HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-11-04, Page 7i f r I-777777777� --dam wager. r- tin my _,dv� rU IG IN [Q Alihk.. ANIL _A09h, Auk Tures 16to, r. aid 1 on ttT ilde never-gofm a* -'gpt: t hint of your 0 S n SM 3h Of st The UrelLAIddle CL etter 'tes m& Inw- 1$:ZM A UdXt V -F Lftn& They "bh irf. i f, W M: tow - eatt,,walt. It is probabi blIV on bill Jb It faShl a e envelope� -Uke m A bak food. 4-1,11* --a by 'rt FoRow -his a(jv L� that?#; IM the, Iffezt tb fthnioo - t6gredlent In thr _* JbL MK your it Prbmp* dwks. r Hillard ortly,srolled, tipped;Oe tra-, dle and refilled Merrthpw's gt with is ass 0hem. sand Z6. IC 4�0! It some excellent Romaod Coiitl "Wheo C he asid at AYEWS AM V
�Y �IDL A GRATH Sho doo 4Y tier atvhlle
- 06U401t 0im u ay, Feb. 2., bifil S 7her 'A''Wee-Ir from _IiS,4turd Whai The douce did olia bring up that 1he 'Be en4lche i4e -moth )S me"M 1; CO. U, _not ts uted 4, 9C na
s An n C1 y r) for? 1 I*vp been trying to fnrget it," hore do tbey v laud'0 r s O -NT., Ptb. 12th. 1,910. k Our- mi. 4nd pro r n Haven't, otice NVIN T 411 Just about ILt do yolt: bey Opel! In' Rome the aye; C Ell -was taen with ,urdaughter la, (foudeen years), C41,11W of Kitty? first It) Alarelt. �11 the arrauge� terrible pains in the #ght side. The pain was so severe that we had to carry her ish slihe' ch' lrieu�s are After 't-offee -tobed. W -eat once j�uther under the careof arst-class doctor, who prono�ncted advised an operation. X046'r- to 10m, lk- &"Mft ?Aerelbew pushed bahf fils ebair. 411111, it a casd of Appendiciti's and ingston -where sbe ims again examined by an li the billiard room h
4%M Prid sai bly v ot.", arly all 7�Oth.CrS W 0 reserve -.a ta W P I We took her to a hospital i emin sh, ha Pe itis *"rr week tur'. Over, -Ple"rft -le aid ndic and inust be perated og at 05d, if I could 6,41 I ate for Pad Your lelter 1* ent specialist, I h% I d Ap street, rUii. L -hilpren- 'life 'roll r WtCe if We wanted to save her 'life. Ai we had taken her to Ringston to have �11%iia uonth$ like t-apital nutsetheirc should' WITT be- ith you obortly grate� An*, y pearl aid an tried and begg this done, we were ready, but ou� daughter was afr d ien r, adjus Itselit If -d Cu lake this M food- R S. HAM, nd pitifully, that we postpon
it for that day. I�uckily- f Ue re'that, that le al time So with the ITievitable black cigar
eo U 0,1 e, U*T""M � I or
ht", laugh- 4. �Iibpw sauntered us and for her an mile came ub t0ni, .0 betwoen hfig'teetbANIer &ad Notary PiAl sai shorsemena t SPI, -ep na th far rs millionsof 0�, i-rL
U111.1 d_ �y to the bifflaild room. wtille m with some 'Ir -a-tives".
Bank d office—le 4-var of t -6 f ddj M 16very year. y e nodd ad vl iqsau y & took Hillard We4ed ul) Ills lettk%r andL and insisted on L�lla &K* h LLL ,wn them. Good resvilts were I t a known the th r sepamth, wayR, stood up the�r c 8 rength but Wudled It. TlIs Ungers i renibied li-Ilt- apparent, almost from the wo L over as the .-r rhigh in Ellllard's� regard He w,s 41 )y, s be tore open fhe� Privelope. The I X Boa Ic ertain, reliabl first dose, and the cmitinnow, 1.0 PrOKf. n e ra. y nc iu ish th r
w4leftor, cmv SY&U01M ly for'Spayin de fellow, I 4 there %Vas some- handriting. the f),per. the modest treatment cured her. Irer Lt pptin, P pollited o a wow U k 'Fruita-Itives' saved out Wildred In hL11 son I an T JA 11 In rd's, c size. fill thes
tau* RinLg t af io too lb Sotary PUblic. Off. pos b; Idton. l the spir maoce. What culture and refinemont! But a suble daughter from -ffie surgon's -W% torz-Alure e 33onyGrowths. oak Mali �ln to,e tber ALLDUU00isTs I dretv t perhat .4 t130,0than FOR kl�,. r'- 4 spirit of 1rouy pervaded It all, She knife and to -day she ig
*rmod., sedtortb. the beest bf health. nhing else -was their- n)utual Iore list de#ej_ would never have RusWered his print- 3 t0 4 too., It'Mf) Of in til and oldo stub. f utdc6r p easur(s.. Tako t ') illen son !mr �md thU nd. 9�yr orty ed jn(lulry h�id she not law7hed Over- W. FOX, (Fathet w( :VOX, (Alother). be"tiful Sarings Bai.*, and Ohlld's,Sketeli�aoo *"meer, Ulcltff C=v nd good, b rses, send Back Mak ntains a Gobd, Luck -Ponn. 6-n -sores and' a put then on it, for pinned to the top, ot the letftlter Rolter for tbe Own* sw 41' .: readily ng. the stupid, banal them forth I ito th wIldi face all Co wos the clIPPI NVords cannot e��press the
An W I yield to fne Wo We curati'je JUC0DV S&D B"it Of ommeres. mot er lenci s, I If 00j; -are not 126 N Ull wstre,� elipping: -Will the gratitude of 11r. and 3fts. ady who S"g Fox- And Mi Will _V&r"� for Sale." 0-f ft" powea's of this fai ads, r �ntedy. fast frie qds of be joitirney from *.Nlme. Angot' communicate. with 'S Ella the e d I remernber Pruit-a- ;U00k, 99�1% at M-4 HatortIL a ways Orangeville, C V,, D -.c. 2i,, 1o8 tbe.,,y nevD.r will be. n
-01111P11391) who leaned'out of the win. tiven-11-the discovery of An to '0 '41We had F )r al jils avers Ion ards there 11.. llur� JOHN GRIEVE, V. SDI a �018e.L ich d o w, 3 was hid.e. Th1k of It! Chateaux and vil- eniinent physician- and the M the need of a nevr iet rti n There was 'neither it �f mat bgnva velty lame. C U ac oiint of a a b t of th mester, 1�q Hillardi ft? =edicine in ihe world only tsyaor arx&aate ot tjrataK�%a V eve& s it M did renm �Alj waitiog to �Wut him - I len was allmus as ce n, hi i offile be. deelkled :on tne nor dformal ending. nly four 3nade -of frait. Soc. a box� 6 rmai tized b "W4 All 'as we could -not ork the beast ihi statel Let no Crisp for $2.50, or trial box, 25c. -*IAMI U-eated. Calls proxntly at fall of a. 'coln not -to withdr w his per-* If 1jeS. But these im0fled ene thing, A perffect firting. ge I--- when we most nL-eled him. t cut ft. to tbP. afr,�. bet -ore' I beconte ktdealers,ok sent, postpaic�, SM&d to s�nd t-hargeS moderate. Vet- Sonal frOm tie -pal rer. Ele was'quite nd d -the wrher had no de� b d an I forget A re I am." On teCeI14 jeaUy ser-vieeu�bje in Our teamster 8 1w �Kendallls a Lry a Specialty. Office ptof price byFruit-a-
Pos UV6 e wo neve- hear that sire for further commtilliention "with Spavin Cure, iti' Uie store an Th wal[ter' stepl) i wit tives LGaited, Ottawa- i forward 1-h on Godeich straer4 as* gentl vu his eman wh( tAed- it. roi0e ag aln; but ilivin- 1hroN lea PPd lout of the win- dico. he would. let t;3em lie. dow." He read and rerad slowly, -T- lux I am. please - CHAPTUI t 111. d sav' he had Now, at -11 o*c,loc t that sime. morn. success as the. ors li�, a Ptopp,�d I Ain srry to learn that my singing dis- i1tows in the shop lbafflly gumged. 149 Inext doort heOxd the liolse, but did Ihe acme of our Ion MME. Ali, ioT� were P. HAREJUPA, T. IL limping and is dc ing his day s 1� twc 'di,4 ting'ut �hed illans sat turbed you. There was a reason. Ai that The safQ had been covaed jW11 h a mt tmbU W HROE ulghts' faier. as Hillard p4rOcular moment iWaa happy. Nnation- of style ar-d "Work. down to brea,�,-.fast� one of the fasb- quilt, to deaAw Teport, *hl wae -The Chaft1dan Padtle Rallwayhave gmoraa7 s-raduate pt the Ontar other -conamewed work oc o, twenty thiGi, T1 OrA a.114, Meerlbew lvero dining to, (Continued Next Wee
Vir. A. 3 ON. lonable liotehm. he one: uoi heatrd A blockaway. T, here is clue, gether at the Ilub, the �Stelw_�, to thi robb=a. 4d1ar st,atiolm b.utiftig: at Gueipb, the UwBcal A4sociatiaz had: ever hea 4 bf EI-Illard. They did t iBro -sawr or d t of out _Robbers gak 'hie -The BW4 not ev St. lied MjTa_uj0e t Don't - ard1 VetA�R" CQUSSV or Spivihs, -The juuk -qhop -of it tb# OntUID e, knol# Aat such a person, e came Intc �the grill room Grovrffi, Sw alnenW,, ings Thon-as, 'was entered ast Friday ey- Essex poSt.offiw at �an eaxly thoutr is=- tary to EaA Gre7 and swel�l his placi 5 eye over the wboi U only be f0ud in a PlasUe ftwasait ot *U DonMtia A but use Kendall's S Is t (41, and yeat 4sereltely �nconscjous T beffore his d groups of.. dinor b1w open the safe, tando day fort stat -,d the NOW.. "ern IED �40 In taeb god va" part%= that tie lh*e� of Connaught. F W, oterma. I` do n to the 04 which only contained -ab vvGrt-h. of -stamps The olerlor iot the would O*n* to Chnadg as Govera-ain! Woul I say, ac-ross ffillard's. lake oppoitits DICks "Hotel, J"t* , le aDid jaid I;lu4 letter a r' -*tat, 8W,ertL. All ordere lett ST. a bottle�-6 fox Get our The k6ots ;1 i4n,-,Ies Wier to corae cents In coppers. The dwr- of the -safe buQdIh.- was- �ay AaTrxigled by the Getft-sl lmuledkately af ter his, _Wnl raeal _f REA_1W the s de of 11111ard7s te. was bloa -off, wid the do4s and win. f ores of t pab�iim M -ON' book "ATreatise OnThe Horse," later. he ex- ,Me 4tv- rom South ALrlca,, n 61Ycerilate, 'amd the Iron ca�h 'box istol.- =44e of f WIth $ -.world'; one was casting h S. I Ife 11 e, a, tilt- - no eildng, the safe blown open with nitro- day Tinia
It cures every time. joaMtry jw WAk Feva a Spetalty best liniment -for m 4 palmist lard...be iame out f1tty
ve PrMpt atteAk I -free at dealers or fhm uL id not see you W Lien you ame BY 83 "The Offee In thl. countr.Y s a'-om- X19U. alls reedvied at tht _s4id the' stew ard. his voice as in, al' iAU_ as soleirin his Step. "The letter ar- L CO. The; w ilter smile I c-g-v.er ly behind inablel" ,rowled onh- Dr; B. J.
52 rived ese his hant T �ese' Ins and t�, Thorias." With' no The various uses to which "Tijank' you. '"'h here . Is only me J0HX MeGLMNIS. Germans!' y sake "d -T*.ddftce, vidtorla, at., small di b Is place In Jhe vvojrld' vrhere both the aro- Concrete may be profitibly MY LIF face ind rjepressed,�the eagerness in hN ma and !the flavor of coffe6 are 'pre- put, & the fann, ore ipheAy words or ex.preEstaus eyes, Sho had'seen: Ohe 4ad written: d'it serv6d, s Doi, decide4l' same Meanig arr, 00,-taID" 90-ne &ad Rea-Mance-GodaWf straft, D EE YEARS' 13 the letter Ilay under Ns hand I Who and imoly in out 160 -page Italy -or Gerrb any.. And If lals tip ex� the I hSva r*- during the pz��t Year. ant the 14octiodist tburch. ftatorth, said that i romanee h4d taken night? book, I THI or. ceeded 10 cents he would be astly Whe 46 ODroner or Lh-,6 C -0 -un -F 3 Morse nd !an _Rcwt Irue, the 'reading of khe till-Ilt from fan!" of .18 -red his X-1 n Trou surVrised, T e Italian aever astes sion; m, -if e Haron. -114 We - disil III but, AlWays Would, "What ihe. omen who had eac-ped on necesdties -a peany wilkh idan be t Do Wilh Cafic-relte surgical opeTattens-itt a -Z ifit here be that vision aq-d- tbe'volce'e6m. and Weer -a had DRS. SCOTT, & MACKAY. applied tor -tbe' gaming,tables. And -jug Out of T*nme amfew dise-ases that cause more onchalanfly be uxe acuou - of or�m" m- hese tw) were -talking about, �Monte -iers who had suffe-red JrM -0aftkh etrea+ -P;oAte Methodist acae sufflerm,g, than Kidt ey Trouble, which shown how t1l -8 or farm buildift d 'M -lea sed mdustruation lepzw- homas, �f 9t, dbury Ont,, and W. F.'A. Th Carlo'an Ostend. r be constructed of concrete; ,ajnftj Periodi, -a very L it. He writes.- The yo*iger of tt e two was ft grad"te ot Victor!& is one of those veho kni6w i j ad the other troubieff Barns ClIsternot llrbart, Dip- i - . "For over three yews I guff' f hands6in -mad, tall, slendOr andinery -A 1 -CAna Ar and member.- Me �nN W94 fL -At ous, the Venetian ty Pe' his b lack� eyes, o #W&r10 QD11 ge ME rn,-pdCl&Tl2 and SUr- ey disease. . Fws7t 1 th ought I h- , j1;k 11-e kidn ping Tati furnishe z Posts,'FeedlnA Fjo0rzF Gutters, ONO=.- fOr !the. 0D=".Y W Bar, SP%Jne4 =y back,_ for - ad& sly the nt, ro g, a Laggemstin a -4 env Neate, 1jitchIng Poe. keen a has�y af Jon is certtlatra and be= -f Would catch the StMlibfrL UU ba& Aely ftep-L tempeir.'* Ile ri�onth pttrtl' t l4den un- Home' Slaakc,, j4oixites, Pout Y send� absoh- ible fot metv y Shelter Walls, StabWwp Stalm 67 su=erjLnv woman. whor (L.Kainmy, banor graduate ot Trinity woWd be impossi I straf der I millta [130.41 ich was sev U=.- AA URRAH, Windsor, Oat. actrinitr mrelf up for A g_v cef u. r %IM-Aty, #04d madallat ot T ai am^_ PP -1- n Who across th thin U 4 - t e moinb. .-or L a, Ma Walkst and, to Torth. e -was always *vokal 09lege. Member ot the ODI- of -tits vi on, ent, my urine was and was always mast6r bf ft es Froln, Sond, for ltv-4t's-fre -though AP at fty4clam and Surgeons, 40 resiiIATIV -sells for. 6ft Write , I his right chee k bone to the corner of _L R"t passing it caused a Uurnffig, swl I Concret� M. Well Tried meeffickes, but they his mout ran a sc L hea I- IWSS advised to try D 316 --se's r 2,1 Bus,iness n d. An the American tmaglbatlon H. HUGEr ROW. Root Pills, . Celkr usy ,as th ctr -e&, my wif'� L Might' dily have pictured villas, DA bt lustvervity Of years 'blefore. - A A e es affected maWi da-ance vile a d 'sword of UedWne, wamber-of Ool c�omplete cure. I now enjoy the may send. A thru�ft Under th6 moonlight But th -1 e *6 at IWAYAk&MS and Surgeone of On,* sings of good health, Wooa apd is much More CEMENT C-0,;,- ch is due to W-007 b�d served his tIm6 'in a waiter, who knew no fo ier of jdTVA tA4 foreWl or rap Dwable r, ready to help yon -119 V-01alcal Scbwl, of Chicip-;. Royal Dote t neglect kidney tftxro e --Ws COUI& Oan DO Die id --,vo-rnel:i to win� Aphawmic Hawtall, NO#" dangerous �s Well. as, ful. ThaA� 1%re made snob a sZ;'more We and success. It has EMPKA1, 1.411-4- dd, reliable- f am proWtbly the 10eri WpUsl,rers14 College ily a� pte the start, to, thousxndg JW England. Offim-;Bmak e Indian Root. -Pillso"llm tho His doinpamon 'was equ plotur-.1 Cem, ent is particulirly ada ' d fo the con- UOW. REAL Etousands tif PO4 stalm Bank, Saforth. Pbont* o.' and will curd you. It, rU.. struction'of Roo�t Cellar floors md walls. .... "'Ith whi" wad andliron gray t can help 510t callm smweire4 Irm realdencs, inurin you. ti iati it colj� p on a beard, he wor� Imn �buttoiih@e it tiny -0 tal gue. Enter -Any vows, &Atorft Is" -evils, it-]jousness, indi ti aid Experi nce prtives that for the farmer, Con- ....... e !i; 0 i, the bad 01 f o bow.. of 'Obboi go f reign headaches, and 'in pur "g tne... Ste crete is superioe to wood inevry point of 25C a box at yotw Arq Sise RAW. Pevtcl "I'm afrald,: Enrico. that you have cotnparison. THOMAS BIROWUL brought ine U Am(Tica ou a useless Xiloawed auctioneer for he counUev 1! Concrete permits of a desirable degree 4 T 7"] SA i
sald the diplomat adventwv no and I of coolness without freezing. There is U.- Cor-respmd"ce iel. Huron, and. Per' -She Is hero in New York, WomptIly answered. immediate ar- Notice ts for sale dates caa benm4e DYEING 1 shall -Aw her.! I must- hav6. money- question as to ftg- durability. Concrete. lasts, *7 ns up Phone 97 Seaforth, or I Is tie Way to I mustI, I we y6u the incredible amount not or years, but for ages and iteed 5 no �s inoderate, Of e. There*are millions,un*- U& Expositor Office. Char; 31V9 orle agrftd f lie sat thre s urkng. i repair. I at partnersbip has b4 satisfa,atiao gaaratntpee& der my dtt'�and'l cannot touch a-neaux and UarmlOnaut nga - I t D P_ Wei ferchants in Dublin. A Owl' tarned, the letter face downward land �eml 31 111 peni,y."' Anyone who "has scooped vegetables from 'It 0 not I et �our debt to me worry went On with the meal. '11 appreciate- the fact that carriedaninthefirnamt0t) it I the old �Iank fl()' r wi I I a -eft U n tg owi a tdthe *M of xoy� LLoenved auctioneer tor tho cowntift , ' . t', t�
I I "I id not fill et musT. De settled before or Da .45*1 pie Washing 1 you- I -know that. our mul, Concrete offers'ta sinbeth, continuous surface. V emah or it Rarm &ad Pertb. 13tins a risett e so �ery good-, Giuseppe!" tame 4o the club," said: 51err r. eitber by h 41 ou lbew. at �'ttl d by th will be I% -VM Im "t brawr and thoroughly Usar., ly�eeaUX &LVCV. WiSh An'tfij Q-14 OW, . .... ave we not gr)vm up together? "It doesn't Only kurely it I Or with no pro�JCCjing -plan crids. or to libiading the value of farm #tQck and I A ifts OP �Vff W OWL Sometimes I �tblnk m partly to dr this way.", 'darnage the sco or ruffli the teinper of the iany new ones to still j., _&nts, places me In,& better Po blame -f( ra ut 'et "Well, go on and read It. - *im to rWIze good prteW Obart"s, scooper. 21OLYNSAUX 0ARMORAVA �o�r ext vagance. friend IS atrlebd or'be Is not. Me keep you Some charmer. A(Awate. SathfaztIon guarsinteed or from It �=, all 11 "Out h who borrows from h Is friend go Par.: All ordery Idt in,Nxeftr wW NEWMRAL MOWS 10 Dromptly fates" w loses' hkir. Observebow' I = Place& j bav�-Aad a ozen It is, ma� nin I 'T THI K �,F I 'I JU' Dyes Wool, Cotton, Silk acdfds PC opportun to m rry ta.-No bal C of I istak S riches. This .vith the SALME DY nd :my and D atz"fal colomle c _,U6 urD 0 millstone is eternall: 7 rou neck. Executors' Sale -C andSTYRY13bokIL147 You can rarely distinguish w6ak spots in cleaned, comW UVA1 #V"7 ghort encl =d Wei&
Dealer, Send forColo I have,gan throng 3: my part Of the The jobnSon-Wichardso Co, 11m ted. Montreal. tub - thiough—at *our fibre is pullm�4 0 NWHY the finished U04C Of Farm Property foftUne i rbleb: was left us tndopevd�, undeiwea until holes, 134s, and a chez 'eutly. b 3 has. all o- th t 1i e. So it's Safer, Lper Ap insist'bn —perfectly kt4tted otl patent machines—UlUst
7hP-Rmutorsof thelastwillof cbn'Devereux, whk she s so 0tron I am absolutely d's Unshrinkable Underwear. For our pm r1gid ex=ination in front of a searChigg Ute d the Townsbip of '�udkersmith, fn the County helb e".", o#ly the very light that makes it impmible for the mere# OtHuron, Fa mer, deeemed, Wj;l offer for wile by, HELP FOR UQ i" *.orting process retaina IM690 Setioil at or 01 nd! Thne Americait wo- fitlestw 1. Rven this -selected Rtade is sco red,' Am to get t1tv-ough unnoflced. The Commercial Hotel, Seaforib. n T 'y All. beJ leve that a! man mus -ha no peccadillos once ble has on BACKS HAT" AG F me Saturday, Nov. 12tb, 1910 e ma�rriag,4. contract jBody sign d mama
it 2 d'elook p. m., the jollowing prgerby. of c 9 The sicrament do�s not Lot number thir�y (�O) in the fourt (4th) 1 mak a- mail less- hl�marf than he was GIN PILLS CuOe 17hem kn of the Township of Hibbert in the OauAty of- She ever. e-, 13i
befo e. t s one Is el wea X8*14 containing 10() acres more or less. Age might be'Itallan bofn." to wure is on the F it Aever failing spring. Tbia tarm is a good property and is well suited PITLS, the great Canadj in Kid untry that;has made for ling in this co VmLug or cultivating,, and is free from foul weedg. Cure., We hae 5 Tler so clevl� e on rec0d man je' ei Ing 1-taiian he jo, IN s 1he rorrby a good fmrae burn ; %bout is no barrier he wonde 5a@reErof valutLls e r, wDer, mostly hardwood, and xv soothing, healink projertles� of f m 41H er mot �er was Italian: The sale,afll be subject w a reserve bid, -oni an of 66, 5, Choi) Th n y d zt4
from men and Nv e.. Temg--Ten per cent to be paid In cub the day of 11L'aud the Wan 8o ad over, te8tifyin tdth4_ re labbut her.s her hatred. Sh 8 :MY For lurther particular$ and conditions ofsaleapply ey re coun ce to be paid 80 dayb thereafter. th ceived from t a itig G1 -ywon ian there- Wif liout her L �0110BEUTDLWEREUX JOHN DEVEREUX, Ex- in of $tratliroy, Ont. consent I c in touch nothipg, and uel Marti Mf. Swal ftukoM or to J. L. KILLbRA.Ll� Seafo th, Soliettor -pouf -all Execators THOS., DROWN, Auctioneer. suffered for twenty yeks with miq6ry divorce bel fl goes to "the 2287.3 in his back. Som - mpnths ago, h" state. om times I long.to get mYtwo tried GIN P114LS and after, ing OlilY hands round- her white -thrb One three boxes, was entirely wistake, one little mi3takel' I all will- McKillop Mutual Fire Tiviartin is now 85 Yeats o age, a.nd ing W swe,0r that she loved me M.the health of vigorous Lmurance Company. enjoys the robust health of beginnig. ' And I Was a fool4ot to man of sixty, than to OIN PIT lea, m04 wafit by this sentlinent. , Glve'nm Pa- All, elderly peo I are troub ence. If I say to *,. -so and Bladde ttfapm, Pad ie ney or less, with M, FARM AND ISOLATED. Trouble, and pain and -v,�eakzess in ' e mucli and yDn may have your fre6do TOWN PROPERTY MI back. GIN PILL' are a guarant*4 tL-ere Is always that ursed will. The MURED. LY ID, cure for all thesem sfortuneg. Mooey crown- -1 of Italy will never withdraw promp -ail tly refunde f they f to vo itsliand. No. With Ills wife's family! ,110 tbA ivlcLean, presIdent, Seafort complete satisfactiox . 0Y wor, I on his'llauls, especiilly her brother.' a for itself 9- P-0 Jas, Cormolly, Goderich; vlce_� 1 50c. '6 forP.50. $=Pie- W -EM
-r,,-v naswO a box- 0 Vmq,muad UT President - T free if you write us, mentiouing the Ling w1U never waive his rliks." ide re Utation. Hays, secretary u Id her, Nve have but tell -le5 treasrer' Seatorth p. o. paper, National Drug J�andl Chemi � -.1 I ers, a Wcexsea, _4_ 1 rewern
ed sores cold cracim. Uhav-991- 14? imt, babiW eiuptlow,� Co., Dept. A. Torout' �i days. ,jtv - eW- All h-; John a era. bm-nx� el WM. Chesne, Seaf oT' We sba not find tAme heav I t* and storea at Aft bo3;, or ,WlnthTo;: - George Dale, no,% a few ricbbut(bers*and I &$,forth; John Bennewels, Brodba. .who call ifliemseles the artstocM gen.* Jas. Evans,, Reechwood . John 'Wat., Harlock; . D. UcLean, Sea- A, a d" some of them pla.* brIdge and f0fth.- as. Cbnnollytt GadeZlch A. CALST. 1. �ecafte.11 ts
nat SmMd iaj both for womwen and fpr4M e" Jn p, x4feady ize ne dffermt
Buce. or. in"t t Tile diploi n an patl6z. by step! t(Y. Md- warm, ribbeed aa==ts j=tkuUrly Roberrt Smjth� IT TI rom heavy sWtabk for ouW= w6dms to arlock FA. Rjnc-ri,� the �b�a:t at Imhted to d"I
Ail flave, folloed her ste I
Y 0 h I'M tM �Oft, finely uuclerw�a s(o) S ON 0 A U e is here. 1 SI selwtive SkIrM Your- i0=1 SeLS 19tanfield I SWbTth; James. Oammtng, fti T Vill' not - 0 b ird- to s Unshnukab erWear. Walog, on requee-L
jshe� be Und !1�vllle . . ee, Wim"Alle Bears the' Wea Y. fri G_ STANFIELDS LIMITED, TRUR0j N.S. 21
oO say- Is be L ful-r �he be Signature of t e- nagn canuo Q" Murdle ond jobn QQygnlg*