HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1910-10-14, Page 17
AY,� OCTOBP-4 14; 1916
, bawley, J.
0ast Deaa. 1W Th ric. Wise,
W. a
shlo exWbIted b m4ssed many ways, hoW pubudy.
ji a wtudoat rf the
'N 0, E40r 4 black elexlva3, widow.
Was hureday. Br6a& and Son lic gdwatA of Huroffi, munty, a. md privately.
hAd o; P. T Seiaforth
0 a i -S-, 1 1-1 W1 'w 'I
h te oat5i
_9q Fled two WW
last. "JL%u ly wals em vans Ltztle Martln� rar,
is ur �d
us alb, 'NW
U 40vnp"r C
A -W �]dabios jW peas, K. le *1 daughter." 10 & 0 6 1v by
40 to= extept aectkd o, owen souna-, for )beet omp birother, who MAdes in Exetter.
&aces owzdtkv, S. Geddes,, Lizzie garft
J�ulldfoig, partlicAarly vvlh the in
t .
tAitn speir; tio hy seed i a Stan-dazoank, for best ro ter, owned
K. as thely . co ul Inot brI79 rw
Pryine, USS4�. ptces of amdI driven by farraer 'or hI 5on, thele oft In the tra In. ver, tth
t�6der the aus
eOd fdetrwlitan —Rdbe�t Parker, ged 71, has beta,
t Keyea, ;Tarres P. The Big Store NO *as irly 9004 wh %g.1n;the
a Se�forth Tuff Club coltedidils of- found guilty -of the. mar#�r of WRII&M
11ulk, for beg thTee
r did the 'weatbint
on It, h e Corner NO it. lom" 1W. A=- kogIVI 'Spdr, Ugater, tear Bellev:ille,, o'd tbe St.4, I
C Id, El It! a winter apqAes, R. R Sloadl. Jais
April If
for the see se, v. A
CIV I OR V J. (W. DUar; .7. tieckle, for(best,2514L.
9 a of aind, has been owt m4'
of tl Ila Th b
to :fte IV% Aors art, M" King of TQmp- ub t auA. for lbest five lbs. co to 'be bp4ged on Decembar�
linem' -,Od 84
0"y rn6 mdro 44wned bright and klas, bo R� 'GrftuIng4 R. '—Wym.9n R uff, a
t uu-t, Z YuAll; 1W. U. 34cOrRO
he viraff, an M. Maw, to 31 a. -AAL una=_led, on 'Prifty fQJ U JLii-
GiA after an it 'R 8162014W.ln M0 acken 'Nort]13"
en le Proctor,
0114 for a f Jt th e 6-vouACI Wiles, Cardiff; Gold- for lodg red tmamgelsl
ali, eve: i tamm of Over 200 feet fr4M the top
w4b A ud ty JAI �Po m riuss, �CN Dr 4 Programme Fwtiirio
litAfe 46p and R.R.91
Speir, R. - ol; for- Teillow 91 of -an ele0tric Un tower
Thle b aunehine I iught out Q. St%rir, 1 rin, %nstr Blenhel 2.5o, pac e. and 2 $X50.00 gels, R. Proctor, R Niebol: for ao� wai.5 killed. It Is believed that mi -1
-Th trot
00604 01" C70 � one of # I � J I
U olms, R.JX $:,)aa* amiefs Speir, �Tol- -40
J. hfasm, J. Broa'Z 6a wais occasioned by an electrib
00 TrAngels
4* Thelo ft WO ory of the s )c e man ft)6ta, JL- -1429 Ir.1 Wiu;f 2.24 Pace and 2. 19 , trot 200. sjmd Son; W. EL Kerr, for best t4hock.
im Of thbw OU well� Eb Ontarlo, o ad, �J� rw. —While codk1W at the k1tebp-1
fly, Ba W ,A :rns R. filban; 2. x6 pAce and 2. i2l trot
Cd*qxM 1were ell ah 9 en N G,
tor ve �Po
tritries close Oct. * 24tbi
caim. ti� (XhIpl-43 we"r ior 0 8 x Jr, R. It. Silban; rush -
W. Arn�strox4g; cattle Ju tawa, set her apron on I
lare Iwo s4pt. ist, i i
W -- --,- - -- , i H ses eligiblc -clothes 'MU&t
I t1da QQSEOD 'IVIM, L. Wow 6. 1W. YuJAI ; - i
dridier sixteen, Thoma Mcl?o-na4 G ed Into the F_treet,� Her�
co there ts M h&�'
...... r dies Free
R' tF- -'It. 8
Admissi Dn, Adults, 2._5c La E. Hooverf Grey, W. Hoaker, QT07, and she :rushed back. Her soresne I -1.
O'S R. 8 woke her busband, who cane Idawn tol 4 tions, acb 03Cb . , 0 horse i i etc. me yulld )R. R.� Sinrie Fare on Railways.
y 'The Late William Vawder find- her tat4ly burned. She 4W at 611
ve or D. �T. P' koey N. Br9derick
After fi' kept UP th interest I qtil golmaglho R. ohoF*tal.
-ea Then, too,. Pieft as Pre5, See, e n -aide rief
in ±e' folc enste ) L a, yed at
W10hw Matdonfs to the udde and- unexpeoted die
time me, R In, R. �Rw TAI mfesIlle.,
usually brisk sellin, eetween M Is =d Qrey
tuig-of-Ifrar A. ew at Th bad a
eee *4 R
Mr. wililam Bawde
store., our stock be cT c nsid. -whiell t ni�uch est. The M 9 0 in markably' zlom caXf from betTW
drea 'ed or, xt, A. 'ruil
Dved the; dt and raith jv,-92ich occurred on. Oct
erably depleted, Ru nok we ris menI b J. W. Livingston; pirbrokler On� Friday, wben he wai�, caught
P1 Hedobo,,, Mrs. Oct tj'b
S., IWt Of thl oChr icken, (R. Saoan,, SetWart;� .6�h. Although Mr. kd
UP) out. Tli f01WwIir16- I H, lk the $battlng. He was pl=Lng 0=1
again loaded ff� ming embroidery, Walaacbalm Mrs.
bem enjoyingI his usual goiA
'R. W In the: differeat A lepart L 'R. McCr4cl0n
t stor Zoellner,l Miss I
oam W. H �ivinjg4on; embroidery,
th b g e on Z corner' 10 for a few days previously, 0,
e the ila� 41st I a is, 04' alsd tall, ao*vt, R.
rw p cident, happened. Baker's cloth!
silk ob drawn work, 19m. Stewart A em- wasi
Brand, New Goods. Eve Ae Sloan, Spidr; any otherl Varlet�r eveb, suspected that anyt orn of t -him ad I'lle 'wa4 ibadly bruised.. brolidery,! eyelet, Mn. Btewarlt,
was wrol�st. On. the rr t
-a tim which canoJ,
—while watching
ppleol Sloa04 Mrs Dlckr�4n tloo he felt better " Vas
parrment is full -J overfl)wlng Tamblym,'; embroidery, shadow.. UL
'kht,-13r Mare , J. IV
Heav rau X. IOaJn; WInEer Pe4m. sion!
f Mi peaTs, R. 6 mbroidery,
h ry man And'boy Strawleb Kre. zoellnee Ra tu.
Betz -'ei tierinj ed he b 117 surned a stable, occas e cc-Adft
a d recovered. In, 1L)IM J ILM
Qav �,�Xlchol ;- J1 rse cdlt,, J. J. "W- I
R. R. 11,40aal Eftar any VAT- cotton able exciternmit In the usday quiet
Oil musltu,. Mrs. F,. Stewart,
our store with a vie w to i I Ki g ovens. rA xe Oolt, johq K400 t Mc!Ura6keo, , 1W. Mrs. M &'DOT" be dkvve from big re-ldetcE 'L town of Boissevaln, Mantbobs, Daniel
-Y 0 1 UMS, Th. lyn; embro, y on -worSted
e, MID a Pur -.hase of sc me hing t( iwea* yegX. oll 1111y; R.; Webb J. iM avlM apd. o1derY on silk,, Mrs. e north end, of the village down 4 04 McAthur, ab eldeirly resident collaps��-
mst fIvp varieties ol'plumB
yeal - 14 d
two Id f9eldft,J. i %4, txansacted. aorne business. He thea
3ave es ow, embioidered
will the eas ta k; th vk;A Jas Mrs. Tar Vblyn eof a pill and fell td.f the street #eaid.-
A tiS G#r ipent rsome time oversEe� work thet
114ir fff y,I Vm. Robb sec E' ea, A. R. lffloa. iD silk, MXS. Zoeliner, Mr.s. Stew t waa a leadbog rriiemlAnt g Kikwa ulllrl.
e v e tr ad to maI e t] le osi
A. Stewart; eal1mg J Arju k judge, omias Curry, BruoFiqls. as beirg done on the lzztreets
sofa plHow, eyelet embroidery, W -le. til a few raonthe two, whelaAhe lremov_�
'W. Robbij�
f t elpfatior' kson Ro()Igi AND
is.; tesm, 1glave son* directions as to
IjOED CROPS. Zoellzer,! Mrs Xulvey # sofa villow'.Bat- i ed to Boiss�valn.
work ishould be done. 'He i�_�eemed q
iowee*ake,� PIckson
tna� Jas. Bur- tenburg, MISS LivInVAon, Mrs. Mulvey -LaA Thursday might Mr. Charles[
a riv! Ear17 tatoes, Gary
livin C Itpr, Brood we, Ta mblyin cheerful and spoke and joked 'wit
BECAUSE, I t Ed. -Krs Coronation braid work, Mrs. I _Chaat, sr., of Walaceburg, took by
$- 19ess ; I Zeo pot- atoes- Gardinlo as wao his wont. �&bout rqfitg men,
We will §how you the' briAtc st A. MC16nald, Jan*s Burgea% Geo. Danish 4ut work, Mrs. Zoell ne In, Mmi. left for home and when %he aM :1 mistake, for ough uWAcine. IL dose
Inerool Nlebc 1,
Thl Olt,
bts reeidence
Cb[apn*n; collection of pota;toes, Vreo. Tahiblym,; ribbon work o lb f carbolic acid, aaA expired bef�re medi.!
e k Miss It W a.
and best assor di sl t .1 A. 1A re colt� J, �McLeod, i. 1.4,. the door., of
Oy. ns, -99art; two year CbAp E. GaTvin,, John � crerarj Stphenson, Livingetion, fourA that the vital ispark �had lea aid rrived, Deceawd was i
D.. McTa, o1q t
Cou ty of Hurou. MUpe pillow, &awn work, Kirs. Tamblyn,iflaq. glare -Mower, 1-1 Years of ege. .A
turmips, R. PoctWr'�
M. 0
... . .. 0 M. gtrao�tun;,$ofa pillow, lboll"Ing clath� Qwaf one of the
S Swede D. It is supposed he was attacked 1by
941diing, c1krneron RTJI� �md utmi ap- iold
old ahy otlier vaeety Of, t P�, alysia on the way, HIS hat kvaz a
Bx�.IUSE one. year e Mrs. Zo lingir wards found on tbe stmeL t?.-- place and ra.-de his ome withbis rwua, Broadfoot and Sdas wx�s., stephen,sonj sofa,
t e-od, J. X Ovens, W.
-W Robb;� one y3ar old
L' Wihael$r atch WorLk, Mm. field rrots, F. IS, -Beott, pillow, pp wn, electric ahgtvt atation
W will show you thq grFepatq McL _Otk
t 9.1c strong Altrinhan� carrots,, Mrs. J. WicIOnnou; &-av M. hill �e_�. to the brWe d It -Bessie May Thoma% Me lourteen,
quatatitl . of en Boy Robb J span, . Dickaon M, Jack -
h, W. K. me
Chapr CCracke t Mrs. zoollner,l A. )ruill; attenbura W?4 r1#tJoA that he F.,eemed to alf old daugftter of 10. B. 4rhamas a.
FishbuM, near
ffe 4 tr 27, d s �r t soul, W. Robb;, sweepA�kesA DIckso I Cloth, M�s. faxrr of
GOO owded buit orle Nante; W-ots, R. NichdIA �M. Me Ink over the aW of �he �bag th
Crack 'V�Wly 'horn Ca 0 Geq.�rye
County o' 'Huron. ICI 4 ack rro nt I Mro, StepberwoyL T m Creek, Albaft, was killed the abow
e"v in th( pot must aye been, almoAst Instsarunt ow%
Judge -john, Droadbam ace, Mrs
k, Par ton A ood bee� mini; h was V141109 to school, When,
Kerr, rnes Evajaws. lorO I
Je wae drivkie b6- favortte 4=0, an dsY- SM
Roadsters.--43rood mar�, . ILLY1
BECAUSE b1pod Ltvkweton; totneriffe lace, R. Wax- stun -&-bled airA threw- her.
haid, ow '10r5e
0. jol ton, W. X* McCtrac�en, am1mal lie I ned for ft �gws;t q�am Y' th
colt, A. Holmes anO se(ond; twa r
crochet work In She
Ick, s. Tatblyn ; . One toot caugbt In the eUrrup.
turnip eets, Evwis, Bros., 'R� Nichol-, W Yews and which be very tht9bly
'his rn.�gnificent 0 ha S be fa� --i old, cotton, s. $tewitrt, Mrs. Z6,elllner� hi, was dragged
W, H0114M4, E; P, um; tier.,
rd ,ar I : �,
a halt mile befery
-buggy -9
old, F. S. Scott Scott' Bro3.; t and the faithful beast conveyed
-fr Is, lo- Crochet si foot -became free. Wb
eleded., om the do0es (of this go!ds, bog red nUWg1*wur isaifely as If The had j6�jlj a
horse, Over 15 1-2 hands high, (n D hum -
rived she
Fler the d& and other countrie hicb ur Is,' and yellow, Stewart crochet work In wopl, Mrs. was dead.
ma -w ze ae, The sbock tj b
Yello rraffwo. o direct Its courf
t OY
ber, N. H
amil on; buggy L -Crackm G. Stephena )n,- A�! Yulli d li MM. "'.-f and faTrAy m&yewily-b-alrs wd Durlinig a, fit of Inaanity, Em, only th bieo�hest st n1lard qUl - 15� 1-2 4amdo btA, G. W.,Xeyee.- John- wlie-
In -,rest ��.Iobe at wolds, W.! H. Up
Itephens n, Ws.
Mulvey; for
chapman.;, white s�gar beets, JameI---1 StePhms ad the shock to the zozrmufiity� w,,e Storey, P_ mident of Tageroll
ds. excel itte's in ese-lines.'; ston$ McLeod; roadfer lteaa Lowe BUT1PeS W. ArrIlatrong
bn'� Miss Livi-ngito% Mrs. on, Sumday b3r cuttlng bIP3 W
ed. Dale; red 6 -lobe man- Mxs. SU wext Me$, Tarnblya,;. ]mit- YearS,
A son, J Johnsto% G, little leas severe. The f uneral Sm- glUlriber of tcx&- -his own IHA 1
afta tir4i I-, Cott 0-! ln,cr and pat-. golds, H. McOrackm. L vim took placo oin Saturday T1 4a
dakes 2; *W. keyes. Wart. knittlog �n WO
swee 9 . -IV BEC', USE 01 rd. Su- He intlicted
Geryke wer'd of a orkr, r4zar. ter. e
wo Y.
lise values n ear Or Sctt �ros. VEGFTABLrS, axt Mrs, Tamlyrkl pir, cimbloni Mrs, alud died In F. fewminutes.' He UISM& we -on Y4
ar bld, ut the e r, th;an
seed, afid 4e -o Ited symptoms of
Weve ri �Red nions fro, M1,;& LIVirwi--ton �edTvw 't -e nature. The reri to have exhibi
I to Ca-ven PA-wbyterian church, of C4
lid for g,�rm e ts of colt, d aa8O4Ran'r;3cotLJ3 :P. sweep- staples a n it ha� ever bee i Zoe ellnee, Miss Strachan A -or Isom
onions, . H. McCracken, -n. %o Ity f time. He was awb=t 4AI
end f
Stake% W. obb. demamid had Wen a lon6 fit
trong; Gla�ht Roceii loniO--13, W. wbisk b�lder,� Mrs� Zoclllaer� bim. S. e and leaves a Widow and
similar qualiVt. W. Ar + he co ag
ock. and valued twmber. Th unty
aC)CM; Onions frOrn tOP1. FettS, Stephvnz�n; foot eitool, Mr--. Ste
Judgm-j. L� Koch, Tavis H. M wart. of Wingam,inknhe grrowm up en� Dit.. Irv;r)UA
CATTL& Mrs. zoollner, mavtle drape, tobs, LIV- -IfTims. Valter ione 161
BECAUSE awmad tons from Dutch 6etts, W county preisent 01 Uoffat�L -near
on- phato of
Guelph, who two ago
jg.--;-1Pb:ree -year! old bull John McUra G, Chapman; potato on, Mrs.
n%qmbers spa officlab of the V]
MU wo Zgellner I U We will give you the best s -.rvic
4arera A 911ne two ye I 03A �tull*, Ions tronov. A, Stewart; et- franw, lire. 4tewact, Mrs. L excitement by mysterlously d1s
and m tory I Scott spPearin6�
arm., peir"!One Ye
-cor McCrack d- - I
ost saiis'fiic i �oun dtocit m-&rched in proc%6--selon
ar old t ull low, a,cor UcCrackeA. R. crochet quilt R. Warwl I from her home there
ut midenee to the church and from
5 0 7, - MX:
ar treat meftt'thapis PDS�ible w 01- Bros. Thomas Miller. D.r Nichol, -i rh4e'F1' t n, G. iChapq�Auu: iirk q� -S amA dth v returned almost a 4uietly as
4ne A qow-. toi the cemetery. The oores
of-gan d an ov�r ye'qk, A
Ch)rqoe I. WW and �W. -.Cracken� . yellow pent Tamb Mrs. Ste*art; cabin, ay. she had appere,
tain from a - we bu;Am�ss Dlac'ez in the town weTe wea aw
R. T. Miller ; fodder c J' quilts, rs. Srtewa�t, Mrs. hird a
caref Lilly maniged �l qe bu -amb&YO; - f don -k -'-tie iroutLqe WOrk, and
t w, uindir four �real d durfn6l the funeral ceremonleev, Titi 0 We P -t
P old G. _fw1cy q Wag fill . ( I
I M re. 1 T mb 7 vo, 4;S X. mployment,
atrA second and third; � two Year Speir, T.� Miller; collectloui of church w h sorro W. Torwd to sw-ek. other e
ness helfeA' James: Spelr,� D. IMIIA e land, 3rd ; Chapri an W. ". MCCimcken riter stra4bap b; knitted � qullt�, ' A. i Y uIll v4uete Ste worked for -two TOnths be-
sympethis pastor, 14 v�
t s.,. � D. cabbak d F. S. Scott G. Chap �4 2�oellnert; M -fore being found. Her hu0and � went
One ye ar old heffer, iS�ot I I CUT- Mrs. Ira nb1l, raJ4 mat, fte.
Afer ed Sai H. we. after ber And ishe returned. lome witN
t JMIL�-te t,,r r. gbarp�wtok chnege -of 'the tPr cee
Mt1ne and 3rd ; bu11 cal, wh b�- �r ewbbage,-G. Ctia St( wa d wollen I k-
e� had on the 1platformirvi
in spec - -calf, James Speir, D. M iline and rd A McQra ur- kV, =4 h
red c0balge, Us. 1 Wart, W. ki. mepracken-,
Sol me him the Epl§copal, and etodlsV dif r-� 101m.
D. 9�eesa, Chapman; Cauliflowr, � GOO. lonitted. tt04 ototkin!P, urg. i Stew- -Dr� Ch IT- Gibb, iveUrinary hexO and'best fernaile, J�mf of the town, ae' _Nfr:
an t Ciba W. H )ra ken; ellow Zo6liner�; knLtw wwUeof and meat and milk'In tor for atJ
M11ni imA 3rd; beist MAer ja, . MeS opeir. ply am, MeC, cken art, V. Spec
ial dem us n0i Fletelher, of Thamev Row; and � R*
f IeIK ]p apfnan, W.
Iseya.-TWo Year 0 b difer, E. 0. Clh
NJ MC:- socks, T. Stewaft, Mrs- Steppeoson sftata�; that the imilk texted in!
hmr. Martin, of London. a formet Pasi- -MOYS,
Of acki c mam.noth pumpkin, W. 11. knitted woollen Tri Mra. Otephen- Wr bmh
Garvin-, W. * Armstrong �rd better tor of te church. Each pne of tb&e, the `StO_v-4 TOW4 t:hlg Ycar h
lar iA 4J.-
waq Wivem & part In it -he sevrice. : F.(V.: up to the standaIrd and a
116.. 'fill calf, W. Armstrong. Chopman; squastio, W. soh, W. 11. M ac' ;'kn'tedrw HdI I h;i le -'r- 14. McOr;acken, JarrRs Speir; 1 ir-Ke Kiloves, W� H Mccrackep, Mit. zoeU4
Mr. Marti,' who hid been -a unit h46 beer� over it. M Wlbo
MW e, 4oseph [Welsh aln;!� end,, Dr. tomato SIN Miss James E vi MG ner; h6oked t, MT8. lstewart,. Menno also stated Mat St. MAry-�F, needed an!
laye, Mal arteT tof
We red t at thero W the church over a qu
f 0�1 oerry, to toes, Miss I C -.lid Jazksoui; best tolleclion of aad,16:10 ars abattoir, where all the t kille4
C ATS Moore.'l UTY. and wbw had OVER
W�ril log. SiteepheneonM h Mr. Bamr-1 for
be a great ., adred 10v&- a. -Milch cow, W. YURI, i J. F., cott but J. Erroad k -a. zoell - St. Mary -s could be dow 1A
beein clo-4-di assosiated wit
coat sold right here, this 4ason, Broadf d Sons, Wm. Bryans;! two foot, Ed Sms'; w Ite bean, E. GaT- Mr, Wo. Tan*lyn-; place, and put In cold storage, unde.4,
hurdid, work
deq in c4 r spoke wott
4; y other variety of Murphy, Samla. tion to the fsorrpwklg� the Bupervlsioa ot a governmiet, In.4
and ave made most ample proa yeSPAr J. Broadfoot aind Sons;i one I vila,' fort and 6tkiola
t r.
n spec Year old, J. Broadfoot ind, Sons. Wrn bewn� E. Garvino 03roafoot & I ixis
Visi for the larg aemand'. 14B ARTS, relative& wA friends d refer
e pbdr,
ste _AleX. OaW
a youre Scot
aag; lonz Malt- feeliniqm terms to it dose I
Brysinsi,and, 3rd; tw e r' . 3 W YU111 Jarneisr, Ev
st—cholcest# b -or 2n 1 olae yeaqr if Pr o fe�- s I on a4l ohokdgrapha,
Youn, 9-eft's Styles, the Con Bx7wrma rer r xnan-, not 1&%fjg out tr= the iWoald owo
9 aO 3id, J. ;ia citron;, 4 W. It. McOracken betw�m the eburch. IL
6at, I ie old st - heJfe-,d ic f J: Bro -Ael
s t adtoot water ons, W, 11% McCracken; !musk- land; anmtOu� photw, Mrs. 'Tamblyzzi. a�7 Who, fjW oMe M(,-
tes� arul vert� " �Cdllared. C amd. - Au-,Ir,9 AN YeaXs. Rev. Air.!:try, =d. =As ; b�md painted' chl;-m, M' d
isons anA seco-.0 aW tbixd; iAeer mplufi 30 BY ns Broa�,. W. H. McQra c1cen ', W. ArrlOtr ind haabeen.eznplo�Abytbe Guell-�hv
es leader. coat W ea le at h` CUttInK Cr and
he d LI-%r1M_,7stoni; ping -10' SharP alsO OPOke Of the 90A a
12r—vvorn higgh ne* ca:lf, Broofoot andhSons' and 2114 cucuTr bers,aG. Chapmafn�. 10. Can IU -f I Mrs. I ect ful work done by Mr. iBawden land hiel co=tiselou, Got )out, th fg�t CO orqwffer� J. :CuT ol h All. ed china, coll Lbll�4gfne,�3s to asAlet in evqry go o4l Iz6, lower beda, Is a tfapff man
rd4j'fW. `Bryalr4t,�' white oqlery, -W. H. MCC -acken Geo. piece *�tu res alls or waterCalc .63" IM -46 W
.6 old
--or turned doWr when nbi t- prian; pink celery, W. H_Mc(',�ack- Of P tu res to; SaturUy he b
not &ily
A� aiwgbUn. Chu caus amd ibis generositY
A the ebirroU but to 1alMintneed. HeOA& p&Wm that bs =*.ht speled
�ud0e-Louts Lapte C9.11; stinflower,' E
1w dscape or'n
toned. Prices me I �arls. S. Liv
scott;:cilectivivof garden pioduad,W. W,
l=aTe,' new-, from
er w hoir readlM6
Vvhwetoa; oil part J'a 0
$7'50. $ 414 lnting,, he wa�j the lomily survIV-1ug inemb home, In ane o
$1 &eken i T. enson, %z_q le for rr a_ the papem be fou�d An advet
and took.
d, w1th blo
Aiged, ram, Oal�der- 01 lie, am al 0 any
'R. J. R. R. Cllom, I rorn to Miller. I wglspres�mt -Ld 1he namg In it,,Iand up64 we
0111 1.1no IMcDon other b! "fouTid that' Isome eld icountrV 13wyt�;
tion of the: Congregatio a;
py' -also ogoill" R. alid� J. :Broadfoot and 1, 1694boC4,
This style for $4- P ODUC S.
Mrs. S�e on waterc
6-hear1ftig ram, R., J.
T nlei, over. thP-
Yujil, . remains werei were tTyiu*,-.
$5 to $7-� On T&M lam] 'R J.. Pander- Turb ��biitter,
b DAIRY R CTI olor, IaC4- been c6astant and faithful ever� ishwe it
u to 2$Certa.4n his whezeat.
homFm=A,,W(JA Wige:o* Mm. -he cerenio,
scape or . I I
R M po ta nd1l boutiT, as he had f va aieir' o ia
JaOkson; otbor viewed by those, desirinig, to Oo,
McDonald and 3rd, eweA; two Arms ra ames Stephenson y watercodor, Ora.
fortume of'$8,000. all
t. K S. J. ed and TVi
tter, Mrs. Sephenson Lvlugshyn; POr
Sul S sheirsi:a6d. over, A. IM6)o ald iind,1214,. table �e air the proewslon, was reform adr Sunday
6)eded to Ole Exeter cemetery, W111' -On 64thrdAY
U W Tsou bl; 6 a A, Yui an& earling iewe, i MCK �M. Jacks" traits, oils )r INY ged on an
j, X. Br Dwin. herem�injs; were laid to r, f orast fires ra4, the
�actory . ceiese,
R, -J. jSandersol ston' Mr.� picturo pick a it'whep you R Mcll�dnald, 1 a0d; 3rd; Edgw the f a.nI I y �burylng Plot! SW Of
it's �asy to r j jrldl F. DuTdle, Bru-saels. Ier 10%1
CD(ynaad And F
-Sepla, I Ink
als' elt ao tal�en pli. Raliaey immense a
see vvhat you I -vent 'I which we see m e*e h r Ing- '41.
Donald,, R. J. sap&r- UFACTUR-ViS. 6y wat Sid; R. -Me TIC MAN Breolotel, lei, LIVU90 KALE Jortun- ri Exeter for a lon ItInne 1�eezmcd, tj mount property and cal
t6ba ebeenpirti� larly. Ste L
av E. Steph
WYR 'Fla*i 4 =4 al6o blaakets, Mtis. of it BONE on 1 So fill t4le I people generally With loss
e IF5,5 Liviuggtomk Wit
ive b�Lve'never w4s.�A. Stephnson took all -th Stew
NDER EAR9, is season, fo. t; y yon 300 perzo�w perlshedin the -flainep�
Wi in strips, ate th . rajifcarp�t, Miss Kell 1 WWI, era ske md IffieY tch; 11
re es is cla4-z or pencil aine $Orrovi a d re��ret a
tb p&i a; Lk Sumd&y - *Orning t -he f im icroqscd IV th a
oick dboosipg DrIz espunj Yarn, Ta
experienced such. terp MTs. Stewart; horr ifested heir Sympathy In mazy wam�
O'� S. W. rs. Zoellner I darn-. G A Deadin-Mri, to Li'vir4919
Tudii ��-L. A. L apien� P I qn; PYTO- Canadla4l iside, and about haAf the, tovm�
kd these ar steel
McCracken,: M
as our customer m a i I Mr. Bawden wa,2� aged �68 lyefv
.1i � PIG -S. 1"91 rq. Zoelnete, Mrt; Stewar�_ ten 1graphy, Mrs. Ste -1ver wae; wiped out Saclud-
eve . I - f I * jE - I - "i
lity which per- o satis ! I Taim. rrjonhti� bu� -b-- was a iremarkabl -ol Rainey R e. ry exibi days. No troubl k0to CarvIng wood,, a are the
BeTksbire.-O .Coan�, A -Orack- 1110to ed In the burned are
+ tyligs, C, li)rs, I �es all 14 boar, J. S. po I of xneple sV6 �, W. H., Mc pre -swerved amd vigorous rna�i for
'0 looker. S1 m 3,le- molasiLnsi, 910an;. J. bl7h-.
-young b Portage i Lur, Rut
loiney, in- 1tomb- G. 1M. d BENVas well'W F DA"jidso,; & R. h frq. A aTr:,. He'*,ag aative of North MAt),Ui uniber Company',s m
-please fhe rnt n and' al� - old i 'v V�.; �,E gax; Oead- Ju jM. Ki;y, Ye 'J'andr = - te to rd ca.1rR' to lumber twdE, cantairin6
4he Flat Side,, ati& combine A. F. Davidsod an A Devomblre,� RW,
man, M'. Armstrong; bo�wy, er; Woiterq �C%nada 118 P-Airents
wain...ainj"Slird. , Al F. 'Davidso-.1 istr�in LGWRF4 A�V �and of', im feet of 1jimb
boys. - i th country w th 4111
s the Best Whak -CIDWan. tA.'. F. W. mbtrong, G. A. Deadman; grape Tab bo ' 911113 -and it bi-, lld.-oi
Zr4 oung sow, J� S. UrqUet mrs. E. membem o4 the family when BiXt-n e burn(A aind score 4-
D-av on. -and 3rd S. CoWarl- wine, R, Warwick W qucl, Wm His father, Mr. I tiu�_
Miss 3 &. ty houses ar.
I dg'e- Prices -in Men's S16is, �er IJ augtVn.; and bou Ic ter
-tWL*- than e -Nichol,,; r;4ubaxV wive J. K. Mee" Mrs. J. iMc- Colle years. of aike. FireN Is r
t Id boar, R. Ar avg., MLS3 Y Bawden, like many of th-e ?pioneer )---at- of Perr fare bomeloss
oo�6- as f= as tan be
t jan�es� pelr; Ximion p! stmwberry wine, MTS. W. W11- 0$15 11yor' ohlre-_o 110 �Ierg, iMtv, In the
F-5 YOU013 boar, R. Nichal, Kell Krs,� SeJar's A re of these was pot
k. wise; is Igo as,- aloxw e eouth bank Of '-,R
WHO KNOW + P�ices n ]4oys, 8i it3 sow, Nichol ond t2, r3oww bee, ttomato wlne(�xil older- Pansis, MrsL Wilbee,, James',' Evas; seased of much 0 this wmld
pn, carve out Q eir -Jobo ter, pro-vinew L14i d 3rd be Rm. Wlibee q Howard Run
,--r B-,.ias. Filled COf- 0 Spe ry wine, J K.- i4llox drorr;mOndI, James E I at4 his- sons bad to
0 $7-50- R: ntchc am tomal 0 4ca. sup, on
zi, - W Armstr fixture f urainee,
K Bros�; own or: t helwelves. Mr. Bi W 0
Womall E, B03lars jqlly, k"W. A-TnistirCM4 Sella", I a faTm laba er. of pneurnonle,
Ile added to a a ih.-Old baT. r�lcot IBros.�t Kelly; stocks, M��_.. den commenced lito se 0 laat week
b ar, W. T. GiLeYe,0' 6114 ative abq,
-hubarb 5elly, 14., Yui% 11ros.; petunlas Illness, _H� was '72
UN AR *sns os.; i Se but hip Indastq! land in Iy ter a, W4
t will appreciate tha--- DE U FWO --)ed -
p os. rarspborry Jelly, ;James cea., wa
G,-Ien an, 3rd AiraptripnA laro; dimtbtis, J�rrie 'EvAnss. on' brouuht bi 0 �e front He of age.! D, prontaent.
h for M 3" NX8. E. sellairisl k, jelly fir m, anT s bo*
I*nt S'eam shriakable. fta'liouig sow, W. T� 4_1evqW--,ArM- E 1$ros, baJsamv, W Armstromyn t fn�Z Ontario for U=y yearft;;. He wa
Siaufie* d's, �� r,bbed, frut t, A; Y waN'a, shrewd, far Seeinig jbuslne;�
s Od WeWkt, wo ladiol plkes �.W. in Speculation and,, as irr Ireland
m ol. strong z nd Srd; t](POg =4 zraduated from
best �pen, R. '�ilchol� otlaeIr
lexible and unbreak* Penma ome ma&- bread Ito,, J. [Ed6xar, Z� James -to Univ ersityT In, 1861. - H
Grieve.: b a, Evans Bros.;.. en successful.
And all J` S_ i Cc wan 1, r. I i moz always
Tarn' fl )0 ; , 1 , . e made (1aread, ?dd that everything 3B teAchino prferzslon and was t whalehone. u0el,Y. d.. Tue J trong; bo Evans W. Alrmatr 94 Vlox�, en' tou 3ed
VroW.�, and also buiiqo J. W.' Edga, Miss Ur-, ;ao ferent timeg bead of schools 'At W
the hio8e gzwd., are Y, iM"
Sella -r cockiscom�b* t imed bito moneY. But,
ia e FO
11 --ave it in r t Goo Kerr; tea bh�ults,_ R. Warwick, W" 'A ]Ekos, Ma�S- doubt ho had hIst ups Owns 13 Me ville, DUMIR and St- 47111th9rines- a, r
dep othpble. Prid per g armen tro, rgg
end D&rk ahh.as, -Car tr barred w�
Bias Corset� U!zPPtron1x,' fralt cake, W. Arm -q turtluins, W. A tr M Seliaro; noit other people. �Cff late yeare, in he waP3 principal. of the Provincial TT
white WoM:-4, D.
rocks., J me$ Spe jelly cako, J. W. iwet pm E01nd a Bran ord. r41-4
stron:,1, 'Mrs Selaim M K EV is Witute for the t tf
�0�tb $2. browni 13MOX d)T. ipezy� wift Mr. A. M:cDonnel, of 30-
50. 1 Lowery 3rd,' J. cakesr ttaive Orn e �e r, e had been em!gaiged IT� mp4rt-
e jR. IVarwick; o4traeal I �'Ment4, 8603 wad alsl oe- b4zining to -accept t1w, osition beJ it
legrhorns W Lon9, It1dadiff J. McKinnon f dhorti Idow
R� wick, Mr en t al fruitsi R. WAT*IcN;, ro-Ok Ii *I A-Allious -from the old coun4ry'. ulatildeath. He 4me-%a* a
S1 and black.
Women -1 keen
-Knitted. Coatsfor silver e0aoded brai Miss M. Sfr4cha.% E. Dir �r viarlett of �)Ut fintly. I -11g eldest
sets frolm -k Miss I - son Ge6rzao
celly I ax Othe I i, thim e7iterprise they ha -
t 4
car nd �md,,Srd,; son;'-b6llection of carued, fruitIs, Vro. door -5 F toi W 'Oh-lef Justice of
50C and ch ldren Pr c . � ;; - - r rk 1-y rzuccessful and did much
and, Red:sit
Ai. A �Y nl best alt with
I Lowe, novel
aniu Arnx5m
5 bat fy and ftd�. R �ur�le, B ru-sls of 11best
L0% I ( o I== of Ex4terl 24 houi--4 of tbxee
polandAl W.. Clu ter�, i h e LA Oral y, Ivo the stock Of horses In thlbi; -The "th, occuTred at Q
to $5 WPya;ns 03rW.,, npro
50c,i 1 1 , 19�er Ong- Ift. count He bid,been -reeve
Evans �� I
Corsets frOm,� W. o C4!r r 2rul; houf3ans, W. airterta,14 Dimald;..p on��ao, miss; Imes and a few Years a0d �mort' ted' eltizttm -2 11
oz 6, -1 om 3rdo; lork1h9si: (W. LeA a
to the 2nd ad S W jrximbers pee r4ureh. F�m
�ADI�E 3� ORK. MC Keur,l se t W90 -hubly T -es
Gloves f ty out of Mnax
Evans Brals.; ix�l x1nialT, Jas. by the county cU,' dev
Eiribroldered te� os�!ln Pk,111ils. 10 7ao 14 PPO
Ja0gelaTis, G. ChapT=4 white wyan-
'the as, W. 11 -Mc Fie 0 t -b sessment fcls f,.TII1y, a(ged 83, 'a -ed 'farmer,
finest i I e s s. I t4
dab cC�acke% )r aq- r- the vieftilty a nun,,�-
coarsest to dotter, and i-dy t Ong Stepi #Ason, M133;. Livingston.
Meadows of! folla�Xe plant� cted by' wb6 bae lived In
e- zoe114 Kelvey; calle He
Ct the aa Qso sele
Prices. 2nd uTkey8, A. yallit,Veese, W.,Car-
red cosy., eyelet" Mirsi
Misis KeUY4 lie Rallway to value Ver -of years�, parsEed a;wJy -1-Saturday
lectloon, Of the adian
SO C01
j6cks� Q.`C�ap- ner 4_ U 11; eInbroidered teg. clot4 Mrh ay laitd% the a Afternoon, after a lIngerbig IlLnss. He W. Armstrong; t I VM5 tb- uffbout t] m
$3 ter, G, Ch pmap; WIF J on
slIXIS-Mrs. tewart,i' Mkik Zoel
W.1 Lou& well k1lown Zo
bro tea cloth catto, 'Mr�. Zod- 1--k J. FT Cameron, 1pr �hd Goderich 'branch of. that rally 'Very ussap I i 0i
r. , Caten W. Long; iany 11otheirt lle'WRICinOt, however, bi any Be-IS4, ID courtryzide and laghlY, Tespect-el.
ner Mrm Mulvey; embroldexed tray G ULDUR410 COM
re paz
't�reed'of -fowl, W. lCatter - a6d sec6nd;i th "�ETITICIX the term a eeek�er at M p osl- I The
sflli� Mrs.: Zoellner, Mliss -v- Boy �s W. I Arrn4ronlgl, a. tqr pub. s�d'away SudaY mornhiis � �t
p1geon, W. Long,,'F, ood, W.!,_,CaTer:j! CIO
b6- Sklence, C�,Ineron Paul* -
In M% 70d
nstan; em t. on, -but when.blas k broldere tray cloth, cot -Warm lek., R. MenzIes '91rIffs, P�n=
rbbbitg, �W. Long 1 h1be la
i c C t . te gii�
I ed& were sought In s� pub -11 wn, seat6rtb. ton, I fts. Stephenson�, Atm. ZW10kir A ship4 A! Deadnioa. R. Geddesilf'. Uar- T Judge- -J. L. ro
lie 1seemed to feel It We duty to'Y McLellan waa barn In Scotiazid, 'a%d
embirldered tab�lf, mqtre ptec 6414. tin; 0 WCA ds, R_
g� riah nee "Ion -of IS COmmon, i
-LRI.A GES, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Wa:rvrj* , z countO, 40 yeW5,
I i WS'L Eltewatt, A. YufAl e .0
ices for ButtelT weedo,
Highest Pr ffirwick. and caret eVhirty $rears
Ar t the. public demand. He wa�_: iebr.3w4 had,, lived In, tbl.
-offlered- Co
�nd r�ze covered buggy, D. Ewan., tabl�[ �entre 'Plebeo cottoa,� Mra R. N!i arwick ul In baslues1g, dTICt1Y a0m eettliV
Id im- 011-0 otTo lie rnoved to Galt. wl re ........ en- oraW fia 611 IA -s dealIT49s ill
S t, Ite
Cla se - =4 second -unostentatious way was Jff re ig One so
1�ate. A.1 GI
Jair, . D. Ewan and second_i Px rierl 1, Vai embroidered Wile WO, rmis; i i xture sit ud, �4 tbaxk acjo� the n, Mayor meLelwL We
tre b and a of trfie49- ff. -IArm�trontj�, �F
I0e -tinig � cloth, Miss Ll#ng-
Hun�phrles, Walton. t- o those -,who required assistance t of death lazo occurred on R V.. 7 stonj Krs. Zoll6r�, embro m6un R I I � S a
k ffid Iffe -w&s
L M In every oonse 101gi after
T1%0 I- :t off
%-Y.E i -Irl �&ru_p In4= W it, Id
3111b t� sP1**A_L IZES. r a worffiy apd: xpeful P-ItI26 P=,k 110991 la her year -R.
te�.fa whe4it, J. nroadfoo,6 lmd Stepli on; le oldlury, h e
Mrs the wife
b to e �IeTwail hi5 sbaie toWards build;,, wao Of the 30OWA PC
06his 34. Purge -m J. W. Edgar;' red warl e '7%albr OM14 b
emd wood
X. J Q#lAry no J. W..
:F0 1; MOA" 4 tip tbl# -COU44ry, e1sp
J. wj zdo�w, zoeu
f L .
d L