The Huron Expositor, 1910-09-30, Page 1; iwrIMBEk 4-1U 441 Tr nownws7smilawiment or and 24th AV DAYS. Autu Beat* esence .tqfottig. Th Sea4ofth Show. *19ae anew 1 lair under the auspicee the eafort elegrietaltural Society, a. :aor .s, zldar a_ iftast week, twa wee f. the •most su, aessehl ever tythe ew ety. The ,Seeforth show i -growing b ger and .better every year giving pr le of etertly being 'leading ,Ji the ;distrietla every 'branch, wi It the eieCeption, of fruit, the indoor1ty wase larger- than 'pre - was wily the shortage in the 'failure of Aber • apple revmtetithe hall • from be- d wi exhibits, and be.. ,ear, should the • fin ty I permit, they !should, put to fthe bd,1gMng more to display the exhibits, and comfortable acceenodati tors. It is.rtemeceessadYIto .mention ef the eXhibito rent classes,ealthohigh just - stsznov.) on (splay portraying the style cop. rect47ess for which this store Is noted. a910 with a 4pendid exhbit se of the beautiful—One that wins 'Eon that will be useful to you as thd central attraction. We will not in ar ribe them, but instead-, Ispection is Desired, abla. n Our Garments YOUR PLEASURR. r910, Gathering aith ts signal. success. dren's Ciarme Skirts Fur Tre Sit, _examine shown, try about the know why we deserve 7.0016' 1 o E are now Iocatecl in th Jarge corner -store recently va- cated by W. Pickard & Son, and wish to announce to all the people that .our present stock and premises offer p-, portu ities and -'advantages for b ying en's and 13eiLys' Cloth ng surpa.ssingnythog ever presented in the To-wn of S a4.o r th. Every one know the splendid accommo- dation this building affords in th4e, matte of room, con- venient 1 cati and amply lightcl— 11 t e e 4dvantages for placin at our disposal magrnifice t s k cf clothing for men ad biys, the equal of which is ot to be found 'within th se s vzral counties round about. Cop* ettoose your Clot mg and Fur from a stock whi ALL NSW. en's Suits The largest assortment ver sh the most dependable sor Prices 7. en's °Overcoa'ps All the new styles, also the m • for all classes and sizes:of men h favor this seaS d Suits diagonal effects are dee' Ec richer color tones than ours fancy dress goods have been hey will win your admiration. 5 e Lengths from us and:par py- would if cut from the web.. to enhance the beauty of re undoubtedly ornate and Fly so at the prices we ask.'_ Eggs Wanted Prices 1 n "in *aforth of 3 Oto 18.00 • 'e moderate deSi s iSuits and Ov r,c.oAts- - 'Hundreds of differenct s4rles t� choose fr m - size made by the nrianuf4ctu erg, Prics b.00 to 10. 18.Q — Underwear ns ev ry The makers of the Hi hest Gra4e U Canada and Europe are all represented stock Ilats, Caps, Etc. New Fall Stock J all a inspection rived Prices rid o n erwear in in our latg ene for y 2 Realvy Sox Boys' Wpkin Knit Coats; Etc. ' Highest Prices for 13 ttr a GREIG C ur vlOnslY. It trait, due t crop, that ing too tore anoth of the soci ait additiorn. (4/Partway provide mo or the make .spec in the diff tiee would not he done it we idld not sPeeiallY M tion the flower exhibit. re was this year a most ;beautiful and varied dplay of flowers, one th t could not b surpalsee•d any place., AJfr other pleae14ii feature was the increa ed (member ct displaYemade by the {bueI- mezi. jmong those who had epeciI displays of Is nature were Clheeney chiba1d, 4. A. Sills. Stewart Br M. Diode/41k, James Graves, and NYfr. Wileh, of lichen. t Mr. ,Cuttis, prin- cipal of th publicesehool. had , aloe an, Interest display of minerals and nature etu. stebedets. Friday was none to aus- picioue look . Early' a light rain int in and for t ett the the weather was threat 1 , but this; did !not pre vent an u ually iaege attendance Iallger thell 1 a -nuniber of years. th !gate recelpi ammentheg to over $60 And the b t j�f all, every (person .seem ed pleesed . I h the show. In the horse ip and cattle e arttnents the exhibit waS above •ehe , v rage, both as to mumber and quality. Particularly was this b- in. honsee, d different ones were glee to rernaek t the horse show was a, head t t at Torento when, qualiti Is c de ze . The other departments were quallt• up to the standard. • In itl. to , the regular show. in terest was kept tuel by well contester' horOe ra.c foot races and a bicyc'e race, ic du e the afternoon was f•ed by th Broth:age:in bend. The f llow is a, let of the win ners the different races: Half mile :bicycle r ce-Ru....*ell Hays W. G ttsch ki Bert Hart. . . , 100 y race -N McDougall, John Dick Half mile foe, N Mc -Road Black Bob Mac, Teddy Mac foot..rope aee F. Sm . 1.th, W. 25 r, T. Merdoch 2 1 1 a T. Coulter 1 2 2 eo. McCartney 3 '• 4 3 Re -molds 3. a 4 The ,Kxi, G. Jeitt •• S 5. 5 , .2.40., Trot. , Beene 0 36, J. Belli-ol4s1 1 t - PeggyL. . une 3 ";2 Miss lira ter, J. Troyer a 3 ' , The folio is a. .11st of the win ners 14i. the efilgotil.rEapsr!ze 11..et : Rs1 ral • ., ..--I3rood mare wit fneeaary.,ea., Dale, .A. Elecat ; foaI, A Elcoat ; three year ole, Charles RileY tIrloz # , team, John J. Flannery 'year o A. Carter. Jamea O'Suili v John Lane weepetakes, John J. Flan old, jihaneu.lte: 0: a. -Foal, John MeGavl and secoad, a eo. Date 3th rd ; Thee Veer . Geo. C: Dale, • 0 Crawford; t' o year old, A. McKm.zle. L. FOrtune, . Be Arehibald ; one year old, R. Bir. ell, R Monk and thfrd • team, •James arton. Wm. Rogers!. M. Jaelcson; sw!aps akes, Jas. Hamilton. Heeiry Dra ht. -Brood mare anal foal Geo. nee", .1 McGavin and thtrd; toe",• .3. 1,1 MIcha.el. J. ShipleY; three( Year , . • e • . Moir. a is: Nietholee W. A.- Mo mzie two year okl, D. J. 'O'- Reilly W. A. McKenzie, Jae. Nicholls; one y ax• old; Jas. Nichols, Robt. toile; team, James COlutisill, JatrieS Scott ; weeI.:takes, •iecl B nle e M. J keret; for b t hea Mich •.R ters. $. F ythe, °ILee7vjgtait ; ampall old, Yharear Dale; esingle , Geo. ArtMh°eIrCceearrill; taL"faraoldeala:t.-'s quair W. M T. N. Fersyt gome ; one Pair ea carrSeeb geh Br ot W. . Jamie Newnan., a. Donne . • .SHEEP Shtropshiredowne.-A. Dunkin topk afl the prizes in, this- cass. • Linecens.-Aged ram ehearling rani, ram lamb, and -ewe having raised lam in 910, Geo. Penhale, Snowden Broe ; she ling ewe and, ew lamb,. G. 'Pe i. hal and second ; ew Pstekes, Pe0r14 e. • Lelcesterse-Shearli. ram, ram lam • ewe lamb, .4.. Elea: ; sheareing law D. McLaren and eec. 1 I at Sheep, -Fat ewe G. Peahale ten PI Yorkshire.-Eaw lit ed 191 Snowden Brae. Tamworthe-eTwo.'y old hoar, b.. year old hoar end• boa, Dou last and Son, S:.eelen • two le old sow, one yea.. old • ,dnd • yo saw, DoLlgila0 .r.-14 "and_ second f3weepOtakes, Douelas •• Son. B,erkshire.-Two year old boar, Sow den Bros. ; one 'year boar, IA4 Clark; Young boar, two year • ld sow and on year old sow,',Snoved Bros. end ,sec--. end ; yqeng sow, M. ;Clark, Setowd Bele. ; sweePstaltes, M. Clark. Bum Ilos.-Three b con hogs,Doug las! and Son.. L e POULTR • Brahma cock, W. Ca ter; e,ocieere J. S. Howrie, J. Battl ; hea, W, Oar ter, P. Daley and Son pullet. W. tear ter, P. Deleer and Son. erred Rock , C. Hole -vein.; cockerel, J. W. Orteve P. Daley' and Son; hen, 0. iMar,shall, W. OrtWebn.; pullet, 3. W. Ortwein, Daley tava San. :White Rock cock, au hen., 3. Worntwein ; oekerel and pul let. J. et-Ortwein, eq—Marshall Beef Co bin cockerel d hen, 3. Pat tier and Isecend ; Lamp " an cock an j. S.• Hoverie ; 5.0. Paorldn4 eoe J. Dattl r, .cockereie J. S. Ilowrie ; J. Batt). r and aecoid A. 0. V. Gam' cock, P. Daley and ; A. V. Game Bantam cek. and hen, W. Carter, anY variety Cochin. Banta cock and hen, clutturrit at Sons ; cock rel, 3, Battler, Sons ; pull t,.. J. Battier, Chiff # Sons; any • ther variety of Bantam cotk and hen W. Carter and second; S. Ilemberes ceck, cockerel and en W. Carter .1 # let, . tolIery, W. e:rtesre;eciPtic; Ham u is cock, cocker 1, hen. and pel- leta arter and seca 4; B. Ham- buega c ckerel, hen: el pullet, W. Carter a second; Ho den cock, cock- erel aedij h first and pullet first and secemel; Oland cocker 1, W. Carter, J. Battler; hen, W. Car er and secentb pullet Carter, J. tattier ; Buff Or.- phington' cock and he #, J. leattler ertweeell; t. lull dLi 1 eel].) otp, cockerel end, pullet, J. Howrie ; ,A40. V. Orphiseetan cock, Dem:arra:he:II ;cocb.e.ak- r:alf,c13°'e' S. 0, cock, cockerel, rran e and eeconde - d :,-Son and second ; White Legho n, le C., - cock and hen, let Carter; rown Leghorn, cock, 3. S. ilowrie, J. Batt) re cock- • erel, J. 8. Howrie, P. Is - and Son; hen, J. S. owrie,, P I - and Son; pullet, J. attler, J. clalusien. c ck, cockere he 71111de ; Anpul- let, J. S. Howrie, J. ttle ; Bl.ack Spanish cock, J. Battl r, J. ., Hovirle; • eockerel, Battler; h . e;r1 pullet, J. S. Flawrie,1 3. Battler; Mieorca cock, J. Battler cockerel, Ire. Howrie, 0. Fell; hen, J. Battler, rs. Howrie ; pul- let. D. Pell and sec. ; S, L.• (Wyan- dotte cock, J. W. Ort Pr.y08:lesoyagG; Pon; cockerel, 3. W. a,. twein aind eec. end; hen, W. Carter, 'pullet, P. Daley /4u1, Wyazelotte cock Battler cockerel, J. Ortwe hen, 3. W. Oriweln.• let, J. W. OrtOein, P. Wyaridotte cock, cock let, P. Daley and Son ;Wyandotte . cock and wein.; cockerel and Red Caps; cock. cock let, 3. Battler; R. I. cockerel, F. Fowler; ler, F. B.obithson ; Br hen, Daugles and keye, young- tOm and Concord, A. Elcoat, Crich. • Peaches. -Late Crawford, JeloGrleve; en. other variety, W. McK-enzie. • • lums.-Coe's Golden Then), W. H Cr cken; Washington, W. H. Iticerack.- en., A. Elcoat ; 'Orleans. W. H. McOrael - en- „Imperial Gage, A. Eleoat ; Manes Pu le, Mrs. Bullard; Lombards. . rI ve, W. H. MeCrackea; Abu:wawa Po 's Seedling and Grand Duke, R McCracken; German Prone, W. E c a J. 'Grieve ; Bradshaw,. J. Go e 1 ck, W H. McCracken; Retitle Clan Elcoat ; any other variety, W. pracken. GARDEN VEGETABLES. tnpire State potatoes, G. E. Crese- w 11; Beauty of Hebron. and Ear Bu pee potatoes, W. H. McCr.acket; an oth r parlety of early potatetee, C. Ho be ; any other varletY late pota . Joynt ; any neve variety, E. Oa's4, W. II. McCeacken ; winter cabbage, Holbeka, J. Stafford; fall cabbage, Ho bein, R. Winter; red cabbage, Ho beim., W. H.- McCracken; Savoy ca b e, C. Holbein, W. H. McCracken; cau iflower, J. Stafford, F., Robins ;1 tab e carrots, D. Fotheringham, jsabe1- la ott; long table carrot, and long h1.6. beets, W. II. McCrackea : turnip bl • te beets, W. IL McCracken, a II bei ; parsnips, W. II. McCracken, Hol elm.; tsweet table corn, J. a. Cheta- ne W. McKenzie;. ain-y variety corn, otheringham ; celery, W. H. MO - (Ica ken, 'CS Holbein ; tomatoes, D. Poth- er ',tam, C. Ilolbein; red onions, W. IT Me eeken.; white or Yellow onkols, W. • oCracken, G. Holbein; *Idling on- .1101bein ; pumpkins, W- jec- •K zie ; water melons, C. 1101bein, W. Alt ens ; musk, melons, -C. Holbeize W. H. McCracken; citrons, McKenzie, C, olbein; vegetable marrow and table squ sh, W. tecKenzle, W. H. McCradk- en. ; Hubbard equash, W. a McCracken ; eon etion of vegetabees, C. Holbein. 4 FIELD ROOTS. •L ng red mangolds and globe man - Igo , W. H. McCracken; Intermediate rem olds, WL H. McCra,cken, R. Char- ter & Sons; Swede turnips, ;0... Bois bet . W. R. ; onions, W. E. Mc - Cr ken., C. liolbein ; flekl cora, 11 F heriTiOalri; pumpkin, W. Mc- Cra ken; squash, W. H. McCracken, C. Ho' ein; auger beets, E. Case, A. P. J t white or yellow carrots, A. E".. - cos. , W. McCracken. DAIRY PRODUCTS. 2 lbs. butter in eel:10k or (tub, 3, K. W-; 5 lbs4 table butter,TJ W. (Cur - tie. Mrs. Bullard; cheese, private =de, J. Wise home mide bread, R; Char- ter and ions ; P. Cleary, Geo. Aber - her • j2akers' bread, Ca,rdno Bros., Jas. C •; honeY eornb, Wm. 11a,rtry ; h eY jar, W. Hartry, C. Holbeine coll Won. home made wires, W. II. M acken; collection honey, Wialem 11. ry, HISbein: collection canned fri t, C. Holbein, W. IL McCracken; Mil . Carnpsiirr special for bt home e bread, R. Charters & Sone. MANUFACTURES. actory blamkets, Chesney, R Charters and Sone; stogie harnese, an alsO double *team harness, M. Broderick: collection of musical instruments, W. J. Trelsle, FINE ARMS. P tins In. Oil. -Landscape or mar - toe Mrs. R. Stephenson, Miss Rogers ; 110 era or fruit, Mr.s. R. Stepheaeo* M Livingstone ; entree/ MiseTol- ton. Mrs. Stephen:am ; portrait or fig- ure 'Mies Tolton, Miss B. Morson, atercolors.-Laadecepe or marine, M Iloverle, Mrs. A. S. McLean; flow- er fruit, Mese laniard, Mies B. J. NW: .Ortwein :1 ere lo eL. net', ., Battler ; -be Miss Tanen. el' lieneear:BPertili..: De a daawheg, Wee Rogers, 311 lelv- He is Alm ico)y a marvel. , crayon, Mrs StePhenson, Miss Rogers; Mi --`8 'reees-erlteadaYleefall are oaPs.eid t Western, Provinces, at the ege of and second I 't M ; animal life. Miss Tcaton, ;110.bein; Pul- 1 Livingstone ; portrait or figure, D. emallest (Cl recced. Robinson; GI. L. Be y, Mrs. A. S. McLean; drawing' in -sir Mackenzie Bowen iS ,touritnT • W. Oita tone ; _collection of photos, HO:- _Hon. ;Goo. H. Foster aoa retutipea 1, h end put- . .. I uchslas, Dr. Scott ; flowerine' be- ing an active part In the ortheoraing- ; A. b. T. veer of- nias, W. Hartry ; double igeran- -a,The assessment of the city ,of To- Stepheneon ; tea cloth, lace work, Mies Fisher, Miss Livingstone; 'heed made woollen 'gloves, Mies Fle,hete W. H. Me - i Cracken; hand. made fan. y handker- chiefs, Mre. Howrie, Miss cam.; head teat, Mies Fisher, Mrs. S .yth ; fancy imitting, Mrs. Stephenson, --,Mrs. Smyth: Batteaburg lace, Mrs. Smyth, J. G. Chesney; Brazilian Point lace, Mrs Eowrie : Duchess late Mrs myth, Mies , , 1.31vingetone ; honiton or int la.ce Mrs. Smyth, Mre. Steph .eae. ; teneriffe lace, Mre. Smyth ;I laendr bag Miss Fie -her. Mrs, Stephenso,n ; ' ookea rag mat, James Archibald; ho mat, Miss Tolton e fancy tablekedmat, wIti:e°:•.:.1 Ilowrie; Mise Sclater; hand made wool- len mitts, men, Mrs. Stephe. one W. H. McCracken; hand made veoollen mitts, cleay; net- s Fisher ; srim1;;;;pa; nizatinrutei embi-rtacheltrto.4Zdarr Miedoi.dnieMnbebtwedetrhtelen:meil:lentrIT s, Noes TO .. 'day a last week. ,e;eueliese-4°311 1dispoee-Mr* oNi hiBi C°bultsshians adieltecirdell al'adt°- go west. He will sett:e in eithern l' egary or Edmonton, -Rev. Father Ronan has' been rem ea from Logan and Mitchell parishee $t. MarYs, and is eucceeded by Father Kelly, of St. Marys. -James S. Aitcheson, ot Downie, had his back broken. a Morith alga threshing, died recently' in the fowl hospital. He was 61 years of ego and is survived by two sons and lene dauglater. ....--A serious accident eceurred Ketersoa Park, Mitchell, on. Wedr of laet week. While watching races, Mr. W. P. Staten of Fullart In the pickets, ea that he fell ea Ms :laial b.atek7sarels_ from a fence on. wh ch he was standing ard his feet caught head, producing eollellI011 of. - -4•'• -At the 2hure of Mr. and Mr-. ward CubboneSt. Marys, on Tue.-A September 20th., the marriage of ti rd:genzuliteter, Carrie, wet Mr. Chas. - of a number of relatives end intimate event, of , Toronto, was eolemnized. by Rev. D. NL McCames, in. the present); -While -.cutting *wood wtill a 'dr - tiller saw for a etee,ra thresher, ',am unc farm of Mr. J. W. McGinnis. Loewe:6 °Porda,Weieda, 0e2d1'. KaYinkeorf aletmelvteewikithMr.len acW-. , eident that will --Akely cost hire ' 11,fet While etooping, the bead of the untortunate man tame In contact with, the SAW, Whieb. nearly cut off the top of his head. 1 i -On Tuesday afternoon of last week, es lire. john Britton, an aged Ilibhert lady, was driving itto Mitchell, eledi Nthsraae ttprzeproalhedingatthteheenveoriseheaard riglip_e, proaching train and upset the carriage. Ahrowing liee. Britton Into the deep 'ditch. She eustained a broken shoulder blade and a broken rib, besidee a deep gash in the head. and A bad shalting un- -Mre. Balmier, one of the arl7 settlers. of Logan, passed aw y on. ITeleWeeday ot last week at the age la ninety years. Her tesband died a twenty Yea•rs agos la .she i& sun -- by a. family of tet.i sOrz and daaegthtere, viz, Georgee on the ' stead.; August, In Str.siford; Henry, . Ohio; Charles, In Indiana; Mrx Fred Wasman, Bredhagens and Mrs. 'Chas. Querenge-sser, in. the West. -Mr. Edward Seehath, of Mitehall, met with a bad aeckleat on WedneS- du" of 1S.st week. He wee drilling for water on. the farm et Mr. (Cha. eluilatz, Logan, and when sharpeoing. a drill, an explosion took place in the coal fires blowing away part et , a finger a. -thumb, cuttieg the azter7 0; 4 -110 -ter finger and tearing a . hole through/ the palm of the hand. It is thoublt that a. stick of -dynamite had been sect- - dentalay placed in the eoale .... ' -At a special zetetbig of the Strretford -city council on Friday morning, the:a- greement between the city -and Stratford Railway Company foe an ectric street oar system in Stratford. with a radial line to Grand 13ead. Wae Difilegi-nalliandand Cit- ye'relereitignedLang.-Y.Arate Wad- dell, representing the Promoters, stated that the Toad would certainly' he btheellthyw_litahlwii, the time limit speeltleditlY. , -Mavaret Osborne, widow of the late Richard Ntinkintlm, aled it her home In Mitchell on Monday. of Cast week. At .the time of her death She was in her 68th year. Ole had" -been 't a resident .. of Mitchell for a nuraba.! of years, moving from the farm On tne 13th conteseloa of Laegata shortly af ter her husband died. Deceased hadlno. riivieeniely1 ccoytIlebeesrsionaerelie, ,buLtvgisan,suravudived3 '0.7 two adopted daughters, : Mrs. Noah Part - Wm. ' Code, Mitchell.„ r John. ELIO, a high:7 es ed well known resident of Stela- y Passed away on Tuesday morning lei last week. Although he had been 1 Ill health for a ntimber ef years past incident to the infirmities of Old age. his demise. was quite unexpected; ' on Monday -he was able to be out of •the house, in his usual health. He wasilbOrrs in Weston, ewer Toronto, 79 years itgee . and had lived in St. Marys fori 29f/ears.' He leaves three eons and three daugh- 'teres Women, Miss; Fisher, Mise Mg', Miss Livingstane, Mi patch work and Talley hand el, Mise Tolteae Miss Fie frame, Miss. Livingetone, drawn pillow shams, Miss roidered pillow shams, n, Mrs. Sraerth; fancy Mies-- McKay, Mies Livinget bag; Miss Talton, Miss Firelev; wood pyrography, Miss Rogers, . Berry; crazy quilt, Mrs. Smyth, Mts. Stephen. - son; patched cotton quilt, Mise Me - Kay', Mrs. Smyth; pieced woollen q411t, Mrs. Smyth, W. H. MeCra ken; eilk or velvet -quilt\ Mrs. Smyth Mrs, How- ; enY otheie quilt, olton, R. s , Toltoe; hawl, Mrs. an's floe stone. bliss made' shirt, hir t wale t, shopping- irs. Omyth ; slip- ivingstone, Miss Mrs, tephensone red • ofa pillow, Stephenson: eofa Tame Archibald, ted eofa pillow, pillow. any otb- 11. hand. x, MAT. SmYth, made wornan's s W. Fisher, Miss, Liv - toilet mats, an; tray her. Mrs. eamesseemessematea McLEAN BROS. Puh1isher4 $1 a Year ile etoveence Lieutenant Rol Morris Gzoevekl of e.he Queen's Own Rifles, who accompanIed the regiment to England a month igo to take part in the army manoeuvres. typhoid and pneumonia, which was e- n - Death rezulted from a Oomplicationet treated eoeir after the regiment la w. Eight officers fell 1.1 about the time, the result, it is 1-.11.eved, of ing impure food in Quebec, and a gloom was coat over tbe at the commencereent. BY the -cleat. f the young officer the trip which prem- ised so much pleasure and glory lior the participants hes. been given its niate of sadness. The other eick officers, adding Lieut. R. Pellatt, sou of Pellett, are ;still verY sick Aldershot and London hespitale. Perth Items les inter jr.; fire scree , MI Ws. Smyth; lady's 01 Smyth, Mrs.- Stephene n: hand made shirt, Mies iv n Fisher; Met; e0arse /41iss, Tolten; embaold red Mirs. Ilowrie, Mies F ;she bag, Mrs. Stephenson, ears, home made, Mies Fisher ; slumber robe, Mee. Smyth; .ereibroid Min Livingstone, Mrs. pillow, needle work, Mies Lvingstone ; pai MLssi Lieingstme ; e.of Or, Miss Tolton, Mrs. made men's woollen. liars. Stephenson.; ham Woollen. stockings, Mi H. McCracken.; tattln Miss- Livingstone ; te os ingstone, Mrts. Stephe .,son; Were Fisher, Mrs. St phe eloth, drawn work, a Fl Howrle ; tray cloth, e ro ery, Mrs. Stepheneon; ladles' derv,4,ar, Mrs, Smyth, Miss MelCay ; Whisk holder, Mies Fisher, Miss Tolton; woo -carving, Ines Tolton, Miss F sher; work bag, Winter jr„ Mrs. . Ila*try; home- spun. yarn, W. H. McCracken ; collection. of ladles' work i R. Winter jr., Mrs. Stephenson. • JUDGES. Heavy Horses. John. rockba k, Parte. Light Horses. -W. Messila St Mar s. C•attre.-.0 M. Simms, Ivan. Sheep. -A. Stevenson, Atv ood. Pigs. -Geo. Stanbury, sta, ley ; Ro Winter, Seatorth. Poultry. -J. L. Brown, Killop. Fruit. -B. R. Sloan, God rich toven- 14P.•• Flowers. -A. E. Cluff, Se forth. Fine Arts. -Mr. Frank, tititchell. Domestic ManufactureS ard D Produce. -John Beattie, Sea orth ; Scott, Brecefleid. Roots _and Vegetables. -J, -Atk Tuexeremith. . _ I Grain. -James Beattie, orth. Ladies' Work. -Mrs. W. W. Meredith and Miee Sutherland, Sea th. • Canada Wo( bine he the to Ottawa, recuperated by sr long ao114 FLOWERS IN' POTS exits, pock and day, end declares hie inteloi of tek- Pelt 'iurkey, old go as, txtberous begonias end co:lection eession of th.e Dominion Pferliament. V-. to v. -az clung ien, Snow-. 1 ' T. 3. McMichael : -Dormice- Idea Bros.; Toulouse eise, Douglas & lel. for ;best heavy team, ISM. took Lst and 2nd in. alre classes ;' Bank of Do&merce special IBremem Geese, old gander anti old goes% Bli. Yng y brood : znare, T. J. Me- W. Meter, Snowden. es, ; ougan- , der and young goose, W. Carter, H. Brood mare and foal, T. Dorranee ; Pekin 1)ucks, old drake, now . Case, F. Powlar ; foal, den. Bros -end second); .T. N. Forsythe, R. J. duck add 'young- duck Doilglas & Sion year old, J.- Nicholecca and second ; A.O.V. ' k, -aid drake, Oh, 0. Walker, two year W. Carter, ICeith McL an., yeurag drake, . 3. T. DiCksone one W^: Carter, Douglas a •Sort.; old duck, Moir, E. Bozell, 'pair in Keith McLean; young* duek,iWeCarter, nigg'y, Tolm Decker, Wm. i Douglas and Son, col: ctiOn !Pigeon's, D. roade,ter "in ',harness and !Berry, A. P. J-oynt ; e Ian 'Hares, G. eys, Dr. H. ,H. Roes, .4. :E; Cooper took all t e eepstakes, W. Ahrens. 'Pigs; Gee. E. Cooper to oar mare and foal; Geo. prizes. A. McIrenzie, Geo. Riley; I ' GRAIN' and , J. Nicholson, A. Tr.a- 1 ,White fall w'h at, tgomerere two year ' old. Alarms • red 1 al wh , J. Nicholson, W. Mont- W. meieeeefe ; e ear old, 3. R3.. •GmocvDouenllinoceku;., est.i.niet barley, 3. Mrs'. Bullard; co:led-ion 0 tellox- , W. Hartry: eiegle ger urns, Mr. Bullard; twig/mg basket o flow- ers W. Hartry; collection of 'ovvers in. pots, W. Harter, D. Berry. , CUT FLOWERS., young drake, Dahlias % J. Grieve, A. Scott; dahlia old bouquet, JeQrieve; dahliaa, cattle% and also collectioa of dahlias, A. Scott, J. Grieve;. pansies, Isabella Scott, Mrs. B lard; aster, W. Hartry, J. Grieve ; cal ection. asters, D. Fell, Mrs. S. el 11 • ; stocks, R. B. Scott, J. Grieve; ve benes, James Cowan, R. B. Scott; !di- thus, R. B. Scott, Mee Bullard?, 1 1e petunias, Miss I, Scott, R. B. Scott ; double petunias, R. B. Scott, ItiLes I. Scott; phlox drommendie Jas. Cowan, Miss; I. Scott; phlox star, Mts. Bullard; gladiolus, W. Hartry; zennias, R. 1 B. Scott; besket of cut Alower, MLs cott, Mrs. Bullard; annuals,. R.l B,f Stott, Miss I Scott; siWeet Ws% Hartry, Mies I. Scott; nastur- tium, gractio';Hus, coan;v H. Hartry, Mrs. B julalaidan..4 sun /lower,: R 8. Hays. • ;Amps? WORK. ancy &prole Mrs.1 Stephenson, Miss T ten; ,kitohen. ap Mrs. Bullard, M . Smyth; button boles, Miss .Fiele- er, Miss Toltane gm<kthig cap, Jarnes IA ; case for 'gloves, etc., Mrs. St teason, Mise Fisher ; table centre pLee, Jas. Archibald, Miss Fisher; cro- ch ted counterpane, Mrs. Howrle, W. H. Mteracken; knitted counter Ale, Mies F • er; !crocheting, cotton. or silk, Mrs. S th, Miss Fisher; eroche , wool, Miss McKay, Mies Fisher; eollectim of leather poet ; cards, Miss Sclater, J. G. Chesney; cakonation work, Mrs. Smyth, MLss Fisher; dresser or stand- cover, Mss Fleher, Mrs. Smyth; darning, Mrs. Sthyth, elissIolton.; doylies. Miss Fish- er Mrs. Stnyth ; mantle drape, Miss Fieher, Mr. i Smyth; drawn. work, W. R4-tr3r, 'Weis Fisher; child's fancy CireSs, Mrs. i%owrie, R. Winter jr.;Delph eMbroldery, iMiss Fisher, Mrs. Smyth; eyelet ezebreidery, Mrs. Smyth, Miss S11c 'Johin Geiger; single R. Sreillie ; laaige Turnbull and McIntosh, oats-, 31. K. Wise n, A. McBeath ; eWeeP- seed, • J. K. Wiz &aline, J. K. wi§e; R. Sm lie, .37f. stak , Tu 11 an4 McIntosh; Dr. E. H Roes' s cial for best 'three Year old t •adstee . A rens; D. T.,Pink- ney's special or bet roadster foal, G C. Dal bee • halter'brake obit f:by • ere' s,iis, qeo. Riley, T. e. • • T I! #bred, E.. • -e, R. -three eeeer.01 ters Wid 5 G. Th1nl11te ofie ear old Charters hetei!. calf, ior hull calf calf, R. A.. a smiili T. Smith Sons, A. G. Charters a special for •b Grades.-Bes P. Joynt ; on Campbell and steer ealf,. A. Caanpbell. Jerseys cow, J. R. GoVenlock, 3. T. Curtis ; I ne ear old,helfer, F. Robinson; heif cm, J. R: Govenleck. Ilerefords.- zest cow, and a1go bull calf,. Oeange • berhart. • Butchers' Cattle.-TwoYesi • old steer and one .year old steer, J. ;Camp- bell- and second; oweepstakee, Johia Campbell. ;Cattle judging bY farmer's' eane,JoliinI s ICIAT, DE. orthornse -- Beet cow, rters end Sons and Sid; heifer, E. ;Case, Ite, Chet - two ear old ;heifer, IA. see , E. Case third; eifer A. , G.Fanitae. 11, one ad thid ; eenlor Charters amiSons; son- . pese; junior • heifer ere• and Sone anid third, ecend; junior bull calf, herd, R. Charters and Ille ; !sweepstakes, R ens; M. Y. MoLeaeVe herd, R. Charters and coareeJohli Camalbilf, A, Year old beitere Joliet econd ; heifer calf and Eleoat ; tsweep,stakes, J. t, wileat. ; and ;six K. IWIise, W. R. oatsj g5. Car1th, W. ts, J. K.V Lse ; black W. A e.' ; timothy ;.wx lat.ceirealbeF W. 'elstovWit4 er' hreas* collec- 3. H. ; met. en - 111 e, nal palsori;Viyvv:thext, fat Izes • Guinea k ;12.1 the seed, J. K. Wise. W Um of grain he ear, silage corn, W. . Sir Cracken.; ohelled 1cor ham, W., H. Mc rack peas, J. K. Wisie4 s Wise, .W. Ahre* • k FRU T. . . 1 lApples.-Baldwins, W. giodats '' a Crich; ,Kkag of Tom kins, `Geo. Moir, 'Appleton Elcoat a N0rt1heUL PY, A. m-; coat, A. poven.locik ; R IGr4nlnJg, Rib - sten Pippin amel Gol ell Rnasets, R. Charters and, Sone; S ekeno-frathers W. McKentie, R. Charters and Sons; Weal- thy; J. T; Dickson, Cl.h*terie att/ei Sons ; Ontario A. ch, Geo. ' Aber - hart ; )3en. Dzieris, Du hess et Oklen- bueg, Caba.shee and pitzeriburg, H. Crich-, Snow -apples', !Geo. ,A.berhart; ()Divert., H. Crich, 11. GoVentock ; Mann, exelleiteaeLleatege, H. Crich, W. 1E1 - coat; Alexanxler, It. pnarterz & S es; red crab apples-, H. ' esneY, R. C ar- ters & Sans ; any other named var1sty, Geo, Aberhart, John Campbell. • Pear' -.-Winter peat, 11. Caich ; F mr isb Be lite-, H. Crich, ,A. El;isat; Bu Tee Clairg au, J. T. Dielepon, B. Sett; Clapp' Favorite, A. lcoat,; 13elle u- crative, 'RI Govenloc Sheldon, Gi E 4 Or e.sWell, W. McKenzie ; Louiee B nee de Jersey, W. 1.1c1Ceetzle ; Bartlett and Beurrd' " Anjou, H. CrIch Geo. II Crese ell. Gra e.--Moori's Barba O. Dick . Nialgraia, . Mrs. R. SteeheneeerP., H. Cr ch ; —Lee ater ; 'jewel mbroicleree MI6's Fisher, s. Sniyth ; ountrnellick embrolderY, as Fisher, s Livingstone, Boman. broidery, M1S Livingstone, Mrs. th alt./1hr iderY on. cotton, MISA- • her, R. W ter jr.; embroidery on k, Mrs. Sm th, MTS. • Stephenson; „broidery pplied to dress malting, Winter jr., Mrs. Stephenson; etch- , Mrs, Smer h, Miss Fisher ; novelty taw/ work, 1 Miss Livitigstone, Mies ton; faaec tor.. Miss Fisher, Jas. cliThaid,- tea cloth, drawn work, Mies Le -her, 3, te. Chesney; 'tea cloth, em- oldered, Ms Livingstone. Mr -s• ronto has increased durin the . past year by $40,000,000 and th population -by 30,000. The . totalassess t of The city Is now e309,000,000 a the popula,- tion. 341,991. • -The first really heaver ijiing frost of the seaeon was repo r from all parte of Manitoba and etehtwan lest Monday might, 8,v front 6 te 1.2 degrees Ail veget4 p stuff, was badly damaged, but as the harvest op- erations are about over th..dameZe to the igrain Will be trifling. • -Eben Fretwell, a 1ifh1. larnier of the towuship of Augusta, county., was found. dead in. bed a Ms -home near Maemard. Thenight fore he bed _retired in hie ueual good health, and It is supposed that while he Ilept wes stricken with heart f Ds- esaSed was 65 years of and leaves a widow a.sid fornni. -The conservatives, of orith wel- iington have selected J• Ransom; How- itt as their candidate in tion to. fill the vatancy isleture e.aueed by the ax M. J. P. Downey. is a Yonnig lawyer, of the town. of Guelph an Doptiar. The date of the not yet been fIxed. The cot yet selected their Ma -While attempting to lfhe bye-eleee n the Lego- Intment of Mr. llewitt a motive seld to .,be lectioxi bee iberals have e. ,1 - pold _ef the reins, his. team having started he rim away, John McCurthie, engaged in threshing operations en t e farm, ' of Byron. Mason near KIIlarney, Manitoba. fell off the hih load of ehelavee and a wheel of the wagon pas4lrg. Wier his head, he was instantly}i1J. Me- Curthis was a farmer -and lived eight rnilee north-east of Kii arney. He was' buibling a load and zt team eterted to -run he for the ifront ladder of th the reins. The front of t' way and he was thrown t -Thinking she Could c of the, Iii a, St. .,Cathaelnes Tonto Ital w I at MerritO stati h, (her eitoba. e:n• the rush reek to pet rack gave the tground. the racks it To-. n be - Mrs. made fore the rain mild rea Ross, of ress t3.lver, M anattenipt, but ost her 1-fe as e. Prin.- seque ce ' ortly ' after eeeeu o'Clo.ek 5aturdy ii1.t Eteceased, who. :lad beelt I5ItJ2 in .Merriten, was on her way a tale statiOn to take ithell---agara Fells train, when he saW a. freight twin, in eight. She hes-it ted a, mo- ment* PerAlexed, and theD maie , phase onto the track, direetle in front of the electric freigl t engine. -C hie , messages receiv d by 1 rela- tives and friends in Toro to las* week awes -nee the death in. he ilitairyi Camb 1dg Hospital at Aidershot of 4; Tricker/n*0th Good Filly Sold.-Yett PrIstilla, the by Mr 0 iNefitexollyto treighorascenalianotlytiejlingeignolmodpfb,rrtbeedeogtoMr Wm.y ninigham, of Carlow- This fillY , her sire be - Prince nj -out of a Berm'e Pride ; mare. With her - choice -breeding and ,rare merit this filly is bound, to InEeli4J1gaeiti. Dublin. $edeen Death, -The death of J iMe- Kenna, la,nd serveyor, alid an old and well known resident et Dublin, came .with ehoeking suddenness, on ThwurrInes: morning. aire- McKenna *aa s I on a drainage ea -se at Bornholm., and was giving his evidence wheu lie sud- denly threw up his hands and droaped de4d• _Mr. McKenna was well known t oughout this district 'where he had do'ne business for many years. He was held in high esteem by a.11,and ide tragic death will come as a severe „shock to very many friends. The deceased is sur- vived hy one daughtar, who teachee school in the village, and one awl, Dr. 14eKen2ia, of Sarnia, tf) VAIOLI WIll be extended the eincerest sympeary all.