The Huron Expositor, 1910-09-16, Page 20
Lts Jr —1 -1 each
W, tuch 94do S14.0 tlbieir creatIolit delegat"
th4 Ga -man bod V141ted
bew. two or thr6e, Tet-l"Illa
sh d
vW b Priti _eleigatas The spirit
]al Salt 04 objqct of t1io two bodleg; wae
dbwwn A one? of the iint maeoft-WMW
On was p=-wd ZVPaa;-
Ispirle me,
season is
tolves repuipmg atirsis b
here for Ino tI I;V9 tol Ill: claasesi in botilL Inatloiw_ -to' I he, UMPOr',z
wh64 9# 're'tolutl 14 of -his 1 fixtel eats I Witea 'Must e by their earnest ermle
b Ali nsis
86mg rangesi and in 411, thr6e 111rit of igood will and friend -
and purola t 04L
uonapa�y, a, hast
I . tinctive,. pleas a *,ntig
out that the two
-we kel capable of --st-ten-din Ao yourr bu-siness, A
ell been, or t, le ,,e ctldh of losely, al-Iff Ist
by the com-
MorWo ....... of. Our sOck will, show Y()a tJ!e bnefit of on elb pfoxt foil le n aim
r se aptul ot �alt oo and unvarrying to rnert Sbave
m ,toc,k hmn which both r.ation
.'sto t
sr izxg by'the kinship of our ;sovei CICS and. Pebein ur s
W160ted 10-11ying, 1411;er fitale than wais' jwsiltl�
continaous use.� The eigna bk our long
with Loans on
the kid: �l ae val t'WebtedneFe In axt, literture a -rid 5. 2 9;,�
by M -b othler 'Les ............. 2.36 �o
t0arter tor tht flavor, e is a- ova all bv our common
of ed Ros 'Tee. Lqclene
ampo w
imom Wa% ai iortio a� of the #Sar- Christia tY The opinion waa turther
Rasepve� and In order' to al- its own; aind it ne�er expre-Ris that 'frank -co-ope-ration. be. -An exrollellit rec
n of safe a�d profitaWle
tweea us will do, much to promote the
4" Obtalij t �e proparty it ai necei s4ry,
aft to win -ahc S.
II hold 4p- comi4g f he Kingdoin of Peace on investment of f"d
6-00d, Will
ans, Note I heir- coment 10 anwng me;i�lf Splendid r4to of futerest
ad;rftt h
Th1__A the ave ttowidme, s will --!be provall because it rie-4er Te and aerma-A eop:a
learn d vDT6 : tb a aTticle ave came, to eee" ccacluded 1r Bak -
of daa-�,Yer iii
Ity er,, "tht the
Ran.,� fails in quality. it.
wtic-U w take I ro tthe
their rel atlzu�p
ip ;.Ies in the presence
Septerr.,,be ist In, each country of jifigoea, men in., L'I
d jin tile building ot warships,
an 'Tu 4Ly a ad Wednesday Of ItNi
nd Ot r similar d.Bsses, and. the week t t, adfar of Saria -Reerve,
niawaseis q the two c
I I r, ountries have de -
P 'I Stoney ed over Mr. amiden, of he Indi termiqadl to take effecti-ye meaai,-, to
larevent these sinister Influences from
L !PA kt, - vated isurrender f
TRIFI best- st' irat Ere land -to, e,,stralW149 people who zhou,d be and j. Chrter, A oam�ial N't
the. eect are unitod in termt_; of friendship.1,
06 c'un -of Aew.,, Isalt Iblock weft d3l. Tthe total vote wais, 7 �n �axo
doz- to
day-, tostijW t6i aw
The tt� I
a queAjol lies. immid.
e -E bber, -Ur, S. Peterm, of Pr1nceeEd-
Iatelv be the Chain wJ t1i a- Your UrOcer Will
! I
b 111NORLEY, Seafbr�b
Nvaiftd County, Isaya-:' I have a - stow, J.
t bood 0% 'Wit' '16( 011 t feet frontage on the St. Reco d it General Ag6ts W. H. R-0131,N�Sam
burn. In cleptember, farrowed the next� D. ROBERT014, Offbt of:
extend'east to tbo, 82 Oil District ln�pectw.,
4W 42 4 ad rosul6- Pr, and IN I
C, May tarrowed the
--,ay.ed 7 pigs;
We �Ia qu tte 1ontaining- RY116 March, atlylAg 11 pigs far
acre, o h w and the eo;As,&Tati0.a W&S t
rowed n i8eptember SOth (1909), �b'
$6,0001., �b"i do`6-$� A-Includ co, _,ped- cow, Waterloo, wellingtolf and Went
no e
ed Is ti Out of 18* farroed March
C-atidd t the occupairat
jr their jTp,
th any-
e the, c m,whic ed n coun s,, so thgtt nearly oko-qWf of
The act U. appReable too thtmy-se� WW L AB L
7th (1f siaved 15 pligg ut -of 19
TU- proDertY is consider-
prov�l� found be Vn August 12th -will 11 pf�gs
HE Canada, Range, Rk f g6ts desi lodatioli
oulitr�. e t1e, live, a IsmaTt. to; date. This 9ives Al&
he t kice it3 wc rking -a
whe found' in -the d1i%tri
c t
re oTd- of
ith �aj iture her baytag, 48 RMd isaylax
it name, is k go-ahead stove:k, a. range. r the proy hideAffie actl; a wvvr
ndw[ the act 190.0 __'TTLED B Y
for- the Expenditure u B laeC_Q�,
c L ZY Inall:Ufacture and is 31 ds7,s,. Rau you heard f
7 Ti bocty tbfis& ct, The eze
Why 1? Beoause it bas the inlernal-qualif! atiq.4s. 1 ba1s, �been, a;s folloyi -a
cdon of the plan't
anytbin better V
th &5 Uoa as pog- Toll r�udi has 2 guaes heavier steel than.any offier ran,&el an i mar, - -Xr. Lea�k, the wyell known feeder per to townshipirtf,
sile xaIax.; v�ll be in o tion eairly Sundry 19T=tz-
aizd bree4er tof shortborn cattle, had, 11
Pr ng�
kef, its woikidanship is perfoot, its flues �:aina -fire�bo# 68e next The capa AtY of tbl-!r new 1)957
villwge.,3� and tcrv�t s ... I
81 head atithe Toronto Exhibition. OneOf wil. he o"7-tboumlid barels per -Pbrminent bridge. true- fai�l, its oven hodg four ten-ftich pie p ates, ana ts 040 vita 0. Ll _rT
thez:e, a 1yearlkig welghfag 1,400 Ihs.,
T -ze
day, or 4ourth of the A<Ytal con,- , tioil ..... ...... ha,, already lbeen, old, at a T rk
reservoir, Lih, closet, tea shelves towel: ba�'
isalt Im-,
I-Z-urnpt ion Canada, in N6 Machinery plant, 0 r. . .. ... ITog a, pound for delivery oext Chr-1-4-
s,, A ball which Leask bought- from *4 -he very, Iffe Of fft-
ported,f] other co�ntrjes. Road- construction $UP- tiTb a Al of QuAli
...... ........ 1,4 fo,- $200 aa -1 yearlinix,. Alea'dow-
and hold
w ault,-, c ght in absolute PU
to his formek T -%at ormi. a'ODoiliftherkt. Totar 1�inis, ha& IsInce been c
matter lzs scussed the
Of thfis t, 6o counties"- ha.V6 Le ibis
The Canada 9-18 is The wore the or fo $2,000 A heifer calf from
...... ............... more clea ecc me pppare: 63. 'The provin
doesi It b t ;s�-nt $1,418-748 cla I ex be�.t fee&rs, Olvistier Chief, has een
MUZO40 sau
amom it ases : �tock bull, the sire of
that the Oat:rfo Gov rnrrent in order venditare iIxte LVJ
e. nd th el, over elfflat year.�, EiIl to "'am Aorne at an rr.ontbs for*
able- pr9fitable
'to t_4equre a comfort been $1.09,374.30, the province con- $7SO.
me I U�m Pr ru It
an id6 411 -rango: with trf6uting -De 183 WCE Nitiotml-Cast Rane Dne-third of -the Wtal' at4 ca lsiuddenly to Mr. Aindirew -88, first perfection, 09
berth'at th(z',DtealI_-
expvas� I for'r- clam- dollar to each tw�, araiel by Darlhg, the p
sident of [the Amdre
-18 U(;h oven aiid pop terj in the, er_zzan th a fin.e' le ofwhat all,
greau eapadity 4 pe�
CyTowaf popularit) ED ex IMP
vt 'A I the couatlesi, 'Wholez-ale
Darli (10thiT16- M
i P. th Colrordto� Mr�. Darling
-regevair ...... wam M. Carnblanig, the fte'�M-5 f Toad baxt
P -P out -an Ale shiou be tructi&L and' isut jr-Osidn (Ulle, latter just
able baken, *giLs bath: at'lilfsi bome, hen
jai ficlent pulic-. i-. erval,�
about $75 00% total cq-,,it 0. road[ e'drDpP4 ead. 'The trawic veAt Iva
exenipllf�jo the much. cdndem
-:tr eti
com, u Qn $ 04,497.88, Wh ed betwe
7E en 8 azid 9 "-a
i'yls in Its, vrf S.'rest PiWK7- rolle% .,of Iroad bul. the aver43 Cost! it h2i bell �ved llizae.%th waside to BIP-
....... ....... Not- qWy t b thb. .Goyejanaent per �mlle bar.4 been, appro*ximately
$1,250.1 oplexy. )4r. Darilpig bad shown Cie 4
Prince NatioDal 'wit out reservbir, LID S OFF
-0 IN"
Previously.' -stated, -Wl,,cts a� -1---ymptonis of and h;s vnexpccted
r edlifei ed it be their
0 tregth, �tm get;iz land I -leer, it 1-tv
6f 1 mplete and acat�� death came als; a-19reaft ahock. ),fr. DaT- ed
Y �u want s
inten�o to emlAoy two, I doh salaxied STOUT
ered wark, 1.zo tb at 'the averM e cos t! W tch 1deseent. w4z- fi)g Dominion Lrewery Oo�� IN
hd waa' of Sco
the dutfe� whic.'a wer per mile 'Would be I bora Int Xon-Lre�ll In the -)rear 1852. r�o efilci6intlY performed b� the 4,�,posed i h rnment postflon
Vour sf-Gvie repairs noW Ve your c es occu'pied a proa P U win UL
would.think t,,,i -1 ct The Last Me xr-
in commere-tal la Toronto. Re
loaked" after before'fhe* cold woatb r, at al sisage.
aise 1:1 8
The followiy�s the. last 1 leave� a widow but 4o,
l.,uch fs fhl would X e fr lai nat naassage�
-The areat isuburban real estate
y of Ed-
indepdndOnt and� h4bly- virtuouz joaT- dell;vered by Si* i1frid L �urfar to the; deal In. the h4sitary of the cit W_
nal, t
in the cicisilQ' ad- montan, he capital of the Trov�nce tbB iest e
f the Wes'l, Wil' mak
OntO -NeW,-1a, wh Ich profe.�se,_ people o 6 Vou wo bet, b Ala. r- 4 tu
or of the lberta, 1haAW been consiar-mated iii the PIPY
I dre.zis f l -v tour delivered at X R
nor in he 1�as-', a Hat oatbe 8rd of September H imid D`_-rcha-se from Jh-a A. McDo lood M
:c been ractlaa:a b Y the 07ri the MeG,ath-l-laxt Company, of river
But i 'dl ugall, -bs son
eep a take
Pot ies, a1re
"I now pay goobye. I hope some e t
On venment Inate id of the ',0
lot, 32 .,ad adjoin, X Bellevue, ait
time tatome back 'agakL It
w &use I aye many
Uve. If could peethe -c(xr,-.
I rds t k g o.' 279 'acres,, Is situated tu
v A d, � $,150,000. The property, con-
-Inu st be j
or, Tory !Prp"V, !al Go�ernwej it' the News b
ea canniat h
9-oAe into fibs The ToronTo yeajj� to -TI TE V_ Pff
hj h E DOMIN ON 0 v
the follo
owlas refereactak.-to. jiletIonof the moet advhaitagpous spot, and a splep-41d the )app4at Gr Trunk ilacifie Vol
Stoves and Titi aj)pIjtbt iNTIF I
nt: f%ffl , _n, -
vl- � a f rom of the city can b oVItained
Raiway, I wovld a only too ead to a ogtbie jpuTdhopH
AA ef A t there Ittl �_s the purpos I e
been Truhk Facific.
to r0re- come back fb, the
0 arnace one *h
9 W h a more
b i Eavetr' ugMug isent -the ji: eph Doivndy appointrrept, one and all, tbough j,,�eparated. In polt- err, tv tt it 141to ra residental. district,
ork. I will and plao� have already been preparect,
we are makig for the '(same end
effici4nt 1 bu ineas mAmaigL ion the pubdiv.1-sim of
sr lent at. 0 - In canne 't' with
-the 19III)TY, the Pr0jp0rItY -and the hap.
�11 it
the prope Y_ t
NIP for the' Fee 1e7 )&LidA of. Qazajda, the land of io� Nirth
lt'ha�,- Ae
e � suggo-Aeld, t t a layman or the flamid o the Wltomhip of Dr. A J-1 rf
IMPORTANT NOMM. f 6�ri` a4eption.,
at better. than a
t1n t the Ontario Education De r a f IseV4en mew -b--7
ml��t,jiave Reamed #_uch in t�esi, two 1;A I
medica! Im 1�n - -
WERTOUN MCK FARM—Pnseub- offetings, Neve 11 t 'D In regF �rt U;115L�nt text books ba 4 D e z _W1 !L
W JAMOS st's soij th
tIn9 to "Ote a ecard
rd to this c12 N. I'did not k know Caaida aa It pal jib
stook bu% Nobility, 3.younZ buft fit for sai it t fate ; 11 -b ]�:i at present t me. I bave Iben. for U%- In the public
vice,, one Yorkshira sow with Utter -by her side. In. lfa�WIM I, OL
made 1byj En cloctor -whom r. -Hamna ftbe echooI6 his coming term. They - in -
Von in-vited. Ph 3ne in residence, Seafortii stat. TU1Y'19tb. j �W toUA. that I wao too 4ptirnlatic. I ccepilt
w arithmetic, . :97eagraplay, - -The f TD
DAVID HILL, gtsffa. "We 4 On Offic-, fQr_. the ji_-oft irApeachinc-int. But I 6-o bac
k stratf. - rd wais =m'ar, hygilene, composition, and
a botUa of y6ur bpawu pfficient alminj_--trater. a, tilue wei-steraer- and not opti-
KUE�I FOR SALE OIL Mx T—For sale Lot -go cme ia our stab e, as the, only
k a mfi�tic,,I)t bir,,toriles England and Canada. A
pe U -Pita coJ.t o malatenanc it avisoluid!l
bdiev the best on
rion 14, Haile% 4ontainfrig 100 acr e ait u
;y enthuiastic D' t
larm with good 1 buildings. onie�- mile zi=kat' an4 ba� OrillIZ as been lo -at t'llat'.13 to Ig jetry, will be uc.ed In th-.JA�gh
'a the wer than
thAt )aan la Itq4ue
Olt,41th- AV ly on the premises or Ad- curd se 4 4&vW MY 0-11m4lax Institution in a world ad the Education Diipart- P
et and west ishould. ndt
10HO4 myth, ont. Calmdialn. Ea, �4n WbAle 1th baspital In qubst oi Issuig mauqs I M ton Is,
Van FI�L' ext:A a
monlot.41. If they do ex1st,-it
Kandglrs �3 U, to istric ; sense'Of the. w)rd, jNn C--,sy- ribotild be Isimply a einulation as to tar Teadixg for the use and a t.: V
CATTLr,-Seven first -clam e 13the cuke c6ru.Arlsn ot the. inaj�sst:Oac f teachers. These -will be -
capita which Ido th.� rhore for Ca�.IqAa,
;;I�, 2 from imported cows, for sale at m:jwn PXY11n, lorl
Spayin, r a', lbat at- IM, - and at the various ta- our. commo�a cotynt, fbq. Other Manuals- *ill a-1- %W =ICU and m easy terms ; good young colva aw Spffat4# Curb, 8 kil
'or gale. All inter rdially in Joln* W4 end care for the Pro- V
41firs lsare co thek Lrxy be as companions for teach- W for
vUed to -ped Farm adjoini town, long W_ rd and fourth books.
. :e
in. t the her!L Aj. I t A. same Idea
arz+ -1 Great Britain and Germanly
vn�at a)i auaier, ]Beat 's- econd �y of adna -nistr —PIWE y Smith, ta brother of the late
dirp'"wtelephone to famm. wri�e Tor catalops A. 3�1 I , salkle Ig ve Tnatbata MW RPM, r orvait4ns.
In� 1 09 the �c t 'pe, 0apit Ilen Baker,..,a nativ t the' jllftn ft Ith, YM.P.P. for Peel, and - a WISP TL a -per,
iu'Y i�: W J, !A,
bQ Ince of Untarh), but'now a mem- mccessft 1 farmer 6t the townebip of -LJOC11 or WOCT
'hospital fix q rk.m.
ue �tjon ;Aw
AUK FOR SALI�—For sale Lot is London Road 28 08-, cin ti 0' itti he Hospital t6k b6r, of-, �4e ritlegh, House of COM111005" ou&-Y, died very suddenly
tocic In Toronto rd.,ently. In a newa- jai -%t week. Mj�. Sinith vissited the To -
F Stanley, chivguac
i mile �aouth of Brucelfteld. The-
e wd v&d-ta first-class repair. The 1ng;s1a1rfej= add unuerdmined and in-the.,best item, factx reato Exhibition the day before bli;A
;�, n aiy Paper linterview be gave jwrrA 1he 1: 5 . seein a USU V�ou C -quickly
Home 6d *here the per caldta (:O,_:zt. J�s 80 55' o the telatipmship baiween, d e H`r I UTIni nt the � might gC as -a440- of cultivation, Tlierearethrpe good ivelftla on in ieapect t -4
h h t nig, be ispe
t rohnsers. Applyon the ;'intc_4! pej d a._v It brother, Mr. W1
V =plorTerms to salt Pu 'the ylums of the pr _ Qi�alt Britain' and wbich.'are W 111am Analth, -Pa*.qdor
address JAUES ROS$, Bmccil -or eld, P. 0, DYEI 0 011ren ready f *hxce; ful nii qhed the followl of pebtlia linteresi to the people of (yf Bram Aon and left for the botne 'of V rXX compar C�anada �, r ba s made
-to . F 'df 15 the wa 6 -on, to �-h 28 0& t the prwmt time It
centli relcOr hof Orll�ia VU xe is hfisi � IsIste r-fra-19wi, oa Kai treet.
Save Wnei n dor.,bt Mr Bakir statei�. the gltua- Drampto i, after dinner. He wai;_4' taken
FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 18, anci est
Stebl W. hich much more a-en-si—
of Lot 17F, Concession 3, mckillop, con- K"sfori. -very accv..ratel y- He is In a good ill a Tom minutes" aftr hie artva�. at
and 5841 tion
talningMacrm There are on the premises igood g q 81 W%ftio'a to jufte a4
bwk barn with cement flGors and stabling and other Press well ad Is-zo doxibt fuiy, the bor&e, (dying almost Immediately.. tiv than a.. cast or gray jr�ll
out buildi 4733 capable of expressIm - an accurate j udg- H' e t,�, Isurvived by widow, oae ison.
ng wells. up more L api. ly
g 111id brick house, Thers afe three Try ital and tour dadg-latersi. , I
4695 rnmt He payis: It hea
and two gocd Simple as Wa6hing
farm _11 t a rained andel1%,leedand With
'anada do not ap- —The Methodist General Conferehee thereby saves you inpoy
1 -.4259., "Tile peolyle of onfei ence
therelre twentr acres Bf good lmr(lwood bush, If Bra*yl Je. 409-0 ear t undersla) -he f cLs in re "-rd, 1 cloised, at VictoriA, Brltleh icblumbia, cin,
not sold will be rented for& term of Years. lf�R cy a awe
ur- �p . rid: t a
ebaser shout(f wan t 200 acres, the 60 aer 't. U55 tothb reatic -- be6 jea-n +h&ce tnjurf -yf lvioU opIr eAf 'omdon
can be pur.dhased on reasonsole terms. _k(WK�6®r, rellous mi
8853 c0untrial ThIsIF, rot -to be wondered 1,o�clock,' iidx1tj ress1ionB ihaving be
t! ul2rg;tpply ca the premises in address JoIla
at wh�a it tz- iremembered that the held,,zada her beisides nunw.
YA 804farth.P. 0. 2228.0'. r o u; w.. �en_
136atlidls reglr4e, in foct, tesalted, despatches sent to I this counLTy aTe ipittee eIttags. Several prominent men Nfter You've used tht N10k,
P�UOPRRTY FOR SALE in a malnt(�nance ccm:'t whictl wa's low' la'xlgely controlled by thqse who seem were a�is ad what 1the'y couglidered the
--For sale, a. desirable- eT than -�hat at many of Onl arloels.
resideaUl property In urhey. There are 'Cum- td be intereated in fornenting troubjej most im It leg�slatldn of the con- Steel Oven for a week Y001
bion-jailst 'AndAhose- who aretamUar r' tber' than in pi-omotinix -Pace A- ferance The m-lias laid �as* firdt
three aored of ImAd planted withp fruits of different
Rmcm. On the propeety ig a comfortable brick ept- . . WIL'a . J;ne Ia inistitultion are aware a r tter - I n 0
with the SAME Dye.. U
Dyes Wool, Cotton, Silk -or a.a
nd other dsre � YO
with hard and s6ft water int-Ide, - V.- a 'fapt ere -Is. 1ho. real an- on church -union.. end isecoind- on the em- 00 rratulate yourself that
f � hSt ecomorily WaS, VOt isecirela at t',w e 11 1 i .
%derneonvemen . -There is also a birr'i'wIth ac ta6llontsra betw e -t te German and)3rit- 9nnipatior-h of 'the church ft the gale-
tio - aadfleaudfulColoral 4its fr 7 urDru or lxpenz�e of efficlen-!y peolyles On, tb c6ntrary t
commodation for See head ot cauble, and a hen DadmSendfarColo ar let. 76 bake t. tion tat the footnote, thu invested '111 Pandora Rang
�ji� plactn
Fr '& the
The i6hasoons. 9 the
house. This is a, particularly desirable propprty for we Map "I.
isentiment of isin'e e on. a higher I)Ialae of Tespican-
aretiredfarmer. Will be sold aneap and ori reason- GO one hs *eek. Make 0"
einis fost ty their condue a
Ctood Roads in Ont ario thlo has been, wad Is. b (Meed Asibiaity t. T
able terms. Apply to JOHN blaDONAUGH, on the
by the crea't
premises or address Seaforth P. 0. 2216-tt. Ion Of � ia.%Oclatio.As� IT, the 11sbUtlem, t of a isomewhat u.hpleaLmnit U11 en JOY PS
W. "A. M61-jean,,provincial enIgineer of tw mind y�
0' 'cauntries ' intended to prombrte 11thelDlogical ow r
FARMS FOR ULE -For sale Lot� at and 20, Con bkolrv�ayj�_p, US Just issued his annua wao referred to
14, AfeXillop and 23 on the inh Con., Lots 21 Deace, and by the � intercha&ge of fra- "aa -very �6vatlfyblfg- The sociological maTly Go, Jerices at 600 -ea. 40C. the 11 -my
Ely Orr.
and 22 compose the Gardiner a W - - 0 A
d %hd con- re hl�eh c(yritains Tnuc valuable s e
Homeate sev Nil Th ternAl visitt Thes' associations are committe no matur-alisa- Our agents i a localif %TA L
tains about 180 acres. All'.first-class land$, well nf ormation The Aso oclated Councils of tiorn. utad(r Ave yearrt� for Uwi5e. zpeak- y
tended well tll�d &-ained aqd has 15 qcres of good cogeernin6- the ptogreEs know" �a4s your
Itish and
hardwood bush Churcheai la the Bi German 11'a tonzues.
Good comfortable buildings with s4 -movement ...... ......
the 1x6od in Ontario, 6 tarefj in; fm iordq promptly. W1d ;:___1
allmodern -improvements. Plenty of good Empires for F0stern6- Friendly- Rela 1 *-T-he .x eath occurred at Fort Elgia,
spnng Had Seiveral Doctors, -Roaxi 'CoT. has, daring __ the'
water. A good bearing orchard. Thislaone of the tiOris Between 'the I �wo People-,% 113ruce Ica Uraty, �a few fdaylst ago, of Wm.
public at- -"At the head of !he BrltjLQ1 Awi)cia-�, ;Camerda, one of the be, --,t known bussi - t
choicest farms in rhe County of Huron and will be Past Year, littracted much
soldontermsto suit purchaser. Lot 23, contailis tmtiolr� ris the* report. ,r!bjs is due ti:oia whi6h has taken. this duty In nes& Tnen of Bruce county at the !very svar -
125 acret with small house and barn and all in pas.
OWLETZ 1p,11gely to, ptavbl�e a- -
Cante ury, of 76 Y,
OF padoozial Imp do 0;�*.
'on this farm. For further particulars the ortanbe,
good bush There"are ton acres of A FkW VIA �S aj�p)rdcdation Of hand h:j the Archbishop of wat%' bam'' In
ture and has been for years of %rood. roa4g -Pre.�iden ew-121. The deceased'
I ; . ce
NEU' alsi j
on the premises or address A. GARDI, while among -the I ts are DIT)Igwalli Sco4land, tand way-tzi a Ispo la
- sthVits1hed' from th&k purely the DLke Of 4-gyll rys to the' z
'Y ury P. 0. f ormerly Govemoi- of the late DG-aald Cameron, a cadet
2ppdb 2215-tf I I
local Value- Good roe45 beaefit the I$U7 be;.,.
mail by �Wlhlch they'�pa�ss, j' �ds foi- d anteed Quaffty
VILBURN'S LAXA�Idv E*R P ILU General of Cw4Ada the faftillY of Erracht. -.0oming to u4r
the Arclablamho,)
14URN FOR SALFFor sale Lot 11, Con. 7, Kip- Ust -as am- 'kerk, the Primate :3f tall Txeland, er Chnada at tbe alffe of 22, -the late 9i.
.W pen Road, Tuaker9mith-, containing 100 acres, I 'Proved town istree�s increEuse the value EL Iscore of Arag7liCalir 'Diffhops, the Pameron eftw�ed In buisiness ift.-Orono Monineal W."
V innrPez
80 acirgs clearedi ad of which is in a Brat - clus I- d cotxn�- London, i 7lo-ronto
[ Mr F H Wiood,-,C' tal$ Ont, rites of Adjacent prefierty. , Btt Catholic -ATeb
allte of cultivation,. well underdrainch and well bi�hopg;, and xnany of ut came to Port Elgira 46 yeai-0* 8490 Van=
fenced the balance of the farm fe in good 'For several try r6aAs11d'(),vMtlY mOre tlhan-thlis, the Catholic Very St do] wi X.R., Hamilloz), Calgary
E bord- 31��n I.-wai greatly trq4ble�
Ash of the UrAted C
Ring- and� bad Ived, there continuotr--ly ever -4�
wood 6mber. There are two acres of orchard. They azi VaJue :to the villages1i, III=,, bes N,
with severe pains in the L�ver. t ha� ides rn a lally, &heris, d&stirvgui ed tz-.Ince- �A],-bough ailing for the past
-on the place 4re two good -bank barns on towns� and � Aties to which they con- In Murch, For. Sale by Ches le Ardt
awne foundations* also large pig. house; there is an stat6.- while on. th� cotin- Isix 'year-, his deatl'L was entirely lin- Vj Zb
seVe-lal doctors attend lime but4ithoul d6ld, Seaforth
verge. . ThE
also- a good frame house.
There am two good are a IneCaig-sary weight -ell of the a4z.qsociatf�n, are uola:i�s han b)Cpected. OWY two week.5i ago 1,11l. -and
one ai; the house and one ab any sucpeiss. At I o tr in Preseirvl-49. the balance of food 6,000 ini,
the barn. ast I s advised t' jfistarz of CgIristign 0jhuT,,hP,9 Milv. Canaerda -received congratu4tlobs
Is one of the beat farms in Tackersmith. it is Milbum!s Laxa-Liver Ms.' and - aftez Thty are esse4tial Ill riiakinig In Great - Britian tbel ng
lles� south If L5 intended Ita liald at,, r maay frie!nds, It bel the lBeath.. i-'* ;i
situated on the Kippen Road, Bj mi of Sea' the ibuisiness, (6f. farming what I't is 14es- a Weat nieeting M the autumn f or an!74ver-zary ot their weddlog.
fattliandone 11 inile from sahool, There are 40 t&klig a few -nals. I was: completely tined tu [be in
nd cured. It is 'now, alout six monthE OntarIP-the rr-q---t 81- the p.ur ridling 000
acm of crop and therem�inder In hay and grass, a pose of stio forwa the bsildes the widow be is survIved, by
the farni will be sold with. or without the crop. tractive at o cupatior
Possessiongiven:at any time. Por further p marvernent, at whichl the - Aichbish of four r-wasi and. four daUghters,
awle- since -I took them, no. -"The comr, i
an,tj bave bad on, blANV s; cai ry aal the,
Address IM, and ., )re;side, 4=d, whe
ulmsapply on the premises or traffic of tba railw Cant6bury will -I anadow -One qalt�l oldest a:,nd.mort hU-h..! &z1trj
MATTARW SCOTT, Proprietors. logwondville, P.o. return of niy'troubFe sl�ce' -1 can hon. ayE more, for dreisses will be d
eli'veied'Inot only, by
V_13X4 tf lit de lY esteemed tresIdents, In- the person of
ipq,!to every person
estly recommend the V"ql* 6' to-dwr In E xce�% Of maraY men prominent In ]BAtIsh, bile HUgh Me 0C :r 'has passed
-ear if ) &way.
heavy, t ning. As, a factor in js�ocjai life but by representative Germ
OD KkRU FOR $ALF -Lot 29, Con. 3, TU
aker. who is troubled the SO= I was!, He bad b 'en. In poor health Tor i- Iz-ome
on1ditioas, food 'prkes,
Gswith,1LB.S. 100acres,'t;cres good m re 256 pez &mmerce and well The -obje t of the oreu*nlzation
'influence is in- alread-Y.Tormed, and wbichl-stolfbe'ex- ald 810 - The � late Mr. McCV.1ocb. waiv
bush. The reab cleared, over UW rods woven 1PI1 tran5poTtation, time past, aud. death. *as caused, by
d, Milburn's Laxa:-r
ivei :PiUg a -their
slat fenee, well dmined, Irreater part tile und in good vial o.k 5 vial$ for j'j. or eastimable. . . 1
0% it all dealers' I M .. as bee n to tended at the meet1mg In the, Jaultumn loz, bbira In jSpotlm�d In 1826, azd woulqQ�aave
"The past telidency his 4-I'Ll
state ofoultiration, 25 acres will be left P!owe.d in
19-17 -it, A 7� .11-13 A: look
rewly or sy rig, crop;,01;W1,1 twen�y acres LU Lculto, 0 j receiptpr.price toD M --,111J.U1CJLes, twe prOMOL1011 101:,,been 94 YeA* of Bige
uch a-, � the vidual ' lie had be kived tit
L brotherly amd friendly relationi4- between the
newly seeded this spn6p mith , and tin-toffiv, C Of lqt�
the fa;Z in gmss, clear rr4in foul byThe'r.Milburn O-Alinaited, Toronto, road, Ini-Aead of r��jgjjrdin m t1its montb- He came : to
the balance of g t he . broad
weeda. There Is 11 story brick house 26jgC., also out. 1- -QerM,&nY amd Great Britain not 6.11Y thIst codr. ry
brick kiWhen 1,4x20, aind large woodshed-, bar -x90 network of T lighwayis-I Eys a atel- pub- wben a bay and Iliad been.
�js- an end. In Itself, but as ja An,%" 'den of Gait or In t!he I 'N Ir
cagef ul
a re!�l
lie work ulrin�g
44, good stone argantza- to the maintenance ot world wide pe al.� XX0
with stone btables and stm, w shed 26. netghbor-
tion and systemati aon age alent bo hood of t'alt for Idxty-years� Tr, 1859,
wen near houie, and abundant supply spring w, r
ganization waz formed
"Our or
two I with the, Iate �Y-ahu -Goldie, they pur.
'thwindmiji, and aspringatback enzi of 8 venteeh '�`8hfA Yearig _*(Y and Ab A the same IL if
at barn w- ountle
farm in bush, '_1 acre choice young orchard sheltered oil Ime I chased fr�jn James Cr
oawmby spruce trees -The farm is Sj mlle from I COUntY 'Mad. F-4Y$terno t�nder he .10oh-' the sister orgamization. was creat&L in . frie,:_ fOWWr ' a r omble the Dum-
T y,. mall Institution 0m.
shoes)&-stl n1rer
Smforth, and I intle from school, also, telephone in I Childrei r Pva7 Improvernent Act.-- These are Germany, the Gbrmaff body, like the Dloyhvg 2, aTge c&ntrAet,�j
hae, Halton
house. Reason forsellbWia poor heilth andproprie �Carletein, F .1 men. Several A' pu" all 0aste-no Mo bottles o� Uquids-:-cantg
fe Line
Haisangs", Britissibi belnij� composcd :in the nialn I r J
rorgoinzwe .. Appl-vonth4premiseaorto FOR JFLETC were take%! In the eaTly da
,8t "THOS. ER 3 LaMark, Le Yn ys, and S
e and GtenvillE, Lennax bf beaft of varjous j Chr
acrosatheroad- or addreff F91MMIll 0 Its! tstiar.x ch TurpentlIft 4W Aeldell- The en of them zi�11. ALL 09AL-C-R%
AddlOgUn ' I arches the name 'ot Oal&e al -A X
0. Box 101 and ecul-
ut L includhIg leadeta -in publI
L ni2oln, , Midd. esex, -Ox- I b THIM' ',P� VALU" 00., LIME
A ..F.R I fbr..d��, h, 1,1y�nce a WE an known all over Canada, and they now manfltaro, C�,nt4, and Ruf-WOF
r $11no: I L � -
w4l, ThOse A111A Orlga*01041iEl ATp Q7, over 5 0 WoXk..peo
empl .0 pie,
2 1
PA kid