HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-10-21, Page 8BER 21,19 T X I8 7— 47 Wb f '17i onfi ed- den c a� Btore has ifai 0 fjow bicycli rate J. WaIdble7v J-,,ROb- -paut's legged race G QW114 .. ... Wmn GTIC W.Dafoe Z d nakes by U/S vaw of eatid. A, i g vvjklu r 9 We wella ort" te in Du t; Datoe R. 01: C , 01 one r 'end to b167 fiolk Im ftfs Ot arerg Of T. "kirkiniff football, 13.0wort, on IV ethe M imile tr ey int S OP rbot. al 91 EWW CQRV 'Sion a.___ ot leathbr goo 0, stookof Gauldl; jurAor W.Jaevyl a bex iof fAin Ues !1W ero it es* t A ,04, a t p - III a t e h 09S. e now benefit of a y0lb I'S A. Forbast form, rels that I buying 0snot, a necersary Formf J. z R. Doxr- -nee, a. tol FREE tA 0 61%W 4Z Iabuying., apid P. Grve 14, Fourth Form J. -tit 690W UC tv, . bley and U 7019 ate luolt now 4 -1 Leckie, F. Scott), 3. Mae, passpo tesy of the to Wve all st0es of Rub of t I C I I -aexarhte adhai Wil Hito the- (AUr .A- Le er TEM, Hmm EXPDXTOR" the � PAO 'QJ# 0 Ur be Y4*i 0, al oi PoRunity ofiview- 9 Govenock quIrem Lined Seal B $ 21 bers, fbir 1ZW load isma f amu -7 WPM, hm, 0 Boll of W I soty-ts Of -feet opportunity. " AnJIL' norx-isiab - )er after 0hool. 1h Tuckesmith -teft � Xa I �p T1 a 10-h. 0 Itegular $2145 C1 wil nd Bags us ONE DOLLW We� _ $1.75 H Irs1l that 10thibit Is olatej Lined Seal and Mrs. Ge amil tile, �aW Dodnt lin 11%, toli.. of th Xiondike, are (the A -for, Men Wo- The ExpositioV to 2. vhe tAy re it 6_1 m&,- I I - I - -1 - - t ts, W. and Hm. W I h -;tbe� latter."o Rubbers i ro-M J;0W UTAU anilaxy � lot, lei VtMd In goo&Y' R691111OX DJ Men, wlson, J Boys, Misses and Tut ii,Tfior'one 40ar 7,ou,V111 Lined Seal Bags, Ph this towmsb1p. MT. 14amilton Autumn 'ress Goods 4na e from tblve The VxpoAtor tor'llfte6a, Own hbeeti n the KfondAke for dgiht Childreant. maly rate., Or It you Vo le Toronto I Furo� C�d Boye, yarls as made moueY tina$ 'I at the Yie I i Boyle. Toro�to hold. bert Orich,: of- the we:: t erli%, qett ion sat -i like a trial, ttip,Aona us i Zia] dlither ic C ta.guron will r,.pen& the wInter here�—Mr. HeT- M any people think TIEN CRNTSL IMdF­ D) ABER1 r Exert Ike' I th,t, ilty, co rsi w6re SE,&V0VT]J Big' that a pair of Rubbers is .d w, ,,m 0.ud one Expositor ;oi%�ay iurday forigaiskatow, SasX.� having i The Ian- -fior o.w hundre# gue.As, *1 W t he been, lau= aned there by teleigTam, in _Canada from Now Iti I 11 a- -pair of Rubbers and 1�_ igtanlbixi coca- Agent for UpI-to-de,te 111,111saes, on the ualry 1pt, 191I.. accout of the iserious IlInks-s of- itm ur pybug the izeat, h# 04,",of t1tole. SR�oVs Hemed es. eldosit s Leille. that's all there is to it. This is your opportunity. 1ye Syri�ges, te 6peec 1016 Iseellikem 6Vf?JjW/Z6M.!i I iort erA wctrei Oooki? 00tt ' RooV OWPOUnd This is a grand mistake. M8040, Abiout It- I 04 C I44111vexer4l by TYWnh,%st R. ays, Of .0 ancl. Woods? khos,40dine. Orand Be,nd heretboutg they, a reate fj� j-1, af rth; D�. sh A NEW STORY here's m o r e tra Ndteg._ Wd YLTs: Dale%visited at 14 ,Q] R Ord, io� Inton .10 "I h impresszo7z �This week wee oni that fa,,scl- .W. T.'Aln onsunday.—W lapm 1glad, he sold under the name of �R obert � Ao -mew, I J. A. "t'he toetg atW f4ory-, "The LurO of the M&sk,?' .0 la&es! O.. t -N to Isee Mrs', W1111arn Buchansh ar=4 fi�;, of Orl 11a Ww- dethodist C.huTcIh1 exe g for cftsion- Rubbers that! in.,any Oth-' by the weU Imovra amA WOPUINCr uthor, agahL- —Ur. H. Gill and N�r.: a. Rovielba[ 4 al. Than] supw - laarold McGraO. . DoW It =A,%- a yl of It. g i(s I :if the X, rm4 stam WA - IXr USU have cone north to j-zeek a� homestead. of Footwea W. Cantel(n, oty uv4,'A aulc- ea $ervlces will. be 'end I I er line r we. Send In your 1subscription. no-iff ! X r. ui�10. was c*1edJ out al be ' 0U It] a PrO' —T. ElIsie aeft on, Tue�siU y for ften, a At P rogmin. oF _ m us SaAbbath will Wndr, ctid ,I)y Mich., where he hial.4 a4ccepted, af, aftuaet the eve lot bar X On- know'ofa, OP Q� f1mt IF �*r' d jxk% very e, se tial out�_-Drelps 3)r. R,�.. S. XcL15ANE1805.11 i � 1. V. tion.—We awe CIRA to Isee: -Mr. JAMAS Ift ts he following We sell Good Rubber Mollaod wund acain.—Mr,` W= Fak! stock is correct. II;co -he nd en- Mrs f ft's cepiic�.—The rece? Ion givIng Day, t uppw 0, e twm, son arrived h(kne on at- only. 7—no, seconds" or t Th". 2=ual urday froxn�Tormtoi.—Quit� a, numbew 'meeting the grea d a t it �ss I mand fo-! t ,xp, y a .-i eT e Big Potatolw�. Philip H 1wr1i;ht, c ft, L jobs. tse ipa;= and e4- OU a tre aTe isufferWgf rom bad colds.—Mr. S. alad -the I*dW 04ki, W Ispec lelt with, us the dther fte� two' lid" tai�[, both" ft iandeventhig. Mm. oy�wble Grem haA1 his veraoft1h cc m1pleted. ThA Stylish Goods of Qu;� one - ithp t i A - erfect fit in Rub- tAwtoea grown n the'farm of W. J. Ecott wat4 b':.uetl'Mu�11�7,!drested Walive al ef;orto to make t Pty work wa y Mr. A , M� id0ime b sto agd )&. P Devereux, isec"cmd' concession 0, Tuck- :Zilk, %vblle� Uri. LArOn a0d U6'09a, -t.—Mr. W1111ani VfIthel 9f Jo:�eph Shaxwow.—Mr. and a�itis cto y is necessary to Icing 1h -an ertainly ndes. bers erwdth, wb1c, &�slstantg,., A.Rap, Caw, 09 is fam4ly moved o. Qreenwa� a&5.t week. I- The two Or them Wdgh 11011 fpau n4s PZd aday alt wear and satisfaction. 41 W AWZ* iA VM7 home ip Istra Qn presents the m o s t fashionabI4- the uhus _e fit tbey exe ismooth, and.'even, iw, d orm tin, aU4 t4e. 110. vusl age; f n, of n ety ye Col I Vre!ve Rubbers to ot t�hem wou,ld make a. CoA ri eal for ok 1 tones in Silks nd Dres4 he W.. Pic QMA k ttle 'M survived 'by sl� sow Bluev al a nW -for eve evi knlce of ve4 A t ddQr, walle ter. Two M*s Ir�slde In Goods afternoon and -A styles of Show perfect- -a k-mRll family. Th's J-3 am ; ure In L`,e .1 A t o�. stTatd lecit GeoWe ted tl�e bi Bpritlis. Columbla, 9ne the fertility Of the isoll,amd Ot the y ac 11 10teres,ts of the work of V16,UPPW'Can,- ing v�ear. EnrigIft him- M, W rA ly at our accustomed rea- good work dme by mr. s to the- tao One � in atratford., The d r alw aft Tract Society amoqw If mllors on _111mg, etc. I [e would aut -ad In Midea In W10 Colu eelf; vrho did the diF a t, ible waisi ly &� at I In Knox &`-7 he 1woo' the great lakev, wIll The I le prices. lik q, so find in it Suiting3 of .sonab e to bear of any 4=Wn `Wh6 IM and Mx&� Azefile-.0cotk arad pe.O:g are thaft allow You a.1 chuTch, Eluevale, Mon4ay evenins. 9ftat on bea,t th�--s;t !01% Walter, RMS �Vl PevY 11sleg will ibe he for DAy H. R. Horne, Toronto, mscr�tatry of It"' I S of October 24th, at eight d404 thy Rev. est roerit for tailor -nide rou It t ;.10 at.- coa, Thanlosivinrl tu WILL —A sptCtch the thr soott,4 thetr*mtarrys 1146 air) WelvedTe- meg for Outdoor usage. 91 n�; ladiej he lecture ROST* DW B -Tom 14s Injurles.—A patch society. W."ll �e Illustrated f r1endA ne i from nan5 s 4er mdea -1 ap* 0 Illuer-sits for by -a number of rAW- s covering the. 12 IC ght,-deated 0a tor Offi e from BVI severe I dUfer Opposite..the. Expoe, =14k9e ag 0 he r'new:ih horisemm, in field fTorn, Montreal to r4t AT(thur.:-- #40 young, a 310ea,d at ome of � he, At ths Howarj tewart ad, W&tvn S dent of th1% trith are —Seaforth— place, I! t 10119h Eko�� that medial Thanksgiving fees in Seafo#h Metho- Iresult of' injurles he at it both Impi,oving and will isom The Able aalimc qM a iurch, on Suday, tober :Nth,. 1910. bevi k� now necessAr Is fJ w IWei to Tup Ing bi'MaulITIC norning and,fiveni by Rev, Dr. � *utl to retum home.-Duft &Stewart shiP Here arid s&w foportard aals 'Aay Iuwm 4ekin , Ira cp. Ped four mroado of lumber last week. Spe n tsm. -8 by the Ohurch T. p eking apples, Special M a*=e v. ble cr - ani W IvingsJu' wonl�ogday 19ve Oob6ber 1 _9M. Thoinas 11ackax., f i tob. wa,% wbeo be lo,st his baaance an4 1eU_,H0 m ftht bsve ew ia 1serioukae- famished by iMr& ;Gulre of 'Watsons tme- mx, Young *a$ rhani hat James SlsL lusio *il?be 64% --Wftk the at Of J. g., 18k gla eldent ocurred Monday 1 nlght,' when 'Wag, pAcked do in aux unconscious Ppn� a" A. R.'Ftaolo, Barlone isolo ortW Fanc� -Suk successor to W. N. watsono. vilirh, Lonfti , the Sunday Sehobl Or- _31M a%ld, bUss Ward c f Mlles tour youir g people,in (rig wem i -,--Scores of Imp dition, and Ungmd only until three- Netri h a igi4gilel The dem*d a and other local eat.. Ac[6;�", will be have returned Nme af ,at yeek W- hionable' dirl� lbsur- o'clock 10 the -afterhOOP.* comins home from the tea meetinl3t 4 Lengths In the fa$ br Of gam4na Fire� Life and Accident given Rev. Dr. Rutled 1, of wingham, and rad- vWt with friends In odt =A urch. In some manne-24 the d&y SwAving supper- rvedfrom:60 8 O'ClooL Ebenezer ch su' lenet $5 00 to Ance. A Beg F*,&W and wao Ag Inear *-Apj -gee dent Were. kin color. tone.. s, the, h. 100 ImU bmurance on all late W. Andrew You"C-Of n 25 cents. 4 - 5eafortK- AMW 2236.2 HWksoly.-Rev. V. H. e W with anoth r iftlex �Ove, of for his ubject :ne It bath levaning, kindsof operty-effwted at the sod an um$e of the Aces an our g are th of a first, line, throwl4i them, out. Fort -u -i on in our uying ling Var. .. The Que4don Of Aml Sentents Ur. ythg ht Colored iracy Stuffs for in this- couuty. A good iiately 101west and- Mrsi. A. E. I 00sol L aiA IMn T to ie�y tore� tie owned gnd mcu- than. a few iscrat0hes and-, ibrules.�� in New �taymond, White and U'907 yearO ago, rOR SAL& -,A Bell piano In g6od- con evening Wear, prices the ya, ... 500 i -week.-Mr Aeorg 3 T. T n. thl� T pled 4L farm in the tov#WP. dt, Grey, bargain. Apply to -Box 801. Seafortb.- to bu rl kin§ W= In NewHomese -A h6whinesand NeW York IS 4 Request -No. Hughs6n, eg eight LwLdbury; i nd NAdonal oteam appl" for; tho Co try ?-1-inported Wide Wale Serg'es fb"" again Visit Meom Peattie i as.. W not The On_ at [ gupply -01 SeVMW machine a. =eetWg 0 ?4th and JdM_ (Rev.) 11XX h 04 elve The Sun clay Schocil. Tues" Oe his *eek the land will addreass the Unlo'n. Sunday Diagonals, the rrd...' ntoon, 25th. too &in the ;;&Mtined opticsil wao here this *eek Ili edlekaftachment,i�, oil and re-- Curflog. Associaltion In yxwhlnatio� free. the Schoo� on Sw ne ulgn t sery out rate: prices, annual than.kofferilp nday next, ait 40 a.m. 19barp. Via -9 - -11, - the definite 9r0 Sc tch' ChevtOts, Pairs alwava iu swak. Tuez-da he lk a ad Dis- Barbaxa. Kkkma�ft in Bw A n the It ha lso requested thaO the paxxr#0 4—imported co, C clubLI for the Ontario Tah mticc-Hoy4bont.l� to Is ye. Akvg the pebooll w111, Drxig ApOr Are of Age Frobyterlan. ch 4ch o i We& -i asd,4 ev- �ofj the childrent attell attoillo Com- who 1*8 Oassed Junior Mtriculatlin, or �quvd exapm .rict compe Mo. Appi,* to Alex. Wilson, sefdorth. 2236-1 -. enlM The meetln'� wa,b, at- be pree �- on that 440. As our SU71- Thwe Of In 301 I* & W sl t and day School closes on Oct6ber 30th, all are oat�rlo T a our opwimil Visplai en SaWrdsy of Baek And teoded-, and wam a vi ry! plem n es . , f —French Venefians, 6ne eaV Side.016mbs. Barrsitteg'aiW Turbah Plus t facto brary �nust now out 0 5 Sout ry successtul. gathii�rlaj. Tbe thai o ferig the boo,44 - . I ; F Group M. 12 -mount prices., Varietv Store, 84forth. I 2230-1 'a be In by the 23rd. Ar -d 'Itbe JP4T3d*-x who amounted to over $18 I rQ bRirt Ing d�es the yard .... 30 P -L Dur- and unfad' I coil AlWon, Walkerton.,. Loft-Apamdagatutosynig�twith�arumberof add—rem was mu.0h ated an many' bol4s; the book namd.Wft Hurt will am, Wkw9halro Harrl­::�ton, billsland some gmil olkange. Itin e 1 oblige and leave A Mr. J. Tyremans'lor, At EA; office. of her old Seatorth 3i w" a- plea(:-ze return it, as It lh.aeij�em but 0;1 6—B I roadel play at 11arri-ston. Umpire, oths. f unquestwable ALL 1. t I uml ligbied, to have!, thk4T 40) ul"Itypt.ls- the library for ome m,016ths 4-isio (From ax� occeu-:1071al correspondent No. 14_Stratford� Wlthd� ce -ondvfllo teoin quality at the I * Formerly sold by Reid Wilson tie,�_st. Xary4, -Britht, SSeaV41 New Irorl Nalb or -Brlo"Vouso In Pern to her ro %;I r cula Ply 0. rhart, Druggist. SW- again. -M rQ. Oscar retuml i play.. rat- i 11, I -1. - �1 Hamb Fla,ttt-s4lfle. - 2M.3 Noti.­�Mrs. Robert Kdrrlpoa visi" UTC r Tup:,4UY from a; two V1 k Wilt I d in ad 'tord, umpire, work. Applj 'FeiguE to Mrs. friendis In Brussels MIA w" .-ThO We �re 10 1 now bave a good stiock ift A M.' wanw for light 4�� vp-Dirstrict, No. 5-G Owen 2=-2 routo. Lsdlee AM of Bethel, dition bave a lop order placed C V J. Cardnm church i" hold- ounk Palinepston i 60, look Ilike 50. our al MO - : .,St. Hav- 10 Koli-at: log bazaar and box �qd LIT No. 9 U98 thg ])$l&WWe, Lukawona 4; t Z The C0414404di with 25c. Varwby'Stor�, Staf6rth. i 2286.1 4 Sp4tv; rJoton" Southampton. lo lop, on thee evelnw 501ur- prie &1d ochool-bouse, W-Kil Iw, 'The annual Coll That] Wateft R9. Coy tole nibere of kn for $&Is or Renti-For valle or rent, comfort. al C. 01 Lute 0 ttage, an North Me" st..Safo 0 bAi!rtv0f JIMub m.� able 0"t4luing da� sports were held -t IU, Cbesley, Wingham, LUIC I ot October 28th. A good �Progri-mme 0 W. &i=.ftIL Chatswort,X PI&Y at - Pakr"h"_ - being preparect-Mr. a:A MW -X Joh--X four Toonis, large- kitch n, diniong r on* Iday 1 It, an R VITe, A or woodshed. v qer in 11ftle aA4 oriv.-i And water at the 4 or. .. tug Wage Is In u CMated,jno 1 Your t %:7 9 on yule. MtrictNo. obb of VWW -frleads On uelp7a jaciyal CAty, Gue11AA U'll- t FO TWAle, G thiA lkie ar4 Sunfty.-Mr-'Ud bU--. Bert firs 0womfo ble a d Will be r *ie n -ft. aAte aniong the pupils- ft ;ynr Stevenson, of Corustancp4 vialtedi Mr. Worth Ion, afratfamt, waterl%o, PO4on, Q , , - saildoareaftnale.tW441 - Appyon he T4 weather on- Frid was -HambUrg, - FeC9t1* wm. Gille e Be a t P 5 Galt Grante, New or a ldress sp 2 I Btu. John MoGavin on Sunday. Linen 1 Than 0144 08 f #r 'Ayr Union, Seaforth. -rie�y at GueIX W�Zn= ei�An tha Meet, *h a day Is fun, and a alcow en I evorything paissed off Umpire, C. R. �Povm- CL Plant, lift- Match I I I * 2W-3 different eve4tst- on tN I 08MUMD wowe Li New Rio 1 To�klusl%Puplls-11185 va ds, w 6 has com- ag keenly.contested. 7 91*11@ ChOm- n4e on TI.e. Go&ric�h. Trzc�dy._The adjourn- fun ,and etertal.-unent *ii be given vocal course * donnection ith the T'0f4 ipt6nsWli was wg:n by M with high I standing, h marg ed Inquest Into the de& "Ittrervatory,oINUO -in W.,pwcA O'Clocks 'New Doy tb_ of LIzziq!An- in the ]@vangeucal chuxgs '!�'n to J-F*D e,2ne n Table Clot4s d a y A ply 4 Jeweler and Optioian. gito Trt C ths D��ew Napery—Nelov dmn, the mui*ked Goftich. gIrL Crred with Wes but rjoe"oelve Mir i for - Voice I culture and III I -1 i u Por s on Thulwtuy, 27th instoi at )8 p. M_ indWIT 4t tion. sac I time Apply at resi.: onle poin.t beblknd. js�e wo th M to b been. beld On Frldaev­ by. Rev. G. W. Ray, theWaT4 9 Usuer Marrisjo Licens" k Q_4dp was worn by J. 6n@e or address Box 455, i afortt, P. O� ;231-tt I cl*mplolr, Rent.- 0.�o -o-al innar Governme-A tAble t I season$ ening'.1ar-A. Mr. George Tate� ences in, wtile. J. renowned MUSIMary t Good table line -is Sul Muses mfe -table resid 111vichley he- Ju7alor 1nal layer, was 11 blo.(adyeIntureo :stock, the (noted cr1w ntorsell. iOne-ready,foi occupancy.' the xplarr. He will te t Seafbrth to 1 in 'I at CM] diAmplonIsip, and ccasions, and it is never mo -opelate ian P-01 pre$Mt to conduct It -he case -tor thel aand ibe oth on Octobe liti Apply to'H. Edge,' awuo w 5n re appr ffOIRI& ONT and miti,slonary efforts somw _rne,.ea4­ W 2&"-tt modal offered by Col. Ale:�- IOrovon, ut a further adjouienmeathad Seatbrth of 0outh America.lHe -wI11 have the Thank vi Feast. Our finetis sati y . i -1 ages! ng -to made urr-til the 25th. Fourl imtort.- I ' I fdj� the beist, shot In I the sIC phtwon lef t the -evening = entert n arwmraVditt had with Wm a large num:4r of India".4 Local' A W. J ical IOUS* Replen- U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anit witnee-z-ziep-Mrs. Jardkie and Frank economical d please thi� mostfastitdi dn Monday for Son Fir nd*. -Call- in tbe- assimwi room of UX trophies, f rare value. Uev. MrL Ray Jardine, William Praiser and WO. forna,-'Where -ishe ��'w sl;iepd Isome which had bem� -pnre ttl , r and I hbvhly conuerided . ish yo fir line closet frotn 0 r ne e is VW law William Drindley-had left 'town, Mon, R. E. 4 I.. the prez-s. J ave eason to tb,,;-; With her on, R. ly decoraW for MCRai ffft-a Co you Rol wben, requested by the -authorities. to you will h I Shooting Mwtch. A# J.-iterei5iting i I I Johxi�on The Colil, Z,ate Institut foot- the prize badgea wame 1reswtjA to Ithe it . - I I Yotell i- W- ill zet srne , pro. ime for the cou*,,bad re- ohooting Tnatch, Wlildh *as tak of the best value SSTRATFORD ONT return in t iba4i - teaml h a-ve cha nged for Che Hough victdm In the different eve* ib y, Kv,$. en part yours61E u f:_;Ued, Although out Of town,! P. close In. by tsome Of the ea" 4ahots bt Phe I cup.: Ll ­,towel are the Present 410d& Alex. Wflis(m -and Mrs, A. R 4 30do. curabl and If =VrpwttencIftg our whool this winter pi ave your riew I linen in time to placel watch wa� kept on their mov pts, Y, was held here oJi VrldV iLhe Seafortrq boys' while mr. w -]p �smLU4 0 e girW count afid cnowf walrrantt bave � bee for The ton, owing Is the sc(*e: Eve4 No. %isoath& n 1 Im as the, -is, OaMovember lat. Spend two uz 19 1pf the c Efertry 2?=h!19 term. Students kre. entenng wi� �play� there. satuk4ay. 1W4 0 . hance :the beiasty of th6 T4anksgiving fe- eham;pIcn*dp, medal departimeats. their airelit.-and if they dolindt, �etur,A I-ICantelon 'i Hovey, CUn- each. week. We hsve tbm to,111see. ItUerii Jbritll the �up back w1l juXdor boyg medal CUnton,,, 9 Ivoiuntarn3f, they wid e. brought back I Shorthand - MIL -The r n6 of � Mr. ton, 9, Toronto, 7, Kerr, CiDMInerCiAl t �rle Ise by Col. smd lRei r, DL nany _,pted by Col. In time-fo�.the Inquelst OD k -be 2504 Iton" 8 :, Sheardo Telegrapby vwv, h 0 has 'een IsIgriouily ill f Rogers the amlor s� me4ial. The wnj� IS ; craiw- Our 000rsea an practical. teachers are experienced The Crown iieem­t�'bold- -out impe, tl*at 'W pog- ford, Wingliam 4; Seaforth, 4; Home we �is, will bO:plea,-�d ito lie ebai waig occupled and ouKgraduatev succeed. The demand upon us the further -evidiebm I of . Edward J tinuner, DaehwooAd, 8; Qxiati4 that 1w he*exceeft the supply. write forourfree diln-e W111 throw out e 1 t on he hasi sufAclently irecovred o erg, , principal of t '% I' Otherl Linen Itals of.Interts mor Igh 0 -caLwlogue. 6 416 to be doWn istreet ion Tues-, good progr4mme 14' Bond, 8 Rau, Zurich. 6 $*nde-1% Ex- wap I itesen the tragedy. In the,. meanitime :lh e iUy. We, trusit h-6, will il soon The bac lowo: Instrumental dl�k M eter, 10; Hartleibs ExetO� 8 D. A. MeLACHLAN, PrinciPail authorities are still, A 'Work 136, the mal Rufflaij. and- 2--cantelm (ainil to W-Aness agaln.­�'What be r Exeter, 7. Event No. S. M 1. IIScott adigl, W� ton, 81 Hoveyv 01inton, 9; Hill,, Normo Wr Linns Ifill not la,4 I o Be, Sat caF.e. htful than thI6' w��b�-_Ir rwe b delig MrIg. JI C, Creig; Instrumental, ffacTY to, 9; Kern Credfton� I Shea(qdowni bee Ae n; sola, Mis ffle,3; New Bodk--- -The f �11owinz new 'books k_14 hav�rxg for he LDE4sit. c,oulAe Stephemo wee14z-,,? It has bee �Qredlta% 9; Crawfor4, have -been reedved at'. the ' Seaforta Tri i)lea�sa.nt itbaa violin, Fsoluy, Mics Wh le; I I W. us, -hoping Murdle I -e fol- ei It', ducetnents Now.. ozft axe It. Brigtt; bodd-3, Reaforth. 6; Zimaler, Da-shwood, Many $p 60 d -1summer, 'And Moab rad -b , Geo. T ial Prit omo" Public Library, and wIll ibe 1=.suedI* on 1 9; Benner, Grand Be*, 8; Rau,4Zut�- in the fa.Trr.-. lowing 3 a ais t of lie w e 111111101100JIF a aturday,, October 22: The Muts[trlou Will continue. It hws Ig vea ;L�, 0st -an, opportunit to get I I thek, the difterent eN entis,z icb, 5; H-artlel,', Exletet, 8 I -nen Prince, by Oppeiihelm;-,. Fortune Hurt- _N1181 G�r]Nz' Events, -100 aAr r1we, . Maio- idered Li: OW6 rocot6 and other fall wck done' Rxet,e-, 7; Sandel%'Ex4ter, 9. EV�en't Embroidered Linen Pillow �Iips 40 do'Zlon ughter, by I - I . . ty tAr, by Valice; Elancale Da ITo. 3�Caateion, Clin,ton.,. 8 ; DodAs, Xa., Ata. —Lad aret Wilrzon, Hazel -Cunpbell,: quarter inen uest tow ine Po U visitlig in. f V1ndLqor. 9 anoes unan; Little, ster Snow, *by LittIle . 4 els—Pure L* els n Gues,'� towe Of Doctar'zq Lass, iby Booth; hmigraot el: noted t4e Isialf if. Ca pbell. forth, 8; Hartleib,, Exet6r, 9; 4amdel�_ we cog Mr. T. B, Trle racei M. WlUcin owe F Exeter, 7�� xern qredlt6a, 10; Hovey, Bleach Huc ck It 21.) -dozen, Trall by -]B�iner,; 'gay We. M. I Hays'bas since Im tree legged -race, 11. k To�r6U Impor .,d Fancy Maclzz� of 37, by uo that lt& 21 1head.whih h C P1 g H Haanmett jand Us rY We open the 0 Qtnton, 8; SheaTdown,, Q—!e&to*n ;8 - Zirrmer, Dai-�hwood, 7 D!re mer Ins Sheeeing., Brovft; White by 'Perrberton - I �rtatIl� He titch'Sideboard Scarfinigr—�o inch Linien L -nd c -old g stockeM verag.ed Drux r; eigg race, A. riixer, the finest display of Women's Foot- Tae;, That Ne�er Dte�,'.by MgAworthg �-old for ive and a; b ilf cents k4fk;'iEwt* walilng, Campt, �o.rid-, 7 Qra,.vf ord, Wing -ham, 8' Livery 'of Heaven, bt -S'Aw7er; Gar, *P0 d, a E. - I . F 30 bo 1,1 0 poundSS J1Z - b wear we have ever shown. dM. at No� 19,'iby Jep��;tAflsa, Pai a and mought blm.a7a potato race,, M. W 9%, Hippen Styles more attractive and qua i- ave..... f $60 -a heacL ?.rhll�l is quite �;' club race, J. Scott, H. I �Iaarpb dIULneedl, el ea: by �Chamberti: Rose in the Rh�g, lb y jUle ties better tban'ever before. tbe)� aind thread race, H. CaOell, -E. Grelg;* Cutcheon; T�e Ror_ziary, by Barclay" pig Notes. -Mrs. McCmmell.4 of Loadon, Is for rttockers, nit then )nee. Me. ask women who care about MLAress of Shenstone,, 'by, Barclay;, wer4 16X good -miss. Mariqn� book raceiW.BeTm,,E,�-Haanmet -WL- vit:-4tiog her parents, AR� and Mto- ag r;_ 25 do s attend.1 3ruxeri John Whiteman, f the Vill e! ,r' ',by ParKs-,th -,?, Shlo.� Jo ag B�.rlln Dustneslo ting the ishot, -Anna Z n their -'shoes to look at the season's Keith of the DordL I --on, M. W fin pzurnmer weather of the pasIt coa­ -Mr. T. R Ha'"s was ba- To!- graceful weak g, M. T, IL 41k- Iguln-lit Daughter, by Berett; Red-1316od- wa�r'M I amt, H. va-M new creatians. ed, bv,Droqson; Qrirnson Ra'mbler% by ran't Itbis w,qek, attendil Ngthe nnu�L er; tug o'll It 0 buy Bla�-kets a- t He F p- jile of weeksi has beepa, a bodn to MO Eldred; Larry, Burke, by O"Dell; A 04 I13( ra M W11 sdm, farmer, igivJimig them a� f avorable p- -b a inn t f he Eru�,ron )-yl-iv lAq"�i bell ; f a4:-qE bicycle palls 5 160ten down al aulkner; Isaow bicy race, L. a of hat clt�,. He wa, liilk- poTtunity to get u their iroo�W L W4 the Home Plate, by School 'the' 0. ame tjh-� speaker, ner, M ilison. do other fall work. Ms: a, consequece, A ROO WQrth.Seeing 1% Dudley; Pr ao, oine f Fair� by Dudley , Horfecornija,, by Kirk, Another Big Shipment just'received direct from the^- ini 'Boys" s. -Rifle match J. Hinch- we, in the vIlli3age,, ha,,Ve beeU bavhg! 1a)nd; Helen Grant',S1 Decislon, b of e -e t A��berf ILbiefriend), tvent 4-0 dozen- 1, -Boots y Dadg- Dress la; VivI unroej W4o hqij Ibeen. tru"fere ley, P. Grieve; rta;ndvgbro factaes Ws Lesson, by Orlers�on -, Maig- j= a, quiet time at It, alsl we cannIa -�,dk bf Co s. PlWay6yn,of Street Boots gle MaeLanaban, by Zollhger; BU114, redk fronVl the #e,JB. it�!enlor, J, DIcksons 111 CM1 u f without the f Errrneris� broad ISeaforth, wa! this week a Igue,411JI-I, of itlig 111mr-elf Up, by Optic; , Gtriviry *.er,6 here, 'to tho -W gt 117110 , entertat J. Hi"Y, 0. Martin PI'm at 0, comp Storm Boots 50 dozin nebtary upNr at 1b a Jump, isenlor,, J. Mkscin, G Gaul&A 'her 1�ister, Mrs. Gea.�ge 4'McKay� of th�q; Foil- Mst Own, by Optic rofessorlo kmi. This adds special interest to! the big new stock on whick 110teln Comfort Shoes byOptic., In the CaskIls, 1by I BUT- 'Q #anda evening. DuT junior, J. 6111% W. (Ileary: diad vIR age. -Mr. aind AftsI. Drake, of Staffa, Itig the everdnig! Mt. nroe WaI5. hop, i�4elp ,andi Jump,,, s ior, J. , -k were this week callingi on thair o4 have been doing heaiTy selli roitghsi; African Ganig Tralls,by I e- Ing Etc. Etc. " , .1 �, . �,ent ad wi�4 a - 1A]p, W rs. Jo�e�h (UpsftiaiU, 200 -pairs velt. aml a few qV son., P. Grieve -P junIc i -, 0. farfin� R. ftleK4sf, 'Air. and kig prevIous his In Forbeo; running hop, step and jump,, Mr. and Mms�. McDonald, 'of Londoh, vis- III w1i ted wit aaock IWeve a st 1�i-ht Sboe for Tuberculo3is Exhlblt.'-The tubercdl- bak- preiv_,.Al. , lit W1 et.- ventot, G. Gauld, J. Dickson; juntor, ited', thiii; week with Mr -SL McDonald!�, Prices are low er ou make it worth while bu JU every purpose. The new high toe, o-zIs -,exhlblt bf th�Prov'_inclal, Board-, of �E. 11cInty!rehaI3re, 'from a, vistt R. Forbesi, W. Clary; thre ,succe mother, Mv% John Andbrson.-Mr. , T. even if -lay the bjlan� ets to one side fi a 150 p, Health wil 'be given In Seatorth or� 'her Nome In- Ha -fun, L Gat son, I P. Girleve'i iley, the veteian, tax collector of you have o IV9 Junip-3, 68worl'i J. high arch, and short vamp models i I Tue.�;day'and Wednesday next -.-Th a ex.- Mr. John ea-ttle �met vrith al- palnic Juhior, 0. MrtInA J. Inchle ; utting Stmley, *am- makft Ian offIciall all are, bere ; Cuban, Military and hiblt con:,�Ists of models, of - �hadkj aiftd Mcidmt 'on TueBd orning. He wa3, the i�-hot, serdaro G. auld, F. Cluff 4 co our vilaiger5 this week. WhUe� 3 4y Tr French Heels,; selected leathers of tentE; used ia cases dflt�bbrculossis, .amdl h- ta0dW9 o1rL a lader 1pickla; ap- junl&, J. rlinchley,, I01cary; two errarA, tq not oilways a �:wellcoma une �of Metal chaxI43, lantern views,, etc.,. dealh�g with, D1011 froni & ��ee !.When Idie0a - foo atffi our vIllaers are always li;e C Patent Colt' Kid and Gun aWer gli ndl Dafoe, R 'he. und. Fine� New, Blankets the dffer�nt phats-es of Cie - d1healse4 Ped i�� ' lio Ithe 0 Dorraoce foot I - jun� I -,W. to have -a call from Mr. iley. Me- -Calf ; Butt � fell. gro b; y 6 a all [ous Styles. qn, Lace or -Blucher iWiley iz-ays he has be It liza, expected that Dr. MoCaJlum. Secr�e� *A4 up, bixt, T �Unatel Caeary, J. S1,11H:; stakilln dgN 'jump a . relabdeinQ taxY of the Pro-vinclal Board of 9�e ' a t h., �er resulted�.� 1. Are 8zeintor, J. DickscyAo I junior, of tWaey for 66 ye�s, anl� itha (noth- to Aa Cials, Artistic and dainty footwear for will be prasent n'Tuesday pvem4nt�l- �0 Scdtt, 6f f S tt J. Hinchley list, R. F rbe 3 a ou e t f1rn I., of S Ve -d 0 g nioit, tovM ip, s he con,siddr friendb,, give an adde3s. Should be be n a bush*2s lrlp it I tl!rX a tl , runinlog ti Jum) Ise lis Dress Occasions Ties, Pumps junatle �9 0 j�. P nd- i4elghbor� here the best there alre, to attehd, ishrt talks of Ithe. d1f fere�t f G. Gauld, J. Vcksson J.10kich- qidl' Raal6y, Mver asitrict.-Mr. and Slippers to go with the evening -ph W, S�nior, T. -Mr.,' atd W�.T. R. P. &afortl*4 _es of the qspa4se tbie; *ope vault, ir ii. 6 univar.,,, Of well know.n. catt* ley, 0. M&TUD; Pol 7 . 10 t t gown. The society woman will, nxes;osi of treaing, as wll, � asi the plirchawel 'Govenlock, G. Gauld; Jummm J.: Mach- we­:�ro�ent vi-itars at�ltha borm ot h,94q e Wei I -Ing at our artistic new f W 1 -A number (if -ns. Jobb 3DL-�sdale Mr, vention of Infection, will'be ley, R. Forbea; 100 arid, Mr. Y_ et at e. eiapy look the local doetais. The increa,slng� raVA it U1611� ioo� ,ea�hers are J. Dlck�mn,, F �Ca J un I or, 3.1"ITIncb- amd Diniidale 'have-! -been close uff footwear,and we are always pleased. of this d1sease -have 0 t t1le *teacheW convezdlon In' dlln�mi ley, W. CleaTy; dribbling, fc�tIWli W. fri for'niany year.4. The mvnT tIrrz4 i in, � � . Z"I - �i I to show them. The woman hat only the rmmberq; of the medica. t Richardon R. ForbEs; 20 yard trace, fri sI of Mx. DInsdale will regret to J):r Dn tho wee� C.- tralplical. we aher 1-5 appreciates the best in shoes will feasion, but the people igendaalyi . ;o I av] U9 ita ef �e.c 10. IT-rdibeln' Rept lor; J. DI ;A- . or, learni Ithat he la, not a ft) I chley, W. 01v 0-olng the well.' GordM, who has d1bPo-,C-d -find here many 4iteresting styles i� 'ative meac-ures ft) Drevent its OpIrM W ,his week, & P Xub trom 4*16 it atid to the iatoduotlo­x of 110 ras lb baisebaA,, �senlorr F. Ott, . Leckie,- of li& fifty acre farm la Tuckartsmith, the New Fall Models. an Cdu . pberr3 , 00, w%ch, t1onal campaJgn, which will b t :I aig 8 �iDe b -4 If Ithere Is amn Junior, J. HIebacytr 9 11sit half will �;galn ecome a m4dent of the vIl- We bave rubbers to fit every the lay Ir htn 9 laveip � heming, purchased the resIden2e of 1HE 104 t -he near��Ity of novel Jkh . n Istuff Mr. Trile bicycle race, !-;,e E. Alvem style of shoe, at last year's pe t6 h It.___The '-, iDJWtr c Dickson;: jutior, J. r son, J. Hineb- Miry Gilbert Dick. We weicomp, Al m. Gor� ic es Oafeguaxftig againo 14e&lon and It consequent spread of the disease. L-1 tbR, t �Compe ny hive extended the Itl y,; race, J. lacksdn. J. i Mnch.'J don o 'rthe vIH1 age. -A nurnter - from IonneeLlon the exhibit to be giv 1 D, 0.19ft fsezke unta ow .6 ley; quarter =ffe Ira NIA i, M�Da- here' attmdbd the anmiVel*rY sext-i aary, J. _4! at Hils Green =d 4MUoIliurst m Robb r - JUTIV, W xmhardson & SCOAT, hCere, next weele ohould be of � tnteres tie lJohin j biped a ea�tioad E foe, J. lblck�son,, e tha'it 10 week. Afnchiey� SEAFORT14t very perzsml, and It Is hoped' 3 to Ithe � ,Wes his jockey ra J s;071 W-41 Sutdo;k laist, aud Te4pert Itbem smost lazze nmber, noJ !4;�Xy,�rom,town,-Pql oka�td� CrV( g�&raifty p�efty lg000 !ift F. llmdff� W. Olear3, IIV II