HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-01-20, Page 6' - - - I ­­ �, 777r��.­­-­,­M?�_ I _­_ ­­ 1' 11 ­ !---I _­__�­_ _7 9 Fr 7.77. 0 -7 1 7 7 T 4% 7" T IV& 7-e &N, VA -KY �W$ 1 a R4 Va. lot At *TAY lftbg 1*7 *W70- bawhels. About 60 o o6t a Interests. *SaJnst w4VA the ve a wom zeaen4- -affea Of 4ts-14cmiedge 4wbts wbemt is Ifit for miuLsoo badi Ile ace" d bWle7, grade 4w, LL couM readDy bit, founct tWrm 304 -the -410 '16C AIM 4�i- 14 7. %00 qKgl X thwe of bt Is _wb or tn.tb�e history of thd rkiole-OW Ufttr than In iLl)os and, tat owb 610, wb A but fte W fft,1910 bas been as high �a X 1"le 'with a just d, aft W slict, anti ta still mot -t � un.4 j4 em "to" labour and ON tutz ekuhplei, of bM I or bu hft Kidney Troulole palZ by brainns or less rsxe& �mi#, and ithei 4ove -1 0 that, the crop is D�Ucyx tu M sup�- t 9 - C *1"Iaw 'Clot adfusted 1A lopt ieL plan of to the "O'Lege Wit 1>_ as;. which 10 riot' b:d rg, In �ey r6sult froviL the crops 0 In priew, I fa� ir. The F rJ , A TheMW*kWdiSease&thqtcaAsemm ace e thange iwtute e 0 ordince with tb i who, as A tal lectures and the a;,SL..%UMht�* Iturall , FW_ thath"e e peop14 OMg than Kidn r Trouble, IAN These are -Ingi =.0sh: by conse ive Western opinkin.11VIII In, perllays b and arai do ld lsmiift It A_.Thtormls 0 Q . I 'Pus d i er-ause their I YrIz`61 have a ury fortund -S f le SaM6 new rt is -of a! NiUch be about 00%000 less ftan -for Isoo. Jn every country. gmod, but the 1b4i**4d0wftvko know it. He*,n*tw.-. I I- E I In the (ase o the '*aJority of our taore effective of the Census Dep4l !rh j,ok, fayj Arknaal?geebng (it )r VtOU6 yeav,"# and p tical: 4ature. Tile eE over Mee Suffered ftom which inclkl4des All f1pld crlr)Ps' isiltm ye4rs I crops f4mi ladlah. Vg felt oth6r*1s% Our "Wes, wage-ewners there is some . adjust -L. It sought by demian tt ng or L me limt I thought I ba& areb c ld4,4 k Ca 1b nk- Xpeirts. fact The total field cropsi for. ye ment, wjetl ier sufficient or not, in -ing C my.,( sr x-rko-W that.a uttla sw re ove elming tU% tb ree- lirovinces f or 11910 art 41 n ih I ei� not to Ot t 4 ally- i2larried. on th -,pain aid ck fdrsuddenly thL oil ueM bulk XWCURNY _e ;;Ln a Iny, back ;155,92 000, s compared 'VItJX. bac :,�,Ix anslon any 0 e it, :h( ov of Jor the Qovernmen th and it 7- Tues4ay, 10t4 navr moner 006rceland -P4ce our pep le sh fre in our prsperltyv t a IOUs paxts of he "�Yrev by at Would be impossible for sne to straighen cit- real jastate 011equilltiori bag whlob,je I; i ememlo ered, Is the re-- ( XP ara Ole and! wiMug to $1)2, 9�00 for 1:909, a ami "400 ),-MLT 911, t) who cut p dull e tempo�ary nanwffu -forseveral minutes. A _Xhausii: Suit of our ca nbIned activities. It 10 ji advice, gradually a break �ip that t -S7, 0,000. Much of thehr5nk:� V -Main: )rj t 0 11 ovitab I*e Is due to decline In pirice, but IMP Ache'actim, ther kidneys was alvfays prF oi tant" MR the ge a tie erl alone Ly&a F..Nilkham!' -nor to.the; con e a� T" things not du� ition of Content el Lt Wit tJ 3rield of the crop b Itager.sald- In �,Pft, on thp Nitug- wecha,41c,�nor th the bank' our fatbe walich - �s 86 e 'eok my urine was thick a and t ey �ave lit a ge r4- the m factu,er, pk6eper, arlpi pro tie ettect e r1ailroad, f ng. of nd cloudy, Pg$fngL if ! t se. pro as is due to UTkfavi e shown t e results� of a It caused V6getiblolwo MP X1.11d i VrIN 4a in presenth�jg YO1 k, t ft' !as. a burning, scalding ve ple, L t,'a � Wbale '. Even the I ori the sho gr4t wn enem3r to young 'rhL i 3r I# three districts, J�Lia Mao, re gun of the fortuitous -cir- rie lunn_ can be TnW medicines, but they failed. m Ohio, — 611: hato Wmn ii a sta Rmt at �vbldh- I%It otion 'I I the lolum, It Is e I -SoVtholz�a Manitoba, 1"& TA e der whiph 101 of V Ila ough kuowledge. z. -_raik�g as was advised to try Dr Morses Indian Lydia, B. Thikh=' - e able co�a- ig' record W t h United State i Is regai ded al Main CUMSta ces we are enabl t el In th6i -1 r cured my .Wde un &u i ill g h�eto Y. V Paz th dkstricts s t r ar W unresi an I iz hav- c oi�ln offo make c arr pared with not Imow Ing, of Oazln' S, RSL �tbey ye lyo lud to Politic ed by t�d rt to ich4dren Rftt PiU I;a Je - and, in soine south VO DsitiOn. pro I us e f f)r orebards instead Of ndrth Inj no d: rect be %,ring onlour *atural resources not a la r4n 4,ild oj rti parts �.esults we're ------ v nd: In I thei disti Icts whero rqsu3 wtre On- iyears before A few �boxes affedO,4 a 1-1 RLY ka t we are w,)eriencink 3r great ot a a. ls� It no -therefore, most. t iei n, of systematie idar U excel -,raJ pr�sperlty, wilich Jus -it e, In - 6=06 cum 1 now enjoy the bles,.� -nt to all, re re tie 1hat, Instejad of each Judi- rroper dralrka�ge, of a k [owl hAA,1 pr sperit, r is a natter e4vide ec our 0i dimlonp When 10t We e Wylunt vourable. h0wever, lsoWed. f0ftV of PW health, which is due to this �obd, and r I the eiy% vidual *bding �happinpss and contet- the m If we ex5lnlne In ee 0 �ring-before you. A -I' �u ca 3es Anc out ar I S ow mg sp feel to cultstameas 'ad panyl V Pros- men J In his- -mous c re - thele an' his own prosperity and E bot the -enO Itt rence d1i r ul I obtained, despite The *e- nott ie dur ig 1,4( year as, DoWt negle�t kidnoy tr�uble­ies too letter that fall sho. 116 ty uch th is . ito sati- share a building up this eountry,. E Lgts be P 171le a Shaul( there Is tween old Iasi Llo ied aul U e well- I )-eate farming, we ija;v hoPel d my work r. futur that it - ; th �, !sl pl ogei�?us asivell as i0o painful. That old a I a, ory. Great' ritaln S a e0u'ntrY. which his, r tep o y by scleptiff" farniqing- til #Ltes.: The trend Of busi A-, rickiltu, conditions at tbe. le *W reliable family remedy, Dr. Morse?s I tb- k of Its -01 -,h can affor 0 jmpo mwh more' being, v, � g i e nier�ly. that we may i k-oze farmers, sons vy Ill I the Ito ga I F. 't-Isf"tory, 'y In Southe Manitoba and paft-,i of; u 'par acaus owes! still 171 er profit andividuala, even I Lni 1, and that manY el T I set - p thousands h i it ex-paioo'rr' 0 Impo w3t d Indian Root Pills, has cured E. r.'In ss M%e W be, I tiV4 edom from Sc ath ern'Saskatt? . VVan are It is- e Ible lay before It. u-nua DrMOUP OUZR o: - inter- I it Qthei nadian Indiistries are in4de t e there atid th&t� Al U�L taith a andwillcure qudly, effective- le Com- or satisfactor -because of ack of e t,must to lose a are destroy1d thereby? be Anereme n o la� ithern Albiert:96 in cueirk constipation and its attendant da orations with grea tui v, wh in SoL besem )br a =-Or powerl ar- biUcLumessi indigestion, and sick ., X1 I wo Vs of durs6 takei yment n r m.mer- e Provinces. actual resur's are en a b d filli assurance - tha '61 1 cm,se,of P tiful. 11-10isture. 'during the�*. The. 3 nts t f L as -our very Stab a Is a Wng. in -*r- a., (hW rX ;h adise TAW d- preac in- puriling the blood. !I V11 )m J�t V 0 onths, the prozpi�cts aro z t Drdia i6lde� Prior a atry ;.S lould Port a cluttally d in Ontario Whldh While th4e s per4ps less eftagO 25c a box at your drug&es. et t ll ca atry C go:)d e)uld be desired. Fr Zogmel 10 f :0 1 'ab from 7 Etr to Ye Lr In -11DO V & � - Maritime Pro 909, S jorth, Of aV pies, aj W 010 mor year -thd it Im. UW_ r fl- ii foril e Past ed in 1909 in new hauft fruit To v his done f )A( 0 st', an of Canida, Ye ixs -the aecess'ty of More adv . or C nclos I older -parts s South - $3 7,371 10 s Pay ban in! i arts r, roduc P in for Int( rf vl 7, the net whidu ern 34anitba has been painfully levi- Fl. HAiNON1.3K East J401 L918t, A 1, 016 an f the aWjft froft the� coun- ithods ir �auch X omuey. 1 to $1,42 afit on '01 Jpare� !ivdt 54 -of the pr V, u there a 21 but gteady t:)urists, obio. - , i t by' p rmane t absen a i the pald- $974, in addition tc &Ppl!u I not 1 Ma:0.W nowope that th� bein rfg Is. -,.r ent,­Or er Wei Atelpe L kr67 L 41 because met ft max Y ndustr, es, and- Me year t ned rant to- da, OW -an e ftr eatng . W i mre them -er mcnt at Manito a as well.as'tba la T 1�eeu one of marked ombaid Was merawill forthwith do the q JLUBS L "I vas r�sult was , G p 01 innot afford a Irk 11 s. debt't6 just- d t, i ul, tOV41 wtiole Crop befoltre i ulte 6b Public. thro e 6f 4and st rer 9 ftn co untries ha.-NdWng eadir about prbSper.4 Oil raw to ftVft gendmil operly ca"d for. :*%� 2krr1*w '6011ritor N0t&-rY or makill a )ther C SOWS us and not difficult thinga ne vI I a�*C. to -loan to. Helforth VoD. g a sbtsf � id ., 4 r P16 PrOlV191 1 IiIP00,00 P amid a get re Ity i#e bde i Vertalps the res of or proilu $2,499 gross red trom 11 nd ther eo 10 a9r1cu. I e chard eern and mainta fl Pebts. to In the repu V r n IS par Ce . ayf4ptoum Ly tat. it . '40 me to wnte UY4� PVWY* Lnd Roitarda-vo. Of (I Iais C 13 one best of Canada Z S a lhi!z , thft t, Of - $1,800 net; 5 W 2�&t W do V,-' tfv of this Part ddrdi em I our recomm n4s; and as to 0- gr jrodi�clng country. UT11di3bt_,' elm X I he nev co e W111 iii entitled C �u loci. a Vr"k -day. d i table, Compoundre ore M - i - 2 groM aAd $1,120 ne'; 44=1E 149"i l0very, C 0 CID i Increased the divi I F or Oe 106M croW 01: -.ca Of pt 1W th MOL L tLUM, -e. '' I I ely redtij�ed 19tom Itaw V"t, 8"torth, s� ; sbd pf -cent.: e Ind vm'i hich ust, dUrI rig I ta 'period price. d Id 4539 gross; and Of tie (TOP S� arg ettlem nt; In 191k Vms e A to , r In )?rovincles paym. f or tesult Y_ it 4ne wi tb iw'L )U '�4 d ared with 1! d ZG Me. ti apid ettlem Impo it inore than the Ma y Lel, Is In Money from to $0 per o prevalence of -weeds 10 - , T t er 4611t b $90,0001 itference Is how- 450A be sbown, lear t the Provincial Gov-rn� WWL _:women' .1 Epor 4 $49,694#40,D could h R. ELAM iec 0 X 190 WMS tg4 6Df the es, ment take too much trouble, *I w6ui lat our- prosen An I to S O� r) e daybe Ity J , - 1I maered so seV4MTJY the ort feat i m6w- ye F4, by e tions wh Ic , must f6r ro Ilig of wurAe with the trt showd P%bliah ustifies, the ex Pal I The estion, then, fromrat aul 1 1 UO 7W4 .- W" -40 small but ma;1n1'Y with th evil as far tLs possiblq-'k :cough nip n, as f6 how In of the f 1R:D.,'GTj4i A, 0. a e Shaul s to po ftat crop brmight return on your i#uch' ha trival - W4 In vege been done by InAivffluO -i bile. SoltLftor for tbv Vfile, VL b - - 4 . It L -V J) W 0*0 M&_*, W aerleS Mised Ca 0 e our pleas re to Now$ pll� 1 Ith I -L 4 1-, die saine Whleh.00nfr s'the Indlii pnbr abla t b Llf the USMI reftww. Ap- 17 to show r1DW "Nkmatolon B"k. Office—Iin lrtor; of W I * t etrkt� ith e s off d farming spedir..g !'10 the t Of ton per Women who are I as 1011k] t t4e n trade,- '�xkt Ahe const de ratIons pies an I ott er I trulti, excluding 7 tons Of cau er i Ahlelh be sold nutch larger the Profit-,; o aricul ture liflow reined '.eil 0=1111* critical period or.who �.re ar1 a large 4 go Cc Heated that berries, ren 7160st 9 re Isi., c0TnL $So- per ton� a u: u of ab t $225 in tbe We t should be. The r6E ults. zetui u of ab lag loom, i ugh: to !pass R, from w, W.. of those dist hard to kn, vw. whe a are wise pies be g �e third of a know tha -, for yi�hn large of the, pres ant poor crop have been Im- abrn� We 'i P =111% t I t annual meeting W e. t Is certain, ckop—b i products, especially ts have, been made in :Cntaxio Pryve4 by the fact that mixed f4rr, T: r Wltbeir sei: f L L- - an I w en Un 0 er Ong BAST. of,$20,0,00 as_ a Of , the ftet that fol t M z h ON e V_er Is that! when, i Mal I As In hak - and gra In, crops, Land prices were _g'.0win e0l an I � Aher -1 oWera h03 been Increasing—Indeed,. thm. Is - WS' anU Urliharke, g fine ro- In , vhicah Southern 3T� ali- t lie 10m ul gly -at exii so,go le I t t secoriii the *dmirable it0v CORT47"064 E. riukhaanTs, Ve 4e)� he's �ve SP at as Q for New York nd oth� r VnIted, States cup, n with - the - re gulaj� tj t N a gant y, and' tbaf I vit i the effbrts of tt e Agricultural College to n aT kets, ibut we noOr ."Vr- Of 0, 16 ex- 0 e-ady working out the re-' fore h - "d Xoftry ft whic rc wards the Pen— I Alaaer's. froriatal* *to", I"'—, n1(r'eVLhE liaiit'orro the people how profitable( Made necessary by 'he IMPOV4_"r-L t- - _VW L ' - ' 6 St 1 1 rein for %air �4 hgS , b�6en the� V P wi anced hybridl[zer, 0 a I LO : I -Ing a, pro- ment of: the land 111t:t1114S.. female 111L 1[u a St liAlf .1-1. the. V aY of ni are the i lcer, who ha" made hi aiself f Lmous as'a result ot'l,re. e*ery c Ito om b fD1r, tWo year d U with whi6lv he hopes to ray his land wb h �'ertile a,�d near to good f peated I crops. W r< I Nfell as prosperous produ cer o gra n all rou Wilt ws)laerk nd investigation d Idle. largely umerale speci adloll, %vhlcb Theke isl lie question of more 11P be,,,, liould traln every n rve to makets. but willen 1w -att to 'allh es Of b been. ifttored. Y Lyf, X ark, we &�re pl msed !M a nd seLl as I. uoh of th Product because lie i many pirts of d In all Ixters of po ance to' Western development bar vin Se r --bered that ag Of Uft le to adi ppt 'a der t r d ) lits In- the Ie of IL e in- demans the PO reddl, it" 1 S'b Sop lie efi% P roving the b eouclt,4 tw the Qks,, Pinb&aws Vesetable.CoMpolm 0 a5 In a ces havP been used Uc of imp, �d. It Must be e to eMbM'e 'in ftbledneol. to t -pc int pos- other In Pr�nce Edward Is- t, ese results eir 14 itzes, pi i are not 'die merely o 8t ck 'and: of Increasing th 441sm ]Unk ot Cbmakwft' MOR47 tO bt- recognitUn of Ing s. I; Pat ada, Is al y f am 0. but in be We Are WitnessbIg the JUSt W, mei fhat likit land dai ying cand stock-rals4 arf, e proxlm�i I itance IL statL' We can- thrdat im7i, I h4vag a Inh asJ71 IT. -�olume !and have beet. ny part of -.ern 0, itario ex . 1 . -3r inc it rl, ncre z. most a es ton ottheaucher and the el during, the past year. BaNdings & T! d 'L land, And, ver s: rM la�r thinggs c0n, be d)n,. Too much V Nola, Ma Ite"t. aftfor eas ftly bw )orr6W.1 to dev -.1op y proJ u4 e bl-16:hment of grea gft dft out de - Industry. t feed! 4P- Ion of cl 114 en of I& future i alue, peTJ(JfJ -and the r. ame Is t . parts f L- -edit cannot be a=or le L to the JDe- antl won or the�gerVlce. This flf IrOS(Mt otlia, bu -ur4 of Ont to for; di4fficult 'b the Increase tbd 1grat I ton, Nova it zrt ment of A tha� 1; fir 8,- sr y far his t In 11Tew Erfinswick. gricult d6 much- to- foster e he! os oug)i 9 in can rildwr' �ods of the latter to �dl a the V indin I the h*her prices and ille effort Lq mak, c rl irnkke effor not*Ith and .1 JOAN 6-MV14 V� We's ill hat, 0 two -0 itm Baulk, so. eal- iay crops, much less ehees'- Wit hope that the nu e V 31 t to the n�eded, present the fine Cole Salt 41din Ileft, a M. el n Or Luktarle -few ts estailblish nt* fto I jgis DL 00, a and. bu4er I and demonstrators wi >e ner ed. p sinkf the rajacher, but h o uar vrovertY. Made, tfian five or ten qUau �g j04 faztorles and anythi All' intalet, Al 4 r4f ),a mma wid these *ppropr al fIca Year 191) of the -years a), Mamy es liol ei Is promis 7- p tvid that they will bA r., Rpt as i a w Ing. The the f.1 I P. ttft". C41" tiniber, ch is su ab] a ng B w 14 to. tra!nSfoIr to eameq� 5 Ar In. o aio, and the a worl-, as a per en Drce WX ng s0eir, lbition 'at Winnip3eg in ut b lain tj GOVerriment our Imports and cr about -stables and ut. b MO` 4 0,000, an4 tp- c arry to ikud ab wodwat& V1*- Wth r64tched rme rd figures. stock a hoi ses, cattl , and sbeep'k f, Agricultu la ment. areas :Irk 0 a in exceeded A records in the n Pal to Wer, 01,803 0, aqd our actually than ten Years a a prts new -toli�� bas 0 Animals shon, W4 the farm. Jn 11h] a till bhe�e 04 ixf Frofit'and b0ss lesr, numerm'Q alroAdy a buildings and matm Cl A off b.,--- ceagainst. ago b,.ert giVen to. farm affim, emigration We®e 00, ate ba an excellence I*, Art Of U b0n on. *dwi& Areftmo. fore the first Of August, iti 0114 emess of W to the West has. nearly ceased. fasm thdrf �Sftjt Qt Dr. �ottlfi " I . ! - - (� I r Jep( s :s 9 $90,4L0,0000. The nt veber- ean be I office, 164 egard ag-a Y-1 ario and ad -will refuge -no $1,3 7, 5, r) ch- e sion k0l tS h not d record, having been A year me fluctuations Vlues are Increasing,. nd'L int.,nalVe Igwno g be�n - e� p e sQ W pricig t L un iLead; the� ace d6s it =blole offer. tc qcultur� farming is a subject of eneral and evfr 3 in erica. T110 -coinpiish i ths g Ze th of ce, led; ]a 1907 and'1908, but 11, is, as 11 mporary na- In bonditkins, e al expected, & great In recoro Qf ag, purposa )u c:rea se over keft Iiiterest fmrnker Is d uebee was most sat ti )i edl' ar in Ontail and!Q last Ye %- state- V L revioas yeai , when, because to iall fellOms tbzt If eawebb. i®WT The ROBT, BRELENG1140 tl r -en alS JUr_r in )8, t of the jsf�jcto vithdraw r�. This year ie record -lis still Tlmt a more eriterprising spirlt iv, quLa: i lg"!t VL he e cces 5 S005 -as e =a atfod It, t of redily alliered A Cia4U&VQ Ot the TH 1.0.. Liv iitfd PVBS]E'[ER C cl coun f "a- befter. 4LIn d JIL IS questi�nalble it as re- necessary may be -yei H the! 6x:- P) t w� 48,1012,00(.. a &w 1 head i of high-grade as only #10ftwwy oduep, Mi ao&9MY �M-tf n The total �ds Yield or price*, excepting In the hord the statl6t �c stock I i On- excial blishie�s I lies of It, as! $69 61,000, ranoo Of the al ur foreign t oade- w gar '411 of Us AmW Aosociatim discount$ tX ca* of fruit, potatoe&, �nd one or two tarfo. From 1901 to I'm the, nitmber 1 8 anck A r. T thal fj 6ZOA.60 o threq times the volume of am a,to th6dr gain, rad- Me pr 11em 9. "tMAD VeUXftWT 0"W h d � this -ye RrS Is! unt miuor les. 'a more� generally sue- of torses on bhud grew of in ob, inerft�od 3u jou.344, an ti �4 I t ox tunate ar AQ --ii i ate� Cie wl nf 23,- tj t '125,000, blit since tha� ye en MU�ghly, ou,� firin dbWatod at tha BoWag" draw -al of Or ci =aot e stima cesigful was budned ty AS. --, inatte"L hao& by th& goot -modes* prunww Ji, Do+ e 5 7, rlm. ou all; e 'short ioxns I t farm High pri es I be olveil. ranc' AICKH 00 n cans I thoe Tolum t and 1growt ur dometic been practicallly no I rease wW a t of 41 caosed a 11 mber sold aimaally has, h6weverb In- t stb4* not as 11*rg� 99. 8" M" F"w *.8000wat W i report� $2,16 ti a gortacreag of grain to be. _hey OU14 � b% U*_r are th _y. U 5 1 a duwr 9 the �amb�per d. . P ,.Ytars msed from .51,000 in L"I to, In large, -Englist i h t fr wo t Ing as fast i w, they should- Statis les P a ts' fr the U-nited Our IM planted, early In the c to B Is o ri ili I ban in lag s were cai#'e through u �s M 4E al It rg,4� sp !rk au arh,'eZt the 1 10, which 19' evidenmi thq tj go 44r erpaUgh ordm a:, nt'. 1 L .011 c - ev�.Lr, I $2�7,,69LLL ack in Wt I , assets e4u r tb' r Sheep wl And Uece* MI e th*0 a oUnt f This'is do no 4! ent. 4' ou b. n Lost prompt bttld�vi- ittes, qxclu4ing a 314 harvest rosults were ex- f5mity of malutaini a lito k on c: ra be of moy-b. A: Mo I x:a and rph a, Bn Yeam cellent, ay gave a I e yield, roots h -The numer of 11crn'to In ancl Alberta, tc,",- re t nee0oz 9W, theimpoded bw, 0 Duk&T, V00tv - , dve'lopmerk expdr Is we tr ifle less in �Iojgt I es &d wel ad St th* 1wil1ikeeplorservicelngL�d. Ck, a so Ile 4 X Tac tl of th in pattlp, horses, I was 98t,,000, ia L r In. 12 r 1 )9, be ing SAO. v4e bers oW SbOUt -58 Pet' - U L L,4 1. t# fe ex- alk no eggs and AU dairy pro-� 1 01AY 1,0521400. nu lox nee for e 9Xffl PO `Iiawe M� on. fit the lid i an timr, I" to P2Y to the is �t� _b 'this Unte OfL.ftr, WAO a4ey rates duidts mp 1*1 1103, V. in aftqof.ou :By t I. to, 4jet the re- 49thi refore $1 5 50 per teftt, shftP IMVe umg 10 'Roy - V . pric 0, but the 0 coat, Ti I i 1: high Cattl in 1901 Fe, it neeim, -b ftsi- or ply� W i i6rtiliately always Iftaut- i 06 VSU;000, izid In q r tit j a'. Ily It it- tW-o hd it b a t Jhe i�n owtne have, inereliv )riot ourj)usta eas ray t�L Young stoat Ar� n i d th !, �rot vf�lue of e , field lerops h Umber of MBWCAL&; YV W zgo� per cerd1,: and _V*Ultrr Zboot 4'th s w ii re e d" 'es r* of Ontaz and! Qftbed for 1$10 was steadilr v xe- alea. Mon y W er, rose, statistico Asli*e Inuir JJR4 Y as obtained Pd1t t1i from 'L 1$101 Sh -a___ Compare( It I a that -we dukPl 9 In stocks on I*d- 4 ur expoi to .0 Great ory is OjW 'Ouble Show tutt OP %irki � artly, the Prov -e about a' Q1 i d I :op Ing braAch- B 0001 for T 9. le ml s the at Stad de- Er e frut 90,1'to 1,91 the r a heciess -tieg A ritlea Ila Althamm IL 0 In. bo n g th. Itan And 000. 131 JOHN. B A _1E t disWxts where =*f those OX baUd itid "of th MAN cattlei U54W '01 Se. Ll 3 not unriiin I of Vpe -d alple vrowiin is cAzTJi(d on scientift- Oise Fuurmclbw Tz" .1�- of is kind en- f w.1# Cmada (:a yo f a sma, dpXrft clIn swirke the on WT t (owl e has and �Vw a" for Mae .0 renk- 9� I r t r. til th V t, y ax fine es wepe produced as Lt iwar�ft& Lr th In U, ot ioii$ of th ttes and.the wdaltli cOuld ble the emp as a 'Whole NUN &ad R44djoce-Goderldik @UGA, mini IN LD4 rose- War r mfortable house ou S seaoru, e 4 t ise e F� the fmat 1,491A 6* Iftl to .1, t bax As MMY t b? &ft,* C I',, , lerSL froM thLt coun.� a& o U 7, and fel ly I ftftrel In ()Ime has Port from Pravi*CAW. in nekher do a full Light ILSO ar 'low ii1m 'at tht 004tat Imirfa -06A Z;k�- i r thE 1poull .1 ng.or 'Ene Ca try them slaug4url" 11114 tt fte 4C4* man otordoik A in Tag AnCL store .0% Great 13ritain dW the consiftr the SUMA V on &A "On &4 80J& AAMUlsswo Nus- 01 g �yps lis prDN 1,,ges ith the J!un- W al *.$Oer 100. t can - Ah tb%Lt is fazmed, ajpd to io. sall - on 4eAsousible te ns. himmos TWA less th all � tho kr a t e 5 taw"t s be obtain, se oV 17 1 Sad ten to I ia is M ft a debti colleeted d nins MW Is on. fac. Laing nat ID .z seri1ce will 1� be of 3 'ik d ed, bdfi t5a od Our expoots, qu&B#ty aftippod ftum Dw it 'With - the West, -in ory s6cuHty atdpmopable 1i n sura *1 j our cipportuiiiiies. it'. a. r,01 'be' Mon suf[kiewt- ft� show h" bew eb Mubt V Aoiie ing ,T14 bal bry Ing & 4nd be olonvIfieffl. rAtO D owl ba ory lacpampo n the n Jr V _41 3, Ize ir,a. cunta6iftty to the 4,74 IlLst:* nw=ts� In p me 9ft be viade- IMPO"ble- �.orth a JA Jh& Methodiat I I ): ide If thl s Ban� ave PI kt 00'. were o W v4ho ty 00ftdcb stroet oppodtle tb4*1 - rb:gidint Of r favoir Wit's a .16 on , If L to le Wfth MO anitobsk V er tri s e d. u I withl i L large Invest nt, Her, figure thJul 11� of tj �e Ust no. re K wil be soeik.fron- 1rit"h t7 CeR YeVk coMp NO re YO i will:1be satistied- fears @Lnd aNut eighteen n jilljoils. ex 01, en sh nts were op -11 eggs W t 11. as it c -Im t j, ye�r,, 122,,000 tu Dels�rj -and to my -FuxtbW- aft# rtL wwAL are mainly Ital IM A - bel Ipn le �ea -fieth rq- f0040- mn xercise a of the A=-Ic-ul �bel *A&.., 4"dVAtS Ot ViCtOrIA 1L -one;VeHX as oral The hIghe lags- 1�a-�-' tiat We e t4 n [n.. th ii.Voral -i . "d Am& A Province f On Al2d aimber at - US ra -0 ma in L963 732, i t caub(In as i Vskians and gar- continue to Open reach4ed, ream faiii tuaii fttwjo C �00 of 1JIVAC.6 br L -14 1 as In, new 14 Is. Very 610"IT obtained. par�_, the I ale, r 'could and the average'of e Jg or4a*a The Li�demfgned thaV11f We ebose live Department t ve C Osed,! i 'very- tl -an un -oz An sa israc�ory a Ine L -ease, o bon unty elaa� - 't &:L5,400 own P ti" tqr r export Ve );now a ye;l Soft FAm, Rook Elv4 Eftel Ash-, a dounts showjng -unusual ould bave, I totorao capacity - P .7,: Pur ba in air. lost alli �arts -0 Cal i la. th d lbiw a e a greatlyin d-��d no Care J�ij s and heaftl - advance in i�.naii 1 et cause OV the sto, bmdi and ftnor 11raduate at Triulty Hewlwksud Oftak SIM _pr L5 ri ty. a produ ve ry Muth V. but-� J#1and aevaters am hums _c2A or,eourge wA,Stave 3ML,L To on n �i osp( :Jty.; 'I b ere as a sioady Itir, P 'En wid 43A",000 bushelis wvwafty. VN mewipt at TRRY tM,� te ial In ld �e Zcie'ntfficl tneitiodfts thhe rAber Ch t soft-elin ; soft elm to b(al .1 a# cr 2ma ani r 51ste c -UsAwwr at the caq " daern d -for ith effIrt AnA w1th I would ys be -1 n 9.8. - abo buy Basswood Heading Its, 401nebesIc at ;r ' " -many 41 fte blatural. ca. I of the a u- e aofte erc4ants, in b a' ary I n cr' 4n� the qual� Teatl 4 t, ie d s a', Y , - -6 kd to -Mb -rie su mkid 6�hett 00; in -.91 &rA ftirsecus, On* s&76 peteord deiverett. womd'llawkljr It ! the ".Caur ava�ilab le. Tlie ty A 0-hm aro It r 20indieglongst V per delvtzed W I fal tu � -.8, a jOUrllf L ingt conimu Ity, . a i er wb li�s .9 proved., W 11 bmd to feWeidy it -to SoMe Vidertt inl4Lted OU the nM=er a Mort 9 Lge er buy timber by memureme or by bulk it b wi, in the near Jut-ure. Ray. wing A& CrOP4 I it es f ly ma ntaineff, 'the I t1nds bard us4l I tc be aN6 It follow close -i i, ho we _hi -h prices bw �i t A* ngi So. t- Ions *' w PWI&I attentim psid tWo rit c ng I mportant, Ot- IbW4 whose ly the g#aWt.J our. 4 Wrylyag Joduii ng se4tal" gdamateed. P%fort mavknuoa ar d ijft I RMR- ROM i ' I b ding the ur c, �rtainty of finEkn_ (d a ad `w is nO__1(VXger UY by u�ing,the figur(s -of' A?110T.,Smf?kbhJF - s the ship- *ices r know* for 0, irs I, [Other c.,ntre; with"which 40; _0UMN mity of morado zn otvt4sily r lze that he,- any. Monts -of, chi �ese and butter from cattle; the farm*r bas TV=Y taises the lfakte:, TftVmin&1 toeffltus more V W( iatimately c(niectc d. The but- -sold botliattle and to 142 e, w111ch le not MontreaVas In- vaft awl ftealty qt tHeffidso, muber 09 e_V&_Mw10N but L W&W e ero# ev -Stmd of feeding bis atoc 46 u-stiaL But the tl�� loll JLOn$ In Gmat jMor 3.c any, - pressale be -ditions, fi*ve -"eni- and Um"e, edres U0 rej katim Br !I* i will I I rNka In the sale 'fo ough brk -ot F&Iddww and rJurgecMis of on* --little use. Tlie d crope'aro now 31kore, on ftrlo;L " � forc thau DIE CP n 341ark b c es a e-110 Pt by COARVICIP d In is rge 'bt tc � bear VpqTl bim are now f, W 9nduate couraw In cuv CtIC I', IJUS V may look for i a be load�d and degPatch of e MY �al guolen _ of butter Iii the vand UnBA1L afto, cwftt sebool, at C~; ft") Im S C rev Dex beeft VO U11 he! cheaper beenn pec_ aml 9 EM66 : F rapidity that %NADd'ff*­ The fact 0=%d 'the nalte I st4tes, -at! r t )n,. )ck of aaftrtaU aift remairs, hoVever, i I Ito vital, m( r A a nas, lips offered. 'Suffemrs from ack, r in tb Unite S t6s; may h %ve )f ::: glor a becat se the- farmers as L whole Pra&I ba, Sas 11mial larg* sap ie p �cd' life 0, r, 1 e but th Y am, foreign trade;, , knno kat9wwo and'Anierta., W; lu Cbllege HoWial,lLes., :weaku which ( x Jnfl �nc the - i . een 01i"9*4 - I e vel.01 Ot�. p� 3dJ10e nore, du! df bis to in'- butte WD'one, year,� - reacfied I L 'k leent I aJI P S of can- of J"& offift-B"t of. U& go., should e Can4dian Nervi ope t� iderable tz Ut &* we tbe, X41 Still Yment )r natiozal 11 endt- 573,449 pockm valued, at $7,400,6oO. L S13LOW wot Icrful results ad i � ere uld x e at -all ..accorn rowrd of the on -to Winnipeg; JIMA In ande The 9 have I eAless yeEk;r Nalsion Bmk, I rei n ti;� r. If1w tes fc r fund to carry ept our chee-ge wl t is neverth of in ul rb000 , IpaiJon fu t e deii YM figbt calk siowered I 'rftld*nC*, Price $1. -To quickly Intriduce.wN mail -on a _Mpn 4@Xe In' We Durd soin tban exports 'aim Stationmy for thr - ranway i it ay ei ee or pr impa"Lat .. s Ji the pral, I provIrkees a mze f1rat order for 60ct s. co n or post not� (31(ati ii an four ye For( n e to jactiVe tr�ade gure; f*r 191-0 are Th e beat, oat,% and "'Workdoni, Regina, : I - he rim: ed 111 t1te bmwo Mich It prja4re %l( IV) g e ent the 5 (,,% tOtd 1 value lof 1,892,000- oxf so -, worth Address. The Merwin Cc., Wl",, n$ Ca. the field rops of as �revi us year were th I est M law, sI& bi laaache�. ng v: wi a de e begotten I fti, ELt local arket prices, %S esT agatnpt e rec6rd Of 'boxes grade, - a -Ad the whole �-rop was! the best Te -Mott, worth 'Rattleford, ISO e el e, to share C!nsus-Departn t, IS n -19031; ued � at 500,000. 04a laugest and produced the Calgarr, and liettibridpo, IRMO#, 300 NA tbroat Ody HDIISe- argest �slxm L V". t Zr I 'C t1ug thin uct r U emostluttresting th, S94 Aural In the n. Pr zlty,iand to en- 85,00C, the -trod 11,o6z great d t-TaeZAAW041 8 WUeOtS CU- In Money ever Jkmnown. nder such .0, jo., N fre6i orn from unOue .,_Th� a 9 areag -910 'was ppoildIn fig ras for rect frOmi the famerm's ILint, n-M)c coi i di dons � the -.settle*kai�t of C=Sds Is 't fo I the! Mani q eme are -35 dent of th�e UT an 60UZ UU% from 3 05,556 to keep ieveral,c4heese otorles busy. na tur increased, not rely brold-Tof 11 of, our in- Ije r.Uperinteti � i 1117 .(a cr , and or 1 -4432 f .34,0 0 from Su6ce4W'ul as the has been e'Jr f a zaexAT but by nev schl, or t�e C StAl it 8, anadian, Pacific a ettlers �pre- =es 71 063: acres. he loss'- In 1 1 D was with- the Jarmer4of �he 'The policy of providing Pre dent's kddlre 99. Bye EIMP, there is parin; -their first crops. With:� an `wmq- t 48 AlberA vkdon th -his part.. of eady spring eVerything �PrDMiSed %aTMS Me P reek In. pa:rt: heat,' oats, � d . barle In -which t �iz succee Over U30& t then sald a growing ca ding a Aqw, f tl ess fee 11 g m o&t strongly h �rea was 2 992,9 90, Canada Ip at tDe MOM t a land of but I ecaUS& of many t: oss -the past Season Jy 4-2 8,73S,0"o, Itb a value h e dr.N f e of I in regirdIng busi InSt 1:4117,900 negloiCted DppWtUrklty, la a�vd t U t1i a unItY, Is ly owing to tic no a -smuAler and less highly gr,*dpd draWn 4ttention to the val tured RNA'. nvm va ire C tl ta, 8a It M * In 1 09, w, n .3, 1289#- the , easy suemn �of le wbD have crep was the result. Our estintatog in In 1904&th4ft Alber les Of ito 4 P.,M. n�;s wrditidl In Anado Is. oat we ty 411, 10. IS that, �ou area h0e bee)a r- en a Ing PrOF P �ri ao greatL as while the debreage ta ken upi the cheiLp I nd VIrgin Auglu A we":— nniE think w( hv, f evel knom n Wiate�er sig- field crops, $25,807,000, tj oJOSS soil, of tfi a I it. W74 Urge during Vile last three ye a lately Averaged a -mi h ad: a I'the �a 13 the he6k o' 190, eat,� oats, d barley 'abae Is- th;.iit n ba AVAMIONEDR8 lHion -doll' to Duo- 8810001000 e en I the 4 6,000, leav 'g. a "facts ered from THOMAS BROW0. tir ie, (r shbi d stl I baW Ir Sam,) irk- �cesa In e. a Zkorkh. T11a rallway company Mi- C � of It seen s to � �aVe In all othe lield er ps. recent rl nee �%ow,' at In- 110 pavt I p"sed ail� fa.*our siles which resultin Licensed auctioneer for the countiet foreign and most * curio feat., anada. of a -9 tu In C Can return be ob- ........ ... h. Comespondence hc e r de,: Lrger bank I Cle4tings Inl� 0 -and PertJ EXCER, 'FBI ES aN' Y, nd ''�v; th ]a Q pation. Their plans BR of Huron' e soi well that an appro=_ a moment I" the o reak from tained" f p Po n sue e, womptly answered. Immediate 4Lr- la, er ;a out of b ijlding� in citiei 116 er estimates are as I Igh as,�IK_ tio' of' S%00� 000 Is said tq haVe bbeft me of agitguo st :1 rr ed 'up ttian heTe in -Ontario. 00 VO a rftUUUraa Oajd rwigements for sale dates can be made 8 olip of i na 11 way constructior� go] 0 lb*bels - for "vrbeaj,,,, -and " E_ in oroo� In t d 1by by gu Ilds, ' someth ie s by Wb have , me of t6e, bes and most fa 00 1 0 bushels fjw oats, b rk�t to the Irrication system 1,4 CollegeS, tired I often by city come ',s, butl Wou or 031 t efther VJ&ftVt by eaWns uD Phone 97, Seatortb, or CdIrnplete0y. C Of ilillgrd[On than In' any t e d� nstipat The IftPositor Office. Charne moderab r, to ;"eh eas, 44. f By These Fruit,Juice TiLblets and satists.-tiou ffamateed. Wsi 1% tes 111d wbe� they passed a' ay it was the atl0nal Tiust Co. for,windng UP e oil -,hwest of Hudson I �a have,�eenis- .atJngL T s de to its -area. Judging from both 'cuff tha- ber ech wa7gcne. The the I cutting Torlt CDantyiLoan. The creditorg f uel by he geolo -7. TbeyL spe PELULLWO. HARDw1cxx, N B. JJLN-'�17th.Jg,)10. --V11le opc I straw 911ca gurve, r eins to.be little pr Tna 0131 n e on h. 3 farr i lat J)I,ew Station, )t h fty: Arhile ofi her way.to a neigh- numbered 12f.000 nd h �d they not beer. Val. t nta re sla Ucftad auctioneer for the eogLatleg chroiie Constj pation was' 'the i re of especial 4o on c province will gain -,a i eJW t at t e -Ar;lLur 911hann)n's bi d came in . con- )or� she� 'ustaingd another f0i and ped ; ind ad Hw= sad Perth. Bein g a pr complaint I suffered with for ears, nd grou ZL� with In a scienti-Fi accOunt bt the fact ia�,,ih glon V tax er 7-oice � turnoo. hich: ay be found any vsluabh_ 171 li the! rapidi r rev ng'knives, way the- coc t would I ave been much i tboroughl y ux&ry my general health was Itaisiable' a MI fundt'sad whibb tbeS I ve the infor ver --he death. oc6urred last T, 6day' greater. In the �iquida ti a loan - 1 e!0nomic minerals in payin* I i th tra", lag the value of farm stock and result of this di e.1 I was tre wh ch t ed: tlie r g ht a m below the on of t part of tl�e unorg,=Ized tftleq seas h nal on ateJ by �W, I . Eve It th,� dA' cul�ies of 1NV1exkft* phven me In a Mter Vo4 physicians without the sli gbte t bei 1 fit elbo 111e islexpec el to recover. k it In L'Orlgnal., at his old home, company costs re4ch d 80 per� cent, on. I jr t�vve t Territorleso f merly part of p�ortgtj6n 0 f Ac -Judge Peter O'Brian, of the u- that sea] ,re DvercoTne, It is J.W IRT, , t Ne s has ben tl e Yo� - I- 1( Medlo n k CountylIquidation wou, all kinds )of pills bus, �ing h1ch Ontario 1 d ubtful. V,' the mireral. found wMas to reOise coed PrIces, Cbarw and I tried it not I he dis ct of Keewatki, 1 114 t couti Jes ot 'Prescott and B ussell. IS so r ny (ohiposea would hs. !$600jCDO, as the total 'tr teW or did v* any y ende 9 to, have pay woking. S6101 to YL 10c&L Ve cost' i i nuousl AV good. F late udge i*as 90 typars of age, aggregat�d 2j000!000. la *&eUr wW I saw the letter witten, bv Cal I AL Zilzed I under the. nam,^ ty U *0 P&T. All OT&M 16ft at e; the 1 retire I from the ben�h everal y att"" tL stig4r ill fav Old i ti V_ mpti f -Follo Ins, thz'cours, adopted by thc Terr!IlAsucco(&� P. 'G. rf a �1 3 ago. golng.into. r ator,Hon. Jolin Co onrini ot J. if. )rIvate life in L- uplun Darklx the '-Doml on Bank, at Fruit-a-tives 11 so I tfie'4, iti I The u Vkft M a Vft 11L A? am In the manaddaint. �flktal N'thile s'ff6.ring 1 from the Edmonton, v',hich �holds $400,000 0 A 'NONDh E FLI L effect was Marvell and pow VV weakness d i i �'ck by,:,h sti in i Buck. ts of Ue to�old age, tc. A L T entirely wellfrona tie Chronic Oprks- 7e ear at tbe.curn- crivays niondy, pii Sattrday mcrnbig I_ r of I Ing a� Rlcb ond street, dsed- had always been jl) and abo-,At e 4 9, Lon- for, out an intc�pleadwls su-rrmon- in Lilly is d-tJ tipation from which I suflered for rp"any don, 10dnesdoy pveni )ld ho !y b cvm�8 of 'Fem I DW_ WM. , me3tead a)id his delta was years. My general healtliis�oncc I are 91 f tbcv csse stp rted gain- t It for me re-, S peaCe oftaing of the excellent, thanks to Ph Lit-a-tives" oy an� eldarl� mn, residing in covbrY of the pr�ocee& of the bonu I 0orrI14M, PaIrstul and S E tarl town.q� 11pi st tained A ownip mi t an, 'estimated basis of five Der This means, If granted, thal late,, ate-, e are 011ar arip § er, he ost of 1.10 'On W11 rO- both b I A. G. VV N.� til(L- C 'I, JXJj_ of one ev 'Jor an�ks w ney thoy i tbo= ruleivd Tr*111 tile start - LONDON, 0NTAJU0 'Truit-a-fiveO is. the omly ined�dne, inj I the pairment o�% ove $1 ;0 PUT Ule mo: L 011U to io','. �. Into c -.) ; few w--a*W r rn art, and. ecome neutr,',. 41 in the Wand 01 and 00"' Par8uxis. a _�t IpL uirents will f s le �u t. Ar 119 1 i' c ause -st Cal Z) el hp 1+1k ai rZ 1 7-� klibb A, r on anuary 27ill prepartion, ain tives " is the on�ev I iedi(ine that t o T1, .1ulwVeries Mur d h I 4,katl a 001,91P Or! -V which has z a. our It directly on the livei. Fru _a_ Isteli D In an api ant; SUBJECTS ant v� b ren b red STO ne�s at 9 the case. hat It not n 1 dilo -19 41� Of frilit and torkieS rna r e( For -Two very In n th) CO n f 0 dent and Mail Co WM always enre pl�t' d A- restli z reports on Ut f �Jjr)� led i,�t to yo I portlon� of the �orthi rest 'Territories it, be i �fora, Va I k-esl Urses P1 U& Sh ness, Torpid Liver of- . jdl't� certaii4 of the I VM H catalo AIW�19 B111"w '0, dige�s�on.- SoC. a direct contact with th of As it cmarnE e disease T.'Vyr. Wear-trvelti J. W.Weatervelt, Jr.. CA., size, 25c. At dealers, ran remipt a ttintize 0 tie­rt-Zood -PraP cannot hell) bave v I receivo fmiu 10 w fit leit� 7 DX8 0 a. ben( ficent, I nuen Nncival. Vice -P6 iciDal, of price by Fnd I4011ila& peaking of ther beneilu zd-curoo it'is Al i �Vftt or!" jW and ul ta 1*-� to 4el-j Wx). i .4ture of lz,,b1aJme4 it that I win seD�. Ottawa. AbZ so cute 14s. heala fe, �1,�Omaxt who will write fr -it, Pric -s,r rils vrb- . Icb Oat a $1 ne- 0:P It 110' Tv a P-43 cents, tr"tm-04t, AdOpoW, MR co Mb Ga �FRA d" W Ino 4 �d. jig% 1.0