HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1911-01-06, Page 6, - . •__ . t I _ - ... _____ ___ . . . . - . - 1 - - 1 . , f • . _..__ _ ., _ . -.. . .... _ .....--.. _. ,. ... - -, ..__ , .. ___ , _ 1 t y.. .,.._____ _ ...................,_ . . . . . 1 11111'11 1...,...,.- /41,.....nme....... ' Thi M&n Watt • i- 1 i . 2,15 . U ittOW rili 9 ' ' - b , .- at ccue • oneyi .. e reIV Does ear .of if dige ' tion spoil.the..-inj A. . t.4 - 4,, • c _ and .1TeilL' .." . 44_ No"- t - .. . ,jyasDd*Indicth-gtcIoggdt1p.-tk, 1ngr0wing . u e "- ', ' . ' -I , uitals rieedn t. ust take . . o, 1. , hetOra0 h111211;e: .. -they'll blow , in just ea, rot h ont over me . i - . i - - - heek4 rbg4r;hird. . on, - 1., . - 1 1 1 DY.sp . Agawam, Beecharoot . an- l'pretisigah. ' .. retrekort , PIA DRile p T, i erk, Nrrl-ht-w- 9. 0. - Free; wbo lives near. Loudon,Ont - , ' . .. . .- , „ •P ' . AL IS ,. HAD •FAIL p) • 4- 1 MCKILLOP iin riitm.4. - - c blood , He . ., . . , AR Arnerloart :Air' ;at' 1 0 .. D. . A . • • • -I. OF- RBALTH. k, Mtmber, Wintrtro 4 *ceased - - . , -* - T la. ,...1.-- "k * - [ I e tnee...._ ..A...,. •.,,een III 111 ..ow„, Eirantiltort's-ais ustt4call -ondilion. My apertite left. 'American Pauttiari.„+.News, ita I. soon hegajt to suffer frottilndi..„ _ ' Wity'catt itini t neI Aine4ca Quite a _number of- small, sorea , Why uot 'kite. Ainerteati H j; /, . lam .. r - i! RE .11FiSf I UlTirA-171 -' - ' I y itiiii, • Itlion411 908; b the 10. 0 • a t ' d ou won tknow you at your food. is proper 'the hav y di a stomac ,ested. .. 'they . They wil are a see to.it ong , the : • IOW) Thos. T. Po J. - it , Witibel:4, Beech -wed - Member, Winthro; miler, St Columbalf M D . M.Rdtettl alth . Oh inid tried - • , mny ai. and' telle$forMerall over my sk° inediehte for the .hiand --and - : - kmd of ointments, 'but wi - 'What .WaS W oil It q g of tile 1211°0d; looked a , in for som-emedi- . I used bout I . .ted For pop>. ts, One . 1,44).and is _Along Avith 'it -us peer atid ti --An thes LI.,ti-,A1,11'11.411_,R,..r-9° . mi:13:61,trY '-'.".4, NvI41-te, Mart if3r con ., cats wi n - 1 , - •tt . . • . : ta e taints_ . ato? Jodie.. _ Ab CiCath teek tih A.• sick tau , int t 1d2 rt v. . , li ot , ,-, 1 I ''' d ) -1, ou . tls- 1 „ n. , .„ - Q ‘i , 110 , ,„. iNi e , - •best eXp dru stocked of NA -DRU- : - - tt ChenliStS. and gu gists in Canada. 5 1 . them yet, send 0 an c. a s 5 rep9ratio4g, compounded eed by the largest ox, if yowr druggist .. . ' c. and we - II mailiy holeSale has - u a by 1 not I x 1 . -----t-,----, . $ th .. t, _o... . . -- ---- , 1 ' , rine that At would ateomplish this. .- laSt.Dr. Morse's Indiaii R.00t Pi s , . r ng Kind-OF:Di-6 . . e. w4Ets lar 1 . bed eto f -(Itisqltt° k _ p tut 2 d in 111 T1 NAL DRUG AND C1-1ENncA CO ANAOA 1.11VITED„ ' M liTlitAl... , . ' t rt weresrought to my notice, and file ar . ". Frid lhe Itasobal . a ger, h. 3! 0 -, _ - iTtg tee have ilea iri- mY bldigestion have it. upon Dr.! the_s*stera- 1.., ithe _ most Wenderful medic es I ever kerivra.. my._1400d. was Ipuri.,.. *Very shed time, sores 1=104 op, vanished. They alviioys place in my homeand are lOoked $.8-- the family remedy." Morse's Indian Root Pills thoroughly, Scold . . 11 not t evonant.nd a 11) .qiii-011- of untpire . . . Vh.V.?" inquired the 'Being rctar fled h -Orta -quick decision. • It got tabit of izavh?.g the last 11 d. . applicant hist. tpatity him out wox ."t ;tn. an f . ', . I ri -of the ---W . for erl. -told Woul. 1 -e ,bn__.0e, leav.e ! ...', 9 , Pp/ a e t t . i ors euri . . si,,c1., CIL a irio, king qf IYIY t I Fr te y e uld s rt, t,a-dves, othtug ,Ny 'Fr itn, da el w.1 o ach ' o . i -V Lo • oth o s ' bl dr.. . r :y o , • .. ,e --, CONSTIPATIO - , CU PIE .,-_,,,,,_,,,----, ,,. BY TE USt OF C) D E . Cheap IlarneS. pposite_gommereial llotel;1, 10- Store Sea -ha -lit ' pe,ndent-;. pie. for thrte. - • , on catalogue. -. - iPO1. 1;IR . lie 0a:rt. te. Thous.tria..; thonsiulds of young. 0.0 - it con h.plit pm. Write - _Rintr ,any - _ W. H. SHAW. Prineopat - dealestat,25c .- a bok. ' ' ington Star. .- _. _ and 6. e t and etaln,m Ood. ILBUIRP.I'S . r--- . ,.. 4iNforninP to You Al.." gine ,, Et idl mid oort had - t441 s • LAX -LIVER PILLS - - . _ Gaot now no more : .. _ 01014 . , - good w *g health its ' ack- ga and ver 12.5 un . . , Snit Cases an 1 TrOzik Wanted No*,_ Buil d lags I mber -- the: hiessings-;an,„ ' • -°I , ............ i We kaenian. 04.* amber, Lbout for :' sale , 1 .. , . still have *lie or two of the" -sae .14Araeis' 'buildings Ieft. xdso,a von- - tIty a ttornaor_ And . which is initahteforrepatring stables and. put- - beildingS tm Thdick a the haPPY- •daYe are , , "Mornin` _to you alit,. . . . - \ . - in the. ,golden country. ZPraltrad'It°1623 424. "Evueniradnin • whi., ,ter I ' 0 ' ,e0 you all!". -• " -Atlanta 0 s. 0 Co - , . ' ' .. . wond . Will eli and 50e la rfut lat.epevor 1 • e the - StO - b ta , x . 0 e , 0 A. IRE T e ors rea Ise s (lade of: -f T obi s ' $ ' :SO; t -. I) . .. t t . ' '.. • - -,, ;. : u.- ., ,. . 1 1 Constipa uent,*.aixd - ost hielt " ii',1. .1 , se to a be all free ..otion ott is one of the most : t the same time, one of of the- minor ailment 'ad is' subject, and sh wed to continue. _ qf the lio. wels. ire- the to uld , ily 'We can TrunkS fr_om ht.50 We import land. Q ua save you and Suit ,0 up, Plush i& them - ExcIusi unexeell mon be. go m fro e pattern * 1 Eiti 1 . - For S for F eti or OUT aforth land nd' vg -. and surrounding Winter months, an liable agent to take o ry Stock, GOOD OUTFIT 'FREE. TERRITORY. • es Ander -, Ordtwatio et er- the.faim. mild/figs !ore the _In ordeaito-heVe * billOse And Material bleared at- be- first of Angust, we will sell at -,,,---_,--- -. - . • - , Contrasts, aGlet a bulldog; dear," a “YO. 1 'At.' iiiid0e6 i•‘,. y i f..111 1..41 • en pea pal , i ..,, , , It , I aotdd &spires 'Ur& co 4 ,,0 . r ,.., ,. e rule with every one -rieet health. lf,a111 flibernia Road, Who . Gloves Consisting and of the Ititto est mak g •Conditiporesen .- We . e to deliver the stock. calishoW that their is :din. ;op.. le I, vett.. tow' prim. and Will refuse no ,... first suMmer,... girk 1101Manlialaallffleleanialiaminnuessemsas mammal, I .299 i wribes:.----"lifaving. been - in BuOk, Horse, uede, Jal wtoentkilontora4 ?easonable acefry. 131fer. to accompliali this The ItOBT BETA., BNC4INI4 & • , .T11E6811E11 00.. Limited, SWA.FORTlif Iaeautit.fequireile foil!' - - - - - - sufficient: eontnis.t for -yea, torted the s*. WI sum:Wier 70t-. iteed___Is a. pet alligator ,T., ill ::,,,:.: ..,_,.7M 1 ''ill: .• •IL.,..:, .4 ?T. _, , T. , ,: , t 3p3: : . 1 ,. r- , 0, soll, i ' ble; /up' ,70 NI). a, 641• • . 4 troubled t ang . vised • or fo ev,• irae co pi :-s. i years with constipation. . .1.... I knew of a friend t Aloe Milburn's Lan -Liver fyeureureandd.a haI IfernalsganiaddlyI and Prices . a -*. Awiettkometsle,teblointhe from 25e to orse Ma :t_., from .50 keto . .aped. la rettiovhgenarbt lars. Toro e P , nkaetarath.ls. twitnnet. fto.lta:bi' AM 1NURbER t. .. .--. I, .t. O., . City Journal. • • - Lake 'fever I 4 .4..: , f II • /) .t.. 1 / 1 mmend them' to all who suffer from square $2.7 to . . ,,.., - , , .,; . ...t, . wr:.: - 1, „Ai J ne, • oonatipatioi . Mount i , J. Dorrancoi. McKilloP; A- presence., i witiu ::,, I in,: iw. kiu audi _. -:-..-.--.....4.1 , Milburn's Laia-Liver Pills are 25 Santa Rubber Rubber Ralipes 4 1111UWI: Die e tng - Larg An - 11118RDRIt °F Engtish Belcshires. Liecester Sheep . --. • , rsrOin these old rooms' your- ': ce sev.ar.. -. - -- • Tour clear remembered iookj I. t., 1, still "•- !er ., ',...i. • ,.„,..., it.... !-til, d „ .ttl On 1 1 ir irti. - :..z., . tra • 43 i ,,a 1 'I.: a 244 1 ' t, a r:li I 7. g "W ., . - ., : 4; 4 I/ 4 as jig a i : ' fr ; lied I cte, - .' Q 1444.144... 11,1 r . t ‘ , ! or broug14 litillilib' % . fort ' az -per Or Mpalled The Ont. *II, o 4 T, Mit.uni vials for $1,..00, at all deaers, Ireet "OA receipt of price ., Co., Limited, Toronto, by See on4. .Mountedjia 'less at422.04. It , beater.1 -- is _a, Wcirl - . . 1 Tho Annual Insurance Seaforth, g. tn. Business dial Statitiert Umnpany, on Friday, . Meeting ot the Mellillop Maud will be held in the Town Zan. 20th, 1911, st one eithe meetitur to receive the and Aucli.-od Report the e Irsre ..........*,,marras. .1 -And ali the of gsveet 7 ... i 1 .1. 144:. • I i • ' S ., , three Direetomandothsr . I Willk Lonift a a ortterriee on Lot 26, COROOSAOR a, iie., _hear, Dimmers Duke .XXXV,G, ,ii-reaci champion boar, l'rensk - Terree,41.: :matte at the time el ser• .oy • ever - , Conies back to Memory.. Noel tOnsi 1 I a • . , . ,4 4 :. i.: : uspi 4' 4 ' " C'e 4 ' 6" of It" t A 121a - 1 hi Ile t'll'igdied4'11"OrWe. never to speek-er 1.).11.ed illilla •, 1i:t ag .-* slit all : , --The . • ..,...• “.., e-tirnate into , for the iyear closing ,i,sit- shows a ttotEa -tale-gra,- - - ik. 1 - .8, of peisonts, . cif - BRODEI . 10 ' or considered ing Directors W ' for 4-rta ' L the good of .las. Oonolly, igible for reledion. -trniiness which um the Com.nany. The George Dale and Tito& E. HA • oh* s. - elm, young - „ • privilege of returning if necess*:7-. =ways for sale. • - MIMS DOitItANEYE. Seaforth • - .„,. • Ho Kneviiil' g;tLtke it fioM Mei old-. c . 1 . , ,.... . ' •.- 1.0 ie. 4- •A. R - ' 1 i I 2 2. ti: hill I ' -Pfs'' ,' '4' 4 WO 9 atijr , tic :1‘41:v • 'Mt% e 6,4 •-at - „414 da,,g 1 - t_a_..i... lj ' • ter .,..... Ca. 1.4, your and leave - • hills venge c- h srotiA Ina the . 5 - , I 1 -oihtnn' fba,i,44,-,,, illifittreaf.; 50,100 , ,350,0011 ca,me from the thited °h4aP Harness Opposite Clommerdial ste--7"'1, ilotel, , 'Sea , den ! Secretary • _ - . 29 Tat.- ivasi 'conks iniongh Wil) ne 4444,S 0014. OHM . BE ATTiE- - - 'Court Olerk, has a number . of 1.1rtit3._ to rent,..among which is a got...-. blehousienn.larvut Street, Seaforth, Ante toecomindata 4,good sized family.; 2103. sdid on res.O'nable terms and gosseSsum gi-- a4soi4. Also rooms to let sod a store the seller. *If you ..onee suburbs -you.'11 never live ...T... 4! v•fze,‘.. 41 believt You., old top,' - almost buyer. . 'I'd. never sell the house."--01eveland v . . • Ceder. - IR ' ,yivhe /. •lied . ;. able t ;TildS414. .1.14`:, .Wi '70):1 ' ' 'aaid II .tosh by, to . r, ,tln.e I 4 . I., ; T el: It • - . de °II. Id' - _appiLe.s ce 1 ' * : n p 1 ' ' " Mr' invcidtiddl• :4;..pn''rec g of am ilse - • lett 1We , . les we. , ..,....: 1 i, a.' . au. lit& . .._,.,.... okrxh' ' ;U.' . :I. ti toy t8 Jct., 111,?4,4 'leas i. 4' 'i ta - ' 'a- .4,, _• ..11 0 ., i -ringed .,. ;! he. lives; tOTgive old yen/ Forget' doe's '14,t t . I have and. forget eek hint"' Man went . S Mk suffer 1 down 9 p o.. tie th .' and great, roinise ' street, , , I • . - 1111111111111 . . . te Atell, d, debt deist oryseettrity and ber,onvjnekt. on rettionable terms. Insurartee .ffe-ti".. collected and loane made on . satislae- aliv;easonable rates. Oall and set-, Lea Division Court Office, Sea:- 1 A Study In ?rad-• , What: though t.he WI:tier to; .1 cloth, _ "1 . °DI Meh., l °II ,'.t, 41clj !lis 41,7 s tea edtwi./;'0411risti. Le al, 3 : , .i ,,, .k.v. t fut., , i i , ,. ., 1 them. viraveci They were the thought their heads SI of I i , .1 . .. He .them.. iv 1 aul . ,„ „...,...-..v....... ' - - ' , r" p , . _ orth utig.tt . . r My humble tip? I ii.,x4 • - Forsooth., we- cannot- all. be . . .,.. ., I est' 'far y is to . • .. . . , ..,.. .. ot . - a : „ ,,,,ecl• • . i from , sight , ni again, Th ilds h i e d • er Saw. waS ta AC -:141-3.1 1 -5 (3W ., To grow as rich andprou. hes „were .. , ,- .. . yet • , ' Wanted .. --Was. i n S Br , .. ari. 1.1 ' i 0* N i : i : -oat -the great ' epoch 1 Henri. , . misemoimanimm. C ' RE RES ARE . t. e '1'y. . .. . i'. 4 I 1. e1 n 1-1. '1,L - Only •$afe Plan. i. comp i. :4, :,....-, . , . nks-*r ib: . - al edis prepared to pay e highest ler' an unlimited quantity Of firet-eles$ icni - - - . nicker -•-••Would you pro • ' ' , , pit - er. - ..,,..,t.l ..-qw...A.1 s tkiV •:: It :,..•.:. r,:•Alpople, ha. - • 4 t IL OilAPTE ,11.RIA 1311011 ' • XV tra..,- ionn." • fort 2a5d years.Ecz ' ' - :• T . Marsh o 01 D.lo .. r Ave.. : ' ... cash Sett k Elm, Besswo-sci, Maple, Beech, Ash, Seaforth Saw ,' lug • a statue to a . man. . . tll b . : , .. to . ow- A t I.. „ id, lie To I 0 el : . Mai - a ,li i t to.' th. ' g. His hah cis were. 310 it tibal, has ad tlils' -,onde e er/ence , , - lieraloctit and 8W.,ve and -Oak Logs, delivered at MIL To be cut ;es even length, e„neot to 1.10 is. 16feet. NVill been dead fift.,.i, years? .... . ..., ..___,.._. mi. wirer -74 d go further : I dt.... , J. 11' _,,:,,i, 1 Ill' 4." h ,..state kt R Ice Canipo ro la 4 Sa • so bad he had fo, of ,aan'..BuL, Mara haa . lived- Mont -: .,_ - suit Out also boy $3.75 ger WinolteS_Jongat ; soft elm oe mat and Basswood ilea:ding eotts, 40 ilich.• fontr; at, eorti delivered. Basswood Heading Bolts, ger card ti4livered: Will- alq.) hy.measuretaent-'•or -1)Yr bulk in busb... 011 - the .,People who had to .... were aead.-New York ..,...•• , , . ' - ' _i.wait.. i.04lr - . at . _ nev e t - r t t ae ted titi. a a...t. : t g . Ike ,.. i,E, ., , .- ' gan , da , 8:r hik . " night?". ask! ' - into th be lc wast Mgr on. 0t i o e a. - stept Bettifia , tY:igoarngistahvt.e. pre eat •witires. '• to__ He '. an we en .-Ito ; watl = to the , buy gusher Sgeoml ion guaranteed. 2Vell04.4 - attention paid to etistont sawing. Satilatt- . ,the* NV. AAIDNT. Seafo„sth.- - . , . . , . Sea of MOO They'd -sailed. t.heir craftrfulA , And neve rhed . struck u ' 9 : . • / .._ n • :.; . .., i ing . Zug . 'teals I: ig h it- a gr al ul -it ,;,,ear., , -..&....rie tir (for Ofne ki 6y d ! enef I le; 1,i • ,•i •• ,, a a_hundred ,e,,,,yarned ecitaln., . g to, fr 6 Uovg rs; BA h 1 VO, She re. ems.se .3. poctortsaid he ioe' cured.id,neverl be ifs. _ ye . .". I; Elatisty v Ifer-npemsn_e-drelilisna in e -,-, ,de , i:edrgittizto .., , Pitti alas, one Monday . s.: . /I I .. a,. above 1 kJ 's Sandford Et..1 a li . in t we giONTes y and ht, e ito A A : VMS - ihrilibtAllivolbrilia,lbellkriliwlikte:411‘Alliellkellb.. ' - reinvenallni . He forgot to wind the clock -mica . • • irom rnaths, : s • 'au :-', ' gh in e „The Oar tine ; I - iient.. :She has, :might loOk , preb for t e . Wei in th 4rirr0442t50rrcaurrse hi- , to . rribie -vv en the got .. .;.. sores.. ' . _ . .11as more " - .. linc tit"; ital. 0, he le g . i I we ne R0 tors said t re war n, s years - - 4,..4 • offered weakness should tb intanzing force an. N - -- ,:- Stifferers ont hick of vigor and vital fr which sap the pleasures -. of . 4fe lace Canadian Iitervine ane 1 -..tor will . , .., :. ,, A Great Success Mrs. A. -Did yoUr ngeil? .. • delig. ris tura eilt w . Mrs.. R. -Indeed - it thd ter's_ he . -- • 1.4 ricut narl ..------ Eflat stsrle•I. t, Att. itil ; , r • . or C4 1 f • tat,: • .1, I • ' :gm., e nag • u.t..1 d vernmea i , h 1st Pyl st, • ill .e inv t,.t.o. L I ,iwn di ,:. 4 x- • t. t .4' t , - ill i ' Id ' ' la Iht Well tlUt ailblej err/b.eve , Kitty right 1 I listen! .. awa i _ e e ,_ m *an lard! 5 -Valiet - The* he =tried .ZANI'i;illUti.f fig ' _ Zam-Brik k s ago he Froinlhe tired bun, .-- Said :, day 1 was *moment aureld 1 ha b'sr e" bas ad -a, four . ... ana-iult no trace , , show weenderful , t_.#1A results order for, SO cts. coin or postal note ting 1600 a month Edirne a --"‘"'"4"-4-1-E"'. y.,-•-llo, _...,.; pt. aid ars RIC: ,.;;e4s,. d etc :A .0. n, 'fru • .,4t pia a, and 1 I.: ,, g-.. try , i . ii 4 ex- . ' tie its annoed barges °f hike: - the tr AP r' said ' 67:•TeZtdA0''IlVih--1,1:rn'AB:.YU--sk,th_.1„:::rme, to he present hil" MeCTIlz(lentaii4thinalld '°ffellheerarniae eilt415 never cure Zanl- - tie h esliktst - after-zgss.TheV?derdin en., Windsor,- Oat.,,leati. _ . . . , -Wrong Store, . _ icor-it les • LI, t fur A ed i xpe Ipzii Of attle 1 -..nd c.1 op. lin- 1 :.,,, i . :. - -aslike great canai a water Of s ckr.n co . H ----- Bak -worked in my ease I am Fiore aud More by he value of this great &math() b ' untrasiod i- haVe 'tj,- o . Un nice- - - - piles-00W- - - 0412.4.22,041111.0-11bribilbellirp-41114y1411011101lite "I wart a collar!" growled :th quick; you make me sor ' man. , Trost: en i -I g 1 , str. ms! t per :als . II -.. .1-14 gondolas, with bib lin_ light.% .... • re *,a. q - har°ef d lette. rs of eOcitory from ill ov 0 to oarrohoreto ths. pub • and am ed 'facts in , _ nold . .- h - A atesumwstsanneremenumlems01111mallsellomessigt . • "We don't keep your kind," s • Go to a hardware store. -Boston d ' ranscrip the cl- - ' he agristiltu -1.eng, 'Apri rata 'he, , 6d.] al • to se' It tour.s Its rola I she, be er 0 e0 sr' 4: ' be •a d .1. te' ' . re • ,. Se wo illtir, s W- . 4: • , .owly round ers who for - , en operatic i the b the stars 1,, lif,s. ...• _e ._S t of the lark ._ ose Via() 'yea 41,1rOf gill_ .151AM . glad pehenally •• crag. and CO.4, OR a---",2-#' ....--!----). • . ' Apt -to Be. tall' , to f. , it p gun or uly 4 1 ' 4 ed to attain *,„hose di7y "C - •- 0 . e.../ i , LONDON, ONTARIOly ... _ ness & S a "The man Who gru.mbles sermon -IS 'top *long," , sal toast philosopfher„. Pis 1 the Who compiniuS that ti.le . , ecause, same gger , :. the' ., ar4-t r. 0 5 ei .1 re to Ole „_, vat ..._ imue Pee Pie ...... . -; no , f i ie Vt. lo e oh r ?Lox* -0 illiv iga 11,, v nig, ', a a ark' 1 ii• k for about ti Or wil len.- ITO u IN" i Oni- re.- I . Ps 4 ' ' • 4. ta Pm i_ u•t was that? ethargie. , • a gondola on ge, stttnding beyond the Hil' lard the out of ra far the ee was n4 side a presi of the .. " 4 - ... , i• - • - , _,.. i, _ .- mcani Os e , tit will cost 1 , a . : rn c.• came a voice w ch hEtd a - ' • SUBJECTS ' • Skeptical.. "Little oylkue," Said the uoderia. t•tcr.. not - 1 I e than , : th- isho t tour W., td . s . . , . .it, a volee i'Whicn . , roae . into _ Ilcsiilerri and Mail Courses • . i "lt's now up to yoll to Slit wi or the „pureJ0Y 0 • hich it-eloar. . - Catalogues Free .. 2 i ). N7". Westsryelt, 3. W. Westervelt, Jr., C.A., Prinelptd. Nriee-Pritioloal Me # you really are Little, And bave‘any horn. tobo i t 7 Blue . r- :oil i 3;Li1dre • f011 r.FLTC Ell' "1" it Ti ,, i • - e -r Voice llefore ows down,. !The barge was elever;' ,p she ma the donn StOPP -us , . _ •••. - 4...--._.----7------:-t- •-' .-t"-• '-•-•-•-...;•-•-r--- •- - _ . .,• . "......... . • . . • .. .--... - -... • .k. ..mmonzawitsommiestainnthoserownwassoreimas • Worth Seeing? Ponderosa , A S 4 II . 9 11 _ ' Or Watt on, t he was P bowern4, ying . oiptisite, rev) - - • , - • - - - • - i _ '4- - .•.- ' . f ----.--...-.,R. ,,, :::..-,.......;_.4a • - ...... . ^ - . - - . O. P. R. Time Tabl.e Mrs, -I would. a nightgown. that Wbuld..fit Salesman -So Would I like to -----;•-- J me. -1Brook ,i ........... .................. . t 1 ' ' . ; S YF to a grea singer. . 'And Futiare. , _ ..i. , _ _ . : - Gaetph'and Godi3riolt Branch . _ Life* - . i , , . ot b: ant; finer - in 'vilest litkeli She . • 2_ , ,., . - . .. , . ..._ i t - • .k,' Achfile l" tor the i_ gond ..., • . - . ' . I TG4TORONTO Gederieh,,....,,......Lv. 7.00 a m 2.26 p tn -... " VAI. " 3.06 " Milverton ..,..•...... . 8.14 " 3.3S " Strange, Strange is our speech- •Beyond shadow br d tult., We say mm1'4 all in • When his mbriey give,: ...., 1 ,•1:•••••,'. 1 -:::- _ 1 out ev 1 pea • Inito ' . : . ti &ading f 1 f for the'lOrai . hew under , ' +-WV comm .• on can come 4 , a 00* ded :id up ,a10 4 ar.m,-,..e 1 ...,, 4al. d. '"T eti that ) - y- .., 0 .._. , ‘ ¼•.'; .---,-•-;,... - , "'" • -lyre 47.411,.. ---- , •-•- w ..;"-_,,,, , • i% , ?-•'••• •-' , . • -:._- ^,N-..•-- ,•;?...:i.: : -.4.:- gilt ,-• , "e0.4-.. ..--; ,...-..............-F ....---0,....-ii.....,,,,,-,./.....%.,., - -•'• -4--,„ - • v: 4 .-.;..i,..... , _ .....____ ,.. - - • Guelph.....,,. „ ......... " 9,9,6 1 . *AS ,_491 • Guelph Jet.' " o.sa ". 5.05- " ' " The :Lady FrCat lilli otiri. ', i'l I 152; signori-Pompeo. It .• '`-'' ---iyinsPr..;;...;..-.--- '--• -`4'.11-----_-..,.,-. . ' .,_."1111141...... -..............!....._ - - . ....... 1 r ee." • i . Is • seht.Tr4,9674pig. - ,_,. ...we- --,-. .„.„„;.,i„„._._._............._...,...-...-rmpiwoogsedoo.ow''h•. Toronto.............. Ar. 11,25 " --. fi.85 . • The Caller -Time patsses clul4k.13',41 - N leetecl - L1 . . - e . ; • ch stroke•Iie eut s g for .,. ..... ....,.. - ........-e•- ........mansour--. ,,- .. FROSIATORONTO - -.4- • -.. 4 .,.....,-...y.-*_., ,-..-..-,-,-- -. , -,:iggsonengs. Toronto. - ......... Ly. 8.00 a. tn. 4,00 p m corapany, doesn't it? The Yiethn-Does 1t --Pu , ; 1 ,,, : ."'a' 1 - '-. . direcy firSt ca sy se . ro eh on ap • EJ very ofte nipt on, 'axid . . •eirin :1)r.' o , W. the the 's .. e ir ta. 1: ;:ooner - body. The , then enct any on Of e he rade - i . I - - Guelph jet. .. . . •.... Ar o.m. •,, 6.15 " Guelph " " _ • The Gamitt. - 'iArdint, i . 1 --- 1' Nor - y pt to S u Silo d be iused s the 0I1 e barge no time re was •O .., gain ..1 °e IS. lp Tx- , Elmira tt 10.2.3 . 6.14 Linwood Jet.. -• , " 10.45 a 6.32 " Walt00 • ' " " fiat " 7.R5 .4 myta‘!..,......,..._ ..0 11.48 " 7.46 '' Goderloh.......... - " , .12.20 g. tn. .8.10 " IL -eon/sections at"Linwood for Listowel. don- • -, C04)1; distaht, -' so wax hub 'andl wit.- •I .:..•; Turmoil, jo3-, sunshine, I-*TrP. ' Such is niarried.+Ilfpie,t 17,1r i - -•• - ' arm. - .:1 I orm-- bol* Its the . 1 TI the brea Ironehit est,-sh ini, syrap . • .a c • . p .0* re, s .• pai et'on , . re, . ightness a on 1 a d!itcul o thic .i... a, phl ' se in 1 f p. - ilitle St id Or IP 'A. o .Ponapeo of the Pursub.g napeo's blad Wile inaw.e wads, figur go • , of a d d ,, h rp , • isku,. wili name 1 . IF, your Enable into awtrlialle6)•,,andtearcnan'g' ' : - t `' I Et.,e.Z-- ler i of rwoo.d, se old, re' ad. 'build tils4:44Ye' onFric- r e ili.....11180.... ;Lc.i'll do ir.. 7 unsightly . bil ew onest,, Stable61? I i In wo Id know s ties o C. oncrete 't t• Il(ttloilu.itngth:isotuhpcie ' : 1:$21%,Insid- : motions at Guelph Jet. With main line for Galt, wood.4,0ek, London, Detroit and Chicago tta ' all etterm ediats lines. - Classifying- iiiin Itnieker-Does he'alsn . 4 I he in I ..,,, - ak? . - at fl t .36110 t *sh. w hi co a • r, d cot ater f a 'oeni i . 1 (1,- roni the cin_ or ‘ 1 Pi z - ' e 4. chilie was Were 1.0 lire. d eaught t la the' ' 6 gond 11°n11' li, 13" by N., , . :TheflostvInendfer'aiiettui.ttheheit eittoirace:Slita.erhe: et -Inside and '%. ae out- -Ytheouri'.: 'this d It tiS. By re" 1; : 'feta' DI rt v ifthreea pok you'll u mall, we win seta -Page 174°1K1 s‘TirAat 40 fin complet,e in,strue- • - ,, -...--,z-„.-M7231!WiliN/11 The Nialliilop Atutuat rite Insurance Clor.opany. . -•••••=.1. .Boeicer-No;- says; rari"12.1/4. .1 , .. Apartnient lionaelisl. • We lived once in the rdwe.dolynt AA house that wasn't ba The Etheltrarst, the Wient-rW11114, Tea... 0 -N ,,lir . • - chial first . Igt MS., - uhes hindin < writes: . ban, N en .he J. ( eo rn McOorrn _ ly 1, m especiall rnin , , cic Cleve y- , little bey two 3 the I d, arq ra il t . 'r.,Poropeo," in. • r. clwag. T.h0 brine," intidi . ge, 4`811•111 I sai , race Pomp the WS w . 11 over: . .,I . I ' : , meri'ts of sightliness,- ,--and is . sanitary. • f,a1:1:10:;. 'ffir:171.1 i end re... nce, and. tebYeinitspi.0 lions bas the eco*norny thirig ,b 11; u . . No s:et7ta,koet h:orfalaw _ or the consbructtio -ou In think of, gs, fl ors, vats, tr. 048.74 for a flex. of' almost eve:ry- the way of WM- ghs, ete., etc. or not to know , t -:. - FARM AND ISOLA. TOWN PR,OPERTY 111 . Ly IMBED. Offtcelt.- ,.. . • 7,-',',-, t. , B. McLean, • Were other. homes we've We spent a year in Daps Where people held aloof. The Geraldine the aoeePh had. e ' se. ; , .. ___... 'fl count , old into ..coul your aught ronchi -Wo hard]. icle hid es. bre.. ul cold H hich (level , wns o C1.•;(*ecl ' e, Readnig .,dicin , 'Dr:. .. 1 a Wc ped. he ) ut oil's- s 1, -Ise: a #r .11, T. - e , te camp°, /11 ypti kbidi J: Yee ' sn'e rapeo. folio since' i? lir. til I we . re ' i Man* Ifttie iinlonov..... matTheriale 1:: ci-- skilled labor' - . -nts hat, with hat the n:V- other .nlinsel t not only Farm..er C min e Rix a:nierit: cl.:: De vont GWay 'behind the inferin you --•-it will DO with co t flies. . i.:, codsnertoeteo,o:iss also interest you. erete . President, :Seaferth . --)irlf ; Jas., Connolly, Goderteh, - vical . Non 4 S-rup I Cbeidett to try a 4, . . 110.24VHRtooleotounUsshe,sbingeeNgicieeapshrt:c:::tet p.o president ; Thos E. Hays, secretary- treasarer, Seaforth p. o. - Iltritture- . a 41WrirL ChM/48Y. Sealtartit ;, JObla- G. . :we flit about from place • - Like blithe and busy sn And as we go I. murmur -`,Wha chzistene all the i, . o plai06• - ts, - •Nr, . 2 ?" bo', 'allot . with 1.er 'lit an hay 1, win • t11, h 1 g s1.11_11! ecii,..1plet 11- do go: (.1 result ly carei 'etor l. -Iiinfi . 1 o r got um, Say .. , - 1 4 Clh: 13- d i .-iatyhotuottbre....i7i.i: , OndOlaIS b • •.: Mped •ellt ant pi:cull: me ni Wellti 0,41 ; :s -1 a vow Irate Sil rith.R.AvIC R. ( - faftlici . cs:12:rt IrannTgaelTIsayr:cus :oaulr edsatIons 1 HorsePt(u- *sae.' , '81 „ - 1- 1 Grieve,. Winthrot : GeOrge Bale. . - - -Washln on. Heral ., too . melt 1 in it pv,:: itie; I w011ild. Da be 0,11.r na, but she *nor his Poultry "te ::::kas, maY send - '- i Seaforth; John Benneweis, Brodha- gen; Jas. IBArans,• Beechwood, John ,*,, Watt., liar1OCk ; J. B. tileLean, Se;.- forth; Jae Connolly, poderreh ;- < geOwen. Trucefield.. ' - C ASTOR F9t IlifitiltS' . Sad. 0:i dren., I , , with,..ut 6.. Ti Pine cure e it in for !priee . r p th . 11. -13 ti:; I e4sidel '01 s urd Bitonchitis f " lir W.od'so • ,, 0 . ; It s put -No141 1 tip " it a 1 . 3r a a e it h 10 # t• . ed hand., . t ig it ;you wIsiars , look -at your ntv. - , .1,he1 face," . . . ' 17 , . asked. answer. , .., ...... 16 , . - • , Fen e Posts Feot.- lng Floors Gutt -rn • oe s , ' Silos _ • h t 1,A,ist- , ,..acesottatnraepsaoSt1130:igre:10:oat'ing: , Well Curb* - • • 1 :t• c• . , etc, / copy .0 r it What rho Poltner Cat:i Do Itrig Contlete.".. - Wienta, r . ' anitt"Tarlack; -111. yello app .. Ili ree •pine trees the . - 'Canada, Cethent Co • RebeTt rthrieli'l . The Kind Yoti- Havellw 1-.:1_ ys Boa h ' rat , k . . e nftl , aceep ...,,,„„, as, t41,,;ted ley, worth; 4 Mandstillet r R. G. - /Yarmouth._ Sitditore;- James Cumming, Br. 34- W: Tecri. -Ilotmelolliet Brodhagen. 9 - - Bears the - Jo,/ Signature Of • . , MPr.3451, . -1 'suls M. Co, 'Int a ' for actul nre, D . ood! . ! ; , • on y by he Tro to 0 - ' . Mil no urn' f. -A„ ;••') - i 0011111;hieentie . ' , , 1 11.-00 XationAti Dank Malting !,`,UoriTmEA.r.. , ..... .• - ... • • 0 • • • • w i. oeo. liurdie *nd Johil Otaveileek. ectI• ? it - . • 4,,,,vozleirtimars !tare .. - 2.... - . • , , 1 -k , 1 _ c't' . • . .,. .. 64 . - .L. , r:., . - , - .... -' ..- . • .... -, • - ..., 6 . - • • 1 A 1 ;Nit 1. ' . ' - . t. ., --- .. . 1 . . ..-_ _ • I A i • _, ,. r_. _ . 1 . • • 1 I , 1 i , . • - _ - - '-- ''. ... 1 1 3 3 fiquar‘ and Loodon.