The Huron Expositor, 1910-09-23, Page 27F 77 "777777 a 7 a 4 W IV;' N, i. 7-4 4 4. 7 t -TP XF1 t 0 11 uER 23,m 'R Au- ....... .... Plant the 0WW UO*,h lew beaulk! wit$, �W betne j it be eX -w wrLt, u b* --a -0m FAVIaInd. Men a —A awnber of the jspee� .1 rjwM [mlaslan wbo lately isited -iQuinde, to. couett it ea 6tlontidiv the oyatem packiaV, t 106 Ad -ae'd people t 110I,0 -hat and tTansportin xneat and dairyl on hem for moving repa ring b tt �3 Great prduce, says 'Phe mct4ods employed tn.; a ant., facturlu, t rp the United -St -ureb slaing -ra �find ric -an st-es/can t aa y- 0 h Pr 0110- av! =d uges in 411 Ahrile-z'depar A ca amd despatch with 1hase 00114try cofttlnzue�- e 11 feel capable' of attindig 'ur' bu'si. A' 'this. a*,, Pr1% t bably' b en i�l pou Loy a ew yea -M lonkleT will a%u"tey to, th -a-Ahorities of the� -of ur stftk. Wi beneftt�� of oi�r`.-� I(se -n Delytragnt t R�d -pection bf hea ly 16n .1 DMnwdr cif Ag-ricult. rulnd, If hot M .7 'Ov'd terkUng 6 lie -bu —DissAtisf led with be law passEd and well �selen d Li. It Iqo howiew t when ;some Yeami,aigo prohiAti.,W thtrd class '100 '100 '100 me tirno '100 '100 into R06e �e;a for a 0 &U ey show &,n teachers from in Ontario pub- f Carle county coun- 'but I ce.cof h 11c ischcas, the Carle tg Ll irely If ferent cordi !r�m f or T U (GYM I ell have a vivian? t� met Ole r of -the -ee ta adt'in coj tion With Tlehgh-1 usirig 19 V 101 q 19, to re- have Just Xept dn countlezi to It . the board *I' I Lai 0% -r I a 1 W the ce. to create wi- 22 equivalent the Ithird -0 his ob c Thl E r i iteivie another tea. 4D U s" Vther elas' Fof L Th IV U i I U I UU1 110, ule t I the Way Ezealk the el at so as to aneet the requiremeAtst in Graf -g;1tX11-J1N5 a I. WI ftral districts that damiadt afford to t U not rich W buy Re,d Rose, enlMige ryec*nd elm;; teachers. on. and 4y of d" In A ;u 7al f?9 Top--, the w' coal iWa, ir JohAj Cairling, one of the eld IM natur I gas. it wood or I Cuad of Canadian �oliticlanc-, was nelt time. of "Fruit-a-tives' tetly what x. a I adian- a visitar at the estem*Falr In Lou- ]�Very user ha InAeed, no -spec knows e i being tafte hit ft PWnly '01 from t ous fruit medi: �it e is -prin -an educatlo�al doa on Wednesday J�at week. Sir 4 of this fam 1 tile of ea po at. lt� wlfaps bf -its John. Was accomVaietl by his son, T. L many timer, md- now e climrly—that Fruit-a--ti7ftit tb6hind 10 We have, t 4r OU is ade of the jukes of �pples, or Inges, figs ani L es, with valuable:heirtw4- -the -tace Of 411 ilp-rry �Ca)lnff and pet the igreatso prun �erive tonics an antisepucs. 'Ottm production we M Iffie Part. of hiq visit In the aigifeultural' bet steel -8 v rid, our 'expoits of. cot�ota in" 196 1 Wery(me knows- that fruit ui ae x -erha,ps sotoe #0 g bulldnW. "I like to visit t faw4k ou .4you b, ne,vaJuod at 0.00 erstand wlAy this is true. 0,000i, W -the Xaxinerg day. --aid. f�� t know-, 1 am more tbin ha]t a termer water, S, off sweet el lortis t t - 01ii greateis Vruit juicid consists of about S it �j t6 b a pe yrly,�$ef 171, -any eveut! I 4,&ve I WAPM V er substance. quan I - ',lay UWE d- 1e in it at y Frar WAW. ZJJe-'-,11Jn1ted $tateSi b It is t i r of bitter pfinciple U�. z idan of' 0 a, �afte Tb' ed,'iwaa only X86,0010,0000. t alue as a, medicine. An ninent .3sl ti b, - I isP6t in my heart toi the fan nor. I exI ernneA a tuetbod f i Leyeasing tl te bitter n, and 4061 UT:. export� 'were Ivalaed Sir ohn � looked :iting, f6und f kMow fib taia3a.L. NzVeR �SOLD I" BUM 1� hood &ra;J 01 With!, 10( 8 al 490,009,000, or dquai,­to- thu s increasilig the zqedi�inal or Jur e qu it es-. 9i -th vigorotts In. r--.pite &f z years. ripe orange.% v es figg te ex wts. ot Germany jt�* The Juices �Xe flist! extractc d from fresh, P1 11e Un.� aced by anll- p( �More than 1;5 pant Your Omeel W'A 1 s are imder the b1ttW prttnes. yam 4coinmovd 11; treatment for ty ZeVer Ja Ithe 04t, �s tcb�ether. ir m --c-tet Rro�esa som e -c f the sweet atomsre repl Wind ti ate dee- am ti Qed, and the whole �nade itto� sl d te the, Mcicwe�y' tariff, -, Wil ich, Wao five principa -hospita* f priAciple- Then tOnICS, 'anA ant ise p es wi t6 pre-ien � us, fron 0aing If ar a�d L de as " F-tuit-a- tablets, uow knm t and the majaTItY of them are believed 'Frurt-a4i'ves" is the only med1cine in the world that is Inai -k the e ef filft arket, tbe to have caTitracted bie disease In t4he Ut their compos ou'r,oreatest rieft M t qhkla, city. A uio�es, 4nd is o:�e of the fi!w rem, that havi ition re�Aty, times Re much )t ithig. 'irwriber of pzominezit dr his expe Lh customer, a�4 Wja 61 ,itl gc to Canad Range,'like the iu -said Country fom mimiod: fiel& iie kCdnventloil ?-axifa- cialiks in' disucsslnla� the situati., Proem ir introduction fo the pu le, were Frait­aAives is niture's sl in- nk-nt for tHe Wis exported.,I) nver bowels Itidne ment'l Interoth �x tdaWrt of that. the cases oft -be disease its st. av 8, rang() -at F - -name. is a gowahe th a fil y the low e constip ft, India wbere - the E;rIt A n -4,a this isestiqu a41,1 was taken the city, not P*Irt j,,,ri 1by" scattered thT.-oughoat !co-" of obstinate io I, Livet `rouble, ZV I fnAt Inedi FareweA, . a. Q�tbrhaut c y partijaular tric ansm, Headades aud ur Blo( A, th-,s wonderfu N�hy -1 BeoaTtse it bas the jnterualq�aliifibstiojis. Its -bot U turer U -on a xactly -e ]Revds; Ined to &a tooting CtUer, the . . A I jr Coun, WAW.� �.0 nywng else fails. -glcliges heavier ste -other ral-do., e..mv re, of all Qt -(jonway even Icate t at of them, haji% elha on th' -At th., la; ism Th w(rd ind th, 1 4 lFruit-a-tives' I is; sold eve here at 6 fbr$2.50, x5r trw bow, *.Xe 90 As .,are sion. -a �vpg serviae, was givem 4b y the sprazig froir, a cause !comrnon 0, all ry ea of- British 50c. a, 4XI 13 Qrl�m be sent, postpaid, on receipt 'f price by r4jt-�a-tives Limited. Dab" Uk, its wa&fninsliip is per -feet, its- flnes; a�ld` firebox: ;sa Fe tO %Gge 9' aU thd regt of of the -mnlelpalit:j* T 1 cau e fil il -hqirs, Rev, F. L.- Farewell parts jo#, L, W ]HO' 'Pie-plaW, its pr IT _nOURJ,� de_ ere we fitel, its oiert hold's f6ur *e �,M, the ."XItimate Alm -n w In meiDt Re- the doctors almost only be -tEe water. merobalWIse se oir Liah eloa t. -gh at ftwic Worl� and Rev. Dr. audicett alaxed-'cauld tea, el-ves. to*el' b on. an even. t WeSC Spoke the'work be �.. done In et -Durluir the visit of Earl Gre 7, Gov - $490 zli-ope, toother. IF -w*e ;qt X -- I lost, e 19 ChIm.,by CWnadian MethAlam. ernor Ge-WraJ, to Sidey, Noya Sootla,. too Ifts - to have Incr ctical­� The .0daventiodi 'througihout -was a he wd the Countess v1sited'Vesimouut A r e ce7xt. The by per -b most Successful and prelitable one, and a si�-burb- of the dity, hwanito, I Ab tory It R alk W 0 1 T1112 Ut a` T �i In, I he ahlp b, oet "d -Crawly, xty er cmt. of ail the a P YLMS� �eaeh 1�e�sion: was lamgelY atte called on a a a a _,I The �011owinlb,, otticers were eloeted centenarlan -who wa-s tot� un War_ It in th -�-ste -, WOM Ore turned edt fron-, for the': ensuag tarm: 11onorary of the dl;-.tfnZuished persar.&ge site was rarCJS while CiMt. a D Rogers, Eqesgorth, enertaining. Notle- ade of t�, _ hang - in dent, ljkv� 'Dr. Goderic le Ing on the wall, Earl Grey took 0own ? of EAtish iseamen. th r b4h(y;v- vice,' on H. -io, Millnian. bderizh 2-nd in n PRINCE NAtioihal Cast Range an ideal �Mal I rangE�� the Instrument, and tcrW his f -citess th Wnufacturing and Jft, -he. C&-,- vice, MISS 33. -Greevd, ClIntoa; 8rd -If she would play he v uld dande. The J�g, L 0 5 trade U all tjw more er, larkable -P aii .-grea-t,0-53, awi. t y, d 0opper -vice, X*3 lorratL tt vice, old Wy 7he Flow r of Aubu struck u re coinsidez 'ndesbory Ddlubureh- aad his T?xcellenc3 cut wl e1x All the fact*: a 894. 'We Aev. J, 14. Osterhout, ! Lo feseivoir ..... ................ ...... re no 3000 0 Mecla'l adv&ntaWe iA I 'AW re - .5th Vic Mrs. T. � W. c isens. dinto; the PIV2 wing like i four 7ea old. 're away b6likid oe riv-s secretar, Mlsa R. Spider. �rleh I -For sdventy hours a horse tood We sc xce�� a p0'lt an& &Ud PDDURat (on. The trdasur Miss �.Q. 1�en;4ison, W a ton ithout food or water hz a I)rinbe-Natigikill without eservoir.- On prese'4tatiV6 to, Cabfem,'AcE, Rev E. A. le isidlux, *ar r truck at- the: Rfir�rda t To- -third., that two % and Year, Yth. ronta. The horse bad been tship of Germany by $24* 11 ftrBa 'we are only a llittle,iove!rbalf fur Co oa� or y i 0 in. Or t, � . Conlin, of Osawa, to Mr. Frank ti . ot our -Germalx� rtfalLw, T(f. Me Unite4 LIfe Is delightfully re- G. P. Pearson, Toronto, It aTr" veda DUOY soap More tban. doubi U1 �ia freshint! for Bath or Toilet. For Waah- Saturday Wirht and rentained un(laimed territory RAIN and the lthie lid. and unted till Tuesday,. Oharged be- ZOVO eXPert$ de0oned R: ujidomlotblag lt4,is unequal] 4 p ic Js more tha?X thirty ti esilat. foe Ma4latiate'Denison, the compamy the� eL TJ ae DER y� of th' _d ClneoM. HOW I h &:eanseO and parities. dora Rane. our stove repairs'now aija have vour ffirna; �es 'n Ca. They pleaded igul-Ity and was fined $10 and U eX introdtfcW a new sy*-&,-� iDjx our pr Macy a thait the draft for, that we have re CUISed to Canada's Crops. on looked after before the cold-w'e' t I' -In trade i itber. Mve ma 1h., -Rev, Jasper WllsoD, of Hespel�r' nsus king Wo r�pgr our activitio;,, by:tarlif re- The 1�ulletln of the C Sta- a, prominent clergyman th' 100 Z - I - also be the. draft f of the Me or Wi4 tistics Office SAYS that ithe re 4Via In -L, ts 0`1 odist 0huTcli, amd who was. stricken 3al ing. h Pandora you �ield crops at the P-nd of ass t MOTE 4 igg overevervbot, with paralysis whie donductlin ar, J arter S fl, JT u0 ulversay services In Q11q iaye the ket Ms b0fl certain, than at the "I of, xnd On, durit (x the th e Leartlart at the, 0a'Tu *day of 1&%t week. Methadist church two Sundays! aZo. er nc0-5 died at the latter plaa�, oa Th,,ursday Pfes 4nd beel� L J- has Improved. �n the id < f am C41 'a . - .0 3i Me time the oven is ba - that the situal A& da, amd. former13 of Sea_ LLS the Xra�-ns bave.mature( well a ave of lg�s vtk JL U o fc t4o,m; dled cheques -to the t Week. gmever irewatve& JUt thin lof the time that We obeeli harvested in fJn'CCo lsclm�sness. He was 61 zreara o', 1500 t, the wk knd saL a �s94,. t Ct systs The estimate f wheat,1 'oata ziners. of thi s0ho4r- ditida. ' �44a�. - i )e1fe of Rue c'onstnictloti al Instituted by t.iln in the c any and had occupied. Jr. prombWfit 0041- S-toves and Ti and barley is 4�5320,000 bushpls,Which floos In his, church. HEk was a !irzan of vi) save for ybu when you're, hdirr. *d 14 La. 129 188 000 b e 8 than! 'the superior &bMty amA a;% a reactio- n- to got a big dinner ready.; t( VI s6h11kr,-'hlps are awarded -just e ch fin&I ettirr OPrInZ er his death is a klistinat aoss to Wo C�. �a cwntY. The stt dent Te- how C11 fUel thl$ P&nd Flumbing Eavetro 'the first, t U E lale, or a ur wheat Id less b 145,608,00 busheli 9. Ing F r4l isebalashi oats th'e OUUrCIL Hv was pwtor el. Mai. DO, the second $ � gets by 70,219t'009 bushels, avi bailey Oy '16,- -street, Metho0et chr save: for ym,�.v doini the b the t7iir ch, UxetL-r. a, d $6% th.6 fifth $20. 010,000 bushels;; but fQL wheat cookiliglat A ad the i5hOws few 3rears ago. He wans a membo of tbp the same tirne,. And E W =t 1, 0*4 TI� -&x- an increase Of 1,649,000 bushels. The lgener4 baar4 of inis4ons for raarty own* in which the Istan&V a e- 'IernbOr, i io bther rango -has al, I red pr rel; IIWORT�AIJT MnOW, eastem Glvince� show gains In each -t tW6 1e, -yeasj pd at the time of b1s, deatA Mit 0 6t Mit 0. a( thot5e for mtrwik Mit 0. -to tbN fac Mit 0. Mit 0. 'these OW- pelect systarl- of ffile-00116 Ill Of ducation, parts onp_ 4 nd two, -one of C7 in o� 'he was a Tnmber of the�IboarA bt-D3�. oats aWk bufl,.Wobility, 3 young bulls fit for gor 'e ate of Victoria University. 17 booklet. OWTOLTN' ST,()( -'.K FARBI-Present offerism SoOd for th pandora DYEIN weat there is and sm znatrlculatlonl� amd the uni - ba 4M 4onvenienet e Yorkshift s0iw witko Jitter by he�r side, fr- 7�!Ity Echoaxii-tips. The 23,219,069 buhel;6 and 625,- wais bom In Woodho ship, ooan- t ellIs :of the. 11-3e t*V=- Weatiou inviW. Phone in t"idence. Seafortn sLat. r C', 10WLq19 000 ss Save Moni �v r� , btl4heli$. Th,� lo th w I ten ty of Norfolk, In 1851, OzWmed in IS79, Am. DAYM HIM, StAffa. 4 - w 27� e �RuMb,�Wf ul studeats I the dif - Our b Otove experts,, fE ent Provinces, exclui IV iritish tei%! .3, hn 'unl- and In the eame ear m4rried �ML­s Mag- e,of zad", Is, I - MnT bla ult of the kireat POP. SAIt(iR, RE' &1T. b n_ --I, Mlph a res Uth 11" the oWnship, of Wal- NT-For.mde Lot 20, Dres�. We I Forest 19 e Cruise *f uced te i now which Ilk -Vff1a0jXZy1th * Apply. on the premises or sid- pie mift wash A41rC4 unt; it I 6&7xt. A r, wheat, 1by �24 folk. Rev. Mr. Wi3son gee his ovdina- Concession 1,4, Hullett, containing iod. acirm jua7, 2 hinOW andss'Sarnla; 3. Mae area bar- WiakhaW, in the �couaty I& Nor- -kftst-clast farmwith good build' t )�a, Sarnia; 4, FAfth anvested by 22, Pe 9. for oats, and by 31.51 per Per CeTit. tion had tmvelled the'foUomwng Maui - Sim DAVID)4MOL, Blyth, Ogt. 222?,1d Ernest M=11109, Forest. cent. for - barley The (stimated' pro- ed ckeui : R0�5&,Xquet�, lJ1rlgdon, 0 Penif old, ftctiou�ot Whea, f0f thf wbole ICIan- I&OWe, Watfoted, llxel�r- ICI i sville, G. Heather, Guoirfli; Is 122,785.00 bushel 5, a t 283.- Strathrol, God-r![Ch. RIO&Wwn, Leam, YOW6 11 ta G .,qul14 fmm imporbed eows, forwe at moder 0Wwa,-4 Guelph; ggry for d, Q0A1 247,000 bushels:4- Of barlo 3 388.- r -ea and on way terms ; good young 4 W uelph; 5, Chals. lington Hespeler. WWI ared Wk& TWtoinneettheliqrd. Farmadjoins t -Tbrmo, Afohim: 363,46) u Wance tefephone to farm. Writ -e gol 0MaUWq6 Stewar Vanccu:ver, St.,J Allintere"wmi0o G 000 bucihels, aq c with 16C 44',000 0 Ong bougias b`usheljs of --�rhe 000 -b* � s of Olive Ro�sS, peatorth; 55,398,4000 buahels of bar] t, Qin- IL SMITH, Exeter. to L 2, amts, and timalte f 'Mau Re VITUS ujill E 4bad S rtiTi in the fibal es, .9 MaTJ h- y Ches i .1; ce, Clinton; 4,.,The&ore An- The e4imate For `-alA b eaf6 41 de -VARU FOR SALE -For sale Lot is LoidqA-uoad a e L. YeQ, ewalrx 99,890,000 bWiegl aw"I coti;;�! eaforth loba, "las ate Stanley,., I mile '�out� of Brucefled. n -e tulhe Dye -No r ce and Albe. a is are good and in first-class repair. wh3desus 1CoRm-Wce2-,1rafmny D. The ot wheat� 92,201,000 bwels of -1 13eatrice Tobin, sA Strikinz Example f Its C ;t rm DeAler.Send.AwColar�Qa s - =, 11 fenced add unclerdrained and in the best CL U 0 t "'atf 0--d and 14,72300 bushels, e The 1ohn%on-P-chard&o 0.4 Re mWhtm 2; rames jdel�agWlr bqxle:�.. beinj re by stAW of cultivation. There are three good olfs on theplace. Termstosaitpurc leis tf Wm- an verpig.,of 11.89 bw9i for iilieat, the Tonic Treatment. of 20.96 bushels � f or oat a and of 14.49 Apply on the 3- 46u'1X%yTnbe, t- Ma770; 4, L AEL NO" VrOW[ges or address JAMF48 ROS$. Bruceffeld, P. 0. e'y tratfard; 6, A 2221X4-tf W11 a busheJs for barlxey on the area own. f T Y ceel ca� "'Oth, but,of 16.24 bushels of wheat. 27,91 St. Vituis dAzice Is the cammionest TV CBS 1 roubled WA MdOeo'x.-I, Percy BG FORSALE-Formle, rAI8, ani -West Caver" 1. Lon- bushels of oats dot 2, -.Fran G&h and 21,22 bushel -a of fonn, f nervous an, London; 3, Robt. F"U"FU Lot.17, 0oneeggiou s, MaKfilop, con- troOle which af - eye trMITn)vith cement floors and stabling and other dol with the same period I ist year f or viando tnae � on. the - body by gr"owth f0acres, Thee -are on the premises a goodi LNPr For four Years Mi �Iell, 4, Geo. H. barley oA thwe a reap kbirpared flicts children, because 'of Its great de- THr-i D 011� IN 10" N _U K%Ew .; 6 MarJorle Thompson, St -11diog% aM 4bxidk house, There aire three imb bu rathray. acrea of goW orch4 And two Bpr ag wells. cndit ok atdo ed last an, Aizgustsl was 19-05 ddea strain caused bT study, it is 1E, %he �Ca - -ver e , t;ae the Dominion th� a ah Joelvelopment, and there la ter gmholamhlps were staik- tsprkV wheat C L The farm is all tiyo-�Jr-alned anne"11 fenced, and Y, AX with 0- there are twenty aerq of good hardwood bush, - if Doctors Gave Iii U0 I ate olSfrfda 1C0`1'- to 84.30, ot Kyat,110.03 to mands, 1�ecofne so �mreat dtitUtle, and Ithis, yeaT, as ba 210t sold will be rentled for& term of years. Ifapur- wi -mley �0.651 to !$3.541, lut. compared that they chaser should want 2W ac 4 een., the ood, amd impoverlL�hl the bl res, the, 50 aores adjoining with the corlditl6n at JU16 end )of Jay the nervea -f ail to- !receive their full .'fThe, Ale of Q'Itta-H-t" I' cau�epurohasedon reasonauleterms. Forfurther n-rade therri Includ the- Vefy lifa 4)f the five it i Isprilme* at SUPWy partiouNro aptly oD the peemiseg or address JOHN MILBURN'$ LAWLIVER P, L11 -co I waid 79.05 to 77.05 for of nouTleshment, that the nery muor n 1% V. 2228.9 mault, (3ai g A and he -I in absolute:'PURITV Vhe 11 Purp'1�e of Mr. Cwter in 80.03 to 79.57 for" oas am 10.51 to r 9!.62 oua debility which jfea4p to St. VI-tus *9 f jEM und for th_ege licholar- bi, all Me I dnce. v9p '�tudea Lts in �bal '�ves,. Junkin, lot UwLstry -1 W resideWAL property fu Harpurhe�: There am 'h. 'A tn curlu� St. Vitus tin, thr, bf land plar -w-rites--'11 can ubt aay enou i in rep :d t�b and the ide .1 . I t e aems ited, wibh frulta of different Gr h a Ma P., 'Ulu j?901�*Ty FOR SAF -For sale a desirable' Alt mix d fla, corn for po- The rentarkable Dr. Wil - and' application iff, ttt4)e6 e) " 'of nd Ofalfa , have diecliel In PUTaW P14k Pills IN W pT ead In- condition, but I I L kinds. On the PTOPerAY is a comfortable brick cot- to, your *onddrfW. Mi�burnls Jaxa-,Jii t e S�tu P�as, . mI3( d a:nd d Me a � has been. ar 0314o* lead paTents. to 6dve oused ainargg, tile w vith hard and aoft water inaide, and other ping. )?olr four jye�rs.' I I I flax oWy aprreciably; whilst corn 'their chlWxoa this �-,reat blood-build%4 t ubi d Pu` achleve the c 29'em ponvenienw. There is, also a 1 241 o oeted Prl zlea has for u-MOng, turbiPs, 'InSM9614% ing, �mediclne at the f1rst signs of tbe- 00mmodatton for t 1arn with rqylAver, and a -ames it ould j et b I gubistawl al car- First in pro8ress, first ti perfe0fon h. -St In Tiree head Of Qattle, and -a hed [benefit td educ ar Dund.; rots, sugaz beets &7xd holw� This is a particularly desimble orapery for so bad; I could Uot LV tic Aa Irq'k -An. Ontario, pa�tlire�bave Im- ap#roach, of -�he. dlsvai3a., P4;Qw - fflat- She 1 0 nos InatteAtion, tfttless 'amd ir- rity, th6l. fliaest exkmple P a iretired farmer. Wi11 be sold cheap and on. re,"on. last th6 doctors gave less POPU14 if what t A M gave p skymg it -W 48 Able Wtus. Apply to JOHN, McDONAUGH, on the U LR LJB. retalbilitY a all vmpt,�oms which ear- be -17" impossible for me to �et cure 41e sho Warnim or address Seaforth P. 0. 22-16-tf PIWO th eague and' SU day o tt&W-A, Sept. I T, 1910 -1 sbow tAat the blood: and Inerves aTe - My father got me four viek js of yu if L FIFor e Pills b chool Colftyenti 22, Con Is Laia-Li ut i tc d, iraAe upaa 4 -is! �Piz 'lop and 2S on the 13th Con., Lots of ther a -comyose the Gatdiner Homestead and con- themi. a d� Wjto�s thpm'� MT,*s,, A, Winter,%, virded Man., ARMS FOR 9AL Lots 21 and milbu ver fail!09 to meet the-d,?m4:nds, 21 him he an ual co�ivehtion io P- -nd 2.0 *c i t ste nion e glues aT th -Whetn, Tny- litt-1,e -Iglrl �Wss six - L �v# Wus-about 18�O acres. AA:ffn at ii wag oni Ld Smiday Selt6oj4 of Te L lanc Is well NU ilutls wich the fenced well tiled drained and has S acres �Dj good ti G t -yeaz4- (rid M -e was attac1W with scarla hDwev.er I. toiyk em and t, *-day,- f X 1 ch MstriC of ,the Milthdis, Province ot 0 hardwoodbush.. Good comfortable buildings -Writh will ree Ch W as held In the We,-AeY eb vT da, the estAte of th Z70 elve from tine, which WAs falowed by St. Vit months later, I 1irh a. well man and] yoq Walit stre]*W sillmodern. improvemenw. Pleriby of good sprin, 4-11. 1 -keep it by tsk- Ion 'Dr. P E 1 1, d, Her limb N auld jerk and - water. , A good begrIng orchard. Thls-is on weigh �#%retlty-foUi: vounds incre' than I i CU oll Tuesda.7 4nd -Wednesday qf of Toronto, mount -to over $80, - of the LD *to -the -Hi mhoicest fanus in ch� qounty twiteb. Fler ispeech become affected ijjg Dominion Drewery Co, Of Huron and will be did. ) I wo d a a all,Liver 4 uffer:e -1o' I 'VA STOUT rs 000. !r 1%1 Affer t1l opening devotion -all ner- -�-Sa and t &st 19be became soilbad that�3he ld on terms to sum �purchaser. Lot 9-1, conta,ins, us 46, 1 1 th It , � -1 -1 Folraqtal a, �well known 126 acres with jonalt house and barn and ail in pis. , I I V1 C RDr. Engiictt, of fa, ML colq. ardly 'Walk and 'we hardl d&T- tur Milburn's Laxa�LiverPiHs ate 25-eei p and has been for years. There are ten acreg Tmer Of Rawd('�a to`*1W'h1p,' Kazt'Pg�s R. V 0 came Ill ed trpst her alone. She wa�,- under th XA ro Md bush :on this farm Fo-c further partieuiaurs& a via or 5 vials f6 u ate of B ev. Dr, County', leAr[Ang frorn Mado6 ia- r $1.00, at 411 deMe, s 13, on the promises. o; address -be mailed-difec gaV, �n interestila caare -jaf a dctw, but kii Ispite foj� i thtfl A- 0ARDINER' or will. t oa receipt of pri -e to �ad- lalge to his, bome,,-Wa;s. thro�wn ou� Of =bury F. 0. drE isi oin the Introduc -loa of th�: yflut -Co., Limited, Toront wais� t6adily W��vinig worse make you work-, f we bet by The 17. 3Mburn! 4IS vehicle y -horses r IV9 play I et -ter, rest b pr( Ina a k, X FORAALE�-JFor sale Lot 11, Con, 7, Kip.- out. ang, the -good away. jFle wbuld gose ja ss into Q� feared Mat We altg.�tbd 1,Lpon Tuckeramith, containing 100 acres, b alo g- done In. t le ML, Ision al -t: blood mak iWo 1 &.119 bea;41 and, Div* WWa 1!ep sounder when F"pen Road, miz� -Pirik Pills, YOU t ke it. field IsUstalUed, a, brken flAck. Death s In- hecured 80 acres cleared, ail of which is iij a firat . clas wa t bank barns on ba r1quet gig 21cid the e V�ni lfhe:� *01;� 119pinik- 'The dea; cu� it Max d1le hard- ar I" *pirink add] Tsr, 01 L "T le Le�- - %" 'r% 0 th Them are two acres of orchard. LU a fore a. a f a W' b a:tes� to'iout f9ireat we 156und mge=Y. Rev. Dr. Aledd I #eclded peties d Ate of cultivation, ell underdramed and LAaataneous. ............. st well !r s*ter' of to try then -use of foucedthe baiAnce of the farm fa in gow again* After the FEST'� F0064ii a%,,�evaag wood timber. 'Q Dunty 'on Wednesday, el, WERY ;C On the plae are tivo- good ber a TH F stone f6ukudations,t,alzo iarg� pig house; th !he Stfcla - 1embex 70r, of rmaid McDla*d, ere s y 6h Epps'6 6oco-- is a treat to Childro. 6- 001 room 0 the o1E A few weelij. nxre" ber power of 9peech Arw 0-9004 frame house-. There are two good wells del- onib of the most pominent citizen3l of u.ft Z� t walk a:nd TE N I I one at. the house and one at the narn, Th" his- wa, urned,, and she, could A T, Y11ow �ustenan� to the elg'a ee 'ana "rket'z` 'I ed Eastem Ontario, H�. wajs seventy ye is one of the best faraw in Tuckeramith - lt�lg n IR by 1, -w�hlth! opemed Of age'and for many yea!rs- was 1)ilb116 �go about as well as anyebIM, amd iffhe VVII: of A Bcton to th ba�s bee4 iftated on the Kippen. Road, qJ miles soutk' Sea: �1: a'SOW service, kousem diredt Ct weU and bealth)r isince forthandone,i+ mile rrom school. y Rev. school inape When Or for the county 1 Theis are go - I - i I D�. 11000r,§ of &aforl 'r wres of crop and thereniminder in bay aud b. AAT, been W1 a Z!ow. ca.11 oldress, Glens,&rry He 4d qviy illnesz, domes to anY me In laurd ly an, and the farm will be "Id with or without the 0 r E was read ayloir,- few da-ys. tM1 (but IsIm- Possemion gliveu %t any time. For- Maher, partic- a)ml rendered Mal ror .7 Wana ly on tilt, premis )y A4 Is Lizzie -The '-sl� yeav' �61d 'r -on fAy 'use �Dr. Wklianwo �F� pls es or address WX sad Rel I ot Holard ewell L EW SCOTT, Proprietors, E grnondilte, 11�0: F. L. Pa. f Mandli, of Corinth, near Tillis 'they never disapoint u�!- MA Of pro a ecretary 01 Sunday,,q6 onbull-bb fioad by 4,11- medicine' a haymow in !hig fell, dealers or by th LeagAeq gave a n Ed 69 am the other day, ailgihting WDI tee, mfdl t 5o, celats a box 22 Con. Tucker, OD FARM FOR SALE hi I ns for $2,50, from, Go head and 411stainig a -fracture of lellie Co The Dr. Wllllam� Xed- smithl ff. R. S. 100 ac 'AST ;Q maple bush. Therest cleared, over 600 rods'woven and a7 sesnan opeed skull rockville, ont. 'The with the a broken ishoulder. -c, w '4 of. slat lent, -11 (Intined, greater part ti IL V eotling at 6 v&n Id'el ock. -At child: nateing egw, ILI in good S U 1E R �fltate Of cWtivation, 25 aoires will be len p,,owed in -the a's and t Morning dervice, Oped 'off the b�am, reachi;ir t far, elt fill all rcady for spring crop, and tivenky acres Ila tr gffi Acy of flavow -1TothwIt1)st&nW-n1X that tM-, .13o3 s to -striking th hard fl -3 '(1 mith ( lover and tinioth-,-, t been n, nutr�ousnes d '!economy off year* fQrgood crpps, 'on, on or beneath. thWa; the farm in grassi clear froin foIll u F WY. _19 ch( Weedis. There 116Pes are neotalned for hi reco,eX7. isider brick. house 2ftJ6, also _Pps a&" Ol I=d a,4 'dhai 'wed hai 'n la 1k story S Up surp d. w larle �by! mrs.. Lg S brick kitehmi and largewoGdshed, barn 3S.x90 STIa L ture will not the dittrict of Carman, Hanitobl, at fh ICKat I�Y, and with stone atut stmw shed 20X64, good stone session closed Tneet i2dil, axch, 61 vir�gr to,, Uhe t dlay very dneywell, ellear hottie, Children ti*A� re 1 on gppso`s�' Table' f erollee in th b UWId and btfhdant supOly spring water lair D. 1% C at; barn *Itb winJn" of a e west wind a Ithe pineet iana this III, and a sprmg At back- end of airmalln - - - - - - farm in bush, 2 at -re choice Young orobard sheltered v- P. Li Parewell. T buildings, wtdch wa� de- �year 4sW4d o 32 quaT tor "gee at Latzmw A on wet byspruce trefg.The farm is mile from St--sEldi epen�a- istro)red by fire, A3 roof is -11ot un an agM.-ate of $125� 1 98 : 0 and dism L OR �Weftvt rub ew�6n" frif I ly Win Seaforth, aad I mite front school, also telephone hild-re� C y :Brpg,�t Ideas for the �ret, and aftr At s a giest deal of erage �f �$gu.3, aud av- r -11ingis poor health and propn no vur"ntl ho Reason for Be! T Lit partment - per atre. rouri auvr- os§,� At 0- k, d Li or oti-.e jj� 41 e . "A weR 1�- Inode wcprk� will . to be' 110ne. ter sectidds, adjoining tile tawli, iprs"�Ves bor goinz west-, Apply ontheprermseeorto THOS. OR TO E I VaX the ALERIN -COLEMAN across the row or addm& Egm ble i, Study ,.b 7 A" OF For t1liz reason the neetln6- ofhel of W. A 01 were ondville Ste msr, -0, 107 'y Iss Wrlo, - Ul t re will bo pa-- tpond -rty T4 F. m vaLLky 00. &IMIm thb- 4;7id 0.1 *A* frOm'Aua-tisdoi, fr $22,0004. Par` A 18, V Dr. ID .1a, Ja, Moo( agz �rjwi moat, is At*� oric