HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-11-04, Page 44 - . .- - 1N04@s1PWf§b: S- -111, �.a�X T W 'T' F- -8 IRIM ri f Xt I I t1w n1oftra",pro tems of B014 -,"Pr 1111111111110",-W.VT F -Ivwwewwoib: 0 am %or W %^0FWN0"j1 t*,hem AUZZ, lb=ja do df Shil Ish , offIders, -] wbov Ih 1Xr. so 8 toey �ad metht h octipled 4be InA-- Tu wLSbkW. tp lza);o our.raft _!,C�Uj WY ilm !bif tho tw or, thk lArtof 'Wb' cha4ei on ilu=kn am 9W, tbo Doings iscit Abe U The little touch of wintei uu �t weel At tbe btmopal vAU am to it that Atem us �1 Iftly e beat missf was 10st a gentle r-� ja one. 141.". �* 41� Pr4acbed one f th I . I 11D 1-1 bottom of U* sm. Lauri �tn,: re� that. � �0 n �-19 to the Po, �' In -.1 return dioltba, 1 It is 14 16, 10 IT -18, 0140r, Prol 24 be �hm r amd -th (wen Y -five the 21 S2 4 w years theri: W �be no.Tsinslielf. e I he dift cult� ; on, 27- 28 29 30 ni mused 6y t Is correspoom lot -the Toront) stsi� tut we or NNW vouches f� agother illus*sAloq sho sie ts,: aid, t -- ­ .11 . - I - I . .- , . t� Provi Wilft1d -LauXlees wdndqrful im t The figure ween t6i paxAthesig Sol x1s, growltv . the e*A -which hw a local - settbi-T dyt Goveftm� -s�c-h ad. desobtes the -page of ;* E, 14 - which the aAvrtistnent is. eral ya� ap, eifm-he'hecame to Paperson aOPft4y tau ter, U spoke -t Du0ga=on, durp lan The TowbWord—Steivart, Drw. -4 Tf Is.. vaedy = e1lectido I campm;n In * West Hural , In bu railwalys Comm wbI& the Liberaa standard . WSJS B, The Gmt clemand-E. oFaul bean Rabiberg-Richardson, * Scot": � I tLflal realdmice f o, Thm Wotdff-Robert Milis-4 the late- M. C. Ca-marom Beh,191 4: I xibus, a, t, . .whichh v WeAtb(er Footwear -IV. G. Willis -4 to return easot the san(? a m) he vo, tef "The. -beat e was *Aveo - tar "41ch, 8�11(1. tho* ia,nO, a Ci*d It AvAlon &-les-6 Awla , way &-etght �o t1w a. T v In One, DwnW.ol vov- "-Xru Re Brim -4, supporter of his, alvila"r, In: _hngineer Wanted -plectrie Ligm Nvorks-8 citizenship Is Teimber Wanted-Jobn T. btaraln-5 who, heard: of the joirsumstainc. I -13 twee than a� n Cork"-! RdSiA*38 the eantl me iathered qp a ic � vd! of -dovernor about forty md- Mot him oi-,L -A at tha: rni rbt be�.to I at Ulintork. station.,. As the At4ld 4 sibout half an botj;1s­ gh � Ir4g; to- do here, Sli Wilfrid ente[red e the: �r at l6ci, Star If 0EAPORTA, FRWAY, Nov. uk, 101#, akd was- Latroduced all round, Cl*.t- M rMe r9:6f 1.,bng Boots-' ri Doc t At, 4 a pair; that is Ku r t1qg casaaaly �o, while_ awa0y- 7 ivoU The!1sestlathelani Wbm the train was `ito, 1lea i �6 Pbe OP ite Ex ositor Office - Par Aers' Meeting. I walked around the eattre ek-cle, `uk rdeeting of tarmers,wd oth&s In- --liaou with eacti, . ima, . ind 461 e%�d Itua,ry.�-We Idee. ii-� terested WIU beheW �m -the �cvw'a Cnjll. I hititif, y name, not maddnJ.- la, elpaU kr. �S(_ , L COA I *to: chrotdc4e aurda12th, I I of itbis at 2 o7clock pr. im for the puTVW,; of EthQ Lelleve, - the uW, ortuna I aid, Mr cotisiderL-k-T the� proV.IetY f appootntng Td9gulcled youoe woman whose name Th Joh�64:4*4 da-asutes to joW-- the deputstIck-i rOrn W415 so dUcreffitably -ac-socia��! vi October the we�-�-t ailid other pairLs of 11( �142, to at t e1glit nion that Of Dr. 4open, w1ho 11s how. an ter: 4) , I . . ' e -2*. Otswa� In. Decov*ier next. Th& Ob-. sentence of dm#i far t1he SM growth ? Jeet or thU &PUtsitldn is wife 10 Lo�xdbn, Englaid, is. Ito 'go Ih the b U., 3M a 3714, bu Goverwr;06nt and P*4'Rent have bad six -teen offers of Mz a ft& disImblity.. Of reducing Ithe tariff Music b4l proprIetoos a�e - 6ffrl r 1 1 ier else r std these 113� favor- 'of- the farimb'g, . 111temst -and la rZe .,SaM� if She WIA - I.Yo L Upol 4' ly �� d Aw4y hi�g 0 aU� �, his lift." becaa 9 as ipossible NeWsp& PW,S Will � pay _hlgt )rl De, all- h I& ad the, for her -StiOlry of heir sexpertme( v lfh- of e: e reciproo-Ity betem Cianac 701 JP 12' MR was its 9wd al nviann !r 'UhIted States. ThU is !nrAttor bf Vital iir CrIppen- But all W, a r1am A 44 4=-UMda'tDL tb& faxminkg com inanity, -a Contemporary, whidih tj -Clrdle or frien Is L, e Ws wig and it Is desirable that, at ithis Jurl--- axe throwing arout-ad he p1tifill Ixg ir!ly demilse. H ture,they make themselves newd and -of Ethel LeNev# cannot nake be his, h6 �, father their destams ktwwn, Thoie -Woo, U'A: otner thao It Is. An offer of i brc and tairee bmentte* by and who agp, Inteested Ln ria,go, iijamle, under suo, cIrcu flic I Y. The- remairm, btSU-`prQt`eCUVe.tarV-,ft U* I-eaVIng g1co Cannot be '994d L to hold oat jai ir of L In fsj untarned to Influence the Gov- TnIse of happileAw, nor could ,p 14' ce in '*yfleld conelt CnWr�eCkt to, aWIr L Way Of JtWnkJTN�*, a irInd be woo by appearance M4 a, Kr he D"I IS the la'te it behouies the f&rM0r5 of VAMLft and stage. To We4d the =my %t �J Vf Cot ict the servic i �s her I e were. Mes-.4em the -general Consumers as well tiruse ire upotg tb -public page -e at- bea I t f eed Al their Ifiltuence, to stern thi ItW(B for Ufy he morbid m1oft of 0 E Wider, bigh '-protectlort, This ts not a TdIt- upon tAe false, ut to 1the I 411 a" O.. Preckeltd.a. teat movoment;i It la business, Wad we 1-t could hardly be other 'thao' i zt�l, I W.&r of the v 'hope that there will be a, ZAi-'ge attend- . criielfix1oki; It there .a6e tbo i Alu-3 .1 7ounty, in t i MVe at tho TrJe4--t1TLT on the' 12th inSt-' W&tUr'`e years or niiind Who Isqm R4 lifted To., )h � lichardsom, if so that If deemed dealrable Harm !mayL either to a&,I" or mvy Mis-s. U IT ve, Road, �as pas they,have Ek -poor c 'Mr, be creditably represEUted 0-t t7 Richards on tatim to Ottaa next;month. All are itios, - for e or beT 11, fter a sh CoTmally happy. The kindest thh1g wbichl he mo e had reach "Weed CML_(J0 IS tD WRt he�. ',t6. sev icty- ve ',Years. A Won-Partiran "Viaw. let her sick. Into obacurity. 150171,EWh 't if remax wa ; al. t1veV'oMfQ The. Oanadlaw' Cburi*er, an aly edited Tlie Internationd Coaventln, jjr ibe -b�ftn L b kmd well Conducted periodical,, which th city of Assoclafl: Ir fro I YOU09 Men�s ChriatiaA A-,gsocilad bas, no, PoUtIcal. ut Whi,c'rk - I t with- 'his �Mi TrMtQ IaSi week, was la 0 ble - COT � , speaks out loudlY and independentl an me. i 3ers 1 of- the famil gathering h, I many respects. 'Th On- wh xdl aubjeels, makea the, f011OWiY1g Is . ea- v4�fvtloR was. a s&ucc(----,s Prom ev - 11 'Int for he imew la�uannd. Bible- remarks respectlo- the Catnadlan o view. ,the attendanice was lari-, And err, c 01, )�n�jand, the vavy and the 111.41med Criticisms ' of the r4epresentitive e I Malay c I ojuntrlE� Gu 1 of. Mexito,; and 'Oov.-fzvative vreigg. It sj&ys : - alge of Irteen eks Qr] only to find. ­winnipeglig Navy League has paiss- cour, ging and Inspiring, wblie it Ing death on eve a very fair resolutloftx It end,o1jsreA ports. d1nM,.-,tr&ted the Wgbod tTkiE I he 1. I - - - . a' pas up b .-tie present poller Of the 00v--rnment work -that is b�i� dDnf by this ex" llent, b wat, andlocated as beirw "the best pe, POUCY,,!' and, widespread organization. 1t. Its ihe MO. Bu rmaaient rd, , t ba but urxes a coutributl= i(>f -Dread,- E . reports � of C greatiest rc4iglo-tsocial, brgarAz&,t1(c -in kioughts- or cash, 0 -le can undiv-stand the world. There are 4-bor 8,001), cl- t r y th, afe fortunes I i; isemlbe� mea taking this view -It soclations jU,.,_ 40 " dlij 14 They arrived h ren Ul proper vim, -If there Is. 1reallyanly I Ce n and- a-memei-ship approachl yeat 184 P, where tb an attack y al 00, of whlcih &bOut oae�half �arp- f r.�In- se -v qi al yeazs, the ira�y. Those whorfaver a . Ca,,--m4lan -soclgtlons I -A b Is i arpente'. bers oiC the 2,000 a. -s radge as c ez, t.kx c%tied fleet otay; do so because they' believe America. We lim the country do �n'D" 'y On a that there Is no Immediae "u9e-r - of or Uow s��ch ab6ut the 1good. I Ta bezr= township, V. conmrt wlth� Gerrrany. lloWeWr, a dcoe by, this association, as 15, try I rAd m4ntgerrle diffei4ence ot oplTdon on this .1point 4 I denocid In -the cities and larger c Ill Li6es f and f& quite within the bounds of reason. f or 1 IMS rn �l of paipilation. Maay a fond R14 61's, U ,e rom t Lei plol I e eir 11 The new "Compare this reasonabl attitude b6y has been saved f hor . . . . . . rffii� -all -1 11 91- th with tlist of Bouraissa, ajpd avidplae� an thelroad-to fii . V tirn'".or 9Ay kllx� onk la Quebec. These gentlemen say thkouh its madhnn'. We ive I f.('rtb,l whia, me that Sir Wilfrid Lauilar Is ipreparlm- t,otter dvice to our countr who the� way for compulsory m 111tary boi v upofn the Intead going to tile- city i .211 i y ink 1,' darkess. About n" service under the INrltsh crown, themselves with the locall bZzin, J�iof �Mgd ie obbased tne They conderau the Caad - Ian navy, -and the Youv,,g7 Men'� 'Christian A4. . o$l a tilm- s to- -�4 the BayflE h .1 ley ; 'tbries,ten Tevolutim. If 'any One 611OU14 Thro- ash that medium, the, VlJ1 Al q 7 ONMhip, where 1-rop '" a direct cash coo-trIbution. friends end associats of cr,6 the irne of his dead L. "L-sahm ft Is equally 'Interesting to, truest kind, while In conneCuo N 8 wa� rrwi of i b 1note the'attitude O the knore partisam thern they can have the aAdvaTat i c-- Str rectitude, , i Cm-servative paers h� the - Engllsh4 all the -social amsements and' r, ea- t I t gb life to do uki o speakla-, provinces- They itre 4own ,L tjons inecesary. and d, "z%soclate4 woull-that they shi � I the Canadlaax nvr as not lbeinc tof the Injurious associations w-blefi too N beat permanent Ile ras -a..wtse ;T;' t nid 6 ar and � a contribution- , The -Y igO' freqdeady atta;h to these. 1. ko the other extrerne. would be a, spl.o6pilld thki It F& ell his part: In -1 'It Is unlikely that Parliament will' c,, : do .1 Much greater number of these he v1;as & Preibyterl onake any change In Its policy, either tions could be maintained thro, at a C 0 upervaive. The de to Please the ant'-miltaTists Of Que` tJ, country d4trIcts. Their -,I- TIM I 0111 1863 to RlicM. b(10, or the �ro4rnperlallsts elernect kx ai-b!requlred neawly as in ha� I � farnay of ele, the CoMervAtIve party, Whtha(seefa 4. the co,..x�try as In the city;, Of Wlom-jare living ex done may ract be the wisest -course% -sm, but it was the only mosslble-wie finder deal Is: eltig aPad ti, Wt l!l 0 m RichaTid -he eircumstan _T, 4 - said i vi� of - , I . Tih fat satis ten tuaw aboutthe scarcity conducted, by Rev. Mr the� 10a1ll-bearers wev6 0ditorial Notes anct Commentis Ile sphool teachers rura MT 0 Imm and Th- additl to the There are various Teasolis for WW if cir- 01-a protection of ifter city. The Aln reaalon, baweve�, 0 Inereantae, maz*o,Qp the� , Akrh . J .1 Zurich doubt Is, the low salaries whien are 1cana& assun*T.by fie meatloa 14 as. -Mr.' C. Prit2 16f paid to school teaeber. A youn In. his s biadlaa navy, In a "-?tby. fr ,9�id ON pla�ced well conidered artl(ae, In %,he os -twornan who has brains and t� e t-1 P are kopinir that ChaTI &i�uh tol e a igood )MAi,uqef ul 01 bus: A'l eis a4gaki In Zu, 71 3fr- 39 'W- `740h*'On teacher calm com-nand a ver lud4 Mel k bias a=ep t y �; td, Pollits o -at wiothr very necessary pulr, higher salary in many other V0 a flo�w Deer i iig ati-rIcultural Pose, which, It will serve. 'Um �he ftatte than they can as school teacher4, a114 �wlll ccup the $hop h OU that L of coast deieface, he poi:r� t be subject to less wo3wy and May- from Mr.' Levil .1'rik the eve'a of War� between t" nal- mace. Besides this, - It. now q I Llrbl Peop .s DAy 'was 4ohr o'ttom Other tAza the British sM n' ,pire, it tle&141Y as much time a -ad e Cal � church ber� WGUld be noces-sary t, -inakdln the qualify for a teacher as for of last Sermooti;4 apropris neutrality of C!&-ladjarf seajyrts, oth. the fga-mlled leaxned profession,%, i &k, casichi were preached; 'erwise, oat only T11131ht tbes� vottms.-4m as a -rule, the lacarres tare Eva Me9 acd rer: 11stmed to, selrfdamt.,.��ed, hut Canada might lniar tlbAt of a. school, teacher, and Itho Urne est 1, ar�,,,ei 6ongrega; I lfY4: rrk V heavy "If a be1113,ere-,xt and expe"e required- o, squall or a s auctiont isale of alprefItted 1111, a ID&W-lan pairt, took teacher Is very -rruob* greator f0i at 4.1misall ls�t week Ar coal. wen to, e,a. and -afterw�ard4s ima,de rrany more profitable occupations., Is etnm J. I axxd- eiyerything ha-voc with property of the otheir bellt-T. being the case, It is not -surpr, 1-119 toT, Prices. -Mr J 9 J trent, Canada pAght have to ipav Oam- that there, Is( 9. dearth 62 teacheKs. ONY ed 'i 3 fa,trn on hae' 3. t -4p sdlfflc�lfy Is to:,obe 1�net is- 4A of. ley, o Mr. Chg , s a-3es tEO tintees greater than heum �e that ,voiild 11mve provided ,aer with a the Problems which our-eflcatiom, 130 t�nte, galng to Go T Ocast dcfence, a force for P s -tol e mfomin - must ;grapple with and lve d I Gretta spect for Can-qdIa­X water n trlen�jg as riot advocate by any trwanos thie er� Mr. 4i Mrs. as 10.T of the tandawd of iquallilca M, Sask., was maxr, L4 our pubUc sabool tEacberz. Tb teced-Ay. to Mr. Wil I a It -rnay be, itnternjtlii�- U3fIT4V mr, �,a:tta, w I as at Le to Ontario have the in,strultloa an -a l -r.0 It" readers to kno the kind Vt iar characters of, the Young I-, the I c rn"'Ji Of lhpil Zatishi pvubllc* 3 tive period, cannot be too Well eq PP Ra2dlton-*as'bom. tin that are beln3� used agahL%t Sir Wll- for that �great an -d imports- it. lrarl� enits 1 -were res I 1d, e, 9 1f:rld Laurler in CVnso1rv&tJvo- fntere._qbq� Whatever elsi-, inay- b 5 a done, I law� Su y was -the a,:.m 4 T. In the ProvInce of Quebec. WIV all ertng'of the sta:.-idaxd shoulld ht ith rna t n. dity - lia, the L lon6w in: Ontale, tbe rem, ed. Som, are to &me' ser Ces aplr ate n oxe. %im Un opriae trustees -=ld people for pars -1 am beld. The morul such Journals a the, Mail amd Fmp1rP- sa-Y they sbould e tweed to IgIv Mor . ( icted In Gernian and New5 Of Tormto ,seemuo to, The to liberally for the C suppoxt of the.% I Lools ser', te in En�alsh.-Tte Ir-ake the PeolAe of thiss Province' be- We re 9-fra14 much relief will t bf te -on the Sau'ole Is M rs � tieve that &r Wilfrid IttkT UP Cot this d1rection. Trusteei Ir. to" iEhlps of �Ha,y aakd 0911ts plannini�--�r the disruption of I cOufttrY districts, where the se'alrelt bavi -beej a �oulr the Empire ; that he is the enemy of dy0d inefficiency of teachers are tIM0, Is*. belftw a(c 161d -ImperlaIrsm, in say fonrtn,- and Itha JhLq keedy felt, have -- ,jue not the Tesour es tc yrrEni appokxted, -b Aim` hm life Is an III&Mendent Canada,,� d aw -from that the trustees (&t t I 11alri. Mr. boor. H6*91 , h the or. [While this in the tuac wh1d ger towcs.-and. ettleg hae wheri- thE n 92,91S Play in On t&-rlo, the 1pPape !at Que - population, Is Mon to lea.Tti the bar deLlse- and. Ilic chil- mnlial meetina of th bee are treated to sornathln� z _T very df- dren more numerous. Thexie are nan the U .. Canada BI e feren't ' Irf-Per-19,11stn a,-.xd all that sort of country schools In Ontarlo.wltb hari at. In, tle Evangelical Jfhk�'- Is 'Aot 90� Pomflar Rn Queoe-- 0 tellds,nce of from tento twenty 611pils, evocirg before last. 31 tq be Just kww fla ontaijo. ghe and, these co,,.r ftOm oq1Y 'a few'� fam. tloojc�;'united In the.nO I tollowITL-, -is a P&ssaye from a apeech but If a school T to be, kept Maas de1Ivorjn7,x thel. re6fntly delivered at a''Cw-servatIve ope9b a, teclior mjust�be provide I] t sod ev. Mr. GiscN, 4r trveetl`mg at t. ATLsdme, Quebec, and tiowadaYs, a.-glood. expe-ritzized dr" Th�re *aLq a' re I a -Pr=ch ;iaPelr. The or- raust be paid -a reasonable si ary, lh.tv, rted -coa*'Troe-igatl er navy Is & efln'S*ACT Eta IsatsvieS -ift6w i9b, sad th ;s; 19 16 ary, Mour I �ed o about $9. O:t the E�"glish to drO'%'n the (Calni�w* wftb tbb oflier exp6nses, jr.u�A bs�, pro- flem, were elected fowr Laurier has conseatesil, after 6v1=gi;: v1ded by the- few peopJ6 and Le. -can Rev. Mr. m1aasi, tray'ed Us a's' T"61ards 014r IAWua-ge, tu Rot really afford to pay. it. 2f; To"I- Glactl or :his su 1r.an ell thef ship.% Of 'War`�Whl ell i*e,IM squenc the so'hooqg wd the c en "t, Wei si bave iPron--h-Can`adlans- This Will Buffer. Six or seven bun* -ed ddl h. A 8. FlOust, st Ard 0016 id1310416 we evsW1 Ileait Mr. Parrie Is minder of the fact that rea wk ter w1h soon be here. Would .,toi r I , I - a$ 4%. 4fted, 1 Uavo colder weath4r that is surely IAW I No I b � b' W. a �very ieffectie: speaker and egabold it not be. wise t1l, _Mr. Ru 7 to prep t evir Use. ;W I . -X1017M the, ttaimon of any, sudlen, v, coming What. ab nter Fbotwear Youll urely exists sod the Mulvey, that *e out Y`0u chanNed $6, for- a ddrralh. 'O Line mog ftjor need it, so why -not get it it 9�w and be! ready f :ir the first 9 cold owing tie md, putuxe in 4%u1v*t Ott snap. We're read you with evejy imt&er 1M Thb ocily. Bola- * 1 ro'- Y. to Supply good kind of ithe fth wA 9th c' '*64 t1ne Car, ObltubAT.—It .V—r�-tf� t1w V31U., N , moo U. with -feevago of k is rgo en --P . . . . . . t V1 ice to Winter Footwear, Oursibc !a oug� and varied to rledL Moved by Kin. Ruttiow-foo, -qdcond- ori6t lUt wef have td cbrotica's *Udh"N values this e_tw please the most car r anol. ou'' �d by Mr. Ke11Y -that Mr. Whe aft The otour oW ftkmA and eful atic' .p neU%bor, Kt O r tb e" to'set, twelve bob R4b Trxt LkWozy, whkoh tos* Seaso are the best we've ,ever hown �he �- appointed Uk-tsken r& -wel pla dut of Culvert at havIles Po ce TVpAay, the 26t1v of October, alt the At a able aA put at I eUhtem � In '. t1d In alvert rp4Id4X* of bio fson-in4aw, MV. Jsj in en's Winter Wear We havi ile t Liineo Shoes k J-;2.251 $2,50 at1d "Cloerr so the ft; tine., Mov )d by Doiftace, of 34ope. North Dakota. 'Mel, orif h ated. Mr. K,e1ily aid ee *i&d by Mr.�M heqler; remabw wao brought to Cbmatance Q47CCA Felt -Gaiter Boots at $X,'5,o and $1-7,51 AllTelt Shoes at $2. Amt M 9i t 50 wervocona of the xi pay for 100 four Web 44 -for iaNrred.1:% the Constance ceawkiery ton and $2.75, Long Felt Boots, at $ and $3-�O, Good Overshoes at fie D ,at we hl t. endrmai*n on road op xwl lot 20, conceer", 0c, 29th. Mr. Lindisy was bom"In $ 50 to $3, Leather L S1.2-' $1.5o . . . ... eggiligs, 0i ­ I And $.1.7- th . tenmt� tile kX, tonj��e, Scoftand. on Septemom I LL - I Robert to Put Pd- - N. e at -to, Jwiet In Women's Winter Wear we Fel Shoes dmin,, 6WQ.: 'I ,oved - by - Mn i 'Who(Al- 1-4, 1897,.Am4 was �r;sartled r Mr. Ru. t in 1869, The next year he CM4- Felt Lined Shoes $2 and $2.�5, A L Or asA aechWeA4 b thWor d tit I $1-50 and to phmwe I I , at 75, 11 Felt Shoes # 191 ft fd�.; ax, Monk quite�.N P- SurreA Al r�ottoo or. ept. I D eto Da4%da. He Oved- kL at $1 and $i.7-, Overshoes. at $,T.25'to $2, 0 ver#aitrs and Le rescinded " we find from the 01- C&' lay for five years, aad thenTmv- -50 3 g- )t vaotl: veater lector tb'&,t dos '-we Y* ed to cklsst=Ce he continued glPgS at 50C to $-I. a"Imi very wpgoverl 't w not collect re -t ide untli i -bout four yearig al 'trl- how in I'eve" ]AeaAykg id go Yed by wl E For'the Boys' and Girl's we bave Felt Lin d Shoe ings, Rubbers =' .w tax thid yefu% Im he we4 to, llve�watbfhifi; obUAhter. -$I Le 'le Q11 e. Pe Mr. X�ffiy and se ond HI; yvife predeceaeid him In 1889. lie V7 and Overshoes all:selling at very reasonable pri�es. krl* M. that Mesm, Ru erto behlo -him, five sobs �md- on i ,Lid, Mulvey. to Reeve b 3 I&I onw1itteo -to get AUM ter to MOUM the 10,561 Of p, k Ml OP have a mi, 3n's lAong iO put , up oe -umalla oindulgent father — W11flam 40 �,gge to of Anteed to :eep out the Ca.rrfA. Moved I Y UZ I Rut Iva of Cowtagijce Alexazder. r laxly, Of- the price. 11 obt Willis 1­6econdeo `by Mr. Wutvi y, that U 3 clork Bert, of Mawltoba; Thom", idquarers oi the best APPIAMPIPP111011PP-AMIL -0 . the t-oy;s be lostTucted to If the N4tq Run- of and Xrz. idlin 1DOWaInCe, lot Wlw -W .6a 22V-1 in MW4 beltU tr on the 10 11th con�ftsfojz� sterfing allzcter amd held fr* 0"Pw WPM jeol tic he xwd I on Telephone nL t0'remo*6 t hei ased was 9, hm of rut, 11 thob death of a, t Council I s to proper ate, accordIng-Ito, a- ot Al tbiso, who bad P% P��guxje (oftV0 xromi-sluir youllw greemoent. ad- acc uaintance. In rdWon he was 1 a ln� the *%"a of Journ -Aber of` the Preabyterim vhWdA TFLEP led to Meet MiDiady, No, rember me -HONF,, 1 1 )SITE IffoTu MERDIAL tot, at Mr. Z�.frt, at ten olelc ks At Blueval. aind a staftch Llb&A-il In poit, villed e ;Mt. ,clW paossed q�way on Oyster Supper.—The Canjafflarx Qrft -oucher with rleovy filt attor I ai oter gra. brook, Of held their annual 0�sMd rotuto, was he iguest of Oils id jr was bete It 9.0 Aa; in We -Axote W h IS on Turisday Ogftt of tarA week, P. V. Dieksori4 over umclay.—Mlse lCete h-olidays valm �Bui 1"t W InteT '�wood returne4- to Toro" to on. R � H and Miss xqtos.­�Nr. Will Wilesple, h -Eu I tte despite the very disaigreeable. weatN-i H -az ues- erm- -Mr. all, ured - on ; de W, Ir dctiune to ha re a borse die ' Pue er, .there, was a fbig fttnout, Me - hsAI ay after sPeiidi-.VJL a 'few gas' r1th Bulla�* of Llmdon, spent part of lot; wao almutated, ma Were r&,rht'last Week. Our couseto Will, lboilhog crowded. The members Of diet her parmts, Mr. amd 3*0. W. V— Nmzle- week ind - thla with their paxento.—OAr h= wths OPPPM�A 66 yeai havel to raise `tbe pujr) jo r 1$13r. 104jg� and their wives had Imadie ampl-;! wood -Miss LauTa Lewle was mere Agmts -a lite dasplay of fowl R rolowly but sure- 3.76.45 for -4 for ti "is Pliff ft amd as a cons - of Fort El, ­In frilendis over the s-gIvh 4 hdUd&Yr3.-YM, C1. plin of wMay N10"Uhl itil tin- b W.. F. Beaver who qdwys as lh6- nt StAM!o=4 Was., her -01- this week j3pend* ; L iabundance ot& the djay.�­Rev. L. and Ms. Pemb 'heorij e;e� opm for a!�Oooft 10kW affecUd, W, qu be;stt ry pelmoln. Af toj�rt sevetal days oi laet week in ;e- a teW i ,as Wzp 411 W. TW SU �n Ith3bu*. mplary character: s line has r-chasled a bankrupt the the Chair was 'takeh �by �Mr. tkwil:L, -Mr. W. Ryan, -of the iBB, Of doick , money at Ithe &sm AU sibrok Ili Loadon and- Is. sther�': aboklri.T Th MAS MCMU1110 and a Vood program' Ham4tonll Is enjoying a, two w�eksl forth races on Thapaka#ving 4sy v4th won (mr him ater It. -Mr. B4. 1 I. rish whdlh Is een, 1,6f music, etc., was fuT to �thp vacation at his home In Londim. I Hjk' his !hm-se, R �m a IuVe All for sorne tImc mporcvk� cely. enj)ymen. Markhiim., Is It of a11. Excellent vocal sdoo iylac� Is beins taXeli, by MT. W. Smatb, fast -Exaw or leavew �:O -ImOurn. Mrs. J�ames gersAd axid ss who wz-e renderd by hits. McGuire wnd of Fordwich. I.. �4 was In the, Tilaseftri"g, tbe. tA .4 &,Otile six �bjave been t-4 bbis di y for e times Ulf s Rufflojaii of Seaforth, land Mr. Tmewing acqoallitances.-Mr. und Ift, telM, I V1 0, hlLve' MIS :91COs, vWtbv :ftAeTAs, I tave xAd med thk- Jolva Scott, at Roxbom s RAW.-, of B�ceflleft Were be -lo, reowk4 3r of th e -eOnl- home In, Seattle. Mrs'. Fitzger 'is a of I �suckersmlth, gave same svienaldr,ed- H-ensall ty TIElting th�ir rqlaives sad trlendo. Arere Is ld to retst u ter of rs. J. jai r6tt.-Mi iamez- fat ous. and Mr. A. Archibald, Of Sea- Je, dry Store- to 1ent-store and dwellhl4g,in �We aTe. plea,sed to Ileam that Mrs. IW,4 TA ery. R 001-10 un, which has been occupied by Bit. Irred. bum, who bas be ft ae ;Lnig as t A] er In for . ecited "Casey at the tBat.' with who hasbeen fffied tsiowriwm Pod stor, o.' Blake, t A10DO ell, Jeweller, -rot over ten years, to rent f0T 't a Molsons. Bawd � be* lor sourte time, local hits, which tickled the. audience. tor several Tn�nthig through Ilbess, Ig .T1 )e Lens% c I ye rs. Posiessionfter December bat, �Ojo. Pe11- has gotile to the Haanflta age Master Clifford Rutit, iso�i of W Ed. to C� J, $uthqrland, 11-ansall or to Robt. Bell, now I mprovbg and Isablo to ior the best Obe made. np and A a Spply 490 ef H., Hol.r(L IPj, his place here Is be Y Mr. Hult, of McKill-op, madie his debut afs oAhOnb,' S196-tf agahn� -MIss 1?1,9, 33a wden, of Uinta, Is f �011­r Jacobi. It. AlUan -James Bawden, 0 m placed i 4as been , oved a comic vocalist, and -bids fair to be- A nice d%velfings have been trelatlyfs Hensdll.�—We tl� I fkoiry Port Artbu, .-M John Awell, Coll a second BIlly McLe9d. TA. One hands for sale at.great bargain prices. Also a pleae I to lew�i that 4�-�4rapbeu. I �r thy -PI, good dwellings for renting%.- Apply to G. J. 8- her- who, on her return. fro -pith Vest E is tak- son he was assisted by his lit land, i I the Post Office, Ueneall. 221 tf & the lato perpoi i Mr. tle pro . S qultejmp 0 eh. suddenly ill, and w s,� laid -4p %or a isler, and le is medess to say the moore, ot. 1 t her WrZ J! s,tllu the aoyfleld -nd W, DEAd .4k was". I ild up litt e people Owere well received. Misis R, ofs. Thanksgiving D -Ty Pa*sed-o pro f 6W ft Ya. L fffff ls�tlng her cdEter, Is v he bettf r. 11 1. YS 4 Vith *Very,ft� face, Ise, )el over very quietly ki. our villaie, �tho Sim I da: ps )u, bem; 14 poor. or severs, Scott acted as accompanist. -1b day �elng- observed, Foirlday, 00 4 b t Is now m y to RG a 'hd11da7­XrA beM 4 lyl Uya W ell b4d U tl e TZ pending e d I has Tetunied fir St L Ilkwss O - a- Messrs. Prouty M, of 90 on, OM - We regret this week Mr. G Joy�nti Ve_ 1� the �, 01 ' h lewe-Acd-oine U1100 .4irmalof r. A:1- Hippen where zhe had been visltbi:g aiser da have �* T-ecL the death & -ft- -who �wats 44 Y -A �a deeme FAwards and 4ug tor I 0111. ini ary IservIces* In ter, s. drew G:lbs6Ma,,00,,ai ame M I.Z he Notes.�The� am 'Yers Of T110MRS -farm cohta t h St. AnotreVs church e-cai . 3X 0'a 'd miss e of this vR1a;9e- whleh ,occurred On L gibl 1 -le I Cro an miq McArthur, ar 4he a u 3.t�d taw,- b 'a Goa ity -rues 6 o Mr- Z McArthm-,Ha. f I OWL the opposite e 5i If rom, wil be held da. Sunday inext, (When �Etev. Thurs lay of iao !ek. � The little lei" about J Ift 7 miles McL-" has gme to Toronto, w-hore had ri ot be rthe f arm m wh ch Glbsool n- D. . Christy, B. A., od Toramto, will jextendied the bet Ift' kL 83 5. In sideo..'Lik'all t' f rm the pre Leh 10 tbe: mondu e h!as zectmtd & situation with J aa while its death w not unexpe f at 1 ioclock 14�nd - Cted It Vhe Taukleral tc ok- I P1 P -0e I ant other Tharr undertakins fir; He will be missed es Road, It Is a Me j�ddwill In the evenin- at 7,30. On tht. fallow- was Is W saidievefit to?ffie ipaents, se I I rwma being be well cared for y th 41vib6ssrs Frouo- Ing Monday tvoenlrug a fowl oupper will by a -'large number of frlends.-Qult� 4 it had 6Yit-r,lrn4A i+,z If in ,theirtlatte wlnedi Its ag 0 a- I A isalled- Mr. Frank faumber of aplAlcatloo.as are bein 1fre- Bawdea. h s retar �nel and p n. frora be, ,erved In the Sanday School roarri rhaps thi, re -on acrount *f * m f rot m Liv ceivd, for the leadership ,of Car e f - The� i- tile sympathy 0.r ,he bospltaj at Ti �rdnt , where ic u.i- frorr4 six to, eight. This will b 01- afflic steered Th2, -PreOyterlan church chok* made IYAW fl Ar tbg. dr�Twm an operation f some af f ctlon I in their The funerg *hWQ owed by a good entertaltimc-lit. I �Al i ,.er a [ted lot LS (V9Y­ cant ��by the. resLginatioril M1.60 H, t of the f eet. -The loper. tion Is -c pro,,gram.me will be furnished by thia. waz- a prlv a to qhe t Y (the Iffemsall'Junim and are to lead the seivIces Arom a quartett, and- Mr. Austin Camp- cemeti y wook t ulpit I lande� at New eied to have beein! sue'essful ai�w '.%Tr, Cainta. '011, PrIda the -cholera ra- p4Lsd;en is Ir oy �y ft., t v .6 ,uch Iml. .-Allss Flzhera bell, 9f Cliln:tdn, while addresses Wil7l Sabbath to Sabbath on M�r 'be Kimmca*dmt, 18 1 to lead I Y, vrde. 'At ofteel r�sl& Doig, barrister, was In'the vIlIzge re- nce, which was ffered f4g- P)aie be delivered 4y Rev. Mr� Christy' amd sIng1r* in church on- lautifty L-sisrsi I RA ce,tly acquaintances. We be- n -tot &1pozed -boring tL B McLjean�064it the VP -r b� auction last week, s 1. the neigh ministers'. The an1- kderests: of for tW6 ars at 11eve be Intendis locaing In Detroit. ThanR aivin 1 of to the U. -hest bidder,,; $850 W 9.B gio t Yerary services 1a. ca.-mecdon with Ill Will . le 'ling he h. - hyl, n. q. - ry, St. A�idr�w's,� church are aways suc- He * Tecentl ctised at thl Amerl6an ana 3,J r t al'Dr- ednisidPared. hl, -,b moag y Pra -a. J. c�Art ur az Mirs, H. Or- -i -1a the 4e. , d the cro.-Th 4 a -action sac- of :the effectsi, j.ol ,ere In Lpd4n - I . A ab 11 has purchal.se did, Edsm cesi jful wA these promise to be ev m 'this 'Wieek jatt44 church buildbir. , wblsc� � was "So' b bet, or than the last, with an" extra the late Miss Gilgan was c,-��tpdned %y 1"Ir ft e fulxera4 of Miss McAT-thur an at Godeerl in the the executors frora Thursfty last I to Y trema tion. -The TIMA�s of ijatst weei.says: large crowd hi att-endance.-NIfTs. Gauld Saturday pf this week, owing Iltdite '�a 'It i if Mr. XdArtl J. m -W th . e ikizaat Vor mm the I Oeqeral E Forest this week giving n4e tho 0 WdIn ivas In Londchixcently attepft few monli duca- was, In Mount I . eibqed Working at t1omal �Co`mmlttee the' -Presbyteriaci a. r ilssloriary i add+egs.-Ilr� John Dins- weather on the last day of a pou-1try ex 9,'-'ta J61 lr� Church of fbe- ted States offer2d a d1ale, whol ilik-s ts'ffeed a igreat deal -MIss Alcock, of Exeter., was ih�nt -Idt lir* i, an I bush fj xn ii In ImUmber of prizes the (best. is I 7mo-ap) of 'ate frGrh, rhedu vlll,-4,e visiting for a few dayv.- matism, bas t -gone to lit where ly Indus- ch -the subJect, 'Tht Appimll of-thE I ris- Mciunut Clemm, Michigan, for tre&trnon4t. Maggle - Sturgeou, of- CWaton, a t Lail Oro low Of the lit Ow nt�he heNved ut tiaq MLdstry.' Thanksgiving Day and the first part of %ev. 0. W. Roy;, the This was o- Y a )ir . pen f, the The wish of fills many Mat -The 11yea -h amd dowrb - ' C61 rif ( ta4el church both Iq fte ltted� this' wee1r.- with rdlitives ls� NO t" 8 y UA,"Ited State and he will b . md Men . V e greatly benaf -Ren the. Methodist thurth m Hmday evezhi� o ie haTd ghl ps- of Miss 14. Sutherlasd wais ki. Ciluton US, uth . A-nierlta Canada and a large-nuiX�ber sent edthe W. Cbuzens occupied the ptilplt la the . hng -wgs a. Oraad 4uceess. The . I A st mauket - at last�week vI Itin friatub.- church -1cal chureb c6ra-test.. Some Of the best crit 9, ava.11- Presbyterian church on. Sundav ;mn- s was cr wded I programme WIP fot (proluce v�as, able W of ami. ver4ary services kii the Method1st zbWch iA- to witu rot, attent board glym � - ere appoint(d a u Ing last, while Rev. Mr. Richar4sozi, bbath Igst were laj ; �14 �a% z ,ed themselves. TM ma'ay E, weary tins and YIL §a ,qly atten",- e T-etum -these havetJ st mecently 1rIv- 'con Lucted "niversaTy a4vices for I ( roe I proce amou, ed o $248,-AM029 ttie ecittritt 60rm en out their award. Rev. Mr. Sb4-p him tladlexcellent sermons were dellv" ve years m at Sexsmlth.-XIss Mabel White- by 1)sr. Dougall, f G Thank 5givIcig *Isit re be6re were - Tile has won e To, ae Man, of Torcrato, and, Miss Mary,I-lay, sse--c J. 1 . - ite k, Eralzil, OA IT -ht C home- of fifty, dollars, ta-king mi. �Oinddcs- , vIng ser 67 of pralse waa Mao well id- I Vag, of 'Bran per of ent Th&nkg,,--J 'with, ser uInst -d 110ttij Admi,ss RoiA, Stan- ef ed 1 y thd church, choir, asislisWfb fM Woem-ber ,tgl. . W wi-n. fri-eids here. I Vr A McKe,-izle spent iss L ,iond Miss B. M hen It Is knov U Bell. Irtath f ver� ,m that t le"residod up to Guestl of BIqr, . and M�qsi, of 31antoba second pr1zeAJ Tho nksgi TZ. ids mother at Bay.- Mr. Richard- niers of the first and lr�i Mr. D attoin. o4 Cluton.-Mr. and UP. flld.-Mr. -and Mrs. William Beir and Q. , HaTt. - Mrs. Aex. Th were eirAinent Ch. leago, Doctors,�Of DIvIn- 14111ya , Of 'C110 were guesti 4t fling c ha. ater, - Of Stratford� were re2eftt of Toronto, and recently of ens.41L- eachers of the lgre&t Ar. 'A. Estel, the lit me f U� L Adam =P'1n'Ue1t`rcppd1'1s arxd that the visitors at the horne of air. 'Ea Culd wai lim, the, village dkiring Ith pgstlw�ek ud 0 de wored- $others Ae eter trAgater's serniori Dat to Ithelvinity Thaff1k 391Vb9.-`A wals. ranked. mor 3, LohdaT Road. -Mrs. Poster and On way I solemnized at the come ef Mr. as d do ul itc him, f to --visit relatives.�Rev. Thoreau vjsit�ng !r10 er than that of htndred -lDf othe .; thirs, McLared, dauhters of ?4r% WM., E A av� iGib became the _0 a nebKh- a,�ble contestmts It means that -Mr. Blair, of Heisall, and former well- wIll, condct stn' I *I, vt church on Sabbathlin Mr. Joba, BOU x* XbodEL 33611 axi# Mr- 11c -Mrs. Rc off IED -ldh tl'led to' Srns.* has' wokv bonor.s, jot trore .,-,ban. lazown residents of Klppen, were re- ampe. rbertB tbs in t the Inom ation stsf the Lor&9DaYNUI W .e. b1zlon Ordinary klnd.'�-A: centy callIzi on old frienc the Wwok Ifi tAy well IMOAM and q 1% in the iVwe� mar-irled sit Rozrden lit politlas Meting here oa !iuesdayl to iselk't a V111496. Thelt many frlm& -o�ere de- very arge siumber of visitors jw�re guest 0 Anw l - el*oed, I from age to resW--* M'ar- suede or too the is the yUlsre spending Thankl9glYlu stokw I . *Iiere ss to M; 1Wm. Sawdeini Ughed- to see them aigaiin�-Rev, Aid lClark (and -0. Jo Richar-dison 4s" visiting in Mr. Day. -Mrs. Thompson, of Tomi:0, a -c, this waek.-Mri NUM (d Haloek. Ida Brmdoin, d for the reeveship, Messt hra Tai Nobdstock spent few the 167f bW n Chuetl aR loi-, T. 13. companted by her daurhter, Is vIs1t* br orne of Mort H. ecal.. Toronto , this week, and will preach L br Mr. 'W1 ighara, tbb wftk,� cept tw R her Arter, Mm. %' 3X 'AWaoK who Iq k, , lum were ki-ominated. At the, tl Kra. Wait Art, V* witinT Mr. Tit e or OkL Sunday for Rev, ]�r- 'C1N'st1"f`-Tr43 and has been for gome weeks confined Mof GodeTC11,:Ave jnnea�-, -m appe is Y-lor-wasthe ionly - one Rethodl-st coogreigaticax will hxAd their ules of ral servioes.w who, 9 Mrs.' L an at reseff*­�� had,filed bb qualifications, aid. UftversarY services, on. Suniflay, No, to her roomi tbrou;b Illness.-Thie co*q.- 'MISS -dey to the probabilities ire that the 6th,�r, vem3er 18th.-INfir. E. King, of Gottrie, ell Are having our Avat- Areet �Crape-4 here we"M ate the tUree Is t and, cleaned up. -The auction -sale 'Of P. mutso fty wo, will drW out wid, Mr. 'Taylor will sP& t Ing With his brother- rot to T-uwA&y tovV brdL a nAphew. be 4ested by acclamation, thus favLttg Ini-1 w, Mr. Mellis. Mrs. P. Smnlie dm Tuesday 2aet waffi u Xarnee WIE41 attended and fair prices s U mme. W. 11ORO. 10 W4 www elE ctlon, W�re ibe of- her 2 pense samd, t rmoll :of -an takied -for o1b the hiousehoW djoeds� eM liwroxe or. fumIturse 43ut the -house waa wt 15�1(1 "b's lne, bundro acrw Ito bavlqT W I I LaKeletl �: i � I - - limg.-AL pretty weddl-w was sol- Orn4� to the wds q10t UIng 4i �ve Q7nd' iseo'le. UP to �be E"t wladwa eezes.-La.st SaturtUy was( a. ve& emn Zed -at the home f. Mr. atid ),Irs. value. -Mr, H. E. idlins, -of Guelph, -the le Will resu the opping mi ues- busy day at I beTe. R. I Uck, at 12 o'clock tiooq, k)n T. vlslteo her mother, Mrs, Herilry ook, ch. -Mr r. Need e Be moved T 0111 DO stomaleb. diu�zh with-: They worked -till near n-Adrl and day, when their second daugnter, I _ -Mis l durlt*- the past weeki-Miss Mary oil�n- - a 3g ne previous -to I A edle w removed tr," 60 e a gflic, T ..Or e tbelri od-ld not giet a. do OtThey �char-ge N�11, 1-1- Black, was married to Mr. StOn' has returnoeld io;; - Woodstook, atom(h of a boy med .1roward itow t-luilly 'to oa�dch,: '�heir futk five cents per bai here, �hd i%t i , tlines Be*Ce - Whit ore, of Hartriston. Rev. wher� she ha beeu�spendin a couple -art, w �or rresidies Cls"iton, by Dji� tWd making k* st-eadLly. L, Perrin officlatim. ThobrW Who of Tn*ths with-heralster, Mrs.p -tt J. -1 Ust k. For etx.hb y"M reeen'Xy Or- both dX*Pers are kept igo ats _ 0 PC Old th �-* f Es A fowl supt*r at d eW ertaintnetit was was 91ven away by her rvedAn the Ev- glvej�L iby. the peoe;0I !bbe, M- tather, s furt- Miss pmma, Johnjsto�i I& there nz has be; 4tow ot Hurm rg n4m�wo. worre a- ecoming gown Ring her CDO-,ell ; I . � z tl�odlst latte! - a . . I Of siv eL V4 amd, thelmedical men -vwe. on SabbWkh chu, d1i recendy ans the a faw "wa's a (do- of 'Si! tin Ist 'Pallf.-de-chejae. Afterftl� 1.8 111,Djetrott Apitkirl hersisteirt.,-Ws PU ftached- the gNotA 10 te far the id zzled,. L�st week Dr. AUX by the pwsrt -eldled suCcess. The:�proc -arnCit atim Cereno111y atj luncheon- was ggser-� P. F Bucht wa� lid Londaffiduin ith was c and I he ecided to operat4 UA bem, �a Ok4 ta over fifty dollas, *11 'be la )pIled '08d, -Af ter wh ch the young couple -left past k renewins acqualntamceis�- hekl ad ersth rnuah intep, to, pay1bg f017 te&e ��b dvinb� so� be 4146ov ur Bs vblc,, On e a ern Yon � train foir Wes'Lon, The their Idas bedm raost ufavpr- -a lbot needle to, 0"Ls.-Bb a- are tio, eause �v twaTin mpt Man.- 0 sll2dj� Who, they, w AI spmd a ffew Otxyts b cy e- able 7co: the 66tistri CtIoL1 Of tU cehY- boy's f! Jstress� attle ar ble. f ore, wai; sucewd0Y e1v brt Mr. ent gattr runnitig King sbxeet I to, removej�. Tberie:ts are Commodious afid )rf,ort settling li� their honlef Waav*ton. explanation as � tO ROY -hl Purpie as larg, akid Mrs. W1111,1M Roric -tsort-and. 1d The bride's going away suit was og ueen street along, Melllirugtvu, iand!'W tow U fe medae X, Ot Into hit ;sy*AO� 'have the gold at fat- of] Momtreal, vit�ndd at itheolije: icf rals Im colored cloth, with aamge black InoW colzipleted, and, Presents a Very mO04 There Is a -4al Prple, stock, Z*Pamti Tu dt was L-0 luem as -honest a I W. A. -Obo)t --it re.' for s hill I of tlTe bwr wbeo he was i0porated-mminY -S ifle'Ll-0 aeas, . in vflial ome beimer hat. Mr. and Mrs. Whitjmo�,ie, appea+ance.-Mr. anit Mrs. 'Hemp] ible Lb ,e eta days of lUt we -T�Ie: thme tbief4h.- coin nence marriedlife with the best Wrometer, were heire i dur%r the. Pilat Years Wo, but, thlsj could tiot be.eomis h2 dard, Ali outfits ttlat k sle &rt6 a" ru! Wishes of a largo' circle of friends. 11 week'visItIng 'their iTolatlVeg. — gw timed. Othen aVe Of the ophnioa fUt I , ch to side.l. f rrjlos around . , 6, ork t A. 1�&Ylflp or t0u4Rd e'94:- �aboilt �1�oujb. Nc teb.-The TCgalar quarterly WP* ROUSUM, Of here bla w4k It ftn lifto hi dau, ter if withi the season - wor 11 s fot -�rhen �tal a 1:q.e MU'Mon servlco Of !the Wroxter R 4 the !guest of Mr. "-. Afts. CL A-�Rpdj- and graduaU7 work4d its 'Way upwam 1111 the Met *st a et� tta, f Go for the job, and we 111?uzit 20. *. ods, � circuit *as i held Jh, Salein .ott MOInd, of--Hay.-Mlss Ethelfudock,� of At last atcoan�ts �fhe lad wAs - dahr at th L -pa e m& so,.ne nimey tho.�!gh ther rrq -UAIX aY.-Mr. Petet, Smith, of the Trad,- all Laws preat, g da4 sprospect of- M J. 1. zel to 1, pellople who say t 'w aa er-3 3ank, ITaMll, tda, visited. old Mends .1cagivin y Vqt it well a) A there every e ise- Py -movs,b h= his nc overy. 'time Laci A ri6h thresher.-rn A -W here this wee#. -Urs. North and little, VML on monday u was ,lobl,,aml bad cones for cetib g #-N turnips 1-acuzed. da f are guests Of irt i while h the Pa r-- Many bf the fa irnrrs have rvC towh- armer's Other) Mrs. if. Arm- Very _mr Zurich Las. ed, them as ye ry are - StrOIN.T.-M . aind Mrs. A. McK*rcher,or ne zivl-_ rsary o' Ref o ri, good crop. -Rev. a r, Smi,b of Dravy- Ck, mterfalnoiIf a number ofthir 'Of Juartet aran ch ch ..'.Larrarlser. p2a Im ioccurAeil fbj�a from the vIlaire ora Monday ver the c Dc&st(a MAW last Sunday,. -�,Nlr. a -ad Afr�. E. e g. -Mr. and Mr; T. G. Hemphill t IS servI(f �w4tls 13.� Ruttan visifed :helr, Leol,iard, ret on Tuesday ft-qyn, to nd the e�nlnlv ts township. irpria, 83tu"k (tew ('aqs' Wated to read and possess c�jspy of these bb-oks, buf om: 1 Mori I ' a e grudged �Txd 'la.y. Itill 'vl,s at llelNsall.-!M�Lca M. Miller, of Separax School Mdoday.-mrs. Geprgip !Jchhstoil aee-� Wes t Tormt was the iguest of t* paying $1.25. 1 Now you.�can have a < opy, striSngl' bound in choth! t1ld Way Loal a Webber, ind died at W- MIMS DELTIds over the -bollody.:-Mr. and- printed o good paper tor 3 5c- Stanle's, wsh-Ich er*s hd�me list Tu �Sxky alod -Wab lbirled. and Mrs. aa� c. rr , of Tdxoribox -church C aod- -1.410 'rictlo'l � N xr (son ia in the Cqlffor& cerhetety �OZX 'ar'psd&y. foriijer re s f -&IVIIIIN.Te, caaled S by thrEe cle She wa, 4- --7.- . t '�utfibert's—Robert-vE.'Kno*les. DaNid Barih oseph Hocking ,t brit* a decline sonm moiath.s" oft friends be 97-i sho visit W -L Follow the Gleam—Joseph 11(icking. The Trainple4 Cross—Josep bis motbkr IMTO p nd ept -!ch nusAly we int WIIE the holl at his 1bdMe on Ripley tfttn dei �as a relief u over Y. -Mr. W. M. R-ob e L�al-,David Lyall.J -nd Franees 3 tX Iftom Hocking. The Land 01 th Be�ide the Bannie. Ina, 4 1 .no t- I I "Mi betwe week L -i �Londoa. Bri& Bush—Ian Maclarin. The Days of Auld Long Syne—Taia Ma6lax- '70 da�, A little i two spen t two da -,of taA- I urleb lb ch, kf atA three yeah 01,4 rvves 11 -The James tafford leaves.thIs, -week ly� 1-1 ­ . en. A Window in as -the manalgers of McT�toishj�. . con ig"ation for Buffalal re she'wlll -spendr-mv- Thrums—j. M.' Barrie. Beat�rice of Venice.....Mal left of Gxold—i nuie rch the und� y rrkasdo a, Canvass o' Nowlqk . (Carrick Months With her so --A Imust. en- Pem�eton. Doctor Xavier—Max Pembe, n. Aask, grag fecently with a S. Sw' n. The Cberr tt. summer Ab ievr subserl ton 11st Joya bole -ti a me 0413ent at Ithe wLsembly -y Ribband—PS. P. M I -awe -left tor ava vIqN to a miL -to ive; i by the ung Men ;of the Y11lagv cessary o se i tim of -P rmw.1 addre, Pay iiflkleW of $900 to tie tdwa If I l;ast W.odnoWay p b1s. tanlay, and,', - Ish, $800. ven.� Send!5c extra and �e will Mail free to any Lddrs in C ada or United suPPIled b`7 the L State�. Call and see. our new bi olfs at With 'Vel 10.n Music wa an :4 Ish 1Y few e the 'peojplq� t toober J fA sed- M- rtf ja I V, will asid deepl y respoln",' UbmIl -is ho - ex- Naroers.-Mr. "Gavin Davldswa ireturned 0 The of 'wing -41- culge tbese -yeam1f& dd turday t 0 96t PA Y.�; romc� a trlp,-to Saskatch- ftit� up, as -ew -Editors� Altehesoti, of Cliffold, -e goto, -PIS6 -1111111W `00117h I r 7ea(r 4 r[Tht In their IGB.-Irikks. .'Wdod Wat ers, Of PordW.1ch, and our LOVAM, h M �-4 quite Ill these days 6he 41r'ealteonle edit( 'A, AMIholM of Walkerfohi, we" fOrmer t; low ;6, i-1 ed; with appie�dqtls. dt For, I Rev. Mt Me. visit kii-tho M%X-Am Chemisbnd Druggist sad sei I tary Millm, who has "A APP011itod"td the P. lulllga, -'t SuridAY with Mnds- Cliff 5 34oc b charto-S of &I ail n direct.,dr, 0r`d.%.-r­ ..J. Glbsvi. of To- Seafort ar* W HC1q fte