwa�ys have- i� n vp If xc Ho --se Blankets 4peqfic, bed i a I have wer for the at tha Wozmb� LOIA- use6 You wo i I w the judge -not �s- and cure dist-h4aper in ten to twelvt days. 6 -weeks -old Powder.; if ork Q if your dea�er cwmo with Word, Sy.14nVI `0 A _�v PaIrpLal znd Supprexs*4 di,w ia lea. 45 t! Supply you beart and nerym 1 recoinniet'a them Mr. S. Nelson ion are &H ON A complete line of Pi ine NV001. to any one suftering om heat or merve EZ�e' U as larg& This 4� an ho�(st test, isn't it our Royal Prple Brands, we will mpply U, to zaajce `W livar tairmw it because we ]know rt t�y Itis Blankets, bo. ke in�giW* 1 - - I f lre�!i th(. at& ask: yo, trouble. I was troubled try Dr inontlaf square, froua 2 75 to $5,W_ roll upoij z�ceipt of $1.50 a, paij, pre ja b. 10 weeks I'F�i POUI that Royal Purple j,, i the best Conditioten 1 rve plaint for three yeaw 00 �414 9W I I paid, for eitW� poultry or Atook, or if Mbum:fs Yt�art anc Ne Fills make Ure rl�.s relief. I La I oxt he x�arket. W2 Rubber idountecl Harness R j you lW4 the weak heait stroug and the sbaky Royaj P lu -Pl Poult' Speci ac I I o nt 4*y- Liniment, GailCtt.--e or and -Is t)AS" I am , are no a itised, after It (W Spe i 1C. Xt is Pot 10: r, M -try your M. ic nerves firn� bylmpard al; a sU engthe y, and Aftri taidus m Ul F4, -our an& 7f or Ic t It YO test ng I Cough Powd4;. we win send it by mail, See.our Rubbee Mounted Har- mihkes As u 2417 Pig VW I lot telief. After I W 1� ;wlllt.el troatmeS 41� on't to al *Ming. do you?, pootpaid. up4n receipt of prim., ry 0 4- ness -at =100. It -is a worl(I it hin Animi h )r sio.ck. you Lid fiiffuercie to eve Lt !a r,(v,, InternalY'r and', I bvft. be, f 0z bod and 4 ble Is was m -ed comp Ur ater. and tissue, Ifia too sufferluir Idt bwn troubled YOM pitation of e heart, zzinem, Ake JIM'W" K"I'Vir,41% -3.0 AT3bAr4V IIA3 IR'. 14D 1.0 10 mt(Hoirlel na"e 7 I At the e(,rfalitv of tile, !%�Own nm, a Is Ifit; etc, j"Id tit-, pre>pertlem if tl!"rXI t C F. 01 lc� an. L, , - b �qelve XrlI:,fn Price .5%0 Mau or for $1.25 *04s P" VW o- 5 visk. for per BRODERIOWS Iftl ,-Ing aid v.0 1hat tt Roya Pur0e dAl' t1try 8 Pee' d rree. qooklets c4 be'obiain'ed from at alldeale' 0' r umma idl receipi idealeri, or mvied direct ag rft*'Pt 3 pri -.r to 4�-evy sluarol Store It Cheap Harness' of Ce b T. iprice by The T. W11"cu C*., U&414 V�rontof out. r Opposite Commercial Hote lues Grieek, t i: lb�. FE. GUIARAR, 1, Sea.fI T To 10NT. saw II_0 lip L b, IIIII........... .