HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-10-21, Page 2P
o h Loohtng
ed ;farming, ;and that its ithOthing tha
eventually will be the salvation of Ithe
A Prosperous Let.
it.U; their bright and over, Tale.
6.41/d their kindly, hoSpitable Mee
tion. and (good eudcatio , the Tee -
y are good business n, Pend all
brarstibee of trade are conducted by
them.. in the viliage. They' have good
Ohareethes! and schools, a fine hotel. and
;teeny of them are welletoedo. They
own/ tine stock, both horses' and cattle.
It is a, amnion, eight to farmers'
of oxen. The omen are hitched to
and tulgo, and driven „With , a, 1Pair or
11.t, attached to halters. ft may (not
be iso picturesque as the old woodani
yoke of Ontario elloneer days, but it
certainly [looks eriore comfortable and
Hundreds of Thanksgiving dinners are being cook.1
ed in' Moffatt's Banges " Canada " and ," Wel-
come," and this fact warrants out disonssing the
merits of thebe stoves. In the first place they are
not " just as good " — they are absolutely the
" BEST " in every particulaz Name whatever
points you like, you mill find the " Canada " and
Welcome " vith no superiors.
_Roomy Ovens leeatures we
Fuel.saving fire boxes I ask you to
Easily cleaned tops enquire about
Tasty appearance from persons
Perfect workmanship, using these
Prices the same to all., stoves.
om: m must have
clusi ere this that
of, !Wilfrid Lauai
patriots In 'the Pro
(iii! on` the waue4 aut
Wag In.. appearance
la ;malt muSt be anipar
rejudieed people that •it
and loVa hiai en re
; ed. the Eucharria
ta tid. papers not overly
and none bro
save Pea
; insigne,
erne Ito
the PriP1
ea of
Roasting Pans
Just what you need
in fowl season, pres-
erves flavor, saves time
and bother. Size, Lixi7x8 inches.
en -
to inositi
Ince is
than eve;
o ;wheal
le el ,the rea
endlY Pei
miredt fag
ht of, last
k he again aPpeared Montreal!!
sponse to anal/vital from ' [the
rat Cliub of the city'. T e(ireceptiont
him .on that occas on 1st thuet
bed by the Witness. It payee
don in (honor of iStr tW fedi Laur.:
le hart evidently sou ed a ke al
n in the ears of t4, sidentis Of
treat, for it (seemed, t' eve
every- citizen. had Itur ed eut o
et the Dominion. *
h brought ' Sir Wilt- and 9
in. and around the V11 statio
h been secured by his rienda
rrirers, the crowd even. vading
e students of Laval niversi
c ying their Ease and b Inners
to wing !- Wive Laurier,' ether Of
? -Tanaela ter :the anadlahe
1 10 'Protector of Our . uataka
a rier and Victory,' as well .a,
The genuine "Victor" should he in
every home. TWce
Fan brings mud and mud means
sweeping. A carpet sweeper saves ...__yurry cribs.
many weary arms. '
$2.75 to $4 11
10 to
learr ed the goadof Laequeret for renew-.
e ana removing scratches, Get a can.
Linoleum Varnish—The only proper kind, saves the
pattern, brightens dull ...5 Oc a pint.
A. Snis, Seafort
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware
Plumbing Eavetroughing Furnace Work
w41.0 the signal for aclud. and prolonged
aPpl Lee, and the enthu Liam walii
kept tail Until the moment w en It w
eitlatnn lanced that the train d juts
one being anxious toe cateh. a (gimps
disp sal of the Premier ' h
Ting been
op in firont of the ptlation.. it -
at once Surrounded by the staa
chosen to '-forin an escort, Dad ag
Ifriti (stepped out there Wag a
r'o cheer on' all sides, the bainda
co enced to play, and the eky waS
le" et5-
h front of tne Ntaltion. hart ibeeri
• Pre er took hisi 'seat in. (the coach
fa ar face appeared In tireWorkS on
/a iliac that had teen ereeted in
Corner Lot. -Best locetion. Good house and
stable. Ilard and soft water. Will be sold cheap.
Apply, to John Beattie, Variety Store, or to Johia
Rankin. 2221-tf
piXtEl FOR SALE OR RENT -For gale Lot 20,,
Concession 14, Hullett, containing 100 acred,
A.first-dass farm with good buildings, one mil
2%, m Village of Bylth. Apply on the premises or ad
dkess DAVID .N101/014 Blyth, -One. 2222-tf
0 culla. 2 from imported cows. rarer& at moder '
*te priew and on easy terms ; good young cows ane;
anus also for sale- Ail interested are cordially in4
vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjeins towrx, long
disf-anee telephone to farm. Write for catalogue.
EL SMITH. Exeter, 1993-tf
FARM FOR SALK-For sale Lot 13 London Ro
' Stanley, 1 mile soutli of Brumfield. Th
bstildings are gOod- and in first-class repair, The
arm is well fenced ada uncierdrained and in the beat
state of cultivation. There arethree good wells on
the ptace. Terms to suit purchasers'. Apply on the
premises or address JAMES ROSS, Brucefield, P. 0.
FARM FOR SALE -For sale Lot 14, Con. 0, Stan-
ley, 11 miles south of Varna. 3on taining 100 ac-
res. There areon thepretnises a good frame house with
stone cellar under it, s bank barn nearly new with
stone stabling- and other out buildings. There are
two good orchards, and there is plenty of water The
/arm is alicleared except about /2 acres of bush. The
farm is in a good state of cultivation and will he sold.
on reasonable terms. For. farther particulars apply
on the premises to Wm. Palmer, or address AND-
ixarm if RAni* ,s
1 r ill011160411
"Sfaitszoramo Oa
Cimorrnwas wiz",
Towit Gummi at. LTD.
quicklystorrs coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat arid lungs. • - 25 cents.
_L resident al property in Harpurhey. There are
three acres of land planted with fruits of different
kinde. On the property is a comfortable brick cot-
tage, with bard and soft water inside, and other
modern converdencsp. There is also a barn withac-
eommodation for three head ol cattle; and hen
house. This is a particularly desirable property for
a retired farmer. Will be sold cheap and on reason-
able terms. Apply to JOHN McDONALVII, on the
premises or address Seaforth P. 0. 2215-tf
VARMS FOR SALE -For sale Lots 21 and 22, Con
JU lidelfillop and 23 on the 13th Con., Lots 21
and 2a coif -mese the Gardiner Homestead and con-
tains about ISO acres. All :first-class lands, well
- fenced well tiled drained and has 15 acres Of good
hardwood bush. Good comfortable buildings with
all modern improvements. Plenty of .rgood spring
water. A good bearing orchard. This is one of the
olioleest farms in the County of Huron and will be
sold on terms to suit purchaser. Lot 23. contains
125 acres with small house and barn and all in pas-
ture and has been for years. There are ten acres of
good bush :on this farm. For fnether partieulars
apply on the premises or address A. GARDINER'
Leatibury P. 0. 221541
c'VARII FOR SALE -For sale Lot 11, Con. 7, 'Op-
.': pen Road, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres,
80- acres cleared, all of which is in first - class
state of cultivation, well naderdminecl And well
fenced, the balance of the farm fs in good hard-
wood timber. There are two acres of orcharct
On the place are two good bank barns on
stone foundations, also large pig house ; there is
also a good frame house. There are two good wells,
one at the house and one at the earn. This
is one a the beat farms in Tuckersrnith. It ip
uated on the Kippen Road, Se miles south of Sea-
t rth and one 1i mile from sohool. There are 40
acres of crop and the remainder in hay and grass, and
the farm will be sold with or without the crop.
Possession given at any time. For further partic-
ulara epply on the premises or a.ddress WM. and
MATTHEW SCOTT, Proprietors. legmondville, P.O.
2213x4 tf
4-1 00,D FARM FOR SALE -Lot 22, Cou. 3, Tneker-
‘X smith, H. R. 8. 100 acres, 7 acres good maple
hush. The rest cleared, over etc rods woven and
slat fence, well drained, greater part tile and in good
state of of titivation, 25 acres will be left 'Vowed in
fall all ready for spring crop, and twenty acres
newly seeded this spring with clover and timothy,
weeda. There is 14 t3tory brick house 20e30. also
the balance. of the faun in geese. clear from foul
brick kitchen 18x20, and large woodshed, barn 3exe0
with stone i3tablett and straw shed 20x04, good stone
well near house, and abundant supply spring water
baxn wit`e windmill, and &spring at back end of
farm in bush, 2 acre choice young orchaxd sheltered
On west by spruce trees.The faun is Si ilea from
Senforth, and. 1. telle'from school, also tele hone in
house. Reason for selling is poor health an proprie
tor goinz west. Apply on the premises or to THOS.
CeLEfrlAlc. across the road or adclres Egmondville
9., Box 101 2217-tf
Business Shorthan
Resident and Mail Cour' ses
Catalogues Free
Principal. cip al.
White Label
Invalid Stont
n la a e e
X X. Porter
The product of per.
feet brewing.
Brewed and bottled
the Carriage With 'the Prernield
tire eind the Hon. Sydney Fisher.
a, '9 formed the ! proeession, which;
,proc el through at. Hubert, Doha,
a'wrence !streets to the Montt.
raent National. AII along the route
! splay of fireworks was continu-
gh the . !brilliantly illuminated
tree 8 he was cheered to the echo.'
_ It was nine eacleck when the .pro -
:easel., I rOched the. Monument Thee
rde whatever It was with Isom, dif-
lent y that th police could clear! the
ay for the trance 04 the Prernier
.1.1.3 party, o dense Were the 'crow&
It in !hardly be Mad thatathe aarge ,
eta seats Sie taurietsiihad.!
ed- the platforXn 'amidst the
cheery of the immense audience,
quet by a dainty girl, ahd Air
Lome Goulin, who Occupied the chair,
t opened the !meeting. -
in,tea must be dii,
and Anwar to merit
continulous e.
flavor of Red ose eeelis
all its own;
d it never
fails to ilvin and hold ap-
proval becau0 it never
fails in queili Try it.
NeViR 501.D 04 iiItitat
Your Grocer *in
tlers will secure • and .begla ' !farming
ay 'drained:- T capabilities' the ex-
treme norther territory -are as yet
opened for ee tlemcst here are the
tour township at the jtmetiOn of the
Temiskaming . Northern ;I Ontario
Railway fund the National ransom.
ed a year agoL - They re fair saimpleis
of the land throughout the w le /court -
try. The land, is sold t fifty cents',
an acre to the extent of( 160! cries, on
the instalment plan, but ttlement
liaise ano compuisorY nix]. ort the
hind p.im months of the /eget ter three
years are required. To the ,f-' presenk
date -since the • opening In Maye there
have been (Reposed Of by tilei .0rown
Lands algent at Cochrane upv0erds of
10,0011- acres. but so far onlyi ithe pre -
ting abads, building- shacks ahel cut-
ting down timber, have 'been attempted.
,,The Icelanders and Gal-I:dans
li, Manitoba, on kelp., ic and eel:elan
ecription of these people. He gays:
aofiwl,letnimkelbiealnmdeirti'ded.ltsi , :turd'brigyhott esvee:trivadvfel-
alert. His characterlstls, b Zell-
tal, and physical, were b eel of t quick
changifig iseae-not of the lease-, s earth.
His whole being iSlend with Is dan-
cing fishing craft, and he le? horreeiticir
out airs atom of aulkinesS or 11,...a. 'manilla
their _whole make-up,- t ey ar perhaps(
of the conglomerate lot of • o eignerat
\quickly, the secand gen ratio' peak tt
Nithout a trace of for in. ec,ionit; II;
taught tri their. achool i an tarearLish.
be, and to grow up land tbelo (t e coun-
try they live tn.
Fisher -Folk and, DairYir
' 'And yet, progressive ! anti. aptable
ale they are indivielually, thel trace
characteristics are too tetacinal fo them;
and though they have been ih e °Wale
Shores of Lake Winnipeg, 01 t tie la
hundred miles narth of the ity of
Winnipeg, for thirty-aelx yeatrs, (they
know, or at oleast practice, ,v , (little
grain (growing or land cialtivati a. ,Feet
untold generatiOns they ;have,1 a vett la
a land where grain growl la. una
known, and no gardening IS ne ex-
'cept raising poilltoes, where ( he men
have followed the Jae& and the woMen
have milked the eows, and though they
have been traniplanted to our grata-:
growing West, they still; are tee ally
fisherfolk and dairymen.
The young Men ta.ke to th tillece
tr:ore readily than to the plow. Grad-
ually and isiowly theY are clearing. up
as it4 fishing In Lake Wintipeg dirt -l-
eo they will time become, ian,fitali-
itural people, but the transition is
ow.. They !buil , moat at them beet,
liege of well Onto' a thou -and. peo-
e, where the land is. plentiful and very
won't take the trotible. 1' ,
Lake Winnipeg le an inland ! sea
hp omain of; Northern Ontario r,clu
i; (Writing on "The kotthern. Ontaielea co
ay le elt,", Frank H. NeWtone in ;the vi
eat clay belt has Its ee
Tenets taming it enters Ontario and. of
ntln _ee let an. irregular aine west to
by fo
it suall
corm t
ed, to be two' hundred miles! wide ex
y, there a
of fs,
ruckY slopes 1,1: p-eople
seal and igravei more cepecialey were brought up the lake in 'flOt-bot-
tian of it is in apable 'of cultivation.' 'beach at Gimli, Whet pot af:tree had
T e Tranecontin tal Railway runs been. cut in the thick poplar! that COY -
t qugh the tete re thie tract -110h ered the eoUntry for Many miles back
-21,teir Mike without t e siigh test curve, from theahore. They built • log homes
eedcept` and, only 0...the hebter (grade for ehelter on the shore and won,k the*.
to ;obviate E.: Me ne•-ineering dial- food from the water and a hard I figh:t
ty crossin,g' seine wide; triver, flOW- "it Was, but they mde good They toak
into James Hadson. Baar. The • uP the hind for 15 anile hack made
f list river 'to t e feet, In Ontaujeee small clearingS, erectin,g shelter ilot,
18 the Abitibi, hare a 'magnificent themselves on.d. their catte. The lat-I
bridge :resting o hree pleip$ lb !ter were pastured, On the Meadow' land,
abOut .;ffireisheele; Frederick Haase which intersperses the bush and 1.s
RiVer, r)ylattagam lid Ground Hog, luxu.rioas in grass, !and from; these
loW and flat. To
taitang an what
"O Oatario"
to make the I
be I Well buried ov
t14.1.4 is at he s
f t, drainage of
that country will
it Ocala reach its
The fall (seems
direction, but leo
of' Some of the
to tope with •It,
retching 250 miles to the north.'and
posed to the sweep ef the winds
one the plaits'. Its waters are of (the,
miles in; extent of fu
it treacherous, yet . accidents
in occur anions. thia daring an
1 race of !seamen.
Thirty-six years ago these
andpoin t.
gesi here,
t g
sr ca led up !there
'he necessary ;be:fore
goad in 1 'every
at id strietls' , ID -
to take' the
ere, of icetaese
t thopping the time I ter. Th
ough banks. of clay I the beet
was saved the hay toil keep
alive during the long win -
bush land, w•hen cleared, .is
grainland to 13e foundaand
Ithere are dise thing inever seemed to enter their .0
lsewhere. The handle, and even yet they (buy' klfrain
oda In. facte le and, bran 4e teed their cattle, and ive,g- on
In Lees Than Three Years, Parisian.
Sage, the Splendid Hair Tonle, Is
SOld all Over ,Canada..
There is a reason for the phenomen-
al. sale of ;Parisian. Sage in !Canada
during the past three years,
And the reason is 'slain to all.
Parisian Sage does jaSt what it is ad-
vertised to do.
tell you that he. trigidly guarantees It to
cure dandruff, stop falling hair or itch-
sealp In :two weeks or money back.
There is -no e reason whatever why
any man or , woman should fall to
take advantage of the above generous
But one thing th'it, has made "Parisian
Sage so famous is it peculiar power to
turn the harsh, unattractive hair that
many women poseess into luxuriant
and radiant hair in a short tame. WO -
men of ?refinement the country over
are using it and it never disappoints.
Sold everywhere, end in Seaforth by
3. A. Roberts, for 50 cents a Large
What Hens Can Do
Prof. Laurie, of South Australian Ag-
ricultural College, has for some Yeartsi
conducted a competition in egg laY'-
ing. The latest of these competitions
ended on the 31:et Marchl last, aula.
sonee. wonderful records Weep showne
Six hundred a,nd seventy-eight hens were
in the telt, divided into onq hundna4
and thirteen pens of six hens '
MO.9t of the pens contained White
hams and Black Orpingtons. The to -1
tea number of eggs lakl Was- 123,122 ten
average a 181 1-2 per hen. The( highs
est record by any one pen tvvas 1,531
egos, an average of 25f per hen. This
NiraN Made by six White Leghorrke, and
the eggig proiuced averaged 25 ounces
per dozen. Two pens ot Black Orpinge
tons, which ca.me next; lakl, ovev. 1,200
eggls for each pen.
The cost of feed used wasf $a0'1, 'and
the ve.lue of the eggs akkrcarket prices
$2,282,, leaving a- profit over feed of
$1,375., or a little better than $2 [per
hen. The mash, which was tedi once a
day, consieted of one-third chaffed al-
falfa, and the remainder bran.,sund meal.
At noon two ounces of greeeteed Was
givto. The grain ration consist& of
whati) and corn and pews.
-Miss Flora M•cMillan; of Vancouver,.
B.O., accompanied by hen eousina Mrs.
home of her chlkthood days at Staffs.
last week. Her manye friends there
were gad to -welcome her back again
after an absence of nineteen, years.
-George H. Griffin, manager a -the
Bank of Montreal, Sarnia, is !dead as
a result of injuries received. firoirt @eine-xi
atruck by an autombbile a short time
ego. Deceased was 61 years oid, 81110
had been. manager for 28 yeara. Hei
was. a son of the late tCaptain
of Montreal.
-In the case ot Susan Rock ees. John •
Eisler for slander tried at Stratford thit5
week before Chief Justice Sir Willaien
,Meredith, the jury brought In 13, werclict
tor defendant and the charge was aeL
cordingly dismissed. This was an ac -
Um brought hy Mrs. Susanch %lock, (of
Logan township, against John. Eislexa
of the same township. Defendant had
Maier had purchased a farm tftrom the
plaintiff, and, it is alleged (made slan-
derous. statementis in regard to the!
-plaintiff in the barroom at the 11,oyal
Hotel, Mitchell. 1 S
A Tontc Such As. Dr. 'Williams' Pieta
Pills Is Promptly Needed.
Wlitell the hea,lth run down from
any cause whatever, a tonic Is need-
ed. A feeling of weakness, poor ap-
petite, lose of breath after slight ex-.
ertion, indicates( that a complete break-
down Is near. Sometimes these "trou-
ble -4 are cite to overwork, pee worry., or
again they may be due to the astir
effects, of fever or soma rwasting sue
(nese. But whatever the cause, Ithe trou-
ble (should not be neglected, and for
the purpose of gaining new health and !
strength there is absolutely no better
medicine than Dr; Willianre Pink Tills,.
which fill. the veins.. with: new-, trich
blood, which tones and strenghtens iev_
ery nerve and, every argan la .the bodYe
Mas. Rose A. Smith, Robline Man.,
vere atteak of typhoid, fever. Whir
recovered (Sufficiently to be able to egat
about I found that w not
ble to gather up my strength. I tried(
cede winee and • other medicines, hilt,
ithout For months I could
a/day go up (stairs, and if I took a
elk I was obliged to take a friend
eith me to help me home again. A
octor hid again been called In, • but
e 'said would grow out of at Intl -rte.
td gave me more medicine, but instead
f ',gaining I kept getting worse, and
*as, at last obliged to take my bed.
-e day while lying reading chanced(
1 . .Mixed- Farming Needed.' ; Wiallatne Pink Pills, and, this decided
to come across a cure made by , Dr.
began to come into /this countryl'and; the pills long I began to feel a de( -4
take up the bush land. ow the alla dried improvement and my tale/NIS also
claim li a true son. of the oil, a, ' you. said I was beginning to look like ma'
can neither drive . nor coax hien' to a 0 itself again. Prom this cot the' irn-
water aS an Icelander lov s it. He IN ued to take the pills for ha touplo Of
am in ustrious, hard-working fe).
c and a geed farmer. He el:eat%
lend and provers and , lrearly
humbere the Icelanders 1 their;
. enough 'to 'see that to thca
must follow their exam
growing; but with them i
greis>1 is not fast. But w
out -
is quick ,
grain- I
seems %like
on hr
month -3', when telt that the cure
WaS Clamplete. Several years have pass-
ed (since then and as I have reMalned
In the best a health' ato -
in [saying 'that the eureiwas !permanent,
and, I freely give tidal statenaeat for
the benefit It triad' bring to others."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eare isald
all medicine dealers or may 'he had by
for $2.50 from The Dr. WMiame?Mede
clue Co., Brockville, Ont.
will continue to be HOME to your loved
ones if you have made provision for its
continuance by protecting them under
Policy in this Company.
No investment you can make will -have
behind it better security.
I / -7, - zi / A
.- /4-1 if. /'/I li A / 7 ://// fil i //1/ IN / 1.71/ i 1 11,011-4
liv ,H Pt tl-t-MQrtiv
District Inspector.
or - Goal or. Wood
1-n. RAINY stove experts ,.esigned
the Pandora Ran e. They
introduced a new s of flue
constmetion so that the draft for
cooking would also be the draft for
baking. With the Pandora you can
have the kettles boiling over every pot
bole at the same time the oven Is bak-
ing pfes and roasting beef.
Just think of the time that this
perfect system of flue construction
will save for you when yourre hurry-
ing to get a big dinner ready. Just
think how much fuel the Pandora
will save for you by doing the baking
and cooking at the same time. And
remember, no other range has this
perfect system of flue -construction.
Send for the Pandora booklet. It
tells of other conveniencea designed
by our brainy stove experts.
Stands for Guaranteed Quality
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg
Vancouver, a John, N.B., Hamilton, Gaigary
For Sale by Chesney & Archibald Sea orth
I,00k how much "Black Knight" Stove
Polish you, get for xoc.
None of your stingy little tine of fine
powder (that'snast be mixed with water) ce•
a hard eelre (that must be scraped )-but a
big generolts tin of coal black paste, that is
easily applied, and bursts into a brilliant, lasting
shine after a few rubs.
You. certainly do oat xoc. worth of the I3est
stove polish, in thebig ice. cans of "Bia.c.k
St•nd us roe. for a large can postpr.14 if your
dealer does not haudle "Black Kniglst."
TEIE F. 7. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, Hamilton, Out.
Makers al the fanwes ..2 in I" Shea Pellen.
A makeshift cook -stove is al-
ways expensive. You waste food
, because it is not properly -cooked.
'You waste time trying to make things
tight. You waste fuel trying to heat your
oven -or get a hot fire -or kccp a low Cue
all day and night. You lose money every
day you try to use an unsatisfactory range.
Here is -(be range for srour purpose. The
, one perfect—all rigiht cast ken. range,
day m and day out, year after year Will
last you a Mat me. Reli-
able as the zirm back of it
attachment if desired. Has
detaehable nickel rims, $3t
l‘iew device for removing ashes.
-v-i;hich easily saves 20% of your fuel. No other device of the
kind ever invented is worth so much to, you in cold cash.
You lose money every day you try to p-ei along without it.
Come in and let us show you the I';nperizd Oxford with
"Economizer" attachment. It means dollars and 0.11tS tO you.
Other Gurney- Oxford stoves' and ranges for ever 7 pur-
pose and any kind of fuel. • Get acquainted with the best
known, best liked stoves in all Canada. it will be your gain.
McIntyre 84,'Ctei.,
are, Plum&
ni; 57:11C—Iod:stari
rn t°r:fierl
art' II, tArria
alter zoo ;`r
z 21:1:1.4
die owner ttld con'
the party r‘ft24
-shing ler
lett, tor Ole trotath
Saltier FoUrthi.
tweet Mcalecheal.;
ler Thisel,
carter, NOT:3,
ina Hart- Ma'
Glazier, 'Llva
•tle Glazier';
James Hart,
School Rteport.
r Beat/100.
Richardson; Priintesa
Blackwell, Klichera
4r. Fe
de' Ts tr ut rl OD 1.-ui cis le:1 xudle:1
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